Novocain - instructions for use. Novocaine - Instructions for use Increased blood pressure

Medication Novocaine 0 25 is used in medicine during local anesthesia and carrying out various blockades. The drug has a moderate anesthetic effect, so that it can be used with hemorrhoids.

The composition and action of novocaine hemorrhoids

The active substance: Novocaine (hydrochloride procaine) - 0.25 g per 100 ml.

Auxiliary components: hydrochloric acid solution 0.1 m, water for injection.

Due to its anesthetic, vasodilatory and antispasmodic effect, the means is used when conducting local anesthesia in hemorrhoid therapy.

Novocaine release form 0 25

The injection solution in the form of a transparent colorless or with a yellow tinge of a liquid is produced in ampoules of 5 and 10 ml.

Pharmacological properties


The medication enters the body where it disintegrates on metabolites by exposure to blood and tissue esterases. The excretion formed by the hydrolysis of the exchange products is made by the kidneys.


The medicine has a moderate anesthetic effect, blocks the occurrence and conducting pulses by nerve fibers.

With the absorption of the drug in blood, the function of the central nervous system occurs, the relaxation of smooth muscle fibers occurs, the blood pressure decreases. Novocaine has a gangli-blocking, antiarrhythmic and anesthetic effect. The drug is relatively safe and low toxic, and has an extensive drug action.

From which Novocaine helps 0 25

The injection of novocaine hydrochloride is used for local anesthesia and for carrying out different blockads in eczema, neurodermitic therapy, Ishias. The medication is used in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases as an anesthetic peptic disease Stomach I. duodenal gut, hemorrhoid. In otolinolaryngology is used to treat otitis in the form of droplets. The action of Novocaine is directed to the removal of spasms of peripheral vessels and the normalization of blood circulation. It is also used as an addition to common anesthetics to enhance their effectiveness.

Is it possible to take novocaine 0 25 with hemorrhoids

It can be used in proctology in the treatment of hemorrhoids for local anesthesia.


For the treatment of chronic hemorrhoids, binds and candles with novocaina are used as a topistanisy drug. It is in this case applied in the field of lesion.

With exacerbation

With acute hemorrhoids accompanied by falling out and necrosis compressed hemorrhoidal nodes, Novocaine blockades are used.

With intense pain syndrome during the exacerbation of hemorrhoids, paragrevive novocaine blockadewhich performed an experienced proctologist in the hospital.

For her, the patient is in the position lying on his back with raised and fixed legs. Infiltration anesthesia is as follows: the solution is entered into 4 points around the anal hole. Then Novocaine is introduced into the region near the rectum, where the node or crack is located. This procedure can be carried out as an independent view. conservative treatmentand in preparation for the operation and during the very surgical intervention.

Application and dosage of Novocaine

For local anesthesia, the dosage is selected based on the concentration active substance In solution. Also, when the dose count is taken into account, such data as the nature of surgical intervention, the method of administration, condition and age of the patient.

For intramuscular administration, the maximum one-time dose is 0.1 g, for intravenous administration - 0.05 g; The daily dose for parenteral administration is 0.1 g. Calculation of the dose of the drug for children is performed depending on the weight of the child and is the maximum of 15 mg per 1 kg of body weight.

How to breed

Novocaine 0.25% can be used in pure form. If the use of the drug is required at a lower concentration, it is recommended to dilute the means with sterile physical to achieve the necessary concentration.

In order to reduce the suction rate and increasing the duration of the action, the novocaine is used with a 0.1% adrenaline solution (1 drop of adrenaline per 2-5 ml skin).

How to prick Novocaine

When performing the paranefral blockade in Vishnevsky, the introduction of 100-150 ml of 0.25% of the novocaine solution into the olocco tissue is shown.

For infiltration anesthesia one-time dose At the beginning of the operation is a maximum of 1.25 g of 0.25% solution (500 ml). Then introduced in the maximum dose of 2.5 g of 0.25% of novocaine (1000 ml) per hour.

With intraossey anesthesia, 50-150 ml of 0.25% solution is used.

The paravertebral blockade is shown at eczema and neurodimer. Insertion injections are performed 70-100 ml of 0.25% procaine to the area where sensitive nerve trunks are projected.

Intravenous administration is carried out on an isotonic solution of NaCl at a slow pace.

With such a disease, such as arthrosis, the medicine is applied to the area of \u200b\u200bthe affected limb.

Can I drink

Drug solution is not shown for oral administration.

After how much acts

The anesthetic effect occurs quickly - 3-5 minutes after the administration of the drug is characterized by a feeling of numbness and loss of sensitivity in the field of anesthesia.

How long acts

It has a short anesthetic effect (the duration of the effect in infiltration anesthesia is about 0.5-1 hours).


Novocaine hydrochloride is not recommended to be applied with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, purulent inflammation At the place of administration, myasthenia, arterial hypotension, heart disease. Also contraindications to the use of medicine are surgical procedures, accompanied by acute blood loss and intense fibrous changes in tissues.

Whether the drug causes side effects

Novocaine has a high safety profile and low toxicity, has good tolerability. Sometimes such side manifestations may occur:

  1. Violation of the nervous system: headache, dizziness, total weakness, inhibition, drowsiness, fainting, cramps, tremor, hearing and visual deviations, nystagm, horse-tail syndrome (paresthesia, paralysis lower extremities), respiratory paralysis, stable anesthesia. There may also be a state accompanied by an increased nervous excitability.
  2. Cardiovascular violations: increase or decreased blood pressure, expansion of peripheral vessels, heart rate disorders, schss (bradycardia), collapse, pain in chest.
  3. Violations by the system of urinary: involuntary or rapid urination.
  4. Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, involuntary defecation.
  5. Blood pathology: methemoglobinemia.
  6. Immune changes: allergic reactions, rash, itching and burning skin Pokrov, dermatitis, dryness and peeling of the skin, anaphylactic shock, angioedema swelling, urticaria, abundant discharge from the nose.
  7. Local reactions: swelling and soreness at the injection site.
  8. Failures in the thermoregulation system: hypothermia.


In overdose, such symptoms can be observed: Lying the skin and mucous membranes, pouring cold sweat, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, excitation or braking CNS, impairment, tremor, convulsions, respiratory depression, slowdown and weakening of the pulse, loss of consciousness, fainting, collapse.

Assistance in the event of an overdose is to maintain ventilation of light, disintellation and symptomatic treatment.

special instructions

Caution is used for elderly therapy, severely ill and weakened patients.

Before treatment is carried out tolerability drug.

Novocaine toxicity increases as concentration increases.

During pregnancy and lactation


Children medicine is appointed by life indications with extreme caution and with clear observance of the dosage.

Medicinal interaction

The medication has the ability to strengthen the oppression of the central nervous system when a joint admission with common anesthetics, narcotic analgesics, sleeping pills, sedative medicines and tranquilizers.

With a combination of novocaine with narcotic analgesics, an additive effect is observed and respiratory oppression occurs.

Vascular preparations with a vasoconstrictor action (epinephrine, metoxamine, phenylephrine) increase the duration of the novocaine topicers.

Sharing with Suxameton allows you to increase the duration of the neuromuscular blockade.

The medicine enhances and prolong the effect of mines.

The drug weakens the antimaisthenic effect of other drugs.

With simultaneous reception with anticoagulants, the risk of bleeding increases.

The combination of procaine with MAO inhibitors is fraught with the development of the arterial hypotension.

Paramyinobenzoic acid, which is a product of novocaine exchange, can reduce the antibacterial effect of sulfonamide.

Do not handle the place of injection of novocaine with disinfecting solutions with heavy metals, as it can increase swelling and pain.


Among the analogs are distinguished:

  • Novocaina-buffus;
  • Novocaine-Val;
  • Novocaine hydrochloride;
  • Plot;
  • Procaine hydrochloride;
  • Benzocaine.

Terms and conditions of storage

Store in a place protected from light and inaccessible to children, at a temperature not higher than 25ºС.

How to store and shelf life

The shelf life of the drug is 3 years.

Conditions of vacation from pharmacies

The drug is released by a doctor's prescription.

How much is

The cost of novocaine hydrochloride is from 22 rubles.

How to make injections in the buttock

Basis Pharmacology of Local Anesthetics

Novocaine is a local painkillers included in the list of the most necessary drugs.

Forms of release of Novocaine

  • The novocaine solution is 0.25% and 0.5% in ampoules of 2, 5 or 10 ml. In packs of 10 ampoules;
  • 1% novocaine solution in 2 or 10 ml ampoules. In packs of 10 ampoules;
  • NOWOCAIN solution 2% in ampoules 1, 2, 5, or 10 ml. In packs of 10 ampoules;
  • The novocaine solution is sterile 0.25% or 0.5%, in bottles of 100, 200 or 400 ml;
  • Novocaine ointment is 5% or 10%;
  • Rectal candles with novocaine with a content of 0.1 g of novocaine in each. 10 pieces per pack;
  • Oil solution of the base of novocaine is 5%, 8% or 10%. In ampoules of 2 or 10 ml.

Pharmacological action of Novocaine

According to the instructions, Novocaine has a local painkillers. After suction in the blood also has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, desensitizing, antihistamine, antitoxic effect, relieves the spasms of the smooth muscles and the excitability of the heart muscle.

For intravenous administration Novocaine displays from shock, has an antiarrhythmic effect, reduces pressure.

In excessive dosages, the use of novocaine causes convulsions and disrupts muscle conductivity.

Indications for novocaine

According to the instructions, the novocaine is designed for anesthesia:

  • Local;
  • Infiltration;
  • Zaharin-Ging zones;
  • Novocaine wagosympoatic and paranefral blockade,
  • Dental;
  • Gynecological
  • Sacral;
  • Conductor
  • Spinal and epidural.

NOWOCAIN candles according to the instructions are shown in hemorrhoids and the cracks of the rear pass. The ointment of novocaine 5 and 10% is prescribed with eczema, itchy dermatosis, neurodimer.

Method of applying novocaine and dosing mode

According to the instructions, novocaine for infiltration anesthesia is introduced as a solution of 0.25-0.5% 350-600 mg. To carry out a tight creeping infiltration according to the method of Vishnevsky, a novocain solution is injected 0.125-0.25%, for conductor anesthesia - 1-2% solution in an amount of up to 25 ml.

For epidural anesthesia, a 2% solution of novocaine is introduced in an amount of 20-25 ml, and for spectal anesthesia, the dosage is 2 or 3 ml of novocaine solution 5%.

According to the instructions, Novocaine is used in otolaryngology for local anesthesia by introducing a solution of 10-20%.

To reduce the suction of novocaine and strengthen its action, when conducting local anesthesia, it is combined with a solution of epinephrine of hydrochloride 0.1% (1 drop for every 2-5-10 ml of the drug).

10% preparation solution is used for electrophoresis.

0.25-05-05% The solution of the drug is used to carry out the blockade of Vishnevsky to the octopic tissue (100-150 ml of 0.25% solution or 50-80 ml of 0.5% solution).

0.25% solution in an amount of 100 ml is administered to carry out a wagosympootic blockade.

Rectal Suppositories Novocaine are introduced into the rear pass, first cleaning the intestinal natural pathway or with the help of the enema.

NOZOKAIN ointment 5% or 10% in case of leather diseases are delivered by a thin layer on the affected areas 1-2 times a day.

Side effects of Novocaine

According to the instructions, Novocaine may cause the following side effects: Loss of consciousness, dizziness, headache, cramps, tremor, paralysis of respiratory muscles and legs, nystagma, paresthesia, collapse, increase or decrease in pressure, involuntary urination, impotence, hypothermia, bradycardia, arrhythmia, respiratory paralysis, chest pain, skin rash , vomiting.

Overdose by Novocaine can cause pale skin, dizziness, nausea, tachycardia, motor arousal, hallucinations, apnea, vomiting, rapid breathing.

The treatment of overdose is carried out by administering drugs for common anesthesia from short action. If necessary, it may be necessary to maintain the normal ventilation of the lungs with oxygen inhalation. In the case of severe intoxication, disintellation and symptomatic therapy is shown.

Novocaine ointment for local application May cause the development of allergic reactions.

Contraindications for novocaine

According to the novocaine instructions, contraindicated:

  • fibrous changes in tissues (when conducting anesthesia according to the method of creeping infiltration);
  • hypotension, bleeding, septicemia, shock (when conducting subarachnoid anesthesia);
  • hypersensitivity to novocaina;

Novocaine is prescribed with caution at:

  • sharp blood loss;
  • cardiovascular failure;
  • liver failure;
  • inflammatory diseases;
  • states accompanied by a decrease in the blood supply to the liver;
  • infecting clauses of injections.

Careful medical control requires the use of novocaine children (up to 18 years), older patients (over 65 years old), as well as seriously ill and weakened patients, women during childbirth.

Drug interaction Novocaine

With the simultaneous use of novocaine with:

  • anticoagulants (dandaparian, warfarin, danaparoid, anoxaparine, ardeparin) - increases the risk of bleeding;
  • guanadrell, Guanethidine, Trimetafan, Mekamylamin - It is possible to develop bradycardia and a decrease in pressure;
  • metoksamin, phenylefrine, epinephrine - enhanced by the topics of novocaine;
  • procarbazin, selegiline, furazolidone - pressure may drop.

special instructions

In order to prevent allergic reactions, it is recommended to carry out a sensitivity test before using novocaine, introducing it in a minimum dosage.

Novocain in liquid form is incompatible with products with alkaline reaction and oxidizing agents.

Storage conditions

Novocaine in any dosage form It should be stored in a dark place. The shelf life of the solution is 3 years, suppositories and ointments of Novocaine - 2 years.

International non-proprietary title


Topless tools


Active substance: Procaine hydrochloride - 2.5 mg or 5.0 mg.

Auxiliary substances: 0.1 M hydrochloric acid solution - up to pH 3.8-4.5, water for injection - up to 1 ml.

pharmachologic effect

Moderate anesthetic activity and big breadth therapeutic action. As a weak basis, sodium channels blocks, prevents the generation of pulses in the endings of sensitive nerves and carrying out pulses on nerve fibers. Changes the potential of action in the membranes of nerve cells without a pronounced effect on resting potential. Suppresses not only pain, but also impulses of another modality.

When suction and direct vascular administration in blood flow reduces the excitability of peripheral cholinergic systems, reduces the formation and release of acetylcholine from the progenicionary endings (possesses some gangli-blocking effect), eliminates the spasm of a smooth muscles, reduces the excitability of myocardium and motor brain cortex.

Eliminates downward brake influences reticular formation Brain trunk. Inhibits polysinactic reflexes. It has a short anesthetic activity (the duration of infiltration anesthesia is 0.5-1 h).


Exposed complete system absorption. The degree of absorption depends on the place and route of administration (especially from vascularization and blood flow rate in the administration) and the final dose (quantity and concentration). It is quickly hydrolyzed by plasma and liver and liver with the formation of two main pharmacologically active metabolites: diethylaminoethanol (has a moderate vasodulating effect) and a vapor-aminobenzoic acid (is a competitive antagonist sulfanimide drugs and can weaken their antimicrobial effect). The half-life of 30-50 seconds, in the neonatal period - 54-114 seconds. It is removed mainly by the kidneys in the form of metabolites, no more than 2% is removed.

Indications for use

Infiltration anesthesia; Wagosympochic cervical, paranefral, circular and paravertebral blockades.


Increased sensitivity (including a para-aminobenzoic acid and other local anesthetics - ether), childhood up to 12 years old. Pronounced fibrous changes in tissues (for anesthesia by the method of creeping infiltrate).


Emergency operations accompanied by acute blood loss; states accompanied by a decrease in hepatic blood flow (for example, in chronic heart failure, liver diseases); progression of cardiovascular failure (usually due to the development of the blockade of the heart and shock); inflammatory diseases or infection of the injection site; pseudocholinesterase deficiency; renal failure; Children's age (from 12 to 18 years) and in older patients (over 65 years old); weakened patients; Pregnancy and birth period, breastfeeding period.

Application during pregnancy and during lactation

Application during pregnancy and during lactation is possible in cases where the expected benefit for the mother exceeds the potential risk to the fetus or child.

special instructions

Pronan has a high allergenic potential. The main cause of the development of undesirable reactions when applying Procaine is a high plasma concentration, which may be observed due to overdose, fast system absorption, unintentional vascular administration or slow metabolic degradation. In addition, a decrease in tolerance, including due to plasma cholesterol deficiency, the presence of factors affecting the connection with plasma proteins, such as acidosis, concomitant diseases leading to hypoalbuminemia, competition with other drugs for bonds with plasma proteins can lead to an increase Plasma concentration of procaine. In this regard, when conducting anesthesia, controls the functions of cardiovascular, respiratory and central nervous systems. It is necessary to cancel monoaminoxidase inhibitors 10 days before the introduction of local anesthetic.

Before applying, it is recommended to comply with individual sensitivity to the preparation. It should be borne in mind that when carrying out local anesthesia, when using the same total dose, the toxicity of procaine is the higher, the more concentrated solution is used.

Impact on the ability to driving vehicles and control mechanisms

During the treatment period, it is necessary to refrain from driving vehicles and lessons potentially hazardous species Activities requiring increased concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions.

Method of application and dose

For infiltration anesthesia, solutions are used 2.5 mg / ml, 5 mg / ml; For anesthesia according to the method of Vishnevsky (tight creeping infiltration) - solutions of 1.25 mg / ml, 2.5 mg / ml. To reduce the suction and elongation of the action during local anesthesia, an additional 0.1% solution of epinephrine is additionally introduced - 1 drop of 2-5-10 ml permissions.

With a panefral blockade (according to A.V. Vishnevsky) in the octopocular tissue introduced 50-80 ml of a solution of 5 mg / ml or 100-150 ml of a solution of 2.5 mg / ml.

With wagosympoatic cervical blockade 30-100 ml of solution of 2.5 mg / ml are injected.

For circular or paravertebral blockade during eczema, atopic dermatitis and Ishiase intracudinoously introduces a solution of 2.5 mg / ml or 5 mg / ml.

Higher doses for infiltration anesthesia for adults: The first one-time dose at the beginning of the operation is no more than 500 ml of a solution of 2.5 mg / ml or 150 ml of a solution of 5 mg / ml.

The dosing mode for children (from 12 to 18 years), depending on the age and body weight, is not developed; Maximum dose - 15 mg / kg.

Side effect

Headache, dizziness, drowsiness, weakness, increase or decrease arterial pressure, Collapse, peripheral vasodulatation, bradycardia, arrhythmia, pain in the chest, triumph, tremor, violation of vision and hearing, nistagm, resistant anesthesia, hypothermia, methemoglobinemia, allergic reactions (up to an anaphylactic shock).


Symptoms: Pallor of skin and mucous membranes, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, cold sweat, breathing, tachycardia, decrease in blood pressure, up to collapse, apnea, methemoglobinemia. Action on central nervous system It is manifested by a sense of fear, hallucinations, seizures, motor excitation.

Treatment: maintaining adequate pulmonary ventilation, disintellation and symptomatic therapy.

Interaction with other medicines

Enhances the depressing effect on the central nervous system of funds for general anesthesia, sleeping pills and sedatives, narcotic analgesics and tranquilizers.

Anticoagulants (sodium ardeparin, Dalteparin sodium, Danaparoid sodium, Enoxaparine sodium, heparin sodium, warfarin) increase the risk of bleeding.

When processing the injection site of the local anesthetic by disinfecting solutions containing heavy metals, the risk of developing a local reaction in the form of pain and edema increases.

Use with monoaminoxidase inhibitors (Furazolidon, prokarbazin, selegilin) \u200b\u200bincreases the risk of developing a pronounced reduction in blood pressure.

Strengthens and lengthens the action of muscle relaxants.

When applying, praine, together with narcotic analgesics, there is an additive effect, while the oppression of breathing is intensified.

Vasoconstrictors (Epinephrine, Metoxamine, Phenylephrine) lengthen the topically escair.

Pronan reduces the anti-asthenic effect of drugs, especially when using it in high doses, which requires additional correction of the treatment of myasthenia.

Holinesterase inhibitors (antimaistical drugs, cyclophosphamide, Bromide, Bromide, Yodid, Tyota, Cycloid) reduce the metabolism of procaine.

Metabolite Procaine (para-aminobenzoic acid) is an antagonist of sulfonamide.

Instructions Novocain 0.25% solution for injection 0.25% 200 ml in a bottle

ATTENTION! All information is taken from open sources and is provided.

exceptionally for informational purposes.

Novocaine 0.25% injection mortar

0.25% 200 ml in a bottle

Activity: Pronan

Dosage form: Solutions for internal use

Pharmacotherapeutic Group: Means for local anesthesia. Articsin, combination

active substance: RGOSAP;

1 ml of solution contains procaine hydrochloride 5 mg;

auxiliary substances: 0.1 M hydrochloric acid solution, water for injection.

Dosage shape solution for injection.

Pharmacotherapeutic group Preparations for local anesthesia.

N01B A02 PBX code.

Indications Local and infiltration anesthesia, medicinal blockades.

Contraindications Increased individual sensitivity to the drug.

Miasthenia, arterial hypotension, purulent process at the injection site, urgent surgical interventionsaccompanied by acute blood loss, pronounced fibrous changes in tissues (for anesthesia by the method of crawling infiltrate), age up to 18 years.

The method of use and dose with local anesthesia dose of the drug depends on the concentration, nature operational intervention, Method of administration, condition and age of the patient.

With a panefral blockade (according to Vishnevsky), 50-70 ml of 0.5% (5 mg / ml) of the novocaine-health solution is introduced into the Pavkalonirkov.

For infiltration anesthesia, the following higher doses are installed (for adults):

the first one-time dose at the beginning of the operation is not higher than 0.75 g of 0.5% of the novel solution (i.e. 150 ml). In the future, throughout each hour of operation - not higher than 2 g of 0.5% novocaine solution (i.e. 400 ml).

Novocaine health is also used to dissolve antibiotics of the penicillin group.

Side reactions Novocaine is usually well tolerated, but sometimes the following side effects are sometimes possible:

on the part of the central and peripheral nervous system: headache, dizziness, drowsiness, weakness, motor anxiety, loss of consciousness, convulsions, trisms, tremor, visual and auditory disorders, nystagm, horse-tail syndrome (paralysis of legs, paresthesia), palsy of respiratory muscles, motor motor and sensitive;

from side of cardio-vascular system: raising or decrease in blood pressure, peripheral vasodulatation, collapse, bradycardia, arrhythmias, chest pain;

from the urinary system: involuntary urination;

from the digestion system: nausea, vomiting, involuntary defecation;

from the blood system: methemoglobinemia;

allergic reactions: itching skin, skin rash, dermatitis, skin peeling, other anaphylactic reactions (including angioedema edema, anaphylactic shock), urticaria (on the skin and mucous membranes);

others: Return of pain, resistant anesthesia, hypothermia.

Overdose is possible only when applying novocaine-health in high doses.

Symptoms: Pallor of skin and mucous membranes, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, increased nervous excitability, cold sweat, tachycardia, decrease in blood pressure, up to collapse, tremor, cramps, apnea, methemoglobinemia, respiratory depression, sudden cardiovascular collapse .

The action on the central nervous system is manifested by a feeling of fear, hallucinations, convulsions, motor excitation. In cases of overwhelming, the introduction of the drug should be stopped immediately. When carrying out local anesthesia, the place of introduction can be combined with adrenaline.

Treatment: general resuscitation activities: oxygen inhalation, if necessary, carrying out artificial ventilation of the lungs. If convulsions continue more than 15-20 seconds, they are stopped by intravenous administration of thiopental (100-150 mg) or diazepam (5-20 mg). With arterial hypotension and / or myocardial depression, ephedrine is administered intravenously (15-30 mg), in severe cases - disintellation and symptomatic therapy.

In the case of the development of intoxication after injection into the muscles of the leg or hand, an urgent imposition of a harness is recommended to reduce the further intake of the drug into the overall blood flow.

Application during pregnancy or breastfeeding use during pregnancy is possible provided good tolerability.

During breastfeeding period, the use of the drug is possible after a preliminary thorough assessment of the expected benefit of therapy for mother and potential risk for the baby.

When applied during childbirth, bradycardia, apnea, seizures in the newborn can be developed.

Children for children up to 18 years old application is prohibited.

Features of use to reduce the suction and lengthening of the action of novocaine-health solutions with local anesthesia, a solution of adrenaline hydrochloride (0.1%) is usually added to 2, 5 or 10 ml of novocaine solution.

For warning adverse Reactions First spend a sample on the tolerability, which testifies to the swelling and redness of the injection site. With a positive reaction, the contract does not apply.

When using the drug, it is necessary to control the function of cardiovascular, respiratory and central nervous systems. Caution is prescribed with severe heart disease, liver and kidney.

To reduce the systemic effect, toxicity and prolongation of the effect under local anesthesia, the plot is used in combination with vasoconstrictors (0.1% solution of epinephrine of hydrochloride at the rate of 1 drop by 2-5 ml of novocaine-health solution).

When carrying out local anesthesia, when applying the same total dose, the toxicity of procaine is the higher, the more concentrated is the resulting solution. In this regard, with an increase in the concentration of the solution, the general dose is recommended to reduce or dilute the solution of the drug to a smaller concentration (sterile isotonic solution of sodium chloride).

The drug is used with caution in emergency operations accompanied by acute blood loss, states accompanied by a decrease in the hepatic blood flow, the progression of cardiovascular failure (usually due to the development of the blockade of heart and shock), inflammatory diseases or infection of the injection site, pseudocholineserase deficiency, renal failure, in elderly patients (over 65 years old), severely ill, weakened patients, during pregnancy, during childbirth and breastfeeding.

The ability to influence the reaction rate when managing motor transport or working with other mechanisms during the treatment period It is necessary to be taken care when managing motor transport and occupations by other potentially hazardous activities requiring increased concentration and psychomotor reaction velocity.

Interaction with other medicines and other types of interactions.

The neuromuscular blockade is prolonged, caused by suxamenomy (because both drugs are hydrolyzed by the plasma holineness). Application simultaneously with Mao inhibitors (monoaminoxidase) - Furazolidon, Zamarbazin, SELEGILIN increases the risk of arterial hypotension. The toxicity of procaine increases anticholinesterase preparations (suppress its hydrolysis). Metabolite Procaine (para-aminobenzoic acid) is a competitive sulfonilamide antagonist and can weaken their antimicrobial effect.

When processing the injection site of the local anesthetic by disinfecting solutions containing heavy metals, the risk of developing a local reaction in the form of pain and edema increases. Potenties the effect of direct anticoagulants.

The drug reduces the effect of anticholinesterase drugs on neuromuscular transmission.

Cross sensitization is possible.

Pharmacological properties Pharmacodynamics. A plastic medium with moderate activity and a large spectrum of therapeutic action. The anesthetic action mechanism is associated with the blockade of sodium channels, braking of potassium current, competition with calcium surface tension of the phospholipid reservoir membranes, inhibition of redox processes and generation of pulses. When entering the blood decreases the formation of acetylcholine, reduces the excitability of peripheral cholinoreactive systems, exhibits blocking effect on vegetative ganglia, reduces the spasms of the smooth muscles, reduces the excitability of the heart muscle and the engine zones of the brain cortex.

Pharmacokinetics. When parenteral administration is well absorbed. The degree of absorption depends on the place and path of administration (especially from the vascularization and blood flow rate at the injection site) and the final dose (quantity and concentration). It is quickly hydrolyzed by the asterases and planes of plasma and tissue with the formation of two main pharmacologically active metabolites: dietylamination (has a moderate vasodilative effect) and para-aminobenzoic acid (it is a competitive altagonist of sulfanimide chemotherapeutic drugs and can weaken their antimicrobial effects). Half-life - 30-50 seconds, in the neonatal period - 54-114 seconds.

Stands out mainly by the kidneys in the form of metabolites (80%); No more than 2% is displayed unchanged. It is absorbed through the mucous membranes.

Maintenance physiochemical properties Transparent colorless solution.

Incompatibility does not apply with sulfonamide treatment.

Shelf life is 3 years.

Storage conditions Store in original packaging at a temperature not higher than 25 ° C.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Packing solution for injection 0.5% 2 ml or 5 ml in ampoules No. 10 (10x1) in the box; No. 5 (5x1), No. 10 (52), №10 (10x1) in a blister in the box.

Manufacturer LLC "Pharmaceutical Company" Health ".

Location Ukraine, 61013, Kharkov, Vul. Shevchenko, 22.

Attention! Text description of the drug "Novocain 0.25% solution for injection 0.25% by 200 ml in a bottle" is provided for general Information and familiarization and is a simplified version of the official annotation to the medicine. Before the acquisition and use of the drug, be sure to consult a doctor and get professional recommendations.

This text is posted on a purebred portal for informational purposes and cannot serve as a basis for self-treatment. Only a doctor can make a decision on the appointment of that or



International non-proprietary title

Dosage form

Solution for injection 0.5% 10 ml


1 ml of solution contains

active substance- procaine hydrochloride 5.0 mg,

excipients: 0.1 M Chlorinic acid, water for injection.


Transparent, colorless or slightly yellowish liquid.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Anesthetics. Local anesthetics. Aminobenzoic acid ester. Pronan

Code ATH N01BA02.

Pharmacological properties


Pronan is subject to complete system absorption, the degree of which depends on the place, the path of administration (especially from the vascularization and the rate of blood flow in the administration region) and the dose of the drug (quantity and concentration).

It is quickly hydrolyzed by the eserators of blood plasma and liver with the formation of two main pharmacologically active metabolites: diethylaminoethanol (has a moderate vasodilatory act) and para-aminobenzoic acid.

The semi-elimination period (T1 / 2) is 40.0 ± 9.0 seconds. It is removed mainly by the kidneys in the form of metabolites, no more than 2% is removed.


A place of moderate anesthetic activity and a large latitude of therapeutic action. Being a weak base, blocks Na + channels, prevents the generation of pulses in the end of sensitive nerves and carrying out pulses by nerve fibers. Changes the potential of action in the membranes of nerve cells without a pronounced effect on resting potential. It provides not only pain, but also impulses of another modality. It has a short anesthetic asset (the duration of infiltration anesthesia is 0.5-1 h).

When suction and direct intravascular administration reduces the excitability of peripheral cholinergic receptors, reduces the formation and release of acetylcholine from the pre-blocking finisters (possesses some gangli-blocking effect), eliminates the spasm of a smooth musculature, reduces the excitability of myocardium and the engine zones of the brain cortex. In intravenous administration, an analgesic, hypotensive and antiarrhythmic effect has an analgesic (increases the effective refractive period, reduces excitability, automatism and conductivity), in large doses there may be neuromuscular conductivity. Eliminates downward brake influences of the reticular formation of the brain barrel and polysinactic reflexes.

Indications for use

For local anesthesia (infiltration, conductor, peridural,

epidural, Spinal - Subarachnoid, Intrakoye)

- to carry out blockade (wagosimpatic and paranefral blockade,

paralertebral blockade with eczema, neurodimite, Ishiagia)

Method of application and dose

The dose and concentration of the nomocaine solution depend on the nature of the operational intervention, the method of application, condition and age of the patient,

The drug is used intradermal, intramuscularly, intravenously.

For local anesthesia

For infiltration anesthesia is used 0.25% - 0.5% solutions (not more than 1 g for one-time administration); For anesthesia, according to the method of tight clasp infiltration of tissues (by A.V. Vishnevsky) - 0.125% - 0.25% solutions; For conductor, epis and peridural anesthesia - 2% solution of 20-25 ml; for spinal anesthesia - 2% solution of 5 ml.

For infiltration anesthesia, the following maximum doses (for adults) are installed: The first one-time dose at the beginning of the operation is not over 1.25 g (500 ml of 0.25% solution) or 0.75 g (150 ml of 0.5% solution). In the future, for each hour of operation - not over 2.5 g (1000 ml of 0.25% solution) or 2 g (400 ml of 0.5% solution) (up to 0.5 g once without adrenaline and 1 g with adrenaline) .

To reduce the suction and lengthening of the prevention of novocaine, together with a 0.1% solution of adrenaline, which is added aseptically at the rate of 1 drop by 2-5 ml of novocaine solution.

It is possible to use the drug with intraosseous anesthesia - 0.25% solution of 50-150 ml.

For blockade

In case of paravertebral blockade, intradermal injections of 0.25% 70-100 ml of novocaine solution in the projection zone of sensitive nervous trunks are recommended for neurodesmake.

With a panefral blockade (according to A.V. Vishnevsky), 50-80 ml of 0.5% solution or 100-150 ml of 0.25% solution of novocaine are introduced into the oilopocular tissue.

With a wagosympootic blockade - 30-100 ml of 0.5% novocaine solution.

Maximum doses of Novocaine (for adults): when intramuscular administration One-time dose - 0.1 g, with intravenous administration, a single dose - 0.05 g; Daily dose in parenteral administration is 0.1 g.

If necessary, apply more low concentrations Novocaine (0.125% or 0.25%) The preparation before use is bred by a sterile isotonic solution of chloride to the desired concentration.

Intravenous administration is carried out slowly, in an isotonic solution of sodium chloride.

Doses in pediatric practice are determined depending on the mass of the body, but not more than 15 mg / kg body weight.

Side effects

Headache, dizziness, weakness, drowsiness

Nausea, vomiting

Arterial hypotension, collapse, bradycardia, chest pain

Summary and auditory disorders, Nistagm

Tremor, convulsions


Allergic reactions (dermatitis, urticaria, skin itch, erythema,

angioedema swelling, anaphyactic shock)


Increased sensitivity to procinsing and components of the drug

Pronounced fibrous changes in the tissues (for anesthesia by the method

crawling infiltrate)

Purulent process at the place of administration

Emergency operations accompanied by acute blood loss


Arterial hypotension

Children's age up to 12 years

Medicinal interactions

When intravenous administration, Novocaine enhances the depressing effect on the central nervous system of means for general anesthesia, sleeping pills, sedatives, narcotic analgesics and tranquilizers.

When prescribing the drug together with narcotic analgesics, an additive effect is observed, which is used in carrying spinal and epidural anesthesia, while intensifying the birching.

Vasoconstrictors (Epinephrine, Metoksamamin, Phenylephrine) UD-linen the local novocaine.

The drug prolongs the neuromuscular blockade caused by suucameton, since both drugs are hydrolyzed by plasma cholineserase.

Novocaine enhances and lengthens the action of miorlaxing drugs.

Novocain reduces the anti-asthenic effect of drugs, especially when using it in high doses, which requires additional correction of the treatment of myasthenia.

Holinesterase inhibitors (antimaistical drugs, cyclophosphamide, demosphyphosphame, demonstration) reduce novocaine metabolism, therefore their sharing is not recommended.

Anticoagulants (Ardeparin, Dataparin, Danaparoid, Enoxaparine, Heparin, Warfarin) When sharing with Novocaine increases the risk of bleeding.

Application with Mao inhibitors (Furazolidon, Zamarbazin, SELEGILIN) increases the risk of hypotension, so they should be canceled in 10 days to local anesthetic.

When using novocaine with guanadrell, guanethidine, mekamilamin, trimetafan rises the risk of a sharp decrease in blood pressure and bradycardia.

Para-aminobenzoic acid metabolite is a competitive sulfonilahminamide antagonist and can weaken their antimicrobial effect, so the simultaneous use of these drugs is not recommended.

When processing the place of injection of novocaine with disinfecting solutions containing heavy metals, the risk of developing a metropolitan reaction in the form of pain and edema is increasing.

special instructions

Novocaine is usually well tolerated, but it can cause sideflines And with all methods of administration, it should be used with caution. Sometimes there is a pronounced hypotension that requires the appointment of sympathomimetics.

The drug is used with caution in emergency operations complicated by acute blood loss, states accompanied by a decrease in the hepatic blood flow, the progression of cardiovascular insufficiency, inflammatory diseases or infection of the injection site, deficiency of pseudocholineserase, renal failure, in elderly patients over 65 years old, severely ill, weakened patients.

When conducting anesthesia, it is necessary to monitor vital

important functions of the body.

Before applying anesthetic necessarily carrying out samples on

individual sensitivity to the drug.

When carrying out local anesthesia, when applying the same total dose, the toxicity of novocaine is the higher, the more concentrated is the resulting solution.

The drug is not absorbed from the mucous membranes, therefore not

provides surface anesthesia with an abnormal application.

Pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy and lactation, the drug should be applied with extreme caution, in absolute indications.

Features of the drug influence on the ability to manage vehicle or potentially dangerous mechanisms

Considering side effects medicinal preparationCare should be taken when driving a vehicle or potentially hazardous mechanisms.


Symptoms: Pallor of skin, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, "cold" sweat, excitation or depression of CNS, fuzziness of visual perception, tremor, convulsions, respiratory depression, bradycardia, decrease heart Emission, Collapse, Coma.

Treatment: Maintaining pulmonary ventilation, disintellation and symptomatic therapy.

Release form and packaging

10 ml in the ampoules of neutral glass.

The label or text paper label is glued to each ampoule or text directly on the ampoule of the paint of deep printing for glass products.

5 ampoules are packaged in the contour cellular packaging of polyvinyl chloride and aluminum foil.

1 contour packaging together with the approved instructions for medical application In public and Russian languages \u200b\u200bare placed in a pack of cardboard boxes or chrome-erzats. Amelly scarifier is investing in each pack.

When packing ampoules with notches, rings and points, scarifiers are not invested.

Contour cell packaging is allowed (without attachment to a pack of cardboard) to put in the box of cardboard box or corrugated. In each box in the number of packaging, investigating instructions in state and Russian languages \u200b\u200bare investing.

Storage conditions

In the place protected from light, at a temperature not higher than 250c.

Keep out of the reach of children!

Storage term

Not use after the expiration date

Conditions of vacation from pharmacies

On prescription


g.Symkent, ul. Rashidova, 81.

Owner of the registration certificate

JSC "Himfarm", Republic of Kazakhstan

Address of the organization hosting on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan consultations from consumers for product quality (product)

JSC "Himfarm", Republic of Kazakhstan,

g.Symkent, ul. Rashidova, 81.

Telephone number 7252 (561342)

Fax number 7252 (561342)

E-mail address [Email Protected]

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