Obsessive negative thoughts - what to do. Obsessive thoughts: how to get out of a closed circle and get rid of bad thoughts? Involuntary thoughts

Article author: Maria Barnikova (psychiatrist)

Obsessive thoughts


Maria Bornishova

Obsessive thoughts are similar to harmful habit: A person understands their illogicality, but to get rid of such experiences on their own - very difficult.

Almost every person at least once overwhelmed the unpleasant disturbing thoughts that threw thoughts for short time. However, such experiences did not interfere with everyday obligations and were not forced fundamental way to correct their behavior. In contrast to such short and non-killing sensations, obsessive thoughts referred to in medicine obsessions, "Precipitate" the brain involuntarily, for a long time and contrary to the volitional efforts of a person.


Obsessive thoughts are similar to a bad habit: a person understands their illogicality, but to get rid of such experiences on their own - very difficult. In the event of frightening and disturbing ideas, a person retains clear consciousness, and its cognitive functions do not suffer. He has criticism of his painful state, and he understands the irrationality of his "obsession." Often, obsessive thoughts are very afraid of their obscenity, which is actually uncharacterne and alien to a person.

Obsessive thoughts may be neighboring S. compulsive actions - The obsessive stereotype of the behavior to which a person resorts to prevent or eliminate the obscure consciousness of painful ideas. In this case, it can be assumed to develop a mental anomaly of a chronic, progressive or episodic nature.

Obsessive thoughts may be accompanied by high levels Pathological or to go together with the symptoms of depression: the oppressed mood, the ideas of their own worthlessness and guilt.

As a rule, a person chooses one of the ways to combat obsessive thoughts: Active or passive. In the first case, the person will be deliberately acting on his overcoming idea. For example: if it is pursued by the idea that he will definitely die under the wheels of the car, it will consciously be walking on the side of the Highway e. In the second, more common option, he chooses the behavior of avoidance: tries to warn and avoid terrible situations for him. For example, if a person is convinced that he will be wound with the surrounding acute subject, he will never take a knife in his hands and will try not to store cutting items in the field of visibility.


As far as the person is unique, the obsessive thoughts are so diverse and extraordinary and extraordinary. Psychologists have repeatedly made attempts to describe and classify obsessive thoughts. Among the most authoritative sources - the classification proposed Jasper. He divided obsessive thoughts into two large groups: Distracted - those ideas that do not lead to fear, and figurative - intense experiences with an alarm affect.

The first group includes useless and non-hazardous essentials:

  • resonance - Basic Multi-Large;
  • arifmayania - the irrational necessity will calculate objects;
  • unnecessary to dismember the words on the syllables, and the proposal is for words;
  • the need to constantly retell their memories to those surrounding people.

The second group represents more threatening ideas for which the persistent affect of anxiety is characteristic:

  • sustainable doubts and uncertainty in carrying out any actions;
  • pursuing fears to do something inappropriately;
  • the attraction and the desire to make obscene, prohibited acts;
  • psychopathic experiences of past events perceived by patients as taking place in reality;
  • mastering ideas are the transfer of personality thinking into virtual reality.

People who pursue obsessive thoughts can be conditionally attributed to the following categories:

  • « Racomno-rods" Fear of infection and pollution forms in patients the need of continuous hygienic procedures, laundry laundry and affairs, cleaning and disinfection of the apartment.
  • « Reinsurers" Anticipation of an imminent danger forces people to constantly recheck: whether the electrical appliances are turned off, water and gas are closed, locked the door.
  • « Blasphemy's female female" Such persons are typical of the desire to do everything immaculately, because they lead considerations that they will be sinned in a lacaround.
  • « Pedants" They are pursued by obsessive thoughts about the need to comply with the ideal order, a certain sequence in the location of things, their strict symmetry.
  • « Guardians" Such persons are convinced of the importance of storing any items that resemble the past, which are absolutely unsuitable or not needed. For them, the idea of \u200b\u200baccumulation is a kind of ritual, insurance against the "inevitable" catastrophe, which will come in case of discharge of such things.

Causes of obsessive thoughts

At this stage of the development of medicine, a single understanding about the reason for the occurrence of obsessive thoughts does not exist. The most reasonable are two hypotheses that combine provoking factors.

Biological factor:

  • congenital anatomical features of the structure of the brain, leading to the peculiar functioning of the nervous system;
  • failures in the chain of exchange of neurotransmitters, a shortage of serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine and gamke;
  • genetic mutations of the serotonin carrier - HSERT gene, localized in chromosome, localized;
  • infectious effect of streptococci (Pandas-syndrome).

Psychoneurological factor

  • problems of growing: emergence of complexes in childhood;
  • existing human type nervous activity with characteristic inert excitation and labile braking;
  • the predominance of the personality of the pineapple traits;
  • chronic psychotrambulating situations (read in detail about);
  • strong overwork and depletion of the nervous system.

Treatment of obsessive thoughts

Developed a variety of techniques for the treatment of obsessive thoughts. In most cases, they can be eliminated, without resorting to pharmacological treatment, engaging the arsenal of cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy.

Psychotherapeutic treatment

  • Cognitive behavioral technique It implies an iterative impact on the source of illogical and inappropriate beliefs of a person who is the essence of obsessive thoughts. The patient's sessions time gradually limit, bringing to a complete ban, to use forced compulsive behavior - the usual protective actions that weaken the alarm.
  • Cognitive-bihevoral approach Allows you to completely "reprogram" a brain thanks to a conscious targeted focus on catastrophic experiences. In parallel with this personality reaches the weakening of the hypertrophied sense of responsibility, while studying the methods of functional healthy response to emerging obsessive thoughts.
  • Group psychotherapy sessions - Useful event with an obsessive disorder. Interaction with people who have similar problems allows a person to refuse in his "abnormality", to gain confidence in the success of treatment, to become a more active participant in therapeutic procedures and faster to get rid of obsessive thoughts.

Pharmacological treatment

Medical therapy - Additional event in the treatment of disorder, designed to facilitate the symptoms of the obsessive disorder. As a rule, a combined treatment regimen consisting of various groups of drugs is used:

  • antidepressants;
  • tranquilizers;
  • neuroleptics.

In the case of an involuntary appearance of interfering obsessive thoughts, monotherapy using selective inhibitors is preferable. reverse grip serotonin and norepinephrine (SOSIRSH), for example: venlafaxine (Venlafaxine). With the accession of the deficit syndrome, it is advisable to combine the combination of CIOSE preparations with the latest developments - the CIOS Group, for example: combination sERTLINUM (SERTRALINUM) and atomoxetinum (atomoxetinum).

If there is an intensive alarm at the initial stage, treatment is carried out anxiolytic, eg: diazepamum (Diazepamum). Benzodiazepine tranquilizers, having an impact on the limbic brain system, regulate emotional functions. There is an assumption that these medicines are constrained by the effects of the "punishment system", on which the emergence of subjective negative sensations depends, including obsessive thoughts. However, treatment with these means should be exclusively episodic or short-term due to the risk of comprehension of medical addiction.

In the chronic flow of obsessive thoughts, in the absence of an effect on therapy with antidepressants, neuroleptics are used ( antipsychotics), eg: risperidon (Risperidonum). It is worth noting that, although the reception of antipsychotics and reduces the saturation of the emotional sphere, there is a direct relationship between the enhancement of obsessive thoughts, the development of depression and the long-term use of large doses of neuroleptics. Therefore, in some countries, for example: in the USA, treatment of progressive mental disorder Do not conduct these medicines. In the post-Soviet space in psychiatric practice with severe forms of the ORP without depressive symptoms, it is customary to use preparations of prolonged action, for example: zuclopentixolum (Zuclopenthixolum).

How to get rid of obsessive thoughts without pharmaceutical agents? An alternative to the treatment of obsessive thoughts in depression is recognized as a vegetable product - the extract of the hormour of the jifted, for example: in the form of the drug helariumHypericum (HelariumHypericum). The beneficial effect on the state of persons suffering from obsessive thoughts has a vitamin-like substance inositol.

Treatment with biological methods

With severe form of disorder and unrelent obsessive thoughts, a feasible measure - application of noncomptusive atropinizationimplying intramuscular or intravenous injections of high doses of atropine. Such biological method leads to oppression or complete disconnection of consciousness, which allows you to stop symptoms by improving the suggestibility of patients during hypnotherapy.

How to get rid of obsessive thoughts: Effective self-help methods

  • Step 1. An important step in overcoming unpleasant obsessive thoughts is to collect a maximum useful information On the nature of the disorder, choosing reliable proven sources. The big knowledge is the person, it is easier for it to overcome the painful sensations.
  • Step 2. How to get rid of obsessive thoughts? The main task in self-work is to understand and recognize the fact that obsessive thoughts are not a reflection of the events of reality, but an illusion created at the moment with a sick imagination. It should be convinced that the emerging fantasies are temporary and overcoming, and they do not pose a threat to life.
  • Step 3. To change negative obsessive thoughts, daily painstaking work is necessary, requiring a responsible approach and not accepting fuss. It should be set forth on paper, or tell a friend, which experiences prevent you from living, and with what events their occurrence is related.
  • Step 4. Remember that the "goal" of obsessive thoughts - to upset your brain from the flow of reliable information, isolating you from friends, familiar familiar. Therefore, no matter how much you wanted to stay alone with your meditation, you should not close it in yourself and refuse to friendly communicate or support.
  • Step 5. In the case of obsessive thoughts, many helps the method: "Wedge wedge is embroodble." For example, if you are convinced that you will definitely become a victim of bites even a tiny dog, make yourself a solid service dog. You will make sure that your fantasies are absolutely groundless, and the fear can be tamed, as well as successfully tighten the pet.
  • Step 6. A wonderful means of self-help with obsessive thoughts are water procedures:
  • reception of warm baths with simultaneous overlapping compress on the head;
  • the contrasting souls, pouring alternately warm and cool water;
  • long swims in natural water bodies.
  • Step 7. The methods of relaxation, meditation techniques, yoga that will help to get rid of anxiety - a satellite of obsessive thoughts should be studied and apply.
  • Step 8. It is necessary to exclude psychotrauming situations in the working team, and in everyday life. A very important task for parents whose children are predisposed to emotional disorders: properly educate the child - prevent the formation of a complex of inferiority or an opinion on its superiority, not to cultivate the ideas of his indispensability.
  • Step 9. How to get rid of obsessive thoughts? Take measures to maximize room lighting: remove dense curtains, use lamps with bright light. Remember that sunlight activates serotonin synthesis - hormone pleasure.
  • Step 10. Treatment of obsessive thoughts includes compliance right regime Nutrition. In the diet should be present with high content of tryptophan: bananas, dates, bitter chocolate, fig.

The prerequisite in the program, how to get rid of obsessive thoughts: prevent the development of alcoholism, drug addiction and toxicizing - powerful killers of the nervous system.

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03/26/2018 at 22:55. I would be for such offensive definitions of types of people from the OCR, for example, "raccasions" and others, would give the court to feasible psychologists and deprived their licenses. And even better stick in the head! Freaks moral you, not psychologists!

The nervous breakdown is a pronounced indicator, indicative of serious problems in the functioning and interaction of body systems.

Obsessive thoughts (obsessions) - These are images or motivations that uncontrollably, against the will of a person invade consciousness. Attempts to get rid of these thoughts lead to anxiety outbreaks and bring strong discomfort. A person is experiencing constant fears and bad thoughts. If you do not seek help in time, the obsessions lead to psychological depletion, social dedication and depression.

Obsessive thoughts are found in many diseases: neuroses, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder ( intrusive neurosis) And even schizophrenia.

Features that distinguish obsessive thoughts syndrome:

  • a person cannot influence such thoughts, thoughts arise against desire;
  • obsessive thoughts are not associated with ordinary thoughts of man - these are separate, alien images;
  • the syndrome of obsessive thoughts is impossible to overcome the effort of will;
  • disorder is associated with intensive anxiety, irritability;
  • the clarity of consciousness and the critical perception of their condition is usually saved.

Disorder is carried out extremely difficult. Usually a person is aware of what the obsessive thoughts mean, understands all the irrationality of the images that arise in the head, but can not fight them. Attempts to stop the appearance of thoughts and associated forcing forcing actions unsuccessful and lead to even greater experiences.

People who suffer from this disorder is easy to convince that their obsessive thoughts do not have grounds. But it does not help to get rid of the problem. Situations are repeated again and again. The necessary step to deliverance from painful states is the appeal for help from a specialist, until complications come.

What are obsessive thoughts

The obsessive thoughts are tormented by a person, they are unpleasant and disturbing, they want to escape from them, escape. There are a variety of obsessive ideas.

Here are some examples of what are obsessive thoughts:

  • concerns about pollution and dissemination of diseases;
  • pathological need in order and symmetry;
  • intrusive and uncontrolled account;
  • obsessive thoughts about the bad: a person constantly thinks about accidents that can happen to him, with his loved ones, with his property or even with humanity as a whole;
  • baby and unreasonable avoidance of certain actions or objects;
  • thoughts of religious, sexual, aggressive or any other orientation, which are alien to the patient's thinking and arise against the will.

Permanent obsessive thoughts deliver unbearable discomfort. Of course, a person has a desire to give in to these ideas and try to correct the situation. In this case, compulsices appear - actions that a person is forced to periodically perform, even if he does not want to control what is happening in the head. When obsessive thoughts (obsessions) and obsessive actions (compulsices) are present together, take a lot of time, prevent life and cause suffering, it says about the presence of such a disease as observation-compulsive disorder (OCD) .

The person begins to avoid cracks in the asphalt or touches each tree on the road, because alien thoughts "say" to him that if he doesn't do it, something bad will happen.

Usually, the compulsices are forced to do something again and again as a ritual. Dusty, a person hopes that it can prevent or reduce anxiety that accompanies the obsession. For example, it begins to avoid cracks in asphalt or touches each tree on the road, because alien thoughts "say" to him that if he doesn't do it, something bad will happen. Unfortunately, such actions do not bring relief and over time only aggravated, take the forms of an endless ritual.

In addition to the OCD, there are other diseases in psychiatry for whom various types of obsessive thoughts are characteristic. Here is some of them:

  • phobias
  • neurasthenia,
  • schizophrenia.

Phobia is an alarming disorder, which is characterized by panic and uncontrollable, irrational fear of certain situations or objects. Strong concern may occur even with thoughts about the frightening situation, so the patient is trying to avoid a terrible object with all their might. All terrible obsessive thoughts and anxieties are connected exclusively with this object.

There are different types of phobias. The most common:

  • agorafobia is the fear of open spaces or places of large cluster of people;
  • sociophobia is a fear of social interactions. There are other specific phobias that can concern what: airplanes, specific animals, blood type.

Phobic disorder may include panic attacks - Attacks of fear that are accompanied by a feeling of approaching death and physical sensations: stubborn pain, interruptions in the heart, dizziness, a sense of lack of air, numbness of limbs, intestinal disorders. All this significantly limits the personal life and human performance.

Neurastheny - disorder that is associated with the exhaustion of the nervous system. It happens after a long disease, physical overload, strong or prolonged stress. Characteristic constant headache, symptoms of cardiovascular disorders, digestive impaired and sleep.

Obsessive delusional thoughts can be one of the manifestations of schizophrenia, but the diagnosis is made only if there are other signs of schizophrenia.

The disease is distinguished by three forms-stages that develop each other. With hyperstaten form, emotional lability, irritability and intolerance observed. In the second phase, which is called "irritable weakness", aggression and irritation quickly replace emotional depletion and powerlessness. For the third, hypoconic form, the patient arrives in a state of constant fatigue and poor mood. He focuses on his inner sensations, which is even more oppressing him. For this phase, obsessive thoughts of a hypochondria character are characteristic.

Schizophrenia is a complex polymorphic mental illness, which is characterized by a fundamental violation of perception and disintegration of mental processes. The clinical picture is diverse and depends on the form of the disease: hallucinations, nonsense, loss of natural mental functions, personality distortion and much more.

The sick person who suffers from this ailment needs a full-fledged psychiatrist treatment. Obsessive delusional thoughts can be one of the manifestations of schizophrenia, but the diagnosis is made only with other signs that are specific, diagnostically significant criteria for this disorder.

Causes of obsessive thoughts

The emergence of obsessions is directly related to the main disease. In order for the treatment to be effective, it is important to raise the correct diagnosis. Accurately answer the question where obsessive thoughts come from are not always possible. The factors that contribute to the emergence of this disorder are identified:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • violation of the brain functioning due to organic or biochemical causes, including the imbalance of neurotransmitters;
  • mental injuries and stress;
  • personality Features: People with sensitive and labile temperament;
  • the presence of somatic I. infectious diseasesDisability, pregnancy - predisposing causes of obsessive thoughts.

Disorders under which this syndrome is found, a lot, therefore the diagnosis should be carried out a highly qualified psychiatrist, which will be able to understand the intricacies of the clinical picture and understand why obsessive thoughts arise. During the diagnostics, the following methods are used:

  1. Inspection of the psychiatrist: The specialist will collect anamnesis, will understand in clinical manifestations and personal features Each patient.
  2. Pathopsychological research: An effective and comfortable technique, which, with the help of special experiments, surveys and observations, makes it possible to conduct a qualitative analysis of violations of mental activity and understand why obsessive thoughts come.
  3. Laboratory and instrumental examination: Modern diagnostic tests, such as neotest and Neurophysiological test system allow you to evaluate the severity of pathological processes and carry out accurate differential diagnosis. Functional methods will help to exclude organic pathology.

How to deal with obsessive thoughts

Mental diseases that underlie the syndrome under consideration - the reason to immediately consult with a psychiatrist. Symptoms are distinguished by a large variety, and notice distinctive features Not always easy. Therefore, we need to ask what to do with obsessive thoughts, you need to experience an experienced specialist.

It happens that a person is afraid to seek help or trying to independently find a way to cope with obsessive thoughts that are so tired. One of the widespread solutions is the use of alcohol and drugs. If a person manages to distract, the illusion can be created for a while that the problem has disappeared. In fact, the situation is only aggravated. It is impossible to "kill" obsessive thoughts in such a way, because there is a possibility that in a state of alcohol intoxication of the obsession will only increase.

The effects of alcohol use can be unpredictable. Even if a short relief occurs, the thoughts will still arise again, and with even greater force. As a result, new health problems are added, dependence on alcohol or drugs is developing, the disorder is aggravated. With the neurosis of obsessive thoughts how to get rid of or facilitating the state, only a specialist will be prompted.

In addition to the stages of treatment that the doctor will pick up for you, it is necessary to remember the self-control, rehabilitation and prevention. Here are some tips in addition to the main treatment, which will prompt how to deal with obsessive thoughts:

With the help of modern medicine, it is possible to mitigate the intensity of manifestations, and often completely from getting rid of obsessions and compulsions.

In case of obsessive thoughts syndrome, treatment gives the greatest efficiency with a combination of psychotherapy and medicines. In some cases, there is enough of something one. Competent specialist picks up individual programwhich will depend on the clinical picture and gravity of the state.

With obsessive thoughts, treatment may consist of psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy.

Psychotherapy allows you to fully analyze the situation and work out behavioral, psychological and social problems. Communication with a highly qualified psychotherapist teaches to manage symptoms, overcome fears and protect against stress. In the arsenal of a modern specialist cognitive behavioral therapy , hypno-suggestive techniques , autotraining and other effective approaches. Psychotherapy of obsessive thoughts is a key method of cure, which will help to understand the problem and cope with it.

Pharmacotherapy. Modern medicines Help to adjust the neurotic symptoms, remove the state of fear and anxiety, keep the mood under control. Used soft antidepressants, neuroleptics and tranquilizers.

Fortunately, modern psychiatry knows how to cure obsessive thoughts, reduce or completely eliminate the symptoms. Thanks effective treatment and rehabilitation, which are provided by a competent specialist, patients are returned to active life without fears and restrictions.

Obsessive thoughts are relentless dooms, ideas, images that are born in human consciousness. Such reflections seemed to persecute a person, interlacing it. Also, such a fortune is called the ORSEMI. Almost every individual came across the described phenomenon at least once in his own being. Many people, due to the accelerated rhythm of existence, believe in superstition, all the time fear something forget, somewhere to stay somewhere. Often these experiences can be regarded as obsessive thoughts. At the same time, it is possible to talk about the ailment only when obsessive ideas are made excessive, the psychological discomfort is delivered, they cause spiritual flour, and also often can harm the surroundings. It is believed that uncertain states are subject to obsessive states, having understated self-esteem, increased anxiety pursued by constant fear.

Causes of occurrence

Sometimes the people whom they pursue obsessive thoughts, consider them groundless, as a result of which they neglect them either seek them to stop, which only increases tensions, for this reason, it becomes even more difficult to return control over the thought flow for this reason. Often, unconeed ideas will develop in the acts of obsessive nature. For example, if a person is painfully afraid of dirt and microbes, then his annoying thoughts will push the hands constantly. The diligent individual to strive to suppress obsessive thoughts and fears, the more powerful they become, despite the attempts to overcome them.

A number of predisposing factors that contribute to the origin of obsessive thoughts, namely, can be distinguished.

- transfer of the psychotrauming situation;

- the impact of stressors;

- the presence of sustainable negative memories of an inhibitory nature;

- the influence of irresistible doubt;

- Family Gnet;

- the influence of the surrounding society;

- scoreless thrust for self-destruction;

- justification of own egoism;

- The desire to dominate.

All premium factors are a consequence of individual characteristics of a person.

Modern medicine of a single appeal explaining the reason for the birth of ideas of an obsessive nature does not. The most reasoned are two concepts that combine factors that can provoke the deviation under consideration.

First of all, the causes of biological nature are distinguished:

- the anatomical features of the brain device, which cause the specific work of the nervous system;

- Mutation of the HSERT gene, which is the carrier of serotonin and the localized in 17 chromosome;

- transferring the ailments caused by Streptococcus, such as: Scarlatina and Farriage;

- violation in the circuit of the exchange of neurotransmitters, lack of norepinephrine, serotonin, dopamine, GABA.

Psychoneurological factors are also distinguished:

- problems caused by mature: (the emergence of complexes);

- a variety of higher nervous activity, characterized by labile braking and inert excitation;

- prevailing in a person an excessive tendency to focus on the details, doubts, excessive, stubbornness;

- exhaustion or serious overwork of the nervous system.

Manifestations of obsessive thoughts

To recognize your own stay under the oppression is quite simple, because they are clearly traced in behavior:

- a person is constantly in anxious condition, is made fearful, becomes uncertain;

- marks tired conversations with their own person;

- a person is constantly doubted in the actions produced (for example, whether he will cope with the assigned task, whether water turned off);

- There is an inseparable desire to make some kind of dirtycy or a bad act (for example, spit in the interlocutor, to exhausted by mat), accompanied by feeling;

- a person pursue the oppressive thoughts of incorrect behavior, about the bad deeds that reach almost to self-ruling;

- there is a concern to harm his own person or cause damage to the surroundings;

- there is a fear of catching incurable alert with death;

- There are intimate fantasies that do not apply in practice;

- in persons in the pubertal period, there is painful concern about their own appearance;

- The kids can find a ground fear of death.

Staying under the tireless oppression of obsessive thoughts, the person is also in physical overvoltage. Therefore, when obsessions can be observed: the increase in heartbeat, dizziness, nausea, shortness of breath, polyuria, faint, increase in sweating.

These variations of obsessions can be distinguished as: aggressive motivations, blasphemous arts, inappropriate intimate fantasies, obsessive memories of annoying, isolated, unpleasant situations; irrational fears (for example, fear of closed rooms, open spaces, fears to harm close, fear of diseases expressed by fear of microbes and mud).

The main feature of obsessive thoughts is the lack of a rational basis in fears and various fears.

How to remove negative thoughts

In order to understand how to free themselves from the oppression of obsessive thoughts, first of all, it is recommended to establish the cause of the obsession. And then with the help of the following proposed methods, you can try to stop the annoying thoughts forever and stop the permanent internal dialogue, the tiring individual mentally and depleting physically.

So, there are many techniques aimed at independent exemption from obsessions. Here is one of them, called: "I ignore obsessive thoughts." It includes three mandatory consecutive steps. Initially, it should be learn to ignore obsessive ideas, the Duma. As soon as inside, the "brought-down record" began to raise, it is necessary to take the position of a third-party observer and calmly contemplate the stream of thoughts, not admiring them, without thinking, impartially.

At the same time, rapid thoughts should not be avoided, but to fully take, watching them as if. This is the second step. Here, a person can again begin to overcome bodily suffering or moral torment. However, this moment must be survived. It should be understood that everything is frequent, so any flour will end and with them will leave the person and his annoying thoughts.

The third step consists in a calm and indifference attitude to the estimated moral inner conversation. This will reduce the sharpness of the problem, will save from the emotional charge, and also devalue its importance in the eyes of the obsessions.

The use of the described method will gradually lead to the transformation of annoying thoughts and their weakening up to completely sink. It is important not to expect an instant result and cannot be disappointed when, after seven days, the changes will not happen. It is necessary to urge that the daily painstaking following these three steps will necessarily lead to an anticipated effect.

The following method is called "learn to manage your thoughts." The goal is to elevate over his own fear. Simply put, it should be stopped to fight fear, you just need to go with her nearby, giving it to the level of ordinary everyday problem. The most important stage of healing is to understand the problem and its adoption.

The first step implies understanding of your own fear. Here you need to watch "fear" in the eye. In the event of thoughts, oppressingly affecting, not giving peace throughout the working day, bringing to nervous overwork, I should not strive to escape from them, you must try to look at the frightening Duma from a positive angle. For example, a person torments a thought, whether he closed the front door in the morning. This issue should be challenged as follows: "If I try to remember the locker whether the door, but I can not, then, therefore, I need to develop my own attention."

The second step is to attach the text form by obsessive thoughts. Simply put, it is recommended to record annoying thoughts. As soon as the question arose, it is necessary to sit down, cover your eyes and try to calm down, in order to enable the possibility of thought to fully form. Then it should be written in a literally way it was formed. After that, it is necessary to read it. It will help to level the danger of thought. Next you need to burn this sheet. Such an action, a person seems to erase his mind from his head, throws her.

The third step is to replace the negative image positive. It is necessary to recall the bright moment of the feeling of immense happiness, joy or pacification, and fix the resulting image. And whenever the obsessive duma overcomes, follow the appearance of this image.

The fourth step implies the found of the hidden meaning of his own annoying thoughts. Here it is necessary to think about why such thoughts are born, what's the point in themselves. May be needed to follow them. Therefore, it is necessary to find the meaning of them and start solving them.

The third method is called "Increase the circle of communication and your employment." The essence of the method under consideration lies in pushing the reforming spirit to the side, not by combating them, but through the acquisition of new interests. Quite often, annoying thoughts are repositted by the subject, when he experiences a sense of loneliness and feels unnecessary. Therefore, the described violation may disappear without a trace, if a person becomes more interact with people.

If this is not possible due to the lack of interest in surrounding entities, it is recommended to register on thematic forums or specialized resources. You can also get in social online services intended for the organization and construction of relationships, comrades who will be close in spirit and are similar to interest. After the appearance of confidence in its own communicative skills, it is recommended to switch to real interaction with a close social environment, for example, with colleagues or neighbors.

How else can you remove negative thoughts from the head? Effective in the stopping of corporate thoughts is considered sports and various hobbies. Therefore, it should take all available time to attending sports sections, all kinds of needlework, drawing, musice. Then self-confidence and obsessive thoughts will go to the background. Every physical fatigue successfully displaces emotional extensions.

In addition to the above techniques, it will not be superfluous to master relaxation techniques, since the obsessions generate not only mental torments, but also physical suffering. And because when obsessive thoughts overclocked, it is necessary to relax and try to eliminate the stress.

Today, there are many all kinds of exercises that promote relaxation, because it is not possible to choose a suitable work.

The most elementary, but at the same time a sufficiently effective exercise is considered the following: it is necessary to take a supine position, stretching along the body upper limbs. Breathing should be calmed and imagine how every cell of the body relaxes. This will help eliminate excessive tension.

The cognitive behavioral techniques of psychotherapy are also considered effective methods in the treatment of obsessive thoughts.

If the obsessions are observed in childhood either in the pubertal period, then assistance should be provided as early as possible. Since the unstable psyche of children can or completely overcome this phenomenon, or will give a message to the formation of a heavier variation of deviation.

It is important to uruminate that the obsessions are a transient state. You can learn, without contrasting obsessive thoughts, coexist with them or live without them. The main thing is not to be afraid of your own annoying thoughts. These must be treated according to the principle: they are - it means well, there are no them - also perfectly. Changing his attitude to an annoying inner conversation, a person deprives her significance and reduces the "efforts" of obsessive thoughts to bring it out of spiritual equilibrium.

The obsessive thoughts are thoughts that constantly scroll in the head and do not give rest to a person. In psychiatry, their appearance is defined as (OCD), in neurology such a state is called neurosis of obsessive states, in psychology initial stage Such a disorder is encrypted under the name "Mind Gum".

A person exhausts such a state, as permanent thoughts puned in his head, negative memories, desires or fears create a painful feeling. It is difficult for him to cope with them alone, so fear arises that it will never be chosen from such a state.

This disorder may occur at any age and with different intensity. Without a specialist, a person, unfortunately, cannot get out of closed Circle His thoughts. Let's find out how to get rid of obsessive thoughts.

The emergence of obsessive thoughts can be sudden after the traumatic situation, also a person with its habit of rituals can bring itself to this state. What are the causes of the OCC?

The obsessive thoughts over any problem can go into the pathological state of the psyche when the usual health care becomes hypochondria, and caution before the dangerous situation turns into paranoia.

Obsessive thoughts are not explained logically. They arise on the basis of the emotions of the experience of any situation. These situations are absolutely different in all people, but unites them one - an emotional binding.

Continuous loads of physical or moral lead to anxiety, chronic fatigue, lack of sleep and neurosis. Hence the occurrence of OCR and other disorders. Even with enhanced work, it is necessary to have a rest, as there may be emotional and mental failures in work, expressed through obsessive thoughts.

Reason to worry

Obsessive thoughts may occur in different reasons, even the most illogical. Different thoughts come to person, it's not necessary to scare this. This is the display of our experiences, incoming information through the media and communication. But it is important how we treat these thoughts.

When a thought about suicide comes to the patient and he begins to be afraid of it, it is good and does not testify about pathology. In people who are prone to suicide or killing such thoughts will not cause fear, negative emotions. Such people think of ways to do it. How to get rid of such thoughts in the head, a psychologist or psychiatrist will help. But sometimes you need to help yourself. The recommendations of such assistance will be described below.

Menitious people believe everything, even illogical thoughts arising in their head as a result of experiences, analysis of information or events. They start believing in their illogical thoughts, taking them for reality. This state also has a physiological and biochemical basis, after long "recycling" of thoughts in the brain, certain processes begin:

This is the normal response of the body to an alarming state as a result of obsessive thoughts. The brain reacts both to the real and in the invented threat. It is realistic to fight with obsessive thoughts and fears, with the help of a specialist this process will significantly speed up.

Manifestations of disorder

To those who survived the attack of obsessive thoughts, their influence on human behavior is known. The patient himself, little pleasure brings a permanent thought, not substantiated by logic. This state is accompanied by illogical actions of a person, sometimes he can whisper with himself, constantly load in thoughts. It is often possible to find at the stage of thinking something. The physical manifestations of disorder are accompanied, characteristic of symptoms.

Of this state, undoubtedly, it is necessary to go out, as it affects the productivity of human actions. Some helps music for sleep from such obsessive thoughts, some constantly distract themselves something, but it is only working with symptoms. The main disorder must be treated, sometimes with the help of medicines.


So how can you get rid of obsessive thoughts? There is a certain algorithm for specialists, who helps to stop the attacks of obsessive thoughts in time, leading to anxious disorders and panic attacks.

Medicia treatment

Remove obsessive thoughts from the head in some cases it is necessary with the help of medical preparations. Nebrosis medicines are used. This is a common method to eliminate the physiological symptoms of mental disorder. But no drugs will replace psychotherapy, therapeutic conversation "for souls" with a specialist.

Antidepressants help the obsessive thoughts for a good sleep or inclusion in the process of vital activity. In this case, the disorder is muffled, but not treated.

Most patients do not like the reception of such funds, as they are constantly drowned, sluggish and it is difficult for them to focus. Reception of drugs assigns and adjusts the doctor.


How to distract from obsessive thoughts will tell a psychotherapist or a psychologist on an individual reception. To overcome this condition, professionalism of a specialist and knowledge in different psychological schools is required. In a conversation with a patient, the doctor applies different directions.

Cognitive direction

Often, a person gets used to observing rituals, for example, before going to bed or think over the events of the past day. When working in cognitive direction The specialist focuses on awareness of responsibility for his thoughts. The result of the work should be the training of a patient of a constructive reaction to such thoughts, ideas that are not amenable to logic. Also, a person learns to make important actions without compliance with the usual rituals.

Direction of family psychotherapy

As a rule, a person with a similar disorder lives in a family or has its own surroundings. For a long time, the famous truth that our environment affects us.

The work of a psychologist ideally should occur with the patient's family. Best-compulsive disorder in most cases is developing due to problems in relationships with loved ones. The task of the psychologist to understand family relations of the patient, and help them harmonize.

Work in the group

Obsessive thoughts also appear on the lack of inclusion in the actions and shortage of communication. Group support with this disorder is very important, a person feels that he is not alone with his situation.

In the group, it easier to recognize his problems and he has more motivation to decide whether to take responsibility for them. When the patient recognizes the problem, he is already on the way to solve it. Group support gives its results and upon subsequent individual psychotherapy.

Timely solution to the problem prevents its complication. Many patients and their relatives still preserved stereotypical thinking that the disorders of mental functions and processes should be thoroughly hidden. Therefore, a person delays a problem to such an extent that medications and longer therapy have to be applied.

Independent therapy

When obsessive thoughts become the result of the habit of everything "stick" and repeat in the brain, at this stage a person can help himself overcome such a state. To do this, follow the recommendations.

Details about obsessive thoughts: what is it, the treatment of OCD. Psychology

The syndrome of obsessive states and thoughts - OCC. What is this mental mechanism, and how to get rid of obsessive thoughts and fears? Video


For me, this article is very important because I have a familiar with the problem of obsessive thoughts.

And if you read it, perhaps themselves collided with something like that and do not know how to be with it.

It will be discussed not only about the knowledge of psychology, but even more importantly, about one's own experience, sensations and important intricacies, which should be needed to be needed.

I want you to in your own practical experience, and not on someone's words that you heard somewhere or read, applied and checked what we are talking about this article. After all, your own experience and awareness to you nothing and no one will replace.

Somewhere I will repeat along the course of the article, but only because these are very important moments for which I want to draw your special attention.

So, obsessive thoughts, what is it?

In psychology there is such a concept "mental gum." Already this name should you have something to say - sticky, pulling, tightening thought.

The obsessive thoughts, obsessive states or obsessive internal dialogue - the scientific OCC (), are differently called neurosis of obsessive states.

This is a mental phenomenon in which a person has a painful feeling of a forced occurrence in the head of some multiple repetitive information (some thoughts), which often leads to obsessive actions and behavior.

Sometimes a person exhausted by obsession invents For yourself some kind of behavior, action Ritual, for example, counting some numbers, numbers of passing machines, counting windows or pronunciation for themselves defined "Stop words (phrases)", etc. etc., options here are many.

He comes up with this behavior (action), as a way of some protection against his obsessive thoughts, but as a result, these "actions-rituals" themselves become obsessions, and the situation over time is only aggravated, because these actions themselves constantly remind a person about his problem, reinforce And strengthen it. Although it can sometimes help the moments, but all this is open, briefly and does not eliminate the OKR.

The mechanism for the appearance of an obsessive state (OCD)

As if anyone seemed strange, but the main reason for the occurrence and development of obsessive states, in whatever form it was not manifested, are: first, formed the habit of constantly conducting an internal dialogue with yourself, and automatic (unconscious)for any exciting old or new occasion;secondly, it attachment to some kind of beliefs (ideas, installations) And deep faith in these beliefs.

And such obsessive thinking is largely or less present in many people, but many do not even know about it, they just think that it is correct that this is a normal way of thinking.

Becoming the usual, obsessive internal dialogue appears not only in the fact that it is important for a person, but also in any household, daily and new situations. Just carefully watch yourself, and you will quickly understand it.

But more often it is manifested in what a person is looked for that it is strongly worried.

From constant scrolling of monotonous, restless (often frightening) and, in fact, such fatigue can be poured out such a fatigue that, besides the desire to get rid of these thoughts, there is no other desire. Gradually, this leads to fear of their own thoughts, before their appearance, which only aggravates the situation.

A person loses freedom and becomes a hostage of obsessive state. An insomnia appears, the symptoms of VDC () and almost constant, increased anxiety.

Actually, general internal anxiety and dissatisfaction for some reason and led to the possibility of this problem, but this is the topic of other articles.

Obsessive ideas (thoughts) in their essence.

What do they actually represent obsessive thoughts in their inner essence?

It is very important to understand that obsessive thoughts are the thoughts that our will, forces, are forced to think about something. As a rule, it is strained, monotonous (monotonous) Internal dialogs with scrolling the same mental plot Only on different frets. And this unconscious flow of thoughts in the head can absorb attention that at this moment everything else that happens around, almost ceases to exist.

The obsessive state, as a function of the brain, oddly enough, has its own natural task, it plays a certain role and is something like "Reminders", "Signal" and "Forced" who are pushing a person to something.

Many of you can now think, and here is some kind of "reminder" and "signal", because obsessive thoughts are still just thoughts.

In fact, it is not just thoughts. And the main difference between obsessive thoughts from ordinary, logical, is that these thoughts, despite their entirely seemingly seemingly reasonable, in their inner stuffing do not contain anything common.

These irrational, emotional Thoughts, as a rule, are always associated with our fears, doubts, insults,, angrily or with something important and disturbing us. At the heart of these thoughts always lies an emotional charge, that is, their base is emotion.

And what can be useful in this obsessive mechanism?

The abutable signal is called the signal that it reports to something. This mechanism is mainly intended for automatic reminder and concentration of our attention on what we consider it important for yourself.

For example, if you have a loan in a bank, it must be quenched, and you have no money now, and if you are a sensible person, you will look for a decision. And in many ways you will be helped by obsessive thoughts that want you or not, There will be often or constantly, at any time of the day and night remind you of the situation that you allow it to be allowed.

Another example with the benefit of this obsessive function.

What is such a vital to think a person who can bring him to an obsessive state?

About money, about better work, best accommodation, personal relationships, etc. For example, a person appears a goal, and he begins to constantly think about it, builds plans, do not break downSomething does and continues to reflect on this.

As a result, if it is non-stop, long continues, may come when he, having decided to rest, trying to switch and take himself with something else, but notes that he still continues unknowingly Reflect on your important goal.

And if he even tries to tell the power and sound reasoning to tell himself "Stop, I need to stop thinking about it, you need to relax," this is how it will not work immediately.

Obsessive thoughts, on this example, make a person think about important. That is, they fulfill a good useful role, not giving a person to stop at what has been achieved, but at the same time, without taking care of his health, because it is not their business, their only role is to signal, remind and push.

The occurrence of an obsessive state is dangerous and harmful to us - this is a sign that the feasures began in psyche.

Just keep in mind: no matter how important you, if you do not give yourself a full-fledged rest, it can lead to any disorders, chronic fatigue, increased anxiety, obsessive states and neurosis.

The output here is one - It doesn't matter how valuable and useful what you do, and what are the important things you think, you should always take breaks, stop and allow yourself to relax well emotionally, physically and especially mentally mentally, otherwise everything can end well.

Oblinding thoughts on anxious (frightening)

Obsessive thoughts can be associated with something natural and quite reasonable, and with something completely absurd, frightening and illogical.

For example, thoughts associated with health, when a person, feeling some kind of painful symptom, begins to worry, think about it, and the farther, the more scare itself. I swollen or stressed my heart, immediately thought: "something is wrong with me, maybe the heart of the patient." A person is dragging on this symptom, worrying, and obsessive thoughts arise about this, although there is no disease in reality. It was just a symptom caused by some disturbing thoughts, fatigue and arising internal tension.

But just to take and immediately ignore them - it is impossible. Perhaps it really makes sense to listen to these thoughts, because, you can really have some kind of physical illness. In this case, consult a doctor. If after all the tests, you were told that you are all right, and you still continue to worry, go to the second doctor, but if it is confirmed there that you are healthy, it means, and you are simply exposed to OCC .

Other people attack the obsessionally arising idea to cause harm and even kill someone from loved ones or something to do with them. At the same time, a person really does not want this, but this thought herself does not give rest and scares that it generally comes to him.

In fact, this is a proven fact: there is no recorded case in the world that would have led to terrible consequences. Just such, the presence of these obsessive thoughts holds a person from such actions. And what they arise says that you not prone To this, otherwise it would not scare you.

Those who are inclined to something like that, they are not worried about themselves. They either act, or wait, that is, they really want it and do not worry in any way. Since you scares it, it means that you are not like that, and this is the main thing.

Why did you have your problem? It happened about the following. You once visited some delusional idea, and instead of saying to yourself: "Well, and nonsense can come to mind," and without giving any importance, they would have left themselves alone, scared and began to analyze.

That is, at that moment you visited some thought, you believed her and believed that since you think so much, it means that you are there such a thing and can do something bad. You without solid foundations trusted this irrational thought, not knowing what are the absurd and can visit any healthy manThis is a completely ordinary phenomenon. This thought, in turn, caused emotion with you, in our case the emotion of fear, and went away. Subsequently, you looked at this thought, because she frightened you, they began to analyze a lot and they themselves had it with force (attached importance), so you have a problem now, and not at all because you are some non-neurmal or mentally sick that you can And you want something terrible to do something. You just have a disorder that is exactly treated, and you are exactly anyone, nothing bad will do.

The thoughts themselves cannot make you do something, for this you need a real, strong desire and intention. All they can make you think, but no more. This, of course, is also very unpleasant, and how to get rid of obsessive thoughts, will be lower.

Other obsessions can be associated with household goods, for example, "Whether I turned off the plate (iron)?" - A person thinks and checks for a hundred times day.

Some fear to get infected with something and constantly or repeatedly wash their hands per day, wash the apartment (bath), etc.

And someone for a long time can worry and obsessively think about his appearance (), or constantly worrying and thinking about his behavior in humans, control over himself and its status in society.

In general, everyone has its own, and it does not matter how much terrible or acceptable what is imposed on, all this is essentially the same thing - OCD only in different manifestations.

An example, as may be obsessive thinking

Let's briefly, on a simple example, let's see how often the habit of obsessively think, and that physically Enhances and reinforces this habit.

If you have a conflict or a dispute with someone, and has already passed for a while, and the thoughts associated with the situation are not allowed.

You continue mentally, unconsciously scroll through this in my head, to lead an internal (virtual) dialogue with the opposite side, about something to argue and find all new and new justification and evidence of your rightful or your guilt. You are angry, threaten and think: "We had to say that something and then or do so, and so."

This process may continue for quite a long time, until something cares your attention.

Once over a time worried and nervous, and in fact, in fact, do the most real, very harmful absurdwhich is supported and automatically moving emotional obsessive The state and sense of anxiety.

The only right thing to be done in this situation is to stop thinking about it, no matter how important you, and no matter how important it is.

But if you succumbed, and this obsessive process was delayed, it may be very difficult to internally collect and stop the internal dialogue.

And you can exacerbate the problem even more if at some point you understand that they do not control the situation at all, they are even more scared of these thoughts, begin to fight them to somehow distract, and begin to blame and scold yourself for everything now happens to you.

But wines, for everything that happens to you, not only your, but also in the launched mechanism, which has both a mental basis, so the physical and biochemical component:

  • certain neurons are excited, and stable neural connections are created, under which it begins to be produced automatic reflex response;
  • in the body, stress hormones are produced (cortisol, aldosterone) and a mobilizing hormone - adrenaline;
  • launches vegetative nervous system (VNS), and somatic symptoms are manifested - the muscles of the body are strained; Heart mention, pressure, voltage, sweating, trembling in the limbs, etc. Very often there is dry mouth, the heat, comes in the throat, difficulty breathing, that is, all the signs of the VDC (vegetual-vascular dystonia).

Remember: what to scold and get angry in this situation - the crime Against yourself, a lot here simply does not depend on you, to stabilize all these symptoms, you need the time and the right approach that will be discussed below.

By the way, to be afraid of these symptoms listed above, it is not worth it, it is a completely normal response of the body to your alarming state. The same as if it was real A threat, for example, a huge dog would be running on you, and you, naturally, would be scared it. Immediately the heart would be allowed, the pressure rose, the muscles strained, the breath was frequent, etc. These unpleasant symptoms are the consequences of the emission of chemical elements and adrenaline, which mobilizes our body at the time of danger.

And notice and realize the fact that all this happens in our body not only at the moment of a real threat, but also figged, virtualWhen there is no real danger now, no one attacks you, and nothing falls from above. Danger only in our heads - we think about something restless, screw themselves with some disturbing thoughts and begin to strain and nervous.

The fact is that our brain simply does not feel the difference between what is happening in reality and mental (mental) experience.

That is, all these strong, unpleasant and frightening symptoms can be easily caused by disturbing (negative) thoughts that provoke some unwanted emotions, and those in turn, unpleasant symptoms in the body. This is what many are constantly doing and then, in addition, they begin to be afraid of these natural symptoms and even bring themselves to PA () and.

Now, I think it will be difficult for you to realize this immediately, because this moment of the interrelation of the psyche and the body requires more detailed and deeply explanations, but this will be in other articles, and now that you can slowly start to deal with yourself, I do you I again suggest learning to watch myself, with my thoughts and emotions.

To understand where and what is taken from how thoughts arise, emotions and other concomitant sensations arise; What happens unconsciously and what we consciously affect; As far as it all depends on us, and how your thoughts affect your current state.

How to get rid of obsessive thoughts, fears independently?

First of all, it is necessary to realize the fact that it is impossible to fully believe everything that comes to your mind, and you can not associate (identify) yourself, my "I" is only with my thoughts, because we are not our thoughts. Our thoughts are just some part of ourselves. Yes, very important, intellectual, necessary for us, but only part of us.

Logic (thinking) is our most important ally, this is a great tool given to us by nature, but this tool needs to be able to properly use.

Most people are confident that EVERYTHING Our thoughts are just our own thoughts, it is precisely we invent them, and then thinking them.

Indeed, since some thoughts arise in our head, then this, of course, our thoughts, but in addition, they are largely derived from various external and internal factors.

That is what we can experience, and what thoughts now come to our mind, does not depend only on us, we want it or not. All this directly It will be associated with our mood at the moment (good or bad) and will be the consequence of the circumstances and experience of the past.

We would have other installations, another mood, another past, for example, we would have been born from other parents or now they would live in Africa - there would be completely different thoughts.

Do not happen to us some negative moment in the past, there would be no bad experience, therefore, there would be no obsessive thoughts.

When we associate yourself, our "I" only with your thoughts, when we are confident that our thoughts are, we ourselves, then we don't have anything as soon as deeply believe everything that comes to mind, but can come Such ...

In addition, it is very important to realize what we are able to observe our thoughts, comment on them, evaluate, condemn and ignore. That is, we are something that can be out of thinking, conscious of yourself outside of your thoughts. And this suggests that we are not only our thoughts, we are something more - what can be called soul or some kind of energy.

This is a very important point in solving this problem. It is necessary to stop identifying yourself with your thoughts, stop counting that they are - it is, and then you will see them from the side (removed).

Our body all the time speaks with us. If we just found time to listen.

Louise Haye

If you start watching yourself and your thoughts, you will quickly notice the fact that most of our thoughts in the head are no more than automatic thoughts, that is, they arise unconsciously, by themselves without our desire and our participation.

And what is the most interesting, most of these thoughts are repeated from day to day. This is 80-90% of the same thoughts only in different variations.

And this is not just someone's words, it is a confirmed scientific fact based on numerous studies. In essence, we most often think and scroll through the same thing in my head. And you yourself can trace it.

Second stepabout which I briefly wrote in the article "" can not be struggling with obsessive thoughts, resist and try to get rid of them, dismiss and forget.

Follow yourself: if you really try not to think about something, then You think about it.

If you strive to get rid of thoughts, switch or somehow move them, then they will overcome even more and more insistent.

Because resisting you ourselves You endow them even a big emotional charge and only increase the internal tension, starting to worry and nervous, which, in turn, strengthens the symptoms (unpleasant physical sensations), which I wrote above.

Therefore, the key point is do not fight with thoughts, do not attempt to somehow distract and get rid of. Thus, you will save the mass of the energy that is now squandered on the fight against them, not getting anything in return.

How to stop obsessive internal dialogue, if you can not fight?

At the time when obsessive thoughts were visited, and you realized that these thoughts do not tell you something really necessary (useful) - this is just once again, repeatedly, as a pavement record, repeating internal dialogue that you It is strongly disturbing and still did not allow your problem, - just, impartially, indifferently begin to ignore these thoughts, not trying to get rid of them.

Let these thoughts be in your head, allow them to be, and watch them. Look at them even if they scare you.

Differently, and perhaps it will be correct to say without entering them into the dialogue, not analyzing You just contemplate them gently trying about them not to think.

Do not analyze what obsessive thoughts tell you, just watch them, without deepening in their essence. Remember always that these are just ordinary thoughts in which you are not obliged to believe, and they are not at all obliged to do what they say.

Do not avoid sensations

Also, watch the emerging emotions and sensations in the body that cause these thoughts, even if they are not very pleasant to you. Consider and feel that, as at what point is happening. This will give you an understanding of why your unpleasant symptoms arise and why at some point you start feeling worse.

Just as with thoughts, do not try to get rid of these sensations, give them Even if for some time you will be bad. Remember that this is completely natural, although painful symptoms, and they have grounds. In war, people and not so worried and after a long time and healthy lived.

These sensations are necessary take and live to the end. And gradually within you, at the level of deeper than our consciousness (unconscious), the transformation of these sensations will occur, and they will be weaker, while at some point they will not stop disturbing you at all. Read more about sensations in this.

Do not struggle with internal processes, you can smoothly transfer your breath, make it a little deeper and slower, it will accelerate the restoration of the body (read more about proper breathing).

pay attention to the world, people and nature are all that surrounds you. Consider the texture of various things, listen to the sounds, and doing some kind of business, direct all Attention On this matter, that is, with full attention, dive into real life.

Acting in this way, it is not necessary to do everything in the sequence described by me, do the way you do now, most importantly, consciously and carefully observe all.

If thoughts come back, let them be, but without mental analysis and struggle from your side.

Your indifference and calm attitude without struggle to these thoughts will significantly reduce or will deprive their emotional charge. With practice, you will realize it.

Do not rush events, let everything goes with their natural move, as it should go. And these thoughts themselves will definitely leave. And we will go without consequences or without serious consequences for you. It turns out that you are calm and smoothly, somewhere imperceptibly for yourself, natural way Move attention to something else.

Having learned not to struggle with thoughts, you learn to live when there are these thoughts and when they are not. There are no annoying thoughts - perfectly, if there is - is also normal.

Gradually, with a change in your attitude towards them, you will stop afraid of the appearance of any thoughts, because you are aware that you can safely live, not afraid and without being tormented by them. And these thoughts in the head will become less and less, because without running away from them, without endowing them by force, they will lose their sharpness and themselves will begin to disappear.

Spore with obsessive thoughts and search for a logical solution

It happens that you, trying to get rid of constantly overcoming, obsessive thoughts, look for some thoughts or mental solutions that would have calmed you.

You intensively think, perhaps, argue with you or something trying to inspire yourself, but, thereby, you only strengthen the problem from the inside.

In a dispute with obsessive thoughts, you do not prove anything, even if you manage to find a thought, which for a while calm you, soon obsessive thoughts in the form of doubt and the alarm will return, and everything will begin in a circle.

An attempt to replace thoughts or convince itself in something with obsessive states does not work.

How to get rid of obsessive thoughts: mistakes and cautions

Do not count on a quick result. You could cultivate our problem for years, and for a few days amended your attitude to thoughts, learn to impartially watch them, not leaving for their provocation, it will be difficult, and this really needs to be learn. Some will have to overcome strong fear, especially at the beginning, but it will be better.

Something you can do almost immediately, and someone immediately becomes easier, another will need to feel how it all happens, but without exception will have a decline, the so-called "kickbacks" or "pendulum" when Past state and behavior are returned. It is important not to disappoint, not to stop and continue practicing.

Very harmful Someone talk about your condition, about what you feel, share and discuss your experiences not with a professional person.

This can only spoil everything. First, because you are once again reminded by my psyche, my unconscious about what is happening with you, and this does not contribute to recovery.

Secondly, if the one who you tell something, manifesting your initiative, begins to ask: "Well, how are you, everything is fine? Are you already good? " Or "do not mind, all this nonsense," the process of recovery can be simply destroyed by questions and words. You yourself can feel that you feel at that moment when you were told like this, look at the inner sensations, you clearly get worse, you are sharply starting to feel sick.

Therefore, it is very important to exclude any conversations on this topic with other people, except for a specialist doctor. Thus, without communicating about what you worry, you will remove many reminders (internal messages) that you allegedly sick, and stop developing your problem deeper.

Trying not to fight With obsessive thoughts, you are watching them, but at the same time you internally want and try to get rid of them, fight them, that is, essentially the same struggle occurs.

Therefore, a very important initial step here will capture and fix itself a wish Get rid of obsessive thoughts. Do not go on this desire, just aware of it within yourself.

I do not need to look forward to when these thoughts leave, and that they will not appear again again.

It is impossible, because the memory will not be cheating, but to call amnesia, friends, well, it is unwise. If you all wait all the time that some of your thoughts disappear and no longer return, you already create resistance and struggle, which means the problem will remain a problem, and you will continue to focus on it.

The key in its decision is not that these or such thoughts will no longer be, but in your correct approach - in change the relationship (perception) to them. And then you will simply won't be big things before the times comes to your mind.

Note such a factWhen you have already plunged into an intrusive internal dialogue, or you have some obsessive fear, the health logic completely stops working. You seem to be able to remember or think about something right and necessary at this moment, you can tell yourself sound words, but if it did not work out immediately, the logic is no longer perceived, the obsessive state stubbornly dictates its own. Even understanding all the absurdity of this obsession (and many people understand), it is impossible to get rid of it or the power of will or logic.

Impartial (without evaluation) Conscious observation without logical analysis (because in essence obsessive thoughts are absurd, and even if in some cases they come in the case, they only remind and sign about what is needed some practical actions to solve the problem, not that these thoughts must be thought) without identifying yourself with this condition (that is, watch everything happens within you: thinking process and feeling from the side, you are separately, obsessive state (thoughts and sensations) - separately), and natural, soft, without resistance to these thoughts Switching (When you are not trying in every way special, effort will, distract, get rid of, forget, etc., that is, you are taking everything that happens to you now) is the most correct way out of the situation and the natural process of recovery (exemption from obsessive state And thoughts), if not counting.

If you did it initially, then you would not have this problem now.

P.S. Remember always. In any case, no matter what the obsessive thoughts tell you, it makes no sense to deepen in them and scroll through one and also hundreds and a hundred times.

Even if some obsession will suddenly be justified and will inform you about real business or some kind real Problem, then you must solve it practically ( action), not thoughts. You just need to do what you need; What the imposing thought reports to you, and then there will be no reason to worry and think about it.

With respect, Andrei Russian

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