Ascending thrombophlebitis of the surface veins of the lower extremities: what is it? Ascending thrombophlebitis thrombophlebitis of a large subcutaneous vein of hips.

Thrombosis of superficial (subcutaneous) veins in clinical practice is denoted by the term "thrombophlebitis". In the overwhelming majority of cases, thrombophlebitis is a complication of chronic veins of veins, pro-targeted with varicose transformation of subcutaneous veins (varicotromibophlebitis).
Clinical signs:
. pain in the course of thrombic veins, limiting the movement of the limb;
. hyperemia strip in the projection of the affected vein;
. When palpation - cordlike, dense, convertible litter;
. Local temperature increase, hyperesthesia of skin.
Surveying the patient with suspected thrombophlebitis, it is necessary to inspect both lower limbs, since it is possible a bilateral combined defeat of both superficial and deep veins. In addition to the identification of thrombophlebitis symptoms in patients with suspicion of this disease, it is necessary to focus on the presence of symptoms indicating TEL. The value of the physical research to accurately establish the length of the thrombosis is small due to the fact that the true prevalence of the subcutaneous vein thrombosis often by 15-20 cm exceeds the clinically determined signs of thrombophlebitis. In a significant cha-course of patients, the transition of the thrombotic process on the de-Boki venous highways proceeds asymptomatic. The main diagnostic method is the compression ultrasound duplex angiosication. The mill-dart volume of ultrasonic angiosication is obliged to undergo a study of surface and deep veins not only affected, but also a contralateral limb to eliminate the simultaneous thromb-for, often asymptomatic. Deep veins of both lower extremities are examined throughout the distal shin departments to the level of the groove bunch, and if the intestinal gas does not interfere, then the vessels of the or formation segment are investigated.

Indications for hospitalization
- Localization of acute thrombophlebitis on the thigh;
- Localization of acute thrombophlebitis in the upper thread of the legs during the defeat of the low subcutaneous vein.
Such patients should be hospitalized in the departure of vascular surgery. If it is impossible, the stimulation is the hospitalization in a public hospital hospital.
Medical tactic
With thrombosis of surface veins against the background of varicose disease, it seems expedient more asset surgical tactics.

Conservative treatment should include the following main components:
1) active mode;
2) elastic compression of lower extremities;
3) local therapeutic effect on the affected co-neatness (cold, preparations containing heparin and/eli

4) systemic pharmacotherapy.

With spontaneous thrombosis of the surface velocity of the limbs, it is advisable to subcutaneous administration of sodium foundation or prophylactic (or, possibly intermediate) 1
NMG doses at least for 1.5 months. New oral anticoagulants (NAK) (Apiksaban, Dabigatran Etexlate, Rivarox-Ban) for the treatment of subcutaneous vein thrombosis should not be used due to the lack of data, confirming their effectiveness and safety at this pathology. In addition to anticoagulants with pronounced pain syndrome, it is possible to use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents (NSAIDs) inwards in those of 7-10 days. It should be borne in mind that their combination with
Anticoagulants increases the likelihood of hemorrhagic complications. The intermediate can be attributed to the NMG dose, constituting 50-75% of therapeutic. Another use in the complex treatment of thrombophlebitis of superficial veins antibacterial drugs In the absence of signs of a systemic inflammatory response.
Operational treatment:
1. Crossectomy (Trojanov-Trendelenburg Operation). High (immediately in the deep highway) with pain-shoy (or small) subcutaneous veins with a mandatory league of all the assistive tributaries and excision of the under subcutaneous veins within the operating wound. In a cauldron in the propagation of thrombophlebitis on the upper half of the hips or the assault tributaries during the danger of V. Saphena Magna and the upper third of the shin at raising-NII. SAPHENA PARVA. Operation is carried out in any category of patients.
2. Thromebectomy from the main deep veins. You are fulfilled in the spread of thrombosis beyond the limits of the saffe-famoral or saffe-rectivative co-mouth. The selection of access and the thrombeectomy method is determined by the level of the proximal part of the TROM-BA. After the liberation of the society perform crossctomy.
4.inphlebektomying basin V. Saphena Magna and / or V. Saphena Parva. Provides after crossctomy, the removal of all varicosely extended (thrombled and nomobile) veins. It can be performed in somatically not burdened patients in the first 2 weeks of the disease. In a later dates, the carnate inflammatory infiltration in the Varicotromability zone of Lebita prevents the atraumatic removal of the affected veins.

5. Punning thrombectomy of thrombic ultrasound of subcutaneous veins. Performs on the background of pronounced perifelibate. Removal of thromboms from affected veins in the mustache adequate postoperative elastic compenditions leads to a rapid decrease in pain sypt-drrom and aseptic inflammation phenomena. Operational treatment must be combined with appropriate use of anticoagulants.
Diagnosis and treatment of post-relieged thrombosis of the subcutaneous veins of the upper extremities
Clinical manifestations are similar to those under the thrombosis of the subcutaneous veins of the lower extremities:
- pain in the course of thrombled veins;
- strip of hyperemia in the projection of the affected vein;
- when palpation - cordlike, dense, sharply painful litter;
- Local temperature rise.
Special diagnostic methods are not required.

Medical tactics - conservative treatment:
- local therapeutic effect on affected co-lack (cold, preparations containing heparin and / or NSAIDs);
- with pronounced pain syndrome, it is possible to use the NSAVS inside for 7-10 days;
- The use of anticoagulants is advisable only in the progression of a thrombotic process and the threat of propagation to a subclavian vein.
Diagnosis of TGV
The formation of thrombus can begin on any site of the venous system, but most often - in the deep vessels of the shin. Extraction occlusive and conclusive-bosis. Among the non-conclusive thrombus, floting thrombus, which can cause TAL, are the greatest practical interest. The degree of empathiness of venous thrombosis is determined by the characteristics of the clinical situation. The decision on the degree of potential threat to the life of the patient takes the attending physician on the basis of a comprehensive assessment of the patient's somatic status, the characteristics of the thrombotic process and given ultrasound angiosication. At the same time, the time of occurrence and lo-casting thrombus, its character (mobility in the lumen in the vein), the volume of the movable part and the diameter of the base are taken into account. The um-painful blood clods are located in the femoral, sub-revenue and lower veins, the length of their rolling part is usually at least 7 cm. However, in patients with a low cardiopulmonary reserve, following the concomitant pathology or preceding TELL, a real threat to the occurrence of life-hazard Bolii can represent floting blurred dimensions.
Clinical manifestations from the localization of blood-bo me, the prevalence and nature of the defeat of the venous channel, as well as the duration of the disease. In the initial period, with non-conclusive forms, clinical symptoms are not expressed either in general absent. Sometimes the first sign of THA may be the symptoms of TEL.
A typical spectrum of symptoms includes:
. swelling of the entire limb or its part;
. Cyanosis of skin and strengthening of the pattern of under-skin veins;
. driving pain in the limb;
. Pain in the course of the vascular-nerve beam.
For clinical diagnostic The WELLS index may be used (Table 4), reflecting the likelihood of on-lichi in the patient of the TGV lower limbs. According to the amount of na-folded scores, patients are separated into groups with low, medium and high probability of the presence of venous thrombosis.
Thrombosis of deep veins in the system of the upper hollow vein is characterized by:
. edema of the upper limb;
. swelling of the face, neck;
. cyanosis of skin and enhanced pattern of subcutaneous veins;
. Expanding pain in the limb.
Since clinical data does not allow confidence to judge the presence or absence of TGV, the diagnostic-static search should include the subsequent laboratory and non-stop survey.

Laboratory diagnostics
Determination of the level of the D-dimer in the blood. Elevated level The D-dimer in the blood testifies to the actively flowing processes of thrombosis, but does not like to judge the Localization of the thrombus. The greatest sense (more than 95%) provides quantitative methods based on immunoformal (ELISA) or immunofluorescent (ELFA) analysis. After the development of thrombosis, the D-dimer is gradually decreasing and after 1-2 weeks can normalize. Along with high sensitivity, the test has a bottom-like specificity. Increased D-dimer, with many states, including tumors, inflammation, infectious process, necrosis, after proxecutionary operational interventions, during the beretance, as well as the elderly and patients who are in hospital. The upper limit of the D-dimer rate defined by the immununifermen methods is 500 μg / l; In the older trim groups, it is recommended to count on the form-mule: the age × 10 μg / l.

In connection with the described features, the following algorithm for using the D-DEME-RA indicator for the diagnosis of TGV is proposed:

- patients without any clinical signs that suggest the presence of TGV, to determine the level of the D-dimer for the purpose of screening should not be;
- patients with clinical symptoms and history, no doubts in the presence of TGV, properly determining the level of the D-dimer should not be;
- Patients with clinical signs, allow you to suspect the TGV, in the absence of the possibility of you to complete in the coming hours compression ultrasonic angioscript, should determine the level of the D-dimer.

Increased indicator indicate a non-accuracy of ultrasound research. If a medical institution It does not have ultrasonic equipment, the patient must be sent to another clinic with appropriate features. In cases where the level of D-dimer in the blood is not increased, the diagnosis of TGV can be rejected with a high degree of probability.

Instrumental diagnostics
Ultrasonic compression duplex angiography - the main method of examination in suspected venous thrombosis. The mandatory volume of the study includes inspection of subcutaneous and deep veins of both limbs of both limbs, since there is a chance of a contra-lateral thrombosis, which often proceeds between Besmet-Ptomno. If the patient has symptoms of TEL and the absence of ultrasound signs of the TGV of the highways of the limbs, the pelvis and the NPV should be examined by the first, liver and renal veins. The active search for TGV using ultrasound an-horication seems appropriate in the pre-operating period in high-risk patients WTEO, as well as oncological patients. In the same patients, it is advisable to conduct ultrasound angioskani with a screening goal after surgery. When the thrombosis is spreading to the or Caval segment in case of the impossibility of determining its progressal border and nature, according to ultrasonic duplex angiosication, the X-ray-contrast retrograde orokavograph of or Wiral computed tomography is shown (CT). During angiography, a number of medical manipulas are possible: Cava-filter implantation, catheter thrombectomy, etc.

During thrombosis of the Vienna overlaps and the blood flow occurs. Thrombosis of a large subcutaneous vein most often arises due to damage to the venous wall. The most difficult and dangerous option in terms of the development of complications is the acute ascending thrombophlebitis of a large subcutaneous vein. There are three variants of the flow of events during blood clocks:

  • possible blockage of the vessel and blood circulation disorder;
  • may tear away and go with blood to other organs;
  • may dispersed.

The disease needs an immediate treatment under regular supervision of a specialist.

The Europeans thrombosis of the subcutaneous veins of the lower extremities arises much more often than residents of Asia. After forty years, this disease is observed in each fifth woman and every fourth men. People with obesity risks of the appearance of thrombophlebitis are significantly higher.

The thrombophlebitis of the subcutaneous veins - the treatment is prescribed only to the phlebologist on the basis of the individual characteristics of the patient. If thrombophlebitis appears at the level of the shin, the treatment can occur at home under the supervision of the doctor. If the ascending thrombophlebitis happened, the treatment is carried out strictly in the hospital, thrombosis in this case can create serious risks for life.

When examining, the doctor compares two limbs completely, as necessary measures the inflamed leg in diameter. The doctor also estimates the skin, swelling and soreness of sensations. Must be assigned to the passage of ultrasound veins of the feet.

  • The use of elastic compression linen;
  • To minimise painfulness The doctor may assign ice compresses (apply for a day for 20 minutes);
  • The use of antigulant therapy: nastroparin, enocaparin;
  • Non-steroidal drugs: diclofenac, ketoprofen;
  • Angioprotectors - improve the state of the venous wall: Rutoside, diosmin;
  • Antibiotics;
  • Antitrombocytic drugs: dipyridamol, acetyl acid;
  • Preparations Dreaming Blood: Fragmin, Phlebodia;
  • The use of ointments containing heparin, which has an anti-inflammatory action and removes edema: heparin ointment, ketonal 5%, Lioton gel and others;
  • Physiosters: Ultraviolet Investment, Infrared Radiation, Electrophoresis, Magnetotherapy, Laser therapy, Darsonval, Barotherapy.

My patients used a proven tool, thanks to which you can get rid of varicose veins in 2 weeks without much effort. If conservative therapy of unsuccessful, the doctor may appoint operational intervention. The essence of such an operation is to not give blood from deep to surface. The veins are accommodation, which are below the knee. Surgical intervention is safe and is carried out most often under local anesthesia.

There are several types of operational intervention:

  • Venectomy - removal of veins;
  • Removal of thrombic veins;
  • Thrombectomy;
  • Crossectomy - gleaming of large subcutaneous veins;
  • Removal of the trunk of a large subcutaneous vein using the Bebokka probe.

Causes of occurrence

The thrombophlebitis of a large subcutaneous vein is formed due to the inflammation of the vein. Also the causes of the occurrence:

  • Deep veins thrombosis;
  • Heredity;
  • Varicose veins;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Cancer formations;
  • Change in blood, stool;
  • Antiphospholipid syndrome;
  • Obesity;
  • Surgical interventions;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Administration of drugs intravenously;
  • Sitting work, passive lifestyle.

The main causes of venous thrombosis are three, and they are called "Triad Virchova":

  1. increased blood coagulation;
  2. violation of the integrity of the walls;
  3. slow blood flow in vessels.

Protect the implementation of the Virchov Triad:

  • loading (long flights, bed regime, office work, many hours driving),
  • large body weight
  • operations, fractures,
  • varicose veins of the limbs,
  • smoking,
  • reception of medicines condenling blood
  • pregnancy,
  • oncological diseases,
  • hormonal violations
  • infection
  • heavy physical exertion.

If some conditions occur, the disease of thrombophlebitis can be localized in the veins throughout the body, but most often - in the legs.

In the risk area of \u200b\u200bthe defeat there are people who daily overload the body by physical exertion. It may arise in sports workouts, work that requires considerable effort, and so on. But this does not mean that the disease is striking exclusively active people. There are many reasons that lead to the development of the disease.

Launched thrombophlebitis

According to statistical data, in 15% of cases, thrombophlebitis affects veins that are located in depth.

There are some factors that provoke the development of thrombophlebitis:

  • changing the properties and composition of blood, increasing coagulation,
  • slow blood flow.
  • injury to the venous vessel wall.

Human health occurs when:

  • varicose extension of veins and complications;
  • purulent processes on the skin;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels in acute and chronic form;
  • blood diseases;
  • period after surgery;
  • period after delivery;
  • all kinds of feet injuries;
  • ill-quality tumors;
  • with long-term finding a catheter in Vienna;
  • infectious diseases.

What exactly leads to thromboembolic complications?

Venous thrombosis occurs during a propulsion of a number of adverse circumstances, which lead to a slowdown in the blood flow on the elements of the legs, an increase in blood flow and damage (often microscopic) venous wall. The rate of blood flow on the veins sharply slows down when restricting the mobility of people by compliance with the beddown, a long airfare or when driving in a car.

The resulting blood potential increases in response to injury, bleeding, operation, infection, dehydration, development malignant neoplasms, uncontrolled reception of female sex hormones for contraception or for replacement. The genetic predisposition of a number of people is important - the presence of so-called congenital thromboophils.

What is a catalyst for the development of thrombosis?

Such a "catalyst" often serve various injuries, surgical operations and, unfortunately, even childbirth.

What measures should the doctor take to minimize the risk of venous thrombosis?

First, it is important to reduce the observance of the sick bed regime to a minimum, it is desirable to activate the patient already in the coming hours after operations. Secondly, a decrease in the duration and traumaticity of surgical intervention, including with the help of new technologies - important components of preventing thrombotic complications.

As one of the methods of combating mortality from thromboembolism in 2009, the Russian Surgeon Society, Russian Flaboball Association and Research Institute of Preventive Medicine developed a national educational medical and social security project. The goal of the project is to reduce patient mortality from venous thromboembolic complications (WTEO).

Within the framework of the project, the doctors were assessed by the risk of these complications using electronic estimated sheets in all hospital patients and were appointed in the necessary cases of effective preventive measures, which allowed to reduce 10 times the level of hospital mortality from thromboembolism in hospitals participating in the project for 5 years.

As already mentioned, a favorable condition for the development of thrombophlebitis is varicose feet disease. In this case, stagnation is observed in veins, weakness of venous walls, venous insufficiency, increased venous pressure and deformation of venous walls. All the listed factors are enough for any infection to penetrate the vessel wall and caused its inflammation.

Reduced immunity, blood thickening caused by a disease or drug intake, also facilitate the fixing of infectious pathogens on the vascular wall.

Trombophlebitis can trombuit may be injured by an venous wall, a medical procedure (intravenous injection, vein catheterization, vascular operations, etc.), infectious disease, such as influenza, ARVI, pneumonia, tonsillitis, tuberculosis and even caries.

Surface Thrombosis of the Lower Limbs: Symptoms, Treatment

Ascending thrombophlebitis Diagnosed in those situations where thrombophlebitis from a portion of a large subcutaneous vein of the shin is moved to the scope of the inguinal folds.

Ascending thrombophlebitis of large subcutaneous veins can be complicated by an acute form of the disease. When the inflammation of the deep veins appears, there is a huge risk of thrombus. The worst outcome is inflammation of the pulmonary artery.

The most common form of the disease is the thrombosis of superficial veins, as a rule, the vessels of the legs are affected. The reason - the veins on this site are experiencing the greatest load - this is the most distant part of the bed, and the veins are hard to swing the blood from the bottom up. Varicose changes, if any, are more expressed on the legs.

The thrombosis of the subcutaneous veins to identify much easier than deep. When forming a blood cluster

  • vienna becomes dense and painful to the touch,
  • visually observed redness of the skin in the area of \u200b\u200bthe affected area,
  • local temperature rises,
  • the limb slightly swells below the location of the thrombus.

Treatment of surface thrombosis is usually conservative if there is no danger of the distribution of thrombosis on the deep vein system.

  • Fixation of thrombus. If you managed to diagnose thrombosis in the acute period, there is a risk of fragmentation of blood clots and removal of pieces of blood cloth with a blood flow to the heart. Therefore, it is prescribed bedding for a week, full of peace of affected limb, local use of anti-inflammatory and restering ointments.
  • Fight against the inflammatory process. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, drugs for normalization exchange processes - Troksevazin, Eskusan, Askorutin.
  • An obstacle to thrombosis. Aspirin is used as a disagregana.

In the future, gradually expand the motor regime, carrying out the mandatory compression of subcutaneous veins with the help of special stockings or elastic bandages. Operational removal of varicose modified veins is recommended after 2-3 months. After thrombosis.

Danger in terms of complications Surface throms are located in the hip area in a large subcutaneous vein and in the populated area in a small subcutaneous vein. These cases are subject to surgical treatment - or thrombus is removed, or tied up with the mouth of the subcutaneous vein where it flows into deep.

How does thrombophlebitis manifest? Symptoms of thrombophlebitis

Thrombophlebitis begins with pain in the legs. The intensity of pain can be strong or not very, but in any case it is intensified when walking. Patients celebrate skin soreness in the course of subcutaneous veins when tapping.

It can be seen that the skin over the inflamed veins blushed. Over time, this redness is replaced by a blue tint, and then the skin becomes brown. Temperature of the skin area over the inflamed vein is higher than on other sites.

The skin above the veins in which the clomes appear are compacted and in the course of the vessels you can try to face painful litter. It should be noted that the top of the thrombus is most often located above the segment of visible redness and 18-20 cm.

It is often observed an increase in body temperature, but after about a week or earlier, the temperature returns to normal values. Sometimes an increase in body temperature during thrombophlebitis may not be.

A small swelling of the leg is developing on which veins are inflamed.

The greatest trouble is the spread of inflammation on deep veins, whose thrombosis is fraught with serious complications.

What may be complications of thrombophlebitis on the legs

What is thrombophlebitis, we disassembled, but what is he dangerous?

Modern medical practice speaks of the danger and unpredictability of this disease, which manifests itself through:

  • Post-Troboflebitic syndromemanifested by venous insufficiency and leads to the formation of an ulcer. This complication is found in 70% of cases. This condition occurs when: long-term edema of the limbs due to the damage to the depth veins, damage to the valves in the veins, blood flow impaired.
  • Taromban. Blood clots are poorly fixed on the walls of the vessels, which can lead to their separation. This state is very dangerous. Thrombo moving with blood flow and can lead to blockage of the pulmonary artery (pulmonary artery thromboembolism). This leads to sudden death, pneumonia, heart failure.
  • Blood infection, very rarely encountered complication. It occurs when the secondary infection is connected. People with weakened immunity fall into the risk zone, most often these people suffering from diabetes and onco-scabers.
  • The emergence of phlegmon or abscess. This complication most often causes incorrect treatment, or the use of folk methods.

Venous thrombosis (phlebotromboosis) is a state when the lumen of the veins fill the blood clots that interfere with blood flow. Often phlebotromboosis is accompanied by inflammatory phenomena of venous walls, then they talk about thrombophlebitis.

Favorite localization of venous thromboms - lower limbs:

  • superficial veins, especially varicose veins;
  • deep veins.

In the location of the blood clot inside the vessel, thrombosis

  • prieutenant - thrombus is located at the vein wall, overlapping the lumen is only partially;
  • occlusive - blocks the bloodstream, occupying the entire clearance of the vessel;
  • floting - part of the vein is fixed part of the extended thrombus, the other part fluctuates in the bloodstream;
  • mixed - can spread - increase both from bottom to up and in the opposite direction;
  • multifocal - multiple thrombles are formed throughout the venous system.

The danger of venous thrombosis is that 80% of its cases are developing gradually and secretive. Often diagnosed already in the development of complications life-threatening.


A full or partial separation of the thrombus from the venous wall and the imposition of blood to the heart to the heart and further - to the pulmonary artery. Blocking the thrombus of the small branches leads to the elimination of the part of the lung, the inflammation of the lung, and the blockage of the main trunk often ends with a sudden death of the patient.

Blocking venous outflow the cause of blood circulation disorders in the section is below the thrombus, the development of inflammatory and degenerative changes veins, leather and surrounding fabrics. Trophic ulcers appear, gangrene can develop. The higher the level of thrombosis is located, the more serious changes in the distal part of the limb.

Thrombosis at the level of iliac artery can lead to severe circulatory disorders not only on the veins, but also by arteries - due to the increase in edema, they are spoken and squeezed.

Thrombosis of deep veins to the level of iliacs - the reason for the white phlegmascus of the limbs, and if the thrombosis of the surface vein is joined - blue phlegmasia, which can lead to death, gangrene or to the leg amputation.

The most terrible complication of thrombophlebitis occurs if the thrombus is attached to the vascular wall is not firmly and its top floats in the lumen of the vein. In this case, they say that the top of the thrombus flotes. At some point, part of such a thrombus can break away, to penetrate the blood with blood and cause an embolism (blockage) of the pulmonary artery.

Sepsis (blood infection) is no less severe condition, which often ends with a fatal outcome.

If thrombophlebitis is not treated or treated inadequately, for example, when self-treatment only by folk remedies, then inflammation can move to the surrounding tissues and take purulent character - the abscess or phlegmon of the leg fabrics is developing.

First we will understand how varicose veins and thrombophlebitis are interconnected. Formally we are talking about two different illnesses. In practice, thrombophlebitis of deep veins of the lower extremities in many cases turns out to be a logical development of varicose disease. Win deformation, which accompanies it, creates conditions suitable for the settlement of infectious agents (any purulent process in the body can be source). In addition, injuries of the lower extremities and increased blood coagulation are capable of developing thrombophlebitis.

The effect of the infectious agent on the wall of the vessel becomes the cause of its inflammation, and over time - and the formation of thrombus. Under certain conditions, it can break away and start gradual movement along the bloodstream until it reaches the heart. The situation is fraught with the blockage of the pulmonary artery, and this leads to a heart attack or even for instant death.

Usually thrombophlebitis affects surface veins. Such a course of the disease is considered the most favorable, since the share of these vessels accounts for only 10% of blood flow in the legs. It is much more dangerous to the thrombosis in deep veins, and if such a development of events looks real, the patient immediately direct on surgical intervention.

Among possible complications thrombophlebitis called:

  • making trophic ulcers that may be a source of permanent bleeding;
  • sepsis, that is, a general blood infection, and gangrene;
  • distribution of the inflammatory process to neighboring tissues.

From the given data it becomes obvious that thrombophlebitis requires immediate treatment. To consult a doctor in a timely manner, it is important not to ignore any of the symptoms. Among them:

  • painful pain in the legs;
  • sustainable swelling of the lower extremities;
  • vein severity;
  • changing skin shade to reddish or even shiny;
  • a minor increase in temperature passing without any treatment.

Today to defeat thrombophlebitis is quite real, provided that the fight against the disease will begin in a timely manner. Therapy is comprehensive. Its basis is a treatment with a patient of drugs that have anti-inflammatory and thrombolytic effect, as well as contributing to the discharge of blood.

Only in cases where the patient's life threatens real danger, resort to surgical intervention. One of the 100% testimony to the operation is the presence of the so-called flotic thrombus. Under other circumstances, there is most often enough conservative treatment.

Hello, Elena Olegovna!

1. Easy occlusive thrombosis of the surface femoral vein to the mouth of deep veins of the hips - is it generally a big thrombus is considered or small? I just looked at the vein in the picture on the picture, but I did not understand.

2. There is a possibility that in my case there will be no consequences after transferred thrombosis, given the fact that I did not have a foot (I did not change the color in general, there was a normal color), the veins did not swear, there are no varicoses - that this thrombosis will pass without a trace ? The leg just relent and sick. When I left the hospital and to this day, there is no edema at all and the foot does not hurt.

3. Are the probability of re-thrombosis if I take constantly warfarin?

5. Is it possible to take alcohol during reception of warfarin? (I have a wedding in January)

Thanks for the answer.

Good luck to you!

Irina, Moscow, 29 years

Hello Irina.

1. The thrombus is dangerous, as it is high (in the femoral vein). And big or small - it does not matter.

2. Such a probability is due to the fact that you have been prescribed treatment in time. However, the consequences of thrombosis in the veins are not extremely rare.

3. The danger of repeated thrombosis is, on the background of warfarin (if you take it in the correct dose - that is, you are in the interval from 2 to 3) the danger decreases.

4. Standard time is valid 3-6 months. Survey on genetic thrombophilia can be determined.

5. Against the background of Warfarin, alcohol can weaken the effect of the drug. By January, 3 months you will end up, as I understand it.

Contact your head of a hemostasiologist to determine the timing of warfarin and surveys on thrombophilia. You can cancel warfarin immediately. Before canceling, you need to pass the analysis to the d-dimer. If it is not enhanced - you can cancel calmly.

Good luck and you.

Sincerely, Belyanina Elena Olegovna.

Blood impairment due to venous pathology occurs quite often. As studies show, the risk of venous thrombosis is approximately a quarter of the population of the Earth. Part of cases passes without a trace and asymptomatic, but in other situations, the blood closures significantly violate the bloodstream and can be dangerous to complications.


Thrombophlebitis is an inflammatory process of the venous wall, leading to the formation of a thrombus. In the course of the development of the pathological process, the integrity of the venous wall is disturbed, as a result of which the lumen of the vein is overlapped with a blood cloudy.

Thrombophlebitis is a sufficiently dangerous disease, especially in the acute stage, when there is a high probability of thrombus and the development of such hazardous complications such as myocardial infarction or pulmonary embolism. Below we will tell about what the thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities is dangerous, in more detail.

Signs and treatment

Acute thrombophlebitis of subcutaneous veins develops suddenly due to a sharp blood coagulation. Causes can be a different - infection, trauma, pregnancy and others. Signs of acute ascending thrombophlebitis:

  • Varicose nodes become painful and dense;
  • The foot swells and increases in size;
  • There may be sharp pain when walking;
  • Chills and temperature appear;
  • The general weakness is maintained;
  • Lymph nodes increase.

With an upward thrombophlebitis subcutaneous veins of edema may not be. Most often felt gravity when feeling the inflamed veins, the skin has a reddish tint. Feels the burden in the shin. However, in the acute form of the disease and the further spread of the disease, there is a defeat:

  • Large subcutaneous vein;
  • Common femur veins;
  • Safeno Feroorial Foustia.

How to give first aid? What to do and what not to do

If symptoms of acute thrombophlebitis appeared, then the first thing to do is cause a doctor. Then you should lie down in bed and give a sick leg an exalted position by placing a pillow under it.

In no case should not make any mechanical manipulations over the patient site - not to make a massage, not to rub ointments and creams, even if it seems to you that they are very useful. Better from such treatment will not become, and the risk of tomb tomb is significantly increased.

With folk remedies, it is better to get better and proceed to their application only when a positive effect appears from the main treatment appointed and controlled by the doctor.

How to recognize thrombophlebitis? Diagnostic methods

Since only half of the vein thrombosis gives a classic picture of the disease with edema and pains, patients from risk groups should be very closely related to any manifestations of dysfunction and discomfort in the legs:

  • pain in the muscles of the tibia, increasing when feeling and movements;
  • increasing swelling;
  • the severity in the limb, the feeling of cutting;
  • local or overall temperature rise.

To make sure that minor symptoms do not hide a dangerous disease, you need a doctor consultation.

The doctor will conduct an inspection and prescribe a survey that allows reliably to identify the presence of thrombosis.

  1. Duplex scanning. Ultrasound examination with color mapping blood flow is most informative for detecting thrombosis. Allows you to determine the size, structure, the presence of floting thromba.
  2. X-ray-contrast phlebography. Study in addition to duplex scanning, if the thrombus is located in a hard-to-reach place for ultrasound - above the groin fold. X-ray on the background of contrasting reveals the location of the thrombus, its length, the state of the venous wall.
  3. Tomography. Computer or magnetic resonance imaging more accurately shows the localization, the structure of the thrombus and the degree of blood flow.
  4. Laboratory diagnostics. In the presence of thrombosis, fibrin decay products appear - d-dimers.

To diagnose, doctors use the data obtained during the examination of the patient and the results of laboratory research and tool diagnostics.

The most informative are instrumental techniques, including:

  1. Ultrasound procedure. Ultrasound allows you to find out the location of the thrombus, its size, the degree of blood flow. Using ultrasound, it is possible to reliably study the condition of the venous valves.
  2. Phlebography. The technique allows you to detect blood clots in subcutaneous veins.
  3. Radionuclide study. A radioactive substance entered into vein is used. Radionuclide diagnostics makes it possible to detect thrombus and assess the nature of the defeat of the veins.
  4. Magnetic resonance phlebography. The technique differ high costs, but allows you to most accurately determine the degree of vehicle defeat, including deep.
  5. Impedance PlentyMography. With this type of study, it turns out the nature of the filling of the veins by blood.

Thrombophlebitis therapy is carried out by conservative or surgical methods. The choice of a specific method of treatment depends on the stage of the pathological process and general status patient.

Thrombophlebitis is treated for a long time - at least six months. The patient prescribe medication treatment (heparin injections). The course of treatment with heparin is from 10 days or more. Thrombolytic and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed to the patient.

If thrombophlebitis occurs in severe form, in the first week the patient is prescribed a bed mode. When the acute stage of thrombophlebitis comes on no, the doctor prescribes the patient a course of therapeutic gymnastics.

Four varieties of operational intervention during thrombophlebitis are applied:

  1. Fogarty catheter. During the operation in the veins, the probe is entered to remove the thrombus. The method is used at the initial stage of thrombophlebitis (up to 5 days from the moment of exacerbation of the disease).
  2. Installation of Kava filter to the bottom of the vein. The filter is designed in such a way that he does not allow Trombe to advance on the veins.
  3. Plikation. The task of plugging is to flash veins with special metal paper clips.
  4. Thrombectomy. The most common method operational treatment thrombophlebitis. During the operation, the thrombus is removed from the vein. At the same time, for the purpose of the operation, a prerequisite must be observed - the thrombus occurred no later than 7 days ago. If the thrombus is older, strains have already occurred on the walls of veins and venous valves, which strongly reduce the efficiency of the operation.

The main purpose of instrumental diagnostic studies during thrombophlebitis is the establishment of the character and level of thrombosis. For this apply: Reovazography, ultrasonic Doppler, X-ray-contrast phlebography.

Prevention of thrombosis

The main purpose of the prevention of thrombophlebitis is the timely and adequate treatment of exacerbations in the chronic form of the disease. The sharp forms of thrombophlebitis must be detected in a timely manner and to be treated without delay.

The treatment of varicose feet varicose disease should not be launched, to identify and eliminate foci of infection in the body, for example, foci with suppuration, sinusitis, tonsillitis, caries.

If the need for treatment with the use of intravenous injections, it is necessary to make injections to different veins that damage has time to heal.

Active lifestyle, proper nutrition, refusal harmful habits Also are important components in the prevention of thrombophlebitis.

If you suffer varicose disease, it is recommended to sleep with raised legs. Waking up in the morning, it is necessary not to get up from bed to perform several masks of the legs alternately up - down and by the type of "scissors". Not lowering legs to form a bandage from elastic bandages, or pull a medical knitwear.

Thrombophlebitis insidious and dangerous disease that requires immediate treatment.

Preventive measures are as follows:

  • wearing special elastic linen.
  • physiotherapy.
  • reception of drugs that reduce the likelihood of blood clots.
  • limited consumption of fried and salted food.
  • exception of bad habits.

To avoid the appearance of thrombosis, you must initially adhere to simple rules:

  • To live an active lifestyle;
  • Drink at least 2 liters of pure water per day;
  • To refuse from bad habits;
  • Establish proper nutrition (use more garlic and bow);
  • Monitor weight;
  • At night, keep the legs on the elevation, for better blood outflow;
  • When a varicose mesh appears to lubricate the legs with heparin ointment;
  • With sedentary work to have charging, to warm up at least 15 minutes.

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Prectiatical measures for thrombosis include compliance with the following recommendations:

  1. Wearing a compression knitwear. Special swelling linen allows you to improve the bloodstream in the affected veins. The degree of compression is determined by the attending physician.
  2. In the absence of the risk of tomb, the patient is prescribed physiotherapy or other types of moderate motor activity (walking, swimming).
  3. Reception of drugs that reduce the intensity of the occurrence of blood clots in the veins.
  4. Special diet (similar to the diet in varicose veins). Taking salt must be limited, it should be abandoned by fatty products. The diet should have a sufficient amount of products rich in salicylate (raisins, garlic, ginger, etc.).
  5. Refusal of bad habits, including smoking and alcohol consumption.

Complications of thrombophlebitis are extremely dangerous to the health of the patient. It is recommended that regular surveys of the state of the veins are recommended, and when the first signs of complications are found immediately apply for medical help.

Life with thrombophlebitis

Motor activity in thrombophlebitis is of great importance, since it prevents blood staging and reduces the likelihood of blood cloves.

If thrombophlebitis switched to deep veins, then in motion it will have to limit itself, since even a minor physical activity can cause a tomb of thrombus.

Food with thrombophlebitis is also important. Animal fats will have to limit and give preference vegetable oils. To strengthen the walls of the vessels and make blood more liquid should be added to the diet of vegetables and berries rich in vitamin C and routine, for example: rosehip, sea buckthorn, blackfold Rowan., black currant, sweet pepper, dill, parsley, Brussels cabbage.

Thrombosis of deep veins of the lower extremities: symptoms, treatment

Increasedly located clutch of blood can not manifest itself and diagnosed along the way in a different examination. If the thrombus blocked the lumen of large veins, then the disease is characterized

  • the appearance of a sharp pain, gravity and cutting in the affected limb;
  • excreation of the limb - the skin is stretched, glitters, to the touch warmer, visually color of the skin cyanotic;
  • when the edema becomes not so tense, extended compensatory subcutaneous veins are manifested.

If thrombosis captured iliac veins, pain appear in groin and pelvis area. Feet in this case swell greatly, and gangrene can develop.

Tactics of treatment depends on the sharpness of the process, thrombosis, its localization and trends towards distribution.

Fresh thrombotic overlays with fluttering part are subject to operational treatment, thrombus, prone to ascending distribution. In this case, the thrombus is removed, stitched with paper clips or put an umbrella filter into a large vein.

Conservative therapy, as in the case of superficial thrombosis, provides

  • fixation of thrombus - initially create a full of affected limb - for 2 weeks, the blood clutch attached to the vein wall;
  • the dissolution of thrombotic masses, preventing further thrombosis - with acute thrombosis, thrombolytics are introduced, fibrinolysin with heparin, other anticoagulants, not yet applied so as not to destroy the bombed thromb;
  • elimination of inflammation.

Treatment of veins thrombosis of the lower extremities - the process is not a speed. It is important to comply with the treatment regime and not throwing it as soon as the pain dare and left swelling. It is necessary to make that the vessels there are no conditions for stagnation of blood, so in the future you will have to wear a compression knitwear and follow blood clotting.

Clinical picture

Thrombophlebitis is divided into three forms:

  1. A sharp (purulent and ungounted) - stage lasts 2 weeks.
  2. Subacute - develops from 2 to 8 weeks.
  3. Chronic - goes into this step after 2 months since the beginning of the disease.

For the acute stage of thrombophlebitis, it is characterized by an increase in subfebrile temperature. Simultaneously in the region of veins, pain syndrome occurs, especially increasing in physical activity. On the affected limb begins swelling. The skin in the course of the veins becomes compacted and painful, signs of cyanosis appear.

Acute thrombophlebitis can be taken and purulent. This nature of the flow of thrombophlebitis is very dangerous, since the pathological process does not affect not only veins, but also the cloth nearby. As a result, septicopemia occurs.

Thrombophlebitis is classified on the localization of the process:

  • skin cover (manifestation of pathology in the form of dermatitis, eczema or trophic ulcers);
  • subcutaneous tissue or in the form of phlegmon and abscesses;
  • blood vessels (the process leads to the defeat not only superficial, but also deep veins);
  • lymphatic system;
  • peripheral system (with such localization is ischemic neurites).

The following factors lead to thrombophlebitis:

  1. Traumatic damage to the venous wall.
  2. Draised or slow blood flow. Disorders may be provoked by insufficient motor activity, long-term squeezing of the lower limb (for example, due to the wearing gypsum). Improper blood circulation arises as a result of heart failure, when the heart does not provide the pumping of due blood. With disturbed and slow blood flow in the lower limbs, stagnation occurs.
  3. High blood coagulation. The reason most often lies in genetic predisposition. However, the influence of other factors is possible, including oncological and infectious diseases. Some drugs can thicken blood.

In addition to direct, there are also indirect causes that contribute to the development of thrombophlebitis:

  • age factor (people over 45 years of age are more often susceptible to this pathology);
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • excessive body weight;
  • diabetes;
  • pregnancy (hormonal changes in overall weight).

The symptoms indicated below correspond to the acute and subacute stages of thrombophlebitis:

  • the rapid development of symptoms without any obvious reasons;
  • increased body temperature;
  • pain syndrome (acute driving pains);
  • pronounced swelling of the lower limb (it can reach the groove region);
  • feeling of gravity in the legs;
  • when palpated legs, the legs feels an elevated local temperature;
  • pain syndrome is enhanced with physical activity;
  • palpation causes a strengthening of painful sensations;
  • the skin becomes bluish, and if the thrombus covers a femoral or iliac vein - blackboard;
  • cyanosis (when the thrombus is promoting upward limbs).

For severe thrombophlebitis, the appearance of bubbles with hemorrhagic filling is characterized. This complication can lead to venous obstruction and gangrene.

Note! In the case of overlapping the pelvic veins, swelling and cyanosis can go to a healthy leg.

For chronic thrombophlebitis, a more calm flow is characterized. Periods of exacerbation of the disease are replaced by remission. When the exacerbation returns, the symptoms of the disease in the chronic phase becomes the same as on the acute stage. During the remission of thrombophlebitis, symptoms can almost not be manifested.

What is the danger of thrombov

In a story about what the thrombophlebitis is dangerous, it is necessary to dwell on three factors that are particularly strongly affecting the state of the venous system:

  1. Worsening blood flow. The slow blood circulation is particularly adversely affected by pregnancy, fractures, in people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.
  2. Increase blood viscosity. This factor leads to the formation of thrombus. Large patients patients with cancer are exposed to the greatest danger.
  3. Increased trauma veins. In pregnant women, this can lead to bleeding at childbirth and gynecological manipulations.

Below it will be about basic complications that may develop due to thrombophlebitis.


Usually bleeding with thrombophlebitis are localized in the field of shin. The intensity of blood loss may differ, however, with a vertical position of the body, the bleeding will always be more abundant.

When bleeding, the patient is translated into a horizontal position. The problem limb is placed on the elevation, after which they impose a bandage. After that, you need to call the ambulance brigade to deliver the patient to the hospital stationary department.

Sometimes bleeding in small surface veins for a long time is practically not felt sick, but subcutaneous hematomas indicate on damage to veins. As a rule, such bruises are very pronounced.

If bleeding affects deep veins, the patient's condition is inevitably deteriorating, because blood losses are more significant. Patient in this case needs emergencyOtherwise his life is threatened.


This complication is most undesirable and the most dangerous. Thromboembolism is a fraction of a thrombus with a further overlap of blood flow in the pulmonary artery. The result of the embolism is the myocardial infarction, venous insufficiency or even a fatal outcome for the patient.

The decisive influence is the size of the exhausting bunch of blood. If we are talking about a major thrombe, most of the patients dies during the first 30 minutes. As a rule, in this case, doctors simply do not have time to provide medical care. If the patient is at the time of the development of the pulmonary embolism in the stationary department, its chances of survival increase significantly.

Therapeutic events are aimed at improving blood circulation and compliance with the beddown. Thrombus need to be removed from blood system. For this, thrombolytic treatment or surgery. Infusion treatment is carried out for blood dilution and prevent further thrombosis. Operational intervention is solved if conservative methods do not give results.


The pathological process, during which the walls of the veins are subject to change (become thicker and more dense), called phlebosclerosis. The main danger of phlebosclerosis is that due to the thickening of the wall of the vein, a narrowing of the enlightenment in the bloodstream occurs, which entails stagnant phenomena. As a result of the development of pathology, the wall may be so growing so that the blood flow through the vein will stop completely.

With external observation, the veins affected by phlebosclerosis look like burnous thickening. Their color is whitish. However, this symptom is noticeable only outside, and changes in the veins under the skin are almost invisible.

The lymphatic system negatively responds to the development of thrombophlebitis in the lower limbs. We are talking about lymphangitis, which is an inflammatory process in lymphatic vessels. Lymphangitis is not an independent disease, but only a consequence of the infectious process.

For lymphangitis, intoxication is characterized, which is manifested by the following features:

  • increased body temperature;
  • headaches;
  • fever;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • total weakness.

Lymphangitis is treated with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs of Nesteroid type. If the treatment is carried out on time, the forecast is usually favorable.

Note! In the presence of suspicion of lymphangitis, it is impossible to massage or heat the veins of the lower limb, since such actions will complicate the course of the disease.


Pathology is a painful thickening of the skin and subcutaneous fiber. The development of the pathological process is associated with a violation of the normal outflow of lymph. Elephant is accompanied by a resistant swelling of the lower limbs, there is often painful syndrome.

Patients turn to doctors, first of all, due to a cosmetic defect, and not because of physical discomfort. Over time, in addition to edema, a broken inflammatory process on the skin is added to the symptoms of the disease.

In the treatment of elephantia (except therapy of the underlying disease), diuretics and lymphatic drainage are used. If drug and other methods of conservative therapy do not bring results, surgical treatment is prescribed.

Under the peripheral nervous system is meant that part of the nerve endings, which is outside the head and spinal cord. Due to the peripheral system, the interrelation of the central nervous system with organs and human limbs is ensured.

Peripheral nervous system It is injured both as a result of mechanical impacts and under the influence of intoxication. As a result, the inflammatory process and other pathological processes are developing.

Ischemic neurrit

The inflammatory process in the veins is ischemic neuritis - directly associated with pathologically incorrect blood flow. Due to the shortage of food, the peripheral nerves stop full operation, which is expressed in the following symptoms:

  • reduced reflexes;
  • dystrophic processes in muscles;
  • reducing the sensitivity of the skin in the field of disease development.

Often, the ischemic neuritis is accompanied by very strong pain.

Note! The peculiarity of ischemic neuritis is a sharp aggravation of the disease as a result of alcohol intake.

If the patient has not received timely treatment, the development of common purulent complications is possible. The process is carried out by purulent melting of the thrombus in the vein and the presence of a concomitant pathogenic microflora. The name of pathology is septicopemia.

During the pathological process, the pus often metastasizes, which leads to intoxication of the entire body. It should be understood that the spread of pus is not a self-sufficient process. The root cause of the development of complications is an inflammatory response in the region, through which the infection has penetrated the body.

Septicopemia usually proceeds not very violently, but for a long time. This is explained by the fact that, as a rule, the body is able to extinguish too intense inflammatory processes.

With septicopemia lungs are affected the cardiovascular system. Problems with the genitourinary system are possible, which is sharply reduced by the body's ability to highlight urine.

The septic process is conjugate with blood infection. The infection falls into the bloodstream of fabrics. Typically, sepsis develops with such complications of thrombophlebitis, as peritonitis, abscess, or some other inflammatory reaction, during which global microorganisms are distinguished. Sepsis is a very dangerous state, which in the absence of medical care can cause fatal outcome.

  • increased body temperature;
  • fever;
  • elevated level of leukocytes in the blood;
  • tachycardia;
  • arrhythmia;
  • slowing urine formation.

If Sepsis is suspected, the patient needs urgent medical care. Treatment is carried out exclusively in stationary conditions.

According to medical practiceMost thrombus may be dissolved for some time. Sometimes they just scarce, while the blood flow is practically not disturbed. With long blockage of blood vessels, which leads to impaired blood circulation, irreversible disorders arise.

Normal blood flow is provided with valves. This is some partitions between the walls of the vessels. If the blood rises up, then the valve opens, the reverse blood flow is not possible, since the valve is closed. If Vienna is clogged with a thrombus, then the nutrition of the valves is violated, which affects them.

Thrombom after a while may reside, but the valve operation will not be restored.

The treatment of thrombophlebitis is carried out both operational and conservative, depending on the cause of the appearance of inflammation and its degree. Only a doctor, after a survey, it may establish which method is most effective in this case.

Removal is an extreme measure, it is carried out when there is a probability of thromba.

Communication with the administration

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Single session of sclerotherapy within the entire lower limb (foaming sclerotherapy, microsclerotherapy).

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- All this is a reason to perform ultrasound veins of the lower extremities

and take advice from the phlebologist.

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edema of lower extremities, lymphostase.

It is also held in the cosmetology goal

BPV thrombosis

Thrombosis of large subcutaneous veins or reduction bVP thrombosis - It occurs very often in varicose expansion of the subcutaneous veins of the lower extremities. In a large subcutaneous vein, a thrombus is formed, which overlaps the flow of blood. Blood begins to assemble in a certain area and fill in Vienna.

Causes of large subcutaneous veins thrombosis

Cause thrombosis BVP. Most often is the expansion of veins and their deformation. Blood begins to circulate slowly and forms a clock that clog vein. There are several factors that contribute to the formation of this disease:

Age. Often the disease occurs in people over 60 years;

Obesity. Overweight is a heavy physical activity for the body. A person is not allowed, blood begins to circulate slower and becomes more thick. As a result, blood clots are formed in vessels and veins;

Long bedding;

Serious injuries, due to which a person cannot move normally for a long time;

Operations conducted in the field of lower extremities and pelvis;

Pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum period;

The tendency of the body to thrombosis. This is a congenital disease;

Durable reception of hormonal drugs.

Varicose thrombus may form anywhere in the subcutaneous vein, very often in the field of hips and lower legs. A large subcutaneous vein is amazed by thrombami along with the tributaries. The result of thrombosis can be different. In rare cases, he is absorbed by itself or after therapy. It happens that the thrombus begins to germinate connecting tissues and is absorbed, destroying the valve vein apparatus. In some cases, the thrombus fully clogs the vein, as a result, causing its sclerosis, or the thrombus gradually grows in size, becomes greater. This result of the disease is the most unfavorable, because such thrombosis turns into thrombophlebitis and can spread to a deep venous system, causing mulular thromboembolia, severe illness, which often ends with death.

Signs of the disease

It often happens that thrombosis of a large subcutaneous vein manifests unexpectedly. But there are also classic signs of the disease:

Sharp pain when taking a patient seat;

Redness in the field of altered vein;

Feeling of gravity in the affected area;

Injury in the veins;

Viral diseases, such as influenza.

Symptomtics depends on the location of the thrombus, complexity and running process. Basically, the patient does not feel bad. He has small pain And the severity in the legs, especially when walking, sometimes a little bad well-being, which is expressed by weakness, chills and a slightly elevated temperature. But, in general, there are no serious complaints. The most important thing is to determine the exact location of the thrombus. It is also necessary to consider that if thrombosis begins to spread to the region of the popliteal veins, it often does not have any symptoms, since thrombosis floting. Therefore, when diagnosing it is better to use the instrumental method.


Treatment depends on the location of the thrombus. But in any case, the disease is serious, and the patient must be under the supervision of doctors and lie in the hospital. But the strict bed mode is not provided. Only for those who have a disease recurrence. You can, you can not run, lift gravity, play sports and various species physical activity.

The most important thing in the process of treatment, as soon as possible prevent the spread of thrombosis. Treatment should be very effective that the recurrence or thrombosis in other areas will subsequently. Before prescribing treatment, it is necessary to take into account the place, part of the body, on which the thrombosis formed a large subcutaneous vein. You can combine several treatment techniques if there is a need.

If thrombophlebitis occurs in nonostica, you can do medicine medical treatment and compresses. On the affected limb, it is necessary to apply an elastic bandage or golf dressing. If the disease is in the acute phase, the dressings can cause discomfort. If the thrombus in Vienna grows in size, an operation is urgently necessary. After the operation, you need to follow the instructions of the doctor. Our clinic will help you recover and completely get rid of the disease. We will do everything so that you are healthy and happy again!


Ascending thrombophlebitis

Many scientific works, encyclopedic data devoted to the disease ascending thrombophlebitis. People want to know about the nature of the disease occurrence, treatments.

Ascending thrombophlebitis is the defeat of the walls of the vessels, where the blood closures are formed, overlapping the lumen in the arteries, vessels. More often, the disease affecting the veins on the legs or other parts of the body is the consequence of varicose veins. The diagnosis is established if the disease of the subcutaneous vein of the thigh or the groove region is converted from the pathology of low-locked veins on the legs. When moving a disease from subcutaneous veins of a small size into large vessels, there is a risk of separation, moving a blood clot, which provokes a pulmonary artery embolism. This development is ends with death.


Symptoms of the disease are often brightly represented, difficulties in diagnosity are not called.

  • Constant presence of a feeling of cutting hips, legs;
  • Feeling of gravity;
  • The skin along the length of the loss of the legs of the legs is red, inflamed;
  • The pain in the field of shin, hips is enhanced by movement;
  • Weakness, constant feeling of indisposition;
  • Increase temperature.

The clinical picture is determined by the state of subcutaneous veins, the localization of blood clots, their quantity, mobility. The value is attached to inflammation in the tissues of the lower extremities located near the damaged vein. Against the background of symptoms, these factors are divided into species and forms. Ascending thrombophlebitis is more often brightly represented in the course of veins, can manifest itself in small areas. Dangerous is the disease developing in a large subcutaneous vein. High probability of thrombus movement in a deep vessel, for example, in the thigh area. The risk of pulmonary embolism appears.

With such damage to vessels, the swelling of the lower extremities rarely appears. To the touch, in the course of the affected area, an infiltrate resembles a dense cord that creates pain. When diagnosing, it matters the determination of the presence in Vienna Tromba, its exact location.

The disease creates a danger to life, so it is important to apply for medical help to the phlebologist. They will help to cope with the disease, in time will prevent complications.

Acute form of leakage

Acute ascending thrombophlebitis is a complex consequence of varicose disease. Such a form of the disease carries the risk of fatal outcome - a floting thrombus in Vienna is observed, the disease from a small subcutaneous vein is quickly moved to a deep vein of the thigh. It threatens to defeat the light artery.

Signs acute form ascending thrombophlebitis:

  1. Symptoms, inflammation of the veins - swelling, redness, pain, hyperemia, lymphangoites, infiltrates of the affected veins of the lower extremities.
  2. Constant weakness, frequent feeling of indisposition.
  3. Near the affected vein, the presence of infiltrate in the form of a cord is preserved.
  4. Increase body temperature.

Risk group

There are people inclined to the development of the lower limbs ascending thrombophlebitis. They have a high probability of the appearance of the disease.

  • People, most Time located in the sitting position.
  • People forced to lie in bed for a long time After surgery.
  • People with varicose veins.
  • People suffering from hypergomocystinomey antiphospholipid syndrome.
  • Pregnant women, especially during childbirth.
  • Thought people.
  • Older people who prefer a sedentary lifestyle.

If a person found himself in the list, it is worth considering the state of his veins carefully, to make adjustments to the lifestyle.

Basic principles of treatment

At the first manifestations of the ascending thrombophlebitis of subcutaneous veins, it is necessary to apply to the medical institution - doctors will diagnose, prescribe treatment. Fighting the disease is carried out:

  • Conservative way;
  • Surgical intervention.

Sometimes appropriate comprehensive treatment Thrombophlebitis veins of the lower extremities.

Basic principles of therapy

The only way to radical struggle with the disease is surgical intervention. Thanks to the operation, it is possible to stop the development of the disease, prevent the occurrence of relapses. In the pathology of the unchanged veins of the lower extremities, conservative treatment effectively. If there was a lesion of a large or low subcutaneous vein, an operation is assigned as quickly as possible. The goal is to stop the spread of the defeat on the deep veins, in particular the hips.

Treatment of ascending thrombophlebitis is complex.

  • After diagnosing the disease, the patient is placed in a hospital in compliance with the beddown.
  • Feet in a constant elevation state.
  • For fixing, thrombus uses an elastic bandage.
  • Assigns anticoagulants, phlebotonics.
  • The course of anti-inflammatory therapy is prescribed by drug drugs.
  • Local therapy is carried out using ointments, heparin gels.
  • Sometimes treatment includes an UHF therapy.

In the pathology of the large subcutaneous vein, when the clot is located above the middle of the hip, or with the damage to the low subcutaneous vein, treatment is assigned in the form of an operation.

Treatment of acute form of the disease

The treatment of acute form of illness is influenced by factors:

  • State of vessels of the lower extremities;
  • Location thromba;
  • The location of the affected veins.

It is often used conservative treatment with medication, local therapy, more often in the hospital.

Local therapy includes:

  • Use of oats with heparin.
  • Semi alcohol, cold compresses.
  • Fixation with an elastic bandage.
  • Reception of drugs stabilizing blood circulation.
  • Taking inhibitors.
  • Package drugs.

After relieving the acute form of inflammation, the treatment continues using physiotherapy. UHF therapy is used, treatment with solux lamp, diametrical current therapy, ionophores with heparin. In the first two months after therapy, fixation of the lower extremities in the area of \u200b\u200bthe affected vein is prescribed by an elastic bandage, receiving phlebodynamic drugs.

The operation is carried out in cases:

  • Dissolution of thrombus.
  • Risk of a pulmonary artery embolism.
  • The damage to the acute shape of a large, low subcutaneous vein, when the thrombus is located above the middle of the thigh.

Laser toughness, based on the warming of the vessel wall above the location of the thromba, is often used to remove the thrombus. Crossectomy operation is carried out - bandage of the surface vessel at the place of transition to deep, is carried out under local anesthesia.

Preventive actions

People belonging to the risk risk group of ascending thrombophlebitis should be heard to the recommendations of the phlebologist:

  1. Lead an active life.
  2. Regularly perform a set of exercises for the lower extremities, which are preventive measures for the development of veins.
  3. Walk more on foot.
  4. Maintain the tone of the vessels - drink vitamin drinks, for example, cranberry juice, the tincture of the Hypericum.
  5. Do not stand for a long time.
  6. Do not get involved in baths, saunas.
  7. Do not expose the body with dehydration.
  8. Select comfortable shoes without high heel.
  9. Use orthopedic insoles.
  10. Leisure to organize in the position lying, with slightly raised legs.
  11. Wear compression underwear.



Throwing unnecessary arguments about the pathogenesis of these diseases, we note that

in both cases, the formation of a thrombus occurs in the lumen of the venous vessel and the inflammation of the wall of the vessel and perivasal tissues. The condition of blood cloth is fundamental importance, namely the fixation of it and the probability of separation. Currently, thrombophlebitis is made to designate superficial veins thrombosis, since inflammation is absolutely determined. And phlebotromboosis is venous thrombosis of the deep system vessels. And again, we will repeat that in that and in another case it is possible that the presence of a floting thrombus without signs of inflammation is possible. In clinical practice, disputes and opposition to these two states also have negative consequences. The presence of thrombophlebitis of subcutaneous veins should not be regarded by light pathology, since the distribution of blood cloth into a deep system or parallel independent occurrence of phlebotromability and thrombophlebitis represent the real danger of pulmonary artery thromboembolism. It is important, in the same way, the formation of thrombus in the deep vein system is subsequent, in fact, the disability of patients. Chronic venous insufficiency and post-terrombophiletic disease require regular, long and expensive treatment.

Factors contributing to the formation of thrombus.

Violations in the coagulation system and anticulate blood - congenital and acquired coagulopathy - genetic pathology, hypovolemia, drug intake, etc.

Slowing the speed of blood flow - varicose, long static positions, external vessel compresses, etc.

Injury and other damage to the vessels - operations, increased physical exertion, paravasial purulent processes, systemic inflammatory processes, injection bibnes, etc. Try to present situations in which these factors occur almost always.

Schemes for the treatment of vein pathology associated with the formation of thromboms.

Three main objectives can be distinguished in the treatment of developed thrombosis and phlebitis: to stop the distribution of blood cloth and its migration, thereby minimizing the risk of dromboembolism of the pulmonary artery (TEL); localize and stop inflammatory changes; Prevent the repeated episodes of thrombophlebitis.

The options for localization, prevalence and intensity of the process to as much as much as the venous system is rich in highways, tributaries (collateral) and flow pans (perforaments). In each particular case, the volume of treatment, the need for hospitalization and operations are solved individually note that in all cases it is necessary to appoint anti-inflammatory and phlebotropic drugs. Rheological, anti-aggregative and anticoagulant therapy is carried out according to indications. Antibiotic therapy is ineffective and meaningless, because the inflammation is aseptic, except in cases of purulent melting of thrombus. The table shows an approximate tactic and treatment diagram (without diagnostic measures).

Localization and thrombus spread

Tactics and treatment

Segressar thrombophlebitis of the tributaries of a large subcutaneous vein (BPV) on the legs with or without signs of distribution to the BPV itself. Thrombophlebitis BPV to the knee level without signs of climb against the background of treatment. Thrombophlebitis low subcutaneous veins (MPV) and / or its tributaries on the removal (n / 3 of the lower leg) from the poplings without signs of ascent. No symptoms of deep veins thrombosis or Tel.

maybe ambulatory treatment, Active lifestyle, elastic bandages or knitwear, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NPV-Ketherol, Kaetonal, Diclofenac, Nimulide) at the beginning of parenteral, then in tablets, phlebotropic drugs - Detralex (veorus) up to 6 tablets in the first days, Troksevazin, Local NSPIDs and heparin ointments. Planned phlebectomy.

Thrombophlebitis BPV with the propagation of physicistically defined thrombus in the lower third of the hip and above to the middle third of the thigh. TROMBOFLEBIT MPV not higher than CP / 3 lower legs. Signs of the ascending process. As well as signs of deep veins thrombosis or Tala.

Hospitalization in hospital, elastic bandage minimum for at least 7-10 days round-the-clock, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSPIDs Ketherol, Kathetonal, Diclofenac, Nimulide) at the beginning of parenterally, then in tablets, phlebotropic drugs - Detralex (veorus) up to 6 tablets in the first days, Troksevazin , Local NSAIDs and heparin ointments, aspirin aspirin, pentoxifilla (Trental), according to the testimony of anticoagulant-enochaparin, Naropean, DateParin, Warfarin, Exntant (MelagaTran / Ksymelagatran).

Localization or distribution of thrombus in BPV at the level of the middle and upper third of the thigh. Localization of blood cloth in the MPV at the level of the patellied fox.

The hospital, an emergency operation - a bandage and intersection, respectively, the BPV or MPV and the tributaries at the place of failure to the femoral vein. Next treatment as in the previous paragraph.

spreading thrombosis through fatal or perforants on a deep venous system

Installation of cavity or plugging or conspiration of the lower vein, thrombectomy from the main veins or from perforands, intersection and groaning of the BPV and MPV at the mouth.

Thrombophlebitis deep veins

Emergency hospitalization, bed

Beller tire, Reopolyglyukin 400.0 + 5.0 Trental,

trokevazine 1 CAP x 4 times, aspirin ¼ tab x 4 times, heparins, cavocation installation, phlebotropic preparations and NSAIDs.

Additionally, it should be noted that to clarify the Localization of the thrombus must be performed ultrasound procedure veins. Elastic bandages in phlebommbose should be imposed with caution, after the WSDG. Summit the subcutaneous vein system, we either increase the amount of blood by 20% in the deep system, or completely overlapping blood outflow from the lower limb. In the first case, the likelihood of tomb is increasing, in the second we take the clinical picture of acute phlebotromability.



A unique case of treatment of acute thrombophlebitis BPV to the right on the thigh using the Biolitec EVLC procedure with a radial light guide 2-Ring.

History of Disease No. 4. (Patient B., 59 years)

In this history, the disease is a unique case of the treatment of acute ascending thrombophlebitis in the BPV pool to the right on the hip using the EVLK endovenomous laser coagulation procedure Biolitec. radial light guide 2- Ring and simultaneous endovenous laser coagulation EVLK Biolitec. bPV trunk on the left radial light guide Classic. after the previously suffered acute thrombophlebitis.

Consultation and inspection of phlebologist

In the innovative phlebological center, a man of 59 years has turned with complaints of redness and a painful seal along the inner surface of the right thigh, which increased very quickly in size and spread up the thigh.

Anamnesis of the disease: Varicose veins on both lower limbs appeared more than 25 years ago. Gradually, they increased in size. The clinic did not apply to the surgeon, because nothing was sick and "nothing bothered at all."

In 2000, about the acute ascending thrombophlebitis of a large subcutaneous vein on the left lower limb was operated on in the surgical hospital of the city hospital. In an emergency, an operation was performed: crossctomy on the left (BPV bandage at its place of sign into a deep femoral vein). The postoperative period flowed smoothly. The phenomena of inflammation gradually subsided, and the patient was discharged under the supervision of a clinic surgeon with further recommendations: surgical treatment "Combined phlebectomy under general anesthesia»Both lower limbs in a planned manner, after complete resorption of thrombotic masses . However, after discharge from the hospital, the patient safely forgotten about all the recommendations of the doctors, since again "nothing bothered".

About 2 days ago, a small soreness and redness appeared on the inner surface of the right thigh. He turned to me for examination and treatment.

Acute ascending thrombophlebitis in the basin of a large subcutaneous vein on the thigh on the right

Inspection: According to the inner surface of the right hip, from the middle third and to the region of the knee joint, the skin is sharply hyperemic, a dense, painful litter of thrombied large subcutaneous vein is determined during palpation.


The deep veins of both lower extremities are completely passable, the bloodstream phase, the signs of the presence of thrombus in them are not detected.

On right: There is a pronounced varicose transformation of a large subcutaneous vein all over. The diameter of the large subcutaneous vein in the saffe-femoral fatty region is 28 mm, then the trunk on the thigh to the middle third has a straightforward move, with a diameter of 14-18 mm. From the middle third of the thigh and to the area of \u200b\u200bthe knee joint, the BPV barrel is filled with dense blood clots, the signs of flotation are not detected, the bloodstream in this zone is not locked. The SPS valves and the BPV barrel are not consistent.

Left: The BPV Stem Culture is not determined - crossctomy (2000). Below the groin fold, at a distance of 10 cm, the varicose extended BPV barrel, with a diameter of up to 8 mm, with dense walls and cloth thrombomassas. In the lumen of veins, good blood flow is determined. The valves of the BPV barrel are not consistent.

Clinical diagnosis:

Acute ascending thrombophlebitis of the trunk of a large subcutaneous vein on the thigh on the right. Condition after crossctomy on the left (about the acute ascending thrombophlebitis BPV 2000) varicose disease. Varicose veins of both lower extremities, in the decompensation stage. Chronic venous deficiency of stage II.


After preoperative preparation, urgently , Patient under local anesthesia and under the cover of low molecular weight heparins was performed endovenous laser coagulation of the trunk of a large subcutaneous vein on the right of biolitene technology by radial light guide 2- Ring (above the level of thrombus) c. miniflebectomia on the Varadi BPV Varadi and varicosely modified tributaries on the shin and endovenous laser coagulation of the trunk of a large subcutaneous vein on the left of the technology of biolitene radial light guide Classic. c. miniflebectomia on Varadi varicosely modified tributaries .

It was simultaneously eliminated:

  • the threat of further spread of the inflammatory process to other veins,
  • the threat of thrombus gets into a deep venous system
  • the threat of the appearance of thrombophlebitis on another lower limb
  • the threat to the development of thromboembolic complications (TEL).

Procedure EVLK Bolytec on both lower limbs amounted to 1 hour 30 minutes, after which the patient was dressed compression stocking II class compression, and recommended after discharge to walk on your own 1 hour on the street.

Control inspection and WSDS:

The next day at a review: Phenomena of inflammation and pain decreased. Anesthetic drugs did not accept. I slept well at night.


The trunk of a large subcutaneous vein to the right of the saffe-femoral fat to the middle third of the thigh (the upper edge of the thrombus) is completely refused.

The trunk of a large subcutaneous vein on the thigh on the left is completely refused.

Bloodstock in obliterated BPV trunks is not determined.

The results of the treatment of acute thrombophlebitis in 2 weeks

Acute thrombophlebitis of the right lower limb after the EVLK Biolitec procedure with a radial light guide 2-Ring for 14 days.

On the presented pictures, it is clearly seen that inflammation phenomena practically disappeared, a thrombinated large subcutaneous vein on the right on the thigh is absorbed.

When inspection: Changes on the skin and in subcutaneous tissue fully comply with the transferred procedures. The phenomena of inflammation subsided: hyperemia on the skin disappeared, the thrombled barrel of the BPV is palpable in the form of a dense, painless tight. Varicose veins and nodes on both legs are not visualized.

VSPS: Deep veins of the right lower limb are passable, the bloodstream is phase, synchronized with the act of breathing.

The trunk of a large subcutaneous vein to the right of the saffe-femoral fat to the area of \u200b\u200bthe knee joint is completely refused, decreased in diameter by 2-3 times.

The trunk of a large subcutaneous vein on the thigh on the left is completely refused, in some areas it is not lokilane. Bloodstock in obliterated BPV trunks is not determined.

The results of the treatment of acute thrombophlebitis after 1 month

Acute thrombophlebitis of the right lower limb after the EVLK Biolitec procedure with a radial light guide 2-Ring after 1 month

The pictures perfectly can be seen that the phenomena of inflammation completely disappeared, the thrombic large subcutaneous vein on the right thigh is not visualized.

The patient is healthy and discharged under the observation of the fluballogue. The next inspection in the innovative phlebological center will arrive in 2 months.


This clinical case once again demonstrates the possibility of treating patients with acute ascending thrombophlebitis endovascular methods of thermalablation, without resorting to unnecessary and traumatic surgical interventions.

In just 90 minutes, serious problems were solved simultaneously:

  1. Eliminated the threat of further spread of the inflammatory process to nearby veins
  2. Eliminated the threat of thrombotic masses in the deep venous system
  3. Liquidated the threat of thrombus separation with the subsequent development of pulmonary artery thromboembolism (TEL)
  4. Eliminated the threat to the development of repeated thrombophlebitis on another lower limb
  5. Varicose veins and varicose nodes on both lower limbs are removed.

In the medical sphere, under the term "ascending thrombophlebitis", it is customary to understand the inflammation of the walls of the veins and the appearance of a thrombus, as a result of which the lumen of the vein is overlapped and the blood flow is disturbed. The most common cause of this ailment is a complicated form of varicose.

The main risks of the disease is considered excess weight, significant regular physical exertion on the lower limbs, elderly age, pregnancy and childbirth, leg injuries, postoperative period, reception of hormonal drugs.

Ascending thrombophlebitis is diagnosed in those situations where thrombophlebitis from a part of a large subcutaneous vein located on the tibia moves up to the inguinal folds.

  • All information on the site is familiarized and is not a guide to action!
  • Put an accurate diagnosis you may only a doctor!
  • I convincingly ask you not to engage in self-medication, but sign up for a specialist!
  • Health to you and your loved ones!

During the period of the disease, when inflammation moves to deep veins, the greatest risk of separation and thrombus movement occurs. And this, in turn, can cause a hazardous complication of a person - a thromboembolism of an easy artery.

Acute form

A sufficiently common form of complication of varicose veins is acute ascending thrombophlebitis.

This stage of the disease carries a significant risk to the life of the patient, since it allows an opportunity to immediately transition inflammatory processes To deep veins on the legs and tomb cloth.

The floting thrombus in the veins will soon lead to the blockage of the arteries.


Often, the symptoms of the ascending thrombophlebitis has a pronounced character. For this reason, the diagnosis of this disease is not a challenge.

The clinical picture is determined by the localization of the inflammatory process, its period, as well as the scale of distribution. In addition, special attention is paid to the damage to muscle tissues adjacent to the hearth disease.

Given all these symptoms, doctors establish the form of the disease - from minor inflammatory processes to clearly pronounced. The most risky is the manifestation of the disease of the large subcutaneous veins.

With an upward thrombophlebitis of subcutaneous veins, the edition edema does not occur, and the disease is manifested as follows:

  • when palpation of inflamed areas, a seal is felt, and the patient experiences pain;
  • temperature skin cover rises;
  • the subcutaneous fiber is sealed, and the skin has redness;
  • during walking, the pain is enhanced, constant severity is felt in the legs;
  • the patient complains of general malaise and weakness.

However, in the event of a further spread of the inflammatory process on the blood vessels, there is a defeat of large veins, namely: a large subcutaneous, common femoral, as well as a saffe-femorial society.

In such a situation, symptoms will be quite pronounced. There are ethics of the lower extremities from the feet to the loin, accompanied by severity and painful sensations.

The attending physician conducts a visual inspection of the patient and studies in detail anamnesis of the disease. AT modern medicine The most accurate study blood vessels It is considered ultrasound.

This type of diagnostics allows:

  • assess the state of the veins;
  • determine the presence of thrombus;
  • examine the permeability of both superficial and deep veins.

In addition, an additional study of the ascending thrombophlebitis can be carried out using X-ray-contrast phlebography.

After establishing a diagnosis - ascending thrombophlebitis, a complex treatment of the disease is prescribed. The patient is recommended active mode. It should be not allowed to continue finding limbs in a stationary state.

In the process of treatment, a regular reception, which prevent the formation of blood vessels and regenerating the tone of blood vessels, as well as anti-inflammatory agents is prescribed. With highly pronounced symptoms are assigned.

Conservative therapy

At the first stages of the development of the disease, doctors recommend making elastic compression on their feet so that the thrombus cannot move into large blood vessels.

This uses a bandage from the middle extensibility bandage. The foot is wrapped in a period of 10 days completely from the foot to the groin. After decreasing inflammation, the bandage is replaced with compression knitwear.

In order to reduce pain in the initial days of the disease, you can resort to ice compress. Ice is applied several times during the day for 15-25 minutes.

In addition, a number of medical drugs can be appointed to prevent the formation of blood clots and the restoration of blood vessels:

  • restores the tone of blood vessels and has a protective effect on them;
  • this drug is used as soluble tablets, capsules and ointments;
  • tablets and capsules are designed for oral use, and ointment - only for rubbing;
  • veroforeton helps to reduce blood flow and eliminates its stool, helps to normalize blood flow and saturate small capillaries.
  • It helps restore the walls of the vessels. This drug strengthens the capillaries, relieves inflammation and reduces the ethnicity of the lower extremities.
  • Also, the drug is prescribed to patients with chronic venous insufficiency. This medicine allows in a short time to reduce pain and get rid of cramps.
  • Thanks to the Throcksevazin, it is possible to restore normal blood circulation, prevent the appearance of blood clots and the blockage of blood vessels. This drug is contraindicated in the initial stage of pregnancy and nursing mothers, people suffering from intestinal or stomach diseases.
  • The anti-inflammatory funds appointed by doctors under this disease include ibuprofen and diclofenac.
  • Allows reduce the temperature in the event of heat, reduce inflammatory processes and pain. Take the drug only after eating, in order to prevent such side effects as flatulence, nausea, vomiting, allergic rash on the skin.
  • It should be careful in the dosage of this medicine to people having liver diseases, gastrointestinal tract, with gastritis and chronic hepatitis.
  • In ampoules is designed for intramuscular injection. It helps to reduce the inflammatory process in varicosera and ascending thrombophlebitis, relieve painful edema both during the disease and in the postoperative period.
  • The course of treatment with this drug should be not more than five days. If the patient continues to feel malaise, the ampoules are replaced by capsules or pills. At the beginning of the medical course, they put on one ampoule of the medication per day. If the disease continues to progress, then the dose is doubled.
  • There are often cases when rubbers are prescribed to treat this ailment with the help of ointments and gels, as well as UHF therapy. Basically, ointment and gels containing heparin, which helps to relieve inflammatory processes are used. The most famous drug of this type is the Lioton gel.
  • Apply it twice a day, causing a thin layer for painful sections. The gel helps eliminate the edema and reduce the feeling of gravity in the legs. After applying, ointments need to wear a compression knitwear.

Everything medical preparations, Elastic bandages and compression knitwear are selected individually attending physician - phlebologist

Surgical intervention

Treatment conservative methods It is appropriate only in cases where there is no risk of moving inflammatory processes on deep veins and only when localizing the disease in the green area.

In the case of a possible threat to the transition of inflammation to a deep vein, an operation is carried out in the shortest possible time with an upward thrombophlebitis by surgical intervention.

The most effective way surgical treatment Causesectomy is considered. The essence of this operation is reduced to the bandage and intersection of large subcutaneous veins and their main tributaries in the part where they are connected to the deep vein of the thigh.

To carry out this operation, a small incision is made in the region of the groin fold. Upon completion, seam is superimposed. After healing, the scar is almost impaired.

Very often, after removing inflammation, doctors resort to phlebectomy - operations to remove varicose veins.


Ascending thrombophlebitis is considered dangerous disease Blood-vascular system. For the treatment of this disease, a lot of time and strength is needed. Therefore, people prone to this disease should be remembered for preventive measures to prevent the development of this ailment.

It is necessary to conduct a moving lifestyle, to regularly make gymnastics. In order not to have stagnation of blood in the vessels of the lower extremities, you should rest with raised legs (for this you can use a small pillow). When long journeys Or flights are recommended to drink plenty of liquid, more often changing body position, moving limbs.

We should not forget about the correctness of nutrition: more use fresh vegetables and fruits, maximize the consumption of animal fats.

To prevent the recurrence of the disease, it is necessary to use medical compression knitwear on an ongoing basis, take vitamins and anticoagulants, limit themselves from heavy physical exertion, refuse to visit the baths and saunas, as well as the reception of hot baths.

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