What are the symptoms and manifestations of Durring dermatitis in children and adults: definition, methods of treatment and causes of the manifestation of herpetyform dermatitis of acute form. Herpetyiform dermatitis Durring Durring Disease

Herpetyiform dermatitis Durring is a chronic recurrent disease of the skin of unexplained etiology. Presumably dermatitis has an autoimmune nature. Factors that can provoke dermatosis development:

  • weakened immunity;
  • the intolerance of gluten - protein, which is contained in the cereals;
  • allergic reaction to iodine-containing products;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • disorder of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • increasing the level of monasterkers;
  • the presence of glitne invasion;
  • mental overload and stress;
  • hormonal failures endocrine system;

The disease occurs in 0.19-1.4% of cases from all skin diseases at any age (more often in men in 25-40 years). It is characterized by remissions of various durations from a couple of months to a year or more. The beginning of the disease can manifest total weakness, subfebrile temperature. The main sign of dermatitis - rash on the skin, which are visually similar to herpes. The rash is characterized by a true polymorphism (combination of various elements): erythematous spots, papules, vesicles, urctic-like efflorescence, bubbles, pustules. Often, one of the elements prevails.
Therefore, depending on the main element of the rash, the following clinical forms of Duringe dermatitis are distinguished: vesiculous, urctic acid, papular, bullous. Erythematous stains round shape and with clear outlines. Their smooth surface is covered with bloody and serous crusts. Next, they are seeping with extended blood vessels and transfer to urctic-like efflorescence. Dermatosis can develop without erythematous spots. The elements of low-size rashes (in diameter up to 2 cm) - vesicles, more than 2 cm - bullous bubbles. The exhaustion is localized on any part of the skin, more often on the extensive surfaces of the limbs, elbows, neck, face, back, buttocks, mostly symmetrical. Vesicul and bubbles are dense tire and transparent content in which there can be a small content of blood. If the content of bubbles is muttered, this indicates the attachment of the infectious process. Over time, true polymorphism is combined with false. When drying the contents of bubbles, a crust is formed. During combing, it is revealed, and erosion with fetestal outlines remains in her place. The mucous membranes are usually not activated in the pathological process. When healing rams on the skin, hypo-or hyperpigmentation remains, less as scars. The extension is accompanied by a strong itching and burning, parstisians, common malaise.

In children, herpetyiform dermatitis Durring flows in a more severe form than in adults, mucous membranes are often involved in the pathological process. Among the elements of rashes are dominated by vesiculous, polymorphism and herpetyformality are poorly pronounced.


The diagnosis is carried out by a dermatologist based on clinical symptoms, histological research affected skin, laboratory and instrumental research:
  • With histological examination of inflammatory skin sections, the cavity with infiltrate under the epidermis is characterized, in infiltrate are determined in large quantities of accumulation of neutrophils, eosinophils and the remains of their destroyed nuclei. Bubbles are outlined by papillary micro-passages, which are located on the tops of the dermal packers.
  • Increase in blood and infiltrate bubbles of the number of eosinophils.
  • Violation of the work of the shield-like gland.
Sandy of Yadasson:
  • Corger sample with iodine. The forearm area impose a special compress with ointment, which contains 50% of potassium iodide for 24 hours. After that, the compress is removed, and evaluate the reaction. The presence of redness and rashes at the site of the compression imposition indicates a positive sample. In the case of a negative sample, after 48 hours it must be reused.
  • Reception inside 2 tablespoons of 3-5% solution of potassium iodide. With severe disease, such a sample is not recommended.
Straight immunofluorescence shows the accumulation of fixed immunoglobulins A on the surface of the dermal papillas.

Treatment of herpetyiform dermatitis Durin

A gluten-free diet that excludes cereal from the diet: wheat, oats, rye, millet, barley. In addition to cereals, it is not recommended to use products containing iodine (sea fish and cabbage). Treatment with medicines is carried out by the preparations of sulfonic group: a diaphenylsulfonic (Austulophon, Dapson), sulfasalazine, diucifon, solidfone. These drugs are prescribed to a parenteral course for 5-6 days with a break in 1-3 days. The number of therapeutic courses is determined by weight and clinical form Diseases and the effectiveness of treatment. With ineffective therapy with sulfones, used in medium doses of glucocorticosteroids (prednisolone, methylpredinisal, dexamethasone). To reduce itching, burning and allergic reactions Antihistamines are shown: Desloratadine, Supratin, Erius, Eden. Local Therapy Durmatosis Durring implies the adoption of warm baths with a weak manganese solution, opening bubbles and their processing by aniline dyes, a solution of diamond green or fuarcin, overlapping for inflammatory areas of skin bandages with corticosteroid ointments or sprays, compress with 5% dermatol ointment.

Folk methods for treating Durring dermatitis

  • Infusion on medicinal herbs. Mix in an equal number of licorice root, Highlander bird, Speert, violet tricolor, sea buckthorn, calendula flowers, juniper. The resulting blend of herbs pour into one liter of steep boiling water and insist two hours. Liquid strain and eat daily 2 times a day on a tablespoon before meals for 2 months.
  • Homemade healing ointment. Paul pork fat kilograms melt in a water bath. Finely cut 1 piece of handles and combine with 2 parts of swine fat. Throw the resulting mixture in the oven at a temperature of 90 ° C is about half an hour. Profiltrate the mix and lubricate daily medical oil Washing on the skin.
  • Alcohol tincture on medicinal herbs. In equal parts to mix juniper, nettle, pyrhem, calendula flowers. Pour the herbal collection of 0.5 liters of vodka. The resulting tincture is in a dark and cool place for 10 days. The tincture is filtered and wiped with it affected foci on the skin every day.
  • An oil from the Hypericum. Mix 200 ml of sunflower oil and 30 grams of crushed grass of the Hypericum (flowers and leaves) and withstand in a dark place for about two weeks. Profiltrate and apply oil to inflamed foci daily.
  • Ointment from the Hypericum. Freshly squeezed juice from a drilling in a water bath before thickening. To one part of the thickened juice add 4 pieces of butter and mix thoroughly to uniformity. The resulting ointment is applied to the affected areas.
  • Birch kidney decoction. Take 1 cup of birch kidney to pour the glass of water and peel on low heat for 20 minutes. Decoration cool and filter. Such a decoction wipe the hatching on the skin.
  • Tea with Melissa. When used instead of black tea with brewed fresh or dried grass Melissa, you can extend the periods of remission.

There are many different skin diseaseWith which people are faced worldwide. Some of them are temporary and may pass independently, however, there are diseases with chronic flow, which often recur and deliver many inconvenience, causing severe unpleasant sensations. One of these pathologies is herpetyiform dermatitis.

Description of the disease

Herpenetiform Durring dermatitis is the type of chronic skin diseases, in which erythematous rashes, blisters, vesicles and papula are formed on it. The affected areas are very strong. Recurrements occur often and delivered many inconvenience to patients. The name of the disease was due to the fact that the rash during Durring dermatitis is very similar to the skin rashes during herpes. Another name is pemphigoid herpes.

Erythematous rashes can appear with many various diseases. They are reddish or pinkish stains with appealing capillaries that can merge into a single spot if there are a lot of them. Veinsicles are small bubbles with liquid on the surface of the skin. Papulas are special nodules that are similar to small pimples and do not have an inner cavity.

Herpetyiform dermatitis can affect large areas of leather

The disease is most often found at the age of 20-40 years. Basically, Durring dermatitis is striking men, they have two times more often than in women. Sometimes this disease accompanies patients with oncological tumors, which makes it one of the signs of the formation of cancer, and is a type of parabonoscological dermatosis.

The acute stage of herpetyiform dermatitis can replace fairly long periods of remission, which sometimes last for several years.

Forms of the disease

Depending on what kind of type of rash is manifested most of all, there are several forms of herpetyiform dermatitis Durring:

  • papulose is characterized by the predominance of papules;
  • vesicular accompanied by the presence of a large number of vesicles filled with liquid;
  • buglese is particularly unpleasant, with it on the skin, large blisters are formed;

    With a bullose form of pathology, the skin surface is covered with big blisters

  • ultrasound-like externally resembles burns from nettle;
  • trihofitoid is very similar to a ringing deprive;
  • eczematoid manifests itself as different kinds eczema;
  • the journaloid is accompanied by the appearance of all sorts of acne and nodules.
  • The last three forms are atypical and can be similar to other dermatological diseases.

    Causes and factors of development

    At the moment, the causes of herpetyiform dermatitis have not yet been studied. Scientists put forward several hypotheses about the factors of the formation of this disease:

  • individual intolerance of gluten protein, which in large quantities is contained in cereals;
  • hereditary predisposition also plays a role in the emergence of this type of dermatitis. If parents suffered from ailment, then in children the chances of getting raised by half. What kind of gene is responsible for this pathology, at this moment it is not yet known;
  • an autoimnuna violations in the body, which speaks a special IGA antigen, detected in patients in the basal membrane between the derma and the epidermis;
  • sensitivity to iodine and iodine-containing products;
  • helminti contamination (ascariasis);
  • various types of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcers);
  • viral lesions of the body (ORVI, herpes, etc.);
  • hormonal changes during pregnancy and menopause;
  • the body's reaction to the vaccination;
  • nervous and physical exhaustion of the body;
  • excessive insolation (frequent stay in the sun).
  • Video on the intolerance of gluten in the program Elena Malysheva "Live Great!"


    The first signs of herpetyiform dermatitis are itching, burning and tingling. In some patients, paresthesia is formed, in which sensitivity disorder occurs, and some areas of the skin are numb. After about ten o'clock, there are special rashes in the form of erythematous spots and various bubbles filled with liquid. Bubbles of small sizes are deeply located and very elastic due to their serous contents. Most often the beginning of the disease is acute, and all the symptoms develop very quickly.

    Bubbles with serous contents are very often bursting during the calculation and leave after themselves erosion

    Sometimes near inflammation there are small bruises in the form of small subcutaneous bruises (petechia and ecchimosis), they are about 3 mm. Over time, erosion can be formed after the calculation, which are subsequently covered with yellowish crusts. After healing on the skin, lighter areas remain or, on the contrary, pigmented. If the wounds were deep, then the scars can be formed in their place.

    Erythematous spots have a clearly pronounced boundary and rounded or oval form. They can grow, merge with each other and form large spots covered with wounds, crusts and bubbles. The latter can be both very small and achieving the size of about two centimeters, turning into bullious blisters. They are filled with transparent liquid, which can be poisoned if infection occurred.

    Usually rashes are detected in the following areas of the body:

  • extensitive surface limbs;
  • the berium region;
  • sacrum;
  • sip of head;
  • face;
  • shoulder blades;
  • shoulders;
  • small of the back.
  • In general, all parts of the body can be amazed, except for soles of stop and palms. The mucous membrane is rarely affected, but some patients can find blisters in the oral cavity, which will quickly develop into erosive areas, which are not healing for a long time.

    Bubbles and blisters are usually yellowish due to serous contents

    Diagnosis and Differential Diagnostics

    There are several ways to diagnose herpetyiform dermatitis. The doctor may assign the following procedures:

  • Yadasson's iodine test is to study the patient's body's response to an irritant. The doctor chooses the skin-affected skin and imposes a collection of 50% potassium iodide on it. After a day, the compress is removed, and if it is detected by redness, bubbles or papulas are found, it indicates Durring dermatitis. In the absence of a reaction, the procedure is repeated, but we will use the already helated area of \u200b\u200bthe skin on which the pigmentation remained after the rash. In rare cases, it can be assigned iodine intake, but this may lead to serious consequences.
  • Common blood test and cytological analysis of the contents of the blister. In herpetiform dermatitis, the patient in the obtained results will be significantly overestimated by the content of eosinophils, singular leukocytes.
  • Histological study of amazed skin areas. For this disease, the detection of special cavities under the epidermis, in which eosinophils, neutrophils and their splitting are accumulated.
  • The reaction of direct immunofluorescence is prescribed to detect Immunoglobulin A (IgA) on the dermal papillas.
  • Differential diagnosis is carried out in order to exclude lever disease (buglese pemphigoid), an ordinary bubble, herpetic vesicular dermatitis, bulliest toxidermia, a benign bubble of Haley-Haley, subcornal bustoise, exudative Eritrement.

    Since Durring dermatitis can be paraonecological disease, the patients can appoint further research internal organs Using ultrasound, x-ray, magnetic resonance or computed tomography.

    Treatment of the disease

    When the first symptoms appear to contact a dermatologist. After collecting all analyzes, the doctor will appoint an individual treatment that will depend on the history of the patient and concomitant diseases.

    Medical therapy

    There are several types of drugs that are prescribed during herpentform dermatitis:

  • Anti-collect drugs included in the sulfonamide group. They violate the process of folate synthesis in microbial cells, have an antibacterial effect and suppresses the development of Durring dermatitis. This is quite serious medicines that can cause many side effects. These include diaphenylsulfophone, diucifon, dapson, sulfasalazine, solidfone and some others.
  • Corticosteroids are prescribed for the ineffectiveness of sulfonic therapy (prednisone, dexamethasone, etc.).
  • Antihistamines are necessary to eliminate itching and waste (zoda, Loratadine, Cetirizine).
  • For local treatment Apply a solution of manganese, corticosteroid ointment, processing erosions with a green and fuccin.

    With a bull-shaped form, a blister opens. The procedure is performed with extreme caution so as not to damage the bottom of the bubble. Otherwise, erosions will appear that require surgical treatment.

    Medication Means - Photo Gallery

    Zoda - anti-allergic agent 2 generation with prolonged effect Prednisolone - synthetic glucocorticoid drug Treatment Sulfasalazine - drug with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties

    Diet and nutrition

    During the treatment of dermatitis, the patient's dining should exclude all sorts of products from the diet, which contains iodine. It can be:

  • seafood;
  • sea cabbage;
  • some kinds of fish;
  • feichoa;
  • dried apricots;
  • chicken yolks;
  • potatoes;
  • iodized salt.
  • Also, it is also impossible to eat gluten-containing cereals and all dishes made from them:

  • wheat;
  • barley;
  • oats;
  • rye.
  • Iodine in large quantities is contained in sea fish

    In addition to the above products, it is worth excluding:

  • kvass, beer and beer drinks;
  • coffee substitutes;
  • chocolate, candy, ice cream;
  • semi-finished products in breading;
  • smoked and marinated products;
  • sausages.
  • Video about a gluten-free diet from the Union of Pediatricians of Russia

    Folk remedies

    Folk remedies can only be used after consulting the doctor, because even vegetable preparationsDespite the seeming harmlessness, they can cause complications.

    In herpetiform dermatitis Durring, herbs with anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effects are suitable. They can be attributed to calendula, juniper, licorice, sea buckthorn.

    Calendula has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, healing properties

    To strengthen the immunity, pharmacy tincture of Eleutherokokka and Ginseng will fit.

    Herbal tincture

    The use of this recipe contributes to the elimination of microbes and bacteria, drying the wounds and lifting inflammation.

  • Take one teaspoon juniper, pyzhma, nettle, calendula and yarrow.
  • Fill the resulting mixture of 0.5 liters of vodka.
  • Place the fluid into the glass jar and put in a dark place for 10-15 days.
  • Perfect the tincture.
  • Wipe the amazed areas of the skin once a day.
  • The procedure course is individual and amounts to average, about 5-10 days.


    As a rule, with this pathology, physiotherapeutic treatment is not appointed. It is possible to carry out x-ray therapy in the event that the use of medicines is inefficient.

    Prediction of treatment and possible complications

    Extremely difficult to recover from herpetyiform dermatitis, it usually proceeds in chronic form. The disease often recurrences, especially with the non-compliance with the diet and the recommendations of the doctor. The main complication that may occur is secondary infection due to bacteria from entering open wounds.


    Special prophylactic measures to prevent herpetiform dermatitis does not exist. If the patient knows about the sensitivity of his body to gluten and iodine, then it must avoid products that contain these substances throughout their lives to exclude recurrences of the disease.

    It is also important to establish sleep mode, more rest, avoid overwork and stressful situations. It is worth watching your immunity and to strengthen it in every way with the help of hardening or special drugs.

    Among other things, it is necessary to normalize the operation of the gastrointestinal tract, improve the state of the intestinal microflora and consume less than harmful food.

    Features of the disease in children

    In the younger age, sometimes treatment is not required, since very often the disease can pass on its own. Symptoms and reasons for the formation of herpetyiform dermatitis Duringe in children are the same as in adults. Treatment is appointed similar, only in smaller dosages. Be sure to comply with the diet, and if the disease appeared at big baby, I need to follow your meal. She should eliminate iodine-containing products and gluten.

    In most children, Durring disease develops after infectious diseases

    Detailed article on the causes and main manifestations of Durring dermatitis, diagnosis and methods of treatment.

    Herpetyiform Durring dermatitis: Early diagnosis and treatment

    Durring dermatitis is inflammatory disease The skin caused by a disruption of the absorption of gluten in the intestine (gluten enteropathy).

    Being a benign process, it takes chronically with periodic exacerbations.

    Herpetyiform Durring dermatitis: Causes of manifestation

    The beginning of the disease usually falls at age after 30 years, meeting more often in men.

    The main cause of Durring dermatitis is considered to be a violation of genes responsible for the absorption of gluten from food. The skin rash and the use of such products are associated as follows:

    • As a result of complex immune processes, the body begins to take its own cells and enzymes as alien and distinguishes antibodies against them.
    • Antibodies damage both cells of the intestinal mucosa and through blood vessels Reach basal cells of dermis containing similar receptors.
    • The skin develops inflammation, leading to the delay of the epidermis and the appearance of bubbles.

    Other processes in the gastrointestinal tract of the inflammatory nature can also serve as possible reasons, leading to the development of autoimmune reactions.

    Some scientists are assumed to be an allergic theory of dermatitis due to a pronounced reaction to iodine. The proof provides the fact that all diseases suffering from pathology in response to contact with him develops an aggravation.

    There is a theory about the paranoplastic origin of the disease, that is, the symptoms of a developing malignant tumor, but not recognized confirmations of this.

    Manifestation of rashes in some patients after transferred infections (ORVI, chickenpoxIt suggests the viral nature of dermatitis.

    Symptoms and manifestation

    The development of the disease can flow 2 scenarios: sharply and with severe symptoms or gradually with increasing clinical manifestations.

    Localization of rash:

    • upper shoulder belt;
    • outdoor side of the forearm and elbows;
    • sip of head;
    • buttocks;
    • knees;
    • shin.

    On the affected skin, polymorphic elements are visible, from the beginning of the red stains represented, slightly towering over the skin, blisters. Then there are dense bubbles with transparent content grouped in one area. In the place of burst bubbles appear erosion, leaving after healing with hyperpigmentation.

    On the prevailing elements, the dermatitis is sometimes divided into clinical forms:

    • herpes-like;
    • bullous;
    • trichofitoid;
    • stroofolese.

    Subjectively feels the title burning, but general state And working capacity is not violated.

    In children, the disease often appears sharply with a deterioration in general well-being, an increase in temperature, bloating, an increase in lymph nodes.

    People with Durring dermatitis hypersensibination to Yesod. If you apply it to the skin or drink in the potassium iodide, then the development of exacerbation is possible.

    How diagnosed

    Herpetyiform dermatitis is established by a dermatologist on the basis of a survey, inspection and additional analyzes.

    Criteria confirming the diagnosis:

    1. A large amount of eosinophils in the cytological analysis of the contents of bubbles.
    2. Positive test of the Yadasson: 50% of the potassium iodide ointment is applied to a small piece of skin of the wrist, closed with a bandage and left for 24 hours. After a day, the result is assessed by the doctor: if there are rashes and inflammation at the place of application, then the sample is considered a positive characteristic of Durring dermatitis.
    3. Antibodies Ig A in the papillas of the dermis according to the results of the biopsy of the skin and the immunofluorescence reaction.
    4. Specific skin changes according to the results of histological examination (the presence of fibrin, eosinophils, the location of the cavity under the epidermis), which makes it possible to distinguish Durring dermatitis from other bubble dermatoses.
    5. According to IFA blood, IGA antibodies are found to tissue transglutaminase and endomise.

    Consultation may be required in other doctors to detect gluutenasted enteropathy.

    Also because of the possible association with malignant neoplasms, especially in adulthood, an in-depth examination of all organs with the help of ultrasound, mammography, pulmonary x-ray has relevant specialists.

    Treatment in children

    Children's dermatitis Duringe is less common than in adults, the treatment is adjusted according to the child's mass.

    Treatment is carried out only by appointing a doctor and under its control.

    The drug dapson is prescribed inside in a daily dose of 2 mg per 1 kg of weight.

    Applied local medicines

    In children's practice allowed to use:

    • methylene blue solution, fuccin on erosion or over bubbles, without opening them, applied twice a day;
    • a weak solution of potassium permanganate is carefully added to the bath when bathing;
    • 1% hydrocortisone ointment is applied in a minimum number twice per day only on the affected areas.

    Medicines for gasts

    If the Durring dermatitis is suspected, a thorough examination of the gastrointestinal tract to identify possible concomitant diseases is carried out.

    Primary B. childhood The disease can manifest pain in the abdomen and bloating caused by inflammation of the intestinal walls.

    The treatment is prescribed symptomatic (but-shpa, espeamizan) before diagnosis.

    When detecting celiac disease, a strict diet is prescribed, the treatment is controlled together with the gastroenterologist.

    Adult Treatment: Scheme

    Before starting treatment, blood and urine tests are rented for further observation of the condition of the liver and kidneys.

    The first is prescribed the drug Dapson at a dose of 1 mg per kg of weight per day. It is accepted 5 days a week, the next 2 days takes place. Treatment continues up to 1 - 2 years until there is a long positive effect from diet.

    If Dapson appears side effects, Further treatment is carried out by sulfasalazine at a dose of 1 - 2 g per day.

    Periodic control of laboratory analyzes for timely detection adverse Reactions From the side of the liver and kidneys.

    Antihistamine preparations are accepted to relieve itch:

    • Suprastin tablets 25 mg 2 times a day.
    • Loratadine Tablets 10 mg 1 time per day.
    • Cetirizin pills 10 mg 1 time per day.

    Need to change active substance Every 10 days, as addiction is gradually developing, and the effect is weakening.

    In addition to medical treatmentThe main task is to comply with a special gluten-free diet. The absence of provoking immune reactions of substances in food leads to the disappearance of rashes, on average, after 1 to 2 years.

    Strict diet prohibits eating:

    • All cereals containing gluten (Oats, wheat, rye, barley), solid, flour products.
    • All products made with the addition of flour, malt (pasta, kvass).
    • Cabbage, legumes (peas, beans, lentils).
    • Sausages and semi-finished products prepared with the addition of fillers from bread or breadcrumbs.
    • Sea products with high iodine (red fish, sea salt).
    • Sweets (puddings, ice cream).

    Locally, glucocorticosteroid drugs in the form of ointment or spray (acrider, feloderm, oxycort) are applied to the weakening of the pronounced itching, 2 times a day for 10-14 days. Bubbles and erosion are processed by aniline dyes (Fuccin, water solution Methylene blue) to prevent secondary infection and acceleration of healing.


    True gluten enteropathy is rarely found, and herpesiform dermatitis develops in 5% of such patients, therefore a gluten-free diet is shown only to people with a prescribed and confirmed diagnosis.

    Prevention of exacerbations of dermatitis Durring is reduced to the observance of the diet and healthy image Life.

    It should be avoided during the remission of recreation on the sea coasts, protect the skin in the summer from the Sun sunscreen.

    Possible complications

    In case of non-timely launched or improper treatment, the appearance of complications in the form of joining bacterial infection Skin. In places of lesion, hennaments are developing, the contents of bubbles turbines. In this case, the treatment is added antibacterial drugs on the skin or inside.

    Herpetyiform dermatitis Duringe is a rare disease, but requiring a long and not simple treatment. It is possible to achieve a long-term remission only a thorough observance of all prescriptions of the doctor.

    Useful video

    Herpetyiform Durring dermatitis: symptoms and treatment, photos.

    Pretty popular B. medical practice The disease that received the name Durming dermatitis is a skin disease characterized by a rather long flow.

    The disease is accompanied by periodic attacks of the appearance of rings, semi-colts, garlands and separate bubbles on the skin.

    All this is accompanied by a very strong itch.

    Often, dermatitis of this type amazes male representatives aged from thirty to forty years.

    Detected and began to explore alert at the end of the 19th century.

    It was by the name of the dermatologist from America, which takes the study of this variety of dermatitis, and was assigned to the disease such name.

    Herpenetiform Duringe Disease inherent chronic and most often repeated in nature.

    Often Durring dermatitis acts as a reaction to the development of the tumor of the internal organs of a malignant nature.

    The reasons Development of ailment

    The emergence of the disease under consideration can be a sudden character, regardless of the floor or age of the patient.

    A distinctive feature of the illness is its possible duration, which is from twenty to thirty years.

    Often there is an alternation of recurrent periods with remission periods.

    The duration of the remission process can be about a year.

    Until now, the exact causes of the occurrence and development of alend have not been established.

    Only possible provoking factors that are presented:

    • Genetic predisposition;
    • Violations in the functioning of the immune system;
    • Malignant tumor;
    • Increased sensitivity to such substances as iodine and gluten;
    • Changes in the work of the endocrine system during pregnancy or during the period of women's climax;
    • The presence of helminths;
    • Inflammatory processes in the digestive system;
    • Viral diseases by the type of herpes, ORVI and others.

    Manifestations of the disease

    The disease under consideration is accompanied by a number of signs of a mandatory nature, which are to:

    • Bad dream;
    • Weakness;
    • Polyfexaly;
    • Bold chair of a gray shade;
    • Disorders of the functioning of the thyroid
    • Insignificant increase in body temperature;
    • Eosinophils in Papulach;
    • Itching and sluggage of skin, occasionally tingling;
    • Papulas that are grouped in spots, circles, garlands;
    • Eosinach in Papulach.

    To another distinguishable symptomal Duringe disease, there is a negative result of the study on Nikolsky syndrome.

    The main manifestations of the illness are expressed in the form of bubbles, blisters and spots having a erythematous character. Spots can be of various sizes. In bubbles there is a transparent liquid. In case of penetration into the patient infectious disease, fluids, filling bubbles, are characteristic of quickly dark.

    In the course of its development, there is a number of stages:

    1. The appearance of blisters on the skin cover, which are preserved for about four days.
    2. Spaning papural, which leads to the development of erosion.
    3. Formation of a crust.

    Specialists stand out two varieties of the disease: True and false.

    The true type is manifested in the form of spots, Papula, blisters, and the false type is accompanied by the development of erosion and crusts.

    Types of disease

    The first classification is based on rash type.

    Depending on this, allocate:

    1. papulse type - Papulas prevail on the skin;
    2. bullous species - mainly accompanied by the development of Bull;
    3. vesiculous - the advantage is manifested in the form of the formation of vesicul;
    4. ultra-like.

    In addition, you can meet a number of other varieties of already atypical dermatitis in the form of:

    1. eczema;
    2. trichofitoid;
    3. picheropitoid;
    4. journalid.

    Provided that the development of illness is provoked malignant tumor, Durring's disease, in this case, was called parabonoscological.

    Diagnosis of the disease

    When the symptoms appeared first with the disease under consideration, it is necessary to urgently contact the doctor.

    A professional dermatologist must appoint a number of diagnostic procedures.

    Often the diagnosis of the disease is carried out by:

    • determining the level of eosinophils in the blood and in papulas (with the disease it is high);
    • samples of Yaddason (in case of reaction to iodine, we can talk about the presence of dermatitis);
    • works of histology and immunofluoriscent research.

    Treatment of Durring dermatitis

    The considered illness is pretty serious diseasefor this reason you should not deal with self-treatment, although there are a number folk remediesallowing to deal with the symptoms of the disease.

    The alend treatment includes two stages:

    1. Diet
    2. Medical therapy.

    The first stage is associated with the introduction of a aggliding diet, which significantly improves the overall condition of the patient. It is forbidden to the patient to use the whole range of products containing gluten and iodine. Often, such products are represented by cereal crops and sea fish.

    The second stage is to prescribe medication.

    Therapy should be carried out only for its intended purpose and under the supervision of the doctor.

    Preparations appointed by specialists in Drug are represented by sulfons.

    In the absence of the desired effect from the impact of this group of medicines, the reception of corticosteroid (prednical and dexamethasone) and antihistamine drugs (ZIREK, Claritin, Erius).

    A group of sulfones is presented:

    1. Dapson.
    3. Sulfapyridine.
    4. Diaphenylsulfone.
    5. Diucifon.

    Occasionally, to facilitate the state of the patient, the doctors recommended taking baths with potassium permanganate dissolved in water.

    For the processing of the generated RAS, it is preferable to use a special dermatol ointment or a simple green.

    With an aggravated disease, the use of corticosteroidal ointments and aniline dyes is practiced.

    Already described that the disease passes the regimes of relapse and remission.

    In some cases, the remission process can be quite a persistent nature and continue for one or more years, and the occasionally observes complete remission, which is characterized by the disappearance of the symptoms of the disease and the recovery of the patient.

    Methods of prevention

    Prevention measures, no warning disease. However, there are a number of tips, the execution of which can contribute to the prevention of Durring disease.

    It is paramount to pay special attention to the state of its immunity.

    In case of reduced immune protection Champs and tincture should be used on Eleutherococcus, Levzei or Aralia.

    From time to time, it is necessary to drink tincture on such herbs like licorice, the road, sea buckthorn and juniper. These plants are inherent anti-inflammatory and antihistamine properties.

    In case you should not go into panic, as it may not be necessary in treatment.

    In children, the body at high speed opposes the disease, and often it disappears on its own.

    The most efficient preventive measure It is related to the observance of the gluten-free diet and the adoption of the vitamin complex.

    Herpetyiform Durming dermatitis: treatment, reasons, diagnosis, prevention

    Durring's disease is called a chronic skin pathology with frequent relapses, manifested in the form of itchy rash. The outer symptoms of the disease resembles rash under herpetic pathology.

    Herpetyiform dermatosis Durring is characterized by a specific rash formed on the skin in the form of a garland or rings. This type of illness is manifested more often in male people, efficient age.

    Features of the disease

    Durring dermatitis is characterized acute advent rash skin Pokrov. On the small area of \u200b\u200bthe body, elemonate sections, papules, large and small blisters filled with liquid can be formed at the same time. Such a rash is accompanied by burning and itching, and in some cases it is possible to increase body temperature.

    Herpetyiform dermatosis Durring more often develops from 15 to 60 years. Moreover, as practice shows, representatives of the strong half of humanity are subject to more than a fee. It should be emphasized, Durring's disease is classified by types and forms depending on the age of the patient.


    Herpetyiform dermatitis has several types and forms. In definition, what kind of pathology big role Playing visual analysis of skin rash. At the same time most often, the following types are found:

    • vesiculse. With a similar condition on the skin, small bubbles are formed in the type of vesicle;
    • papular. This type is characterized by the formation of multiple nodules of small size with the absence of voids;
    • bullous. In this case, the type of pathology is formed a large number of bubbles filled with liquid content;
    • ultra-like. A similar type of pathology is characterized by the formation of multiple blister bubbles due to the superior of the top layer of the epithelium.

    In the case of the occurrence of herpetyiform dermatitis Durring in which the rash merges between him and is converted to erosion we can say that the defect has acquired an atypical form of dermatitis. Similar negative transformations are also classified and among them are the most common in the form:

    • vegetable. With such a complication, complicated foci, having a vintage type form;
    • localized. Symptomatics is expressed only on a small section of the skin;
    • pemphigoid. In this case, the herpetiform dermatosis Duringa is characterized by the rash of large compacted bubbles, with difficulty tearing;
    • journalid. The formation of blisters and papules arises. And first the nodules are formed, and the top of them appear small size of the blisters;
    • trihofitoid. The rash with such an exacerbation will have wavy edges and peel. These symptoms are largely similar to fungal lesions. For this reason, doctors give clinical recommendations, to pass the study in order to establish the root cause of the negative symptoms that appeared;
    • eczematoid. On the focus, the defeat is observed a multiple rash of papules and blisters, which literally for several days are converted into mocking erosion.

    There is another form called as senile dermatitis. As a rule, old Durring dermatitis occurs on the background age-related changes In the body, in which there is a violation of metabolism, problems in the work of the liver and the oppression of the activity of blood flow. With such pathology on the body there is a rash of different sizes, which forms an atypical form of a defect.

    Durring Disease in old age is dangerous for its flow. Therefore, in the first symptoms, it should be immediately applied to a doctor for advice.

    Causes of occurrence

    Unfortunately, the reasons for which the herpetiform dermatitis is manifested today is still not studied. In some patients, a malignant neoplasm affecting the organs is revealed in the collection of anamnesis.

    In addition, Durmatoz Durring often occurs in persons:

    • suffering from violations of the normal functioning of the small intestine;
    • in case of intolerance to gluten protein, contained in large quantities in cereal crops.

    Also, some experts consider herpetiform dermatitis Durring wearing autoimmune. In favor of this theory, the fact that specific antibodies are more often found in the zone of the bordering derma with the epidermis.

    In addition, such pathology, like Durring Dermatosis, may arise due to individual intolerance to iodine, genetic predisposition and in allergies. It is worth noting that the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, herperic vesicular dermatitis develops more often during the period of having a child and under menopause. This is due to the fact that in such periods, the female hormonal background is rebuilt, as a result of which the disease is manifested.


    As mentioned above, herpesiform dermatitis is characterized by acute manifestation. The fact that dermatitis arose may say the following symptoms:

    • red spots are formed on the body;
    • further, the stains are converted into blisters;
    • the negative process is accompanied by an edema;
    • gradually blisters are formed in bubbles;
    • the location of the bubbles resembles a ring or crescent;
    • in places, the rashes feels a heavy itching and burning sensation.

    Initially, the blisters contain a transparent liquid. Gradually, the color of the content changes, the liquid is increasing, which indicates the presence of infection. The touch of blisters have a dense structure. However, over time, they independently open and transformed into peptic education. Around each burst blistering is its tire, which is formed in crust. It is this moment that points to healing erosions.


    Fully defeating Durring's disease Unfortunately, will not succeed. This type of pathology is chronic and is characterized by frequent relapses. However, the patient can control the course of the disease and not allow the deterioration of the state.

    It is necessary to contact a specialist.

    Dermatoz Durring Treatment consists of a whole medical complex. However, before proceeding to eliminate the consequences, it is important to identify the root cause and determine its type. For these purposes, the following diagnostic measures are appointed:

    • biological fluid fence is performed for general analysis to establish eosinophils;
    • a cytological examination of the liquid taken from the bubble is carried out;
    • histology fragment of inflamed skin;
    • analysis of urine;
    • checking the thyroid.

    After performing these analyzes, the patient is examined for malignant neoplasms and gastrointestinal defects. Since the pathology is chronic in nature, the following goals are in a dermatologist:

    • transfer the course of pathology into the long stage of attenuation;
    • salted the patient from the manifestations of the disease from the outside and thereby improve its physical, as well as a moral condition;
    • get rid of rash and eliminate infection;
    • read more familiarize the patient with prophylactic methods, allowing to control the course of pathology.

    In turn, the patient should strictly adhere to the following medical recommendations:

    • eliminate the reception of the bath and visiting the steam bath;
    • during meat under the shower, try not to use the washcloth in places of defeat;
    • fully rest;
    • more in the fresh air;
    • avoid stressful situations;
    • do not rebuild physically;
    • take vitamin complexes.

    In addition, a diet is important in Durring disease. Fathering properly negative, symptoms will be as soon as possible.

    As for therapy, it consists of the use of the following dosage forms:

    • for removal allergic signs Antihistamine medicines are prescribed;
    • soothing means will help to fully rest;
    • with severe pathology, hormonal drugs are shown;
    • eliminate the consequences on the skin help a solution of diaminal or fuccin.

    Also, a positive effect can be obtained in the treatment of consequences on the skin, using medications from the sulfonic group. Helps to overcome the effects of dermatitis ethnoscience. However, the use of such funds should be coordinated with the attending physician, in order not to aggravate the course of the disease.


    To overcome the pathology in question, unfortunately, will not succeed. Since Durring syndrome is a chronic defect. but , strictly adhering to medical appointments will be able to forget the unpleasant at least for a long time. All that you want to pay some time to preventive measures:

    • adhere to diet food;
    • do not use medicines with iodine content;
    • compliance with hygiene;
    • try not to translate;
    • minimize consumption of fats;
    • avoid stress;
    • timely treat all viral and fungal infections.

    All of these simple rules will improve the quality of human life and will help prevent the emergence of recurrence.

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