How to remove scratches from glasses and polish them at home? How to remove scratches from glasses? How to sand plexiglass glasses.

scratch on sunglasses makes you think about whether you can get rid of it or have to change the lens. Usually such a dilemma does not arise if the product was bought for 150 rubles on AliExpress, but what about those who preferred quality to price and spent several thousand on eye protection?

Scratches and abrasions on glasses are formed due to:

  • careless handling;
  • improper storage (without a cover);
  • frequent wiping (for example, when the windows fog up);
  • poor-quality care (neglect of special products and napkins that provide delicate removal of contaminants).

Wearing glasses with scratches and scuffs is not worth it, even if it seems that they are invisible: such an accessory will not provide high-quality protection from ultraviolet radiation, it will cause optical distortions that lead to eye fatigue, reduced visual acuity, and headaches.

On the Internet, you can find many ways to polish lenses to get rid of scratches and scuffs. But how safe is the use of glasses after such procedures.

Is it safe to wear lenses after removing scratches?

Optics experts unequivocally agree that by getting rid of a scratch on the lens, we turn glasses into an accessory dangerous to eye health. This is due to the fact that:

  • Most sun lenses have one or more coatings, which can be as thin as 0.001–0.002 mm, which are partially removed during polishing, significantly reducing the functionality of the glasses;
  • when “handicraft” removal of scratches occurs, microremoval of the material occurs, which changes the geometry of the lenses and leads to distortions of the optical properties of the product, often even greater than with a scratched lens;
  • none of the methods allows you to restore the sunglasses properties of glasses.

And what if you go to an optical workshop? The fact is that the process of high-quality scratch removal is very complicated and expensive, and the cost of such a repair would be more expensive than buying a new lens. Therefore, no optical workshop provides such a service.

The only acceptable polishing of glasses is wiping soft cloth using products specifically designed for lenses. However, this method will not get rid of scratches.

According to experts, if the lens is scratched, there is only one way out - buying a new one.

Video: Optical Engineer's Opinion on Lens Polishing

Methods for removing scratches and scuffs

At home, you can remove small (“hairy”) scratches and scuffs, but this will provide only a cosmetic effect. Using glasses with lenses that have been subjected to the procedures described below is hazardous to eye health.

But what methods does folk rumor offer to restore the attractive appearance of an accessory?

Even supporters of home removal of scratches and scuffs recommend in the process of working with lenses:

  • do not use paper and abrasives;
  • use only soft materials (flannel, suede, cotton pads or special napkins);
  • when polishing, make smooth, accurate movements;
  • take into account the advice on caring for lenses that the manufacturer gives;
  • do not attempt to remove scratches on prescription lenses, as this may adversely affect their corrective properties, and coated lenses (however, almost all sunglasses are coated);
  • Do not even try to remove deep scratches - nothing will work.

Home methods for restoring a flat surface sunglasses usually divided into 2 categories: for plastic and for glass lenses.

For glass lenses

Sunglasses with glass lenses are not as common as those with plastic lenses and are less likely to get scratched.


For this method, bleaching products and formulations containing strong abrasive particles should not be used. sequencing:

  1. Apply the product to a soft cloth and gently rub the damaged areas until the scratches disappear.
  2. Wipe the lenses with a soft damp cloth.
  3. Polish with a piece of suede or flannel.

Some sources advise using crushed chalk or tooth powder instead of toothpaste, but particles of these products themselves can scratch the lens.


Even if you do not take into account that after removing the scratch, the protective functions of the glasses will deteriorate, the use of soda is very doubtful, because it can scratch the lens, nevertheless, "experienced" recommend:

  1. Dilute baking soda with water to a paste consistency.
  2. Apply the mixture to a soft cloth and buff the damaged area.
  3. Rinse the lens with warm running water.
  4. Wipe with dry soft cloth.

To enhance the effectiveness, some sources recommend mixing baking soda not with water, but with vinegar, without thinking about how the acid will interact with the coating.

Paste GOI

In a car shop, you can buy GOI paste, designed for body polishing, and use it to restore a scratched lens:

  1. Apply the product to a piece of flannel cloth and polish the lens.
  2. Lubricate her vegetable oil.
  3. Polish with a dry cotton pad.

One man had sunglasses lying on the dash. plastic glasses, well, small scratches went on them from driving, he polished them with Goi and the glasses became like new.

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Liquid for washing car windows

Another tool that the owner of the car has on hand is a liquid for cleaning car windows:

  1. Spray the product onto the lens.
  2. Rub with a soft cloth.
  3. Remove residue with a dry cloth.


The polish contains a special wax that fills in scratches. Proponents of the method recommend using compounds for glass and even for wood:

  1. Apply the product to the scratch.
  2. Wipe with a soft cloth.
  3. Lubricate the area with Vaseline applied to the flannel.
  4. Wipe dry with a clean cotton pad.

Can be used for cleaning jewelry, in this case, the use of Vaseline is not required.

For plastic lenses

plastic lenses are more prone to scratches and most often they are trying to restore them. For such products, supporters of home methods advise using the same products as for glass, except for soda, and some others.

Colorless varnish

Popular rumor suggests "filling" the scratch with colorless varnish:

  1. Apply the product with a brush or toothpick to the scratch.
  2. Remove excess with a soft cloth.
  3. After drying, polish the lens with a dry cloth.

CD Cleaning Spray

You can buy the tool in a computer store:

  1. Apply the product to a soft cloth.
  2. Carefully polish areas with scratches.

Removing the coating

If scratches and scuffs appear on the mirror coating, which cannot be restored in any case, the forums offer to remove it completely. To do this, it is recommended to buy a special abrasive in art stores that destroys glass due to active ingredients: hydrofluoric acid and hydrogen fluoride. The product is applied like this:

  1. Put on rubber gloves.
  2. Make sure, by looking at the certificate, that the lenses are really made of plastic and not glass, and remove them from the frame.
  3. Treat with a tool.
  4. After 2 minutes, rinse with running water and dry with a clean soft cloth.
  5. Dispose of all items that have been in contact with the abrasive. Except lenses.

But is there any point in uncoated sunglasses?

The advantages of home methods are that they do not require much effort and material investment and can really get rid of small scratches. But all these advantages do not matter because all methods provide only a cosmetic effect, but they do not restore the optical and protective properties.

Are there special tools

Since the use of scratched but repaired glasses is dangerous, special means to remove scratches does not exist. Similar products are produced to restore the smoothness of the car body, headlights, windshields, but not glasses. Although some sources still recommend purchasing the mythical "glass scratch remover."


To prevent scratches and abrasions, you must follow the recommendations from the manufacturer and handle the glasses with care:

  • wear the accessory either on your face or in a case (you can not keep the product without a case in your purse or pocket, where the lenses can be scratched by other objects);
  • do not place on any surfaces with glasses down;
  • regularly clean with special wipes, sprays and foams, without using compounds with acetone and abrasives;
  • do not expose to sudden changes in temperature, do not leave on the glove compartment of the car or on the windowsill;
  • avoid contact with lenses of air fresheners, hairspray and other chemicals;
  • stick special protective films on the glass.

I wear glasses with Ormix Crizal Forte lenses, they scratch just terribly - for this reason, neither special cloths, nor microfiber, nor toilet paper are suitable. I tried a lot of things, eventually came up with the following method, which does not require any rubbing at all: 1. Wash my hands with liquid soap. 2. Wash glasses with liquid soap. 3. I shake off the water from my glasses. 4. I blow off the remaining water with a rubber bulb. Lenses with a hydrophobic coating - the water is blown away in one or two "puffs". It’s a pity that I finished this method only after the lenses were covered with a continuous network of scratches after 3 years of wiping ...

Slim Shaggy

If you find a scratch on your sunglasses, it's safer for your eyes to replace the lens. When deciding to eliminate a defect, it should be remembered that the described methods will not restore the protective functions of the accessory.

Careless handling of eye accessories leads to abrasions and scratches on the lenses. You can polish the glasses on sunglasses or for vision correction.

You can use homemade cleaning products or take the accessory to the workshop. But why spend money once again if you can remove scratches and scuffs at home at minimal cost.

small scratches

Minor scratches can be removed by home methods and professional tools that can be bought at car dealerships or where glasses are sold.

They also help to clean the lenses from dust and protect against repeated damage.


You can restore scratched glasses to their former shine without a visit to the workshop. This tool is in the bathroom of every person, and it is called toothpaste.

If the glasses are scratched or scuffed, you can always fix the problem when it is convenient.

How to remove scratches on glasses:

  1. Apply a small amount of paste to a cotton swab. It should not contain abrasive particles, and should not be gel.
  2. Take a soft cloth, rub it gently in a circular motion into the damaged area of ​​the glass.
  3. Glasses should then be rinsed with water to remove excess funds.

Toothpaste is a good hack for minor scratches. If the damage is deep, it may be necessary to repeat the process several times.

If you can't tell if your toothpaste is abrasive or not, it's best not to use it at all if you don't want to damage your glasses.

Try polishing with baking soda. Everyone has it in the kitchen, and it works similarly to a dentifrice.

How to remove scratches from sunglasses

  1. Prepare a paste of baking soda and water in a ratio of 2:1.
  2. Take a cotton pad and grab some of the product with it.
  3. Put the paste on the glasses, and treat the damaged glasses with gentle circular motions.
  4. Remove excess soda paste with a clean cloth.

This mixture quickly gets rid of scratches. Cleaning should be done after washing the glasses from dust and drying.

An alternative to baking soda is baby powder. It is non-abrasive (7 RDA) and is a safe product.

wood polish

You can get rid of scratches and scuffs on accessories to protect your eyes from the sun with the help of.

This method it is used only for plastic lenses, for glass it is recommended to use it only in case of minor damage.

How to use?

For the procedure to be successful, follow the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Take a spray and spray on the glass.
  2. Wait a bit and apply 2-3 grams of regular petroleum jelly (costs a penny, sold at a pharmacy).
  3. Polish the plastic lenses with a soft cloth.

Thanks to the use of Vaseline, deep damage is clogged with it, and becomes invisible.

But still, this method will hide scratches for a short time. Therefore, it is recommended to contact the workshop or buy a new accessory.

If you do not pay due attention to the storage of the accessory, over time, scuffs or scratches will appear on it.

Such damage not only spoils appearance glasses and give the impression that their owner is a slob, they can lead to visual impairment.

You can't walk with scratched glasses. This problem should be fixed immediately. This also applies to sunglasses.

GOI paste perfectly copes with the problem that has arisen. Purchase remedy number 80 in the store.


  1. Take a felt cloth, put some GOI paste on it.
  2. Try polishing glasses on a manual machine or with an electric razor.
  3. After the procedure, lubricate the glass with vegetable oil. Rub it in in circular motions and wait a bit.
  4. Remove residue with soapy water and buff with a clean cloth to a shine.

To carry out such a manipulation, it is better to remove the lenses if they are mounted on screws. So easy to clean and polish.

Spray for computer

The spray that is used to wipe computer disks copes well with the problem that has arisen.

Such compounds remove deep scratches due to their rigidity.

Spray a small amount on the lenses and rub the lenses vigorously with a dry cloth for 60 seconds. Do not use too much product in the hope that this way it will hide damage faster and better.

Sprays of this kind are abrasive. Using a large number can make it even worse.

Car wax

You can use to remove scratches from glasses at home.

Good brands:

  1. ATAS Hydrorep has a pleasant aroma. It is not only able to save glasses from scratches, this wax protects glasses from the negative effects of chemical components and from the appearance of scuffs. ATAS Hydrorep is applied with a cloth, then it must be well distributed and washed with water.
  2. The Sonax NanoPro 296300 does the job well too. The polish is applied to a clean glass surface with a soft cloth. After that, the product must be well polished and washed with water.
  3. Hard wax Carnauba Wax 90 is a hard wax. With it, you can get rid of small and deep damage to the glass. He will remove all scuffs without problems. Spread the hard wax over the damaged areas and buff.

If there are scratches on the lenses, it is better to put the glasses in order with these means. And in case of their inefficiency, use other methods.

Large scratches

Large damage is difficult to hide on your own. After a while, deep scratches will reappear and you will have to repeat the procedure.

Isn't it easier to immediately take the accessory to the master and not suffer at home?

If you decide that you can handle the problem yourself, buy an abrasive substance in an art store.

It is impossible to get rid of scratches on glass with this product, because it contains hydrofluoric acid, which can dissolve hydrogen fluoride, which is part of the glass.

How to polish glasses glasses:

  1. First, clean the lenses with a cloth as usual, using circular motions. Wipe well, it is important to identify all scratches on the surface.
  2. Put on rubber gloves and start applying the abrasive. Just take the lenses out of the frame first.
  3. Apply the abrasive with a cotton swab or a clean cloth. Then place the lenses in a plastic container that has not previously been used to store food or anything else.
  4. After 5 minutes, wipe off excess product, and gently rinse the lenses under running water. Everything is done with rubber gloves.
  5. After removing the remnants of the abrasive, remove the protection from your hands and put the lenses in place.

Dispose of all used eyeglass cleaning items in the trash. you can reuse the container, only for one more cleaning. It cannot be used to store food.

Finally polish the glasses with a soft cloth.

With diopters

Such an accessory cannot be polished at home. Glasses may lose their healing and restorative functions.

It is better to take them to the workshop or buy new ones. The second option is preferable. Surely even in the workshop they will say that it is impossible to remove scratches.

Workshop service cost

High-quality repairs will cost a lot, but regular polishing costs mere pennies. You can ask the addresses of such workshops in accessory stores or use an Internet search.

This service costs 200-400 rubles for 1 lens. The price may vary depending on which glasses need to be polished and what quality they have.

An accessory purchased for vision or for protection from sunlight is best taken to professionals. Even after a well-performed procedure at home, after wearing such glasses, fatigue appears at the end of the day. The eyes may be red and sore.

Before you start removing scratches, consider whether it is worth it or not. It may be better to give the accessory to professionals and save your eyesight.

The formation of small scratches on glasses not only spoils the mood of their owner, but also worsens the appearance of the accessory and visibility through it. However, such defects are not a reason to get upset, throw away glasses and buy new ones. You can fix the problem by returning the glasses to their previous appearance, and you can do it yourself.

Minor damage in the form of scratches can appear on the eyepieces not only of children who carelessly treat this accessory, but also of adults who carefully store this thing. The fact is that small cracks form both under conditions of active use of lenses, and during their storage - when worn in clothing pockets without a protective case.

In the process of using the accessory near its frame, micro-dust, invisible to the eye, accumulates, during wiping it scratches the material from which the lenses are made. Also, with the active wear of glasses, sand, which has strong abrasive properties, can get on them.

Getting rid of scratches

Scratches on your favorite glasses are far from a reason to say goodbye to them and not a reason to buy new ones. You can also clean your glasses from scratches in normal household conditions, if you clearly follow a few simple tips.

plastic glasses

If small scratches spoil the attractiveness of eyepieces made of plastic, the easiest way to get rid of such a defect is to use ordinary toothpaste.

It is important to remember that a paste that does not contain abrasive particles is suitable for such purposes.

Having squeezed out a small amount of paste from the tube onto the finger, it is slowly rubbed into the area with damage in successive circular motions. Then the glasses should be wiped with a damp cotton swab. In cases where the scratches are deeper, the manipulation with the paste should be repeated a couple more times.


Almost every home has a wood furniture polish. It will also help remove small cracks. After sprinkling glasses with this substance, you need to take a small amount of petroleum jelly and rub the lenses with it. The mixture is rubbed until the scratches disappear.

Instead of wood polish, you can use a similar product for cleaning items made of silver, brass or copper. The mixture is sprayed onto the surface of the glasses, rubbed a little, and then, using a piece of dry and uncontaminated cloth, unnecessary residues are removed. This procedure must be repeated until the scratches are visible.

Spray for CDs

Plastic eyepieces can be restored to a neat appearance with a CD cleaning spray. After applying the liquid to the damaged surface of the lenses, the glasses should be wiped with a dry and clean soft cloth.

Car wax and washer

Wax, which motorists use when repairing a car body, will help remove scratches from plastic glasses. Such a substance must be rubbed in a circular motion into places with scratches and wait until the damage disappears. Excess wax is removed with a cotton swab or a piece of soft cloth.

For "repair" plastic glasses you can use another tool from the arsenal of motorists - glass washer. Such a tool smoothes out most microscopic irregularities, and lenses treated with a washer will fog less.

glass glasses

You can get rid of scratches on glasses with glass lenses using the same polishes, computer spray and toothpaste. However, one of the best and most popular methods for eliminating defects on glass is the use of GOI technical paste. It is made on the basis of chromium oxides, and it is sold in almost all hardware stores. To eliminate scratches, in addition to the paste itself, you will also need:

  • polishing material (felt, felt, cloth flap);
  • medical cotton wool (dry cloth);
  • a little of any vegetable oil;
  • grinding machine.

GOI paste is applied to the polishing material fixed on the grinder and, using low speed, the damaged surface is polished. Then, having lubricated the glasses with any vegetable oil, they wipe the lenses with a dry cloth or a cotton swab.

In the absence of a grinder, you can use a shaving machine. And if it is not there, treat the damaged area manually. In the latter case, the paste is applied to the polishing material and the surface of the glasses is rubbed in a circular motion. The polishing agent must be dispersed over the entire surface. The remains of the paste are removed with a dry piece of cloth.

Glasses with diopters

The most difficult (or rather, simply impossible) to remove scratches on glasses with diopters used for eye treatment and vision correction. It is forbidden to polish such products, as their healing functions can be damaged. Spectacles with a mirror, anti-reflective, darkening coating are not subject to polishing. By acting on them mechanically, such a coating can be erased. Accordingly, if scratches appear on lenses with diopters or with a special coating, such glasses must be replaced.


The same polish for metal products, toothpaste, car wax will help bring sunglasses back to normal after scratches appear on them. The method of their application is similar to the restoration of plastic products.

You can also use baking soda to bring your sun protection glasses back to normal. To do this, it is necessary to prepare a mixture of soda and water, which in its consistency would resemble fatty sour cream. With the help of a piece of cloth or a cotton wool roller, it covers places with scratches, and after 15 seconds it is thoroughly washed with water. Baking soda helps not only smooth uneven surfaces, but also disinfects them, making glass more transparent.

In order not to think about how to clean glasses glasses from scratches, it is advisable to stick to simple tips during storage and daily use.

  1. When buying an accessory, you should pay attention to whether the model you like has a special film to protect it from scratches.
  2. Do not carry glasses in your pockets or bag without a special case or hard case.
  3. If you have any doubts that the formed scratches on the glasses can be eliminated on your own, it is better to immediately seek help from qualified specialist. Quite often, employees of the optics store where the product was purchased agree to restore its appearance free of charge (accordingly, you need to keep a receipt confirming the purchase).
  4. Do not leave glasses in inappropriate places without a protective case. And also from time to time you should wipe the glass with special napkins.

Minor scratches can be removed by yourself

Got a nasty scratch on your glasses? Do not rush to the store for new ones. In most cases, damage can be repaired!

You can do it in the workshop. But if there is no way to contact a specialist, then try to cope with the problem yourself. The method and means depends on what material the device is made of. How to remove scratches from sunglasses and for vision?

Glass lens products

Here are some tips to help get rid of shallow damage on the glass lens in optical, sunglasses. But Before you start work, you should remember simple rules.

  • Movements should be soft, smooth.
  • Be patient: polishing sometimes takes 30 minutes or longer.
  • Before polishing, the glass is washed in warm water with the addition of mild soap, without an abrasive component.
  • Do not use paper, which is also easy to scratch the glass.


Toothpaste will get rid of minor defects. The paste is taken as usual, not bleaching, without abrasive. A pea-sized dose is applied to the surface and rubbed until the indentation disappears. Then the glass glasses are cleaned with a damp soft cloth. Rub from the edges to the center, rinse with warm water.

The same if you use dry tooth powder.

Paste GOI

To perform polishing, they take GOI No. 80 paste, which drivers have on hand to polish the car body. The agent is applied to a soft cloth - cloth, felt, felt. Grind carefully by hand or on a manual machine. In the latter case, a felt nozzle is fixed on the machine, medium speed is used.

If there is no machine, they take an electric razor with a linear drive. Remove the foil from the razor. From a soft napkin, which is usually used to wipe monitors, a circle is cut out of such an area that it fits the razor blade and fixed along the edges with a soft silk thread. The device is ready to work!

After the work is done, the glasses are lubricated with vegetable oil and wiped with cotton wool, performing circular movements.

baking soda and water

Operate from the edges towards the center

Baking soda is mixed with water until it becomes a paste. This compound cleans the lens like toothpaste.

CD polish

The substance is sold in a computer store. How to clean the lenses for them is indicated in the instructions using the example of disks.

plastic lens

The disc polish is also suitable for the restoration of plastic lenses. But there are other means as well.

Fill in the scratch

To maintain the thickness of the lens and prevent optical distortion, scratches are masked. To do this, use car wax, which is evenly distributed over the surface. For the same purpose, furniture polish is used. The procedure is systematically repeated as the defective cavity is emptied.

Colorless nail polish works the same way. Take a little varnish on a toothpick, carefully fill the furrows. This "filler" is more durable than the previous ones. The same if you use liquid glass, which is in auto repair shops.

These recipes are applicable to glass glasses.

Remove cover

Unfortunately, it will not be possible to restore the sun protection mirror layer at home. But it is possible to remove it completely from plastic lenses.

Glass abrasive is sold in craft stores. It contains hydrofluoric acid and hydrogen fluoride that react with glass surfaces. For this reason, the agent is not suitable for glass lenses, and before starting treatment, it is checked whether the plastic material has actually been used to make the accessory. The abrasive will remove the anti-reflective and anti-abrasive coating without damaging the plastic.

The agent is applied to the lenses, which were previously removed from the frame, and left for 1-2 minutes to complete the reaction. Then the surface is wiped, washed cold water. All items that have come into contact with the acid abrasive are discarded.

Disadvantages of self cleaning

The main thing is not to overdo it in the polishing process.

Polishing glass at home has several disadvantages. So, if you polish the lenses mechanically and overdo it, then geometric aberrations (deviations from the norm) may appear, since it is difficult to maintain geometry at home. Vision suffers from this, as the eyes get tired.

In most cases, you will have to complete removal functional coating - for example, "anti-reflective" or "mirror", which reflects sunlight and prevents overheating.

Using the methods described above, it will be possible to remove only hairline scratches, in other cases, a recess will appear at the place of polishing and, as a result, optical distortions.

And one moment. Before processing glass, it is advisable to test the method on an invisible foreign area. After all, if it is incorrect to determine the material from which the glasses are made, then they will be damaged. It is also important to pay attention to the manufacturer's care instructions.

If there is any doubt that home polishing will bring success, it is better to take the accessory to the workshop, especially when it comes to vision correction or an expensive item.

Plastic glasses lenses can be polished by yourself in case of scratches on them. For this you do not need any additional funds, quite enough household items. By all means, one of the proposed methods will help you get rid of unpleasant damage, without resorting to specialists in this field.

wood polish

Purchase a wood polish from the hardware store. To polish them, it will be enough to sprinkle glasses with this liquid. After that, take a few drops of Vaseline and rub them on as well. Its properties will fill the space between scratches and make them less noticeable. This procedure should be carried out until no scratches are visible after removing the Vaseline.

Polish for copper and silver

You can use polish for copper or silver. To do this, use this liquid to wipe the glasses, and then remove the remaining liquid with a clean cloth. This procedure should also be repeated until the complete disappearance of scratches.

Spray for computer

In such a situation, it is effective to use a spray that is used to repair computer disks. This is due to its main properties to eliminate minor damage from the surface of the discs, so it is also suitable for glasses glasses. It must be removed with a soft cloth.


Use a non-abrasive toothpaste. It must be rubbed in a circular motion into the scratch, and then removed with cotton wool dipped in cold water. For deep scratches, this procedure should be repeated several times.

Make a paste of baking soda and water. To prepare it, you need to take a little soda and mix it with water in a vessel. Further, it should be applied in the same way with toothpaste. After that, rinse the glass.


Plastic lenses can also be polished with machine wax. To do this, this composition is rubbed into the lenses in a circular motion until the scratches disappear completely. Next, remove the remnants of the material with a soft cloth or cotton wool.

glass washer

You can also use a car window washer that can repel water. It can remove even the smallest damage and abrasions. With it, your glasses will repel water and not sweat.

Glass repels water drops

Glass abrasive

An abrasive for glass, which is often used in painting, helps perfectly in this situation. True, it can only be used if there is no anti-reflective coating. It can also be purchased at craft stores. When using it, be sure to wear rubber gloves that will protect your hands. Residual liquid can be removed with a soft cloth.

  • For anti-reflective coating, the use of abrasive is unacceptable. Since in the case of its application, they will become matte. This means that for such glasses, in case of failure from the previous methods, it will be necessary to contact an expert;
  • To remove dirt, wash eyeglass lenses with soap and water;
  • If, when using glasses, you notice that you have begun to scratch them too often, then you may need to apply a protective film, something not to spend money on buying new ones;
  • All of these methods are great for removing scratches from watch glasses;
  • Be careful when using these scratch removal methods on anti-reflective lenses, as they can be permanently damaged.

Video how to clean glasses glasses

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