Fir jam therapeutic properties. Useful properties of fir

Healing properties Fir, evergreen coniferous wood from a pine family, are known for a long time. With many diseases, the treatment with fir informs and fir oil helps well. In the treatment, almost all parts of the fir: needles, kidneys, bark, and zhivitsa. The needles of fir except essential oil Contains a manganese, zinc, copper, some lead, high content of vitamin C. Fresh paws Fir emit phytoncides, which are destructive effect on pathogenic microorganisms. The room becomes almost sterile if fir branches are standing in it.

Beauty Fir consider practically panacea. Her kidneys and a cheva are collected in March-April, young branches - in May - early June, Zhvitsa - in the summer, and Craer can take the whole year. If a handful of young needles pour hot water and give a break of a day, you can rinse your mouth so that the gums are healthy and the throat is not sick. And if you drink such an infusion of several sips, then the blood will become more fluid, clean, and will remove the cold as a hand. And if you rub in the chest 4-5 drops of fir oil, you can even tune the dyeing cough.

Fir - type of plants, which refers to the nature of the trees. In a favorable climate, it can grow up to 45 meters in height, and in the diameter of the crown, it can make about 50 cm.

The form of wood does not change the entire growing period and has a cone form. Fir branches are thin and lowered to the ground, especially if the tree grows singly, and not in the group with its relatives. The needles of fir (chewing) are located throughout the branch in spiral order one. Fruits (cones) - have a cylindrical or ovoid shape. Fir has the difference from other coniferous trees. Drain is considered long-livers, they are pleased with their greens and flavors for 150-200 years.
The most interesting thing is that it is distinguished from other coniferous trees, this is what the chisels grow up. The cones in maturation begin to crumble, they are long, dark brown.

The needles of the fir also has its own special properties. She is not barbed at all, a pleasant fragrance comes from it. Needles flat needles, long, rich green, gentle and soft to the touch. The tree is considered a long-liver, can grow to two hundred years. Its woods get excellent lumber, which are used even in shipbuilding, production musical instruments. Wood is well processed, there are no ordinary smallery pockets.

The light thin bark of most of the species contains tumbling of alcohol with transparent, externally similar to honey.

For therapeutic purposes in folk medicine used bark, needles and kidneys

The astringent property of the cortex is used in the form of a decoction as an exterior with tumors and burns (as compresses). In case of paradontosis and dental pain, attach a sparkled fresh kidney in the Siberian fir. In case of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the pain and irritation of the turpentine derived from the gils of the plant.

Package and distracting tool with turpentine.

Add to 100 ml. Alcohol across the tablespoon of turpentine, camphor alcohol and table vinegar (9%), and you will get an excellent means to rub in diseases of the joints.

In the pharmaceutical industry, fir oil is used to obtain synthetic camphor. Its preparations are applied when inflammatory processes, in acute and chronic heart failure, with collapse, for the excitation of respiration and blood circulation in bruboral pneumonia and other infectious diseases.

Also, the camphoric alcohol is used externally for trituration during colds, mositic, neuruticate, articular rheumatism.

Needle Fir

Many of us do not even realize how the healing force has the needles of fir. Here is a list of diseases in which the needles can help:

Chemical composition

The needles of the Fir Siberian is a real storage room of the useful substances and vitamins. It contains from 250 to 350 mg of vitamin C.

Vitamin C has antioxidant properties and contributes to the accelerated oxidation of slags and bringing them from the body. Under the influence of vitamin C increases elasticity and strength blood vessels. Together with vitamin and it protects the body from infections, blocks and neutralizes toxic substances in blood.

The needle is a source of beta carotene. In the body of beta-carotene is converted to vitamin A, which provides good vision, increases the body's stability to infections.

The fir coil contains essential oil, macro and trace elements. Harvested phytoncides are antimicrobials. They are destructive effect on viruses, accelerate wound healing, regulate the secretory function of the gastrointestinal tract, stimulate heart activities, purify air. Coniferous aroma removes bronchospasm with asthma and vapor respiratory tract, successfully treats headaches.

Theorest healing product from fir - essential fir oil. But not butter single is valuable fir. Fish (Florentine) Water - a backway product in oil production, as well as resin (zhivitsa), needles, bumps, bark and even sawdust - widely used in medicine.
The resin (zhivitsa) has long been treated wounds, especially infected, ulcers, colds, cough, stomach ulceration. Corah containing tanids and resins (balsam) is used externally with tumors and burns. Fir bumps - an effective remedy for rheumatism and other colds lesions of foot joints. For which the bumps are poured with boiling water and legs warm the legs, covering them from above the blanket. Also help the steamed sawdust attached to the patient places.
Old fir chops red (from false trees) along with fresh and dry cedar cups (1: 1: 1) are very helpful for dry "warming" baths.
Water infusion of kidneys and bark - ancient anti-cutting agent, also consume a diuretic and analgesic remedy for colds and rheumatic pains. The decoction of young needles drink as a diuretic and disinfectant for kidney diseases and bladder. The needles and bark contain a large number of phytoncides, due to which the stay in the coniferous forest has a beneficial effect on health.

Healing drink from needles

Take fresh chevy fir, skip through a meat grinder, package on polyethylene packages of 1 tbsp. A spoon (follow that the juice does not flow) and put it on storing in the freezing chamber. To prepare the healing drug, get a briquette with a cheese, pour a glass of boiled chilled water and insist 3 hours in a dark place. Then place, strain, press the raw material.

Use the infusion of 1/4-1 / 3 glasses 3-4 times a day before or after meals.
This coniferous drink is rich in vitamins and microelements, is useful in cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, infectious-inflammatory diseases, thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis, prostate adenoma, prostate, diseases of the kidneys, liver, urinary and gallblades, noise in ears, hernia, urolithiasis and gall-stone diseases, it helps with weakening, mastopathy and fibromy of the uterus, treats hemorrhoids, relieves fatigue.
The means of wheezing regulates blood pressure, reduces elevated level Cholesterol and sugar in the blood helps to cope with overweight, removes shortness of breath, treats the musculoskeletal system.
In addition, the body described by infusion clears the body, normalizes the metabolism, strengthens the immunity, protects against premature aging and extends life.

Ficht oil for the treatment of joints .
1. First, the joint compress from sea salt is heated.
Salt warming up on a dry pan, referred to the bag of cold fabric and applied to the patient. Hold until the heat is broken throughout the leg.
2. At this time, impregnate the compress paper with fir oil and apply it to the heated Solve joint.
3. Take the sore spot with a warm woolen scarf and keep the compress no more than 30 minutes so that there is no irritation or even burn. In case of sensitive skin, a burn may happen, so the first time you should set the time of procedure experimentally: to look every 10 minutes, whether the skin has not blushed.

A few more recipes using fir oil.

With angina 1-2 drops of unrepressed oil will need to be dripped to the inflamed shot, or lubricate with oil with a tampon. This feature will need to be made 2-3 times a day, after 4-5 hours for 2-3 days. In the chronic form of an angina, in addition to lubrication, 1-2 drops of fir oil are buried in the nose (if it does not cause allergic reactions). For bronchitis and pneumonia A good result is distinguished by oil wiping and inhalation. In economic criteria, this is done like this: poured into an enameled bowl or a kettle of boiling water, 3-4 drops of fir oil are added, covered with a blanket with a blanket or a scarf and a ferry-oil mixture breathe 10-15 minutes. After which the patient is tricious and covered with a warm blanket.

In the flu, the fir oil should be rubbed into the collar zone of the back, the chest, make a foot massage along the reflex zones 4 - 5 times a day (after five to six hours). In the consequence of this procedure, the patient needs to drink anti-ignite, piling plant harvest and hide a warm blanket. With all this, it is recommended to drip 1 drop of oil into the nose. Improvement will come every other day. Chronic runny nose It is possible to cure like this: 3-4 times a day with fir oil you need to lubricate and massage the area gaymorovy sinusWith all this, it is preferable to bury fir-nose-in-nose oil.

For strong cough Install 2-3 drops of fir oil to the tip of the tank 2-3 drops. There is information about the cure of the colitis, enterocolites in fir water. For these targets, coniferous water takes 0.5 glasses 3 times a day in 20 minutes. before eating. With a stomach ulcer and duodenal gut It is impossible to use coniferous water. Some authors advise fir oil for angina: 2-3 drops of fir oil rubbed into the area below the nipple 3-4 times a day. Especially it can be useful to do on the eve magnetic storms and sudden weather pressure drops, which usually cause displacement to the worse state of state of health.

Of dry inhalations for the prevention of viral infections and the cough is the most effective inhalation with paper and tissue. Capped on them 3-4 drops of oil and breathe aroma.
. Running the fir oil into the injury area accelerates the healing process.
. With an angina, it is necessary to apply pure oil on the gland with a pipette or cotton swab. Repeat from 2 to 5 times a day with an interval of 4-6 hours.
When the radiculitis is well rubbed fir oil into painful places.
Fir oil contains biologically active substancesWith anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, wound-healing and a fitting effect. The camphor obtained from the fir oil is used in medicine as a means exciting the central nervous system. Camphor alcohol It is widely used for rubbing at mosite, neuritis and articular rheumatism.
Contraindications of fir oil
Scientists of Vladivostok Medical Institute found that the oil is not subjected to decomposition in the gastrointestinal tract, and penetrates blood and accumulates in painful foci of the body. And only after two days after taking, the oil is derived from the body. Remembering this, it is necessary not to overload the body with oil, prevent it to be rapidly the heartbeat!
In addition, allergic reactions are possible in a minor part of people. Check the predisposition to allergies simply: on the back of the hand, chest or leg a 10-15 drops of oil and labeled. If the next day, red spots will not appear on the body, it means that you can begin treatment.
Recipes with fir

Application of conifers

Vitamin drink.

This drink is especially useful in winter.

1 way.

Take 2 tablespoons of needles, rinse in cold water, Put in the dishes with a lid, pour the glass of boiling water and put on fire for 20 minutes. The drink is cooled and insisted during half an hour.

2 way.

5 tbsp. Spoons of needle pour in the thermos 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave overnight, in the morning straighten and drink during the day.

On a day you can use 1 cup, breaking it by 2-3 times.

3 way

It will take 1 tablespoon of the crust and needles and 200 grams of hot boiled water. Let it be in a saucepan with a closed cap to the complete cooling of the beam. Strain and consume 50 ml 4 times a day before meals. The duration of the course 2 weeks, then break for 10 days and again repetition 2 weeks.

4 way

You can brew tea from young branches of the needles and small kidneys. Such tea helps enhance immunity.

Restoration of the vascular system:

Take five tablespoons of crushed needles, add 3 tablespoons of crushed rosehip berries, 2 tablespoons onion husks. Pour 700 ml. Water, bring to a boil, tomorrow on a small fire of 10 minutes.

Leave to insist on the night, wrap in warm material. In the morning, strain and take from 0.5 to one and a half liters per day. Reception-3 months.

When stroke into this recipe, lemon is turned on, the recommended dose of up to 2 lemons per day, half the lemon at a time.

With pain in the joints.
Fir-firing sawdust pour boiling water. Spread in a warm place of 1.5-2 hours, then squeeze and make warm to the patient. Till with polyethylene film and warm tissue. Treatment to spend daily to noticeable improvement.
Fungus. Making a pure fir-fir oil for 25-30 minutes. If the ends of the fingers are affected, then it is better to put them in a container with oil for 20-25 minutes. Continue treatment to complete recovery, it usually occurs within 7-10 days.
Osteochondrosis. Fir branches to melt and warm up, then applied to the patient. Do it better in the steam room. After a 30-minute compress, a fir-fir-fir-fir-fir broom should be treated. For the prevention of making a massage with fir oil 5-7 times a month.
Angina, arrhythmia, tachycardia. Do outdoor rubbing 10-15 drops of oil in the heart area, just below the nipple and until the middle of the side line on the left. After 1-2 minutes of spasms will be removed. If necessary - repeat. Even at the very heavy seizure After the first rubbing, it necessarily comes to relief.
ANGINA. Lubricate the almond with a cotton swab with fir oil or irrigating their oil with a syringe. Repeat 3-4 times a day.
HERPES. At the first signs of the appearance of the disease (itching, burning), attach a vaccine impregnated with fir oil and hold 25-30 minutes. Repeat in 5-6 hours. Good effect It is achieved by alternating procedures from fir oil and delicate fine-grained (po-scientific, satub-shaped) honey, better from acacia.

Treatment with Nasty, decoction, Livita Fir.

With skin diseases:
Two glasses of hot boiled water fill five st. Schedule chopped pegs, insist two-three days. Drink at half a glass three times a day for 1.5 months.

Fir - evergreen coniferous plant related to the family of pine trees. Outwardly, it looks like a fir, but his needles are less than barbed, smooth needles, with glitter. For medical purposes, mainly gils and oil Fir Siberian fir are used. However, there are other healing preparations, and valuable medical properties Baran Fir - this is confirmed.

The decoction is prepared from the crushed bark or from the needles of fir, rich in essential oils, vitamins, biologically significant substances. The most valuable, saturated useful essential oils of wood parts are shoots and thin young tree branches with a gentle-green soft cheese.

Fir preparations with regenerative properties have long and successfully apply as a means for treating both internal and external ailments:

  • bronchopulmonary diseases;
  • diseases of digestive and excretory systems;
  • anemia, atherosclerosis;
  • resistance to infections, disinfection and struggle with bacteria;
  • treating tumors.

Unique composition of coniferoushene

A rare combination in the needles and bark of the fir of vitamins, useful bioactive substances, microelements, makes it possible to prepare various preparations from them having a fastening effect on the body. However, when receiving, for example, a branch of fir, you can also point to solve individual health problems.

Vitamin C
  • antioxidant, carbohydrate metabolic regulator;
  • participation in the synthesis of hormones, including insulin;
  • normalization of the bile and functions of the pancreas, thyroid glands;
  • regulation immune system, increase in the durability of the body to infectious diseases;
  • strengthening the body during the period of infectious diseases;
  • destruction and elimination of toxins and poisons from the body;
  • protection of the skin from UV radiation;
Vitamin E.
  • antioxidative effect;
  • participation in the process of metabolism at the level of cells and tissues;
  • prevention of atherosclerosis;
  • normalization of nutrition of vessels, muscle tissue and heart;
  • deceleration of cholesterol formation;
  • bactericidal and wound-healing effect;
  • natural safe replacement of antibiotics in the treatment of colds;
  • fight S. viral infections;
  • regulation of the release of digestive juice;
  • stimulation of cardiac activity;
  • air disinfection;
  • strengthening and expanding blood vessels;
  • fighting swelling;
  • maintaining immunity;
  • normalization of hormonal background;
  • fighting allergies and toxins that cause inflammation and metabolic disorders;
  • is part of the hemoglobin, myoglobin involved in the supply of organs and tissues of the organism oxygen;
  • maintaining immunity;
  • rejuvenates the cells of the body, participates in their regeneration;
  • healing effect;
  • takes part in the synthesis of enzymes;
  • contributes to the growth process;
  • regulation of the hormonal balance of the body;
  • serves to maintain immunity;
  • participation in blood formation processes;
  • regulation of normal operation nervous system;
  • improvement of metabolism;
  • activation of bone growth;
  • responsible for the condition and color of the skin and hair;
  • bone strengthening;
  • formation of elastic and durable connective tissue;
  • regulation of the functions of the endocrine system;
  • ensuring the growth of bones and cartilage components, the formation of the correct bone structure;
  • participation in iron metabolism, cholesterol, etc.

Contraindications and cautions

The use of branching fir and other preparations based on this coniferous wood is strictly contraindicated, if there is at least one of the symptoms:

  • manifestation of allergies for fir drugs;
  • individual intolerance of fir;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • acute gastritis, ulcerative disease;
  • stomach disorder, diarrhea;
  • kidney disease;
  • convulsions and tendency to such, epilepsy;
  • pregnancy and baby breastfeeding;
  • childhood.

ATTENTION: Alcohol use is unacceptable combined with fir drugs!

Medicinal recipes for health and longevity

For the preparation of healing braids from the fir, the needles and bark of the tree are suitable.

Tip: Wood's life cycles are replaced during the year, therefore, during the harvesting of raw materials, the concentration of therapeutic substances should be taken into account. So, the needles of the fir are most saturated by them by the end of spring, and the bark - at the beginning of winter.

Decoration from the crust

  1. Recipe for the branch of the fir bark used in diseases of the respiratory system:
    The chopped bark of fir (2 art. L.) Pour 0.5 liters of hot water, pecking for 8 minutes. Close the lid and leave it for 1 hour, before use to cool and add boiled water to a volume of 400 ml. Take a decoction 4 times a day for 30 minutes. before eating for 50 g
  2. Recipe for firing bark, used for migraine:
    The chopped bark of fir (2 art. L.) Pour 0.5 liters of hot water, prepare for 40 minutes. On a water bath. Before use to cool and add boiled water to the source volume. Take a decoction 3-4 times a day for 30 minutes. Before eating 100-120 ml. With frequent headaches, the course of treatment can last up to 2-3 weeks, but it gives a stable result.
  3. Recipe for the branch of the fir bark used in arterial hypertension I and II stage:
    Take 300 g of chopped bark, pour 2 liters of water, peak on low heat 25-30 minutes. Use this decoction 100 ml 2-3 times a day. Circuit diagram - 10 days reception of the beam, 10 days break. The overall course of treatment takes 1-2 months (by well-being).

ATTENTION: It is important to observe the dosage, otherwise when taking inside the blade can provoke an unpleasant feeling of strong heartburn.

Decoration of conifers

  1. Recipes of decoction of needles used under skin diseases:
    To prepare a ragger of fir, you need to take 1 l hot water and pour 10 tbsp. Dry or fresh needles. Insist a mixture of 3 days in a hermetically closed glass jar, in a dark place. Application: 1 time per day before the meal of 100 g of the branch within 1-2 months.
  2. Recipes of decoction of needles used for compresses in arthritis:
    20 g of fresh needles firing pour 1 glass of boiling water, pecking for half an hour, strain and add water to the original volume. Compress with this decoction should be applied to the patient places for 30-40 minutes.
  3. Recipe for decoction of needles used in arthritis:
    Pour 20 g of coniferous fir 1 glass of water, boil 30 minutes. Drink at 2-3 tbsp. Three times a day.
  4. Recipes of decoction of the needle used in the disease Rhine:
    Grinding fresh young cheva fir (2 tbsp.), 2 tbsp. crushed low husk and 2 tbsp. crushed rosehip fruits. The resulting mixture is pouring 1 l of boiling water and peak about 10 minutes. on slow fire. Finished decoction to strain, pour into a thermos and leave to appease for 12 hours (for example, at night). Dissolve in warm brave 5 tbsp. Honey. Take a means 4 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals for 100 g

The use of flames from the fir bark and needles is useful in the pathologies of the heart and blood vessels. Due to the fact that therapeutic properties of decoction fir normalize vessel cleaning processes, the blood formation is settled, remove toxins from the body, human immunity is strengthened and overall health improves.

All materials on the site site are presented solely for informing information purposes. Before applying any means, consultation with the doctor is obligatory!

Amazing resinous aroma of needles, which fills the house during a zealous fight against a cold, is familiar not only to children. After all, therapeutic properties of fir are known to people for a long time. This evergreen plant grows in Europe, the Far East, Siberia, Asia, North America. Therefore, always attracted attention.

Fir refers to the Pine Family. Outwardly, it resembles an ordinary fir, because it has a pyramidal crown in the form of a cone and an acute top. The tree grows about up to 45 m in height. Almost until the oldest preserves its elegant form. Thin branches, falling to the ground, are covered by single non-cooled chevings in spiral order. Every year cylindrical or egg-shaped bumps appear on it. They are directed upwards, which is a distinctive feature of this plant. However, the most valuable thing is attracting people to fir - therapeutic properties for the body. Therefore, we will open the veil of its mysteriousness to strengthen their health.

Fir refers to long-livers, because on average its age reaches 200 years.

Builtness of useful elements

Each person has its own treasury of valuable things hidden from other people's eyes. Similarly, therapeutic properties of the fir are not on the surface. To appreciate them, consider the set of elements that are visible only by the "armed" eye. They are contained in the tree bark, seeds, roots and needles. Studies of scientists have discovered people an amazing storehouse of valuable elements, which are beneficial on the protective forces of the body. We mention only some of them.

The needle includes:

  • essential oils;
  • vitamin "E";
  • proteins;
  • carbohydrates;
  • carotene;
  • vitamin C;
  • iron;
  • cobalt;
  • copper;
  • manganese;
  • zinc.

Seeds of plants obtained from ripe cones contain fatty acids and rich in vitamins. Therapeutic properties of the fir bark determines the huge number of microelements and tanning substances. Thanks to this, a resinous selection is obtained - Zhivitsa. It contains 30% oil and 70% resin. They make turpentine and alcohol.

In addition, the fir bark contains approximately 85% of camphor oil and such substances:

  • borneol;
  • blessing;
  • santen;
  • bornillacetate.

Perhaps the names are incomprehensible simple peopleHowever, their presence makes the plant unique to strengthen the body. A few centuries ago, various tinctures helped in the treatment of cings, head and toothache. And today, many are taken from the pressure of the bark fir, infused on water or alcohol. The original set of elements contributes to the conclusion from the organism of toxic substances and extra liquid. As a result, the pressure level decreases. Of course, the drug should not be taken as a panacea from all diseases. All people are different, so it is important to approach the case with wisdom.

Therapeutic properties of fir - unique weapons in the fight against illnesses

For centuries, people tried to find a "magic" means to strengthen the body and cheer less. Over time, they understood the value for the health of coniferous trees growing in forests and urban parks.

To this day, many impressive fir, which has a number of positive actions on the body:

  • strengthens immunity;
  • he lies the wounds;
  • breaks pain;
  • removes inflammation.

In addition, the use of fir in medicine allows you to create preparations of a tonic, antiseptic nature. All familiar camphors are widely used to stimulate the heart and nervous system. The medicine is prescribed for pneumonia, which occurred after surgery, strokes and all kinds of infectious diseases. The camphor on an oil basis is recommended to rub into the joints area during arthritis or muscular pain. There is a lot of medicines, which includes camphor. Various warming ointments, high-speed aerosols, all sorts of drops. Practice shows that where fir is used, always observed positive effect When dealing with ailment.

Before rubbing, camphor must heat up slightly so that it is better absorbed into the skin.

Healing force evergreen plants

Even before drugs appeared, the components of the tree were widely used folk healers. They created many drugs to strengthen the protective forces of the body and the treatment of all sorts of ailments. There are various ways to prepare tinctures from fir at home. Each of them has its purpose, given the degree and form of the disease.

To obtain the original "drug" for cleansing and treating skin damage, only 2 ingredients will be required. 5 tablespoons of needles pour 400 g of hot water. The mixture is insteaded by about 72 hours. Some Lekari recommend taking drugs 1.5 months, drinking 100 g of fluid throughout the day. However, in each case, a specialist consultation is required.

In winter, needles fir contain a huge amount ascorbic acid.

The beneficial properties of the needle fir and recipes that offer folk healers are designed to stimulate the immune system. The main reason is the presence of vitamin C.

The tincture is prepared in the usual way:

  • with young branches of the plant cut a needle;
  • washed first with running water, and then boiled;
  • cheva dried on a paper towel;
  • chopped into pieces of approximately 0.5 cm;
  • poured cold boiled water;
  • insist 3 hours;
  • focus after 2 layers of gauze;
  • defend 6 hours.

In the finished solution, all the properties of fir, and especially ascorbic acid, are wonderful. The tincture is added to tea, and even cabbage brine. Take medicine (pure) 1 cup throughout the day in small portions.

The drug is allowed to store no more than 2 days.

The tincture prepared from fir cones and needles is actively used in the treatment of bladder, kidney and intestines. The tool strengthens the vessels, promotes their elasticity, normalizes permeability and tone. Preparing the drug is quite simple. First crushed several fruits. Then poured them with vodka. Insist in the dark room for 14 days. Periodically, the substance shakes. Take as a preventive tool of 1 teaspoon after breakfast 1 time per day.

Fresh-cut fir branches have a beneficial effect on the quality of the air indoors. They allocate the original substance - phytoncide, which kills microbes.

Healing Balsam Natural Origin

The existence of a set of diseases encourage people to look for reliable drugs to strengthen the immune system. Wonderful help in the hands of experienced drugs became healing balsam from fir. It is a liquid of homogeneous consistency painted in a dark brown color.

The active use of fir balsam stimulates a number of processes in the body:

  • cleans lymph;
  • improves metabolism;
  • displays slags;
  • this fills the content of calcium, iron and magnesium.

Fir extract is a unique filter that protects the intestines from delicate microbes and toxins. It is recommended to take when fractures to speed up the splicing of bones.

Take balsam better before making food 3 times a day.

People who are struggling with overweight use balm to reduce appetite, improve exchange processes and cleansing the body. Since the drug is considered quite powerful therapeutic agentIt is taken in moderate quantity. Doses must install the attending physician.

In addition, many estimated the favor of fir honey, which contains a whole arsenal of useful elements. Organic acids, vitamins, enzymes and mineral salts are safely guarded by our health.

Unique products - a gift of a majestic tree

In case of accidental damage to the fir, from the wound outwards, the dragging liquid is released. Due to the action of oxygen, it solidens and turns into a resin that hesitates the occurrence. In the people, this substance is called the Livita, which corresponds to its therapeutic properties.

The substance consists of essential oils, carboxylic acids and resinous elements. Practice shows that the use of pitch resins is particularly relevant in case of such diseases:

  • furunculosis;
  • mastopathy;
  • varicose veins;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • flu.

For the treatment of colds, the resin is dissolved in warm boiled water to a pasty consistency. A little sugar is added, then form candy candy. After each meal, the medicine is placed behind the cheek and gradually absorb.

The original drug with bronchitis is a fir jam, which is prepared from young cones or with needles.

A unique product that is obtained from essential oil is called fir water. It has a number of valuable properties. Therefore, it is widely used to strengthen immunity and wound healing. Prepare a substance in different ways. Here is one of them. 1 l of water poured into a small container. Add 5 drops of oil and are thoroughly whipped with a mixer. When a homogeneous mass is formed, the means is ready. Apply fir-water water in gynecological diseases in women. Regular douching is carried out under the supervision of a doctor or midwife. Houses make baths with the addition of fragrant natural water.

How nice that many plants surround us, which store valuable elements. Therapeutic properties of fir is a truly reliable source for strengthening immunity. The main thing is to make a drug right and competently accept, given the opinion of the attending physician.


The site provides reference information solely to familiarize yourself. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation of a specialist is obligatory!

Fir tree

Fir - This is the genus of evergreen coniferous plants, belonging to the family pine. There are about 50 species of fir growing, mainly in the temperate belt of the northern hemisphere. Of these, for medical purposes, the Fir Siberian is used mainly.

The Russian name is presumably, comes from the Karelian word "Pihka", which means "resin". It is also common that the name of the genus happened from the German word "Fichte", which is translated as "spruce." The Latin name of the genus - "Abies" comes from the Indo-German word "ABH", which is translated as "rejection", which is explained by the strong branch and thick hopping of the branches.

Fir - one-bedroom separation plant. This means that trees are not divided into men's and women, and on each individual they are formed both men and female organs reproduction.

Fir can easily distinguish with vertically growing cones resembling candles on the festive Christmas tree. They ripen the whole summer, and fall into the autumn or early winter season, released seeds.

Interesting fact! A distinctive feature Fir from other conifers is that it can multiply by gag. Its roast branches hang pretty close over the surface of the Earth. When contacting the Earth, they are coming up, give roots, and separate fir grows.

Fir, like a fir, gives a large shadow, and in thickets, fir is always a little light.

Forest fir begins to bloom in 60-70 years, and growing in the open space - for 30-40 years of life. The first 10 years of the fir grows pretty slowly, and then growth is accelerated. The tree can live 300-500 years, and some species up to 700 years.

Types of fir

Siberian Fir - Description, Drug Raw Material Collection

Lat.: Abies sibirica.

Siberian fir is the most common type of fir in Russia. The tree can reach 25 - 40 m in height. It has a narrow-monical crown.

The barrel at the bottom is a fractured, top - cylindrical. The diameter of the trunk can reach 0.6 meters. Wood - light yellow, almost white.

The branches are thin, in the absence of interference, lowered to the Earth. Young branches are very thickly covered with cheese.

The tree has a long central root, which is deeply in the ground, from which there are many side roots. Thanks to the powerful root system and column-like Crown, the Siberian fir is stable even to the strongest winds. At the same time, on raw soils, the fir tree forms a superficial horse system. On the roots often there is minecorn.

Plant bark - smooth, moderately thin, dark gray shade. On the cortex there are special thickening, called gaps. They replace characteristic of coniferous resin moves in barrels and branches. They contain fragrant thick lives, bitter taste (also called "fir balsam"). On one fir you can find up to six hundred such busty formations of various sizes.

The kidneys, developing at the ends - resinous, spherical or rounded, are well protected by numerous tightly growing scales covered with resin.

Savages Siberian fir - yellow-gray, with rare hairs. On the shoots there are chevying, growing spiral. Coupling leaves - flat, straight or slight curved, not spiky, with a groove in the middle; glossy-shaped, dark green shade; possess the fragrant odor; The length reaches 3.5 cm, in width to 0.2 cm. On the back of each chewing, two whiten lines with waxing, in each 3-4 row of ducts. Each leaf-cuping lives 6-12 years. When disappeared on the shoot, a small flat scar remains.

Interesting fact! Characteristic feature Fir is that the needle does not fall away even when drying branches and shoots. Therefore, many on new Year Prefer to buy a fir - after all, the tree when drying the needles immediately begins to crumble.

The lower branches of the fir often reach a huge length (up to 10 m), racing on the parties. At the same time, they often let their own roots and, breaking away from the mother tree, can exist for a long time independently, creating so-called. Fir stabeth (in contrast to cedar stabel, fir is not an independent plant species).

Flowers Siberian fir in May month. In Siberian Fir, the generative reproduction bodies form spikelets. Male spikelets are light yellow, elliptical, reach a length of 0.5 - 0.8 cm, in width - to 0.5 cm. Pollen is formed in them. Each dust has two air cavities that allow male gamemarketophytes to overcome huge distances. When the male spikelet ceases to distinguish pollen, it disappears.

Women's generative breeding bodies of Siberian fir are dark-red cones that are usually formed, as a rule, on the young branches of last year. The cones are directed vertically up. In the sinuses of scales, spirally growing in a chish, are formed two sicks. By the time of ripening seeds of the cones become larger (up to 10 cm long) and the light-brown shade is acquired. In the fall of the bumps begin to be down. Together with the seeds fall and scales fall, and on the branches there are still branched rods. These fir bumps differ from the cones of other coniferous trees.

Collection of medicinal raw materials

For cooking medicinal preparations Boots, kidneys, young branches and bark of fir are harvested. The kidneys are harvested at the beginning - mid-spring, branches - in the late spring, boron - in any season. Young chewing fir is harvested twice a year - in the summer and from October to February.

White fir

Lat.: Abies alba.

White fir (comb, European) is a tree, reaching a height of 30-65 m, with a barrel to two meters in diameter. The life expectancy of the plant is 300-400 years.

The young trees of Crown - elongated and pointed; Over time, it becomes oval-pointed, and old trees are dulled.

Plant bark - smooth, gray with a brownish tint.

Branches grow horizontally or under a small angle up.

Couplings grow up to 3 cm long and 2-3 mm wide. They grow on branches parallel to each other, tips - stupid or with a small recess. The front side of the Chewinki is a dark green, glossy-shaped, on the back of the side there are two white pores.

Young cones on white fir - green. Ripened bumps - dark brown, oval, 10 - 17 cm long and 3-4 cm in width. As with most types of fir, the bumps ripen and lose their scales in the first two months of autumn.

White fir seeds are quite large, up to 1 cm long.

It has a thick rod root, as a rule, deeply flowing into the ground, from which thinner side roots proceed.

Fir Nordman (Fir Caucasian)

Lat.: Abies Nordmanniana.

Fir Nordman (Fir Caucasian) is a type of fir, reaching a height of 50 meters. The diameter of the trunk can reach two meters. Krone - Pyramidal.

Fir Nordmann refers to the Fir Apollo, in honor of the Greek God of the Sun. It is also referred to as a Trojan horse tree - there is a legend that when building a horse, the wood of Caucasian fir was used. Today, this tree is the most popular Europeans on Christmas holiday.

In nature, lives in the mountains of the Caucasus and in Malaya Asia.

Fir Nordman has a greater life expectancy - up to 700 years.

The needle is blossomed late. It has light green color, with two white lines on the back side. As the shade is ripening, it changes to dark green, and the needles acquires shine. Couplings grow forward, reaching 4 cm long.

The bark in Fir Nordman in youth is smooth and gray. As adults, it acquires a brown tint.

Fir Nordman begins to bloom in the first half of May. The bumps in the fir of Nordman - ellipsoid - cylindrical, up to 20 cm long and 4-5 - in width. Men's cones are reddish, and the women first are green, and when they ripen - they acquire a brownish shade, and poured a resin.

Root system deep. At the same time, the Caucasian fir grows better on loose soils.

The tree grows quite quickly. May exist in a highly shaded medium. Hard to the humidity of the medium. Withstands strong frosts (up to 25 degrees below zero).

Nordman fir is used as a decorative tree. Below are the most popular hybrids of this type of fir:

  • Golden Spreader is a dwarf hybrid with a characteristic fence in the center of the crown. Grows slowly. During ten years it grows to one meter. Of the needles - from the outside gloss-shaped, golden. From a back side - matte, light yellow. Seared in mountaineering.
  • Jadigig - a grade, characterized by rapid growth and high tree height. Coupling - unusually long, on the outside dark green, with a turnover - bright white. Crown - thick, solid.
  • Pendula is a slowly growing hybrid. It has an elongated crown.
  • bright green. The plant is sufficiently purified by damage and unnatural humidity of the medium. Seat in arboretum and garden sites.

Fir Korean

Lat.: Abies Koreana.

Fir Korean - type of fir, reaching a height of 15 meters with a cone-shaped crown.

The bark in young plants is smooth, light gray, often with a red tint. In adult trees, the bark is rough, strongly cracking.

The needles forms thick cover on the branches. Coupling - up to 2 cm long and 0.25 cm wide, durable, on the outside dark green, with a turnover - glossy-shaped, with two white stripes.

The bumps possess a cylindrical shape. Reach 6-7 cm long and up to 3 cm in width. When the cones ripen, they acquire a purple-red shade.

The natural range of growth is the southern part of the Korea Peninsula. Prefers a high countryside, from one to two kilometers above sea level.

Fish Framera

Lat.: Abies Fraseri.

Framera fir is a decorative fir grade. It grows up to 12 m. Height and up to 50 cm in width. It has a conical crown. Natural habitat - North America. It is characterized by fluffy cheese, from bottom to silver, small lumps with hoppy covering scales.

Fish phrase is well withstanding strong frosts.

Balsam fir

Lat.: Abies Balsamea.

Fir balsamic - a tree belonging to the genus of the fir reaching 20-25 m in height. The pyramidal crown goes to the earth.

Balsamic fir lives until 150-200 years.

Plant bark - gray-brown shade, smooth.

Coupling from 1.5 to 2.5 cm long, dull or with a notch at the end. From the front side, dark green, with a turnover - glossy-shaped, with white lines.

Cones - oval-cylindrical, up to 10 cm long and 0.2-0.25 cm in width.

Roots - Shallow.

It grows in North America, mainly in Eastern and Central Canada, and in the north of the United States.

For cooking medicines In official and traditional medicine in the overwhelming majority of cases, the Siberian Fir (Abies Sibirica) is used.


Fir balsam

Fir-balsam get a whole series useful products. The most important of them are: turpentine, diterpene alcohol, abinell, abitinic acid, neoabietic acid, resin.

The fir balsam (zhivitsa) has the following substances in its composition:

  • Essential oil (up to 30%);
  • Resins (up to 70%).


Fir wood contains more than 4% of essential oil, which is more than 80% consists of camphor. The most useful essential oil is contained in shoots and thin young branches of the tree.


Fir roots are also rich in essential oil (about 8%). The composition of the roots of the roots of the fir is represented mainly by camphor, saffron and cineagol (eucalyptol).

In addition to camphor, fir ethereal oil contains such substances as:

  • Camfen;
  • Bizabolin;
  • Camphor;
  • Acetylaldehyde;
  • Organic acids.

Fir seeds

Fir seeds are rich in solid fatty oils (up to 30%), which consist of lauric, carmine and oleic acid acylscers, and also contain a large percentage of vitamin E.


The bark fir is rich in tanning substances - their content reaches 13%. But most of all in the crust contains gils (fir balsam) - up to 16%.

Fir composition:

  • Flavonoids;
  • Phytosterols;
  • Vitamin C (in needles more than 0.3%);
  • Carotene;
  • Tocopherols.

Composition of fir oil

The volume and composition of the fir oil in the needles and the tree cortex undergoes changes during the year. The greatest volume of essential oils from the needles of fir can be obtained in the end of spring and upon completion of the growing period. It is noteworthy that just at this time the bark contains the smallest percentage of essential oils. As for the change in the qualitative composition of fir oil, it should be borne in mind that the most important substance in its composition - bornelacetate - achieves maximum concentration at the end of the autumn and early winter.

The substance that is most significant from the point of view of human health, which is part of the firing essential oil is a bornelacetate, which is a borneol ester and acetic acid. In addition, the essential oil of all parts of the fir contains the following substances:

  • Tannins;
  • Vitamin C;
  • Carotene;
  • Tocopherol;
  • Borneol;
  • Camfen;
  • alpha Pinen;
  • beta Pinen;
  • Felland;
  • A-Fellandren;
  • Santen;
  • Bezabolen.
Resin fir 50% consists of resin acid.


  • Tubils have the property of creating insoluble molecular bonds with alkaloid and heavy metals salts. Due to this, they are actively used in the manufacture of antidotes in oral poisoning morphine, cocaine, atropine, mercury, cobalt, lead, etc.;
  • Render anti-inflammatory effect on the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Render a vasoconstrictor effect on the intestinal wall;
  • Have an antibacterial effect on staphylococci and other bacterial infections;
  • Show hemostatic properties;
  • Serve as an excellent antidote when biteing bees.
Vitamin C
  • Is a strong antioxidant;
  • Takes part in the synthesis of steroids, collagen, punctured, L-carnitine, serotonin;
  • Regulates the permeability of the walls of capillaries, inhibiting the activity of hyaluronidase;
  • Plays an important role in cholesterol and pigment metabolism;
  • Normalizes bile separation;
  • Normalizes the secretory function of the pancreas, and the inkretuary - thyroid gland;
  • Plays an important role in the regulation of the immune system, increases the durability of the body to infectious diseases;
  • Has anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effects;
  • Slows secretion and speeds up the decomposition of the hormone hormone.
  • It has a strong antioxidant effect, protects cell membranes from destruction by free radicals;
  • Plays an important role in the formation of new cells epithelial tissue, normalizes their functions and increases resistance to infections;
  • Protects the skin from the negative effects of ultraviolet;
  • Has antiquerophthalmic action;
  • Increases the body's resistance to malignant processes;
  • Provides night vision along with vitamin A.
Vitamin E.
  • Has an antioxidant action;
  • Participates in fabric metabolic processes;
  • Prevents the destruction of red blood cells;
  • Reduces permeability and fragility of small vessels;
  • Normalizes reproductive function;
  • Prevents the occurrence of atherosclerosis;
  • Prevents degenerative-dystrophic processes in the heart and transverse-striped muscles, normalizes the nutrition of muscle tissue and heart;
  • Activates the formation of a number of proteins in the body, including collagen;
  • Slows down in cholesterol;
  • activates the formation of hem and hem containing enzymes - hemoglobin, myoglobin, etc.

Composition of fir caps

Essential oil (3-3.5%) contains etheric fir. Having obtained essential oil from fir cover, it is used as a basis for getting a camphor.

The composition of the needles of fir includes the following substances:

  • Carotene;
  • Carbohydrates;
  • Proteins;
  • Vitamins C, E;
  • Phytoncides;
  • Flavonoids;
  • Microelements: cobalt, iron, manganese, zinc, copper, as well as some lead.
A pronounced bactericidal action have phytoncides in fir. That is why the drugs fir are recommended for use in coldic pathologies. Fir phytoncides are so strong that in some aspects there are stronger antibiotics. However, at the same time they do not harm health.

Flavonoids are not too stable connections. Therefore, with incorrect cooking or storage, they are destroyed, and the product does not carry them in themselves. Flavonoids possess a number of properties against the human body:

  • vasteransior;
  • vasculating;
  • anti-edema, inventory;
  • anti-skileotic;
  • immudateimulating;
  • hypotensive;
  • antitumor;
  • antioxidative;
  • antihypoxic;
  • anti-allergic;
  • estrogen-like;
  • detoxifying, etc.
  • Hemoglobin, which includes iron, provides oxygen transport to all tissues;
  • Mioglobin, which also having an iron, supplies muscle cells with oxygen, and can store it;
  • Takes part in the synthesis of DNA, therefore it is required for division and growth of cells;
  • Plays an important role in protein metabolism;
  • It is necessary for the formation of thyroid hormones, which are responsible for the regulation of a number of metabolic processes;
  • Participates in maintaining immunity.
  • Prevents premature aging, prolongs the life of the cells, improves their condition, promotes their regeneration due to the ability to stimulate the synthesis of insulin-like growth factor, testosterone and somatotropin;
  • Has a healing effect;
  • Participates in the synthesis of a number of enzymes;
  • Located as part of the glands internal secretion, blood cells, liver, kidneys, retina;
  • contributes to the maintenance of immunity;
  • necessary for the growth process;
  • adjusts the hormonal balance, having an impact on the operation of the lower cerebral appendage, pancreas and sex glands.
  • Takes part in the synthesis of hemoglobin;
  • Stimulates the growth of erythrocytes, due to which it improves the delivery of oxygen to all tissues;
  • Is a component of cyanocobalamin;
  • Cobalt can accumulate in the liver, and from there to be transported to all organs and tissues;
  • Participates in the absorption of iron by the body;
  • Normalizes the work of the nervous system, participates in the formation of myelin layer of the brain;
  • Improves metabolism;
  • Launches the process of formation of DNA and RNA, which are carriers of genetic information;
  • Activates the growth of bones; It is of great importance for children and women during the period of Klimaks, in which the bone weight is reduced due to hormonal rearrangements.
  • Endogenous formation of the most important components of bones and cartilage; ensuring the correct bone structure;
  • Participates in iron metabolism;
  • Participates in the formation and metabolism of cholesterol;
  • Plays an important role in the oxidation of dextrose;
  • Ensures assimction with the body of copper, and together with it participates in hematopoies;
  • Activation of a number of important enzymes, as well as ascorbic acid, vitamins B-Group, biotin;
  • We are necessary for the formation of thyro-hydroide hormone thyroxine.
  • Participates in the synthesis of a number of proteins and enzymes;
  • It is necessary for converting iron to hemoglobin protein;
  • responsible for activity aromatic amino acid Tyrosine, which plays an important role in setting the color of the skin and hair;
  • Participates in the formation of collagen, due to which strengthens the bone;
  • contributes to the synthesis of elastin - elastic protein, which is responsible for the elasticity of the connective tissue;
  • Stimulates the activity of the hormones of the lower cerebral appendage;
  • regulates the functions of the endocrine system;
  • it serves as the most important component of the myelin coating of neurons, without which they are not capable of transmitting pulses, and are destroyed.

Properties of fir

  • Conjunctive;
  • Tonic;
  • Adaptogenic;
  • Expectorant;
  • Diuretic;
  • Disinfectant;
  • Antibacterial;
  • Anesthetic;
  • Detoxification;
  • Anti-inflammatory.

What pathologies do the fir helps?

  • Cough;
  • Runny nose;
  • ORVI;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Flu, cold;
  • Acute and chronic tonsillitis;
  • Bronchitis;
  • Inflammation of the lungs (in particular, bruboral pneumonia);
  • Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve;
  • Sinusitis;
  • Wounds, damage to the skin;
  • Diathesis in a child;
  • Inflammation of the dysen and the oral cavity;
  • Pain in the tooth, periodontalosis, stomatitis, gingivit, etc.;
  • Arthrosis;
  • Rheumatism, radiculitis;
  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Angina;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Hypovitaminosis;
  • Scurvy.

Pecht treatment

Fir cochrooms - Useful properties

The needles of the Fir Siberian has a whole series of health care products, as well as vitamins and biologically significant elements.

The fir needles is a valuable source of ascorbic acid, which is a powerful antioxidant, a regulator of carbohydrate metabolism, and plays an important role in the endogenous synthesis of such an important hormone as insulin. In addition, it contains a large amount of beta-carotene, which in the body turns into vitamin A. Together, these two vitamins enhance the body's resistance to infectious diseases, and also destroy and remove toxins and poisons from the body. Accordingly, the needles of the fir possesses these properties.

Thanks to the phytoncides contained in the needle, it has an antibacterial effect, effective in the fight against viral infections, contributes to the tightening of the Russian Academy of Sciences, regulates the release of the digestive juice into the gastrointestinal tract, stimulates the activity of the heart, disinfects the air. The evaporation of the needles eliminate bronchospasm at bronchial asthma and the Qatar of the upper respiratory tract, effectively eliminate the migraine.

Fir has an expectorant effect, contributes to the removal of sputum and purification of the respiratory tract.

The fir coils are successfully used in the therapy of light diseases, is used as auxiliary therapy with tuberculosis and tumor pathologies. Diuretic and antibacterial properties of fir-needle helps with renal pathologies and cystitis. The needles launches the process of cleansing all organism cells.

Chips fir

Siberian fir bumps serve as an excellent means of rheumatism and other articular pathologies. One of the most popular recipes is a steam bath for legs. For this, the bump is poured with boiling water, and the legs hide above the basin, the covering of them with any dense cloth.

Fir branches

Fir branches, as well as the needle of plants, rich in essential oils, and therefore serve as raw materials for fir oil.

Preparations of fir

Sounds and Infusions Fir

Preparations from fir needles from ancient times are used in folk medicine. Decorations and firing chains are effective in coldic pathologies of the respiratory system and its infections:
  • Bronchitis;
  • Brewing pneumonia;
  • Pulmonary tuberculosis, etc.
The use of inside the champions and infusions of the fir needles is useful to persons with the pathologies of the heart and blood vessels. Fir activates the process of cleaning the vessels and capillaries, reduces their fragility, normalizes the composition of the blood, derives toxins from it. Infusion of needles is known as a drink that increases the body's resistance to infections that normalizes the state of the nervous system. Drink strengthens immunity. His detoxification properties of braverapers and smelting needles are also known - it removes heavy and radioactive metals from the body.

Fir extract

Properties of fir extract:
  • Antioxidative;
  • Disintellation;
  • Hepatoprotective;
  • Anti-sized;
  • Anti-inflammatory.

Fir extract action:

  • Contributes to the activation of the immune system; increases the resistance to viral and bacterial infections;
  • It has adaptogenic effects, increases the body's ability to adapt to adverse factors;
  • Prevents the growth of neoplasms, prevents the appearance of metastases; Used in the prevention of tumor pathologies;
  • Contributes to the activation of the hematopois process and tissue replacement;
  • Strengthens potency;
  • Easy alcohol abstinence.


The camphor, which is isolated from fir oil, is used as a substance exciting the CNS, and stimulating the work of the heart.

Fir oil

Properties of Essential Oil Fir

Cheef fir oil has the following beneficial properties:
  • Antibacterial;
  • Conjunctive;
  • Tonic;
  • Excitation;
  • Expectorant;
  • Wound-healing;
  • Anti-inflammatory.

Fir oil - indications for use

Fir oil has a pronounced antibacterial effect, in connection with which the use of infectious and cold pathologies is found, among which:
  • Pneumonia;
  • Brewing pneumonia;
  • Bronchitis;
  • Inflammation of the larynx;
  • Tracheitis;
  • Acute tonsillitis;
  • Inflammation in the ear.

In addition to colds, fir oil helps cure a number of diseases of different origin:

  • Psoriasis;
  • Skin fungus;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Unstable pressure;
  • Collapse;
  • Infectious diseases.
Also, fir oil increases vitality with overwork, bad mood, irritability, stress or neurosis.

Fir oil is an effective therapeutic agent for bruises and stretching, mositics and pain syndrome in muscles, rheumatism, arthritis, arthritis, radiculitis and osteochondrosis.

It should be borne in mind that fir oil is aphrodisiac.

Allergy to fir oil

There is a risk of developing allergies to fir oil, although it is a rare phenomenon. Among the allergic reactions - itching, pink-red spots or ethnicity, which take place within 3 days. However, such situations can be warned by finding out obviously whether there is a tendency to allergic reactions on fir. To do this, you need to drop 10-15 drops of fir oil on the front side of the legs or arms, and how to get into the skin. If the next morning, the next day there will be spots - it indicates allergies. Otherwise, allergies are not.

Contraindications for the use of fir and its drugs

It is not recommended to use fir drugs with allergies to them. It is forbidden to use fir drugs in individual intolerance to the fir. People with rapid heartbeat should carefully apply fir oil in the therapy of certain diseases.

Penetrating into the blood, the fir oil is present in it within a few days. At the same time, it has the accumulator property in the body. Therefore, it is possible to use the fir oil inside in small doses - no more than 5-10 drops per day, depending on tolerability. The external use of fir oil is a maximum of 10 g per day.

Fir and its drugs are contraindicated for convulsions and the presence of a tendency to such, for example, with epilepsy.

Do not forget that fir oil has a laxative action.

Fir oil is contraindicated in the presence of ulcerative disease.

You can not use alcoholic beverages that combines it with the treatment of fir oil. Any alcohol-containing drinks, including beer, in the course of therapy and two days after the cessation of fir oil is contraindicated. If you take alcohol directly after fir oil, unpleasant symptoms may occur, and drug Effect The drug will disappear.

Attention! Fir oil is contraindicated during pregnancy and baby feeding with breasts, as well as young children!

What is the difference between the fir from the tree?

Both fir and fir have wide spectrum Applications in folk and official medicine. Between herd and fir there are main differences:
  • Fir has advantages when using wood in decorative purposes. It is always more symmetrical, there are no resin strokes in it, and the needles will appear much later than the tree.
  • Spruce is a more unpretentious plant, faster fir grows. Decorative cultivation of ate requires smaller financial and labor.
  • Fixed needles - not barbed, soft. Fir-china wider and more spruce. On the ate of the bumps are directed down, and on the fir - on the contrary, up.
  • Wood firing firm fir wood. Therefore, the first is more often used in the manufacture of furniture.

Application of fir in baths and saunas

The fir brooms for the bath are not so common as ordinary (birch or oak). Such brooms more often use connoisseurs of acute sensations. However, in Siberia and the Far East, brooms from fir are very popular.

Many puzzles the fact that the fir has enough sharp needles. However, if you properly prepare a cheva, it practically will not be born. The broom must be discharged in boiling water, and before the procedure itself it is recommended to unpaste and warm the skin, giving it softness and elasticity. Then injections of softened needles will not be felt.

Procedures with flocks from fir needles are used as a massage, due to which the blood flow is enhanced and strong sweating begins. The bath with a fir broom is useful for the respiratory and nervous system, hearts and vessels, as well as to strengthen immunity. It is also recommended for articular pathologies, diseases of the spinal column, colds. Bath procedures with a broom of fir-fir needles are recommended for skin diseases, as they calm exacerbations, accelerate the growth of the Russian Academy of Sciences and perfectly clean the skin. They are also recommended by persons suffering from gout and neuralgic pathologies. Bath procedures with a fir broom contribute to the elimination of muscle spasms and pain in the muscles.

Thanks to the antiseptic and bactericidal properties of fir-coolers, bath procedures with a fir broom are very useful in cold and flu, cough and cold. Healthy people are encouraged to combine a bath with a fir broom with hardening - this will increase the body's protective forces and improves.

As for the psychological aspect, the sauna with the fir broom has an exceptionally beneficial effect. It will help eliminate fatigue, relieve stress, mental experiences, will help relax, will increase the mood.

If a few drops of fir oil drops on a broom - it will only make the procedure even more useful.

Fir hair oil

Popular fir-oil masks

Adding fir oil into shampoo
Pour into the cap or menzurka then the amount of shampoo that you need for hair washing, and add 2-3 drops of fir oil into it. Fir oil will lead to normal sebaceous glands And eliminate the fatty hair. Adding fir oil into the shampoo is effectively in the treatment of dandruff, but it must be used regularly - every 3-4 days, only 10-15 procedures.

Attention! Fir oil for hair washing should be used moderately and in recommended dosages, otherwise mono achieve the opposite result and provoke skin irritation.

Aroma painting with fir oil
Many people do not believe in the effectiveness of aroma industry, since it does not provide direct contact of the fir oil with roots of hair. At the same time, the smell of fir oil is not all like.

But if the smell of fir oil is pleasant, aroma painting will contribute to the prevention of development not only dandruff, but also many fungal pathologies. One aroma painting a week will serve as excellent prevention.

For the aroma procedure, a natural bristle is needed. 3-4 drops of fir oil drip out on the discourse, and carefully calibrate their hair until the oil dishes.

Massage mask from dandruff and hair growth
A pure essential composition of fir oil is used. Most effectively use it, mixing with another, crude vegetable oil. In this recipe, the larp oil is large.

Two tablespoons of the burdock oil are slightly heated, 4-5 drops of fir essential oil are dripped into it, and as they should be stirred so that the fir oil without residue is dissolved in the REYON. It may take a few minutes.

The resulting mixtures make the tips of the fingers, and make a massage of the scalp to the head. 10-15 min. After that, the head should be washed with shampoo hair, and rinse them under the shower.

This method is also effective for restoring dry and damaged hair.

Hair strengthening mask

  • Honey - 1 tbsp.;
  • Fir oil - 2-3 drops;
  • Freshly squeezed juice of bulbs 45 tbsp.
The ingredients are thoroughly mixed before receiving a homogeneous composition. The finite pillows are finished in the skin of the scalp.

After applying the entire composition on the head of the head, it is held 30-40 minutes, before it covered the head with a plastic film. Such a mask will restore and strengthen the roots of the hair, improve their nutrition and activates their growth, will prevent alopecia.

Nourishing mask
In a cup or cup, chicken yolk, 3 tablespoons of rum and two drops of fir oils are mixed. All of these components are thoroughly mixed to obtain a single composition. Fir oil dripped last.

The resulting mixture is rubbed into the skin of the scalp. After applying the mask, it is left for 20-30 minutes. And then wash off (it is not recommended to use hot water).

Masks for oily hair with fir oil

Mask 1.
Rope Refire and Inflorescences of Nogotkov Dried and crushed. Mix two tablespoons of each ingredient, and one tablespoon of oak bark. Pour all 100 ml of boiling water. Put on fire, and warm on the water bath of half an hour, and then cool, drop 2 drops of fir oil, as you should mix. Apply the composition on the hair, and leave for 20-30 minutes, after which it is washed in the shower.

Mask 2.
One tablespoon of quince seeds to brew in 200 ml of water 80-85 degrees. Then put on fire, and warm in a water bath before boiling. The composition is filtered and give a little cool. Then drop 2-3 drops of fir essential oil, and mix well. It turns out the composition of the jelly-like consistency. In warm form, apply on the roots of the hair and make their massage. In 50 minutes Wash the composition under the shower. The mask should be done every day for 6-7 days.

Mask 3.
Linden flowers dry and crush. Eight tablespoons of linden flowers brew in 200 ml of boiling water, put on fire and warm in water bath no more than three minutes. Remove from the fire, let cool and help it out.

In the decoction of pour 1 tbsp. Fresh lemon juice, 50 ml of eucalyptus tinctures, one or two drops of fir essential oil. Everything should be stolen and apply on the hair from the horses to the tips. The head should be covered with polyethylene and tied with a handkerchief. After half an hour after applying the composition on the hair, remove the polyethylene film and wash the head with the shampoo. The composition is applied on the hair 1-2 times a week. The course is 4-5 weeks.

Mask 4.
The leaves of mother-and-stepmother and marigold flowers dried and crushed into powder. Take three tablespoons of each ingredient, pour 100 ml of water 80 - 90 degrees, put on fire and warm in a water bath in a leak. 2-3 min. Give cool, filter, drop into liquid 1-2 drops of fir essential oil, add a tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice and a tablespoon of eucalyptus tincture. Mask apply to hair for half an hour. Mask put on the hair every 3-4 days, within 4-5 weeks.

Mask 5.
Grind one bulb with meat grinder. From the resulting cleaner squeeze juice through the gauze. Two tablespoons of kegin oil oil mixed with a similar volume of juice squeezed out of the bulbs, drop one or two drops of fir essential oil, and how to mix everything until a homogeneous mass. The composition apply on the hair from the roots to the tips. Head cover with polyethylene and towel. After 40 minutes. Wash the composition under the shower.

Mask 6.
Greenery parsley smallly chopping, take three tablespoons of parsley and pour 1 tbsp. Cleanavine oils. Add 1 tsp. Sorokograds vodka, drop one or two drops of fir essential oil, and everything should be mixed. The resulting composition take the finger tips and massage the roots of the hair until everything is spent. Then cover the head with polyethylene, and tie with a scarf. After half an hour, it should be washed with a shampoo under running water. Mask apply on the hair every 3-4 days. The course is 4-5 weeks.

Mask 7.
One two drops of fir essential oil mix with five drops of peach oil. In 200 ml of cow milk, dissolve a tablespoon of the rock salt, and then pour the resulting mixture of oils into it, and everything should be mixed until complete dissolution. Hair pre-wet. Apply a mask, while massaging hair roots. Wash under running water after 15 minutes. Mask apply every 3-4 days.

Mask 8.
Two chicken yolks mix with 2 tablespoons of natural honey, drip into a mixture of one - two drops of fir essential oil, mix well. The composition take the fingertips and massaging their hair roots. When the whole composition is spent, it is necessary to cover the hair with polyethylene, and to bandage with a scarf. After 1 - 2 hours, the mask can be washed under running water. Such a mask can be done every 3-4 days.

Mask 9.
Three tablespoons of mustard powder are dissolved by some warm clean water to get a mass of pasty consistency. Drink one or two drops of fir essential oil, and mix well. Hair before the procedure should be wetted. The composition apply on the hair, from the roots to the tips, and hold a maximum of 10 minutes. Rinse the composition is recommended for acidic water temperature, or in any infusion. Such a mask is done every 6-7 days.

If we are talking about the most useful trees for a person, I will not say about Fir will be a real crime. This tree is a real donor: its bark is used to produce useful fir balsam, branches and needles - sources of essential oil. It does not remain aside from human needs and wood - it is used to create musical instruments and cellulose production. And the fir is useful for our health with you and how to use it - this is what we will talk about this today.

Meet: Fir!

Fir is a coniferous evergreen plant belonging to the family of pine. Fir types are up to 40, and it grows most often in the mountains, less often - on the plains of the northern hemisphere.

Fir is a natural "air purifier", however if you try to put it on a polluted street, then most likely it does not fit: the tree loves the territory free from the exhaust machines. With this quality, it is great for cleansing the air at home - even if you put a few paws to the room, it will be much easier to breathe, a headache will pass, and the mood will improve. In addition, inhaling the smell of needles, the level of voltage and irritation will decrease, inspiration will appear - by the way, for this reason, "communication" with the fir is shown to people of creative professions. In addition to the simplicity of fir covers to the room, it is good to use and another way: Place the branches with a cheese in a bucket, pour boiling water and put the "container" into a secluded place without closing - the effect will be even more tangible. The fact is that hot water and steam are knocked out essential oils from branches.

The last property can be used in another situation - in a bath or bath. Brooms from fir branches under the influence of a pair are also beginning to highlight essential oils - it turns out that the broom is also becoming an inhaler at the same time. Essential oil in this case will be absorbed into the lungs and skin, rejuvenating the body, restoring immunity and smoothing the skin.

Dendrotherapists claim that the tree on the plot or branch of the conifers in the room is healing the body, affecting its "healthy" frequencies for sick bodies. For this reason, they advise even to store fir "bouquets" for the winter - can be stored on the balcony.

Healing properties of fir

The fact that fir is good for health, it has been known from a long time ago: a few centuries ago, the fir wounds were healing with a wound, and they were used as a diuretic. Today, a much more therapeutic properties of this tree donor are open, and it can be used for both health and beauty.

Fir feeds are used to obtain essential oil, which is part of many drugs. From the essential oil, in turn, they receive a camphor used in medicine to stimulate the heart activity and as an outdoor: 10% camphor solution in sunflower oil is widely used in rheumatism, as well as in Ishiase, arthritis, itching skin Covers. Such an action is anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and painful - will have both a camphor alcohol and camfew ointment.

Fir for beauty

You can use fir oil for female (and male!) Beauty, adding 2-3 drops tools:

In shampoo (especially useful for fat hair);

On a comb or brush - for aromaradstone (this procedure will also help to struggle with dandruff);

In face cream - especially with oily skin and acne, as well as for rejuvenation;

In cream for hands and body;

Into the water during the adoption of the bath and in the shower gel;

In tonic;

In any masks - both for face and body and hair.

Good luck in conquering fir "heights"!

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