Presentation - Class hour "Animals during the Second World War. Presentation for children "Animals in War." presentation to the lesson (preparatory group) on the presentation of animal heroes during the Second World War

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State budgetary pre-school educational institution kindergarten No. 71 of the general developmental type with a priority implementation of activities on the physical development of children of the Kalininsky district of St. Petersburg Animals in the war. Prepared: Instructor in physical culture Pavlova TM, writer-publicist coconut V.N.

During the Great Patriotic War, many soldiers were fought on land, at sea, in the air. To fight, various techniques helped them: tanks, airplanes, guns, machine guns, different ships and many more other. Animals include a great contribution to the victory: horses, dogs, camels and even pigeons. How it happened ...

Highly great favor Brought pigeons. Cameras trailed to the most instended, fast and enduring. They flew over the positions of the enemy and made photos. Then brought them to your own.

Of course, the cameras were very small to keep her dove. But the benefits of them were very big.

Also, pigeons were delivered from one squad to another blueness. This was especially important where there was no connection.

To the back of the pigeon was fucked by a special device - a port-disposable, in which they put a report or a microplane.

Also, the report could also be attached to the bottom of the pigeon.

The most dangerous task for the pigeon was ... undermining enemy aircraft. A shell of a special detachable design trailed to the pigeon.

The pigeon fell to the aircraft or bomb, sat on him. The projectile was dismissed and the pigeon flew. And the bomb came into disrepair.

And the enemy plane lightathes and fell on the ground.

For this, during the war organized the so-called pigeons. In which the pigeons trained pigeons.

Some of the most unusual assistants were camels. They are very hardy and strong, so on a par with horses, they drove to the advanced heavy guns and field kitchens. In the rear camel helped to transport things.

The most famous camels Mashke and Mishke opened a monument in the city of Akhtubinsk.

The most faithful and useful assistants during the war were the best friends of a person - Dogs different breeds. Dogs, like pigeons delivered reports from one detachment to another.

Collie Jack prevented the explosion of Pavlovsk. At the last moment he learned the laid bomb and it was neutralized on time.

Dogs - Sanitars helped to endure wounded soldiers from the battlefield.

Dogs helped to transport small loads by weight and felt the approach of the raid of enemy aircraft.

The German Shepherd Dog Julbars found a lot of German mines and shells and saved many lives of our soldiers.

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Developed a primary school teacher to MOU Pomolandinskaya Sosh. V.T. Chistaleeviagnatova Anastasia Ivanovna

Class hour in primary school
Promoting the awareness of the special significance of animal and human relationships in wartime.
1. To introduce the "professions" of animals in the Great Patriotic War.2. Promoting the development of feelings of compassion and responsibility towards the "brothers to our smaller" .3. Promote awareness of the price of the contribution of heroic animals to the victory over fascism.
Purpose: animals in war

All animals participating in the Great Patriotic War are dedicated to ...
The greatest test lay down the Great Patriotic War on our people. But not only weapons won victory. The whole war next to people in the fighting was walked by animals.
Four years ... 1418 days ... more than 26 million human lives ...
They committed feats, not knowing this. They just did what people taught them - and gibbles, like people. But, died, they saved thousands of human lives ...
In August 1924, the central school of military dog \u200b\u200bbreeding "Red Star" was created in Russia. During the Great Patriotic War, it became the main basis for the preparation of special forces for hostilities using service dogs.
By the beginning of 1941, this school was preparing dogs for 11 types of services.
Watch dogs Worked in combat guardation, in ambushes to detect the enemy at night and in rainy weather. These four-legged cleverware only tensioning a leash and a turn of the body indicated the direction of threatening danger. Dogs of the intelligence service accompanied the scouts in the rear of the enemy for a successful passage through his advanced positions, the detection of hidden firepoints, ambushes, secrets, helping when seizing the "language", worked quickly, clearly and silently. For ministry used dogs with sharp small service and hunting breeds.
The four-legged sappers in the smell found the buried "surprise" and sat down near, and the man carefully removed and neutralized the deadly find. More than 4,000,000 minutes were discovered by dogs.
The overall length of military roads proven by dogs was 15153 km.
Dogs - Minovy \u200b\u200bDistributors Riding Dogs About 15,000 Snaps, Winter in Narts, Summer on Special Trucks. Under the fire and explosions, it was taken from the battlefield of the battlefield about 700 thousand seriously wounded, brought to the forefront of 20-30 tons of cargo - ammunition, food, medicine. . The counselor released dogs from the trench right on the tank. With a deadly charge tied to the body.
Dog dogs dogs went to death undermining more than 300 fascist tanks. The Germans were afraid of such pieces more than anti-tank guns. Diverse dogs they undermined railway formulations and bridges. On the back, such dogs were fixed by a plug-in combat blizzard. Dogs in a complex combat situation, sometimes in impassable places for the person, over 120 thousand combat reports were delivered, 8 thousand km of the telephone wire were laid to establish communication. Dogs - Sanitars During the Great Patriotic War in the front-line strip, special love enjoyed the Sanitary dogs, finding the wounded, who brought them water, dressing materials.

Sanitation was led to them, carrying bales with medicines and dressing materials on their backs.
They found hard wounded soldiers in swamps, forests, ravines.
In the Great Patriotic War, no one was not surprised at the battlefield appeared on the battlefield with a sanitary handbag on his back.
Here's like Ilya Erenburg recalls in his notes: "Sanitary Scottish Shepherd Dog, who finds the wounded, went around. She had a basket with food and vodka. Then she took a leather blembush in her teeth, suspended to the collar and hurried to the Sanitation, showed that someone found, the owner led to the wounded. " For the first time, dogs go close to the person and at the Victory Parade on July 24, 1945
60 000 Dogs during the Great Patriotic War passed a glorious combat path with our fighters from Moscow to Berlin ...
The cavalry always goes along the shortest path through ravines and swamps, casing with the river and leaking through the forest thickets. Fast and tireless, entire partisan compounds sometimes passed unnoticed a few meters from the fascists.
Many horses fellow on battlefields. The horse could not hide in the trench or hide in the bubbling from the bullets and fragments of the shells.
In the war of horses used both transport force, especially in artillery. Six horses have dragged the gun by changing the firing position of the battery.
In the Middle Ages, the horse tried to protect the lats; Later she began to wear a gas mask.
Horse divided with man all the dangers of combat ...
Camels were transported both ammunition and food. Fucking animals reached Berlin with our soldiers. Camels showed themselves strong, unpretentious and completely fearless animals. Even too fearless: if the horses, having heard the hum of aircraft, tried to escape or strive to climb into the shelter, then camels stood like inserted and chewed their gum. In battles in the Crimea and in the North Caucasus, the most heavy loads dragged the endless donkeys. And not only shells, provisions, logs for dandels, but also wounded.
Moreover, the donings turned out to be very smart and adapted for war. Movable and relatively miniature, they quickly ran across the trenches and were almost invulnerable to enemy bullets - with the exception of long ears. However, it is surprising, soon they themselves learned to press them. The view of the "troops" donkey with timidly pressed ears was very tragic and touching! Belarusian and Russian partisans tamed and used for raids on the rear of the enemy moose. About twenty moose were directed at the intersections of the army. There are cases of successful raids of our intelligence officers on Elosi in the rear of the enemy.
Elk was in many ways more profitable horse: his traces did not attract the attention of the enemy, and with food in the forest for moose there was no problems. The partisans even fell in love with the mulk milk. In the very north, in the Karelian front, the proud reindeer came to the revenue of our 14th army. Through the Purga, through the deep snow dawns and stone placer, deer were taken from the battlefield more than ten thousand wounded, transported hundreds of tons of military cargo. Not little benefits brought during the war and the cat. Frontoviki started in the trenches and dugouts of the most ordinary, but quite "suitable for non-road" cats. Cat Simon This cat from the Military Ship "Amethyst" Fleet Great Britain even got a medal. The ship was detained on the Yangtze River in 1949, and the course of a hundred days the ship was considered a prisoner of revolutionary China. Simon also suffered: he was injected with a shrapnel, and he strongly turned wool. All this time, Simon, as mentioned in the diploma, "raised the spirit of servicemen and performed his duties, catching ship rats." After on August 5, 1949, the Times newspaper wrote about the award of the cat, a huge number of letters from his admirers came to the ship.
The captain of the ship even imputed one of the team members to respond to coming messages. During the Great Patriotic War, unique abilities of dolphins for marine intelligence were used. The rate was made true: sometimes animal special forces performed tasks better and faster than people.
As not strange, the symbol of the world may be effective tool wars. Pigeon mail existed even from the times of deep antiquity, but with the arrival of the radio, it seemed that her century was over.
But the first fights of the Great Patriotic War have shown that the wired connection was operated only for small distances and often emerged .Then and began to use pigeon mail again.
On November 21, 1941, the Nazis seized the city and one of the orders of the occupiers was about the destruction of pigeons. They wanted to prevent the transfer of information to our troops for Don.
Only the pigeons of Viti Cherevichkin, who did not obey the order, carried intelligence data through Don to Bataysk. Miselid fascists of Vitya was killed with a dove on her hands. He was 14 years old.
After the war in Rostov-on-Don, the Park named after Viti Cherevichkin, where the monument was established, on which the boy presses to the shoulder of the pigeon.
Not only on the front helped a man "Little Brothers". And in the rear, and in the occupied territories, animals and a person moved together and deprivation of harsh pores together ...
... Captain Siberin was a custom: Hand a gift to his wife, returning from the flight. One day, Senbernar Ruslan puppy became such a gift. Soon the captain went to the flight and no longer returned.
A wonderful smart dog grew out of the puppy. In war, like everyone, starved the widow of the captain and her faithful friend. In one of the days, Ruslan in the morning disappeared ...
One of the berths in the port of Sailors burgered Bartz. Several people sorted bales, and the rest dragged them in the bag. Ruslan was intensely watched the work. But here one sorter dropped the bundle further than it followed. Ruslan grabbed her and carried it. Having dropped in the trum, he went for the next.
In the evening, the kitchen was drunk on the jacket, smelling with borsch. Sailors lined up. At the end it became Ruslan. The cook poured soup into his bowler and stretched out the dog. But instead of pounce on food, the dog carefully took the bowler for the handle and pon. Two sailors went behind him.
Returning home, Ruslan put the bowler to the legs of the hostess. The seafarers were followed by seafarers. It is known about what the widow said with them, what they were told with the ship commander. But the next day Ruslan earlier the team appeared on the berth, also worked, causing amazement and admiration for others. In the evening, after the working day, one of the sailors carried two booths for the dog: one with great boneAnd the other is covered with paper. So Ruslan Siberin, as was facilitated in the statement, was taken to bring one of the warships.
Military animals in Russia and other countries are established monuments. In Kolodysh, under St. Petersburg, there is a monument to our faithful front assistants - military dogs. This right they deserved their blood and saved people's lives. The monument "Animals in the War ... They did not have a choice" In 2004, in London, a memorial of animals was opened, which in one way or another participated in hostilities. The inscription on the monument is tragic: "Animals in the war. This monument is devoted to all those animals that fought and died along with British military personnel and their allies at all times. " This is a monument to millions of animal heroes of wars, showing courage under fire and their devotional service with the closer.
The memorial is devoted to 60 species of animals.
On Monument there is an image and medal of Maria Dickkin.
Mary Dikkin's medal award animals, who, together with people, participate in wars, proposed in 1943 Maria Dickkin. Mary Dikkin's medal is equivalent to the highest military award in England - the Cross of the Order of Victoria. Since 1943, 63 awards were awarded. It is difficult to submit our victory without these beautiful and noble animals!
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Svetlana Morozova
Class hour "They helped to win: Animals in War"

Purpose: To acquaint younger students with historical events related to the participation of animals in the Great Patriotic War.

Equipment: Computer, computer presentation "Animals in War", the board is decorated with posters and photos on the theme of the class hour.

Class hour time:

Teacher. 69 years ago, the Great Patriotic War ended. The victory was not easy, all possible resources were used - even animals in these difficult war years have provided great help to man.

Do you know the guys, what animals took part in the wars? (Listen to second-graders' answers)

About many interesting cases when nature helped people, you will hear today.

Student 1. Horses In the Great Patriotic War ... In fact, their number was huge: about three million. Indeed, in the then horse army was not only in cavalry: countless accidents were walking on military roads, guns were transported on horseback and much more. The horse was practically the main force. Even in the rifle shelf on the staff, it was supposed to have three hundred fifty horses. In the Germans at the beginning of the war, horses were less, although the cavalry parts were in the Wehrmacht. However, hitting from Western Europe to the Russian off-road, the fascists quickly realized the benefits of the "four-way" thrust, and the number of horses in the German army increased strongly, mainly due to the occupied territories ... Horses also brought victory, although their contribution at first glance was not so noticeable . And at least, most of them did not go to attacks (the same cavalrymen often preferred to act in a walk, horses in the war were injured and injured.

The combat path of the Cavalry Corps General Belov told Moscow in his book "For us Moscow", where many pages about the liberation of cities and villages of the Tula region. You can also read about the glorious Connogvardeys and their commander in the books of our countryman - writer V. D. Asspensky "The feat of the general" and "campaign without a prival". And on Tula Earth, at the entrance to Odo, there is a monument to the Connogvardeys, General Belov, who liberated the city and villages of our region. The author of the monument is the Tula sculptor A. I. Chernopatov. The heroism of the Connogvardeans will forever remain in the memory of descendants.

It should be noted in our village and its surroundings (according to eyewitnesses) during the Great Patriotic War, it was possible to see horses and redarmeys, and enemies.

Teacher. SAME loyal assistants Warriors during the Great Patriotic War were, of course, dogs.

Pupil 2.

We respect the dog no wonder:

The dog on the front was


By the communication, the sapper. Pordia

On the tanks rushed at the time of attack.

Yes, in war, and so

What "Tigers", "Panthers" were afraid of dogs.

Teacher. When, in 1941, the fascists rushed to Moscow, on the Volokolamsk highway, the enemy's tank division was attacked by demolition dogs. They blew two head tanks.

The horror of the enemies was injected by tank fighters. The dog-frightened by explosives, accustomed to not be afraid of clay armored vehicles, was a terrible weapon: rapid and inevitable. In the spring of 1942, in the battles near Moscow, only several dozen fascist tanks in flight drew the appearance of dogs on the battlefield. And in the Stalingrad battle of the dog burned 63 tanks of the enemy - a whole tank brigade.

Student 3. Dogs exploded bridges, railway formulations. On August 19, 1943, on the railway line of Polotsk-Dris Shepherd Dina, the enemy echelon was allowed. Her at the distance was ruled by a soldier-trainer of filatov. Dina dropped explosives on the rails and the trail caught up with his charged. With its help, 10 cars with live enemy power were destroyed. From our side there was no loss.

Teacher. Writer Ilya Ehrenburg, a military correspondent, recalled many heroic dogs. Under the city of Verea 14 dogs supported the connection with the Guards Regiment, which turned out to the enemy's rear.

The Eastern European Shepherd Dog Asta, who entrusted the report from which the fate of the regiment was dependent, was mortally wounded. But, expired by blood, she managed to still try to their own and deliver the report.

More than two hundred thousand reports and combat documents delivered the dogs during the Great Patriotic War, when there was no other connection. In addition, eight thousand kilometers of the telephone cable extended dogs. Sometimes successful actions of connected dogs ensured the success of the entire military operation.

Student 4. And I will tell you a story about how catssaved a pilot.

In the years of the Great Patriotic War, the pilot-expuser was a batch in air combat. The plane caught fire, the pilot was wounded. The pilot managed to jump with a parachute, but he landed on the territory captured by the fascists.

Some of the last strength he got to the old windmill, confirmed to her room in the Old Steps and, completely exhausted, lost consciousness. And when I woke up, I saw some green moving points in the dark. At first, the pilot thought that it would be shattered from weakness, and looking around, I realized that these were cats.

Two days spent wounded on the mill among cats, periodically losing consciousness. And suddenly heard voices, gladly gladly: I thought that these were residents of the village. However, when the voices approached, understood: the Germans go. Cold sweat I span it instantly. Cutting, in the gap between the boards, the pilot watched the Germans.

The brave Feldfebel stepped on the cream steps, the fist hit the door ... And suddenly a wild cat scream drilled his ears, made him get away. But it was not all. The leader of cats -Amrome cat - in the moment of an eye fell on the head of the German and began to tease the face with claws ...

The Germans are gone. And the Soviet partisans came the next morning. They made stretchers, put the wounded on them. And when they gathered to leave, at the request of the pilot left cats small pieces of bass. After all, they, as partisans, were His Savior.

Student 5. And I want to tell how in the years of war birds Saved the wounded and hungry inhabitants of Murmansk. When the fascists finally made sure that they do not take the city, they decided to burn it. Thousands of cassettes with incendiary bombs flew to the wooden houses, thousands of fugasov collapsed on those who tried to stew fires. The position of Murmansk, and without that severe, it became threatening. The city experienced tremendous difficulties, especially with food. Everything was delivered to the front service. Fishermen went to the sea and under the fascinating aircraft were caught fish. And the Ornithologist Belopolsky organized the "egg surgery" of the sixth special division.

In the bay nameless on the new land, where the Stometer rocks risen, millions of Kair on the territory of their bird bazaars were postponed eggs. Self-satchers were collected under the leadership of Belopolsky. This is not easy. And the Germans found the fisheries and began to firing, but the Murmansk hospitals received over a million eggs Kair.

Teacher. Our cool hour approached the end. Of course, we did not tell about all the animals that helped win the war. Our people won the Great Patriotic War. Veterans who stayed alive deserve low bows. We also remember those who died, giving us the opportunity to see the pure sky above their heads. But you need to remember the good friends of a person who helped him in a difficult path to victory.


1. Bondarenko L. N. Animals in the war. // Primary School. 2005, №3.

2. In the world of animals. 1999. №5.

3. Zoomir. 2003. №5.

4. Book of memory. Soldiers of Victory 1041-1945, vol. 8. Tula, 2008.

5. Photo for presentation from the Internet.

The Great Patriotic War left an indelible mark in the history of our country and the whole world. At this terrible time, the people showed an unmerced courage and courage. How new friendship was important, loyalty and mutual assistance. But few know that at that time side by side with soldiers proudly and bravely fought our smaller brothers.

Dogs German Shepherd Dog Julbars served in the 14th assault engineering and chapel brigade. The only dog \u200b\u200bawarded the medal "for military merit". Thanks to its excellent alone, 7468 min and more than 150 shells were cleared. Julbars took part in the parade on the Red Square of 1945. Shortly before the Victory Parade in Moscow on June 24, Julbars was injured. Then Stalin ordered the ps of the Red Square on its overcoat.

Shepherd Dog dog is the first and only dog \u200b\u200bsabotage. Member of the "Rail War" in Belarus. She was able to successfully implement the enemy's enemy's undermining by Polotsk - Driss. As a result, 10 cars were destroyed, and most of The railway was disabled. She also distinguished himself twice when demining the city of Polotsk, where Ma was found in one of the hospitals.

Dogs Scottish Collie Dick Dick participated in the mine clearance of Leningrad, Stalingrad, Lisichansk and Prague Mini-detector. Dick participated in demining Leningrad, Stalingrad, Lisichansk and Prague. Thanks to his little, thousands of people were saved. The most famous merit dick is the discovery of a 2.5-ton fugas with a clockwork. He was discovered a dog in the foundation of the Pavlovsky Palace (Leningrad) an hour before the explosion. During the war years, more than 12 thousand mines were discovered and neutralized.

Cats Kotmakim's only famous Leningrad Cat, who survived the blockade. The need for the war years in cats was great in Leningrad them practically did not remain, rats attacked the already scant reserves of products. Leningrad brought four wagon in the smoky cats. Echelon with the "meowing division", as the Peters of these cats nicknamed, was securely guarded. By the time the blockade breakthrough, almost all the cellars were released from rats.

Cats While invented by man devices only scanned the air for the appearance of a bombing threat, live fluffy "radars" already notified people about danger, thanks to which there was a countless livelihood. For cats who saved the greatest number of human lives in wartime, a special medal was established "We also serve the motherland for cats who saved the greatest number of human lives in wartime, a special medal" We also serve the homeland "was established. Soshkurka

During one of the combat trips, the Soviet submarine torpedoing the fascist transport and, leaving the persecution, hit the minefield, received severe injuries - failed. The boat could not independently return to the base. Dove nicknamed Blitch delivered a letter of breakage in two days, flying more than a thousand kilometers. The boat received help and was taken to the native base of another Soviet submarine. Mail dove blister

Pigeons detachment of scouts, being in the deep rear of the enemy, got into the environment and lost contact with his part. The only radio was broken. The fighters had a single dove at number 48. During the flight, the pigeon was attacked by a fascist hawk for these purposes and was injured, but the 48th managed to leave. He flew to the pigeon station at dusk and fell under the feet to the rank ordinary soldier. The pigeon was injured, one foot was broken. After transmission to the headquarters of the report, the pigeon was operated on a gray dove 48 48

The horse in the Soviet troops included the backup 28th army, in which the camels were a heavy force for guns. It was formed during the Battle of Stalingrad. A significant lack of horses and techniques forced to catch and tame almost 350 wild camels. Most of them died in different battles. But the camel named Yashka participated in the Battle of Berlin in the camel

During the years of the Great Patriotic War on the battlefields, a huge number of animals were used. Horses, dogs, cats and pigeons, like people committed feats. And sitting, like people. Like the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, combat animals saved thousands of human lives and helped bring the long-awaited victory day.

Slide 2.

The Great Patriotic War left an indelible mark in the history of our country and around the world. At this terrible time, the people showed an unmerced courage and courage. How new friendship was important, loyalty and mutual assistance. But few know that at that time side by side with soldiers proudly and bravely fought our smaller brothers.

Slide 3.

Dogs German Shepherd Dog Julbars served in the 14th assault engineering-sapper brigade. The only dog \u200b\u200bawarded the medal "for military merit". Thanks to its excellent alone, 7468 min and more than 150 shells were cleared. Julbars took part in the parade on the Red Square of 1945. Shortly before the Victory Parade in Moscow on June 24, Julbars was injured. Then Stalin ordered the ps of the Red Square on its overcoat.

Slide 4.

Dina Shepherd Dina and the only Dog-saboteur. Member of the "Rail War" in Belarus. She was able to successfully implement the enemy's enemy's undermining by Polotsk - Driss. As a result, 10 cars were destroyed, and most of the railway was disabled. She also distinguished himself twice when demining the city of Polotsk, where Ma was found in one of the hospitals.

Slide 5.

Dick Scottish Collie Dick Minovaster. Dick participated in demining Leningrad, Stalingrad, Lisichansk and Prague. Thanks to his little, thousands of people were saved. The most famous merit dick is the discovery of a 2.5-ton fugas with a clockwork. He was discovered a dog in the foundation of the Pavlovsky Palace (Leningrad) an hour before the explosion. During the war years, more than 12 thousand mines were discovered and neutralized.

Slide 6.

Cat cat Maxim is the only famous Leningrad Cat, who survived the blockade. The need for years in cats was great - in Leningrad there were practically no rats, rats attacked the already scant stocks of products. Leningrad brought four wagon in the smoky cats. Echelon with the "meowing division", as the Peters of these cats nicknamed, was securely guarded. By the time the blockade breakthrough, almost all the cellars were released from rats.

Slide 7.

Cats While invented by man devices only scanned the air for the appearance of a bombing threat, live fluffy "radars" already notified people about danger, thanks to which there was a countless livelihood. For cats who saved the greatest number of human lives in wartime, a special medal "We also serve the Motherland" was established. Cat Murka

Slide 8.

During one of the combat trips, the Soviet submarine torpedoing the fascist transport and, leaving the persecution, hit the minefield, received severe injuries - failed. The boat could not independently return to the base. Dove nicknamed Blitch delivered a letter of breakage in two days, flying more than a thousand kilometers. The boat received help and was taken to the native base of another Soviet submarine. Mail dove blister

Slide 9.

Pigeons detachment of scouts, being in the deep rear of the enemy, got into the environment and lost contact with his part. The only radio was broken. The fighters had a single dove at number 48. During the flight, the pigeon was attacked by a fascist hawk for these purposes and was injured, but the 48th managed to leave. He flew to the pigeon station at dusk and fell under the feet to the rank ordinary soldier. The pigeon was injured, one foot was broken. After transmission to the headquarters of the report, the pigeon was operated on a gray dove number 48

Slide 10.

Horses despite the fact that the second world War They called war engines, horses played an important role. And in the Soviet Army, and in the Wehrmacht horses were used as transportation, especially in artillery.

Slide 11.

Horses are believed that during the Great Patriotic War on the battlefields, more than a million horses were lost. And unlike people, the names of these modest front workers are almost known to anyone.

Slide 12.

Horses in the composition of the Soviet troops included the backup 28th army, in which the camels were a tight force for guns. It was formed during the Battle of Stalingrad. A significant lack of horses and techniques forced to catch and tame almost 350 wild camels. Most of them died in different battles. But the camel named Yashka participated in the battle for Berlin in 1945. Camel Yashka

Slide 13.

During the years of the Great Patriotic War on the battlefields, a huge number of animals were used. Horses, dogs, cats and pigeons, like people committed feats. And sitting, like people. Like the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, combat animals saved thousands of human lives and helped bring the long-awaited victory day.

Slide 14.


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