Cyclodinone Tablets can be used alcohol. Cyclodinone: instructions for use, analogues and reviews, prices in pharmacies of Russia

No matter how regrettable, but in our age of high technologies, women are increasingly faced with problems in those areas that a few more decades ago met only in isolated cases. Disturbances of hormonal background, which lead to serious consequences, including the irregularity of the cycle and pronounced premenstrual syndrome with all the consequences, are found at each second representative of the fair sex. However, many people know that to solve this problem, experts developed a unique drug "Cyclodinone". The instructions of this medicine will be described in this article.

Important information

Immediately should focus on the fact that all information provided below can be used only for familiarization. In no case cannot be resorted to the reception of this medicinal product without the knowledge of the doctor. The recommendations described in this article as to whom the drug "Cyclodinone" is contraindicated, instruction indicating the reception schemes and other important information taken from the official annotation to this medicine.

Characteristic drug

So, that's medicine Refers to phytopreparations. As the main component, the extract from the plant fruits called the prucunion is ordinary. In one tablet contains 3.2-4.8 mg of the active ingredient, which, in recalculation, 40 mg corresponds to the vegetable drug.

As auxiliary substances, the following components are included in the tablet forms of release: potato starch, povedium, lactose, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate and silicon colloidal dioxide.

The additional components are also contained in the drops of "cyclodinon", namely: non-exclusive sorbitol 70%, sodium sacharat dihydrate, polysorbat, poverant, peppermint flavor, purified water and ethanol 96%. The composition of 100 g of this drug includes 192-288 mg of dry extract, which in recalculation of medicinal vegetation raw materials is 2.4 g.

What do reviews doctors say

A huge number of specialists converge in the opinion that the composition of this drug helps to give a relatively fast result. Many doctors note that after the first two weeks of application, the chest swelling begins to go, and the glands are returned to their normal state. Gynecologists also note that in most cases a woman to restore the menstrual cycle is just one three-month course.

Release form and cost

The drug "Cyclodinone" Instructions for use from manufacturers describes in sufficient detail. She reports that there are two forms of release: drops and pills. The packaging of this medication is made to the bottles of dark glass with a built-in dropper of 50 ml of means and in blisters of 15 tablets. Additionally every two plates and a bottle with drops are packaged separately in carton boxesthat provide protection against possible sunlight. The cost of the drug "Cyclodinon" depending on the form of the release and pharmacy network ranges from 350 to 500 rubles.

As the drug acts

What is the secret of the Medicinal "Cyclodinon"? The instructions for this medicine clearly describes the mechanism of the impact of active ingredients on the woman's body using colorful medical terminology. But speaking simple words, The whole essence of the drug is that the dry extract of the healing plants normalizes the level of sex hormones, including prolactin, the excess of which immediately affects the pain in the chest and the process of ripening the egg.

In turn, this state of non-separation of follicles leads to an imbalance of hormone women as estradiol and progesterone. And it is with these violations that the drug "Cyclodinone" is intended. The instruction that developers created clearly indicates that the normalization of these hormones will reduce painfulness In the chest and restore the second phase of the menstrual cycle.

It is worth noting that the effect of this drug occurs due to the cumulative effect on the body of all components in the composition.

Based on the foregoing, one can distinguish three main reasons due to which this means can be assigned:

  1. Disorders of the menstruation cycle.
  2. Painness and severity in the chest (median).
  3. Premenstrual syndrome.

How to take drops

Whether there is a special instructions Regarding the reception of the drug "Cyclodinon" (drops)? Instructions for use contains clear recommendations for the reception scheme. Before using the bottle, it is necessary to break well. It is possible to breed the medicine in a small amount of water. The recommended dose is 40 drops once a day in the morning. To achieve and consolidate a positive result, the course of treatment should be continuous and at least 3 months. If after canceling the means pain renewed again, it is necessary to consult with the attending physician about the possibility of re-treatment.

How to take the drug "Cyclodinone" (pills)

Instruction K. this medicine It says that, as well as drops, pills drink once a day, not chewing and drinking enough water. It is not recommended for this purpose to use tea or coffee and other hot drinks. The course of treatment should also be three continuous months. Tablets can be replaced with drops, and vice versa.

Whether overdose is possible

Apply the drug should be strictly at recommended doses, regardless of whether the tablet is or drops. The application instruction does not describe an overdose examples, however, it should be noted that at least the drug is considered phytotherapeutic, it includes quite complex components capable of harming the body in large quantities. Therefore, drops and pills should be taken strictly on the diagram designated by the doctor.


Like any other drug, "cyclodinone" (instructions for use, patients confirm this) may not be perceived by the body and cause rather unpleasant side effects. Among them allocate allergic reactions, psychomotor excitation of the central nervous system, the confusion of consciousness and even hallucinations. With similar manifestations, the drug usually cancel and select analog.

Special attention should be paid to the fact that the composition has lactose. When taking this drug, lactose intolerance can be expressed by pain in the stomach and diarrhea. With such states, you must refer to the doctor and discuss further treatment.

It should be refracted from the simultaneous reception of the "Cyclodenon" medication and other medicines, since the consequences of interaction with other means are not described in the instructions.

special instructions

Is it possible to take the drug "Cyclodinon" with diabetes? The application instruction informs that drops and tablets contain a minimal dose of milk sugar (lactose). However, there are such cases that relative to the reception of this medication should be consulted with the attending physician endocrinologist.

Is it possible during pregnancy and during the lactation take a medicine "Cyclodinone"? Instructions for use that specialists developed relates these states of women to contraindications.

It is worth noting that due to the content of alcohol in the drops, this form of the drug should not be used to women who have successfully tested from chronic alcoholism.

Than replaced

Regarding the drug "Cyclodinone", the reviews give only information to reflection, but only the doctor has the right to prescribe a medicament. But no matter how good the drops and tablets "Cyclodinone", sometimes they should be replaced. What analogs can be chosen? Quite often, as a substitute, gynecological doctors prescribe such preparations as "pazelok", "Utherzhastan", "Mastodinone" and others.

Selecting the analogue, it is necessary to take into account, for what reason it is impossible to receive the drug "Cyclodinone". If this is the presence of lactose, then you need to prefer tools without this component. In this case, the "Utrezhastan" is suitable. Its value ranges from 500 rubles per pack.

It should also be noted that each of the analogs has its own reception scheme. And if the drops or tablets "Cyclodinone" need to drink only once a day, the other drug may well need to use 2-3 times a day.

Storage conditions

Like any medicine, the drug "Cyclodinone" needs proper storage. It is from the conditions in which the medication will be, its effectiveness depends. So that the drug does not deteriorate without reaching the statute of limitations, which is 3 years from the moment of manufacture, it first should be preserved from direct sunlight. The temperature and humidity is also important. The storage place must be dry, with an air temperature not higher than 25 ° C. It is not scary if, when complying with all conditions in a bottle, a slight precipitate will appear. This phenomenon does not affect any medical properties drug.

The compatibility of cyclodinone and alcohol is good, in the instructions for the use of the drug, information about its tandem with alcoholic beverages is not specified. Both substances do not interact in the body, but it is better at the time of treatment to completely refuse alcoholic beverages. Otherwise, the whole therapeutic effect will be crossed out.

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Cyclodinone and alcohol compatibility

In the instructions for use, there is no information on compatibility information with alcohol, so we can safely assume that this tandem does not threaten the person. However, it is important to take into account that the reception of the drug together with the alcohol can strengthen the possible side effects.

The severity of negative symptoms depends on the drinking drink and the number of drinking portions. If a light nausea can occur when taking medication, but when using it with alcohol, vomiting will arise, which can instantly derive an active substance from the body, as a result - neutralization of the therapeutic effect.

Despite the absence of obvious contraindications, it is necessary to take into account the effects of alcohol on eggs. Ethanol is able to aggravate the course of the disease, for the treatment of which is directed by the drug. Usually, when combined substances is excited nervous system, the action is suppressed active substance Without visible therapeutic effect.

With acute necessity, it is possible to obtain an alcohol permission from its attending physician, in other cases, you need to refuse alcohol.

Brief description of the drug

Cyclodinone is a drug used to treat the impairment of the menstrual cycle, tension and premenstrual syndrome. This is a phytopreparation, active substance which is considered an extract of a rod of ordinary.

It is capable of blocking the release of prolactin from the pituitary cells. Due to this, the menstrual cycle is restored, the risk of median development is reduced, the estradiol indicator is normalized, progesterone in the blood.

A remedy in two shape: tablets and a solution. It does not apply to the number of hormonal drugs, since it does not contain natural and synthetic hormones.

The phytopreparation is prohibited in the following cases:

  • individual intolerance to the components;
  • pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding.

Dosage, the reception course is prescribed by the attending physician after the results of the tests. According to the instructions, take them for three months, and after the normalization of the menstrual cycle another 4-5 weeks.

If there were signs of unusual fatigue, depressed and pain in the chest during treatment, it is necessary to immediately stop accepting and sign up for a consultation to the doctor.

Application of the drug during alcoholism

The drug will not help with alcoholism, the exception is a failure in a menstrual cycle caused by a protracted mop.

Under the influence of alcohol, the body is gradually depleted, cardiovascular pathology, pancreatic diseases and diabetes, horse racing are diagnosed. arterial pressure, renal failure. Ethanol has a toxic effect on the liver, increasing the likelihood of hepatitis.

Taking any drug, a person also blows his liver, because the organ acts as a filter, cleaning the body from toxins. Initially, it is necessary to remove all ethanol from the blood, and after begin to therapy.

Use of the preparation with hangover

Sometimes even short-term use of alcohol can cause a menstrual cycle failure. But in this case, immediately take the drug is not recommended not to overload liver, kidney and urinary system.

It is important to wait for the complete elimination of ethanol from the body, so as not to exacerbate the disease. Therapy lasts 3-5 months, it is better for this period to exclude any alcohol-containing drinks at all to achieve maximum effect from treatment.

Consequences of admission with alcohol

Compatibility of both substances will not lead to significant complications, but much depends on the amount of drinking alcohol.

If a woman drank more than his norm, then, most likely, her body will independently provoke vomiting to at least improve the condition and help the liver. Not always the active substance has time to leave the gastrointestinal tract, therefore, together with the vomit it will be out of the body.

Tandem can provoke over-excitation, since the drug stimulates brain receptors, and alcohol suppresses braking processes in the central nervous system. Sometimes taking even one dose can lead to confusion of consciousness, hallucinations.

Judging by the reviews, patients often appear strong dizziness and pain, which indicate toxic lesions of the liver and intoxication of the body.

Doctors argue that even a single technique of alcohol can cross the entire course of treatment. To avoid this, you need to abandon completely from alcohol.

When you can drink the drug, after how much

After how much you can take a tablet after alcohol, the attending physician must answer, considering not only the age, weight, growth and physical form of the patient, but also the size, the fortress of the drinking drink.

It is necessary to wait until ethanol is completely out of the body, and the liver will recover from such a toxic impact. Women are important to wait about 3 days to start the course of treatment.

When you can use alcohol

In minimal doses (1-2 glasses), it is allowed to drink alcohol, but only 5-8 hours after the tablet adopted so that the active substance will have to affect and the therapeutic effect manifested itself.

Cyclodinone and beer.

Cyclodinone and beer are incompatible. The preparation normalizes the function of genital organs, improves the hormonal background of women.

However, under the influence of alcoholic beverages, it is impossible to restore the impairment of the menstrual cycle, eliminate the premenstrual syndrome, cure medodinia.

When treating the drug, it is not recommended to drink beer. The diuresis increases, so the active ingredient is evacuated with urine. But if the patient drinks a drink with alcohol in moderate doses, female sex hormones penetrate into the body, which normalizes endocrine functions Women. There are no serious tissue damage.


The joint use of pharmacological agents and alcohol has a toxic effect on the internal organs and environmental environment. Alcohol, entering into a chemical reaction with a medicine, leads to poisoning, violates physiological processes, reinforces or loses therapeutic properties of drugs.

The liver suffers more than other organs. She falls under double punch. Many drugs have a side effect ─ hepatotoxicity, the cells destroy the cells, violate the organ physiology. In the liver, the alcohol decays to ethannel, substances, 20-30 times toxic than ethanol, which causes the death of hepatocytes.

Dangerous groups of drugs for the organ in combination with alcohol:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • hormonal;
  • antibacterial;
  • antifungal;
  • means for controlling glucose during diabetes;
  • anti-tuberculosis;
  • cytostatic (chemotherapy preparations);
  • tranquilizers (anti-epileptic, psychotropic).

In second place among internal organsexposed to the destructive influence of alcohol together with medications ─ heart and vascular system. Strong drinks on the background medical therapy narrow blood vessels, increase blood pressure. Simultaneous alcohol and chemical substances It leads to a malfunction of myocardial, increases the risk of developing angina, infarction.

A mixture of ethanol I. pharmaceutical preparations Disrupts the quality composition of blood, reduces clotting. It is dangerous occurrence internal bleeding, strokes.

The state of the nervous system in the conditions of influence of alcohol and drugs

A vegetative nervous system, which is responsible for the well-coordinated functionality of all internal organs is susceptible to negative influence. Under the action of poisoning substances, a chain reaction occurs, which is manifested by the disorder of the gastrointestinal tract (stomach, pancreas, small intestine), kidneys, endocrine glands.

Rules for taking drugs and alcohol

The reception of alcoholic beverages during the treatment period minimizes the clinical effect of therapy and creates the risk of developing complications of the disease.

If this is not possible to avoid, adhere to the rules of behavior that will reduce the manifestation of negative consequences:

  1. Do not eat strong drinks (vodka, brandy, whiskey), choose dry wine (100-150 ml), beer (no more than 300 ml). Do not drink alcohol on an empty stomach.
  2. The interval between the reception of drugs and alcohol should be at least 2 hours.
  3. To reduce toxic effect, drink drugs protecting the liver (hepatoprotectors), pancreas (pancreatin), stomach (antacids ─ Renni, Almaty).

If a person accepts antiviral tools From colds, anti-inflammatory, alcohol in moderate quantity does not pose a threat to the body.

Alcoholic beverages against the background of treatment are categorically contraindicated in cirrhosis of the liver, heavy infectious diseasesduring chemotherapy courses.

Medicines, alcohol and chronic diseases

If a person has chronic diseases, the simultaneous admission of alcohol and drugs is potentially dangerous to work vitally important organs. Since patients systematically accept prescribed drugs, the influence of alcohol may entail negative consequences.

People S. chronic diseases Hearts (angina, vices of the heart) marked the development of acriccages of varying severity. Heart attacks with pronounced pain syndrome, which is not borne by nitroglycerin, is significantly increasing the risk of developing myocardial infarction.

In chronic liver diseases ( viral hepatitis, Hepatosis) Alcohol Against the background of treatment can be a starting mechanism in the development of cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma (cancer).

Acceptance of alcohol during cirrhosis leads to such consequences:

  • bleeding in the abdominal cavity;
  • liver decomposition, infection, peritonitis;
  • hepatic coma;
  • death.

If a person is under long-term treatment with sedative, psychotropic drugs, tranquilizers, alcohol use is contraindicated. This leads to severe depression, the appearance obsessive states (hallucinations, phobias). Suicidal moods develop. Such a patient needs a constant observation and assistance of a psychiatrist.

The most dangerous combinations and consequences

The combination of alcohol and drugs on a chemical basis may lead to serious violations in the body, and in some cases to fatal consequences.

Medicine list and their side effects in combination with alcohol:

Name of a group, drug Negative results of interaction
Neuroleptics (tranquilizers, anticonvulsant, sleeping pills) Pronounced intoxication, up to a cerebral coma
CNS Stimulants (Theofedrine, Ephedrine, Caffeine) Rapid increase in blood pressure, hypertensive crisis
Hypotensive (Captophrine, Enalapril, Enap-N), Diuretics (Indapamide, Furosemid) Sudden drop of pressure, collapse
Analgesics, anti-inflammatory Raising toxic substances In the blood, the general poisoning of the body
Acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) Acute gastritis, spout of stomach ulcers and 12 pc
Paracetamol Toxic branch destruction
Hyogolcemic (Glibenklamide, Glipisid, Metformin, Fenformin), Insulin A sharp decrease in blood sugar levels, hypoglycemic coma

Cyclodinone (dry extract of the fruit of the ordinary) is a vegetable drug used in the menstrual cycle failures, PMS and unpleasant sensations in the field of breast. Despite the need to timely appeal to the gynecologist at the very first symptoms menstrual violationsMany women show fatal carelessness, without responding to the alarming signals of the body. Modern medicine It has a wide range of medicines to normalize menstruation. However, not all of them have a non-receptible status and are suitable for responsible self-treatment. To meet the above-mentioned criteria, the drug should be not only effective, but also safe, with a minimum number of side effects. Cyclodinone is precisely such a drug. Key role in maintaining a hormonal balance in women's body The premock of ordinary bicyclic actants contained in the fruits, which, thanks to phytonyrov technologies, can be maintained in cycodinone in the highest concentrations, which ensures a pronounced therapeutic effect and a favorable treatment prediction. The excessive content in the blood of the hormone prolactin contributes to the active release of gonadotropins, which, in turn, violates the process of ripening the follicles and the exit of them eggs. Against this background, the equilibrium between the concentrations of female hormones - estradiol and progesterone is disturbed.

The dopamineergic cyclodinone effect reduces prolactin production, which, in turn, contributes to the normal course of menstruation. Ease of use of the drug (the multiplicity of reception is once a day, regardless of dosage form) Provides high compliance (commitment to patients to treatment). The effects of the drug will be particularly relevant for women older than 35 years, which the PMS and other disorders of the menstrual cycle are exacerbated. The reduction of hormonal equilibrium with a gentle and gradual effect of the drug makes it possible to ensure the optimal therapeutic effect without excessive pharmacological load on the body characteristic of hormonal drugs. The duration of regular reception of the drug should be 3 months. After facilitating the condition, the drug should be taken for another 2-3 weeks. If, after stopping the admission, unpleasant symptoms are returned again, medical advice is needed. The vegetative nature of cyclodinone practically eliminates the likelihood of any side effects, with the exception allergic reactions dermatological nature. Contraindications to its use are individual intolerance, pregnancy and lactation period. The overdose of cyclodinone is practically excluded, such cases are unknown by medicine.


Means vegetable origin. The components of the drug have a normalizing effect on the concentration of genital hormones.

The main active component of the drug is an ordinary prudenk. Dopaminergic effects of the drug, causing a decrease in prolactin products, eliminate hyperprolactine. The increased concentration of prolactin violates the secretion of gonadotropins, as a result of which violations of the ripening of follicles, ovulation and the formation of a yellow body may occur, which further leads to an imbalance between estradiol and progesterone and may cause impaired menstrual cycle, as well as medodinia. Unlike estrogen and other hormones, prolactin also has a direct stimulating effect on proliferative processes in lactic glands, strengthening education. connective tissue And causing the expansion of dairy ducts.

Form release

Tablets, covered with a greenish-blue shell, with a matte surface, round, double-screwed.

Auxiliary substances: Povidone, silicon colloid dioxide, starch potato, monohydrate lactose, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate.

The composition of the shell: Talc, titanium dioxide (IV) (E171), iron oxide yellow (E172), Indigotin (E132), macrogol 6000, emeacrylic and etharylic acid, copolymer.

15 pcs. - Blisters (2) - packs cardboard.


Drops for receiving inside before drinking!

Take inside 40 drops 1 time / day in the morning with a small amount of water.

Shell tablets are taken inside 1 tab. 1 time / day, in the morning, not chewing, with a small amount of water.

Treatment is carried out within 3 months, without a break during menstruation. After the symptoms disappear and the improvement of the condition should be continued for several weeks.

If after the cancellation of the drug complaints appear again, you must consult with your doctor.


Overdose cases are unknown.


In patients receiving antagonists of dopamine receptors, perhaps a mutual weakening of drugs.

Interactions with other drugs are still unknown.

Side effects

Allergic skin reactions are rare.

There are data on rare cases of transient psychomotor excitation, confusion of consciousness and hallucinations.

Drops for intakes do not apply after successful anti-alcohol treatment.

Pills covered with shell contain milk sugar (lactose).

Lactose intolerance can be considered as possible cause pain in the epigastric area and diarrhea.

Sick diabetes Can take drops and tablets Cyclodinone ®, because The one-time dose of this drug contains less than 0.03 taken into account by bread units.

Impact on the ability to driving vehicles and control mechanisms

The drug does not affect the ability to drive the car and control mechanisms.

Cyclodinone (Cyclodynon on Latin) is a medicinal product of plant origin. Gynecologists prescribe its adult girls and women to correct menstruation, relief acute manifestations Mastody and premenstrual syndrome (PMS). How safe is the drug? In what doses to take it and what can be replaced if necessary?

Composition and form of release of the drug

Medicine is produced in the form of dragee and drops for oral reception. The basic effect of the cyclodinone means is due to the presence in its composition of the Pruck extract of the ordinary (Vitex). Modern specialists celebrate its unique qualities that can stop the manifestations of PMS:

  • irritability;
  • migraine;
  • back pain;
  • discomfort in the field of mammary glands;
  • severity at the bottom of the abdomen.

From the point of view of science, the grass is a dopamicimetic, it has the same effects as dopamine, which is produced by the human brain. Pruck extract participates in stimulating dopamine production and helps reduce prolactin synthesis, somatolyberin and somatotropin. As a consequence, the tool is shown at the increased secretion of the above hormones.

Cyclodinone tablets are released in blisters for 15 pieces. They are packaged in cardboard boxes of 30 or 60 units. Dragee color - green blue. In addition to the active component (40 mg), starch, silicon dioxide, talc, talc, cellulose are present in the composition.

Drops are a transparent substance of brown. They are produced in glass vials of 50 and 100 ml with a dropper cap (as in the photo). In addition to the main substance (3.84-5.76 mg per 100 ml), drops include: sorbitol 70%, ethyl alcohol 96% (alcohol), purified water, sodium sacharata dihydrate, polysorbate 20. Sugar as part of a drop (0.03 bread Units) is not a contraindication for reception during diabetes.

To say that it is better - drops or pills, it is difficult because they act equally. However, when using drip cyclodinone, the dosage of the active substance is slightly higher than when applying tablets. Storage of drops leads to the formation of a precipitate, which does not affect their effectiveness (provided normal period fitness).

Indications for reception

The medicine regulates the production of female hormones, so before it is prescribed by blood testing, the hormonal background of women (the volume of estrogen, prozterone, prolactin and other hormones at different stages of the cycle) is checked. Indications for receiving are:

  • mioma - benignant tumor bodies of the uterus;
  • endometriosis - the growth of endometrial tissues beyond the bodies of the uterus;
  • mastodynia - cyclic or constant diseases of the mammary glands;
  • hyperprolactinemia - a persistent increase in the level of prolactin in the blood plasma;
  • mastalgia - painful breast syndrome;
  • pMS syndrome is a cyclic symptom complex in days before menstruation;
  • violation of the second phase of the cycle due to the insufficiency of the yellow body and the associated low-generating progesterone.

Cyclodinon has proven itself in the treatment of amenorrhea (lack of menstruation), endometriosis. The difficult course of the climax in the reading list is absent. However, the ability of the drug to regulate the hormonal background and positively influence women's health well helps and during menopause.

Cyclodinone when climax normalizes ovarian functions, which helps prevent abundant bleeding in a difficult period. However, it is rarely discharged for this purpose, since there is more effective climadinone.

Instructions for use

Regardless of which reason the patient needs a drug (mioma, PMS, cycle violation), a single dosage is indicated in annotation. It is 1 tablet or 40 drops of fluid once a day, after 1-2 hours after meals. Best time Reception - Morning. It is recommended to start receiving the drug in the first phase of the cycle, to ovulation. So you can reduce the level of prolactin and adjusted the course of the second phase.

How long should the drug be taken? According to the instructions, the duration of application is 3 months. After the disappearance of symptoms, it is recommended to use the drug 4-5 weeks. During this time, the work of the body is being established, which should exclude recurrences in the future.

When planning pregnancy, gynecologists recommend drinking a medicine on the instructions of three months, combining it with southeating preparations and vitamins. If the woman began to drink cyclodinone and only then noticed that it was pregnant, artificially interrupt a small life is not necessary. Observations did not reveal the negative effects of the drug on the fruit. However, the reception of cycloodinone should be immediately postponed until lactation is stopped.

Drops cyclodinone

Orally drops take daily, at the same time 1-2 hours after meals. The one-time dose is 40 drops that are easy to count due to the dispenser in the bottle. Before each use, a liquid bubble should be shaken. Treatment drops as much as the pills. If the drug does not help, side symptoms or relapses are observed, it is worth contacting the doctor. During the reception of droplets, it is necessary to limit alcohol consumption.

Cyclodinone in tablets

According to the recipe, the tablets take daily at the same time. One-time dose - 1 dragee, which should be powered by water. Do not grind or chew a tablet. The minimum reception period is 3 weeks. At the direction of the doctor, the course can be prolonged by 5-6 weeks. If the drug did not help or after the time of the symptoms from which the tool is prescribed, the doctor is needed.

Contraindications and side effects

Cyclodinone is not a hormonal medication, does not affect the weight gain, the growth of misa. The active ingredient regulates the balance of estrogen and progesterone by influencing the brain department in which the ovarian functions are controlled. With it, you can restore the balance of hormones and normalize the reproductive function. Compatibility of admission with dopamine antagonists and anti-estrogen (domperidone, metoclopramide, provirone) reduces the therapeutic effect.

Despite the useful effect, there are a number of contraindications to the use of the means:

  • suspected pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • age up to 18 years;
  • renal liver failure, alcoholism (for drops);
  • lactase deficiency (for dragee).

During the entire period of use of the drug, an overdose was not clinically fixed. From the side effects of the patient celebrate:

  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • pain in the stomach;
  • did;
  • psychomotor excitation;
  • allergies on the skin;
  • confusion of consciousness.

When the negative reaction of the body was revealed, you should throw the cyclodinon to drink and contact the gynecologist. The doctor will hold an additional examination and will select a replacement.

Analogs and price

The average cost of packaging out of 30 tablets is 500-600 rubles. 50 ml drops have a price within 350-450 rubles. There are two drugs with a similar active in the pharmaceutical market. These are capsules and drops of agnucaston, as well as dry and liquid extracts The fruit of the rod of ordinary. The price of drugs varies in the range of 350-500 rubles.

In addition to synonyms, the drug has analogues. In their composition - other active ingredients, however, indications for receiving and therapeutic effects are identical. Replace cyclodinon if necessary, may be: normumers, normalcycle, Estrovale, urozhastan, dysmenorm, lutein in tablets. Any of these drugs should be taken under the control of the gynecologist-endocrinologist.

Often, the doctor prescribes a patient with cycle or cyclodinone, in connection with which the question arises - what is better? The first medication is vitamin, the second is vegetable, as a result of which they both bear the benefit of female health. It is allowed to take them together, which allows you to adjust the cycle with abundant and scanty menstruation.


The site provides reference information solely to familiarize yourself. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation of a specialist is obligatory!

Cyclodinone represents drug Treatment For therapy of the disorders of the menstrual cycle, tensions and chest pain, as well as premenstrual syndrome. Cyclodinone is a phytopreparation, since it consists of only natural plant components. The drug has therapeutic effects due to the normalization of the production of gonadotropic hormones (follicularity and luteinizing hormones) and optimizing the second phase of the menstrual cycle.

Cyclodinone - composition and form of release

Currently, cyclodinone is produced only in two dosage forms - tablets and droplets for intake. Tablets are available in packages of 30 and 60 pieces, and drops in bottles of dark glass with a volume of 50 ml and 100 ml.

Pills Cyclodinone have a round, biconide form and painted in a greenish blue color. The surface of the tablets matte, without any shine. Drops Cyclodinone is a clear solution painted in a yellowish brown color and having a specific smell of the fruit of a bars. In the process of storage in solution, a small amount of precipitate can be formed, which is normal and does not indicate the damage of the drug.

The composition of the drops and tablets of cyclodinone includes the same active substance - extract of the rod of ordinary . In one tablet contains 3.2 - 4.8 mg of dry extract, and in 100 g of drops - 192-288 mg. Accordingly, 1 g of drops cyclodinone contains 1.92 - 2.88 mg of active substance. And since the one-time cyclodinone for receiving is 40 drops, which corresponds to about 2 g of solution, then it can be said that the content of the active substance in the standard dose of the solution is 3.84 - 5.76 mg. Standard single dosage for tablets is one piece at the reception. That is, when taking tablets, a woman gets 3.2 - 4.8 mg of active substance. Accordingly, when using droplets, a single dosage of the active substance obtained by a woman is slightly higher compared to tablets.

Cyclodinone drops as auxiliary components include the following substances:

  • Povidone;
  • Polysorbate 20;
  • Sodium sacharat dihydrate;
  • Fragrance of peppermint;
  • Ethyl alcohol 96%;
Cyclodinone tablets as auxiliary components include the following substances:
  • Silicon dioxide colloid;
  • Potato starch;
  • Lactose monohydrate;
  • Microcrystalline cellulose;
  • Magnesium stearate;
  • Talc;
  • Titanium dioxide;
  • Iron oxide yellow;
  • Indigotin;
  • Macrogol 6000;
  • Copolymer of methacrylic and ethanyl acids.

Cyclodinone - Photo

In the photos presented below, the currently available options for packaging cyclodinone are depicted.

Therapeutic effect of the drug

The therapeutic effects of cyclodinone are provided by the properties of a tramp extract, which from the point of view of pharmacology is a dopamiomimetic (dopamineimetics). Dopamicometh is a substance that has the same effects as dopamine produced by human brain cells. In addition, dopamicimetics usually stimulate the production of their own dopamine. Accordingly, all the therapeutic effects of cyclodinone are due in essence, the action of dopamine on brainstorms such as the pituitary gland and hypothalamus, since the drug increases the amount of this substance in the brain.

So, dopamine in hypophysies and hypothalamus is a braking mediator, that is, reduces the activity of these brain structures. And since the hypothalamus and hypophysis produce such hormones as prolactin, somatolyberin and somatotropin, then dopamine, braking the work of these brain structures, reduces the synthesis of these gonadotropic hormonal substances. Accordingly, the higher the amount of dopamine in the pituitary gland and hypothalamus, the smaller number of prolactin, somatolyberine and somatotropin they will be able to synthesize and throw into the bloodstream. Due to this pharmacological effect, dopamic drugs can be used to treat various states associated with excessive secretion of prolactin, somatolyberine and somatotropin.

For women, the most sensitive and dangerous is the excessive secretion of prolactin, since a large amount of this hormone provokes various disorders of the menstrual cycle, PMS, periodic pain in mammary glands, medodinia (brewing of the mammary glands) and fibrozno-cystic mastopathy. In addition, excess prolactin increases the production of follicularity and luteinizing hormones, which, in turn, provoke violations of the formation of follicles, ovulation and a yellow body. In this case, women develop an imbalance between the concentration of estrogen and progesterone and, accordingly, a wide variety of disorders of menstrual, sexual and reproductive functions. In addition, dopamine deficiency associates such diseases such as permanent amenorrhea, restless legs syndrome and involuntary movements in the limbs, depression, aggressiveness, etc.

Cyclodinone reduces prolactin production due to the ability to affect dopamine receptors, and normalizes the balance of estrogen and progesters in the body of a woman. Accordingly, the drug normalizes the menstrual cycle, sexual and reproductive function, and also eliminates mastopathy, pain and heat of the mammary glands, stops PMS and streamlines the course of the second half of the cycle. The elimination of mastopathy occurs due to the fact that cyclodinone levels the effect of prolactin, which stimulates proliferative processes in the chest.

Cyclodinone - hormonal or not?

No, cyclodinone is not hormonal drugbecause it does not contain any natural or synthetic hormones or hormone-like substances. But cyclodinone is capable of providing the regulatory effect on the concentration of estrogen and progesterons in the body of the woman due to the effect on the structures of the brain, which, in turn, manage the ovaries. That is, cyclodinon starts a certain signal in the brain, as a result of which different structures debug the work of the ovaries, eliminating the hormonal imbalance and the disruption of the menstrual cycle and reproductive function, as well as fibrous-cystic mastopathy, pain and tension in lactic glands and PMS.

Indications for use

Cyclodinon is shown to use for the treatment of the following states:
  • Disorders of the menstrual cycle associated with the insufficiency of the yellow body (the second half of the cycle);
  • Mastodynia (heat, swelling and disease soreness);
  • Mastalgia (pain in lactic glands).

Instructions for use

Cyclodinone drops and tablets are used in the same diseases and conditions, and the choice of dosage form is determined by subjective factors, such as the convenience of use, tolerability, etc. Consider the rules for the use of tablets and drops in separate sections.

Cyclodinone - Tablets Application Instructions

The tablets should be swallowed entirely, not chewing and non-shredding in other ways, but drinking enough water (not less than half of the glass). It is advisable to take pills in the morning clock.

Cyclodinone in tablets should be taken at least for three months without interruptions for periods of menstrual bleeding. After the complete normalization of the state, it is recommended to continue to take cyclodinon for another 4 to 5 weeks in order to secure the therapeutic effect and maintain it for a long period of time.

If after completion of therapy, the symptoms of the disease appeared again, then you should consult a doctor. During the development against the background of the taking tablets of cyclodinone weakness, depression, pain in the chest and disorders of the menstrual cycle should immediately terminate the use of the drug and consult a doctor.

Tablets contain a milk sugar in minor quantities, so they can be accepted by women suffering from diabetes. However, due to the presence of lactose, the tablets can provoke transient pains in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stomach and diarrhea. If women develop such side effects from digestive tract, then go to the reception of cyclodinone in drops.

Cyclodinone Drops - Instructions for use

Before each use, the bottle with drops should be vigorously vigorously so that its contents mix well. The presence of a small amount of precipitate on the bottom of the bottle with drops is normal and does not indicate a decrease in the efficiency of the drug. This solution can be taken without fears.

The required number of drops are made in a tablespoon or a small container, for example, a glass, then fasten clean water and drink. Drops in pure form, not diluted with a small amount of water, can also be taken, but in this case they will have a specific taste ethyl alcohol. To measure the required quantity, the bottle should be kept strictly vertically, turning it upside down.

Drops should be taken continuously for a minimum for three months without breaking for periods of menstrual bleeding. After the appearance of improvements of the condition, it is recommended to take the drug at least within 4 - 5 weeks to consolidate the therapeutic effect.

If, after the end of the treatment, the symptoms of the disease appeared again, then you should consult a doctor. When the cyclodinone of weakness, depression, pain in the dairy glands, as well as disorders of the menstrual cycle, should stop using the drug and consult a doctor.

Drops can not be taken to women who at the moment or ever in the past suffered by alcoholism. And women suffering from diabetes can take cyclodinone drops.

Dosages, multiplicity and duration of taking cyclodinone during mastopathy, medodinia, PMS and menstrual disorders

For various diseases and cyclodinone states are taken in the same dosages - 40 drops or 1 tablet once a day, preferably in the morning clock.

The duration of therapy is at least three months of continuous reception of the drug. Typically, cyclodinone drops and tablets are recommended to take up to the complete normalization of the state and disappearance of painful symptoms, plus for another 4 - 5 weeks. Additional 4 - 5 weeks of receiving the drug after the disappearance of symptoms is necessary in order for the effect to be resistant and in the near future did not develop a recurrence of the disease.

special instructions

Against the background of the normalization of the menstrual cycle, when using cyclodinone, a woman increases the likelihood of pregnancy. Therefore, a woman should be protected from unwanted pregnancy against the background of receiving cyclodinone.

Reviews about attempts to treat cyclodinone diagnoses "Scleropolikistozny ovary" and "multifollycular ovaries" are mostly negative, since the state of women most often deteriorated compared to the initial one. This situation was evolving, since this category of patients had no testimony for taking cyclodinone - they had a normal menstrual cycle with a lack of or insignificant pains during menstruation, etc. However, women suffering from polycystic ovarian, and taking cyclodinone against the background of the wrong menstrual cycle in order to normalize it, left positive feedback about the drug, since he turned out to be very effective.

Reviews on the use of cyclodinone when planning pregnancy

Most of the reviews on the use of cyclodinone at the pregnancy planning stage in order to increase the probability of conception in the first menstrual cycles Positive because the drug gave the planned effect. That is, or during the reception of cyclodinone, or shortly after its completion, the woman was successfully pregnant.

In addition, there are positive reviews about the cyclodinone, which used to reduce the level of prolactin in the blood, which prevented the onset of pregnancy for several months on the background, seemingly complete health. In such situations, the drug successfully reduced the level of prolactin in the blood, and women were successfully pregnant.

However, there are also negative feedback on the use of cyclodinone in order to become pregnant, which are associated with the inefficiency of the drug in this particular case.

Reviews of doctors

Reviews of the doctors about cyclodinone can be divided into two large groups:
1. Reviews based on the experience of using cyclodinone;
2. Reviews based on some subjective attitude to the drug.
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