Elite varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses. The most productive varieties of tomatoes for the greenhouse

This is explained low level of frost resistance - the plant overwinters normally in open ground only in the south. Almost all varieties are easy to grow from seed.

Choosing a landing site

Verbenas will take root in any corner of the garden - with their help, for example, you can decorate an area that is empty after flowering. But the most beautiful bushes still grow in well-lit areas. Moreover, the leaves and buds do not fade for a long time, even in direct sunlight.

However, verbena is perfect for growing in suspended ones and - after all, its root system is quite compact.

Fertile are ideal as soil. However, this requirement is not essential. The main thing is good water permeability of the soil and a loose structure. And you can achieve such conditions even on heavy soils - for this you just need to mix the soil with.

It will be useful and drainage - an interlayer of broken brick, stone fragments, expanded clay or rubble. It is guaranteed to protect the verbena root system from the harmful effects of excess moisture. Water, freely penetrating through the drainage layer, will not stagnate.

Growing verbena from seeds

Verbena seeds do not need. But growing it in this way still has its own nuances:
  • You can plant seedlings in open ground only on condition of stable heat... If there is a risk, it is better to wait a little. Verbena calmly tolerates temperatures down to -3 ° С. But harsher conditions will instantly kill the plant. If you want to get your verbena early, you can plant your seedlings at home or in a greenhouse.
  • Seeds cannot be buried into the potting soil. They should simply be spread evenly over the soil surface. At a temperature of about + 25 ° C, the seeds "hatch" after a couple of days. Immediately after this, the container should be transferred to a cool room, verbena does not like excessive heat.
  • they need to be very careful: for young verbena sprouts, excess moisture is destructive. The first shoots appear quite quickly - literally in a week. And after 10-15 days, slender rows of young shoots will turn green in the container.
The process of planting verbena seeds is described and shown in more detail in the publication.

Our catalog with offers from the largest online stores will help you choose different varieties of verbena. ...

Verbena "Melody *" hybrid mixture (Gavrish) 0.1g 9 rbl LOOK
The Gardener's Empire - Gavrish

Verbena "Elizabeth" (Gavrish), 0.05 g 11 rbl LOOK
The Gardener's Empire - Gavrish

Verbena "Peach and Cream" (Gavrish), 0.05 g 11 rbl LOOK
The Gardener's Empire - Gavrish

Verbena Peaches & Cream RUB 17 LOOK
Russian Vegetable Garden

Verbena F1 Quartz White 30 rubles LOOK
Russian Vegetable Garden

Verbena Ideal, blend 13 rbl LOOK
Russian Vegetable Garden

Reproduction of verbena by cuttings

To use this method, you will have to take care of the planting material in the fall. Before the frost, verbena bushes are dug up and, together with a voluminous lump of earth, are transferred to a cool room - to a balcony, to a basement or to an outbuilding. The temperature should not exceed + 10 ° С.
  • Cuttings are usually carried out in early spring... But if you plan to decorate the windows of a house or a warm greenhouse with verbena bushes, then you can do this at other times of the year.
  • Perfect cuttings - neatly cut tops of shoots... Each of them should have from 4 to 6 pairs of leaves. The cut should be processed with crushed coal. Remove all the lower leaves, leaving only a few at the very top.
  • It is best to root cuttings in a mixture of sand and. It is not deeply deepened - to the level where the lower pair of cut leaves was located. From above, the container with cuttings can be covered with foil. This technique will help maintain the optimum humidity level. Within 3-4 weeks, a powerful root system will form on each cuttings.

Verbena care

Verbena care is very simple. It comes down to soil cultivation, watering, etc. The plant is practically not susceptible to viral diseases and rarely becomes a target for gardening. If you do not allow thickening of crops in the garden and an excess of moisture, then the listed problems will never arise.

Tilling the soil in the verbena bed

With a single planting of verbena, the bushes need the entire growing season. If the plants are placed in a group, then you will have to deal with only the first time. The bushes grow rather quickly, turning into a thick carpet, and the need for weeding almost completely disappears.

Regular soil is also required. Only in very hot summer conditions, after abundant watering, it will be necessary to "fluff" the soil a little in order to ensure normal air circulation near the roots. You can protect the soil from drying out and compaction in another way - just use. To do this, a layer of rotted foliage or special decorative materials should be placed around the plants.

Fertilizers and watering

Regular watering - a necessary event during active growth and during the flowering period of verbena. In the second half of the summer, you can reduce the number of irrigation procedures.

Complex feeding is ideal for verbena. In addition, you can use and (prepared,). But they should not be abused. It is enough to apply once for the whole season, otherwise the risk of soil oversaturation is high. As a result - a rapid growth of greenery by bushes to the detriment of bud setting.

Verbena species

The plant is represented by more than 100 species. The most popular are:

  • hybrid;
  • canadian;
  • tough;
  • buenos Aires (Bonar).

Verbena hybrid (Verbena hybrida)

Verbena hybrid - the owner of compact rounded leaves and five-petal inflorescences. The height of an adult bush varies from 20 to 50 cm, depending on the variety.

The surface of the serrated leaves is covered with soft villi. The buds are small. The range of colors is quite wide - white, purple, yellow, beige, orange.

Canadian Verbena (Verbena canadensis)

A low plant, the shoots of which barely reach a length of 20 cm. On the tetrahedral stem there are openwork leaves, placed in pairs. The buds are collected in bunches, the color of the petals is pinkish, purple or white.

A voluminous bush with elongated toothed leaves. Small inflorescences are located on the tops of creeping shoots.

Shades of buds can be different - from pale blue to deep purple.

This species belongs to the category of tall plants. The length of shoots in some varieties reaches 120 cm.

Leaves are oblong, with pointed tops. Small flowers are painted in purple-pink shades.

Does verbena grow in your garden?

What are your guides when choosing fruitful varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses? How to choose the best tomato varieties? Maybe plant large-fruited tomatoes or stay with your favorites, or maybe get something new?

Buying the cherished bags in the spring, we imagine, of course, how at the end of summer we will collect the weighty fruits of our labors, poured with juice, fleshy and tasty. Tomatoes in a greenhouse are grown more often in the middle lane, where the climate does not indulge in long summers and warm nights. Therefore, we will pay more attention to Siberian selection tomatoes, especially since there is plenty to choose from. There are a lot of new varieties and hybrids for a variety of requests.

The most productive varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses

As always, before choosing tomato seeds, varieties, we decide on the purpose. For example, in my family they eat little canned tomatoes, and they like homemade ketchup more, and salads go very well in summer. Again, I close a lot of juice for marinating kebabs. Based on this, I select varieties of tomatoes.

What else should you pay attention to when choosing:

  1. Culinary destination
  2. Suitable for climatic conditions
  3. By the degree of yield
  4. Susceptibility to disease
  5. By maturity

How varieties of greenhouse tomatoes are divided

Taste qualities, for what culinary purposes tomatoes will be used.

The main division is for culinary purposes, because that's why we grow them:

  • Salad varieties are the most delicious of all. Tomatoes have different tastes, sizes, even colors. But they are all meaty, with a good amount of sugars in their composition.
  • Canning tomato varieties are usually small to medium in size, firm, with a fairly strong skin. Sometimes they are just not very tasty, they reveal their taste in cans.
  • The varieties are small for salting, but dense and with a special taste, which becomes brighter only after salting.
  • Sauce varieties of tomatoes are usually weak, they have a lot of juice and little pulp, so they have a special purpose.

Varieties for your region

You should not buy varieties zoned for the Moscow region if you live in the Urals or Siberia. Even if it is indicated on the bag that the variety is frost and drought resistant, you still will not get a big harvest, even growing tomatoes in a greenhouse, you need to take into account their selection.

How to identify high-yielding tomato varieties

When you plant certain varieties every year, you already roughly know how much crop to count on. Sometimes our unstable weather and disease outbreaks give a plus or minus.

When planting new varieties of tomatoes, the yield remains a secret until the fall. But it can be regulated by planting several varieties; every year the number of fruits is different for everyone. Sometimes hybrids that are not so affected by diseases help out well, usually more productive than varietal tomatoes and are unpretentious in care.

A large harvest is usually obtained from tall tomatoes, but this is with proper care, because they are usually more susceptible to diseases than others and are more capricious to watering and temperature conditions.

High Yielding Disease Resistant Varieties

For greenhouse tomato varieties, this is perhaps the main indicator of future yield. In the greenhouse, diseases like to gather and accumulate, the soil is constantly the same, it is very difficult to remove the same. There should always be care for both tomato bushes and the greenhouse itself.

When growing greenhouse varieties, you need to constantly monitor the microclimate, ventilate the greenhouse in time, monitor humidity and temperature changes. Our Siberian hot summer days and cold nights force us to adapt, some put iron barrels of water in greenhouses, the water heats up during the day, and gives off heat at night.

Most often, diseases in a greenhouse on tomatoes appear precisely because of temperature changes, due to irregular watering, (especially summer residents who come on weekends and flood plants for future use, for the whole week). Due to the thickening of plantings and improper care, whole epidemics also arise.

If you do not have enough time, or you are a beginner gardener and still do not know how to properly form bushes, pinch and water tomatoes, then choose the most stable and unpretentious varieties, it is written on some seed bags. "For lazy summer residents".

Disease resistant tomato varieties and hybrids:

  • Virtuoso F1
  • Bohemia F1
  • Gold bead F1
  • Ural F1
  • Vologda F1
  • Opera F1
  • Darnitsa F1
  • Orange giant
  • Tatyana
  • De Barao
  • Blitz variety
  • Academician Sakharov
  • Cardinal
  • Budenovka

Ripening varieties

Here again, the choice depends on the destination. Late varieties usually go for canning or salting. Early for salads to eat during the summer. In the greenhouse, it is especially good to grow indeterminate varieties that bear fruit for a long time.

Early varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses and greenhouses:

  • Scorpio
  • Friend F1
  • Funtik
  • Yarilo
  • Pink raisins
  • Union 3
  • Union 8
  • Ilyich F1
  • Search F1
  • Samara F1
  • Reneth

Late varieties of greenhouse tomatoes:

  • Market miracle
  • De Barao
  • Andreevsky surprise
  • Brown sugar

Tall or short bushes, which are best for the greenhouse

All tomatoes can be divided into three main groups according to the shape of the bush:

  1. Stamp
  2. Determinant
  3. Indeterminate

Standard or undersized tomatoes

These varieties are determinant, only they are even earlier and differ in short, up to 80 cm, bushes with a thick, stocky stem. Usually such varieties are very unpretentious, they do not need to be formed and even some do not require pinching. Most often they are grown outdoors, but they are also very suitable for greenhouses.

  • Denis
  • Piglet
  • Fat F1
  • Lion Heart
  • Gina

Such varieties and hybrids take up little space, their root system is shallow. But their main advantage is disease resistance. If you are just getting started with growing tomatoes in a greenhouse, then start with these varieties.

Determinant varieties

These varieties are usually early or early maturing. Such a bush grows to a certain height and stops. The bottom 2-4 inflorescences yield. Such bushes require formation, it can be in one stem or in two, leaving the stepson under the first inflorescence. But sometimes the formation of two stems in a greenhouse is impractical, because it leads to thickening of the plants, therefore, to a decrease in yield and the occurrence of diseases. Usually, three to four bushes are planted in a greenhouse per square of area. The more stems are formed, the greater the distance between the plants.

  • Baby F1
  • Verlioka F1
  • Asteroid
  • F1 Golden Horn
  • Ukrainian
  • Porland F1
  • Pink honey

Indeterminate elite tomato varieties

These tomatoes do not climb, do not stop growth. They ripen later than the determinant varieties, but the yield is higher due to long-term fruiting. They form only one stem, which sometimes can reach a height of three meters. Necessarily require a garter and constant pinching.

The first clusters are formed after the fifth or seventh leaf, while the lower leaves are removed. These varieties, like determinant ones, need to be pinned once a week, without cutting, but tearing off the stepson, so that a stump of 1.5-2 centimeters remains, then nothing will grow in this place.

Tall varieties are usually large-fruited, often from lettuce, fleshy tomatoes. They are not as resistant to diseases, but they are considered the best for greenhouses due to their yield and taste.

  • Madam
  • Rusich
  • Shagane
  • Midas
  • Honey saved
  • Carlson
  • Tortilla
  • Pink king
  • Mushroom basket

Large-fruited tomatoes

Large, fleshy fruits are the dream of every gardener. Sometimes the mass of one tomato reaches more than 800 grams. These varieties are a real decoration and pride of any greenhouse.

  • Cow heart
  • Orange wonder
  • Orange king
  • Pink Elephant
  • Bull heart
  • Monomakh's hat
  • Mikado
  • Market queen
  • Canadian giant
  • Chernomor

Cherry tomatoes varieties

Cherries are good for salads and canning, bunches of small grape-like tomatoes look beautiful in jars.

They are loved for their taste, size, appearance... The decoration of the greenhouse will be bushes hung with clusters of small tomatoes. They can be grown not only in a greenhouse, but also outdoors, even at home on a windowsill.

  • Cherry pink
  • Cherry black
  • Gold bead
  • Red drop
  • Caprice F1
  • Dessert
  • Arctic
  • Madeira F1
  • Amber drop
  • White currant

Black tomato varieties

The exotic look of these tomatoes has made them popular. Although the color is certainly not black, rather closer to brown or purple. Usually tomatoes of this color are added to cans with conservation as a decoration, some varieties are considered healing.

  • Chernomor
  • Black Prince
  • Gypsy
  • Brown sugar
  • Icicle black
  • Black pear
  • Black elephant
  • De Barao black

Tomato varieties of Siberian selection

Tomato varieties for Siberia are the most resistant to temperature extremes. Despite their belonging to the region, they can also be grown in areas with a mild climate. Many varieties grown in our Altai Territory give excellent yields and have excellent taste.

  • Abakan pink
  • a great warrior
  • Sensei
  • King of Siberia
  • Siberian troika
  • Miracle of the earth

New greenhouse tomato varieties

The breeding work does not stop and we are pleased that they become more productive, hardier and tastier. I don't know about you, but I often buy seeds of new varieties, of course, guided by reviews. Then I decide whether to keep the variety in my favorites or choose another.

  • Samara F1
  • Kostroma F1
  • Friend F1
  • Ilyich F1
  • Tornado F1
  • Amber
  • Snow tale

Choosing varieties of tomatoes

Of course, only buy tomato seeds from specialized stores. Do not take any exotic varieties, it will be more difficult with such. Always buy regionalized varieties and reputable producers.

Do not limit the choice to one variety, pick up several different in shape, size, degree of ripening. Then you will surely have a good harvest.

At the moment, there is a wide variety of varieties on the seed market. Some of them are intended for outdoor cultivation, other varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses made of polycarbonate or film shelters, there are even for sowing at home. Greenhouse cultivation has become very popular thanks to good and practical materials. And in order for the greenhouse to produce its crops, the best varieties must also be selected. So, what kind of tomatoes to plant in such conditions?

Harvest varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses

Before talking about different varieties of tomatoes, the following should be noted - a greenhouse is a place where very comfortable conditions are created for plants, but even here you can lose your harvest by choosing the wrong varieties. The fact is that insects are needed to obtain fruits, but they are not in greenhouses or there are very few of them. Therefore, tomato varieties must be chosen self-pollinated. Hybrids work best. There is very little hassle with them, and the result is decent.

It belongs to tomatoes with early ripening, gives high yields. Tomatoes have round outlines, slightly flattened in shape. One brush can form up to five tomatoes. The taste of the fruit is sweet, the pulp is fleshy, while the fruit itself is not loose.

A very popular tomato. Its strengths are excellent disease resistance, and the fruit does not crack. The plant can reach one and a half meters, requires a garter. The yield of one bush is 5-6 kg. The fruits have a large mass, a yellow tint of the skin. The taste is excellent.

It has fruits weighing half a kilogram and above. Their color is red. The plant reaches a height of 2-2.5 meters. Need a garter. The fruits have ribs on the surface and taste good. The variety has an average ripening period.

For lovers of everything unusual, this variety is what you need. After all, tomatoes are dark in color, which may seem strange at first. But this does not in any way affect the yield and taste of these tomatoes. Plant up to one and a half meters high. The fruits keep very well and are often used for sale on the market.

Tomatoes are classified as medium-early ripening varieties. One brush can pick up 7-8 fruits. Their color is scarlet, their shape is round. The pulp is nutritious, fleshy, it is also one of the best varieties of tomato for greenhouses with resistance to late blight.

Another highly disease-resistant variety. But he has long ripening periods. The fruits are round, red, slightly flattened.

Variety "Fantasy"

It can reach a height of almost two meters. The aerial part is very strong, one bush produces 10 kg of fruit. Good fresh food and even better in salads. We are very fond of summer residents.

Tomatoes with early ripening. It tolerates very hot weather well. At the same time, the fruits are very tasty, there is sweetness in them. The color is bright, scarlet. They are well kept, which makes it possible to grow a hybrid for sale. The whips are high.

These were tall varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses. Now let's move on to the next ones.

Low-growing polycarbonate greenhouse tomatoes

It belongs to a variety with early fruiting dates. The color of the tomatoes is red, the shape is round. The taste and aroma are pleasant. Best for fresh food and fresh salads.

This variety is already good at conservation. The bushes are compact, the fruits are scarlet. Tomatoes are covered with a dense skin, under which juicy, aromatic and fleshy pulp is hidden. They do not burst in the jar during heat treatment. But you can eat these tomatoes fresh.

One of the highest yielding tomatoes. The fruits are small, such compactness is an excellent option for conservation. The skin is dense, the color of the tomatoes is red. Forms a lot of fruits on one cyst. Plus - excellent resistance to all adversity, including disease.

To many, this variety resembles Cherry, which is due to the fact that the variety produces small-sized tomatoes that cover the brushes abundantly. Good in any form - preserved, in salads, for decorating a festive table.

This variety has shown itself well in greenhouse cultivation. Suitable for preservation, the skin does not crack during processing. Forms fruits very well, excellent taste and aroma. The color of the fruit is red, slightly elongated into an oval.

The fruits look very appetizing and aesthetically pleasing, which is good for sale. They have a red color, smooth shapes. It belongs to varieties with early ripening periods, gives little stepsons. Doesn't require special attention to itself. The taste is very good.

A greenhouse is an opportunity to get more vegetables in an unusually short time. If the shelter is made of polycarbonate, then the crops growing in it will be reliably protected from various weather anomalies. But not all varieties of tomatoes show themselves as well as possible in a greenhouse. For some of them, such conditions turn out to be unsuitable.

For this page of the site about we have selected only those tomatoes for greenhouses from polycarbonate (varieties), which have shown their best side and already have their admirers among agronomists. Feel free to experiment and you are sure to find the best tomato variety for your greenhouse.

What to look for when choosing a tomato variety for a greenhouse

If you want the greenhouse to fully justify its purpose, buy varieties, on the packaging of which it is indicated that the manufacturer recommends them to be grown in greenhouses. Although under a polycarbonate shelter, planting and low-growing tomatoes are practiced, tall varieties allow the most rational use of its internal volume. Usually they have a long fruiting period and high yields, and it is not difficult to provide a garter to a trellis with long stems in such conditions.

Different varieties and hybrids of tomatoes for greenhouses have certain differences. What are vegetable growers most often interested in? Attention is usually paid to:

For yield,
disease resistance,
unpretentious care,
size and taste of the fruit.

Greenhouse tomatoes - which will you choose?

We present you with a list titled " The best tomatoes for a polycarbonate greenhouse ”. The tomato varieties that you will find below are extremely popular with greenhouse owners located in different regions... You should definitely try growing at least one of them.


From it, you can continuously harvest fruits for two years, and as a result provide yourself with an abundance of fresh fruits and excellent material for countless harvests. The declared yield is up to 1500 kg from one root.
In the process of growing the Octopus tomato variety, agronomists were convinced that it has immunity against diseases.
Rounded fruits have a decent appearance and high commercial quality.
The plant is not capricious.
The first fruits ripen early.
Features of agricultural technology: plant at a distance of 1.5 m from each other, at a height of 2.5 m horizontally pull the net for tying branches, you should be very serious about fertilizing the soil in the greenhouse.


The presence of strong immunity was noted.
Fruits are pink, large (300 g), tasty, dense - suitable for transportation and long-term storage. The variety is loved by farmers and is often grown for sale.
Ripening is medium early.
Productivity - 10 kg / m.
Immunity against major diseases is high enough that the use of chemicals can be avoided.
Major tomatoes have a high vitamin content. Unfortunately, they are prone to cracking, in order to avoid which you need to reduce watering during ripening.

De Barao

The varieties of this variety differ in size (60-120 g) and the color of the fruits (there are even black ones), as well as in terms of ripening: medium and late.
In the greenhouse, the unusually strong bush of this tomato can reach a height of over 2 m.
The yield of the variety in the greenhouse is quite high - up to 20 kg per root.
The quality of the fruits deserves special attention: they are leveled, perfect for canning, and excellent storage.
The fruits ripen successfully separately from the bush and are used for any purpose.
This variety of tomatoes has earned particular popularity due to its amazing resistance and good immunity.

Miracle of the earth

The bush is a standard bush, which means that it has a sturdy trunk.
The main difference: large fruits of pink color, heart-shaped and excellent taste. Sometimes the weight of one tomato can approach 1 kg!
Tomato Wonder of the earth is loved by many gardeners and farmers because of the elasticity of the fruit. Which allows them to be stored for a long time and transported over long distances without harming their quality.
This variety belongs to the early ripening group.
Productivity with proper care in the greenhouse is pleasantly pleasing - 15-20 kg / m².
The main diseases of the nightshade are not terrible for this variety.


Tomat Tornado F1

Differs in early ripening.
Small round fruits of the same size - from 80 to 100 g - are great in winter harvesting.
Farmers love this variety for its excellent marketability and good keeping quality.
The yield is stable, but not the highest - up to 4 kg per plant.
The variety is resistant to a number of specific diseases.
These bushes will delight you with their harvest for a long time.
The fruits never crack, which is very important for storage and canning.

Bull heart

A very popular variety. Reaches a height of 1.5-2 m in a polycarbonate greenhouse.
The fruits are large - in the lower part of the bush up to 500 g, in the upper part - 100-200 g. You can find varieties of varieties with different colors of tomatoes.
Agronomists appreciate the indescribable taste and interesting heart-shaped shape of tomatoes.
Various varieties have different term ripening - medium and late.
With proper care, up to 12 kg of fruit can be harvested from one bush.

Honey drop

Differs in unique fruits: small, yellow, pear-like, which are collected in bunches of 10-15 pieces.
Has extended fruiting.
The Honey Drop variety deserves special love due to the excellent taste of the fruits - they are very sweet.
The tomato has a good yield.
There is immunity against many diseases.
Ripening period is average.


Ripens early.
Shows significant resistance to nightshade diseases.
Fruits are round, small, firm - well stored and transported, used for any purpose.
You can collect 5-6 kg of fruit from a bush.


Reading time: 16 min

Polycarbonate greenhouses have firmly taken their place in the plots of many gardeners. In the difficult climate of Russian regions, growing tomatoes without shelter is problematic, and in a greenhouse, excellent yields are harvested both in Siberia and in the North.

True, it is necessary not only to observe agricultural techniques, to calculate when to plant tomatoes for the greenhouse, at what time to pinch, but also to know which seeds are better to sow, how to select the right varieties, which we will tell you today.

Tomatoes: the best varieties for greenhouses

First you need to figure out the criteria for the selection of tomatoes. Features of the choice of varieties (characteristics):

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  • yield;
  • ripening terms;
  • size, taste of fruits;
  • destination.

Greenhouse varieties and hybrids of tomatoes must be resistant to various diseases and infections, since a special microclimate is created in the shelter. In a space protected from precipitation and cold, not only tomatoes, but also a variety of pathogenic organisms and pests feel at ease.

The slightest violations of the humidity and temperature regime can cause diseases, therefore, plants with high immunity, disease-resistant ones should be chosen for the greenhouse.

One more point: the greenhouse usually has a permanent place, there is no possibility to transfer the beds to accommodate tomatoes. There is a great risk of dangerous bacteria, fungi and viruses appearing in the shelter, which means that it is required to carry out disinfection every season, and again, pick up disease-resistant tomatoes.

When choosing which varieties of tomatoes are best planted in a greenhouse, many rightly give preference to tall, high-yielding tomatoes. But for polycarbonate shelters in all regions of Russia, undersized plants, usually having an early ripening period (vegetation period of 90-100 days), as well as mid-ripening tomatoes, are excellent.

The best tall varieties are most often late, and they will bear fruit until the cold weather, but "the short ones are early ripe, and you will get the harvest from them in June or early July.

ON A NOTE! Tall tomatoes are planted in greenhouses in the center, and dwarf low or determinant ones are planted around the perimeter. This will allow you to effectively use the shelter space, while receiving tomatoes throughout the summer season.

When choosing, take into account the height of the plants and the size of the greenhouse, since medium and small tomatoes are also suitable for small shelters, but the giant indetes (and some of them grow over two meters) need space. Low-growing varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses are planted quite densely, up to 5-6 bushes per square meter.

For self-pollinating Indets, the scheme is completely different - no more than 2-3 plants per the same area, while taking into account the specifics of the formation of the bush. When kept in one stem, you can plant 3 plants, if 2-3 stems are left on a tomato, then no more than 2 bushes per square meter are allowed.

What to choose: hybrids or varietal forms, standard varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses or tall handsome Indets - the gardener himself decides. The same tomato can show different results, since this is influenced by care, and growing conditions, and the climate, and the weather of a particular year.

It is necessary to carefully study information about the culture, taking into account your needs.

Determinant tomato varieties: which are suitable for the greenhouse

In a huge family of tomatoes there are the most different representativesdivided into groups. One of the defining criteria is the growth criterion, according to which tomatoes are divided into determinant (children) and indeterminate (indetes) varieties.

Children are plants that have limited growth, and in such tomatoes the top is "completed" with a flower brush.

ON A NOTE! Determinant tomatoes are not always undersized, there are exceptions. Therefore, you should always carefully read the description

This group also has its own varieties:

  • children (medium-grown varieties of tomatoes for the greenhouse);
  • midday;
  • super kids.

Each variety has certain features, for example, superdeterminant - these are dwarfs and early ripening varieties, which after 2-3 brushes limit their growth.

But the "true" determinant plants will have more brushes - about 5-6 pieces, and the very first peduncle usually appears after 6-7 leaves. In this group, there are also super-runny varieties of tomatoes, and mid-ripening, and tomatoes that can be grown without pinching. So you just have to choose.

Of the ultra-ripe ones, we note the Pyshka hybrid, the fruits of which can be removed after 85 days. This tomato is distinguished by its excellent taste (which is not so often found in early tomatoes), beautiful fruits weighing up to 140-160 grams.

The color of tomatoes is bright red, suitable for any processing, salads, marinades. The fruits are stable.

ON A NOTE! The Pyshka hybrid is very resistant to fusarium.

When choosing which varieties of tomatoes are the most productive for greenhouses, pay attention to the Spring of the North tomato. An early (100 days) tomato will surprise you with results - up to 8-10 kg per 1 sq. meters.

The plant is very small in height, only 50-60 cm. The tomatoes are rounded, pinkish in color, weighing up to 200 grams.

The fruits of this hybrid perfectly tolerate transportation, which, combined with early ripening and excellent yields, makes them a good choice for growing for sale.

Today, early varieties of polycarbonate greenhouse tomatoes have been developed, which harmoniously combine early maturity and large-fruited. Big Mom's tomato is just that, and if we add yield here - up to 9-10 kg of tomatoes per square meter. meter in the greenhouse, it will become clear why the tomato is popular.

Its fruits reach about 350-400 grams, color - red, taste - for a solid "five". Despite the fact that this determinant tomato reaches only 80-100 cm in height, it needs shaping (2-3 trunks) and pinching.

For those who wish to try new varieties and hybrids of tomatoes, we recommend the Three Sisters tomato.

Its fruits weighing up to 200 grams, are tasty fresh, excellent for canning. When working on a hybrid, the breeders of the Gavrish company set the task of obtaining a tomato of a special taste, and they did it. Hybrid Tomatoes Three Sisters - delicious, with a lot of sugars and a minimum of acids, in a word - a real delicacy!

Fruit ripening time - about 100 days, tomatoes are red, fleshy.

The fruits of Chernomor are interesting - round, with barely visible ribbing, at full maturity acquiring a dark purple color. Good taste, mostly used fresh, although juices and pasta can be made. Products after processing have an unusual dark color.

The famous tomato Pink honey is popular and loved by many, the fruits of which, when proper care grow up to 500-600 grams.

The bush of this variety is almost one and a half meters, there are few leaves. Tomatoes are very large, bright pink in color, with a beautiful heart shape.

When forming inflorescences and plucking out excess ovaries, you can get tomatoes weighing about 900-1000 grams. Tomatoes, very fleshy, but not at all stale, are mainly used for salads, juicing.

One of the most famous varieties of the determinant group, the Bull Heart, cannot be ignored. This is a mid-season tomato (about 120 days), large-fruited, very tasty.

Its bush reaches about 1.5 meters in height, spreading and with a small number of leaves. Fruits by weight - up to 500 grams, while the lower clusters have larger tomatoes than the upper ones.

This species has a very large number of "brothers" - both varieties and hybrids, differing mainly in the size and shape of the fruit, as well as shades. The bovine heart in the south is often grown in ridges, but in the northern regions it is best cultivated in a greenhouse.

Among the favorite subspecies, rightfully considered the best determinant varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses - orange Heart, as well as white, fruitful lemon, exotic black.

Indeterminate varieties

The permanent "inhabitants" of polycarbonate greenhouses are the indetes - tall tomatoes characterized by long-term fruiting and high productivity.

They need shaping, stepsons removal, and garter supports. Typically, the size of the fruits of such tomatoes vary from small "crumbs" to real giants. Indeterminate tomatoes are disease-resistant, tolerate temperature extremes well, which is especially important when grown in greenhouses. Note that almost always the most delicious varieties of tomatoes are Indets.

We can say this about this hybrid: unpretentious, medium early, very productive. Hybrid Empire will conquer you with its fruits - the original form of "cream", orange-red.

The weight of each "cream" is up to 120-140 grams, the pulp is very dense, the taste is pleasant. These are well suited for preservation, pickling, salting, and drying.

This tomato is famous for its delicious fruits and excellent resistance to all kinds of diseases.

In terms of timing - early, the plant is powerful, up to 150 cm tall, with a very developed root system. Lined tomatoes, weighing up to 140-150 grams.

Suitable for all types of processing. Talitsa is a tomato, from the fruits of which winter preparations are most often made, but for fresh consumption it is better to choose other varieties.

Productivity - up to 5 kg per 1 sq. meters in the greenhouse.

Among the representatives of the Siberian selection, we note the Konigsberg tomato - very powerful and fruitful. A plant in a greenhouse can grow up to 220-230 cm, flower clusters begin to form only after 12 leaves.

Tomatoes are of an elongated cylindrical shape, weighing from 100 to 300 grams, with good care they grow up to 450-500. The color of the fruit is red, the flesh inside is dense and very tasty.

This variety differs in that its fruits are tasty both fresh and in marinades.

Königsberg is a mid-season variety, the fruits can be removed after about 115 days. In terms of yield, the indicators are very high - up to 18-20 kg per 1 m2, while the tomato is quite resistant to diseases and adverse conditions.

A variety with such an interesting name has early dates ripening (approximately 106-110 days) and has a high yield.

His fruits are large and fleshy, ideal for making salads, juices and sauces. The weight of the tomatoes is about 300 grams, the color is bright crimson. On the bush, the fruits look very picturesque, especially during the period of mass yield of the crop.

Since the bush grows up to two meters, it is necessary to take care of the supports in advance, and the tomato also needs to be formed and pinned.

The early Indet is famous for its delicious, unusual shaped tomatoes. Its fruits are ribbed, pear-shaped, bright red, very fleshy and tasty (watch the video).

The variety is very well suited for salads, but such tomatoes are also used for preparations, for slicing. In terms of yield, it surpasses many hybrids, giving up to 11-12 kg per square meter. meters.

The bush is high, up to 180-200 cm, so do not forget about the garter, as well as the formation of the plant.

Recently, many have grown unique bicolor tomatoes, famous for their excellent taste and very unusual color.

And if you are looking for indeterminate sweet tomato varieties for greenhouses, we recommend:

  • tomato Mint, with yellow-pink fruits weighing up to 500 grams;
  • Large rainbow with magnificent red-yellow tomatoes (weight within 400 grams);
  • Hawaiian pineapple - orange fruits with pink stains on the bottom, are large in size (grow up to 700 grams), amazing taste.

ON A NOTE! Some self-pollinated tomato seeds from our review are only offered in collectors' catalogs. There are no such varieties and hybrids in store sales.

Among the best varieties of large-fruited tomatoes for greenhouses, it occupies a special place. Feature of the variety: a small amount of fruits is formed on the plant (up to 5 kg per bush), but the tomatoes are large and very tasty.

The bush grows up to two meters, tomatoes weighing up to 500-600 grams.

The taste is very good, real "tomato". In terms of ripening, the tomato is late, up to 125 days.

Late blight-resistant tomato varieties

Separately, we highlight the varieties of tomatoes that are little affected by the dangerous late blight. This is explained by the fact that many mid-season and late Indets are grown in polycarbonate greenhouses, namely at the end of summer late blight begins to rage on the plots.

The choice of varieties of tomatoes that are resistant to late blight for the greenhouse will allow not to lose the crop, but about preventive measures you shouldn't forget anyway.

ON A NOTE! Remember that regular ventilation and correct watering (only under the root, not along the leaves), you contribute to the creation of a comfortable microclimate for plants in the greenhouse.

It is also very important to follow the planting patterns. In Indets, seedlings are planted, maintaining distances (2-3 bushes per 1 square meter) so as not to thicken the space.

In terms of resistance to late blight, we single out this fruitful carpal hybrid, which forms clusters with numerous fruits. Each tomato weighs about 40 grams. Raspberry-colored tomatoes, very firm, intended mainly for pickling and preservation.

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