Research on "why nettles burn." A comprehensive test of literary reading and the world around us. The project began. Why is the nettle burning

Hello, friends!
Today I will answer the question from Ksyusha, which was sent to me by Svetlana Labuznova, the author of the blog "The hodgepodge." The question was asked back in the summer, but it turned out to be so spring that I hid it until spring. I hope that Sveta and Ksenia will be able to forgive me, that I answered them briefly in the summer messages, and the time for the spring fairy tale has come just now.

The bell rings, in the meadow we are waiting for a new meeting of BioTOP. At the previous meeting, a new hero appeared in the clearing. Thank you to everyone who participated in guessing his identity.

Chapter 1. A fish or a frog?

Elephant (ringing a bell with a trunk): I declare a new meeting of BioTOP open!
Kaffir Raven: Bio-bioTOP!
Elephant: Let me introduce our BioTOP colleague, Mud Jumper. He is a jobseeker for the post of special correspondent on the seas.
Mud Jumper (saw by fin): I wish you good health!

Angler: This is my candidate!
Owl(in Surikatu's ear): What kind of little animal is unknown? Either a fish or a frog ...
Meerkat: And I know what question he needs to ask in order to clarify this!
Owl:And I know! Listen, dear! Will you be a fish or a frog?
Meerkat(confused): I wanted to ask how many cervical vertebrae he had ...
Owl: And where will you be, my dear?

Mudskipper jumped into a puddle and sang:


I'm a mangrove swamp resident
From the tropics came.
I approach evolution
Found my own.

I can ride a frog
Bending your tail.
On branches I like to be.
Like a fish, I'm not easy!

I walk through the swamps I swamps
Minting is a clear step.
You find some fish in the middle of the waters
Who could do that!

I gills breathe in the water
On land, through the tail.
In water, on land - your everywhere!
Like a fish, I'm not easy!

I'm building a turret in the mud
What attract ladies.
It’s good to threaten from the tower
Bully jumpers!

Looking forward like a captain
I blink an eye!
I’ll teach a lesson to enemies
That my land is here!

PS: This video is a cut of the plots from the life of a mudskipper. Thanks to the jumper, you can easily see what changes were supposed to happen with the first amphibians conquering land.

Meerkat: Are you sure you are a fish? Fish have scales.
Angler: Scales are not an obligatory element in the structure of fish. I also do not have scales. And the catfish - no, and the eel ...
Octopus(examining the jumper's tail into the monocle): And how do you breathe with your tail, dear Mud Jumper? The tail is seemingly ordinary.
Mud Jumper: I have skin without scales, covered with mucus, like frogs. This allows me to breathe through the skin. And in the tail I have a lot of capillariespasses (small blood vessels) I also have a turret concurrently. In it, water remains after the tide, so it is very convenient to lower the tail into it. And through the capillaries and mucus, oxygen enters from the water. And the skin is hydrated.

Meerkat: So you still tell me how many cervical vertebrae you have?
Mud Jumper: Alas, not a single one!
Meerkat: Then you are definitely a fish, do not hesitate! We last counted.

Kaffir Raven: I think it's time to start our meeting. A nettle case awaits us. And something bearing Monkey ...

Cheetah:Sweet Monkey, what are you talking about?
Monkey Help me! I froze all my paws!
Octopus: Why do we need ice? We will provide first aid for a nettle burn?
Monkey This is our witness!
Dragonfly: Is ice a witness?
Monkey: Patience, now you will know everything.

Chapter 2. The Secret of Ice

Monkey Give me a bowl so that the ice in it thaws. I dragged him a kilometer!
The octopus gave out a bowl in which Monkey laid out a voluminous piece of ice.
Owl:And what was there to try so hard? The ice is dirty! Some points are frozen in it, and from below - completely frozen silt. There, on our edge of the glade, the hill still did not melt, so it was possible to break a piece of it, clear ice from it.

(chattered): Actually, I was instructed to find Nettles to testify. But in March, she has not yet grown! I even wanted to grow it from seeds. I came to the store, and they told me that they only have nettles. I naively bought seeds, I thought that it was also nettle, only small. It turned out that she just leaves in shape similar!

And the Monkey threw two sachets of Coleus seeds, which is popularly called "nettle," on the floor in vexation

Monkey: Then I decided to look for her relatives in arms.
Meerkat : Ice - her relatives in arms?
Monkey(dragging a magnifier): Let's hope that I found the right ice.

Orangutan (looking at the already melted ice): What do you want to see there? Is this some kind of special dirty ice?
Monkey: This is ice from the pond. I wanted to call a jellyfish, but as a sin there was a storm at sea, and all the jellyfish disappeared into the depths. So I had to drag along the ice to our pond.
Angler: Monkey, you are mysterious in March! We do not understand anything!
Monkey Managed! Hooray! Take a look. She emerges from a wintering egg.

Everyone crowded around the magnifier. A gelatinous stick with tentacles began to appear from a small, dense seed.

Monkey(swelling with pride): This was the fifth piece of ice! And I found her in him!
Owl: And what is this micro-ghost with tentacles?
A ghost, no more than half a centimeter long, cleverly grabbed the tentacles of a small crustacean, which half-frozen swam past, and pushed the poor fellow inside.

Chapter 3. Nettle cells

Ghost: Always in the spring you have to eat frozen semi-finished products! Oh hello!
Meerkat: Who are you?
Cast: I'm Hydra!
Orangutan:But Hercules fought with Hydra. She was awesome! With a bunch of heads, and when he chopped off her head, two grew on the same spot!
Hydra: Yes, I am named after the mythical heroine of Hydra. I also have poison in the tentacles. And I am just as easily recovering. If you cut me in half, each of my halves will develop into a new hydra.
Octopus: This is called regeneration. There are even special scientific laboratories that study this issue on hydra.

Hydra:I’m also budding. On the side of me, a kidney grows, and then it turns into a small hydra. And when the time comes, the daughter polyp falls off and begins an independent life.

PS: By budding, hydra propagates from spring to summer. The process of budding is laid in the execution of the hydra finger toy. The daughter process is fixed on the fishing line. It can be gently pulled, demonstrating the hydra budding process. The video shows the budding of a finger hydra from felt.

Orangutan: But what is the relationship between hydra and nettle? I do not understand.
Monkey: Well then? Hydra has special cells called KRA-BEER!
Hydra: Absolutely. On the tentacles I have a lot of stinging cells that used to be called nettles. They are so named because they burn, like nettles when touched. Although they are arranged a little differently, it is more complicated than nettles.


A cell has hairs,
Like a trigger.
He launches a typhoon,
Poisonous harpoon.

These cells protect
Food is mined.
Intestinal, friends,
You cannot live without these cells!

Octopus: It turns out that there are such stinging cells on the tentacles of jellyfish?
Hydra: And sea anemones.

Hydra sting cell biomodeling

Octopus: I propose to make a model of how the stinging cell works. We need a wooden clothespin, thread and paper clip.

Angler:The paper clip will symbolize the harpoon, and the thread - stinging thread. And from the clothespin we will make a catapult.

Octopus: First, we will analyze the clothespin, leaving the spring in one part, and the other - flip backwards. And insert this part into the spring. This part will protrude above the spring part. This protruding part will be a sensitive hair.

Angler:Now tie a thread with a clip on the end. And turn it into a spiral, like a stinging thread, put a clip on top. And now, by clicking on the sensitive hair, we launch the harpoon in flight!
Octopus: Decent speed! The harpoon cuts into the skin at a time. Watch it!

Orangutan: Nettles have a much simpler arrangement. I'll show you now!

Chapter 4. Why is the nettle burning?

Orangutan: On the skin of the stems and leaves of the nettle there are special outgrowths in the form of burning hairs. Here in the photograph under a microscope they are visible.

Meerkat: It is noticeable that they are not empty.
Owl:Looks like a medicine vial! What is inside? Poison, I suppose.
Orangutan: The hairs contain formic acid and choline, and histamine.
Monkey And it seemed to me that the hairs looked like a syringe with a needle.
Orangutan: Good comparison! The surface of the nettle is humbled by many miniature syringes in which acid and substances causing itching and edema splash. At first they all stand in caps, but you just have to hurt these caps ...

Monkey: How they break off and stick into the skin with a needle, and the entire contents of the syringe, that is, the hair, is poured into the wound.
Meerkat: And after all, not one hair is stuck, but many, many!
Kaffir Raven: Hmm, it looks like very small poisonous splinters.

Monkey (scratching palm): And then, everything itches, and blisters swell! These splinters cannot be pulled out of the skin with your hands. Then for several days everything hurt and itched, when I, unknowingly, ran into the thickets of nettles, following a beautiful butterfly. And why only this nasty nettle is needed! Destroy it all!

Octopus(showing photo): And you by chance, dear Monkey, didn’t run after such a butterfly when you got into nettles?
Monkey: Yes, for her! And the insidious butterfly lured me into nettles!
Octopus: This is a butterfly KRA-PIV-NI-TSA! Its caterpillars grow, eating nettles. There will be no nettle, these beautiful butterflies will disappear. Would you really like these butterflies to die out?

Monkey: Not. Let them live. They're very beautiful.
Angler: And they also make fabric out of nettles.
Meerkat: To torture people with barbed clothes?
Angler: The fabric is made from nettle nettle fibers, and hairs are only on the surface. Just before you get the fiber, the nettle is soaked, and the hairs fall off.
Mud Jumper:And nettles are treated. It contains a lot of vitamins, and the blood stops.
Cheetah: And young nettles, while her hairs are still not coarsened, eaten in spring cabbage.
Elephant: But what if the nettle burned?

Chapter 5. What to do with a nettle burn

Monkey: Yes! What did I have to do when I ran into the nettle?
Owl: It was necessary to rub the ground! Is there a tetanus shot?
Orangutan:With all due respect to folk recipes and to you, Owl, but it’s absolutely impossible to do so! It's like sprinkling ragged knee with earth! You can bring an infection. After all, hairs leave, even though small wounds, but sufficient to allow microbes to enter there!

: Well, I will not sprinkle myself with earth!
Orangutan: First, you need to wipe the lesion with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol or tincture of calendula. So we treat the surface, and kill the germs that can get into the micro-wounds. And part of the splinter will be removed on cotton.
Monkey I am writing down: "1. Treat with cotton wool with alcohol."
Orangutan: If there is no alcohol, then you can wash the affected area with laundry soap. Then you need to put gruel from baking soda for a short time.
Meerkat: Is this to pinch harder, and do not want to climb into nettles anymore?

Angler: Soda will neutralize acid. Now let's have an experience! Take a lemon and squeeze a little juice. Give it a try!
Meerkat(wrinkled with displeasure):Sour!
Angler: And now I will add a little soda.
Meerkat: Oh, how hisses!
Angler: This hissing and foaming helps push some hairs out of the wounds. Now that the hiss has stopped, try again!
Meerkat (incredulously licked a drop):Not at all sour!
Angler: This is because soda and acid reacted with each other, and then water and salt remained from them.
Monkey: I recorded: "2. Apply pulp from soda and water for a minute"

Orangutan:Then you need to rinse everything in cold water. And apply ice or a cold cloth. This will reduce the pain.
Monkey "3. Rinse and apply cold".
Orangutan: For less itching, you need to drink an allergy pill (antihistamine). And anoint the burn with antiallergic ointment.
Monkey: "4. Take an allergy pill and anoint an allergy ointment."
Orangutan: All! And try not to comb!

Kaffir raven: And I'm sorry that the seeds of nettle-coleus are lying on the floor. He has very beautiful colorful leaves! Let's plant his seeds. Spring is it! And then it will be very beautiful in the meadow in summer.
Meerkat:What a great idea!
Mud Jumper: This plant grows on the island of Java! There is his homeland. It is from the tropics, like me!
Cheetah: Interestingly, but is it edible?
Orangutan:If you like the mint smell.
Cheetah: Perhaps I will abstain.
MonkeyI was told in a flower shop that its seeds germinate in the light. They do not even need to be buried!
Elephant:Well then! I declare the meeting closed! Let's go sow our coleus!
Monkey: And grass for cats, for our Cheetah!
Kaffir raven: Biotope! Biotope!

BioTOP with all the old and new staff is waiting for questions from your why! Dear educators, you can also ask questions from your students.
Write to mail [email protected] or in the section BioTOP:.

Everyone knows nettles. Along the roads, at the walls of houses and at fences, in wastelands, one can stumble on thickets of this weed, a single touch on the leaves of which leaves a blister on the skin and provides several hours of burning and itching. It is not by chance that in Latin nettle is called Urtica - stinging.

What explains such properties of nettle? And is it only this that has been known to man for centuries?

Why is nettles burning?

Nettle leaves are covered with thin hairs with sharp ends. Each hair is a large cell, similar in shape to a medical ampoule. This ampoule is filled with histamine, choline and formic acid. Each of these substances causes an immediate allergic reaction, in the form of burning and itching. When touched, the tip of the hair breaks off, and the contents of the “ampoule” get on the skin. Scientists believe that stinginess provides nettle protection against herbivores. It must be said that our European nettle is nothing compared to some species of this plant that grow in the southern latitudes. For example, in Australia, nettle grows under the name "giant laporthea." Her burn is so painful that she can faint an adult. And in Indonesia and the Philippines, there is a "burning laporthea" that can kill, it is so poisonous. Fortunately, our European nettle is not at all dangerous, but, on the contrary, is useful. Since ancient times, our ancestors used nettle for medical and culinary purposes, and found other uses for it.

Nettle will replace seven healers

So said in the old days the healers and were not mistaken at all. Nettle contains a rich set of trace elements, vitamins, amino acids. It has been used and is still used as a hemostatic, choleretic, anti-inflammatory drug. Nettle helps accelerate tissue regeneration, increases the tone of the uterus and intestines, improves cardiovascular and respiratory activity. Nettle helps with anemia, diabetes, respiratory diseases and skin problems. It is no coincidence that many people now, not to mention the old days, harvest nettles in the spring. Collected in May, even in dry form, it retains the healing properties.

It is believed that she helps women with uterine bleeding (although, of course, in such cases, you still need to see a doctor - nettle alone is clearly not enough), and men relieve impotence. In this case, nettle can be used in the form of decoctions and infusions, but some healers were convinced that male problems can be solved ... by nettle cross-section.

Nettle on the table

Until now, many housewives cook green cabbage soup, which add nettle and sorrel. Since nettle is rich in vitamins, such a soup turns out to be very useful. In the hungry years, nettles helped out entire villages, since the stew with nettles and quinoa, although not particularly tasty, gives the person the strength to survive a dashing year. And if you put potatoes in it, then it will turn out perfectly! Nettle leaves can be added to salads, nettle juice can be added to smoothies and herbal teas. Harvesting nettle for the winter is not difficult. It can be dried, and powdered leaves should be strewed together with other dry herbs in almost all dishes, except desserts. Nettles can also be frozen by putting in a plastic bag and placing in a freezer. Young green leaves should be harvested; they contain the most useful substances.

There was such an application: fresh nettle leaves transferred the caught fish, and it did not spoil for a long time.

Nettle - for beauty

Everyone knows that a decoction of nettles strengthens the roots of hair. In cosmetology, nettle preparations are used to prevent baldness. But even if baldness does not threaten, nettle should not be abandoned. Rinsing the hair in a nettle broth makes the hair lush and shiny. Nettle is also good as a tonic for facial skin. Some cosmetologists advise wiping your face in the morning with cubes of frozen nettle infusion.

Nettle on the farm

The medicinal and culinary properties of nettle are well known today. However, how many people nowadays know that in the old days nettle was used to make fabrics? Yes, the nettle tow gave a very strong thread after the necessary treatment, since the nettle stalk is rich in fibers. These stems were harvested, dried, crushed, scratched - that is, they did the same thing as with other plants used to make fabrics, such as flax or hemp. From the threads obtained in this way, weaved material for sundresses, towels, shirts. Coarse yarn was used to make ropes and ropes. In Asia, nettle tissue is called “ramie,” and today it is becoming more and more fashionable.

And with the help of nettles in the old days they painted clothes and canvases. She gives a nice sand color.

Nettle in pedagogy

And finally, another, not the most pleasant use of nettle. She was punished. Whipping nettles due to its stinginess was considered an even more serious punishment than, for example, punishment with rods. Even Chekhov in the humorous story “Life is Beautiful” wrote: “If you are being cut by a birch, then jump your legs and exclaim:“ How happy I am that they are not cutting me nettles! ” In addition, strict parents believed that nettle was not only painful, but also beneficial. And in some ways they were right.

Why is nettles burning?

Research work

MBOU "Secondary school No. 34"


Drozd Tatyana Nikolaevna

primary school teacher

MBOU "Secondary school No. 34"

List of modules


1. Title page 1

2. List of modules 2

3. Introduction 3

3.1 Tasks 3

3.2. Project Implementation Plan 3

3.3. Work Stages 3

3.4. Presentation form 3
4. Research 4

5. The study of specialized literature 5-8

6. Conclusion 8

7. Information resources 9


At the lesson of the surrounding world, we guessed the nettle riddle: “Ah, do not touch me! I’ll burn it without fire! ” In fact, in contact with nettles, a person feels pain, like a burn. I was very interested in the question: how does nettle burn without fire? On the street I found nettle and carefully examined it. I noticed that her stems and leaves are covered with some kind of hairs. Why are they nettles? Maybe they cause a burn? It became even more interesting for me, and I turned to our teacher for help. Tatyana Nikolaevna suggested that I conduct a little research work in order to answer this question. (1 cl)

I set myself such tasks:(2 cl)

    Find out why hairs on nettle leaves are special? What do they have inside?

    What happens to them when we touch the nettle?

    What is nettle useful for?

The project implementation plan was as follows:(3 cl)

    Research work;

    Visiting the library, studying special literature on nettles;

    Conclusion - conclusions.

Work Stages:(4 cl)
1. First, think for yourself.
2. Studying books about what I decided to research.
3. Conducting a survey with other people on issues of this problem.
4. Acquaintance with cinema and television films on the topic of research.
5. Access to the computer, finding material on the global Internet.
6. Observation.
7. Conducting research.
8. Preparation of conclusions and conclusions.
9. Preparation possible ways further research.
10. Preparation of text messages.
11. Preparation of drawings according to this scheme.
12. Reflection.
13. Protection of research work.

Results presentation form:(5 cl)
1. Presentation on electronic media.
2. Text presentation

Research work. (6 cl)

To answer the first two questions, I decided to examine a sprig of nettle under a microscope. To do this, went to the biology office. Under the microscope, I saw that the hairs on the branches and leaves of the nettle are very sharp. Each of them looks like a needle of a small syringe. I thought that when touching nettles, these hairs can damage our skin. But why the burn occurs, it was still incomprehensible. To find out what happens to nettle hairs when they come in contact with gloves, I squeezed a twig of nettle and looked at it again under a microscope. Some hairs were broken, and some kind of fluid flowed out of them. Tatyana Nikolaevna explained that this follows formic acid, and all acids are very burning.

(7 cl)

So, I concluded: sharp streklets - nettle hairs contain a lot of silica salts, these hairs pierce the skin and break off immediately. Immediately from the internal cavities of the hairs, tiny drops of formic acid fall into the wounds, and burning begins.
So, getting on the scratched skin, formic acid causes a burn. It turns out why nettles burn without fire! (8 cl)

Study of specialized literature . (9 cl.)

In parallel with research, I made the following discoveries:

Tatyana Nikolaevna told me that, despite the fact that the nettle is burning, it is very useful. To find out what benefits it brings, I went to the library. From the "Complete Encyclopedia (Plants)", from the "Pochemuchki" by ADitrich, G. Jurmin, I learned that nettle is a flowering plant. Its stems and leaves are covered with burning hairs. In total, more than 40 species of nettle are found in the world. In Russia, most often you can see 2 species - burning and dioecious. Dioecious nettle is tall perennial, reaches 150 cm. Stinging nettles are shorter, in Ukraine they call her that - small nettles. Its height does not reach more than 60 cm. In addition, stinging nettle branches much more strongly, on one plant there are more stems. The leaves of the dioecious nettle are larger and more elongated. Stinging nettle has rounded leaves with deep blunt teeth.

(10 cl) There is a nettle that does not burn: Deaf nettle(white nettle) found throughout the northern hemisphere, except for the desert zone. Deaf nettle grows in deciduous forests, at the edges, in shrubs and in gardens near the dwelling.

(11 cl.) Nettle leaves are rich in various useful vitamins. It contains substances that kill microbes. Nettle stops blood well. She strengthens hair. They make paper, burlap, and rope from nettles, because its stems have very strong fibers. And I also learned that great cabbage soup, salads, nettle puree with an egg are made from nettles, they even ferment it like cabbage. It is a good animal feed. (12 cl)

Turns out about nettles piled up a lot riddles and proverbs :


"Wicked like a wolf,
Burning like mustard!
What is this marvel?

"Only touch
Pull off your palm:
Burns grass like fire. ”

"I have green boiling water
My bare legs were burned. ”

“It happens at the fences,
Never cools down. ”

“This potion you do not touch:
It burns like a fire.

“Not fire - it burns,
It’s not given into hands. ”

“Grown under willow. Call her ?. "

Proverbs and sayings:

    Angry nettle seed, do not brew beer from it

    It burns like nettle, and pricks like a hedgehog

    If there is no frost on nettles, there wouldn’t be any frets with it

    A stinging nettle will be born, but it will be respected in cabbage soup

    Nettle and young, and already bites

    Whoever gets up, he will collect the fungi, and sleepy and lazy go after the nettle

    With a different drive - what to sit in nettles

Interesting Facts (13 cl)

1. One of the most famous literary works that mention nettle is a fairy tale. « ". Ethe only way that Eliza could save her enchanted brothers was to weave chain mail from nettle stalks for them ...

2. There is a belief that nettle grows at the places of death of damned or sinful people

3. In Ukraine, there was a legend that the devil himself sowed nettles and she was cursed by God

4. Fresh nettle leaves are a natural preservative: if you cover it with fresh meat or stuff gutted fish, and then cover it with nettles on top, they can be stored in the summer for several days outside the refrigerator.

5. Dried nettle leaves go perfectly in winter tea when you want vitamins. (14 cl)

6. Nettle is a favorite and perhaps the only delicacy of butterflies such as burdock and admiral. If it were not, then these types of butterflies ceased to exist.

7. Nettle can cure gout, as it contains substances that can decompose uric acid. It is believed that this acid is responsible for pain attacks and other signs of gout.

8. From the fibers inside the nettle, you can get a fabric that in its properties will be similar to linen fabric. During the war, the Germans sewed uniforms from such fabric.

9. Nettle is useful to eat, because it contains iron, magnesium and calcium, i.e. substances that are very important for the full development of a person and maintaining his health.

10. In Britain, wine is made from nettles. To get 3 thousand liters of wine requires only 40 kg of leaves of this burning plant. But the taste of the wine is a little prickly, dry and tart. (15 cl)

11. Nettle broth can be used to dye eggs in a greenish color, food green dye is extracted from it

12. In some southern countries, special nettles are specially grown - ramie. It is so high that in a nettle field it’s not like a man - a horse will hide. From the fibers of this nettle make a fabric very similar to silk. And strong ropes, fishing nets. Rami is very hot, so people take her out in special dense clothes, in mittens.

13. In India and on some tropical islands of the Indian Ocean, nettles grow which burn is as dangerous as a bite poisonous snake.

14. Nettle burns are treated: 4 tablespoons of dioica nettle leaves are poured with 1 cup of hot water and insisted for 2 hours. The infusion is moistened with gauze and applied to the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe skin.


During the implementation of the project, I came to the conclusion that nettle burns not with fire, but with formic acid, which comes from very sharp hairs that are damaged when we touch the nettle. I was very pleased with my little discovery. And she told classmates not only about the results of her personal research, but also about what she learned from books. (16 cl)

. - Encyclopedia "Everything about everything." Why is nettles burning?

- site "Because.Ru." Together we know the world. Section "Why is the nettle burning?"

How much. A. Dietrich, G. Jurmin. Moscow. Pedagogy-Press, 1995

Option 1

Surname……………………. name………………………. class …………….


As soon as they do not scold the nettle, which is only to blame for the fact that it knows how to protect itself. But nettles are both tasty and healthy. She would be happy to eat and cows, and goats, and sheep, and pigs. Yes, just touch her. But if you chop the nettles and scald them with boiling water, the cattle feed will turn out such that, as they say, you won’t drag it by the ears.

Nettle hit the table. Since ancient times, rural residents in the spring cook cabbage soup from young nettles. Edible oil is obtained from nettle seeds. In ancient times, paper, ropes, burlap, ropes, fishing tackle, sails, carpets were made from nettle stalk fibers.

Why is the nettle burning? From the fact that nettle is covered with spiky hairs. In each hair is hidden a bottle of burning acid. The neck of the bottle is very sharp, immediately bites into the skin and breaks. Acid spills from the bottle, from which large blisters appear on the childish hands and feet, and tears appear on the eyes.

(142 words)

(According to A. Dietrich and G. Jurmin)

1. What is this text about?

a) about paper;

b) about people;

c) about animals;

d) about nettles.

2. How do people use nettles to feed livestock? Find the correct answer.

a) Feed with fresh leaves.

b) Grind and scald the leaves with boiling water.

c) Nettles do not feed animals.

3. Learn from the text, why is the nettle burning?

a) harmful;

b) in the hairs contains burning acid;

c) green and juicy.


From the nettle seed ..........................................................................................


5. Underline in text as in ancient times used stalks of nettle fiber.

6. Choose the correct answer.

This work …

a) a fairy tale

b) story

c) a poem

d) riddle


8. Which group does nettle belong to?

a) wildlife;

b) inanimate nature;

c) man-made world.

9. Choose the correct answer.

Nettle is ...

a) tree;

b) a bush;

c) a herbaceous plant.

10. Choose a winter natural phenomenon.

b) the arrival of birds;

c) freezing;

g) the flight of birds.

11. Finish the sentence:

Sparrow, rook, tit, tit - __________________.


At this time of year, the sun rises high above the ground. It rains with thunder and lightning. Rapid flowering of nettles and other plants, the appearance of fruits and seeds.


13. In which case are the autumn months listed in the correct order?

a) November, December, October;

b) October, November, December;

c) September, November, December;

d) September, October, November.

14. Indicate an animal that does not belong to animals:

a) a bear;

15*. What do you think nettle benefits are? Express your opinion. Write.


Comprehensive Examination

work on literary reading and the world

2nd grade

Option 2

Surname ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Read the text and complete the tasks.


The beauty of Russian forests is called people birch. And who can doubt it? Slender, with thin drooping branches and elegant foliage, it always causes admiration and joy. For a long time the birch served as a symbol of beauty.

But not one beauty glorifies our birch. Many people know that it is still a miracle seeder. The fruits of birch are very small nuts. Every year, birch sows huge open spaces with millions of small seeds. Shoots appear in a short time.

Birch is a pioneer plant, because it is actively living in new places.

Interestingly, the birch trunk, even in the sun, remains cold. The miracle is simply explained if you remember that white reflects the sun's rays well.

And what about the benefits of birch?

Birch is used as an ornamental plant for landscaping cities and villages. Plywood and furniture are made from its wood. Birch sap quenches thirst well. Medicines are made from her juice. Leaves and bark of birch goats and sheep are happy to eat.

(142 words)

(According to N. Yurtsevich)

1. What is this text about?

a) about plywood;

b) about birch;

in the garden;

d) about animals.

2. Finish the sentence

Fruits of a birch are ……….

a) wings;

c) nuts;

d) cones.

3. What do people call birch? Choose the correct answer.

a) the beauty of Russian fields;

b) the queen of Russian meadows;

c) the beauty of the gardens;

d) the beauty of Russian forests.

4. Complete the sentence based on the content of the text.

Birch is a pioneer plant, because _________________________


5. Underline in text that are made of birch wood.

6. Choose the correct answer.

This work:

a) a fairy tale;

b) a story;

c) a poem;

d) a riddle.

7. Title the text. Write a title above the text.

8. Which group does birch belong to?

a) inanimate nature;

b) wildlife;

c) man-made world.

9. Choose the correct answer.

Birch is ...

a) tree;

b) a herbaceous plant;

c) a bush.

10. Choose a spring natural phenomenon:

b) flood of rivers;

c) the appearance of fruits on the apple tree;

g) departure of birds.

11. Finish the sentence:

Crucian carp, perch, catfish, pike - this is ___________.

12. Determine the time of year from the description. Write down the answer.

At this time of the year there is often a cold drizzling rain, frost in the mornings, frequent fogs. The leaves turn yellow and fall on the birch. Birds fly away to warmer climes.

Answer: __________________________________________________

13. In which case are the spring months listed in the correct order?

a) March, May, April;

b) May, June, July;

c) March, April, May;

d) May, April, March.

14. Indicate an animal that is NOT a bird:

d) tit.

15. * What do you think is the use of birch? Express your opinion. Write.


Municipal educational institution

"Secondary school number 6"


Completed: student of class 2B

Bogdanova Maria

Checked: teacher V.V. Ivanova

1. Origin of nettle name and habitat

2. Why nettle stings

3. The main species and some varieties

4. The role of nettle in human life

5. The role of nettle in animal life

6. The role of nettle in human life

7. Nettle in the literature

List of references

Topic: Familiar stranger .


It all happened this summer when I wandered into the dense thickets of grass. It’s even scary to remember, arms and legs began to burn, the skin instantly turned red and covered with white blisters. This insidious grass, don’t expect anything good from it ... but what it was, it was my surprise when my mother approached the thickets of grass and began to carefully pick young leaves of the plant. And it became very interesting to me what kind of plant it was, really this grass, besides, how to “sting” can be useful to someone.

Therefore, the theme of my work : “Familiar stranger.”

Problem: Why is nettle burning, and what is the use of it for humans and animals? (slide 2)

1. Nettle name origin and habitat

From the encyclopedia, I learned that the plant is called nettle. Nettle is very unpretentious, grows everywhere, and especially loves a variety of wastelands forest land, weedy and overgrown with various shrubs places, found near residential buildings and on river banks. At favorable conditions it can grow more than a meter in height

The name "nettle" is translated into Latin as Urtica Dioica, - "burning", and it becomes clear why this plant was called that. (Slide3)
There are many variations of the origin of the word "nettle" according to one version of the word "nettle" came to us from the old Russian meaning of the word "silk", or koprin. According to another version - among the leaves of the plant, in small clusters, green flowers hang, the fruits of which are very similar, from afar, to specks, thanks to these "specks" the plant got its name. (slide 4)

2. The main species and some varieties

After reading the directories, I found out that two types of stinging nettle and dioecious are most often found. (slide 5) Stinging nettle is very common in our country and not only. It grows in central Russia, the Caucasus, and also in Western Siberia. Many people are very mistaken, considering it a weed. Many confuse it with stinging nettle, which also grows in our country, but only in medical practice is not used. It is slightly lower than the dioica nettle, and its leaves are coarse.

Nettle burns are relatively harmless, although nettle grows in India and on some tropical islands of the Indian Ocean, the burn of which is just as dangerous as a bite of a poisonous snake and can lead to death. Such nettle is called "Ongaonga" or "nettle tree." Ongaonga has a tree-like trunk and unusually large burning thorns, it can grow up to 5 meters tall. (slide 6)

3. Why stinging nettle

Large heart-shaped leaves, which are covered with thin fibers protecting the plant from herbivores, are placed on a single stem, only they are so small that they are barely visible. Each hair is a large cell, in shape resembling a medical ampoule with burning formic acid inside. The tip of the “ampoule” is so sharp that it immediately bites into the skin and breaks, the sharp end penetrates under the skin, and the contents of the “ampoule” enter the body, which causes blisters on the arms and legs. (slide 7)

4. The role of nettle in human life

After reading books with my mother and looking at some sites on the Internet, I learned that nettle is successfully used in folk medicine, and in scientific medicine it is part of many pharmacy collections. (slide 8)

From the roots, leaves and flowers of nettles, decoctions and infusions are prepared. Nettle has a large set of medicinal and healing properties. For a long time, nettle has been known as a therapeutic, prophylactic, painkiller, wound healing, general strengthening remedy.

In traditional medicine it is used for open woundsbleeding, skin, colds, respiratory diseases and many other diseases.

In spring, nettles are used in food. Nettle is successfully used in cooking; hundreds of delicious dishes are made from it. This plant is rich in magnesium, iron and calcium - three substances that a person needs for full development. Mom often makes us nettle soup. Nettle stalks are salted and pickled. Young shoots of nettle sour. Nettles are used to make salads, soups, borscht, sauces, and pie fillings. Many bakers love to “toss” a little nettle powder into the dough - the bread is fragrant and unique in taste. (slide 9)

In the food industry, the leaves and stems of nettles are made completely harmless green dye, and from the roots, yellow. Dyes are used to decorate confectionery.

Nettle is an excellent cosmetic. The plant is used for hair care during hair loss, to strengthen and enhance hair growth, remove dandruff. (slide 10)

The juice of its leaves is part of various creams, ointments and shampoos, and is also used in the manufacture of masks at home. The leaves of the nettle are finely ground to a powder and mixed with cottage cheese, honey or sour cream. Mask for young nettles, which is so rich in vitamin A, is useful for any skin.

If bags with nettles are placed on the eyes and left for a while, then the swelling under the eyes gradually disappears.

5. The role of nettle in animal life

Nettle plants are a food source for two species of butterflies - admiral and burdock. (slide 11) If there were no nettles, these butterflies would die out, and many food chains would be broken, which would lead to the extinction of many plant species.

Nettles would be pleased to eat and cows, and goats, and sheep, and pigs, and birds, if you chop the nettle and scald with boiling water. Thanks to nettles, cows increase milk yields, and a bird that includes nettles in its diet can carry twice as many eggs as usual. (slide 12)

6. The role of nettle in human life

The fibers located inside the nettle plant are extracted and used to make fabric, braid, rope and thread. The fabric obtained from nettles is very similar to linen. (slide 13)

In some southern countries, special nettles are specially grown - Ramie . It is so high that in a nettle field it’s not like a person - a horse will hide. Ramie it burns very much, so people remove it in special dense clothes, in mittens. From the nettle fibers, ramie makes a cloth similar to silk, and fishing nets.

The strongest sails and bags were sewn from nettles in Russia. (slide 14)

In Japan, expensive samurai armor was made from nettles in combination with silk, shields were made from stems, nettles made from waxed nettles were bow strings.

Separate parts of Korean - hanboka national costume, they simply never are sewn from any other fabric. (slide 15)

In the German army, during the war, nettle cloth was used to sew uniforms. (slide 16)

In the countries of the East, nettle serves as a material for the manufacture of higher grades of paper. Unbleached paper has a brownish greenish tint.

6. Nettle in the literature

In Russian literature there are riddles about nettles, here are some of them:

What kind of grass does the blind know?

You do not touch this potion: it burns painfully, like fire.

Ax, don’t touch me: I’ll burn it even without fire! But Samuel Yakovlevich Marshak gave his friendly advice: “Do not sit on nettles; if you sit down, don’t be angry!” (slide 17)

The healing properties of nettles are also described in the tale of G.-H. Andersen's "Wild Swans". The girl, not feeling pain, gathered nettles from which she made a thread and wound nettles, then weaved nettles shirts to save her brothers from the spell of the evil sorceress - stepmother ...: “Here the executioner already grabbed Eliza’s hand, but she quickly threw nettles shirts on the swans, and they all turned into beautiful princes ... (slide 18)


I concluded: "Looking at the world, one cannot help but be surprised!" And indeed: the most ordinary familiar plant, growing at first glance just like that, at one time turns into the most necessary tool, and a person begins to appreciate it and protect it.

I learned that nettle deserves a good and respectful attitude. This plant brings great benefits to humans: it dresses and feeds and treats.

I was able to change my attitude towards this amazing plant and it’s not worth scolding her at all just because she knows how to protect herself. (slide 19)


1. Alekseev N.G., Leontovich A.V., Obukhov A.V., Fomina L.F. The concept of the development of research activities of students // Research work of schoolchildren. 2002. No. 1. S. 24-33.

2. Andersen G.Kh. Wild swans.// Library of the world literature for children.-M.: L64, 1981.- 308s.

3. Big family encyclopedia traditional medicine from Dr. Uzhegova.-M.: OLMA-PRESS, 2006.-960s.

4. Dietrich A., Yurmin G., Koshurnikova R. Pochemuchka .- M.: Pedagogy, 1991. - 191 p.

5. Lavrenov V.K., Lavrenova G.V. Complete reference healing herbs and plants // Encyclopedia of traditional medicine.-M.: NEVA, 2006.-119с.

6. Lysakov V.G., 1000 puzzles. - M.: AST, 2006. - 120s.

7. Urkushin A.A., Urkushina N.G. Dishes and drinks for all tastes. - Samara Printing House, 1993. - 39 p.

8. "The healing properties of nettle" .asp? Id

9. Encyclopedia of traditional medicine.-M .: ANS, 1992. - 334s.

10.Large soviet encyclopedia enc2p / 258846.

11. "Chinese nettle" _2.html.

12. "Nettle"

13. "Technology for the production of nettle yarn." http: // www. traditions. com / books / suhtravy / 5-1.htm.

14. "The healing properties of nettle" .asp? Id

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