Colostrum for autoimmune diseases. Colostrum: capsules, powder, chewable tablets

Colostrum (colostrum) is mother's milk that begins to be produced from last days pregnancy, and during the first week after the birth of a child in humans and all mammals. The composition of colostrum is very different from the mother's milk that the baby eats throughout breastfeeding... In dietary supplements, colostrum of cows is usually used. Colostrum is complex preparations, which have an immunomodulatory effect, created on the basis of bovine colostrum. Colostrum preparations are usually the product of network companies that distribute various biological additives. Colostrum (colostrum) helps restore immunity and develop resistance to coldsit is also a natural source essential substances for recovery, support and activation immune system.

Colostrum: composition and form of release

Colostrum is usually available in capsules, which are packaged in jars of 60-90 capsules each. It has a special composition, which includes various unique components and various immunoactive substances. These include:
- proteins that protect the human body from various foreign elements (bacteria, molds, viruses, allergies) and are called immunoglobulins;
- carriers of immune information, molecules of transfer factors that teach the body to fight infections that enter it;
- lactoferrin, an antiviral antibacterial element with antioxidant properties;
- cytokines capable of activating the synthesis of immunoglobulins and strengthening the immune system, as well as having anti-inflammatory and antitumor functions;
- interleukin, an element responsible for protecting the body from all kinds of inflammatory processes;
- endorphins, designed to protect the body from stress;
- growth factors, on which the correct growth and development of children depends, as well as tissue renewal and slowing down of the aging process of the body;
- amino acids - a kind of building material for protein structures and muscle fibers;
- nucleotides involved in DNA synthesis, development and renewal of body cells.

Colostrum: properties and functions

Colostrum has the strongest immunomodulatory properties and has a particular effect on the body in conditions of immunodeficiency and in autoimmune conditions. Manifesting immunoregulatory properties make it possible to exert rejuvenating and regenerative effects on the human body. Colostrum contains many biologically active substances that are absent in milk and not found in any other product.
Colostrum is recommended for use in cases:
- general healing effect on the immune system;
- restoration of the intestines and stomach;
- the ability of the drug to restore and renew brain cells;
- a beneficial effect on the nervous system;
- improving emotional tone;
- increasing efficiency;
- normalization of metabolic processes;
- the ability to protect the body from various infections and diseases of the cardiovascular, digestive system, diabetes allergies;
- the ability to restore liver cells;
- the ability to heal wounds and burns in a shorter time;
- the ability to cleanse the body and slow down the aging process.

Colostrum: instructions for use

These drugs have a very wide spectrum of action. Colostrum instructions for the use of which recommends taking it for cardiovascular diseases, autoimmune disorders, endocrine, infectious diseases, with oncology, as well as primary and secondary immunodeficiencies.

Colostrum is recommended for use as a source of substances to maintain immunity. It is recognized as a unique concentrate of immunoactive factors and nutrients that have a general strengthening effect on the body.

Colostrum NSP is recommended to be taken before meals for 30 minutes. In order to achieve better effect, the drug can be used together with multivitamin complex... The required dose of taking the drug Colostrum Ir for adults is 1 capsule 4 times a day, and for children 1 capsule 1 - 3 times a day.

Colostrum reviews, about which you can read quite positive, still has its own contraindications - it must be taken only after consulting a doctor familiar with the medical history. Contraindications to taking the drug are associated with hypersensitivity to any of its constituent components, and there is also a risk of allergy to large proteins - immunoglobulins, caseins, etc. The drug is also contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

Colostrum: price and sale

You can buy Colostrum both in a pharmacy and via the Internet in our store, since we are a representative of companies engaged in the production of colostrum preparations. On sale there is Colostrum NSP, the price of which is 1,072 rubles for 60 capsules, Supercolostrum Now Foods 90 capsules and Colostrum Plus Altera Holding 60 capsules. The only prerequisite for the purchase of these drugs is the obligatory provision of a corresponding certificate to the buyer confirming the quality of the product. The risk of buying a counterfeit in various pharmacies is quite high, and therefore it is necessary to take appropriate measures to avoid deception.

Colostrum and Transfer Factor

Colostrum and Transfer Factor are drugs that have so much in common that they can be conventionally called “relatives”. Their hallmark is that both of these drugs contain transfer factor peptide molecules that are carriers of human immune memory. The unique composition and concentrate of bovine colostrum distinguish these two drugs from other immunomodulators known today. Despite the available general characteristics, the drug Colostrum in its action is much weaker than Transfer factor, which has superiority in providing a healing effect on the human body. The fact is that in order to produce the Transfer Factor,
the newest nanotechnologies are used, which consist in ultramembrane filtration of colostrum, during which it is possible to "cut off" unsuitable immunoglobulins that pose a danger to humans in case of their high concentration. In order to obtain 1 kg of pure transfer factor, about 50 kg of colostrum must be passed through ultramembrane filtration. It turns out that 50 kilograms of colostrum contains only 2% of immune transfer factor molecules, which are released using the ultramembrane filtration technology patented by 4life. The production of Colostrum does not imply the achievement of the same result, therefore, these immunoglobulins are present in the preparation, which affects the number of capsules that a person can take over a certain period of time. Namely, the daily intake is limited to 4 - mu capsules. Such rather small doses of transfer factor molecules do not allow achieving desired effect, and an increase in the dose threatens an overdose of large proteins with all the ensuing problems. Unlike Colostrum, Transfer Factor contains a transfer factor molecule (with a total molecular weight of 5KD) in its pure form does not have such restrictions and it can be taken in any quantity without fear of side effects, allergic reactions and overdose. Since the drug is "cleared" of "heavy" immunoglobulins, the effect of taking this drug is incomparably higher than from taking Colostrum or any other drug based on it.

Colostrum - medicinal product obtained from colostrum of animals, mainly cows, belongs to the category of immunomodulators.

What is Colostrum made of

Composition Colostrum very saturated active substancesaffecting immunity. Many companies are engaged in the production of drugs, including colostrum NSP, now foods, most often these are gelatin capsules of 60-120 capsules per can. The weight of one capsule is usually 100-500 mg. they include the following components:

  • cytokines, immunoactive cells responding to signaling and activation of the production of immunoglobulins in the blood.
  • immunoglobulins, specific protein formations produced by the immune system in response to an immune event.
  • endorphins, specific formations whose activity is aimed at reducing the negative impact of stress on the body, is responsible for various growth factors, etc.
  • transfer factors, cells responsible for the transfer of immune information and the profiling of immune cells.
  • lactofedrine, proteins contained in colostrum have antioxidant properties.

Colostrum: functions and properties

Colostrum in its pure form it has been used for many millennia. It gained such popularity due to its properties to help with very difficult immunodeficiency states, strengthening and restoring weak immunity. Colostrum also shows itself well in autoimmune diseases. Well-known anti-aging properties colostrum, it effectively affects the body's ability to regenerate tissues, which affects the overall rejuvenation of the body. Among the large list colostrum functions everyone will find something for themselves:

  • colostrum reduces stress in the body
  • normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract
  • increases overall immunoresistance
  • promotes the renewal of nerve cells
  • improves brain function
  • colostrum restores metabolism
  • increases resistance to various kinds of viruses and bacteria
  • improves liver function through cell regeneration
  • promotes rapid tissue recovery resulting from burns, injuries, cuts, etc.
  • colostrum improves the functioning of cells removing decay products from the body
  • minimizes aging due to antioxidant properties

Colostrum: indications for use, instructions

Colostrum indications, due to its multiple effects on the body, also cover a wide range of diseases. These are infectious and traumatic diseases, diseases affecting the endocrine, nervous, cardiovascular vascular systems, different kinds oncological diseases, complex immunodeficiencies and much more. Colostrum for children must be applied in consultation with your doctor.

Colostrum contraindications:

  • having a tendency to allergies
  • undesirable during pregnancy and lactation
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug

Colostrum: price and sale

The area of \u200b\u200bdistribution of the drug Colostrom is truly huge, perhaps there is not a single city in pharmacies that you cannot offer Colostrum... The drug is very popular and very affordable, the easiest way is to buy Super Colostrum through an online store. Price for Colostrum varies depending on the number of capsules and the manufacturer and ranges from 600r to 2000r. Due to the popularity of the drug, cases of counterfeiting have become more frequent, in order to avoid this, require supporting documents, certificates.

ColostrumThe reviews are overwhelmingly positive, you will always find them on the Internet. For a clearer picture of the drug Colostrum, we advise you to consult a specialist seller or a doctor.

Comparison of Colostrum and Transfer Factor

Many people have a question, what is the difference between colostrum and Transfer Factor. At first glance, this is the same thing, but in reality the difference is as great as between an apple and planet Earth. Both drugs belong to the category of immunomodulators, both are derived from colostrum, and both include TF immune memory carrier molecules. And that's where the similarities end.

As part of dry colostrum there is only 5% of pure TF molecules, everything else is large proteins that can cause an allergic reaction, the scope of the drug is limited, as well as its effectiveness.

Transfer Factor drug is a sublimate of TF molecules in pure form without any impurities and additives, 50 kg is used to obtain 1 kg of TF colostrum, hence the price difference. And the difference in the effect on the body, the TF preparation is hundreds of times more effective and does not have the disadvantages of a “little brother”. TF is absolutely safe and has no restrictions. The effect of one TF capsule is equal to the effect of 50 capsules Colostrum... The price difference is also colossal to get therapeutic effect received from one jar of TF (2200 rubles) you will have to eat 50 jars of Colostrum (at least 45000 rubles). With this intake, an overdose of colostrum is inevitable, and side effects can be a very unpleasant surprise.

To get a clearer picture of the scope of application of TF and its effectiveness, we advise you to read the reviews.

March 16, 2013

Colostrum Symbiotics for children + supplement for thrush

I am writing about vitamins for children again, colostrum becomes the hero of the day: bovine colostrum concentrate! This supplement is needed during the cold season because colostrum strengthens the immune system well! \u003d)

Colostrum has a high concentration of immunoactive substances, contains a number of unique components that are not found in any other food product!

Among the substances of colostrum, the most active are: immunoglobulins (antibodies, protect against bacteria and viruses) and lactoferrin (powerful antiviral and antibacterial, antioxidant effect).

Which colostrum to buy?

I believe Symbiotics is the best for the production of colostrum (colostrum).The company specializes only in its production, producing various additives. I buy supplements of this brand - they have never let me down, the daughter and children of everyone I know. It does not produce allergic reactions and stains!

The assortment of the brand includes options in capsules and powder, chewable tablets for children with fruit flavors. Therefore, if the question arises, which colostrum to buy, I recommend this brand.

Colostrum for children

Colostrum is a natural stimulant of the immune system, it does not cause side reactions! In fact, i found out about this supplement even before fame in Russia, it happened over a year ago!

I'm telling you. Friends who live in the UK told me about colostrum, it is there that it is mega popular for children in the seasons of colds!

Then I ordered my first jar, and hooked all my friends on it. I drink myself with pleasure and give the child the usual dosage from autumn to spring, I increase the dosage at the first symptoms of the disease.

Wherein children on colostrum never got seriously ill (although they used to get sick for almost a month every winter), and a cold easily disappears in a few days, no more than three. These are my reviews and at least five more friends \u003d))

Supplement for children in the form of chewable tablets. Milk-white tablets, pleasant to the taste, you can choose orange or cherry.

The composition of the supplement in capsules is different from that of chewable tablets. The capsules contain more colostrum, but no valuable lactoferrin!

Lactoferrin is key innate immunity (it provides infants who do not have their own immunity, antibacterial protection). Therefore, it is better for children to buy chewable tablets.

Colostrum instruction

As you can see, the composition of the chewable tablets and capsules is different, so I recommend tablets for children and capsules for adults.

For an adult, dosage for prophylaxis: 2 tablets twice a day, children 1 tablet twice a day... If you have symptoms of a cold, double the dosage. I personally give my child 5 tablets a day for colds for a week.

Where can one buy

Colostrum is very expensive in Russia and the brands are not credible (I want to order pure, tested without additives), so I buy it on iherb, where I also order probiotics and vitamins, organic food and healthy sweets.

Where can one buy:

  • Symbiotics, Colostrum Plus, Orange Crème (orange chewable tablets)
  • Symbiotics, Colostrum Plus, Wild Cherry (cherry chewable tablets)
  • Symbiotics, Colostrum Plus (capsules)

SUPER remedy for thrush Candida Balance

And I'll tell you about one more wonderful supplement - it's just SUPER effective against thrush in women!

A friend told about him, which for a long time suffered from chronic thrush and bought myself a colostrum-based complex Candida Balance. it colostrum mixture with probiotics in high concentration.

If you are concerned about thrush, or want to combine colostrum intake with lactoferrin and probiotics, then no better than this Candida Balance.

Pay attention to the composition, now a friend drinks it 2 times a year in courses and completely forgot about the thrush, which previously did not allow her to live in peace.

This supplement:

  • Candida Balance Symbiotics, Candida Balance with Colostrum Plus

Great post, in it the reception scheme.

Here is such a wonderful supplement, colostrum based on bovine colostrum. I will wait for your feedback and results from the admission \u003d)



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This is the first mammary secretion to supply a newborn mammal in the first 24-48 hours of life. It contains numerous immune and growth factors as well as the main trypsin nutrients and protease inhibitors that protect it from destruction in the gastrointestinal tract. It was revealed that colostrum inhibits at least 50% of negative processes in a newborn. Cow colostrum is biologically suitable for all mammals, including humans, and in terms of immune factors it is much higher than that of a woman.

Laboratory analyzes of immunity and growth factors from bovine colostrum are identical to those found in female colostrum, but the levels of these factors are significantly higher in bovine. For example, a woman's colostrum contains 2% IgG, while a cow's colostrum contains 86% IgG, the most important immunoglobulin found in the body. Cow colostrum contains a blocking hormone that prevents the calf from becoming susceptible to its mother's immune factors. Research has shown that all species, including humans, benefit from the active immune properties of bovine colostrum without a single report to date of allergic and and anaphylactic reactions. The supply of colostrum is limited, since it only occurs 1-2 days after the birth of the calf. First of all, the needs of the calf are met and only high quality colostrum from certified cows is taken, without antibiotics, pesticides and synthetic hormones. Colostrum is processed at low temperatures so that immunity and growth factors remain vital.


The most important components of colostrum can be broken down into two main categories: immune system factors and growth factors. Drug manufacturers have tried to copy (genetic engineering) and market several individual components of colostrum. The most famous of them are interferon, gamma globulin (7), growth hormone IgF-1, and protease inhibitors. Biotech companies currently offer IgF-1 on the market for $ 800. For 50 cc.


Based on research conducted in 1990, the New England Journal of Medicine concluded that GH treatment reversed some of the signs of aging. Dr. D. Rudman treated 26 people aged 61-80 with GH. The patients showed a decrease in body fat by up to 14%, an increase in bone density and the mass of wasted muscles. In addition, their skin has become thicker and more elastic. Clinical applications in symptomatic adults, usually 1,000 to 2,000 mg 2 times daily in capsule form. Prophylactic doses have not been established, but some authors have recommended long-term use at user-defined dosages. For those who do not show any clinical response, the dosage to colostrum can be increased 2-3 times until the desired result is obtained. Children can also use colostrum, but a much lower dose is required. Adverse reactions, mostly similar to influenza, can be in 40%, but, as a rule, they are very weak and disappear with long-term use at the same dosage levels.

Over hundreds of years of use and over 1000 clinical research it has been demonstrated that colostrum is completely safe, does not interact with drugs and without side effects at any level of reception. About 75% of antibodies against viral diseases in the body are created by the GL component of the immune system. The ability of AIDS and HIV patients to fight infectious diseases severely or partially impaired due to negative effects on digestion chronic inflammation and diarrhea. Several recent studies have reported on the role of colostrum in solving this chronic problem arising from infections such as: herpes simplex, rotavirus, intestinal infections flu. Colostrum copes well with intestinal pathogens without side effects. Colostrum contains numerous factors with strong antiviral activity, especially immunoglobulins, lactoferins and cytokines.


PRP in colostrum may act as a regulatory agent thyroid gland... An improvement or disappearance of the symptomatology of both allergies and autoimmune diseases (multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, myasthenia gravis) has been demonstrated. PRP inhibits the overproduction of lymphocytes and T cells and reduces the main symptoms of allergies and autoimmune diseases: pain, swelling and inflammation.


Altered immunity can be a hidden cause of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease. For example, the type of chlamydia has been associated with the formation of arterial plaques in over 79% of patients with heart disease. In one of recent articles N.E.J. of Medicine (36), it was concluded that heart disease is the result of immune immunization to cardiac antigens. PRP colostrum may play an important role in the reversibility of heart disease, as has been the case with allergies and autoimmune diseases. In addition, IgF-1 and GH in colostrum can lower LDL cholesterol while increasing HDL cholesterol concentrations. Colostrum growth factors provide the correction and regeneration of the heart muscle and the regeneration of new blood vessels for coloteral coronary circulation.


THE USE OF CYTOKINES IN THE TREATMENT OF CANCER was first stated in 1985 in the book on the fight against cancer by S. Rosenberg. Since that time, the same cytokines found in colostrum (interlikins 1,6,10, interferon G and lymphokine) have been the single most researched in cancer research studies. Colostrum lactalbumin (found to be able to selectively kill cancer cells without affecting the surrounding non-cancerous cells). Lactoferrin has also been reported as an anti-cancer factor. The mixture of immune factors in colostrum and growth factors can inhibit the spread of cancer cells. If viruses are associated with either the onset or the spread of cancer, then colostrum may be one of the best ways to prevent this disease early on.


Juvenile diabetes (type 1, insulin dependent) is thought to be caused by an autoimmune mechanism, and possibly caused by allergic reaction on protein GHD. Colostrum contains several factors that can relieve this and other allergies. Colostrum LgF-1 can bind to both insulin and LgF-1 receptors found in all cells. Patient studies in 1990 showed that LgF-1 stimulates glucose utilization, effectively treating acute hyperglycemia and reducing diabetes dependence on type II insulin.


LgF-1 programs are essential for the body to metabolize fat into energy through a special cycle. With aging, LgF-1 is produced less by the body. Inadequate levels are associated with an increased incidence of type II diabetes and difficulty losing weight despite adequate nutrition and exercise. Colostrum provides a good source of KgF-1 as additional treatment for successful weight loss.


Excessive exercise and athletic competition can temporarily suppress the immune system, decreasing the number of T lymphocytes and NK cells. Therefore, athletes are more susceptible to the development of infections and the syndrome chronic fatigue... Many of the immune factors of colostrum can help greatly, reducing the number and severity of infections caused by both physical and emotional stress.


One of the main benefits of colostrum is the increased efficiency of the gastrointestinal tract due to the many immune boosters that control clinical tract infections. Colostrum growth factors also play an important role in keeping the gastric mucosa closed and impervious to toxins. This is evidenced by the ability of colostrum to control chronic diarrhea caused by intestinal inflammation caused by dysbiosis. Healing gastric syndrome reduces toxic burden and helps reversal of many allergic and autoimmune conditions. For healthy people or athletes, supplementation with colostrum increases the absorption of amino acids and carbohydrate fuel by the stomach. More nutrients become absorbed by the cells of muscles and other vital tissues and organs.


Several components of colostrum stimulate wound healing. Nucleotides, IgF, LgF and KgF-1 stimulate skin cell growth and repair through direct action on DNA and RNA. These growth factors promote the healing of tissues damaged by ulcers, injuries, burns, surgical intervention or inflammatory diseases... Tissues that are favorably influenced by the healing properties of colostrum are skin, cartilage, bone and nerve cells. Colostrum powder can be used topically for conditions such as gingivitis, allergic mouth, mouth ulcers, cuts, abrasions, and burns.

Colostrum LR COMPACT

  • Guarantee that there are no residues of antibiotic by-products;

  • recommended dosage: 2 tablets per day (with liquid).

Colostrum LR PEARLS

  • with a practical measuring spoon;

  • a particularly tasty alternative to traditional capsules;

  • Guaranteed that there are no residues of antibiotic by-products - can be added to muesli or yogurt (especially suitable for children) - recommended dosage - 1 time per day 2 g.

Colostrum LR DIRECT

  • 100% pure colostrum (liquid) without additives;

  • low fat and does not contain casein (protein);

  • not pasteurized: quality assurance - gentle cold processing;

  • recommended dosage: 8 ml daily.

The first colostrum product to be awarded the SGS INSTITUT FRESENIUS Quality Certificate.

LR sets the highest quality standards for itself and its products. Therefore, LR Colostrum has been awarded the SGS quality certificate.

INSTITUT FRESENIUS is one of the most independent and rigorous certification bodies.

SGS INSTITUT FRESENIUS comprehensively controls the quality of products and the entire production process.

Colostrum (Colostrum): Capsules, Powder, Chewable Tablets, Liquid

Colostrum: Capsules, Powder, Chewable Tablets, Liquid

Protect Your Health and Say Stop to Aging with Colostrum PLUS ® by Symbiotics

Colostrum is the first food that mammals produce at birth. It is often referred to as “the perfect food for life”. It contains an excellent combination of immunoglobulins, growth factors, antibodies, vitamins, minerals, enzymes and amino acids to protect the body and stimulate the baby's immune system. As we age, the number of immune and growth factors in our body decreases, and we become more prone to fatigue, unwanted weight gain, loss of skin firmness and muscle tone. In addition, we become vulnerable to pollutants and allergens.

Colostrum PLUS ® is a source of powerful, natural antibodies and immune factors that help strengthen the immune system and play a key role in health:

- Gives strength, increases endurance and dryness muscle mass;

- Promotes healthy intestinal flora and supports the entire gastrointestinal tract;

- Stimulates cell regeneration for healthy skin, bones, muscles, nerves and cartilage.

Remember, not all colostrum is created equal. Make sure your family benefits from Colostrum PLUS® to the fullest.

Colostrum - Frequently asked questions

Why cow colostrum?

Research has shown that the immunity and growth factors in bovine colostrum are almost identical to those in human colostrum. Since bovine colostrum is not species-specific, it is effective in both humans and other animals.

Why do adults need Colostrum?

Immediately after puberty, our body begins to age, gradually producing fewer and fewer immune and growth factors that help us fight disease and heal damaged tissues. Colostrum is the only natural source of these vital ingredients. According to research, colostrum not only supports the functioning of the immune system, but also increases the consumption of fat for fuel and optimizes cell reproduction. As far as we know, no other substance on earth has such miraculous benefits.

How safe is it?

Colostrum is a natural product that has been used as a bioactive supplement for a long time.

What if I am lactose intolerant?

What if I am pregnant or breastfeeding?

Check with your healthcare professional before taking prescription and over-the-counter medications, herbs, and dietary supplements. The same goes for colostrum.

Can Colostrum be given to children?

For children who have not been breastfed, pediatricians recommend adding colostrum to infant formula. Be sure to check with your pediatrician about dosing.

How about pets?

Bovine colostrum works wonderfully on cats, dogs and other mammals because it is not species specific. Powdered, can be added in small amounts to food and water. Most pets love the taste of colostrum. It is advisable to drink it with water.

How much should you take?

Can Colostrum be taken at the same time as other supplements / medications?

Colostrum acts in digestive tract in such a way that all substances taken internally (food, healing herbs, medicinal substances, medicines) are better absorbed by the body. Although about drug interactions colostrum is not known, consult your doctor first, because other supplements and drugs that you take may have a pronounced effect.

What's the difference between powder and capsules?

Research suggests that to get the most out of colostrum, it must be taken in both powder and capsule form. Colostrum capsules must be taken on an empty stomach with a glass of water to get it into small intestinewhere immunity factors are most active. To experience the beneficial effects of growth factors, colostrum should be taken in powder form,
which will allow it to mix with the acid in the stomach or oral cavity... The powder can be diluted with water or juice (preferably orange).

Does Colostrum have side effects?

Side effects are very rare. If you experience any serious side effects, stop taking the drug immediately and see your doctor. Due to the detoxifying properties of colostrum, some side effects can occur. Before leaving our bodies, toxins can cause a small rash, changes in the intestines and flu-like symptoms. Most of the side effects arise from
taking with colostrum others active additives or drugs. In this case, consult your doctor.

I am a vegetarian. Colostrum is not animal food?

Although colostrum is an animal food, it has been an integral part of the strict vegetarian diet of Rishis (spiritual leaders in Hinduism) for thousands of years. In modern India, dairymen supplied colostrum to wealthy vegetarians. Interestingly, in India - the birthplace of vegetarianism - a cow is considered a sacred animal.

Is Colostrum a Natural Antibody?

Colostrum has shown beneficial effects on health. However, taking colostrum is not able to change a person's innate genetics. Colostrum does not change our DNA - our genetic makeup is determined by our parents. The goal of any nutritional support is to heal the body and prevent the proliferation of diseased cells. The health benefits of colostrum have been written in numerous scientific

Why is some Colostrum fat free?

There are no growth factors in the fatty part of colostrum. They are proteins and are not found in fats. Degreasing the colostrum prevents the appearance of a rancid taste.

How safe are gelatin capsules?

Gelatin capsules are generally considered safe and are made from connective tissue healthy animals.

Certainly! Cow dung can get on the udder and carry E. coli, salmonella and pathogenic bacteria. This threatens to contaminate dairy products. To kill pathogens, dairy products (for human consumption) must be pasteurized. There are two ways to pasteurize colostrum: instant pasteurization (15 seconds) and long-term 30-minute pasteurization in a bath. During instant pasteurization, expensive, high-tech equipment is used that does not destroy the natural properties of colostrum. During the long half-hour pasteurization, the huge colostrum bath is heated from the outside. It takes a long time to warm up the colostrum cauldron to the desired temperature. During this time, bacteria multiply in the colostrum. They feed on colostrum, destroying its natural properties and reducing its effectiveness. Most of the colostrum that is sold today is for the animal feed market and is not pasteurized.

Colostrum should be pasteurized?

Certainly! Cow dung can get on the udder and carry E. coli, salmonella and pathogenic bacteria. This threatens to contaminate dairy products. To kill pathogens, dairy products (for human consumption) must be pasteurized. There are two ways to pasteurize colostrum: instant pasteurization (15 seconds) and long-term 30-minute pasteurization in a bath.
During instant pasteurization, expensive, high-tech equipment is used that does not destroy the natural properties of colostrum. During the long half-hour pasteurization, the huge colostrum bath is heated from the outside. It takes a long time to warm up the colostrum cauldron to the desired temperature. During this time, bacteria multiply in the colostrum. They feed on colostrum, destroying its natural properties and reducing its effectiveness. Most of the colostrum that is sold today is for the animal feed market and is not pasteurized.

When is the best time to harvest colostrum?

High immunoglobulin levels are very important for newborn calves as they are the only source of immune defense at birth. However, for people taking colostrum as a supplement, the level of immunoglobulin in colostrum is not a quality criterion. The first milk yield contains a large amount of immunoglobulin, and, accordingly, not enough other nutrients such as lactoferrin and platelet-rich plasma. Colostrum must be harvested within the first 48 hours to obtain a perfectly balanced product.

Does colostrum contain estrogen?

Cow colostrum contains a tiny amount of estrogen. In this form - when taken orally - it is not absorbed by the human body. There is evidence that growth factors in colostrum balance sex hormone and growth hormone levels. Women receiving hormone replacement therapy are advised to adjust the intake of drugs and active supplements that increase the level of
estrogen. Colostrum - Superfood

Colostrum Mt. Capra, CapraColostrum, Goat Milk Colostrum

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