Useful properties of fir broth. Fir - description, composition, properties, use in medicine

Fir is a genus of gymnosperms from the Pine family, numbering about 50 species, growing mainly in the subtropical and temperate zones of the Northern Hemisphere. Characteristic feature of this evergreen tree, unlike other conifers, are cones growing upward and flat needles. For pharmaceutical purposes in traditional and folk medicine the most commonly used is Siberian fir.

Trees of this species reach a height of up to 30 meters, the trunk is fractured at the bottom, and cylindrical at the top. The crown of the plant is narrow-conical, the branches are thin, the lower ones drooping almost to the ground, the bark is dark gray, smooth with numerous thickenings (nodules), which are filled with a transparent, fragrant resin - "fir balsam". Needles (leaves) up to 3 cm long, fragrant, not prickly, dark green, on the reverse side each has two whitish stripes with a waxy bloom. Fir blooms in May, seeds ripen in August-September. In September-October, cones, reaching a length of 7-9 cm, fall off, and cone rods remain on the branches (another distinctive feature plants).

Chemical composition

Fir's medicinal raw materials are needles, young branches, buds and bark.

Found in various parts of the plant:

  • Roots: essential oil (about 8%), the components of which are represented by safrole, camphor, cineole, camphorine, bisabolite, camphene, organic acids;
  • Bark: tannins (up to 13%); oleoresin (fir balsam), including resin (up to 70%) and essential oil (up to 30%);
  • Seeds: solid fatty oils (up to 30%) containing acylglycerols of oleic, carminic and lauric acids, as well as vitamin E;
  • Needles: essential oil (the basis for obtaining camphor), proteins, carbohydrates, carotene, vitamins C and E, flavonoids, phytoncides, trace elements (iron, cobalt, manganese, copper, zinc);
  • Shoots and thin branches: essential oil (about 4%), 80% camphor.

The essential oil of all parts of fir contains: bornyl acetate (ester of borneol and acetic acid), tannins, vitamin C, tocopherols, carotene, borneol, beta-pinene, alpha-pinene, camphene, dipentene, santen, A-phellandrene, bisabolene ...

Beneficial features

It is recommended to harvest the branches of the tree at the end, and the buds at the beginning or in the middle of spring, the bark - all year round, young needles - in June-August or from October to February. In April, the needles have the highest concentration ascorbic acid... To maximize the preservation of essential oil, fir legs (needles and the ends of young branches) are advised to be harvested in winter, keeping them on the flooring in layers alternating with snow.

The most valuable medicinal properties of fir include: tonic, anti-inflammatory, tonic, analgesic, adaptogenic, antibacterial, expectorant, disinfectant, diuretic, detoxifying, anesthetic, wound healing.

A number of useful products, the most important of which are turpentine, abienol, diterpene alcohol, neoabietic acid, abietic acid, resins. Derived from essential oil, camphor is a component of many medicinesexciting the central nervous system and stimulating the work of the heart.

Healing properties Since ancient times, fir has been used to treat pulmonary, rheumatic and skin diseases. The needles of a plant, containing a large amount of ascorbic acid and beta-carotene, increases the body's resistance in the fight against infectious lesions and colds... The phytoncides that make up the plant stimulate the secretion of gastric juice, promote the healing of wounds and skin lesions, and improve the activity of the heart.

The detoxifying properties of the tree are used to remove toxins, poisons, heavy and radioactive metals from the body. Needle-based preparations are used to clean capillaries and blood vessels, and reduce their fragility. The expectorant effect of fir is beneficial for removing phlegm and cleansing respiratory tract with damage to the bronchi and lungs. Evaporation of needles is used to eliminate bronchospasm with bronchial asthmaas well as in the treatment of migraines and headaches.

The antibacterial and diuretic properties of fir help in the treatment of kidney disease and bladder... Fir extract is used to prevent the appearance of metastases and prevent the growth of neoplasms.

Plant oil is prescribed for skin lesions, viral infections, pain in the muscles, joint diseases. It is also used as a sedative that has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, is used to treat heart failure, glaucoma, and blood pressure drops.

Indications for use

Fir-based preparations are used to treat the following diseases: cough, diphtheria, runny nose, acute respiratory viral diseases (ARVI), flu, colds, sinusitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, pneumonia (including croupous pneumonia), tuberculosis, inflammation trigeminal nerve, diathesis (in children), acne, furunculosis, eczema, herpes, psoriasis, lichen, skin fungus, wounds, gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontal disease, colitis, toothache, rheumatism, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, radiculitis, angina pectoris, neuroses, depression, prostatitis, scurvy, hypovitaminosis, poisoning, oncological diseases.


  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Tendency to seizures;
  • Ulcerative lesions of the digestive tract;
  • Plant hypersensitivity.

Since oil tends to accumulate in the body, it should be taken in low doses - no more than 5-10 drops per day (depending on tolerance). When applied externally, the dose per day should not exceed 8-10 g. It should be borne in mind that the oil has a laxative effect. Before using plant preparations, it is advisable to consult a specialist.

Home remedies from fir

  • Drink to strengthen immunity: pour 2 tablespoons of pine needles with a glass of boiling water and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes, cool. Drink 1/3 cup 2-3 times a day;
  • Recovery tool vascular system: 3 cups of water pour 5 tablespoons of chopped needles, 2 tablespoons onion peel, 3 tablespoons of rose hips. Bring to a boil and keep on low heat for 10 minutes. Then insist during the night, wrapping the dishes with a heat-insulating cloth, filter in the morning and take up to 2-3 glasses a day, the course is about 3 months;
  • Infusion for making a bath with needles for headaches, overwork, stress: pour 2 handfuls of needles with 4 cups of boiling water, insist for 1-2 hours, strain and add to the bath filled with water with a temperature of up to 37 ° C, the duration of the procedure is no longer than 15 -20 minutes;
  • Ointment for diathesis in children: Mix 1 part of fir oil with 3 parts of olive oil or baby cream and 1-2 drops of vitamin F. Lubricate problem areas of the skin several times a day;
  • Remedy for colitis and enterocolitis: shake 5-6 drops of oil with a mixer with 1/2 cup of boiled or distilled water, take 20 minutes before meals 3 times a day;
  • Fir oil compress for radiculitis: apply an oiled sheet of parchment paper to the sore spot and tie it with a warm handkerchief or scarf. Keep it for no longer than 20-30 minutes (to avoid burns). It is advisable to carry out the procedure at night, before going to bed, after taking a coniferous bath;
  • Mask for strengthening and growing hair: mix thoroughly 2-3 drops of fir oil, 1 tablespoon of honey and 4-5 tablespoons of freshly squeezed onion juice. Rub the prepared mixture with your fingertips into the scalp. Cover your hair with plastic wrap and keep it for 30-40 minutes, then wash your hair with shampoo.

Abies sibirica L
Taxon: family Pine (Pinaceae)
English: Siberian Fir


- coniferous, 30-60 m high (sometimes up to 100 m), 0.5-2 m in diameter, evergreen slender tree. The shoots of the tree are covered with needles 2-3 cm long, green above, below with two whitish stripes. Male stripes are located in the axils of needles in the upper part of last year's shoots, female cones are green or reddish-purple, erect erect, located singly near the end of last year's shoot in the upper part of the crown, ripen during the summer, the scales of the cones crumble in autumn or winter, freeing seeds. Seed production begins at the age of 70, and twice as early in open areas. The buds are pointed or dull, green, reddish or brown, resinous in many species. The bark of the fir is dark gray, smooth and thin, with numerous swellings - containers of resin.
Fir is distinguished by slow growth in the first years of life, shade-tolerant, moisture-loving, demanding on the soil, wind-resistant (has a deep taproot system), many species are frost-resistant. Some types of fir are durable (live up to 500-700 years), thanks to slender, conical, dense, often low pubescent (to the ground) dark green or gray crowns. Fir phytoncides clean the air from bacteria.
Very decorative, unlike most conifers, fir tolerates pruning well and can be used for hedges. Poorly tolerates air pollution from smoke and gas, is not resistant to fire, but grows well in rural areas.
Fir and spruce are very similar in appearance, have the same dense crown pyramids, which end with a pointed top. Needles distinguish them from pine, cedar, larch. If pine needles are collected in a bunch of 2-3 needles, a cedar has 5 needles, and a larch has 20-50 needles in a bunch, then spruce and fir have single needles, the needles fit tightly to each other. Due to the dense crowns, fir and spruce form the so-called dark coniferous forests.


The fir genus contains about 40 species distributed in the Northern Hemisphere; In our forests there are 9 species, of which the Siberian fir is of commercial importance, which is widespread in the northeast of the European part of Russia, in Western and Eastern Siberia - from the upper reaches of the Lena and Aldan, and is distributed to the Urals. Can be grown outside of its natural range.

Collection and procurement

Needles, buds, young branches (spruce branches), bark are used as medicinal raw materials. The buds are harvested in March-April, spruce branches - in May, the bark is harvested throughout the year. The needles of young shoots are cut 2 times a year - in June-August and October-February.
The greatest yield of oil from fir branches and needles is at the end of July. The content of ascorbic acid in needles is highest in winter, and at this time it is best to use it for the preparation of vitamin infusions and concentrates. But you have to use it right away.

The chemical composition of fir

A resin is produced from the bark - fir balsam. The gum contains 30% essential oil and 70% resin. Turpentine, alcohol, resins are obtained from it. Fir needles contain 1.5-3.5% essential oil, which serves as a raw material for the synthesis of camphor. Fresh needles contain about 300 mg /% ascorbic acid. The wood contains up to 4.2% of essential oil containing up to 80-85% camphor; the roots also contain essential oil (up to 8%), the main components are camphor, safrole and cineole. In addition to camphor, fir essential oils contain camphene, bisabolic, camphoric, as well as acetylaldehyde and organic acids... A large amount of solid fatty oil was found in the seeds, which include glycerides of lauric, cyric and oleic acids, as well as vitamin E. Camphor is obtained from the essential oil.

Pharmacological properties of fir

The camphor contained in fir stimulates the central nervous system, stimulates respiration and blood circulation, has a tonic effect on the heart muscle, enhances it metabolic processes... Large doses excite the motor cortical centers, causing convulsions.
Under the influence of camphor, the level of residual nitrogen in the brain increases.

The use of fir in medicine

Camphor is used as a mildly acting analeptic to stimulate respiration and blood circulation in pneumonia, bronchitis, bronchospasm, for the prevention of postoperative pneumonia, in patients who have been on bed for a long time, with strokes, infectious diseases, in case of poisoning with narcotic and sleeping pills or carbon monoxide. Previously, the ability of camphor to induce convulsions was used in psychiatric practice to treat schizophrenia.
In folk medicine, the infusion and decoction of needles and kidneys are used as an antiscorbutic agent, a diuretic and anesthetic for colds and rheumatic pains. A decoction of young needles is drunk as a diuretic and disinfectant for kidney and bladder diseases. Turpentine is used as an external irritant, resins - as a wound healing agent. Fir cones are a good remedy for rheumatism and other colds in the joints of the legs. For this purpose, the cones were poured with boiling water and the legs were warmed up for a couple, covering them on top with a tarp or other dense material.

Fir medicines

Fir needles - good remedy for baths and baths. Fir broom has more healing power... Coniferous fir baths are especially recommended for rheumatism. In general, such baths are useful for everyone - as fortifying, hygienic, and therapeutic.
A decoction or infusion of young fir tops helps with malignant tumors, atherosclerosis, leukemia, periodontal disease, scrofula and scurvy.
A decoction of fir bark is drunk with a noise in the head and headaches.
Fir preparations are used for inflammatory processes, rheumatism, with acute and chronic heart failure, collapse. It is used to stimulate respiration and blood circulation in lobar pneumonia and other infectious diseases.
Camphor preparations for topical application have an irritating effect, therefore they are used in the form of ointments and rubbing for rheumatism, arthritis, muscle pain etc. For this purpose, use camphor oil, camphor ointment, camphor alcohol... A solution of camphor in oil is for injection.
To obtain camphor oil, 1 part of camphor and 10 parts of sunflower oil are mixed.
Camphor alcohol is obtained in the following way: mix 1 part of camphor, 7 parts of alcohol, 2 parts of water.
A medicinal balm is obtained from fir resin, which was introduced into scientific medicine by Professor A.V. Vishnevsky. Fir balsam is not inferior to the famous Canadian balsam in terms of its healing effect on purulent wounds, abscesses, boils, etc.

The use of fir oil for medicinal purposes

In medicine, fir oil, extracted from fir needles with twigs, is quite often used - a mixture of borneol-bornyl acetate ether, free borneol, camphene and turpentine. It is a clear liquid from colorless to light yellow in color, very volatile, with a characteristic resinous odor. In addition to needles, fir oil is found in young cones and bark different types fir, but it is most often obtained from Siberian, less often from white-bark or bud-scaled fir (Abies nephrolepis). During steam distillation, fir oil floats and separates from the water, and then it is collected. Fir oil retains its healing properties for a year, and it is important to store it correctly. Since fir oil oxidizes in air, decomposes when exposed to sunlight, it should be stored in a dark glass container with a tightly ground lid. For everyday use, it is better to pour oil into a bottle with a dropper from under valocordin.
Fir oil has tonic, tonic, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties. It also activates the function of the gonads and the hormonal system. It is used to treat a variety of diseases: osteochondrosis, angina pectoris, psoriasis, glaucoma, and even stops growth malignant tumors... In a very peculiar way, fir regulates blood pressure: a low one levels out, a high one lowers it, having absolutely no effect on normal.
It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, has an analgesic, sedative effect, and can improve the function of the gastrointestinal tract. Fir oil does not dissolve in water. If you need to get fir water, then add a few drops of oil to a liter of water and beat with a mixer.

For angina, perform the following procedures:

Drop pure oil from a pipette onto the tonsils. You can wrap a cotton swab on a stick, soak it in oil and lubricate the tonsils, or irrigate with a syringe. The procedures are repeated 2-5 times a day with an interval of 4-6 hours. Duration of treatment is 2-3 days.
In chronic angina, in addition to lubricating the glands and external rubbing of the sub-zygomatic zones, it is necessary to instill 1-2 drops of oil into the nose. In this case, there may be a burning sensation, secretion of phlegm from the nose. After 10-20 minutes, these phenomena will pass, but in the second case healing effect will be higher.

Arthritis of a cold nature, rheumatoid arthritis:
warm up the joints with a compress of sea salt, then rub pure fir oil into them, and then warm up again with a compress.

Pain in the legs, ankle and knee joints:

rub a small amount of oil into sore spots. The effectiveness of treatment will increase if you first take a warm bath or warm a sore spot. The course of treatment is 10-15 procedures.

For insomnia, take fir baths (3-6 drops of oil per bath) for 25-30 minutes. But you shouldn't abuse these baths. Take breaks.

Bronchitis, pneumonia (pneumonia):
combine rubbing in oil with inhalation. Inhalation is best done with the Mahold inhaler for 2-5 minutes. At home, inhalation can be carried out as follows: pour water over an enamel pan with water? or 1/3 of this volume and boil (so that the water boils with a key), drip 3-4 drops of oil, cover yourself with your head and breathe in steam. Then rub the chest and back under the shoulder blades with pure fir oil, then cover with a warm blanket and sweat.

When coughing:
It is very helpful to put 2-3 drops of oil in your mouth. Repeat the procedure after 4-6 hours and before bedtime.
With a strong cough, drip clean oil from a pipette onto the root of the tongue, 3-5 drops in the morning and before bedtime.

Influenza, ARVI, other colds:
The patient needs to rub oil into the collar area of \u200b\u200bthe back and chest 4-5 times
per day. Then do a foot massage along the reflex zones with oil. After finishing rubbing, cover these places with compress paper, put on socks on your feet, then put the patient to bed, cover with a warm blanket and give him a sweatshop to drink. A small amount of oil should be used.
The flu can be cured within 24 hours. To do this, wipe the patient's body every 2 hours with a cotton swab moistened with fir oil. At the same time, instill 1 drop of oil in the nose.
In case of a cold, it is recommended to rub a drop of fir oil with your finger along the bridge of the nose.

Periodontal disease is treated by applying a bandage moistened with fir oil to the gums for 15-20 minutes.
In case of toothache, apply a cotton swab moistened with oil for 15-20 minutes to a sore tooth.

With sinusitis:
Instill 3-4 drops of oil in each nostril.
Make inhalation: add 8-10 drops of oil to a pot of boiling water and, wrapping your head, inhale the steam for 15 minutes.

Colitis, enterocolitis:
Using a mixer, shake 5-6 drops of oil in 100 ml of distilled or boiled water and take 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals.

Radiculitis is treated with fir oil compresses: soak a sheet of paper with oil, attach it to a sore spot, tie it on top with a warm scarf or handkerchief for 20-30 minutes, but no more so as not to get burned. It is advisable to make compresses after a pine bath, at night, before bedtime.

Herpes: with the first appearance of rashes and painful sensations, it is recommended to moisten a cotton swab with fir oil and apply it to the sore spot for 15-20 minutes.

Diathesis in children: lubricate places affected by diathesis with ointment of the following composition: fir oil -30%, sulfuric ointment - 30%, baby cream - 40%; or: 1 part fir oil, 3 parts olive oil (baby cream). It is advisable to add 1-2 drops of vitamin F to the ointment.

Diaper rash, bedsores are lubricated with pure fir oil. After 2-3 procedures, healing usually occurs.

Fir oil is an excellent wound healing and anti-burn agent: in many cases, it is enough to soak a gauze or napkin folded in several layers with oil and apply it to a wound or burn.

The fungus on the legs is cured with fir oil lotions for a period of 20 to 30 minutes.

Mastitis, lactastiz: apply compresses to the chest area. To avoid burns, you need to mix the oil with baby cream in a 1: 3 ratio. Change the compresses 2-3 times a day.

Wet eczema:prepare a greasy ointment (baby cream, goose, badger lard or unsalted interior fat). The composition of the ointment: fir oil - 30-40%, fat - 60-70%. Stir the mixture thoroughly and apply to the sore spot, and put compress paper on top. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is 8-24 days.

In medicine, chlorophyll-carotene paste prepared from needles is also used, which contains fir oil. The anti-tuberculosis drug "Koroform" is produced on the basis of fir oil.
The energy of the fir is soft, it can be recharged in the afternoon at any time of the year, but especially in winter. Its energy works well for people who are weakened, often with colds, as well as for children and the elderly.


1. Once in the body, fir oil tends to accumulate. Therefore, fir oil should be taken internally in small quantities - up to 5-10 drops per day, and for some people it is recommended that no more than 3-5 drops at all. When applied externally, the daily dose should not exceed 8-10 g.
2. Preparations of fir are contraindicated in convulsive conditions and the tendency to them, for example, in the treatment of alcohol intoxication.
3. You can not combine the treatment with fir oil and alcohol consumption. Any alcoholic drinks, even beer, during treatment and within two days after the end of taking fir oil are contraindicated. Otherwise, the simultaneous intake of medicine and alcohol will cause quite unpleasant phenomena, while the therapeutic effect will be nullified.
4. In some people, fir oil and other pine needle preparations cause allergic reactions. The use of fir oil is contraindicated for such people.
5. You can not use fir oil for stomach ulcers.

Use on the farm

Fir extract (a rather small dose), sprayed in hospital wards, destroys diphtheria and whooping cough bacteria, and simply spreading fir branches in the room freshens the air and quickly reduces the number of germs.
In years of famine, bread was baked in Russia from ground fir bark.
Fir wood is a good building material.
The oil extracted from spruce branches is used for the production of perfumery products (perfumes, colognes, deodorants, etc.), as well as in soap making. Fir balsam is valued in industry for its ability to glue glass together, while it does not crystallize, has the same degree of light refraction as glass, and is indispensable in the manufacture of complex optical devices.

Fir properties

The main component contained in fir and providing positive effect, is her essential oil. Its greatest concentration falls on branches, which can reach a length of up to thirty centimeters. It is from them that this oil is extracted, and then used in the manufacture medical supplies and cosmetics. The amount of oil obtained is directly related to the environment and conditions in which the fir grows, plus the timing of collection of needles, as well as the number of their years, affect. On average, the oil content will be two percent or more.

The needles and bark of this tree are rich in useful components and vitamins, the tinctures and decoctions obtained from them have a good anti-scurvy effect, and the resin of the tree serves to create a balm for wound healing.

Scientists of various industries have proven the healing effect of the components contained in the fir tree, significantly ahead of other conifers in this. The main concentration of nutrients also falls on the bark and needles. A well-known remedy that promotes the healing and tightening of wounds, cuts and skin lesions is a balm created by the biochemist Yakimov and Professor Petrov. For its preparation the sap of Siberian fir was used. In addition, it turned out that the balm also kills bacteria, it is no accident that it was used in wartime to heal wounds.

The Russian scientist Sh. I. Pavolotskiy in his monograph, written in one thousand nine hundred and sixty-first, taking into account all the previous studies of drugs based on fir, came to the conclusion that their beneficial effect is quite large. As a result of their treatment, there was an improvement in diseases such as diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, tuberculosis, diseases oral cavity, anemia, jaundice, etc., as well as the antibacterial and regenerative effect of the plant.

Previously, scientists have also noted, and more than once, that the essential oil obtained from the fir tree can also help where other chemotherapy drugs for the treatment of diseases cannot cope. The oil has a complex composition, but it is a natural substance. And there is even information that it, like the essential oil of any other coniferous tree, slows down, or even stops the growth of a malignant tumor.

Also, the researcher MA Komarova invented a new version of the formation of a special alcoholic extract from the needles of the fir tree. It acts directly on all sorts of bacteria, pathogenic in nature, destroying them and preventing their spread. Examples of bacteria include various bacilli and bacteria related to the cocci type: diphtheria bacillus, streptococcus, etc. The aerosol created on the basis of the extract is used by spraying in the air, since the bactericidal effect of it is quite large, which allows you to clean the air in the room.

For medicinal purposes, special fir water is also widely used, formed during the distillation of essential oil and, in fact, is its remainder. It is used both internally and externally, depending on the disease itself. They drink it to increase the efficiency of the body, normalize the functioning of both the stomach and intestines, fir water will improve and get rid of diseases such as tonsillitis or flu and other colds, relieve pain in the joints, treats prostatitis, helps with respiratory diseases in acute form, as well as indispensable for enhancing immunity and improving the reaction of the defenses of the human body. Externally, water is used when it is necessary to tighten or heal wounds and injuries skinas well as for disinfection.

If we again recall the essential oil of fir, then along with wide range action on the body and despite the positive effect, it must be remembered that it has the ability to enter the bloodstream immediately, collecting in the foci of the disease in the human body, while not passing through the digestive organs - the stomach and intestines, which means it does not decompose. And then it will take about forty-eight hours so that it does not completely remain in the body. Therefore, it is important not to allow overdoses, which can cause an overload in the body, otherwise the oil will accumulate and, not having time to be excreted, can cause an increase in the pulse, and therefore, heart contractions. This is due to the presence of substances in fir oil that help in the formation of camphor, which can affect the activity of the heart.

In the monograph by Sh. I. Pavlotskiy, you can find tips on the intake and use of fir essential oil, which obviously will not be superfluous for those who are planning treatment.

If we talk about what the dosage should be while taking essential oil, then everything here is personal and assigned for everyone, depending on his characteristics. The amount at one dose ranges from three to ten drops, and the number of doses per day is three. In general, it is initially advised to drink three drops per dose, which will be equal to nine drops per day, and then add one drop every other day.

During the reception, it is necessary to carefully monitor the change in the number of heart contractions, i.e., pulse, taking into account the fact that the number of drops taken increases by one in a day. In this case, it is necessary to measure the pulse at rest, before taking it, and then after two and a half or three hours, having already taken the composition. If the difference between these two indicators is more than ten reductions, it is necessary to reduce the dosage by one drop. This is, so to speak, the maximum permissible number of drops per dose, which is no longer exceeded.

Fir application

Broth from the kidneys. To prepare it, you need to mix two hundred milliliters of hot water with a tablespoon of fir buds, put in a water bath for fifteen or twenty minutes, then squeeze, and then add boiled water to the same amount as at the beginning. The composition should be taken two or three times a day for a third of a glass after a meal.

Infusion of young shoots. Mix a liter of boiling water with thirty grams of shoots and leave for ten minutes. Then pass the composition through cheesecloth or strainer and take one and a half glasses three times a day.

Fir oil. It is necessary with the help of an ordinary pipette to drip three or four drops of fir oil on the root of the tongue in the morning and in the evening, before going to bed. This remedy relieves coughs, both weak and strong. Just remember: the dosage at a time is less than ten drops, otherwise it will lead to bad consequences for the body due to an overdose. Also, pure oil is used to treat arthritis caused by colds, myositis, rheumatoid arthritis, radiculitis, etc., while rubbing the painful areas of the joints, which are preheated by applying a compress or taking a bath.

Contraindications to the use of fir

There is a risk of allergic reactions, although on rare occasions. You may experience reddish spots or swelling that will disappear after three days. But this can be prevented by knowing in advance if there is a tendency to allergies, for which you should drop from ten to fifteen drops of fir oil on the back of the leg, hand, etc. and rub in. If in the morning or during the next day no spots appear, then there is no allergy.

Reception is prohibited only in case of personal non-perception or intolerance to fir.

Expert editor: Sokolova Nina Vladimirovna | Phytotherapist

Education: Diploma in the specialty "General Medicine" and "Therapy" received at the University named after NI Pirogov (2005 and 2006). Advanced training at the Department of Phytotherapy at Peoples' Friendship University of Moscow (2008).

Instructions for use:

Useful properties of fir

Fir is a coniferous tree, found in Eurasia, North, Central America.

In official and folk medicine, oil and fir needles are used.

Oil in the pharmaceutical industry is more often used to obtain camphor, which is used to treat acute heart failure, rheumatism, relieve inflammation, stimulate blood flow and respiration in case of croupous pneumonia and other infections.

Pure fir oil is used more often in folk medicine: for the treatment of neuralgia, myositis, radiculitis, rheumatism, colds.

Fir needles help with arthritis, and tree resin is a good remedy for stopping bleeding, healing wounds.

Fir application

In case of arthritis, compresses from fir needles are made to relieve joint pain. To do this, boil such a remedy: 10 g of needles are boiled for half an hour in 0.5 cups of water, filtered, boiled water is added instead of the one that has boiled away.

For the treatment of plexitis, radiculitis and other diseases of the nervous peripheral system, rub the lower back or other diseased areas with fir oil - 5-10 drops. The result of the treatment will be better if you steam in a hot bath or warm up the sore spot before each rubbing. Usually 10-15 procedures are enough.

To relieve toothache, fir oil on a cotton swab is applied to the tooth, held for 10-20 minutes on each side. The procedure can be repeated after one and a half or two hours.

Fir helps with diseases of the oral mucosa, inflammation of the gums - they make applications with oil. In addition, periodontal disease can be cured with a decoction on fir needles, cooked according to the above recipe. For treatment, rinse the mouth for 20-30 days two times per day. One rinse takes a glass of pine water.

This is how fir is used to treat angina - 1-2 drops of oil are applied with a pipette to the inflamed glands or smeared with a swab soaked in fir oil. The glands are processed every 4-5 hours for 2-3 days. If angina has become chronic, in addition to lubricating the glands, you need to drip 1-2 drops of fir oil into the nose.

In pneumonia, bronchitis is helped by inhalation with oil.

The use of fir is effective for influenza: oil is rubbed into the skin of the chest, the collar zone on the back 4-5 r / day (every 5-6 hours). After rubbing, the patient is advised to drink a decoction with diaphoretic and anti-inflammatory action and sit in a warm place. Usually the condition improves in a day.

Chronic rhinitis can also be cured with fir: 3-4 r / day need to lubricate and massage the skin in the area maxillary sinuses oil, and bury 1 drop of fir oil in the nose.

For treatment severe cough before going to bed, 2-3 drops of fir oil are dripped onto the tip of the tongue.

For the treatment of enterocolitis, colitis, water infused with fir needles is used according to the above recipe. For these diseases, they drink ½ glass of water three times a day 20 minutes before meals.

For the treatment of angina pectoris, you can rub it into the chest, below the nipple oil 3-4 r / day - 2-3 drops. The use of fir for this disease is useful before the predicted magnetic storms and pressure drops, usually causing deterioration.

To eliminate excessive sweating of the legs for a week, you need to make baths from the infusion of cones and fir needles, which are taken equally. Prepare the infusion like this: pour 100 g of the mixture with a liter of boiling water, insist for 25 minutes.

Compresses from coniferous broth help with frostbite: 50 g of needles are boiled in a liter of boiling water. Apply a compress to the affected area for 10 minutes. The fir broth must be drained.

Fir also helps with skin diseases, incl. eczema. Prepare for external use a mixture of fir oil from one of the fats: goose, unsalted internal pork fat, badger lard or baby cream. The ratio of the components is 30% and 70%, respectively. It is good to lubricate sore areas on the skin with such an ointment for 2-3 r / day, apply compress paper and a bandage on top. The treatment lasts 12-24 days.

Fir is also used to treat skin diseases in children (diaper rash, diathesis, bedsores). Prepare the following mixture: 40% baby cream or medical vaseline, 30% sulfuric ointment and 30% fir oil.

For therapeutic massage, a mixture is useful, where only 5% fir oil and 95% - any of the indicated fats.

It is necessary to store preparations from fir, in particular, prepared in fir oil, only in a dark place, well-closed container: the oil tends to decompose in sunlight and oxidize on contact with oxygen.

Fir contraindications

The use of fir is contraindicated in hypersensitivity, during pregnancy.

During treatment with means prepared on fir, and for two more days after it, it is not recommended to consume alcohol - it has been noticed that this has a detrimental effect on therapeutic effect drugs.

Fir is an evergreen coniferous plant belonging to the pine tree family. Outwardly, it looks like a spruce, but its needles are less prickly, the needles are smooth, with shine. For medical purposes, mainly the sap and oil of Siberian fir are used. However, there are other medicinal preparations, and valuable medicinal properties broth of fir - confirmation of this.

The broth is prepared from chopped bark or from the needles of fir, rich in essential oils, vitamins, biologically significant substances. The most valuable parts of the tree saturated with useful essential oils are shoots and thin young branches of the tree with soft green needles.

Fir preparations with regenerative properties have long been successfully used as a remedy for the treatment of both internal and external ailments:

  • bronchopulmonary diseases;
  • diseases of the digestive and excretory systems;
  • anemia, atherosclerosis;
  • resistance to infections, disinfection and fight against bacteria;
  • treatment of tumors.

The unique composition of the coniferous healer

A rare combination of vitamins, useful bioactive substances, microelements in the needles and bark of fir makes it possible to prepare various preparations from them that have a general strengthening effect on the body. However, when taking, for example, a broth from fir, it is also possible to solve pointwise individual problems with health.

Vitamin C
  • antioxidant, regulator of carbohydrate metabolism;
  • participation in the synthesis of hormones, including insulin;
  • normalization of the separation of bile and functions of the pancreas, thyroid glands;
  • regulation immune system, increasing the body's resistance to infectious diseases;
  • strengthening the body during infectious diseases;
  • destruction and elimination of toxins and poisons from the body;
  • protection of the skin from UV radiation;
Vitamin E
  • antioxidant action;
  • participation in metabolic processes at the level of cells and tissues;
  • prevention of atherosclerosis;
  • normalization of the nutrition of blood vessels, muscle tissue and heart;
  • slowing down the formation of cholesterol;
  • bactericidal and wound healing effect;
  • a natural safe replacement for antibiotics in the treatment of colds;
  • fight against viral infections;
  • regulation of the secretion of digestive juice;
  • stimulation of cardiac activity;
  • air disinfection;
  • strengthening and expansion of blood vessels;
  • fight against edema;
  • maintaining immunity;
  • normalization of hormonal levels;
  • combating allergies and toxins that cause inflammation and metabolic disorders;
  • is a part of hemoglobin, myoglobin, involved in the supply of organs and tissues of the body with oxygen;
  • maintaining immunity;
  • rejuvenates the cells of the body, participates in their regeneration;
  • healing effect;
  • takes part in the synthesis of enzymes;
  • promotes the growth process;
  • regulation of the hormonal balance of the body;
  • serves to maintain immunity;
  • participation in the processes of hematopoiesis;
  • regulation of the normal functioning of the nervous system;
  • improving metabolism;
  • activation of bone growth;
  • responsible for the condition and color of the skin and hair;
  • strengthening bones;
  • the formation of elastic and strong connective tissue;
  • regulation of the functions of the endocrine system;
  • ensuring the growth of components of bones and cartilage, the formation of the correct structure of bones;
  • participation in the metabolism of iron, cholesterol, etc.

Contraindications and warnings

The use of a decoction of fir and other preparations based on this coniferous tree is strictly contraindicated if there is at least one of the symptoms:

  • manifestation of allergy to fir preparations;
  • individual intolerance to fir;
  • heart palpitations;
  • acute gastritis, peptic ulcer;
  • upset stomach, diarrhea;
  • kidney disease;
  • convulsions and tendency to such, epilepsy;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • childhood.

Attention: Drinking alcohol must not be combined with taking fir preparations!

Healing recipes for decoctions for health and longevity

For the preparation of healing broths from fir, needles and tree bark are suitable.

Tip: The life cycles of a tree change throughout the year, therefore, when harvesting raw materials, the concentration of medicinal substances must be taken into account. So, fir needles are most saturated with them by the end of spring, and bark - at the beginning of winter.

Bark decoction

  1. Recipe for decoction of fir bark, used for diseases of the respiratory system:
    Chopped fir bark (2 tablespoons) pour 0.5 liters of hot water, boil for 8 minutes. Close the lid and leave to infuse for 1 hour, cool before use and add boiled water to a volume of 400 ml. Take the broth 4 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals, 50 g.
  2. Recipe for decoction of fir bark, used for migraines:
    Chopped fir bark (2 tablespoons) pour 0.5 liters of hot water, cook for 40 minutes. in a water bath. Cool and add boiled water to the original volume before use. Take the broth 3-4 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals, 100-120 ml. With frequent headaches, the course of treatment can last up to 2-3 weeks, but it gives a stable result.
  3. Recipe for decoction of fir bark, used for arterial hypertension stage I and II:
    Take 300 g of chopped bark, pour 2 liters of water, boil over low heat for 25-30 minutes. Drink this broth in 100 ml 2-3 times a day. Treatment regimen - 10 days of taking a decoction, 10 days off. The general course of treatment takes 1-2 months (according to the state of health).

Attention: It is important to observe the dosage, otherwise, when ingested, the broth can provoke unpleasant sensations of severe heartburn.

Needle broth

  1. Recipe for decoction of needles, used for skin diseases:
    To prepare a broth from fir, you need to take 1 liter of hot water and pour 10 tbsp. dry or fresh needles. Infuse the mixture for 3 days in a sealed glass jar in a dark place. Application: 1 time a day before meals, 100 g of broth for 1-2 months.
  2. Recipe for decoction of pine needles, used for compresses for arthritis:
    Pour 20 g of fresh fir needles with 1 glass of boiling water, boil for half an hour, strain and add water to the original volume. A compress with this broth should be applied to sore spots for 30-40 minutes.
  3. Recipe for a decoction of needles used for arthritis:
    Pour 20 g of fir needles with 1 glass of water, boil for 30 minutes. Drink 2-3 tbsp. three times a day.
  4. The recipe for a decoction of needles, used for Raynaud's disease:
    Grind fresh young fir needles (2 tablespoons), 2 tablespoons. chopped onion skins and 2 tbsp. chopped rose hips. Pour the resulting mixture into 1 liter of boiling water and boil for about 10 minutes. over low heat. Strain the finished broth, pour into a thermos and leave to infuse for 12 hours (for example, overnight). Dissolve 5 tbsp in warm broth. honey. Take the product 4 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals, 100 g.

The use of decoctions from fir bark and needles is useful for pathologies of the heart and blood vessels. Due to the fact that the medicinal properties of the broth of fir normalize the processes of cleaning blood vessels, establish hematopoiesis, remove toxins from the body, a person's immunity is strengthened and general well-being improves.

All materials on the site are presented solely for informational purposes. Before using any means, a consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

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