How to identify dust allergies. Allergy to house dust

Select the section Allergic diseases Symptoms and manifestations of allergies Diagnosis of allergies Treatment of allergies Pregnant and lactating Children and allergies Hypoallergenic life Allergy calendar

Dust is not a specific substance; it contains:

In one house, the main distributors of dust are soft toys, in another - home textiles, in a third - a huge library, a source of pride for several generations (paper dust). And road dust contains a large number of a wide variety of elements and chemicals from passing vehicles.

It is the substances that are part of various types of dust that can cause a severe allergic reaction.

Very unpleasant neighbors of people live in house dust - dust mites. In total, about 150 species of ticks are known that can live in human homes. Dust mites are usually divided into 3 subgroups:

  • barn.
  • predatory species that feed on their fellows from the first subgroup.
  • ticks that accidentally got into the house and do not reproduce in the home.

The favorite habitat of dust mites is an apartment filled with various interior items. The mite infests in upholstered furniture, soft toys, blankets, mattresses, bed linen, and books. As the temperature and humidity rise, the tick begins to multiply at a rapid pace. The food of ticks is the smallest dead particles of human epidermis, skin, feathers and fur of pets.

An allergy to house dust mites does not appear from the bites of this insect. The reaction is provoked by tick waste products.

Dust can be not only household, but also “professional”: tiny particles of wood, cement, concrete dust, wool and small particles of skin from farm animals. Often in this case the reaction develops to chemical substances, components of manufactured products, reagents, etc. In this case, it is appropriate to use the term.

It is worth noting that in this case it is very easy to confuse the symptoms of an incipient occupational disease(asbestosis, silicosis, etc.) and signs of dust allergy.

Composition of house dust (mites, pollen, epidermal particles)

A few words about cross allergies, when painful manifestations are provoked by not one, but several allergens, the amino acid structure of which is similar.

  1. Thus, allergies to household dust are often combined with hypersensitivity for seafood (crabs, shrimp, lobsters, lobsters, etc.). However, hypersensitivity to fish is usually not observed.
  2. In addition, “dust” hypersensitivity is often combined with allergies to mold and.

Despite the fact that house dust, as well as the fungi and mites that live in it, is a year-round phenomenon, allergies to house dust often worsen in spring and summer. In the warm season, especially favorable conditions for dust mites and mold fungi.

Dust allergy symptoms

Since this reaction occurs quite often, it is useful to know how an allergy to house dust manifests itself. Here are the most common symptoms of dust allergies in adults.

  • allergic rhinitis(sneezing, clear nasal discharge, swelling of the mucous membrane, sore throat, itching);
  • conjunctivitis(profuse lacrimation, redness of the whites of the eyes, itching and burning, swelling of the eyelids, temporary decreased vision, photophobia);
  • hives(rash, itching, blisters, skin hyperemia)
  • asthma(bronchospasm, cough, wheezing)

Sometimes manifestations of allergic bronchial asthma resemble bronchitis. If a person is allergic to house dust, he notices that when leaving the room his health improves significantly.

If the signs of this hypersensitivity are most pronounced in the morning and at night, there is every reason to suspect an allergy to dust mites.

Allergy symptoms can be exacerbated by factors such as:

  • sleep disorder
  • stressful situations,
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.

The effectiveness of treatment largely depends on how timely the disease was diagnosed and antiallergic therapy was started.

Allergy to dust in a child manifests itself in a similar way

Its peculiarity is that it turns into bronchial asthma much faster, and the likelihood of severe bronchospasm and suffocation is higher.

An allergy to dust in an infant can even become fatal, because... Young children, like no one else, are prone to stopping breathing under the influence of even minor stimuli.

In addition, their symptoms of hypersensitivity include not only rhinitis, conjunctivitis and rash, but also:

  • increased temperature (up to convulsions),
  • tearfulness,
  • refusal to eat,
  • digestive and sleep disorders.


For a complete and correct diagnosis, you must consult a doctor. When consulting with an allergist, you need to talk about the sources of dust at home and in the workplace. It is advisable to provide dust samples from these locations for analysis.

Brief instructions for collecting samples

  1. They collect dust from curtains, upholstered furniture and other surfaces, but not floor coverings (carpets, etc.).
  2. For this purpose, use a vacuum cleaner with pre-cleaned filters and a container for collecting dust. The required amount of dust is approximately a quarter of a teaspoon.
  3. The resulting quantity must be sifted through a fine sieve and placed in a clean container.

To make a diagnosis, carry out skin tests and a blood test for immunoglobulin E.

In its manifestations, an allergic reaction to dust is in many ways similar to a cold, but there are differences.

How to distinguish between allergies and colds?

Colds and allergies are very similar in their symptoms. Cough, runny nose, sneezing, headache characteristic of both conditions. To distinguish one disease from another, it is necessary to notice after which the painful phenomena appeared.

For treatment colds As a rule, one week is enough.

After the examination, the allergist will select treatment.

Allergy treatment methods

It is important to understand:

If you do not start it on time, then the symptoms of a dust allergy may well get worse. For example, rhinitis can develop into bronchial asthma.

Treatment is carried out in three areas:

  • Eliminating or minimizing contact with the allergen;
  • Drug therapy;
  • Measures to improve immunity;

The first direction is the fight against dust in the house and relates more to the prevention section, which will be covered.

First aid: how to deal with lung spasms

An attack of suffocation (bronchospasm) due to allergies develops quite rapidly. The patient experiences difficulty breathing. Shortness of breath is accompanied by wheezing with characteristic whistling sounds. The algorithm for providing first aid to an allergy sufferer is approximately the following.

  • Immediately stop the patient's contact with the allergen.
  • Reassure the patient. The success of treatment depends on this.
  • Place the victim on a chair “astride” (facing the back of the chair), place a pillow under the chest. In this position of the body, the lungs make breathing movements most easily.
  • Provide fresh air.
  • Use an inhaler with a bronchodilator (Bricanil, Salbutamol).
  • Give the allergy sufferer an antihistamine tablet (Tavegil, Diazolin, Claritin).
  • Good anti-asthma drugs are Ephedrine or Eufillin. It is advisable to give an injection, since the tablets begin to act after 40 minutes.
  • Be sure to call an ambulance.

Medicinal methods

Photo: Nasal rinsing saline solution

Drug therapy is quite varied. The drug and the medication regimen are prescribed by the attending physician, since uncontrolled use of medications can only worsen the state of health.

When prescribing medications, it is necessary to take into account factors such as concomitant diseases, pregnancy or lactation. Antihistamines can be prescribed as a last resort to a pregnant or lactating woman under the strict supervision of a specialist.

  1. Dust allergy pills such as Cetrin, Claritin and others will help to quickly relieve allergies. antihistamines.
  2. In addition to tablets, the doctor will prescribe nasal drops or eye drops to relieve conjunctivitis and/or allergic rhinitis. For nasal medications, these are, for example: Nasonex, Avamys. Nasal drops such as Salin and Aquamaris are safe even for pregnant women and babies.
  3. It is recommended to rinse your nose as often as possible. This can be done with saline solution or special preparations - AquaLor, etc.

How long can I take Zyrtec if I have a dust allergy?

For frequently recurring attacks of allergies, as well as for seasonal allergies, the course duration is from 20 to 25 days, followed by a break of 2 to 3 weeks

When describing methods of treating allergic reactions, special attention should be paid to ASIT -. The main difference between this method and all others is not in eliminating the manifestations of the disease, but in combating the origins of its occurrence.

The technique consists of gradually introducing small doses of the allergen into the patient’s body. The body's sensitivity to allergens gradually decreases. The result of this is long-term remission and a decrease in the number and strength of manifestations allergic reaction. ASIT is carried out in relation to a specific allergen in house dust.

The possibility of carrying out is determined by an allergist. Children undergo therapy from the age of 5 years.

What happens if allergies to household dust are not treated?

If you don’t pay attention to allergy symptoms, hoping that it will “go away on its own” or, even worse, take it uncontrollably. medical supplies, symptoms may become chronic or develop into a more serious illness. For example, bronchial asthma.

Folk remedies for treating dust allergies

Treatment with folk remedies does take place, but it is important to remember that this will only be symptomatic therapy, and it is not always effective. Before using these methods and means of treatment, you must agree with your doctor.

Let's consider several techniques from the field traditional medicine that will help you get rid of unpleasant symptoms:

  • For irrigation of the nasal cavity during allergic rhinitis helps a lot tincture of calendula flowers. One teaspoon of flowers is poured into a glass of boiling water, cooled and filtered.
  • Will help get rid of allergic rhinitis and normal table salt solution(1/3 of a teaspoon of salt is dissolved in a glass of boiled water)
  • Get rid of allergic conjunctivitis will help compress using a decoction of cornflower flowers. One teaspoon of flowers is poured into 0.5 cups of boiling water and left for 20 minutes.
  • Eucalyptus oil will help quickly destroy dust mites. Before washing, soak the items in water for half an hour with 2-3 drops of eucalyptus oil added.

Alternative medicine

Hirudotherapy for dust allergies takes place, but only in the absence of pathology of the blood coagulation system, hypotension and anemia, as well as pregnancy. In general, this treatment method can increase the overall resistance and tone of the body, but will not affect the pathochemical processes of allergies.

Speleotherapy will also be useful.

How to treat dust allergies with homeopathy?

Before starting treatment with this method, it is important to know that their clinical effectiveness is not supported by serious research.

The basic principle of treatment, which is used by homeopathic doctors, is “knocks out a wedge with a wedge.” This is nothing more than using very small (“homeopathic”) doses of the allergen to treat the patient.

Peculiarity homeopathic medicines the fact that they do not have the ability to accumulate in the body and do not give side effects. The selection of drugs is purely individual. Homeopathy helps the body cope with allergies on its own.

Unlike herbal medicine, which uses medicinal plants, homeopaths use to make medicinal products plants, minerals and even toxic substances.

Examples of homeopathic remedies:

  • Luffel. Made from liana-like herbaceous plants. Helps well against allergic rhinitis.
  • Rhinitol-edas. Chamomile-based drug for allergic rhinitis, onions and lumbago-grass.
  • Karsat-Edas. The medicine contains oats, bearberry, echinacea, charcoal and arsenic.
  • Cinnabsin. Tablet antiallergic drug based on goldenseal, echinacea, as well as minerals (potassium dichromate and red mercury sulfide). Eliminates the symptoms of allergic rhinitis and sinusitis.

When prescribing a particular drug, the homeopathic doctor takes into account the individual characteristics of the body, as well as other existing diseases.


The following set of measures will help reduce the concentration of dust in the air, as well as reduce the likelihood of an allergic reaction:

  • Regular wet cleaning of rooms. Cleanliness of furniture and floors is the most the best remedy against allergic reactions. During wet cleaning, do not be lazy to remove dust from hard-to-reach places (for example, from heating radiators);
  • Use of devices for humidification and air purification;
  • Using high-quality ventilation devices with HEPA or even ULPA filters
  • Replacing a traditional vacuum cleaner with a dust bag with a modern model with a wet cleaning function.
  • Regular cleaning of air conditioner filters, replacement of cartridges.
  • Elimination of all “dust collectors” - carpets, dried flowers, soft toys (they can be stored in plastic containers), even books;
  • Use of special mattress covers and pillowcases;
  • Change bedding approximately 2 times a week, wash bed linen at high temperature.
  • Replacing duvets and pillows filled with down and feathers with synthetics (they are unattractive to dust mites).
  • Keeping bedding in the cold or in the hot summer sun helps get rid of dust mites. Dust mites do not like either too high or too low temperatures.
  • Replace blankets every year and a half, and mattresses every three years. Good remedy against dust mites - treating bedding, carpets, soft toys with a steam cleaner. The procedure itself is simple, but its effectiveness is beyond all praise.
  • A good way to reduce air humidity in the house is fans in the bathroom and kitchen.

If it turns out that allergies are triggered, the best option would be to give your feathered or furry pet to good hands. However, if this is not possible, you need to bathe your pet more often or use anti-allergenic wipes, keep it out of the owners’ bedroom, and try to minimize contact with it.

Establishing a hypoallergenic lifestyle throughout the entire home, and not just in the room of a person suffering from allergies, is the basis successful treatment diseases. Allergy is not a death sentence, but it is necessary to accustom yourself to order. This is the only way to get rid of the painful manifestations of the disease.

About the benefits of swimming

Swimming is one of the sports that is beneficial for people with dust allergies. However, it is necessary that the loads be dosed. It is advisable to conduct classes under the guidance of an experienced trainer.

Which mattresses are best for dust allergies?

Hypoallergenic mattress Erland (Perrino)

The best option for allergy sufferers are latex mattresses. Latex is a practical, durable material that is completely unattractive to pathogens and dust mites. If you can’t afford a natural latex mattress, there are cheaper and also hypoallergenic products made from artificial latex.

A good option in terms of combating allergies are products with filled with padding polyester and foam rubber. The only drawback of these products is that they wear out quite quickly.

From synthetic materials suitable for allergy sufferers and chalcon (material made from polyester fibers). This material is also recommended for newborns.

Mattresses with coir filling(coconut fiber). The remarkable ventilation properties of the material create unfavorable conditions for the proliferation of microorganisms and mites.

The hypoallergenic category also includes such mattress fillings as buckwheat husk, horsehair, seaweed. But there are some peculiarities here. When plant fibers fray, dust-like particles are created that penetrate the mattress pad.

As for the mattress cover itself, the best option is cotton material with special impregnation or synthetics.

How often should I change my mattress?

Which vacuum cleaners to choose if you are allergic to dust?

Photo: Nera filter

The main requirements for vacuum cleaners for allergy sufferers are as follows.

  • High suction power (350 - 400 W).
  • Disposable dust bags. In this case, it is necessary that they have protection from foil and be equipped with special hygienic valves. In this case, the design of the bag protects the allergy sufferer well from contact with dust.
  • Availability of aquafilter. A good filter traps almost all dust.
  • Wet cleaning function. After all, frequent wet cleaning is an important part of a hypoallergenic life.
  • Pay attention to steam vacuum cleaners equipped with a water filter. In addition to traditional carpet cleaning, a steam vacuum cleaner is perfect for cleaning laminate floors, decontaminating upholstered furniture, and washing windows.

Which blanket to choose if you are allergic to dust?

For allergy sufferers, blankets with fillings such as silicone, artificial swan down or holofiber are best suited. These materials retain heat well, are resistant to wear, and are machine washable. It is advisable to choose a blanket cover made from natural material.

What can replace carpet if you are allergic to dust?

If there is a person in the family who suffers from this reaction, you need to get rid of high-pile carpets. After all, they are the best “dust collectors”. You can replace the carpet on the floor with rugs or lint-free rugs made from coarse material.

If you used carpet, you can replace it with vinyl, wood or laminate.

Answers on questions

What is the difference between dust allergy and cat allergy?

In the case of dust allergies, the reaction is caused by waste products and particles of the chitinous cover of dust mites, as well as microorganisms contained in dust (including fungal spores) and many other elements, including pieces of dead epithelium of the skin of cats.

An allergy to a cat is a reaction to fur and (or) waste products of the animal (saliva, urine), pieces of dead skin epithelium. As noted above, they may also be present in house dust. By the way, the statement that some cat breeds are hypoallergenic (Sphynxes, Ukrainian Levkoys, wire-haired breeds) is nothing more than a myth.

deferment from military service. However, if the allergy is complicated by bronchial asthma, the conscript may be transferred to the reserve. Subject to medical evidence.

Can a child have a dust allergy practice boxing?

In principle, there is no direct prohibition. But a consultation with a doctor before enrolling a child in the section is mandatory.

How to treat allergies to house dust in Orthodoxy?

Prayers for allergies help only if a person sincerely believes in them healing power. Here is the text of one of these prayers.

“Morning angel, when you fly over my house, flap your wing, let the good air purify my child, let him not know troubles and illnesses, let him live, enjoy life and make me happy, amen, amen, amen.”

Prayer is offered to God in the morning. After praying, go to the Temple and light a candle to the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. This saint helps in curing a variety of diseases, including allergies.

How to study at school if you are allergic to library dust?

An allergy to library dust is nothing more than a reaction to the components that make up the paper, as well as fungal spores that are present on old books (hence the specific smell).

To minimize the likelihood of an allergic reaction, use electronic sources of information more. They are convenient, affordable and completely safe in terms of allergies.

Keep household books in closed cabinets and vacuum them at least once a year. To keep your shelves mold-free, place activated carbon tablets on them.

Up to 40% of the world's population suffers from allergies to house dust in one form or another (according to WHO - World Health Organization). These data may be interpreted differently, but they are beyond doubt in relation to the urban population of developed industrial countries.

Strictly speaking, house dust is a complex “cocktail” of various mineral and organic components and, most often, the cause of an allergic reaction is not the dust itself, but one or more of its constituent components. House dust includes:

  • Human epidermis is a piece of exfoliated human skin. According to various sources, a person loses from 2 to 7 grams of skin per day. So, that dust that accumulates on your dresser and lies under your closet is basically our own skin.
  • Waste products and body parts of microscopic insects. And these are not only the notorious dust mites, but also dozens of species of other insects that quietly coexist with us, living in containers with household waste, flower pots, food storage areas (vegetables, fruits), etc.
  • Particles of fur, saliva and epidermis (skin) of domestic animals (cats, dogs, hamsters). Even aquarium fish that are considered hypoallergenic (with a low ability to cause a reaction) can also cause an allergic reaction, however, it is not the fish themselves that are the allergen, but their dry food.
  • The so-called book dust, namely particles of paper and glue.
  • Microscopic mold spores. Mold is imperceptibly (and sometimes clearly) present everywhere, in every house, in every apartment, office, etc. The most typical breeding grounds for mold are wet rooms (bathrooms, kitchens, basements and attics), flower pots, storage areas for vegetables and fruits, carpet and linoleum flooring.
  • Plant pollen. Yes Yes! The pollen that gets into our house in spring or summer remains in it for a very long time, because it doesn’t rain at home, which washes off the pollen outside.

All of the above and many other particles of organic origin present in house dust can cause an allergic reaction.

House dust mites

I would also like to talk about house dust mites. These are microscopic insects, 0.2-0.3 mm in size, that live in almost every home. Mites (those that live in house dust) are harmless animals; they are an important component of the “biocenosis” (a collection of living organisms) of our apartments. Mites feed on our exfoliated skin, thereby ensuring the “cycle” of organic matter in our homes. Another source of food for ticks is microscopic molds.

The presence of ticks in our everyday life is normal and safe. Our parents and grandparents lived side by side with them, and so on - until Adam and Eve. But, if you have a predisposition to mite allergies, having them in your home can be a nightmare.

Allergies are caused not by ticks themselves, but by their fecal pellets measuring 20-40 microns (1 micron - 0.001 mm), which each tick secretes about 10-20 pieces per day. If you consider that the average mattress (both yours and ours, alas...) is home to approximately 2 million mites, then you can imagine how many “allergens” surround us during sleep. These particles are so small that they almost constantly hang in the air without settling on the surface, and, of course, enter our lungs during breathing. And, if your immune system “fails”, if it mistakes the completely harmless protein contained in these microparticles as an “enemy”, if it begins to actively “fight it”, then an allergic reaction appears.

The “favorite” habitat of ticks is bedding: pillows, blankets and mattresses. They contain optimal conditions for their reproduction: pleasant room temperature, high humidity (during sleep, a person releases quite a lot of moisture through the skin - 30-60 grams per hour!), an abundance of food (human epidermis, microscopic mold fungi that willingly settle in damp environment of our pillows).

Symptoms of an allergy to house dust.

Typically, a dust allergy is manifested by several characteristic symptoms:

  • Allergic rhinitis. Clear mucous discharge from the nose (the well-known runny nose), nasal congestion, especially in the morning when you get out of bed.
  • Allergic conjunctivitis. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye, redness and swelling of the eyelids, itching, dryness and a feeling of sand in the eyes.
  • Frequent sneezing can also be a sign of an allergic reaction.
  • Skin rashes with dust allergies are less common, but, coupled with other symptoms, can signal an allergic reaction.
  • Cough, difficulty breathing, asthmatic attacks are most severe symptoms threatening the transition of allergies to bronchial asthma.

It should be noted that the symptoms of an allergy to house dust are in many ways similar to the symptoms of an allergy to pollen from hay fever. The following signs will help you figure out what exactly is the cause of the malaise:

  1. If signs of allergy appear more or less evenly throughout the year, if the seasonality of the disease is not observed, it can be excluded from possible reasons hay fever and colds.
  2. If when you change your place of residence (even for a couple of days, even within the same city) the symptoms stop, you can most likely blame house dust for the problem. The opposite effect is observed if the described symptoms appear in you only when you come to a specific room (for example, on a visit). In this case, we can assume that there is a high concentration of allergens that are dangerous to you (mites, pets, mold, etc.) in this room.
  3. And, of course, the most reliable (although not 100%) way to determine the cause of an allergy is medical testing. You should consult a doctor, and, with a high degree of probability, he will determine the true cause of your illness.

What to do if you are allergic to house dust.

If you have not identified a specific allergen in house dust (but even if it is determined by test results, their reliability, alas, is far from 100%), you should follow a number of simple recommendations for organizing a hypoallergenic life.

Treatment of allergies to house dust

You should never self-medicate. Only a specialist doctor can prescribe adequate treatment. As a rule, treatment comes down to combating symptoms (rhinitis, conjunctivitis) with anti-inflammatory and antihistamine drugs in the form of tablets and nasal sprays. The selection of the drug should be carried out by a doctor with constant contact with the patient’s condition.

The most effective and modern method allergy treatment - allergen-specific immunotherapy (ASIT) - a kind of “vaccination” of the body with one or more allergens. Treatment takes, on average, 3-5 years, but allows achieving a sustainable long-term positive effect and significantly improving the patient’s quality of life. Treatment consists of regular (from daily to once a month) introduction of the allergen into the patient’s body (subcutaneous injections, nasal sprays, tablets) in small doses.

Unfortunately, such treatment is not possible for all types of allergies; for qualified advice, you should consult an allergist.

And, of course, we should not forget about the main condition for successful treatment of house dust allergies - avoiding contact with the allergen. As long as you “accept” the allergen at home every day, you will be treated for a long time and not always successfully.

  • Where does dust come from and why is there so much of it?
  • What are dust mites?
  • What exactly causes allergies and what are the symptoms?
  • How do I know if I have a dust allergy?
  • How is dust allergy treated?
  • How can you avoid contact with an allergen?

Living with a dust allergy - whether it's you or a family member - always raises a lot of questions. For example, could a dust allergy explain your child's endless cold symptoms? Or why do you feel especially bad when you go to bed? To successfully fight this disease, you need to know as much as possible about it - starting from the causes of allergies and including what treatment can help you. We will answer the most frequently asked questions about dust allergies.

Where does dust come from and why is there so much of it?

In every home there are sure to be corners where dust accumulates. Even the cleanest apartments are unlikely to pass the white glove test. Dust particles easily penetrate under the bed, right up to the ceiling, onto a chandelier or closet. House dust is generally the most common reason allergies.

What is house dust? It consists of carpet pile fibers, toy fur, upholstery fabrics of upholstered furniture, as well as epidermal scales - your own and your pets. Add here their wool, as well as microparticles brought from the street on clothes, and you will understand what kind of “cocktail” house dust consists of.

Dust often contains toxins released by insects and microorganisms that live in your home. In addition to cockroaches and spiders, your home can be home to a huge number of microscopic mites that love natural products and therefore settle in woolen carpets and blankets. A piece of dust weighing as much as a paper clip contains about nineteen thousand dust mites!

What are dust mites?

Dust mites are small, arachnid-like creatures that thrive in warm, damp conditions. You won't be able to see these little buggers with the naked eye, but they can cause big problems if you have dust allergies. They really like the conditions that prevail in our homes, where it is always warm and the air is humid - they prefer humidity from 75% to 80%. They cannot survive in low temperatures - for example, dust mites have never been found in Antarctica and are rarely found in dry, cold climates. And in our latitudes, people with dust allergies tend to get worse in July and August, when dust mite populations peak due to warm, humid weather.

Dust mites feed on fallen flakes of dead skin from people and animals. Since skin flakes fall off every day, the mites are, of course, unlikely to starve. The average adult loses up to one and a half grams of skin every day—enough to feed an army of a million dust mites. Flakes of dead skin accumulate on carpets, beds, and furniture, inviting ticks to a hearty meal. Most dust mites accumulate inside mattresses, bedding and upholstered furniture.

And the closest ones to our respiratory tract are mites that live in pillows - down-feather mites. Feather-eating mites thrive in a humid and warm environment, so after ten years any pillow consists of 40% mites and their metabolic products. It’s easy to develop allergies from such proximity.

But not only mites, the feather itself also causes coughing and allergic rhinitis. The feather consists of microhooks that easily penetrate the fabric of the pillowcase. And when you inhale, a huge amount of these particles are absorbed into the lungs and bronchi.

What exactly causes allergies and what are the symptoms?

Most people with dust allergies are actually reacting to proteins found in dust mite waste. It is dust mites that can cause year-round rhinitis, and they can also cause bronchial asthma, especially in children.

Symptoms of a dust allergy are very similar to those of a pollen allergy and may include:

  • Redness and itching of the mucous membranes of the eyes, tearing;
  • Runny nose, nasal congestion;
  • Sneezing.

Some people may experience asthma symptoms:

  • Severe paroxysmal cough;
  • Difficulty breathing;
  • Wheezing in the bronchi.

In addition, in severe cases of dust allergies, signs of allergic dermatitis may appear.

How do I know if I have a dust allergy?

The symptoms of a dust allergy can be very similar to a cold. However, if your runny nose and sneezing do not go away for a long time, you should consult an allergist. The doctor will ask you questions to help clarify the picture and perform skin tests to identify the allergen. In addition, the allergen can be identified using special blood tests.

Having identified a specific allergen and determined the degree of your susceptibility to allergies, the doctor will give you recommendations and, if necessary, prescribe treatment.

How is dust allergy treated?

Treatment of dust allergies includes three main methods:

  • Avoiding contact with the allergen
  • Treatment medicines
  • Allergen-specific immunotherapy

Avoiding contact with an allergen is, rather, not a treatment, but a prevention of allergic attacks. This means you need to take special measures against dust and limit exposure to specific sources of those substances in the dust that cause your allergies. The latter is possible when testing shows that you are allergic, for example, to pet dander.

Your doctor will prescribe antihistamines that can relieve your condition. He will tell you how long the treatment should last. Antihistamines relieve itching, sneezing, and tearfulness. Such drugs exist in the form of tablets, drops, syrups, and they can also be nasal sprays or eye drops.

There is another group of drugs, treatment of which is carried out strictly as prescribed by the doctor. These are nasal steroids, which are anti-inflammatory drugs and can stop allergic reactions, and leukotriene receptor antagonists, which block the action of chemicals produced in response to an allergen. Once again, treatment is prescribed by a doctor, and many allergy medications are only available with a doctor's prescription. And how exactly to treat allergies can become clear only after an examination.

How can you avoid contact with an allergen?

Treatment with medications can help, and quite quickly; but even the most effective treatment In the end, it will lose all meaning if allergens continue to surround you. Reducing dust and eliminating dust mites should be the very first step in managing allergy or asthma symptoms. And the first place to start is in the bedroom, where every person spends every day most time. Just remember to wear a gauze mask or respirator while cleaning.

People who wake up at night with a dry, painful cough, first of all need to part with their feather pillow. But those who are predisposed to allergic diseases should not wait for the onset of the disease to part with it. If you decide to leave the pillows, then you need to change them at least once every ten years, and dry-clean them once a year, or at least take them out into the open sun, since ultraviolet rays have a detrimental effect on feather mites. In winter, pillows and woolen blankets, mattresses with natural fillings should be periodically taken out to air in the cold - ticks quickly die at low temperatures.

If you don’t want to throw away your favorite things, you can pack pillows, blankets and mattresses in special plastic or vinyl covers. Wash items at high temperatures as often as possible, if possible, and keep the air humidity low in bedrooms. Treat carpets with acaricides.

Bed linen for allergy sufferers should be made of smooth and dense fabrics, since soft fabrics wear out quickly, which increases the number of microvilli in the inhaled air. But carpets, especially those with fluffy pile, have no place in the apartment of an allergy sufferer. A wet rag and even a vacuum cleaner are not able to cope with house dust, which literally accumulates in carpets. After carpets, you will need to get rid of upholstered furniture with loose upholstery, as well as sofa cushions and a collection of soft toys. And don’t skimp on all these things, otherwise no allergy treatment will help you.

It turns out that allergy sufferers should choose high-quality and hypoallergenic synthetics. If possible, you need to replace all natural things with their dust-free counterparts: use blinds instead of curtains, and replace natural bedding with synthetic blankets and pillows. It is better to purchase furniture with foam filling and removable covers so that the filling can be washed.

Allergy sufferers also need to reconsider their habits: it is better to forget about sewing, knitting, working with leather, fur or paper; There is also no place for strong-smelling substances in the apartment of a person suffering from allergies. It is not recommended to clean the house yourself, but if there is no other way out, then you should definitely use a damp gauze bandage, and after cleaning, go for a walk for several hours so as not to provoke an asthma attack. The vacuum cleaner must have a multi-stage filtration system, and the filters themselves must not be clogged.

Your favorite hats, sweaters, mittens and scarves made of natural wool will also have to say goodbye. And wash your outerwear as often as possible or knock the dust out of it. You should put your personal library in glass cabinets, and either throw away small souvenirs or give them to healthier friends, as they collect a lot of dust that is not easy to remove. Indoor flowers are also prohibited, not so much because of the pollen, but because of the mold fungi that reproduce on them. Mothballs, aerosol fragrances and insecticides are best left on the store shelf.

If you are allergic to house dust, then in most cases the list of allergens quickly expands, and an allergy to pet hair and bird feathers is added. Therefore, pets should find new owners, no matter how difficult it may be. Aquarium fish are also considered potentially dangerous due to the fact that dry food for them is highly allergenic, but if you use only live food, then you can probably leave the fish.

Here are some more tips to reduce dust:

  • Instead of feathers, use polyester fiber fillings for pillows.
  • Wash all bedding in very hot water (even better, boil it) at least once a week. It is better to take the powder that is intended for children's things - such powders are hypoallergenic.
  • Clean all surfaces with a clean, damp cloth, preferably daily.
  • Try to keep the humidity in your home below 55%. To monitor humidity, purchase a hygrometer.
  • It's better to take off the curtains. If you absolutely cannot do without them, wash them in hot water once a week.
  • Remove stuffed animals, bouquets of artificial or dried flowers, and other dust collectors from the home.
  • Choose from wood or vinyl flooring. Carpets are literally dust traps.
  • If you use heating or air conditioning units, change the filters every three months.
  • Wash all small rugs (such as those from the bathtub or toilet) in hot water weekly.

We have repeatedly mentioned that in case you have a severe dust allergy, it would be better for you to remove all carpets. But if this seems impossible to you, then talk to your doctor - it may be an acceptable option for you to treat your carpets with chemical cleaners to neutralize dust mite waste.

The symptoms of which manifest themselves as rhinitis, conjunctivitis, atopic dermatitis or bronchial asthma, causes a lot of inconvenience to people. A dust allergic reaction occurs upon contact with dust elements from the street or in the house.

Diagnosis consists of a survey, a doctor’s examination and general clinical studies.

Causes of dust allergies

The combination of organic and inorganic components found in dust elements includes various chemicals found in the home, on the street, fragments of animal feces, insects, spiders and other harmful allergens.

It is worth highlighting several types of dust:

  1. Dust from the street. It has components of soil, gravel, bitumen, cement, soot, plant pollen, fungal spores, and various small organisms.
  2. Elements of feces of various animals. Wool, dandruff, saliva, sweat. The main allergic properties are the top layer of animal skin, located on the fur.
  3. Ticks from home. Small parts of the bodies and waste products of pyroglyphide mites, dust components of the house are found in the mattress, blanket, pillow, carpets and upholstery of upholstered furniture. Mites primarily consume exfoliated human skin cells. An acceptable environment for ticks to live is moisture above 50–60% and a temperature level of 20–26 °C.
  4. Other elements causing allergies . These include cellulose components from books and various microscopic organisms that are contained in the dust components of the library, moldy fungi, elements of bodies and insects.

These allergens have minimal sizes, are able to fly, dissolve in water, and because of this they can very easily penetrate into the body of the sick person together with dust components through direct contact with elements of furniture and bedding, due to inhalation.
There are a huge number of types of dust particles that can provoke allergic reactions:

  1. Dust at home– it contains small scales of skin, part of hair, animal wool, earth, sand, fabric, paper grains, fungal spores, insect waste products, mites. By consuming dead skin cell components, mites will not cause much harm to many people, but they will still cause allergies in some.
  2. Dust from books– accumulates on the roots and pages, exposing the risk of moldy areas that are not immediately visible. Paper is an excellent place for the development of mites, especially in large numbers in ancient publications.
  3. Dust on paper– is scary because it can quickly and imperceptibly penetrate the patient’s body and accumulate in the lungs. The presented type of dust can actually be found in various organizations that are engaged in shredding, preserving and recycling paper. An increased concentration of dust components on paper is observed in storage facilities located in basements and poorly ventilated areas.
  4. Money dust– money is considered an excellent conductor for the development of allergies in a person. Money dust components contain paint particles, which often cause allergies in the body. Patients suffering from dust are not recommended to take a job that involves saving and transferring money.
  5. Dust from the street– during the warm period of the year, the street is saturated with harmful dust components. It includes plant pollen, particles of road surfaces, soil, exhaust, viruses, and rubber particles from a car.

Scientists have found that the human body is affected not only by the number of dust components, but also by their composition.

How is it developing?

Regardless of the type of dust, an allergic reaction develops according to one algorithm:

  • a potential allergen (dust, particles of cement, cellulose) enters the respiratory tract;
  • microelements penetrate into the bloodstream through the alveolar capillaries and from the pulmonary circulation into the large circulation;
  • substances circulate through the vessels, they are caught by immunocompetent cells and begin to be captured;
  • during the immune response, antibodies damage the body’s own units - mast cells containing histamine, it is released into the blood and triggers the process of inflammation;
  • swelling provokes lacrimation, runny nose, and skin rashes.

Signs and symptoms of allergies

Despite the fact that almost every person comes into contact with dust components in the same way, not everyone develops allergens in the body.

Today it is established that the tendency to the presented pathologies will develop due to the genetics of immunity.

The patient has circulatory system the content of some antibodies responsible for the development of inflammatory processes during contact with dust components has been increased. No other reliable signs were found.

It is worth saying that dust particles can be located in everyday life and production. They differ significantly in composition, but the symptoms of the diseases they cause are almost similar.

The primary symptoms of a negative reaction to dust components include:

  • soreness in oral cavity, sneezing, rhinitis, nasopharynx congestion, itching, clear mucus in the nasopharynx;
  • inflammatory process, swelling, itching of the eyelids, conjunctivitis, tears;
  • the appearance of redness of the skin, contact dermatitis, peeling of the skin, urticaria, ulcers;
  • tissue swelling;
  • dizziness, prolonged painful sensations in the head;
  • shortness of breath, cough, wheezing, unpleasant sensations of pressure in the chest.

If these symptoms are detected, it is worth assessing their level of severity. This nuance has a significant effect on curing eczema.

What diseases do allergies cause?

When an allergen enters the human body, the immune system fights it. As soon as the first reaction appears, the patient immediately feels discomfort from external symptoms.

  • Severe sneezing begins;
  • In some cases, a cough occurs;
  • The nasopharynx becomes inflamed and a runny nose begins;
  • Uncontrollable tearing begins as a consequence of inflammation of the conjunctival film of the eyes;
  • The most severe allergic symptom is difficulty breathing caused by coughing.

Each of the described symptoms indicates a specific human illness:

  • Allergic conjunctivitis;
  • Allergic rhinitis;
  • Skin eczema or allergic dermatitis;
  • Hives;
  • And in rare cases, angioedema.

Any of these diseases is dangerous and requires individual treatment. There is no universal tablet or drop to cure allergies, so you need to consult a doctor.

It is worthwhile to dwell in detail on each allergic disease. Due to the huge content of various allergens in house dust, it is sometimes difficult to determine which one causes a negative reaction. And frequent contact of house dust with skin, the allergen can be located on the hands, and then enter the body through: open wounds, eyes, mouth, etc.

Types of allergic diseases

Dust particles at home are constantly located in an apartment or house; many pathological reactions occur in a chronic form.

During the period of immune response to dust components, the following diseases will develop:


This is a topical drug in the form of an ointment, which is often used for rashes or irritations on the skin. Hormonal remedy, which can be used not only for allergic reactions, but also in other situations.

This ointment is effective for itching and swelling. However, it must be used very carefully. The product is applied only to the affected areas. If you use this device very often, it will thin out skin, which can cause wrinkles to appear.


A complex course of allergies will develop with increasing exacerbations, a combination of infectious infections from bacteria, a combination of allergies to dust components with various diseases breathing. After 3–5 years of moderate asthma, emphysema or cor pulmonale may develop.

Constant contact with dust particles at work can cause preumoconiosis to appear.

Not so often, an allergy to dust can cause disruption of the body:

  • thrombocytopenic purpura;
  • exogenous alveolitis caused by an allergen;
  • nephropathy.

Household dust

The most insidious allergen. After all, there is no exact formula for the composition of dust. If you look at dust under a microscope, it consists of: dead particles of the epidermis (that is, our own skin), hair flakes, dandruff, pollen, mineral components, cellulose particles, chitinous particles of insect shells, pet hair, mold, bacteria and others unpleasant components. It is completely impossible to get rid of household dust, because people themselves are partly its “producers.”

Even if you regularly clean your house and maintain literally perfect cleanliness, household dust will still be present. It accumulates invisibly in various corners of the house - on shelves, in books, soft toys, home textiles, bedding and furniture. It is impossible to completely get rid of household dust, but you can take some measures to combat its habitats.

Symptoms of a dust allergy are:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • runny nose;
  • itchy skin;
  • sneezing;
  • rash on the skin and mucous membranes;
  • cough (dry, spasmodic);
  • development of eczema.

These symptoms are present in humans all year round, especially pronounced in autumn and winter time, when a person is forced to spend most of his time indoors rather than outdoors.

The most dangerous consequence Allergy to household dust is bronchial asthma, and this disease can be triggered by the dust itself and other manifestations of allergies (for example, the notorious rhinitis). Therefore, doctors recommend not to ignore a runny nose in the morning, periodic hives or lacrimation while cleaning premises - these phenomena are already a reason to visit an allergist, and to observe the following at home Rules for dealing with household dust:

1. Reduce the number of places where dust can accumulate. You will have to slightly change the design of the room: remove carpets and rugs, change curtains to blinds, change velor furniture to leather, in a word, minimize fabrics that tend to hold and accumulate dust on their surface. It is also worth taking care of how to store books and soft toys - they, like clothes, should be put in closets.

2. Think about what you sleep on. It is better to replace your usual mattress - a lot of dust has probably already accumulated in it, so it would be advisable to purchase one that can be easily cleaned using a non-chemical method. A new mattress needs to be fitted with a cover that will completely cover it. This will extend its service life. But even the most expensive and comfortable mattress needs to be changed every 8-10 years.

If you still sleep on down and feather pillows, replace them with products with synthetic filling. And change every 2-3 years.

When choosing a blanket, preference should be given to products made from easily washable, lint-free fabrics. It is advisable to wash bed linen twice a week, using special means, which can destroy dust mites.

3. Carry out wet cleaning of the house every day: wipe the dust, wash the floors.

4. Take care of additional purification and humidification of indoor air - install air purifiers, ionizers, and air conditioners with a humidification system. And change filters regularly, because mold can form on them - another dangerous enemy of our immune system.


If such symptoms appear, you do not need to determine their cause yourself and take action. self-treatment. The right option is to quickly visit a doctor; he will determine exactly what is causing the allergy.

A full examination can be carried out by an allergist.

Diagnosis of allergens to dust components consists of the following measures:

  • collecting anamnesis (data obtained by interviewing the patient);
  • careful inspection of the external condition;
  • auscultation of organs in the chest (listening to the sounds that appear when internal organs sway);
  • blood test - the cellular structure of eosinophils and determining whether there are irritants;
  • blood test to detect immunoglobulin E;
  • blood testing for antibodies to various irritants (an effective in vitro method is used - “in vitro”);
  • skin tests for allergens.

How much does it cost to treat this disease?

Cost of 1 procedure - 3700 rubles. The cost of a course of subcutaneous autolymphocytotherapy (6–8 procedures) is respectively 22,200-29,600 rubles.

After a course of ALT, 3 observations are carried out by an allergist for 6 months. free consultations. If a repeated course of treatment is necessary, an individual discount system is provided.

The initial allergy examination is carried out in accordance with the standards of the Department of Health. Previous examinations are taken into account, as well as tests for IgE and allergens in other medical institutions.

You can take tests for household allergens and take a blood test for IgE at medical centers, where autolymphocytotherapy is performed in the Russian Federation.

Allergist-immunologist Nadezhda Yuryevna Logina will see you in Moscow on a weekday

  • Fill out the application for admission
  • Application for admission

Allergist-immunologist Logina N.Yu. sees in several medical centers in Moscow

For a complete diagnosis, you need to transfer samples of dust particles from your home for analysis.

You can do this this way:

  1. Collect dust components from curtains, interior and other surfaces, with the exception of the floor.
  2. To do this, use a vacuum cleaner with a filter and a container to collect dust particles. The required number of dust components should be about 1 tsp.
  3. The collected amount must be sifted through a small sieve and placed in a clean container.

To identify a specific disease, skin tests are examined. The manifestations of a dust allergy, for the most part, will be similar to a cold, however, there are some differences.


Depending on the allergen there are:

  • allergies to construction dust, which contains coal and silicon suspensions, “aerosols” from particles of wood, cotton, linen, wool - natural organic origin, artificial - plastic, resin, rubber, metal - iron, zinc, aluminum or mineral - quartz , cement, asbestos, etc.;
  • allergies to house dust, or rather its components;
  • allergy to house dust mites or metabolites, their waste products.

Certain allergens in individual cases can provoke different kinds allergies:

  • respiratory, manifested in the form of itching in the nose, sneezing and coughing;
  • cutaneous - symptoms are observed from the skin - their itching, development of rash, blisters, urticaria or atopic dermatitis;
  • ophthalmological– the visual analyzers suffer first of all: the eyelids become swollen, the eyes become watery and red, and sensations of pain or discomfort arise.

In terms of symptoms, colds and allergies are considered quite similar. Coughing, sniffles, sneezing, painful sensations in the head - all these conditions are characterized by two conditions. To distinguish one disease from another, you need to look at what caused the discomfort.

When symptoms occur after cooling the body, there is reason to suspect a cold.

If the symptoms that arose after finishing cleaning the room, putting order on the bookshelves, or during a visit to the library, they will say that this is a reaction to household dust particles.

On the street, all manifestations should subside.

Also, when you have a cold, thick, yellow snot comes out of your nose, but when you have allergies in the body, they are transparent. 7 days are enough to treat a cold.

At the end of the examination, the doctor will select the optimal treatment.

Diagnosis of the disease

The examination is carried out in several stages:

  1. Anamnesis collection. The patient is asked about complaints, symptoms that appeared and the time when they appeared.
  2. Clinical blood test. Eosinophils are counted. In case of allergies, their number exceeds 0.3 × 109/l. ESR rises to 15-25.
  3. Allergy tests. Substances containing potential allergens are applied to the skin of the back. After this, the development of the reaction is observed. If hyperemia, blisters and inflammation appear, the test is considered positive. Tests are not carried out if there are signs of infectious skin lesions on the back and during periods of exacerbation of allergies.

Allergy tests are carried out in 3 ways:

Name Method of implementation Features of the allergy test
Prick testThe forearm is disinfected with medical alcohol, and 1 drop of various allergens is applied. The skin is punctured 1 mm through the liquid. The test result is positive if redness with a diameter of 3 mm or more forms around the puncture.It is used in 95% of cases and is considered the safest method. It does not allow large amounts of allergen to enter the body, and false symptoms do not occur.
ScarificationThe back or forearm is disinfected and the skin is scraped off. A drop of allergen is applied to each scraping. When the skin becomes swollen or red, the test is considered positive.Used when for some reason it is impossible to perform a skin prick test. The risk of developing false symptoms is about 15%.
AppliquéThe skin is wiped with alcohol, and a potential allergen is applied without scraping or puncturing with a needle. The reaction is recorded after 10 minutes.Used to diagnose the etiology of moderate to severe atopic dermatitis.

If there is no response to special tests, a provocative test is performed. To carry it out, a potential irritant is applied to the lesion:

  • with rhinitis on the ciliated epithelium in the nose;
  • with allergic conjunctivitis on the mucous membrane of the eye;
  • for food allergies in the oral cavity.

The test is carried out only in the presence of an allergist who has the skills to assist with the development of anaphylactic shock.

How to properly collect dust samples for a doctor?

To submit dust particles for laboratory analysis, you must adhere to the following algorithm:

  1. Collect dust from curtains and furniture. Do not touch the floor surface.
  2. To collect samples from the floor, use a vacuum cleaner capable of picking up microparticles. 1 tsp is enough for analysis.
  3. The collected dust is sifted through a sieve and placed in a sterile container.

How to distinguish allergies from colds?

Most people confuse the symptoms of allergies and colds due to the similarities clinical picture:

  • runny nose;
  • cough and sneezing;
  • headache;
  • compression chest.

A cold occurs when the body is overcooled. If symptoms develop after cleaning the house and are accompanied by itching, burning, and rashes, this means an allergy. When going outside, the symptoms weaken.

At infectious disease Thick mucus comes out of the nose yellow color. In case of allergies, clear liquid flows. In this case, pathology occurs regularly in the presence of dust. Cold symptoms disappear within a week.

Allergies in children

Infants are quite rarely exposed to dust allergies, but starting from the age of five, they appear quite often. The primary symptoms are persistent rhinitis, redness of the eyes and eyelids.
At the end of the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes antihistamines, drops for the nasopharynx and eyes.

Relatives should be aware that the allergen in the body of children often disappears in the process, as age-related adjustments of immunity are carried out, and the person stops reacting to all kinds of allergens.

In addition to contacting a doctor, in the event of an allergy, parents are required to follow these measures:

  • keep the home clean;
  • carry out wet cleaning;
  • keep all toys clean;
  • try not to overfeed the child;
  • monitor its hygiene, wash it constantly;
  • relax on the sea coast;
  • do not smoke close to children;
  • do not use cosmetic components and household chemicals, which is available in the form of sprayers.

Allergy to book dust

An allergic reaction to book dust is caused by an accumulation of small mites that are difficult to get rid of. Mold can grow on book pages. In addition, the allergen can be caused by fungal spores that accumulate between the pages of publications.

Because of this, books need to be constantly cleaned with a cloth, vacuumed several times a month and stored in locked cabinets.

Library and archives employees are required to wear protective clothing. respiratory organs(respiratory mask) and use disposable gloves.

General information

Allergy to dust as a type of typical immunopathological process is expressed hypersensitivity reactions immune system upon interaction and re-contact with exoallergen, in this case – with household, construction or other types of dust. ICD-10 was assigned code T78.4 as unspecified allergies or allergic reactions without additional instructions, ATC classification code allergens- V01AA03 House dust allergens.
Pathologies of the immune system are considered quite dangerous diseases, which can significantly reduce the quality of life and even put it at risk, because allergic reactions can be expressed as redness, itching, and soreness, cough, asthma, and even anaphylactic shock.

Reasons for failure immunity There can be many factors, starting from internal - psychological, hereditary and ending with external - environmental and everyday factors. But, despite the catastrophic increase in the number of allergy sufferers, this is a problem in the modern urbanized world, where people have forgotten the importance of living in harmony with nature.

First aid for pulmonary spasms

An attack of suffocation due to allergies will develop quite quickly. The patient has difficulty breathing. Difficulty breathing is accompanied by wheezing with certain whistling sounds.

It is worth knowing how to provide first aid to a person prone to allergies:

  1. Protect the sick person from the source of the allergen.
  2. Calm the person down. In most cases, the success of treatment depends on this.
  3. Place the sick person on a chair “astride”, facing the back, and place a pillow under the chest. In this position of the body, the lungs breathe most easily.
  4. Provide access to clean air.
  5. Use an inhaler with a bronchodilator component (Bricanil, Salbutamol).
  6. Give an antihistamine (Tavegil, Diazolin, Claritin).
  7. You can also give Ephedrine and Eufillin. It is best to give an injection, since the tablets take effect only after 40 minutes.
  8. Be sure to call an ambulance.


This gel helps relieve skin irritation. Most often it is used when mosquito bites. But this remedy also helps to cope with other types of allergic reactions (for example, if a child develops a rash after contact with an allergen).

The drug perfectly cools the skin without harming it. If you use too much of the product, an allergy sufferer may experience dry mouth. "Psilo-Balm" should not be purchased by nursing women or pregnant women.

Effective allergy treatment

For treatment to be effective, it is necessary to monitor the person’s normal functioning at the time of remission.

It is also necessary to take a comprehensive approach to liquidation side effects and symptoms that accompany the disease.

The primary therapeutic trends include:

  • Reducing the volume of dust particles in the home, constant cleaning, purchasing pillows and blankets with hypoallergenic synthetic filling, eliminating food from the menu that causes a strong reaction.
  • Use of antihistamines medicines. An acceptable option is the latest drug formulations.
  • Hormonal medications. During advanced allergens and acute reactions of the body, the doctor prescribes medications, creams, ointments for severe reactions to eliminate all signs. It is recommended to use corticosteroids for no more than 2 weeks only under the supervision of a doctor.
  • Medicines with a sedative effect. During itching, swelling of the eyelid, watery eyes, and nasal congestion, patients often have difficulty falling asleep. Sedative medications can calm and relieve nervous tension.
  • Rinse the nose, rinse the mouth. During allergies, constant flushing procedures can relieve swelling, reduce nasopharyngeal congestion, soothe an irritated throat during a dry cough, and wash away parts of the allergens.

Doctors prescribe strengthening medications, measures and procedures to the patient in order to strengthen the immune system and other vital systems of the body.

In addition, continuous health monitoring is required by visiting a doctor and carrying out preventive diagnostics.

  • The most popular group of medications after the end of antibiotic use is antihistamines. At the moment, they are already drugs of several generations. The first group of drugs has been used for a long time, however, their effectiveness is not as great as the newest groups. These include Diazolin, Tavegil, Suprastin, Diphenhydramine, the price of which varies from 50 to 250 rubles.





  • Glucocorticosteroids are powerful antiallergens. Many people refer to them as drugs that increase hormonal levels. Their prescription and use is permitted only with the permission of the doctor. They are produced in the following forms - injectable drugs, medicines, ointments, as inhalation. These drugs cost more than antihistamines - from 250 to 350 rubles.
  • Sorbents– one of the most popular sorbents is activated carbon. It does not have a direct anti-allergenic characteristic, however, with constant support, the allergen is instantly eliminated and toxic substances, the appearance of which is considered an important part of the course of allergies. These also include Lactofiltrum, Enterosgel, Filtrum, the price of which varies from 50 to 800 rubles.

Activated carbon





To diagnose the disease, an allergy test is prescribed. The study involves applying an allergen – household or industrial dust – to the skin and then observing the reaction.

Treatment begins with reducing exposure to dust. If complete isolation from the irritant is not possible, and the symptoms of the disease worsen, medications and immunotherapy are prescribed. For dust allergies, different medications are taken. It all depends on the severity of the pathology and symptoms.

Sprays, drops, nasal solutions

List of medications for allergic rhinitis.

  1. Nazaval Plus. Available in spray form. Used as needed. Before use nasal cavity cleans itself (just blow your nose). Allowed for use by children and pregnant women. Price – 355 rub.
  2. Allergodil spray. It has no contraindications; it can be used to irrigate the nasal cavity of children over 6 years old and pregnant women in the first trimester. 1 injection 2 times a day is enough. Price – 550 rub.
  3. Tizin. Available in the form of spray and drops. It has a vasodilating effect and relieves congestion. The spray is used 2 times a day (1 injection), drops - 2 drops 3 times a day. Price - 350 rub.
  4. Cromohexal (Lecrolin). Available in the form of a spray and solution for inhalation. Has an antiallergic effect. The nasal passages are irrigated four times a day, 1 time. The course of treatment is 4 weeks. Price – 90 rub.
  5. Vibrocil. Combined action drug. Has antihistamine and vasodilator effects. Available in the form of drops. Used 3-4 times a day. 3-4 drops are administered at one time.
  6. Sanorin-analergin. It has vasoconstrictor and anti-allergenic effects. Introduce 3-4 drops into each nostril 3-4 times a day.
  7. Vasoconstrictor drops, sprays. Prescribed to relieve swelling and restore breathing. The most common are: Noxprey (150 RUR), Dlynos (80 RUR), Rinonorm (80 RUR), Rinostop (80 RUR), Otrivin (150 RUR), Farmazolin (60 RUR), Nazivin (130 RUR .), Galazolin (30 r.), Xymelin (80). Use 2 times a day, 2 irrigations (2-3 drops) for no more than 7 days.
  8. Saline solutions. Prescribed for rinsing the nasal cavity. Designed to moisturize the nasal mucosa, remove allergens, ease breathing, heal wounds and abrasions. The most effective are: Humer (150 rubles), Aqualor (220 rubles), Marimer (440 rubles), Dolphin (280 rubles). Rinse your nose up to 5 times a day.
  9. Hormonal drugs. Prescribed for severe allergies. Nazarel (used 2 times a day, price - 330 rubles), Nasonex spray - (the nasal cavity is irrigated once a day, price 490 rubles), Avamis (1 irrigation per day, price - 520 rubles), Nasobek (according to 2 injections every 12 hours, price – 200 rubles), Aldecin (2 injections every 12 hours, price – 190 rubles).
  10. Immunomodulators. Vilozen (powder for preparing a solution, used 2 times a day, price - 500 rubles), IRS19 (1 dose 2 times a day, course - 2 weeks, price - 500 rubles), Derinat (2 drops 3-4 times a day) day, course - 1 month, price - 300 rubles).

Syrups, tablets, inhalation solutions for cough

The action of the medicine should be aimed at relieving cough, increasing the lumen of the airways to facilitate breathing, and removing phlegm.

List of drugs for allergic cough.

  1. Expectorants. Pertussin (25 rub.), Bronholitin (91 rub.) – 1 tbsp. l. 4 times a day, Bromhexine (3 tablets three times a day, price – 17 rubles), Mucaltin (2 tablets three times a day, price – 13 rubles).
  2. Drugs to relax the smooth muscles of the bronchi and increase the lumen of the airways. Atrovent (1-2 inhalations every 6 hours, price - 223 rubles), Cromohexal (inhalations are carried out 4 times a day, price - 92 rubles), Ketotifen (41 rubles) - 2 times a day, 1 tablet.
  3. Aerosols with a bronchodilator effect. Salbutamol (RUR 57). The optimal dose is 6-16 mg per day from 12 years. From 6 to 12 years - 1-2 mg 3 times a day.
  4. Volmax (150 rub.). Means for dilating the bronchi and restoring their patency. Take 8 mg 2 times a day.
  5. Glucocorticoids. Used for severe allergic bronchospasms. Beclomethasone (40 rubles). Intranasal 3-4 times a day, 100 mcg.

Drops and ointments for eyes

Such drugs are used for treatment.

  1. Azelastine (RUR 350). Available in the form of eye drops and nasal spray. Use 4 times a day, 1 drop. Treatment lasts for at least six months.
  2. Cromohexal (92 rubles). They are produced in the form of eye drops with an antihistamine effect. Instillation is carried out in 2 nostrils four times a day. 1-2 drops are enough. The course of treatment is determined by the doctor.
  3. Ketotifen (40 rubles). Allowed to be used for up to 3 years. The medicine is injected into the conjunctival sac 2 times a day, 1 drop. Treatment lasts from 3 weeks to 2-3 months.
  4. Visallergol (409 RUR). 1 drop is administered 2 times a day. The optimal age is from 3 years.
  5. Lecrolin (83 RUR). Age of use: from 6 years. Instill 1-2 drops twice a day.
  6. Okumetil (RUR 190). 1 drop is administered every 12 hours. Treats all types of conjunctivitis, including those of allergic origin.

In case of severe conjunctivitis, hydrocortisone is prescribed (120 rubles). It is placed in the conjunctival sac every 12 hours for 1-2 weeks.

Ointments, skin creams

Hormonal ointments and creams for the skin.

  1. Cream Advantan (540 RUR). Apply once a day for no more than 4 weeks.
  2. Fucicort ointment (RUB 479). Treat the skin 3 times a day with a thin layer for no more than 2 weeks.
  3. Flucinar (RUR 190). Rub into the skin 2 times a day for 2 weeks.
  4. Triacort (95 RUR). Apply 1-3 times a day. The duration of treatment is 25 days.
  5. Prednisolone (35 rubles). The skin is treated up to 3 times a day (including for children under one year old). An occlusive dressing is applied on top.

Non-hormonal ointments and creams for the skin.

  1. Radevit (345 RUR). Adults and children are recommended to apply the ointment under an occlusive dressing 2-4 times a day.
  2. Panthenol (40 rubles). Treat areas with rash 3 times a day. Used for infants and children from birth.
  3. Fenistil (290 RUR). For children it is available in the form of drops for internal use (from 1 month - 3-10 drops three times a day), for adults - in the form of a gel (used 2-4 times a day).
  4. Psilobalm (246 RUR). Used for children over 2 years old and pregnant women. Apply 4 times a day to affected areas.
  5. Boromenthol (75 RUR). Apply as needed until clinical signs disappear completely.

For skin regeneration, Levomekol (RUB 107), Baneocin (RUB 177) are used, and products containing silver ions (Argosulfan, price - RUB 282) are used for disinfection.

Treatment of children

The prescription of drugs depends on the area of ​​manifestation of the allergy.

  1. Rhinitis. Allergodil (416 rubles), Vibrocil (252 rubles), Nasonex (441 rubles). Prescribed 2 injections 2-3 times a day. Rhinopront (capsules, syrup for children, price – 250 rubles). Use 2 times a day, 1 capsule or 1 tsp. syrup.
  2. Conjunctivitis. Eye drops: Lecrolin - from 6 years (83 RUR), Allergodil - from 4 years (416 RUR); - Lodoxamide (200 RUR) - from 2 years, Cromohexal (90 RUR) - from 2 years, Opatanol (464 RUR .) - infants; tear substitutes - Inoxa (460 rubles), Oftogel (298 rubles); in severe cases, hydrocortisone eye ointment.
  3. Dermatitis. For severe symptoms, hormonal ointments are prescribed - Celestoderm (220 rubles), Advantan (541 rubles), Sinaflan (21 rubles). Placed once a day. The course of therapy is 4 weeks. Non-hormonal ointments include: Fenistil gel (293 rubles), Gistan (162 rubles), Skin-cap (826 rubles) - allowed in infancy. Used 2 times a day.
  4. Bronchitis. To thin sputum: Ambroxol (15 rubles), Bromhexine - syrup (150 rubles); bronchodilators for inhalation - Salbutamol (57 rubles).
  5. Ointments for skin healing. Bepanten (450 rub.), La-Cri (240 rub.).
  6. Antiseptics. Necessary for disinfecting skin with allergies. Chlorhexidine (40 rubles), Fukortsin (24 rubles).
  7. Antihistamines. Children are allowed to take Suprastin (RUR 113), Zyrtec (RUR 187), Claritin (RUR 161), Telfast (RUR 382).
  8. Sedatives. Glycine (40 rubles).
  9. Adsorbent preparations – Enterosgel (350 rubles), black coal (30 rubles), Polysorb (150 rubles).

To strengthen local immunity, Radevit (340 rubles), Kureosin (543 rubles) are prescribed.

Standard allergy treatment

Medicinal measures help limit contact with elements that can cause allergies, the use of medications to build a barrier in the body, antiallergic medications, ASIT.

  • ASIT– the use of allergen-specific therapy for immunity is most effective for allergic rhinitis and asthma (when the analysis of immunity determines the presence of allergic components of animals and mites). Treatment is carried out under the strictest control, taking into account the possible side effects of the therapeutic intervention. The total duration of ASIT is from 2 to 5 years.
  • ALT– a method of treating allergic reactions by introducing the patient’s lymphocytes, which are previously purified by physical means. After the end of therapy, remission lasts from 3 to 5 years.

ALT uses the patient's own blood and the medicine is prepared for each person personally. The course of autolymphocytotherapy lasts approximately 3–5 weeks and often includes 46 procedures. There are different types of ALT, which differ in the method of drug administration and are used in the treatment of specific diseases.


These are the most inexpensive tablets for allergies that do not cause drowsiness. At the same time, in the reviews, many users note the effectiveness of the drug. This remedy begins to act within a few minutes after administration. The positive effect lasts up to 4 hours.

However, experts recommend taking this drug during an exacerbation of an allergic reaction, as well as in a situation where a person is forced to come into contact with an irritant for a short time. For example, if he went to visit friends who have a cat, or he is in a very dusty room.

The drug relieves skin irritations well and also helps fight runny nose, sneezing and coughing. Allowed for children aged 2 years and older, but women during pregnancy and lactation are not recommended to use Vertex.

Folk remedies against allergies

Treatment with such methods is acceptable, however, it is worth knowing that this is only prevention and is not effective in all cases. Before using the methods and treatments presented, you should consult your doctor.

Let's consider several methods traditional treatment that help in getting rid of negative symptoms:

  1. For rinsing the nasal cavity during allergic rhinitis, a tincture of calendula flowers will help. One tsp. flowers need to be poured with a glass of boiling water, cooled and strained.
  2. A simple salt solution can also help eliminate a runny nose caused by allergies. It is necessary to dilute a third of a teaspoon in a glass of warm water. salt.
  3. A compress using a decoction of cornflower flowers can help eliminate conjunctivitis caused by allergies. One tsp. flowers need to be poured with half a glass of warm water and left for 20 minutes.
  4. Eucalyptus oil can help remove ticks instantly. Before you start washing, you should let the items sit for 30 minutes. aqueous solution, to which 2-3 drops of this oil are added.

Choosing the right mattress and blanket

Latex mattresses are considered the best option for people prone to allergies. Latex is a practical and durable material that is not attractive to harmful irritants and mites.

When a latex mattress is difficult to buy due to lack of money, there are more budget-friendly analogues of hypoallergenic products made from artificial latex.

An excellent option in terms of combating an allergic reaction are products with padding polyester or foam rubber filling.

However, such fillers quickly lose their shape. In addition, holcon and mattresses filled with coir are ideal for patients.

For people prone to allergies, it is recommended to purchase blankets filled with silicone, swan's down or holofiber. These materials are excellent thermal conductors, less susceptible to wear, and washing should be done in a washing machine.

Inflammation of the conjunctival film of the eyes

The problem with an allergy to household dust is that it can be present in a person all year round and the change of seasons does not play a big role. It is by this sign that this disease is recognized. The disease is divided into three forms:

  • Light;
  • Average;
  • Heavy.

It is possible to identify which form a patient has by the complexity and frequency of the symptoms manifested during the attack. Each form has its own name:

  • Conjunctive hyperemia - capillaries and redness clearly appear on the eye.
  • Tearing - may occur on different stages allergic disease, the severity of the form depends on the intensity of tear production.
  • Swelling of the eyelids occurs when medium degree allergic attack. If the eye is completely swollen, it means that a severe form of conjunctivitis has occurred.
  • The stage when swelling spreads from the eyelids to the entire face occurs in an acute and severe form; without emergency assistance, swelling can spread to the neck, which will lead to difficulty breathing.
  • When instead of redness of the eyes, yellow spots appear around the edges. The eyes themselves become very pale, another name for this allergy symptom is “Horner's spots.”

Depending on the severity of the attack, the forms of allergic conjunctivitis are called differently to make it easier for the doctor to make a diagnosis and prescribe timely treatment. It is also convenient for even an allergy sufferer to determine at what stage the disease is.

An allergic reaction manifests itself in both eyes, which will help to immediately eliminate other eye diseases.

Prognosis and prevention

The allergy will constantly occur in certain periods - the time of recovery varies with exacerbations.

To prevent exacerbations, you can follow these tips:

It is not necessary to follow a hypoallergenic diet when the patient suffers from a corresponding reaction only to dust particles. These are different factors, because of this they are not capable of generating cross-reactions.


The following set of measures will help reduce the concentration of dust in the air, as well as reduce the likelihood of an allergic reaction:

  • Regular wet cleaning of rooms. Clean furniture and floors are the best remedy against allergic reactions. During wet cleaning, do not be lazy to remove dust from hard-to-reach places (for example, from heating radiators);
  • Use of devices for humidification and air purification;
  • Using high-quality ventilation devices with HEPA or even ULPA filters
  • Replacing a traditional vacuum cleaner with a dust bag with a modern model with a wet cleaning function.
  • Regular cleaning of air conditioner filters, replacement of cartridges.
  • Elimination of all “dust collectors” - carpets, dried flowers, soft toys (they can be stored in plastic containers), even books;
  • Use of special mattress covers and pillowcases;
  • Change bedding approximately 2 times a week, wash bed linen at high temperature.
  • Replacing duvets and pillows filled with down and feathers with synthetics (they are unattractive to dust mites).
  • Keeping bedding in the cold or in the hot summer sun helps get rid of dust mites. Dust mites do not like either too high or too low temperatures.
  • Replace blankets every year and a half, and mattresses every three years. A good remedy against dust mites is treating bedding, carpets, and soft toys with a steam cleaner. The procedure itself is simple, but its effectiveness is beyond all praise.
  • A good way to reduce air humidity in the house is fans in the bathroom and kitchen.

If it turns out that allergies are caused by the epidermis of pets, the best option would be to give your feathered or furry pet to good hands. However, if this is not possible, you need to bathe your pet more often or use anti-allergenic wipes, keep it out of the owners’ bedroom, and try to minimize contact with it.

Establishing a hypoallergenic lifestyle throughout the entire home, and not just in the room of a person suffering from allergies, is the basis for successful treatment of the disease. Allergy is not a death sentence, but it is necessary to accustom yourself to order. This is the only way to get rid of the painful manifestations of the disease.

About the benefits of swimming

Swimming is one of the sports that is beneficial for people with dust allergies. However, it is necessary that the loads be dosed. It is advisable to conduct classes under the guidance of an experienced trainer.

Which mattresses are best for dust allergies?

Hypoallergenic mattress Erland (Perrino)
The best option for allergy sufferers are latex mattresses. Latex is a practical, durable material that is completely unattractive to pathogens and dust mites. If you can’t afford a natural latex mattress, there are cheaper and also hypoallergenic products made from artificial latex.

A good option in terms of combating allergies are products filled with synthetic padding polyester and foam rubber. The only drawback of these products is that they wear out quite quickly.

Synthetic materials suitable for allergy sufferers include cholcon (a material made from polyester fibers). This material is also recommended for newborns.

Mattresses filled with coir (coconut fiber) are well suited for allergy sufferers. The remarkable ventilation properties of the material create unfavorable conditions for the proliferation of microorganisms and mites.

The hypoallergenic category also includes mattress fillings such as buckwheat husks, horsehair, and algae. But there are some peculiarities here. When plant fibers fray, dust-like particles are created that penetrate the mattress pad.

As for the mattress cover itself, the best option is cotton material with special impregnation or synthetics.

How often should I change my mattress?

Which vacuum cleaners to choose if you are allergic to dust?

Photo: Nera filter
The main requirements for vacuum cleaners for allergy sufferers are as follows.

  • High suction power (350 - 400 W).
  • Disposable dust bags. In this case, it is necessary that they have protection from foil and be equipped with special hygienic valves. In this case, the design of the bag protects the allergy sufferer well from contact with dust.
  • Availability of aquafilter. A good filter traps almost all dust.
  • Wet cleaning function. After all, frequent wet cleaning is an important part of a hypoallergenic life.
  • Pay attention to steam vacuum cleaners equipped with a water filter. In addition to traditional carpet cleaning, a steam vacuum cleaner is perfect for cleaning laminate floors, decontaminating upholstered furniture, and washing windows.

Which blanket to choose if you are allergic to dust?

For allergy sufferers, blankets with fillings such as silicone, artificial swan down or holofiber are best suited. These materials retain heat well, are resistant to wear, and are machine washable. It is advisable to choose a blanket cover made from natural material.

What can replace carpet if you are allergic to dust?

If there is a person in the family who suffers from this reaction, you need to get rid of high-pile carpets. After all, they are the best “dust collectors”. You can replace the carpet on the floor with rugs or lint-free rugs made from coarse material.

If you used carpet, you can replace it with vinyl, wood or laminate.

Non-woven wallpaper can also be harmful

High-quality non-woven wallpaper, produced in accordance with standards and norms, does not pose any particular danger. The source of undesirable consequences of this type of wallpaper is its structure. The embossed textured surface allows bacteria and dust to quickly accumulate, which, accordingly, creates trouble for allergy sufferers.

Non-woven wallpaper with vinyl coating is popular. They give a very rich color palette and a luxurious look. But, from the point of view of allergy sufferers, it’s two in one. All the disadvantages of vinyl wallpaper are added to the dust that accumulates on the non-woven covering. It is better to avoid this type of wallpaper altogether, for the sake of your own health.

Why are such allergic reactions dangerous?

It is worth remembering that complications have serious consequences. such as angioedema and anaphylactic shock.

Anaphylactic shock is an acute reaction that develops very rapidly, which can even lead to death.

However, it is from dust that such reactions occur very rarely. And here development of asthma- a very likely and serious problem.

Home and household

This is the most famous allergen, where the composition contains particles of textile fibers, wool, skin, remains and waste products of insects and rodents.

But The most dangerous components are considered to be mites(pictured left).

It is possible to see these microorganisms, of which there are about 150 varieties, only under a microscope.

The female is capable of laying up to sixty eggs at a time. Ideal conditions for their life activity - heat and humidity.

Danger to people is caused by the excrement of dust mites, which contains enzymes that are the causative agent of allergies.

Despite the fact that only one individual produces at least 20 feces daily.

Even if the apartment is sterilely clean, it will not be possible to completely get rid of ticks. However, subject to the necessary hygiene rules, it is possible to reduce the number .

Also, make it a rule change the mattress every 8 years, and pillows - after two years of use.

Highlight main features allergic reaction to house and household dust:

  • runny nose;
  • hives, peeling and sores on the body;
  • allergic conjunctivitis;
  • attacks of suffocation;
  • fatigue.

Invisible to the human eye, but the strongest allergen is mold on book pages. caused by a humid and warm environment.

In addition to mold, a huge amount of dust accumulates on the spines and covers.

Signs of an allergic reaction:

Books and bookshelves should be sanitized once every three months.

Librarians and archive staff should, while working, use a respiratory mask and gloves.

Construction and cement

These types of allergies are caused by the accumulation of particles of various building mixtures, wood and glue.

Symptoms of deterioration in health will be identical to those from house dust, only less pronounced:

  • burning in the eyes;
  • copious nasal discharge;
  • difficulty breathing.

Inhalation of cement dust leads to rhinitis. and constant contact with cement leads to skin diseases.

Dermatosis and urticaria is an inflammatory process in the form of skin rashes. Redness or peeling may appear on any part of the human body. Most often they occur on the face, arms, legs and back.

The danger is that such dust contains a huge amount of tiny sawdust, which cause tiny wounds to the lungs when inhaling.

Besides, wood fungal spores may also cause an allergic reaction. All this can cause a cough, rash or inflammation.

People whose work involves construction and carpentry work must use respirators.

What to do and how to treat allergies

In any case, no matter what ideal wallpaper is used and it would have minimal allergenic effects, a prerequisite for counteracting allergies is wet cleaning of premises. No wonder they say that cleanliness is the key to health.

In order to minimize allergenic effects, you should regularly ventilate the room, and also clean the main dust collection areas with a vacuum cleaner or a damp cloth. Nowadays there are a lot of special fabric products that collect dust well without harming the decorative coating of the wallpaper.

You can act radically and abandon the use of wallpaper altogether, replacing them with other finishing materials. But it is also difficult to guarantee that there will be no allergies to them. The main thing is to defeat the dust.

In order to relieve the symptoms of an allergic reaction, you need to take antihistamines (Zyrtec, Zodak, Cetrin). Consult your physician before use.

Symptoms of a reaction to construction dust

Small wood shavings and waste from processing building materials can provoke a reaction.

Separately, it is necessary to mention the allergy to cement dust, since it has a peculiar course. Basically, its manifestations are limited to asthmatic attacks. Especially if the cement powder is very fine, it can penetrate deeply into Airways. This situation can threaten not only human health, but also human life. If the activity of an allergic person is in some way related to cement, you need to use personal protective equipment - a respirator, goggles.

Book (paper) dust

An allergy to paper dust is similar to a reaction to books; both conditions are caused by one irritant - mold. High humidity and heat are what the fungus needs to successfully develop on paper.

It is important to follow certain storage standards for printed publications, otherwise health problems will arise. In particular, dry nasal mucosa or excessive discharge, drowsiness and fatigue without visible reasons. If you do not stop contact with the irritant, the disease will develop into a severe chronic form.

Reaction to street dust

How it manifests itself

The initial symptoms of the painful condition include psychological depression, fatigue, a feeling of prolonged discomfort in the eyes, throat and sinuses, and headaches. Such symptoms are typical for all types of allergies.

If you are intolerant to construction dust, there are also more specific symptoms that are characteristic of this type of allergy.

  • First of all, the eyes of an allergic person are affected; the person feels constant discomfort, the eyelids swell, lacrimation and itching begin, the whites become cloudy or red, and conjunctivitis may develop in the future.
  • Unpleasant sensations appear in the nasal sinuses, accompanied by swelling, discharge of liquid mucus, uncontrollable sneezing, which leads to severe headaches.
  • There are unpleasant sensations in the larynx, a sore throat, thick sputum and swelling. Over time, an incessant cough begins, severe shortness of breath, heaviness in the chest, and difficulty breathing.
  • In some cases, rashes are observed, the skin looks inflamed, the body itches, and becomes covered with red, scaly spots.
  • With severe allergies, dizziness and jumps are possible. blood pressure, loss of consciousness.

Why does it occur

Allergies to construction and cement dust occur through direct contact with them. Repairing or building a home involves daily work with various mixtures and materials, which generate dust and dirt.

Tiny particles of construction dust contain a large amount of solid mineral compounds, microscopic particles of wood dust, various chemicals and toxic substances, which cause allergic reactions when they enter the body through the nasal passages.

The symptoms of an allergy to cement dust vary widely. It all depends on what exactly acts as an allergen: cement powder or mortar.

Dust particles that enter the body when inhaled often cause redness and burning of the eyes, allergic rhinitis, and a suffocating cough.

Constant contact with the substance can trigger the development of an asthmatic attack or even bronchitis. Cement mortar can cause allergic skin reactions with constant contact with it. In such cases, excessive dryness of the skin, burning and peeling, and the development of eczema or neurodermatitis are observed.

Allergy to wood dust is another type of allergic manifestation that is often found in people involved in repairs and construction. This reaction can be divided into two types:

  1. The primary irritant is small wood particles.
  2. Certain types of wood act as an allergen.

In the first case, it is enough to take protective measures to get rid of the allergic reaction in the future. In the second case, contact with the substance should be completely avoided, since the disease may take acute form, up to the development of asthma attacks or anaphylactic shock. Allergenic wood species include chestnut, oak, cypress, yew, and cedar.

Household chemicals

Those household chemicals that we come into contact with every day can cause allergies. The fact is that dishwashing detergents, tiles, plumbing fixtures and floors contain chemical components, and each of them can become a powerful irritant. So read the ingredients carefully.

Most often this allergy manifests itself in:

  • formaldehyde (included in mold killers);
  • nitrobenzene (used to prepare floor and furniture polishes);
  • phosphates (found in almost all washing powders and detergents);
  • dyes/flavors/fragrances (included in every household chemical product).
  • Allergens found in household chemicals can affect the body in different ways:
  • through the skin (if a person does not work with household chemicals wearing gloves);
  • through the respiratory tract (since small particles of allergens tend to evaporate from surfaces);
  • and even through contact with bedding and clothing that have not been rinsed sufficiently after washing.

Symptoms There are many allergies to household chemicals.

  • itching and redness of the skin;
  • frequent sneezing and excessive lacrimation;
  • nasal congestion;
  • dry cough;
  • headache;
  • drowsiness.

The repetition of these unpleasant conditions should be a reason to visit an allergist. Only a specialist can accurately determine the cause of the allergy.

1. Give preference to hypoallergenic products. They do not contain phosphates, chlorine, dyes, parabens and fragrances.

2. When cleaning the house and washing dishes, use protective cream and wear rubber gloves.

2. For cleaning, it is better to use natural, “grandmother’s” products: mustard, baking soda, vinegar, salt, ammonia and lemon juice.

4. Ventilate the premises thoroughly after cleaning.

5. Don't wash by hand - leave it to the washing machine, and always set it to an extra rinse cycle.

6. By the way, about washing powder: it is better to give preference to liquid detergents, including cleaning products.

When treating allergies to household chemicals with medication, doctors usually prescribe creams/ointments based on corticosteroid drugs, antihistamines, and symptomatic medications.

Allergies: causes

The fact is that it is necessary to understand the very nature of the occurrence of such a disease. In fact, the allergen is microscopic mites that live in absolutely every person’s home.

The air itself is saturated with microscopic particles of dead skin flakes, pollen, and waste products of these pests.

They are to blame for all the discomfort that a person who is susceptible to various allergens feels. This kind of dust accumulates on cabinets and furniture, so cleaning most often turns into real torture. Moreover, the mite, which is the root cause feeling unwell, also lives in bedding. For example, up to 2 million individuals can live in your mattress.


Mold is a very aggressive “household” allergen that can cause a severe reaction. In the house it lives in places of high humidity (kitchen, bathroom), and can also live on walls. Today, more than 20 varieties of mold fungi are known that negatively affect human health.

When mold is inhaled, a person will experience the following symptoms:

  • difficulty breathing and shortness of breath;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • cough;
  • itchy skin, small red rashes (urticaria);
  • bouts of sneezing;
  • runny nose;
  • in rare cases: nausea, upset stomach, sometimes pain.

The danger of mold is that it can multiply very quickly and penetrate into places that are difficult to clean. To prevent mold from blooming wildly in your home, you will need to carry out a number of preventive measures:

1. Mold loves moisture. The humidity level in the house must be constantly monitored using a special device. Readings of no more than 40-60% are considered normal.

2. When cleaning the house, you need to especially carefully clean the places where mold is most likely to accumulate: bathroom, kitchen, toilet, ventilation grilles, pantry. Dry the tiles on the walls and floors in the room after taking a bath (shower). For high-quality cleaning of these places, it is recommended to use soda solution(3 tablespoons of baking soda per liter of hot water) or replace it with special mold-fighting products. Pronounced foci of mold should be wiped with a solution of table vinegar (1 tablespoon per 200 ml of warm water).

3. Ventilate your home more often.

4. Books, in which mold also loves to “settle”, need to be vacuumed from time to time, ventilated, dried in the sun and, if necessary, irrigated with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide (from a spray bottle).

5. If you are allergic to mold, it is advisable to avoid indoor flowers. Or at least monitor the condition of your plants: wipe the leaves, monitor the condition of the soil.

And let us remind you that since mold is a very aggressive allergen, these measures are rather auxiliary against the background drug treatment which must be prescribed by a doctor.


Alas, this is true: our pet can cause a deterioration in our health.

The reason for this is the protein contained in saliva, sweat, particles of their skin and fur. Therefore, an allergy may well occur to an animal that is not particularly fluffy.

You may notice allergy symptoms from the first hours of an animal's appearance in the house, but the disease can develop much later.

Typical pet allergy symptoms include:

  • sore eyes and excessive lacrimation;
  • skin itching, redness and rash;
  • frequent sneezing and unexplained runny nose;
  • shortness of breath due to difficulty breathing;
  • in especially severe cases, an allergy to a pet can provoke the rapid development of angioedema or anaphylactic shock.

According to doctors, allergies most often appear to cats, but the same reaction of the body can develop to rabbits, dogs, goats, birds, horses, cows and rodents, in general to any domestic animal. Therefore, doctors do not recommend close contact with pets. For people prone to this type of allergy, it is better, sad as it may be, to give their pet into good hands and not have any more pets. If parting with your beloved cat is not possible, then Please pay attention to the following points:

1. The animal's habitat is in the apartment. Do not allow him to enter your room or kitchen.

2. Frequent walking. Let your animal spend time in the fresh air more often.

3. Discipline. You will have to prohibit your pet from lying on the bed, chair or walking on tables.

4. Places where protein secreted by animals can accumulate. Wash your bed linen at least twice a week, vacuum your mattress, pillows and furniture covers more often (after all, particles of animal hair and skin are also part of the dust).

5 .Ventilation of premises. Drafts should be created more often in the bedroom and other rooms in the house.

6. Carpets and rugs. They are also dust and fur collectors, so they will have to be removed.

7 .Room humidity. As mentioned above, the optimal indoor humidity level is 40-60%. Carry out wet cleaning in the house regularly - dust and wool should not “fly”.

8. Air purification. An air purifier is a useful thing in all respects.

9 .Health and hygiene of your pet. You need to bathe your pet regularly and take care of its health - give it multivitamin complexes, provide balanced diet, because our smaller brothers can also suffer from allergies.

To treat severe manifestations of allergies to pets in humans, antihistamines, symptomatic drugs and sorbents are most often used.

Risk factors

To avoid the negative impact of the allergen on the body, it is necessary to take into account all possible risk factors for the occurrence of a clinical picture of allergies:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • weak immune system;
  • long-term uncontrolled use of antibiotics;
  • regular contact with dyes and chemicals.

Take care of yourself. Strengthen your immune system. Normalize your diet and monitor the state of your intestinal microflora. A folk remedies Let them help you eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of the disease!

How is “household allergy” treated in adults and children?

Completing the treatment course:

  • 1For adults:
    appointment with an allergist-immunologist, initial consultation.

    Children under 14 years old:

    are observed by a pediatric allergist and personally by N. Yu. Logina (no additional payment)

  • 2Survey
    (previously conducted studies in other medical institutions are taken into account).
  • 3Course of treatment using subcutaneous ALT: 3-4 weeks
    (6-8 procedures in total, 2 times a week)
  • 4Normalization of the body's sensitivity to allergens occurs gradually.
  • 5Rehabilitation for 6 months takes place under the supervision of an allergist without additional payment.

Diagnosis and treatment

If allergic symptoms appear, you should immediately consult an allergist to make a diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment.

Diagnostics includes:

  • visual inspection;
  • taking anamnesis;
  • testing for histamine levels in the blood;
  • provocative tests;
  • skin tests to identify a specific allergen.

Treatment of allergies to construction dust is complex. It includes:

  • Complete elimination of contact with the irritant substance.
  • Purpose antihistamines to relieve symptoms.
  • Taking adsorbents to remove harmful substances from the body.
  • Using local medications to relieve the condition (nasal sprays that relieve itching and swelling; eye drops; ointments and gels to eliminate skin rashes).
  • Taking medications to make breathing easier.

Allergy medications

First generation antihistamines are such common medications as Diazolin, Suprastin, Tavegil, etc. The first medications of this group were developed back in the 1930s. With such drugs side effects there was more than good. Although first generation antihistamines still have some advantages, and they still retain them. The drugs are more effective when you need to quickly stop acute allergic reactions and have proven themselves where you need to get rid of itchy dermatoses. Due to the painful itching that occurs in such cases, problems with the central nervous system and insomnia begin. That's when sedative effect tablets turn from a disadvantage into an advantage.

Side effects from taking the drugs include drowsiness, dizziness, lethargy, and impaired coordination of movements. Sometimes this can be a cardiotoxic effect, if there are prerequisites for this. From the outside digestive system There may be nausea and vomiting.

Contraindications to the use of first generation antihistamines are diseases such as glaucoma, bronchial asthma, stomach ulcers, cardiovascular disorders, pregnancy and lactation. They are not prescribed when a person works where constant attention and concentration, mental and physical activity are required.

Today, second-generation antihistamines are more often prescribed. These are Loratadine, Cetirizine, Terfenadine and others. They do not have many of the disadvantages and side effects characteristic of first-generation drugs. These antihistamines are well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, and two hours after taking them the concentration active substance reaches its peak in the blood. The advantages of the drugs are their speed of action and long-lasting antihistamine effect - up to 24 hours.

Such antihistamines are prescribed regardless of the specific form of allergy to house dust, be it allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis or some kind of skin reaction. The effectiveness of such tablets against the manifestations of bronchial asthma is still being studied, since the research results are still contradictory.

Second generation antihistamines also have their own side effects. They mainly appear in case of an overdose of the drug and in the presence of an existing dysfunction of the liver (diseases of this organ lead to an increase in the concentration of any harmful substances in the blood). We are mainly talking about cardiotoxic effects.

Contraindications for second-generation drugs are individual intolerance, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Second generation antihistamines are not necessarily tablets. They are also produced in the form eye drops or nasal sprays. The latter are prescribed for mild form diseases.

Get rid of house dust mite allergies in 2019 with ALT!

"Autolymphocytotherapy" (abbreviated as ALT) is widely used in the treatment of patients with various forms allergic diseases for more than 20 years, the method was first patented in 1992.

ALT has been successfully used in the treatment of dust allergies in adults and children. For children, treatment with the Autolymphocytotherapy method is carried out after 5 years of age.

The “Autolymphocytotherapy” method, in addition to the treatment of “house dust allergies”, is widely used for: atopic dermatitis, urticaria, Quincke's edema, food allergies, bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis, hay fever, allergies to household allergens, to pets, allergies to cold and ultraviolet rays (photodermatitis).

The ALT method is successfully used for sensitivity to several allergens at the same time, for example:

  • to dust and animal hair (allergy to cats, dogs, etc.);
  • on dust and pollen of trees and plants;
  • for dust and mold;
  • and in other combinations.

The essence of the ALT method is to use one’s own immune cells – lymphocytes – to restore normal immune function and reduce the body’s sensitivity to various allergens.

Autolymphocytotherapy is carried out on an outpatient basis, in an allergology office as prescribed and under the supervision of an allergist-immunologist. Lymphocytes are isolated from a small amount of the patient's venous blood under sterile laboratory conditions.

The isolated lymphocytes are injected subcutaneously into the lateral surface of the shoulder. Before each procedure, the patient is examined in order to individually prescribe the dose of the administered autovaccine. Apart from its own lymphocytes and physiological solution, the autovaccine does not contain any drugs. Treatment regimens and the number and frequency of immune cells administered depend on the severity of the disease. Autolymphocytes are administered in gradually increasing doses with an interval between injections of 2 to 6 days. Course of treatment: 6-8 procedures.

  • 1.

    – Taking 5 ml of blood.

  • 2.

    – Isolation of autolymphocytes

  • 3.

    – Examination by an allergist and determination of the autovaccine dose

  • 4.

    – Subcutaneous injection of own lymphocytes

Normalization of the functions of the immune system and a decrease in the body's sensitivity to allergens occurs gradually. Cancellation of supportive symptomatic therapy is also carried out gradually under the supervision of an allergist. The patient is given the opportunity to have 3 free follow-up consultations within 6 months of observation after completing the course of treatment using the Autolymphocytotherapy method.

The effectiveness of treatment is determined by the individual characteristics of the immune system. This process to a certain extent depends on the patient’s compliance with the recommendations of the allergist during the period of treatment and rehabilitation.

WITH possible contraindications you can find it here

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Benefits of treating household dust allergies with ALT:

  • We treat the cause of the disease, not its symptoms
  • Minimum contraindications
  • No hospitalization or time away from work required
  • The course of treatment is only 3-4 weeks
  • 1 procedure takes only 1-2 hours
  • Treatment is possible in the absence of persistent remissions
  • Autolymphocytotherapy can be combined with any symptomatic treatment

Effectiveness of treating house dust mite allergy with ALT

When assessing the long-term results of treatment, long-term remission was confirmed in patients with an allergy to house dust with manifestation of year-round rhinitis:

  • 77%Remission for over 5 years – in 77% of cases
  • 27%Remission from 1 to 5 years – in 27% of cases
  • 6%Remission for a period of 6 months to 1 year was observed in 6% of patients

Long-term remission was confirmed in patients allergic to house dust with manifestation of bronchial asthma:

  • 38%Remission over 5 years – in 38% of cases
  • 44%Remission from 1 to 5 years – in 44% of cases
  • 18% Remission of less than a year was observed in 18% of patients.


Upon initial contact with dust allergens, sensitization develops, accompanied by increased production of specific IgE immunoglobulins by immune cells. Repeated penetration of a foreign protein into the body (on the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, bronchi, skin) and its interaction with antibodies causes activation of mast cells with the release of inflammatory mediators and the development clinical manifestations an allergic reaction in one of the “target organs”. The corresponding symptoms may appear in the first minutes after interaction with the allergen (early phase) or after 3-6 hours (delayed phase). The pathogenesis also involves a mechanism of nonspecific tissue hyperreactivity to substances that are not true allergens. In this case, symptoms appear in response to the nonspecific irritating effect of non-protein components of dust in the absence of an immunological stage and the development inflammatory process by the mechanism of pseudoallergic reaction.

Treatment methods

Once a diagnosis has been made, only a doctor should prescribe treatment.

The most important and drastic thing will be to eliminate the allergen and limit the victim’s contact with it.

Many may have to change their place of residence or take another job. The lives of people with this disease will absolutely change.

In cases of severe and dangerous complications, first aid and treatment will depend on the severity of the complication itself.

Urgent resuscitation methods and emergency care medical care will be needed for anaphylactic shock, angioedema, acute attack bronchial asthma.

The acute form of bronchial asthma is treated in hospitals. Patients in remission are referred to sanatorium-resort treatment. Such patients need to adhere to a certain regime and diet, avoid physical overload and colds, and constantly be under the supervision of specialists.


The action of these drugs is aimed at blocking the pathogenic effects of allergens, eliminating the symptoms of an allergic reaction and alleviating the patient’s condition.

The most popular are:

  • Erius, Lamilan;
  • Zyrtec, Claritin;
  • Suprastin, Cetrin.

Hormonal drugs

In especially severe cases, when the disease can no longer be stopped, hormonal drugs are prescribed under the strict supervision of a doctor:

  • Prednisolone;
  • Nasonex;
  • Humactide;
  • Synacthen.

For allergic, non-healing skin problems that have been tormenting for a long time, it is suggested to use ointments:

  • Hydrocortisone;
  • Dexamethasone;
  • Elokom.

Allergies and non-woven wallpaper

Manufacturers of non-woven wallpaper claim that their products themselves are harmless and do not pose a risk to human health. In general, these judgments are correct if the wallpaper is made entirely of paper or cellulose. However, such wallpaper is often made by adding a vinyl coating to the non-woven layer. Then the person encounters all the troubles described above. The only drawback, concerning human health, in non-woven wallpaper is their excessive texture, and, consequently, on wallpaper like this large quantities dust accumulates. And dust is one of the main allergens and a favorable environment for the spread of mites.

Thus, the choice of wallpaper is an individual matter and depends on the preferences of the home owner. But it is necessary to rely not only on beauty and practicality, but also on the effect of the material on human health. And If the wallpaper is pasted, then it is necessary to vacuum it at least periodically in order to avoid the occurrence and spread of substances that provoke allergies. In addition, you should monitor changes in humidity in the room and take all measures to stabilize its level, for example, ventilation.

If the desire to hang wallpaper is so great that it overpowers the risk of allergic processes or you have complete confidence in your body, then when purchasing wallpaper, you need to use a few tips. First of all, you need to purchase quality products, better from famous brands.

Pay special attention to environmental friendliness finishing material, so carefully study the markings on the roll. Using this data, you can determine the manufacturer, the composition of the material and its technical parameters.

Choosing other types of wallpaper

Such categorical criticism of the harmfulness of wallpaper may give the impression that an allergic person simply has nowhere to live. This is wrong. An allergic reaction can be avoided. To do this, you just need to take a responsible approach to the choice of wall covering. The construction market is replete with a large number of materials, including wallpaper, that do not pose an allergenic hazard. This number includes paper wallpaper, which is processed in a special way and has an appropriate certificate. This type of wallpaper is relatively inexpensive, but it allows the walls to “breathe.”

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