What sleep schedule should a two-month-old child have? How much should a two month old baby sleep day and night? 2 month old baby at night

Lyudmila Sergeevna Sokolova

Reading time: 5 minutes


Last updated article: 30.04.2019

The kid grows by leaps and bounds. Much has already changed in his behavior and appearance. By two months, the baby has grown significantly and gained weight, his parents are pleased with his chubby cheeks and good appetite.

The exciting topic of how much a baby should sleep at 2 months comes up in front of parents when they notice that something is wrong with the baby's sleep. By this time, his regime had changed significantly, the child began to sleep a little less. This is normal, because the older the baby gets, the less time he will spend sleeping. The baby has a lot of interesting things to do, his curiosity does not allow him to sleep carefree. However, it is necessary to continue to monitor how much time the baby sleeps during the day. It is important not to miss or prevent sleep deprivation in time. The normal functioning of the nervous system, the correct development and growth of the child depend on good sleep.

In total, a two-month-old baby should sleep about 18 hours a day. Most of this time is at night. At night, the child rests from the many emotions received during the daytime wakefulness.

Features of sleep at the age of two months

At the age of two months, babies sleep very lightly. This is because their sleep is in the superficial phase. This is due to the peculiarities of the development of the baby's nervous system at this age. The superficial phase of sleep prevails over the deep one, because the child is constantly worried about whether the mother has left. He has to constantly wake up to make sure that his mother is there and at the first call will come up to him.

This phenomenon confirms that when the mother and baby sleep together, his sleep is longer.

Also at this age, you can already determine the temperament infant... If a child is too active during the day, then he sleeps several hours less than quieter children. There is nothing you can do about it - this is how your baby's nervous system works.

How much should a baby sleep at 2 months in the afternoon

During the day, two-month-old babies should sleep 5-6 hours. This does not mean that the baby should spend half a day in deep sleep. All moments when the child is in a sleeping state are taken into account.

Usually, during the day, children of this age have two long naps of 1.5–2 hours each and several short ones of 30–40 minutes each.

The periods of wakefulness become longer, but should not exceed 2 hours. If the baby plays for more than two hours in a row, then it threatens to overwork the nervous system.

Even short dreams under the mother's breast help to relax and relieve nervous tension. Observe the infant's behavior closely. If the period of activity is prolonged, and the baby does not show signs of fatigue, you still need to put him to rest. During the day, the child receives a lot of information from the environment, for its processing it is required healthy sleep.

How much does a baby sleep at 2 months at night

ABOUT good nights it's too early to speak. A child of this age is still waking up to satisfy his hunger.

In total, the baby sleeps 10-11 hours at night. He can wake up for feedings every 3 hours, although some babies can already sleep for 4-5 hours in a row. But morning awakenings are still present in everyone.

Breastfeeding between 4 am and 6 am is important not only for the baby, but also for the mother. Feeding in the early morning hours promotes production a large number milk, which allows you to maintain lactation longer.

If the baby receives the mixture from the bottle, then he will wake up as the mixture is digested. It was noticed that the "artificial" sleep longer due to the fact that the adapted formulas are digested longer in the infant's gastrointestinal tract than breast milk.

To prevent the baby from waking up too often at night, it is important to establish a sleep and wake schedule as early as possible.

  1. Go to bed at the same time.
  2. Before going to bed, bathe the child in warm water with the addition of decoctions medicinal herbs helping to relax and relieve stress (chamomile, sage, mint, lemon balm).
  3. When waking up in the middle of the night, do not play with the child and do not make noise, otherwise the child will think that it is time to be awake and will not want to sleep.
  4. Make sure that nothing distracts your baby from a restful sleep: uncomfortable clothes, a blanket that is too warm, bright lights, noises, wet diapers, irritation and inflammation on the skin.
  5. Some babies cannot sleep without their mother's breast. At this age, the connection with my mother is still very strong, so you should not interfere with this. Let your baby fall asleep with a nipple in his mouth. After his sleep is sound, carefully remove your chest and transfer him to your crib.

It is important not to fall asleep before the child does. Possible risk of closing it respiratory tract soft tissues chest, which can cause asphyxiation and death by suffocation.

How to get your baby to sleep well

Many babies suddenly have difficulty sleeping at the age of two months. Mom rocked the child for a long time, and the baby's sleep is short-lived, in a dream he shudders, cries. If the diseases were ruled out by the doctor, then most likely these are symptoms of overexcitation.

This happens due to the fact that a two-month-old baby received too many emotions during the day. And it doesn't matter what kind of emotions they were: positive or negative. Both are a burden on the unformed nervous system... In addition infant cannot relax on his own and give rest to his nerve cells. His parents should help him in this. Therefore, it is important to recognize the early signs of overwork and help the baby fall asleep on time.

Signs of emotional fatigue:

  1. The child cannot sleep for a long time during the day. Normally, a 2-month-old baby falls asleep 10-15 minutes after the onset of motion sickness. If falling asleep takes longer, motion sickness, mother's breasts and lullabies do not help, then nerve cells are in an overexcited state and it is difficult for them to recover.
  2. When laying the baby on night sleep it also takes a lot of effort and time. And at night, the baby sleeps restlessly, often wakes up, cries for no reason.
  3. At the time of falling asleep, there is a nervous twitching of the arms or legs.
  4. During the day, such children are often capricious, do not concentrate on toys, often look at one point.
  5. Constantly rubbing his eyes with his fists, the look becomes tired, reddening of the sclera may be noted.
  6. The kid began to rarely smile and cry more, it is very difficult to bring him to good emotions.

Sleep is extremely important occupation for a newborn baby who takes pride of place in his daily routine. With each new month of life, the baby's sleep duration changes, giving way to new exciting and developing activities. Of course, there is no strict norm for how much a particular child should sleep at a certain age, since all this is purely individual, but still there are general recommendations and research results on this score.

In this article, we will look at the sleep of a baby at 2 months: how much does a baby usually sleep at this age, why he can sleep poorly or not sleep at all, and what affects the sleep of a 2-month-old baby.

On average, a baby sleeps about 15-18 hours a day at 2 months. As a rule, his sleep consists of 4-6 days (for example, 2 long ones - from 1 to 3 hours, 2-4 short ones - from 10 to 40 minutes) and one night sleep lasting 10-13 hours, which is interrupted several times for night feeding. However, it is impossible to talk about any mandatory norms, as already mentioned.

At this age, how the baby sleeps depends on many individual factors: on the type of feeding (for example, the artificial mixture takes longer to digest than breast milk, and therefore the baby remains full longer and can sleep longer without feeling hunger), the temperament of the baby, the presence of colic, caring for the baby, etc. normally gains weight, then you should not sound the alarm, even if the duration of his sleep is less than the average rate indicated by us.

Features of sleep during this period

At 2 months of age, the child is dominated by superficial rather than deep sleep, which allows him to control what is happening around him and respond to the slightest noise. That is why the baby at this age, contrary to all expectations of the mother, sleeps for a rather short time - mainly for periods of up to 40 minutes. Many mothers often complain that their baby sleeps poorly during the day at 2 months, but few people know that such a short sleep separately from the mother is the norm for a 2-month-old baby. At this time, also, his connection with his mother is especially strong, so being close to her and feeling safe, he will sleep much stronger and longer. Most babies at 2 months are very fond of sleeping right during feeding, so if you observe that the baby's eyes are closed, breathing is even, and the body is relaxed, you should know that he is resting and he does not need to be disturbed despite all the advice.

As for the figure of the average sleep duration of 15-18 hours, it includes not only the independent sleep of the crumbs in the crib, but also during feeding, in the mother's arms, on a walk, etc.

How to help a young child sleep better

There is no one-size-fits-all advice on how to improve the sleep of a 2 month old baby. You just have to adhere to general recommendations based on independent observations:

  1. Pay attention to the duration of the child's wakefulness between sleep periods: as a rule, at this age, the wakefulness period should not exceed 1.5-2 hours. Remember, an overworked child will be much more difficult to put down, and he will sleep more restlessly.
  2. Develop constant rituals that will make the child associate with rest, for example: before putting the baby to bed, close the curtains tightly, play a calm song on the mobile hanging over his crib, stroke him on the head, breastfeed, etc. It is important to do a set of the same sequential actions each time, and you will notice how this helps in getting your baby to bed 2 months and older.
  3. Make sure that nothing interferes with the baby's rest: cut off the tags on his clothes, minimize sound stimuli, give medicine for colic, feed him before falling asleep, etc.
  4. Try swaddling your baby. Many experts still insist that up to 6-9 months the baby will sleep much more calmly if he is swaddled. This will give him the feeling that he is in his mother's stomach, which means he is safe, and the baby is more likely not to wake himself up when throwing up his arms and legs.
  5. From the very birth, encourage the baby to fall asleep on its own, and not on the hands or by motion sickness. 2- one month old baby, accustomed to the fact that he is rocked to fall asleep, will easily feel that the motion sickness has stopped, or that his mother has transferred him from his hands to the bed, and will simply demand "his own."
  6. Do not rush to leave the crumb when he fell asleep. The transition to the phase of deep sleep, which is accompanied by throwing up the arms and legs, occurs in the baby after about 20-40 minutes. It is at this moment that the child, as a rule, wakes himself up. If you are near, pat him in a timely manner and do "shhhh", then it is most likely that he will fall asleep further for more long time.

Do I need a regimen at this age

It's too early to talk about a full-fledged regimen at 2 months (the memories of childbirth are still too strong, and postpartum stress makes itself felt), since it begins to build up only by 3 months. Mom just needs:

  • make sure that the time of wakefulness is not too prolonged, and the baby is not overworked;
  • provide the baby with a daily, several-hour walk, during which most children sleep sweetly;
  • feed the baby in a timely manner so that the feeling of hunger does not prevent him from falling asleep;
  • provide him with proper care so that nothing prevents him from gaining strength.

Night sleep at 2 months

Few of the parents can boast that their 2-month-old baby sleeps all night without waking up (although this is sometimes possible). As a rule, a child at 2 months old wakes up on average about 3 times a night to refresh himself. The first awakening usually occurs within 40-60 minutes after falling asleep. And if you quickly feed and calm the baby, then his next dream will be longer. There are times when a 2 month old baby wakes up very often and sleeps extremely restlessly at night. As a rule, such nighttime sleep disorders are the result of difficult childbirth, various or a large amount of drugs during pregnancy.

Video about how and how much a baby sleeps at 2 months

In this video, it is described in detail and competently how a child's sleep schedule looks like at 2 months, why a child may sleep poorly, and how to help him sleep more calmly.

There is also a category of mothers who are worried not at all that their 2-month-old baby does not sleep well, but that he sleeps too much. Should you panic in this case? If, in addition to the long sleep of the baby, nothing more worries you in his behavior (the baby is gaining weight well, always active and cheerful during wakefulness, etc.), then there is nothing to worry about. If, in addition to the fact that the baby sleeps for a long time, you are also worried about his behavior and health, then it is better to consult a doctor with this.

Read our other articles about motherhood: for example, about, or, conversely, about how to remove it, how to remove it, and much more.

And how much did your child sleep when he was 2 months old, did you have such that he did not sleep long enough during the day, and how did you cope with this? Leave your comments on this.

Healthy sleep is necessary for children in the same way as good nutrition and a favorable emotional environment in the family - their health and development directly depends on compliance with the norms, and in infancy this is the main thing.

How much should a baby sleep at 2 months? Not every mother will be able to answer this question, since problems with sleep in children, alas, are common in our time. Sleep disturbances during the day or night may be affected by external factors, but they can talk about the health problems of the baby. Many do not see causal relationships and do not consider it necessary to look for them, but nothing happens just like that. Observe your child, the conditions in which he sleeps, compare them with established norms... Perhaps it will not be so difficult to solve the problem in your case. In this article, we will talk about exactly that.

Diagnosis of violations is carried out by monitoring the quantity, quality and conditions of the child's sleep

Daytime sleep of a 2 month old baby

Despite the fact that at 1-2 months the child sleeps while most time, as such, he has no deep sleep. He sleeps very lightly and feels his mother's presence very well. If she lies nearby or at least is in the same room with the baby, he will be calmer. If the mother is not around, the baby can wake up in 30-40 minutes and call her.

What you need to know about the daytime sleep of a 2 month old baby:

  1. At this age, children have two types of sleep - long and short. The first one lasts 1.5-2 hours, 2 times a day. The second - 30-40 minutes 3-4 times a day.
  2. It also happens that a child can sleep for a very long time - 4-5 hours. The opinions of experts on this matter differ. Some argue that the baby must certainly eat every 2 hours, so you need to wake him up and feed him. Others are convinced that this is bad and advise you to listen first of all to the needs of the child. That is, if he does not wake up for a long time, it means that sleeping for him at the moment is more important than eating. In any case, each mother decides for herself whether to follow her someone's instructions or listen to the body of her baby.
  3. Any falling asleep, even for a short time, is accompanied by breastfeeding. The breast is not only a source of food for the baby, but also a strong one. psychological factor- this is closeness with mom and even a sedative. Babies are almost unable to fall asleep on their own, without their mother's breasts. On the one hand, it can be alarming, but on the other, such “cooperation” is very convenient for the mother and beneficial for the baby.
  4. It is desirable that the wakefulness time does not exceed 2 hours. If at this age the child does not sleep for a long time, he may become overexcited. Then it will be difficult to lay him down and sleep will be difficult.

Try to observe the time intervals, if not exactly, then at least approximately. In this case, do not overdo it and be sure to take into account the individual characteristics of a small organism. Then the family will not know what problems with children's sleep during the day are.

Most babies of this age will not fall asleep without their favorite food source - mother's breast.

How much does a child sleep at night?

This topic is no less relevant and important for all young mothers and children. How calm the child's night sleep is, directly depends on how well his mother sleeps and rests. For a baby, a good night's sleep means good health and full development.

How much should a child sleep at night? Of course, some mothers can boast that the baby sleeps peacefully all night, but this is rare. Basically, even healthy children often wake up for one reason or another. Let's see what are the features of children's sleep at night:

  1. Even if the baby falls asleep quickly, he will wake up in 40-60 minutes. This shouldn't scare you — either he’s hungry or he just needs to make sure you’re around.
  2. If you are with him, the baby will quickly fall asleep again and now for a longer time - by 4-5 hours. If he does not find you, this may be a cause of concern, the baby will not be able to fall asleep again and will stay awake all night. You will spend a lot of energy, plus the daily routine will be lost (even if it is not very clearly established).

Quite popular is the question of where to sleep for a newborn baby. Often mothers are very worried and afraid that something might happen to the baby in a dream, so they put him to sleep next to them. This has both positive and negative aspects. The positive thing is that the child will constantly feel his mother's closeness. The negative side there is a risk that a tired mother can unknowingly crush the baby in a dream.

The famous pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky expresses his opinion: if a mother can sleep under constant stress, then there is nothing wrong with putting the baby next to her, but the best option is a separate sleep. The child must get used to his crib, and the mother must fully rest at night, so that during the day she has the strength for the child, and for household chores, and to take care of her husband.

Sleep disorders

There are various circumstances why a child sleeps poorly or little. They can affect sleep both during the day and at night. Conventionally, these reasons can be divided into two categories:

  • health problems;
  • not proper care and unsuitable conditions.

When a baby has health problems, the solution to the issue will be in the competence of a specialist. Mom needs to consult a pediatrician who will diagnose and give recommendations for further action.

We will now talk about the causes of children's sleep disorders that a mother should notice and eliminate. In order to identify them, you do not need to be a certified specialist - just a caring attentive mother.

So, what are the reasons we can notice and eliminate on our own:

  1. Hunger. If the baby has been awake for more than the recommended time, you gave him a breast and he even ate, but still does not sleep, but worries and cries, it is quite possible that he simply did not eat. Give him another breast and, when he is full, he will fall asleep sweetly.
  2. Discomfort. The baby is cold or hot, it is uncomfortable to lie in some position, wet diapers interfere with him - these and other reasons can easily interrupt sleep. It is very easy to eliminate them. Keep the diaper dry and keep the room temperature around 20 degrees.
  3. Overexcitation. If your child is very active, this problem may occur, especially in the evening. To calm the nervous system, it is advisable to bathe it before going to bed (the optimal water temperature is 37 degrees), shake it in your arms, and sing a lullaby.
  4. Colic. The problem is known to everyone, even to mothers of absolutely healthy babies. The digestive system in children is formed gradually and in the first months, periodic pain in the tummy is an ordinary physiological process. You can help your child with a light massage, applying a warm diaper to the stomach or dill water.

Agree - nothing complicated. You just need to show more care, attention and love for the little man.

In a wet diaper, the child will not fall asleep - the mother should first make sure that it does not need to be changed

In the first months of life, children are completely dependent on their mother and her presence nearby. The mother's condition (both physical and emotional) is reflected in the condition of the baby. Of course, there are standards, but any pediatrician will say that they should only be taken into account, and not strictly followed. To make it easier to navigate the recommended rates, we will enter all the data given above in the table.

How to create a daily routine? Every person, including a nursing infant, has biological rhythms. Watch your child and you can track them. Make a rough schedule by writing down when he is awake and when he tends to rest. As a period approaches, act according to your baby's needs. If bedtime is approaching, help him relax: provide silence in the house, dim the lights, create an atmosphere of peace.

Also, keep in mind that biological rhythms are not only individual but can change periodically. Then you have to adjust to them again. Do not be afraid of such changes - they are completely natural.

Most best mode day one that is based on the individual biological rhythms of the child (we recommend reading :)

How to Ensure Normal Children's Sleep?

Of course, all children are different, so are the home conditions. It may happen that even a child who did not know sleep problems suddenly began to sleep restlessly. If you do not take into account the individual factors that we have already described, you can list universal remedies that are suitable for absolutely everyone. Don't ignore such simple rules... Even if you pay too much attention to them, "overdose" in this case will not work. Provide your baby with:

  1. Walks in the open air. There are not many of them. The more you walk with your child, the better his sleep will be. Do not be afraid to do this in winter - young children need frosty air for good ventilation. At the same time, they sleep excellently. The most important thing is to dress and wrap the baby better, so you can solve all problems with sleep.
  2. Daily regime. There is no need to talk about strict adherence, because up to 3 months the child still has very individual biological rhythms. However, it is not at all difficult, for example, to bathe your baby and put him to bed at the same time in the evening. He will quickly get used to it and this will noticeably reduce both your worries and children's worries.
  3. Relax before bed. If you put your baby in during the day, draw the curtains to soften the glare, exclude all sources of extraneous sound such as TV and computer. Take the crumb in your arms, shake it and hum a lullaby in an undertone, or just talk about something affectionately. The baby should feel mother's closeness and protection. In the evening, bathe in warm water and swaddle (we recommend reading :). Almost all babies love to fall asleep on their breasts, so do not remove the nipple until the baby is fast asleep.

Now you know what you need to do so that your child does not know sleep problems. Never forget that the first thing a baby needs is maternal intimacy, so don't sacrifice it for anything else. It is better to once again give up some household chores, but provide your baby with protection and everything that is needed for peace of mind and full development.

The child grows and develops, begins to stay awake more. Sleep still takes up most of the time, but the norms of sleep and wakefulness change slightly. About how much a child should sleep at 2 months and how to achieve this - further in the article.

Sleep and wakefulness rates

At two months, the baby spends about 15-16 hours in a dream, of which 5-6 fall on daytime sleep, 8-10 on nighttime. A kid at this age is already beginning to distinguish day from night. Optimal time wakefulness - 1 hour 15 minutes. This time includes preparing for bed and laying down. By observing the norms of wakefulness, you can avoid overwork. If the child goes too far, then it will be more difficult for him to fall asleep in an overexcited state.

Development leap in 2 months

The child's sleep is influenced not only by compliance with the norms of sleep and wakefulness, but also mental development... The brain of the baby is actively growing, and for this reason, at about 7 to 8 weeks, the head circumference increases sharply. At the age of two months, the baby begins to better understand the world and himself in it, he is already beginning to examine his hands, observe and study what is happening around him. Babies at 2 months can become restless, sleep more sensitive. You should not worry about this, hug the baby more, talk to him, smile, looking into his eyes. By about 10 weeks, your baby calms down and sleeps better again.

Daytime sleep

Usually, by two months, the child sleeps 4 - 5 times during the day. The duration of one sleep is from 40 minutes to 2 hours.

From 2 months, children may experience short daytime dreams - 20-30 minutes each. Such dreams may well be a physiological norm, however, if all daytime dreams in a baby are short, while he is capricious, behaves restlessly, he clearly does not have time to regain his strength and rest. If this is the case, try to prolong sleep by recreating the usual conditions for falling asleep as soon as he wakes up. For example, if he fell asleep during motion sickness, pick him up and shake him a little.

Night sleep

It is best to put your child to sleep at night between 7 pm and 10 pm. In this case, you need to monitor his state of fatigue, observing the time of wakefulness. Try not to lay down too late. Sleep intervals of 2 months at night become longer.

Breastfeeding and sleep

Sometimes breastfeeding is a way for your baby to calm down and go to sleep. It is important to understand that habits that are formed before 4 months will be very difficult to change later. If you are not against sleeping together and falling asleep only with your breast, then feel free to use this method. With it, you will not need to rock your baby and come up with other methods of laying. If you want your child to learn to fall asleep and sleep for a long time on their own in the future, then separate feeding and sleep. To do this, feed your baby not before bedtime, but after. Also separate sleeping and feeding areas. For example, put your baby to bed in the room and feed in the kitchen. This will teach your child to fall asleep on their own and free up more time for themselves.

How much should a baby eat at 2 months

A baby of two months of age should receive about 800 ml of milk per day. The volume of food for one feeding can reach 120 - 150 ml. Remember, a hungry child will not sleep well, so if the crumbs have difficulty falling asleep and the duration of sleep, it is worth checking the sufficiency of lactation. Clarification: in the question of how much a child should eat at 2 months, we focus on natural feeding, in artificial feeding, somewhat different.

How to put a 2 month old baby to bed

There are as many people here - there are so many opinions, and each of them has the right to exist. So, let's begin.

Method 1... Falling asleep on your own. It is possible to fully transfer the child to sleep on its own only after 6 months. After 4 months, you can actively prepare. At 2 months, the child is still very small, so if he cannot fall asleep on his own, do not insist on this. To minimize this stage of falling asleep, it is recommended to put the baby in the crib only after he begins to show sleepiness - yawning, squinting, rubbing his eyes. At the same time, observe if the crumb cries and asks to his mother, take him and do not make him cry for a long time. Such stress is not at all good for the child's psyche and his trust in his mother. When the child has fallen asleep, put him in the crib so that he does not get used to sleeping only in his arms or next to his mother.

Method 2: Motion sickness. A lot has been said about its harm in due time. The luminaries of Soviet and post-Soviet pediatrics convinced parents that motion sickness leads to sleep disturbances, and subsequently to spoiled and excessive dependence of the child on the mother. Trend recent years It does not prohibit motion sickness: if you are worried about emotional health - your own and your baby's - rock him to health, even on your hands, even in a stroller or rocking chair, even in a sling or on a fitball.

Method 3: Falling asleep at chest. This method works "perfectly" - the child, having received the allotted portion of food, falls asleep quickly and deeply, and it's even easier for mom. The main thing is to carefully transfer the sleeping child to the crib without waking him up. And, of course, make sure that the baby does not choke on milk while falling asleep.

Method 4: Ritual. A certain sequence of actions helps to develop a clear algorithm. For example, an evening swim, a relaxing massage, and then feeding and sleeping. Over time, this regime will allow the child to learn to fall asleep at the same time.

Sleeping or sleeping together: which is better?

Another very efficient method trouble-free laying - joint sleep. It would seem to be perfect for both mom and child. There is no need to wean him and shift him at the risk of waking him up, and the feeling of closeness and togetherness ensures a healthy sleep for both. However, there are also "contraindications". Firstly, this method is not always suitable for dad, for whom there is often no room in the family bed. Secondly, the careless movement of a soundly asleep mother can cause serious harm to the baby.

In addition, sooner or later, the child will still have to be accustomed to his own separate sleeping place, and it will not be easy to do this in an older age. Although, if other options do not work, you can use this as well.

Do I need to wake up the baby for feeding?

The answer to this question can only be given taking into account several factors. If the baby is gaining weight well, then there is no need to wake him up during the day. Pediatricians recommend waking up a baby who sleeps for more than 5 hours in a row, since a long break in food can cause his blood glucose to drop, and this is a potentially dangerous condition.

If your child was born on time normal performance and gains weight well, and you feed it on demand - do not rush to break sweet Dreams baby: he will wake up on his own as soon as he gets hungry.

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