Baranov mikhail trofimovich. Approximate word search

An outstanding scientist-methodologist of the 20th century, a professor, he created his own scientific school in the field of methods of teaching the Russian language, the theory of a school textbook and teaching aids in the Russian language, methods of vocabulary, spelling, punctuation, vocabulary work, in-depth study of the Russian language at school and the training of language teachers.

(The role of the scientific school in the methodological preparation of the teacher-language and literature teacher. - Shuya, 2004, p. 13)

Ch33 (2) 7-8 Baranov M.

  • - special in the region. theory of knowledge and social. philosophy .; Dr. Philos. Sciences, prof. Rod. in Leningrad. Graduated from Philosophy. faculty of Leningrad State University, asp. ...
  • - Adjutant General, General of Infantry, b. in 1809 d. May 26, 1883 After graduating from the course at the school of guards ensigns, in 1827 he became an officer of the Life Guards. Izmailovsky regiment, together with which he performed in ...

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  • - Major General, Tver Governor, b. in 1815, d. April 15, 1864 After graduating from the course in the Corps of Pages, in 1833 he entered the service as an ensign of the Life Guards. to the Izmailovsky regiment, from where he moved as an adjutant to the military ...

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  • - Adjutant General, Member of the Council of State ...

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  • - pilot 809 shap, lieutenant. August 3, 1943 in a battle near the village. Diamonds of the Voronezh Region sent a burning Il-2 to a cluster of enemy vehicles and died. This was his third sortie ...

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  • - Pskov vice-governor. ...

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  • - fighter pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union, Guard Senior Lieutenant ...

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  • - fighter pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union, major. Member of the Great Patriotic War since December 1941. He fought in the 157 IAP, was a flight commander ...

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  • - Senator, Privy Councilor ...

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  • - Rod. in the village Nickel of the Murmansk region Graduated from law. Faculty of Leningrad State University. Chairman of the Murmansk branch of the Union of Right Forces, gen. director of commercial firms. The author of the book. poetry: I drove Russia for free. Murmansk, 1995 ...

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  • - fighter pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union, captain. Member of the Great Patriotic War since June 1942. He fought in the 13 IAP, was deputy. squadron commander ...

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  • - Professor of Moscow University, born November 1, 1775 in Kharkov, d. February 19, 1842 Descended from a poor Greek family Kacheni ...

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  • - Baranov, Count Eduard Trofimovich, Adjutant General, Member of the State Council ...

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  • - journalist and professor, b. November 1, 1775 in Kharkov. His father, Trofim Demyanovich Kachoni, was a Greek who had evicted from Balaklava and was assigned to the philistine society of Kharkov ...

    encyclopedic Dictionary Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - Russian historian and literary critic, academician of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences. Since 1810 professor, since 1837 rector of Moscow University. He began his literary career in 1799 in the magazine "Ippokrena", was a supporter of classicism ...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - Russian historian of the skeptical school, critic, supporter of classicism, academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. Rector of Moscow University since 1837. In the 1805-30s. editor of Vestnik Evropy. Works about chronicles, "Russian Truth" ...

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"Baranov, Mikhail Trofimovich" in books

BYCHKOV Semyon Trofimovich


BYCHKOV Semyon Trofimovich Captain of the Red Army Air Force, Hero of the Soviet Union Major of the Air Force KONR Born on May 15, 1918 in the village of Petrovka, Khokholsky district, Voronezh province. Russian. Of the peasants. In 1936 he graduated from the 7th grade of secondary school. Member of the CP since 1943 In the Red Army since January 16, 1939 Kursant

ZHUKOVSKY Vasily Trofimovich

From the book Army Officer Corps Lieutenant General A.A. Vlasov 1944-1945 author Kirill Alexandrov

ZHUKOVSKY Vasily Trofimovich Major of the Red Army Lieutenant Colonel of the Armed Forces of the KONR Born on May 1, 1914 in the village of Mokraya Koligorka, Shpolyansky district, near Shevchenko. Ukrainian. From the workers. A turner by civilian profession. In 1935-1942. was a member of the Komsomol. In the Red Army since June 26, 1931; July 24, 1932.

Mazurov Kirill Trofimovich


Mazurov Kirill Trofimovich (03/25/1914 - 12/19/1989). Member of the Presidium (Politburo) of the CPSU Central Committee from 03/26/1965 to 11/26/1978. Candidate to the Presidium of the CPSU Central Committee from 06/29/1957 to 03/26/1965. Member of the CPSU Central Committee from 1956 to 1981. Member of the CPSU since 1940 Born in the village of Rudnya-Pribytkovskaya, Gomel district, Mogilev

SHEPILOV Dmitry Trofimovich

From the book The most closed people. From Lenin to Gorbachev: An Encyclopedia of Biographies author Zenkovich Nikolay Alexandrovich

SHEPILOV Dmitry Trofimovich (23.10.1905 - 18.08.1995). Candidate member of the Presidium of the CPSU Central Committee from 02.27.1956 to 06.29.1957 Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee from 07.12.1955 to 12.24.1956. and from 02/14/1957 to 06/29/1957, Member of the Central Committee of the CPSU in 1952 - 1957. Member of the CPSU in 1926-1961 and since 1976 was born in Ashgabat in the family of a turner worker.

YAKUSHKIN Georgy Trofimovich


YAKUSHKIN Georgy Trofimovich Georgy Trofimovich Yakushkin was born in 1923 in the village of Starye Pichingushi, Elnikovskiy district of the Mordovian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, into a peasant family. Russian. Together with his parents he moved to the village of Novotroitskoye, Sosnovsky District, Chelyabinsk Region. Here

SIRICHENKO Nikolay Trofimovich

From the book In the Name of the Motherland. Stories about Chelyabinsk citizens - Heroes and twice Heroes of the Soviet Union author Ushakov Alexander Prokopyevich

SIRICHENKO Nikolai Trofimovich Nikolai Trofimovich Sirichenko was born in 1921 in the village of Mandorovo, Valuisky District, Belgorod Region, into a peasant family. Russian. From March 1941 in the Soviet Army, from August - at the front. Senior lieutenant, commander

Sheikin Ivan Trofimovich

From the book Tulyaki - Heroes of the Soviet Union author Apollonova A.M.

Sheikin Ivan Trofimovich Born in 1915 in the village of Gorodnya (now Zarechye) of the Efremovsky District of the Tula Region in a peasant family. After graduating from five classes of the Solodilovskaya seven-year school, he worked at the Telman collective farm, and since 1935 - as an accountant at the Zarya Kommunizma collective farm

CHEKULAEV Gordey Trofimovich

From the author's book

CHEKULAEV Gordey Trofimovich Gordey Trofimovich Chekulaev was born in 1912 in the village of Chistoe, Makushinsky District, Kurgan Region, into the family of a poor peasant. Russian by nationality. Member of the CPSU since 1948. After graduating from an incomplete high school, he worked in his father's household,

Mikhail Trofimovich Kachenovsky (1775-1842)

From the author's book

Mikhail Trofimovich Kachenovsky (1775-1842) Nezhinsky Greek by origin, the original surname - Kachioni. In 1806 he received a doctorate in philosophy and fine arts, for many years he was a professor at Moscow University, occupying a variety of departments: theory

BYCHKOV Semyon Trofimovich

From the book Heroes Without Golden Stars. Cursed and forgotten author Konev Vladimir Nikolaevich

BYCHKOV Semyon Trofimovich (05/15/1918-04. 11.1946) Captain Born in the village. Petrovka of the Khokholsky district of the Voronezh province. Russian. Graduated from the 7th grade of secondary school (1936), the Voronezh flying club in 1936, the Tambov school of the Civil Air Fleet in 1938. In the Red Army since 16.01.1939. Graduated from the Borisoglebsk Higher School of Aviation.

Baranov Mikhail Dmitrievich


Baranov Mikhail Dmitrievich Lyubimets 183rd IAP. After a fierce battle on August 5, 1942, in which he managed to shoot down 4 enemy aircraft, Baranov became a favorite of the whole country. A thin 20-year-old boy happily looks at us from photographs of the first war years. Least of all in it

Baranov Mikhail Semenovich

From the book Soviet Aces. Essays on Soviet pilots author Bodrikhin Nikolay Georgievich

Baranov Mikhail Semenovich Born on November 16, 1921. Graduated from the 7th grade, Smolensk flying club, in 1940 - from the Chuguev military school of pilots. He served as an instructor pilot. From December 1941 he fought on the I-16 on the North-Western Front. He won his first victory in February 1942, destroying

Kitaev Nikolay Trofimovich

From the book Soviet Aces. Essays on Soviet pilots author Bodrikhin Nikolay Georgievich

Kitaev Nikolai Trofimovich One of the best air fighters of the Soviet Air Force. By the end of 1943, he had conducted 320 sorties and 100 air battles, had 27 personal and 8 group victories. Kitaev made his first sorties in the Great Patriotic War on the I-16 in

Tishchenko Alexander Trofimovich

From the book Soviet Aces. Essays on Soviet pilots author Bodrikhin Nikolay Georgievich

Tishchenko Alexander Trofimovich Born on November 20, 1916 in the village of Ukhozha (now Shelpakhovka) of the Khrestinevsky district of the Kiev province. After a decade and a workers' faculty, Tishchenko was drafted into the army, sent to the Odessa Military Aviation School, from which he graduated in 1939. He served in

Kachenovsky Mikhail Trofimovich

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (KA) of the author TSB

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Was born in 1908 in the Staroyuryevsky district of the Tambov region. Senior Lieutenant Mikhail Trofimovich Baranov was drafted into the Red Army from the reserve on July 16, 1941 by the Staroyurievsky RVK of the Tambov Region and appointed commander of the 1st rifle battalion of the 858th rifle regiment of the newly formed 283rd rifle division. The division was formed in the Oryol military district, near the town of Shchigry (Kursk region) from July 15 to September 6, 1941. The 858th Infantry Regiment (regiment commander Colonel GV Maksimov, regiment commissar battalion commissar A.S. Chirkov, regiment chief of staff captain S.K. Reznichenko) was formed in the village of Semenovka near the town of Shchigry. On the morning of September 6, 1941, the 283rd Infantry Division began to descend to the front in nineteen echelons. By 6 o'clock in the morning on September 9, the trains arrived at the Klyukovniki station of the Navlinsky district of the Bryansk region, thirty kilometers south-east of Bryansk. Here the division joined the active army as part of the Bryansk Front. The enemy continued to advance into the flank of the troops of the Southwestern Front. He managed to force the Desna and reach the Konotop - Chernigov line. On September 13, 1941, the echelons moved southwestward. By the morning of September 19, the 283rd Infantry Division was concentrated in the forest south-west of the city of Sevsk, Orel (now Bryansk) region. So the 283rd Infantry Division found itself on the left wing of the Bryansk Front and became part of the operational group of General A.N. Ermakov. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Yampol, Sumy region, on September 19, 1941, at the junction of the Bryansk and South-Western fronts, the division's baptism of fire took place as part of the operational group of General A.N. Ermakov. Parts of the division were advancing in the direction of Marchikhina-Buda, Vozdvizhenskoe, Gremyachka, Yampolsky district, Sumy region. On the morning of September 20, the head divisions of the division passed Marchikhina-Buda of the Yampolsky district of the Sumy region, and approached the western outskirts of the small village of Sorokova Klin in the Yampolsky district. The enemy, hidden behind haystacks, suddenly opened machine-gun and mortar fire. By the end of the day on September 20, 1941, the soldiers of the division drove the invaders out of Forty Klin and launched an attack on the village of Vozdvizhenskoye, located in the southeastern part of the Yampolsky district of the Sumy region. At noon on September 21, 1941, units of the 283rd rifle division liberated this settlement. The Nazis fought back to the village of Gremyachka, Yampolsky District. In the afternoon of September 22, stubborn fighting broke out on the 13-kilometer stretch. On September 23, 1941, the 856 rifle regiment was ordered to capture Gremyachka by the forces of the 6th rifle company, the calculation of the 76-mm cannon, with the support of the howitzer battery of the 848th artillery regiment of the division. At half past six in the morning, the attack began, as a result of which the Germans were pushed back. At 8 o'clock in the morning, a tank battalion consisting of four T-26 tanks arrived to reinforce the regiment. The advancing soldiers managed to advance only to the intersection of the first two streets. One of the tanks was knocked out at the beginning of the counterattack and caught fire, while the other, a little later, with a direct hit from a shell jammed a cannon and tore out the barrel of a machine gun. The battles for Gremyachka continued until the late evening of September 24, 1941. On September 24, 1941, the 848 artillery regiment with artillery battery fire suppressed 2 mortar batteries and a heavy machine gun of the enemy on the northern outskirts of the city of Glukhov, which hindered the advance of the 858th rifle regiment and inflicted losses on it. During September 25 - 26, 1941, units of the division repulsed 9 enemy tank attacks. In the battle on September 26, 1941, when German tanks broke through in the 860th Infantry Regiment of the 5th and 6th batteries, the regiment with flank fire turned them to flight. It was not possible to keep the rattle, the division lost many people. True, parts of the division knocked out 6 tanks, 5 armored vehicles, one armored personnel carrier, destroyed more than 70 fascists. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Bereza, Glukhovsky district, Sumy region, the 5th artillery battery of the regiment scattered a group of enemy tanks trying to surround the battalion of the 856th rifle regiment. In the battles near the city of Glukhov and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Bereza, units of the division fought heroically and managed to destroy 500 German soldiers and officers, 11 tanks, a large number of enemy machine-gun points. Soon the division took up defensive positions 400 meters west of the village of Vozdvizhenskoye in the Yampolsky District. The Germans began to show activity on the night of September 28-29, 1941. On September 30, 1941, the 283rd rifle division, attacked by the enemy by force up to a motorized infantry division with 50-70 tanks and two or three artillery divisions, by 14.30 left the village of Esman, Glukhovsky district and withdrew to the Knyazhichi - Pustogorod - B. Sloboda line. The enemy took possession of the Studenok and Kucherovka areas of the Glukhovsky district. On October 2, 1941, the division fought on the line Baranovka - Empty City, Glukhovsky district, Sumy region. The headquarters of Ermakov's group was in the city of Rylsk, Kursk region. On October 2, 1941, in the vicinity of the village of Khinel, Sevsky District, Orel (now Bryansk) Region, the headquarters of the 283rd Infantry Division was cut off by the enemy from his troops. To connect with the units, it was necessary to occupy the crossing of the Khinelevka River and drive the Germans out of the village of Spirtozavod. Despite the superiority of the enemy forces, which had a tankette, a gun, armored vehicles, 2 machine guns and several machine guns, the division headquarters broke through the bridge and the workers' settlement into the forest, where it joined up with its units. The artillery batteries of the 848th artillery regiment with their fire ensured the exit of the division headquarters from the encirclement. On October 3, 1941, the enemy with a force of up to two tank divisions and two motorized divisions, breaking through the front at the junction of the 13th army and the group of A.N. Ermakov, occupied the areas of Rudnya, Zhikhov, Seredina - Buda, Suzemka, Kroma and advanced units approached Orel. A significant part of the operational group of General A.N. Ermakova, including the 283rd rifle division, was surrounded and fought with enemy motorized parts in the Lomlenka - Demyanovka - Khinel region of the Sevsky district of the present Bryansk region, making its way to the village of Amon, Khomutovsky district, Kursk region. On the night of October 4-5, 1941, with a sudden attack in the direction of the villages of Vityach, Prilepy, Khomutovsky district, Kursk region, the division broke through the encirclement. In a night battle in Prilepy, units of the division defeated the headquarters of the 10th German mechanized division, captured 20 vehicles with various equipment, and freed 375 soldiers and commanders of the Red Army who had been captured by the enemy the day before. All units and subunits of the group of General A.N. Ermakov with military equipment and carts left the encirclement. Until October 24, 1941, the division covered the Kursk direction, defending the lines to the west and north of Lgov. By her actions, she helped parts of the 13th army to get out of the encirclement. The commander of the 1st rifle battalion of the 858th rifle regiment, senior lieutenant Baranov M.I. was wounded on October 16, 1941 near the village of Borshcheva, Oryol region, but after recovering he returned to his unit. In the last days of October 1941, by order of the commander of the Bryansk Front, in the most difficult conditions, the division made a march to the stations of Okhachevka and Shchigry, then was transferred by rail to the area of \u200b\u200bthe city of Efremov, Tula Region, where it became part of the 3rd Army of the Bryansk Front. Cooperating with the 6th Guards and 137th Infantry Divisions, on November 7, 1941, the formation on the move struck the right flank of Guderian's troops in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Ozerno Teplo-Ogarevsky District of the Tula Region, southeast of the city of Plavsk and utterly defeated the 331st and 337th Infantry regiments of the 167th Infantry Division of the Nazis. On November 8, 9 and 19, 1941, the battles were especially fierce. Acting decisively and actively, the regiments of the division pulled off part of the enemy forces from the Tula direction, which contributed to the disruption of the plans of the German command to capture Tula. On November 21, 1941, the Nazis managed to drive a wedge into the joint between the 283 and 137 rifle divisions. Standing on the outskirts of the village of Urodovka (now Zarechye) of the Efremovsky District of the Tula Region, the cannon batteries of the 848th artillery regiment turned their guns 180 degrees and opened fire on the infiltrated fascists. In this battle, the division of senior lieutenant V.A. Pantyukhov distinguished himself. At the same time, the military commissar of the 848 rifle regiment, senior political instructor G.D. Kokarev. organized the infantry for defense. The enemy attack was choked. In just a week, in the battles near Efremov, the division's soldiers destroyed up to 400 enemy soldiers and officers, 5 tanks, and 4 ammunition depots. On December 11, 1941, the 283rd Rifle Division, together with the troops of the South-Western and Western Fronts, launched a counteroffensive, on December 12, 1941, in cooperation with the 6th Guards Rifle Division, broke through the German defenses on the Urodovka-Efremov line and liberated the city of Efremov during the offensive on 12/13/41, On December 22, the city of Novosil, while liberating dozens of other settlements along the offensive zone, seizing a number of important bridgeheads on the western bank of the Zusha and Oka rivers near the villages of Bedrintsy, Teremtsy, Belevsky district, Tula region, Vyazhi - Zavershye, St. and New Bitkovo Novosilskiy district, I-e Babenkovo, Gorodishche, Krasnoe Mtsensk district of the Oryol region, which later served as strong points for striking the enemy and defeating him in this direction. In mid-January 1942, the division was withdrawn to the reserve of 3 armies. She was replenished with people, ammunition, received new weapons. From February to April 1942, a division as part of the 3rd Army of the Bryansk Front fought offensive battles on the western bank of the Zusha River east of the city of Orel, liberated the village of Chegodaevo, the villages of Khmelevaya, Tolkachevo, Krivtsovo Bolkhovsky District, Babenkovo \u200b\u200b(February 7, 1942), Znamenka-1 ( February 16, 1942) Mtsensk district, Oryol region, Teremets, Belevsky district, Tula region. On February 6, 1942, the 1st rifle battalion of the 858th rifle regiment under the command of senior lieutenant Baranov M.T. broke through the enemy's defenses and captured the village of 1st Babenkovo, destroying 12 bunkers, 600 German soldiers and officers, and taking two prisoners, capturing trophies: 4 guns, 2 easel and 2 light machine guns, 40 rifles, 10 horses, 300 shells and about 20,000 rounds. From February 6, 1943, the battalion of senior lieutenant Baranov repelled 17 counterattacks by the enemy, which significantly outnumbered him. In February 1942, senior lieutenant Baranov M.T. in a battle near the village of Chegodaevo he was wounded again, but remained in the ranks. For exemplary performance of the combat missions of the command on the front of the fight against the German invaders and the valor and courage shown at the same time, the commander of the 1st rifle battalion, Senior Lieutenant Mikhail Trofimovich Baranov, the commander of the 858th rifle regiment of the 283rd rifle division, Lieutenant Colonel Gruzdov I. V. in February 1942 was presented to the Order of the Red Banner, which, on behalf of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, was awarded by order for the troops of the 3rd army of the Bryansk Front No. 28 / N dated April 11, 1942. On March 31, 1942, the enemy with superior forces launched a counterattack against the 858th rifle regiment in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Butyrki village of the Arsenyevsky district of the Tula region. The divisions of the regiment's headquarters, which were in this village, got into a zone of strong artillery, mortar and machine-gun fire. The enemy approached the headquarters. The commander of the commandant platoon, Sergeant Major Vasyukov under disastrous machine-gun and mortar fire, he ran to the carts with the headquarters documents and sent them to a safe place. Then he organized a platoon to strike at the advancing fascists, forced the enemy advancing here in the amount of 150 people with heavy losses for him to retreat. On April 8, 1942, the 858th Infantry Regiment, having crossed the Oka River, captured the important stronghold of Bedrentsy. On April 10, 1942, the 858th Infantry Regiment liberated the village of Teremets, Belevsky District, Tula Region. From May 1942 to February 7, 1943, the division staunchly defended the important railway line and the Oryol-Moscow highway at the Mtsensk bridgehead in the Nizhnyaya Zaroshcha - Maloye Krytsyno section of the Mtsensk district of the Oryol region. From time to time, the division undertook offensive actions, with limited goals, preventing the enemy from breaking through from the direction of Orel to the cities of Tula and Moscow, and improved its position in a number of sectors. February 20 - February 27, 1943 units of the 283rd rifle division took part in the battles for the village of Gorodishche, Bolkhovsky district, Oryol region. After the end of the operation near the village of Gorodishche, on February 27, 1943, the 858th Infantry Regiment made an organized march to a new concentration site in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Krasnoye, Zalegoschensky District, Oryol Region, making transitions 40 km at night in the absence of roads and with continuous drifts. From March 1 to March 21, 1943, units of the 283rd rifle division took part in battles in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Krasnoe, Zalegoschensky district, Oryol region. In the March battles of 1943 in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Krasnoye, the 858th rifle regiment under the command of Colonel IV Gruzdov, despite the extremely powerful artillery and mortar fire of the enemy, was the first to cross to the western bank of the Neruch River and occupied the heavily fortified center of German resistance - the village of Krasnoe. Despite the incessant enemy counterattacks, accompanied by heavy artillery and mortar fire, units of the 858th Infantry Regiment held the occupied line until fresh forces arrived. During the operation near the village of Krasnoe, the 858th rifle regiment suffered minimal losses, in turn inflicting huge losses in manpower and equipment on the counterattacking German units. The fighting in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Krasnoye was part of the offensive operations of the Bryansk, Central and left wings of the Western Fronts in the Oryol-Bryansk direction, which began on February 12 and ended on March 21, 1943. As a result, Soviet troops went over to the defensive along the line Mtsensk - Novosil - Bryantsevo - Sevsk - Rylsk. On March 13, 1943, the 283rd Infantry Division, consisting of the 3rd Army, was included in the Central Front of the 2nd Formation, on March 27, 1943, in the Oryol Front (from March 28, 1943, the Bryansk Front, 3rd Formation). In the battles for the village of Sorochy, Oryol Region, on July 22, 1943, the 858th Infantry Regiment under the command of Colonel I.V. under continuous 2-day bombardment of enemy aviation and its powerful artillery and mortar-machine-gun fire, crossed the Oka River, seized a bridgehead on its western bank and held it until fresh forces arrived. In mid-July 1943, during the Battle of Kursk, the division was brought into battle on the Oryol ledge. On July 18, 1943, units of the 283rd rifle division fought a fierce battle with enemy infantry and tanks for the capture of the village of Khutor Odinok, Mtsensk district of the Oryol region, which was liberated by 09.00 on July 19, 1943, inflicting heavy losses on the enemy in manpower and equipment. On July 19, 1943, the division was advancing in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Gorbuntsovo, on July 20, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Dobraya Voda village of the Mtsensk district of the Oryol region. On the night of July 21, 1943, the division crossed the Oka River on the move and captured two bridgeheads. For them, the fighters and commanders fought fiercely, bravely withstood the attacks of fresh German units, the attacks of enemy aircraft. Hand-to-hand fights arose. In the battles for the village of Sorochy, Oryol region on July 22, 1943, the 858th rifle regiment under the command of Colonel I.V. under continuous 2-day bombardment of enemy aircraft and its powerful artillery and mortar-machine-gun fire, crossed the Oka River, seized a bridgehead on its western bank and held it until fresh forces arrived. On July 22, 1943, units of the division liberated the village of Lomovets, Oryol District, Oryol Region. On July 25, 1943, the commander of the 1st rifle battalion of the 858th rifle regiment, Major Baranov M.T., having received the order from the regiment commander to move his battalion to the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Narykovo, Mtsensk district, was forced to deploy his battalion on the move to repulse a counterattack undertaken by the enemy in order to delay the advance parts of the division. Skillfully maneuvering the battalion, showing courage and resourcefulness, with the forces of his unit, he stopped the enemy's advance from the side of the village of Savenkovo, Mtsensk region, repelled the enemy's counterattacks, pushing him back to his starting positions. On July 26, 1943, Major Baranov M.T. led his battalion on the offensive against the village of Savenkovo, with a decisive blow, knocked the enemy out of the village and occupied it. On July 27, 1943, the 283rd Infantry Division fought for the village of Chupakhino in the Mtsensk District of the Oryol Region, as a result of the offensive, it captured the eastern slope of height 250.0, where up to a company of German soldiers and officers were destroyed and 2 tanks were knocked out. The 283rd Infantry Division by 19 o'clock on July 31, 1943 struck up battles for the village of Apalkovo, Mtsensk District, Oryol Region. The 858th Infantry Regiment of the 283rd Infantry Division, together with the 17th Guards Tank Brigade, liberated the Andrianovo Mtsensk region. By the end of July 1943, units of 283, 342, 380, 269, 308 rifle divisions, in cooperation with other units, had completely liberated the Mtsensk district of the Oryol region from the German invaders. For the exemplary performance of the combat missions of the command on the front of the fight against the German invaders and the valor and courage shown at the same time, the commander of the 1st rifle battalion, Major Mikhail Trofimovich Baranov, the commander of the 858th rifle regiment of the 283rd rifle division, Colonel I.V. July 31, 1943 was presented to Alexander Nevsky. On behalf of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, by order of the troops of the 3rd Army of the Bryansk Front No. 73 / N dated August 6, 1943, he was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, II degree. His further front-line fate is unknown. On the night of August 1, 1943, the Germans began to retreat across the Nepolod River. They fought only rearguard battles and, in order to delay the pursuit, they completely mined the roads and blew up all the bridges and bridges. I had to overcome numerous minefields and build bypass crossings. The Germans went on a rampage, when they retreated, they created minefields on the roads and in the hollows, on which cars and weapons were blown up, people were crippled and killed. The Soviet main group, which was heading around the Orel from the north-west across the Nepolod River, met exceptionally fierce resistance. The Germans took into account that the rapid advance of the main forces of the Red Army from the Nepolod River directly to the south, bypassing Orel from the west, threatened to deprive them of their main escape route, putting the highway and the Oryol-Bryansk railway under attack. Therefore, they defended the borders of the Nepolod River with particular ferocity. From August 1 to August 2, 1943, units of the 3rd army managed to capture on the southern bank of the river only a few crossings and bridgeheads, which the enemy heavily fired at and on which he made fierce counterattacks. The regiments of the 283rd Infantry Division felt strong enemy resistance. During this time, the division advanced 10-12 kilometers and recaptured the villages of Kleymenovo, Churilovo, Zamyatino, the village of Nelyubova, Bolshoye Durakovo, and the village of Khutor, Orlovsky district. By 7.30 on August 3, 1943, the 283rd Infantry Division occupied the area north of the village of Nepolod - the village of Lykovsky, Oryol District. The enemy tried to stop the advance of the division's units in order to organize the defense of the Eagle, but his plans were thwarted. At 15 hours on August 3, the 856 and 860 rifle regiments, which were in the first echelon, overcoming minefields, went on the offensive. By 15 hours 45 minutes, they crossed the Nepolod River near the village of Lykovsky and Abalduevo in the Oryol region, seized a small bridgehead, but because of strong enemy resistance, they could not advance further. In the current situation, the division commander, Colonel S.K. Reznichenko, on the night of August 4, 1943, brought into battle the second echelon - the 858th rifle regiment, which, after a short skirmish, advanced to the south and south-west and went to the rear of the enemy in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Taynoye - Pashkovo villages Oryol district. Sensing the danger of encirclement, the enemy wavered, began to retreat along the Bolkhovsko-Orlovskoye highway and hastily occupied the last line of defense in front of Orel along the Mezenka River, which lies in a swampy floodplain. Strong enemy cover detachments operated here, which again delayed the Soviet offensive. It was necessary to reorganize artillery fire in this sector and to establish interaction between the combat arms. Holding on to a favorable natural line, the Mezenka River, the enemy withdrew through the Sakhanskaya station his remaining forces in Orel to Naryshkino of the Uritsk region and further to Karachev of the present Bryansk region. Here, on the Mezenka River, the enemy again put up a fierce resistance, which lasted almost a day. Destroying the enemy's manpower and equipment, breaking down his resistance, the division by 14 o'clock on August 4, 1943, captured the villages of Rumyantsevo and Mezenka and started a battle for the village of Zamezensky and the village of Kondyreva, Orlovsky district, which it liberated by the evening of the same day. With the onset of darkness on August 4, 1943, the regimental commanders of the 283rd rifle division from their bridgeheads on the Mezenka River sent subunits of machine gunners to the rear of the enemy. At the same time from the front, the rest of the forces dealt, together with neighboring units, a strong blow against the defending enemy from the north. The Nazis could not withstand these new concentric attacks, wavered and began to withdraw at dawn on August 5. On the morning of August 5, 1943, the 283rd Infantry Division crossed the Nepolod River, recaptured the village of Slobodka from the enemy and launched an offensive on the city of Orel. On August 5, 1943, the city of Oryol was completely liberated from the Nazi invaders. On the night of August 7, 1943, the division concentrated in the Nekrasovo - Sukhaya Orlitsa region of the Oryol region of the Oryol region. Staffing and intensive training of the division continued until the end of the month. On the night of August 30, 1943, she began a march in the Bryansk direction, where she again switched to offensive battles. On the morning of September 8, 1943, units of the 283rd rifle division of Colonel V.A. Kuvshinnikov launched an offensive in the direction of Shchigry, Tikhonovka, Savino, Bobrovka, Lyudinovsky district, Oryol (now Kaluga region), Bytosh, Dyatkovsky district, Oryol (now Bryansk) region. On the first day, the division suffered significant losses, but forced the enemy's 110th Infantry Division to retreat. By 05.00 on September 9, 1943, the village of Shchukiny Dvory, Lyudinovsky district, was liberated. 856 rifle regiment under the command of Major A.T. Anisimova moved along the railway to the city of Lyudinov and at 11.00 he burst into the city with a blow from the north-east. Even at night, battalions of the 858th Infantry Regiment under the command of Tausnev and Lastunov infiltrated into the rear of the enemy and created a threat to encircle the enemy. Fierce battles were fought near Savin, Verbezhichi, Berezovka and other villages of the Lyudinovsky district. On September 11, 1943, the 283rd Infantry Division liberated the village of Ivotok, Dyatkovsky District, Oryol (now Bryansk) Region. On September 17, 1943, the 858th rifle regiment, having completed a 25-kilometer day's march, came close to the regional center and the Zhukovka railway station in the Oryol (now Bryansk) region and after a short but stubborn battle at dawn took possession of this large node of enemy resistance. Having crossed the Desna River, the 858th Infantry Regiment was the first to cut the Bryansk-Roslavl highway. On the night of September 19-20, 1943, the 858th Infantry Regiment, as a result of persistent and decisive actions, stormed the city of Kletnya, Oryol (now Bryansk) region. Despite repeated enemy counterattacks from the north and south, from the village of Akulichi in the Kletnyansky district of the present Bryansk region, the regiment held the city of Kletnya, and, developing a further offensive, advanced 18-20 km westward. Thanks to the bold and decisive actions of the regiment's units, the enemy did not manage to burn the city of Kletnya. The regiment inflicted huge losses on the enemy in manpower and equipment, captured large trophies: rolling stock, warehouses with grain and other food and property. During 22 days of hostilities, the division liberated the cities of Lyudinovo, Zhukovka, Kletnya and about 500 settlements in the Bryansk region, freeing tens of thousands of Soviet citizens from German enslavement. During this time, units of the division covered more than 300 kilometers, crossing the Desna, Iput, Besed and other water barriers, breaking the stubborn resistance of the enemy. During the offensive battles, more than two and a half thousand German soldiers and officers were destroyed, 123 Nazis were captured and rich trophies. On September 22, 1943, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the 283rd Infantry Division was awarded the Order of the Red Banner for exemplary fulfillment of the command order when crossing the Desna River. At dawn on September 23, 1943, units of the division, breaking the enemy's resistance, were the first to enter the land of Belarus in the Khotimsk region in the Mogilev region. On September 28, 1943, units of the division liberated the Kommunary station and the regional center of Kostyukovichi from the Nazi invaders, defeating and destroying the 427th Infantry Regiment of the 129th Infantry Division of the Germans along with the command and headquarters. For a week of fighting, from September 25 to October 1, 1943, the division took part in the liberation of the Khotimsk, Kostyukovichesky and Krasnopolsk districts, and reached Sozh in the Propoisk area (now Slavgorod). From 10 to 30 November 1943, the division took part in the Gomel-Rechitsa offensive operation. On November 22, 1943, the troops of the 3rd Army, consisting of 362, 283, 17 and 121 Guards Rifle Divisions, from a small bridgehead in the bend of the Sozh River near the village of Kostyukovka (Mikheeva), Kormiansky District, Gomel Region, began offensive battles in the Sozh-Dnepr interfluve. Divisions of the 856 Infantry Regiment under the command of Lieutenant Colonel A. G. November 22, 1943 at 09.00, without waiting for the end of the artillery barrage, they seized the first line of enemy trenches on the right bank of the Sozh River in battle, capturing a large center of German resistance in the village of Salabuta, Kormiansky District, Gomel Region. Developing a further offensive to the west, the divisions of the 856 rifle regiment fought and captured another large center of German resistance in the village of Khlevno, Kormiansky District, destroying up to 300 German soldiers and officers and capturing large trophies. The 283rd Red Banner Infantry Division, in cooperation with other units, having broken through a heavily fortified enemy zone, by the end of the day with its 858th Infantry Regiment cut off the Propoysk - Dovsk highway, liberating the villages of Khlevno, Tarakhovka, Slavnya, Kormiansky District, Gomel Region, Lebedevka, Kostyukovka, Slavgorodsky ( ) district of the Mogilev region and continued to move west. On November 23, 1943, under the cover of the 858th Infantry Regiment from the north, the 856th Infantry Regiment captured the northern outskirts of Chernyakovka, Propoysky (now Slavgorodsky) district of the Mogilev region and, second, after the 858th Infantry Regiment, cut the Propoisk-Dovsk highway, capturing one ore, 14 horses, more 200 rifles, 25 radio stations and other military equipment. On November 23, 1943, the advancement of units and subunits continued to develop successfully in the direction of Rogi, Dobry Dub of the Propoisk (now Slavgorod) district of the Mogilev region, despite the fact that the neighboring units on the first day of offensive battles were 10 - 20 kilometers behind. The 856 rifle regiment on November 23, 1943, with a swift blow took possession of a large settlement in the village of Rogi, after which, having rebuilt its battle formations with the front to the south-west, with battles captured the second large settlement, the village of Bolshaya Zimnitsa, Propoisk district. On November 24, 1943, having defeated the oncoming enemy units, the division with its 858th rifle regiment reached the banks of the Dnieper River, cut the Mogilev-Gomel highway, liberated the village of Selets-Kholopeev, Bykhov district, Mogilev region and seized a bridgehead on the western bank of the Dnieper River. With the arrival of the 858th rifle regiment on the Mogilev-Gomel highway, the 1st battalion of the 856th rifle regiment assisted it in defeating a large enemy grouping near the village of Bobrovka and north of the village of Selets-Kholopeev, Bykhov district, Mogilev region. The other units of the division that came a little later, liberated the village of Obidovichi, Bykhovsky district, Mogilev region and seized a second bridgehead on the western bank of the river. Dnieper. As a result of the withdrawal of units of the 283rd Infantry Division to the Dnieper River, the enemy grouping of the enemy, defending in the Sozh-Dnieper interfluve, was cut in two. The enemy's Gomel grouping lost a very important for it rokada Mogilev-Gomel and was threatened with complete encirclement. And the enemy, in order to save his position, began to withdraw his forces from the Gomel region towards the village of Dovsk, Rogachev region, Gomel region, to repel the onslaught of our troops. On November 25, 1943, the enemy by force of up to an infantry regiment with the support of tanks and self-propelled guns "Ferdinand" counterattacked units of the 858th Infantry Regiment. Fighting off fierce enemy attacks, which turned into hand-to-hand combat, the regiment defended the occupied line. As a result of the withdrawal of units of the 283rd Infantry Division to the Dnieper River, the enemy enemy grouping, defending in the Sozh-Dnieper interfluve, was cut in two. The enemy's Gomel grouping lost a very important for it rokada Mogilev-Gomel and was threatened with complete encirclement. And the enemy, in order to save his position, began to withdraw his forces from the Gomel region in the direction of Dovsk, to repel the onslaught of our troops. On November 26, 1943, the administrative and large industrial center of Belarus, an important railway junction and a powerful defense point for the Germans in the Sozh-Dnepr interfluve - the city of Gomel was liberated from the yoke of the Nazi invaders. On November 26, 1943, in commemoration of the victories won, Moscow saluted the valiant troops that liberated Gomel with 20 artillery salvoes from 224 guns. By order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of November 26, 1943, the 283 Red Banner Infantry Division and 18 other formations were named "Gomel". On January 4, 1944, units of the 283rd rifle division fought offensive battles near the village of Selets-Kholopeev, Bykhovsky district, Mogilev region. On February 21, 1944, troops of the 283rd Infantry Division (commander Major General V.A. Konovalov), being in the first echelon of the 80th Infantry Corps, broke through the fortified defenses of the 9th enemy army on the western bank of the Dnieper West of Dovsk, captured the settlements of Novy Bykhov, Yanovo , Kalinino, Taimonovo. So the liberation of the right-bank part of the Bykhov region began. In the spring of 1944, the front stabilized, and the units went over to the defensive. The enemy fortified himself on the Yezva River, occupying Khomichi, Guta Romanyatskaya and further along the railway until the 15th patrol. In the units of the troops that occupied positions on the territory of the Bykhov region, a lot of work was done to prepare for the Belarusian offensive operation. On June 24, the offensive of the 1st and 2nd Belorussian fronts began. On June 24, 1944, after fierce battles, the 283rd Infantry Division captured a strong, well-fortified and heavily fortified stronghold in the village of Khomichi, Bykhov District, Mogilev Region. In the future, developing the offensive, the division pursued the Nazis in the direction of Batsevichi - Svaisloch - Yakshitsy - Cherven. On July 2, after a short but strong battle, the city of Cherven, Minsk region, was liberated. On July 3, 1944, the division fought in the suburbs of Minsk, and the 856 rifle regiment knocked out the Nazis from the territory on which the Minsk Automobile Plant and PTU No. 9 are now located. By the end of the day, the division fighters crossed the Svisloch River and entered Samokhvalovichi the next day. On July 4, 1944, units of the 858th Infantry Regiment rushed into the city of Dzerzhinsk, Minsk Region, and successfully entrenched in it. From 5 to 27 July 1944, the division took part in the Bialystok offensive operation. On July 5, 1944, on the Dzerzhinsk - Negoreloye line, the division withdrew from the 80th Infantry Corps and again became part of the 41st Infantry Corps, continuing to resolutely pursue the retreating Nazis to the west. During the occupation of a large railway junction Negoreloye on July 5, 1944, units of the 858th Infantry Regiment inflicted great losses on the enemy in manpower and equipment, captured huge trophies, including a lot of fodder oats, a train with timber mill equipment and many other valuable property. On July 5, 1944, at 4 a.m., the Division's 856 rifle regiment reached the USSR State Border in 1939. It was significant event ... On July 7, 1944, the Mir district of the Grodno region was liberated (the center is the town of Mir, now in the Korelichi district). The 283 Gomel Rifle Division (Colonel V.A.Konovalov) of the 41st Rifle Corps of the 3rd Army of the 2nd Belorussian Front took part in the liberation of the region. On July 8, 1944, the Novogrudok district of the Grodno region was liberated. The 23rd tank brigade, 1434 self-propelled artillery regiment, 5th anti-tank artillery brigade of the 50th Army, 283rd rifle division of the 41st rifle corps of the 3rd Army of the 2nd Belorussian Front took part in the liberation of the area. On July 14 and 15, 1944, units of the division took part in the battles for the villages of Ross and Novoe Selo of the Volkovysk region of the Bialystok (now Grodno) region. On July 18, 1944, units of the division crossed the Svisloch River, entered the territory of the present Podlaskie Voivodeship of Poland, liberated the village of Malye Ozerany (now the Ozerany-Male commune of Krynki, Sokul County, Podlaskie Voivodeship, Poland). On July 19, 1944, the division took part in the battles for N of the item. There is no tupa of the present Krynka commune of the Sokul district, and on July 20 - beyond the settlement. Novosyulki of the Grudek commune in the Bialystok county of the Podlaskie Voivodeship. On July 26, 1944, the 858th Infantry Regiment took part in the battle for the village of Novodvortsi (now Novodvorets of the Vasilków commune in Bialystok County). The division took an active part in the battles for the liberation of the city of Bialystok (July 27, 1944), which was transferred to Poland on September 20, 1944 and became the administrative center of the Bialystok (now Podlaskie) Voivodeship. The 858th Infantry Regiment, which distinguished itself in them, was awarded the honorary title "Bialystok". On July 30, 1944, the division was advancing in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Jevarovka (now the commune of Khoroszcz in Bialystok county, Podlaskie Voivodeship). In August 1944, the 283rd Infantry Division as part of the 41st Infantry Corps of the 3rd Army of the 2nd Belorussian Front fought for the liberation of the Bialystok Voivodeship of Poland, participated in the battles for the city of Vasilków in the current Bialystok County of the Podlaskie Voivodeship of Poland and the crossing of the Suprasel River northwest of the city of Bialystok. On August 4, 1944, sappers from the 564th detached sapper battalion built assault bridges across the Narew River in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Topilec settlement of the Turosn-Koscielna commune of the Bialystok district of the present Podlaskie Voivodeship of Poland, along which rifle units and the 9th Guards artillery regiment of the division crossed the river and battled on August 5-6 for expanding the bridgehead on its left bank. On August 27, 1944, in the vicinity of the Buczyn Podlezie farm in the commune of Červin in the Ostrolensky district of the Mazovian Voivodeship, the enemy, with superior forces supported by tanks and self-propelled guns, launched several counterattacks on the division's position. Throughout the day, units of the division, supported by aviation, repelled enemy counterattacks, but defended the line. In September 1944, the division fought in the current Ostrolenki powiat of the Mazovian Voivodeship of Poland. On September 1, 1944, units of the division fought at an altitude of 116.7 in the area of \u200b\u200bthe settlement. Zaozhe gmina Červen Östrolenki county. On September 4, 1944, units and subdivisions of the division fought for the Ostrolenka - Warsaw railway in the area of \u200b\u200bthe settlement. The dams of the current Gmina Govorovo, Ostrolenki County, Mazovian Voivodeship. On September 5, 1944, units of the division attacked east of N of the item. Kamianka of the commune ekun of the Ostrolenki district of the Mazovian Voivodeship. On October 10, 1944, the 283rd Infantry Division broke through the defenses on the bridgehead on the right bank of the Narew River near the city of Ruzhany and was conducting offensive operations in the present Makowsky District of the Mazovian Voivodeship of Poland: on October 13, 1944, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe settlement of the item. Zaluzhe commune Ruzhany, October 14 - in the area of \u200b\u200bthe settlement Guty-Duzhe of the present Makowski County of the Mazovian Voivodeship in Poland. For skillful military operations in Poland, the 283rd Gomel Red Banner Infantry Division was awarded the Order of Suvorov II degree. After the capture of the city of Ruzhan, the Soviet offensive was suspended. The 283rd Rifle Gomel Red Banner Order of Suvorov II degree division fought positional battles on the Ruzhany bridgehead for almost 3 months. Since January 14, 1945, the 283rd Infantry Division, having broken through the enemy's defenses in the area of \u200b\u200bthe settlements of Guty-Male and Guty-Duzhe of the current Makowsky District of the Mazovian Voivodeship, fought offensive battles in the Makowsky District of the present Mazovian Voivodeship and the Shchitnensky District of the present Warmia-Mazury Voivodship. When breaking through the enemy's deeply echeloned defense, the 9th Guards Artillery Regiment with the fire of its batteries destroyed 2 mortar batteries, 2 anti-tank guns, 8 heavy and 3 light machine guns, up to 200 soldiers and officers, knocked out a tank, 2 self-propelled guns, 5 vehicles, which ensured a breakthrough of the opponent's defense in the sector of the 283rd rifle division and the successful advance of rifle units and subunits. January 15, 1945 in the area of \u200b\u200bthe settlement. Gonsevo-Podukhovne of the Sypniewo commune of the current Makowski district of the Mazovian voivodeship, the enemy with the forces of the newly planted motorized division "Great Germany" with the support of 30 tanks and self-propelled guns, displacing some parts of the 41st rifle corps, from the direction of Wola-Penicka commune of Krasnoselc of the Krasnoselc district of the Mazowiecki voivodeship, the enemy attacked 856 and 858 rifle regiments. Rifle regiments and artillery units and subunits of the Diavisia repulsed 3 enemy counterattacks with powerful fire for 3 hours. In this battle, the artillery of the division knocked out and destroyed more than 15 German tanks and self-propelled guns. On January 16, 1945, units of the division were advancing in the area of \u200b\u200bthe settlement. Zavady-Dvorskie Makuvsky district. On January 17, 1945, the 283rd Infantry Division occupied N of the item. Krasnoselts-Lyasny of the Makuvsky district of the present Mazovian Voivodeship and attacked in the area of \u200b\u200bthe settlement. Linden of the current commune Ednorozhets of the Przasnysh district of the Mazovian Voivodeship. On January 18, 1945, units of the division crossed the river Ozhits on a wooden flooring, on ice and fought to expand the bridgehead on the western bank of the river. On January 19, 1945, the 283rd Infantry Division occupied N of the item. Ednorozhets (Przasnysh County, Masovian Voivodeship, Poland). On January 20, 1945, units of the division fought offensive battles in the area of \u200b\u200bthe town of Chorzele of the present Przasnysh district of the Mazovian Voivodeship of Poland. As part of the 3rd Belorussian Front, the division, participating in the East Prussian offensive operation, invaded East Prussia on January 20, 1945 (now in the Warmia-Mazury Voivodeship of Poland). On January 21 - 23, 1945, the 283rd Infantry Division fought for the town of Willenberg (now the Wielbark of the Schitnensky District of the Warmia and Mazury Voivodeship of Poland). The 9th Guards Artillery Regiment, repelling the enemy's counterattacks, with its fire destroyed 2 anti-tank guns, 3 heavy and 2 light machine guns, 60 soldiers and officers, knocked out 2 tanks, 3 self-propelled guns, 6 vehicles, which ensured the successful repelling of the counterattack and the advance of rifle units and divisions. On January 22, 1945, units and subunits of the 283rd Infantry Division crossed the Omulev River on the outskirts of the city of Willenberg along the assault bridges built at night by sappers, and on January 23, 1945, the city of Willenberg was taken. On February 14, 1945, units of the division broke through the enemy's defenses in the area of \u200b\u200bN of the item. Eshenau (now Yessenovo east of the town of Pienzno Braniewo County, Warmia and Mazury Voivodeship in Poland). On February 14, 1945, units of the division fought offensive battles in the area of \u200b\u200bN of the item. Zonwalde (now Radziejewo, Polish. Radziejewo Communes of Pienzno Braniewo County, Warmia and Mazury Voivodeship, Poland). On February 16, 1945, the 858th Infantry Regiment fought offensive battles in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Lais village north of the town of Melzak (now the settlement of Laisy near the town of Penezhno Braniewski County, Warmia and Mazury Voivodeship in Poland). On February 18, 1945, the 858th Infantry Regiment fought offensive battles north of the village of Lais. On February 19, 1945, the 858th Infantry Regiment took part in a battle in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Peterswalde (now Piotrovets of the Braniewski District of the Warmia-Mazury Voivodeship of Poland). On February 20, 1945, the 858th Infantry Regiment fought in the area of \u200b\u200bthe settlement. Engelswalde (now the Savity of the commune of Pienzno Braniewo powiat, Warmia and Mazury in Poland). On February 25, 1945, the 858th Infantry Regiment fought offensive battles northwest of the village of Rauschbach (now Rusevo Braniewski County, Warmia and Mazury Voivodeship in Poland). On February 28, 1945, the regiment fought in the forest area north-west of the village of Rauschbach (now the settlement of Rusevo Braniewski district of the Warmia-Mazury Voivodeship of Poland). In March 1945, the 858th Infantry Regiment fought offensive battles in the current Braniewski District of the Warmińsko-Mazurskaya Voivodeship of Poland in the direction of Konigsberg (now the city of Kaliningrad). On March 8, 1945, the 858th Infantry Regiment fought offensive battles west of N of the item. Schönlinde, East Prussia (now the settlement of Krasnolipe, Braniewo District, Warmia and Mazury Voivodeship in Poland). On March 14, 1945, the division broke through the enemy's defenses in the area of \u200b\u200bN of the item. Schönlinde, East Prussia (now Krasnolipe of the Braniewo District of the Warmia and Mazury Voivodeship of Poland). On March 14, 1945, units of the division fought north-west of N of the item. Hohenwalde, East Prussia (now the settlement of Kzewno Braniewo County, Warmia and Mazury Voivodeship in Poland). On March 18, 1945, in the area of \u200b\u200ba height with a mark of 45.3 near Np. Noah Banau (near the present settlement of Wilki of the Braniewski district of the Vaminsko-Mazury voivodeship of Poland), the regiment crossed the Banau River (Banuvka - on Polish territory, Mamonovka on Russian territory). On March 19, 1945, units of the division fought east of N of the item. Hohenwalde, East Prussia (now the settlement of Kzewno of the Braniewo District of the Warmia and Mazury Voivodeship of Poland). On March 21 - 23, 1945, the regiment took part in the battle for the Braunsberg - Heiligenbeil highway (now Braniewo, Poland - Mamonovo, Kaliningrad region) in the area of \u200b\u200bthe settlement. Grunau (now the town of Gronowo, Braniewo District, Warmia and Mazury Voivodeship, Poland). On March 23 - 25, 1945, the division took part in the battles for the Braunsberg - Heiligenbeil railway (now Braniewo, Poland - Mamonovo, Kaliningrad region) in the area of \u200b\u200bthe settlement. Ulm (now the state border of Russia-Poland in the area of \u200b\u200bthe city of Mamonovo, Kaliningrad region). On March 25, 1945, units of the 858th Infantry Regiment took part in the battle for the village of Shettnienen (now the region of the Russia-Poland state border on the coast of the Vistula Lagoon). The 283rd rifle division, after the defeat of the East Prussian grouping of Germans as part of the 41st rifle corps of the 3rd army, for 14 days made more than 500-kilometer march to the Berlin direction and by April 8, 1945 concentrated in the forest southeast of the city of Drossen (now the city is now Osno-Lubuskie Slubitsky powiat, Lubusz Voivodeship, Poland), where it became part of the 1st Belorussian Front. As part of the 1st Belorussian Front, the division fought stubborn battles to destroy the Nazi grouping surrounded southeast of Berlin. On the morning of April 19, 1945, on the left flank of the 69th Army, the 283rd Infantry Division, together with units of the 33rd Army, occupied the bridgehead left by the enemy on the eastern bank of the Oder near Frankfurt. On April 28 - 29, 1945, the regiment fought in the area of \u200b\u200bthe settlement. The sprouts and Hammer of the Brandenburg province of Germany (now the Dame-Spreewald region of Brandenburg, Germany). On May 8, 1945, the division completed hostilities near Brandenburg. The Motherland highly appreciated the feat of arms of the soldiers and division commanders. For courage and bravery during the war years, 18910 soldiers of the division were awarded orders and medals of the USSR, orders - all its regiments and individual units, including the 858th Bialystok Red Banner Order of Alexander Nevsky Infantry Regiment. On August 4, 1945, the 283rd Rifle Gomel Red Banner Order of Suvorov II degree division returned to its homeland within the BSSR and was stationed in the city of Vileika, Molodechno (now Minsk) region of Belarus, where it was disbanded in 1946.

BARANOV Mikhail Trofimovich (04/20/1924, Oryol region - 07/09/1999, Moscow) - Doctor of Philology (1985); prof .; Art. scientific. employee of the Research Institute of Teaching Methods of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR-USSR (1957–81); head department methods of teaching the Russian language at the Philological Faculty (1988–98). Awarded State Prize of the USSR for a textbook on the Russian language (1984), Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd degree (1985), KD Ushinsky Prize.

Studied at the evening department of the Faculty of Philology of the Moscow City Pedagogical Institute named after V.P. Potemkin (1947–52). In 1952 he entered graduate school. Defended at the department. Russian language Cand. diss. "On the transition from E to O in the first pre-stressed syllable of the North Russian dialect" (1956). Since 1981 he worked at the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. IN AND. Lenin-MSGU at the department. methods of teaching the Russian language. Defended by Dr. diss. "Scientific and methodological foundations of enrichment vocabulary schoolchildren in the process of learning Russian in grades 4–8. " (1985). He created clear classifications of principles, methods and means of teaching, goals and objectives of teaching, types of lessons, types and types of skills and exercises in relation to the school course of the Russian language. In his research, he emphasized the fundamental role of educating the culture of students, the culture of speech as an indicator of the general culture of Russian speakers. He defended the idea of \u200b\u200bforming a linguistic worldview of schoolchildren. This idea became key in scientific research. B. school and was based on the principles of the connection between language and logic, the native language and a sense of national identity. In B.'s research, private methods were based on a clear and structured conceptual base. B. and colleagues streamlined the terminological base of the teaching methods of word formation, defined intra-subject connections with spelling, morphology, vocabulary, emphasized the semantic aspect of teaching word formation. He created school spelling and word-formation dictionaries of a new type, which reflected B.'s desire to determine the meaning of the phenomenon being studied and the acquired skill. He developed a methodology for studying vocabulary as a school section. I paid special attention to lexical concepts, adaptation of cat's to the school course was a new phenomenon. Drew attention to the 210th anniversary of the inclusion of the Russian language in the study. plans. Drew attention to the features of the reform of the Russian school, carried out in the late. 18 century, thanks to which modern methodologists turned to the heritage of such scientists, creators of textbooks. for students and guides for teachers like V.P. Svetov, A.A. Barsov, N. Kurganov, P. Sokolov, I. Ornatovsky, I.F. Timkovsky, N.I. Grech, E. Gugel. He systematized the theory of teaching methods of the Russian language for a number of scientific. directions, taking into account its latest achievements. Created a textbook. on the methodology of teaching the Russian language for universities, as well as 7 original programs for art. cl., thereby laying the foundation of a specialized school and enriching elective courses. Founded scientific. school, which I was characterized by scientific. rigor and logic, clear structure. B. and his students emphasized the connection between language and speech, word and text, the unity of the national personality and the historical fate of the people, which are reflected in cultural stereotypes and concepts - in the content of the method. concepts. Together with his students, he created a number of research centers, which later received theoretical and practical coverage.

Scientific Secretary Dr. diss. council of the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute IN AND. Lenin (1980-90), member. doct. Academic Councils of Moscow State Pedagogical University and the Moscow Regional Pedagogical Institute, Chl. Academic Council of the Philological Faculty of Moscow State Pedagogical University.

With about h: Russian language: textbook for 5-6 grades. / et al. with L.T. Grigoryan, I.I. Kulibaboy, T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, L.A. Trostensova; ed. N.M. Shansky. M., 1969; Russian language: textbook. pos. for 4 cl. / et al. from T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, L.T. Grigoryan, I.I. Kulibaboy, L.A. Trostensova; ed. N.M. Shansky. M., 1970; Russian language: 7 cl. / et al. with I.I. Kulibaboy, D.T. Grigoryan and others; ed. N.M. Shansky. M., 1971; Spelling and spelling rule // Family and school. 1974, No. 1; Vocabulary technique. Enrichment of the vocabulary of students in the lessons of the Russian language in 4-8 grades. / ed. A.V. Tekucheva et al. M., 1978; Methods of teaching the Russian language: by spec. No. 2101 "Russian language and literature" / et al. from T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, M.R. Lvov and etc.; ed. M.T. Baranova. M., 1990.

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