Treatment of glaucoma on OMS. Treatment on the Polish OMS

Is an serious diseaseIn which the risk is irrevocably losing vision very high, in connection with which the choice of the eye clinic in which the patient will undergo diagnosis and treatment of increased intraocular pressure is an important element of preserving a priceless gift - the ability to see.

In Moscow, ophthalmologic clinics involved in diagnostics are represented by various formats:

1) Big State Research Institutions: MNTK them. Fedorova, Institute of Eye Diseases. Helmholtz, Research Institute of GB Ramne on Rossolimo, etc. These institutions have extensive experience in the diagnosis and treatment of glaucoma, relatively modern equipment, ophthalmologists with scientists by degrees and a low level of prices for services (or the opportunity to be treated for free, on the policy of OMS), because They are supported by the state.

The disadvantages of such organizations include not always attentive attitude towards visitors (especially those who applied on the Policy of the OMS), huge queues (in which patients who have paid consultation are forced to sit), the lack of high-quality foreign medicines and consumables (government procurement).

2) Large and proven commercial ophthalmological centerswhere there is all the necessary equipment of world manufacturers for the diagnosis and treatment of glaucoma, as well as profile ophthalmologists: glaucomatologists, laser and ophthalmoshurge. Such institutions can be attributed to the Clinic of Dr. Shilova, the "Moscow Eye Clinic" (MGK in Semenovskaya), Ophthalmological Center Konovalov, Klink "Eksimer" and other specialized eye centers.

3) Ophthalmological branches of multidisciplinary state hospitals (GKB) or divisions of commercial medical centers. Among the first, the Ophthalmological separation of the GKB No. 1 ("First Gradskaya"), GKB №15 ("Filatovskaya"), etc. The second includes the "Medsi" clinic, "K + 31", "CM Clinic", etc.

The advantages of data medical institutions It is the presence of several branches in Moscow, in which ophthalmologists lead, the opportunity to immediately appeal (if necessary) to adjacent specialists: neurologists, therapists, etc.

However, the lack of a clear specialization on ophthalmology, as a rule, does not allow to keep all the necessary equipment in such clinics, as well as specialized on the glaucoma doctors.

Thus, if you want to make the best or your relatives for yourself, we recommend contacting large ophthalmological centers - state or commercial (given the above features).

Below we give 3 most well-known and proven eye clinic of Moscow, in which patients with glaucoma can undergo diagnosis and treatment: drug, laser or surgical. They have positive feedback from patients (including video), the necessary equipment and high-level specialists.

Moscow Eye Clinic (Semenovskaya)

The Moscow Eye Clinic (on Semenovskaya) is a paid clinic (there is also a reception on the DMS), it has a high quality of services provided and low prices. The composition has both the necessary equipment and specialists in glaucoma. For patients with a diagnosis of glaucoma, special annual programs are provided that allow not only to preserve vision, but also to save significantly.

MNTK "Microsurgery eye" them. Svyatoslav Fedorova

MNTK "Microsurgery eye" them. Fedorova - has its branches not only in Moscow, but also in 10 cities of Russia. Founded by Academician Svyatoslav Fedorov MNTK holds not only diagnostic and therapeutic work, but also engaged in scientific research, has its own training base and experienced production. Patients receive both OMS (if there is a direction from an ophthalmologist at the place of residence), and on a paid basis.

In children eye clinics "Clear gaze" are open to free techniques of children's ophthalmologists on compulsory medical insurance policies (OMS).

Mandatory Medical Insurance (OMS) is a state system social protection Interests of citizens in health care. Mandatory Medical Insurance System (OMS) guarantees all citizens of the Russian Federation medical care throughout Russian Federation.

The following documents must be provided to the clinic:

  • The policy of compulsory medical insurance of the child (OMS) of the state sample,
  • Certificate of the birth of a child (or a child's passport over 14 years old),
  • Passport of one of the parents,
  • SNILS,
  • Direction from polyclinic at the place of registration.

Reception by policy of OMS in the children's eye clinic "Clear gaze" in Moscow

The procedure for organizing compulsory medical insurance is governed by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of November 29, 2010 N 326-FZ "On compulsory health insurance in the Russian Federation".

All children undergoing free treatment on the policy of the OMS, the autorecore metholia is carried out at the height of the cycloplegia (study with an expanded pupil) for free.

The complimentary package of surveys in the framework of the OMS program in the children's eye clinic "Clear gaze" includes procedures:

  • Study acute view,
  • Preliminary correction
  • Auto texture without cycloplegia,
  • Ophthalmometry
  • Skiascopia without cyclopellegia,
  • Study of binocular functions 1
  • Determination of the angle of strabismus on synopofofore,
  • Biomicroscopy (according to indications),
  • Consultation of an ophthalmologist with an eye examination (ophthalmoscopy on mydriaz) 2

1. In the study of the binocular functions, an angle of strabismus in Girschberg is determined.
2. Inspection of the eye dna with mydriasis. Midship (instillation of the drug expanding the pupil) is carried out according to the testimony at the discretion of the doctor.

The Free Medical Program within the framework of the MHM program includes

In the treatment of myopia (myopia):

  • Treatment of myopia and spasms of accommodation according to the Avetisov method,
  • Percutaneous electrostimulation
  • Study of the stock of accommodation,

In the treatment of hyperopia (hypermetropy) and astigmatism:

  • Diagnosis in the process of treatment (visual acuity without glasses and with maximum correction),
  • Autorecoretometsis at the height of the cycloplegia (study on the expanded pupil),
  • Treatment by the method of occlusion,
  • Percellaneous electrostimulation
  • Consultation of a churrent ophthalmologist at the end of treatment,
  • Selection of glasses (if necessary).

In the treatment of the squint of small and periodic angles and large angles:

  • Diagnosis in the process of treatment (visual acuity without glasses and with maximum correction),
  • Autorecoretometsis at the height of the cycloplegia (study on the expanded pupil),
  • Development of fusion reserves,
  • Common or local litter of both eyes
  • Accommodation and convergence training,
  • Restoration of the bifixation mechanism
  • Percellaneous electrostimulation
  • Occlusion method,
  • Exercise on synopofofore,
  • Consultation of a churrent ophthalmologist at the end of treatment,
  • Selection of glasses (if necessary).

In the treatment of amblyopia:

  • Diagnosis in the process of treatment (visual acuity without glasses and with maximum correction),
  • Autorecoretometsis at the height of the cycloplegia (study on the expanded pupil),
  • Common or local litter of both eyes
  • Percellaneous electrostimulation
  • Treatment by the method of occlusion,
  • Exercise on the macutyimulator,
  • Consultation of a churrent ophthalmologist at the end of treatment,
  • Selection of glasses (if necessary).

All children passing free treatment on the CHA policy are carried out autorecore metholia at the height of the cyclopellegia (study with an expanded pupil). This is an additional free service From the children's eye clinic "Clear gaze". This examination is not included in the OMS register. Additional paid serviceswhich are not included in the CHA program are paid by the patient according to the current price list.

Rusakova Olesya Lvovna

Head of the Department in the Children's Clinic "Fortress" on the pr. Molodezhnye, 31

Stepanov Sergey Vladimirovich


The cost of receiving ophthalmologist

Primary reception ophthalmologist- 700 rubles.

Rechangeophthalmologist - 500 rubles.

Reception on OMS - free

You can sign up for reception by phone 260-10-03

Ophthalmology - Section of medicine specializing in the study of the eye, its structures, physiology of anatomy. In addition, in the framework of this section, eye pathologies are studied, methods for their prevention and treatment. In the field of ophthalmology, educational activities aimed at preventing various pathologies are extremely important. There is no difference between the oculist and ophthalmologist - this is a doctor of one profile. It should be distinguished by the eyepiece and surgeon ophthalmologist.

Okulist B. Nizhny Novgorod Diagnosis and treatment eye disease, pathologies of vision, inflammatory diseases of the eyes and a tear system. In addition, a specialist can be rendered emergency help man in case of foreign objects In the eye, or damage to this organ.

The main task of the ophthalmologist is to determine the cause of the impairment of vision in humans and the selection of the method, which allows to increase its sharpness. It is worth noting that it is impossible to recover vision with any drugstherefore, for these purposes, only glasses or lenses can be used (as well as conducting special physioprocesses in childhood). To fully restore vision, it is necessary to conduct a surgical operation.

The most common diseases are:

  • Hyperopia and myopia;
  • Blufarite;
  • Conjunctivitis;
  • Strabismus;
  • Retinal detachment;
  • Keratitis, cataract;
  • Daltonism.

The vision of visual acuity is recommended to be carried out systematically (even if there is a feeling that it did not deteriorate). It is also important to contact the doctor in a timely manner if there are any symptoms of eye diseases. Eye pathology can develop fairly quickly (especially with infectious effects on them), therefore, such cases cannot be launched.

Reception of an ophthalmologist in Nizhny Novgorod

First of all, the doctor during primary reception It will collect history, listen to patient complaints and use simple diagnostic methods to accurate pathology. In modern ophthalmology, the following diagnostic methods are most often applied:

  • Determination of visual acuity by traditional ways (using tables);
  • Autofractocorateometry;
  • Keratotopography;
  • Eye pressure measurement;
  • Endothelial microscopy;
  • Computer Parimeriya;
  • Gonoscopy;
  • Scan eyeball.

The choice of certain diagnostic methods will depend on patient complaints and symptoms. If necessary, an ophthalmologist can send his patient to other specialists (for example, to a surgeon or oncologist). This is possible if the eye pathologies began to progress, as a result of which the disease occurred to other tissues and systems. Especially dangerous impact of the disease on the brain.

A qualified oculist doctor should have quality ophthalmic equipment. With the help of modern equipment, a specialist may quickly check the patient's vision, watch the Eye Father, to establish the causes of developing pathology.

Recording on the occasion

In our medical center You can visit an ophthalmologist for free. on the Polish OMS.

You can sign up by phone260-10-03 or

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