Massage baby 5 years from cough. Proper execution of drainage massage in adults and children when coughing

With such a symptom of diseases of the respiratory system, like cough, all children are faced. To facilitate the state of the diseased child, parents are ready to use different methods. One of them is a special massage, harmlessly helping to get rid of cough.


  • Cold.
  • Bronchitis.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Emphysema of the lungs.
  • Pneumosclerosis.

Why is the massage contribute to the discharge of sputum?

During massage, the bronchial tree is warmed up, and the mucus accumulated in it becomes a bough. As a result, the sputum is better cleaved and excreted from small bronchi into larger, and then in the trachea, which helps the body get rid of the excess of mucus, and from microbes or viruses.


Cough massage is a good alternative to use medicinal preparations. Such a procedure can be held since birth, while parents can learn its holding, not attracting specialists.

In addition to stimulating wet wet, such a massage:

  • Stimulates blood flow and lemph current.
  • Strengthens muscle fibers involved in breathing.
  • Enhances the mobility of the ribs.
  • Stabilizes the respiratory function.
  • Enhances the effect of the use of drugs.


  • The child has elevated body temperature.
  • The kid just liked.
  • The cold or other respiratory disease only began (massage is shown only from 4-5 days of the disease when the acute stage has passed).
  • The baby feels discomfort in the stomach position.
  • There were complications of the main disease.
  • The kid has skin diseases.
  • Child body mass is too low.

Types of massage

Massage from cough can be carried out by different techniques, so it happens:

  • Drainage. The main feature of such a massage contributing to the best removal of sputum is the location of the body - the child's head must be lower than the case.
  • Point. This is a very effective massage, but only a specialist should conduct it who knows well to which zones need to be influenced.
  • Junny. Such a massage has a good effect and a positive impact on immunity, but its execution is not always available due to the need to use sweater means.
  • Vibration. For such a massage, messenger tapping on the back of the child is performed. It is also called percussion.
  • Honey. This type of massage is highly efficient with a cough caused by chronic or protracted disease. The restrictions on its use is the high risk of allergies.

Read more about this in the following video.

For more information about the vibration massage when coughing, see the next gear.

Massage technique

Since the most affordable and frequently used massage option during cough is the drainage, consider the more detailed technique of its execution. First, the child is massaged back, and then the chest, avoiding the area of \u200b\u200bthe nipples and kidneys. The room before the procedure is worth venture.

Back massage

Start with the rubbing of the back with the entire surface of the palms from the shoulders to the lower back and back. Next you need to perform:

  • Fast pinching hands with fingers. First plugs perform next to the spine, and then repeat, retreating several centimeters to the sides until you reach the side parts chest.
  • Patted with finger pads collected in a handful.
  • Picking up palms with ribs. It is better to perform them diagonally, moving from the area above the lower back to the shoulders.
  • The harvesting ribs of fists. They are also conducted diagonally.

All movements should not be rude, but quite active to cause a small leather redness.

Massage of chest

Setting the baby on the back, sort the chest with palms (with the entire surface), moving from the center of the chest to the clavicle. The power of pressure should be small, but sufficient to appear small redness. In conclusion, suck the child and scroll through the jugular cavity, which is located between the clavicle. Press it carefully in order not to squeeze the larynx. Next, ask the kid to pash.

After the child's procedure is wrapped in a blanket and leave a little lie in a relaxed atmosphere. The massage duration is approximately 10 minutes, it is recommended to be recommended twice a day for 5 days. To facilitate the sliding of the hands, you can use oil or cream.

Technique of drainage massage after transferred pneumonia or bronchitis, see the next video.

Percussian massage - the opinion of Komarovsky

The famous pediatrician considers such a type of massage efficient when coughing and explains his name with a connection with the word Percussion (so in Latin call tapping). During such a massage, the bronet of the child is beginning to vibrate, and the sputum is separated from their surface. And if the baby was difficult to dig a "sticky" sputum, then after the mucus fall into the lumen of the bronchi, the cough becomes more productive.

Komarovsky emphasizes the attention of the parents on the fact that the percussion massage in its effectiveness cannot be called an independent method of therapy. The well-known doctor emphasizes that such a procedure is necessarily combined with drug intake and, more importantly, with sufficient drinking volume and humidifier. Komarovsky also notes that such a massage cannot be carried out at elevated body temperature.

According to a popular pediatrician, a percussion massage, which can hold parents at home, should look like this:

  1. Put the baby on the stomach, and under the pelvis put the pillow to be above my head.
  2. Sit next to the child and finger tips perform intense and frequent tapping, which should not cause the baby pain. It is desirable that your fingers come into contact with the skin at an angle directed to the head. During the tapping, change the position of the child's head every 30 seconds.
  3. After 1 minute, the child should be raised, after which it is to suggest to plow it.
  4. Repeat such a series of tapping and coughing 4-5 times.

Such a procedure can be carried out up to 6 times a day.

Read more about how to do, massage with bronchitis, look at the transfer of Dr. Komarovsky.

In the next video, Dr. Komarovsky shows how to make a massage when coughing.

Massage at bronchitis

Massage are achieved with the bronchitis of improving blood circulation in the chest, wet death, cough softening in children and adults.

This physiotherapeutic procedure allows you to do without the use of drugs, relax the respiratory muscles, clean the lungs.


Any warming procedures have a strong effect on the body. If you do not consider contraindications, you can worsen the condition when bronchitis.

It is impossible to conduct a massage session in the case of:

  • temperatures;
  • dry cough;
  • pregnancy;
  • oncology;
  • heart defects;
  • hypertension;
  • tuberculosis;
  • rakhita;
  • acute diseases of the liver, kidneys;
  • skin diseases.

Massage features with bronchitis

Inhale is provided by the operation of the diaphragm, intercostal muscles, as well as skeletal muscles associated with the movement of the blade. Exhaust occurs spontaneously when relaxing respiratory muscles.

The respiratory muscles in a patient with bronchitis are constantly in overvoltage due to painful cough attacks, a rapid breathing during shortness of breath.

This leads to the fact that the complete exhalation does not occur.

Massing, rubbing allows you to relax muscles, thereby improve the ventilation of the lungs. Before performing the processes of the muscle of the chest warmed, the rib-vertebral joints, the joints of the clavicle, sternums are worked out.

Massage Children

For children, the procedure is extremely useful, but there are some limitations:

Before conducting the procedure, the child needs to be cleaned with a sputum, for this it gives an expectorant medicine, warm drinking. The procedure is carried out 30 minutes after taking an expectorant.

The duration of the session for the child is 20 minutes, it is better to do it before bedtime.

It is impossible at the time of massaging to touch the spine, apply an effort to child discomfort. The child is useful vibration, drainage massage, and if there is no allergies on honey - honey.

Massage adults

Adults with bronchitis helps to cope with the vibration, drainage massage. The procedure is supposed to be carried out in a specialized room.

If there is no possibility, you can master the execution of the main techniques and make it yourself. To properly perform massage with bronchitis at home in adults, you need to explore the video well.

Adults prescribe sessions by courses. For chronic bronchitis They are carried out in periods of sacrament of symptoms for the prevention of exacerbations. The procedure improves the current of lymph and blood, reveals the bronchi, which contributes to the removal of sputum with pus.

For acute bronchitisproceeding high temperatures, helps vibratory massage. The procedure is performed several times a day, duration each time should not exceed 5 minutes.

The acute period of bronchitis is characterized by plenty of sputum.

Vibration, created by the movements of a massage therapist, warns the accumulation of mucus, prevents her adhesion to the walls of the bronchi.

To improve the removal of sputum, acute form Inflammation is used drainage massage. In chronic bronchitis, sessions of joam, honey massage are also carried out.

Drainage massage

A drainage massage session brings wet, allowed to adults and children. The patient is located so that the head is slightly lower than the pelvis. To do this, under the stomach you can put a pillow.

After the scenes, the disintegration of the muscles of the back, intercostal muscles, proceed to the procedure.

With bronchitis, all movements are directed to the periphery, from the waist - to the shoulders, which contributes to the removal of mucus from the bronchi. At the end of the procedure, the massage therapist on exhale carefully helps to push the air, squeezing the chest.

It is especially effective to use drainage massage during obstructive bronchitis in children, in this case it is necessary to additionally do the foot massage, as shown in the video.

Vibrating massage

Vibrating massage is performed by vibrating movements that a massage therapist creates a hand. Such a massage is allowed to conduct children with bronchitis early ageEven baffles after 6 months.

This procedure improves the condition in adults with bronchitis, asthma, after suffering pneumonia.

As executed

The patient lies on the stomach, head below the pelvis. They are massaged, starting with the loin, gradually moving towards shoulders. Do not handle the area of \u200b\u200bthe spine and the area around it width in three fingers.

The massage therapist puts the palm crosswise on the back of the patient, then when the patient exhales, the vibrating movements of a small amplitude presses the upper palm to the bottom.

To enhance vibration, the lower palm is folded by a boat. Each time moving along the back is delayed, vibration is carried out with a frequency of 60 movements per minute.

The duration of massaging in one place is 1 minute, after that make a break, repeat from 3 to 5 times. Duration of vibratory massage with bronchitis - from 15 to 25 minutes.


For point massage Relaxing the respiratory muscles is achieved by the action on reflexogenic points stroking, pressing.

When bronchitis, processed points:

  • in the deepening of the yapper;
  • over 7 cervical vertebra;
  • under the blades (in the middle) on both sides of the spine;
  • under the clavicle.

Such a massage requires knowledge of anatomy, it is advisable to conduct it from specialists.


Percussion massage is performed by tapping (lat. Percussion). First, the breathing muscles warm up, only after that go to the procedure.

To perform it, one palm is put on the back of the patient on the area above the lower back, the brush of another hand is produced on the palm of the palm of the lungs.

The working hand should be relaxed, it is impossible to make an effort.

Adults such a tender can be done through the fingers lying on the back of the palm. Children make a harness through the palm. The smallest tapping the back of the fingertips through the palm.

These movements should not be strong, they are necessary only to help the mucus glued with the walls of the bronchi, to separate, exit the lumen of the respiratory tract.

In order to make it easier, the mucus was removed from the bronchi, the patient should be located so that the head is slightly lower than the body. Such a thoracic massage displays a wet when bronchitis if it makes a child, the baby can be positioned as shown in the video.

Roast massage

Massage with plastic medical cans make adults and children. Spin, chest alternately lubricate with special oil. It is necessary to improve the slide of the jar on the skin.

First processed the back, then the front of the body in men, the subclavian region in women. There is no need to use glass jars for jam massage, much safer to massage plastic.

On the back the cans are sick to the skin, without affecting the area of \u200b\u200bthe lower back, the kidneys.

In order for the can from the plastic to the skin, it is necessary:

Then the bank lead along the back to the shoulders, not touching;

  • spine;
  • intercostal muscles on the side;
  • blades.

On the front of the body, women are processed only by the plug-in area, men are added more of the chest muscles, does not affect the region of the heart, liver, lateral muscles.

Honey massage

TO best ways Warming up, relaxing of respiratory muscles include honey massage.

When performing this procedure, various types of massage equipment are combined, it is possible to meet elements of vibration, percussion, drainage massage.

This type of physiotherapy has common contraindications for all types of massage to which are added:

  • allergy to honey;
  • reinforced hair growth on the back;
  • high skin sensitivity due to severe swelling.

Honey need to take a thick consistency, apply only to the places that will be processed. Honey massage should not cause pain.

To reduce soreness, it is possible to reduce the area of \u200b\u200bcontact with the palter's palm of the patient's skin. You can do rolling not with the whole palm, but only with your fingers, even their tips.

Upon exposure to the body, the disease of the bronchitis should not neglect the prevention measures. In detail in the article Prevention of bronchitis when cold, allergies, smoking.

Massage with cough and bronchitis in children to dieting sputum: drainage and vibratory

Children are subject to respiratory diseases - this is explained by the peculiarities of their respiratory system, which continues to form about 12 years. The cough, accompanying many ORZ, is necessary for cleansing the bronchi from the accumulated sputum, but due to the weakness of the muscular apparatus, the child is difficult to flip mucus. Solving the problem helps expectorant means and a special massage.

Use and types of massage

Massage of chest little child Doctor can assign at:

  • bronchitis;
  • bronchial asthma in the period of exacerbation;
  • pneumonia;
  • pleut;
  • mukobovysidosis.

Useful properties of massage in respiratory pathologies:

  1. respiratory normalization;
  2. strengthening blood flow in the lungs;
  3. improving the fatal of lymph;
  4. facilitating the sound of sputum;
  5. prevention of complications.

Types of massage used for diseases of the lower respiratory tract:

  • Ground massage. Helps normalize the respiratory process.
  • Honey. It is carried out using natural warm honey. He is applied on the back of the child, after which "driven" into the skin in clapping movements.

Honey massage perfectly warms fabric and contributes to recovery. It is connected not only with chemical composition product, but also with its viscosity, which provides intensive impact on the patient area

  • Drainage. The peculiarity of the technique is the position of the patient's body - its head is located below the chest level. Masseled back.
  • Vibration. The methodology is based on the back tapping, performed in a certain rhythm.
  • Point. Impact on individual back and chest zones. Due to this, the effectiveness of other types of massage is enhanced.
  • Jacket. Performed with the use of medical cans. They are put on certain areas of the back, then move through massage lines. Banks are shown not only with pneumonia and other respiratory diseases, they help with radiculitis and osteochondrosis.

General rules and preparation

In one session, you can combine several types of massages - for example, drainage and vibration or point. All impacts must be carried out with a slight pressure. To give a certain position of the body, a child under it should be placed a roller or pillow. First processed the chest, then the back.

The overall massage scheme is shown in the photo:

Massage with bronchitis in children can only be done during the period of improving well-being, about 4-5 days of illness. If a child is less than 12 months, the procedure must be coordinated with the doctor. In addition, it is important to take into account all the contraindications. Neglect of them can lead to a deterioration in the situation. Massage can not be done at:

  • elevated body temperature;
  • any complications of the disease;
  • inflammatory pathologies of the trachea and larynx, accompanied by spasm - mucus will not be able to freely exit through the narrowed upper respiratory tract.

Preparation includes swimming a child in hot water, warming up its muscles and skin with the help of rubbing for several minutes. Then the respiratory process should be activated. Starting from the lower departments of the chest and moving up, you need to knock down the pads on the intercostal gaps.

Technique drainage massage

Drainage massage is one of the easiest and most effective ways to relieve cough with bronchitis in childhood. Before the start of the child's session, it is necessary to put in a special way that his head is lower than the case. Thanks to this, there is a movement of pathological mucus from bronchi in the larynx, where it easily leaves.

In addition to pattering, the drainage massage includes the rubbing of the back, which contributes to the expansion of the vessels in the lower respiratory tract and activation of blood flow. There is a natural heating of bronchi. Begins to stand out the abundant liquid sputum, which is easily cleaved. With the right 1-2 sessions, the child is cured of cough and bronchitis.

  1. Lay a small patient on the stomach, placing a pillow under it (roller, folded blanket).
  2. Intensively scroll your back so that it flushes.
  3. Making circular movements, massage the sides and trapezoid muscles.
  4. Pust the middle of the back from the bottom up. Worry the cervical department.

Massage techniques for bronchitis

Massage technique for kola in children includes many techniques. Some of them:

  1. Distribute the back of the child lying on the stomach. Turn it over and massage your chest palms. It is necessary to move from the side surfaces to the center on the breath, in the opposite direction - in exhalation. Thanks to this massage, breathing is facilitated and sporming of sputum increases.
  2. Put the baby on the stomach. Place your hands on low part back. Gradually move up and make circular rubbing movements. Then, with tangible pressure, press your hands to the skin and massaging the back from the spine line to the shoulders.
  3. Give your child the following position: Put on your back, place a pillow or roller under the pelvic so that the head is below the case. Spend tapping between the ribs. Expand the baby on the stomach, scroll and stove your back. If you carry out such a massage for 25 minutes, the bronchi baby is cleaned with mucus, and its breathing is normalized.
  4. Capture with two fingers skin folds at the bottom of the back of a child lying on the stomach. Making rapid movements, let go and capture the covers, as if dealing with them. Move from the waist to the neck. Such a massage technique is called "Wave" - \u200b\u200bit helps to improve the bloodstream and remove the wet with bronchitis and pneumonia. It is important to capture the skin carefully, not traumating it and not causing a painful pain.
  5. Place the baby on your knees back up. Tilt its housing so that the head is slightly lower than the body line. Make stroking and patting movements, moving to the top of the back. With the help of this method, it is convenient to massage small children when coughing.

Obstructive bronchitis and massage

The inflammatory process covering bronchi and characterized by the accumulation of a large amount of sputum in their lumen is called obstructive bronchitis. It is dangerous in that the mucus that does not go out, prevents the normal ventilation of the lungs. Signs of obstruction - whistling during breathing and difficulty.

Massage that improves the debit of sputum will help facilitate the condition of the child. You can use any of the described techniques, including drainage. Moreover, positive effect It has an impact on the feet of the baby - they need to be rubbed until the skin is reddening, and then wear warm socks. With obstructive bronchitis, it is important to ensure high air humidity in the children's room.

Massage with bronchitis in children is one of the most common methods of physiotherapeutic treatment.

Treatment with the use of massage should be carried out in under acute stage Diseases when the child practically does not bother the symptoms of intoxication (body temperature, fever, sweating, headache, lack of appetite) and has a low-strength or moist cough.

Children, especially junior and middle-aged, is anatomically due to the presence of a small lumen in the trachea and bronchus of large and medium caliber, in contrast to the diameter of the lumen in an adult. In connection with this feature, bronchitis with obstructive components arise - the complete or incomplete closure of the lumen of the bronchial tree due to spasm, edema or excessive amounts of mucus in bronchi. Such a complication leads to the formation of shortness of breath, disruption of consciousness or fainting due to oxygen starvation of the child's brain.

Massage with bronchitis in children should be carried out, observing some criteria, the most important of which are microclimatic conditions and the day of the day.

  1. Massage is carried out after carrying out the room, in which the air temperature should not go beyond the scope of 20 - 250 ° C, and the humidity is not lower than 65%.
  2. The best time for massage is the morning before breakfast or evening, an hour before sleep. This time is designed, relying on, the fact that after the procedure begins to get the sputum from home and, so as not to interfere with the child to sleep or eat, such a temporary framework is recommended.
  3. Massage is conducted on an empty stomach, an hour before meals or after 1.5 - 2 hours after in order to, not cause nausea, vomiting or blown in the intestine.

The main types and methods of procedure

To stimulate a better dieting sputum, followed by expectoration of mucus from the bronchi, drainage massage is performed.

The drainage massage is carried out lying on the stomach with the lifting of the baby's pelvis (it is enough to put a couple of pillows). The head should be below the waist level below. First, just stroking movements are performed, in the direction of the waist to the shoulders, then small tapping, and then rubbing with the help of edges and pinching with the capture of subcutaneous fat tissue. After such an increasing impact, the child gives sitting position And they give well to fuse.

Next, after full wet wet drainage massage repeat another time. Then the child is well covered into the blanket and give a semi-dyed position of the body, another 30-minute wet cough can be observed.

Drainage massage is performed daily 5 - 7 days.

To improve the spelling process of sputum, as well as for stimulating blood circulation in the bronchopulmonary system, a vibratory massage is used, which is to tapping the edge of the palm on the back in the direction of the bottom up after intensive strokes.

To improve the blood circulation and stimulation of the protective properties of the body, a can also be used can be used.

Massage oil is applied to the skin of the back for better sliding and install medical jars, which then begin to move along the back towards the upwards and sides.

Any types of massage can be supplemented for a better warming effect of coniferous aromaslas or animal fat. Good for such purposes is a goose or badger fat.

Massage with bronchitis in children should be performed, strictly adhering to a number of indications and contraindications, since when the norms non-compliance, the norms can only harm the child's health and increase the intensity inflammatory process in organism.

Indications for holding

  • the presence of a low-productive or already productive cough;
  • the absence of symptoms of intoxication of the body;
  • confirmation of the diagnosis of bronchitis by a precinct pediatrician, since the cough is not only a symptom of bronchitis, but also other severe diseases of the bronchopulmonary system.

For example, with tuberculosis, light or pneumonia abscess, which can occur without increased temperatureMassage is strictly prohibited, because it leads to the spread of the process to a healthy lung tissue and only aggravates the course of the disease.

Choose heading adenoids angina non-heading wet cough wet cough in children sinusitis cough cough in children Largitis ENT diseases People's methods of treatment of hymorite Folk remedies From cough Folk remedies FROM RENSE RUNN NUMBER NUMBER OF PREVENTIVE RENSE IN ADULT RESTABLE IN CHILDREN'S REVIEW OF PREPARATIONS DEPARTMENTS DEPARTMENTS FROM THE CHAIR PRODUCTION FROM SPECIALITE PRODUCTIONS ON COOL PRODUCTION FROM RIGHT SYMPTOMES SYMORITE SIROPS FROM COOL Dry coughing dry cough in children Temperature tonsillitis tracheit

  • Rubble
    • Rubber in children
    • Folk remedies
    • Rubber in pregnant women
    • Rubber in adults
    • Normal procedures
  • Cough
    • Cough in children
      • Dry cough in children
      • Wet cough in children
    • Dry cough
    • Moist cough
  • Review of drugs
  • Hymorit
    • People's methods for the treatment of hymorite
    • Symptoms of hymorita
    • Gaymorita procedures
  • ENT disease
    • Pharyngitis
    • Tracheitis
    • Angina
    • Laryngitis
    • Tonsillitis
Cough is a satellite of many childhood diseases. For his treatment, moms use many different means, but not all of them like the baby. Massage a child with a cough is one of the few who do not cause discomfort in the child's procedures, with good effectiveness.

The tool is used as additional treatment. Due to the yet developed muscular system, the child is difficult to expect a stagnant mucus, especially for infants. Massage stimulates blood circulation in the lungs, thus contributes to the lightest expectoration of sputum.

Indications for the procedure

Video "How to make a massage to a child when coughing?":

Drainage massage

Drainage massage is suitable for the treatment of cough for children of any age. Its main feature is that it is directed not only for the treatment of a child's cough, but also has other useful actions:

  • stimulates the work of the circulatory system;
  • strengthens muscles;
  • increases the mobility of the ribs;
  • makes breathing;
  • improves the work of the lymphotic system;
  • cleans the body from bacteria, well strengthens immunity.

With all the positive properties of drainage massage there are contraindications To his holding:

  • skin diseases;
  • bad well-being kid;
  • heat;
  • body mass deficiency;
  • newly accepted food.

The course of drainage massage for cough treatment - 10 times: 2 times 5 days in a row.

Technique of procedure

The position of the child should be the same as in the previous instruction.

  • preheat bronchi stroking and light rubbing;
  • moving from bottom to top, carry out these movements, symmetrically folding the fingers on both sides of the spine;
  • repeat the previous step, slightly retreating from the spine;
  • continue to perform the discharge from the bottom up, each time slightly moved to the sides to measure the whole back in the end;
  • pick up palms' ribs, moving also from below up, forming a Christmas tree with hands;
  • perform a similar action in the same directions, but already squeezing your fingers into the fists;
  • ask the baby to heal if he is adult enough and put it on the back;
  • distribute chest, moving circular movements clockwise, from the middle to the lateral regions;

This procedure can be finished. After her, the child should lie down a little and relax under a warm blanket.

With a massage, you can use warming ointments or batching fat that are sold in a pharmacy.

Video "Drainage Massage with Cough for Children":

Chest massage with cough

In order to make a massage when kasheu, a child needs to perform the following actions:

  • massage of the chest must begin with breast massaging, moving from the middle to the clavicle;
  • then put the baby and scroll the jugular cavity (removal between the collarbone);
  • after allowing the baby to heal, wrap in a warm blanket so that it rests.

The course is 5 days 2 times (in the morning and evening). Just 10 times.
Video "Ground Massage":\u003d91&v\u003dhlxv81tkhtk

Cook Massage

Point massage is the form of the effects of fingers on certain biological points of the body. It can only carry out a specialist with appropriate education and the presence of practice. It is better to go to proven masseurs. This is the most effective view of both cough and other diseases. The technique is based on the connection of these points with certain operation systems, massaging these points, one can seriously improve the operation of some of them.

When coughing, it is enough to hold only 5 point massage sessions.

Roast massage Verified

This type of massage is effective and easy to hold. He perfectly helps to cope with a kola, and also enhances immunity. The only difficulty that may occur if desired to conduct such a procedure is the presence of special cans. However, for the sake of the effect that massage is able to bring, you can buy such banks, especially since their price is quite affordable, and they will be useful to you, most likely, more than once.

It is impossible to carry out a massage for any skin diseases.

Video "Roast massage with a kola's kashe":

Percussian massage

Percussion (percussion) - in translation from Latin means tapping. During the inspection, the bronchi is happening, and the sputum is separated from their surface, which allows the baby after the first massage session more productively pull the mucus.

Despite the effectiveness of this type of massage, its conduct must be complemented by the use of drugs, as well as abundant fluid intake and regular ventilation of the patient's room.

To improve cough massage efficiency and facilitate the procedure, use the following tips and recommendations:

  • For better slip hands on the body, take a special massage oil or cream.
  • Before holding any type of massage, heal your hands. A child of any age is more pleasant to feel warm touches, and in the case of little age, it is necessary that the crumb is not frightened.
  • Before starting the actions of the immediate impact on the sputum, be sure to warm up and slightly disarm the part of the body where the procedure will be carried out.
  • It is impossible to make a massage on an empty stomach or after eating, optimal time Will carry out - 40-60 minutes after meals.
  • Before conducting the procedure, check the room, while watching the temperature does not fall below 22 ° C.
  • Be sure to end the nails before carrying out the massage, so as not to scratch the crumb.
  • The surface on which the massage will be carried out should not be too soft, the body must lie on it strictly horizontally, without flexing.
  • (1 estimates, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Cough is one of the most common symptoms for diseases in children. It can be a manifestation of a variety of different diseases associated with the respiratory system, so it is impossible to treat it "in the separation" from the main diagnosis. In some cases, pediatricians along with medical treatment Assign a child different kinds massage.


Most often, massage is prescribed with bronchitis, because in this case a strong wet cough is not just a consequence of itching or irritation in the throat, but the result of the cluster of sputum and mucus in bronchi. It's hard to get rid of the baby mucus of the mucus of the mucus, since the breathing muscles are still undeveloped enough to effectively dig a sputum. Therapeutic massage facilitates expectoration, enhances blood circulation in lungs and bronchi, contributes to more active discharge of sputum and as a result - recovery. In addition, it has a fascinating effect on the body. Due to the fact that the massage is directed to getting rid of the sputum, it is usually not prescribed at the "dry" cough.

However, you should not forget that massage - help, but not replacing medication treatment.

Remember that only the doctor can assign it: do not try to diagnose and prescribe treatment for your baby yourself. The pediatrician will determine whether in your case apply massage. And if it is necessary, you will explain the conditions and technique of its execution.

Types of massage techniques

View of Massage Technique execution What is the benefit Additional materials Is it possible to do at home

The child needs to be laid with a stomach on a pad or a special roller, so that his head be sure to be lower than the level of the pelvis. Heat the back with the help of rubbing. Light movements of the fingers, collecting the skin of the back "wave", obscure the interrochemical space in the distance from the bottom up, then gently stroll the same region the edge of the palm during a couple of minutes in the same direction. Regularly stroke the tips of your fingers and palms so that the kid does not strain. Then you need to neatly squeeze the diaphragm from the sides at the base. To put a child and give him a diligence. Repeat the massage 3-4 times for 1 session.

Accelerates the detection of sputum and flipping.

A small dense pad or a special roller.

It is possible to do at home on their own, but it is preliminarily desirable to learn from a masseur doctor in a children's clinic.


To put the baby on the tummy and gently rhythmically tapping the palm fingers, folded by the "boating", on his back and sides, without touching the spine and not pressing on the Röbra. For the smallest to make a massage as gentle as possible, you can tap on the back simply with the tips of the fingers or put your palm on the back of the baby and tapping your fingers through it.

Vibration separates the sputum from the inner surface of the bronchi, which facilitates its cleanement and extinguishing.

Not required.

You can do at home yourself, with the exception of cases when the child is less than a year: in this case, it is better to invite a professional masseur.


Stir the child on the stomach. First spend a warming back massage without oil use, then apply a small amount of honey in the area of \u200b\u200bbronchi and massage with honey. Stroking, pinch, patted with palm while the surface of the back is dry.

Provides a tonic effect on the body. With chronic or protracted disease, the disease is very useful.

Natural not sugared honey, sheet or towel, so as not to "sugar" bed or table with a massage.

You can do at home yourself


Put the baby on the stomach, lubricate his back with children's cream or olive oil where you are going to make a massage.

Special medical banks (the child is enough two) a few seconds hold over the open fire so that the air is incurred, then put the child on the back. Banks are "squeezed" to the skin, then their in turn need to move a few minutes in different directions.

In places where banks are put, a vacuum is formed. The effect of vacuum improves blood circulation. This improves the respiratory functions of the body, increases the overall level of immunity.

Two medical banks, a portable source of fire (matches or lighter), children's cream or oil.

You can do at home, but it is better if the procedure is doing a doctor who knows how much time you need to heat the banks and how to process them to not harm the child.


It is necessary to massage strictly certain points behind the ears, on the back of the head, neck, hands, shovels, heads. Sometimes used as auxiliary type of massage when using drainage technology.

Improves blood circulation, accelerates recovery, has a fascinating effect on the body.

Not required.

There must be a specialist to do, because he knows well the location of the necessary points on the body and understands what force you need to work on them and what points should be involved in each case.

Massage of chest

To lay a child on the back and ask him to bend the legs in the knees. Heat the chest strokes, then make non-molded pressure when exhaling, rubbing.

Improves blood circulation, accelerates the detection of sputum.

Not required.

You can do at home yourself.

Professional masseuricists often combine different techniques In one massage session to enhance the effect.

Video: Percussion technique from Dr. Komarovsky

Conducting procedures at different ages

Age of child

Massage features

Duration and frequency of sessions


Up to 1 year

It is advisable to use baby massage oil to make it maximally delicate.

Basically apply strokes, light rubbing of the back and tapping with the tips of the fingers along the back of the palm lying on the back of the child. Touch the area of \u200b\u200bthe spine is impossible. Massage infants better entrust professional massage.

3-5 minutes
Not more than 1 session per day.

Therapeutic massage for children under 3 months is usually not prescribed. Honey, point and cans up to a year are also not prescribed: very babies are vulnerable at such an early age.

From 1 to 3 years

During this period you can already make a massage yourself. You can be tapping with your fingers with a vibration massage directly on the back of the baby, and not in your hand. Massage also includes stroking, rubbing and kneading. You can neatly massage the chest baby, without effort and pressure.

5-8 minutes,
2 sessions per day.

You can add to the vibration honey massage, if the child is not allergic. Oil application - optional.

From 3 to 7 years

You can start combining or alternate vibration massage with drainage. From three years it is possible to use a jam massage.

10-20 minutes,
2-3 sessions per day.

Before using the jam massage, the surface of the back must be lubricated with warm oil. With other types of massage, you can do without it.

After 7 years

Any kinds of medical massages appointed with cough are applicable.

20-30 minutes,
2-3 sessions per day.

When performing the procedure, the normal massage intensity is applicable, although with greater caution than adults.

Terms of implementation

To make a massage session calmly and gave the desired result, parents, except for the development of massage equipment, should also follow several rules:

  • Make a massage at least a couple of hours before sleep so that the child does not have a sleep problem.
  • It is impossible to conduct a session immediately before meals and shortly after it. The interval before and after receiving food should be at least an hour so as not to provoke vomit.
  • Before the start of the procedure in 20 minutes, give a child prescribed by a pediatrician an expectorant preparation and drink.
  • The temperature in the room must be comfortable - about 22-25 degrees, check that there are no drafts.
  • Waire hands before starting the massage so that the child does not straighten and was not afraid of the cold. To do this, it is enough with half a minute to lose their palms of each other.
  • If you use massage oil or cream, then make sure that they are hypoallergenic, take, for example, children's cream or baby care oil.
  • Be sure to start the procedure with a heating of the back or breast of the child: stroke, rub the skin, gradually increasing the pressure, within a few minutes.
  • Be very neat and careful, remember that the children's skeleton is not yet.

Chat with a child and distract it during a massage, spoil the song, tell me a fairy tale. This will create the desired attitude and will help the baby to relax.

Most effective species Massage with cough in children Pediatricians consider drainage and vibration, as they are directly aimed at simplifying the debit of sputum from the bronchi walls and facilitate the disposal of it. Vibrating massage is good because it can be done even to infants, because it is possible in the most gentle variants. Drainage - for older children. Other types of massage are also often used in conjunction with them, it helps to strengthen the child's immunity and the overall rehabilitation of its body.


It is impossible to massage the child if he has such phenomena:

  • high or elevated body temperature (above 37 degrees);
  • allergic skin diseases in the stage of exacerbation or damage to the skin in the intended massage zone;
  • acute infectious disease;
  • oncological disease of lungs or bronchi;
  • acute form of jade or hepatitis;
  • easy or heart failure;
  • body weight is very small, there are nutritional disorders in severe form;
  • hernia with a tendency to infringement;
  • acute muscle diseases, joints, lymph nodes, bone tissue;
  • nervous breakdown.

Important! The list of contraindications is not limited to the items listed and purely individuals for each child, so the doctor's consultation is required before applying the massage.

It's not boring!

Performing a particular type of massage is an excellent opportunity to talk and play with your baby. The people are invented many additives and funny rhymes for children. They will help you to distract the child during massage, if he starts to worry and cry, and just laugh with him, saying these lines and at the same time massaging him and Tormosh.

For example, a well-known surcharge:

Rails, rails (spending one two lines on the back of the baby),
Sleepers, sleepers (conduct transverse lines),
Driving a captive train ("We are going" the edge of the palm on the back),
From the last window
Suddenly peas fell (knocking on his back the tips of the fingers of both hands).
Course came, broke, broke down (knocking on the whole back with index fingers),
Came geese, pinch, pinch the back, but neatly),
Came a dead sister,
Podohal's tail (I stroke the back several times with palm).
Elephant passed ("Top" on the whole back leisurely with the back of the fists),
Honestyha ("Top" with fists, but with less effort and faster),
Ma-scarlet elephant passed ("Top" with three fingers folded into a chinful, quickly).
An important director of the store came (leisurely "go" on the back with two fingers),
Everything is smoothed out, I cleaned everything (stroke your back palms up-down several times).
Put the table (depict the table with a neat push of a fist),
Chair (stool - swipe),
Printed machine (depict it, tick once with your finger),
He began to print ("Print" on the back of the fingertips of fingers):
"I bought my wife and daughter
Foreign stockings.
Dzin - Point, Dzin - Point "(on these words tick the first one, then another barrel).
Read, (with a finger, as if we read),
Remembered, smoothed, (tongue, and then stroke the back),
I read
Remember, smoothed,
I did not like it, threw out (we make the "erasing" movements with palms on the back).
Once again started ... (repeat the lines after the words "began to print" to the second "remembered, smoothed"),
Folded. I sent ("put a letter" for the collar, cheeky).

And you can and so:

We rubbish rubbish, ruby \u200b\u200b(tapping on the back of the ribs of the palms),
We are carrot three, three (rubbing the skin with knuckles of fingers),
We caught Solim, Solim (touch finger tips on the whole back),
We pm cabbage, click (living back muscles with your fingers),
Capacity juice drink, drink (wide stroking palms).

Or the other old speaker song:

Beat Len, beat (tapping fists on the back),
Rope, treated (rub back palms),
Pounded, pounded (patted palms),
Miles, miles (smear the skin with fingers),
Trepali, Trepali (Nipple with both hands on the back),
White tablecloths tibes (blacksmiths a lot of parallel lines with ribs palms),
On tables covered (stroke palms).

If you wish, you can find or think of many similar additions, and then each massage session will be fun for your child.

After a massage session, you need to ship the baby's chest towel or hide it with a soft blanket and give to lie down or even sleep a few hours. You can put him cartoons at this time or read the book out loud.

Massage gives you the opportunity to feel closer to your child and stay with him next to him to feel your proximity and warmth.

Video: Professional massage with kola in children

You can familiarize yourself with the most effective techniques of therapeutic massage, looking at this video. An experienced doctor will show some massage techniques that you can use if your child needs to use a massage.

In addition to medical and generalifying properties, a session of therapeutic massage from cough has "educational" features. It will not be much difficult to master the technique of execution of procedures, and the benefits that the baby will receive will be tangible.

Book from cough. ABOUT children's cough For Dad and Mom Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky

Percussian massage

Percussian massage


I have already heard from the girlfriends several times and familiar, that when kashe, children helps a percussion massage very well. But no one can explain anything to explain. Tell us what it is for the method of treatment and can I help my son herself. We are already 11 years old, but with any cold coughing for two weeks.


Tapping on the chest and the vibration of bronchi arising in connection with this leads to the fact that the sputum is as if separated from the inner surface of the bronchi. It is clear that the sputum, which to the mucous membrane of the bronchi, let's say, is "stuck", it is difficult to flick, and a wet freely located in the lumen of the bronchi, to flip easily.

Tapping - Latin Percussion, hence the name "Percussion Massage of the Chest".

The percussion massage makes it much easier and speeds up the process of wetting the wetting, but under no circumstances is an independent treatment method. It is always held on the background medicinal therapyHis effectiveness is closely related to the "right" air parameters and plenty of drink.

It is important to know that the percussion massage is not done if the child's body temperature is higher at the time of the child's procedure.

The most effective method of percussion massage for parental self-medication looks like this.

Child fit on the stomach. Hands stretched forward. Under the pelvis area we stick a pillow. Thus, the child lies at an angle, but the head of the head. The masseur parent sits down next to the tips of the fingers often, intensely, but it does not hurt on the back, trying, so that the knocking finger hit the skin not at right angles, but in the head direction.

After tapping for one minute, you need to raise the child (put it up, put - in general, give him vertical position) And ask to dance. Then repeat the tapping over the minute, and so 4-5 times. Do not knock on the chest. Available for "knocking" back and side surfaces of the chest - are quite sufficient for effective massage. Another nuance - in the process of percussion, it is preferably to change the position of the child's head every 20-30 seconds.

The described procedure can be repeated 5-6 times a day, of course, if there is indications.

This text is a familiarization fragment.

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Massage massage is a method of mechanical impact on body tissue. Conducted by hands or special devices. The explorations are perceived by the receptors of the skin, muscles and are transmitted to the external departments of the Central nervous system. Powerful stream of pulses with massable

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Massage under massage in Tibetan medicine understand the use of methods of rubbing, kneading and tapping after diminishing the skin with old butter, sesame oil, fat animals or medicinal substances. Resonted. Massage is contraindicated in

Percussian massage Question: I've already heard from the girlfriends and acquaintances several times that when the kashes, children helps a percussion massage very well. But no one can explain anything to explain. Tell us what it is for the method of treatment and can I help my son herself. We are already 11 years old, but

LBA massage 1. Put the tips of the index, medium and nameless fingers on the middle of the forehead between the eyebrows and smooth the skin over the eyebrows to the temples alternately and the right hand. Each hand is 5 times. Then smooth out the forehead in the bottom upwards up from the surplus arc

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Neck massage Fuck your head back to the right. Left hand with a rejected thumb smoothen the neck and the top of the breast movement from the bottom up (10 movements). Then beat the head back to the other side and perform the same stroking with your right hand (10 movements). Total - 5 such

LBA massage Massage forehead, and if you do everything right - you feel the tide of energy: because blood circulation is enhanced. In addition, the tension dismissal for the body is removed. In case, if the head hurts, and also try to breathe calmly

Massage hot stones (Stone Massage) Stone Massage is a type of east massage with heated basalt stones of volcanic origin. Its technique is such: stimulation stimulus heated before massage are superimposed on certain zones on the body. Immediately

One of the very useful varieties of children's massage is percussion. His technique is simple and makes it easy to perform the procedure at home. It lies in the easiest trimming of the chest, causing the vibration of the bronchi and stimulation of wetting.

Why do children are a percussion massage?

The main purpose of the procedure is to stimulate the process of expectarching and dishelling of sputum during stagnation arising from the colds and diseases of the respiratory organs. Doctors recommend performing percussion massage to children suffering:

  • Bronchitis.
  • Inflammation or emphysemic lungs.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Qatar of breathing tubes.

It should be remembered that the manipulation of children is carried out if the disease is in chronic form or a period of remission occurred after the acute stage. They are conducted in the absence of elevated body temperature. Only in this case, the children's percussion massage will contribute:

  • Activation of complete breaths.
  • The release of respiratory organs from mucous clusters.
  • Stimulation of blood flow and lymphs of children.
  • Improvement of lung ventilation.
  • Provide access of oxygen to tissues.

Technique of performing kids percussion massage

The wellness session lasts about a quarter of an hour. For babies, younger, the time is reduced to 5-10 minutes. The main purpose of the percussion massage for children is to stimulate the separation of thick sputum, nulipped on the bronchi, with the help of chest tapping. The mucus should move into the clearance between them. After that, it will be enough easy enough.

Most. effective way Percussion massage for children is the following:

If the baby complains about the unpleasant feeling, then an adult makes something wrong. It is necessary to stop manipulations and consult with the doctor.

Percussion massage for children can be carried out as an independent procedure or combined with other techniques of impact recommended by the doctor. The main thing is to perform all movements correctly, so as not to harm the baby. However, the basic rule should be remembered: treatment of diseases cannot be carried out effectively only with the help of percussion massage, the procedure should always be only part of the integrated measures aimed at the early recovery of children.

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