Anti-tech drugs for children. Beneficial agents and their classification Powerful cough central blocker

Beneficial means are prescribed at various illnesses accompanied by a strong cough.

They have an antitussive, moderate armored, expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect.

These drugs differ in principle of action and composition.

Modern assortment of cough drugs is very wide. According to the principle of operation, several categories of cough preparations are distinguished.

Narcotic agents depressing cough center

These drugs are blocking a cough reflex, affecting the cough center in the brain. They are prescribed with great care, especially children, as they lead to addiction.

But sometimes it is impossible to do without them: for example, in the case of pleurite, either a cough with strong attacks of the exhaust cough. These drugs include: Domemorphian, codeine, ethylmorphine.

Means from cough of nonarcotic action

These drugs do not affect the brain cough center to block the cough reflex and do not lead to addiction. They are prescribed with heavy flow and in the case of a very strong dry cough.

These drugs include: Glaucine, Butamirat, PRENXINDIOSIN AND OXELADIN.


Apply with dry cough to make it productive. Mukolithics do not oppress the cough center, but improve the patient's well-being through sputtering.

Peripheral action

These are such depressing cough preparations like: Levodropropizine, suboxidiazine, bitiodine and benopyrin, which affect the afferent part of the cough reflex, rendering anesthetic effect on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and suppressing the reflex stimulation of cough reflex.

Also, they have an anti-inflammatory effect, relaxing the smooth muscles of the bronchi.

These are tablets designed for resorption, as well as teas and syrups, in which the extracts of acacia, eucalyptus, wild cherries, licorice, linden in combination with honey, glycerin and some other substances.

Combined action

These drugs create so ordinary. Multiphect, allowing you to stop inflammation, eliminate bronchial spasms and increase cough productivity.

These are funds such as: Codelk phyto and.

Medicinal plants

Some plants are also effective in the cough of different etiology. In particular, with bronchitis and help the roots of licorice, the shoots of the richness, alta, pine kidneys, the source, plantain, nine and a chamber.

In addition, cough funds are classified both by other features, in particular:

  • release form;
  • manufacturing firm;
  • composition: Natural or synthetic components.

In the form of release distinguish:

  • syrup;
  • pills;
  • drops;
  • elixirs;
  • teas with therapeutic plant extracts;
  • lollipops;
  • chewing pasteings;
  • rectal suppositories.

Cough preparations for children

This group of funds meets increased security requirements.

It includes the following common preparations:

  1. (Also known as Ambroben and Ambrohexal). Active substance - Ambroxol, which strengthens children's immunity and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Appointed with dry cough even babies, including those who were born prematurely.
  2. Bronkatar (Also sold under the names of Mukdin and Mukopront). The active ingredient is carbocysteine, diluted with sputum and increases the development of the Bronchi secretion.
  3. - Liquets the sputum, deriving it from the respiratory organs.
  4. Bronchikum - The drug sold in the forms of elixir, pistille and syrup. It is assigned to children aged from 6 months in the case of dry cough.
  5. . Vegetable preparation with antispasmodic, mercolytic and antitussive effects. Shown for children from the 1st year. It can be taken exclusively according to the doctor's prescription, since this agent affects blood glucose levels.
  6. Liebexin. Suitable at the first manifestations of colds. Inhibits the cough reflex by exposure to the CNS, without suppressing respiratory functions. A similar effect has bitiodine.
  7. Breast fees number 1-4; Phytopectol number 1-2. Fees healing herbsintended for independent preparation of infusions. Contain licorice roots, altea, souls; Sage, plantain, mother-and-stepmother, daisy pharmacy, robust, violet, mint, pine buds.

During pregnancy

During the waiting of the child, the maternal organism is very vulnerable, the immunity of the future mother is weakened. It can be said that the metabolism of pregnant and embryo is common for two.

Therefore, when choosing funds from cough during pregnancy, it is necessary to show great care and not take any medications without the recommendations of the doctor.

During pregnancy against cough used separate drugs, in particular:

  1. I trimester of pregnancy: Ecvabal, Mukaltin, Altea's root - safe preparations vegetable origin. Gedelix, bronchikum and Dr. Mom - on the doctor's prescription. Their possible impact on the fetus still remains sufficiently studied. Liebeksin is a synthetic agent that is prescribed by pregnant women in the 1st trimester only in exceptional cases. Additionally, dietary supplements can be accepted, such as mamavit, florafors, pregnacare and bifiothilus.
  2. II trimester and III trimester: With a dry cough, the same drugs that are shown for the 1st trimester can be taken, but in the most severe cases, instead of libeksin, bromgexin, akodine and stop vehicles can be taken to the appointment of a doctor.

Funds against dry cough

If the cough is dry, separate preparations are prescribed, overwhelming it, which are not always suitable for wet cough.

These include:

  1. Dextromethorphan- effectively blocks cough reflexes, but it creates side effects in the form of dizziness, nausea and drowsiness. Therefore, before admission of dextromethorophane, you must consult with your doctor. For adults, as well as children over 12 years old, according to the instructions, the reception of dextromethorophane is recommended four times a day at 15 mg.
  2. Codeine- It is well suited in cases where cough torments so much that it is impossible to even sigh. This drug is a tablet blocking cough for a day. However, this drug is categorically contraindicated when driving a car and alcohol consumption. His daily dose Makes up for an adult 0.2 g
  3. Butamirat - Remedy with bronchospasmolytic effect. Accepted to suppress cough in postoperative period. Comes against the cough of any etiology. The recommended dose for adults is 1 capsule twice daily, and for children over 12 years old - 1 tablet daily. Tablets and capsules are used before eating, without riser.
  4. Glazent - cheap, however, a fairly effective drug that turns the unproductive cough into the productive and eliminating it entirely. Effectively blocks spasms without causing addiction. Appointed with bronchitis and bronchial asthma. Accepted three times daily at 0.5 g

What do you need to know when treating?

The disease with symptoms in the form of cough is permissible to treat with only special Toolswho appoint a doctor.

However, additional procedures are able to quickly bring recovery, since the key to quick recovery is a comprehensive treatment.

Before starting the treatment of cough, you must first find out its reason to determine the right medicines, otherwise there is a risk of not achieving the desired result.

It is unacceptable to simultaneously take the muscolics and drugs that suppress the cough reflex through the CNS.

The cough, which combines with a very strong shortness of breath and / or vomiting, is unacceptable to treat at home, especially when the patient is a child.

- a reflex act, aimed at cleansing the mucous membranes of respiration from various stimuli - physical, organic, chemical. Cough - clinical sign and most respiratory pathologies. Its main goal is to expel everything from the respiratory tract foreign bodies, microbes and sputum, thereby improve the permeability of the air paths.

Cough signals the existing disadvantage in the human body and gives the team to eliminate the reasons that caused it.

Before you purchase pills from cough and begin treatment, it is necessary to determine its form, strength, duration, timbre, as well as the nature of sputum.


Cough happens:

  1. Sharp, subacute, chronic,
  2. Strong, tearing and weak in the form of light shame
  3. Permanent, morning, night,
  4. , ringing, deep or supervisory.

The viscous secret of the lungs, bronchi and trachea, allocated during expectoration and containing saliva, separated by the nose, sinuses, oral cavity. The sputum is serous, mucous, purulent, with an admixture of blood.

The most common causes of cough:, inflammation of the bronchi and lungs, bronchial asthma, lung cancer, the pathology of the heart and blood vessels, allergic.

Treating any type of cough is etiotropic. Only by eliminating the cause of cough, you can get rid of it for a long time.

Preparations for the treatment of dry cough

Drugs intended for the treatment of dry cough suppress the cough center in the brain and block the cough act at the level of the nerve end of the tracheobronchial tree.

These medicines are forbidden to apply to eliminate a wet cough, because it is possible to be stacked in bronchi. It should be used to appoint a specialist after passing a comprehensive survey.

Narcotic drugs from cough central action

Preparations of this group have a drug influence on the body, the doctor's prescription is released, have a lot side phenomena, Used to treat a very strong cough, are contraindicated to children under 2 years, suppress the activity of the epithelium of the bronchial tree.

Codeine opioid, overwhelming cough center. It is a drug of natural origin, widely used in medicine as a cough medicine and an painful agent. Codeine is the main active substance of the tablet from the cough "Codelak" and the syrups of Cofeks, Tussin Plus. The cough reflex is depressing at the level of the central links, thanks to which cough stops.

"Hydrocodon" - oral effective preparation from cough with severe painkillers.

Durable drug data can lead to development in patient euphoria and painful addiction. Take them should be immediately before bedtime, so that the painful cough does not interfere with sleep.

Nonarcotic anti-tailed means of central action

Nonarcotic pills and syrups push the cough center in the brain and weaken the signals coming from inflamed bronchi in the bark of the brain.

Peripheral cough preparations

They suppress the cough act at the level of tracheobronchial receptors, possess analgesic and antispasmodic effect on respiratory organs, Change the viscosity of the secret. Cough medications are divided into enveloping and local trap.

  1. "Liebexin" - A cough agent, the overwhelming sensitivity of the nerve end of the respiratory organs and the reduction of perception of coughing receptors to signs of inflammation. The drug lowers the activity of the respiratory center, while maintaining its functions in full.
  2. "Bitiodine" - Tablets from dry cough, not calculative and side effects. The antitussive effect is due to a greater degree of influence on the receptors of the mucousa of the respiratory tract and in a smaller - on the centers of the nervous system.
  3. "LevetRont" - syrup contributing to the reduction of the intensity and cough frequency and the resulting bronchhalytic effect. The drug has peripheral impact on the tracheobronchial tree.

Drugs effective from wet cough

Secrethomotor and secretolithic pills, medicine and syrups are prescribed for the treatment of wet cough patients.

Expectorant drugs

Strengthening the development of the Bronchi secretions, dilute wet and contribute to its rapid excavation from the body.

  • "Mukaltin" - Secondolithic and expectorant phytosteria. Altea, which is part of the drug, reflexively enhances the stimulation of the flicker epithelium, the peristaltics of respiratory bronchiol, the secretion of the bronchial glands, the discharge of mucus, the wet output during cough. Mukaltin is moderately struggling with inflammation, envelops the mucous membrane and protects it from irritants, restores damaged tissues. The drug does not have a toxic effect. Similar effects - dyspepsia and allergies.
  • "Dr. MOM" - natural remedy that has a soft effect on the body and has a minimum of side effects. The medicine helps to quickly get rid of sputum. Syrup has a ceiling, distracting, anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect. "Dr. MOM" is often prescribed patients with a dry cough, which quickly goes into wet.
  • "Gedelix" - Effective expectorant manufactured in the form of syrup. It contains substances that have mercolytic, bronighting and antioxidant actions, destroys pathogenic microbes and fungi. Biology active substancesIncluded in its composition improve microcirculation, remove salt from the body, protect liver and kidneys from the influence of external factors.


Multic drugs are designed to disperse viscous and thick sputum, which makes it easier for its destruction. Mukolits restore the bronchial mucosa and the elasticity of the lungs. They are usually prescribed together with expectorant means to enhance the therapeutic effect of drugs of both groups.

  1. "Bromgexin" - cough tablets, lowering the viscosity of sputum and contributing to its rapid elimination. This is an effective musolithic remedy with a pronounced expectorant effect. Due to the depolarization of protein fibers, consistency changes and the viscosity of sputum is reduced. "Bromgexin" has a weak antitussive and pronounced secretolithic effect. The drug is capable of stimulating the formation of a surfactant and ensure the stability of alveolar cells during the respiratory process.
  2. Syrup from cough "Ambroben" - a musolitic agent, under the influence of which the glands of the bronchi produce a mucus, the motor activity of the ciliary epithelium rises, the viscous sputum diluted and goes out. The active ingredient of the syrup "Ambroben" is an ambroxol. It has an anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect, stimulates local immunity, enhances the penetration into the wet of some antibiotics and stimulates the production of surfactant - substances that impede the decay of the alveoli of the lungs.
  3. "ACC" - Pills from cough soluble in water. This dosage form is absorbed and acts much faster than others. The drug reduces the viscosity of the mucus and facilitates the detection of sputum by the effect of acetylcysteine \u200b\u200bon its rheological properties. "ACC" - non-toxic medicine that can be used for a long time. It can be used with a prophylactic goal for reducing the frequency and severity of exacerbations in patients with chronic inflammatory diseases Breath organs.

Multic drugs act gently. Therapeutic effect After their application is achieved quickly. Negative consequences from the reception of musolithics - the intolerance to the components of the drugs and the aggravation of the diseases of the stomach.

Cough, lasting a few weeks and accompanied by the formation of purulent discharge and fever, requires access to a specialist. Independent treatment In this case, it is unacceptable.

Combined antitussive drugs

Preparations of this group contain two or more therapeutic components that enhance each other's action.

Coughs suitable for children

For the treatment of cough in children, specialists are usually prescribed medicines and syrups. Take them to babies much easier than pills.

Children under two years are prescribed the syrups "Lazolyvan", "Linkas", "Prospan", "Bromgexin".

For children, older than two years are appointed "Herbion", "Atsz", "Gedeliks", "Liebexin Muko". Coughs from the cough based on altea or licorice are very effective, safe, natural. They can be purchased in any pharmacy, and they are inexpensive.

Modern pharmacy offers a huge selection of medicines from cough, among which there is no universal. Some preparations are effective with respect to dry, obsessive cough, others eliminate the productive cough with a wet. The diagram of the treatment of diseases of the respiratory organs is different from different categories of persons. For kids best tool From cough there will be one, for the elderly - another. What is ideal for one person is absolutely unacceptable for others. It's connected with by-effect Many cough preparations and depends on the state of respiratory and degree immune protection organism.

In any case, prescribing treatment with antitussive means should exclusively, after the carefully conducted diagnosis of the disease.

Video: Cough medicines, "Dr. Komarovsky"

Cough is a protective reaction of the body that allows the abnormal secret from the respiratory organs. This condition is a symptom of various pathologies. Therefore, only the elimination of provoking factor helps to get rid of the problem. Quite often, antitussive tools are used to combat violation. Their doctor should be selected depending on clinical picture pathology.

Mechanism of action

Anti-acting preparations are used if it does not produce a secret during cough, it is very small. In the second case, it is observed too. If a person has been observed for a long time, a person cannot sleep and lead a normal lifestyle. Usually, such a symptom is characteristic of the following anomalies:

  • damage to the lungs and bronchi of different nature;
  • infectious pathology;
  • systemic diseases;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • lung tumor lesions.

To cope with the main manifestations of the specified ailments, you should turn off the receptors provoking cough for a while. It is possible to achieve this in various ways:

  1. Reduce the activity of the cough center in the oblong brain due to the impact on opiate receptors. Typically, this method is used when painful cough appears against the background of the complete absence of a secret in bronchi.
  2. Eliminate the reflex directly in the respiratory organs, in which the corresponding receptors are also located. This method is usually used in the absence of a thick secret.

When viscating sputum formation, apply antitussive drugs is permissible only in extreme situations to temporarily improve the patient's condition. As a rule, they are recommended to take before bedtime. It helps to make a holiday better. The action of such funds lasts 4-6 hours.

Combine similar substances with medicinal preparations To wet sputum is strictly prohibited. This complicates therapy and can cause hazardous consequences.

Classification of medication

The classification of such drugs is based on the method of influencing receptors. So, there are medicines of central and peripheral exposure. Despite certain differences, both types of drugs leads to one result - cope with cough. Take substances needed in different situations, as they have a different effect of exposure.

Tools of central action

According to experts, it is such substances that are considered as effective as possible. They are written with intense cough, which proceeds in the form of attacks. Such funds are divided into 2 large categories - narcotic and nonarcotic ones. Both groups of funds influence the cough center in the oblong brain, but the impact is carried out through various receptors.

Dosage preparations for adults and children is selected individually. They should be taken exactly according to the diagram appointed by the doctor. This will help to avoid negative side effects that have such substances.

Peripheral preparations

Such drugs affect the receptors that are directly in respiratory tract. Typically, the means produce an anesthetic and bronchhalytic effect. The main purpose of such drugs is the elimination of permanent unproductive cumulating or dry cough.

Medicines from this category may include such components:

  1. Prenoksdiazin - This ingredient has a local anesthetic effect and is characterized by a bronchure effect.
  2. Levodropropism - The substance reduces the sensitivity of receptors in the respiratory organs.
  3. Typaindin - The ingredient helps to reduce the sensitivity of the receptors in the respiratory organs. It also partially affects the brain respiratory center.

A special category includes substances that affect cold receptors. Such funds are combined drugs. They can have a range of effects - antihistamine, bronchhalytic, antibacterial, antispasmodic. Such substances contain the following ingredients:

  • levomentol;
  • triprolidine;
  • biclimol;
  • tone terminhydrates.

What kind of funds should be applied, the doctor must say. Usually antitussive for children and adults include the following:

  • liebexin,
  • helicdin,

It is necessary to take into account the nature of the flow of pathology, the frequency of cough and other factors.

An important value is a dosage form. Children usually discharged products in the form of a syrup, while adults are more suitable tablets that have a prolonged effect.

Regardless of the method of action on the body of people, anti-tech drugs are prohibited in excessive development of the bronchial secret. Also to contraindications include pulmonary bleeding, including situations with an increased threat of their appearance.

Review of effective preparations against cough

Beneficial tools should only be prescribed by the doctor. Typically, such drugs are used when a strong and frequent dry cough appears.


This substance is included in the list of antitussive tools and has an action directly to the cough center. The drug has expectorant characteristics and produces a moderate anti-inflammatory effect. The medicine is prescribed with acute dry cough of different etiology.

The substance is forbidden to apply during pregnancy and feeding. Tableled forms are prohibited up to 12 years. To the side effects of drugs include nausea, stool disorders, allergies, dizziness.

This drug refers to the category of combined substances. It has anti-shield, antimicrobial and expectorant characteristics. In addition, the vegetable remedy will greatly stop inflammation. In the composition there are natural extracts - plantain and Malva. The substance helps to alleviate dry cough.

Contraindications include increased sensitivity to plant ingredients and fructose intolerance. With great care, you should take a remedy for diabetes mellitus.

Codelk Phito

This means is also combined. The composition contains codeine and vegetable extracts - licorice, vocabulary, thermopsis. The medicine is characterized by an expectorant effect.

Contraindications include asthma, childhood up to 2 years, pregnancy and feeding. The substance is also forbidden to apply under the respiratory failure and intolerance to individual ingredients. Side reactions include allergies, headaches, stool disorders. With prolonged use, there is a risk of addictive to Codene.


The tool successfully copes with cough reflexes. Thanks to one-time use of the substance, it is possible to get rid of dry cough seizures for 5-6 hours. The drug oppresses the activity of the respiratory center, therefore it is prescribed quite rarely.

In addition, the substance reduces the tempo of ventilation of the lungs and provokes other consequences - the development of dependence, drowsiness, constipation. With a combination of S. alcoholic beverages, psychotropic substances and sleeping preparations can lead to dangerous complications. The medicine cannot be used for children up to 2 years and pregnant women.


Substance is produced in various dosage forms - Tablets, syrup, dragee. Thanks to the use of the means, it is possible to quickly make an unproductive cough wet. The drug is inexpensive, but can provoke a decrease in pressure, allergies, weakness, dizziness.

The substance is forbidden to use people who have reduced pressure, myocardial infarction in history and a tendency to allergic reactions.


It is quite cheap, but at the same time a very effective drug that adults and children can apply. The substance is prescribed in the form of droplets and syrup with a pleasant taste.

Sometimes the substance causes unwanted side effects. They manifest themselves in the form of a stool violation, nausea, drowsiness. There is also a risk of spindles on the skin, heartburn, weakness. The substance cannot be used during pregnancy and lactation. Also to contraindications include kidney failure.

The substance successfully copes with a dry cough, helps reduce the symptoms of bronchospasm and has a local analgesic effect. The drug helps to eliminate dry cough for 4 hours.

The medicine is used viral infections, asthma, pneumonia. At the same time, it can lead to undesirable consequences that are manifested in the form of nausea, dryness in oral cavity, digestive disorders, allergies.


This drug has a combined effect and is considered one of the most popular funds. The active ingredients of drugs include ephedrine and glaucine. Thanks to their action, it is possible to make a dry cough not so painful and painful. Due to the use of the tool, symptoms of inflammation and bronchospasm decrease, and the state of the patient is significantly improved.

Contraindications for the use of antitussif

Despite the high efficiency of antitussive drugs, they have a lot of contraindications. Therefore, they are categorically prohibited to apply without a consultation of the doctor. The common restrictions on the use of such drugs include the following:

  1. Age - antitussive drugs are usually not prescribed to children under 2 years old.
  2. Pregnancy - It is very harmful to take such drugs at the initial stage and in the last trimester.
  3. Lactation - Ingredients of funds can penetrate milk, harm the body of the child.
  4. Complex obstructive lesions of the lungs that are characterized by bleeding. Also, contraindications include bronchial asthma.
  5. Respiratory failure - In this case, due to different reasons, the amount of breathing is reduced.

It is not necessary to use antitussive substances when allergic reactions on the constituent drugs. Of particular danger in this regard represent combined medicinesBecause they contain quite a lot of ingredients.

Before starting treatment, the patient must notify the doctor about the presence of system pathologies. Equally important is drugs, the use of which is planned to be combined with antitussive agents. The effectiveness of therapy depends on the correctness of the choice of medication and compliance with medical recommendations.

The medications described have high efficiency and allow you to cope with a painful cough. However, such funds cause a lot adverse Reactions And have many contraindications. Therefore, to engage in self-medication is strictly prohibited.

Beneficial preparations are used to suppress attacks that are not necessarily eliminating the sputum of the respiratory tract. In other words, their appointment is advisable at dry cough. Anti-tech medicines central action Influence on the cough center in the oblong brain.

Dry cough - indication for appointing central drugs

Mechanism of action

When irritating a cough center localized in the oblong brain, an involuntary cough occurs. If attacks are unproductive, dry, then they should be suppressed. For this purpose, antitussive drugs are prescribed with the central mechanism of action.

These means are suppressed by oppressing the corresponding areas in the oblong brain. In this pharmacological group Morphine derivatives - ethylmorphine, codeine and glaucine, as well as butamirat, suboxidiazine and oxladin.

It is important that the respiratory center does not affect the action, which is located in close proximity to the cough. Of the listed funds, only codeine and ethylmorphine affect it.

The distinctive feature of the pronoxdiazine is the ability to reduce the sensitivity of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. That is, the drug has a local escairing effect on zones sensitive to irritation.

Classification categories

Beneficial means of central action are divided into narcotic and nonarcotic ones. Nainarcotic agents are conventionally divided into similar structures with opiates (glauzin, dextromethophone) and for excellent structures (oxladin, butamirate, pentoking).

TO narcotic drugs Applies codeine. In structure, it is a methylated morphine derivative.

Opioid receptor agonist. By exposure to codeine is similar to morphine, but the painful characteristics are weaker, well-pronounced is the ability to reduce the excitability of the cough center.

Codeine oppresses the respiratory center, but to a lesser extent, rather than morphine. Another side effect of Codeina is the ability to provoke constipation due to the deterioration of intestinal peristals.

Ethylmorphine and dextromethorphan (Alex Plus, Robitlassin), Butamirat (Synecode), Glaucine (Tusidyl, Bronchodin) and Occeladin (Paxelidin) and Ocladyne (Paxelidine) are detrochetic drugs with the central mechanism. They partially suppress the cough center, while not angry respiratory.

Understanding the action is not inferior to Codene, while we do not have addiction, do not influence the intestinal motility. Butamirate and oxladin have a bronchhalytic effect. Butamirat also has an anti-inflammatory action.

Note! Anti-facilities are not prescribed in the case of increased sputum products. They are also not used in chronic cough, which is accompanied by excessive bronchial secretion (in the case of smoking, asthma, emphysema).

Contraindications for use

Narcotic drugs are not appointed in the following cases:

  • age up to 2 years;
  • hypersensitivity to drug components;
  • respiratory failure;
  • first trimester of pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • drug dependence on ophiode medicines;
  • ulcery disease of the stomach and duodenum.

Nonarcotic drugs are not prescribed in case increased sensitivity To components, children up to three years old, women in the first trimester of pregnancy.

special instructions

In case of continuous reception of Codein, it is required to control the picture of the blood, as well as indicators functional state kidneys and liver. As a result of the use of high doses, especially in the first phases of treatment, it is possible to slow the psychomotor reactions, and therefore codein-containing means cannot be used if vehicle driving and work on devices that require increased attention.

Side effects

Constipation - frequent complication when taking narcotic anti-kilums

Against the background of application narcotic drugs Such side reactions are possible:

  • allergic manifestations;
  • discomfort of the process of digestion, in particular, constipation;
  • dizziness;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • disorders of the functionality of the liver and kidney;
  • attacks of bronchial asthma.

When using non-nucleic means, the following undesirable symptoms are probable:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • pain in the epigastric area
  • dizziness;
  • fatigue and drowsiness;
  • exanthema.

Important! Against the background of receiving dextromethorophane, the sensory sensitivity disorders is likely, the violation of speech, ataxia, dyphoria.

Beneficial preparations must appoint a doctor. Self-treatment is unacceptable. The dosage and duration of the course of treatment determines the specialist based on the characteristics of the clinical case.

Cough is a complex reflex response of the respiratory tract, the main function of which is the restoration of their normal passability.
The occurrence of cough can be caused by irritation of the cough nose receptors, ears, the rear wall of the throat, trachea, bronchi, pleura, aperture, pericardium, esophagus. External and internal factors (foreign bodies, cold and dry air, airplane, tobacco smoke, nasal mucus, sputum, inflammation of the mucous membranes of respiratory tract, etc.) excite cough receptors, divided into irritant, rapidly react to mechanical, thermal, chemical Irriters, and C-receptors, mainly stimulating inflammatory mediators (prostaglandins, kinines, substance P, etc.). The resulting impulse is transmitted through afferent fibers. wandering nerve In the cough center located in the oblong brain. The reflex arc closes efferent fibers wandering, diaphragmal and spinal nerves going to the muscles chest, diaphragms and abdominal press, the reduction of which leads to the closure of the voice slot, followed by its discovery and pushing at high air velocity, which is manifested by a cough.
In addition, the cough can be caused or depressed arbitrarily, since the formation of cough reflex is under the control of the cortex of the brain.
Cough is classified by character (unproductive, or dry, and productive, or wet cough), intensity (passing, light and coughing), by duration (episodic, parotid and permanent cough), for course (acute - up to 3 weeks, protracted - more than 3 weeks and chronic - 3 months or more).
In some cases, cough loses its physiological feasibility and not only does not contribute to the resolution of the pathological process in the respiratory system, but also leads to the development of complications.
The reflex arc of cough reflex includes receptors, cough center, afferent and efferent nerve fibers, and the executive link - respiratory muscles. The most effectively cough is suppressed on two levels - receptor and cough center level. In connection with this resistant medicinal products divided into 2 groups: central and peripheral action. In turn, the turnover of central action can be divided into narcotic and non-nucleic drugs.

The mechanism of action and pharmacological effects of narcotic anti-tech drugs of the central action
These include such morphine-like compounds, such as codeine, ethylmorphine and dextromethorpan, which suppress the function of the cough center of the oblong brain. The most famous anti-tailed drug drug is Codeine, which is a natural narcotic analgesic from the group of opiate receptor agonists. Drugs from the codeine group are very effective, but have significant drawbacks. Their antitussive action is not selective, they simultaneously oppress the respiratory center. Dextromethorphan is a synthetic anti-chemical agent, by chemical structure and activity is close to opiates ( codeina); It has a central effect, increasing the cough threshold.

Nonarcotic anti-core drugs of the central action
These include oxladin, butamirate, glaucine, pentokstruy, gentle and folkodine, which possess the electionary central action. They partially suppress the cough center without expressing the pronounced oppressive influence on the respiratory center. Not inferior at the strength of Codene, they do not cause addiction and addiction, do not oppress their breathing and do not affect the intestinal motorcycle (do not cause constipation). Some antitussive drugs have additional effects that improve their action. So, for oxeladin, butamirat and the ladies are characterized by some bronchhalytic effect. Butamirat also has expectorant and anti-inflammatory effects.

Nonarcotic anti-skish drugs peripheral action
This group of drugs include pronoxdiazine, levodropropizine, benopyrin and bitiodine, influencing the afferent component of the cough reflex, acting on the airway mucous membrane as anesthetic and reducing the reflex stimulation of the cough reflex. In addition, they have a local anti-inflammatory effect, contribute to the relaxation of the smooth muscles of the bronchi.

Enveloping drugs Also belong to the peripheral anti-tech drug afferent action. Their action is based on the creation of a protective layer on the mucous membrane of the nose and oralogot. They are tablets for resorption in the mouth or syrups and teas containing vegetation extracts of eucalyptus, acacia, licorice, wild cherry, linden, etc., glycerin, honey, etc.
One of the ways of exposure to the afferent part of the reflex arc is also the use of aerosols and steam inhalations for moisturizing the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. Inhalation of water vapor, alone or with the addition of sodium chloride or plant decoctions or extracts is the most affordable moisture method. Along with inhalations, abundant drink can be used.
Anti-tech drugs with topless activity reduce the feeling of misunderstanding and irritation, reduce sensitivity to various annoying factors, relaxing the cough reflex. Preparations are used in the form of medicines for resorption in the oral cavity.
Local anasthetics (benzocaine, cyclain, tetrakain) are also drug action drugs, but are used only in hospital conditions for special indications.

Most medicines are well absorbed after taking inside. The maximum concentration in the blood plasma Codein is achieved after 1 h, citrate butamirate - after 1.5 hours. In the latter case, it is 6.4 μg / ml, the connection with the proteins is 95%. Both drugs are subjected to biotransformation in the liver and almost completely derived with urine in the form of metabolites and unchanged. T1 / 2 Codeina - 3-4 h, citrate butamirat - 6 hours. The study of the pharmacokinetics of most other drugs and their components was not carried out.

Medicinal selection tactics when coughing
If the reason for prescribing medicines is the cough actually, it is better to use drugs acting on a specific cough cause for this case. Anti-tech drugs are means of symptomatic therapy. To facilitate cough associated with the phenomena of acute respiratory infection, moisturizing inhalations and drugs with enveloping peripheral action Or their combination with non-nucleic drugs of the central action of the type of pronoxdiazine. If there is a sputum, it is advisable to assign an expectorant LS or mucolyts. With a cough in a patient with phenomena of bronchospasm, along with moisturizing, it is advisable to appoint bronchodilitics and anti-inflammatory drugs, but narcotic anti-inflammatory drugs and muscolics are contraindicated, with the exception of bromgexin and ambroxol. For the focused suppression of an unproductive cough caused by irritation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract (for example, under the cough), children can use antitochematic non-nucleic drugs of the central action.

Place in therapy
Anti-tech drugs are applied to suppress frequent dry cough, violating the patient's condition. With the cough associated with the irritation of the upper respiratory tract, the use of antitussive drugs with topia weakening activity is shown. They are medicinal means of symptomatic therapy in the treatment inflammatory processes In the throat (angina, pharyngitis) and larynx (laryngitis). Actually, local anesthetics are used for the afferent braking of cough reflex during bronchoscopy or bronchography.

Contraindications and cautions
Purpose of antitussive medicines Patient with wet cough It leads to a wet wet in respiratory tract, which worsens bronchial patency and can contribute to the development of pneumonia. Drug antitussic drugs can cause respiratory depression.


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