The child asks to buy him raccoon. Do you need raccoon at home? Home Raccoon, Is it worth starting and how to choose a raccoon Is there an allergy to raccoons

Raccoons are one of the representatives of exotic animals, which some breeders began to acquire as domestic pets. Because of his playful character and cute external view - This animal is of interest among many fans of exotic. Answering how much homemade racc lives, it should be said that the average life expectancy of this pet is about 20 years.

Although it is possible that due to a worthy content of home-made raccoon will delight its owner for over 20 years. But before making the choice of a breeder should learn everything "for" and "against" and decide whether to make a raccoon. Therefore, before buying a raccoon and bring this animal home as a pet, you need to study introductory information on its content. It is on how to choose a raccoon where to buy and how not to be mistaken in the choice and will be discussed in our current article.

Raccoon - homemade pet

The first thing that the future owner should pay attention is the presence of free space on its living space. Home races can not have free access to all housing, they need to make an aviary in which they can easily move. In size, the best room is suitable. The habitat of the raccoon should be cleaned of wires and large items that can harm the animal.


It is also necessary to take into account allergic reactions that are quite possible at households due to the presence of homemade raccoon. In the event of such manifestations, the animal content at home is not possible. If children have been living in the house up to 7 years old, the raccoon is better not to start, as he can cause harm to his bite.

Aggressive behavior

Another feature that is worth considering is that raccoons can remain wild, and are not always ledge. Sometimes home raccoon can show signs of aggression. Most often, this is the reason for the occurrence of puberty, as well as the marital period.

The main warning of specialists is that it is quite intended to bite and scratch. Even at home to wean from such a habit of them is impossible. Therefore, in the event of a situation that does not like an animal, you need to be prepared for such actions on its part.


During the gone, it is typical for raccs to make a mixture territory. Another reason for the appearance of a specific aroma is that the raccoon does not always use the tray. Therefore, it becomes the cause of unpleasant odors in the apartment.


Raccoons are active in the dark. Therefore, the future owner will need to feed at night, and also to pay the necessary attention to the animal. Home raccoon can be retracted to another schedule, but it takes a lot of time.

Heavy moral

Racmows are quite difficult to communicate with other pets located in the apartment. If there are rodents or birds in the house, then the raccoon will hardly find a common language. They show friendly relationships only with a cat or a dog, provided they grow together. But it is necessary to take into account the fact that in this case each of the pets will fight for the leadership and attention of the owner.

If you think about whether it is worth a raccoon, and everything arranged you, then you should study the place where you can buy such a pet.

Question price

To date, on the Internet, a very large number of different ads with proposals to buy young features of raccoons. However, it should be borne in mind that most of them can be an absolute deception. There are cases of cases where they sold puppies of racco-shaped dogs, or young individuals of racs that were withdrawn by poachers from the natural environment.

How much is homemade raccoon? The minimum price for which the raccoon can be purchased is 15 thousand rubles, but the maximum no boundaries.

Pay attention to suspiciously low price, perhaps you want to sell a wild or sick individual!

Places for buying raccoon

To protect yourself from fraud, the best solution will ask questions about who already lives raccoon at home. Such owners can be found, for example, on the forums on the Internet. It is worthwhile to ask where they acquired their pets, or maybe someone engaged in their breeding at home and sells the kids of raccoon.

Before buying a home raccoon, you need to be mandatory, ask for the owner to show not only racca puppies, but also their parents. In the case of all sorts of excuses by the seller, it is worth thinking about whether he is a fraudster. It is possible that you are trying to sell completely non-home raccoons, but the individuals mined in the wild of the poacier way. It should be understood that in this case you can purchase wild, absolutely not accustomed to the home the conditions of individuals at the price of homemade raccoon.

be careful

Also in the ads for the sale there are proposals for the acquisition of young individuals who are in the nursery. However, such raccoons may often succumb to the effects of diseases, and also rarely become manual. Diseases in such representatives may arise due to the fact that in the nursery did not comply with the purity of the crossing of individuals, namely, used close relatives for these purposes. If the owners do not allow you to see the nursery, which contains kids and adult individuals, then maybe they are also fraudsters.

It should also be very closely related to the ads in which the puppies are possible by the courier service. Sometimes the courier who delivers delivery does not know about what carries, and, therefore, it is quite possible to get a box with exhausted, or even with proven kids. It is best to personally pick up your pet, and not trust anyone to deliver it.

Before you choose and buy a raccoon, at least once to visit the puppy. It is necessary to pay attention to his behavior. If the kid is healthy, it will show activity, and can even bite. In the case of a painful state, the puppy will behave very calmly, which is immediately alarming. It is better not to show confidence in such masters who will try to convince you that such behavior is normal, because after 10 day after birth, the puppies show their character. In this case, you should give preference to other kids owners.

Before you have a raccoon as a home inhabitant, we should weigh all the advantages and cons of his stay in the house. It should be considered how much homemade raccoon lives, and if you are not able to properly ensure all the necessary conditions of detention throughout the life of a pet, it is better to refrain from such an acquisition.

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In our time, exotic animals are becoming increasingly homemade pets, not the exception of steel and raccoons. This is not strange because a sweet, intelligent face and mischievous, a cheerful character will not leave indifferent. But you should not take hasty conclusions, proceeding only from such insignificant criteria, and immediately breaking the head to run and buy raccoon. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with all sorts of available animal information. All as you should think about and decide whether you can take such responsibility for the whole 20 years. Yes, yes, it was for 20 years, because it is so much a raccoon at home.

Should I start raccoon?

Before you have a raccoon, first of all it is necessary to answer the most important question: " Will it make this housing conditions? " If you have no free space in the apartment, which can be equipped for a raccoon, then it is better to find another pet for yourself. Raccoons can not live in an apartment or a free walking house like a cat or a dog. They necessarily need a spacious aviary and a place for safe walks. For these purposes, a separate room can be used, in which the aviary can be placed and remove all wires, vases, heavy items and other dangerous things.

The next factor that is worth considering the raccoon, the presence of you or your relatives allergies on animals. If any of the family suffers from this disease, the animal will start strictly contraindicated. Also do not buy raccoon when there is little children up to 7 years. An animal bites and can hardly harm the child.

Need to remember that raccoon can not always be done manual. Mostly hand are homemade animals. Taken from the breeder, more often remain wild, although they take food from the hands. Sometimes it even happens that home-based rans can be aggression to man. Such cases are very often associated with changes in nature during puberty and gon.

In addition to the change in the character during the GAn, the raccoon is actively starting metut your territories. Specific smell may appear from such labels. In addition, the raccoon is not always tasteful to cope in the tray. This also often leads to the appearance of unpleasant odors in the apartment.

It is worth considering the fact that Raccoons - Night Animals, And the peak of their activity falls precisely at this time of day. While the animal is not adjusted for your schedule, you will need to get up to feed at night and pay attention to the pet, and not in the crib and see dreams.

Raccoons do not always find a common language with living in the apartment other pets. Especially if it is birds or rodents who are in the wild of their food. More friendly to each other will be a raccoon and a cat or a dog and a raccoon grown together. In any other case, pets always compete with each other for leadership.

In addition to the above, most zoologists are not supported by rats as pets. The main reason - animals bite themselves and scratch. It is impossible to weach the raccoon from such a habit. Wildlife makes itself felt. If the racoon does not like something, be prepared for grades and deep scratches on their legs and hands.

If, after all of the above, you were not frightened and still ready to bring such an unusual inhabitant into our home, then you will definitely need to know where such a miracle is acquired.

Where to buy raccoon?

To buy raccoon it is worth coming with all seriousness. In order not to bring an absolutely wild animal to the house, with which it will not be possible to cope. Now on the Internet there are many sites and bulletin boards with proposals for the sale of raccoons. But "not all that is gold that glitters." Many of the proposals of "pure water deception." For hand puppies of raccs, young rare-shaped dogs are not rarely issued or poaching through the babies.

So as not to become a victim of deception, first, talk to the owners of raccoons, at least on the Internet forums. Maybe some of them have offspring from their pets. And if not, you can always ask where they acquired a crumb of raccoon. Having received the necessary information and choose a place to purchase, some details with the owner of the kids should be discussed.

First ask if you can show puppies and their parents. If the sellers have a lot of excuses, they say, no show because of quarantine or something else, think about whether you turned there. Unwillingness to show parents should cause suspicion, homemade puppies offer you. Accordingly, the price of domesticated babies more than on raccoons from the nursery or mined by poachers.

It is not rare to find offers to buy a cub from the nursery. But keeping them in the house will be quite difficult. Such puppies often get sick and tame poorly. The cause of pain is not compliance with the purity of the gene, namely the crossing of close relatives. Before the acquisition, be sure to visit the nursery. Look, in what conditions the kids and their parents live. Surely after what you saw you do not want to buy puppies. Refusal for any reason to show the nursery and babies, the reason is laminated in the reputation of the institution.

With extreme caution, we will take advantage of ads with delivery. Very often, kids are sent by the courier, who does not even know what he delivers. After receiving the parcel, you can not refresh, but to float tears from horror. In the box, it is often semi-axis, or worse, chopped puppies. So that this does not happen, take your raccoon church yourself.

Before buying, you must at least turn the baby at least once. Look at how he behaves. A healthy puppy will definitely be frowning, playing, run and even bite. The patient on the contrary behaves calmly and quietly. If the owners say that he is just very manual, do not believe. Kids bite and show their character for 10 days of their lives. Ears, eyes, nose and under the tail everything must also be clean. If anything is wrong, select yourself another puppy or contact other sellers.

After deciding with the puppy, you will need to pick him up the house. Any racoon is a small or large cell.

How to choose and equip a cage?

For the content of raccas in the house or the apartment is suitable for approximately 1m in width and 1.5m in height. Such a cell can be bought in a specialized store or make it yourself. It can be smart from different building materials. The cage for the raccoon must be divided into several tiers and equipped with a laser. On each tier, set some kind of pets for pet, such as hammock, shedding or rings. To eat and water to equip the place on the lower tier. A place in a cage where the raccoon could sleep arrange under the bedding.

Do not buy a small cage racoon. In it, the animal will feel no comfortable, but it is in the cage a little animal will have to spend most time.

The cage should be installed in a specially equipped room, but in no case on the balcony or loggia. Living in such a small space, an animal, especially in hot weather, will easily fall. Even if your balcony shades trees, do not risk a pet. An animal organism works quite differently than the human. We present that the fur coat was put on you and forced to walk all day for 40 degree heat. This is how your racoon is sitting on the loggia or balcony. And if the raccoon also lives without a cage, it will surely try to open the window and will definitely fall. If these arguments are not convincing for you, do not start and do not torment the animal.

How to feed raccoon at home?

Raccoons - Animals omnivores. In the wild of his prey, minor rodents, lizards, frogs, small birds, fish are becoming. By the summer, when the berries and fruits are pretended, they will be raised by them. In agricultural areas often eats vegetables and grains.

The diet of the home raccoon should include the products that it eats in the natural environment. These are vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, seafood, eggs, dried fruits, berries, nuts. In addition to natural feed, you can use feed for dogs and premium cats.

Non-fat varieties of meatthat can be given a racoon:

  • hen;
  • beef;
  • turkey;
  • veal;
  • rabbit.

Fish, as the meat you need to boil before giving a racoon. For feeding, the following types of fish will be suitable:

  • mintai;
  • cod;
  • sea \u200b\u200bbass;
  • flounder;
  • putassu;
  • tuna.

River fish of fish can also be given, but the benefits of them the animal will be insignificant. In addition to fish in the ration of the raccoon include other seafood shrimp or crabs.

Also fruits,necessarily every day:

  • grapes;
  • apple;
  • banana;
  • peach;
  • pear;
  • kiwi;
  • fig;
  • plum.

From the fruit menu of the raccoon, only citrus is eliminated, on them the animal may be allergic.

Vegetables should also be present in the diet:

  • carrot;
  • fresh peas;
  • corn boiled;
  • asparagus;
  • zucchini;
  • melon;
  • watermelon.

From berries, raccats can be:

  • malina;
  • strawberries;
  • cherry;
  • cherry;
  • currant.

It should be remembered that each racca has its own preferences and that for one delicacy, then for another tasteless food.

Abroad, as pets, animal lovers sometimes get enough unusual animals. Well, and our compatriots, trying to adopt their fashion, invade them with such desperate actions as, or. However, today we suggest you talk about really not quite ordinary for our corners of the pet - about ... Roth. Yes, yes, more and more often, they are given them as domestic pets. Therefore, the topic of our today's publication will be the topic Raccoon content at home

Is it worth a raccoon at home

If you think about whether you have to have such a pet in your home, before you accept your final decision and go to the study of more practical items related to the peculiarities of the care, content and feeding of raccots, we suggest you to learn about some nuances associated with joint living with this animal. Perhaps some items will shake your decision, and maybe on the contrary, you will understand that it is about the rich you dreamed of all your life. So…

  • The raccoons are very sociable and custom creatures that cannot live by themselves. Therefore, prepare for the fact that this animal will constantly attract your attention. And, if he does not succeed, it will make it a good act, the raccoon will definitely come up with how to make it notice it - for example, he will turn your favorite vase ...
  • If children live in your house, or you are planning to start them in the near future - you will have to make a choice - or children or raccoon. The joint residence of 2 types of purses is not recommended.
  • Raccoons are not hypoallergenic animals, so if you or your loved ones suffer allergies or other similar diseases - do not feel fate and think that you will be miraculously healed.
  • If other pets live in your house - or, we would not recommend you to start raccoon. The fact is that it is very doubtful whether they will be able to get along with one roof. Otherwise, in order to avoid their conflicts, you will have to keep animals in different rooms.

It is strictly forbidden to combine racs with birds and small rodents, for the simple reason that the latter can become ... food for your unusual pet. Also, in order to security the life of raccoon and your indoor plants - They will have to be kept separately, in different rooms.

  • The raccoons in nature, even being tamed, still remain wild animals who are accustomed to solve all the questions with the help of sharp claws and teeth. So, if you do not please anything with your racoon - he can scratch you or bite you without remorse. When your pet reaches a period of puberty, and especially during Gon periods - prepare for the fact that it will become completely uncontrollable.
  • Fir you will tell you that raccoons do not smell, do not believe. Moreover, like cats, raccoons will make their territory, and not all of them manage to defeat the tray. So, if you are not embarrassed by the issue of the toilet and tags - we start such an animal, but if the pureliness is your aende - it is worth looking for nothing to dirty.
  • In view of his characteristics, and the raccoon is a night animal, the peak of the activity of the beast is at that time of the day when all the normal people sleep. If you agree to awake at night, and make a racoon company in the kitchen - Bravo. If you get up to work in the morning - think about how chronic lack of sleep will affect the productivity of your work.
  • Of course, it is very funny to watch the manual raccoon, however, they are forced to disappear - not all animals become manual. And, only those who have taken aged 1.5 months and not older, and those who have given a lot of their time and attention. All the others are just adapted to life under the same roof with you, and the fact that you regard as an act of their friendliness - Raccoon takes food from your hands, they perceive as need. Adults are especially seriously serious, which have already lived in nature.
  • The content of the raccoon involves the presence of a spacious avoire or ... separate room in your home. At the same time, this room must be adapted to the features of these animals, which are extremely curious, shumbers, prompt and simply attract all sorts to themselves emergency situations. So, from the TV in the room with a raccoon, and from the expensive antique vase on the bedside table - from all this will have to refuse. The danger to the life and health of the pet can also represent the wires and extension cords - that only the raccoon is not trying to do with them - to nibble, wind and unwind, and finally marvel. But the sockets - they must be closed with protective caps, like cranes and other items, access to which it is worth it ...

Well, after you objectively be able to answer the question, but can I come to terms with each of these items, you will be able to give yourself an answer to the question, whether to make such a pet. You no longer will be the return path - it's always worth remembering because

return the raccoon into natural conditions after he lived in your house for several months - it would mean to persuade a pet for the faithful death. And, now try to attach in good hands, we would not advise you. The fur of the raccoon is highly appreciated, so there is no guarantee that your favorite will not become a raw material for a fur hat or a collar. In addition, any changes are a strong stress for raccoon, as a result of which he can get sick and even perish ...

Features of the content of raccoon at home

So, if the difficulties and difficulties are not frightened, but on the contrary, they inspire them to overcome, and you are still ready to take such a step, how to purchase raccas - it will be useful for you to learn about the features of the content in your home of this cute creation in dark glasses And in a mask, which gives it a touching touch.

First of all, these are the highlights - the unpretentiousness of this creation, in some way - simplicity in care, omnivorous raccots, and the persistent perception of temperature differences, which cannot but rejoice, since we have cold weather. However, after a few hours spent with the raccoon in the same room, you understand that the energy has a key, raccoon is extremely hyperactive, is mature, curious, and as a cohabitant is quite problematic, as it will constantly rebuild everything in your home Under yourself. First of all, wallpaper will suffer, the upholstery of furniture, curtains, then he will turn to the selection of houseplants ... In a word, the order, in the room where the raccoon lives is the concept of relative. Therefore, to solve this issue and eliminate such difficulty, you will have to decide where to better settle the raccoon.

Where to settle ramota

If you have a big a private house - You can build an aviary for a pet on the street, then your home does not recognize its destructive influence. If you have big flat - You can single out the raccoon a separate small room in which it will live. On the windows in it should be a grid or metal mesh, the doors should be closed tightly, and there should be nothing in the room, which can harm the life and health of the pet. The furnishings in the room should be a similar setting in the cell. If neither the option nor another, you do not fit - one thing is the variant of the cell. But, it should be very big and strong enough so that the raccoon does not escape. In the cell it is worth installing a small bedroom where the raccoon can hide to relax, feeder, a tray for the toilet (you can use a cat tray and), and a water container in which the raccoon will rinse your toys or swim it yourself. As you understand

it is worth removing in a cage and change water in a bathing container costs more than often.

You can use wood sawdust as a cage filler.

The doors in the cage must be reliable, and the castle is complex, since often the owners of raccoons tell stories about how their pets hacked the secret lock and escaped.

Than feeding raccas

To your happiness, these creatures are omnivorous, therefore, it is not difficult to feed the raccoon, he eats everything, the main thing is that he has appetite. The peculiarity of these creatures is that they love to eat on the principle of the buffet - so you can upload them to the tray a variety of options The diet is pieces of low-fat boiled meat, fish, chicken, fresh fruits and vegetables, eggs and cottage cheese - and Raccoon will take what he is more likely today. All this will be pre-washed in water tanks. Given this fact

if you are going to treat the raccoon with your favorite sweetheart cookie - choose solid cookies, which are not too twisted in water.

Since raccoons do not know in the food of restrictions and are not accustomed to die their appetite, it will be necessary to take care to you so that you do not overgrow your pet, and he has no obesity. Therefore, follow the size of its portions, feeding frequency and stick the power mode. Food should not be fat, and periodically can be arranged for a raccoon "natural" tables - to treat it with frogs, grain, fruit, insects and nuts ...

By the way, many owners note that, depending on the nature, the raccas may have sufficiently unusual gastronomic preferences. Therefore, you will have to look for your favorite delicacy of rags. We will only tell me some options.

There are raccows who love eating dry food premium cats, grapes, raisins, dried fruits, quail eggs (do not give more than 1 per day), cookies ...

Subscribe a pet, and not to refuse him or nothing in anything, today it is quite difficult, therefore, weighing and this item, since the hungry raccoon is almost always an evil raccoon ...

Caring for raccoon

To somehow compensate for the previous item, let's say that raccoons for their wool care for yourself. You can help the pet 2-3 times a year, setting up a bath day for him, with shampoo, bathroom and a warm terry towel. During the rest of the year, you can only follow the cleanliness of the cell or indoors where the raccoon lives, and regularly change water in tanks.

The first thing to take into account before you make such an unusual pet, this is your free time for its upbringing and care. Racoses require much attention to themselves, and they need to pay a lot of time. The second thing you need to remember is that raccoons do not get along with young children. Therefore, if there are children under 7 years old in the house, then the raccoon is not worth bringing home.

Also contraindicated to keep the houses of the raccoon to people with allergies on wool or animals. Other similar diseases will also affect the owner not in the best way.

Racmows need a lot of attention, so the presence of the house of other animals is not desirable. With dogs and cats, they still walk away, and that in different rooms. But with small rodents and birds - no. It must be remembered that raccoons like to be enjoyed by such small animals, so it is not worth risking. Even if you hide his desired delicacy from the raccoon, he will still get to him. Raccoons are very stubborn animals. Plants should also be removed away from raccoon.

The raccoons are wild animals, and to tame them will not work at all. Hands will be made of grazing and coat, the furniture can also suffer. If such victims are not frightened, then you can safely bring home this wild animal. The more adult becomes a raccoon, the harmfulness of him becomes character, especially during the period of puberty. Need to take into account.

To accustom this stubborn to the tray is also far away. You will have to clean behind him everywhere. During Gon, the racca will mark its territory.

Nights night - animals. So, with the onset of night they have a lot of energy and plans. They are also accustomed to extracting food at night. Therefore, it will have to often wake up so that the pet can quench the hunger. And maybe he will simply fit to have fun, and nothing will be left to do how to get up with a warm bed and play with a raccoon. If it is still possible to adjust the raccoon under your routine of the day, then it is a big luck. Each animal has its own individual character, to adapt, most likely, will have to themselves.

These funny animals rarely become manual. How much time and attention would have been paid to them, they will still remain loyal and will not go to their hands. If you take a very small raccoon, then more likely to tame it, but if you take an adult, then the chances of success are very small.

Having used to a new setting, raccoons begin to bring their orders in the apartment. For raccoons there is nothing no possible, they can get driving everywhere and get everything. Therefore, in the room where the raccoon lives, there should be no expensive things, such as video and audio equipment, fragile things, dear interior items. Also raccoons love to nibble wires, marvel pilots and extension cords. It is very dangerous for their lives.

❤ I Love Animals ❤ | Animals
Animal allergies - is there a solution to the problem?

Allergy - probably the most frequent cause abandoning animals. The situation is hopeless or still solvable? Interesting article on this topic K.M.N. Allergologist-Immunologist Tatyana Tikhomirova.

Pets - Let's not produce horns.

In this question, I represent 3 interested parties: a doctor of an allergologist-immunologist (Ph.D. on allergology and immunology, if anyone is interested in rattles), allergy (yes, strong, yes, with allergies on animals) and animal lover with not The most tiny experience of their content. And this is what I will tell you about this.
As soon as you get to a doctor-an allergist, right there in 100% of the cases hear the unequivocal and categorical: "Get rid of the animal!". In 99% of cases, there will be no specific hyposensibilization, to date, more or less steadily operating only in the case of allergies on plants (more often - pollen), and not at all on animals. But with all this, if an allergy to the animal originated for you for the first time or has changed its manifestations, you must go to the doctor. Perhaps allergies will not be allergic, but something else. Diseases with symptoms similar to allergies, very much. Moreover, perhaps the allergy is confirmed, but the cause is not an animal, but your new washing powder. And it will be great news, right?

Animal can "cure" from allergies to himself, itself

1. What is specific hyposensibilization on the animal? But this is far from exotic, although of course it does not work in 100% of cases. The essence of it is: when the animal first got into your home, the first days the reaction is extremely strong. Conjunctivitis, rash, allergic rhinitis, some even aggravate asthma or her debut. But after 3-4 days, the symptoms of allergies are clearly subsided, and after 2-3 weeks they disappear almost completely. Moreover, with antihistamine (these are drugs from allergies), which is without them! There are 2 simple mechanisms.

The first mechanism. I bite, lick and scratch!

It is especially effective in the case of cats. Cats at games are sometimes applied to their claws on the skin. Thus, allergen falls under the skin, the very particles that cause your allergies on the animal, and the subcutaneous path is injected by natural, specific allergen and is the essence of the method of specific hyposensibination! Moreover, unlike vegetable, allergen animals are much more "individual" and less resistant to different types of conservation, which is why the same treatment of a doctor in the form of subcutaneous injections and pure allergen gives a much lower percentage of success. And here - natural allergens, fresh, without any preservation, is your animal.

Mechanism second. Karl Marx is very right.

Quantity quantity. Another possible way is based on this mechanism, however, the exotic, allergy treatment. The fact is that allergies develop most often on the principle of "a little harmless matter, and not food, but on the skin and mucous membranes." I greatly simplify, but the point is that at the institution of the pet, his allergens becomes very not even a little bit, and quite a lot, and they fall not only on the skin, even if you do not have the habit of losing your cat or dog. At a certain point, the "click" and the immune system understands that it seems that these parties have something very much and they go to the body in all ways, too much, so that they pull on the signs of Allergen. And allergic response fades.

Practical advice.

So, if you really started an animal and want to live with him, but you or your relatives began to be allergic, do not hurry to part with him. I am not talking about those who first started the "toy" to yourself or the child, then discovered for myself that the puppy pisses on the carpet and nibbles shoes, and the kitten carries the furniture, and decided to get rid of the source of problems under the favorable pretext. I'm talking about those who really want to be with your animals. Do not hurry.
Go to an allergist if this is the first time, leave, then buy antihistamine and just wait 2-3 weeks, a little, but not completely, limiting contact with animals. Unless of course symptoms are not dangerous, that is, there are no attacks of choking (asthma or allergic edema). Allergies can really decrease very much or even disappear. And after the vacation or business trip - alas, returning home to you, you may have to suffer a little again, but the secondary reaction will be calmer and quieter.
You may have the abyss completely allergic to your pet, but remain a reaction to other people's dogs. Sometimes, however, it will fall on others, it happens in different ways. The head of the second dog, by the way, will already have a reaction much weaker, and the third - you yourself will be surprised, it is quite possible that it will appear in your house as if you never had allergies on animals never. So do not put the cross immediately, be patient and see.

And caution.

The only thing that overshadows the idyll described by me - even if you have home dust and animal wool lies on all the surfaces of the Cloaks, and your allergies do not think about himself reminded, it is still possible to live with some restrictions. The main thing is the bed. Second - face.
If the allergy was, and it was strong, it is better never to let the animal on bed linen, on your clothes (I mean the one that contacts the body directly, that is, an invalible, and not the front side of things and mostly intimate wardrobe), And also do not go into the face in his warm fluffy side and do not touch yourself for the face immediately after contact with the animal. However, to run and 100 times the day wash your hands after each contact. First, tormented, and secondly, there is no point in this sense, in the hands of allergens you have exactly as much as on all subjects in the apartment with animals, it is only after washing the hands to touch the palm somewhere, for example, to the door handle.
And now I can give a consideration in defense of animals in the house. Paradoxically sounds, but this is a fact: the more animals in the house, the smaller the children are allergic and the quietly she flows. This observation is described in the framework of hygienic theory since the 90s. The essence of it is as follows.

All over the world, the incidence of allergies and autoimmune diseases. But for some reason it grows exclusively in developed countries. And for some reason, much stronger in cities than in rural areas. This fact has long been interested and have long been trying to digitate the patterns and causes of growth. There were many ideas, such as any chemistry in the air and especially in food. It also matters, but does not fit with the fact that the poorest peasants falling on the fields with terrible harmful fertilizers daily and urban poor people who consume a complete set of chemical disgusts in food, but for some reason they are sick of allergies much less often, and the richest "citizens ", Even let the stretching children in the country cottages on the fastened air and the purest most expensive products, that is, in excellent conditions, they get this allergies in children. How did it happen?

Evolution and Technical Progress

The reason was found at the same time immediately in several countries. The fact is that the technical revolution overtook naturally very strongly and sharply. We have long already have the opportunity not tightening to keep the child in almost sterile conditions, and the immune system is still sure that after birth, it is wrapped in a dirty bluff skin and put on horseradish worms and eggs worm, which a child, as soon as learn to crawl, will definitely pull In the mouth.
After birth, the immune system of the newborn - yes, weak, yes, immature, but she is ready to meet enemies. Many, many dangerous enemies, which should penetrate from everywhere, and especially through the skin and mucous membranes. And somehow no enemies, because mom is usually good, it strokes the diaper on both sides with an iron and disinfects everything about the kid. And here at this place and "Failure" arises, we must find the enemy, he is definitely there, he can not be!
And the immune system takes the enemies harmless and defaults are usually harmless substances: certain components of food, as well as what is impossible to get rid of even in a modern apartment: dust, ticks home dust and their remnants, microscopic diverse fungi, pollen plants, all sorts of smallest residues household chemicals, dust fluxes and feathers from pillows and so on. Only here considering that these particles in fact do not harm anyone and getting ready in the body somehow do not think, the modified response is launched, not as an infection, but allergic.

Hygiene is not only good, alas.

In general, the picture is obtained by this: the higher the level of hygiene in the population, the higher the incidence of allergies and autoimmune diseases, the hardest allergies flow. But we can not put the children in the dirt and feed them with the Earth for considerable health, right? And here the salvation was suddenly pets. In families, where in the first five years of life there were pets, the number of allergy children turned out to be sharply reduced. And the more animals it was (or the more they were in size), the less was allergic!
And the beast in the house in the first year of the child's life turned out to be the most effective "medicine" from allergies from these children in the future, from the second to the fifth year of life - less effective, and after the fifth year of life almost did not matter, there was an animal in the family or not . The coincidence of statistics with the deadlines of the learning of the immune system and accepted scientists to study this mechanism further.
In general, speaking simplistic, the presence of an animal in the house leads to the fact that its wool, particles of skin, saliva and even remnants of feces are accumulated in the air and on all subjects. All this grace falls to the baby and his immune system There is something to do! It trains the right mechanisms of response to an infection and harmless substances, reaches the necessary reactions to the received material, and not looking for enemies where they are not.

Final explanations.

1. Method of specific hyposensitization, when the reaction to the animal is decreased by itself, is based on the same principle as the method of specific hyposensitization, which is carried out by a allergic physician, allergen subcutaneous injections. Therefore, if you are really interested in mechanisms, you will have to read the literature on this topic.
This method does not work in 100% of cases and everyone. This is not a guarantee. There is only probability, although rather big. What exactly do you have - depends on the heap of factors.

2. Once again, if you have asthma (and any difficulty breathing) and / or aalergic swelling, you can not try this method. First, it is dangerous. Secondly, it is most likely useless, alas.

3. The presence of an animal in the early childhood Statistically reliably increases the likelihood of absence of allergies or more easily (but it is probable to remember that it is probability, and not a 100% warranty, not absolute).

4. Risk factors. Allergic to a pet can develop each at any age. Most people suffering from allergies on a pet are often susceptible to other types of allergies, such as pollen or mold. This is due to hereditary reasons. If your parents suffer from allergies, then it is probably you will also manifest. According to research, allergies on dogs or cats are approximately 15% of the population.
What part of the animal do people arise allergies? People having allergies on animals often suffer from allergic reactions on skin particles (dandruff), saliva and urine.
What are the signs of allergies on domestic animals? Allergies on domestic animals is most often manifested in the form of a deployed eye, allergic runny nose, asthma attacks, rash on the skin. Often, these symptoms are mistaken for symptoms of other diseases, and only away from animals after a few days of symptoms disappear, manifesting again, when a person comes into contact with the animal, which he developed allergies.
Are there hippallergic breeds of dogs? Unfortunately, such breeds do not exist, as well as non-nonny dogs. Absolutely all dogs are subject to molt, to a greater or lesser extent. It should be remembered that allergies cause not wool, but small particles of the skin, which are tremendous together with the hair alone (dandruff). Some breeds are less inclined to the formation of dandruff (poodles, terriers and schnauzers).

How can I reduce an allergic reaction to a pet? Even if you do not suffer from this problem, pay attention to these tips, as people who suffer from animal allergies may be among your guests.

1. We spend from one third to half our life in the bedroom. Try not to let your pets in it. Do not let your pet lying on beds, sofas and chairs.
2. Install a good air cleaner.
3. Eliminate drafts in the bedroom.
4. Clean the house regularly with a vacuum cleaner.
5. Take care of the cleanliness and health of your pets: Provide him proper nutrition and the necessary multivitamin feeders, as well as regular bathing.
6. In the car, use a special coating for pet (litter, cover, hammock).
7. Thoroughly wash your hands after care for your pet.
8. Measure your attending physician relative to possible immunotherapy or anti-allergic treatment.
For people suffering from allergies on domestic animals, do not start a pet or add it to other hands - in most cases not the best way out. Yes, and avoid contact with animals will be very difficult, because they are an integral part of our life. Taking necessary measures, we can reduce the manifestations of allergic reactions, and thereby secure the joy of communication with our smaller brothers.

About getting rid of the animal - I was never understood by the position of people who bring / bring an animal to the clinic when I detecting allergies to him or someone from family members. Everyone knows about dog and feline hotels, and how allergies arise, they forget about them very quickly. A dog or a cat is not to blame in the weak body of their owners - started, you can't keep at home - or look for new good owners, or put an animal in the hotel and still search for the owners. Who does not afford - there are always grandmothers who need money and ready to keep the animal for reward. There would be a desire for the owners.

Remember that the animal is in the house, like a child. You are responsible for him. Taking care of your health, do not forget to take care of the pet!

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