Training for preschool educational institutions: “Prevention of emotional burnout of teachers. Prevention of emotional burnout of preschool teachers Prevention of emotional burnout of preschool teachers

The concept of modernization of Russian education for the period up to 2010 notes that during the transition to a post-industrial, information society, the expansion of the scale of intercultural interaction, factors sociability and tolerance... In order to help teachers understand the theoretical foundations and practical approaches to the creation and implementation of tolerant relationships, which will serve as a model for pupils, parents, young professionals, the School "Tolerant Teacher" was created at the preschool educational institution.

Taking into account the age composition of the teaching staff (Appendix 1), it became necessary to devote one of the School's lessons to the emotional burnout of preschool teachers.

Purpose: the development of a tolerant culture, the formation of the professional identity of teachers.

  • to form professionally significant qualities: reflection, self-acceptance and acceptance of others, contributing to tolerant communication;
  • develop the ability to self-knowledge (knowledge of their strengths and weaknesses when interacting with other people);
  • develop emotional stability and flexibility;
  • with the help of exercises, help to understand personal and professional resources, ways to achieve life goals.
  1. Introductory remarks, repetition of the materials of the previous lesson with the help of questions.
  2. Test for professional burnout.
  3. The personality of the teacher and professional burnout. Theoretical block.
  4. Emotions.
  5. Exercise "Continue the phrase".
  6. Exercise "About the child".
  7. Exercise "Bus".
  8. Exercise "Rainbow".
  9. Reflection.

1. Questions to review the materials of the previous lesson.

What does “tolerance” mean in translation from Latin, and what words in Russian are close in meaning?

What in your understanding cannot be tolerated?

What psychological defenses have you used recently?

2. Burnout test.

You are offered statements with which you agree (yes), disagree (no), they are true in some cases (sometimes).

Pedagogical activity burdens me.

I have no desire to chat after work.

I have "bad" children in the group.

If there is a mood, I will show complicity and sympathy for the child; if there is no mood, I do not consider it necessary.

By wanting to make it easier to solve professional problems, I can simplify responsibilities that require emotional costs.

The test results are confidential and everyone decides for himself whether the information received is worth sharing with others.

Each answer "yes" - 3 points, "sometimes" -2 points, "no" - 1 point.

Key: 5-8 points - You are not affected by the syndrome burnout; 9-12 points - professional deformations are being formed in the form of emotional burnout; 13-15 points - burnout syndrome is developing.

3. The personality of the teacher and professional burnout.

The choice of the field of activity "Man - man" and the process of accumulating experience by the teacher - educator can be represented as 3 stages of the formation of the qualities of the personality of a professional. Stage 1 - reproductive (up to 28 years old), stage 2 - up to 40 years old, stage 3 - "how?" - after 40 years. Then - either modeling of activity, or professional deformation.

Emotional burnout is a specific type of professional deformation. People over 35-40 years old are prone to emotional burnout in education: enthusiasm decreases, the sparkle disappears in the eyes, negativism and fatigue grow.

The development of burnout syndrome is influenced by external and internal factors.

TO external factors, provoking burnout in preschool educators, can be attributed to the specifics of professional pedagogical activity, characterized by high emotional workload and the presence of a large number of emotiogenic factors, both objective and subjective, that affect the work of the teacher and can cause severe tension and stress. The need for empathy, sympathy, moral responsibility for the life and health of children entrusted to him, carried out in the mode of external and internal control, contribute to the emergence of unfavorable emotional states and the formation of protective behavior. The influence of the organizational factor in the conditions of a preschool educational institution is most often manifested in a dysfunctional psychological atmosphere in the teaching staff. The same-sex composition of the team, the presence of vertical and horizontal conflicts, a nervous situation encourage some to waste emotions, and others to look for ways to save their mental resources.

Internal factors include the personal factor, which manifests itself in dissatisfaction with self-realization in various life and professional situations.

External, objective conditions of pedagogical work include:

  • the nature of the tasks to be solved and responsibility for the functions performed;
  • workload of the working day;
  • high intellectual and emotional stress;
  • a large number of children in the group;
  • fuzzy organization of activities;
  • unfavorable psychological situation in the institution;
  • social conditions.
  • Among the subjective factors are:
  • individual properties nervous system;
  • the level of sensitivity to professional difficulties;
  • motivation for professional activity and behavior;
  • experience, knowledge, skills.

Based on the understanding of emotional burnout as a dynamic process that occurs in stages in full accordance with the mechanism of stress development, there are three phases of burnout formation:

  • voltage;
  • resistance (formation of resistance and protection to growing stress);
  • exhaustion.

Situations can be stressful for a teacher:

  • interactions with pupils associated with violation of discipline, conflict situations between children;
  • relationships with colleagues and the administration based on differences of opinion, views, assessments of situations, overload with public affairs, distribution and volume of teaching load, increased control over the activities performed, ill-considered requirements and innovations;
  • interactions with parents of pupils, caused by a discrepancy in the assessment of a child by a teacher and parents, a decrease in parental attention to raising children, individual conflict and anxiety of parents.
  • the low socio-psychological status of the teacher's profession, disappointment with oneself and the chosen profession, a specific position, place of work, unsatisfactory wages and insufficient public recognition of the results of pedagogical activity contribute to energy tension and the formation of situational or personal anxiety of educators.

4. Emotions.

In whatever situation of communication and activity, tension is manifested, it can cause stress.

Stress (from the English. Stress- pressure, tension) - a person's state that occurs in response to a variety of extreme influences (stressors), manifested at the physical, psychological and behavioral levels.

Short-term stress can be beneficial for a person, as it is accompanied by a large release of energy. Chronic stress, which develops with repeated repetition of strong influences, harms a person, leading to a decrease in the body's resistance, increased susceptibility to disturbances in any body systems, metabolism, and energy balance. It is believed that the most severe diseases of our time are associated with chronic stress.

External restraint of emotions with an internal stormy emotional process not only does not lead to calming, but, on the contrary, increases mental stress, which affects the state of health.

In the phase of formation of resistance and protection to growing stress, a symptom of the expansion of the sphere of saving emotions prevails - this is a limitation of contacts with other people, an unwillingness to communicate.

A symptom of an inadequate emotional response - the teacher unjustifiably "saves" on emotions. "If there is a mood, I will show participation and sympathy, I will respond to the needs and condition of the child, if there is no mood, I do not consider it necessary."

A symptom of the reduction of professional duties is an attempt to facilitate or reduce duties that require emotional costs, a desire to simplify the solution of professional tasks.

The exhaustion phase is accompanied by a general drop in energy tone and a weakening of the nervous system. The symptom of emotional detachment predominates - the educator almost completely excludes emotions from the sphere of professional activity: he begins to work like a soulless automaton.

In other words, burnout symptoms include:

  • emotional exhaustion, pessimism, apathy, depression;
  • tension in relation to people;
  • low self-esteem, negative perception of oneself, life, prospects;
  • frequent irritability;
  • psychosomatic ailments (fatigue, fatigue, insomnia, gastrointestinal disorders, etc.);
  • decreased activity.

The profession of a teacher belongs to the category of stressful ones, requiring large internal reserves from him. Increasing the teacher's tolerant culture helps to relieve emotional stress and develop emotional stability.

Faced with life's difficulties, we are forced to seek a balance between adapting to reality and developing our potential capabilities, which allow us to assert our own individuality. All life is a change of episodes of instability and stability. What are the features of a balanced teacher? (Appendix 2).

5. Exercise "Continue the phrase".

Goal:Awareness of personal and professional resource.

I am proud of my work when I:

I don't want to brag, but in my work:

6. Exercise "About the child".

The foundation of positive pedagogy is the acceptance of every child.

A prerequisite for positive pedagogy is the ability to see something good in any child.

Choose and name one of the children of the group whom you find difficult, then find and name 5 of his good qualities.

7. Exercise "Bus".

Goal:Awareness of ways to achieve life goals.

With the help of chairs, a small space is demarcated, imitating a bus interior. Participants represent bus passengers during peak hours. The presenter, referring to the participant who is in the middle of the cabin, informs that the bus has arrived at the stop, and offers to urgently get off the bus. As the participants leave the salon, one by one, the chairs move, creating a cramped space. When 3-4 passengers remain on the bus, it will be filled up again with participants.

You can increase the intrigue - ask the participants before the exercise what name they would give to the stop - what would you like to achieve in life? - the presenter writes on a piece of paper. Then the stops are called (being rich, making a brilliant career, etc.), and the participant who named the given stop leaves.


  • how does it feel to get out of a crowded bus?
  • have you ever found yourself in such situations?
  • what do you usually do when you find yourself in a similar situation?
  • how do others most often behave?

"Bus" is our daily life. The way a person makes his way to the exit shows how he usually achieves the intended goal.

8. Exercise "Rainbow".

Goal:Stabilization of the emotional state.

9. Reflection.

What did you expect from the event? Have your expectations been met?

Is the information received valuable to you? What is especially significant?

What is your attitude towards further work?


  1. G.V. Bezyuleva Tolerance: look, search, solution [Text]: Tutorial./ G.V. Bezyuleva, G.M. Shelamov. - M .: Verbum - M, 2003.
  2. Boyko V.V. The energy of emotions in communication: a look at yourself and others [Text]: A Practical Guide. / V.V. Boyko. - M .: Information - publishing house "Filin", 1996.
  3. Mitina L.M. The teacher as a person and as a professional (psychological problems) [Text]: a practical guide. \\ L.M. Mitina. M .: Delo, 1994.
  4. Semenova E.G. Training of emotional stability of the teacher [Text]: Textbook. / E.G. Semenov. - M .: Publishing house of the Institute of Psychotherapy, 2002.

Vishnevskaya L.I., educator, Kindergarten No. 42 of general developmental type

Over the past three decades, the problem of preserving the mental health of a teacher in educational institution became especially acute. The demands of society on the personality of the teacher and his role in the educational process are increasing. Such a situation potentially contains an increase in a person's neuropsychic stress, which leads to the occurrence of neurotic disorders, psychosomatic diseases. The professional work of an educator is distinguished by high emotional workload, and, as a consequence, with an increase in their length of service, teachers experience a "pedagogical crisis", "exhaustion", "burnout".

The phenomenon of “mental burnout” was first described by the American psychiatrist X. J. Freudenberger in 1974, who observed a large number of workers in social professions experiencing emotional exhaustion, loss of motivation and performance.

R. Schwab (1982) expands the occupational risk group. These are primarily teachers, police officers, prison staff, politicians, lawyers, lower echelons of the sales staff, managers of all levels.

To date, studies conducted in various countries show that teachers are a special “risk group”.

Foreign researchers (S. Maslach, R. Jackson) consider the syndrome of emotional burnout as a three-factor model, represented by emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and reduction of personal achievements.

VV Boyko understands emotional burnout as "a personality-developed mechanism of psychological defense in the form of complete or partial elimination of emotions (lowering their energy) in response to selected traumatic influences."

VV Boyko distinguishes three phases of burnout formation.

Phase voltage. Nervous (anxious) tension serves as a harbinger and "triggering" mechanism in the formation of emotional burnout. The tension is dynamic in nature, which is caused by exhausting constancy or increased psycho-traumatic factors.

Resistance phase (resistance to increasing stress). In this phase, a person tries to more or less successfully protect himself from unpleasant impressions.

Exhaustion phase. The exhaustion phase is accompanied by a general drop in energy tone and a weakening of the nervous system, a depletion of mental resources.

Each phase contains certain symptoms that describe the dynamics of the development of burnout syndrome.

E. Mahler (1983) distinguishes as the main symptoms of emotional burnout: fatigue, fatigue, exhaustion; psychosomatic ailments; insomnia; negative attitude towards customers; negative attitude towards the work itself; the scarcity of the repertoire of working actions; negative self-concept; aggressive feelings (irritability, tension, anxiety, anxiety, anger); a decadent mood and associated emotions: cynicism, pessimism, a sense of hopelessness, apathy, depression, a sense of meaninglessness; experiencing feelings of guilt.

Summarizing the studies of V.V. Boyko, G.P. Zvezdina, K. Kondo, E. Mahler, S. Maslach, V. Spiridonova, T.V. Formanyuk, and others, two groups of factors can be distinguished that affect the occurrence of the syndrome emotional burnout among teachers of preschool educational institutions.

External factors that provoke burnout include:

- the specifics of professional pedagogical activity (the need for empathy, sympathy, moral responsibility for the life and health of the children entrusted to him, work experience);

- organizational factor: congestion of the working week; low wages; stressful nature of work; business troubles; dissatisfaction with work: lack of a clear connection between the learning process and the result obtained, the inconsistency of the results with the expended forces; democratic transformations in the field of education, which led to a change in the relationship between the subjects of the educational process. The unfavorable atmosphere in the teaching staff: the same-sex composition of the team, the presence of vertical and horizontal conflicts, a nervous situation encourage some to waste emotions, and others to look for ways to save their mental resources.

Internal factors include:

- communicative factor: lack of communication skills and the ability to get out of difficult situations of communication with children, parents, administration; inability to regulate their own emotional situations;

- role and personal factor (individual): death and serious illness of loved ones, material difficulties, personal disorder, poor relationships between spouses, lack of normal living conditions, lack of attention paid to household members. Dissatisfaction with one's self-realization in various life and professional situations.

The consequences of emotional burnout can be problems in the family, disruption of relationships with relatives and, first of all, with children. Under the influence of emotional burnout, anxiety, irritability increase, aggressiveness appears, the style of communication between the teacher and children changes. More often, the communication style becomes authoritarian or liberal-permissive, and this leads to a violation of the favorable psychological environment in the group.

An experimental study on this problem was carried out on the basis of preschool educational institutions of Veliky Novgorod and INPO Novgorodsky state university named after Yaroslav the Wise.

The study involved 67 educators. Among the surveyed educators - 61 people, specialist teachers - 6 people. 37 people have a specialty "educator"; “Primary school teacher” - 19 people; 5 people have other specialties ("technologist", " nurse"," Librarian ").

Research objective: to experimentally study the features of the manifestation of burnout syndrome in educators different ages, teaching experience and specialty of teacher education.

Research methods:

1. Methodology for diagnosing the level of emotional burnout by VV Boyko;

2. Methodology for diagnosing the level of social frustration of L. I. Wasserman (modified by V. V. Boyko);

3. Questionnaire to identify the causes of emotional burnout;

4. Multilevel personal questionnaire "Adaptability" by A. G. Maklakov, S. V. Chermyanina.

Before diagnosis, educators were aware of the burnout phenomenon, its phases and symptoms. The teachers became interested in this problem and, not yet knowing about the results of the diagnosis, intuitively felt violations of their well-being, behavior, and almost unmistakably put themselves in one or another phase (which was proved after data processing). Many educators asked to inform them about this syndrome, its manifestations and consequences, as well as about ways to prevent and correct it. Interested teachers were provided with a list of literature on this problem, recommendations of specialists on the prevention of the syndrome, relaxation exercises, techniques for increasing emotional stability, exercises for reflection were provided.

The teachers themselves, defining the ways to prevent "burnout" named the following: informing; self-education, courses, seminars; search for a source of inspiration and self-improvement; stimulation; setting an age limit for work as a teacher (no more than 20 years).

The analysis of the obtained data showed that there is a certain pattern of manifestation of the emotional burnout syndrome, which depends on the age and professional crises of the teacher. Burnout syndrome is more pronounced in the group of teachers with more than 26 years of work experience and at the age of more than 46 years. Certain symptoms, such as "reduction of professional duties", "caged in a cage", "a symptom of inadequate selective emotional response", begin to appear in teachers with more than 10 years of work experience and at the age of more than 30 years.

According to our data, teachers with work experience from 0 to 5 years have low adaptive abilities on the scale of "adaptability", as well as low rates on the scales "neuropsychic stability" and "communicative features", which means that a psychologist working with novice educators should pay attention to the fact that the process of their adaptation is not accompanied by disappointments and conflicts. It is important to support the teacher emotionally, to strengthen his faith in himself. We can recommend: discussion of difficulties encountered in professional activities, video trainings of professional and pedagogical communication, attending psychologist classes with their subsequent discussion with a teacher, teaching self-regulation techniques.

We also received low indicators on the scale of "neuropsychic stability" among teachers with work experience from 11 to 20 years and from 26 years of teaching experience. With these teachers, you can conduct exercises for reflection, form the ability to perceive new things, organize workshops and involve the teacher in work in creative project groups, try to draw the teacher's attention to the unique moments of his professional biography.

The most stable periods of work are for teachers with work experience from 6 to 10 years and from 21 to 25 years. At this stage, it is important for the psychologist to help the teacher in understanding the resources (positive opportunities) and limitations, to outline methods for improving professional skills, to refer to the teacher's own positive experience.

Teachers with higher education the formation of the emotional burnout syndrome is lower than that of teachers with a secondary special. It can be assumed that high professional training gives a specialist wide range options, methods and techniques for solving professional problems and problems arising in the process of work. This means that it is possible to recommend teachers to study in higher professional institutions, engage in self-education, and improve their qualifications. However, no significant differences were found in the manifestation of this syndrome among teachers specializing in “educator” and in the specialty “primary school teacher”, perhaps this is due to a small sample of subjects.

Among the main reasons provoking the syndrome of emotional burnout among teachers, one can single out: poor financial situation, insecurity, social injustice, loss of social prestige; as well as high responsibility for the life and health of pupils, communication load. The “burnout” group is characterized by low indicators on the “adaptability” scale and a pronounced educational and disciplinary model of interaction with children.

Also among the reasons influencing the onset of the syndrome, teachers put high responsibility for the life and health of pupils in one of the first places. Here it is necessary for a psychologist to carry out work to overcome the fear of mistakes, increase confidence, and prevent the emergence of uncontrollable situations. A reason such as a professional routine irritates more than half of the educators we surveyed. Because these educators strive to do well, the lack of time leads them to emotional and physical overload. To avoid too much workload, you can recommend setting short-term and long-term goals. Achieving short-term goals not only provides feedback that the person is on the right track, but also increases long-term motivation. A psychologist needs to develop in teachers the ability to properly plan their activities, use time-outs, that is, rest from work and other loads. Sometimes it is necessary to "run away" from life problems and to have fun, you need to find an activity that would be exciting and enjoyable. Avoid unnecessary competition. Too much desire to "win" creates tension and anxiety.

The problem studied in the work seems to be very important, since emotional burnout has a negative impact not only on the teachers themselves, on their activities and well-being, but also on those who are next to them. These are close relatives and friends, as well as students (pupils) who are simply forced to be around, and therefore become hostages of the syndrome.

Based on the results obtained, recommendations for the prevention of burnout syndrome were drawn up for the heads of preschool educational institutions.

The manager needs to structure work and organize workplaces in such a way that the business becomes more meaningful for the employee. It is necessary to introduce a system of incentives for teachers: awards for the year and participation in methodological work; gratitude in the order; a valuable gift; referral to prestigious retraining and advanced training courses; presentation for rewarding. Such forms of work as participation in pedagogical readings serve to satisfy the need for recognition, self-affirmation, and self-expression; generalization of the teacher's work experience; review of pedagogical achievements; annual competition "Educator of the Year", etc.

In order to change the educational and disciplinary model of interaction with children into a personal one, it is necessary to acquaint teachers with modern research on the theory of education, to teach the basics of personality-oriented interaction with children. For this, the methodologist must send teachers to special courses, conferences, open classes, participation in methodological associations, etc.

The data obtained in the course of our research suggests that when carrying out a certain correctional work more caregivers can cope with the negative manifestations of burnout syndrome.

Boyko V.V.Energy of emotions in communication: a look at oneself and others. - M., 1996.
Zvezdina G.P. Emotional burnout in preschool educational institutions // Management of preschool educational institutions. - 2004. - No. 4.

Ksenia Kukartseva
Consultation for preschool educational institutions "Emotional burnout ... How to avoid this?"

Over the past decades, the problem of preserving the mental health of educators in an educational institution has become especially acute. Burnout is one such problem. Under "Emotional burnout"we understand a syndrome that develops against the background of chronic stress and leads to depletion of the emotional, energy and personal resources of the educator, resulting from the internal accumulation of negative emotions without a corresponding "discharge" or "release" from them. People's enthusiasm for work is noticeably reduced, the shine in their eyes disappears, negativism and fatigue grow. In accordance with this, we believe that psychological support for educators should become one of the priority lines in the work of a preschool psychologist.

Many factors contribute to the development of burnout syndrome. These include the specifics of professional teaching activitiescharacterized by high emotional workload and the presence of a large number of emotiogenic factors that affect the work of the teacher and can cause severe tension and stress. The need for empathy, sympathy, moral and moral responsibility for the life and health of children entrusted to him, contribute to the emergence of unfavorable emotional states and the formation of protective behavior.

The influence of the organizational factor in a preschool educational institution is most often manifested in dysfunctional psychological atmosphere in the teaching staff. The same-sex team composition, the presence of vertical and horizontal conflicts, and a nervous situation encourage some to waste emotions, while others look for ways to save their mental resources.

Low socio-psychological status of the profession educator, disappointment with oneself and the chosen profession, a specific position, place of work, unsatisfactory wage and insufficient public recognition of the results of pedagogical activity contribute to tension and the formation of situational or personal anxiety of educators.

Burnout symptoms include:

Emotional exhaustion, pessimism, apathy, depression;

Tension towards people;

Low self-esteem, negative perception of oneself, life, prospects;

Frequent irritability

Psychosomatic ailments (fatigue, fatigue, insomnia, gastrointestinal disorders, etc.);

Decreased activity.

If the teacher noticed at least one of the symptoms in himself, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the most famous test for identifying emotional burnout, which will determine the severity of the main components of the syndrome and thus establish general indicator professional burnout.

"Diagnostics of professional (emotional) burnout"

(K. Maslach, S. Jackson, adaptation by N. E. Vodopyanova)

We ask you to answer the above questions using the following answer options: never, very rarely, sometimes, often, very often, every day.


1. I feel emotionally drained.

2. After work, I feel like a squeezed lemon.

3. In the morning I feel tired and unwilling to go to work.

4. I understand well how my subordinates and colleagues feel, and I try to take this into account in the best interests of the case.

5. I feel that I communicate with some subordinates and colleagues as with objects (without warmth and affection for them).

6. After work for a while I want to retire from everyone and everything.

7. I can find the right solution in conflict situations that arise when communicating with colleagues.

8. I feel depressed and apathetic.

9. I'm sure people need my job.

10. Recently, I have become more callous towards those with whom I work.

11. I notice that my work hardens me.

12. I have many plans for the future, and I believe in their implementation.

13. My job disappoints me more and more.

14. I feel like I'm working too hard.

15. It happens that I really do not care what happens to some of my subordinates and colleagues.

16. I want to retire and take a break from everything and everyone.

17. I can easily create an atmosphere of goodwill and cooperation in a team.

18. While working, I feel pleasantly revitalized.

19. Through my work I have already done a lot of really valuable things in my life.

20. I feel indifference and loss of interest in many things that have pleased me in my work.

21. At work, I calmly deal with emotional problems.

22. Recently it seems to me that colleagues and subordinates are increasingly shifting the burden of their problems and responsibilities onto me.

Processing and interpretation of the result

The answer choices are scored as follows:

"Never" - 0 points;

"Very rarely" - 1 point;

“Sometimes” - 3 points;

"Often" - 4 points;

"Very often" - 5 points;

“Every day” - 6 points.

Key to the test

"Emotional exhaustion" (decreased emotional background, indifference or emotional satiety). The answers to points 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 13, 14, 16, 20 are summed up (the maximum amount of points is 54).

"Depersonalization" (deformation of relationships with other people or increased dependence on others, the emergence of a negative, even cynical attitude towards others). The answers to points 5, 10, 11, 15, 22 are summed up (the maximum amount of points is 30).

"Reduction of personal achievements" (a tendency to negatively evaluate oneself, one's professional achievements and successes, limiting one's capabilities, obligations towards others). The answers "yes" to items 4, 7, 9, 12, 17, 18, 19, 21 are summed up (the maximum score is 48).

Accordingly, the greater the sum of points on each scale separately, the more pronounced the various aspects of "burnout". With high scores on one or all scales, the teacher needs to contact a preschool psychologist to correct the existing condition.

To avoid encountering burnout syndrome, we advise:

1. Don't hide your feelings. Show your emotions and let your friends discuss them with you.

2. Allocate adequate time for sleep, rest, reflection.

3. Don't avoid talking about what happened. Take every opportunity to revisit your experience alone or with others.

4. Allow yourself to be alone for a while.

5. Be attentive to yourself: this will help you notice the first symptoms of fatigue in time.

6. Make yourself a small gift (a bouquet of flowers, a ticket to the theater or to a sports event, dine in a restaurant).

7. Love yourself, or at least try to please yourself.

8. Do what you wanted to do for a long time, but for which there was never enough time.

9. Choose a case for yourself: according to your inclinations and capabilities. This will allow you to find yourself, to believe in your strength.

10. Stop looking for happiness or salvation in work. She is not a refuge, but an activity that is good in itself.

To prevent emotional burnout, we offer self-regulation techniques for quick withdrawal strong emotional and physical stress:

Exercise "Ice"

Purpose: to manage the state of muscle tension and relaxation.

Description: stand up, raise your hands up and close your eyes. Imagine that you are a block of ice. Tighten all the muscles in your body: palms, shoulders, neck, core, abdomen, buttocks, legs. Remember these feelings. Freeze in this position. Freeze yourself. Then imagine that under the influence of the sun's heat, you slowly begin to melt. Relax the hands gradually, then the muscles of the shoulders, neck, trunk, legs, etc. Remember the sensations in the state of relaxation. Do the exercise until you reach an optimal psycho-emotional state.

Exercise "Slide"

Purpose: Stabilization of the emotional state.

Description: Stand up straight, close your eyes, take a deep breath. Imagine that with this sigh you are climbing up the mountain, and, exhaling, you slide off it. Repeat a few times. Remember your feelings.

Exercise "Spring"

Purpose: release of muscle clamps

Description: Stand up straight and focus on your right hand, straining it to the limit. After a few seconds, the tension must be relieved, the hand must be relaxed. Perform a similar procedure alternately with the left hand, right and left legs, lower back, neck.

Exercise "Mosquito"

Purpose: relieve tension from the facial muscles.

Description: Sit comfortably with your hands on your knees, shoulders and head down, eyes closed. Imagine a mosquito trying to land on your face. He sits on the nose, then on the mouth, then on the forehead, then on the eyes. Your task: without opening your eyes, drive away the annoying insect using your facial muscles.

Don't forget: work is just a part of life that needs to be spent in joy and harmony with oneself.


"Prevention of burnout syndrome among teachers of preschool educational institutions"

Good afternoon, dear colleagues!

The topic of our today's seminar:

Goal: Formation of emotional stability of teachers... (Slide number 1)

Tasks (slide number 2)

1. To acquaint teachers with the concept of "burnout syndrome", its main causes and symptoms.

2. Analysis of their own sources of negative experiences, identification of resources of professional activity.

3. Increase teachers' self-esteem and self-confidence.

4. To acquaint with the methods of emotional regulation of one's state and psychotechnics that help to overcome difficult situations.

5. Involvement in self-knowledge and introspection.

6. Relieving stress, receiving psychological support.

Participants : teachers - psychologists of preschool educational institutions.


Psychologist's information message

The profession of a teacher is one of those where burnout syndrome is quite common. By creating conditions of emotional comfort for children, taking care of their health, development and safety, we literally “burn out” at work, most often forgetting about our emotions, which “smolder” and gradually turn into a “flame” over time. (Slide number 3)

In general, emotional burnout can be described as follows: a person who loves his job, is happy to do it, strives to achieve more and more results, at some point changes before our eyes. He becomes irritable, cynical, dissatisfied with neither himself nor work. He sees no prospects in front of him, the quality of his work falls. (Slide number 4)

And today I would like to present some aspects of my experience on this issue. So, the topic of our today's seminar:

"Prevention of the syndrome of emotional burnout of preschool teachers."

Any profession has side effects... Miners have sore lungs, riders and jockeys have leg problems. There is no getting away from this. Something similar happens with teachers and educators. With all those who have to constantly actively communicate with people. This is a work in the field of "human-human". Scientists have noticed and found out that work in this area changes a person, deforms him.(Slide number 5)

How is this expressed? Now I will list a number of signs that accompany such a change. And you listen to yourself - maybe something similar is happening to you.

  • decreased susceptibility, lack of curiosity in response to something new, lack of fear in response to danger.
  • insomnia;
  • constant sleepiness and desire to sleep throughout the day;
  • decreased emotional tone, feeling of depression;
  • increased irritability to minor, minor events;
  • experiencing negative emotions for which there is no reason;
  • feeling of anxiety and increased anxiety (feeling that "something is not right");
  • a sense of hyperresponsibility and a constant feeling of fear that "it will not work" or "I will not cope";
  • a general negative attitude towards life and professional prospects (like “no matter how hard you try, nothing will work out anyway”);
  • The feeling that the work is getting harder and harder, and doing it is getting harder and harder;
  • constantly, unnecessarily, take work home, but do not do it at home;
  • feeling of worthlessness, lack of faith in improvement, indifference to work results;
  • emotional coldness, indifference to colleagues and children;

The above -these are signs such a phenomenon asprofessional burnout.

Professional burnout is an unfavorable reaction of a person to stress received at work, including psychophysiological and behavioral components. This is the body's defensive response to stress when there is no way to release negative emotions.(Slide number 6)

Why is this happening?

There is an accumulation of negative emotions (this does not mean that our work is so terrible and it is impossible to deal with it. This is not so. But small grief, worries, experiences - there is always). The profession of a teacher refers to professions that require constant control over their words and behavioral reactions. This work is impossible without some effort, and as a result, emotional stress arises. In the course of its labor activity the teacher is forced to communicate with children, parents, colleagues: listen carefully, empathize, make decisions quickly, restrain their feelings, choose words, be responsible for life and health. And when working with children (and their parents as well), we are in such conditions that these negative experiences cannot find their manifestation. We must always remain calm, attentive, understanding, caring. Always with good facebecause children depend on us. Negativity accumulates, it does not have a proportionate expression. This depletes emotional, energy and personal resources. As a result, work becomes more difficult. We try to protect ourselves, not to work to the fullest, not to be fully involved in communication with children, not to empathize with each of them, but only to superficially influence. Such work is not a joy for the teacher himself, and it is not useful for children, and it is difficult for colleagues to do a common job with such a person.
All this leads to the fact that the emotional scales of the teacher's personality are inclined towards ill-being, nervous overstrain, and there is only one step to neurosis.... (Slide number 7)

Quite naturally, the question arises: what to do?

In order for the teacher not to have a negative impact on those with whom he communicates, and to live in peace with himself, one should understandwith myself, with my problems,that is, you need to start with yourself.

The presence of individual symptoms can be noted by each of us. But so that they do not develop and, as a result, do not lead to emotional exhaustion, you need to know and adhere to the conditions for maintaining your emotional health. We will also talk about them today.(Slide number 8)


Workshop participants are encouraged to greet the group and continue with the phrase: “Hello! Today is a wonderful day because… ”.

OUTPUT: Spring has come - a wonderful time of the year when everything awakens, blooms, unfolds. We must all merge with nature and awaken together with it, open up to something new, feel a surge of energy, strength for new achievements! Wake up for life!

I propose to conduct a little self-diagnosis in order to determine for myself the prioritization of professional activities. And for this we will go to the zoo.

Exercise "Zoo" (Light Music)

Purpose: to study the prioritization of professional activities.(Slide number 9)

The exercise is best done in an open area where participants can relax. Calm, relaxing music should be played.

Preliminary work: Teachers are given different-sized squares and colored pencils.

Stage 1. Introductory.

Host's words: “Imagine that you are working as a caretaker or director of a zoo. New animals were brought to the zoo:

1 - lion (king of nature, predator). (Slide number 10)

2 - penguins (special conditions are needed, very shy, herd feeling is well developed).

3- monkeys (very noisy, there is a lot of fuss and noise from them).

4 - pandas (beautiful, funny, calm, but special food is needed).

5 - parrots - (bright, multi-colored, constantly flapping their wings, like to talk a lot).

Stage 2. Distribution of animals.

The host's words: "As a zoo keeper, you need to settle these animals in the cages according to their habitat conditions, food demands and popularity among visitors."

Stage 3. Unknown animal.

The host's words: “One closed cage turned out to be without the name of the animal in it. Think for yourself what kind of animal it is and draw it, placing it in one of the remaining cells. Now, so that your animals are not bored, paint the cages. "Teachers can perform independent work on coloring the cells with quiet, relaxing music.

Stage 4. Exercise analysis.

The host's words: “Each type of animal you associate with the people you have to work with. Think and sign which of the animals that you have settled are most similar in your life to:






Depending on the size of the cage and the animal in it, you pay more or less attention to certain people. This exercise shows you how to prioritize your work and family.

The unknown animal is yourself. If you "sit" in a cage to the side, your work depresses you; if you are in a cage in the middle, you are a person who tries to control all areas of your professional activity.

If your animal is a predator, then you are by nature a fighter and you still have enough strength to work and overcome all obstacles. If you are a herbivore, then your work takes away too much strength and energy from you, so you need to learn how to spend your strength. "

The facilitator can also interpret the colors of the cells as the emotional attitude of the participants to a particular area of \u200b\u200btheir professional activity.



Emotional condition




Joy, fun


Active desire for communication


Calmness, poise




Anxiety, tension

The black

Loss of strength, despondency



CONCLUSION: This diagnostic exercise shows that we all have prerequisites for prof. burnout. It is harmful to suppress negative emotions in oneself, but you cannot throw it out on others. The way out is to learn how to manage them. There are many methods that work well, one of which is sound gymnastics.

The method of releasing negative emotions"Sound gymnastics" We would like to offer you an exercise to relieve psycho-emotional stress.

A feature of the technique is breathing: inhalation through the nose - pause, active exhalation through the mouth - pause. The duration of the exhalation should be twice that of the inhalation.

Now I want to introduce you to sonic gymnastics. But before proceeding with its implementation, you should adhere to the rule: calm, relaxed state; performed while standing, with a straight back. A feature of the technique is breathing: inhalation through the nose - a pause, active exhalation through the mouth - a pause. The duration of the exhalation should be twice that of the inhalation.

First, we take a deep breath with our nose, and as we exhale, we make a sound loudly and energetically.

A - has a beneficial effect on the entire body;
E - affects the thyroid gland;
And - affects the brain, eyes, nose, ears;
O - affects the heart, lungs;
U - affects the organs located in the abdomen;
I - affects the work of the whole organism;
X - helps to cleanse the body;
HA - helps to improve mood.

CONCLUSION: Well done, everyone, noticed how this exercise allows you to get rid of negative emotions and raise your mood with the help of your voice.

Each of the people has bouts of blues, "sour" mood, when it seems that you are worthless in this life, nothing works for you. At such moments, somehow all their own achievements, victories, abilities, joyful events are forgotten. But each of us has something to be proud of. One of the good self-esteem practices in these situations isappeal to your merits, positive characteristics personality. I suggest that you remember your best qualities.

Exercise "Lawn of positive qualities"(Slide number 11)

Purpose: to analyze and determine the strengths of your personality, your positive qualities, to increase self-esteem and self-confidence.

Materials: green A3 paper sheet, flower-shaped stickers.

On the board is a piece of green paper that looks like a lawn. Educators receive paper flowers on which they must write their most important positive qualities (at least three) as a professional and just a person. After that, everyone reads their qualities and clings the flower to the board. All others can complement the positive qualities of the teacher, which they noticed when working with him in the same team (a psychologist, if necessary, can help).

CONCLUSION: You noticed how many positive qualities, strengths of your personality you noted, thereby you increased your self-esteem, significance in the eyes of colleagues.

Emotional well-being of a person is directly related to self-esteem: only with adequate self-esteem, a positive attitude towards oneself is a person able to experience a state of psychological comfort and self-confidence and self-confidence.

We have already familiarized ourselves with the main causes and symptoms of "burnout syndrome". And now I propose to identify those conditions that will help us maintain a sense of inner balance and emotional comfort both at home and at work. " (Slide number 12)

Collage "Creating conditions for emotional comfort of a teacher at home and at work"

Purpose: activating group interaction, defining conditions that help ensure the emotional comfort of the teacher at home and at work.

Materials: photos, magazines, Whatman paper, scissors, glue, scotch tape, markers, pencils.

Teachers are divided into two groups. The psychologist suggests to the first group to create a collage on the theme “Conditions of emotional comfort of a teacher at work”, and the second - “Conditions of emotional comfort of a teacher at home after work”.

Upon completion, teams defend their projects.

A positive sense of self has a beneficial effect on the emotional health of teachers, thereby improving mood, increasing activity.(Slide number 13)


Purpose: Mobilizing attention, improving mood, increasing activity.(Slide number 14)

Let's imagine that we are all a large typewriter. Each of us is letters on the keyboard (a little later we will distribute the letters, each will get two or three letters of the alphabet). Our typewriter can type different words and does it like this: I say a word, for example, "laughter", and then the one who gets the letter "s" claps our hands, then we all clap our hands, then the one at whom the letter "m", and again common cotton, etc. The trainer distributes letters alphabetically in a circle. If our typewriter makes a mistake, we will type from the beginning. And we will print the phrase: "Health is more valuable than gold" William Shakespeare.

Space between words - everyone needs to get up.

So, health is more valuable than gold.

And what does a Man need for happiness? - We try to answer in turn: health, love, so that everything is fine in the family, good job, communication, etc. CONCLUSION: Look, everyone has a different opinion about what a person needs to be happy. But everyone has their own happiness!

I suggest you now bake the cake "My Happiness"

An exercise Pie "My happiness"(Slide number 15)

The exercise is carried out in mini-groups. Participants are given

The "ingredients" for making the cake:smile, joy, warmth of the soul, rainbow, sun, blue sky, well-being, kindness, birds chirping.

Assignment: write a recipe for making a cake from the ingredients obtained; voice each of the options.

Example: “Knead the cake for kindness. Mix a smile with joy. Pour in the warmth of the soul in a thin stream. Add well-being in large proportions.Decorate with slices of blue sky. Sprinkle with rainbow colors. And bake in the sun until you feel happy. Break off in small pieces and give to everyone. "

CONCLUSION: Each of us can find a recipe for how to put our feelings in order. Therefore, experiment, try. And if this remedy helped at least a few times, it made each of us a little happier.

The next exercise is for YOU to do a little introspection.

Diagnostics of the teacher's attitude to the world using the drawing technique"House for an elf" (light music)

goal : find out your attitude to the world around you (Slide number 16).

Instructions : Before you is a piece of forest landscape and a little elf who needs a house. Your task is simple - draw him a house!

Key to the test:

First of all, look where exactly you drew the house for the elf. The choice of location is very important, it shows how you treat people, whether you trust them or not.

  • If you painted a HOUSE ON A TREE BRANCH like a birdhouse, then this speaks of your openness to the world, you are an optimist by nature and sincerely believe that good people in the world there are much more than bad ones.
  • If your HOUSE HANGS ON A BRANCH, like a hammock or string bag, then this shows your willingness to make contact, your faith in the decency of people. However, with all this, you admit the idea that there is also meanness in the world and that there are not so few evil people in the world. Your principle: trust is a good thing, but caution is essential.
  • If you made an elf a HOUSE INSIDE A MUSHROOM, this speaks of your caution and prudence, you will never embark on any adventure, you have few friends, but they are real friends, tested by time and joint trials. If there are NO WINDOWS in the mushroom house, then this is evidence of your unsociability, you prefer loneliness to noisy companies. You treat the world with undisguised suspicion, as if waiting for a catch. If there is a WINDOW, then this suggests that you are not against communicating with people. The more windows there are, the more readily you make friends.
  • RIVER HOUSE speaks of your romance and sentimentality. You look at the world through rose-colored glasses, all people seem to you kind and beautiful, you are full of illusions and believe in all the best and brightest. Unfortunately, you are often disappointed in people.
  • If you installed a HOUSE IN THE GRASS, then we can assume that you are a practical and self-confident person, you know what to expect from life, and do not create illusions. You know how to overcome difficulties and are not afraid to live.
  • If you made the Elf the EARTH by arranging a HOUSE IN A HILL, then this is a clear sign of your secrecy and isolation. Most likely, these are not your natural qualities, but acquired as a result of some negative life experience. Perhaps you were once deceived, betrayed or offended, and since then you stopped trusting people. However, if the entrance to the dugout is wide enough and there are windows, then this means that you are already on the way to mental recovery.

CONCLUSION: the proposed drawing technique allows you to assess the moral and emotional state.

One of the methods by whichyou can partially or completely get rid of physical or mental stress

Relaxation (Positive attitude)

Purpose: relaxation, removal of emotional stress.

Materials: laptop, projector, projection screen.

We hope that this video will somehow magically affect your mood, cheer you up, and give you confidence.

So, we found out that the process and the result of his activities, and most importantly, the health and well-being of children, depend on the psychological health and well-being of the emotional sphere of the teacher.

Now I would like to installfeedback and get your feedback from the past event.

  1. What was helpful to you in this lesson (yellow)
  2. What did not like in the lesson (pink)
  3. Describe your condition after this session. How are you now? Has your emotional state changed? (blue)
  4. Your wishes to colleagues and seminar participants (white).

And at the end of our seminar, I would like to say: “Take care of yourself”!

I wish you success and inner balance!

Thank you for attention!

Training for preschool teachers: "Emotional burnout of teachers."

Objectives: prevention of emotional burnout, training in self-regulation and relaxation skills, the formation of a positive emotional state


1. Prevention of emotional burnout through relaxation and self-regulation.

3. Teaching the ways of health saving technologies.

Equipment: tape recorder, relaxation music, poster with a starry sky, cards depicting faces in various emotional states,


Hello dear teachers! I am grateful to you for your interest in psychology. After all, today we will have training on the prevention of emotional burnout. We will act in game situations and discuss everything that happens.

The profession of a teacher, educator, worker of a preschool institution (in other words - the work of the heart and nerves), requires daily, hourly expenditure of mental strength and energy. Studies have found that representatives of these professions are susceptible to symptoms of gradual emotional fatigue and devastation - burnout syndrome.

Recently, much has been said and written about such a phenomenon as professional “burnout”. Burnout is currently understood as a psychological defense mechanism. This syndrome includes three main components:

    Emotional exhaustion - manifests itself as emotional overstrain, a feeling of emptiness, fatigue, exhaustion of their emotional resources. (the loss of interest in work, he seemed to have used up his psychic energy without a trace.)

    Depersonalization - there is indifference and even a negative attitude towards colleagues, a cynical attitude towards work and the objects of one's labor.

    Reduction of professional achievements - the emergence of a feeling of incompetence, self-dissatisfaction, negative attitude towards oneself as a person and, most importantly, formal performance of professional duties.

E.A. Pankova, E.M. Semenova, E.P. Chesnokov).

How can we help ourselves avoid burnout? Most affordable as preventive measures is the use of self-regulation methods ( breathing exercises, relaxation) and recovery

Training in breathing control techniques.

Method 1. Imagine that there is a fluff hanging in front of your nose at a distance of 10-15 cm. Breathe only with your nose and so smoothly that the fluff does not wobble.

Method 2. Since in a situation of irritation or anger, we forget to exhale normally, try: exhaling deeply; hold your breath for as long as you can; take a few deep breaths; hold your breath again.

Exercise 1. "Rest"

Starting position: standing, straighten, put your feet shoulder-width apart. Take a breath. As you exhale, bend over, relaxing your neck and shoulders so that your head and arms hang freely to the floor. Breathe deeply, watch your breathing. Stay in this position for 1-2 minutes. Then slowly straighten up.

Calming Breath Exercise.

While sitting, take a breath - push the stomach forward (“inflate” the big belly) at the expense of 1-2-3-4; holding your breath at the expense of 1-2; exhale - we draw in the stomach at the expense of 1-2-3-4. (duration 3-5 minutes).

Exercise "Show the movement"

Participants are shown three movements: arms crossed on the chest, arms extended forward with open palms and hands clenched into fists. At the command of the leader: "One, two, three!", Each participant simultaneously with the others must show one of the three movements (which one he likes). The goal is for the whole group or most of the participants to show the same movement.

Host comment

This exercise shows how ready you are to go. If the majority showed their palms, it means that they are ready to work and are open enough. Fists show aggressiveness, Napoleon's posture - some closeness or unwillingness to work.

Exercise "Continue the phrase"

The participants in a circle continue the phrase given by the presenter.

“I love…”, “It makes me happy…”, “I feel sad when…”, “I am angry when…”, “I am proud of myself when…

Exercise "Test of geometric shapes"

Participants are invited to choose one of five geometric shapes: square, triangle, circle, rectangle, zigzag - and break into groups in accordance with the selected shape.

Host comment

RECTANGLE: variability, inconsistency, uncertainty, agitation. Curiosity, positive attitude to everything new, courage, low self-esteem, self-doubt, gullibility. Nervousness, rapid, violent mood swings, conflict avoidance, forgetfulness, tendency to lose things, lack of punctuality. New friends, imitation of other people's behavior, tendency to colds, injury, traffic accidents.

TRIANGLE: leader, desire for power, ambition, attitude to win. Pragmatism, focus on the essence of the problem, self-confidence, determination. Impulsiveness, strength of feelings, courage, indomitable energy, inclination to take risks. High efficiency, wild entertainment, impatience. Wit, a wide circle of friends, a narrow circle of relatives and friends.

ZIGZAG: thirst for change, creativity, thirst for knowledge, great intuition. Obsession with your ideas, daydreaming, striving for the future. Positive attitude to everything new, enthusiasm, enthusiasm, spontaneity. Impracticality, impulsiveness, inconsistency of mood, behavior. Desire to work alone, aversion to paperwork, carelessness in financial matters. Wit, the soul of the party.

SQUARE: organization, punctuality, strict adherence to instructions, rules. Analytical thinking, attention to detail, orientation towards facts. Addiction to writing, neatness, cleanliness, rationality, caution, dryness, coldness. Practicality, frugality, perseverance, perseverance, firmness in decisions, patience, hard work. Professional erudition, a narrow circle of friends and acquaintances.

CIRCLE: high need for communication, contact, benevolence, concern for another. Generosity, empathy, good intuition. Calmness, tendency to self-blame and melancholy, emotional sensitivity. Gullibility, focus on the opinion of others, indecision. Loquacity, ability to persuade, persuade others, sentimentality, craving for the past. An inclination to social work, flexible daily routine, a wide circle of friends and acquaintances.

Exercise "Ladder"

Purpose: awareness of oneself as a person who is at a certain interval in his life and professional activity. All training participants are given leaflets with a schematic representation of the stairs, and are invited to carefully consider it and mark their current location on the stairs. As the exercise progresses, the facilitator asks the participants questions:

Think and answer, are you going up or down?

Are you satisfied with your location on the stairs?

What prevents you from being at the top?

Are you able to eliminate the reasons that prevent you from moving up?

Exercise "Emotional vocabulary"

A set of cards depicting faces in various emotional states is laid out in front of the teachers.

It is proposed to answer the question “What emotional states depicted on the cards? " After that, the teacher is asked to remember when he himself was in this state? He would like to return to this state again. Could this facial expression reflect a different state of a person? And in what states, which are depicted on the cards, do you still experience? Can you answer the questions: “What states are more in the past 2-3 weeks - negative or positive? What can we do to experience as many positive emotions as possible? "

"Magic ball"

Participants sit in a circle. The psychologist asks them to close their eyes and close up a "boat" out of their palms. Then he puts a glass ball in the palms of each - “bolik” - gives instructions: “Take the ball in your palms, warm it with your breath, give it some of your warmth and affection. Open your eyes. Look at the ball and now take turns talking about the feelings that arose during the exercise.

1. Learn, if possible, to immediately dump negative emotions, and not force them out into psychosomatics. How can this be done in a working environment kindergarten:

Sing out loud;

Get up abruptly and walk;

Write or draw something quickly and abruptly on a board or piece of paper;

Grind a piece of paper, crumple and discard.

2. If you have sleep disorders, try to read poetry at night, not prose. According to research by scientists, poetry and prose differ in energy, poetry is closer to rhythm human body and have a calming effect.

3. Every evening, be sure to take a shower and while recounting the events of the past day, "wash off" them, since water has long been a powerful energy conductor.

4. Start recovering now, do not postpone it!

AND the final stage training is proposed to conduct a relaxation

Exercise (Narrative tale “Colored stars”).

(Music turns on, stars are hung against the background of the "sky".)

High in dark sky, on one huge star glade lived - there were stars. There were a lot of them, and all the stars were very beautiful. They glowed and sparkled, and people on earth admired them every night. But these stars were all different colors. There were red stars here, and they gave courage to those who were born under their light. There were blue stars here - they gave people beauty. There were also yellow stars in the clearing - they endowed people with intelligence, and there were also green stars in the clearing. Those who were born under their light of green rays became very kind. And then one day something flashed in the starry sky! All the stars gathered to see what happened. And this is another small star appeared in the sky. But she was absolutely ... white! The star looked around and even closed her eyes: how many beautiful stars are around - the star whispered. “What do you give to people?” Other stars asked her.

I know that among all those present there are no stars that are colorless. I wish you it shines always and everywhere, dear colleagues, and I urge you to have your call for life and I bring to your attention a Mantra, a sound vibration, an ancient sacred formula that carries a powerful charge of positive energy ... (everyone present pronounces each line aloud )

Mantra for fatigue "

I am a talented, open-minded, kind and optimistic person.

Every day I love myself more and more.

I have great potential and vitality.

I am unique in the entire universe.

I am one of a kind and unique.

I am absolutely confident in myself and my future.

I believe in myself and in my future.

I am in control of my destiny. I do it myself.

I am the owner of my life.

I am a free person.

Group reflection

The psychologist directs the main attention to the new that the group members have acquired: new knowledge, new experience and work skills. How do they rate general organization classes? What wishes for its improvement can they express? What would you like to say before leaving? Perhaps you wanted to thank someone for their understanding and support, or express words of support yourself?

Have questions?

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