Dog hair allergen test. Food allergies in dogs

When testing blood for allergens, preparation is important. Blood donation is planned in the morning on an empty stomach. A week before the study, the patient should stop eating foods with a high degree of allergenicity. These include:

  • nuts;
  • seafood;
  • cocoa-based products;
  • citrus;
  • dairy and fermented milk products;
  • exotic fruits and vegetables;
  • drinks and foods with artificial colors and flavors.

Stop smoking on the day of allergy tests. Discontinue contact with pets a few days before the study. To exclude a false positive result, you should protect yourself from excessive physical and psycho-emotional stress in a few days. You also need to stop taking antihistamines.

Contraindications and restrictions

The main contraindications to allergic tests are the period of exacerbation of the allergy. False positive result can give an acute respiratory illness transferred less than a month ago or in the presence of an acute infection at the moment.

Allergy tests should be rescheduled if you are currently experiencing a gastrointestinal infection or elevated temperature the body, which can affect the body's immune response to allergens. It is best to wait a few days until the body has fully recovered from the illness.

Contraindications include taking antiallergic drugs and other drugs that suppress the immune system. Allergic testing is not recommended for children under 3 years old, pregnant women and the elderly. An alternative is donating blood for allergens.


To assign diagnostics and effective treatment the doctor must make sure that the patient is allergic.

Common types of allergies include:

  • allergy to household allergens;
  • food allergy, which manifests itself after the use of certain foods;
  • pollen allergy that occurs in the spring.

It is extremely difficult (and expensive) to check absolutely for all allergens, so a preliminary consultation with an allergist will facilitate the diagnosis.

How is skin testing done?

The most informative and popular method for taking allergy tests to adults is skin testing. For the procedure, the skin on the forearm is treated with alcohol, after which allergens are applied to it. In one study, the number of allergens cannot exceed 15.

Allergens can be introduced in several ways:

  1. Application. The allergen is moistened with a napkin, which is applied to intact skin. The allergy test is safe and painless, therefore it is recommended even for children. It gives a result with a strong and moderate immune response, and with a weak one may be ineffective;
  2. Scarification... For this test, scratches are made on the skin, through which the allergens enter the tissues. The sensitivity is much higher, so it is effective even with a weak immune response;
  3. Prik test. Instead of a scratch, a needle is pricked to a shallow depth. This test is better tolerated by the patient, does not severely injure the skin and is less likely to cause false positive results. The choice of the type of skin test depends on the age and condition of the patient, the degree of manifestation allergic reaction.

The result of passing an allergy test

It will take at least 20 minutes to evaluate skin tests for allergens, in which you can assess whether a reaction has occurred or not. After their expiration, the doctor determines the degree of allergy by the skin reaction:

  • negative result;
  • slightly positive, which is reflected in the form of redness of the skin as a result of allergies or mechanical damage skin;
  • positive with a blister up to 5 mm;
  • strongly positive with a blister over 5 mm.

Clinical and Diagnostic Center of the Research Institute - the place where to pass allergy tests for anesthetics, household allergens, food products, medicines, animal hair, fungi, pollen, get an accurate result and its professional assessment. The price for the delivery of allergy tests will depend on their type of examination and the number of samples. All prices for allergy tests are shown in the table above.

According to statistics, every second family in the world has a four-legged pet, half of these pets are dogs. Unfortunately, a pet can give his owner and his family members not only joyful moments, but also health problems, and more specifically, allergies. An allergic reaction is almost never associated with the size of the animal or belonging to a particular breed; this ailment is provoked by wool, urine, saliva, and skin particles.

If a person has symptoms such as nasal congestion, watery eyes, sore throat or burning sensation, itching and rashes on the body, it is necessary to undergo allergic tests to identify the cause of the pathology. Today we will tell you how the analysis for dog allergies is done, how it is done and what indicators are considered critical.

Symptoms that accompany a pet allergy are no different from those of any other type of allergic reaction. Contacting a source that provokes an allergic attack, a person may feel:

  1. Redness of the eyes, while the eyes itch, the eyelids swell, there is lacrimation.
  2. Runny nose, swelling and burning of the mucous membrane, while the snot is liquid, transparent, the allergic person constantly sneezes.
  3. Shortness of breath, cough, sore throat.
  4. Itching, urticaria-type rashes and the like.

If symptoms occur during or immediately after contact with a dog, you should think that the reaction was caused by the pet. However, there are nuances. Firstly, the symptoms of allergy can disturb a person not at the time of communication with an animal, but much later, even after a few days. This is due to the accumulation of antigen in the blood and an untimely reaction of the immune system.

Secondly, a person with a reaction to dogs may survive an allergic attack by communicating with the owner of the animal, being in a car or in a room where the animal has recently been, but not now. In this situation, it is more difficult to establish the cause of the allergy.

Third, contact with a dog and subsequent symptoms do not necessarily indicate that the dog is the antigen. The animal can transfer traces of other allergens to the wool: cosmetics, human perfume, pollen, spores of plants and fungi, food crumbs, etc. Ultimately, human allergic reactions may not spread to all dogs, but to certain breeds or specific members of the species.

Why does dog allergy appear?

An allergic reaction is the body's defense against substances that provoke the production of immunoglobulins in the blood, or, more simply, antigens that fight allergens. When their concentration in the blood is too high, a person begins to suffer from extremely unpleasant symptoms: redness of the eyes, lacrimation and swelling of the eyelids, runny nose, sneezing and coughing, skin rashes, in extreme cases asthma, allergic bronchitis, Quincke's edema may develop.

There are two main causes of allergy in humans. First of all, this ailment is attributed to hereditary, it is believed that if one parent suffers from an allergy, the probability that the problem will be passed on to the child is fifty percent. If both mom and dad are allergic, the risks of their child increase to 70%. The second reason is a decrease in immunity caused by poor ecology, serious illnesses and bad habits... Curing an allergy completely is a laborious and time-consuming task. It is easier to reduce the concentration of factors provoking an allergic reaction and thus reduce the production of antigens.

If we talk about dog allergies, then the opinion that it is the animal's hair that causes it is erroneous. The source of the allergic reaction is a protein of a nature alien to humans in the form of dandruff and particles of dead animal skin, its saliva, fat, and feces. Dogs, accordingly, carry this protein on their fur, which, in turn, scatters throughout the house and provokes allergic attacks.

An important point! From birth, a child's body contains lymphocytes that are capable of recognizing foreign proteins. Accordingly, the likelihood of an allergic reaction decreases in proportion to the age of the baby in which he first encounters allergens. That is, the earlier a dog appears in a child's life, the lower the chances of allergies. As a rule, children in contact with animals from infancy are not subject to a pathological reaction.

Identifying dog allergies

Without carrying out a number of diagnostic tests and analyzes, which are possible only in laboratory conditions, it is impossible to accurately diagnose allergic reactions and the causes of their occurrence. By contacting an allergist, a person will receive directions for a number of studies that reveal an unambiguous allergic provocation.

Table 1. Tests for detecting allergy to dogs

Study titleOperating principle
Peak testsA sample in which the antigen is first applied to the skin, observing the reaction, and then injected subcutaneously (for this, a thin needle is used). If the reaction to the injected substance is positive, reddened bumps appear at the puncture site - papules *
Patch testsStickers with an allergen applied to them are glued to the skin, leaving for a day or two. The reaction is considered to be redness of the skin area *
Taunt testsQuite a dangerous test carried out when skin tests are impossible. A small dose of allergens is placed in a person's nose or under the tongue. Such tests are not performed on children, and are also done only in the conditions of hospitals with intensive care - in order to provide emergency assistance a person with Quincke's edema or other serious allergy symptoms *
General blood analysisAllows you to detect an allergic reaction, determined by the level of leukocytes and eosinophils
Blood chemistryDetects allergies to dogs if the level of immune complexes and C-reactive protein in the human blood is increased
General urine analysisDecoding the urine test also allows you to see the allergic reaction in the body. According to the general blood test, in the analysis of urine they look at whether the level of eosinophils and leukocytes, as well as protein, is elevated
Scarified testsSkin tests, during which scratches are made on the inside of a person's hand, on which microscopic doses of allergens drip
ImmunogramA blood test showing how the different types of immunoglobulins are related. Allergy to dogs is accompanied by an increase in total E-immunoglobulins. For the test, blood is taken from a human vein, which is tested in laboratory conditions with various allergens **
Test for the detection of T-lymphocytesShows the body's response to the protein contained in saliva, skin secretions, animal feces

* Passage of prick and patch tests, tests for provocation is not possible if the patient is less than five years old and more than sixty, if inflammatory processes on the skin; also, these types of research are contraindicated in pregnant women and persons undergoing hormonal treatment.

** In an adult, the content of total E-immunoglobulin in the blood does not exceed 50 mg per liter of blood. Children's indicators are unstable and change with age, but if the immunoglobulin is more than 200 mg per liter of blood, we are talking about an infection or allergy.

There is a classification according to which the reaction of E-immunoglobulin to the introduced allergens is considered:

  • more than 200 units - high;
  • from 100 to 200 units - moderate;
  • from 50 to 100 units - available, but poorly expressed;
  • up to 50 units - absent / negative for given view allergen.

An important point! Passing laboratory tests is necessary, since an allergic reaction that occurs in a person when interacting with a dog does not always indicate that the cause is in the animal. Dogs can carry dust, pollen from flowering plants, dry food particles, mold and similar substances. Therefore, before abandoning an animal or communicating with it, you must visit medical institutionto get an allergist opinion.

Allergy Test Rules

Like any medical manipulation, allergy tests require some preparation, as well as a person's observance of the rules, without which the results will be unreliable. First of all, the patient must understand that preparation for the study is to exclude any extraneous allergens and provoking factors.

To count on the maximum accuracy of the data obtained, you need:

  1. Go to an allergist on an empty stomach (last meal 10-12 hours before the study, you are allowed to drink clean water).
  2. Refuse alcohol intake at least three days before the tests, smokers refrain from cigarettes for a day.
  3. Minimize contact with animals, birds, refuse foods with a high content of allergens (citrus fruits, dairy products, berries, chocolate, honey, eggs).
  4. Avoid physical exertion, stressful situations.
  5. Stop taking vitamins, dietary supplements, medications.
  6. Come to research only in a state of complete health; at least five days should pass from the moment of recovery.

Typically, research is conducted from general to specific. That is, first, it is found out whether the total level of E-immunoglobulin is increased, and in the positive case, tests are carried out to identify a specific, specific immunoglobulin N. Accordingly, the most appropriate option is the delivery of urine and blood for general and biochemical analysis, based on the results of which narrower types of testing are assigned.

Carrying out a prick test

Diagnosing a child's dog allergy

To find out the cause of an allergic reaction in children, the same methods are used as for adult patients. The most common types of diagnostics are allergy tests and skin tests, only weaker solutions of allergens are used.

Remember , that the study should be postponed if the child is sick with an infection (flu, SARS, and the like) or the child has an exacerbation of a chronic disease. Also, tests will not show the correct result during treatment with corticosteroids or taking antihistamines.

Before visiting an allergist, the child needs to be shown to the pediatrician, having received directions from him for biochemistry and general analysis blood, urine analysis. Children under the age of five do not undergo allergy tests, since the immune system is in the process of development and is not able to protect the body completely. For babies up to two or three years old, testing for allergies of any type is not at all advisable, since the norms of immunoglobulin indicators are unstable, and the body's protective reactions can act regardless of the real danger.

Therefore, in young children, it is possible to identify allergies only with the help of a blood test, in this case it is taken from a vein. This is what the norms of total E-immunoglobulin look like for children different ages (per liter of blood):

  • adolescents - up to 200 units (the norm of an adult);
  • junior schoolchildren - up to 90 units;
  • preschoolers - up to 50-60 units;
  • infants - up to 15 units.

What to do if a dog allergy is confirmed?

The answer to this question depends on the decision of the person who is diagnosed with a dog allergy. If the animal does not live with you, then it is necessary to minimize contact with other people's dogs; if the meeting cannot be avoided, you can take antihistamines in advance, put on a medical mask. If the owner of the dog is allergic, he has to decide whether he will part with the pet forever. A positive solution to this issue implies that the source of the allergy will be eliminated.

But there are also owners who are not ready to betray their four-legged companion and who want to reconcile their illness with the presence of a dog in the house. In this case, enhanced preventive measures are needed.

First of all, you need to restrict the movement of the animal around the apartment, highlighting the area where the dog cannot enter (it is best if it is the room where the person sleeps). The animal should not be allowed to sleep and upholstered furniture, it is not necessary to allow the dog to lick itself, too long tactile contact is undesirable. When walking with the dog, gloves can be worn to prevent saliva from getting on the skin when the animal brings a stick or toy.

The living area needs to be cleaned regularly and thoroughly: vacuuming, dusting, it is advisable to install humidifiers or even air washers that take the smallest allergens from it. It is worth getting rid of heavy curtains and curtains, remove carpets, remove covers or folds from furniture. Bed linen should be washed once a week, ironing thoroughly with an iron. Each room should be ventilated before going to bed, leaving the windows open so that fresh air always gets into the room.

Remember , that there are no hypoallergenic dog breeds, as some puppy breeders claim. Above, we mentioned that an allergy to animal hair is rare, the true causative agent of the reaction is a protein that is found on the skin of the animal, in urine and feces, saliva, and grease of wool.

Relief of allergic attacks

The next step is to take standard pharmaceuticalseliminating allergy symptoms. Recall that this disease is not treated, a person can only stop the attack. To do this, you can use a combination of tablets and nasal sprays, with the appointment of a doctor, it is possible to use injections. Consider the most popular and effective antihistamines.

Table 2. Means for relieving an allergic attack

NameActapproximate cost

Effective against seasonal and persistent allergies, relieve nasal congestion, eliminate redness of the eyes, runny nose, itching. One tablet a day is enough300 rubles for 30 pieces

"Suprastin", tablets or injection

Refuses not only directed action against allergy symptoms, but also has a sedative effect. An injection of this drug helps in emergency situations, for example, the development of edema150 rubles for 20 pieces or 140 rubles for 5 ampoules

It inhibits the release of histamine in the body, which provokes allergies. Used as a cumulative action, useless as a quick aid170 rubles for 15 milliliters

Blocks histamine receptors, has an antipruritic effect, relieves tissue edema and mucosal spasms. Does not cause sedation600 rubles for 10 pieces

A remedy with antiallergic, antipruritic effect. The effect is achieved within a few minutes after application. Slight drowsiness is possible after taking400 rubles for 20 milliliters

Antihistamine that does not affect nervous system... Effective when it appears itchy skin, urticaria, other allergic rashes550 rubles for 10 pieces

Effectively relieves congestion respiratory tract, relieves mucosal edema and itching, restores normal breathing350 rubles for 15 milliliters

In any case, the treatment regimen should be selected by a specialist, an allergist, having on hand the results of examinations and tests for allergies. Of course, it is not forbidden to have antihistamines in the first-aid kit, knowing about your predisposition to allergies, but you cannot prescribe funds for admission on an ongoing basis without a doctor.

There is a method of allergy treatment based on the regular introduction of antigens into the body - specific hyposensobilization. The patient is injected with the allergen subcutaneously or orally, in microscopic doses and long time... It has been proven that the effectiveness and success of this method reaches 90%. By and large, the method of hyposensobilization is also used by dog \u200b\u200bowners who do not give up their pet and spend some time with it every day.

Note, that there are often cases when the allergy to dogs has passed over time, in people who have not refused to communicate with the pet. The fact is that the human immune system can stop considering the allergen as foreign, and the reaction stops.

Video - Dog Allergy: Typical Misconceptions

Let's summarize

Allergy to dogs is an extremely unpleasant thing that gives a person significant physical inconvenience. And in the case when the pet is a full member of the family, a person's suffering also takes on a psychological connotation, since you absolutely do not want to part with your beloved friend.

It is not a fact that the lacrimation and sore throat caused by the appearance of a dog in the field of vision are provoked by the animal itself. To find out for sure, you need to do an allergy test, in particular, to the "dog" antigen. And after receiving the test results, make a decision - to protect yourself from the four-legged source of allergies or to accept the symptoms and continue to enjoy communicating with the pet.

So the very day came - a charming baby, undoubtedly the best breed in the world, appeared in the house. But the joyful event is overshadowed when one of the family members suddenly turns red and itchy nose, wheezing appears in the chest, and tears are in the sore eyes. The doctor confirms the suspicions - it is an allergy to a dog that shows symptoms. The recommendations are unambiguous - immediately get rid of the puppy. What to do? Do you really have to stop communicating with these beautiful animals for life?

Table of Contents [Show]

Causes of allergies

The term "allergy" was introduced relatively recently, just over a century ago. But this ailment has been known since the times Ancient egypt... And since that time, mankind has been trying to get to the bottom of the reasons for the abnormal reaction of the body, which, in fact, is the so-called allergy to dog hair (the point is not at all in wool, but more on that below).

So, the first fact: an allergy is an excessive, unnecessary immune response to a foreign substance that has entered the body (whatever, except perhaps distilled water). Fact two: lymphocytes learn to distinguish between "friends" and "aliens" even during the formation of the child's body, therefore, allergy to dogs in children born and growing surrounded by these pets is much less common. Fact three: allergy occurs due to the release of antibodies into the bloodstream, which are aimed at fighting the "invader" (that is, the substance that causes the allergy). Similar reactions occur, for example, when a virus enters the body - antibodies (if immunity is developed) prevent the virus from multiplying. When it comes to an allergy to a dog's saliva (pollen, food and whatever), antibodies are produced in excess and unnecessarily, which leads to unpleasant symptoms.

Thus, if very simplified, the body develops eternal immunity in dogs. It is impossible to get rid of this "immunity", that is, it is completely impossible to cure an allergy. But you can "lull" an overly vigilant organism, trick it with drugs or "butter up" by reducing the amount of allergen in the environment.

Why do some people have dog allergy as it manifests itself and recedes without any treatment, in others it does not occur at all, and in others it causes severe symptoms? First of all, it is important to consider the hereditary factor. If one of the parents is allergic, the child is born allergic in 50% of cases, if both - in 70% of cases. Moreover, the type of allergy does not matter: mom cannot stand the smell of perfume, dad sheds tears during the flowering period, and children are allergic to dogs, fish or chemical dyes - it is impossible to predict.

And if there is no genetic tendency to allergies? Don't be “discouraged,” it's easy to earn. Every second we are surrounded by billions of aggressive substances: lipstick, wallpaper, house dust, dishwashing detergent, bought apple, oozing pesticides - the list is endless. And we do not pay attention to ecology and nutrition until the question arises: "Allergy to a dog, what to do now, how to live on?" But the breakdown of immunity has already occurred: the body is tired of fighting billions of "invaders", and made a mistake.

Can you single out specific symptoms?

Unfortunately not. Allergy different people manifests itself in different ways: one develops a terrible cough and swelling of the larynx, another itches, the third "cries". But the degree and type of manifestations practically do not depend on the type of allergen, this is only an individual reaction of the body. Those. dog allergy symptoms are non-specific:

  • lacrimation, redness of the eyes, swelling of the eyelids;
  • itchy eyes, nose, skin;
  • dermatitis, manifested by a rash at the site of contact with an allergen or throughout the body, eczema;
  • coughing, sneezing, wheezing, shortness of breath, bronchial spasm, asthma, swelling of the larynx and / or body parts;
  • gastrointestinal disorders, dizziness, weakness;
  • otitis media, pressure in the ears, hearing loss.

Similar symptoms often occur when in contact with toilet filler, dog gear, ready-made food, dog cosmetics, etc. Therefore, it is important not only to see a doctor, but to be sure to get tested for allergies to dogs (sensitivity test). There is a possibility that the pet is not to blame for the manifestations of allergies: do not take the doctor's word for it, our allergists are very fond of blaming animals without hesitation, without bothering to conduct a deep research.

Allergy to "wool" and wonderful "hypoallergenic" dogs

Roughly speaking, wool itself is not an allergen. What is called dog hair allergy in everyday life is actually an allergy to a foreign protein that is always present on the surface of the hair. These can be: saliva, sebaceous discharge, peeled skin, lacrimal and nasal discharge, urine, genital discharge. The amount of aggressive protein depends on many factors: the sex and general health of the pet, the conditions of feeding and keeping, sexual activity, the type of coat and, of course, the size of the dog. And according to the latest data, and colors: it is believed that black dogs provoke allergies more often than whites.

Unfortunately, dog breeds are not allergic - deception of unscrupulous breeders. Attempts to breed hypoallergenic cats and dogs have been carried out several times, but so far this is impossible (genetics simply have not "matured" to such discoveries). But there are breeds that are easier for allergy sufferers to live with:

  • hairless dogs, as the wool, "flavored" with an allergen, does not scatter around the apartment;
  • dogs without undercoat, as the fluff does not pour everywhere;
  • dogs are rough-haired, as they shed less if you trim (pluck) the dying hair in time. Of course, an allergic person should not do this with his own hand;
  • dogs are small, and preferably tiny, since the allergy to the epithelium of a dog a little larger than a kitten, in most cases, will not be as pronounced as an allergic attack after communicating with St. Bernard (the amount of allergen that has entered the body is incomparable).

Let's concretize: bullets and poodles, Mexicans, Portuguese and Chinese, Yorkies, Malteses, Bichons and all lapdogs, schnauzers. You will have to forget about brachycephalics with constantly flowing saliva, constantly crumbling short hair with "needles" is also prohibited. In addition, the amount of allergen is sharply reduced if the pet is neutered / sterilized in time. But remember, non-allergenic dog breeds don't exist! Before purchasing a puppy, it is necessary to conduct a test: take a scraping from the skin and cheek cavity of the puppy, and donate material and his own blood for analysis to the laboratory (the responsible breeder will not object, and will even insist on the test, having learned that someone from the family buyer's allergy).

Get rid of or ...?

If we are talking about an allergy to dogs in newborns, the pet, unfortunately, will have to be given into good hands - the baby may die, since it is not yet able to inform adults about the deteriorating health. The same applies to severe cases when there is difficulty breathing: bronchospasm, true asthma, laryngeal edema, etc. Although there is a possibility that the disease can be taken under control, and therefore it makes sense to poke a pet for temporary housing, until the moment the allergic person's condition improves.

So, the decision depends entirely on how the dog allergy manifests itself. When it comes to increased lacrimation, sneezing, itching and other conditionally harmless symptoms, you can solve the problem without depriving yourself of the joy of communicating with a four-legged friend.

In addition, dog hair allergies are less likely to show symptoms if the pet is cleaned regularly. Bathe your dog at least once a week using special meansreducing the amount of aggressive protein. It is desirable to comb it out daily (if you have something to comb out). Of course, care manipulations should not fall on the shoulders of the allergic person.

What else can you do to make your dog allergy less likely to make itself felt? Of course, reduce the amount of allergen in the environment: replace heavy curtains with tulle, throw out carpets, store underwear and bedding in impervious bags, use an air purifier, and do a damp cleaning weekly. There should not be a single corner in the apartment where dog secretions (peeled skin, hairs, etc.) accumulate. It is important to regularly ventilate rooms, keep your pet out of the bedroom, and wash your face and hands after close contact.

But since it is impossible to cure an allergy to dogs, the most important thing to do in the first place and without any excuses is to find a competent specialist. Remember that without treatment, a banal cough can develop into asthma, and lacrimation - with severe edema! An allergist should become your best friend: attentive, meticulous, not quick to judge. Only in conjunction with a doctor who will prescribe necessary drugs, will write down the diet, plan the schedule and adjust the lifestyle, you can take control of allergies.

An allergic reaction is an intolerance of the body to certain substances called "allergens". How is dog allergy manifested? Constant sneezing and nasal discharge, various rashes on the skin, instability of the stool, suffocation - all this is a sign of intolerance to wool. How to get rid of dog allergies? This article describes the most effective medicines, and useful tipsthat have been tested in practice.

Why Dog Allergies Appear

Reasons for the appearance

The reason for the occurrence of an allergic reaction is the hypersensitivity of the immune system to irritating substances. The wool itself causes the manifestation of allergies quite rarely, mainly allergens are: saliva, urine, excretions, feces, as well as dead cells of the epidermis that remain on the hair of animals.

The human body, taking allergens as a probable danger, tries to protect itself from them by all possible methods. Protective antibodies enter the bloodstream to "fight" the irritant. As a result, symptoms of allergy to various breeds of dogs may appear: the patient begins to cough and sneeze, and tears may also appear. Thus, it turns out that allergy is an excessive "concern" of the immune system about the body, which works whenever there is a source of irritation nearby.

Often, animal allergies can be associated with the following factors:

  • Later "acquaintance" with allergens. The earlier a person begins to come into contact with animals, the lower the risk of allergy to dogs, since selective lymphocytes have managed to develop protection against these allergens. Therefore, the manifestation of allergies in children is much less common.
  • Heredity, and irritation in parents and children can be on completely different allergens.
  • Various viruses that remain in the human body forever, such as fungus or herpes.
  • A serious illness, as the body becomes exhausted and weakened.

An allergic reaction can occur not only to the coat of dogs, but also to special food or filler, shampoo, which the patient has touched.

In fact, there is no answer to the question: "How to completely cure dog allergy", since all existing methods are only auxiliary ways eliminate the aggravation of the reaction. Even allergen-specific immunotherapy will not give one hundred percent results if a pet lives at home, which can cause such irritation.

Allergy symptoms

Symptoms of dog allergy manifest as follows:

  1. The skin begins to itch and redden, the body becomes covered different kinds rashes, especially on the face and chest... This often happens when the patient is bitten or licked by an animal.
  2. The condition of the respiratory tract worsens. This results in constant sneezing and coughing, nasal discharge, and nasal congestion. It becomes difficult for a person to breathe, wheezing can be emitted from the lungs.
  3. The work of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted, headaches occur, hearing deteriorates.
  4. The eyes are red, itchy and irritated, and tears may come from them.

In order to confirm allergy to domestic or outdoor dogs, you need to pass a radioallergosorbent test. However, there may be nuances here: despite the fact that the analysis for dog allergy showed good results, it happens that the intolerance is caused by mold or pollen, which the pet brought from a walk.

Allergy to dog hair is especially dangerous in young children, since during this period there is a very high risk of getting sick bronchial asthma, which is difficult to treat. It is difficult for a child to understand why he is forbidden to play, touch and approach a pet, so parents should be constantly on the alert. As often as possible, you need to bathe your baby, wash his clothes and clean the apartment.

Treating dog allergies

Treatment of allergies to dogs is carried out with the help of medicines, which are divided into groups:

  1. Antihistamines (sometimes called antiallergic) block the action of irritants and relieve symptoms during an exacerbation of the disease:
  • Claritin - based on loratadine, it comes in syrup and tablet form. Estimated cost: 230 rubles.
  • Diphenhydramine, also called "Diphenhydramine", not only eliminates itching in allergies, but also has a sedative and hypnotic effect. Therefore, you need to use it with caution.
  • Suprastin or Chloropyramine, available in the form of tablets and solution for injection, costs about 130 rubles.
  • Benadryl - sold in the form of tablets and syrup, has an anticholinergic effect, analogous to Diphenhydramine.
  • Tavegil based on ethanolamine, eliminates itching and burning, strengthens the walls of capillaries.
  • Zyrtec - active substance: Cetirizine hydrochloride, it comes in the form of drops and tablets, eliminates allergic syndrome, approximate price of drops: 350 rubles.
  • Telfast - a derivative of fexofenadine, is sold in the form of tablets. The price of the drug is high, so you can replace it with analogues, for example, Telfadin, Fexofast or Allerfex.
  • Loratadine - available in powder form, relieves signs of dog allergies and other irritants.
  1. Medicines that eliminate the manifestation of edema, especially when the patient is tormented by abundant nasal discharge, and drugs also prevent mucus stagnation:
  • Sudafed - it comes only in the form of a syrup, heals ailments of the respiratory system.
  1. Topical corticosteroids with anti-inflammatory effect are sprays:
  • Nasonex - based on mometasone, has anti-inflammatory properties, eliminates various nasal discharge.
  • Flonaz - this medication does not cure ailments, but relieves the symptoms of the disease, long use funds are contraindicated.

Can allergies be cured with special medications? No, you can only reduce the exacerbation so that the patient feels better.

Hypoallergenic dogs

Which dogs are not allergic?

What should a dog allergic person do if they really want to have such a pet? There are breeds that rarely cause allergic attacks. Wool in hypoallergenic animals falls out a little during molting, so harmful substances are spread in much smaller quantities. It is not necessary that it be a short-haired breed - on the contrary, animals with a long coat are not so prone to molting. Pets with short hair often shed all year round, and removing hairs from clothing and interior items is not always easy.

Which dogs are not allergic to humans? Of course they are small - a miniature pet has much less wool than a large breed. Interestingly, a negative reaction to calm, balanced individuals occurs much less often than to nervous, aggressive, often barking animals. The reason for this is the abundance of saliva released when barking.

Also, dogs that do not cause allergies have a special structure of saliva - it contains less protein that provokes an irritant reaction in humans. For this reason, it is not recommended to take an animal with profuse drooling, such as bulldogs.

It should be remembered that hypoallergenic dog breeds can also become a source of disease. Observations of doctors have shown that human immunity can react differently to two individuals of the same breed: the first pet will aggravate the allergy, the second will not. This happens because of the individuality of the organism, not only of the dog, but also of the person.

Hypoallergenic dog breeds

Which dogs are not allergic to humans? Here is a list of such breeds:

  1. Bichon Frize - wool from these representatives rarely falls out, special care is not required for it.

    Bichon Frize

  2. The Bedlington Terrier is a fairly balanced and intelligent animal.

    Bedlington Terrier

  3. Bolognese or maltese - they are famous for their soft and good-natured disposition, they are quick-witted, but they are wary of little familiar people.

    Bolognese (Italian lapdog)

  4. The poodle is a very obedient and intelligent animal.


  5. Spanish Water Dog - pet's coat is curly.

    Spanish water dog

  6. Papillon.


  7. Bullets - The fur of the animal is almost impenetrable due to the unique hairline. Keeping a pet in a stuffy room is not always recommended.


  8. Border Terrier is a very kind dog, madly in love with its owners.

    Border Terrier

  9. Australian silky terrier - a small creature, with short legs. These agile and cheerful dogs are excellent hunters.

    Australian silky terrier

  10. Portuguese water.

    Portuguese water dog

  11. Lhaso apso.

    Lhaso apso

  12. American Hairless Terrier - the animal has no hair, but skin diseases are rare.

    American Hairless Terrier

  13. Samoyed Laika.

    Samoyed Laika

  14. Irish Water Spaniel - very rare view, has a friendly character, gets along well with children and other animals.

    Irish water spaniel

  15. Yorkshire Terrier.

    Yorkshire Terrier

  16. Coton de Tulear - his hairline resembles cotton wool.

    Coton de Tulear

  17. Skye Terrier.

    Skye Terrier

  18. Dandy Dinmont Terrier. A long body, short limbs and an interesting crest on the head give the animal a rather peculiar look.

    Dandy dinmont terrier

  19. Shih Tzu.

    Shih tzu

  20. The Miniature Spitz is a small dog that loves to spend time in the company of people. But in large physical activity the animal does not need.

    Dwarf spitz

  21. Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier.

    Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier

  22. Tibetan Terrier.

    Tibetan terrier

  23. Peruvian Inca Orchid - the pet needs to be bathed frequently, as well as treated with a special cream to protect it from the sun.

    Peruvian Inca Orchid

  24. Schnauzer.


  25. Polish Lowland Shepherd Dog.

    Polish lowland shepherd

  26. The Affenpinscher is a playful, mischievous pet of miniature size.


  27. Xoloitzcuintle - it is necessary to train an animal from childhood, otherwise problems may arise.


  28. Chinese Crested - despite the fact that moulting in an animal occurs quite rarely, the coat needs to be looked after often and painstakingly.

    Chinese Crested

  29. Mexican nude.

    Mexican nude

  30. Welsh Terrier - a dog that lends itself well to training. Systematic physical activity is required.

    Welsh terrier

  31. Flanders Bouvier.

    Flanders Bouvier

Dogs that do not cause allergies at all are nothing more than a myth, because each organism has an individual attitude to the surrounding factors. All the developed preparations for eliminating allergies are only auxiliary means with which you can get rid of symptoms. To find out whether a particular breed is suitable for a person, you need to be in the presence of a pet for at least a couple of hours, and then draw conclusions.

Allergies are one of the scourges modern world... This is due to both the unfavorable environmental situation in many regions and the abundance of chemical additives in food. And not only people suffer from allergies, but also their dogs.

The main problem lies in the need to prevent seizures in a predisposed dog. To isolate your pet from the allergen, you need to understand what the dog is allergic to. And this is not so easy to do.

As veterinary practice all over the world shows, in dogs, allergic reactions of the atopic type are most common. If we translate the term "atopy" from Greek, then the closest synonymous expressions will be "strange, unusual." Roughly speaking, this can be called any allergic reactions of hereditary genesis or generally incomprehensible etiology (idiopathic).

In all these cases, it is extremely important to determine the triggers of the pathology, since without this it is impossible to prescribe effective desensitization. Of course, you can just pump the dog with antihistamines, but this only gives a temporary effect. To date, the only reliable method for detecting allergens is an allergic test, carried out only in the most equipped veterinary clinics. It helps identify everything from chicken reactions to side effects taking medication.

Varieties of allergic tests

There are two main types of allergy testing. If you do not go into details, then in the first case, a specialist detects specific antibodies of blood serum produced for one or another type of allergens. There are two standard analyzes blood, allowing with high accuracy to find allergens of interest to veterinarians.

  • The first is called the RAST (radioallergosorbent) assay.
  • The second is ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay).

Both methods are very similar to each other, but in practice it often turns out that the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay is much more accurate. True, both methods are quite expensive, and therefore they are actively used only by well-equipped clinics in large cities. In addition, both methods have certain disadvantages, which we will talk about a little later.

Another type of testing is the so-called skin test... In this case, a small portion of the allergen is injected directly into the skin of the animal, and then the specialist looks at how the body will react to it. As a rule, to speed up the process, a number of small incisions are made on the skin, a specific allergen is injected into the thickness of each. This way, within a couple of days (if you're lucky) you can find out exactly why your pet is developing allergic reactions. We will describe the pros and cons of all methods in more detail below.

RAST and ELISA tests

To perform any of these two tests, you must take a blood test from the dog and send them immediately to the laboratory. Since only a few clinics are engaged in such studies, it would be more expedient to take the dog to any of them so as not to waste time. Tests the reaction of blood serum to a wide range of allergens, including pollen, dust and soil, which are common in the region where the particular animal resides (as well as where the dog regularly walks).

Both of these methods are good for detecting more than 90% of all kinds of substances and compounds that are common in the external environment, but some of them (such as cotton wool and nylon, for example) are less detectable.

The huge disadvantage of RAST and ELISA is the lead time - it can take up to several weeks.

And these are not all the problems. No one has ever been involved in the adaptation of these techniques for dogs, but they were created by doctors for people. The biochemistry of humans and dogs differs quite significantly! And often all this goes sideways: the analysis can show the presence of allergies even in a dog that has never suffered from this pathology until old age. That is why the old skin test, developed at the beginning of the last century, is more reliable and accurate (in the case of animals, of course).

RAST and ELISA tests, however, are used in special circumstances when a skin test cannot be performed for some reason:

  • The dog has dermatitis, dermatosis, or some other skin condition. In addition, in some breeds (bulldogs), the skin is quite sensitive in itself, and therefore it is not recommended to carry out such a test.
  • Please note that antihistamines and anti-inflammatory corticosteroids are prohibited for some time before and during the test. If your dog's allergy is so severe that it immediately begins to become covered with a rash and crusts, a skin test should also not be performed.
  • This research method is also not very suitable for puppies.
  • If your dog regularly participates in exhibitions, patches of clipped and scratched skin are unlikely to add charm to the jury.
  • Your veterinarian does not have a complete set of allergens (in these cases, research is likely to be pointless).
  • A skin test showed nothing, but there is an allergy and is clearly manifested.

Features of skin test

Despite all of the above circumstances, it is the skin test that is the "gold standard" of veterinary allergists. It is simple, informative enough, and relatively cheap. For its implementation, several sections are cut and shaved on the animal's skin (each about 5x5 cm). In the classic case, rows of scratches are then made on the skin (in the form of a grid), and allergens are rubbed into them, at intervals of about one centimeter. Of course, you need to write down which one and where.

After a few hours or days, they look for the presence / absence of a reaction. If the latter is positive, the pet develops a strong inflammatory reaction in the treated area. The problem is that it is not always very pronounced, and therefore the correct reading of the results of a skin test is a real art. Thus, it should only be carried out by a veterinary dermatologist with really extensive experience.

It is believed that the success rate for a skin test is approximately 75%. The effectiveness indicator is much higher in the spring-summer season, when the intensity and frequency of allergic reactions increase dramatically. Please note (although we have already talked about this) that the dog before the test must be "clean" for at least a month, that is giving him antihistamines and anti-inflammatory corticosteroids is prohibited! Otherwise, there is no need to rely on the accuracy of the analysis. But nevertheless, the veterinarian should designate the exact time of exposure, based on the characteristics of the manifestation of allergies and the condition of the animal.

Common features of allergic tests

All the techniques we have described have several things in common:

We would like to warn all owners about one important circumstance. Any treatment for allergies (and not just clogging up its symptoms with antihistamines) is a long and very expensive exercise. Moreover, all the tests described above without specific treatment involving desensitization are a waste of time and money.

When is an allergic test needed?

An allergic test is mandatory for all dogs that suffer from constant allergic reactions for at least four months a year, as well as animals whose body no longer responds to conventional antihistamines. Keep in mind that in many cases, the condition of the animal can be improved by including a sufficient amount of fatty acids in its diet. Alas, in practice, there are many cases when the owners of dogs, who suffer from severe allergic reactions, limit themselves only to occasional administration of antihistamines and do not take their pets to the veterinarian.

Please note that delaying a visit to the clinic is fraught with many dangerous consequences. In particular, these dogs can develop incurable autoimmune diseases, having just an allergic origin.

So do not postpone a trip to a specialist for a long time: it is fraught. In addition, always choose those veterinarians who suggest not only damping the signs of allergies, but actually treating the pet.

Diagnosis of allergic diseases is based on the identification of a causal relationship between clinical symptoms and certain factors in combination with positive results of allergy tests (allergy test). Allergy tests are diagnostic measures to identify allergens - substances to which the body reacts negatively. He is solving this problem in the Allergology and Immunopathology Office of the Central Clinical Hospital of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Indications for passing allergy tests

  • Frequent nasal congestion, accompanied by discharge, not associated with viral infections;
  • Itchy nose or eyes without apparent reasons;
  • Rash on the body;
  • Skin itchy or swollen;
  • Suddenly shortness of breath, coughing, wheezing, or signs of suffocation;
  • There is a pronounced reaction to insect bites.
    All these manifestations can be caused by allergic reactions:
  1. Food allergies;
  2. Allergodermatitis;
  3. Drug allergy (in particular, to medications, on anesthetics in dental practice, on lidocaine, ultracaine);
  4. Pollinosis.


    You should refrain from conducting tests in the following cases:
  • The patient is taking antihistamines;
  • With exacerbation chronic diseases;
  • If the patient has had anaphylactic shock;
  • Pregnant and lactating women, prohibited and the period of menstruation;
  • AIDS;
  • Mental and nervous disorders;
  • Children and old age.
  • Types of allergy tests

    The technology for conducting allergological tests depends on the type of allergens being investigated and the type of allergic reaction. Invivo tests are carried out directly on the patient and include:

    Skin allergy tests

    • skin tests
    • intradermal tests
    • application or patch tests

    The method consists in identifying the allergen by applying the drug to the skin and recording the reaction of the body. The method allows you to identify some infectious processes - brucellosis and tuberculosis. An adult (no older than 60 years old) can carry out up to 20 samples per day. Children over 3 years old - up to two.

    Skin tests can detect allergy to anesthesia.

    For skin tests, different groups of allergens are used:

    • Household - dust mites, library dust;
    • Pollen - for plant pollen;
    • Meadow grasses;
    • Weed herbs - ragweed, etc.;
    • Fungi, including molds;
    • Epidermal group: for a specific animal - for a dog, for mice, etc.

    Provocative allergy tests

    If all of the above studies do not give a result, provocative tests are used - the allergen is injected into the site of manifestation of the allergic reaction. Analysis for allergy tests is carried out in a hospital.

    TTEEL by Ado

    Test of inhibition of natural emigration of leukocytes. The method consists in counting the number of leukocytes in the liquid before and after rinsing the mouth with a solution containing the drug, the allergy to which is detected. At the same time, the concentration of the drug is minimal so as not to harm the patient. If the number of leukocytes after rinsing has decreased by more than 30%, this indicates that the patient has an intolerance to this drug. The method requires additional research.

    Tests for diagnosing urticaria

    • Laboratory blood tests
    • Nasopharyngeal swabs
    • Study of intestinal microflora
    • Function examination thyroid gland
    • Allergy tests (tests for food and household allergens, fungal screening, inhalation screening)

    Tests for the diagnosis of drug allergies.

    Different types or a set of tests are used to detect drug allergies:

    • Laboratory blood tests
    • Prik testing
    • TTEEL by Ado
    • Sublingual and oral challenge tests

    In each of the types of tests, the patient's biological material is examined: blood from a vein, serum, sputum, broncho-alveolar washings, etc. Modern methods laboratory diagnostics include:

    • identification of specific immunoglobulins of class E to various protein allergens eLISA method,
    • ImmunoCAP and ISAC,
    • in some cases, it is informative to determine the level of total immunoglobulin class E in serum.

    Invitro tests are laboratory research the body's sensitivity to the allergen. The patient's biological material is examined: blood, serum, sputum, broncho-alveolar washings, etc. Modern methods of laboratory diagnostics include: detection of specific immunoglobulins of class E to various protein allergens by ELISA, ImmunoCAP and ISAC, in some cases it is informative to determine the level of total immunoglobulin E in blood serum.

    For the diagnosis of atopic diseases (asthma, rhinitis, atopic dermatitis, conjunctivitis, allergy to insect poison), skin prick, scarification (scratching) and intradermal tests are performed, determining the level of specific IgE to the corresponding allergens.

    If you suspect a respiratory allergy ( allergic rhinitis, asthma) skin allergy tests - prick tests serve as a first-line diagnostic test. Determination of specific IgE levels and provocative tests are necessary for unclear diagnosis and sensitization to many allergens.

    The main advantage of laboratory tests is the fact that neither the stage of the allergic disease, nor the patient's skin condition, nor the drugs taken at the time of the study, affect their information content.

    To diagnose delayed and delayed hypersensitivity reactions (allergic contact dermatitis, toxicoderma), application and intradermal tests, provocative tests are performed.

    Where to take allergy tests?

    Sign up for a consultation with an allergist-immunologist at the Central Clinical Hospital of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow, where you can pass the biomaterial and get a transcript of the results within one day. We invite patients who suffer from allergies, or just want to make sure that there is no reaction to certain medications, for example, antibiotics or anesthesia before surgical intervention... We do allergy tests quickly, accurately, and at affordable cost. An appointment for a consultation with an allergist is carried out by phone or online. How much it costs to take allergy tests of the type you need is indicated in the clinic's price list.

    Cost for selected types of samples

    Name of service Price

    Skin tests for allergen reactions (atopic inhalation allergens)


    Skin tests for allergens (additional tests to clarify sensitization to atopic allergens) "


    Skin tests for allergens (extended spectrum of atopic inhalation allergens) "


    Intradermal studies of reactions to allergens (household, epidermal, fungal, food)


    Intradermal Allergen Response Tests (Autoserum Test)


    Skin allergy application testing


    Study of specific Ig E to antigens vegetable origin: panel of grass allergens (hedgehog, meadow fescue, perennial rye, timothy grass, meadow bluegrass)


    Study of specific Ig E to food antigens: crackle


    Study of specific Ig E to food antigens: wheat flour


    Study of specific Ig E to food antigens: peanuts


    Investigation of specific Ig E to food antigens: soybeans


    Study of specific Ig E to food antigens: hazelnuts


    Study of specific Ig E to food antigens: crabs


    Study of specific Ig E to food antigens: shrimp


    Study of specific Ig E to food antigens: tomatoes


    Study of specific Ig E to food antigens: carrots


    Study of specific Ig E to food antigens: egg yolk


    Study of specific Ig E to antigens of plant origin: panel of grass allergens (sweet spikelet, perennial rye, cultivated, woolly buckwheat, timothy grass, rye)


    Study of specific Ig E to food antigens: celery

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