Abdominal ultrasound and small pelvis preparation. Ultrasound of the small pelvis organs in women: how to prepare and how to study

To date, there are many ways to diagnose the disease. But still the most popular remains ultrasound procedure organs. Easy and relatively small cost of such a study help immediately get a clear picture of the processes that occur in the body. And thereby eliminate inflammatory processes in organism. This procedure makes it easy and painlessly determine the disease and start adequate treatment. But before conducting the procedure, it is necessary to prepare an organ for research. How to do it?

Preparation for abdominal ultrasound

During ultrasound research, internal organs must be opened. It is impossible to challenge them and products that are in the intestine. For this purpose, the intestine needs to be prepared.

First of all, in a few days of the planned study, it is possible to exclude products from daily consumption that cause the abdomen. These include beans, peas, black bread, bananas, sweets. Can cause excessive gas formation fresh vegetables and fruits, especially cabbage.

Also necessary for three days to take espumizan (according to the appointment of a doctor). On the day of the study, it will be necessary to increase the dosage of up to four capsules. You need to take it once a day, it is impossible to drink water. Ultrasound abdominal cavity Perform an empty stomach. Before the start of this procedure should not be eaten for 6 hours.

Patient suffering from sugar diabetesThe light breakfast is allowed.

Preparation for the ultrasound of the gallbladder

Preparation for this study is almost the same as in the study of the abdominal cavity. It is necessary to study those products that stimulate the work of the gallbladder. You can use fatty sour cream or purchase in a pharmacy choleretic (Holyver, cornframes, etc.). Children instead of sour cream give black chocolate. Such an ultrasound make 2 times. First on an empty stomach. And before the second study adopted choleretic products. Therefore, this study takes a lot of time.

Preparation for ultrasound kidneys

This procedure does not need special preparation. Experts recommend to consume a large amount of fluid before manipulation. It is possible that in addition to the main study, the specialist will recommend to do ultrasound bladder. Fill the bladder one hour before the study. To do this, drink 3-4 cups of any non-carbonated fluid. It can be compote, morse, tea, water.

Ultrasound bladder

The condition for the study is a complete bladder. An hour before the study, it is necessary to drink 3-4 cups of any non-carbonated fluid. It is impossible to urinate. Tea, juice, compote, water can be used as a filler.

If a person is unable to endure, then you can empty a bladder slightly. Thus, the voltage is removed. But after that, it is necessary to drink fluid again to fill the bladder completely.

Ready to the study of a small pelvis

Such an ultrasound can be spent on any day of the cycle. Exception - menstruation days. To clarify the diagnosis, re-ultrasound is carried out on that day of the cycle, which will appoint a specialist. Location of small pelvis - abdominal cavity. They are deeply located, so they are difficult to explore.

In order to explore a small pelvis (uterus, ovaries, uterine tubes), use a special vaginal sensor. This method of research is called transvaginal. If a girl is a virgin, then this method is not acceptable for it. Transvaginal ultrasound does not require preliminary preparation and is carried out through the front abdominal wall. Before starting the study, you need to go to the toilet, empty the bladder.

An hour before the prescribed time, the virgin drinks 3-4 cups of non-carbonated fluid.

Uzi Milk glands - Preparation

With this study, it is necessary to know exactly the date of the start of the menstrual cycle of a woman. Ultrasound spend five - fourteen days from the start of menstruation. Special training this species Studies do not require.

Thyroid gland - prepare for ultrasound

The location of the body under study is on the neck. It is not hidden from the inside and special training for conducting research is not required. There is only a restriction for children and people of old age. It is impossible to eat before the study.

Prostround Ultrasound - Preparation

This study, or as it is also called the pipes, is carried out through the rectum. Therefore, it will need to be cleaned. This is done as follows. A couple of hours before the start of the study, the patient put microclism. Its volume is 200 ml. For this take ordinary water and with the help of a special pear are injected into the rectum. The patient empties after a few minutes. It is necessary to fill the bladder by taking fluid per hour by procedure. If the patient is unable to endure, you can go to the toilet. But then it will be necessary to drink a little liquid again.

Ultrasound of a small pelvis is an ultrasound diagnosis of organs located in the lower body of the abdominal cavity: bladder, kidneys, rectum, sex system Men and women. Ultrasound of a small pelvis is used for patients of any sex and age. In view of the fact that the procedure is safe and infatative, ultrasound of a small pelvis is carried out during pregnancy.

The study of small pelvis organs is carried out by 3 ways:

  • Transabdomomotable, i.e. Through the front abdominal wall
  • Transvaginal, i.e. through the vagina. This method allows you to assess the state of the reproductive system of women
  • Transrectally, i.e. Through the rectum. This method allows you to estimate the state of the men's sexual system.

In gynecology, the ultrasound of a small pelvis allows you to diagnose pregnancy on early time, identify different inflammatory diseases, spend early diagnosis neoplasms and uterine misa, measure the thickness of the endometrium, as well as obtain important diagnostic information regarding serious pathologies, including those that require operational intervention.

There are two ways to perform an ultrasonic study of the gynecologist - transabdominal (during pregnancy and virgins) and transvaginal ultrasound.

  • Transabdominal ultrasound It is carried out through the abdominal wall (the sensor is outside, the doctor holds them on the bottom of the abdomen) and does not require preparation.
  • Transvaginal ultrasound Allows you to consider the organs under discussion in more detail, as it is performed with the direct introduction of the sensor in the vagina of a woman.

Indications for ultrasound diagnostics:

An indication of the use of ultrasonic study of a small pelvis is pain at the bottom of the abdomen, lack of menstruation or, on the contrary, abundant discharges transferred earlier ailments of genital organs.

Indications for ultrasound of a small pelvic organs:

  • The appearance of blood in the urine
  • Difficulty urination
  • Painful feeling at the bottom of the abdomen
  • Disruption of menstrual cycles
  • Infertility
  • Pregnancy
  • Congenital pathology for the development of the urogenital system

How to prepare for research?

Before carrying out the manipulation, it is necessary to fill the bladder (drink 1-1.5 liters of water 1 hour before the study and not go to the toilet). With a vaginal inspection of special training is not required, and better bladder empty. The intestine before the procedure should be empty and without gases. When using a rectal sensor, you can drink a laxative.

Preparation for ultrasound of a small pelvis

Depending on what type of ultrasound of a small pelvis is recommended and for what purpose, a certain preparation may be required from the patient. So, during the transabdominal form, the ultrasound is recommended without a slag diet a few days before the study, as the eve of the cleansing enema. An hour before the study, it is advisable to drink near the liter of water so that the bladder is complete. Transvaginal research does not require special training, and the procedure is carried out with an empty bladder. The transrectal ultrasound requires an empty intestine and also an empty bladder, so on the eve of the laxative or clean the intestines using the belief.

How is the ultrasound of a small pelvis

With a transabdominal ultrasound, the patient is located on the couch on the back, bottom part Belly is freed from clothes. With a transvaginal - just on the couch, but the legs are bent in the knees, and when transrecting - on the left side and bent legs are pressed to the chest. The sensor in the last two versions is used narrow and elongated, it dresses a condom and a gel is applied to facilitate the penetration of the cavity and improve the quality of the ultrasonic signal. The duration of the study can be 15-20 minutes.

In the Clinic Medalith, ultrasound studies are conducted by the small pelvis organs on modern high-tech equipment, which allows to obtain high-quality visualization of the diagnosed organ, as well as the assessment of its condition and structure. If necessary, in the clinic, medelit can be consulted with specialists, contacting a urologist or a gynecologist doctor for further treatment of the detected disease. Any patient can choose a clinic convenient by location and pass the ultrasound of a small pelvis at the Victory Park or perform an ultrasound of a small pelvis on youth.

Ultrasound examination is completely harmless to humans. This factor is of particular importance in the ultrasound of the small pelvis organs, in the cavity of which the bladder is located, the prostate in men and the uterus with appendages in women. During the survey, not only bodies are inspected, but also an assessment of their blood circulation.

According to the results, the conclusion of the study is derived, on the basis of which the proposed diagnosis of a doctor is confirmed or refuted. Ultrasound examination refers to objective methods diagnostics - the received pictures can evaluate the doctor from different countries And make further your own conclusions.

Service cost

Ultrasound diagnostics conduct experienced doctors

Universality and efficiency of the procedure of ultrasound of a small pelvic organs

If this requires a clinical situation (for example, control of the position of the catheter in the bladder or inside the uterus), ultrasound of a small pelvis can be done several times a day - in contrast to the X-ray diagnostic method, which cannot be repeated earlier than six or twelve months. Ultrasound scanning is carried out both men and women, babies and older persons.

Advantages of the technique:

  • painlessness - not needed anesthesia;
  • non-invasiveness - the inspection of the internal organs is carried out without penetration into the cavity of the small pelvis using surgical instruments;
  • informativeness - in the pictures reflected internal organs, as well as foci of pathologically modified tissues;
  • availability - prices are several times lower than similar studies with CT and MRI.

Indications for carrying out ultrasound of small pelvis organs

Indications for ultrasound scans can serve as complaints of patients and the need to clarify the diagnosis. Research in some cases is the only possible method of diagnosis. The procedure is necessary for girls and women who do not behave sexual life - the vaginal inspection on the chair is contraindicated. Ultrasonic diagnosis B. childhood Indicates the reason for the appearance of pain in a small pelvis with neoplasms.

With the help of ultrasound, the signs of the abnormalities of the development of the small pelvis organs determine the presence of hermaphroditic genitals, refine the causes of premature puberty or delay of development, which can be due to a hormonal tumor.

Ultrasound of a small pelvis are prescribed under the following complaints:

  • pain at the abdomen;
  • violations of urination;
  • erectile dysfunction;
  • disorders of the menstrual cycle;
  • impossibility to conceive a child;
  • for a planned inspection before the eco procedure.

The ultrasound is also carried out in order to inspect the abodes of a small pelvis after surgery or in order to control therapeutic treatment, including after chemotherapy course. With the help of the study, you can define vascular pathology in the syndrome of pelvic pain.

Types of ultrasound as a method of diagnostic survey of small pelvis organs

There are differences ultrasound diagnostics Upon access to the area of \u200b\u200bthe area. The procedure is carried out in several ways:

  • transabdominal - when the inspection is performed through the front abdominal wall;
  • transvaginal - the sensor is located in the vagina;
  • transrectal - the sensor is introduced into the rectum.

The transabdominal method is the most common, it is used by almost all patients, regardless of age and gender.

Transvaginal Uzi technique is carried out in women leading sex life. The sensor is entered into the vagina, which provides the clarity of the image of the small pelvic organs without the additional condition - the bladder filling. In addition, with a vaginal ultrasound study, the cervix is \u200b\u200bvisible, inaccessible to examination with abdominal access.

Transrectal access is used in men to inspect the prostate, which is located at the bottom of the small pelvis and fits tight to the rectum. With this access in women, the presence of a straightworm-vaginal fistula is checked.

According to the technique of conducting ultrasound, the ultrasound differs on the usual scanning and inspection of the vessels of the small pelvis organs using dopplerography. The Doppler effect allows you to estimate the rate of blood flow, therefore, evaluate the degree of oxygen starvation - hypoxia. During dopplerometry, the degree and place of the narrowing of the vessel, as well as the cause of the reduction of blood flow - the formation of vascular plaques or clock thrombus, is also determined.

Preparations for the procedure of ultrasound of the organs of a small pelvis

In order not to suffer informativeness of the survey, the procedure must be prepared. With a rectal method, it is recommended to make a cleansing enema to release the rectum. The vaginal method does not require any preparation, the condom is put on the sensor. With a transabdominal method, you must fill the bladder, which serves as a screen for ultrasonic waves.

The advantages of ultrasound of the small pelvis organs in the "Medical and Diagnostic Center on Vernadsky"

In the "Medical and Diagnostic Center on Vernadsky", you can make an ultrasound of the small pelvis organs at prices not higher than the average in the clinics of the city of Moscow. Our specialists conduct research - both to the appointment of the doctor and on their own patient's initiative. After the completion of the procedure, a person has the opportunity to immediately contact the specialist of our center and get competent advice and recommendations for treatment.

Advantages of used ultrasound

  • Ultrasound examination with the help of the Philips HD15 (Philips SD15) allows you to get high-quality and timely diagnosis of diseases on the most early stagesWhat contributes to the appointment of competent treatment to achieve a positive result.
  • The equipment is characterized by compactness and mobility, while ensuring high image quality.
  • A highly sensitive sensor practically does not require subsequent adjustment in accordance with the type of study thanks to automated optimization.
  • The device is universal and is widely used in practical work.

Our advantages:

  • All employees are retracted annually.
  • Diagnostic devices of the expert class.

    Philips Intera 1.5T and Philips HD10

Ultrasound examination, or scanning, which is also called ultrasonicography, implies the use of high-frequency sound waves to obtain images of internal organs and other body structures. With ultrasound, ionizing radiation, as x-ray study, not used. Since the ultrasound allows you to get images in real time, the procedure helps to assess the structure and movement of the internal organs, as well as blood flow in blood vessels.

Ultrasound is a non-invasive study that helps doctors to diagnose diseases and conduct their treatment.

Ultrasound of a small pelvic allows you to get an image of fabrics and organs located in the lower departments of the abdominal cavity and a small pelvis.

Three types of ultrasound studies of small pelvis organs are distinguished:

  • Abdominal (transabdominal)
  • Vaginal (transvaginal) ultrasound women
  • Rectal (transrectal) ultrasound men

Part of the ultrasound of the small pelvis organs can dopplerography.

Doppler Study allows you to assess the bloodstream in blood vessels, including major arteries and veins of the abdominal cavity, upper and lower extremities and neck.

In which areas is the ultrasound of the bodies of the small pelvis?

In women, ultrasound of the small pelvis organs are most often used to evaluate the status:

  • Bladder
  • Ovarian
  • Matties
  • Cervical cervix
  • Uterine (Fallopian) pipes

In addition, the ultrasound is used to monitor the health and development of the fetus during pregnancy.

Ultrasound of a small pelvis helps to identify the causes of the following symptoms that occur in women:

  • Pain in the lower stomach
  • Pathological bleeding
  • Other menstrual disorders

And also used to diagnose:

  • Palpable formations such as ovarian cysts and uterine fibroids
  • Ovarian cancer or uterus

Transvaginal ultrasound is commonly used to estimate the state of the endometrium, or the inner sheath of the uterus, including its thickness, as well as ovaries. In addition, the transvaginal ultrasound is a good method for assessing the state muscular walls The uterus, which are called the myometrium.

To study the state of the uterus in more detail allows such a study as an ultrasonic hysterography. This study is usually applied to detect:

  • Anomalies of the structure of the uterus
  • Rubtsov in the uterus
  • Endometrial polyps
  • Fibroids
  • Cancer, especially in patients with pathological uterine bleeding

Some doctors use ultrasound hysterosalpingography to examine patients with infertility.

In men, ultrasound of the small pelvis organs is used to evaluate the status:

  • Bladder
  • Seed bubbles
  • Prostatic gland

A special type of study, allowing to see the prostate gland, is a transrectal ultrasound, which implies the introduction of a special sensor into the rectum.

Like men and women, the ultrasound of a small pelvic helps to detect:

  • Stones in the kidneys
  • Tumors of the bladder
  • Other diseases urinary tract

Children ultrasound with small pelvis organs are used to diagnose causes:

  • Premature sexual development or a delay of Pubertata in girls.
  • Pain in the lower stomach departments.
  • Surveys of hermaphroditic genitals and other anomalies of the structure of small pelvis organs.
  • New pelvic cavity neoplasms.

Ultrasound of the small pelvis organs are also used to control such procedures as puncture biopsy, during which a small sample of tissues is extracted from the organ for subsequent laboratory tests.

Dopplerography helps doctors see and evaluate:

  • The reason for violation of blood flow in the vessel, for example, blood clots.
  • The narrowing of the vessels that may be caused by atherosclerosis.
  • Tumors and congenital vascular malformations.

How to prepare for research?

The examination should come in comfortable, free clothing. At the time of the procedure, the doctor may ask the patient to wear a special shirt or bathrobe. With the examined area of \u200b\u200bthe body, you need to remove all the decorations and clothing.

Uz-study is extremely sensitive to movements, and therefore the procedure can slow down if the child is very active or crying. A progress of the examination of the child should be told in advance, which will allow you to clothe the procedure. In the procedural office, you can take a book to read the child during the study.

Cabinets of diagnostic departments are often equipped with TVs, which can be used to distract the child in the absence of other methods.

Conducting a transabdominal ultrasound requires a tight filling of the bladder, which facilitates the visualization of the uterus, ovaries, prostate gland and the wall of the bladder.

What does the diagnostic equipment look like?

The ultrasonic scanner consists of a console, which includes a computer and electronic equipment, video display and an ultrasound sensor, which is used for scanning. The ultrasound sensor is a small portable device resembling a microphone and an attached to the scanner with a cable. The sensor sends the high-frequency sound waves, which penetrate the body and, reflecting the tissues, fall back as reflected signals, that is, echo. Thus, the principle of operation of an ultrasound sensor is similar to Sonar on submarines.

The ultrasound image immediately appears on the video display screen, which looks like an ordinary computer monitor. The resulting image depends on the amplitude (strength) and the frequency of the audio signal, on the time it is required to return the wave from the tissues to the sensor, as well as on the characteristics of the structure of the structures of the body, through which the signal passes.

If the ultrasound requires the introduction of the sensor into the natural holes of the body, for example, with a transvaginal or transrectal study, the device is protected using a condom and lubricated with gel.

What is the basis of research?

The ultrasound study is based on the same principle as in the work of the sonar systems that are used by volatile mice, on ships, submarines and in the meteorological service. When the sound wave collides with the object, its reflection occurs, that is, the formation of echo. Analysis of reflected waves allows you to estimate the range of object location, its size, shape and consistency (dense, liquid or mixed).

In medicine, ultrasound is used to identify changes in organs, tissues and vessels or to detect pathological formations, such as tumors.

During the ultrasound, the sensor simultaneously sends sound waves and gets / writes reflected oscillations. When the sensor is pressed, the formation of small impulses of non-dry, high-frequency sound waves, which penetrate the body. When a collision of sound waves with internal organs, fabrics or liquids, a sensitive ultrasound sensor microphone fixes the smallest changes in the height and direction of sound. The obtained characteristic oscillations are constantly measured by a computer program and are reflected on the display screen, which allows you to get a real-time image. As a rule, during the study, the doctor can get one or more pictures of moving structures. In addition, it is possible to record small video fragments in real time.

Transrectal and transvaginal ultrasound, which requires the introduction of special sensors in the natural holes of the body, based on the same principles.

Dopplerography is a special kind of ultrasound-research, which allows you to measure the speed and direction of the movement of blood cells by vessels. Move blood cells It causes a change in the height of the reflected sound wave (the so-called doppler effect). The computer collects and processes the information obtained and creates graphs or color snapshots, which show blood flow through blood vessels.

How is the study?

Transabdominal ultrasound

In most cases, when conducting an ultrasound, the patient falls on the back on the couch, which can move or lean.

Sensor for transabdominal ultrasound

After that, a transparent gel on a water basis is applied to the skin of the body area of \u200b\u200bthe body, which ensures the tight contact of the skin sensor and eliminates the air pockets between them, which interfere with the passage of sound waves through the fabrics. Then the doctor of ultrasound diagnostics, which conducts a study, tightly presses the sensor to the skin at different points, leading it over the examined area of \u200b\u200bthe body. At the same time, sound waves penetrate the tissue at different angles, which helps to visible to consider the required organ.

Transvaginal ultrasound

Transvaginal ultrasound in the manner of execution is very similar to the gynecological examination and includes the introduction of the sensor into the vagina after emptying the bladder. The tip of the sensor in size is less than standard gynecological mirrors and expansion.

Transvaginal ultrasound sensor

A disposable condom is put on the Uz-sensor and a small amount of gel is applied, after which the sensor is entered into the vagina for only 4-5 cm. For a full assessment of the structure of the uterus and the ovaries of the image, it is necessary to obtain at different angles.

Typically, a transvaginal ultrasound is carried out in the patient's position lying on his back with divorced legs, like a gynecological examination.

Transrectal ultrasound

When carrying out a transrectal ultrasound, a disposable condom is put on a Uz-sensor and a gel is applied, after which the sensor is introduced into the rectum.

Sensor for transrectal ultrasound

As a rule, the patient is at the same time lying on its side, with his back to the doctor, with a slightly bent in the knee and hip joints legs.

Dopplerography is carried out by the same ultrasound sensor.

After the study is completed, the doctor asks the patient to dress and wait until the end of the analysis of images and drawing up.

As a rule, the procedure of ultrasound of a small pelvis bodies takes about 30 minutes.

What should be expected during and after the study?

Most ultrasound studies go easy, quickly and painlessly.

With a transabdominal ultrasound:

After the patient is placed on the couch, the doctor puts a small amount of warm green-based gel on the skin and tightly presses the sensor to the body, starting to drive them over the subject examined in order to obtain sufficiently clear images. As a rule, no unpleasant sensations, except for a small pressure in the surveyed zone, the patient is not experiencing.

If ultrasound affects the painful area, the pressure of the sensor on the skin may be accompanied by a small pain.

Ultrasound, in which the introduction of the sensor in the natural holes of the body is required, causes certain unpleasant sensations.

With a transvaginal ultrasound:

Despite the fact that the study is usually appointed for pain at the bottom of the abdomen, the transvaginal ultrasound procedure itself is usually painless or accompanied by minimal discomfort. In this case, the study is often less unpleasant than the gynecological examination.

With a transrectal ultrasound:

If the biopsy is not required, then the procedure is generally similar to a rectal survey that the doctor holds, or even less unpleasant. If you need a biopsy, additional unpleasant sensations associated with the introduction of the needle are usually minimal, since the wall of the rectum in the prostate gland area is relatively insensitive to pain.

Biopsy can lengthen the procedure as a whole.

When carrying out dopplerography, you can hear the pulsating sounds whose height changes as blood flow and measurement of its parameters are monitored.

After the end of the procedure, the gel from the skin can be erased.

After an ultrasound, it is allowed to return to a familiar life.

Who studies the results of the study and where can they get them?

An analysis of the snapshots is carried out by a ultrasound diagnostic doctor, which specializes in conducting such studies and interpretation of their results. As a rule, the primary formation of the doctor is x-ray. After studying the pictures, the Uz-diagnostic doctor is and signs the conclusion that is sent to the doctor. In some cases, the conclusion can be collected from the doctor of ultrasound diagnostics at the very doctor, as well as discuss the results of the survey.

Often the subsequent examination is required, the exact cause of which the patient will explain the attending physician. In some cases, the additional examination is carried out in obtaining dubious results that require clarification during repeated procedures or the use of special visualization techniques. Dynamic observation allows you to identify any pathological deviations arising over time. In some situations, the re-examination suggests the effectiveness of treatment or stabilization of fabric status with time.

Advantages and risks of ultrasound of a small pelvis organs


  • Ultrasound is non-invasive (does not require injection) and, in most cases, a painless procedure.
  • Ultrasound is a fairly simple, widely available and less expensive method of examination, compared with other visualization techniques.
  • Ultrasound does not imply the use of ionizing radiation.
  • Uz-scanning allows you to get a clear image of soft tissues, which are not visible during x-ray examination.
  • Ultrasound is the preferred method of visualization to monitor health and the development of the fetus during pregnancy.
  • Ultrasound provides a fabric image in real time, which allows it to be used with such minimally invasive procedures as puncture and aspiration biopsy.
  • Ultrasound organs of a small pelvic helps to diagnose the most various diseases Urinary tract and sexual system in patients of both sexes without the slightest risk associated with a radiological study.


  • Standard diagnostic ultrasound examination is deprived of any unwanted effects.

What restrictions is the ultrasound of a small pelvis organs?

In the presence of air or gases, the course of the sound wave is broken. Therefore, the ultrasound is not suitable for the surveys of organs filled with gases, as well as organs that are hidden intestinal loops. In most such cases, a study with a suspension of barium, MRI or CT scan is assigned.

Ultrasound is difficult for large and fat patients, since a large amount of muscle and adipose tissue weakens sound wave As it penetrates deep into the body.

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