Amiodarone instructions for use in ampoules. Cordarone for injection - instructions for use

Description relevant to 24.01.2015
  • Latin name:Amiodaron
  • ATX Code:C01BD01
  • Active substance:Amiodarone (Amiodarone)
  • Manufacturer:Balkanpharma-Dupnitza (Bulgaria), North Star, Organics, Biocom CJSC, AVVA-RUS, Obolenskoye FP (Russia)


Amiodarone contains 200 mg per tablet. amiodarone hydrochloride and excipients such as: lactose, corn starch, alginic acid, low molecular weight povidone and magnesium stearate.

Release form

Amiodarone is available in tablets in blisters of 10 pieces or in a jar of light-protective glass of 30 pieces. The drug is packaged in cardboard packs that can hold 30 or 60 tablets.

Solution for intravenous administration (recipe for latin language): Rp .: Sol. 300 mg Amiodaroni diluitur Dextrosum 5% - 20 ml.

pharmachologic effect

It has antiarrhythmic, coronary azodilating and antianginal effects.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Amiodarone active substance, which is able to facilitate the work of the heart without significantly changing cardiac output and contractility of the heart muscle myocardium . At the same time, the drug increases coronary blood flow by reducing resistance in the arteries of the heart, and also reduces heart rate and blood pressure due to peripheral vasodilating effect . This significantly reduces the level of oxygen consumption by the myocardium and at the same time increases the energy reserves of the myocardium by increasing the content creatine phosphate and glycogen .

Indications for use Amiodarone

It is used for treatment as well as prevention paroxysmal rhythm disturbances :

  • ventricular that threaten life as well as in patients with myocarditis of Chagas ;
  • ventricular ;
  • prevention ventricular fibrillation , inter alia, after events cardioversion ;
  • flickering paroxysm ;
  • atrial flutter ;
  • extrasystole atrial or ventricular ;
  • arrhythmias arising from the background chronic heart or coronary insufficiency ;
  • parasystole ;

Indications for the use of Amiodarone are also supraventricular arrhythmias in cases of ineffectiveness or inability to use any other therapy, which is usually associated with WPW syndrome.


  • sinus bradycardia ;
  • weak sinus syndrome ;
  • sinoatrial or 2nd and 3rd degree (without application pacemaker );
  • cardiogenic shock ;
  • collapse ;
  • hypokalemia ;
  • arterial hypotension ;
  • (insufficient secretion of thyroid hormones);
  • interstitial lung diseases ;
  • the reception mAO inhibitors ;
  • period and;
  • hypersensitivity to Amiodarone components or to;
  • with caution should be used in children and adolescents under 18 years of age.

Side effects

The use of Amiodarone tablets can cause the following side effects regarding certain organs and systems:

  • The cardiovascular system: sinus bradycardia (refractory to m-anticholinergics ), AV block , vasculitis with prolonged use - progression of heart failure , ventricular arrhythmia type " pirouette ", Strengthening the existing arrhythmias or its occurrence, with parenteral use - decrease in blood pressure .
  • Endocrine system: developing hypo - or hyperthyroidism .
  • Respiratory system: prolonged use may result in coughing , interstitial pneumonia or as well pulmonary fibrosis , pleurisy. With parenteral administration, possible bronchospasm , especially in people with severe forms of respiratory failure.
  • Digestive system: most often occurs nausea , vomiting , or, severity in epigastric , decreases, taste sensations become dull, less often - increased activity liver transaminase in case of prolonged use - toxic hepatitis , cholestasis , icteric staining , and .
  • Central and peripheral nervous system: possible asthenia auditory. In case of prolonged use - peripheral neuropathy extrapyramidal manifestations, impaired memory, sleep, ataxia , neuritis optic nerve . With parenteral administration, it may develop intracranial hypertension .
  • Sensory organs: uveitis (inflammation choroid eyes of various localization), deposition glycolipoprotein lipofuscin in cornea eyes , which can manifest itself in bright light in the form of violations: complaints of luminous dots or the so-called “veil before the eyes”, in addition, it is possible retinal microbleaching .
  • Hematopoietic organs: thrombocytopenia , hemolytic or aplastic anemia .
  • Skin integument: rash defeat in the form exfoliative , photosensitization , rarely there were manifestations in the form of gray-blue staining of the skin.
  • Other: epididymitis and decline, myopathy with parenteral administration is possible and increased sweating .

The use of the drug in elderly patients significantly increases the risk of developing severe forms bradycardia .

Amiodarone tablets, instructions for use (method and dosage)

Amiodarone tablets should be taken orally, before meals, with the necessary amount of water to be swallowed. Instructions for use Amiodarone involves an individual dosage regimen, which should be established and adjusted by the attending physician.

Standard dosing schedule:

  • Loading (otherwise saturating) initial dose for inpatient treatment, which is divided into several doses, is 600-800 mg per day, and the maximum allowable daily dose is up to 1200 mg. It must be borne in mind that the total dose should be 10 g, usually it is reached in 5-8 days.
  • For outpatient treatment prescribe an initial dose in the range of 600-800 mg per day, which is divided into several doses, reaching the total dose of not more than 10 g, but in 10-14 days.
  • To continue the course of treatment with Amiodarone, it is enough to take 100-400 mg per day. Attention! The minimum effective maintenance dose is used.
  • To avoid cumulation of the drug, it is necessary to take tablets either every other day, or with an interval of 2 days 1 time per week.
  • The average single dose with therapeutic effectis 200 mg.
  • The average daily dose is 400 mg.
  • The maximum allowable dose is not more than 400 mg per 1 time, not more than 1200 mg per 1 knock.
  • For children, the dose is usually in the range of 2.5-10 mg per day.


A significant single dose may cause:

  • decrease;
  • bradycardia or ;
  • violation of the normal functioning of the liver;
  • atrioventricular block .

As a treatment prescribed gastric lavage , symptomatic measures, with development bradycardia — , β1-adrenergic agonists in extreme cases - pacing .

Specific does not exist, turns out to be ineffective.


With the simultaneous use of this drug with the following agents, various reactions may occur:

  • Class 1A antiarrhythmic drugs and Disopyramids , Procainamide , Quinidine increase the cardiac QT interval and increase the risk of developing pirouette ventricular tachycardia.
  • Laxatives hypokalemia , and diuretics , corticosteroids including in / in Tetracosactide in combination with Amiodarone increase the risk of ventricular arrhythmias.
  • General means anesthesia , oxygen therapy - the risk of developing bradycardia, cardiac conduction disturbances, arterial hypotension, and a decrease in V heart shock.
  • Tricyclic antidepressants, phenothiazines , Astemizole and


Transparent liquid with a yellowish or greenish tint.


One ampoule (3 ml of solution) contains: active substance: amiodarone hydrochloride - 150 mg; excipients: sodium acetate trihydrate, glacial acetic acid, polysorbate 80, benzyl alcohol, water for injection.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Means for the treatment of heart disease. Antiarrhythmic drugs, class III.
ATX Code:C01BD01.

Pharmacological properties"type \u003d" checkbox "\u003e

Pharmacological properties

Antiarrhythmic properties
Elongation of phase 3 of the action potential of cardiomyocytes without changing its height or ascent rate (class III according to the classification of Vaughan-Williams). An isolated extension of the 3 phase action potential occurs due to the slowdown of potassium currents, without changing the currents of sodium or calcium.
Bradycardia effect by reducing the automatism of the sinus node. This effect not eliminated by the administration of atropine.
Non-competitive inhibitory effect on alpha and beta adrenergic receptors, without their complete blockade.
Slowing of sinoatrial, atrial and atrioventricular conduction, which is more pronounced against the background of tachycardia.
Does not alter intraventricular conduction.
It increases the refractory period and reduces myocardial excitability at the sinoatrial, atrial and atrioventricular levels.
Slows down the conductivity and lengthens the refractory period of the extra atrial ventricular pathways.
It does not have a negative inotropic effect.
The amount of parenterally administered amiodarone in the blood decreases very rapidly due to tissue saturation with the drug and its binding sites; the action reaches a maximum 15 minutes after administration and disappears after about 4 hours.
To achieve tissue saturation, it is necessary to continue intravenous or oral administration. During saturation, amiodarone accumulates, especially in adipose tissue, and an equilibrium state is achieved over a period of one to several months.
Amiodarone hydrochloride has a long half-life, which is from 20 to 100 days. The main route of excretion is through the liver with bile; 10% of the substance is excreted by the kidneys. Due to the low renal elimination, Amiodarone can be administered to patients with renal failure without dose adjustment.

Indications for use

Drug treatment should begin in a hospital and under the supervision of a specialist. The drug is intended only for the treatment of severe rhythm disturbances that do not respond to other treatments, or when other treatments cannot be used.
Tachyarrhythmias associated with Wolf-Parkinson-White syndrome.
Tachyarrhythmias of all types, including supraventricular, nodular and ventricular tachycardia; atrial flutter and fibrillation, ventricular fibrillation; in case when other medicines cannot be used.
The drug can be used when a quick response to treatment is required or when oral administration is not possible.


- Sinus node weakness syndrome (SSS), sinus bradycardia, sinoatrial blockade, with the exception of cases of correction by an artificial pacemaker;
- atrioventricular block II and III degreeViolations of intraventricular conduction (blockade of two and three legs of the bundle of His); in these cases, the drug can be used in specialized departments under the guise of an artificial pacemaker (pacemaker);
- cardiogenic shock, collapse;
- severe arterial hypotension;
- simultaneous use with medicinescapable of causing polymorphic ventricular tachycardia of the pirouette type;
- thyroid dysfunction (hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism);
- hypokalemia;
- pregnancy;
hypersensitivity to iodine and / or amiodarone;
- Severe pulmonary dysfunction (interstitial lung disease);
- cardiomyopathy or decompensated heart failure (possibly worsening the patient's condition).
Due to the presence of benzyl alcohol, Amiodarone is contraindicated in newborns, infants and children under 3 years of age.

Dosage and administration

Method of application - intravenous.
Do not dilute the drug with isotonic sodium chloride solution, as precipitate formation is possible!
Do not mix with other drugs in the same infusion system.
The drug should be used only when there is necessary equipment for monitoring cardiac function, defibrillation and pacemaker.
The drug can be used before cardioversion with direct current.
The standard recommended dose is 5 mg / kg body weight, which is administered by infusion over a period of time from 20 minutes to 2 hours. The drug can be administered in the form of a solution diluted in 250 ml of a 5% glucose solution. After this, repeated infusion of the drug in a dose of up to 1200 mg (approximately 15 mg / kg body weight) in a 5% glucose solution up to 500 ml in volume for 24 hours can be applied, while the infusion rate must be adjusted depending on the clinical response of the patient ( see the Precautions section).
In extremely urgent clinical situations, the medicine, at the discretion of the doctor, can be administered as a slow injection at a dose of 150-300 mg in 10-20 ml of 5% glucose solution for at least 3 minutes. After this, the repeated administration of the drug can be carried out no earlier than 15 minutes. Patients who are given the drug as described above should be closely monitored, for example, in the intensive care unit (see the "Precautions" section).
Transition from intravenous to oral administration
Immediately after receiving the appropriate response to treatment, you must simultaneously begin oral therapy the drug in the usual loading dose (i.e. 200 mg three times a day). After this, the drug should be gradually withdrawn by incremental dose reduction.
The safety and effectiveness of amiodarone in children have not been evaluated, therefore the use of this drug in children is not recommended. The drug contains benzyl alcohol. There are reports of deaths resulting from the development of "dyspnea syndrome" ("gasping syndrome") in newborns after administration of solutions containing this preservative. Symptoms of this complication include the sudden onset of shortness of breath, arterial hypotension, bradycardia, and the development of cardiovascular collapse.
Elderly patients
As with other patients, it is important to use the minimum effective dose of the drug. Although there is no evidence in favor of specific drug dosage requirements in this group of patients, these patients may be more likely to develop bradycardia and conduction disturbances when using too high a dose. Particular attention should be paid to monitoring thyroid function (see sections "Contraindications", "Precautions" and "Undesirable reactions").
Patients with renal and / or liver failure
Although dosage adjustments are made for patients with renal or hepatic impairment during prolonged oral administration Amiodarone was not required, careful clinical monitoring of patients of this category, especially the elderly, in the intensive care unit is necessary.
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
The recommended dose for ventricular / ventricular tachycardia fibrillation with no pulse, defibrillation-resistant, is 300 mg (or 5 mg / kg body weight), which is administered diluted in 20 ml of 5% glucose solution by rapid injection. If ventricular fibrillation persists, an additional 150 mg (or 2.5 mg / kg body weight) of the drug can be used.

Side effects"type \u003d" checkbox "\u003e

Side effects

Adverse reactions classified according to classes of organ systems and frequency of occurrence in accordance with the following criteria: very often (\u003e 1/10); often (\u003e 1/100 to< 1/10); нечасто (> 1/1000 to< 1/100); редко (> 1/10000 to< 1/1000); очень редко (< 1/10000); неизвестно (не может быть оценена на основе имеющихся данных).
Violations of the blood and lymphatic system.In patients taking amiodarone, bone marrow granulomas were detected. The clinical significance of these findings is unknown.
Violations of the heart. Often: bradycardia. Rarely: the occurrence of a new or worsening of the course of existing arrhythmia, sometimes followed by cardiac arrest. Severe bradycardia, sinus block, which requires the abolition of amiodarone, especially in patients with sinus node dysfunction and / or elderly patients, is paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia such as "torsade de pointes". Conductivity disorders (sinoatrial block, AV block).
Endocrine Disorders Seldom:hyperthyroidism (see section "Precautions"). Rarely: syndrome of inadequate secretion of antidiuretic hormone (SIADH). Unknown: hypothyroidism.
Violations of the gastrointestinal tract. Often:nausea. Unknown: pancreatitis (acute).
Violations of the liver and biliary tract. Rare: moderate and isolated rise the level of transaminases (1.5–3 times higher than the norm) at the beginning of treatment, which disappeared after discontinuation of the drug or even spontaneously; acute liver damage with an increase in serum transaminases and / or jaundice, including liver failure, sometimes fatal (see section "Precautions").
General disorders and reactions at the injection site. Often:an inflammatory reaction is possible, in particular phlebitis of superficial veins, if injected directly into the peripheral vein; reactions at the injection site, in particular pain, erythema, edema, necrosis, extravasation, formation of infiltrate, inflammation, skin induction, thrombophlebitis, cellulitis, infections and pigmentation disorders. Rarely: benzyl alcohol adjuvant may cause hypersensitivity reactions.
Violations by the immune system. Seldom:hypersensitivity reactions, including anaphylactic shock. Unknown:cases of angioedema have been reported (Quincke's edema).
Violations of the muscular, skeletal and connective tissue. Unknown: backache.
Violations by nervous system. Often:extrapyramidal tremor. Infrequently: peripheral sensorimotor neuropathy and / or myopathy, usually reversible. Seldom: benign intracranial hypertension (pseudotumor of the brain), headache.
Disorders from the respiratory system, organs chest and mediastinum. Seldom:acute respiratory distress syndrome, in some cases with a fatal outcome (see section "Precautions"), bronchospasm and / or apnea in case of severe respiratory failure, especially in patients with bronchial asthmainterstitial pneumonia.
Violations of the skin and subcutaneous tissues. Often:eczema. Redto: excessive sweating. Unknown: urticaria, skin reactions such as toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) / Stevens-Johnson syndrome, bullous dermatitis, and a drug reaction with eosinophilia and systematic symptoms.
Violations of the organ of vision. Often: microdeposits on the anterior surface of the cornea, located on the site below the pupil, are found in almost every patient. Cause colored halos in blinding light or blurred vision. They usually regress 6-12 months after stopping amiodarone hydrochloride. Rarely: optical neuropathy / neuritis, which can progress to blindness.
Violations of the vessels. Often: usually moderate and short-term decline blood pressure. There have been reports of cases of severe arterial hypotension or vascular collapse, in particular in case of overdose or after very rapid administration. Seldom:the tides.

Interaction with other drugs


The drug contains benzyl alcohol, which can cause toxic and allergic reactions in infants and children under the age of 3 years (see section "Dosage and administration").
Since benzyl alcohol crosses the placenta, injection solutions containing benzyl alcohol are not recommended during pregnancy.
Central vein infusion
With the exception of emergency situations, Amiodarone should be used only in specialized intensive care units, subject to constant monitoring (ECG, blood pressure).
The drug should be administered through the central veins, since administration through the peripheral veins can cause local reactions.
The drug must be administered only in the form of an infusion, since even a very slow injection can enhance the manifestations of arterial hypotension, heart failure or severe respiratory failure (see section "Adverse reactions").
If it is impossible to introduce into the central vein, the drug can be administered through peripheral veins with maximum blood flow.
Heart symptoms
There have been cases of occurrence or exacerbation of existing arrhythmias, sometimes fatal (see section "Adverse reactions"). The arrhythmogenic effect of amiodarone is weak or less pronounced than the arrhythmogenic effect of most antiarrhythmic drugs, and usually manifests itself when certain combinations of drugs are used (see the “Interaction with Other Medicines” section) or in violation electrolyte balance.
Pulmonary symptoms
Several cases of interstitial pneumopathy have been reported with the use of the drug. The appearance of shortness of breath or dry cough, both separately and against a background of worsening general condition, indicates the possibility of pulmonary toxicity, such as interstitial pneumopathy, and requires monitoring of the patient's condition (see section "Adverse reactions"). It is necessary to reconsider the feasibility of using amiodarone, since interstitial pneumopathy is usually reversible if amiodarone is withdrawn early.
In addition, in some patients treated with amiodarone, there were cases of acute respiratory distress syndrome immediately after surgery, therefore, with mechanical ventilation, it is recommended to carefully monitor the condition of such patients.
Thyroid disease
Amiodarone can cause hyperthyroidism, especially in patients with a history of thyroid disease or taking / previously taking amiodarone. The diagnosis is confirmed by a pronounced decrease in the level of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH).
Amiodarone contains iodine and therefore may affect the reception of radioiodine. However, the results of a thyroid function test (free T3, free T4, TSH) remain interpretable. Amiodarone inhibits the peripheral conversion of thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) and can cause local biochemical changes in patients with normal thyroid function (an increase in the level of free T4 against the background of a slight decrease or even the normal level of free T3). Such phenomena do not require cancellation of treatment with amiodarone.
Hepatic symptoms
Severe and sometimes fatal hepatocellular insufficiency may develop within 24 hours after the start of the use of the drug. At the beginning of treatment and further throughout the course of treatment with amiodarone, regular monitoring of liver function is recommended (see section "Adverse reactions"). It is necessary to reduce the dose of amiodarone or to discontinue this drug if the level of transaminases has grown more than three times in comparison with the normal values \u200b\u200bof these indicators.
Electrolyte imbalance
It is important to consider situations that may be associated with hypokalemia and can provoke proarrhythmogenic effects. Hypokalemia should be eliminated before use of amiodarone.
Before surgery inform the anesthetist that the patient is receiving amiodarone. Long-term treatment with amiodarone may increase the risk of developing hemodynamic side effectsassociated with general or local anesthesia, such as: bradycardia, arterial hypotension, decreased cardiac output, and impaired conduction.
Disorders associated with interactions with other drugs
Joint use with beta-adrenoreceptor blockers, except sotalol (a contraindicated combination) and esmolol (a combination that requires caution in use); verapamil and diltiazem can be used only in case of prevention of ventricular arrhythmias that are life-threatening (see the section "Interaction with other drugs").

Dosage form

clear liquid with a yellowish or greenish tint.


each ampoule (3 ml of solution) contains: active substance: amiodarone hydrochloride - 150 mg; excipients: sodium acetate trihydrate, glacial acetic acid, polysorbate 80, benzyl alcohol, water for injection.


Antiarrhythmic properties:

Elongation of phase 3 of the action potential of cardiomyocytes without changing its height or rate of rise (class III according to the classification of Vaughan Williams). An isolated extension of the 3 phase action potential occurs due to the slowdown of potassium currents, without changing the currents of sodium or calcium.

Bradycardia effect by reducing the automatism of the sinus node. This effect is not eliminated by the administration of atropine.

Non-competitive inhibitory effect on alpha and beta adrenergic receptors, without their complete blockade.

Slowing of sinoatrial, atrial and atrioventricular conduction, which is more pronounced against the background of tachycardia.

Does not alter intraventricular conduction.

It increases the refractory period and reduces myocardial excitability at the sinoatrial, atrial and atrioventricular levels.

Slows down conduction and lengthens the refractory period of additional atrioventricular pathways.

It does not have a negative inotropic effect.


The amount of parenterally administered amiodarone in the blood decreases very rapidly due to tissue saturation with the drug and its binding sites; the action reaches a maximum 15 minutes after administration and disappears after about 4 hours.

Side effects

The frequency of adverse reactions:

Very often -\u003e 10%;

Infrequently -\u003e 1%,<10%;

Rarely -\u003e 0.1%,<1%;

Very rarely\u003e 0.01%<0,1%;

The frequency cannot be determined on the basis of available data -<0,01% и менее.

From the cardiovascular system: very often: bradycardia; infrequently - severe bradycardia; seldom - a stop of a sinus node, were noted in some cases, especially at elderly patients, proaritmogenic action.

From the digestive system: often: nausea.

Local reactions at the injection site: very often: inflammatory reactions (superficial phlebitis) are possible when injected directly into the peripheral vein, reactions at the injection site, such as pain, erythema, edema, necrosis, transudation, infiltration, inflammation, phlebitis and cellulite.

From the liver: there are reports of cases of impaired liver function; these cases were diagnosed by elevated serum transaminases. The following was noted:

Very rarely: usually a moderate and isolated increase in the level of transaminases (1.5-3 times higher than normal), disappearing after a dose reduction and even spontaneously; acute hepatitis (several isolated cases) with an increase in the level of transaminases in the blood and / or jaundice, sometimes with a fatal outcome; withdrawal of treatment is required; chronic hepatitis with prolonged treatment (inside). The histological picture corresponds to pseudo-alcoholic hepatitis. Since the clinical and laboratory picture of the disease is very heterogeneous (passing hepatomegaly, an increase in the level of transaminases in 1.5 - 5 times above normal), regular monitoring of liver function is required. Even with a moderate increase in the level of transaminases in the blood observed after treatment lasting more than 6 months, chronic impairment of liver function should be suspected. Clinical abnormalities and laboratory abnormalities usually disappear after discontinuation of the drug. Several cases of irreversible progression have been noted.

From the immune system: very rarely: anaphylactic shock.

From the side of the nervous system: very rarely: benign intracranial hypertension (pseudotumor of the brain).

From the respiratory system: very rarely, several cases of acute respiratory distress syndrome were observed, mainly associated with interstitial pneumonitis, sometimes fatal and sometimes immediately after surgery (it is possible to interact with high doses of oxygen during mechanical ventilation). Consideration should be given to withdrawing amiodarone and the advisability of administering corticosteroids; bronchospasm and / or apnea in severe respiratory failure, especially in patients with bronchial asthma.

On the part of the skin, subcutaneous tissue: very rarely sweating, hair loss.

From the vascular system: very often - usually a moderate and transient drop in blood pressure. Cases of severe hypotension or circulatory shock are described, especially after overdose or due to too rapid administration.

Very rare: hot flashes.

Sale Features


Special conditions


Disorders of electrolyte metabolism, especially hypokalemia: it is important to take into account situations that may be accompanied by hypokalemia, as predisposing to proarrhythmic phenomena. Hypokalemia must be corrected before amiodarone is given.

Except in cases of emergency therapy, Amiodarone in the form of a solution for intravenous injection can be used only in a hospital and with constant monitoring (ECG, blood pressure).

Used with caution in chronic heart failure, liver failure, bronchial asthma, in old age.


Before surgery, the anesthetist should be informed that the patient is receiving amiodarone.

Prolonged treatment with amiodarone may increase the hemodynamic risk inherent in local or general anesthesia (may cause bradycardia, hypotension, decreased cardiac output, or impaired conduction).

Combinations (see Interactions with other drugs and other forms of interaction) with beta-blockers other than sotalol (a contraindicated combination) and esmolol (a combination that requires special care when used), verapamil and diltiazem, can only be considered in the context of the prevention of life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias and in case of cardiopulmonary resuscitation during cardiac arrest caused by refractory ventricular fibrillation.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding

Animal tests did not reveal the teratogenic effect of Amiodarone. Therefore, one should not expect malformations in humans, since it has been shown that drug-causing malformations exhibit teratogenic effects in animals in correctly conducted experiments on two different animal species.

In clinical practice, the currently available information is insufficient to assess whether amiodarone causes malformations when used in the first trimester of pregnancy. Since the thyroid gland of the fetus begins to bind iodine only from the 14th week of pregnancy, the drug is not expected to affect it in case of earlier use. An excess of iodine when using the drug after this period can lead to laboratory signs of hypothyroidism in the fetus or even to clinical goiter.

The drug is contraindicated since the second trimester of pregnancy.

Amiodarone, its metabolite and iodine are excreted in breast milk in concentrations exceeding the level in maternal plasma. If the mother receives treatment with this drug, breast-feeding is contraindicated in connection with the danger of developing hypothyroidism in the child.

Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and control mechanisms

Currently, there is no evidence that amiodarone affects the ability to drive vehicles and control mechanisms.


Symptoms: sinus bradycardia, cardiac arrest, paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia, ventricular tachycardia of the pirouette type, circulatory disorders, impaired liver function, decreased blood pressure.

Treatment: symptomatic therapy is carried out (with bradycardia - beta-adrenostimulants or the installation of a pacemaker, with tachycardia of the “pirouette” type - intravenous administration of magnesium salts, reducing cardiac pacing) Amiodarone and its metabolites are not removed during hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis.


Treatment of severe cardiac arrhythmias in cases where oral administration is not possible, namely:

Atrial rhythm disturbances with a high frequency of ventricular contractions;

Tachycardia associated with Wolf-Parkinson-White syndrome;

Documented symptomatic, life-threatening, leading to disability ventricular rhythm disturbances;

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation in cardiac arrest caused by refractory ventricular fibrillation.


- SSSU, sinus bradycardia, sinoatrial blockade, with the exception of cases of correction by an artificial pacemaker;

- atrioventricular block II and III degree, disturbances of intraventricular conduction (blockade of two and three legs of the bundle of His); in these cases, amiodarone intravenously can be used in specialized departments under the guise of an artificial pacemaker (pacemaker);

- cardiogenic shock, collapse;

- severe arterial hypotension;

- simultaneous use with drugs that can cause polymorphic ventricular tachycardia of the "pirouette" type;

- thyroid dysfunction (hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism);

- hypokalemia;

- pregnancy;

- breast-feeding;

- Hypersensitivity to iodine and / or amiodarone;

- Severe pulmonary dysfunction (interstitial lung disease);

- cardiomyopathy or decompensated heart failure (possibly worsening the patient's condition).

Due to the presence of benzyl alcohol, intravenous administration of amiodarone is contraindicated in newborns, infants and children under 3 years of age.

Dosage and administration

Due to the peculiarities of the dosage form of the drug, a concentration of less than 2 ampoules per 500 ml cannot be used; only an isotonic glucose solution is used. Do not add other drugs to the infusion solution.

Amiodarone should be injected into the central vein, except in cases of cardiopulmonary resuscitation during cardiac arrest, when peripheral veins can be used in the absence of central venous access (see "Precautions").

It is prescribed for severe arrhythmias, in which the use of oral drugs is impossible, with the exception of cardiopulmonary resuscitation during cardiac arrest caused by refractory ventricular fibrillation.

Central vein infusion

Initial dose: usually 5 mg / kg, in glucose solution (if possible with the use of an infusomat), within 20 minutes to 2 hours; the infusion can be repeated 2-3 times within 24 hours. Short-term action of the drug requires continued administration.

Maintenance treatment: 10-20 mg / kg per day (an average of 600-800 mg / day and up to 1200 mg / day) in 250 ml of glucose solution for several days. From the first day of infusion, a gradual transition to oral administration begins (3 tablets per day). The dose can be increased to 4 or even 5 tablets per day.

Infusion into the peripheral vein under conditions of cardiopulmonary resuscitation during cardiac arrest caused by ventricular fibrillation, refractory to electrical defibrillation.

Taking into account the method of application and in view of the situation in which this indication occurs, it is recommended to use a central venous catheter, if available; otherwise, the drug can be injected into the largest peripheral vein.

Drug interaction

Medicines that can cause ventricular tachycardia of the pirouette type are primarily antiarrhythmic drugs of Ia and III class and some antipsychotics. Hypokalemia is a predisposing factor, as is bradycardia or congenital or acquired lengthening of the QT interval.

Combination with

Drugs that can cause ventricular tachycardia of the pirouette type.

Class Ia antiarrhythmic drugs (quinidine, hydroquinidine, isopyramides).

Class III antiarrhythmic drugs (dofetilide, ibutilide, sotalol).

Other drugs, such as bepridil, cisapride, difemanil, iv rithromycin, misolastine, iv vincamine, moxifloxacin, iv spiramycin.


These contraindications do not apply to the use of amiodarone for cardiopulmonary resuscitation in case of cardiac arrest resistant to electrical defibrillation.


It is possible to increase the level of cyclosporine in plasma, associated with a decrease in the metabolism of the drug in the liver, with possible nephrotoxic manifestations.

Determination of the level of cyclosporine in the blood, checking kidney function and reviewing the dosage during treatment with amiodarone and after discontinuation of the drug.

Diltiazem for injection

Verapamil for injection

The risk of bradycardia and atrioventricular block. If a combination is unavoidable, it is necessary to establish strict clinical and continuous ECG monitoring.

If a combination is unavoidable, preliminary monitoring of the QT interval and ECG monitoring are necessary.

Antipsychotics that can cause ventricular tachycardia of the pirouette type:

Some phenothiazine antipsychotics (chlorpromazine, cyamemazine, levomepromazine, thioridazine, trifluoperazin), benzamides (amisulpride, sulpiride, tiapride, veralipride), butyrophenones (droperidol, haloperidol), and other antipsychotics (p.

The risk of ventricular rhythm disturbances (pirouette type tachycardia) increases.

The risk of ventricular rhythm disturbances (pirouette type tachycardia) increases. Recommended: ECG and clinical observation.

Combinations requiring precautions when using Amiodarone with:

Oral anticoagulants:

Strengthening the anticoagulant effect and the risk of bleeding, due to an increase in the concentration of anticoagulants in the plasma. The need for more frequent monitoring of the level of prothrombin in the blood and MHO (INR), as well as the adaptation of doses of anticoagulants during treatment with amiodarone and after discontinuation of the drug.

Beta-blockers, with the exception of sotalol (a contraindicated combination) and esmolol (a combination requiring caution in use)

Beta-blockers prescribed for heart failure (bisoprolol, carvedilol, metoprolol)

Violations of contractility and conduction (synergistic effect) with a risk of developing severe bradycardia. Increased risk of ventricular arrhythmias, especially pirouette type tachycardia.

Regular clinical and electrocardiographic monitoring is required.

Cardiac glycosides

Disorders of automatism (excessive bradycardia) and atrioventricular conduction (synergy of action). When using digoxin, an increase in its concentration in plasma (due to a decrease in alkaloid clearance).

It is necessary to carry out clinical and ECG monitoring, as well as determining the level of digoxin in plasma); it may be necessary to change the dose of digoxin.

Diltiazem for oral administration

Verapamil for oral administration

The risk of bradycardia and atrioventricular block, especially in the elderly. Clinical and ECG monitoring.


Violations of contractility, automatism and conduction (suppression of compensatory sympathetic mechanisms). Clinical and ECG monitoring.

Hypokalemic drugs: potassium-excreting diuretics (in monotherapy or in combination), stimulant laxatives, amphotericin B (iv) glucocorticoids (systemic), tetracosactide.

The risk of ventricular rhythm disturbances, in particular tachycardia of the pirouette type, increases (hypokalemia is a predisposing factor). Clinical and ECG monitoring, laboratory tests.


The risk of an increase in plasma concentration of lidocaine, with the likelihood of neurological and cardiological side effects, due to a decrease in amiodarone metabolism of lidocaine in the liver. Clinical and ECG control, if necessary, dose adjustment of lidocaine during treatment with amiodarone and after its cancellation.


The risk of a decrease in the concentration of amiodarone and its active metabolite in plasma. Clinical and, if necessary, ECG monitoring,

Phenytoin (and, by extrapolation, phosphenytoin)

An increase in plasma phenytoin levels with symptoms of an overdose, especially of a neurological nature (decreased phenytoin metabolism in the liver). Clinical monitoring and determination of plasma phenytoin levels; if possible, a reduction in the dose of phenytoin.


Increased risk of side effects (dose-dependent) such as rhabdomyolysis (decreased metabolism of simvastatin in the liver). The dose of simvastatin should not exceed 20 mg per day.

If at this dose the therapeutic effect cannot be achieved, you should switch to another statin that does not enter into interactions of this type.


An increase in the level of tacrolimus in the blood due to the inhibition of its metabolism by amiodarone. It is necessary to measure the level of tacrolimus in the blood, monitor the functioning of the kidneys and level the level of tacrolimus.

Drugs that cause bradycardia:

Many drugs can cause bradycardia. This is especially true for class Ia antiarrhythmic drugs, beta blockers, some class III antiarrhythmic drugs, some calcium channel blockers, digitalis preparations, pilocarpine, and anticholinesterase agents.

The risk of excessive bradycardia (cumulative effect).

Combinations to consider

Bradycardia-causing drugs: calcium channel blockers with a bradycardic effect (verapamil), beta-blockers (except sotalol), clonidine, guanfacine, digitalis alkaloids, mefloquine, cholinesterase inhibitors (donezepil, galantamine, trivinigmine, pirminiginmine, pirminigidmine, pirminigidmine, pirminigidmine, pirminigidmine, pirminigidmine, pirminigidmine, pirminigidmine, pirminigidmine, pirminigidmine, pirminigi pilocarpine.

The risk of excessive bradycardia (cumulative effects).


When using PVC material or medical equipment plasticized with 2-diethylhexylphthalate (DEHP) in the presence of an amiodarone injection solution, DEHP can be released. For minimal exposure to DEHP, it is recommended that the final dilution of the solution be made before infusion in equipment that does not contain DEHP.

Dosage form: & nbsp

concentrate for solution for intravenous administration


One ampoule contains:

Active substance: amiodarone hydrochloride in terms of 100% substance - 150.0 mg;Excipients: sodium acetate trihydrate - 3.0 mg; glacial acetic acid - 0.02211 ml; 1 M acetic acid solution - up to pH 3.5; Polysorbate 80 (Tween-80) - 300.0 mg; gasoline alcohol - 60.0 mg; water for injection - up to 3.0 ml.

Description: Transparent liquid with a yellowish or greenish tint. Pharmacotherapeutic group:Antiarrhythmic agent ATX: & nbsp

C.01.B.D.01 Amiodarone


Amiodarone belongs to the III class of antiarrhythmic drugs (repolarization inhibitors) and has a unique mechanism of antiarrhythmic action: in addition to the properties of class III antiarrhythmics (potassium channel blockade), it has class I antiarrhythmic effects (sodium channel blockade), class IV antiarrhythmics (calcium channel blockade) and non-competitive beta-blocking effect.

In addition to the antiarrhythmic effect, he has antianginal, coronary expansion, alpha and beta adrenergic blocking effects. The severity of the action of amiodarone reaches a maximum 15 minutes after its intravenous administration and stops after about 4 hours.

Antiarrhythmic properties are due to:

-an increase in the duration of the 3rd phase of the action potential of cardiomyocytes (mainly due to blocking the ion current in potassium channels - the effect of an antiarrhythmic agent of class III according to Williams classification);

-a decrease in the automatism of the sinus node, leading to a decrease in heart rate (HR);

-noncompetitive blockade of alpha and beta adrenergic receptors;

-slowdown of intracardiac (sinoatrial, atrial and atrioventricular - AV) conduction. This action is more pronounced with tachycardia. Does not significantly affect intraventricular conduction;

-an increase in the duration of the refractory period and a decrease in the excitability of atrial and ventricular myocardiocytes, as well as an increase in the duration of the refractory period of the AV node;

-slowing down the speed of conducting and increasing the duration of the refractory period in additional bundles of atrioventricular conduction.

Other effects of amiodarone:

-reduction in oxygen consumption by the myocardium due to a moderate decrease in total peripheral vascular resistance (OPSS) and heart rate, as well as myocardial contractility;

-increased coronary blood flow due to a direct effect on the tone of the coronary arteries;

-maintaining the value of cardiac output despite a slight decrease in myocardial contractility (due to a decrease in OPSS and afterload);

-effect on thyroid hormone metabolism: inhibition of conversionT 3 to T 4 (blockade of thyroxin-5-deiodinase) and blocking the capture of these hormones by myocardiocytes and hepatocytes, leading to a weakening of the stimulating effect of thyroid hormones;

- restoration of cardiac activity during cardiac arrest caused by ventricular fibrillation resistant to defibrillation. Pharmacokinetics:

The blood concentration of parenterally administered amiodarone decreases very rapidly due to the intense distribution of the drug. has a large distribution volume and can accumulate in almost all tissues, especially in adipose tissue, as well as in the liver, lungs, spleen and cornea.

Relationship with plasma proteins is 95% (62% with albumin, 33% with beta-lipoproteins).

Amiodarone is metabolized in the liver by isoenzymes.CYP3A4and CYP2C8.Its main metabolite, desethylamiodarone, is pharmacologically active and can enhance the antiarrhythmic effect of the main compound. and desethylamiodaronein vitrohave the ability to inhibit isoenzymesCYP1A1, CYP1A2, CYP2C9, CYP2C19, CYP2D6, CYP3A4, CYP2A6, CYP2B6and CYP2C8.Amiodarone and desethylamiodarone are also able to inhibit some transporters (P-glycoprotein -P-gp)and carrier of organic cations (POK2).Invivothe interaction of amiodarone with substrates of isoenzymes was observedCYP3A4, CYP2C9, CYP2D6.It is excreted very slowly, mainly with bile through the intestines. and its metabolites are determined in blood plasma for 9 months after discontinuation of treatment. and its metabolites are not dialyzed.


Stopping attacks of paroxysmal tachyarrhythmia:

-attacks of ventricular paroxysmal tachycardia;

-attacks of supraventricular paroxysmal tachycardia with a high frequency of ventricular contractions, especially against the background of Wolf-Parkinson-White syndrome;

-paroxysmal and permanent forms of atrial fibrillation;

-atrial flutter.

Cardioreanimation in cardiac arrest caused by ventricular fibrillation resistant to defibrillation.


All the contraindications listed below do not apply to the use of the drug during cardiac resuscitation during cardiac arrest caused by ventricular fibrillation resistant to defibrillation.

Intravenous jet administration is contraindicated in case of arterial hypotension, severe respiratory failure, cardiomyopathy or heart failure (these conditions may be aggravated).

-Hypersensitivity to iodine, amiodarone or excipients of the drug.

-Weakness syndrome of the sinus node (sinus bradycardia, sinoatrial block), with the exception of cases when an artificial pacemaker is used (danger of “stopping” the sinus node).

-AV block II-III degree in the absence of a permanent artificial pacemaker.

-Violations of intraventricular conduction (two- and three-beam blockade) in the absence of a permanent artificial pacemaker (pacemaker). With such conduction disorders, the use of the drug intravenously is possible only in specialized departments under the guise of a temporary pacemaker (pacemaker).

-Simultaneous use with drugs that can extend the QT interval and cause the development of paroxysmal tachycardia, including polymorphic ventricular tachycardia of the pirouette type (see the section "Interaction with other drugs"):

-antiarrhythmic drugs:I A class (, hydroquinidine, disopyramide,); class III antiarrhythmic drugs (dofetilide, ibutilide,); ; bepridil;

-other (non-antiarrhythmic) drugs, such as some antipsychotics: phenothiazines (, cyamemazine,), benzamides (, suloprid, sulpride, veralipride), butyrophenones (,), pimozide; cisapride; tricyclic antidepressants; macrolide antibiotics (particularly when given intravenously); azoles; antimalarial drugs (quinine, halofantrine); pentamidine with parenteral administration; difemanil methyl sulfate; misolastine; terfenadine; fluoroquinolones.

-Congenital or acquired lengthening of the QT interval.

-Marked decrease in blood pressure (BP), cardiogenic shock, collapse.

-Hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia.

-Thyroid dysfunction (hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism).

-Pregnancy, the period of breastfeeding (see section "Use during pregnancy and during breastfeeding").

-Age up to 18 years (efficacy and safety not established).

Carefully:Arterial hypotension, cardiomyopathy, severe decompensated heart failure (III-IVfunctional class according to the classification of the New York Association of Cardiology (NYHA)), severe respiratory failure due to interstitial lung diseases, liver failure, bronchospastic syndrome, advanced age (high risk of severe bradycardia), AV block I degree. Pregnancy and lactation:


Currently available clinical information is insufficient to determine the possibility or impossibility of malformations in the embryo when using amiodarone in the first trimester of pregnancy. Since the thyroid gland of the fetus begins to bind only from the 14th week of pregnancy, then amiodarone is not expected to affect it if it is used earlier. An excess of iodine when using the drug after this period can lead to laboratory symptoms of hypothyroidism in newborns or even to the formation of a clinically significant goiter.

In view of the possible effects on the thyroid gland, the fetus is contraindicated during pregnancy, unless the expected benefits of its use by a pregnant woman outweigh the risks in the fetus (with life-threatening ventricular cardiac arrhythmias).

Breastfeeding period

Amiodarone is excreted in breast milk in significant quantities, therefore it is contraindicated during breastfeeding (the drug should be discontinued or breastfeeding should be stopped).

Dosage and administration:

Amiodarone (a concentrate for the preparation of a solution for intravenous administration) is intended for use in cases where a rapid achievement of the antiarrhythmic effect is required or its administration inside is impossible.

With the exception of urgent clinical situations, the drug should be used only in a hospital in the intensive care unit under constant monitoring of ECG and blood pressure!

The drug is used only in diluted form. For dilution of Amiodarone, only 5% dextrose (glucose) solution should be used. Do not add other drugs to the infusion solution!

Due to the peculiarities of the dosage form of the drug, an infusion solution with a concentration of less than 0.6 mg / ml (2 ampoules in 500 ml of 5% dextrose (glucose) solution) cannot be administered.

To avoid local reactions, the drug should be administered through a central venous catheter, with the exception of cases of cardioreanimation with ventricular fibrillation resistant to defibrillation, when the drug can be injected into large peripheral veins - in the absence of central venous access (see section "Special Instructions").

Intravenous drip through a neutral venous catheter

Typically, the loading dose is 5 mg / kg body weight, it is administered if possible with the use of an infusomat for 0.3-2 hours. Intravenous drip can be repeated 2-3 times within 24 hours. The rate of administration of the drug is adjusted depending on the clinical effect. The therapeutic effect appears during the first minutes of administration and gradually decreases after the end of the infusion, therefore, if it is necessary to continue treatment with the drug, it is recommended to switch to a constant intravenous drip of the drug. Maintenance treatment: 10-20 mg / kg / day body weight (average 600-800 mg / day, maximum dose - 1200 mg / day) for several days. From the first day of infusion, you should begin a gradual transition to taking the drug inside (3 tablets of 200 mg per day). The dose can be increased to 4 or even 5 tablets per day.

Intravenous jet administration is usually not recommended because of the risk of developing hemodynamic complications (a sharp decrease in blood pressure and collapse are possible).

Intravenous jet administration should be carried out only in urgent cases when other types of treatment are ineffective and only in the intensive care unit under constant monitoring of ECG and blood pressure.

The dose is 5 mg / kg body weight. With the exception of cases of cardioreanimation in ventricular fibrillation resistant to defibrillation, intravenous jet administration of the drug should be carried out for at least 3 minutes. Repeated administration of the drug should not be carried out earlier than 15 minutes after the first injection, even if initially the contents of only one ampoule were introduced (the possibility of irreversible collapse).

If there is a need for continued administration of the drug, it should be administered as an infusion.

Cardioreanimation in cardiac arrest due to defibrillation-resistant ventricular fibrillation

Intravenous Injection (see the section "Special Instructions") The use of a central venous catheter is recommended; if it is absent, the preparation should be injected jet into the largest peripheral vein.

The initial dose is 300 mg (5 mg / kg body weight), after dilution in 20 ml of 5% dextrose (glucose) solution to a concentration of 15 mg / ml.

If fibrillation does not stop, additional intravenous jet administration of the drug at a dose of 150 mg (or 2.5 mg / kg body weight) to a concentration of 7.5 mg / ml is possible.

Do not mix in the same syringe with other drugs!

Side effects:

The incidence of side effects is given in accordance with the classification of the World Health Organization: very often - at least 10%; often - at least 1% and less than 10%; infrequently - not less than 0.1% and less than 1%; rarely - not less than 0.01% and less than 0.1%; very rarely - less than 0.01%, including isolated cases; unknown frequency - according to the available data, the frequency cannot be determined.

From the cardiovascular system:

Often - bradycardia (usually a moderate decrease in heart rate); a decrease in blood pressure (usually moderate and transient, cases of a marked decrease in blood pressure or collapse are observed with an overdose or too rapid administration of the drug).

Rarely - arrhythmogenic effect (less pronounced than most antiarrhythmic drugs, there are reports of the occurrence of new arrhythmias, including ventricular tachycardia of the pirouette type, or worsening of existing ones, in some cases with subsequent cardiac arrest). Arrhythmogenic effect is observed mainly in cases of the use of amiodarone in conjunction with drugs that extend the QT interval or against the background of existing water-electrolyte disturbances (see the section "Interaction with other drugs"). Based on the available data, it is impossible to determine whether the occurrence of these rhythm disturbances is caused by the action of amiodarone, a manifestation of the cardiovascular pathology itself, or is a consequence of treatment failure.

-Severe bradycardia or, in exceptional cases, a stoppage of the sinus node (requiring cessation of treatment with amiodarone, especially in patients with sinus node weakness and / or elderly patients).

-"Flushing" of blood to the skin of the face, accompanied by a feeling of heat.

Frequency unknown - ventricular tachycardia of the pirouette type (see section "Interaction with other medicinal products", subsection "Pharmacodynamic interaction"; section "Special instructions").

From the endocrine system:

Frequency unknown - hyperthyroidism.

From the respiratory system, chest and mediastinal organs:

Rarely - cough, shortness of breath, interstitial pneumonitis. In these cases, you should consider the possibility of cancellation of amiodarone and the advisability of prescribing glucocorticosteroids (see section "Special instructions").

-Bronchospasm and / or apnea in patients with severe respiratory failure, especially in patients with bronchial asthma.

-Severe respiratory complications (acute adult respiratory distress syndrome), sometimes fatal (see section "Special instructions").

From the gastrointestinal tract:

Rarely - nausea.

On the part of the liver and biliary tract

Rarely - an isolated increase in the activity of “liver” transaminases in the blood serum (the severity of the increase is usually moderate, an excess of normal values \u200b\u200bof 1.5-3 times is noted at the beginning of treatment and decreases with a decrease in dose or even spontaneously).

-Acute liver damage (within the first 24 hours after intravenous administration of amiodarone) - increased activity of “hepatic” transaminases and / or jaundice, development of liver failure, sometimes fatal (see section “Special instructions”).

On the part of the skin and subcutaneous tissue:

Rarely - increased sweating, feeling of heat.

Frequency unknown - urticaria.

From the central nervous system:

Rarely - benign intracranial hypertension (pseudotumor of the brain), headache.

From the immune system:

Rarely - anaphylactic shock.

Frequency unknown - angioedema (Quincke's edema).

From the side of musculoskeletal and connective tissue:

Frequency unknown - pain in the lumbar and lumbosacral spine.

General disorders and disorders at the injection site:

Often - local reactions: pain at the injection site, erythema, edema, necrosis, extravasation, infiltration, inflammation, induration, thrombophlebitis, phlebitis, phlegmon, infections, skin pigmentation.


There is no information on an overdose of amiodarone (concentrate for the preparation of a solution for intravenous administration). Several cases of acute overdose of amiodarone taken orally, which manifested as sinus bradycardia, paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia of the pirouette type, cardiac arrest, circulatory disorders and liver function, and a marked decrease in blood pressure, were described.

Treatment is symptomatic (in case of bradycardia - the use of beta-adrenergic agonists or the installation of a pacemaker, with ventricular tachycardia of the “pirouette” type - intravenous administration of magnesium salts, the holding of reducing cardiac pacing). Neither its metabolites are removed during hemodialysis. There is no specific antidote. Interaction:

Pharmacodynamic interaction

Drugs capable of causing bidirectional ventricular tachycardia of the pirouette type

The combined use of such drugs is contraindicated, since the risk of developing a potentially fatal ventricular tachycardia of the pirouette type increases. These drugs include:

-Antiarrhythmic drugs: class IA (, hydroquinidine, disopyramide,), bepridil.

-Other (non-antiarrhythmic) drugs, such as:; some antipsychotics: phenothiazines (, cyamemazine, levopromazine,), benzamides (amisulfpride, sultopride, sulpride, veloapride), butyrophenones (ridol), pimozide; tricyclic antidepressants; cisapride; macrolide antibiotics (with intravenous administration); azoles; antimalarial drugs (quinine, halofantrine, lumefantrine); pentamidine with parenteral administration; difemanil methyl sulfate; misolastine; ; terfenadine.

Drugs that increase the duration of the QT interval

Co-administration of amiodarone with these drugs should be based on a careful assessment of the ratio of expected benefit and potential risk (increased risk of developing ventricular tachycardia of the Pirouette type), when using such combinations, it is necessary to constantly monitor the patients' ECG (to detect lengthening of the QT interval), potassium content and magnesium in the blood. In patients taking, the use of fluoroquinolones, including.

Drugs that reduce heart rate or cause impaired automatism or conduction

Concomitant use of these drugs with amiodarone is not recommended. Beta-blockers, blockers of "slow" calcium channels, reducing heart rate (,), can lead to the development of excessive bradycardia and cause conduction disturbances.

Drugs capable of causing hypokalemia, which increases the risk of developing ventricular tachycardia of the pirouette type

-laxatives that stimulate intestinal motility (if necessary, laxatives of other groups should be prescribed). Caution is required when using amiodarone in conjunction with:

-diuretics that cause hypokalemia (in monotherapy or in combination with other drugs);

-systemic corticosteroids (glucocorticosteroids, mineralocorticosteroids) and tetracosactide;

-amphotericin B (intravenous administration).

During treatment with amiodarone, it is necessary to regularly monitor the content of electrolytes in the blood and the duration of the QT interval. In the event of ventricular tachycardia of the pirouette type, antiarrhythmic drugs should not be used (ventricular pacemaker should be initiated; intravenous administration of magnesium salts is possible).

Preparations for inhalation anesthesia:

The possibility of developing the following serious complications was reported in patients taking amid general anesthesia: bradycardia (resistant to the administration of atropine), arterial hypotension, impaired intracardiac conduction, decreased cardiac output. Very rare cases of severe complications from the respiratory system were observed (acute adult respiratory distress syndrome - sometimes fatal, which developed immediately after surgery, the occurrence is associated with high oxygen concentrations).

Drugs heart rate-reducing:

Medicines that are isoenzyme substrate CYP2D6 and CYP3A4

Despite the ability of amiodarone to increase the duration of the QT interval, it relatively rarely provokes the development of ventricular tachycardia of the pirouette type.

Due to the potential possibility of developing, in very rare cases, interstitial pneumonitis after intravenous administration of the drug, with the appearance of severe shortness of breath or dry cough after its intravenous administration, both accompanied and not accompanied by a deterioration in general condition (increased fatigue, fever), chest radiography is required cells and, if necessary, cancel the drug. These phenomena are mainly reversible (within 3-4 weeks) with early discontinuation of the drug (in some cases with the appointment of glucocorticosteroids). Normalization of the x-ray picture and lung function occurs more slowly (after a few months).

After artificial ventilation of the lungs (for example, during surgical interventions) in patients who were administered, there were rare cases of the development of acute respiratory distress syndrome of adults, sometimes fatal (it is possible to interact with high doses of oxygen in the respiratory mixture) (see section " Side effect "), in connection with which strict monitoring of the condition of such patients is necessary.

Regular monitoring of the liver condition (monitoring the activity of “liver” transaminases) is recommended before starting amiodarone administration and during its administration. During the first 24 hours after intravenous administration of the drug, acute liver damage (hepatocellular insufficiency or liver failure, including fatal ones), as well as its chronic lesions, can develop. Drug treatmentAmiodarone should be discontinued with an increase in the activity of “liver” transaminases more than 3 times higher than the upper limit of normal.

Before surgery, the anesthesiologist should be informed about what the patient is taking, since taking it can increase the risk of developing hemodynamic disorders (bradycardia, decreased blood pressure, cardiac output, intracardiac conduction) during local or general anesthesia.

Influence on the ability to drive transp. Wed and fur .:

There is no evidence that violates the ability to engage in activities that require an increased concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions. However, as a precaution, patients with paroxysms of severe rhythm disturbances during the treatment with the drug should preferably refrain from such activities.

Release form / dosage:

Concentrate for solution for intravenous administration, 50 mg / ml.


3 ml in ampoules with a capacity of 5 ml.

10 ampoules together with a knife or a scarifier for opening ampoules and instructions for medical use in a cardboard box.

5 ampoules in blister packs. 1 or 2 blister packs with ampoules together with a knife or scarifier for opening ampoules and instructions for medical use in a pack of cardboard.

10 ampoules together with a knife or a scarifier for opening ampoules and instructions for medical use in a pack with a cardboard insert for fixing ampoules.

In the case of using ampoules with a kink ring or a notch and a kink point, the insertion of a knife or a scarifier to open the ampoules is not provided.

Storage conditions:

In the dark place at a temperature of 15 to 25 ° C.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life:

2 years.

Do not use after expiration date.

Pharmacy leave conditions:On prescription Registration number:LP-002800 Registration Date:29.12.2014 Expiration Date:29.12.2019 Owner of Registration Certificate:BORISOVSK PLANT OF MEDICAL PRODUCTS, OJSC Republic of Belarus Manufacturer: & nbsp Date of information update: & nbsp09.08.2017 Illustrated Instructions

Irregular work of the heart muscle in only a small number of cases does not bring a person any discomfort. In most situations, this can cause a heart attack or sudden death. Therefore, you must carefully treat these diseases.

Cardiologists recommend Amiodarone for patients with cardiac arrhythmias. Instructions for use contain indications for use, describe in detail the frequency of use and possible side effects.

One of the most popular drugs prescribed for patients with arrhythmia is Amiodarone. Instructions for use describe that the main action is the substance amiodarone hydrochloride. Its concentration per tablet is 200 mg. Additional substances in the composition:

  • lactose monohydrate, which is often called milk sugar;
  • corn starch;
  • povidone and colloidal silicon dioxide used as enterosorbents;
  • fine crystal cellulose used as a thickener;
  • magnesium stabilizer stearate;
  • sodium starch glycolate, allowing the contents to be quickly released from the dosage form.

Release form

Amiodarone is available in standard form tablets, having the shape of a flat cylinder with a bevel. One of the surfaces is at risk.

Tablets of 10 pieces are packed in blisters, which are sold in a cardboard box. Amount of packaging - 30 pcs.

Amiodarone is also available for injection. Ampoules have a volume of 3 ml and contain 150 mg of the active substance (amiodarone hydrochloride).

Pharmacological group

Against cardiac arrhythmias, Amiodarone is prescribed. The group of the drug is class III antiarrhythmic drugs.

As you know, a person’s heart should be reduced in a certain rhythm. It is provided by a system of nodes, bundles of nerve fibers located in the myocardium. It is there that impulses in cardiac activity are generated and they are carried out.

With disorders, disruptions in the rhythm of contractions occur, they either become more frequent (tachycardia) or occur intermittently longer than usual (bradycardia).

In some cases, a violation of the rhythm of the heart muscle is the cause of a person’s sick state of health, the appearance of a feeling of fatigue, fainting. Sudden arrhythmic deaths are also frequent.

What does this medicine help from?

Amiodarone tablets are prescribed for many patients with cardiac arrhythmia. Why this medication is the first question of patients. Amiodarone tablets can normalize the heart rate, thus eliminating the threat to human life. Since it belongs to class III drugs, Amiodarone lengthens in time the refractory period of the atria and ventricles. Thus, the contraction-activation mechanism in the heart muscle occurs stably, without disturbing the correct rhythm.

Causes of arrhythmia

Instructions for taking pills

In many diseases with impaired normal functioning of the heart muscle, doctors prescribe Amiodarone for patients. Instructions for use of the medicine contain many important points that are necessary for study before starting medication.


Patients suffering from sudden cardiac arrhythmias are prescribed Amiodarone. Indications for use are as follows:

  1. and ventricular fibrillation, life-threatening.
  2. Supraventricular disorders, such as (increasing the activity of the heart to hundreds of contractions per minute), premature excitement and contraction of the heart and its departments and an increase in frequency indicators to 140–220 beats in sixty seconds.
  3. caused by coronary or heart failure.

How to use?

All patients care about how to take Amiodarone. Instructions for use provide comprehensive information on this subject.

It is necessary to swallow the tablet whole before you start eating. Use the right amount of water.


Depending on the severity of the disease and the body's reaction to the drug, the attending physician prescribes certain doses of the drug. The number of doses and the size of a single dose are individual for each patient who uses Amiodarone. Instructions for use contain the following recommendations:

  1. The average amount of active substance taken at one time is 200 milligrams. The largest amount for a single dose is 400 mg.
  2. The average amount of Amiodarone per day is 400 mg. The maximum volume should not be more than 1.2 mg.

The dose that allows you to get the expected effect in a short period of time (load), is the volume of the drug, calculated as follows. In stationary conditions, it is necessary to reach a dose of ten grams of Amiodarone in five to eight days. The initial dosage for this is divided into several doses so that the volume of the substance in twenty-four hours is an average of 600-800 mg and does not exceed 1.2 g.

In the conditions of treatment at home, the amount of the drug in 10 g reaches for a longer period - ten to fourteen days. To do this, start with a volume of 3-4 tablets per day, which are divided into several doses.

A maintenance dose is the volume of a substance necessary for the body to function normally. Depending on the individual reactions of patients to the drug, the amount of the substance in twenty-four hours is from 100 mg to 400 mg, which is drunk in one or two doses.

The drug Amiodarone is eliminated from the body for a rather long time, so a maintenance dose can be taken every other day. Or the doctor allows the patient to take breaks in taking the medicine - two days in a week.

How long can I drink?

The answer to the question - how long to take Amiodarone is given by the doctor individually in each case.

The composition of Amiodarone is such that the substances are absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract for a long time and slowly reach the necessary therapeutic concentration in the blood plasma. As a result, the desired effect of alleviating the symptoms of arrhythmia is not achieved so quickly.

Note the information needed for patients taking Amiodarone. The instruction indicates that substances quickly accumulate in fatty tissues and organs with active blood supply. Because of this, the drug can be excreted from the body in a period of time up to 9 months.

Important notes

Amiodarone tablets have a significant effect on heart function. Reviews of cardiologists recommend an ECG examination before prescribing the drug. During treatment, this procedure should be carried out every three months.

  • checking the activity of indicators of liver function;
  • assessment of thyroid function;
  • x-rays of light.

If you detect the development of any pathologies, you should stop taking the drug.

When conducting operations, it is necessary to warn doctors about taking Amiodarone.

If defibrillators or pacemakers are implanted in the patient, then their performance may decrease due to the start of taking Amiodarone. Instructions for use recommends regularly checking the correctness of their work.

Particularly relevant is the fact that taking Amiodarone can affect vision.

To exclude such situations, it is necessary to check the condition of the eyes of patients with a history of visual dysfunction. It is recommended to do regular examinations of the organs of vision during treatment. If dysfunctions or complications of the condition are detected, Amiodarone should be discontinued. Side effects may otherwise intensify over time.

Features of the solution in ampoules

In many vital situations, Amiodarone comes to the rescue. The release form, in addition to tablets, involves ampoules.

Amiodarone in ampoules is used in circumstances of the impossibility of using oral administration. Amiodarone solution is also used in situations when patients return to life when cardiac muscle activity is stopped due to ventricular fibrillation.

Especially important is the information - how to take Amiodarone in liquid solution? It is injected drip into one of the central veins. Through peripheral veins, the drug is administered by resuscitators.

The dose administered in the initial period is five milliliters per kilogram of the patient’s weight taking Amiodarone. The solution is preferably administered via an infusomat over a period of twenty minutes to two hours.

The following days, the effect of the drug is supported by doses of 10–20 mg per kg of patient weight. And they try to transfer the patient to pills.

During resuscitation, liquid Amiodarone is injected into the peripheral vein. Instructions for use in ampoules determine for dilution only glucose solution and prohibits combining medicine with other medicines in one syringe.

Side effects

The drug in question has a wide range of potential unforeseen effects. Instructions for use with Amiodarone lists numerous side effects, including:

  1. The heart and blood vessel system can often respond with a moderate decrease in heart rate and infrequently an increase in existing arrhythmia. With prolonged use, the development of manifestations of chronic heart failure may be observed.
  2. From the gastrointestinal tract, there are very often manifestations in the form of vomiting, a decrease in the desire to eat, a violation of the taste activity of the taste buds. Cases of development of impaired liver function are observed.
  3. Side effects of the bronchopulmonary system are sometimes accompanied by fatal outcomes (with prolonged use), which are caused by pneumonia, acute respiratory syndrome. Pulmonary hemorrhages were observed.
  4. Also observed is a change in the color of the skin, rash, sleep disturbance, nightmares, headache.

In order to avoid severe consequences, you should take the drug under the supervision of a specialist with constant monitoring of vital functions.


Contraindications to taking the drug belong to many groups of patients, so all conditions must be studied. In the instructions for use with Amiodarone, the inadmissibility of treating patients under 18 years of age is prescribed.

During pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding, taking the drug is possible only in cases where a positive result from taking the drug will compensate for the negative effect of the disease on the body of the expectant mother.

Also, the reception is prohibited for people with hypersensitivity to iodine and to the components of the drug Amiodarone. Contraindications apply to people who have sinus bradycardia, sinus failure syndrome, cardiogenic shock, thyroid dysfunction.

Latin Recipe

Amiodarone is prescribed for many heart rhythm patients. The recipe in Latin allows you to accurately indicate the active substance. But for the average person, this entry can be mysterious. Let's try to clarify the mysterious inscriptions.

In the recipe you will find, for example, the following entry:

Rp .: Tab. Amiodaroni 0.2 N. 60.

S. 1 tablet 3 times a day, with a gradual decrease to 1 tablet per day.

This means taking 200 mg amiodarone tablets as prescribed.

Here is an example of a Latin recipe for using amiodarone in ampoules.

Rp .: Sol. Amiodaroni 5% 3 ml. D. t. d. N. 10 in ampull.

Dissolve the contents of the ampoule in 250 ml of 5% glucose solution, administer slowly intravenously at the rate of 5 mg / kg of the patient’s body weight (for stopping arrhythmias).

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