Emergency psychiatrist help. How to call a psychiatric ambulance

Sometimes it happens that suddenly the patient has an acute phase of a disease associated with a mental disorder. At such moments, a person is extremely dangerous. He is able to harm others or himself. Usually relatives are at a loss, they do not know how to act, and do not always understand that it is necessary to call specialists. In such cases, a psychiatric ambulance team arrives, makes a decision on the spot on the need for hospitalization, and also provides the help you need... Timely call of specialists helps to avoid trouble.

Who might need help from an ambulance like this?

Often, such help is required by patients with an exacerbation of an existing disease, often it is a disease such as schizophrenia, as well as epilepsy, psychosis or depression. With the development of an exacerbation, a person may be delusional, he has hallucinations, heightened motor activity begins, he is disoriented in time, as well as in space, or he is trying to escape from non-existent pursuers. In this standing, people can injure themselves, or their behavior towards others is aggressive. So, let's define a list of conditions in which a psychiatric ambulance team is immediately required:

  • the patient is at a loss and does not recognize loved ones, does not understand what is happening, or has fallen into a stupor;
  • tried to commit suicide or threatens to do so;
  • is not guided in reality and may harm you;
  • there is an acute psychosis;
  • there are signs of delirium tremens.

It is generally accepted that people who are intoxicated do not need the urgent help of psychiatrists. Nevertheless, it must be borne in mind that during drug or alcohol intoxication, signs of psychosis appear. Behavior in these moments is not controlled. And if you were denied in a regular ambulance, be sure to call a paid service that will send doctors who can assess the patient's condition.

What is the correct way to call a psychiatric team?

When you ask to send a special ambulance, it is imperative to inform the dispatcher of all the details of the patient's behavior, assess how aggressive he is, tell whether there have been such cases before. The dispatcher will always give you advice on how to behave until the doctors arrive.

  • Many do not have a phone for such specialized assistance, so you need to call a regular ambulance, an emergency phone or a paid service that arrives much faster.
  • It is important to realize that if a person is agitated, you do not need to try to calm him down on your own, you cannot always correctly assess your strength.
  • If you behave aggressively, try to remove all dangerous items.
  • Get small children and animals out of the apartment.

If there are auditory or visual hallucinations, a specialist examination is necessary to alleviate the person's condition. No less dangerous are the moments at which people become isolated, they have a depressed depressive mood, for several days they do not leave their room.

If your relative is trying to lay hands on himself, or is simply manipulating you, he should also be examined by a doctor. Minors are hospitalized only with the permission of their parents. In the absence of next of kin, hospitalization takes place under the police. The psychiatric ambulance team often calls the police themselves.

In some cases, if you are in danger, call not only the ambulance, but also immediately to the police. It must be understood that there is a close relationship between drug abuse, as well as alcohol and acute psychoses... The balance of important substances in the brain is disturbed. The most common disease is schizophrenia. People who have this ailment are prone to various manias, they constantly have crazy ideas.

Often, home help is called for elderly people, who not only have memory deterioration, but have increased anxiety and suspicion, as well as irritability. If you call a free service, it will only help you with drugs to calm your nerves, or take you to the hospital. Experienced psychiatrists work in a private ambulance who will advise loved ones and tell them how to cope with acute situations, develop a treatment plan, and, if indicated, will accompany the patient to the appropriate institution.

But you should also know that it is possible to put someone in the clinic only with his consent, or by proving that this person is a danger to society. Forced treatment possibly after committing some illegal actions. When you call doctors for an alcoholic with delirium tremens, then be prepared for the fact that your relative will be registered in a narcological dispensary. Calling a private ambulance will help avoid this.

Do I need to take a patient to a neuropsychiatric dispensary after calling an ambulance?

The patient is transported to a psychiatric hospital only if his actions pose a serious danger to himself or to others. In all other cases, the arrived team of doctors can provide assistance to the victim on the spot. In addition, the patient can be admitted to the hospital on a voluntary basis.

How long does a patient need to stay in a neuropsychiatric hospital?

In order for the patient's condition to improve, he must be kept in a psychiatric hospital for at least 3-5 days. If during this time there is no positive dynamics in improving the patient's condition, the period of his hospital stay may be extended to 30 days or more. The decision on how long a patient needs for rehabilitation is determined only by the attending physician. The length of stay of the patient in the hospital depends on the psychological state of the patient.

Is it mandatory to register the patient in a neuropsychiatric dispensary?

At the first stage of hospitalization, the patient can only be under the supervision of doctors. But it is only necessary to register it in an emergency. The decision to undergo treatment in a neuropsychiatric dispensary is made only by the medical commission after a thorough examination of the patient's condition.

If the patient was admitted to a hospital without voluntary consent?

The administration of the health institution must obligatorily submit documents to the higher courts stating that the patient was admitted to a neuropsychiatric dispensary no later than 2 days from the moment of hospitalization. Only the court makes a decision that the patient undergoes voluntary treatment in a neuropsychiatric dispensary voluntarily. The one who called the ambulance team to hospitalize the patient is brought to court as a witness.

What to do if, at the time the ambulance team was called, there were grounds for hospitalization of the patient, but by the time the team arrived at the scene, the patient's attack had already died away?

In this situation, the ambulance doctor who arrives at the call should consult with the psychiatrist on duty about the patient's condition. Based on the results of the conversation, the emergency doctor and the psychiatrist on duty decide whether the patient needs compulsory hospitalization or not.

Our highly qualified psychiatric ambulance team will quickly and readily arrive at your place. All assistance will be provided anonymously. We have psychiatrists on our staff who will carry out all the necessary measures. With the brigade, several well-trained physically orderlies always arrive. These workers are capable of handling even large men. We provide assistance around the clock. Just call us, and we will do all the necessary work at the proper level. Remember that many mental illnesses today respond well to treatment. It is very important to diagnose them on time.

department of the candidate of medical sciences, gerontopsychiatrist Edinarova I.E. in her in social networks: Facebook VKontakte

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Psychiatric ambulance

Psychiatric care

Psychiatric help, help from a doctor - psychiatrist, help from a psychiatrist, free help from a psychiatrist - where and how can you get all this?

Psychiatric care is a special type of medical care that includes psychiatric (neuropsychiatric) dispensaries, psychiatric hospitals (private and public), psychosomatic departments at ordinary hospitals, designed for patients with mental disorders and at the same time other health disorders (pneumonia, trauma, etc.). and psychiatric ambulance teams (private and public) and private psychiatrists.

Who needs psychiatric care?

All people with one or another mental disorder need it. First of all, these are unusual, strange, unacceptable behavior, hallucinations (visual and auditory), various unusual, delusional ideas, people with very low intelligence or very poor memory (forgetting to turn off the gas, water). These are people who cannot remember what year, month is now, confusing these concepts, people who do not recognize their loved ones. People with a reluctance to live, constantly bad mood, too sad, or vice versa, too funny. Be careful if your loved ones suddenly began to communicate with "space", "God", "aliens", "read" other people's thoughts or an elderly relative began to "see" strangers in the apartment that you do not see - be careful, perhaps your loved one needs psychiatric help. The help of a psychiatrist provided on time can radically change the situation in the family.

State mental health care (free psychiatrist help, state mental health care at home)?

State psychiatric care, she is also a psychiatrist, is provided free of charge at the level of the PND (neuropsychiatric clinic), psychiatric hospitals and psychosomatic departments. There are no free psychiatrists in ordinary polyclinics. In order to receive state mental health care for free, you need to contact a neuropsychiatric dispensary at your place of residence or if you want to get a psychiatrist at home government aid, it is necessary to write an application for examination of the patient at home in the PND. If the patient does not agree to be examined by a psychiatrist from the PND, then in this case it is necessary to go to court.

Very often the question arises: can psychiatrist help be provided online and online for free?

Currently, online psychiatrist help is not a type of medical care. And rightly so, it is not possible to treat a person either by phone or on the Internet. Therefore, psychiatrist help is not provided online.

In what cases will state mental health care (psychiatrist's help free of charge) be provided without the patient's consent?


Price, price list


Neurologist's appointment:

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Where to go if you need psychiatric, psychological or social assistance?

It is important for patients with mental disorders and their families to be informed about the institutions where they can turn for help and support. They need to be aware of the functions that an institution performs and the types of assistance they can receive.

This information is especially important for those new to mental illness. Family members often do not know where to go for help, they are upset and confused. In this section, we tried to reflect the necessary information as much as possible, to provide the phone numbers and addresses of state institutions providing assistance to people with mental illness, as well as a number of public organizations working in the field of mental health. Last update of the infobase May 2013

Psychiatric care is provided in specialized institutions of various ministries and departments, among which the main one is the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Within the system of the Academy of Medical Sciences, there is the Scientific Center for Mental Health (NCPH RAMS), which is a world-famous scientific institution in which practical help residents of not only Moscow, but also other territories of Russia. There are also several research institutes in the system of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Public health institutions providing mental health care and their functions

Psychiatric medical teams of the ambulance and emergency care and transportation teams for the mentally ill. Provide emergency and emergency psychiatric care in all cases when mental condition the patient requires the use of urgent medical measures.

· "Helplines" and "hot lines". Designed to provide emergency assistance anonymously, by phone, by professional psychologists, social work specialists. In difficult life situations, "helplines" allow you to speak out, not to feel lonely, to receive information support (addresses and phone numbers of institutions where you can still get help).

· Psychoneurological dispensaries (dispensary departments, psychiatric offices) are outpatient institutions in which the following types of assistance are provided: emergency psychiatric, medical, consultative and diagnostic, socio-psychological, rehabilitation, outpatient psychiatric examination (including determination of disability).

· Psychotherapeutic help is available at a specialized psychotherapeutic polyclinic.

· Psychiatric hospitals... In addition to emergency care, you can get medical, medical advice, psychoprophylactic, socio-psychological and rehabilitation assistance. They also carry out different types medical examinations (military, forensic examination, as well as examination of disability).

Main institutions for people with mental disorders in the social protection system

Social welfare centers provide the necessary information, legal, social and pre-medical support (for example, nursing at home, performing simple manipulations such as measuring blood pressure, performing injections as prescribed by a doctor.) Social and medical care at home or day stay at the center is possible. Assistance can be provided both on an ongoing basis and on a one-time basis.

For one-time social assistance In a number of social security centers, a "Mobile Social Service" has been created, within the framework of which additional services are provided that are not included in the Territorial List of State-Guaranteed Services, but focused on the individual needs of clients (for example, assistance in obtaining individual program rehabilitation, delivery of technical means of rehabilitation, provision of home care services for disabled children, escorting disabled children to institutions of additional education, etc.).

· Psychoneurological boarding schools for adults. These are institutions intended for permanent (or temporary) residence of the elderly and disabled, suffering from chronic mental disorders and in need of care, household and medical services.

Addresses and telephones of psycho-neurological boarding schools in Moscow

Educational and educational institutions in the system of the ministry of education for children with mental disorders

There are the following institutions for children with mental disorders:

· Preschool - kindergartens and orphanages for children with mental retardation;

School - auxiliary boarding schools and general education boarding schools for children with delay mental development;

Special educational institutions - correctional general education schools and vocational schools for children and adolescents with mental retardation and light forms mental retardationwho have committed socially dangerous acts.

To enroll a child in kindergarten (group) of a compensatory type, parents (legal representatives) need to contact the territorial education authority to pass the district psychological, medical and pedagogical commission in order to determine a preschool educational institution that would correspond to the profile of the child's disabilities.

Children with disabilities are admitted to special (correctional) general education schools, boarding schools in accordance with paragraph 10 of Art. 50 of the Law "On Education" and the current Model Regulations on Special (Correctional) educational institution for students, pupils with developmental disabilities and on the basis of the conclusion of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission.

Information on the work of these commissions can be obtained from the district education departments.

Phones and addresses of institutions working with children with mental disorders

Community organizations working in the field of mental health

The experience of recent decades shows that along with government agenciesin which assistance is provided to the mentally ill, public forms of support for the mentally ill and their families are of great importance.

Public forms of assistance to mentally ill people - public organizations, protect the rights of patients, ensure the integration into society of persons with mental health problems through their socio-psychological and labor rehabilitation, they provide mutual support, prevention of disability due to mental illness... Public organizations provide an opportunity for communication, leisure activities, exchange of experience.

Currently, there are many public organizations working in Moscow related to mental health problems.

Department of Mental Health

Senior Physician of the Mental Health Sector Anton Savenko

The department of psychiatric care is represented by the operational dispatch service and specialized psychiatric mobile ambulance teams.

The operational dispatch service works around the clock and carries out:

Counseling psychiatric help;

Reception and transmission of calls for execution by specialized psychiatric mobile emergency teams.

Specialized psychiatric mobile ambulance teams in the amount of 20 are evenly distributed across the administrative districts of Moscow and provide specialized assistance in cases of sudden development or exacerbation of mental disorders that pose a danger to the patient and / or others at any place of the patient's stay within the city of Moscow and in his own activities are governed by the Law Russian Federation "On psychiatric care and guarantees of the rights of citizens in its provision."

In some cases, a psychiatrist turns to the police for assistance in order to prevent socially dangerous actions, comply with legal norms and create a safe environment for examining a patient. After the performed medical and diagnostic measures, hospitalization in specialized hospital or information (“asset”) has been transferred to an outpatient mental health service in order to provide follow-up.

The decision to send a call to the psychiatric team is made only by the senior psychiatrist. In cases where there are no indications for emergency psychiatric intervention, including insufficient grounds for the provision of involuntary psychiatric care, the psychiatrist may decide to refuse to leave the psychiatric team. In this case, depending on the situation, he informs the caller where to go (for example, to the police or, in accordance with the Law, with an application to a neuropsychiatric dispensary to obtain the judge's approval for a psychiatric examination).

Psychiatric teams are not entitled to issue documents certifying temporary disability, forensic psychiatric and other expert opinions, including on the presence or absence of alcoholic intoxication, do not issue any other extracts and certificates.

useful links

Station of an ambulance and emergency medical aid them. A.S. Puchkov of the Moscow Department of Health


The doctor's consultation:

Address: Moscow, 1st Koptelsky per. house 3, building 1

© Station of an ambulance and emergency medical aid them. A.S. Puchkova, 2017. All rights reserved.

Psychiatric care

Addiction to drugs, alcohol, slot machines - scary and serious illnessrequiring immediate treatment. Therapy is necessarily carried out in the clinic under the supervision of experienced, qualified doctors. The rehabilitation course and the provision of psychiatric assistance to the patient are also important. When is it needed and what are its features?

Emergency psychiatric help

Mental health care is one of the main stages of helping people who are addicted to alcohol or drugs. It is needed in such cases:

  • mood disorders are observed. Its changes are often observed: sadness, joy, sadness, irritation and other manifestations;
  • a person has illusions, hallucinations, which are usually accompanied by unreal delirium;
  • loss and blackouts - amnesia;
  • disorders in perception are visible;
  • inadequate reaction to certain situations that occur around and anxiety.

Emergency psychiatric care consists in calling a doctor at home and, if necessary, carrying out further treatment in a hospital. For help, you can turn to specialists at any time and it is best to do this in the early stages of determining the disease (if possible). In most cases, when a psychiatrist is called at home, the addict is hospitalized in the future.

Before the arrival of the doctor, carefully monitor possible reaction sick. It is worth removing all objects that pose a danger to human life (knives, scissors, forks, and so on). The conversation with the addict should be calm and balanced. Before the arrival of the doctor, it is worth preparing the necessary documents for hospitalization (if necessary).

Often, the patient's relatives wonder if their loved one can return to their normal, usual way of life. Our emergency drug treatment center provides not only psychiatric treatment and with the help of modern medications, but also applies methods of social as well as professional rehabilitation.

Rarely, but there are situations when underage children suffer from alcohol or drug addiction. This is very scary and serious. In this case, treatment and psychiatric assistance to the patient is provided only with the permission of the parents or official guardian.

How to call psychiatric help in Moscow

Of course, the patient must be informed before calling for psychiatric help. This is necessary in order not to violate the rights of the addict. In emergency situations, when a person is in a dangerous condition and there is a threat to his life, both he and his loved ones, do not hesitate and urgently need to call a doctor. This can be done by calling the phone number indicated on the clinic's website. When calling, you must specify the information: last name, first name, patronymic of the patient; indicate the circumstances that could provoke an inadequate state (alcoholic beverages, drugs or other reasons); describe in detail the patient's behavioral characteristics. It is recommended that the psychiatrist tell the whole truth and the main thing is not to hide anything with regard to the state of the addict. This will make it possible to establish the correct diagnosis and to prescribe the correct course of treatment in the future.

You can contact our Emergency Drug Addiction and Psychiatry Center around the clock, any day of the week. The clinic's specialists will quickly accept the call, and the doctor will immediately come to the patient. You can also use the form feedback... To do this, you need to enter your name and phone number in a special form on the site. They will call you back within 15 minutes and answer all your questions.

Why is it worth contacting our clinic? The center employs highly qualified doctors with many years of experience. Services are provided throughout Russia and the region. By contacting the clinic, you will receive:

  • providing mental health care at any time of the day;
  • professional advice;
  • use of modern, effective ways therapy;
  • treatment of depression, disorders thought processes (schizophrenia) and other mental disorders.

Also, our center provides other services: calling a narcologist at home; drug, alcohol, slot machine and tobacco addiction treatment; detoxification of the body. You can turn to us for psychotherapeutic help, diagnostics and human coding. A full course of rehabilitation is carried out after the treatment.

Do your loved ones, relatives have problems with alcohol, drugs or psyche? Do you need qualified help from experienced doctors? Contact our center! We will be happy to assist you in the treatment and resolution of all mental health problems. Call us immediately!

Moscow service of psychological assistance to the population

2nd Saratov Prospect, 8, bldg. 2

State budgetary institution "Moscow service of psychological assistance to the population"

Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the City of Moscow

The largest specialized center of practical psychology in Moscow and the Russian Federation.

A unique project of the Moscow Government, representing a multi-level urban structure.

Since 2003, our specialists have been working on a number of topical psychological problems of the metropolis.

Psychological assistance is provided on a non-commercial basis, and the availability of psychological services is ensured by a network of territorial and district offices of the Service in all administrative districts of Moscow.

Individual and family counseling

Consulting on family and marriage issues, parent-child relationships, intrapersonal conflicts, psychological health, career guidance, using methods of psychological diagnostics.

Emergency psychological assistance

Full-time crisis counseling (on the territory of the service); exit crisis assistance (at home), work of rapid response teams in connection with the "emergency" with the victims and their relatives.

Psychological emergency telephone number

Since November 2006, a free "Telephone for emergency psychological assistance" has been operating in Moscow, which is intended for prompt, anonymous, round-the-clock, informational, preventive and urgent qualified psychological assistance.

A single three-digit Moscow number, modern technical equipment, allows any resident of the capital who finds himself in a difficult life situation to quickly contact a specialist.

* only the services of the telecom operator are paid according to the tariff plan

Internet consulting

A convenient and quick way to get psychological help. The indisputable advantage of online consultation is the speed, ease of connection with the consultant and the client's anonymity.

Free psychiatric care in Moscow

Country Highway 2

Site information

24-hour emergency psychiatric care

In order to provide urgent specialized care in GBUZ "PKB No. 1 DZM" works

Psychiatric Emergency Department

The department works around the clock (seven days a week)

Our hospital provides emergency psychiatric care with the departure of a psychiatric team at home to citizens living in Moscow and the Moscow region with hospitalization, if necessary, in our hospital.

Conditions for which a psychiatric emergency is needed:

1) If a person is disoriented, does not recognize relatives, shows aggression towards them, speaks of a threat that does not exist in reality, sees non-existent people, objects, talks to them, does not sleep at night, has lost basic everyday skills, refuses food.

2) If a person experiences severe anxiety, fear, panic, which is accompanied by a rapid heart rate, feeling short of breath, increased blood pressure, fear of death, etc.

3) If a person long time is in a depressed state, closed, immersed in oneself, or vice versa is in high spirits, sexually disinhibited, it is easy to do without sleep and food.

4) If it is known that the person suffers from chronic mental disorder and he begins an exacerbation of the disease, which can manifest itself as a refusal to visit a doctor and take medications, an increase in unreasonable anxiety, anxiety, aggression, hallucinations, delusional statements, inappropriate behavior.

5) If a person is taking antipsychotic drugs and he has restlessness, stiffness, anxiety, muscle cramps.

The psychiatric emergency team consists of a psychiatrist and an orderly, and there is a sufficient set of drugs in the medical unit for the provision of emergency care, including for injections. If necessary, the doctor can write a prescription for medicines. If the patient's condition requires hospitalization in a hospital, the emergency psychiatric care team can carry it out on their own with the preparation of all the necessary documents and transportation of the patient to the hospital.

The branch is currently represented by 5 separate posts:

1 post - st. Zagorodnoye Highway, 2 (PKB No. 1)

2 post - st. Zyuzinskaya, 1 (PND No. 13)

3 post - st. Mosfilmovskaya 6 (PND No. 1)

4 post - st. Academician Semyonova 13, building 1 (dispensary department. PND No. 13)

5 post - st. Spring 12, bldg. 1 (PND No. 24)

Hospitalization is possible in the paid department of the PKB No. 1, as well as in the department for the care of the elderly. The department also provides paid services for medical examination and transportation of patients to the hospital from medical institutions.

The psychiatric emergency department is staffed by highly qualified medical personnel with extensive experience working with patients with mental disorders.

Office hours: around the clock, seven days a week. Head of the department: Stolyarov Gary Borisovich.

1. Calling a psychiatrist and providing assistance at home by a psychiatric ambulance team without hospitalization within the Moscow Ring Road 7,600 rubles.

2. Outside the Moscow Ring Road, every 10 km (including incomplete) when traveling to the patient is additionally charged in the amount of 600 rubles.

3. Calling a psychiatrist and providing assistance at home by an ambulance psychiatric team with subsequent hospitalization rubles.

4. Waiting by a team of a patient in his absence (a simple team) at the place of a call is charged 2400 rubles per hour.

Phones for calling a psychiatrist at home:

Help can remain anonymous and confidential if desired!

Emergency psychiatric care provides services to the population in situations of unexpected manifestation or exacerbation of a chronic mental illness. She works in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On psychiatric care and guarantees of the rights of citizens during its provision."

The activity of the service is strictly regulated, and visits to the patient are carried out according to clear instructions.

How to place a call

Psychiatric care in Moscow, provided by the JV team, is provided around the clock. You can call her by phone 8 495 620 4230. By dialing this number, you get directly to the psychiatric department of the station.

And by calling 103, Moscow or any city in the Moscow region, you contact the ambulance station. Having outlined the situation to the dispatcher as accurately as possible, so that he understands: the person needs psychiatric help and switched you to the appropriate department. A senior psychiatrist will take your call. It is he who establishes the expediency of the challenge.

In a conversation with him, try to give as much information as possible about the state of the person to whom the call is being made. Describe his behavior when the change began. On the basis of your data, the specialist decides what kind of help a person needs: emergency or urgent, about the departure of the brigade.

Based on the patient's symptomatology, either an ambulance team or an appropriate special emergency team on the basis of a psychiatric hospital leaves for him.

The EMS doctor also has the right to refuse a call if he does not have enough reason for immediate assistance. In return, he advises the subscriber, explaining what actions to take.

Emergency and urgent care

The special brigade, as already mentioned, goes to the patient on an emergency or urgent basis.

In case of an emergency call, doctors will arrive at the site within 20 minutes. It is issued in the following cases:

Emergency care for a mentally unstable person is provided if:

  • he behaves without aggression, but in a strange way - he shows excessive anxiety and anxiety, fear;
  • there is a sharp change in mood, panic, debilitating insomnia;
  • the person is in deep depression;
  • confusion, disorientation. The patient does not recognize loved ones and is afraid of them. Does not sleep at night;
  • delusional ideas and hallucinations are present;
  • there is an exacerbation of a chronic disorder;
  • an antipsychotic patient becomes restless, anxious, or stiff and has muscle twitching;
  • the patient shows signs of acute alcoholic psychosis.

Emergency help will arrive on site within 2 hours. If during the waiting process the patient's condition has changed in one direction or another, it is necessary to inform the dispatcher about this.

What actions are carried out by the psychiatric team

Arriving at the place, doctors provide medical assistance to the patient in the required volume. If by this time he received physical injuries, for example, hit his head and earned a head injury, inflicted injuries on himself, etc., experts call in a non-specialized team to support.

A psychiatrist has the right to forcibly hospitalize a patient. Call the police if necessary. If the patient is dangerous, violent and threatening others, the police patrol must be involved even before the ambulance arrives. This is done in order to neutralize a socially unsafe person, to prevent them from harming the health of other people.

Ambulance doctors do not have the right to issue expert assessment documents, certificates of disability, alcohol intoxication.

Private psychiatric care

A private psychiatric emergency room is carried out in confidence. The information does not go outside the institution. A team comes to the call, which includes a psychiatrist, as well as a paramedic and orderlies, a driver. An ambulance is a special vehicle equipped with the necessary modern equipment and the latest medication.

Very often, the fear of publicity makes people delay contacting a psychiatrist. It is in such cases that an anonymous private psychiatric EMS will be an excellent way out of the situation. Often, its services are used to relieve withdrawal symptoms or in case of drug intoxication, when a person's behavior under the influence of a psychoactive substance becomes aggressive and unpredictable.

The team goes to the call at any time of the day. As a rule, clinics providing emergency services have a hospital in their structure. A person, at will or at the request of relatives, is transported there. Here he is provided with comfortable conditions, a ward with all amenities.

Private organizations value their reputation very much, strive to help their patients to the fullest, as quickly as possible, accurately and correctly. The employees of such clinics are highly qualified specialists with sufficient work experience, the required level of knowledge and skills.

It is necessary to realize that a timely appeal for an ambulance for a mentally ill person makes it possible to stop the progression of the process in time and avoid hospitalization. The EMS doctors will not only eliminate the alarming symptoms, but also tell you what needs to be done for further treatment.

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