Development of auditory perception in preschool children. Methods and techniques for the development of auditory perception in children of preschool age Angry perception in children of preschool age

The ability is not easy to hear, but listen, focus on sound, highlight it characteristics - Very important human ability. Without it, it is impossible to learn to listen carefully and hear another person, to love music, understand the votes of nature, orient in the surrounding world.

Human hearing is formed on a healthy organic basis from early age Under the influence of acoustic (auditory) irritation. In the process of perception, a person not only conducts analysis and synthesis of complex sound phenomena, but also determines their meaning. The quality of perception of extraneous noise, the speech of other people or their own depends on the formation of hearing. Hearing perception can be represented as a consistent act that begins with acoustic attention and leads to an understanding of the meaning through the recognition and analysis of speech signals complemented by the perception of neustal components (facial expressions, gestures, poses). Ultimately, the auditory perception is aimed at the formation of phonderatic (sound) differentiation and the ability to conscious lubber control.

System background (from Greek. phone - Sound) - these are also sensory standards, without mastering which it is impossible to master the semantic side of the tongue, and therefore the regulatory function of speech.

Important for the formation of speech, the formation of the second signal system The child has intensive development of the function of auditory and speaking analyzers. Differentiated auditory perception of the phone game is a prerequisite for their proper pronunciation. The non-formation of phonderatic hearing or lubber memory can become one of the causes of dyslexia (difficulty in mastering reading), the Discount (difficulties in mastering the letter), Discalcium (difficulties in mastery of arithmetic skills). If differentiation conventional bonds in the area of \u200b\u200bthe auditory analyzer are formed slowly, then this leads to a delay in the formation of speech, and hence the delay in mental development.

For children with intellectual disorders, the slow motion production of differential conventional bonds in the area of \u200b\u200bthe rescurative analyzer is characterized, as a result of which the child does not distinguish between the sounds for a long time, does not distinguish the words that surround it unpleasually perceive speech. The assimilation of the phonamematic side of speech depends on the motor sphere (motion centers of the speech of the brain and the speech machine), the underdevelopment of which also makes it difficult to master the speech. As a result, the auditory and kinesthetic images or schemes of many words remain for children not enough, the control over its own pronunciation is weakened.

Let us dwell on the correction of the sensory base (sensual basis) of speech to which hearing attention, speech rumor and speech motility belongs to the first place. The words perceived by rumor act as the role of the standalone, according to which the correspondence of the perceived sound image and the articulation schemes of these words are formed.

The development of the auditory perception is as well as known in two directions: on the one hand, the perception of speech sounds is developing, i.e., a phonamatic hearing is formed, and on the other hand, the perception of non-heine sounds is developing, i.e. noise.

The properties of sounds can not, like the varieties of form or color, to present in the form of objects with which various manipulations are performed - movements, applying, etc. The sound relations are not deployed in space, but in time, which makes them allocation and comparison. The child comes out, says speech sounds and gradually mastering the ability to change the movement of the voice apparatus in accordance with the peculiarities of hearing sounds.

Along with the auditory and motor analyzers, an important role in the act of imitating speech sounds belongs to a visual analyzer. Research (L. V. Neuman, F. F. Pay, etc.) different species Speech perceptions (lubricative, visual-tactile, auditory) under the conditions of noise, masking sound speech, showed that a bisensuine (lubricative) perception of speech turned out to be more efficient than monosensory (auditory or visual). Experimental data is fully consistent with life observations. With bad hearing speech due to the range or sound interference, we involuntarily strive to see the mouth of the speaker.

Thus, special classes should solve two main tasks aimed at forming auditory perception:
1) the production of non-hearingly angry images and auditory images of words;
2) Development of heanomotor coordinations.

Purposefully speech ear training on speech therapy occupations. Consider those forms of work that prepare three types of hearing sensations allocated in the general psychology: speech, musical and noise.

Children with intellectual violations must be taught to listen and understand different sounds, as they have a long lack of managing their hearing: the inability to listen, compare and evaluate sounds according to strength, timbre, character.

Due to the general pathological inertness, there is no interest in nonsense sounds, they weakly react to them and inaccurately differentiate, do not rely on them in their activities. This prevents the right orientation in space, sometimes leads to accidents.

Sneven sounds are very important to humans. Proper definition of the direction where sound comes from, helps to navigate in the far space, determine its location, direction of movement. Well-identifiable and consciously perceived sounds can adjust the nature of human activity.

Our practice of working with children shows that the distinguishing of non-heine sounds and the ability to act in accordance with the beep can be sequentially formed. The development of the perception of non-heine sounds comes from an elementary reaction to the presence or absence of sounds to their perception and distinction, and then to use as a signal to actions, comprehension. This is specially oriented didactic games and exercises (see below).

We emphasize that at the first stage, a child for distinguishing non-snow sounds (as well as speech material) Requires a visual or visual-musculoskeletal support. This means that the child should see the item that makes some unusual sound, to try to extract sound from it in different ways. An additional sensual support becomes not mandatory only when the child has a real perception, the necessary auditory image has formed.

The main quality of auditory images is subject matter. Games for the perception of sound should give an idea of \u200b\u200brustling, screenshot, pisch, bullshit, riser, rustle, knock, birds singing, train noise, cars, cries of animals, about loud and quiet sound, whisper, etc. It should teach a child to distinguish different by nature Noise, emotionally react to them: to defend themselves from loud and unpleasant noise with their hands, to answer pleasant sounds with joyful facial expressions, auditory concentration corresponding to movements.

The formation of sound, rhythmic, dynamic hearing elements contribute to the classes of musical and rhythmic activities. B. M. Teplov noted that the musical rumor as a special form of human hearing is also formed in the learning process. The rumor causes a more subtle differentiation of the sound qualities of the surrounding object world. This is promoted by singing, listening to a variekrastructive music, learning a game on various tools.

Musical games and exercises, in addition, take out excessive tension in children, create a positive emotional mood background. It is notified that with the help of a musical rhythm, you can establish an equilibrium in the activities of the child's nervous system, to temper too excited temperament and distort the inhibitors, resolve extra and unnecessary movements. Using the background sound of music during classes is very favorable on children, since for a long time the music is used as a healing factor, playing a therapeutic role.

In the development of auditory perception, the movements of the hands, legs, the entire case are essential. By adjusting to the rhythm of musical works, movements help the child to strip this rhythm. In turn, the feeling of rhythm contributes to the rhythm and ordinary speech, making it more expressive.

We give examples of exercises that contribute to the formation of a sense of rhythm:
- collapse into your hands (hanging down the foot, rejecting the ball about the floor) of a simple rhythmic picture of the show and by hearing;
- repetition on the sounding tool of a worn rhythmic pattern;
- acceleration and deceleration of walking (run) when changing sounding music;
- performing traffic at a specified pace to stop counting or sounding music;
- walking with cotton, rhythmic verses, under the blows of the drum (tambourine);
- transition from walking to run (and back) when changing the rhythm of the pace, the nature of music;
- raising hands forward to a guide without visual control under the blows of the tambourine;
- reproduction of the rhythm (or tempo) in the movements of the hands (by choosing children);
- performing imitation exercises to the music of different character: march, lullaby, polka, etc.

The organization of movements with the help of musical rhythm develops attention, memory, internal assemblence, activates activities, contributes to the development of agility, coordination of movements, has a disciplining effect.

The perception of rhythmic relationships also contributes to the use of visual models, such as laying out color strips of paper: a shorter strip - a shorter sound and vice versa; Red strip - accented sound, blue - non-taxable sound.

The discrimination of sounds in height, duration, the strength of the sound contributes to the techniques of work, requiring the active activities of the children themselves: a game on musical instruments, singing with various tasks, listening to passages from music and performing certain specified movements. For example, sounding relationships are more accurately trapped if the increase or decrease in the melody is depicted using parsley doll jumps up or down or the song by the voices of the bear or chanterelle (i.e. in various registers). The volume of sound is realized in the process of listening to calm and marching music, etc.

In the process of training in children, the ability to concentrate auditory attention is developed, the hearing memory, which means that the existing ideas about the subjects and phenomena of the surrounding reality occur. At the same time, interiorization is observed (the transition to an internal, mental plan) actions of the auditory perception, which manifests itself in the fact that the need for external movements and spatial models gradually disappears. However, in the perception of music and speech continue to participate by unobistant, hidden movements of the voice apparatus, without which the survey of the properties of sounds remains impossible.

So, the assimilation and functioning of its speech, which means general mental development depends on the degree of development of the auditory perception of the child. The teacher-psychologist must remember that the development of general accurate skills begins with the development of precisely visual and auditory perception.

Didactic games and exercises for the development of auditory perception

"Flush fun and sad music"
Children give 2 cards. One of them is painted in bright, light, fun tones corresponding to funny music, the other is in cold, dark, corresponding to sad music. Listening to the music, the children show a card, conventionally indicating this nature of music.

"Quiet and loud"
Alternately sounds quiet, then loud music; A child under quiet music goes on tiptoe, under a loud - toggles his legs.
- You can offer children to use their arbitrary movements, corresponding to the strength of the sound of music;
- Use a large and small drum: big sounds loud, small - quiet;
- on the loud sound of a large drum to respond to a speakerphone on a metal fond, to respond a quiet game on a metal fondon;
- to draw wide and bright stripes on loud music, on quiet - narrow and more pale;
- Find a toy, focusing on the loud or quiet sound of the bell.

"Guess which musical instrument sounds"
Pupils distribute cards with the image of musical instruments or demonstrate real musical instruments. The tape recorder with the sound of one of them is included. The student who guessing the musical instrument on the timbre shows the desired card and calls it.
- Before the child, there are sounding toys and tools: drum, flute, harmonica, rattle, metalphone, baby piano and others. The child is offered to close their eyes and determine which toy or tool sounded.

"Step and Dance"
The child is offered to listen to the sound of various tools and act on every sound in different ways: under the drum - to walk, under the harmony - to dance, under the tambourine - run and so on.

"High and low sound"
The child is offered by having heard a high or low tool sound, perform the task: to raise the hand to the high sound, to low - omit.
- Use various tools: violin, tambourine, triangle, piano, accordion, lifting harmonica, etc.;
- Perform different tasks: to put toys on the upper and lower shelves depending on the tone of the sound;
- Picture a voice perceived tone.

"Hoak to the tambourine"
Material: Tuben, cards with a variety of manner long and short stripes.
Children are offered to beat off a bubble rhythm, drawn on the card stripes (long strips - slow blows, short - fast).
- Strips can designate the volume; Then the children hit the tambourine quietly, then loud.

"Far close"
Water closed eyes. Someone from the Child calls the name of the leading that close from it, then at a distance. The leading should know about the one who called his name.

"Be careful"
Children freely marching music. The teacher gives different teams, and the children imitate the movement of the named animal. For example, "Stork" - stand on one leg, "frog" - sit down and jumping, "birds" - run, spreading hands, "hares" - jump, etc. In the course of the game, children study rapid and accurate response to sound Signals.

Material: Several bells of different sound.
The child should build a series, starting from the highest sound (or from the lowest).

"Defined what hearse"
Different sounds are inflicted due to the screen: overflowing water from a glass into a glass; rustling paper - thin and dense; cut paper with scissors; Fallen on the desk a key, a judicial whistle, alarm ringing, and others. You need to determine what heard.
- Perhaps the simultaneous sound of two or three different sounds (noise).

"Noisy boxes"
Material: Several boxes that are filled with various materials (iron corks, small wooden pars, pebbles, coins, etc.) and with a shaking of various noises (from quiet to loud).
The child is offered to check the noise of all boxes. Then the teacher asks to give a box with a quiet noise, and then with loud noise. The child performs.

The teacher produces a series of non-sound sounds, for example: one click of the tongue, two cotton in your hands, three tribe legs. The child must remember and repeat.

"Quickly and slow"
Material: Doll, drum.
The child is offered to move the doll to blow the drum (the number of steps and tempo correspond to shocks). For example: three short fast shocks, two slow, two short fast shock.
To create interest, it is possible to offer to bring a doll to the site, which lies a delicacy or a glass of juice. The doll (and therefore the child) receives a well-deserved award.

"Listen and perform"
The teacher calls several actions, but does not show them. Children must repeat these actions in such a sequence, in which they were called. For example:
1) Turn the head right, turn your head forward, lower your head down, lift your head;
2) Turn to the left, sit down, stand up, lower your head.

"What is heard?"
According to the teacher's sign, the attention of children draws the door to the window, from the window on the door, it is proposed to listen and remember what is happening there. Then every child must tell what happened behind the door and outside the window.

Metiyeva L. A., Udalova E. Ya. Development of the sensory sphere of children

Rossomakhina Valentina Pavlovna
Development of auditory perception in preschool children

Preschool age is the period of the most intense speech Development, the effectiveness of which depends on the normal functioning and interaction of various analyzing systems. Audio The system is one of the most important analyzing systems. Through. human perception Enrich the ideas of a child about the world around. Knowledge of objects and phenomena is closely related to perception Sound as properties of objects. Developing auditory perception It is crucial for the occurrence and operation of oral speech. Currently, there is a steady increase in the number children with various deviations in the speech developmentwhich undoubtedly affects the preparation children To school learning, and in the future and the quality of learning school programs.

Research of domestic scientists R. E. Levina, N. A. Nochoshina, L. F. Spearov and others show that " underdevelopment of phondematic perceptionin the future entails serious deviations In the formation of the correct sound, as well as letters and reading (Dysxia and Dysgraphy)».

It is known that the child learns to speak with hearing. He hears speech of adults and removes from it what is available to his understanding and pronunciation. Insofar as auditory a person analyzer has a rather complicated structure, it provides different levels human perception. Since the birth of a person surrounds a lot sounds: rustling of leaves, rain noise, singing and chirping birds, barking dogs, signals of cars, music, people speech, etc. all these sounds perceive The child unconsciously merge with other, more important to him. The baby does not know how to distinguish between these sounds, sometimes just does not notice them, can not compare and evaluate them in volume, strength, timbre. The ability is not just heard, but to listen, focus on the sound, to allocate its characteristic features - exceptionally human ability, thanks to which there is knowledge of the surrounding reality. Hearing perception Starts with acoustic (auditory) attention and leads to an understanding of the meaning of speech through recognition and analysis of speech sounds complemented perception Sneven components (Mimici, gestures, postures). Consequently, acoustic-perceptive perception is the basis for human perceptionAnd these processes are inextricably linked with each other.

Auditory and speech tag analyzers have great importance for speech Development, the formation of the second human signal system.

Ability to focus on sound (acoustic (auditory) Attention) - the important ability of the person necessary develop. It does not arise by himself, even if the child has acute rumor from nature. Its necessary develop from the first years of life.

Hearing perception - A very important feature of a person, without him you can not learn to hear and understand the speech, which means to speak correctly. Hearing perception begins with a hearing Attention is the ability to focus on sound, determine it and relate to the publishing item, which leads to an understanding of the meaning of speech through the recognition and analysis of speech sounds. All sounds that man perceives and analyzes, and then plays, he remembers thanks audio memory.

In order for the child to learn to speak correctly and clearly, well-oriented in space hearing perception, attention and memory must be purposefully develop from early childhood. Everyone knows that children love to play, so it is better to do it in the game form in gradually and in a certain sequence.

Starting with the preparatory games that suggest training bodies rumor child to perception the correct sound and the correct articulation of the embezzlement required for it play. So in the first place are the game developing hearing. But rumor is different: Biological and speech. Selection of games goes in strict sequences: First for development of auditory attention, i.e. the skills of distinguishing non-heine sounds according to their sound-frequency properties - 1stap. Then for development of speech hearing, i.e. the child's ability to distinguish between the voices of people, understand the meaning of the phrase of the speaker - 2 stage. And only after that, should go to development of phonderatic hearing, i.e. the ability to hear the components of the word - stage 3.

Stop in detail on 1 and 2 stages. Specially selected didactic games make it possible to act on the sound signal, learn to distinguish between many objects and environmental objects according to characteristic sounds and noise, relate their actions with signals, etc., and therefore - to adjust the flaws human perception.

1TP - start with perception of nonsense soundswhich comes from the elementary reaction to the presence or absence of sounds to their perception and distinctionAnd then to use as a meaningful signal to action.

In ordinary life, all sounds can perceive only on rumor or with a support for sight - lubbing. In addition, the level development of speech hearing Directly depends on development of non-hearing children, T. K. All characteristics of non-rich sounds are also characteristic of speech.

Games on perception Sounds must give an idea of \u200b\u200bdifferent in character shums: Rustling, screenshot, pisch, bouffaging, risk, rustle, knock, train noise, cars, loud and quiet sound, whisper. In these games, the kid learns to distinguish "Sound" Familiar objects, household sounds (phone call, call on the door running from water tick, clock ticking, sound of a working washing machine, musical instruments (bell, drum, dull, metallophone, etc., voices of animals, birds. goal games: To familiarize the baby with a special world of sounds, make them attractive and significant, speaking about something important. At the initial stage, a visual-musculoskeletal support is required to distinguish non-sound sounds. This means that the child should see the subject that makes some unusual sound, to try to extract sound from it in different ways, that is, to make certain actions. Additional sensual support becomes not mandatory only when the child has formed the necessary auditory.

Stage 2 are games for development of speech hearing - Child's ability to distinguish between people's voices, understand the meaning of the phrase of the speaker. Listening to words playing with them, the child forms his hearing, improves diction, trying to bring the sound of your speech to what he hears from others. Okay developed speech hearing - a necessary condition that ensures normal and timely assimilation of sounds, the correct pronunciation of words, mastering speech intonation.

By organizing work with the children of the younger age, should be considered following:

Classes should be based on the imitation of an adult (his movements, words, and not on explanation; - it is necessary to have emotional contact between the adult and the child; - the elements of the game and learning should be present at the same time; - it is necessary to repeat the material to repeat the material consolidate skills, knowledge, skills; - material content must match the experience children; - The level of complexity of the material must be adequate ageThe tasks should be complicated gradually; - the duration of the lesson should be from 5 to 15 minutes; - It is necessary to fix the learned knowledge, constantly using them in different situations.

The age feature of children is 2-3 years old isthat they know the surrounding reality through their own active experience. Therefore, it is good to have different whistling, rattles, creaking, rustling and similar items, each of which has its own characteristic "vote". Classes with these sounding items will help to open for children Well known subjects from a completely new side. Experimentation with sounding items - a special form of children's activity, that: - Stimulates a cognitive attitude to the world, including the world of sounds and sounding of different items, expands the ability to distinguish the sound of different objects and differentiation of sounds in height, intensity, develops Small motility of hands of hands;

Forms a sense of rhythm. You can get acquainted with sound toys gradually. It is advisable and to make them in front of children. The guys with time with pleasure and themselves will take part in their manufacturing. It is very useful to improve in children inherent sensitivity to perception of intonation. We know that a person can pronounce the same phrase with different intonation: Sincere location, threat, plenty, ished, full of indifference. Children It is important to teach listening not only to the interlocutor, but also yourself, to teach expressing sympathy, joy, disadvantage - any emotions, so that it was understandable. It is necessary to pay attention to which sound environment surrounds the child. If this is the voices of themselves childrenThis creates a background that causes the fatigue of the nervous system. Therefore, we must try to in the room where there is a lot children, everyone spoke quietly, of course, following the positive example of an adult. If it is the voice of the adult itself, then he perceived Children as a significant source for kids. Therefore, it is necessary to say gentle, gently, quietly, leisurely, clearly uttering all the sounds, as the children follow the articulation of an adult and their own sound achievement is formed on this basis. Use a variety of affectionates and forms of words - it is very softened by the language. Very favorable active noises are the singing of birds, as well as the murmur of water. However, the noise of roads, working mechanisms, the buzz of daylight lamps - adversely active noises that need to be eliminated or weakened. The sound of the tape recorder is recommended to include no more than 5min. For younger, for 10 minutes. For older preschoolers under the conditionthat this is not a background, but the sounds that are listening. Perfectly influence children The sound of the musical instrument, if it is configured, the selected product corresponds to age, Clear children. The listening of music decides both the task of forming taste and admission to the world of musical culture.

Together with educators in the development of auditory perception Parents must participate. In our children's garden A selection of a weekend projects has been created, for parents with children, development of neust sounds, such as "Molders" (wind noise, ripping drops, creaking trees, household noises, etc.). With the help of these projects, parents are included in the process development of auditory perception and versatile education of preschoolers.

The formation of acoustic - perceptual gnosis children will be successful when combining efforts educators and parents.

The close and integrated interaction of experts can provide children not only full-fledged speech communication, but also, ultimately, to prepare them for successful education in a secondary school, forms the prerequisites for training activities and literacy when teaching reading and writing in the future.

Rossomachina Valentina Pavlovna, MBDOU "Kindergarten №71 "Forget-me-not, tel. 89537009098, educator.


1. Ilina N. M. Development Child from 1st day of life up to 6 years. - St. Petersburg., 2001

3. Seliverstov V.I. "Games in speech therapy work with children" (allowance for speech therapists and educators kindergartens) .

Sections: Logopedia.

Insufficient formation of phonderatic analysis and synthesis processes is still one of the leading causes of educational deadaption. At the heart of the disonatogenesis of this link of speech activity, there are various in their psychological structure and brain organization pathological mechanisms. In the theory and practice of speech therapy, the issue of development and correction of phonderatic functions is sufficiently developed. Analyzing the methods of working with preschool children in educational institutions, the diagnostic data of children who have been examined in the city psychological and pedagogical center, their own results of work - the idea of \u200b\u200bdescribing the system for the development of auditory perception in preschool children, which would take into account the practical developments with sufficient Expansion of the propedevic period in the development of phonematical processes.

The theoretical substantiation of these techniques and methods is based on studies of L. S. Vygotsky that in the first stages of development complex mental processes, Forming, based on and depend on more elementary functions underlying and components as it were, "base" for the development of more complex mental structures. The scientist betrayed the decisive importance of the process of perception for the development of speech, believing that the child cannot develop without the development of perception. The child can speak and think only perceiving. The development of various types of perception creates the basis for generalized differentiated perception and to form images of a real objective world, creates that primary base on which it is known to be formed (it is known that the vocabulary "lexical" language code is organized by associative and no word in memory is isolated. And the more diverse associations, the stronger it is in memory). The illumination of the perception process is considered as the differentiated process of soundness. If you briefly stay on the physiological, morphological and psychological foundations of hearing, then: the temporal share of the right hemisphere takes and keeps in its memory information about all non-ejecting sounds from the rustle of paper to the melodies of folk songs and symphonic music; rear top departments The left temporal share is performed in the right-hander of purely speech functions differentiate signs of the phone, providing a phonamatic perception of speech, control the speech itself. In addition, the left temporal share of some time keeps information about the heard statement. That is, it is psychologically possible to distinguish between two objective systems that have a significant impact on the encoding of human hearing sensations into complex systems of auditory perception. The first of these is the rhythmic melodic system of codes, the second is a phone state (or system of sound codes). Both of these factors organize the sounds perceived by man into complex systems of auditory perception. Studies in the field of neuropsychology and special psychology have shown that violations or non-formation of these functions in children may occur on different grounds: due to the "organic features" of the specified brain zone and due to the nonformation of the relationship of analyzer systems (listening and motor connections, etc. .). From the examination of preschool children according to the International Conference dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the birth of A. R. Luria, 42% of children amounted to a group with violations by type of combination of syndromic changes.

The methodological basis of the correction today remains the classic and developing provisions of the domestic neuropsychological school on compensatory processes in children, about the principle of chronogenicity of the localization of mental functions, integrativity of interpartic ties and the "mysterious" role of the children's right hemisphere.

The proposed system of methods and techniques is an extended propaedeutic course, which is preparatory for further formation and correction of phonematical processes in preschool children (3-5 years), which contributes to the development of auditory attention, the auditory, phrase speech. Some of the exercises described are well familiar to any speech therapist, others are used in classical speech therapy and are slightly unusual. Methods and techniques are divided into several blocks. The article presents theoretical substantiations of the proposed exercises on all sections, relevant explanations and just interesting facts of various scientific and popular research. Exercise examples for each block are shown in Appendix.

Blocks are complexes of exercises of various focus: work on auditory subject images, ideas; Differentiated perception of household sounds, sounds, noise, timbre, high-altitude differences of musical toys, tools; perception of rhythms, longitude (duration) of sound; Pause; development of auditory memory, succesive functions; Localization of sound in space.

The system of exercises can be used as a fragment or a whole group occupation, in compliance with all the usual principles of methodical work with children of preschool age. The duration of the occupation is no more than 25 - 35 minutes. The sequence in the submission of the material remains for the conduct of the material: from simpler tasks to more complex. The room in which the occupation is carried out should be spacious, have work desks and enough free space.

Block 1. Work on auditory subject images, ideas.

The real world is given a man at the beginning of his life in sensations and ideas. And only later they are reflected in the Word. The relationship of processes of perception and speech, their mutual influence is widely known and undoubtedly. Thus, using the terminology adopted in the speech therapy, the purpose of this section should indicate the development of phrase speech, the accumulation of the dictionary. Children's attention should be drawn to the world of sounds at all, to translate them a little from visually peculiar computer perception into the world of the diversity of real, tangible sound sensations and images. It is impossible to leave without attention and the possibility of developing sound associations, children's fantasy and imagination, the possibility of manual creative activity. And the activity itself begins to give pleasure due to the fact that it becomes a creative associated with individual "finds" and "discoveries", above the usual user level. The principle of significance organizes all the activities, including the activities of any learning of knowledge. Direct interest is always accompanied by a sense of joy, ease of execution. Feelings can be considered an indicator of significance. Consequently, direct interest gives the importance of performance. "Significantly what is interesting!" - wrote M. F. Dobrynin. This statement applies to personality in general, but to even greater degree can be attributed to children with "organic peculiarities". It is direct interest, the initial ease of highness of the tasks allowed to obtain a steady positive "installation" for further classes.

Block 2. Differentiated perception of household sounds, sounds, noise, timbre, high-altitude differences of musical toys, tools.

Our rumor perceives tones and noises. Tones are correct rhythmic air fluctuations, with the frequency of these oscillations determines the height of the tone. Noise are the result of a complex that is superimposed on each other of the oscillations, and the frequency of these oscillations is in random, necritical relations between themselves. The timbre is usually called the other side of the sound sensation, which reflects the acoustic composition of complex sounds. Every suitable composition with an acoustic side is a consonance formed by partial tones. The impression of the timbre is obtained in the case when the complex of sounds is perceived as one sound. As already mentioned, in the height of the sound reflects the frequency of oscillations. However, the height problem is one of the most complex problems in the sense of sound. Comparing two sounds, we find that they differ not only in height in their own sense, but also by some signs that are characteristic of the timbre side (high sounds are always brighter, lighter, while low darker, stupid, heavy) . In the noisy sounds of speech, the height is perceived by the total, the absentful-timbers components are not differentiated from the actual altitude. This undifferentiation of two components of the height is a specific sign of noise and speech hearing. This is due to the combination in the voice-to-drive program. It is also important to note that the timbre is the property of each sound as such, the height has a property characterizing the sound in its attitude to other sounds. The above indicates a high specific organization of auditory perception, wealth and mobility of human sound codes. Thus, in the sound sensation, we distinguish four sides: the height of the timbre, volume, duration. With the acoustic side, the sounds of speech are characterized by a variety of high-altitude, dynamic, timber signs. The word from the point of view of the auditory is unequivocally determined by its phonumatic composition. In Russian and most other European languages, the phonemes are some timbre qualities, so for these languages \u200b\u200bleading in the sense of speech sounds are some specific timbre moments underlying the discusses of the phone. Thus, the speech sound system is a combination of colors. The differences between them are sometimes quite thin for acoustic perception. In children with different degrees, cerebral dysfunction forms, there is a common non-differation, fragmentation of auditory perception, and selective deafness "to thin acoustic differences, signals.

The exercise complex proposed in the Appendix and tasks allows you to work out the ability to consciously analyze the auditory sensations of varying degrees of complexity (without touching the specificistical processes).

Block 3. Perception of rhythms, longitude (sound duration).

The auditory perception is fundamentally different from both a tactile and visual perception, since the auditory perception is dealing with a sequence of irritation flowing over time. The temporal shares are accepted, processed the auditory speech and not speech signals that are deployed over time or contain certain temporary data. Rhythm is some specific organization of the process in time. The rhythmic movement may include periodic repetition, but can flow without it. However, the periodic repetition in itself does not create a rhythm. Rhythm assumes as the necessary condition that or another grouping of the following irritation, some dismemberment of the time series. On the rhythm can only be spoken when the series is uniformly followed by another irritation for certain groups, with these groups may be the same or unequal. The prerequisite of the rhythm is the presence of accents, that is, stronger or non-other and annihilation. The perception of the rhythm usually includes those and other motor reactions (it can be visible movements of the head, hands, legs, swinging with all the body, not manifested by the nature of voice, speech, respiratory devices, etc.). Thus, it can be said that the perception of the rhythm has an active hearing engine. When examining senior preschoolers for readiness for school education in half of children, 46.8% (Sadovnikova I.N.) pronounced kinetic and dynamic violations.

In practical speech therapy there are various methodological developments on the logo education of children of preschool age. These materials perfectly illustrate the statements by B.M. Heat about the fact that the feelings of the rhythm has not only a motor, but also an emotional nature. Therefore, outside the music, the feelings of the rhythm cannot be awakened not to develop. Classes suggest the inclusion of complexes of games and exercises in order to develop auditory attention, pace, rhythm of movements, perception of metric, transition, accents, and so on. On the possibility of developing a feeling of rhythm, it is curious to compare that very often repeating idea that the feeling of rhythm is characteristic of almost every person. All of the above is considered in connection with the concept of listening and motor coordination. Studies of listening coordination often reveals from a significant part of children of preschool age with speech violations of the difficulty of analyzing non-peer irritations. And the reason for the erroneous execution of the tasks of this type is in the non-recognition of clear links between the propulsion system and the auditory analyzer. Here are some options for the tasks of the development of listening coordinates:

Rhythm playback is performed slowly, in the form of scattered shots.

The alternation of the strikes transmits the non-uniformity of the pauses, tense.

According to the verbal instruction, she caught a rhythm with the fourth attempt, relied on visual performances. Performing the counting elements, errors does not notice.

Reproduction of rhythm - without the difference of strong and weak blows, from the second attempt - execution without errors.

As shown general results Surveys, the difficulties of analyzing complex auditory irritation are found and beyond any speech activities in children. Children fail when reproducing a given rhythmic structure. The incidence of listening and motor coordination makes further work of the speech therapists, for example, over the rock-rhythmic structures of words, where everything is built on the already formed ability to keep the rhythmic scheme of the word, emphasis (emphasis), the point of the accent, the ability to reproduce the scheme.

In the same block of temporary parameters of the analysis of the auditors, the exercises for the development of the perception of longitude, the duration of the sound are included. In the subsequent work of the speech therapist, this is a comparison of the longitude of vowels (work on the concept of stress); Differentiation of whistling and hissing consonants (s, s, w, w, sh,) with brief with grinding (C, T,); The initial stages of sound analysis are the difference in the duration of the sound of vowels and consonant sounds, phonetic differences in consonant sounds (slit and furnace).

Block 4. POUSE

The separation into a separate unit is dictated by a feature of this acoustic irritability for auditory perception. The role of pause in speech is very significant. The ratio of pauses to the sound in Russian speech is equal to 16% - 22% (L.A. Warsaw, V.I.Ilina). Naturally, the basic information of the messages is expressed in the sounding segments of speech. But the segments that are not filled with speech lantern also carry signal and linguistic information. They can report relationships between the parts of the speech signal, to warn about the change in the subject of the statement, indicate the emotional state of the speaker and finally, they are an expression of certain properties of sound. Pause - perceived phenomenon, conscious perception of stopping sound. The break in the sound is the same real acoustic irritant for the receptor (as well as the speech lantern itself). The break in the sound is perceived according to the basic laws of perception of sound, phonemematic is the duration of the break.

Block 5. Development of hearing memory, Sukcessive functions

The auditory perception deals with the sequence of irritation flowing over time. Physiologist I.M. Sechenov indicates that a person has one of the main types of synthetic activities, which has an association of irritation entering the brain into consecutive (suced) series or rows. Hearing perception primarily deals with this type of syntheses and this is its main meaning. For some time, in its memory information about auditory (speech, non-choe) signals temporal brain shares. It is known that with the development of the child, the volume of auditory short-term memory is growing. The influence of what factors does this process determine? Forgetting processes are also similar in children and adults. What is developing? Methods (strategy) of memorizing and reproducing material develop. Children 3-5 years old are much better remembered in the game, (i.e., expandable). Knowledge of a 6-year-old child allow not to memorize in its pure form, but to associate new information with already existing. Thus, the child of a senior preschool age can use special recipients of remember. Children with deviations of speech development often detect the insufficiency of various forms of memory. With age, the problem tends to grow. The non-formation of arbitrary memorization may entail difficulties at the initial learning step.

The formation of a functional basis for future reading and writing implies in general the development of the child's successessive abilities. Exercises, developing ability to analyze, memorize and reproducing a temporary sequence of phenomena, should be addressed to all analyzers. The article discusses the possible variants of the development of successing functions on the example of auditory signals (irritation). Structurally, these tasks are included in the blocks I, II, III, IV, being simultaneously a function of success in the passage of the system.

Block 6. Localization of sounds in space.

To marked above common features Hearing perception in children with various forms Brain dysfunctions need to add founding difficulties in the possibility of a sensitive localization of sounds (sound irritation) in space. These difficulties occur when dummy-temporal bark departments dummy. (In these cases, the sounds from both peripheral receptors begin to reach the bark unevenly, as a result of which the "binaural effect" is disturbed, which makes it possible to clearly localize sounds in space). Therefore, this exercise system provides for the inclusion of special game techniques.

The development of auditory attention is a targeted purpose that is supposed to all blocks of the program. Speech significantly affects the development of processes of perception, clarifies and summarizes them. Therefore, in all classes, as far as possible, it is necessary to demand from children of phrase, deployed answers, according to the sample and independently, pay attention to new, unfamiliar words.


  1. A.R. Luria "sensations and perception"; Publishing House of Moscow University, 1975
  2. L.S. Tsvetkov "Methods of diagnostic neuropsychological examination of children"; M, 1997
  3. EG SImernitskaya "Neuropsychological method of express diagnostics"; M, 1991
  4. B.M. Heat - selected works; M., Pedagogy, 1985
  5. MK Burlakova "Correction of complex speech disorders"; M., 1997
  6. G.A. Volkova "Luggage education of children with dischairs"; C-p., 1993
  7. Bezless M.M. Efimova S.P. Knyazeva M.G. "How to prepare a child for school? And what program is better"; M., 1994
  8. IN AND. Seliverson "Speech games with children"; M., I, VLADOS, 1994
  9. Sat. "Scientific Creativity of Vygotsky and Modern Psychology"; M., 1981
  10. A.N. Kornev "Dysgraphy and Dysxia in children"; C-p., 1995

Preschool age is a period of the most intensive development of speech, the effectiveness of which depends on the normal functioning and interaction of various analyzer systems. Hearing system - One of the most important analyzers. Through auditory perception, the presentation of the child is enriched. The knowledge of objects and phenomena is closely related to the perception of sound as property properties.

Developing auditory perception is crucial for the occurrence and operation of oral speech. Currently, there is a steady increase in the number of children with various deviations in the speech development, which undoubtedly affects the preparation of children to school, and in the future and the quality of learning school programs.

Research of domestic scientists R. E. Levina, N.A. No, L.F. The spirits and others show that "underdevelopment of phondematic perception, in the future entails serious deviations in the formation of proper sound, as well as letters and readings (dyslexia and dysgrafy).

It is known that the child learns to speak from hearing. He hears speech of adults and removes from it what is available to his understanding and pronunciation. Insofar as hearing analyzer A person has a rather complicated structure, it provides different levels of auditory perception. We clarify again the functional roles of each of them.

Physical hearing is the most elementary level of hearing function. Thanks to him, we hear the different sounds of the world around us, which are not hearing deaf people. Physical hearing is provided by primary fields of the auditory cortex of the brain, also called the cortical ends of the analyzers.

Sneven hearing, non-hearing hearing gnosis, including musical, is realized by secondary fields of the temporal cortex of the right hemisphere of the brain. It opens up the ability to distinguish between all sorts of natural, subject and musical noise.

Speech hearing or otherwise speech hearing gnosis- Higher level than physical hearing: This is the level of phonetics. Such a hearing can be denoted as phonetic. The location of its localization is the secondary fields of the temporal cortex of the left hemisphere.

You can have a wonderful musical rumor and very bad speech, that is, bad understand.

Phondematic hearing is the highest hierarchy, intended for differentiation by phoneme, including opposition.

In case of insufficiency of the phonematics hearing, the phonams are mixed, merge among themselves in words, and the words themselves are often merged with each other. As a result, heard speech is poorly perceived (decoded). Phonemic The rumor is based on the ability to distinguish non-eby (natural and subject) noises, For which the right hemisphere of the brain responsibly.

The ability is not just heard, but to listen, focus on the sound, to allocate its characteristic features - exceptionally human ability, thanks to which there is knowledge of the surrounding reality. The auditory perception begins with acoustic (auditory) attention and leads to an understanding of the meaning of speech through the recognition and analysis of speech sounds, complemented by the perception of non-echogenic components (Mimics, gestures, poses). Consequently, acoustic perceptual perception is the basis for auditory perception, and these processes are inextricably linked with each other.

The auditory and speech analyzers are of great importance for the development of speech, the formation of the second signal system of the person.

The ability to focus on sound (acoustic (auditory) attention) is the important ability of the person to be developed. It does not arise by itself, even if a child has acute rumor from nature. It must be developed from the first years of life.

The development of acoustic attention goes in two directions: on the one hand, the perception of speech sounds is developing, that is, a phonamatic hearing is formed, and on the other hand, the perception of non-heine sounds is developing, that is, noise.

Sneven sounds play a significant role in the child orientation in the environment. Distribution of non-heine sounds helps to perceive them as signals indicating the approximation or removal of individual items or living beings. The correct definition of the direction of the sound source (its localization) helps to navigate the space, determine its location, direction of movement. So, the noise of the motor says about approaching or removing the car. In other words, well-identifiable and consciously perceived sounds can determine the nature of the child's activity. In ordinary life, all sounds can only be perceived by rumor or with a support for vision - lisuate. In addition, the level of development of speech hearing directly depends on the development of non-hearing children, because All characteristics of non-sound sounds are also characteristic of speech.

The main quality of auditory images is subject matter. Games for the perception of sound give an idea of \u200b\u200bdifferent in the nature of the noise: rustling, screenshot, pisch, bullshit, riser, rustle, knock, birds singing, train noise, cars, animal shouts, loud and quiet sound, whisper, etc.

Nature is a live book with which the child is in direct contact, deploys the widest opportunities for the development of auditory perception. Children know the surrounding reality through their own experience. The activities of children in the natural environment (excursions, observations, hiking) make it possible to observe various natural and household noises, such as wind noise, ringing drops, snow creak. As a rule, organizing excursions in nature, the teachers set limited tasks: for example, to get acquainted in this day of early spring with the first protanes, the properties of snow, the features of the state of weather and the vegetation world. However, such observations it is advisable to include and tasks aimed at the development of auditory perception. For example: we go to the garden, we are looking for a place where the snow has already melted, where the land is visible. This is protalianins. We look at them: there are big and small, round and angular. Children run, looking, find prostinalines. We look at the fact that they are located. Here are dry brown leaves, let's take them and listen as they sound. Those for such observations a lot.

Icicles on the roof in the southern wall of the house hanging in the form of a luxurious ice fringe. How many concepts can be given to children on this original material: the glitter of ice, the rainbow overflows of its colors in the rays of the sun, the size of the icicles, their length and thickness, the feeling of the cold from the broken icicle, penetrating through warm mittens, ringing drops and blades.

When observing falling snow falling in winter, listen to his creaking, silence of windless weather, bird screams. etc

Each such tour, which is a walk for children, gives them a lot of impressions, perceptions not provided for by your plan, but the plan needs to be accurately outlined with what you will acquaint children and in what volume. When planning walks, excursions Do not forget to include tasks for the development of hearing perception and auditory memory.

To consolidate the knowledge gained by children during the excursions carried out, it is advisable to spend a conversation, for example:

Consider with children pictures, offer to pronounce sounds that heard today for a walk. Ask children questions:

  • What is the sounds of the rustling of leaves in dry weather from raw?
  • Which of the proposed pictures can be combined with one sound?
  • Find objects in the house, with what you could depict the sounds heard today.
  • Remember the other sounds of nature (this task can be organized as an exercise "Guess what sound like?") In practical activity: to draw with the child the objects of the world and the phenomenon of nature, whose sounds you heard during a joint walk.

In addition, for the development of auditory perception, it is necessary to include joint activities with children of exercise for the development of shallow motility, for example:

The wind north tree:
"S-C-SS", all leaves
From the linden plot ... (Move your fingers and pour them.)
Flew, spoke
And they fell to the ground.
The rain began to knock on them:
"Cap Cap-Cap, Cap-Cap-Cap!" (Knock your fingers on the table.)
Grad swapped on them,
The leaves have broken through the leaves. (Tapping fists on the table.)
Snow then closed, (Smooth movements of hands hands forward - back.)
The blanket covered them. (Palms firmly press to the table.)

The fastening of soundness skills, contributes to the specially organized objective environment in the group: a corner with various whistling, noisy, grazing, creaking rustling, etc. Items, each of which has its own characteristic "voice", a selection of audio materials.

In a specially organized corner, it is advisable to place it, publishing various sounds:

  • banks from coffee, tea, juices filled with peas, bones, pebbles, chips, sand;
  • rustling ribs from cropping tape tape, paper, polyethylene, etc.;
  • cryers, noisy marine sinks, knocking chopsticks of different wood thickness different breeds;
  • vessels with different amounts of water (like xylophone);
  • whistles and twists from clay and wood.
  • audio recordings of natural noise and a selection of games to them, for example: "Who screams, what does it sound?",

Games with these sounding items help children open well-known items from a completely new side. Acquaintance of children with sounding toys I begin gradually. At the initial stage, it takes a visual, visual-moving or simply motor support to distinguishing non-snow sounds (like speech material). This means that the child must see the item that makes some unusual sound, to try to extract sound from it in different ways, that is, to make certain actions. Additional sensual support becomes not mandatory only when the child has formed the necessary hearing image

The development of the child's ability to distinguish between non-hearing sounds is carried out in such areas:

  • nature sounds: wind and rain sound, rustling of leaves, murmur of water, etc.;
  • sounds that publish animals and birds: bang dogs, meowing cats, crows karkan, tweet sparrows and rustling of pigeons, ringeling horse, pitching cow, peopic singing, buzzing flies or beetles, etc.;
  • sounds that publish items and materials: knock hammer, clinking glasses, creakage door, buzzing of a vacuum cleaner, ticking hours, rustling of a package, rustling of loose cereals, pea, macaron, etc.; Transport Noise: Car Signals, Train Wheel, Brake Script, Huelyesiamet, etc.;
  • sounds that publish various sounding toys: rattles, whistles, ratchets, squeakers;
  • sounds of children's musical toys: bell, drum, tambourine, dude, metalfone, harmonica, piano, etc.

It is advisable daily in a group of "fabulous minutes", where children could listen to various audio tales. As a result, children develop phonetic hearing

Together with educators in the development of auditory perception, parents must participate. In our kindergarten, a selection of a weekend projects has been created, for parents with children, on the development of non-snow sounds, such as the wind, the ringing of the drops, the creaking of trees, etc. With the help of these projects, parents are included in the process of developing auditory perception and environmental education of preschoolers.

The formation of acoustic perceptual gnosis in children will be successful when combining the efforts of educators and parents.

The close and integrated interaction of specialists can provide children not only full-fledged speech communication, but also, ultimately, to prepare them for successful education in secondary school.

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