"Dazzling smile for life" OT COLGATE. Project "Dazzling smile for life

Blinding smile : 7 Personal Care Rules

Summer is a hot day of travel, warmth and light. So I want to stretch your hands towards the sun, walk in a spectacular pareo on the beach, smiling dazzling and striking with his smile around. But ... as it is not regrettable, it may not everyone - problems with teeth. Well, you know how to advertise: yellow flask, bacteria and gum problems? And what to do? So hiding your smile? Not at all, you just need to ensure the correct, daily care of your teeth.

So how do you need To care for your teeth?

1. Regardless of the time of year, it is necessary to clean your teeth twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. And it should be done correctly: the brush is held at an angle of 45 ° to the area of \u200b\u200bthe junction of the teeth and the gum. Movement when cleaning should be circular, so that at once clean 1-2 teeth.

2. Brush your teeth at least 3 minutes. Do not hurry, pay attention to molars that are not visible when you smile. Chewing teeth They suffer most, as they are less cleaning. As statistics say, many clean teeth are not more than 30-40 seconds. Better do not rush.

3. When you take care of your teeth, then keep the brush as well as keep the ballpoint handle. With this method of cleaning and gums are not so injured, and the enamel is cleaned better.

4. Use dental thread. To clean the teeth, we traditionally use a toothbrush, which, unfortunately, does not clean my teeth in the place where they touch each other. The place of the joint can be cleaned exclusively to the dental thread. How to use dental thread? Cut 40-45 cm threads, tighten one end around the middle finger of one hand, and the other - around the finger of another hand. Leave the length of the thread with a length of 2-3 cm. Moving it neatly, enter the dental thread into the space between the teeth. When you reach the gum, bend the thread in the form of the letter "C" and first clean one tooth, then in the opposite direction, clearing the other tooth. The bottom teeth browse upwards, to the upper one.

5. You can whiten your teeth, if you clean them with food soda. Water with water brush and macake in the food soda. This is pretty effective toolTo keep well for your teeth. However, do not overdo it, spend 2-3 procedures for the week. A few days later you can repeat cleaning.

6. Spend the prevention of the whole oral cavity. Visit, finally, the dentist. Collure caries and unfortunate gums. Stop to suffer, bolder! And also, remove the dental stone and go for a couple of months to a professional toothpaste. It will help restore the gum after cleaning, remove inflammation.

7. If the usual brush does not help, buy electric. Such can be found in specialized stores and pharmacies. According to experts, electric brush Removes almost 90% of the entire plaque (compared to the usual - 47% of the plaque).

Be healthy and beautiful!

Beautiful summer!

Looking at reflection in the mirror, many dream of a beautiful snow-white Hollywood smile. Not every person is pleased with the natural color of his teeth. In many respects, the color depends on the structure of enamel, dentin, their thickness and properties. Not always the natural whiteness of the teeth - a health indicator.

How whiten teeth in dentistry

There are three types of teeth whitening: chemical, mechanical and laser.

The first method involves the use of liquid or gel-shaped means based on hydrogen peroxide, phosphoric and hydrochloric acids, carbamide peroxide, enzymes. Such drugs are applied or directly to the surface of pre-peeled and dried teeth, or in special kapps, digested on the dental rows. There are funds for both professional use in a dental office and home use.

Mechanical teeth whitening is made by the method of cleansing the painted surface layer of enamel to natural whiteness. The technique is based on the fact that an air-water mixture with sodium bicarbonate powder is supplied under a different angle to the surface of the teeth.
Laser whitening includes the use of gel-like preparations based on hydrogen peroxide, which is applied to the teeth and extinguish each of them with a laser for 2 minutes. In this case, the activity of the whitening means increases.

Removal of yellowness at home

To clarify the teeth outside the doctor's office, you can use both finished preparations and folk remedies.

Therapeutic cosmetics: whitening toothpastes, kappa along with gel - puts on with the entire dentition for several hours or at night, appliqués used regularly or if necessary, for example, before an important meeting. Special bleaching strips or pencil are also sold.

Folk recipes:
- The salt of the Dead Sea chopped in a coffee grinder is rubbed into the surface of the teeth 1-2 times a month,
- lemon juice together with soda are applied to a wet toothbrush and purify teeth,
- crushed activated carbon rubbed into the surface of the teeth with a brush,
- the hydrogen peroxide is mixed with soda to the cascute-shaped consistency, then the teeth are cleansed with such a mixture (1-2 times a week),
essential oils Lemon and grapefruit 1 drops are mixed with a hammer salt and drinking soda, applied to a wet brush and clean their teeth (1-2 times a week),
- Applications of hydrogen peroxide on the surface of the teeth on cotton disks for a few minutes,
- cleaning teeth with wood ash,
- Applications on the surface of lemon juice.

It should be remembered that the folk remedies for bleaching are not helpful. Much depends on the structure of the enamel, its thickness and degree of staining. If the color of the teeth has changed in response to the penetration of dyes from food into the surface layer of enamel, such as soda or ash can help. But in case the teeth darkened as a result of injury, chronic disease Tooth, then appeal to a specialist cannot be avoided.

What clarification is the safest and effective

It is important to understand that teeth whitening can damage enamel and cause increased sensitivity teeth in the future. The more aggressive impact on the surface of the teeth, the stronger the enamel can be damaged. For example, whitening toothpastes contain a certain concentration of active ingredients and abrasives, and when applied to the teeth of ordinary soda or ash, friction brush on the surface of the teeth is much stronger. Mitigating, foaming, enveloping the components of the paste are not randomly added. They do not allow abrasives to heat the enamel. The effects of acids on enamel can thin and soften it, as a result of which it will turn out even stronger over time. The density of the tooth tissues determines the degree of their protection against the damaging effects from the outside. The darker the teeth, the stronger and more active should be the impact on enamel and the more dangerously try to brighten the teeth at home.

How often can you whiten your teeth

It all depends on the whitening method used. For example, a mechanical procedure can be carried out no more than 1-2 times a year. Chemicals Designed for coursework, and when the desired result is reached, the procedure is re-carried out no earlier than a few months.
It should be remembered that bleached teeth require additional care. If the clarification of the teeth are achieved with the help of toothpaste, its use is usually limited to 1-2 weeks. After 2-3 months you can repeat the course. If, after whitening the teeth, the enamel became sensitive to cold, sour, sweet, then the procedure can be carried out only after strengthening the tissues of the teeth, and this indicator depends on the individual characteristics of the person.

If the teeth are darker from strong coffee or tea, smoking, folk remedies will help. If enamel from nature is weak, sensitive, chips and cracks are often observed, whitening is not recommended at all!

In the event of pain occurs during meals after the procedure, you can use a toothpaste for sensitive teeth and enamel treatments. The doctor also warns the patient about the need to comply with a certain diet first days after the procedure: limit the reception of coloring drinks and products, avoid smoking, not eating clean citrus juices and acidic fruits, carbonated drinks. Teeth whitening can give a persistent long effect, but only if a professional system intended for use in a dental office was used.

Beautiful snow-white smile determines the confidence of a person in itself, in the strength of her charm and attractiveness. Quality regular oral hygiene and lack harmful habits Can save money intended for teeth whitening. If there is still a need for such a procedure, it is better to seek help from a specialist and avoid unwanted problems with teeth in the future. Incorrectly used whitening agents can provoke the development of gum and teeth diseases, the treatment of which will take for a long time. Take care of your natural enamel, take care of it by reasonable ways, not traumating and without thinning it in pursuit of fashion.

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Signatures for slides:

Man - Part of Nature Guess! 1. One says, two look, two listen. 2. All lives go on fire from, and you cannot overtake each other. 3. Two mothers in five sons, all for one name. 4. A white pigeons are sitting near the corner. Why do you need to know your body?

Think ...

Dazzling smile for life Oral magazine

We and our teeth are your teeth in your life?

Patients teeth are more like a doctor! The formula "acid monster" (caries) of dental tax + sugar \u003d acid acid + enamel of teeth \u003d caries What is the caries? When do you need to contact the dentist?

Useful advice rules for the fight against the "acid monster" to clean the teeth twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. Half oral cavity after receiving food with boiled water. How much you can eat sweets. Go to the dentist at least twice a year. Take care of the enamel of teeth from a sharp change of temperature.

How to brush your teeth? Teeth should be cleaned not only to the right left, but also from top to bottom, from the inner and outside.

Safety rules Be careful when riding a bike. Behave calmly in in public places: Do not touch, do not push the neighbor, do not put the steps. Do not open the bottle tooths and do not take out of foreign objects: pencils, pens, needles and other metal objects. Do not sheroze with teeth nuts, hard candy, do not bite the threads.

Good teeth - a guarantee of health

Have a good mood!


Blinding smile

For life

Oral magazine


  1. Deepen knowledge of students about a person as part of nature and about an important organ digestion - teeth.
  2. Formation of students with the concept of the need for regular and proper care For teeth, familiarity with the basic rules of oral hygiene.
  3. Contribute to education careful relationship To your health, feelings of mutual assistance and mutual executions.

Org. moment: Now in front of you guyspages of the oral magazine "Dazzling smile for life" our magazine as a real, not only read it, but also listen, watching. The magazine will be able to suggest many of you, for which healthy teeth need and how to save them, what needs to be known for this. So, look and listen to the oral magazine "Dazzling smile for life." And now, friends, let's smile each other - and on the road!

First page "Man is part of nature"

Teacher: The most complicated and amazing of everything that is on Earth is a man! A person is part of nature, her animal world: he breathes, feeds, growing, develops, children are born. A man thinks, has a speech, worries. The human body consists of organs that work coordinated, nicely.

Guess the riddles:

  1. One says, two look, two listen. (Language, eyes, ears.)
  2. All my life go on fire from, and you cannot overtake each other. (Legs.)
  3. Two mothers in five sons, all for one name. (Hands and fingers.)
  4. A white pigeons are sitting near the corner. (Teeth.)

Teacher : Why do you need to know your body? (Know your body is needed in order to maintain and strengthen health.)

Second page "We and our teeth"


Human cub is born toothless. For young children, the first teeth appear at the age of 6-8 months. For two years, children appear 20 teeth. These teeth are called dairy.

From age 6-7 years and up to 12 there is a replacement of dairy teeth permanent. Adult man 32 permanent teeth. They are wider and form a solid row.

Take your mirror, open your mouths and consider the oral cavity, teeth. Please note that they are all different. Why?

What do we do with the help of the front teeth? That's right, we bite food, as if cutting off it. That is why they are calledcutters.

What do we do with the help of cone-shaped teeth with pointed ends? They are a little longer than the rest of the teeth, which allows them to be easy to enter food and hold it when fastening. itfangs.

What we do with Side teeth? They have a bugishchewing surface and serve for grinding, grinding food.

The teeth are covered with enamel . Enamel gives teeth beautiful shine. Emal tooth is the most durable part of the body. It protects teeth from damage and diseases.

Teacher : What is the value in a person's life have teeth? (The teeth are a very important part of the digestive channel. The teeth man blesses and festers food.)

Third Page "Patients teeth are more like a doctor!"

All food falls into our body through purph cavity. Thus, during the day on the teeth, raids are formed. When we eat something sweet, then the raids also "eat sweet", grow and turns into acid. Acid accumulates on our teeth, on dental enamel, grow and turns into an "acid monster", or caries.

Formula Caries.

Toothpick + Sugar \u003d Acid

Acid + tooth enamel \u003d caries

Caries - the destruction of the tooth with the formation of cavity in it (holes). Previously, this teeth disease called the costed out, because constant destruction occurs, as if eating, tooth. Caries is especially widespread where drinking water And food contain little fluorine. Tooth treatment is almost painless if the caries just begins. Therefore, when there is even a small hole in the teeth, you need to immediately consult a dentist.

The student reads the poem of I. Demyanova "Crybost crying".

Cookbost crying: Sheet teeth.

It doesn't like to clean my teeth

Neither outside nor inside

Dried three times!

Here the drill buzzes from anger,

The tooth coals, swears the costa:

"The s-s-s-s-sort of you are not lr

Here with me and became a z-sign-k-com!

Sow s-teeth

RM-STI Z-tooths.



Acquaintance with exhibits of the exhibition "Take care of your teeth!"

Teacher: What is caries? When should I contact a dentist?

Fourth page "Useful Tips"

Rules of combating "acid monster"

  1. Clean your teeth twice a day, in the morning and in the evening.
  2. Half oral cavity after receiving food with boiled water.
  3. How much you can eat sweets.
  4. Go to the dentist at least twice a year.
  5. Take care of the enamel of teeth from a sharp change of temperature.

1, 2. What are we cleaning and wrinkle your teeth? How do you do it?

Clean your teeth in order to remove the tax.

Teeth should be cleaned not only to the right left, but also from top to bottom, from the inner and outside. Do it needed for 3-5 minutes. (demonstration)

And how do you take care of your toothbrush? Never use a toothbrush for any other purposes, in addition to the cleaning of the teeth. Rinse the brush every time after cleaning the teeth. Never allow you to use your toothbrush and never use someone else's.

3 .To did not hurt your teeth and the guys were not inflamed, you need to fully eat: there are many green vegetables, fresh fruits, meat, fish, eggs, drink milk and natural juices. If you regularly have all these products, you will get all the necessary minerals and vitamins. Do not eat too many candies and do not get drunk by sweet carbonated water.

4 . If you consult a doctor in time, then the treatment of the tooth will be practically painless.


How was it - clean the teeth!

Do so twice a day.

Preferred candy fruit -

Very important products.

To the dentist go

Per year twice on the reception.

And then smiles light

Scene "Babushkin Hotel"

Grandmother. Hello, granddaughter! And I brought the hotel to you. Guess what's here?

Ilyusha. What a kulok! Probably here a lot of candies, chocolates, irisces?

Grandmother. No, you guessed wrong! In our village, the children love to shock ripe, carrot, cabbage caring. Vegetables clean and strengthen their teeth. And Sweat, those who rack waffles, cookies, sweets, the teeth most often hurt.

5. What causes the enamel of the teeth?Let's experience: Take a piece of glass, hesitate it on fire, then put it in a glass with cold water. What happened to the glass? Glass cracked. Why? This is how the enamel of the tooth can crack from a sharp shift of hot and cold food. Take care of the enamel of teeth from a sharp change of temperature!

Safety regulations

  1. Be careful when cycling.
  2. We are calm in public places: do not touch, do not push the neighbor, do not put the steps.
  3. Do not open the bottle tooths and do not take out of foreign objects: pencils, pens, needles and other metal objects.
  4. Do not sheroze with teeth nuts, hard candy, do not bite the threads.


Do you remember how to relate to your teeth right? I'll check it now.Game "Fun and sad tooth"

You, boys and girls,

Prepared chastushki.

If my advice is good,

You praise in your hands.

On the wrong advice

Speak "No, no, no."

You always need to eat

For teeth for your

Fruits, vegetables, omelet,

Cottage cheese and spoke.

Do not gnaw cabbage sheet:

He is completely not delicious.

Better Eat chocolate,

Waffles, sugar, marmalade.

Is this the right council?

Mom spoke Lyuba:

"I will not brush my teeth."

And now our Luba

Hole in each tooth.

What will be your answer?

Well done?

Glitter teeth to give

Need cream shoe to take,

Squeeze polltybik

And clean the tooth.

Is this the right council?

Oh, awkward Lyudmila

On the floor, the brush dropped.

From the floor, the brush raises,

Clean teeth continues.

Who will give the correct answer?

Who is Luda?

Remember forever

Cute friends:

Without clever teeth

You can not sleep.

If my advice is good,

You praise in your hands.

Your teeth are cleaned

And go to sleep.

Capture a bun

Sweet into bed.

Is this the right council?

Remember the advice useful:

You can not nibble Iron object.

If my advice is good,

You praise in your hands.

To strengthen teeth,

Useful nails chew.

Is this the right council?

You probably tired,

So far, the poems read here.

There was your correct answer,

What is useful and what is not.

Teacher: "Acid Monster" confused all letters. Help me to understand.

And (6)

E (4)

B (1)

E (2)

G (5)

P (3)

Y (8)

S (10)

B (9)

S (7)

! (11) (Answer: Take care of your teeth!)

Well done! And now grab your hands and let the sparkle of warmth, kindness - smile to each other! (Song "Smile").

Churaeva Irina Anatolyevna
Project "Dazzling smile for life. Teeth health

Project on

« Dazzling smile for all zn»

View project: Research

Duration project: Short-term (2 months)

Participants project: Children 4-5 years old, educators, parents, dentist.


Health Oral cavities plays an important role in preserving health total

organism throughout life. At the same time, dental diseases remain among the most common in modern society.

We often think that the teeth are an addition to the appearance of a person like hair and nails. However, the tooth is a living organ. To keep your teeth healthy and beautiful mi does not need to directly contact the dentist, lead healthy lifestyle.

Largely health children depends on the state of the oral cavity and teeth. The most common diseases of humanity are Caries and Dysen disease. According to the World Health Organization, periodontal diseases are found more than 95% of the inhabitants of our country over 18 years old. In 50% of cases, 6-year-old children at the change of milk teeth are constant, already amazed by caries. More than 80% of people do not know how to brush their teeth.


1. The absence of the integrity of ideas about the care of the oral cavity.

2. Lack of prevention and hygiene skills

3. Lack of role information teeth in the life of a healthy person.


Form preschool core basics healthy lifestyle,

achieve a conscious fulfillment of personal hygiene rules and a responsible attitude to his own health.


1. Help children in gaming and entertaining form to learn the concept « Blinding smile»

2. To convince the need for personal hygiene.

3. Secure children's knowledge of personal hygiene objects. Expand the idea of \u200b\u200bthe doctor's dentist.

4. The role of proper nutrition.

Expected Result:

1. Increased knowledge and healthy habitswho will help children keep teeth healthy.

2. To form an idea of \u200b\u200ba dentist as an assistant in preservation healthy teeth.

Security project:

Material: toothbrush, toothpaste, individual cup,

stencil stencil, mirror, wax chalk.

Products: Apple, bread.

Posters "Useful material", photos

"Tooth like a living organism"

Children, tooth is a living and complex organ, and not only that small part of it, which is visible in the mouth.

The exercise "What is in the mouth"

Children, take the mirror in the hands, open the mouth and consider the oral cavity.

What did you see in your mouth? (language, teeth, gums).

Children circle their tongue all their teeth and guys. What do you feel what

they are: Smooth, rough, solid, soft?

Teeth are different in shape, the front teeth have a sharp edge, and the rear

a large bugger chewing surface.

The exercise: "Why do you need teeth?"

Children in order to better understand the value of the mouth and tooth imaginethat man has no mouth.

What can such a person do? (there is, talk, you can't smile) .

And now let's get acquainted with the function teeth.

Children try to bite off the apple, closing the front teeth with lips.

Try to pronounce the words table and house without touching the language of the front teeth.

And now smile to each other. If a person had no teeth, he would be ugly (photos where children smile) .

Output: Mouth, teeth and language we need to bite and burn food, form the right sounds of speech and decorate the face dazzling smile.

"Teeth care rules"

Children, as you think, in order to teeth healthy and you could dazzling smileWhat should I do every day? (brush your teeth).

Eh, come on, do not yaw, do not forget about teeth,

Brush your teeth are not lazy, bottom up, top down,

As it was, cleaning the teeth. Do so twice a day.

Preferred fruit candies, very important products.

So that the tooth bothered remember the rule:

We go to the dentist per year twice on the reception.

And then smiles Light save for many years.

Today we are visiting a dentist, he will tell and show you,

how to clean your teeth (memo attached)

« Healthy nutrition - Healthy teeth»

Often eat like it fell

You guys are not

If myself is not an enemy,

Snack like that:

Milk, Nuts, Cheese

Vegetables, kefir.

That would not hurt

Caries-tooth gangster.

Children so that your teeth do not hurt and were healthy, I need to be right

feed Many products contain useful substances.

- Let's look at the illustration:

Proteins contribute to the growth of the body, help struggle with infection. Meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, beans, nuts are the best source of protein.

Fats regulate temperature

Growth of the body. Fats are in meat, fish, dairy


Bread, vegetables cereals contain carbohydrates that provide the body with energy

Vitamins largest quantities are contained in vegetables and

fruits, berries and participate in the formation of dental fabrics.

And the guys, solid food (apple, carrot, promotes cleansing teeth from residual soft food.

Sweet Food (candy, confectionery) Harms to our teeth and can cause caries. What is caries? This is a dental gangster that destroys our teeth.

Let's draw two toes on stern: one healthy and fun, but

the other fell ill with caries, he is sad.

And around them harmful and useful products.

"The principle of destruction"

: Bread and apple.



We clean, clean your teeth

And we have fun

And those who do not clean them,

We have fun:

Hey, let's not yaw

Do not forget about teeth

Bottom-up, top - down

Clean your teeth are not lazy.

1.Preparation of material for working with children:

Manufacture of posters

Album Photos from the family archive

Drawing up memos for parents Readiness for presentation project

2. Preliminary conversations with children about healthy education Life

Scene-role game "At the reception of a dentist's doctor"

Consider and consolidate knowledge of personal hygiene objects

-practical work: "We learn to brush your teeth correctly"

Experimental work "The principle of destruction"

Reading poems

Pictures on the topic "Zubik Wece ly and sad:

Gaming exercises - knowledge of knowledge on the topic project

Continue to develop game activities, the plot of games based on the knowledge gained;

Learn correctly, brushing your teeth, use personal hygiene objects.

Consolidate knowledge of harmful and useful products for health of teeth and whole organism;

Improve the visual skills and skills;

Develop thinking and memory.

3. Presentation project« Blinding smile» in the form of wall newspaper

Representation of experience in this direction in the form of individual conversations with parents, on the parent group meeting, equipping new information Parental Corner (memo, consultation) - Analysis results presentation project,

Identification and evaluation of children's abilities;

Fixing hygienic skills

Experimental activities

"The principle of destruction"

Put in different polyethylene packages products: Bread and apple.

Packages closely close and observe the process of change and damage products.

Output: If the teeth do not clean, they get sick, collapse and

doctor dentist has to delete them.


Children, we were very interesting to spend time, repeated the old and learned a lot of new things, made an important conclusion.

Right, you need to follow your teeth, use only

your subjects personal hygiene

We clean, clean your teeth

And we have fun

And those who do not clean them,

We have fun:

Hey, let's not yaw

Do not forget about teeth

Bottom-up, top - down

Clean your teeth are not lazy.

Colgate helps children 80 countries acquire a dazzling smile.

A large number of children in the world do not have access to elementary oral hygiene and are not familiar with the main rules of hygiene. The COLGATE program "Dazzling Smile for Life" helps children learn the rules of oral hygiene and get a free examination. Colgate contributes to the formation of healthy habits for life, which helps to increase self-esteem and lays the foundation for future success.

International COLGATE program

"Dazzling smile for life" from Colgate is one of the most large-scale and successful programs to preserve the health of the oral cavity for children around the world. Long-term cooperation with authorities, educational institutions and local communities allowed to carry out free dental advice and teach the oral hygiene of more than 950 million children.

Award-winning Hygiene Program

The basis of the COLGATE program "Dazzling Smile for Life" lies with award-winning course. Cross-cultural educational materials Colgate, developed by experts from around the world, help demonstrate how to preserve the health of the teeth and gums.

In Russia, the program has been implemented since 2009 in partnership with the Dental Association of Russia and the Society of Dental Hygienists. Copy outcome Since 2009, more than 2,200,000 children are covered by the lessons of oral hygiene.

Today, the COLGATE educational program "Dazzling Smile For Life" is available in 30 languages, and in many countries it has become part of the school educational program.

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