How to create your nursery dogs. How to open a nursery dogs and make from this profitable business? Personnel for work

  • Description of the object
  • Product description
  • Personnel search
  • Lends permission
  • Growing technology

Business plan for organizing a private nursery of plants on an area of \u200b\u200b5 hectares.

How much money needs to open a private nursery of plants

According to the business plan, the organization of private nursery plants will be required to invest about 3,000,000 rubles:

  • Preparation of the site - 300,000 rubles.
  • Construction of greenhouses for shilling up - 500,000 rubles.
  • Construction of a cooled storage - 200,000 rubles.
  • Construction of an administrative building and host. Block - 350,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of planting material - 550,000 rubles.
  • Materials and households. Inventory - 50,000 rubles.
  • Business registration and other org. Costs - 50,000 rubles.
  • Reserve Fund - 1,000,000 rubles.

Description of the object

The plant's nursery is created with the aim of growing plants for the subsequent realization of the population, for landscaping gardens, receiving territories, park areas, city streets and all kinds of landscape solutions. Such enterprises grow various trees, shrubs, perennial flowers. The demand for plants is always. Not every gardener is decided to grow a bush from the "seed" to the fruitful tree. Years may take years. It is much easier to buy a passive perennial tree and already after a couple of years to collect the crop of delicious fruits. In addition, it isolate the territory of large-meters (anterior birch, spruce, etc.) - the only way out high quality decorate the alley or park zone with perennial plantings. They are engaged in the production of such a planting material all the same nurseries.

Product description

Our nursery plans to grow decorative, coniferous, deciduous plants, as well as flowering shrubs:

  • Sea buckthorn;
  • Barberry;
  • Blueberry;
  • Hawthorn;
  • Fir (White, Balsamic, Korean);
  • Juniper;
  • Becklecom;
  • Larch;
  • Spruce (blue, sisaya, ordinary, etc.);
  • Pine (mountain, Siberian, cedar, etc.);
  • Maple;
  • Spirea;
  • Hydrangea.

Vacations on plants will vary from 180 to 15,000 rubles per piece. More rare and difficult to grow plants can not cost cheaply. The price also depends on the age of the plant. Among the most expensive copies of our kennel, you can allocate: Maple is Ostromal Golden Glood - from 13,000 rubles, Kashtan Konsky Pyramidalis - from 10 500 rubles., Cypress Morokhorno-Flood Voice - from 15,000 rubles, Spruce Sissy Konyka - from 7 500 rubles. Business plan provides that the first profit will be received only on the third year of the nursery. In the first two years, the organization will advantageously engage in the cultivation of trips, stalling, forming a uterine-varietary garden, growing seedlings. The volume of sales of seedlings in the first year of work will be no more than 5,000 pieces, in the second year of work - no more than 10,000 pieces, on the third year of work - about 15,000 pcs. It is assumed that the average selling price Units of goods will be 400 rubles. The planned sales volume according to our calculations will be 15,000 seedlings per year. Thus, the potential annual revenue in the first year of work will amount to 2 million rubles., For the second year - 4 million rubles, on the third year - 6 million rubles.

Download business plan nursery plants

Step-by-step plan for opening nursery plants

To accommodate the nursery, it is planned to rent a land plot of 5 hectares at the local municipal government. Rent will be 36,000 rubles per year. Land plot will be divided into the following departments:

  • Flooded-seed garden;
  • School of seedlings;
  • Motinee Vegetatively multiphable provers;
  • Saint-variant garden;
  • Uterine planting of berry breeds;
  • Greenhouses for green shuttless;
  • Vaccination workshop for winter vaccinations;
  • Cooled storage for stalking;
  • Planting Square;
  • Plot for temporary storage of planting material.

Also on the territory of the kennel will be placed an administrative building and an economic block.

Personnel search

The organization's staff will be involved in seasonal plants for planting and picking plant (8 people). Also necessary handymen (2 people), sales managers (2 people), drivers (2 people) and accountant. Annual wage fund will be 1,680,000 rubles.

What taxation system to choose to open plant nursery

The organizational form of our nursery will be the usual individual entrepreneurship. As a tax system, it is planned to apply a simplified tax system (USN), 6% of the organization's revenue.

Marketing Plants Nursery Plants

In the sale of nursery products there is a pronounced seasonality. Saplings buy only in spring and early autumn. To this period, it is planned to carry out a wide advertising company: advertising in the media, the Internet (site, group in social networks), outdoor advertising, etc. It is planned to actively cooperate with the local municipal government, which are frequent buyers of plants for planting the city. Other buyers are private homeowners, wholesale dealers, individual entrepreneurs and garden partnerships.

Business risks of nursery

Despite all the attractiveness of nursery, the maintenance of this business is related to the following risks:

  • High dependence on weather conditions (drought, cooling);
  • Lack of good industry professionals;
  • Long investment return time (4 - 6 years).

Calculation of indicators of the effectiveness of the project

The final stage of the business plan is the calculation of the main indicators of the project efficiency. Permanent annual expenses

  • Rent - 36 000 rubles.
  • Salary - 1,680,000 rubles.
  • Insurance deductions - 504,000 rubles.
  • Advertising - 200,000 rubles.
  • Feeding, fertilizers, plant treatment products - 300,000 rubles.
  • Other expenses - 200,000 rubles.

TOTAL - 3 020 000 RUB.

How much can you earn on the nursery of plants

  • The first year of work: 2 000 000 - 3,020,000 \u003d - 1 020 000 rubles.
  • The second year of work: 4,000,000 - 3,020,000 \u003d 980,000 rubles.
  • The third year of work: 6,000,000 - 3,020,000 \u003d 2 980 000 rub.

The payback of investments will thus comes only for the fourth year of the nursery, when the organization will return the loss of the first year of work and will begin to sell two or three year old seedlings at affordable prices.

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How to choose equipment for nursery plants

For this business requires a whole set of techniques:

  • machines for planting and collecting seedlings;
  • watering machines;
  • equipment for the preparation of the soil.

Depending on the direction of the development of the nursery, there may also be a transplant of trees or cars for trimming branches. In addition, it will be necessary to purchase protective substances, as well as the Split. When choosing a already expensive technology, it is not worth saving, because the purchase is made from the calculation of reliability, because it is necessary to acquire techniques at eminent manufacturers providing warranties for products.

What kind of OKVED indicate when registering

It is necessary to indicate 01.1 for annual crops, 01.2 - for perennial, 01.3 - for seedlings.

What documents are needed to open the nursery of plants

To implement decorative crops, the list of which does not include planting material, a number of certificates are needed:

  • quality certificate is a paper that certifies that the plants of plants meet all state requirements;
  • the certificate of varietal identification is paper that is issued after testing your varietal landings. Confirms the purity of the varieties of your plants;
  • the phytosanitary certificate is issued after the passage of phytosanitary licensing, during which plants are inspected per disease.

Lends permission

For the organization of the nursery of plants, a business permit is needed, and a separate document for the construction of the premises will also be required. For the newly excited premises, you will also need an act of verification by Santsans and a fire control service.

Growing technology

Thanks to the purchased equipment, you can grow various plants on the site, both one and perennial.

  1. The first option is good for those who already have potential customers to purchase. annual plantsWhat will help them quickly implement without a long care.
  2. In the second case, in the first year you will incur significant losses, but in the following year you can establish cultivation and delivery, getting a lot of profit.

Important: If you intend to grow coniferous trees, the landing pit should be twice the root system. It is best to grow with the use of various growth regulators, a substance "zircon" is used for survival, by firing the roots of seedlings into the composition. For the greatest efficiency, antistress adaptogens can be used.

Encyclopedic reference: Kennel - the farm specializing in the cultivation and reproduction of one or more species of animals or plants.

Most modern nurseries are engaged in breeding animals - dogs, cats, horses and others. If 1-2 pets are not enough to quench your love for animals, it is worth thinking about how to open your nursery. What you need and what to expect on the path of development, will help to know our article.

Step by step to turning the hobby to the source of income

Step one: solve legal issues

Probably there will be a lot of animal lovers who would like to acquire their own nursery, but fear him to discover due to legal difficulties. Their concerns are bothering: private nurseries can work without state and tax registration, do not need a license. From the point of view of the state, the nurseries are not pursued by the goal of obtaining regular income from animal breeding.

All that is required is to choose a specialization, come up with a name and apply for joining the club, which is registered in international System With the same specialization. After checking the name on the uniqueness, the central office assigns the nursery official status. Despite the lack of legal database and formal reasons for tax persecution, many nurser hosts to progress, conclude agreements with customers and pay a tax of 13%.

Step two: Choose a strategy

Since among the owners of nurseries does not happen random peopleNo need to talk about the specifics of the organization of work. We only note that there are 2 main types of similar farms: with the conduct of tribal work on their own or through the club. The second option is optimal at the initial stage: it is easier to pick up partners for mating and draw up documents.

It is possible to independently engage in breeding work when the population will increase in the nursery. If your goal is to enter the international level, be prepared for the fact that you will have to spend money, time and strength to carry out various veterinary tests and receiving documentary evidence of the lack of genetic changes in animals, such as dysplasia hip joints In dogs of large breeds.

Step Third: Create a name

Little to open your nursery and get high-quality offspring - you need to make it so that your nursery learned about your nursery. It is best to present the result of your tribal work at the exhibition - so you will show what is called, the "product face" and install a lot of necessary connections. Prizes from exhibitions are much more, balm for vague. This is, first, an increase in the image, and, secondly, the ability to increase the cost of animals.

Where to get money?

In the cause of animal breeding, the question is how much the nursery is worth opening, far from the most important. Registration in the club (associations) and the purchase of first animals is not particularly large investments. These investments are needed later: to participate in exhibitions, animal maintenance, analyzes, organizing mating, vaccinations and much more.

Underwater rocks

Nevertheless, there are 1 legal danger that can climb the owners of nurseries. The fact is that the legislation provides for a penalty for violating the sanitary and epidemiological norms of the operation of residential buildings and premises. This means that you need either a separate nursery room, or the appropriate apartment equipment: noise insulation, air conditioning system and much more.

Let's sum up

Open your nursery is easy and not even very expensive. However, if the main question is for you: whether the nursery is beneficial, it is better to leave this idea right away - despite the high cost of animals, their sale barely compensates for the costs. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly understand: the nursery is not a business, but a hobby, and expect that it will help to ensure that there are no old age.

Some are solved to earn breeding dogs.

They draw for themselves beautiful picture: They will have several dogs - bitches and males - and after the animals begin to multiply, the dog nursery will quickly become profitable.

But, perhaps, no one has yet thought about why such a business has not yet been formed in the market and did not become its separate industry.

Who is destined to become a breeder?

Dog breeding as a business lies not only to simply multiply and sell. Over the animals need care, they need to feed, wash, comb, carry in the veterinary clinic to make one or another injection. And such a concern for dogs should be permanent. That is why only those people who love dogs should be engaged in this business, they understand what they need, can play with them and enjoy the hours spent together.

Where to begin? First steps as a breeder

Dog breeding as a business involves a gradual increase in buyers and demand. And do not forget about competition.

Those who love the four-legged friends of man wants to take care of them and make money on them, we advise you to purchase porn dogsAnd also find out in advance what approximately the amount can be asked for them when selling.

In addition, it is important to take into account the paper side of the question. Here is a list of documents that will need to be issued if you decide to start this business:

  1. For tribal bitch or male: pedigree and certificate of admission to breeding, issued by the RKF;
  2. For breeder: a document confirming specialized education; confirmation of the rental of the factory console, which allows you to open a nursery; Registration of tribal farms in the RKF registry.

But do not forget to start learning some literature about dogs, find out what they eat, how to grow them correctly, how to raise, what vaccinations need to make animals, how to teach them the main teams.

Then you will need to choose the breed of dogs. Of course, you can purchase several bitches and several male individuals, but the breed has the same to be the same - this is the key to the purity of the lines. The most important thing is to know how to properly care for a particular breed of a dog.

Do not stop your choice at first on that animal, which is more expensive. It is best to choose the appearance of which you are well aware. Each of them exists their pros and cons. Carefully and very well explore them all so that there are no incidents later. Choose this puppy, which will be the leader among other dogs.

Selection of territory and premises

Before starting the first pair of dogs, you must decide where they will live and what they have the conditions of residence. Also decide in advance, pets which breed you will breed: it may be individuals of one species or, on the contrary, animals of different breeds.

The most ideal solution for dog content is the house that is outside the city. There you will be the most convenient to walk your pets. And if something is missing, you can easily complete the area and deploy dog \u200b\u200bbreeding as a business in a large one.

If a two-room apartment, then there can be accommodated with all the amenities only two or three dogs. Of course, it is possible and more, but if no one lives in the apartment anymore. Also before starting your business, read the specialized literature about this type of activity, so that you will not go out.

Who will help?

The breeder, whom you will get the first pair, can be found even among the neighbors. He can also help you while buying or selling puppies. Best of all, of course, if this person is a professional cineologist or an expert, the one who can answer all the questions and advise on any topic associated with the four-legged pets.

You must understand for what purpose you get this or that breed of dogs and what you need it. And also learn whether a breeder helps in retrieving profit. This is a very important point. If you choose a good breeder correctly, you can save on the stern and on vaccinations.

Such services will cost you much cheaper than in veterinary clinic. Also, the owner of Parents Puppies will be able to tell how to properly care for the dog's hair will help advice and during mating, pregnancy and childbirth.

Dog breeding as a business: count first profit

Bitch brings offspring once a year. And if you choose the female dog correctly, it will be able to bring you four or five healthy puppies.

If you give it up with a purebred male, then the puppies may eventually cost from twenty to thirty thousand rubles (the average cost of the puppy with a pedigree regardless of the breed). Now we calculate the annual revenue from sales, if you are not alone, and at least five SUK-producers.

For this purpose, the cost of one puppy (20 thousand rubles) to multiply on the size of the litter (for example, your dog gave birth to five young), in the end it turns out that for the year you can get about hundreds of thousands of rubles! Of course, it is a bit, but for additional earnings quite a decent amount.

The needs of our smaller brothers

And now let's calculate what exactly you need your dog so that it is happy, healthy and could regularly patch, that is, it was a root porter. To begin with, she needs to purchase high-quality feed.

In general, it is necessary to recognize the fact that it is very difficult to call the business.
- First, real large companies and firms involved in breeding dogs and receive serious profits in this matter, there are practically no.
- Secondly, the first profit from such a business will have to wait long enough.
- Third, to engage in breeding dogs need to be sincerely loved. Your business should be your favorite hobby.

Open the nursery is most convenient in its own private house. Zooferm in the suburbs Beautiful business. In the apartment you can also try, but you yourself understand with what difficulties you will come across in this case. You must create all the necessary conditions for your pets. There are no special requirements for nursery, it is simply necessary to limit the access of dogs to other animals. By the way, when opening a nursery in a private house or in the apartment you can try to work for a while without paperwork. Since they will bring you in this case, there are no little hassle that you at all are not needed at all. First, the nursery can only organize a man over 18 years old. Plus, a zootechnical or veterinary education is required. Secondly, the nursery must have large enclosures for the content and walking dogs, a veterinary room and a room for dog breeding. Thirdly, it is necessary to have at least one tribal bitch - an animal that has a pedigree in four knees, receiving only high marks from the RKF experts and consistent with the RCF in any canine club. Of course, all these requirements and conditions you are able to fulfill all these requirements, but in my opinion, in the first stages of the organization of this business, they can be neglected and postponed for later.

Now let's discuss what you have to spend money in this business. The first is the nutrition of your friends - you will leave 1 500 rubles per month for dog food. Second - expenses for the veterinarian. Your pets periodically will need to show the vet. It will follow the growth, condition and health of animals. It should also carry out all the vaccination of dogs and write vitamins. How much will you have to spend on the veterinarian it's difficult to say difficult. It all depends on how you agree with the veterinarian. The third is participation in exhibitions. So that your nursery has earned a good reputation and people in certain circles knew you, you need to visit dog exhibitions and get high marks. Naturally, it also requires investment. The price for participation at the exhibition depends on the prestige of the exhibition itself than prestigious - the more expensive. Here in principle all the main costs of the nursery. On average, a year for this will leave 30 000órules.

What kind of dog breeds choose to open a nursery for dogs? In my opinion, in terms of business, it is more profitable to earn money on small breeds of dogs. This contributes a number of reasons. Now you are in great demand for small "decorative" dogs - that terrier, yorkshire terriers, etc., etc., by the way, these breeds are quite successful, people hold in apartments. Agree, keep the large breed of dogs in the apartment is less convenient than the same terrier. Naturally sell such small breeds of dogs is much easier than the rest. But at the same time, despite the small dimensions of the dogs, these breed stand quite and very decent. The price of some puppies does not rarely reaches 40,000 rubles. And the more price of puppies, the more your profits. I also want to note that the cost of the content of small dogs is an order of magnitude less than the cost of large breeds of dogs. They eat less, take up little space and they are much easier to control them. So if you still want to try to make money on this business it is advisable to choose exactly small breeds Dogs.

You can sell your puppies through friends and acquaintances. So you can place ads in newspapers and in various Internet resources.

From one bitches per year it is quite realistic to expect 5-6 puppies. average price A thoroughbred puppy with documents of any breed is now 25,000 rubles. So consider - a year 125,000 rubles, deduct the costs here is your net profit. But as they say it is easy to say, but it is already more difficult to do. But if you like animals and you liked this idea - dare.

Animal there sterilize and do required vaccinations. How to make money on dogs, the correspondent "World 24" Anna Parpura told Anna Parpura.

Elena Vysotskova contains a nursery for dogs for more than 20 years. Now it has several dozen animals - Australian Shepherds, Jack Russell Terriers, Pomeranian Spites. Elena says - dogs for her, first of all, not a business, but a matter of life.

"I was 14 years old when I bought a poodle. And it causing me. He began to ride the exhibition and began to cut a quiet. When I was able to, in 1982, finished the courses of focus and experts. Further, when you could officially create a nursery, we registered it, "said the owner of the nursery, a filmologist, an expert RKF, veterinarian Vysotsykova.

At first glance it seems that breeding dogs is profitable. After all, one puppy can be sold for 50, or even 100 thousand rubles. However, kinologists claim is not the case. Only originally - to open the nursery - it will be necessary at least half a million rubles.

For animals, you need to create the necessary conditions - spacious enclosures and walking, quarantine and maternity room, puppy, veterinary compartment with insulator. To create a nursery - the owner must have at least one dog with excellent pedigree.

"Those who wish to create a nursery now should start with some dogs. Dogs are quite expensive, that is, you should not start with cheap dogs. Need to buy dogs right enough high levelSo that there was a higher livestock. That is, the nursery could develop and develop successfully, "said Vysotskova.

It is also worth considering monthly expenses - feed, training, exhibitions from 20 thousand rubles. Otherwise, the dog will not be quoted, and the puppies do not sell expensive. At the same time, you need to follow the trends in the market. After all, fashion for dogs is changing.

"Now the most rare, but perhaps the poodles are very rarely. Now you have less or less. Now get smaller big breeds, Large: Wolfhounds, Mastiffs. It is rated only in frequent houses, because it is impossible to maintain in the apartments. This year, the most popular rocks are Jack Russell Terrier and Beagle. This is 100% so, because these dogs are very compact and they are constantly choosing due to the fact that it is easy to contain in apartments, "said the breeder of dogs Maria is found.

Such attachments will pay off at least five years. Therefore, many owners of nurseries are simultaneously engaged in another business associated with dogs. For example, open a hotel for animals, engage in training. In addition, there are gathering services - that is, they cut and wash dogs, care for claws.

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