Blinding smile. Project "Dazzling smile for life

State budgetary educational institution

secondary school number 000

Methodical development

health lesson

within the framework of the international action "Colgate»

« Blinding smile for life. "

Theme: " Healthy teeth - Love's health. "

("Teeth and their care")


GBOU school number 000

Pushkinsky district of St. Petersburg

Targets and goals:

1. Give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe structure of the teeth;

2. To acquaint students with the rules of dental care;

3. Expand knowledge of oral hygiene;

4. To cultivate a benevolent attitude towards visiting a dental office, towards a meeting with a doctor;

5. To form a respectful attitude towards your health.


1. A set of visual aids on the topic "Teeth and their care".

2. Individual mirror.

3. Toothbrush.

4. Toothpaste.

5. Model of teeth.

6. Plates with printed words: gums, caries, enamel, pulp, root, nerve.

7. Multimedia installation.

8.Disk mp 3 "Song about a smile" (lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky, music by V. Shainsky) from the movie "Little Raccoon".

9. Pictures depicting food: carrots, cabbage, milk, nuts, sweets, chocolate, cottage cheese, tomato, popsicle, apple, croutons, etc.

10. DVD "Doctor Hare and the Legend of the Dental Kingdom".

11. Pictures depicting smiling people.

During the classes.

I. Organizational stage. Creating an emotional mood.

Children enter the classroom. The song about a smile by the composer is played.

II. Motivation.

“If you just laugh,

Then miracles will come

Smiles will clear up

Both eyes and heaven.

Come on, adults and children,

Smile quickly

To become on the planet

And lighter and warmer. "

Let us and we smile and look at each other.

What attracts other people's attention at this moment? (children's answers)

Look at the pictures of people smiling. You see how beautiful their smile is.

What determines a beautiful smile? Will help you guess the riddle "White doves are sitting by the red hole."

Teeth are ours faithful helpers... They boldly plunge into hard apples, grind crackers, like in a mill. They crush nuts, cut meat and crush potatoes. Often freeze from ice cream and scalded with hot tea. They have a hard job. They work every day without holidays and days off. They take care of your health. Why don't you take care of them too?

Do you think teeth can grow back all the time, like hair on the head, nails on hands and feet?

III. Definition of the topic.

What is the lesson about? (children name the topic)

What are we going to talk about? (children's versions)

Why does a person need to know as much as possible about teeth?

Today we will go on an unusual journey to Dental kingdom.

Our route is this: (hung on the board)

1. What are teeth for?

2. What are the teeth.

3. The structure of the tooth.

4. Why do teeth hurt?

5. To keep your teeth healthy.

6. How to eat right.

IV. The main stage ..

1.What are teeth for?

Could we do without teeth? Why do we need teeth? ( conjectural answers children: teeth help chew food, pronounce sounds, words, decorate the face, etc.)

2. What are the teeth.

When a person is born, he has no teeth at all. The first ones are dairy ones, appear in the first year of life, and by the age of 6-7 years they become 20. Instead of dairy ones, new ones appear - permanent ones.

Your front teeth are already permanent. By the age of 10-11, all milk teeth are replaced with permanent ones. By the age of 20, a person should have 32 teeth.

-Remember:If you lose a permanent tooth, a new one will not grow.

Practical work No. 1. (the teacher shows on the layout)

Take the mirror. (children examine their teeth).

Find your baby teeth. Permanent. They differ in color and size. Temporary - bluish-white and smaller. Milk teeth should be looked after as carefully as permanent ones. If baby teeth hurt, there will be a lot of germs in the mouth. Then permanent teeth will not grow up healthy.

All teeth are different in shape and size as they do different jobs.

Front - incisors. Consider them. They are at the top and bottom right in the middle. Run your tongue around the edge. Feel how sharp they are. With these teeth we bite off small pieces food. For example, when we eat bread, an apple.

On the sides of the incisors are located fangs. They are needed for tearing and gnawing dense food, for example, carrots, meat. Look at them - they are not like incisors. Many animals, predators, have fangs.

Chew, grind food big and small indigenousteeth. Their surface is uneven, with projections. This makes it easier to grind food.

Conclusion: All kinds of teeth are needed, all kinds of teeth are important.

3. The structure of the tooth. (table)

(the teacher can involve pre-prepared children in the story)

The teeth do a very difficult job. To cope well with it, they must be well protected.

There is such protection. Tap the tip of the pen lightly against your teeth. Feel how hard they are. This is because they are covered with a thick layer enamels. There is nothing more solid in our body than enamel. It is harder than bone. Even a drill does not take a healthy strong enamel, and the point of the saber breaks when it hits the enamel.

Inside the tooth. Under the enamel, soft hiding pulp ... Here are the nerves and blood vesselsthrough which oxygen enters the tooth, nutrients and vitamins necessary for the growth and maintenance of teeth.

Each tooth has its own root. It fixes the teeth so that they do not wobble or fall out.

Passes through the root nerve, which sends a signal to the brain and back about the condition of your teeth.

The base of the tooth is surrounded on all sides gum. It is very important that the gums are healthy, otherwise the infection can spread to the tooth and destroy it.

4. Why do teeth hurt?

You learned how strong the enamel is on the teeth. But why does it collapse? (children's versions)

Yes, enamel decays very quickly if you don't take care of your teeth. Small cracks appear on the enamel surface.

Why do teeth crack? Children tell.

Student 1.

- Cracks on the enamel can appear if you gnaw hard nuts, lollipops with your teeth; from the bad habit of taking nails in the teeth, gnawing pens, pencils. In addition, cracks can appear if you drink immediately after hot food, for example, cold juice, water, or bite off ice cream. Enamel can lose strength if a person eats improperly: does not drink milk, does not eat cottage cheese, vegetables, fruits, black bread, but on the contrary, eats a lot of sweets and other sweets.

Student 2.

After eating, food debris gets into these small cracks and into the narrow crevices between the teeth. If not removed, they start to rot. Dangerous microbes are formed, which will further destroy the enamel of the teeth. Then a cavity or just a hole forms in the tooth. This disease is called caries. If such a tooth is not cured immediately, then severe pain occurs.

Student 1.

- Together with dirty hands, germs that can harm the teeth can also enter the mouth. Therefore, it is important to wash your hands before eating. And bad teeth harm other organs: heart, kidneys. A person with bad teeth does not chew food well, and this can cause stomach aches.

Student 2.

- If the doctor does not heal the hollow while it is still small, then it will enlarge and reach the inside of the tooth. Therefore, the tooth begins to ache. If you do not see a doctor in time, you can lose a tooth. But many children are very afraid of the dentist.

V. Physical training.

Staging a poem "Harmful Petya".


There lived a boy named Petya.

Loved more than anyone in the world

This boy is chocolate

Choco pie and marmalade.

Well, kids love candy

But Petya did not brush his teeth.

I was afraid of brushes like fire

He rarely even washed his face.


Fu, what a prickly one!

Will scratch my mouth.

Fu! How disgusting!

Who can take such a thing in his mouth?


After all, he did not think, guys,

That teeth will ache someday.

Petya ate a chocolate bar,

And Petya's tooth ached.

Petya runs, shouts:


Help! My tooth hurts!

Oh! Oh! Oh! No strength to endure!

Why should I die now?


Mom regrets Petenka

The rinse in the cup warms.


We will go with you to the doctor!


And Petya again:



Petya, Petya, you are not afraid.


No! I am completely afraid of the doctor!

He has such a drill

He will drill me in no time!

His tongs are like that

All teeth will pull out from me!

There injections inject everyone

They'll kill me completely!

The doctor looks awful.

Better to have a toothache!

Baba Yaga: (appears)

I am grandmother Yaga, a toothless old woman.

Bone leg is a friend to all the kids.

I like to gnaw nuts

Chupa - chups and kirieshki.

I bit crackers

She broke her penultimate tooth.

And now only one tooth.

I don't know the trouble with him

Yes, and I bite everyone with one tooth.

(to Petya)

You, iris, be patient

Chocolate snack.

Let's be together: you and me!

We are a toothless family! (Petya runs away from Baba Yaga)


In vain you shout: Oh! Oh! Oh!

The doctor is not evil at all!


Do not be afraid of him, children,

He is the kindest person in the world.

I have known him for a long time-

This is my mom! (Mom-doctor enters, takes Petya by the hand, sits in a chair)

Mother doctor:

You sick, do not be afraid of me,

Don't shake, take it easy (heals)

We will not kill, we will not cripple.

We will treat you a little.

That's all! The tooth has become healthy!


Do not be afraid, children, of doctors!

Vi. The main stage (continued).

5. To keep your teeth healthy.

What happens if a piece of meat is left in the heat?

What if a piece of food is stuck in a tooth? Same. Microbes, like pirates, hide between teeth. Teeth do not know how to take care of themselves. They need help. And then they will give a dazzling smile!

Listen to what the guys have to tell you.

Student 1.

- To keep your teeth healthy, they need to be cleaned and looked after.

“After eating, brush your teeth.

Do this 2 times a day "

People understood this long ago. We used ash, crushed glass with sand. And woolen rags soaked in honey served as a toothbrush.

The toothpicks were animal claws. This departure was not very pleasant!

Student 2.

- They chewed tree bark in India, and in Siberia, resin. They rubbed their teeth with salt. Then they began to brush their teeth with crushed chalk. This is how tooth powder appeared. Toothpaste appeared only in the 20s of the 20th century. It was invented later than the car and the steam locomotive.

- It is necessary to remove food debris that is stuck between the teeth and in small cracks. And a toothbrush will help with this. Its bristle "sweeps away" food debris, and toothpaste cleans teeth and mouth from germs. After that, the teeth become white, shiny and smooth.

“Did you have a delicious breakfast?

You need to brush your teeth.

Take a brush in your hands

Apply toothpaste! "

Student 3.

- Each person should have their own toothbrush. The bristle should not be too hard, so as not to damage the gums and not scratch the mouth.

- You need to change your toothbrush 4 times a year. It should be cleaned 2 times a day: in the morning and in the evening before going to bed. And after each meal, rinse your mouth.

“We brush our teeth carefully,

After all, you can hurt your gums ...

And what's next? And then

We will rinse our teeth.

We need a mug ..

Smile at each other.

We worked skillfully.

Our teeth have turned white. "

Student 4.

To avoid pain and fear in the doctor's office, you need to come to the doctor when your teeth are not yet sick. Do this at least 2 times a year.

"So that the tooth does not bother,

Remember this rule:

We go to the dentist
2 times a year for an appointment,

And then smiles light

You will keep it for many years! "

Practical lesson # 2.

-And now we will learn how to brush your teeth correctly. (reliance on the table)

1. First, wash your hands with soap and water.

2. Rinse the toothbrush under running water and shake off.

3.Squeeze a little paste onto the toothbrush.

4. Brush the upper teeth from TOP TO DOWN, and the lower teeth from the BOTTOM UP. Then, pressing lightly, drag to the right and left. Also cleaned from the inside. Then the chewing surface of each tooth is cleaned. Brush your teeth for at least 3 minutes.

5.Then rinse your mouth well with warm water.

6. Thoroughly rinse the brush, shake it off and place it in the glass with the handle down to dry.

6. How to eat right.

We have learned how to brush our teeth properly. Now let's find out how to eat so that your teeth do not deteriorate. (reliance on the table)

Student 1.

So that the teeth do not deteriorate, it is necessary to eat milk, dairy products, vegetables, fruits. Vitamin D is especially useful. It is found in fish, egg yolk, butter, milk.

Student 2.

- It is useful to eat onions, garlic, peas, beans, buckwheat, oatmeal, oranges, tomatoes, seaweed, rye bread... These products contain vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, which strengthens teeth.

Student 3.

Choose foods that are good for your teeth (shows pictures): carrot, apple, candy, cabbage, cottage cheese, nuts, chocolate, tomato, popsicle, croutons, milk.

Vii. Anchoring. Game "Yes - no"

1. "Need to eat constantly

For your teeth:

Fruits, vegetables, omelet,

Cottage cheese, yogurt.

If my advice is good,

Clap your palms. "

2. "Do not gnaw a cabbage leaf,

It's not tasty at all, not at all.

Better eat chocolate

Waffles, sugar, marinade.
Is this the right advice? No!"

3. "Lyuba told her mother:

"I won't brush my teeth."

And now our Lyuba

A hole in every, every tooth.

What is your answer?

Well done Lyuba? " (No)

4. "Remember forever

Dear friends,

Without brushing your teeth

You can't go to sleep.

If our (my) advice is good,

Clap your hands. "

VIII. Reflection.

What have you learned?

What do you remember?

IX. Lesson summary.

Finishing the lesson, we want to wish you all good health. Take care of your teeth from childhood and then, when you become an adult, your teeth will not cause trouble.

Apprentice 1

So let's take care of our teeth, friends. In the lesson, this was discussed today.

Apprentice 2

We will cherish our teeth, we will love our teeth, and we will be able to blind everyone with our smile.

At the end, the children perform the song “ Smile".

To consolidate the knowledge and practical skills in dental care obtained in this lesson, it is recommended to watch the video "Doctor Hare and the Legend of the Dental Kingdom". (DVD)

X. Homework.

Children are invited to complete drawings on the topic of the lesson.

Objectives of the event

1. To convince children that, against the background of an unfavorable environment, only human health can be the greatest value, in the need to protect it from an early age.

2. Foster the need to visit the dentist, brush your teeth to keep them healthy.


1. The class teacher with a group of students prepares a performance "How the Sweet Tooth Princess was treated."

2. Parents make costumes, a poster for the decoration of the board, prepare copies of handouts.

3. The necessary equipment is being prepared:

- posters "Teeth are a mirror of the body and attitude to one's health", "Diagram of the tooth structure";

- jaw layout,

- demonstration toothbrush;

- pictures of smiling people;

- handouts for group work;

- a poster with a picture of shutters.

Students of the 2nd grade, the class teacher are participating.

Event progress

The event begins with a performance.


Grandmother the storyteller.

A princess.

Witch doctor

The shutters open and Grandma the storyteller appears.

Grandma the storyteller... In a certain kingdom, a certain state in an ancient castle there lived a fairy-tale King. He had a daughter, she only loved sweets ...

On stage, the Princess sits at a table and eats candy.

A princess(sings)

Breakfast is on the table, it's time already

But I don't need porridge.

If chocolate is good

And when one salad is bad.

I don't like cottage cheese, but I like pie

With chocolate cream.

If he is good with honey,

And when on the contrary - it's bad!

The princess bit a nut and broke a tooth.

A princess (shouts). Oh! Oh oh oh! What is it with me?

The King comes running

King (sings). What happened, you are my Troubadurochka! Why not eat candy on a silver platter? Don't be silent, answer your father!

A princess (sings). I want nothing!

King (sings). What's the matter with you, you are my beloved? How much you can eat one chocolate! Or maybe see a doctor?

A princess (sings). I want nothing!

King. I'll call the Witch Doctor after all.

Leaves and returns with grandmother Witch Doctor.

Here, here, Horror Tikhonovna! Here she is, my daughter, here she is, my beloved, my poor dear, bear with me a little!

The Witch Doctor walks around the Princess.

Witch Doctor. A familiar picture, I met with such a disease. I saved my hedgehog grandma from such an infection. I remember her cheek was so swollen, so swollen. Don’t worry, now I’ll prepare a potion, I’ll make a broth, I’ll drive all the ailments out of you.

Goes to the pan, sings.

I'll put the garlic, the ceiling, the ceiling

And I will add boiling water, boiling water, boiling water,

I throw the leeches

In a spice potion.

Fly mouse, fly in, fly in, fly in!

Give the soup, give it, give it!

Ambassador and pepper

And I'll whisper a little.

Well, my potion is ready! Come on, take a sample, Princess!

Princess (jumps up, shouts). I will not drink! Take this witch away! Daddy, where are you? Guys, help, call the King.

The King runs in.

King. What happened, daughter?

A princess... She wants to poison me!

King.What should I do now? Remembered! Guards, bring an overseas healer here! Maybe he knows how to help. Be patient, daughter, now he will come.

The Doctor enters.

Doctor... What's up, King? Why did you call?

King... Help! Save my daughter!

The Doctor examines the Princess.

Doctor.The diagnosis is clear. You fed the Princess with sweets. From such food, she can neither have strength nor health.

Witch Doctor. But no! Don't trust him! Nothing depends on this. It is good for children to eat chocolate.

Doctor. No, milk is good!

Witch Doctor. Snickers and Bounty!

Doctor.Apples and pears!

Witch Doctor. Cakes and pastries!

Doctor... Cucumbers and tomatoes!

King... Guys, help me understand which of them is right.

Children willingly help the King.

Doctor. That's right guys! Too much sugar is very harmful. The composition of the tooth enamel is disturbed. What happens to these teeth?

Children answer.

What will we talk about today class hour? How to keep your teeth healthy and your smile dazzling.

The teacher invites the students to look at the pictures of smiling people, focusing on how pleasant it is to look at a smiling person, at his beautiful teeth, then it is proposed to paint over the teeth (1-3) of the people in the pictures with a black felt-tip pen. It is necessary to pay attention to how ugly and even scary the smile in the photo has become.

Classroom teacher. What happened? Why?

Children answer.

The same trouble happened with our Princess. What advice would you give her?

a) brush your teeth;

b) consult a doctor;

c) eat candy.

How many times a day should you brush your teeth? Why?

Children make assumptions.

Bacteria, combining with the sugar left after eating, form sticky substances (plaque), this is a sticky thin film. Plaque bacteria feed on sugars while releasing acid. Plaque gradually turns into mature plaque. This process lasts an average of 18-28 hours. The acid begins to dissolve the enamel - caries begins. However, we can reduce the likelihood of tooth decay if we brush our teeth (jaw mock and brush). That is why we need to brush our teeth 2 times a day every 12 hours. What do we need to brush our teeth?

pupils... Paste and brush.

Classroom teacher... What substances should be in the paste for children?

pupils... Calcium and fluoride.

Classroom teacher... These are natural substances that prevent tooth decay.

Show of teeth cleaning on a model: 32 teeth - 8 sharp incisors, 4 strong canines, 8 small and 12 large molars.

Now let's solve the puzzle. It is necessary to put the letters in accordance with their numbers.

On the board: u (6), e (4), 6 (1), e (2), g (5), p (3), y (8), s (10), 6 (9), z ( 7).

With the right decision, the phrase "take care of your teeth"

2. Brush your teeth before breakfast, but after dinner.

3. You must use a fluoride paste.

4. After brushing your teeth at night, eat candy, a pleasant taste will remain in your mouth.

5. Do not chew on pens and pencils.

6. You can suck your thumb.

7. Everyone has their own toothbrush.

8. To quench your thirst - drink lemonade.

9. You have to go to the dentist when a tooth hurts.

Looking at the reflection in the mirror, many dream of a beautiful snow-white Hollywood smile. Not every person is satisfied with the natural color of their teeth. In many ways, the color depends on the structure of the enamel, dentin, their thickness and properties. Natural whiteness of teeth is not always an indicator of health.

How teeth are whitened in dentistry

There are three types of teeth whitening: chemical, mechanical and laser.

The first method involves the use of liquid or gel-like agents based on hydrogen peroxide, phosphoric and hydrochloric acids, carbamide peroxide, and enzymes. Such preparations are applied either directly to the surface of previously cleaned and dried teeth, or in special aligners worn on the dentition. There are products for both professional use in a dental office and for home use.

Mechanical teeth whitening is performed by cleaning the colored surface layer of the enamel to its natural whiteness. The technique is based on the fact that an air-water mixture with sodium bicarbonate powder is supplied under pressure at different angles to the surface of the teeth.
Laser whitening involves the use of gel preparations based on hydrogen peroxide, which are applied to the teeth and illuminated each of them with a laser for 2 minutes. In this case, the activity of the whitening agent is increased.

Removing yellowness at home

To whiten teeth outside the doctor's office, you can use both ready-made preparations and folk remedies.

Medical cosmetics: whitening toothpastes, mouthguards with gel - put on the entire dentition for several hours or at night, application products used regularly or if necessary, for example, before an important meeting. Special whitening strips or pencils are also sold.

Folk recipes:
- Rub the Dead Sea salt crushed in a coffee grinder into the surface of the teeth 1-2 times a month,
- lemon juice along with soda is applied to a wet toothbrush and clean their teeth,
- shredded activated carbon rubbed into the surface of the teeth with a brush,
- hydrogen peroxide is mixed with baking soda to a mushy consistency, then this mixture is used to brush your teeth (1-2 times a week),
essential oils 1 drop of lemon and grapefruit are mixed with ground salt and baking soda, applied to a damp brush and brush your teeth (1-2 times a week),
- application of hydrogen peroxide on the surface of the teeth on cotton pads for a few minutes,
- brushing teeth with wood ash,
- application of lemon juice to the surface of the teeth.

It should be remembered that folk remedies for whitening do not help everyone. Much depends on the structure of the enamel, its thickness and the degree of staining. If the color of your teeth has changed in response to food stains entering the surface of your enamel, products such as baking soda or ash may help. But if the teeth have darkened as a result of trauma, chronic tooth disease, then referring to a specialist cannot be avoided.

Which lightening is the safest and most effective

It is important to understand that teeth whitening can damage enamel and cause increased sensitivity teeth in the future. The more aggressive the effect on the surface of the teeth, the more the enamel can be damaged. For example, whitening toothpastes contain a certain concentration of active agents and abrasives, and when ordinary soda or ash is applied to the teeth, the friction of the brush against the surface of the teeth is much stronger. The softening, foaming, enveloping components of the pastes are not added by chance. They prevent abrasives from scratching the enamel too much. The action of acids on enamel can thin and soften it, resulting in an even stronger color over time. The density of dental tissues determines the degree of their protection against damaging influences from the outside. The darker the teeth, the stronger and more active should be the effect on the enamel and the more dangerous it is to try to lighten the teeth at home.

How often can teeth be whitened

It all depends on the whitening method used. For example, a mechanical procedure can be performed no more than 1–2 times a year. Chemicals are designed for course use, and when the desired result is achieved, the procedure is repeated no earlier than a few months later.
Remember that whitened teeth require extra care. If teeth whitening is achieved with toothpaste, its use is usually limited to 1–2 weeks. After 2-3 months, you can repeat the course. If, after teeth whitening, the enamel has become sensitive to cold, sour, sweet, then the procedure can be carried out only after strengthening the tissues of the teeth, and this indicator depends on the individual characteristics of the person.

If the teeth darken from strong coffee or tea, smoking, folk remedies will also help to whiten them. If the enamel is naturally weak, sensitive, chips and cracks are often observed, whitening is not recommended at all!

In case of soreness during a meal after the procedure, you can use toothpaste for sensitive teeth and enamel treatments. The doctor also warns the patient about the need to follow a certain diet in the first days after the procedure: limit the intake of colored drinks and foods, avoid smoking, do not eat pure citrus juices and sour fruits, carbonated drinks. Teeth whitening can have a long-lasting effect, but only if a professional system is used, designed for use in a dental office.

A beautiful snow-white smile determines a person's confidence in himself, in the power of his charm and attractiveness. Good regular oral hygiene and lack of bad habits can save money spent on teeth whitening. If, however, there is a need for such a procedure, it is better to seek help from a specialist and avoid unwanted dental problems in the future. Incorrectly used bleaching agents can trigger the development of gum and dental diseases, which will take a long time to heal. Take care of your natural enamel, take care of it in smart ways, without hurting or thinning it in the pursuit of fashion.

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