Sleep norms for a child up to a year, from a year to three. What sleep pattern should a two-month-old baby have How many hours a day a two-month-old baby sleeps

Childhood is one of the most beautiful and difficult periods In human life. During this time, the body goes through cardinal changes, each of which has its own distinctive features. Parents monitor progress month old baby day after day, how much he should sleep, how to observe the proper regimen in the second month of life.

Development of a newborn in the second month of life

From the moment of the first breath after birth and up to 28 days, the neonatal period lasts. The baby seems so fragile and tender. But nature took care of the adaptive capabilities of children. They are much stronger and more enduring than their parents believe.

The neonatal period, which is given for adaptation in other, extrauterine, conditions of life, is replaced by an active jump in physical growth and maturation of the nervous system. In the second month of life, the newborn begins a new stage of development.

How much sleep should a two month old baby

The second month of a baby's life prepares new surprises and discoveries for parents. It turns out that the baby is ready to spend much more time in active mode than a month ago. Daily rate sleep is reduced to 15 (sometimes 16) hours. Experienced mothers know: the sleepy hour is interrupted by multiple feedings. After all, a small stomach holds a small amount of liquid, so you need to feed often and in small portions. This is especially noticeable at night, when the baby can “non-stop” stay at the breast, feeding half asleep.

Many parents are concerned about the question: how much should a child sleep at night and during the day, what should be the daily routine of a two-month-old child? The newborn is not yet able to sink into deep sleep. He is mostly superficial. This is why babies wake up so easily. The duration of sleep for breastfed babies often depends on the presence of the mother nearby. Feeling her scent, they sleep sounder and longer. At 2 months, children sleep twice a day for 1.5 hours, and 2-4 times can take a nap for 30-40 minutes.

How to get 2 month olds to sleep through the night: a healthy night's sleep

There is a category of babies who sleep much less time than is customary. Sometimes this is due to certain physical condition problems. But it also happens that the baby is healthy, but sleeps less than the average newborn. In this case, they talk about individual characteristics, which is a variant of the norm.

Sleep plays an important role in the development of a child. Some pediatricians believe that healthy baby should sleep until he has a feeling of hunger or irritants (noise, wet diapers, etc.). In order to adjust the mode of a two-month-old child and teach him to sleep at night, parents should take care of creating comfortable conditions in the children's room: air temperature is 20ºС, normal humidity, no dust accumulators (the canopy over the bed, which young mothers like so much, is superfluous for the child, as well as soft toys).

A healthy child who develops normally knows how much sleep he needs. It is wrong to wake up the baby just because, in the opinion of the parents, it is time for him to do something else - there is, for example. For normal development and normal health, sleep is no less important than food.

E.O. Komarovsky

How to put to sleep at 2 months

There is no single algorithm of actions: all children are different, so parents watch their baby and look for an individual approach to it. One falls asleep on his own in the crib. For another, it is important to feel the warmth of a mother's or father's body. The third requires motion sickness. Both natural biorhythms and the nature of life in the family are taken into account.

There are three main problems that parents face:

  • sleeps only on hands;
  • sleeps poorly at home, but well on the street;
  • does not fall asleep without motion sickness.

What to do in the first case? Is it necessary to "accustom to the hands"? Moms will say yes: you can’t spoil the attention. If the baby does not want to sleep without a mother, slings (for daytime sleep) and joint sleep at night come to the rescue. Although the same Komarovsky believes that this is just a habit and the realization of a natural instinct. This can be weaned off in a few weeks.

Does the baby need to be rocked? Pediatricians say no. Falling asleep in response to motion sickness is nothing more than a reaction of a weak vestibular apparatus. This is not good for the child and exhausts his relatives. Weaning from motion sickness can be very difficult.

Is it worth rocking a baby? - Doctor Komarovsky - Video

If the child does not sleep well at home, but well on the street, parents should reconsider their regimen and plan walks during the children's vacation. Sleeping in the fresh air is useful and convenient. How much a child should walk at 2 months depends on how he reacts to being away from home.

In order for the baby to fall asleep without problems at home, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions:

  • a minimum of annoying factors (a working TV in the room is not the best companion for sleep);
  • comfortable air temperature (better +19ºС than +24ºС);
  • comfortable clothing (no need to wrap).

How long does a 2 month old baby need to be awake per day?

Not all mothers know how much a two-month-old baby should sleep per day. Sometimes the baby reacts uneasily to the attempts of parents to organize the most comfortable conditions and often wakes up. Or his routine is broken. Few healthy children at two months can sleep soundly for 5-6 hours at night. Indeed, until the age of six months, biorhythms are only formed.

The main reasons why a healthy baby often wakes up:

  • long breaks between feedings;
  • colic;
  • overexcitation;
  • the presence of irritating factors (noise, cold, etc.).

It should be borne in mind that at 2 months the nature of the baby’s sleep looks like this: after falling asleep, the phase of superficial sleep lasts 40 minutes. Then the baby wakes up. If there is a mother nearby who can offer him a breast, he immediately falls asleep again and can rest 4-5 hours (at night). For feeding, the baby usually wakes up at 4, 6 and 8 in the morning. If the mother was not around, after an hour of superficial sleep, he is able to wake up and begin to be active. Putting the baby to bed again is a difficult task.

The main reasons why a “problem” baby does not sleep are: birth injuries, taking medications, and disturbances in the functioning of the body. These can be pathologies of the nervous system, gastrointestinal tract or allergies. Experts will help to understand the true reasons.

Approximate daily routine and feeding hours

The daily routine of a two-month-old baby depends on his sleep and feeding regimen. Breastfed babies continue to eat on demand. It is impossible to overfeed with breast milk. Babies on artificial mixtures eat by the hour. As a rule, they themselves wake up at the right feeding time, so there is no need to specifically wake them up, taking away part of the sleep.

The wakeful period is the time when parents can do little gymnastics, massage, educational games. At 2 months, the child can keep his attention on the toy, turn his head towards the sound, try to hold the rattle.

How to organize walks at this age depends on whether the baby sleeps on the street or not. If the baby is better resting in the fresh air, it is advisable to shift the time of the walk to his sleep. In summer, a healthy baby can stay outdoors all daylight hours. In winter, it is necessary to walk with him twice a day for 1.5–2 hours. The only contraindication is the air temperature below 5–10ºС (the peculiarities of climatic zones are taken into account).

It is better to bathe the baby before bed at night. This helps to relax the nervous system. The child can be bathed during the day. The time is chosen before one of the feedings.

The table shows an approximate schedule of 2 months for both breastfeeding and formula-feeding. The regimen for 2 months of life can be adjusted taking into account the individual characteristics of the baby.

Table of day regimen options for children from 1 to 3 months

Mode elementsTime in hours
option 1option 2option 3option 4
1. Wake up, feed, toilet6.00 - 6.30 8.00 - 8.30 6.00 - 6.30 8.00 - 8.30
2. Waking6.00 - 7.00 8.00 - 9.00 6.00 - 7.30 8.00 - 9.30
3. 1st daytime sleep(preferably outdoors)7.00 - 9.00 9.00 - 11.00 7.30 - 9.30 9.30 - 11.30
4. Feeding9.00 11.00 9.30 11.30
5. Waking9.00 - 10.00 11.00 - 12.00 9.30 - 11.00 11.30 - 13.00
6. 2nd nap (outdoors)10.00 - 12.00 12.00 - 14.00 11.00 - 13.00 13.00 - 15.00
7. Feeding12.00 14.00 13.00 15.00
8. Waking12.00 - 13.00 14.00 - 15.00 13.00 - 14.30 15.00 - 16.30
9. 3rd nap (outdoors)13.00 - 15.00 15.00 - 17.00 14.30 - 16.30 16.30 - 18.30
10. Feeding15.00 17.00 16.30 18.30
11. Waking15.00 - 16.00 17.00 - 18.00 16.30 - 17.30 18.30 - 20.30
12. 4th nap16.30 - 18.00 18.00 -19.30 17.30 - 19.30 -
13. Feeding18.00 - - -
14. Waking18.00 - 19.00 - - -
15. Bathing16.00 - 16.30
before 4th sleep
19.30 19.30 20.00
16. Feeding- 20.00 20.00 -
17. Night sleep19.00 - 6.00 20.30 - 8.00 20.30 - 6.00 20.30 - 8.00
18. 1st night feeding21.00 23.00 23.30 22.00
19. 2nd night feeding24.00 (or at 2-3 o'clock)2.00 or 5 am- 1.30 or 3-4 o'clock

Two month old baby routine

There is no consensus among parents and pediatricians about whether it is necessary for a child to create a strict regime and “drive” his biorhythms into this framework. Soviet pediatricians adhered to the postulate: there will be a regime. Everything happened exactly on time. This was partly due to the regime of working women, who had to leave maternity leave early, leaving the crumbs in the care of nannies in a nursery. Modern doctors say something else: the baby is able to tell his parents what is best for him. Up to six months, his regime is only being formed. All that parents have to do is to watch the baby and make up the daily routine of the newborn at 2 months according to his needs.

The 2-month formula is a handy thing for a mom who can plan household chores. But over time, the baby and mother learn to understand each other and compare their needs so that it is convenient for both. Don't cut your baby's daytime naps in the hope that he'll sleep better at night. You should not specifically wake up the baby for the next feeding. It’s easier to lie down next to him and offer him breasts through a dream.

If “education according to Komarovsky” is closer to you, you can use his advice:

From the moment of birth, the regime of the child must be subordinated to the regime of the family. Prepare for a night's sleep in advance and prepare your child for it. Determine the time when night sleep begins, and let it be a time convenient for you! From 21:00 to 5:00? You are welcome! From 11pm to 7am? To health! Have you chosen? Now try to comply. If you want your child to sleep well at night, do not allow too much sleep during the day. Don't be afraid to wake up the sleepyhead! Try to underfeed slightly on your penultimate feed and feed as much as possible right before bedtime. Remember: hunger is far from the only reason for crying, and do not plug a child's mouth with food at the first squeak. Overfeeding is the main cause of abdominal pain and related sleep disturbances.

E.O. Komarovsky

Raising a child is one of the most challenging tasks in the lives of parents. Do what is comfortable for your family and baby. This will make everyone calmer. And the calmness of the parents is always transmitted to the child.

How much sleep should a 2 month old baby sleep? This question is asked by any mother of a newborn baby. There are norms for the approximate number of hours of sleep that are usually taken as an example. However, it is not necessary to fully comply with them.

Day and night sleep of a child up to a year

Good, restful sleep is the key to good health.

Features of a baby’s sleep up to a year by months:

Svied Alexander, pediatrician, multidisciplinary medical Center"Infomedical", Novosibirsk

It is better to sleep separately from the baby. Get up to him when he woke up, feed, change clothes.

You can stay in the same room, but on separate beds. This will be better for the parents and the baby.

Daytime sleep of a 2 month old baby

How much a child should sleep at 2 months depends on his physical condition, character traits.

If the baby is in a playful mood, you do not need to force him to sleep

If the child sleeps less than expected, but feels good, cheerful and has no signs of illness, you need to throw all the worries away - the baby is just active.

On average, at 2 months of age, a baby sleeps 16-18 hours a day.

As a rule, the duration of daytime sleep lasts no more than 2-3 hours at a time (long sleep) and 30-40 minutes (short sleep).

A long sleep occurs in a child 2 times a day, and a short one - 3-4 times.

Wakefulness lasts 1-1.5 hours - and again a dream. During this time, the mother feeds, changes the baby's clothes and performs hygiene procedures.

If the baby becomes irritable, screams, cries, misbehaves and the mother cannot calm him down and interest him in any way, this is a direct indicator that the baby is tired and it is time for him to rest.

Such crumbs really need maternal warmth, some prefer to fall asleep with their mother, and this should not be neglected. You can just sit near the crib, hold the handle, sing a song.

The baby feels the presence of his mother, her care and affection, it calms him down and puts him to sleep.

From the early age the child must understand where is the day and where is the night. Daytime sleep, as a rule, occurs in the light, accompanied by various sounds. Of course, all this should be kept to a minimum. The light through the window should come through tightly closed curtains, and the sound of the TV should barely come from the next room.

Night sleep 2 month old baby

How much a child should sleep at 2 months at night depends on whether the mother correctly follows some rules:

  • you can not overfeed the child at night;
  • the child must be clean, dressed, he must be dry and warm;
  • night sleep should be accompanied by complete silence and darkness;
  • if necessary, you should go to bed with the child;
  • it is necessary to observe some rituals before going to bed: collect toys, swim, drink milk or mixture.

You can take toys to bed with you, but it is important that children do not play with them, but go to bed with them. A good option is (hanging toys above the crib).

Rumyantseva Victoria Alekseevna, pediatrician, geneticist, candidate of medical sciences, SM-Clinic, Moscow

For the first few months, the baby should sleep with his mother, feel her warmth. So it will be easier for him to get used to the world around him.

Gradually, of course, you need to wean from the mother and move the child to a separate bed.

Of course, the baby will wake up at night anyway, but much less often, and his sleep will be stronger. For a better understanding, let's make a detailed comparison:

Child's age

daytime sleep

Number of daytime naps

Night sleep

Total sleep duration

1 month8 h4-5 12 h20 h
2 months7 h4-5 10-11 h16-18 h
3 months6 h3-4 10-11 h16 h
4 months6 h3-4 9-10 h15-16 min.
5 months5 h3 10 h15 h
6 months3-4 h2-3 11 o'clock14
1 year1.5-2 h1-2 11 o'clock13 h

How to improve the quality of sleep in a child and adjust it to your "adult" mode

Formula-fed babies sleep a little longer and sounder

How much a child should sleep per month at night depends, among other things, on how he ate during the day. Children from a month to six months begin to be interested in the world around them.

They focus their attention on various moving objects, react and are interested in sounds.

Because of all this, they can be distracted from food, and it becomes more difficult to feed them. In this case, the child may wake up more often at night and demand a snack. So he compensates for the daily lack of food.

How much sleep a baby should sleep at 6 months depends on when his teeth start to cut. Most often this happens exactly at six months, which, of course, affects both the number of meals and the duration of sleep. How to make your child feel better and what to do if fever during teething, you can read .

The duration of sleep for a one-year-old baby depends on the established regimen. If the sleep pattern of a child at 1 year old is formed, then this is the key to successful and high-quality sleep and rest.

Behavior of a child who wants to sleep

A baby who wants to sleep will definitely tell you about it with all his appearance.

It can be difficult for a woman who has her first child to understand when it is time to put the baby to bed.

Signs by which it becomes clear when the child is tired and wants to rest:

  • the baby rubs his eyes with his hands. This indicates his fatigue;
  • yawn. In both adults and infants, it is a sign of fatigue and indicates a desire to sleep;
  • the child is naughty. Mom fails to interest him in anything, all attempts to calm him down are in vain - he is just tired.

The mode of the day is a schedule of actions performed in a certain sequence and, most often, with strict time limits. Daily routine in childhood necessary for the healthy functioning of the nervous system, harmonious growth and proper physical development. A well-designed regimen protects the baby from overwork, allows you to organically spend energy resources and develop in accordance with age norms.

Approximate daily routine of a child at two months

Some people think that a two-month-old nursing baby does not need a regimen, but this is not so. The routine may not be as strict as at the age of 1-3 years, but a certain procedure must be developed already at the beginning of the third month of life - this will allow the baby to be accustomed to the traditions accepted in his family and avoid many behavioral disorders arising from the disorganization of the action during the day.

How the diet changes at 2 months

The baby's regimen at 2 months includes 4 main components: feeding, sleep, physical development (massage, gymnastics) and walking. Nutrition is considered the most important part of the regimen. Baby health, condition immune systems, basics intellectual development- it all depends on what kind of food the baby receives in the first 6 months of life. It should be regular and of high quality, especially if the baby is on mixed or artificial feeding.

The first feeding usually occurs at 6-7 o'clock in the morning, and the last - in the interval from 22 to 24 hours. The exact time depends on the biological rhythms and character of the baby, as well as the daily routine adopted in a particular family.

The daily routine of a two-month-old baby on breastfeeding

If a mother is breastfeeding, pediatricians recommend adhering to on-demand feeding, but there are exceptions. Despite the advice to breastfeed your baby when he wants to, it is worth limiting the frequency and duration of feedings in the following cases:

  • the interval between applications is less than 2 hours;
  • the baby asks for breasts during any emotional experience;
  • frequent application adversely affects the physical condition of the mother (increased fatigue, soreness when touching the nipples, cracks and damage to the mammary glands);
  • the baby burps profusely after each application, and in the released masses there are particles of undigested milk.

During feeding, you need to talk quietly with the baby, you can tell a fairy tale or sing songs - this helps to strengthen the bond between mother and baby and has a positive effect on the psycho-emotional development of the crumbs.

Important! If the baby requires the breast too often, behaves restlessly and quickly releases the nipple after the start of feeding, you should consult a doctor - digestive disorders such as lactase deficiency or intestinal colitis may be the cause of this behavior. The average interval between feedings in a two-month-old baby should be from 2.5 to 3 hours.

Day regimen of a child on artificial or mixed feeding

If for some reason the baby receives as the main food, it is necessary to strictly monitor the amount of mixture eaten and the intervals between feedings. Children who are completely bottle-fed need to establish a feeding regimen already at this age. This will ensure sufficient production of enzymes necessary for the breakdown and assimilation of milk protein, which is more complex in composition compared to the proteins that make up breast milk. Eating at the same time also significantly reduces the likelihood of and, so the task of parents at this age is to teach the baby to feed on a schedule.

Important! Children who regularly receive formula milk should be supplemented with boiled water. With a mixed type of feeding, it is better to offer drinking from a spoon; “artificial” children can be given water from a bottle.

Healthy two-month-old infants are usually fed as follows:

  • the number of feedings - 6-7 per day;
  • the volume of one serving of the mixture is from 130 to 150 ml (depending on the chosen mixture and the individual characteristics of the baby);
  • the maximum daily amount of the mixture is not more than 900 ml.

Night feedings: how much and when

Night feedings in breastfed babies should be done on demand. Some babies sleep well and wake up to feed only 1-2 times a night, but there are babies who need 2 to 4 feedings during a night's sleep to meet their needs.

Formula-fed babies at 2 months of age usually sleep well for 5-6 hours straight, so they rarely need more than 1 feed a night.

Read also articles on nutrition:

How much sleep and wake up should a child have at 2 months

Sleep in two-month-old babies is already longer and more restful compared to a one-month-old baby, but he still remains sensitive, since the duration of the deep phase of sleep at this age is very short. The average sleep time at this age is 8-10 hours., if we consider the period from the last evening feeding (usually at 22-23 hours) to the first morning meal (about 5-6 am) as a night's sleep. Most babies are awake for 30-40 minutes after their first feed, after which they fall asleep again.

During the day, the baby also continues to rest a lot - an active increase in periods of wakefulness will begin from the beginning of the fourth month of life. At 2 months, the baby should sleep 3 times a day for 1.5-2 hours. Some children sleep 2 times a day, but the duration of sleep can be up to 3-3.5 hours. Such an option can be considered as a variant of the individual norm, but only if the infant develops in accordance with generally accepted indicators. If an infant under this regimen becomes lethargic, capricious, eats poorly and does not show interest in the world around him, his regimen should be reviewed and adjustments made after consulting with a pediatrician.

Important! The total duration of sleep in 2 months should be from 16 to 18 hours.

What to do if the child does not sleep during the day

Difficulty falling asleep during the day, frequent rises at night - all this can be a variant of the norm, since the sleep of children at this age is superficial in most phases. To help your baby sleep better, you can use the following tips.

  1. During sleep, the baby should be protected from loud and unexpected sounds, since the baby’s hearing becomes sharper at 2 months, and any sources of harsh sounds can wake him up.
  2. Sleepwear should be 100% soft cotton. It is best to choose closed slips - they will help keep warm if the child opens at night. If financial possibilities allow, it is better to choose clothes without internal seams.
  3. The room temperature must be sanitary standards. For a two-month-old baby, it ranges from + 16 ° to 18 ° C.
  4. Three hours before bedtime, you should not feed the baby so that he eats well at the last feeding and does not wake up at night from hunger.
  5. The light should also be dimmed. Some babies need to turn off the lights completely in order to sleep well through the night. Someone needs to leave a dim night light. Parents need to observe the baby and note under what conditions he sleeps more calmly.

The cause of sleep disturbances at 2 months is very often painful intestinal cramps. You can fight them with the help of abdominal massage, dry heat and medications("Baby Calm", ).

Baby care and walks

Hygiene measures and walks are an integral part of the 2-month regimen. You can walk with a two-month-old baby for a long time, since at this age children sleep well on the street and can go without feeding for 2-3 hours. It is better to break walks into 2 times for 1.5-2 hours, but in bad weather conditions you can limit yourself to one two-hour walk. At this time, it is good to be close to home so that you can quickly feed or change the baby, if necessary.

Among the hygienic and hardening procedures, the pediatrician is especially distinguished. It is best to bathe the baby before going to bed, but there are children who, after water procedures are in an excited state for a long time and cannot fall asleep. It is better to bathe such babies in the daytime. The duration of the procedure should not exceed 10-15 minutes - a longer bath will tire the baby, and he may fall asleep before he eats norm milk, which will disrupt night sleep.

How much do you think a baby should sleep after reaching two months of age? Knowing the needs of our body, we do not understand at all what it is like in a baby who is just learning to live. More often, mom and dad worry that their child sleeps too little or has the wrong regimen. Sometimes the worry is not in vain.

Sleep Features

On average, the period of time when the baby sleeps is from 16 to 19 hours a day. The rest of the time the crumbs are occupied by feeding, hygiene procedures and knowledge of the world. The child is in a dream already less than in the first days of life. With age, the period of "sleepy" time will be further reduced.

By two months, the crumbs show signs of their own daily routine. It is important not to miss this moment. Your job is to support the process, not break it. Parents often adjust the regimen of the child to the conditions they need. But the baby already feels the optimal needs of the body in food, wakefulness, and sleep. Therefore, the question of how much a healthy two-month-old baby sleeps depends largely on its individual characteristics.

Do not "fit" your child to statistics. If he eats well, gains weight, cries no more than expected and does not worry, then he has enough sleep.

daytime sleep

At 2 months, the baby is still too weak, and it takes him a lot of time to sleep in order to gain strength. Daytime sleep is especially important, because during the daytime, newborns are active and spend maximum energy. How much and how a child sleeps during the day is associated with a number of features:

  • Sleep phases. They are light superficial or strong deep. In two-month-old children, superficial sleep predominates, when they often startle and react to any noise. The deep phase, on the contrary, differs in that the child sleeps soundly and calmly, but at 2 months it still occupies a smaller share.
  • Sleep duration. On average, at the age of 2 months, children sleep twice a day, being in a state of long sleep for 1.5 - 2 hours, and at least three times for 30 - 40 minutes.
  • Combining sleep with feeding. Breastfeeding increases the desire of the baby to be with his mother all the time. And sleep will often coincide with this process, so do not disturb the baby to rest, let him feel your warmth.
  • Time needed to fall asleep. If the baby is in a comfortable state for him, then immersion in sleep will take no more than 7 - 12 minutes.
  • period of activity. A child of 2 months is awake for no more than two hours before the next sleep. If the baby "goes too far", then he will fall asleep no earlier than in 50 - 60 minutes, and this is an extra load and stress for a fragile body.
  • Walks on the street. Any pediatrician will tell you how important this is for your baby's health. Firstly, it is useful to take a break from home air, which is filled with germs and dust. And, secondly, children from a large portion of oxygen instantly relax and fall asleep. Therefore, walk often and for a long time.

If these features are taken into account, then it will become much easier to avoid unnecessary problems with a child’s sleep during the daytime.

Night sleep

So far, your baby’s sleep at night will be only slightly different from daytime sleep and will total about 8 hours. In this case, the baby wakes up after 3 - 4 hours to eat. There are newborns who from the first months sleep all night, for 7-9 hours without waking up. But there are few such children, and they are rather an exception to the general norms.

Parents should definitely know what positively affects the duration and calmness of a night's sleep:

  • How was your day baby a. If the child experienced shocks and was excited, then at night it will all result in anxiety, tears and frequent waking up. Try to avoid physical and emotional overload.
  • Feeding. At night, babies who are breastfed wake up more often than those who are artificially fed. But in no case do not stop breastfeeding at night, because the value of breast milk is incomparable with any other food.
  • Bathing. At this age, children's skin is still very delicate and receptive. So bathe your baby every day. After the procedure, the baby will quickly calm down and fall asleep.
  • Pose. The safest is when the child lies on its side. But if he prefers to constantly be in a different position, then do not interfere - it means that he is more comfortable this way. Just make sure you are comfortable and safe.

By the age of 2 months, the baby is laid down for the night from 21 to 23 hours, depending on his regimen. You should not allow him to confuse day with night, try to capture the moment when the child begins to wake up to eat. If he starts walking at night, then it will quickly become a habit for him, and you will cause a lot of problems.

It must be remembered that in case of serious violations of the baby’s sleep, first of all, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor, undergo an examination and pass tests.

The average sleep duration values ​​are shown in the table.

Reasons that negatively affect the rest of the child

Sometimes you can notice that the child is irritable, naughty and does not sleep well. There can be several reasons for this, and some of them are:

  • Tummy hurts. Up to 4-5 months old digestive system gets used to adapted food, children often suffer from intestinal colic. This causes interruptions in sleep.
  • Change of weather. A two-month-old baby is affected external factors, including the weather. Parents do not always notice this reason in time, and therefore look for problems elsewhere.
  • satiety problem. The child may often wake up and doze for 10-20 minutes due to the fact that he did not eat only 10 grams.
  • swallowed air. When feeding with the flow of milk, air enters the baby's stomach. This causes profuse regurgitation and disrupts sleep.

At the age of two months, children sleep less, but still sleep takes most time. Its duration depends on many factors - physical condition, time of day, type of feeding, lifestyle of parents and others. More information about how much a child should sleep at 2 months in different situations is discussed below.

At this age, babies already know how to raise their heads while lying on their stomachs, focus their eyes on individual objects, follow them for a short time, roll over from a barrel to their back, find the source of a sound, and even smile. Despite such a list of achievements, the child's body has not yet had time to get stronger. Therefore, he quickly gets tired and spends most of his time in sleep, the average duration of which in the daytime is 5-7 hours. Of these, 4-6 are given for two long sleeps of 2-3 hours each and several short ones - about half an hour each.

The time of wakefulness of the crumbs is from 30 to 60 minutes. Take him to play and socialize. Babies at this age cannot stay awake for more than two hours in a row - this is fraught with overwork.

Night sleep

At night, the baby should sleep 10-12 hours, with awakenings for feeding every 3-4 hours. Although it happens that babies at the age of two months may not wake up all night. The duration of infant sleep is variable. It depends on the psychological comfort of the baby and the atmosphere in the family. The less negative emotions and stress a child experiences during the day, the better he sleeps at night.

At the same age, you can begin to accustom the baby to sleep through the night. To do this, explain to him the difference between the times of the day. For example, during the day turn on music or TV, sing songs with a crumb, play noisily and actively. At night, on the contrary, there should be silence in the house, the light is extremely dimmed. It is better to speak in a whisper. So the baby will quickly understand the difference between daytime and nighttime and learn when to sleep. And let the baby fall asleep on its own. If you rock the baby in your arms every time, he will quickly get used to it.

Sleep duration in the table:

These figures are approximate. If the baby is healthy and not overtired, he himself determines how much he needs to rest, and how much to stay awake.

Features when breastfeeding

Many experts, especially breastfeeding, argue that the baby sleeps better with mom. Then the sleep is stronger, and it is useful for lactation. Co-sleeping is really convenient, but it is important to understand that weaning a grown baby from it can be problematic.

If the baby sleeps separately, then it is advisable to approach him as soon as possible after waking up. This will help him fall asleep faster again.

If the child is bottle-fed, then his sleep is stronger

Features with artificial feeding

Most often, artificial babies sleep longer and stronger than babies. This is due to the fact that they are less likely to experience hunger, because the mixture is digested longer than mother's milk. The rest of the artificial mode is no different.

If the artificial man fell asleep during the night feeding, it is better to try to wake him up and feed him. Otherwise, he will not be completely satisfied and will soon wake up again from hunger.

How to arrange sleep

  • Climate. The air temperature in the room where the baby sleeps should not be higher than +24 degrees. The level of humidity in the room is also important.
  • Bed. Choose an orthopedic and hypoallergenic mattress for a baby. Bed linen - only natural. The crib should not be too crowded so that the baby sleeps in a position that is comfortable for him.
  • Fresh air . In the warm season, keep the window open around the clock and walk more.
  • Mode . At such a young age, it is still impossible to establish a full-fledged daily routine, but it is already necessary to gradually accustom the baby to it.
  • Ritual. Repeating activities before going to bed will help you tune in to it.
  • Clothing . Choose comfortable, cool pajamas. Don't wrap your baby. If the air temperature is not lower than +18, a knitted "little man" and a demi-season blanket are enough. At a temperature of +24, replace it with a thin diaper or sheet.

Causes of sleep disturbance

The baby wakes up due to hunger or other reasons.

  • Feeling pain. Intertrigo or colic.
  • Dirty diapers. They need to be changed regularly so as not to provoke irritation or, even worse, the development of an infection.
  • Excitable nervous system . The baby may not sleep well due to an excess of impressions. He will be calmed by motion sickness and bathing before bed.

If none of the above reasons is suitable, it is better to consult a pediatrician.


The duration of a baby's sleep at two months is 17-19 hours, of which 5-6 are during the day, and 10-12 at night. To sleep soundly, maintain the right microclimate in the baby's room, spend more time with him in the fresh air and do not overwork the baby.

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