Tamoxifen instructions for use by women in bodybuilding. Reviews: "Tamoxifen" in bodybuilding and medicine

Initially developed for women, a medical product that we will study in detail today has become actively used by men for completely different purposes ...

Tamoxifen- can be safely included in the list of rare medicines that differ significantly from the main amount similar drugs a similar spectrum of action. Its main feature is that it is not nor androgenic means, neither anabolic... But on the other hand, despite these facts, tamoxifen is recommended for use by bodybuilders, powerlifters, as well as lovers of simulators and "something heavy", and all for the reason that for them this pharmacological preparation is extremely useful and effective. He, without a doubt, can be attributed to the group sex hormones... Another significant plus of this remedy is its antiestrogenic properties.

I would like to immediately emphasize that original goal this medicine was - treatment and prevention different forms oncology mammary glands among women... Its main task is to prevent and, if necessary, to stop the appearance, development and growth malignant tumors and cancers in the female body. However, men from gyms found him a completely different use ...

Tamoxifen for men

As for the application tamoxifen in bodybuilding, then I would like to immediately draw your attention to the moment that he is appointed exclusively in combination with the use of anabolic drugs... Let's see why this is done. Most steroid medicines contain a large amount of so-called aromatizing ingredients. These components tend to provoke an increase in the total number of estrogens in the patient's blood. As a result, due to the prohibitive accumulation of estrogens, athletes begin to appear all sorts of feminization phenomena. This often manifests itself as:

  • gynecomastia (an increase in the size of the mammary glands in a man, unilateral or bilateral),
  • excessive accumulation of fluid in the body,
  • increased accumulation of adipose tissue in the subcutaneous tissue.

Naturally, no bodybuilder needs “all these side charms”. Tamoxifen, in turn, is exactly the tool that is able to prevent the appearance of all these completely not harmless and unpleasant phenomena. This effect is achieved due to the drug blocking estrogen receptors of the tissues of the human body, as a result of which the formation of the receptor + estrogen compounds is completely suppressed. In addition to all of the above, it is very positive that this pharmacological agent, in its interaction with the body does not stop flavoring.

In fact, this means that this medicine is essentially is an estrogen antagonist... Of course, he is not able to prevent the transformation into estrogens, for example, the same testosterone or its derivatives. In reality, he just fights with them, however, this does not at all guarantee that estrogens will not overcome him in this fight. Considering all of the above, sports medicine experts often prescribe to athletes tamoxifen together with proviron... It is also important to keep in mind that this drug is extremely important for bodybuilders to take during all kinds of diets. This is because tamoxifen tends to speed up and enhance the fat burning process. And if an athlete records the fact of a continuous, increased accumulation of fluid in his body, in this case, against the background of the use of certain anabolic steroids, he simply must start taking this drug without fail. Similar recommendations and in case of any concerns or problems with mammary glands... Also, this pharmacological agent is also characterized by a significant increase in muscle density of bodybuilders.

In the continuation of our article, I would like to mention that the drug we are considering is not devoid of numerous disadvantages, and contraindications, about which every athlete, without exception, who wants to use it, must know:

Often the reason adverse reactions is his antiestrogenic effect... Let's list the list of possible side effects drug:

  • hot flashes
  • increased body weight,
  • itching in the perineum,
  • hair loss,
  • baldness,
  • ossalgia (violation of internal processes of bone tissue mineralization).

Much less often, patients taking the drug are faced with such negative symptoms as the following:

  • dizziness,
  • nausea,
  • vomiting
  • increased body temperature,
  • drowsiness,
  • fluid retention,
  • depressive conditions,
  • anorexia,
  • constipation,
  • retrobulbar neuritis,
  • excessive fatigue,
  • skin rash,
  • retinopathy,
  • cataract.

It is not uncommon for patients to experience visual impairment, corneal changes, headache, obscurity of consciousness. In very rare cases, more serious violations of the normal functioning of the liver occur, even hepatitis, cholestasis and other serious diseases are possible.


All lovers of barbells and simulators should know that, with a large list of side effects, Tamoxifen has enough a wide list of contraindications. Under no circumstances should it be used by people with increased susceptibility to the components it contains. The use of this drug is also prohibited in severe forms of thrombocytopenia, hypercalcemia and leukopenia. Naturally, it is highly discouraged for women to use this medication during pregnancy and breastfeeding. To people suffering diabetes mellitus, kidney disease, thromboembolic disorders, this drug should be taken very carefully. And if a person has any ophthalmic diseases, taking this medication is possible only under the strict continuous supervision of the attending physician.

As you can see, the list of contraindications is quite large, so you do not need to rely on "maybe", but better once again consult from the appropriate healthcare professional. Remember: "Do no harm!" is our main motto! And we have one health, and in its absence, no simulator, no workout, and no beautiful muscles will please us. So in this moment it is better, as they say, to measure seven times before swallowing the coveted pill ...

Tamoxifen is an antiestrogen, a non-steroidal antineoplastic medicinal productavailable in tablets (sometimes coated). Active substance - tamoxifen citrate.

The main purpose of the drug

The main indication for the use of the medication is breast cancer therapy. The drug "Tamoxifen" prevents the development of tumors, and the ability to block estrogen remains in the body for weeks even after a single use. The medicine has worked well in the fight against female infertility. The medication "Tamoxifen" for men is also applicable: reviews indicate its effectiveness in the treatment of prostate and breast cancer. The drug has also found itself in the treatment of other types of malignant tumors: in kidney and ovarian cancer, melanoma and

As with any medicine, there are different opinions about Tamoxifen. And this medicine deserves to be studied more closely.

Tamoxifen tablets in oncology

Scientists have long established estrogenic dependence of certain types of breast cancer. This predetermines the use of antiestrogens in the therapy of this disease. As evidenced by numerous reviews, "Tamoxifen" is perhaps the most common medication used for this purpose. Dozens of studies have proven its highest efficiency, and at all stages of cancer. And let the scientists different countries to this day, they argue about the optimal doses of the drug and the timing of its use, most doctors in the case of diagnosed breast cancer confidently prescribe Tamoxifen tablets to their patients. After a course of the drug, at whatever stages of the disease it is used, positive changes are usually observed: more often remission occurs, the number of relapses is significantly reduced, and the mortality of patients is reduced.

True, long-term use of this drug is fraught with a number of side effects, the most terrible of which is the increased frequency. Yet the advantages of the Tamoxifen medicine are many times higher than its disadvantages, and the likelihood of an endometrial tumor is ten times less than the risk of cancer of the second breast.

The drug "Tamoxifen" in bodybuilding, reviews

Due to its antiestrogenic action, the Tamoxifen remedy has found application in a completely unexpected area - bodybuilding. Acceptance of "pitching" steroid drugs can lead to a significant accumulation in their blood of the female hormone - estrogen. In this case, the body of a bodybuilder begins to gradually lose its male shape, potency decreases, breasts grow (gynecomastia). The drug "Tamoxifen" for men is a good option to help fight steroids. This remedy does not by itself reduce blood levels of estrogen, but prevents its deleterious effects on men's health. The drug, due to its complex action on the body, increases the production male hormone - testosterone, which prevents the further occurrence of gynecomastia. As evidenced by numerous male reviews, "Tamoxifen" significantly improves their potency, even if it was previously reduced. The advantage of this remedy is that it promotes the removal of fluid from the body, the delay of which provokes the use of steroids. For most bodybuilders, Tamoxifen is an excellent antiestrogen that is affordable and not too expensive.

But here, too, not everything is so simple. The tablets trigger a very complex hormonal process in the body, increasing the number of receptors for another female hormone, progesterone, and also negatively affecting the production of growth factors. Therefore, the use of "Tamoxifen" requires a responsible and very careful approach, as well as a competent combination with other medications.

Some features of the medicine

So good or bad is Tamoxifen? Patient reviews about the drug are generally positive: for long years it was able to prove its effectiveness in the fight against neoplasms. But the drug is unnecessarily toxic, and its effect on digestive system is often negative. Against the background of a decrease in appetite, body weight increases, nausea and dyspepsia, vomiting and diarrhea, constipation and pain in the stomach are noted. Liver problems such as liver infiltration and hepatitis are rare.

The use of the drug in gynecology also causes mixed reviews: Tamoxifen, widely and successfully used in the fight against infertility, can be the culprit for unplanned ovulation. Therefore, in the process of taking pills, ladies should pay close attention to contraception issues. It can also cause irritating itching around the genitals. uterine bleeding, painful vaginal discharge and even cystic tumors.

The drug "Tamoxifen": blood and vision

Prescribing this drug to a patient requires a serious preliminary examination of the patient. In particular, a complete blood count is required, monitoring of hemoglobin and cholesterol levels. Tamoxifen tablets can provoke blood clots, therefore, when used together with other drugs that affect blood composition, dosage adjustment is not excluded. During the entire treatment process, it is important to constantly monitor the level of platelets in the patient's blood.

You can also hear negative reviews from the optometrist. With long-term use, "Tamoxifen" has a negative effect on the eyes: there are frequent cases of severe visual impairment, retinopathy, corneal opacity, even the occurrence of cataracts is not excluded. Therefore, before the course of treatment, a thorough examination by an ophthalmologist is mandatory, and then constant consultations in the process of using the medicine.

The effect of the drug on general well-being

In addition to those already listed, taking Tamoxifen tablets is fraught with a considerable number of undesirable manifestations. The patient should not be too afraid of possible troubles: it is not at all necessary that at least part of the symptoms will manifest itself in him. Still, you should be aware that sometimes depression can develop while taking the medication. Some of the patients felt a headache and dizziness, some had cases of myasthenia gravis. Some patients complained of drowsiness and excessive fatigue, and confusion was observed. Doctors strongly recommend that patients take extra care while driving and working with complex equipment while taking medication. The drug "Tamoxifen" for men can turn into disappointment and intimate life: although, as a rule, it has a positive effect on potency, it also happens vice versa. And some men managed to note the problems with libido.

The drug "Vero-Tamoxifen", reviews

The drug "Vero-Tamoxifen" (Vero-Tamoxifen) is a domestic medicinemanufactured by OJSC "Veropharm"; active substance - tamoxifen. The drug "Vero-Tamoxifen", like its foreign analogue, is used in the treatment of cancer of various etiologies. Dosages, prescriptions, timing of drug administration are completely identical to the practice of using the corresponding imported drugs and give the same results. Alas! Contraindications are exactly the same, side effects and complaints from patients receiving treatment.


The drug "Tamoxifen" ("Vero-Tamoxifen") should not be prescribed in case of hypersensitivity to this medicine, in case of pregnancy and during the entire period breastfeeding... Use with caution in eye diseases (cataracts), hyperlipidemia and leukopenia. This medication is undesirable for hypercalcemia and thrombocytopenia, severe thrombophlebitis and thromboembolic disease.


So, let's try to bring together what the numerous reviews indicate. Tamoxifen, of course, is a valuable, effective medicine that has already managed to save millions of human lives. And at the same time, this is a product that has a considerable number of unwanted side effects. To decide what will outweigh the results or risks in case of using this medication, only Tamoxifen can be used - this is undoubtedly not a means for self-medication, it can be taken only under the supervision of an experienced doctor. And the patient's task is to trust his doctor and carefully follow all his instructions.

Most athletes who are beginning to become interested in sports pharmacology ask themselves: what is tamoxifen and what is it for?

This drug has an auxiliary role, it does not have pronounced properties and many neglect it. But this is a big mistake.

The drug "Tamoxifen" has another name. It is also called "Nolvadex"

- popularly simply "tamox". In pharmacology, this medicine is used by women. It quenches the level of estrogen in the body and fights against cancerous tumors breast.

But, as you might have guessed, athletes started using tamox for slightly different purposes. It should be used during a steroid cycle. Tamoxifen helps keep estrogen levels low and prevents the appearance of gynecomastia in men.

For those who don't know, gynecomastia is swelling of the breasts in men due to the growth of the mammary glands. In simple words, the male breast becomes similar to the female.

Benefits of the drug

Tamoxifen has several benefits:

  1. Low cost in comparison with analogues.
  2. High efficiency of action.
  3. No side effects when used correctly.
  4. Low toxicity of the drug.
  5. Reduces cholesterol levels in the body.

In addition, tamox is considered to have many functions, such as: increasing strength, burning fat, gain muscle mass etc. In fact, this is an exaggeration and tamoxifen does not fulfill any of these functions.

Disadvantages of the drug

Also tamoxifen has some disadvantages:

  1. Reduces the performance of male testicles.
  2. Slow action of the drug.
  3. Decrease of the insulin-like factor in the body.

Side effects

Tamoxifen has more advantages than disadvantages. He's a pretty calm and harmless drug. But, like any medicine, it should be used correctly in order to avoid side effects.

Tamoxifen side effects:

  • Exceeding dosages causes fever, nausea.
  • Large dosages have a detrimental effect on kidney function.
  • Prolonged use is harmful to eyesight, can significantly impair it.

If tamoxifen is used wisely and according to the instructions, then there will be no complications, it is a very "mild" drug. Athletes, in most cases, do not violate the rules of admission, and, therefore, side effects are extremely rare.

Tamoxifen in bodybuilding

In bodybuilding, tamoxifen is a very popular remedy. But the problem is, no one really knows when it's best to start taking it.

Opinions are divided:

  • Tamoxifen is effective as an aromatase inhibitor.
  • It is best used as post cycle therapy (PCT).

Tamoxifen during a steroid cycle

Some athletes use tamoxifen for its intended purpose - to lower the level of estrogen in the body.

The circuit is very simple: steroids increase the level of testosterone, along with it, estrogen rises, and tamox does not allow him to do this.

As a result: high levels of male hormone and low levels of female.

Tamoxifen is cheap and this is its plus. But you have to drink it every day, and for some it is a great inconvenience. More expensive and effective counterpart anastrozole is used to quench estrogen levels. This drug is more powerful, more effective and it is enough to drink it 1 time in 4 days. But its cost is 4 times higher than that of tamoxifen.

Tamoxifen - like PCT

Some believe tamoxifen is effective after a cycle.

How it works: at the end of the steroid cycle, the athlete starts using tamoxifen, which allows the testicles to work faster and release their own testosterone.

As a result: own production of the male hormone is normalized, due to this, muscle mass is preserved.

But here's the catch. The direct function of tamoxifen is to suppress estrogen levels in the body. And the development of their own testosterone is already a conclusion that the athletes themselves made. Moreover, among its shortcomings, the slowdown of the testicles is distinguished. This means that using tamox on PCT is unreasonable, since its effectiveness has not been proven at this stage.

For PKT, there is a very effective drug - Clomid, which does an excellent job of its task. True, its cost is 2-3 times higher than that of tamoxifen, but the result is much better.

How to take tamoxifen correctly

We have concluded that tamoxifen is most effective while on steroids rather than after. This means that it must be used throughout the course.

Terms of use:

  1. We start using tamoxifen a week after the start of the steroid cycle. This is due to the fact that the first signs of gynecomastia appear no earlier than after 2 weeks. But it is better to play it safe and start taking it in a week.
  2. We drink 1 tablet a day, no longer required. Even 20mg do their job 100%.
  3. After finishing taking steroids, we continue to drink tamoxifen for another 2 weeks. Since during this time a high level of testosterone is maintained in the body, it must be controlled with tamox.

Tamoxifen is a competitive inhibitor of peripheral estrogen receptors. And if earlier it was believed that the drug does not have an estrogen-like effect, today this point of view is completely rejected. In fact, the ratio of agonist and antagonist activity is 45/55. Chemically, Tamoxifen is a derivative form of triphenylethylene. The drug belongs to the group of sex hormones. It was originally used to treat oncological diseases in women (breast cancer). But, undoubtedly, today Tamoxifen is much more common in the field of sports and bodybuilding in particular.

It is no secret that most steroids undergo aromatization, that is, they are converted into female sex hormones -. This can lead to a number of side effects, which can be prevented by the timely use of Tamoxifen. Unlike other means of similar effects, this substance is neither androgenic nor anabiotic.

Tamoxifen action

  • Increase in strength indicators.
  • An increase in the hardness and relief of the muscles.
  • Muscle gain. Tamoxifen is very popular in bodybuilding There is an opinion that no victory in major competitions is complete without it.
  • Pronounced anti-estrogenic effect. The effect that made Tamoxifen so popular. The higher the dosage of AAS, the greater the need to compensate for estrogenic activity. The use of Tamoxifen or its analogs on PCT after heavy courses almost certainly.
  • Fighting body fat.
  • Preventing feminization.
  • Reducing the risk of developing atherosclerosis, preventing cardiovascular diseases.
  • Improving liver function.

The anti-estrogenic effects of Tamoxifen are due to the blocking of estrogen receptors (rather than stopping the conversion of testosterone to estrogen, as many think). The drug only freezes estrogenic activity, and does not completely prevent it.

How to take Tamoxifen after a course

Taking Tamoxifen after a course of steroids is recommended to be combined with, the most popular of which is Proviron (it is often used for the reason that it does not inhibit the production of growth hormone and inhibits aromatization, thereby increasing the concentration of anabolic hormones in the blood). Tamoxifen as the main PCT agent is used in dosages of 10 to 20 milligrams daily, starting at last week course and ending the second week after its completion. If Proviron is not taken, Tamoxifen is switched on a little later - at 2 weeks, and ends 2-3 weeks after its cancellation.

note that highest level estrogen is observed in the body at the end of the first week of the AAS course. As for how to take Tamoxifen in bodybuilding on a steroid cycle that does not have an aromatizing effect, it is recommended to add it only at the end of the cycle.

Side effects

The most common side effects of Tamoxifen are associated with its pronounced antiestrogenic properties. Exceeding the recommended dosages and / or the duration of the course can cause hair loss in women or even complete baldness, hot flashes, itching in the perineum, bone pain; in men - fever, dizziness, nausea. Due to fluid retention, the normal functioning of the kidneys can be impaired. Attacks of depression, depression and drowsiness also occasionally occur. Excessive intake is fraught with increased fatigue, constipation and anorexia. Retinal inflammation, cataracts, partial or complete loss of vision are possible. Taking Tamoxifen is sometimes accompanied by skin rashes. Cases of headaches, changes in the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eye, and confusion of consciousness have been recorded. Liver damage occurs only when serious illnesses this organ (for example, hepatitis).

- This is a medical product, on a chemical basis, is quite rare in the world. After all, this drug is completely unique, it differs significantly from similar drugs. Doctors refer it to the group of sex hormones. Like any other medical medicine, tamoxifen should be used strictly as directed by your doctor. Taking tamoxifen on your own can negatively affect your health.

The drug "" has another name. It is also called "Nolvadex". This drug was originally developed exclusively for the treatment of women. It was used to prevent cancer. After all, he is able to identify and warn a person about the development of oncology, which made it possible to diagnose and cure the disease in time. But after a while, tamoxifen began to be actively used in sports, in particular in bodybuilding. The action of this drug is very slow, especially in the first stages of treatment, so it is recommended to take it together with other similar drugs.

As already mentioned, tamoxifen began to be actively used in sports. And there are good reasons for that. The fact is that tamoxifen significantly increases the level of testosterone in a man's body, because this drug is an antiestrogen. According to statistics, if we compare the initial data of endogenous testosterone in a man's body, then if he uses the drug at twenty mg for ten days, the level of testosterone in his blood will increase by 42%. And if you use it for more than a month and a half, this level can even rise to 83%. These statistics indicate that tamoxifen is much more effective than other drugs. This is one of its main advantages.

1. Almost immediately after use, the drug raises blood cholesterol levels. This significantly reduces the risk of heart disease. After all, as you know, many bodybuilding athletes can suffer from such diseases;

2. Compared to other drugs, since tamoxifen is a very mild estrogen, it does not harm internal organs, on the contrary, has a positive effect on the human body;

3. Tamoxifen is much safer than other drugs. Even its long-term use does not cause much harm to the body.

Disadvantages of the drug

Like any other medicine, tamoxifen has a number of side effects:

  • Due to its structure, the drug inhibits the growth of an insulin-like factor in the human body;
  • Tamoxifen acts very slowly. Its effect lasts for many hours. This is especially noticeable at the initial stage of adoption;

The disadvantages can also be attributed to the fact that many doctors in bodybuilding advise athletes to take tamoxifen along with other drugs. Very often it is advised to use it with Proviron. After all, this particular drug is capable of burning excess fat in the body. As you can see, another drawback of the drug is clearly indicated here.

Side effects

Like many medical drugs, tamoxifen also has its own side effects.

Very often, after taking the drug, many people experience:

1. Temperature rise;

3. Nausea, dry mouth, a significant decrease in erection.

Less common symptoms are:

1. Rash over the body;

2. Very fast fatigability;

3. Anorexia;

4. Possible temporary constipation.

Some of these side effects are quite dangerous. For example, physicians are aware of cases when a patient experienced severe headaches, a significant decrease in visual acuity, blurred consciousness, and others. There were also cases when there were violations in the work of the liver and other organs vital for a person. Such cases are very rare, but, unfortunately, they do. That is why the drug must be taken according to the strict prescription of a doctor. As you can see, the drug has very strong side effects, therefore it is not recommended for people who are sensitive to its composition.

Tamoxifen in bodybuilding

In bodybuilding, the drug is taken to increase muscle mass, increase their relief. Also to raise the total body weight, or vice versa, to reduce. You can buy it at the city pharmacies. Sold without a prescription. Since this is a rare substance, it may not be available in all pharmacies. Although it can be sold without a prescription, it should not be bought this way. Before use, be sure to consult a doctor.

How to take Tamoxifen

Taking Tamoxifen after a course of steroids is recommended to be combined with aromatase inhibitors, the most popular of which is. Tamoxifen is used as the main agent in dosages of 10 to 20 milligrams daily, starting from the last week of the course and ending with the second week after it ends. If Proviron is not taken, Tamoxifen is switched on a little later - at 2 weeks, and ends 2-3 weeks after its cancellation.

Please note that the highest estrogen level is observed in the body at the end of the first week of the AAS course. As for how to take Tamoxifen in bodybuilding on a steroid cycle that does not have an aromatizing effect, it is recommended to add it only at the end of the cycle.

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