What will happen if the air got down with the injection. What will happen if the air in Vienna

Air bubble, caught in Vienna, can cause her blockage. This condition is called aerial embolism. Under what circumstances it may arise, what danger represents for life and human health?

The air in Vienna is able to penetrate only under the condition of its puncture - puncture. Accordingly, this can happen when performing such manipulations as intravenous administration of drugs with a syringe or dropper. Many patients during such procedures are afraid of air from entering venous vessels and their anxiety has good reasons. This is due to the fact that air bubble overlaps the lumen of the channel, thereby disturbing the process of blood microcirculation. That is, the development of embolism takes place. The high risk of severe complications and even fatal outcome occurs when blocking large arteries.

The composition is the same, it only changes the price. It includes progesterone and estradiol: 150 mg of Algoston and Estradiol enanthate, 10 mg. Perlutan begins to gradually produce, and soon in the first days. In the first few days, he will release a very large amount of estradiol. Levels will vary strongly: at first it produces a lot of estradiol, and then releases very little. Thus, you need to add it between the injections of another type of estradiol.

Uh, but if he only releases within 8 days the amount of estradiol, which I need, then it simply increases the frequency of injections, isn't it? Moreover, this can lead to complications, such as increasing prolactin and even changes in the pituitary. For some younger girls this action can be enough to keep the dough at a low level, giving out antiandrogens. "And what period do you have to do exams?".

Possible consequences

It is believed that if the air fell into a vein, it will lead to a fatal outcome. Is it true? Yes, such is quite likely, but only under the condition of penetration of its large volume - at least 20 cubes. Unintentionally, with intravenous administration, medication cannot happen. If even in the syringe with the drug and there were air bubbles, then its quantities are not enough to cause life-threatening consequences. Small plugs are quite quickly dissolved under blood pressure and the process of its circulation is immediately restored.

Such phenomena may become complications:

  • parese - temporary numbness of the body of the body, to which it became bad to flow blood due to blockage of the supply vessel with a bubble of air;
  • formation of sealing and blue in place of puncture;
  • dizziness;
  • general malaise;
  • short-term fainting.

Introduction to Vienna 20 cc. The air can provoke oxygen starvation of the brain or the heart muscle, which in turn will lead to the development of infarction or stroke.

But in general, this is not a seminal creature. Proper place of use and take all precautions. But it is recommended to look for someone with experience in injection injections to avoid serious inconvenience. Here is a brief explanation of how to do it. - First make an antiseptic with alcohol. - Over the ampoule. Recommended use area: Figure below.

Aspirate the contents using the syringe, then remove all the air and then apply it to the previously marked place after the needle penetrates the jagged aspirate with the help of a syringe to see if there is no blood. It is always recommended to alternate the buttock to which it belongs.

In the absence of timely medical care The risk of death of the victim is increasing. The danger of fatal outcome increases if the air in Vienna fell during severe surgery, in the process of complicated generic activity, as well as serious injuries and injuries, which are accompanied by damage to large blood vessels.

Recommended application. Figure showing how to gain air from the syringe. Forget this idea, however, only in your goal, that this needle will enter, damage, which may suffer from reuse of syringes, more than money that was saved. In addition, because of this thickening needle, used again, does not penetrate the skin as easily as new, and it can cause pain, bleeding and bruises. In any case, the needles are intended for use only once.

It depends on how much you leave. But if it is a little, its effectiveness will not be compromised. When you finish entering the needle, quickly delete it and squeeze the place of injection with a cotton swab. Do not massive the application site. This is a rare complication, but it can happen.

The air embolism can provoke death in the case when the compensatory capabilities of the body are insufficient, and the medical assistance was provided indefinitely.

Air in Vienna does not always lead to her blockage. Bubbles can move on the blood flow system, penetrating into smaller vessels and capillaries. At the same time, they either dissolve, or overlap them the lumen, which is practically not reflected on the general well-being of a person. Pronounced symptoms takes place only when large air volume into large significant blood channels.

This usually happens when you apply muscles that have been very reduced, or if you rotated a needle many times when you pushed it into the application site. Remember, you can not mess a lot. Remember: Pelrutan must be applied to the muscle, the muscles will say it, soothe hormone and gradually released. The perlutant is oily, can not come into direct contact with blood. In any case, if you think you're going through a lot, help.

Evidence medicine. It should be suspected of any patient with the central venous catheter, which suddenly develops an inexplicable hypoxemia or cardiacirculatory collapse. Air can penetrate into a vein directly through the puncture needle during the stay of the catheter in the central vein, by disconnecting or fracture the catheter and during its release subcutaneously. However, smaller quantities can be fatal in patients with severe diseases with a limited cardiovascular reserve.

Shops and droppers

In the process of introducing injections there is a chance to enter air bubbles invienna.

To avoid this nurse before making an injury, the contents of the syringe shake and produce a little medicine from it. Thus, along with the drug it comes out and overlooked air. This is done not only in order to avoid dangerous consequences, but also to reduce the painfulness of the injection. After all, when air bubble penetrates into Vienna, it causes a very unpleasant feeling in a patient, as well as the formation of hematoma in the puncture area. When dropping the droppers, the likelihood that the air will fall into the vein, almost zero, as all bubbles are also available from the system.

Heart attack or heart attack?

Blood interaction with air causes platelet aggregation, red blood cells and a global fat in air bubbles, contributing to the obstruction of pulmonary vessels, followed by an increase in vascular resistance, a decrease in pulmonary complacency and severe hypoxemia, as well as accompanying hemodynamic instability associated with acute pulmonary hypertension.

Gas embolism can manifest themselves with sudden shortness, anxiety, dizziness, nausea, impending death or chest pain. Neurological signs, such as confusion, dizziness and loss of consciousness, may occur immediately. These signs may be secondary compared to cerebral hypoxia, hypoxhemia and systemic hemodynamic instability or ischemia by passing air to systemic arterial circulation, causing cerebral arterial embolism.


In order to prevent unwanted complications after the injection, you need to seek help only in specialized medical institutions, where manipulations are performed by a qualified medical staff. It is not recommended to conduct a procedure to independently or trust it with persons not possess the necessary skills.

Conditions that reduce central venous pressure, predispose to the gas embolism, including tachycardia, hypovolemia and high hair, as well as those that enhance the intragenic negative pressure, for example, hyperventilation. Patients with suspicion of gas embolism should be immediately located in the left side section and with the head-down-headed, thereby placing the right joyful ventricle to the position below the cavity of the right ventricle, facilitating air migration into a higher part, the air aspiration of the right ventricle can be undertaken if the catheter Located, but there is no excuse for passing another catheter only for this purpose.

Air introduction to Vienna can provoke an air embolism - overlapping blood flow by air bubble.

It is accompanied by such symptoms as dizziness, joint pain, weakness and tingling in the limbs, loss of consciousness, in severe cases - paralysis. Air embolism may have a fatal outcome. If it occurs in the heart area - the heart attack happens if stroke in the brain. In case embolism occurs in the lungs, it is accompanied by pain in the chest and difficulty breathing. It is probably why the injection in Vienna an empty syringe is a favorite detective storyline of many books and serials.

What will happen if the air falls into Vienna through the dropper?

To reduce the size of bubbles, everything should be placed in 100% oxygen. The prevention of gas embolism is important. After seizures, the input port on the skin should be immediately closed. If possible, avoid central venous access in patients with tachycardia or anxiety; In patients with hypovolemia, previous hydration should be conducted. Neurological manifestations of brain air embolism as a complication of central venous catheterization.

This newsletter can serve as a textbook to prepare auxiliary health agents who must learn to dare infusion in the context of one of the hols. In this case, infusion will have to transplant too often. The placement of infusion is an important technical act; This requires much attention and requires a large supervision of the patient during the entire time of its operation.

But it is worth taken to note: if you enter to Vienna to 20 air cubes (this is a critical value), nothing terrible will happen. The air bubble must be quite voluminous to block large vessels. Little is absorbed in the blood and body cells.

Nevertheless, an irresistible desire to find out what will happen if there is a hand in Vienna, a hand should go hand with your prudence.

1 Infusion bag containing liquid. 1 Stack or nail into the wall for hanging the infusion bag in height from the patient level. Little bowl or beans. Group all necessary equipment. Please check the shelf life of the infusion bag. Any infusion bag containing a cloud fluid will be thrown out.

Remove the cap from a larger amount of needle. Perfinate the needle infusion bag in this place. Remove the cap from the needle number. Give the liquid to cool in a clean container. Infusion is ready; To get to the patient's bed. The patient must be well installed, very often, it will not be able to be distributed over time strictly necessary for infusion.

What will happen if you swallow a needle?

If you suddenly sewed, and then you forgot that you have a tool in your mouth and, choking, frowning, swallowed, swallowed a needle, immediately call an ambulance. This is definitely. Until the moment the urgent arrived, it is impossible:

try to cause vomit to fingers or drugs,

knock on the back or chest.

The patient's hand should remain tense. People who act or children need to immobilize the hand. To do this, place the tire. For example, a wooden board or drop will be fixed with a dressing on both sides of the elbow to bend the mobilization of the hand and so that the needle does not look like a vein.

Mortal air dose with air emblem

Therefore, it will be necessary to calculate the number of drops that must be in one minute to complete the infusion at the right time. Take the clock, count and enter the number. Be careful if you feel the ripples, do not bite, because it is art, and not vein.

The main thing is not to be scared and do not commit convulsive movements. It is possible that the needle will simply get stuck in the upper esophagus, like fish bone and the arrived doctor will immediately pull it out on the spot.

The needle may well pierce the esophagus, especially if it is a sharp and narrow number, and go towards the lung or heart. However, folk horror stories about the wandering of needles on the human body is usually no more than the bikes. The needle is more often in muscle tissues, rotating in them, where it can even stay for life, sometimes without causing disorders. This is if the process is not accompanied by inflammation. The most acute needle, remaining in the tissues, will move to the time before the time, the most insignificant distance. It is usually a seriously moving needles can only in Vienna or in a large cavity, for example, abdominal. Most often, it is the prerogative of injection needles.

Draw the needle number 2 and the handset with the patient's hand. Tell the patient to close the fist to bring the custody. Leave the pipe in the beans; She should not touch anything. Tell me the patient does not move. Then he stopped the needle. Do not go around the hand with the help of plaster, it can be harness.

Put the compress and correct the adhesive plaster. If necessary, immobilize elbow with a tire. Infusion should be monitored throughout its work time. This means that the needle comes out of the vein. Fluid fluid passes. Stop immediately. Leave the infusion on another shoulder.

It is most likely that the needle will get stuck in a narrowed part of the esophagus and will cause pain. Then you will be taken to the hospital, they will make x-ray and determine its location. It often happens that the needle passes to the stomach and there is such a chance that it can go out with the carte masses through the intestines, but risk, nevertheless, is not worth it. Resistant needle delay in the stomach or in the intestines can lead to very difficult consequences. A needle can pierce the wall of the stomach or intestine, which is dangerous infection and peritonitis. Therefore, when swallowing the needles, you must immediately call an ambulance.

If the needle is connected, it means that blood is rolled in the needle. Take a bag for infusion and lower it to the foot of the patient's bed, this is called reflux technique. No, he does not return: the needle is empty. Install the infusion on another hand. Aerial embolism is the penetration of air into the venous system by spontaneous input under the pressure of the negative vein or by means. Air can penetrate the bloodstream during surgical procedures, lung injuries, decompression and several other reasons.

The causes of the occurrence can be spontaneous air intakes due to the rupture of the blood vessel of a large diameter or rarely in active air in invasive manipulations, such as blood transfusion, hemodialysis, the use of infusion pumps and extracorporeal membrane oxygenators. Rarely, in obesity-gynecological practice, an air emboline may occur due to air flow through the open vessels of the uterus in place of the placenta with manual placenta extraction.

What will happen if in sperm it is intravenous?

Cum consists of seed liquid (close in composition to plasma, lymph) and, actually, spermatozoa. Sperm stupidly mixes with blood and nothing will be, and the tadpoles will be adopted as a foreign body and attacked by the immune system of a person. As a result, we will have a rise in temperature and weakness close to the cold. If we consider from the point of view of the hormone content - a woman in the blood increases the level of testosterone, briefly - and this will cause a temporary increase in libido, well, and men will not feel the difference at all. But, if sperm is choking in the artery ... In the artery, in general, the bad idea is either prick, the more heterogeneous consistency. So in the woes of the circumstances, we can have a short-term blockage of brain vessels, quite quickly eliminating themselves in the mind of the proximity of the chemical composition to the blood plasma and the lack of coagulating substances. As a result, the body will give a short failure and a couple of microinsults, which is not very good for you to affect any circumstances. In the case of injection, the tadpoles beaten by leukocytes will safely fall in the liver and spleen - like other dead blood cells.

What will happen if you remove the spacesuit on Mars?

For air emburs, there must be the following two prerequisites. Direct link between the air source and the vascular network by the pressure converter that contributes to the passage of air into the bloodstream. Key factors determining the degree of morbidity and mortality EMBLA in air are associated with the volume of gas accumulation, the speed of accumulation and the patient's position during the event. Usually a small amount of air is broken into the capillary tube and is absorbed by blood flow, without causing symptoms. However, complications were reported when only 20 ml of air was administered intravenously.

Mars - the place is very loble and for human life is categorically unsuitable. "Colonists", who stepped on his surface, would expect a quick death due to the aggregate, at least the following factors:

1. An extremely rarefied atmosphere, with a pressure of 640 Pa [approximately 1/150 Earth]. Water in such conditions boils at a temperature of about +0.5 Celsius, which is much lower than the temperature of the human body. That is, without a hermetic hard jade, like the moon, a person on Mars will instantly boil the blood [full of boiling and horrors as in "remember everything" really will not, for boiling, even starting, will be immediately stopped by excessive pressure of tissue tensile tissues (plus It can prevent arterial / venous pressure in the human circulatory system). But the selection of some gases from the blood will occur almost guaranteed, causing circulatory disruption, embolism and symptoms close to the caisson disease. It is incredibly painful and dangerous for health, and in all practical senses The atmospheric pressure is below about 6.3 kPa detaching for a person]. One thing is enough to leave the thought of Mars as a "second house", but I will add a picture of many more strokes:

2. Practically complete absence of oxygen in the atmosphere. It is 0.13% there.

3. The impossibility of the existence of water in liquid form on Mars as a result. In extremely rare exceptions, water there is either a ferry or ice, and the transition between them is carried out directly, bypassing the liquid phase. It seriously floats the ability to populate Mars some, say, lichens.

4. Cold. The usual weather on Mars is -50 C, with variations from -130 from to +20 C.

5. Solar radiation. The atmosphere of the planet is thin and passes solar radiation to the surface with wavelengths from ~ 195 nm. Ultraviolet of such a robbery is destroyed for all earthly life. Doctors are not in vain use UV lamps for disinfection of rooms.

What will happen if you get into a black hole?

Doctors became interested in the possibility of blood transfusion only in the middle of the seventeenth century, but various kinds of injections, including in Vienna, were carried out at the time of the hypocratic, which was described in detail in its many works on medical topics. Despite the primitive level of medicine at that time (according to modern standards), already then the eskulapses knew that the air in Vienna could cause threatening effects to health, and sometimes death, but so far, humanity did not invent more effective injuries medical preparations and biological fluids than those who have become familiar to all injections and droppers.

This state of affairs is due to the availability of droppers and syringes, their effectiveness, ease of use and relative safety. It is not absolute because of the author's typos, but by virtue of a number of objective factors. One of the most significant is the possibility of air penetration into the bloodstream in the process of performing injection. No mammal can live without oxygen, but his presence in Vienna and inside the human blood system can cause very serious complications, including irreparable. This article discusses the nature of destructive processes caused by air in the vein, their consequences and preventive measuresdesigned to warn the situation.

As an air bubble can get into blood

Each student of a medical educational institution of any level of accreditation from the first courses knows that before performing injection, it should be seen in the absence of air in the needle, a syringe or a dropper. It should be supplanted with liquid before its introduction to Vienna, in which each health worker is obliged to make sure that the procedure is started. Ignoring this rule indicates the absence of qualifications from a specialist or about a banal human factor, due to which a potentially fatal error can be allowed. Air for injections in Vienna can penetrate inside only by virtue of the factors described above.

The consequences of air entering

Situations in which the air was in Vienna are called embolism in medical literature. They happen extremely rare, but if they take place, the following may occur in the body:

  • Burning vessel. The probability of such a result is highest in people having atherosclerotic plaques and suffering from hypertension. In both cases, vessels are reduced, which increases the likelihood of blockage
  • Stretching atrial. The air, which fell into the bloodstream and freely coming to myocardium, is going to the right department of myocardium, where he does not have the ability to freely go out. If its quantity is quite high, the muscle tissue is stretched, which is extremely negatively affects the work of the heart, causing arrhythmia, paroxysms and more serious dysfunctions.
  • Fatal outcome. It comes with the introduction of an exhaust air to the vein (from twenty cubes). The probability of his occurrence increases greatly in people having cardiovascular diseases

Despite the fact that the possibility of air penetration into the circulatory system with an intravenous circuit or a dropper stage cannot be excluded completely, the doctors assure it, its volume will not be able to apply tangible harm. healthy person. Dangerous consequences Only conscious administration of an impressive amount of air or its random penetration during operational intervention, injury, childbirth, in other freelancers.

Signs of air from entering the blood system

If the oversight was allowed, it is not always possible to notice visually. If after the injection, the following signs appeared, you can relate with a lot of probability to assume that he got there:

  • Painful sensations in the field of chest. There are place when myocardium lack blood flow due to obstacles in the blood circulation system in the form of air
  • Corses, bruises in the place of puncture from the dropper. Signs of indirect, but they often accompany convulsion
  • Weakness, pre-corrupt state, clouding consciousness. Happen when the bubble overlaps a vein that feeds the brain
  • Nobuching Vienna, numbness of limbs (more often). This state is found if the bubble is not moving towards the heart muscle, and stuck at the entrance to a narrower bloodway (the size of which is congenital or acquired)
  • Warms in the chest, shortness of breath, fall arterial pressure, Increase the frequency of heart rate, arrhythmia. Symptoms may indicate that air by passing blood systemI got into myocardium

What to do if the air still got into vein

If the incident occurred in the hospital, the medical staff should immediately take measures designed to prevent the emergence of negative consequences. These include:

  • Hemostasis. Performed by conducting surgery. It is intended to remove air from the system surgically
  • Oxygen inhalations. Help dissolve air bubble (or several bubbles) in the blood
  • Exposure to saline. He is subject to presumably damaged vessels
  • Sessions in the barocamera. Contribute to the normalization of blood pressure, dissolving air inside myocardium and in Vienna
  • Aspiration air. If its location is localized, the air roll out from the veins along with blood
  • Medical therapy. Patient shows preparations that stimulate work of cardio-vascular systemNormalizing pressure, pulse and vein size, droplet can be used for administration
  • Steroid. It is shown in the cases of the edema of the brain, provoked by the penetration of air into the blood.

If the air penetrates the vein at home, you should immediately contact qualified specialists, Calling ambulance. Until her arrival, you need to remove the dropper and take a comfortable position. If the bloody Vienna takes place, it makes sense to drag it to prevent air from entering myocardium.

Preventive measures

In the medical literature, veins are classified as blood vessels providing transport links for blood flow from all vital organs to myocardium. Their importance is impossible to overestimate their importance. In order not to give a dropper opportunity to damage them and harm the body, allowing air from entering the vessels, you need to stick simple rules When performing any kind of injections in Vienna:

  • Use only good syringes and systems. Qualitative devices will not allow the air unauthorized in the vessels
  • Identify and comply with the shelf life of medical supplies. Use an overdue dropper or syringe is unacceptable
  • Carefully remove air from the syringe. Checking the dropper need no less scrupulously. Before the needle proves in Vienna, let out a little medicine outside. Liquid displace bubbles

Trust the installation of droppers should only be qualified professionals, ideal if the procedure is performed under hospital. If there is no such possibility, follow the recommendations given above and remove the air from medical copiers before the catheter or needle will be in Vienna. So you will save the vessels from damage, but also warn negative consequences.

It is known that there is a simple murder way. Allegedly will need only a syringe. What will happen if the air goes to Vienna? The myth of the fatal outcome occurred after the detective novels have gained popularity, because almost everyone read at least one of them for their lives.

However, this version of the murder has substantial flaws, and it is more like a fiction of the author. From the side, everything looks plausible, and the trace of the injection almost does not remain, and the victim is difficult to find the cause of death.

But not only in the literature you can meet the mention of this method. Currently, many adolescents are subject to various addictions, including drug addiction. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to young manIf he asks questions that concern this topic.

What can happen, what will happen when entering the vein of the air? Experts give an accurate answer to this question. Theoretically, everything is true, and such a term as "an air embolism" is well-known to doctors. This penetration of the artery of a person is pretty large number air. It is important that it is his quantity, and where he falls if you enter it.

What will happen in the situation when the air penetrates the artery? A blockage will come, that is, the blood flow will not be able to move freely by arteries and vessels. Wide arteries with difficulty, but the bubble is passed, but after it falls into smaller blood vessels, and it is there that the chance of stopping the inflow of blood increases at times.

But human body I got used to fight, and so simple it does not give up. The person will die from such a procedure only if he is seriously ill, or has heart problems, or suffer from hypertension. In general, the percentage of death does not exceed 2%, so real life This form of murder is not called effective.

The dose should be decent and sometimes repeated. Small portions will safely dissolve in the body. It is also worth paying attention to that the minor vessels will not respond at all, you need to get into a large artery, and this is not easy. After such an intervention, a trace will remain, (everyone could notice the bruises that remain after the intake of blood test) and after death, there will be a dark spot surrounded by bright border. So inconsistent this act will not remain.


So that the air does not get into vein or under skin covering It is necessary to comply with some rules when administering medication. Before entering the injection, it is important to make sure that there is no air in the syringe. What will happen when air intake in Vienna? It is impossible to say that it is tragic, but it is worth avoiding such experiments. If there is common sense and prudence, they must work for any normal person.

Also, when setting up droppers, you need to carefully follow the process, make sure that there are no bubbles in the system. To date, there are droppers, which provide for automatic removal of those.


Most often, the embolism is exposed to people whose professional activity, or hobbies are associated with dives. These are divers, athletes, they have to hold back breathing after the air ended.

A sharp rise from the depth can provoke embolism, since the lungs are maximally filled with air, and at the same time small alveoli can break. The air is forced to move along the vessels, it falls into the circulatory system and causes this condition, or, as a decompression disease is called. Malted people most often find themselves in the risk zone, and specialists need to competently carry out work on the brief of this category of swimmers.

Symptoms for which it is possible to determine that not everything is in order after immersion to a greater depth:

  • articular pain, in legs, hands, lubrication;
  • dizziness;
  • the total weakness of the body, inadequate behavior;
  • feeling of fatigue, and even exhaustion;
  • loss of consciousness in (rare cases);
  • rash on skin cover;
  • paralysis (in more severe forms);

In case of emergency rise, the human body does not have time to push out overweight nitrogen, which dissolved, remains in the blood of a person for all the time of dive. Since the pressure with each meter decreases, it causes caisson disease, and it is these nitrogen bubbles that create such a picture. The main thing is to obtain competent briefing and clearly adhere to all the recommendations of specialists.

For each person, the critical amount of air in the blood is individually, and there are people for whom such experiments do not affect their well-being. Often they put global records, and their names can be found in the Guinness Book of Records. And animal experiences confirmed this observation, everyone reacted differently to extreme immersion.

Probably, at least once in life happened to pass through this not too painful, but still an unpleasant situation as intravenous injection. Many at this tense moment arises an alarming thought that the air can get into Vienna. Numerous detective serials come to mind, where ingenious villains have committed murders in this way, practically no leaving traces. What will happen if the air is really in Vienna?

In real life, everything is somewhat simpler and more prose than in the series. For a deadly outcome, you need a tiny air bubble, but a fairly large volume (about 10 milliliters). In addition, it can provoke death, only if it immediately penetrates into large artery and block the flow of blood.

What happens during the injection?

Please note that during the injection, the hand is below the heart level. Due to this, the air will dispersed before it rises to vital organs.

By the way, in detective films and novels, insidious killers are usually running into the air into small vessels, and in practice it is very difficult to get into them - it is almost impossible. In addition, the place of the injection, which no one sees is another literary and cinematic myth. To discover it, you do not even need to be a genius of criminologists or a luminariety of forensic medicine. After the death of man, it becomes dark, and light halo appears around it. So the average forensic examination will quickly find him and will understand the cause of death.

But if everything is so simple, then why the medical staff always tries to remove the air before the enroll? In fact, the very "sinister" air bubbles make the injection painful. The patient may feel discomfort, and a bruise remains on the spot.

Dangerous situations

What happens if for some reason the air will still fall into the artery? This occurs a condition called an air embolism. Its essence is that blood flow overlaps. The air stopper blocks the blood movement along the vascular channel and, creating a bubble, wanders at the arteries. Air parts apply to small vessels, up to capillaries. Since the capillary mesh ensures the blood supply to all organs and systems, then due to aerial embolism A vital part of the body can be isolated. Probable consequences - heart attack and stroke.

Under what circumstances in Vienna can have such a number of air, which is really enough for the deadly outcome? This is possible when injuries and injuries of the neck or chest. These situations are dangerous in that the neck is above the level of the heart, and in breast Department Pressure is lower than in the environment. At the same time, the air is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream and simply breaks it.

In childbirth, during the contraction of the uterus, the air can get into its hollow vein. In this case, he will very quickly.

Such a phenomenon like pulmonary barryravum arises in the following situation: the diver ends with air, it delays breathing in a panic and quickly rushes to the surface. When the pressure is asked, the pressure decreases and in the light air expands. Easy is overly filled, as a result, the alveoli can break. At the same time, air from the lungs will go into the blood vessels and will be able to provoke an air embolism.

Such cases are most fatal. But the usual intravenous injection does not have any relation to them.

It makes no sense to scare a tiny air bubble, but this does not mean that you can intentionally introduce a full air syringe into Vienna. There is no consensus on how the minimum amount of air can indeed lead to a fatal outcome.

Some believe that 10 cubes are enough, others call the figure 50 and even more. But nevertheless, you should not experiment and experimental by checking what will happen if you can throw the air to Vienna. If hitting a small amount of air happened randomly, for example, when you yourself made an injection of medication at home, then it is best not to panic, not to listen to the lips of relatives and friends, but to apply for a consultation to the doctor, which you can all calmly and reasonably explain.

How to do intravenous injection?

It is believed that the intravenous injections themselves make only drug addicts, and ordinary people trust this difficult thing medical Personnel. But different emergency situations happen in life, and sometimes the fate and life of a person will depend on how quickly the injection will be made. Therefore, it is better at least in the theory to know how to make an intravenous injection correctly.

Of course, it is necessary to comply with the standard hygiene rules: wash your hands, use only disposable or sterilized tools, handle the skin at the injection site. Usually for such injections use veins of the elbow fossa. They have enough big size, In addition, the skin layer in this area is quite thin, so this approach is the easiest and convenient. But injections can be done in other places (for example, in the vein brushes or forearm).

The medicine must be dialing into the syringe, make sure that there are no air bubbles, put on the cap on the needle. The patient sits down or falls, completely flexing his hand in the elbow joint. On the middle part of his shoulder is superimposed. The patient needs to squeeze several times and break the fist so that the blood filled the veins.

The skin treated with alcohol is stretched in the area of \u200b\u200bthe elbow bending and slightly shifted to the side. The syringe needs to keep the needle to be under an acute angle to Vienna. When the skin is puncture, the needle is introduced by a third of the length. The patient is squeezing the fist. When the vein is puncture, you can pull the piston of the syringe against yourself. If blood appears in it, then everything is fine. Now you need to unleash the harness, and the patient is squeezing the fist.

The drug is introduced slowly, then the injection site is pressed with a variegated alcohol. Now you can extract the needle. The patient should bend a hand in the elbow for a few minutes while holding the wool with alcohol at the injection site.

What is the notorious air able to harm? The fact is that by moving on blood vessels, It forms a peculiar plug, which causes the so-called state. This interferes with normal circulation in the field of heart or brain. The most deprecatory result can be a heart attack or stroke, which depends on which vital an important organ overlap access.

However, you should not be afraid of a similar probability - that is, at least several reasons. First, for the onset of deposits, the injection should be made with a gross security infringement. IN medical institutions Working qualified professionals, carefully follow the progress of the procedures. Before any type of injection, it is necessary to remove air from the syringe, raising up and tickling thoroughly on it; Similarly, it takes place to use the dropper; In technically complex, there are filters that exercise their preliminary cleaning from all over all.

Secondly, the muscles and fabric are not able to cause an air embolism. Only intravenous injections are a potential threat. But even in this case, the fatal outcome can occur only with the wrong circle into a large vein or main artery that has direct access to vital systems. If small air bubbles fall into small vessels, as a rule, they are resolved in the blood independently and can cause anything minor painfulness patient.

Thirdly, it is important to take into account the dose capable of affecting health damage. In order for the state of the air embolism, it is necessary to introduce air bubbles in a significant amount into the body - about two hundred milliliters.

Risky business divers

Air can access the circulatory system and other paths, causing a caisson disease. Dangers are exposed to divers and people engaged in snorkeling. This is happening if a person is trying to at the same time to delay the breath and surface to surface too quickly. Because of the pressure disorders, the air begins to cut airways, breaking them and penetrating the blood, which, in turn, causes a violation of the work of the heart or cerebral circulation.

To protect yourself from the required medical examinations and even more active entertainment, like diving, it is not worth it. But in fact, and in another case, it is necessary to approach this with the mind and minimum base of the knowledge necessary to preserve health.

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