Health dependence on food, ecology and what is Ayurveda? Research work "Ecology of food" Ecological nutrition.

Methods for studying the nutrition of ancient people. The value of paleoecology data. Ecology and behavior of modern animals as a source of information about nutrition of human ancestors. Anthropological approaches: analysis of the structure of the dental system, micro-damage of teeth, structure bone tissue, component composition of the remains, pathological changes in the skeleton. Analysis of the composition of vegetation in paleopalinological, paleopomological materials (composition of fossil pollen, fruit, grains). Analysis of the species composition and number of commercial and domestic animals. Power changes during the evolution of man. Ecology of food two-legged primates (Avsfalopitec) and early representatives of the genus Homo. Ecology of human nutrition of the Paleolithic era. "Neolithic revolution" and nutrition. Food, culture and cooking.

Methods for studying the nutrition of an ancient person

There are a number of ways to help draw up an idea of \u200b\u200bthe features of the ecology of the number of human ancestors and ancient people. In tab. 3.1 The main distinguishing characteristics of human nutrition and sources from which are obtained most of information.

Table 3.1.

The main characteristics of human nutrition and sources of knowledge about them

(Bogin, 1997)


Sourse of information

A wide variety of essential nutrients

Primatological studies; Biomedical research

Each culture has its kitchen

Archeology, Ethnology

Pronounced omniviness

Primatological studies; Studying societies of sobchats

Transportation of food

Archeology, Ethnology

Storage of food

Archeology, Ethnology

Comprehensiveness of technologies for obtaining and cooking

Archeology, Ethnology

Food distribution and breast separation

Primatological studies; Studying Community in Ooh Gnits-Gloves

Food prohibitions


Non-useful use of potential products

Archeology, Ethnology

The results of paleontological and archaeological studies give direct evidence of anatomical (morphological) adaptation of the ancestral forms of primates to a particular food and about the diet of an ancient person. Study of features food Behavior Modern primates and other mammals, as well as studies in the field of nutritional ecology of various groups of modern gathet hunters allow us to obtain an indirect information, on the basis of which the principles of the ecology of the PI of the ancient people are reconstructed.

Perhaps the most common method - analysis of the ecology of the nutrition of representatives of modern "traditional" societies. The methods used in the study of modern "traditional" societies are partially reviewed in chapter 2.

These archeology give a variety of indirect and direct information about the nutrition of an ancient person.

Study of labor and weapons as well as trasological analysis (The study of the characteristics of traces left by guns on the extraction of ancient hunters and collectors) make it possible to judge the objects of hunting and how to use them. Heavy spears from a tree with flint or bone tips or a solid spears from the Mammoth's beaw (a length of 1.6 to 2.4 m) were clearly intended for "melee" when mining a large beast. Light throwing spears and darts with flint or wooden tips allowed damage to the animal with a considerable distance - up to 20-30 meters, and when using Koiememetok - even up to 70-80 meters (Bader, 1977). Easy spears, useless when hunting on a large beast, testify to the fishery of small and medium-sized animals.

The species composition of industrial mammals and its dynamics are determined on the basis study of bone remains of animals On ancient parking and analysis of natural conditions on Paleopalinovsky (study of samples of fossil pollen) and paleogeographic materials (Ermolova, 1977).

Analysis of the remains of industrial animals will provide an opportunity to assess the energy balance of ancient societies (the needs are included here not only in food, but also in lighting, heating, etc.). For example, based on the norms of the energy needs of a person and the full calorie of the animal carcass (the average mammoth gave to a ton of pure meat), it can be calculated that a group of 50 people per year was required to kill 12-15 small mammoths. With the hunting on the reindeer, annual production would be every year 600-800 animals. The upper-altolytic population of the Russian plain and the Crimea (10-15! Oshech), subject to the complete and efficient use of all production, it was supposed to exterminate 4500 mammoths or 240,000 reindeers. According to the calculations N.K. Vereshchagin (1967), the annual production of production could be equivalent to 120,000 reindeers, 80,000 horses, 30000 bison or 10,000 mammoths.

Paleozoological data give information about the diversity of an ancient person's animal food. Thus, in the cultural layer of the mezinskaya parking (the territory of modern Ukraine, the age of about 20 gis. Years) was found bone remains of at least 20 vertebrate types (mammals and ps), of which hunting groceries are at least 300 individuals, including: Mammoth - 116, Rhino - 3, Wild Horse - 63, Oven - 17, Bison - 5, Northern Deer - 83, Brown Bear - 7, Zayatsk -11, Summer - 4, White Partridge - 7 individuals. For the existence of the Mesinsky settlement (from 15 to 23 years), its inhabitants minimized at least 270 tons of meat ( Bibikov, 1981; Pidopoxko, 1909).

Age and sexual ratio of remains Cattle in neolithic and later settlements provides information on the options for its use: meat belly! YuVodhovgvo (if adult individuals of both sexes are clogged), dairy (if the skeletons of young bulls and old cows are found), the Mary of finds a significant number of skeletons of old bulls / oxen).

The lack of food resources in concrete terrain is indirectly indicated by signs cannibalism. At the parking lot of Krapin (Croatia, the age of about 50 thousand years) found remains of 5 children, 4 adolescents and 14 adults of Neanderthal. 30% of the bones of the post-strangle skeleton and 15% of the bones of the skulls have traces of cuts by stone tools, testifying to the dismemberment of the joints and cutting the muscles in the fields of attachment. The nature of damage to skulls and long bones speaks of attempts to remove the head and bone marrow. These data is considered one of the most important evidence of the existence of cannibalism in Psandsr Galts ( Ullrich., 1978).

However, it should be distinguished by cannibalism as one of the methods of food ("True cannibalism") from the cannibality as a rite (military or memorial - when a part of the body of a killed enemy or a deceased relative) is eaten). The ritual eating of man meat was widespread much wider. But, in some cases, cannibalism really served to replenish the lack of an animal protein in the regions where the animal food is relatively little accessible (in the modern era of the ego of the highland of New Guinea, Polynesia). According to some calculations, the "mind |\u003e cannibalism could provide an annual admission to 10% of the necessary animal protein. Of the 70 known examples of true cannibalism, 20% falls on the share of Okhaknikov-Gathering, 50% - primitive farmers. Among the shepherd nations, the cannedness is unknown ( Wyner, 1979).

Environmental analysis The food behavior of modern animals also gives the researcher a rich material for reconstructions. Food diet of primates and other animals; Features of their food behavior in different time years, including in an excess and disadvantage of

soup; Section of food; The composition of Diaga and the Energy Balance - these and many other data are used when reconstructing the singularities of human ancestors.

The considerable amount of information about the nutrition of our ancestors is obtained using a variety of anthropological techniques. Studying remainsancient people (mummified frozen in glaciers) allows you to directly establish the contents of the stomach and intestines and make a conclusion about what food was used shortly before death. According to, of course, the detection of mummified or frozen remains - the situation is unique. Immeasurably large share of information was obtained using less spectacular, to a certain extent already routine paleoanthropological studies.

Biomechanical analysis The features of the structure of the teeth and the jaws of ancient primates and the hominid makes it possible to establish, to the consumption of what kinds of food has been adapted with the towe in the Paleoanthropologist detected. This approach allows not only to distinguish a predator from the herbivore, but also to establish which types of plant foods preferred representatives of the fossil species. Pathological changes in bones, Such as prominent changes of their form can also provide information on nutritional disorders. In particular, the curvature of the bones of the lower extremities of children's skeletons from the Neolithic settlements of Danny, the witness is about the lack of vitamin D, and the specific bone expansions on the inner surface of the orbits (Cribra Orbilatia) - about the deficiency of iron in food ( Dentiike., 1985). In the radiographic study of long bones, it is possible to detect the so-called "Harris lines", which indicate insufficient nutrition during the growth period (Wells, 1967).

Important information gives analysis of the composition of coprolites - petrified (foscilized) excrement of ancient people (Bogin, 1997). According to the undigested grains, seeds, bones of belly, scales of fish, etc. It is possible to make an idea of \u200b\u200ba diet, as well as about the type of biotope in which an ancient person dwells, since the species composition of plants and animals in the steppe, coniferous or deciduous forest, semi-desert, etc. Very specific. Having established a species belonging to the pollen of the plants preserved in the conclusions, it is possible to obtain information not only about the composition of the plant food of an ancient person, but also the time of the year, into which she is sweat reblylas. The study of the composition of Coprolites Paleoiamenters also provided information on the use of a number of medicinal plants. When frying food, coal particles often stick to it. The detection of them in coprolites is a sign of the use of fire in culinary purposes. The most ancient of the studied coproolits of a person have age about 3,800 gis. years (Syyanka Terra Amata, South France).

Degree and nature of changes and damage to the enamel of teeth Allows you to add primarily about the predominance of coarse or relatively soft beggar in the diet. Changes visible under the microscope (hypoplasia) of dental enamel may indicate insufficient nutrition during the growth period. The study of the specifics of damage to the dental enamel among representatives of different populations helps to make an idea of \u200b\u200bthe features of their nutrition. Comparison of the microen facilities of the dental enamel of Neanderthals and modern Eskimos showed that the food technique and, apparently, the composition of food were very similar to them: like Eskimos, Neanderthals clapped a piece of meat in their teeth and cut off his knife from left to right. Studying the state of the enamel of the teeth of representatives of the "coastal" and "mainland" neolithic populations from the territory of modern Spain and Portugal made it possible to confirm the differences in their nutrition identified by chemical methods. In those who lived from the sea coast of the ancient Iberians, the number of micro-damage and the degree of emalie womb is noticeably higher. This speaks of a greater proportion of vegetables in their diet compared to the seaside residents ( Umbelino., 1999).

Indirect indicator of the composition of diets ancient populations may be distribution of diseases oral cavities, First of all - caries. Caries - a disease characterized by local demoormalization of tooth tissue under the influence organic acidswhich are formed when processing food carbohydrate bacteria, primarily sugars. Comparison of the dental situation in populations of different parts of the world showed that the frequency of carious lesions in farmers is much higher than in the tribes of OxOnichi-collectors ( Larsen., 1995).

Information on some aspects of nutrition of the former eras can be obtained by analyzing the content in the fossil tissues of stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes. The ratio of isotopes "* with K and C in bones and other tissues reflects the composition of food. Variations of content carbon isotopes Reflect the different paths of photosynthesis of the sin of the ecology of plant organisms, which were used in food: plants relative to hot and dry biotopes; moderate climatic zone; and plants desert (type of cacti and succulents). Analyzes of this kind were allowed, for example, to establish the time of active introduction of maize into the diet of the ancient Americans and determine the period in which Mais became the basis of their nutrition ( Ambrose., 1987; IJTRSEN, 1998).

Assessment of stable content nitrogen isotopes ("N and" n) in fossil tissues gives nice results When analyzing sources of animal protein in the diets of the ancient Luden. It has been established that with an increase in the shares of meat and animal products in Diaga, the concentration of isotopes of biogenic origin in the tissues of the orphans increases. O'Connell, Hedges., 1999). Consequently, analyzing the content of isotopes in bone tissue, it is possible to determine how large there was a share of meat food in diet of representatives of a particular ancient population.

Moreover, the products of terrestrial and water (marine, lake, river) are different in the content of stable nitrogen isotopes. This difference is maintained in products of water and terrestrial origin throughout the food chain - from producers-growing to end users: predators or a person. Thus, the researcher gets the opportunity to assess the preferential orientation of consumers to terrestrial and Morskis / RSH food sources ( Larsen., 1998).

Helps reconstruct types of diet of the population of past historical eras study of the mineral composition of the skeleton - Contents in fossil bones of basic chemical elements (phosphates, calcium carbonate) and microelements (for example, strontium). True, a certain complexity for such studies is the fact that the concentration of trace elements in the skeleton reflects not only human nutrition features, but also the specifics of local geochemical conditions. (Dobrovolskaya, 1986). Such difficulties have to be solved by attracting comparative data on populations living in a variety of geochemical P (juvints.

In general, the relationship between the "protein" diet, characterized by a high flow of meat, and an increase in lead content in the skeleton ( Aufdermers., 1981). Another example is the study of strontium content (SR) and calcium (CA) in fossil bones. In skeletons of herbivore and predatory mammals, the ratio of the content of these elements differs. The herbivores index SR / CA is close to 99 units, in predators - to 59, and a person has an average of 73 units ( SILLEN,1981). In the era of late bronze, the population of ancient Greece increased consumption in the food of sea fish and, accordingly, the SR / CA index increased (Bisel, 1981).

Egot as needed a brief and incomplete list gives an idea of \u200b\u200ba variety of palsodnetological research techniques. Using various approaches, the researcher receives information on the basis of which you can more or less accurately reconstruct the characteristics of the number of human ancestors and ancient people.

Controller biochemical processes - food. Due to disorders of food quality, metabolism is disturbed. Violations are functional to violations of morphological, and the last, entrusted to generations, go into genetic, hereditary.

Many edible plants synthesize and constantly contain small amounts of toxic chemical compounds in order to protect against insects and animals. So, such a flavonoid, like Kersietin, contained in Luke, is a rather strong mutagen. The system of detoxification of the body can neutralize not only natural, but also artificial chemical substancesEntering food products if they come in small doses. Another Paracels said: "Everything is poison, and nothing is devoid of poisonousness, one dose makes the poison imperceptible." Doses will be small if the power will be diverse. When using the same products, the dose of one and the same substances will increase, accumulate.

On the ecological purity of modern products. In food, chemicals can fall as a result of treating agricultural fields with mineral fertilizers, pesticides, during transportation, when using chemical additives in order to improve external view, commodity and other properties of products. There are cases of pollution of food with compounds of metals (lead, arsenic, mercury, cadmium, tin), as well as petroleum products, pesticides, nitro compounds. For example, studies have shown that in a roach that was caught in the Netuni river near Moscow, the lead content is three times higher than the maximum permissible concentrations, and in the elds of the Yauza, the content of petroleum products is exceeded even 250 times. And this applies not only to the river, but also sea fish: in Azov, the sturgeon is excessively accumulated lead, Kambala - copper, bulls - chrome, herring - cadmium, and a tiny spray - mercury.

Not in the best position is the dairy farming of our country. The verification showed that dairy products of the Moscow enterprises receive milk products in which the content of antibiotics, toxic elements (lead, zinc, arsenic) exceeds permissible levels by 2-3 times. In finished products, these non-aoxins are saved.

It is known that in the feed of birds and cattle adds a variety of substances so that the animals are healthy and grow faster. Small amounts of additives can be stored in meat and thus get into the human body. The consequences are the most diverse. For example, hormonal drug Diethylstilbastrol was used as a stimulator of a rising cattle. However, this drug caused cancer in children born by women who took him during pregnancy. There is evidence that he increased the threat of cancer development and the women themselves.

Another reason for concerns about medicines in feed is related to the fact that in the systematic giving of antibiotics in animals, sustainable strains of bacteria can produce. Animals growing in close conditions of feedstocks react to antibiotics in large weights. It has now been proven that such sustainable bacteria can cause human diseases. In England, there was a case when injections of large doses of antibiotics with milk calves led to epidemics of Salmonellaz antibiotics resistant to people.

It is known that the main part of nitrates and nitrites enters the human body with water and food (with vegetable food, especially when growing vegetables in conditions of an increased amount of nitrogen-containing fertilizers). In plants, nitrates with the help of the nitrateredundase enzyme are restored to nitrites. This process takes particularly quickly with long-term storage of vegetables at room temperature. The process of turning nitrates into nitrites in foods is sharply accelerated when contaminated by their microorganisms. Boiling products in a large volume of water reduces the content of nitrates and nitrites by 20-90%. On the other hand, cooking in aluminum dishes leads to the restoration of nitrates into nitrites.

The toxic effect of nitrates and nitrites is associated with their ability to form methemoglobin, as a result of which the reversible binding of oxygen with hemoglobin is disturbed and hypoxia develops (lack of oxygen in tissues). The greatest pathological changes are observed in the heart and lungs, the liver and tissue of the brain are also affected. High doses of nitrates and nitrites cause intrauterine fetal death and lagging in the development of offspring in experimental animals. It is assumed that the sodium nitrite causes the decay of vitamin A in the digestive tract.

Nitrosamines can be formed from nitrites - carcinogenic compounds that contribute to the development of cancer. Nutrosamines are mainly formed when smoked, salting, marination, preservation using nitrites, as well as when dried with a contact method. Most often they are contained in smoked fish and sausage products. From dairy products, the cheeses that have passed the phase of fermentation are most dangerous. From vegetable - salted-marinated products, and beverage beverage. When taking high doses of nitrates with drinking water and food in 4-6 hours appear nausea, shortness of breath, skin planning, diarrhea. All this is accompanied by weakness, dizziness, loss of consciousness.

Less nitrates accumulate tomatoes, onions, grapes and eggplants; Most of all - carrots, watermelons, beets, cabbage.

Do not use aluminum dishes for cooking;

With heat treatment, part of nitrates is destroyed, the part goes into the decoction, so it is not necessary to use it;

Cook beef start in cold water, so more toxins will go into the broth; After five-minute boiling, do not spare, pour the first broth, cook the soups only on the second broth;

Purified vegetables must be in advance (no less than an hour) pushing in a slightly salted boiled water to remove excess nitrates.

Nutritional supplements. There is another important source of "pollution" food products - Adding to them (for the purpose of canning, to improve taste, colors, etc.) of many synthetic chemical compounds, the negative effects of many of which are not yet fully studied on the body. In particular, 1,000 food additives are allowed in the United States only in Coca-Cola.

Often we see on the shelves of our stores beautiful mature fruits. If you look closely, a spotted gray flare is noticeable. These fruits are saturated with highly concentrated preservatives that kill not only putrid bacteria, but also cells of the human body, intestinal bactericidal medium. The consequence is the loss of immunological protection, ulcerative and tumor processes. In addition to preservatives, apples, and strawberries, and grapes, and many other fruits for long-term storage are covered with an emulsion film. Not only fruits, but also pink sausages, sausages, salami, fishery, plumbing in wrappers, and raisins, not particularly storing vegetable oils are fitted with preservatives.

Buying imported products, first of all carefully examine the characters applied to the packaging. The letter E and the three-digit figure indicate that the goods are manufactured using food additives, many of which are dangerous to health. The manufacturer honestly warns the consumer: "You yourself are free to decide, buying this product that is cheaper, or prefer to him impeccable, but more expensive."

Pierced to the brown meat, strongly fastened in the bread toaster also contain mutagenic and carcinogenic substances. If there is a large number of heavily fried foods, a person uses daily by the number of carcinogenic and active substances equal to the daily absorption of a smokers, smoking 2 packs of cigarettes per day.

One of the paradoxes of civilization is refining. "Our civilization methodically destroys natural foods to give them more attractiveness, although this is done to harm the health" (M. Goren). White flour of higher grades, from which bran is completely removed, devoid of ballast substances, salts, vitamins, the number of proteins is sharply reduced in it. Polished purified rice does not contain dietary fiber and vitamin B1. Purified products are called "empty calories."

Do not eat moldy food! Remember that the mold allocates toxins (aflatoxin, protection, etc.), which go into the thickness of the product; Aflatoxins are transferred to vegetables and fruit processing products. Do not use moldy products for the manufacture of juices, wines, marmalade, etc. in peanuts, lentils, nuts, apricot bones of aflatoxins may be contained without visible mold and sensation of mold odor;

Do not eat vegetables and fruits if they are grown near highways or plants;

With long-term storage of alcohol tinctures on the bone fruit into the solution, a strong poison is switched - blue acid;

When storing potatoes in light, and at its germination is formed by Solanin. He gives potato green color. Solanin poisoning is not fatal, but still it is better to avoid it. It should be carefully cleaned green potatoes, removing "eyes";

Do not use newspapers for wrapping food products: it contains in large quantities lead and

When using a cast iron frying pan, iron is less absorbed by food;

The degree of extraction of copper and lead products depends on the degree of wear of the dishes. After a long period of operation, the effectiveness of the protective layer of tin covering copper is reduced;

Zinc, which contains a certain amount of cadmium, is easily dissolved by dilute acids, and the dishes cannot be used to store food containing acid;

After opening the canning can and storage at room temperature, the number of tin is increased, moving from tinnaya tinted in food; Tin transition to food from canned cans increases with nitrates, and tin toxicity in the presence of nitrates increases.

Professor B. Rubenchik in the book "Nutrition, Carcinogens and Cancer" writes: "Among artificial additives, warning damage or improving the quality and safety of products, carcinogenic activity has been detected in some dyes, aromatic and flavoring substances, antibiotics. Carcinogens can be formed in food with smoke, toasting, drying. Therefore, the elimination of carcinogenic substances from human food is one of the most important paths of cancer prevention ... ".

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    2. Explore food from school buffet and shops of the city of Kotelniki on nutritional labels.
    3. Compare the various varieties of cream oil and assess the compliance of these GTA products.
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    5. Note further prospects for research

    Study of products on labels

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    Simple school arithmetic can suggest that such a number of fresh fruits, for the production of such a mass of cheap natural yogurts, is definitely not enough. Today, the entire annual harvest of strawberries is not enough to satisfy 20% of the US strawberry appetites. Yogurts with "pieces" of fruit is better to avoid. For sterilization, vegetables are irradiated with a "peaceful atom." We compared labels of various yogurts in storage time. Developed recommendations: Buying yogurt, it should be remembered that among them there are "live" (those in which there are surveive microbial crops of frivors) and those in which these cultures are killed. The latter are distinguished by an unusually long storage period achieved due to the heat treatment of the product, during which the reservoir cultures die. This is no longer yogurt, but a useless, or even unsafe yoghurt product. The real "alive" yogurt has a shelf life of no more than a week and should be stored only in the refrigerator at a temperature not higher than 8 C.

    In our city stores, we bought yogurts and analyzed their composition for the content of food additives. (cm. Appendix 1)

    1. "Fruit Rainbow". An analysis of the composition of the label showed: citric acid content, dyes E - 104, E - 110 (the most dangerous dyes).
    2. Drink milky - vegetable yoghurt contains citric acid, dyes E - 104, E - 110, carotene.

    Analysis of the composition of stewing, made on that (on the label)

    Textured soybean protein

    E-621, strengthened with sodium glutamate

    The E-316 color stabilizer is to create a meat illusion.

    Three-substituted sodium diphosphate E-450

    All this is associated with preservatives, antioxidants, emulsifiers and is, according to manufacturers, useful and valuable product.

    Study of products sold in the school buffet (on labels)

    We monitored the nutrition of students in the school buffet. Most of the school buffet products are manufactured by the TU. For example: Milky Way, Manifesto, Nuts, Picnic, Straw, Pizza, Sandwich, Chupa - Chupp, Air chocolate, etc.

    According to GOST, only: "Just a miracle" and "Slavushka".

    Showcase of school buffet

    Rating popularity of school buffet products.

    1. Candy "Chupa - Chupp" contains dyes E-124 - Pono 4R, E-142 - green S, E - 110 (can provoke the formation of malignant tumors).
    2. Picnic Contains E - 471, E - 476, E - 422
    3. M & M`s: e - 104 yellow quinoline (the most dangerous p.), E - 110 (dangerous p.), E - 122, e - 124 (the most dangerous p.), E -129 , E - 133, E -171 - titanium dioxide (suspicious p.).
    4. Nuts E-476, Fat vegetable, Cocoa Oil equivalent, glucose syrup, soy lecithin, flavors (hazelnuts, vanillin).
    5. Air chocolate contains emulsifiers (lecithin soybean) E - 476.
    6. "Slavushka" GOST 45-70, "Just Miracle" GOST 45-70

    Detection in the products of sugar substitutes by analyzing labels.

    Replace sugar is impossible. Sugar is the most affordable and relatively harmless tranquilizer, which is especially important for some people. If the mood is terrible and overcome all fears of the world - it is enough to eat something sweet and the world will smile, and fear will retreat. You can encounter sugar substitutes not only in sweet pills, but also in confectionery, toothpaste and a variety of other products. To detect them, carefully read the labels. Sakharesmen: E-950, E-951, E-952, E-967, E-420. If there is no special European designation in the composition, remember: there is no surrogate gilt and can not be. Therefore, buying food, look at "that" or not that food you take. Natural sugar: GOST 21-78. Natural product is not denoted by "suites", "pluses" and "extremes". In his name, the associative part of the word "natur" is not used.

    * In the stores of our city we found: crab sticks, "bird milk", bon - bet - contain sorbitol.

    * Drinks: peach (sweeteners: aspartame E -951, Sakharin E - 954, etc.)

    Pinocchio (contains sahars)

    Raspberry jam of the company "Premier"

    We conducted a comparison of the composition of the raspberry jam of various firms - manufacturers.

    Methodology: Control Purchase in the store "Sweet House" Kotelniki, analysis of labels, tasting.

    Observations and conclusions:

    1. Firm "Premier".

    The label says: "Raspberry". As part of the product - berry. Visually and taste - red currants with a small amount of raspberry.

    2. Firm "Veres". On the label inscription "Raspberry", as part: Malina, in reality - raspberry jam.

    Read the product labels, and you will learn a lot of interesting things!

    Determination of the content of polyhydric alcohols in chewing gum.

    Popular chewing gum contains food additives and chv.

    The presence of polyhydric alcohols in the chewing gum "Orbits" can be established in the interaction of aqueous solutions chewing gum With CUSO 4 hydroxide.

    Take a plate of rubber band weighing 1.4 g, add 5 ml of water. Insist minutes 10-15, then merge water solution And add freshly prepared copper hydroxide precipitate to it. (The residue of copper hydroxide is obtained in advance by adding 0.5 ml of a 5% copper sulfate solution to 1 ml of a 5% sodium hydroxide solution).

    A dark-blue staining of the aqueous extract of chewing gum is observed, indicating the presence of polyhydric alcohols in the "Orbit".

    Study of butter oil

    We investigated various varieties of butter, applying the method of control purchases, analysis of labels, reactions to the light of the fluorescent lamp.

    Butter can only be called the product obtained from cream and corresponding to the requirements of GOST 37-91 "cow oil", a fat content of at least 82.5% .. If the product is made of cream without adding hydrogenated fats, then this is butter. Any number of added hydrogenated vegetable or animal fats instantly translates the oil into the category of margarines or spreads.

    Many dealership firms, issuing margarine for cow oil, love to resort to deception of sight. When packing or phasing, they often stylize the drawing on the packaging under the familiar brands of the butter. For example, we met Vologda oil from the Ivanovo region. Traditional varieties of cow oil slightly: "peasant", "amateur", "sandwich". But clarifications like "Special", "Extra" like to use the falsifiers of goods. If there is no word "creamy" on the packaging, and among the ingredients of the product is mentioned vegetable fats, mixtures of fats, or some additives, emulsifiers and preservatives, in front of you surrogate product-margarine, spread, or culinary fat. It is impossible to trust the word "oil" on imported packaging. IN english language One word denotes and oil and paste. The Polish word "Mazlo" refers to everything you can smear. Formally, according to Russian laws, the discoversion has the right to translate the name of the received margarine as "oil". We met the packaging on which russian word It is reproduced by Latin letters, for example, Maslo, and in this case it is difficult to find fault with the inaccurate name of the product, because it is unknown in which language it is given. The image of the bourgeois on wrappers puts a natural and falsified food product. We are interested in the problem of styling various varieties of oil under the popular Vologda oil. Vologda oil recognizes natural in our country and the world community. We spent the raid to the store "Auchan". Watched for 2 hours, which oil is bought up better.

    In the first place - "Vologda" at a price of 57 p.

    In second place - "peasant from Vologda" at a price of 27 p.

    I did not use the success of "Natural Vologda" at a price of 27 p.

    We considered the samples of "Natural Vologda" and "peasant from Vologda" under the microscope "Biomed- 4". "Peasant" has a yellowish tint, that is, it is more natural than natural Vologda.

    Vologda oil from Ivanov (Blue Tint) and peasant from Vologda (yellow shade) under the biomed-4 microscope.

    They put forward a hypothesis: as Vologda oil is in demand among buyers, manufacturers use the principle of mimicry.

    To check the hypothesis carried out an easy experience.

    Equipment: Chemical glasses, acidified solution of potassium permanganate (manganese), various varieties of butter.


    1. Prepare a precipitated solution of manganese.
    2. Pour 20 ml. in chemical glasses.
    3. Put in these glasses on one teaspoon of various varieties of cream oil.
    4. View the result after 8 hours.

    Observations: After 8 o'clock, the warranging solution was discouraged in the following sequence (from maximum to minimum):

    1. Margarine "Hostess"

    2. Oil "Natural Vologda" from Ivanova

    3. Oil "Peasant" from the Moscow region

    4. Wooden Oil from the Moscow region

    5. "Peasant" from Vologda

    6. "Vologda" from Vologda

    7. "Anchor"

    Conclusion: The oil produced in Vologda is better in quality than the "Vologda" oil from the Ivanovo region or from the Moscow region.

    Blooming permanganate potassium various varieties butter

    Research on labels and experienced by the composition and quality of butter.

    Margarine from butter can be distinguished by the presence of starch.

    Detection of starch in Margarine:


    1. Plant margarine in a water bath or on low heat.
    2. Select the pipette of the bottom layer of fluid.
    3. Dilute with water 2 times.
    4. Add 2 drops of iodine.

    Blue staining speaks about the presence of starch. Thus, you can distinguish margarine from butter.

    Result: In the studied samples, we found starch in the oil "peasant" from Vologda.

    Conclusions: Butter can be called only the product obtained from cream and corresponding to the requirements of GOST 37-91 "Cow oil", with a fat content of at least 82.5%. If the product is made of cream without adding hydrogenated fats, then it is butter.

    Any number of added hydrogenated vegetable or animal fats instantly translates the oil into the category of margarines or spreads.

    The study of the composition of oil on the labels showed the insufficient fat content of butter, even having GOST 37-91. The cheaper creamy oil has a longer storage period, which allows you to suspect preservatives.

    Vologda oil must be made in Vologda!

    1. Before you buy a product, carefully read the labels. Define nutritional supplements on the table (see Appendix 1).

    2. Buy products according to GOST, and not on that.

    3. Fit natural food! Unrefined, natural food subjected to minimal thermal and chemical processing, in the best way supports human health, of course, if people assimilate it within reasonable limits. A diet rich in vegetables and fruits protects from cancer of almost all organs.

    4. Vitamins and trace elements are necessary for the body. But it should be remembered that the need for them is satisfied at the expense of food. There is no need, with the exception of the winter-spring time, specially take vitamins, especially without appointing a doctor.

    5. Avoid refined products! Food fibers have a radio protector. They develop a useful microflora, which sorbs toxins, neutralizes nitrates, produces vitamins, protects against dysbacteriosis, enhances immunity.

    6. And ecology? Since in a number of regions of Russia, ecology is violated and products purchased in stores and in the markets can be contaminated with heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics, nitrates, radionuclides (especially many of them in the nickeeper, apple peel), you need to take measures to reduce danger their impact on the body. Already one washing of products in water, soaking, culinary processing allows you to do this. Vegetables, plants for salads need to be soaked for 10-15 minutes in cold water, then boil in fresh. As a result, the content of nitrates is reduced by 60-80%. When sailing, marinating vegetables, the number of nitrates falls due to the transition to their brine.

    If there is a suspicion of radioactive pollution, it is necessary to remove the peel with vegetables by 3-5 mm, with cabbage - at least 3 leaves, soak meat for two hours in salty water. Very little accumulate radionuclides potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes, cabbage. Eggs shell - reliable radiation protection. Seafood can bring radionuclides from the body or reduce their level. It is a squid, sea cabbage, high-protected food - cottage cheese, cheeses, eggs, fish. Increases resistance to irradiation consumption of products containing calcium - milk, eggs; Potassium - Swables, Kuragi, Nuts.

    7. When drinking fish you need to know:

    Fungicides are more in the old fish and in the predatory fish. Know the Rules of "Commercial Neighborhood" - fish with eggs do not sell. River fish may contain DDT.


    Caring for the health of citizens is one of the priorities of the development of our state. This indicates a special relevance of the study of some ecology problems. Today in our diet increasingly inconspicuous, synthetic products, some of them are dangerous to health. A civilized person, a competent buyer should be able to distinguish them and deprive the unscrupulous manufacturers of edible opportunity to earn their health. I believe that the problem of food pollution is currently no less, and maybe more acute than the problem of water pollution and air. No population growth can justify the creation of "artificial food". In this work, along with a special study (the biotox device - 10m, chemical experiments), simple household methods are presented to distinguish the surrogate from the natural product. For example, if you enjoy a luminescent lamp on Margarine, you will make a bluish tint, and if the butter is yellow.

    The ability to read the labels will not require special laboratory equipment. "Our smaller brothers" can be used as ideal bioindicators. Margarine can lie outside the refrigerator almost for years, and it will not be interested in flies, rodents and even cockroaches. Dogs and cats prefer tap water, water purified by filter.

    Just as food affects our bodies and their functions, it acts on our thinking. The brain powered by the toxins of blood is unlikely to be able to do his job well. Our thinking and our health is directly depending on what we eat.

    Fit right and be healthy!

    Appendix 1. "Food additives"

    Scientific adviser: Nesterova Vera Nikolaevna, Romanova Oksana Vladimirovna

    Place of performance: Moscow region,
    G. Oh. Kotelniki, MOU KSOSH number 3


    P about exemplary calculations of modern science The age of the earth is 4.54 billion years. Our planet unique ecosystem is consistent, interrelated and subordinated to the laws. Life on Earth originated 3.6-4.1 billion years ago. All this tremendous period of time, the Earth harmoniously existed with all alive organisms, developed them, nourished and treated. The theory of evolution assumes the adaptation of its body to environmental changes. Such existence is otherwise called a way with nature. Its laws cannot be bypass, it is impossible to deceive nature, it has everything for a comfortable and painless existence of humanity. Modern humanity in many corners of the Earth ceased to harmoniously exist. Many ecosystems are broken, forests are cut down, lakes dried, mountains are destroyed, new deserts appear, ice melted and giant garbage spots migrate across the oceans. And as a result, all this, a living organism becomes painful. Life life is reduced, health disappears. We live in a new world. Such a world has not seen a hundred years ago. World of consumers. We became so far from nature that she began to forget about us. Everything became artificial: food, water, medicines, values, feelings. And it is quite obvious that neither health nor longevity nor, especially, a happy life did not bring it all. Health of mankind worsens progressive pace. Already with difficulty you can find a healthy newborn. What existed in harmony billions of years dies in the century. The average life expectancy of people on Earth is 60 years, although the potential of our body is almost limitless. Natural coexistence with nature is the only method of struggle for our health, the health of future generations and the longevity of the planet.


    Life is a way of existence of protein bodies, we know from the page of the textbook. Protein is the basis of all living organisms, this is a brick of any fabric of our body, and the bricks of the protein itself amino acids. The uniqueness of each type of protein depends on the amino acid sequence, which, in turn, depends on the information laid down in its gene, or rather, from a certain sequence of nucleotides. The structure of protein molecules is a sequence of amino acids, divided into four levels. The primary structure is a linear sequence of amino acids in the polypeptide chain. The secondary structure is a spiral ordering of the polypedide chain with hydrogen bonds. The tertiary structure is a spatial ordering of spiral (secondary) structures. The quaternary structure is several polypeptide chains in the same protein molecule. And each living creature of the protein molecule is individual, they are due to the individuality of our gene.

    To split the protein molecule to separate amino acids in our stomach, a special kind of protein is produced - it is pepsin that can destroy central peptide bonds in protein molecules. 20-35 mg per hour is produced in an adult man in the stomach and 25-30% less in women. Pepsin is active only in an acidic medium with pH\u003e 6 acidity, reaching a maximum at pH \u003d 1.5-2.0. Such a medium in our body has only a stomach having pH 1.8-3.0. But it is able to destroy protein molecules to peptides and albumin. Peptides are the remains of the secondary structure, and albumin are more simple proteins.

    It dissolves in the stomach of approximately 60% of the protein in it the remaining 40%, leaving the acidic medium, go to the duodenum and continue their way as an antigen. In the twelfth gauge, the medium is already alkaline pH 5.6-7.9 and parts of the protein molecules should be cleaved by trypsin the pancreas isolated. But this lacks for the complete splitting and absorption of protein molecules. Due to the permanent processing of fermentation and rotting in our intestine, such substances as Pretssin, Cadaverin and other mono amines are synthesized - these are the products of the rotor decay of proteins of the remaining food. They spread throughout the body, and in the body due to the constant replenishment of antigens, an autoimmune process begins to occur - this is the process of increasing antibodies. Our own cells become hostile to healthy cells. The body begins to produce additionally leukocytes, lymphocytes and others, all the systems of the whole organism are disturbed. Any protein, formed outside our body, not by a certain sequence of nucleotides or, in more specifically, not on our genes, carries alien information and is an alien protein. They poison our body every day! Immunity is violated.

    Energy food

    But abandoning the animal protein and becoming a vegetarian, we will not get more energy, although it is noticeably added, but these our own resources cease to go on fighting food.

    How so? We are accustomed to think that it gives us the energity of food. And we are right. Food should give energy, but to give it to give it to her. Food does not have hydrogen bonds have no power potential, we will not be able to get a charge of cheerfulness of eating 200 g of fried meat with boiled potatoes. Energy will spend on an attempt to split animal proteins, immunity will spend power to fight antigens, and starch - with protein residues score the intestinal walls. Thick, the intestine is an organ in which it comes out, not only digested food, but also lymphatic channels that are removed from the body of slags. If the intestinal walls are clogged with the remains of food, the years lying in the wheel masses, then the organs do not have vasoshability to withdraw toxins. Toxins are wing, the forces are smaller, and we continue to believe in what we can not without meat and that the forces give us exactly it.

    The energy in the living organism is ATP (adenosine trifhosphate) - nucleotide participating in the exchange of energy and substances in cells. Instead of one connection to the ATP, there are two of them, and in the hydrolysis of macroeergic bonds of the ATP molecule, there is a cleavage of 1 or 2 of phosphoric acid residues, which leads to the release, from 40 to 60 kJ / mol. ATP gives us nature, its main mass is formed on mitochondria membranes, which is typical for most eukaryotic cells as autotrophs (photosynthetic plants), or, simply speaking, in fruits. When we eat fresh, raw fruits And the berries split glucose, and as a result of its splitting, we get an ATP animal suitable for us, the most universal source of energy. Any thermal processing deprives meal of hydrogen bonds, and its energy potential is lost. With intoxicating poisons, such as Pretssin and Cadaverin, the process of oxidative phosphorylation is separated - one of the most important components of cellular respiration, and obtaining ATP.

    The living plant is a unique battery converting solts energy (photosynthesis) into energy, which is given to hydrogen molecules, oxygen and carbon. Taking an inorganic carbon from soil, carbon dioxide and oxygen from the air, and hydrogen from water, synthesized into carbohydrates fats and proteins.


    Nature is perfect, she created everything for our well-being.

    In crude vegetable food there are all trace elements, enough energy and the growth of flowering and development growth is laid, and not the last memoil of the executioner over the unfortunate cow. We are part of this world. We need to return to our familiar lifestyle, to Ladu with nature. Ecoly eat, live and think.

    For reference: PH - Power Hidrogen is translated as hydrogen power and shows the number of hydrogen atoms in this liquid medium.

    pH \u003d 7 neutral environment

    pH \u003d 6,9-0 acid medium

    pH \u003d 7.1-14 alkaline medium

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