Cardiomagnet 75 mg instructions for use. Cardiomagnet is your heart's faithful helper

How long can you take Cardiomagnyl? Many people are interested in this question. Therefore, in the presented article, we will give an exhaustive answer to it. You will also learn about the purpose for which this medication is prescribed by doctors, what features are inherent in it, and so on.

general information

Before answering the question of how long you can take "Cardiomagnyl", it should be said that these are heart-shaped tablets, the main active ingredient of which is acetylsalicylic acid.

Today, this drug has gained widespread popularity among people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system, which often lead to heart attacks and strokes. This agent is designed to thin the patient's blood and prevent platelets from sticking together.

Why is thick blood dangerous?

Most often, the question of how long you can take "Cardiomagnet" is asked by people who have reached the age of 40. And this is no accident. Indeed, it is during this period that hormonal changes occur in the human body, and substances appear in the blood that contribute to acceleration.This process not only increases the density of the blood, but also causes the formation of blood clots, which significantly increases the risk of heart attack and stroke.

To dilute the plasma, hypertensive patients and patients with atherosclerosis are often prescribed aspirin drugs. These include the drug "Cardiomagnet". Patients who have had a stroke, this drug is prescribed in order to prevent the mentioned pathological phenomenon. However, only an experienced doctor can decide how long and how much to take "Cardiomagnet".

How is the treatment carried out?

How to take Cardiomagnyl correctly? Is this drug needed for people with healthy cardiovascular system? Only an experienced doctor can answer all these questions.

Before prescribing this medication, the doctor must send the patient for a blood test to detect its coagulability. If the results were poor, the specialist recommends taking aspirin drugs for 10 days, after which he advises to re-undergo the research procedure.

This technique allows you to determine how well the medicine works and thins the blood. Only after that, "Cardiomagnyl" is prescribed by the course, of course, provided that the patient has no contraindications.

Drug use

How long can you take Cardiomagnil without interruption? This question was asked by almost everyone who was prescribed this medicine. However, only a specialist can answer it.

According to most doctors, people suffering from cardiovascular pathologies are medicine appointed for life. This requires constant and careful monitoring of blood clotting.

So why do many people wonder how long you can take Cardiomagnet? Such curiosity is not associated with excessive concern for one's blood vessels and heart, but with the fact that with prolonged use of drugs containing aspirin, severe gastric bleeding can quickly open up, as well as an ulcer duodenum or stomach. That is why it is important not only to know about how long you can take "Cardiomagnet", but also to follow all the doctor's recommendations, including the dosage of this drug. Typically, it is 75-150 mg once a day. In this case, the heart-shaped tablets should be swallowed whole and washed down with plain water or milk. If desired, you can break it in half, and also grind or chew it beforehand.

Application time

What is the best time to take "Cardiomagnet"? Considering that the frequency of taking the medication in question is once a day, you can take it at any time. However, experts do not recommend doing this on an empty stomach. Thus, the intake of an aspirin drug should be taken at breakfast, lunch or dinner. However, the attached instructions say that the manufacturer of this medicinal product does not have clear instructions as to what time the Cardiomagnyl tablets should be taken. As for doctors, almost all of them claim that it is better to use such a medication in the evening hours, about an hour after dinner.

For better absorption of the drug, it is better to grind the tablets into powder before using it.

How long can Cardiomagnil be taken?

The duration of use of the agent in question for preventive and therapeutic purposes depends on the severity and characteristics of the course of the disease.

Sometimes, according to strict indications, as well as taking into account the prohibitions on use and subject to constant monitoring of blood coagulation and blood pressure indicators, this drug can be prescribed for life.

It should also be noted that very often doctors advise their patients to take Cardiomagnyl tablets in courses. The medicine should be drunk continuously for 10 days, and then take a break for a similar amount of time.

Is it possible to take "Cardiomagnil" for pregnant women?

Sometimes pregnant women ask how long a drug such as Cardiomagnet can be taken. According to the instructions, during such a period, the use of this medication is undesirable, especially in the first two trimesters. If there is such a need, the attending physician is obliged to assess the benefit-risk ratio and prescribe a medication in the minimum dose. By the way, in the third trimester of pregnancy, taking this drug is strictly prohibited.

Overdose cases

It is imperative to observe the recommended dosages of "Cardiomagnyl". This is due to the fact that the use of a large amount of the drug can pose a real threat to the patient's health. For an adult, 150 mg / kg of the agent in question is considered a dangerous dose.

It should be said that a long course of treatment with high doses of the drug can cause chronic intoxication, which manifests itself in the following:

  • nausea;
  • tinnitus;
  • deafness;
  • vasodilation;
  • vomiting;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • violation of consciousness;
  • sweating.

As for the symptoms acute poisoning, then they are expressed as follows:

  • hyperventilation of the lungs;
  • anxiety;
  • violation of acid-base balance.

It should also be noted that in severe poisoning, the patient may develop a syndrome of central nervous system depression, which ultimately leads to coma, cardiovascular collapse and respiratory arrest.

When all the symptoms described are observed, the stomach is washed and the balance of fluid and electrolytes is restored, and enterosorbents are prescribed and forced diuresis is used.

Drug analogs

Now you know how long you can take "Cardiomagnet". If the purchase of such a medication is not available to you, then it can be replaced with analogues. These include drugs such as "Trombass", "Curantil" (for pregnant women), "Acecardol", "Aspirin Cardio" and others. It should be noted that before using all the listed funds, it is also necessary to consult with a specialist.

Catad_pgroup Antiplatelet agents

Cardiomagnet - official * instructions for use

Registration number:

Trade name of the drug:


International non-proprietary name or group name:

Acetylsalicylic acid + Magnesium hydroxide

Dosage form:

film-coated tablets


One tablet contains

Active ingredients:
Acetylsalicylic acid 75 mg / 150 mg
Magnesium hydroxide 15.2 mg / 30.39 mg
Corn starch 9.5 mg / 19.0 mg
Microcrystalline cellulose 12.5 mg / 25.0 mg
Magnesium stearate 150 μg / 305 μg
Potato starch 2.0 mg / 4.0 mg
Hypromellose (methylhydroxypropylcellulose 15) 460 μg / 1.2 mg
Propylene glycol 90 μg / 240 μg
Talc 280 mcg / 720 mcg


Film-coated tablets containing 75 mg / 15.2 mg acetylsalicylic acid and magnesium hydroxide, respectively: film-coated tablets, white in the form of a stylized "heart"
Film-coated tablets containing 150 mg / 30.39 mg of acetylsalicylic acid and magnesium hydroxide, respectively: film-coated tablets, white, oval in shape with a line on one side.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:

Antiplatelet agent

ATX code:

Pharmacological properties

The mechanism of action of acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) is based on irreversible inhibition of cyclooxygenase (COX-1), as a result of which the synthesis of thromboxane A2 is blocked and platelet aggregation is suppressed. It is believed that ASA has other mechanisms for suppressing platelet aggregation, which expands the scope of its application in various vascular diseases. ASA also has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antipyretic effects.
Magnesium hydroxide, which is part of Cardiomagnyl, protects the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract from the effects of acetylsalicylic acid.
ASA is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract almost completely. The half-life of ASA is about 15 minutes. with the participation of enzymes, ASA is rapidly hydrolyzed into salicylic acid (SK) in the intestine, liver and blood plasma. The half-life of SC is about 3 hours, but it can be significantly increased with the simultaneous administration of large doses of ASA (more than 3.0 g) as a result of saturation of the enzyme systems.
The bioavailability of ASA is about 70%, but this value fluctuates to a large extent, since ASA undergoes presystemic hydrolysis (gastrointestinal mucosa, liver) in the SC under the action of enzymes. The bioavailability of SC is 80-100%.
The doses of magnesium hydroxide used do not affect the bioavailability of acetylsalicylic acid.

Indications for use

Primary prevention cardiovascular diseases such as thrombosis and congestive heart failure in the presence of risk factors (for example, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, arterial hypertension, obesity, smoking, elderly age).
Prevention of recurrent myocardial infarction and thrombosis blood vessels.
Prevention of thromboembolism after surgical interventions on the vessels (coronary artery bypass grafting, percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty).
Unstable angina.


Hypersensitivity to ASA, excipients of the drug and other NSAIDs, cerebral hemorrhage; bleeding tendency (vitamin K deficiency, thrombocytopenia, hemorrhagic diathesis); bronchial asthma induced by the intake of salicylates and NSAIDs; erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract (in the acute phase); gastrointestinal bleeding; heavy renal failure (creatinine clearance less than 10 ml / min.); pregnancy (I and III trimesters); lactation period; deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase; simultaneous reception with methotrexate (more than 15 mg per week); childhood under 18 years old.


With gout, hyperuricemia, a history of ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract or gastrointestinal bleeding, renal and / or liver failure, bronchial asthma, hay fever, nasal polyposis, allergic conditions, in the II trimester of pregnancy.

Application during pregnancy and during breastfeeding

The use of large doses of salicylates in the first 3 months of pregnancy is associated with an increased incidence of fetal defects. In the second trimester of pregnancy, salicylates can be prescribed only with a rigorous assessment of the risks and benefits.
In the last trimester of pregnancy, salicylates in a high dose (more than 300 mg / day) cause inhibition generic activity, premature closure of the ductus arteriosus in the fetus, increased bleeding in the mother and the fetus, and the appointment just before childbirth can cause intracranial hemorrhage, especially in premature babies. The appointment of salicylates in the last trimester of pregnancy is contraindicated.
The available clinical data is insufficient to establish the possibility or impossibility of using the drug during the period breastfeeding... Before prescribing acetylsalicylic acid during lactation, the potential benefit of drug therapy should be assessed in relation to the potential risk to infants.

Method of administration and dosage

The tablets are swallowed whole with water. If desired, the tablet can be broken in half, chewed or pre-ground.
Primary prevention of cardiovascular diseases such as thrombosis and congestive heart failure in the presence of risk factors (eg, diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, arterial hypertension, obesity, smoking, old age)
1 tablet of Cardiomagnyl containing ASA at a dose of 150 mg on the first day, then 1 tablet of Cardiomagnyl containing ASA at a dose of 75 mg once a day.
Prevention of recurrent myocardial infarction and blood vessel thrombosis
Prevention of thromboembolism after surgical interventions on the vessels (coronary artery bypass grafting, percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty)
1 tablet of Cardiomagnyl containing ASA at a dose of 75-150 mg once a day.
Unstable angina
1 tablet of Cardiomagnyl containing ASA at a dose of 75 -150 mg once a day.

Side effect

Frequency adverse reactionsgiven below was determined according to the following:
- very often ≥1 / 10;
- often\u003e 1/100,<1/10;
- sometimes\u003e 1/1000,<1/100;
- rarely\u003e 1/10000,<1/1000;
- very rarely<1/10000, включая отдельные сообщения.
Allergic reactions: urticaria (often), Quincke's edema (often).
The immune system: anaphylactic reactions (sometimes).
Gastrointestinal tract: nausea (common), heartburn (very common), vomiting (common), pain in the abdomen, ulcers of the gastric and duodenal mucosa (sometimes), including perforated (rare), gastrointestinal bleeding (sometimes), increased activity of "liver" enzymes (rare), stomatitis (very rare), esophagitis (very rare), erosive lesions of the upper gastrointestinal tract (very rare), strictures (very rare), colitis (very rare), exacerbation of intestinal irritation ( very rarely).
Respiratory system: bronchospasm (common)
Hematopoietic system: increased bleeding (very common), anemia (rare), hypoprothrombinemia (very rare), thrombocytopenia (very rare), neutropenia, aplastic anemia (very rare), eosinophilia (very rare), agranulocytosis (very rare).
Central nervous system: dizziness (sometimes), headache (often), insomnia (often), drowsiness (sometimes), tinnitus, intracerebral hemorrhage (rare).


Overdose symptoms of moderate severity nausea, vomiting, tinnitus, hearing impairment, dizziness, confusion.
Treatment: rinse the stomach, take activated charcoal. Treatment is symptomatic.
Severe overdose symptoms fever, hyperventilation, ketoacidosis, respiratory alkalosis, coma, cardiovascular and respiratory failure, severe hypoglycemia.
Treatment: immediate hospitalization in specialized departments for emergency therapy - gastric lavage, determination of acid-base balance, alkaline and forced alkaline diuresis, hemodialysis, administration of solutions, activated carbon, symptomatic therapy. When carrying out alkaline diuresis, it is necessary to achieve pH values \u200b\u200bbetween 7.5 and 8. Forced alkaline diuresis should be carried out when the concentration of salicylates in plasma is more than 500 mg / l (3.6 mmol / l) in adults and 300 mg / l (2, 2 mmol / l) in children.

Interaction with other medicinal products (see also the section "Special instructions")

With the simultaneous use of ASA enhances the effect of the following drugs:

  • methotrexate by reducing renal clearance and displacing it from the connection with proteins
  • heparin and indirect anticoagulants due to impaired platelet function and displacement of indirect anticoagulants from protein binding
  • thrombolytic and antiplatelet and anticoagulant drugs (ticlopidine)
  • digoxin due to a decrease in its renal excretion
  • hypoglycemic agents for oral administration (sulfonylurea derivatives) and insulin due to the hypoglycemic properties of ASA itself in high doses and displacement of sulfonylurea derivatives from the connection with blood plasma proteins
  • valproic acid due to its displacement from the connection with proteins

The simultaneous use of ASA with ibuprofen leads to a decrease in the cardioprotective effects of ASA.
An additive effect is observed with the simultaneous administration of ASA with ethanol (alcohol). ASA weakens the action of uricosuric agents (benzbromarone) due to competitive tubular elimination of uric acid.
Enhancing the elimination of salicylates, systemic glucocorticosteroids (GCS) weaken their effect.
Antacids and cholestyramine reduce the absorption of the drug.

special instructions

The drug should be used after a doctor's prescription.
ASA can provoke bronchospasm, as well as cause attacks of bronchial asthma and other hypersensitivity reactions. Risk factors are a history of bronchial asthma, hay fever, nasal polyposis, chronic respiratory diseases, and allergic reactions to other drugs (eg, skin reactions, itching, urticaria).
ASA can cause bleeding of varying degrees of severity during and after surgery. A few days before the planned surgery, the risk of bleeding should be assessed in comparison with the risk of ischemic complications in patients taking low doses of ASA. If the risk of bleeding is significant, ASA should be temporarily discontinued.
The combination of ASA with anticoagulants, thrombolytics and antiplatelet drugs is accompanied by an increased risk of bleeding.
ASA in low doses can provoke the development of gout in predisposed patients (with decreased excretion of uric acid).
The combination of ASA with methotrexate is accompanied by an increased incidence of side effects from the hematopoietic organs.
High doses of ASA have a hypoglycemic effect, which must be borne in mind when prescribing it to patients with diabetes mellitus receiving hypoglycemic agents for oral administration and insulin.
With the combined use of systemic glucocorticosteroids (GCS) and salicylates, it should be remembered that during treatment, the concentration of salicylates in the blood is reduced, and after the cancellation of systemic glucocorticosteroids (GCS), an overdose of salicylates is possible.
The combination of ASA with ibuprofen is not recommended in patients with an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases: with simultaneous use with ibuprofen, there is a decrease in the antiplatelet effect of ASA in doses up to 300 mg, which leads to a decrease in the cardioprotective effects of ASA.
Excessive doses of ASA over the recommended therapeutic doses are associated with the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding.
With prolonged use of low doses of ASA as an aggregate therapy, care must be taken in elderly patients due to the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding.
With the simultaneous administration of ASA with alcohol, the risk of damage to the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract and prolongation of bleeding time is increased.

Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and moving machinery

During the period of treatment with ASA drugs, care must be taken when driving vehicles and engaging in potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions.

Release form

Film-coated tablets 75 mg + 15.2 mg and 150 mg + 30.39 mg
30 or 100 tablets in brown glass vials, sealed with a white screw cap (made of polyethylene), with a built-in removable capsule with silica gel and a ring that provides control of the first opening. A label is attached to each bottle. One bottle with instructions for use is placed in a cardboard box.

Storage conditions

In a dark place at a temperature not exceeding 25 ºС.
Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life

3 years.
Do not use after the expiration date.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

Without recipe.

Marketing Authorization Holder


Takeda Pharma A / S, Denmark
Apotekerstien 9, 9500 Hobro, Denmark

Packer / Packer / Release Quality Control

Takeda GmbH, Germany Takeda GmbH, Germany
Lehnitzstrasse 70-98, 16515 Oranienburg, Germany
LLC "Takeda Pharmaceuticals" Russia, 150066, Yaroslavl, st. Technoparkovaya, 9

Consumer claims should be sent to:

LLC "Takeda Pharmaceuticals", Russia, 119048, Moscow, st. Usacheva, 2, building 1

"Cardiomagnet" is a modern anti-inflammatory composition, which is currently used to prevent the development of thrombosis and pathologies of the heart muscle. Most of all, it is recommended for use as a treatment for patients suffering from heart and vascular diseases. Also, "Cardiomagnet" will be useful to those people who have risk factors that increase the complications of the above diseases and provoke the development of other pathologies of these organs. The anti-inflammatory properties of the drug "Cardiomagnyl" explain the fact that it has proven itself well in the treatment of a large number of heart diseases. Since it prevents the development of serious cardiovascular diseases, Cardiomagnyl tablets are considered vital for a large number of patients. More details about "Cardiomagnet" and its purpose are described in the instructions for use.

General information about the drug

To find out the answer to the question of how to take "Cardiomagnet" for the prevention of various diseases, you first need to understand why blood thickening is dangerous for a person. This medicine is presented in the form of heart pills, the main active ingredient of which is acetylsalicylic acid. Currently, "Cardiomagnyl" is very popular among patients who suffer from vascular and cardiac pathologies, because it is they who are more likely to cause the development of stroke, atherosclerosis or heart attack. This popularity can be explained by the fact that the reception of "Cardiomagnyl" actively dilutes the blood flow and does not allow erythrocytes to stick together, thereby creating clusters that negatively affect health.

The main question about how long you can take "Cardiomagnet" is interesting for people over 40 years old, because from this age in the human body, serious changes begin to occur associated with the hormonal background. As a result, special elements begin to form in the bloodstream, accelerating platelet aggregation, which can increase the density of the blood, as well as lead to the production of blood clots in the bloodstream. All this becomes the main reason for the development of many diseases, the most dangerous of which is considered a heart attack, which carries many complications after treatment.

In order to make the blood plasma more liquid, patients with atherosclerosis and suffering from high blood pressure are often recommended to use drugs, the main active element of which is aspirin. The same group of medicines includes the modern drug "Cardiomagnil", which also contains acetylsalicylic acid. For patients who have recently had a stroke, this drug is prescribed in order to prevent the recurrence of cerebrovascular accident. At the same time, only the doctor should give the patient recommendations on how to properly take "Cardiomagnet", what are the duration and required dosages. But before prescribing the use of "Cardiomagnyl" to the patient, the doctor must conduct a diagnostic examination for the patient, which includes a blood clotting test.

If the results are poor, the attending physician will advise taking aspirin-based drugs for 10 days, and then the patient will need to take a second blood test. Thanks to this approach to treatment, it will be possible to understand exactly how effective the reception of "Cardiomagnil" is, how well it thinns the blood. The main thing is that the patient does not have contraindications to this drug. Also, periodic blood tests are necessary for constant monitoring of plasma density, since its excessive dilution can lead to internal bleeding. That is why it is so important to take blood-thinning drugs only under the guidance of a doctor and with constant monitoring of your health.

"Cardiomagnet": indications and contraindications

Like any drug, it is necessary to drink "Cardiomagnil" only according to indications, which will allow you to get the maximum effect from the treatment and prevent the occurrence of unpleasant complications.

Indications for the use of the drug are as follows:

  • prevention of vascular and cardiac pathologies, namely, thrombosis and atherosclerosis, the risk of which increases with an unhealthy lifestyle, human obesity, the development of diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, hypertension;
  • prevention of the development of thromboembolism: basically the drug is prescribed when a person underwent surgery on the vascular network - coronary artery bypass grafting, coronary angioplasty;
  • prevention of the re-development of a heart attack or vascular thrombosis;
  • unstable or life-threatening angina.

Also, "Cardiomagnet" has contraindications. The most famous of them are:

  • the stage of exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, namely, ulcerative and erosive diseases;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis and a low amount of vitamin K in the body increase the likelihood of bleeding;
  • hemorrhage in the brain;
  • the development of bronchial asthma, which was facilitated by treatment with non-steroidal drugs and salicylates;
  • bleeding in the internal organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • impaired renal function, which develops in a severe and dangerous degree to health;
  • pregnancy or breastfeeding;
  • simultaneous therapy with "Methotrexate", the doses of which are more than 5 mg in 7 days;
  • lack of useful elements in the body, especially glucose;
  • age less than 18 years;
  • hypersensitivity of the body to acetylsalicylic acid and other components that make up the "Cardiomagnyl".

It is strictly forbidden to ignore these contraindications to treatment with this blood thinning drug, since the complications that may appear are serious enough for health and can threaten the patient's life.

Each patient who has been prescribed Cardiomagnet is interested in how to take the medicine in order to get the maximum therapeutic effect. However, it is worth knowing that only a doctor should give advice on taking any medication. For those patients who suffer from vascular and heart diseases, "Cardiomagnet" is most often prescribed for life with constant monitoring of blood pressure and blood clotting.

That is why patients are interested in how long it is possible to use "Cardiomagnet" without interruptions, which is associated not with anxiety for the state of their own heart and blood vessels, but also with the fact that as a result of frequent intake of the medicine, which contains aspirin, bleeding may develop in stomach or duodenum. To prevent this, it is necessary to carefully follow all medical recommendations, without violating the prescribed course of treatment. When a doctor prescribes Cardiomagnyl to a patient, the recommended dosage is 75 - 150 mg once a day.

Those who do not know when to take "Cardiomagnet" - in the morning or in the evening - should know that, since the frequency of its administration should be only 1 time per day, it is allowed to drink the medicine at any time. The main thing is not to do this with a strong feeling of hunger. Important: for those patients who are interested in when to take "Cardiomagnet", most doctors recommend doing this one hour after the last meal. For better assimilation of the drug, the tablet is ground into powder and then mixed with ordinary water.

Sometimes doctors have the right to prescribe a course treatment with Cardiomagnil. To do this, taking such a medicinal composition should be carried out for 10 days, after which take a break for the same time.

How to take the drug for pregnant women?

Quite often, doctors are asked about whether it is worth taking "Cardiomagnet" during pregnancy and how long it should be done. It is worth knowing that drinking "Cardiomagnet" during pregnancy is undesirable. Before prescribing this drug, the doctor must correctly assess what harm and benefit Cardiomagnet can do. After thorough analyzes, the doctor prescribes treatment with "Cardiomagnil" when carrying a baby in the minimum dose for a woman. It should be known that during the last three months of pregnancy, treatment with this drug should be completely stopped.

Side effects of the drug for the body

There are numerous side effects of "Cardiomagnyl" that arise from various systems and internal organs:

  1. Allergic manifestations: most often, patients develop urticaria, somewhat less often - Quincke's edema. Sometimes patients notice the appearance of anaphylactic shock.
  2. On the part of the gastrointestinal tract, patients show negative effects in the form of heartburn and nausea, which turns into vomiting. Sometimes the patient may complain of any type of pain in the abdomen, which often lead to ulcers on the gastric mucosa and duodenal ulcer. Also, abdominal pain often characterizes the development of bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract. Quite rarely, but still doctors noticed in their practice the appearance of stomatitis, irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, and erosive changes in the stomach in patients.
  3. On the part of the nervous system, drowsiness and dizziness can be distinguished, which do not develop too often. Most often, insomnia and pressing pains in the head occur. Sometimes patients develop tinnitus. If a person takes the same amount of "Cardiomagnet", the development of cerebral hemorrhages is possible.
  4. On the part of the organs that are part of the hematopoietic system, most often there is high and difficult bleeding, more rarely - anemia. The development of neutropenia, aplastic anemia, hypoprothrombinemia, eosinophilia, etc. is quite rare.
  5. On the part of the respiratory organs, bronchospasm most often develops, which causes serious harm to health.

"Cardiomagnil", which contains acetylsalicylic acid, is important to take especially carefully, and this should be done only under the supervision of a doctor in the following situations:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • gout;
  • an ulcer on the digestive tract;
  • liver or kidney failure;
  • hyperuricemia;
  • hay fever;
  • pregnancy;
  • polyps in the nose;
  • acting allergic reactions in the body.

Before carrying out surgical operations for patients who drink "Cardiomagnet", the doctor must correctly assess the possible risks of bleeding and the appearance of IB. And only on the basis of this, a decision is made about how useful the drug will be in this case and whether it is worth temporarily canceling its intake.

In addition, we must not forget that the medicinal composition in question cannot be combined with the intake of other medicinal preparations, namely, anticoagulants or thrombolytics. In this case, "Cardiomagnet" gives a high risk of bleeding.

  1. Patients who are predisposed to gout may develop this condition. Important: if a woman drank this drug, the disease can form even earlier, based on the characteristics of the female body.
  2. If this drug is combined with Methotrexate, even in small doses, there is an increased risk of developing negative effects that will affect the hematopoietic system.
  3. Since acetylsalicylic acid is endowed with hypoglycemic properties, patients with diabetes should be very careful when carrying out such treatment.
  4. If the dose of the medicine that the patient drinks was unauthorized, the risk of bleeding in the organs that make up the gastrointestinal tract is greatly increased.
  5. Since the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding is higher in older patients, they need to be careful and careful when treating this drug.
  6. When treating with "Cardiomagnil", you should not drink alcoholic beverages, as this significantly increases the likelihood of damage to the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, and when bleeding occurs, it increases its duration.
  7. You also need to remember that when carrying out treatment with "Cardiomagnil" it is important to always be careful. This is especially true for driving a car, as well as those types of work that require utmost attention and concentration.

Treatment with a drug can enhance the effect of certain groups of medicinal compounds, for example:

  • thrombolytic formulations;
  • cardioprotective;
  • antiplatelet;
  • hypoglycemic.

How long should the treatment take in this case? In order not to harm a person's condition, doctors advise to halve the duration of treatment, especially if the drug has already helped restore health.

What drugs should be taken for heart ischemia?

Ischemic heart disease has no precise definition, because it includes a whole group of diseases, such as coronary heart disease, angina pectoris and myocardial infarction. All this is due to the heart's need for oxygen, with its direct supply. This "angina pectoris" is a disease of the heart muscle. This is due to dysfunction of the arteries that feed the heart.

It is impossible to get rid of coronary artery disease quickly, it requires long and serious treatment. Medicines will need to be used for the rest of your life. But the choice of drugs depends on the severity of the disease and the presence of other concomitant diseases in a person. Medicines are selected individually, this is done by the attending physician.

If a person feels pain in the chest and behind the chest, shortness of breath, malaise, rapid heartbeat, incomprehensible to a person and unreasonable fear and anxiety, then this may already indicate a serious illness, and you just need to visit a doctor immediately.

What is the purpose of the treatment?

There are a lot of treatment goals, but the main ones can be distinguished:

  • reduce pain in the patient;
  • eliminate the blockage of the arteries and veins of the heart;
  • reduce the possibility of a heart attack;
  • reduce the risk of death.

It is necessary to start treatment for any variant of ischemic heart disease with a change in diet. Sometimes this is enough for visible improvements. It is required to perform all the necessary exercises of physiotherapy exercises, the main thing is to listen to the doctor.

A noticeable improvement can occur after taking medications, performing special exercises, and sometimes it is possible only after surgery. The method of treatment is prescribed by a doctor.

The use of medicines

Treatment for ischemia of the heart is primarily aimed at bringing the blood flow in the coronary arteries to a normal state.

It is necessary to eradicate or at least reduce the formations that prevent the flow of oxygen and important trace elements to the heart muscle. Depending on the state of the coronary arteries and, of course, the blood vessels, the doctor can choose only medicines when prescribing treatment.

Therapy for ischemia includes:

  1. Drugs with antiplatelet effect. It is better to drink aspirin in a quarter or half of a tablet, this will enhance the effect of the treatment. It is taken mainly in the evening, before bedtime, after meals. Treatment takes a long time, and sometimes for life. Aspirin reduces the likelihood of myocardial infarction by at least 35%. The main thing is to remember that there are contraindications. For example, in case of peptic ulcer disease, since gastric bleeding is possible if a person has increased bleeding; and even with advanced pathologies of the kidneys, liver and individual intolerance.
  2. Diuretics These are thiazide (Hypothiazide, Indapamide), loop (furosemide). Treatment with these agents is necessary to reduce the load on the myocardium, since the drugs remove excess fluid from the body.
  3. Anticoagulants. These drugs are prescribed for the treatment of thrombosis. The drug is used in conjunction with aspirin, in doses that help prevent thrombotic complications.
  4. Beta-blockers. These are medicines that reduce the heart rate of the myocardium, that is, the myocardium receives the required volume of oxygen. The main thing is to remember that these funds are not accepted in chronic lung pathologies, in pulmonary insufficiency and in bronchial asthma.
  5. Statins and fibrators. These are Lovastatin, Fenofibrate, Simvastatin, Rosuvastatin, Atorvastatin. They are designed to lower blood cholesterol. The level of cholesterol in the blood of patients is 2 times higher than that of a healthy person.
  6. Nitrates: nitroglycerin and isosorbide mononitrate. They help in stopping an attack of angina pectoris. They are able to expand blood vessels, and in a short time you can get a positive result. But it is worth remembering that in case of hypotension, their use is contraindicated. Side effects: headache and low blood pressure.
  7. Pain relievers. Both validol and special medications with antianginal action (nitroglycerin) can help to eliminate pain. But for long-term therapy, prolonged-release medications of various types are needed, such as ointment, various plates and even a patch. Aerosol forms of antianginal drugs will give a good and quick effect.
  8. Treatment of concomitant diseases. In diabetes mellitus, pills and injections are prescribed, which help to normalize the concentration of glucose in the blood. With thyroid disease, you only need constant medication for substitution therapy. With excess body weight, it is necessary to keep a diet and do special therapeutic exercises. If you do not follow the advice of a doctor and do not use special medicines for concomitant diseases, it is impossible to achieve a positive effect.
  9. Restoration of vascular patency. The most commonly used coronary artery bypass grafting. But medications should be taken only as prescribed by the doctor and only in those proportions that he prescribed.

Non-drug methods

Non-pharmacological methods of treatment include the following:

  1. Hirudotherapy. With this type of treatment, leech saliva is used, it is it that underlies the treatment, since it has antiplatelet properties.
  2. Shock wave therapy method. In this case, stress occurs to shear the vascular wall using low power shock waves.
  3. Use of stem cells. Stem cells have the ability to differentiate into missing myocardial cells. This method of treatment is promising.
  4. Quantum therapy. Treatment takes place by exposure to laser radiation. The effectiveness has not yet been proven.

Surgical treatment

There are times when only surgery can help a patient. After surgery, the blocked artery is cleared.

There are several types of surgery.

  1. Coronary artery bypass grafting. With such an intervention, the coronary vessels are connected to the external ones. The connection is made where the vessels are not damaged.
  2. Coronary artery bypass grafting. In this type of surgery, the aorta is attached to the coronary artery.
  3. Balloon dilatation of vessels. Special balloons with a substance are introduced into the coronary vessels. The balloon expands them to the required size. A balloon is introduced into the coronary vessel through a large artery using a manipulator.
  4. Endovascular coronary angioplasty. Balloon angioplasty and stenting. The operation is performed under local anesthesia and is controlled by an X-ray machine.

Folk remedies

Traditional methods include phytotherapy and herbal and herbal treatments. Let's consider several variants of the first method. There are many of them, for every taste and pocket. But it is worth remembering that these are all assistants in treatment, and not a separately existing method.

  1. Lemon balm foliage (20 g), cumin berries (15 g), periwinkle herb (15 g), valerian root (20 g), hawthorn flowers (25 g). Mix all ingredients. Take 1 tbsp. l. mixture of herbs and pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 4 hours, then strain. You need to drink the broth in the morning and in the evening for 1 glass.
  2. Mix honey and grated horseradish in an amount of 1 tsp. of each ingredient. The composition is taken in the morning, 1-2 hours before breakfast. Drink with water. Do it better one time. Take about 60 days.
  3. It helps to eat a mixture of 2-3 beaten egg whites with 2-3 tsp on an empty stomach. sour cream and 1 tsp. honey. Stir well before use. Consume 1 tsp.
  4. Pour 20 g of strawberry leaves with 200 ml of boiling water, boil for 12 minutes, leave for a couple of hours, strain, then squeeze the leaves. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day.
  5. 50 g of chopped garlic, pour 200 ml of vodka, leave in a warm place for 3 days. Take 7-10 drops three times a day.
  6. Leaves of coltsfoot, fruits of dill in a ratio of 1: 2, jaundice herb, reed flowers of sunflower - chop and mix all these herbs. Pour 1 liter of boiling water, stir and leave for 60 minutes. Squeeze and take half a glass 5-6 times a day for 1 month.
  7. 45 g of herb lovage officinalis, 45 g of corn roots, chop and mix. Pour 1 liter of boiled water, boil for 15 minutes, pour into a thermos and leave for 50 minutes. Strain, squeeze out. Take half a glass three times a day, half an hour after a meal. 3 courses of 7 days with an interval of 5 days.
  8. 1 part of sugary kelp thallus, 2 parts of corn stigmas, horsetail grass, sundew grass - chop and mix the components. 3 tbsp. l. the resulting collection is placed in an enamel bowl, pour 1 liter of boiling water. Put in a water bath and bring to a boil. Boil for 5 minutes. Pour into a thermos, leave for 60 minutes. Strain the resulting infusion, squeeze the raw material. Take half a glass 6 times a day after meals for 14 days.
  9. Pour 15 g of nettle (root) with 200 ml of boiling water, boil over low heat for 25 minutes, leave for half an hour. Drink 3 tbsp. l. three times a day, half an hour before a meal.
  10. Pour 1/2 liter of boiling water over a couple of handfuls of starfish and leave, after wrapping it up, for about 7 hours. Take half a glass 3-4 times a day, 30 minutes before meals, for 14 days or a whole month.
  11. 1 tbsp. l. centaury pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave in a warm place for 60 minutes. Apply half an hour before meals, within 2-3 weeks.

How to be treated at home?

At home, you also need to help yourself in the treatment of heart ischemia. First you need to organize proper nutrition: eat 100 g of cottage cheese every day, viburnum berries with seeds, nutmeg with milk. There is also a good method: pour oat grains (if any) with water in a ratio of 1 to 10, insist all day; after it has been infused, it is required to strain; drink 100 g liquid 2-3 times a day. The main thing is to consume before meals. The use of cardamom in various dishes will be useful. And finally, you need to eat foods that are rich in magnesium and potassium.

Not only nutrition is very important, but also other points, such as:

  • full night sleep;
  • rubdown and dousing with cool water or even snow;
  • complete cessation of cigarettes, even secondhand smoke;
  • complete refusal or at least a decrease in the amount of alcoholic beverages.


Any treatment requires subsequent prevention:

  • do not overwork at work;
  • rest and walk in the fresh air as often as possible;
  • quit bad habits (smoking and alcohol) as soon as possible;
  • do not consume saturated fats of animal origin;
  • monitor the calorie content of food (maximum 2500 kcal per day);
  • reduce salt intake;
  • try to eat those foods that are high in protein (this is cottage cheese, fish, lean meat);
  • eat unprocessed fruits and vegetables more often.


Coronary artery disease is a chronic condition. Any treatment only stops the development of the disease, but, unfortunately, does not completely eliminate it. The main thing is to consult a doctor in a timely manner and follow his recommendations.

Today, according to the WHO, about 17 million people in the world die every day from cardiovascular diseases, and, sadly, most often people do not even live up to 60 years. Russia, unfortunately, occupies one of the first ranks in the mortality list.

Indications and contraindications for the use of Cardiomagnyl

Cardiomagnet is a popular drug used to treat various cardiovascular diseases.

Cardiomagnet is widely known as a medicine that prevents blood clotting and blood clots. Hence its positive prophylactic effect on the cardiovascular system and cerebral circulation.


There are certain indications for using the drug:

  • Acute heart failure.
  • Unstable angina.
  • Prevention of transient ischemic attacks.
  • Prevention of thrombosis or heart attack, the risk of which increases in the presence of arterial hypertension, overweight, dyslipidemia, diabetes mellitus, etc.
  • Prevention of recurrent myocardial infarction.
  • As a prophylaxis after coronary bypass surgery.

Like other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, it has the ability to reduce the activity of the inflammatory process.

Cardiomagnet is a new generation drug. It can be used as a preventive measure for high blood pressure. In the treatment of hypertension, it is prescribed selectively: for the prevention of cardiovascular complications in high-risk patients. The medicine helps prevent ischemic strokes. But with hemorrhagic - the use is contraindicated.

The doctor selects the dosage, the duration of the course of treatment individually.

Why is Cardiomagnet better than aspirin?

Cardiomagnyl was invented relatively recently. In 1996, Nycomed Corporation released a drug called Magnil. Later, in 2002, it got its traditional name. There was almost nothing revolutionary new in the composition of the drug. Cardiomagnet contains two components: acetylsalicylic acid - the familiar aspirin - and magnesium hydroxide.

Aspirin is the first non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug invented in the 19th century. In 1971, pharmacologist John Wayne discovered that aspirin has a positive effect on blood vessels and prevents blood clots. In particular, it successfully prevents thrombosis of the coronary and cerebral arteries. For this discovery, the pharmacologist Wayne was awarded the Nobel Prize.

Acetylsalicylic acid has become known as an antiplatelet drug that prevents blood clots. The antiplatelet effect is due to the suppression of the synthesis of thromboxane and prostaglandins. The effects of acetylsalicylic acid continue for some time, even if you stop taking aspirin.

Back in the middle of the 20th century, it became clear that aspirin also has side effects. It provokes bleeding in diseases of the stomach and intestines. Unlike aspirin, Cardiomagnyl contains an antacid substance - magnesium hydroxide - which has an enveloping effect on the gastric and intestinal mucosa and minimizes the risk of bleeding. The ratio of both components is optimally matched.


Despite the positive properties of Cardiomagnyl, it has a number of side effects that should not be neglected. Reception, even for prophylactic purposes, requires a doctor's consultation.

  • Cardiomagnet reduces blood coagulation and increases tissue bleeding. Therefore, it is not used for stomach ulcers, gastritis with erosion, gum disease and nosebleeds.
  • Patients who have had erosive and ulcerative diseases of the stomach and intestines in the past should take Cardiomagnyl with caution.
  • Its use is prohibited for thrombocytopenia, von Willebrand disease, hemophilia.
  • Take with caution in case of gout and hyperuricemia.
  • Like other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, Cardiomagnet can cause or intensify an allergic reaction. It should not be taken for neurodermatitis, rhinitis and other manifestations of allergies.
  • Its reception should be limited to patients with bronchospasm. As a drug that contains aspirin, it can cause so-called aspirin asthma.
  • Cardiomagnet is not prescribed for patients with renal failure, kidney and liver diseases.
  • The drug is not used during pregnancy and lactation.
  • For children under 18 years of age, Cardiomagnet is contraindicated.

If arterial hypertension is very high, difficult to correct, then the use of Cardiomagnet should be treated very carefully. In this case, nosebleeds may occur, which will be difficult to stop due to the action of the drug, which reduces blood clotting. And if there is a risk of developing a hemorrhagic stroke, then such treatment can lead to massive intracranial hemorrhage and death of a person.

In any case, treatment is prescribed only by a doctor and strictly according to indications. It is not recommended to use such a medicine on your own due to serious side effects, the most dangerous of which are bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract.

Cardiomagnet is a drug belonging to the group of antiplatelet agents. Available in two dosages of 75 mg of acetylsalicylic acid in combination with 15.2 mg of magnesium hydroxide (heart-shaped tablets), 150 mg of acetylsalicylic acid in combination with 30.39 mg of magnesium hydroxide (elongated tablets with a scored in the middle).

The mechanism of action consists in the irreversible inhibition of the enzyme cyclooxygenesis-1, which leads to a block of thromboxane synthesis, thereby suppressing the aggregation of blood corpuscles - platelets. In theory, there are other mechanisms for suppressing platelet aggregation, but they have not yet been confirmed. In addition to inhibiting platelet aggregation, acetylsalicylic acid has a mild analgesic, anti-inflammatory and moderate antipyretic effect. The magnesium salt, which is part of the drug, helps to protect the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract from the adverse effects of acetylsalicylate.

The absorption of acetylsalicylic acid occurs almost completely, the bioavailability of salicylic acid is 80-100%. The half-life of acetylsalicylic acid is about 15 minutes, since it is rapidly converted to salicylic acid, starting from the intestines, as well as in the liver and even directly in the blood plasma. The half-life of salicylic acid directly is about 3 hours and can be significantly increased with the use of the drug in large doses (more than 3 grams, or 20 tablets of cardiomagnyl with a dose of 150 mg). Magnesium salts, which are part of cardiomagnyl, do not affect the pharmacokinetics of the drug.

Indications for use

In neurological practice, cardiomagnyl is used as a means of preventing primary or recurrent ischemic stroke, especially in the presence of significant risk factors in a particular patient.

Also, the drug can be used as a means of preventing myocardial infarction, thromboembolic complications after interventions on the vessels, with unstable angina pectoris.


The drug has a number of contraindications that should be considered when prescribing. These include:

  • Present cerebral hemorrhage.
  • Bleeding tendency (hemorrhagic diathesis, hemophilia, etc.).
  • The presence of bronchial asthma associated with the intake of NSAIDs and salicylates.
  • Exacerbation of gastrointestinal ulcers, acute gastrointestinal bleeding.
  • Terminal renal failure with creatinine clearance less than 10 ml per minute.
  • Fermentopathy by glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase.
  • Cumulative intake with significant doses with methotrexate.
  • Children under the age of 18.
  • Breastfeeding period.
  • Pregnancy, especially the first and third trimesters.
  • Allergic reactions to cardiomagnet.

Care should be taken to use the drug for gout, the presence of ulcerative lesions or bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract by history, with mild and moderate renal and liver failure, broncho-obstructive diseases, in the II trimester of pregnancy.


They take pills with water, the pill itself, if desired, can be broken into pieces, or completely previously rubbed or chewed. When taken once a day, the drug is taken in the evening.

Doses of cardiomagnyl depend on the condition, the presence of this or that pathology. For the primary prevention of CVD (if there are risk factors), therapy is carried out according to the scheme: on the first day, 150 mg is prescribed, then the drug is taken at a dose of 75 mg 1 time in the evening.

For the prevention of repeated acute vascular accidents, a dose of 75 or 150 mg is prescribed, also once a day. The same dose is selected for the prevention of thrombotic complications, after invasive surgical procedures, with unstable angina pectoris.


An overdose of the drug is observed when it is taken in high doses (1 gram or more, which corresponds to about 14 tablets with a dose of 75 mg or 7 tablets with a dose of 150 mg). Overdose symptoms: nausea up to repeated vomiting, buzzing in the ears, dizziness, impaired consciousness up to coma, heart or respiratory failure, hypoglycemic disorders, fever, violation of acid-base balance of blood.

Treatment depends on the severity of the patient's condition. In severe violations, emergency hospitalization in the intensive care unit is necessary. In any case of an overdose, gastric lavage, therapy with sorbent drugs, symptomatic therapy are necessary. With the development of ketoacidosis and alkalosis, forced diuresis, the appointment of saline solutions, and hemodialysis, if indicated, are recommended.

Side effects

All side effects differ in frequency of occurrence, very frequent from 10% of occurrence, frequent - from 1 to 10%, sometimes occurring from 0.1 to 1%, rarely from 0.01 to 0.1% and very rare effects occurring less than one case per 10,000 patients. Very common - heartburn and increased bleeding. Often - bronchospasm, nausea up to vomiting (especially at high doses), allergic reactions up to Quincke's edema, headaches, sleep disturbances. Sometimes they develop - dizziness, anaphylaxis, abdominal pain, the development of ulcers of the gastrointestinal mucosa, bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract. Rarely - buzzing in the ears, cerebral hemorrhage, the development of anemia, changes in the activity of liver enzymes. Very rarely, there are such undesirable effects as a decrease in the number of platelets, leukocytes, the development of aplasia of hematopoiesis, stomatitis, the development of erosions of the esophagus, colitis, irritable bowel syndrome.


There are no direct analogues of the drug cardiomagnyl. There are many other acetylsalicylic acid preparations, but their effectiveness, safety, and price / quality ratio are often worse than that of the cardiomagnyl drug.

special instructions

There are risks of drug interactions with Cardiomagnum. There is an increase in the action of the following drugs:

  • Methotrexate, due to a decrease in renal clearance and the likelihood of displacement from compounds with plasma proteins.
  • Heparin and other anticoagulants, due to impaired platelet aggregation, as well as from compounds with plasma proteins.
  • Dishoxin, due to a decrease in renal excretion.
  • Hypoglycemic agents for the treatment of diabetes mellitus, as well as insulin, due to their displacement from compounds with proteins and the direct hypoglycemic action of the drug itself in high dosages. And this should be taken into account when curating patients with diabetes mellitus.
  • Valproic acid preparations (displacement from compounds with proteins).

When taken with ibuprofen, the cardioprotective effects of acetylsalicylic acid are reduced. Glucocorticosteroids weaken the action of cardiomagnyl by increasing its excretion. Antacids, on the other hand, reduce the absorption of cardiomagnyl.

Cardiomagnet, like all acetylsalicylic acid preparations, can cause bronchospasm, provoke and intensify asthma attacks. The risk of bleeding due to surgery also increases with the use of cardiomagnyl, therefore, the risk of ischemic complications should be assessed before the intervention, comparing it with the risk of bleeding. If the risk of bleeding prevails over ischemic vascular lesions, the drug should be temporarily canceled.

Low to moderate doses can induce gout with decreased levels of uric acid excretion.

When combining the therapy of neurological diseases with prednisolone and other systemic hormonal drugs (in particular, with multiple sclerosis, neuritis of the facial nerve, etc.), one should remember about a decrease in the concentration of acetylsalicylic acid in the blood, after the cancellation, there may be an abrupt increase in the content of the drug in the blood with overdose phenomena.

Exceeding the average therapeutic dose leads to an increased risk of bleeding. The same applies to elderly patients with lifelong administration of the drug. The risk of bleeding increases with alcohol intake.

When taking the drug, care must be taken when engaging in potentially hazardous activities due to the risk of dizziness (this also applies to driving).

Pill price

You can buy cardiomagnet at any pharmacy, it is dispensed without a prescription. On average, the price of cardiomagnyl depends more on the markup of a particular pharmacy and is within the following limits:

  • Tablets with a dose of 75 mg (in the shape of a heart), package No. 30. 100-150 rubles.
  • Tablets with a dose of 75 mg (in the shape of a heart), package No. 100. 180-270 rubles.
  • Tablets with a dose of 150 mg (oblong tablet form), package number 30. 105-170 rubles.
  • Tablets with a dose of 150 mg (oblong tablet form), package number 100. 185-290 rubles.

Considering the possibility of crushing the drug and the prices indicated above, we can conclude that taking a large package of tablets with a dose of 150 mg would be a more profitable purchase.

Cardiomagnet - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug with antiplatelet properties. Cardiomagnyl contains two components - acetylsalicylic acid and magnesium hydroxide. The drug is produced in the form of tablets containing 75 and 150 mg of acetylsalicylic acid.

Taking Cardiomagnyl prevents platelet adhesion, reduces thromboxane production. In addition, the drug reduces pain and body temperature, relieves inflammation. Magnesium hydroxide, being an antacid, helps to avoid the destruction of the walls of the gastrointestinal tract under the action of acetylsalicylic acid, covering the stomach walls with a protective film and interacting with hydrochloric acid and gastric juice. Both components operate in parallel without affecting the effectiveness of each other.

It was a breakthrough in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Its use in cardiology in small doses revealed the antiplatelet properties of the drug, and today it is often prescribed for problems with the heart and blood vessels.

Indications for prophylactic use of Cardiomagnyl

  • Primary prevention of cardiovascular diseases (acute heart failure and thrombosis), aggravated by risk factors: diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, obesity, hyperlipidemia, smoking, as well as in old age.
  • Prevention of re-myocardial infarction and re-formation of blood clots.
  • Prevention of cardiovascular diseases in persons with a hereditary tendency to them.
  • Prevention of thromboembolism after surgical interventions on the vessels (coronary artery bypass grafting, coronary angioplasty).

The use of Cardiomagnet for prevention

The tablets are swallowed whole, if desired, broken in half or chewed with water.

For the primary prevention of cardiovascular diseases, aggravated by risk factors, a single dose of a 150 mg tablet is prescribed for the first day, then one 75 mg tablet once a day.

For the prevention of recurrent myocardial infarction and re-formation of blood clots, one tablet of the drug 75-150 mg is prescribed once a day.

For the prevention of thromboembolism after surgical interventions on the vessels, one tablet of the drug 75-150 mg is prescribed once a day.

The exact dosage of the drug is determined by the doctor, depending on the patient's condition.

The drug should not be taken by men under 40 and women under 50. Its constant use can lead to internal bleeding, while the likelihood of a heart attack is not yet so great.

How long can Cardiomagnet be used?

If there are no contraindications, and taking the drug is not accompanied by the development of side effects - for many years and even for life. After six months of using the drug, you can take a break for two weeks, and then resume taking.

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