Grandaxin is addictive or not. How long can you take Grandaxin? Forms of release and, average in Russia, drug prices

Forbidden during pregnancy

Forbidden under breastfeeding

Forbidden to children

Has restrictions for seniors

Has limitations for liver problems

Has limitations for kidney problems

The modern rhythm of life often provokes the development of stress and sleep disorders. In such conditions, it becomes difficult for people to keep their mental condition normal, so they are forced to use drugs (MP), which have a sedative effect.

People are rather wary of such drugs, because they fear addiction. But there are such drugs as Grandaxin, which, according to the instructions for use, does not lead to the development of psychological or physical addiction. It helps eliminate the effects of stress and relieve anxiety, as well as normalize sleep.

General information about the drug

The medication is characterized by psychotropic action. It allows you to relieve nervous tension, anxiety and fear as soon as possible. The main purpose of the appointment of this drug is to achieve an anxiolytic effect. The drug has practically no anticonvulsant, sedative and muscle relaxant properties.

The need to take this medication is determined by the attending physician after examining and checking the test results.

Until the final diagnosis is received, the drug cannot be taken, since anxiety, psychological discomfort and phobias can be signs of a developing disease of the cardiovascular system.

The drug (hereinafter MP) does not cause addiction and withdrawal syndrome even with prolonged use. Withdrawal syndrome refers to the body's response to the cessation of drug intake. This condition is accompanied by a deterioration in well-being and a resumption of symptoms, the elimination of which is the main action of drugs.

Drug group, INN and scope

Grandaxin is part of a group of tranquilizers that have anxiolytic effects. International non-proprietary name medication - tofisopam. The medicine is used as a sedative for vegetative disorders and emotional stress. It also helps to eliminate withdrawal symptoms in patients with alcohol or drug addiction. Appointed in the field of gynecology, surgery, neurology.

Forms of release and, average in Russia, drug prices

The medication is available in the form of circular disc-shaped tablets. They do not have a pronounced taste and smell. The carton contains two or six blisters (10 tablets each). The drug is produced in Hungary. You can buy the medicine with a prescription from your doctor.

The price of Grandaxin depends on the number of tablets in the package:


The drug is developed on the basis of tofisopam. One tablet contains 50 mg of the substance. The main component of the preparation is a white powder with a slight yellowish tinge. It is poorly soluble in ethanol and water.

Interacts with benzodiazepine receptors, increases the sensitivity of GABA receptors to the mediator. Penetrating into the body, it provides stress-protective and vegetative-stabilizing effects. Helps get rid of neuroses and neurosis-like conditions.

Also, the tablets include a number of auxiliary components that improve the tolerance and absorption of the drug. As additional components in the production process used:

  • stearic acid (1 mg). The substance is poorly soluble in water. Acts as an emulsifier and stabilizer;
  • magnesium stearate (1 mg). Penetrating into the body, it helps to improve performance internal organs... Used to better bond all components together;
  • gelatin (3.5 mg);
  • microcrystalline cellulose (10 mg);
  • lactose monohydrate (92 mg);
  • potato starch (20.5 mg);
  • talc (2 mg).

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

This agent is a benzodiazepine derivative. It is a kind of psychovegetative regulator that helps to eliminate manifestations different forms disorders of a vegetative nature. It is characterized by insignificant stimulating activity. Since this agent does not have muscle relaxant properties, it can be prescribed to patients with myasthenia gravis or myopathy. The drug is a daytime anxiolytic.

The main substance is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract into the systemic circulation within 20-25 minutes from the moment of penetration. Two hours after ingestion, the maximum level of its concentration in the blood is observed. Its decrease occurs monoexponentially. The main component does not accumulate in the body.

Pharmacological activity is not characteristic of LP metabolites. The substance is excreted for six to eight hours. From 60 to 80% is excreted in the urine. The rest (no more than 30%) is excreted with feces.

Does it lower or increase blood pressure?

Many patients are interested in the effect of the drug on blood pressure.

The medication has a slight hypotensive effect. This means that it helps lower blood pressure.

To avoid deterioration of well-being, it is necessary to consult a specialist before starting treatment. Patients with low blood pressure are not prescribed this drug.

What is the medication prescribed for?

Before drinking Grandaxin, you need to figure out what it is prescribed for and how to take it. It is used in the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia and neuroses.

Also indications for use are:

  1. Myasthenia gravis and myopathy.
  2. Premenstrual syndrome.
  3. Anxiety.
  4. Neurogenic muscle atrophy.
  5. Apathy.
  6. Reactive depression accompanied by mild psychopathological symptoms.
  7. Decreased activity.
  8. Withdrawal symptoms in drug or alcohol addiction.
  9. Climacteric syndrome. May be part of complex therapy or used as a stand-alone drug.

The need to use this drug is determined a qualified specialist after a complete inspection.

Like other medicines, Grandaxin can negatively affect the functioning of internal systems or organs. In this regard, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications. The factors that prohibit prescribing this medication include:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the tablets;
  • depressive state;
  • increased aggressiveness;
  • respiratory failure;
  • congenital lactose deficiency;
  • psychomotor overexcitation;
  • complete respiratory arrest syndrome during sleep.

Under the supervision of the attending physician and with increased caution, it is allowed to prescribe a medicine to a patient with closed glaucoma, epilepsy, atherosclerosis, acute form respiratory failure.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the medication is strictly prohibited to take, since its components can adversely affect the development of the fetus or provoke a miscarriage. In the second and third trimester, the drug is prescribed in cases of emergency, provided that the risk to the mother's life is much higher than the risk of developing abnormalities in the fetus.

Lactation is also a contraindication. If necessary, undergo a course of treatment, you should temporarily stop breastfeeding in order to protect the child's body from the negative effects of the drug. In the field of pediatrics, drugs are prescribed for children over 14 years of age. This is due to the lack of information regarding its safety.

Instructions for use

Taking pills has its own characteristics, which are associated with types of diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to consult with your doctor on how to take the drug.

The standard instructions from the manufacturer indicate that the tablets are intended for oral administration... 1-2 tablets are taken per day (3 times). Exact dosage the specialist establishes, based on the general condition of the patient and the features of the pathology. The maximum allowable amount of medication is 300 mg.

To avoid the manifestation of undesirable consequences, you should adhere to the portioned intake. This means that the daily dose must be divided into equal parts and taken 3 times a day.

They usually start with 50 mg (1 tablet). Gradually, the amount of medication can be increased if its components are well tolerated by the patient. If taken irregularly, to eliminate the effects of PMS or stress, it is also allowed to take from 50 to 100 mg.

To normalize sleep, tablets are taken 2-3 times every 24 hours. It is also necessary to distribute receptions in such a way that the last one takes place around 16:00. The duration of the course of treatment depends on several factors. Only a specialist can determine it, based on the results of the examination.

At retirement age, treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. The daily allowable amount of medication is reduced by exactly two times and is 150 mg, that is, 3 tablets. If the drug is removed too slowly, the risk of signs of intoxication increases.

It is also necessary to adjust the dosage when prescribing drugs to patients with renal failure, since the excretion of the drug is carried out by this organ. If it does not work properly, the substance is removed more slowly and can provoke an overdose.

How long does it take to start acting?

An important issue is the speed of action of the medication. As practice shows, the effect appears almost immediately. After 5-10 minutes, the patient feels an improvement in his condition. In some cases, relief came within an hour or after several days of ingestion. It depends on the characteristics of the organism and the disease. The effect can last from 4 to 8 hours.

What to do if a drug is missed?

Since the result depends on the correct treatment regimen and the patient's responsibility, it is necessary to take the pills on time and observe equal intervals between doses.

If, for any reason, the patient did not manage to take the pill on time, this must be corrected as soon as possible. First of all, you should determine how much time is left until next appointment... If you have enough of it, you can drink it.

If the time for the next appointment is already approaching, you cannot take a double dose, as this will increase the risk of an overdose and may negatively affect the patient's well-being.

How to cancel the drug correctly?

Many tranquilizers cause withdrawal if they are stopped abruptly. Grandaxin is different from such drugs. It is non-addictive and non-addictive.

In this regard, the medication does not cause withdrawal symptoms. This means that upon completion of the course of treatment, the patient does not return to the previous symptoms. If there are concerns about this, you can consult a doctor and cancel the drug, gradually reducing the daily dose.

special instructions

With the simultaneous administration of drugs and alcoholic beverages, the enhanced effect of ethanol is not observed. However, in such situations, the liver is forced to work much harder. This can lead to the development of hepatitis.

If the patient does not feel well, because he drank a lot in the evening, and takes LP to improve the condition, confusion and disorientation may appear. There is also an increase in the hangover period.

Since the process of metabolism of drug components in the liver slows down, an increase in their concentration is possible. This can lead to the manifestation of signs of overdose and intoxication.

In this regard, experts strongly do not recommend taking alcohol and drinking a tranquilizer at the same time. With this combination, the risk of developing side effects.

Possible side effects and overdose

An improperly selected treatment regimen can provoke side effects. Also, negative reactions can occur due to individual intolerance to one of the components of the drug.

To the most common side effects experts refer:

  • nausea, loss of appetite;
  • diarrhea / constipation;
  • increased gas evolution;
  • pain in the muscles;
  • headache;
  • sleep disorders;
  • dryness in the mouth;
  • rashes on the skin, which are often accompanied by itching;
  • labored breathing.

The use of the medicine for a long period or a single intake of too large a dose are the causes of an overdose. With intoxication of the body, the patient has confusion, epileptic seizures, depressed breathing, severe vomiting appears.

This condition requires immediate assistance. First of all, you need to accept activated carbon... Experts do not recommend artificially inducing vomiting.

To select the correct symptomatic therapy, it is necessary to keep the symptoms of an overdose under control. If breathing problems occur, the lungs are ventilated. Only a doctor can choose the most optimal treatment methods. Therefore, you cannot leave the patient at home. He needs to be urgently delivered to a medical facility.


The medication effectively eliminates the effects of stress and other disorders of the nervous system. Due to its structure, it does not cause addiction, both psychological and physical.

Grandaxin is a representative of benzodiazepine anxiolytics, which are characterized by the most optimal safety profile. It is also often used in complex treatment.

Potential harm

Despite high degree safety, the drug may adversely affect the patient's condition. Some patients complain that after taking the pills, they begin to gain weight. In fact, tranquilizers have nothing to do with the metabolic process. Most likely, the reason lies in the improvement general condition and appetite.

People diagnosed with a chronic form of psychosis obsessions or various phobias appear, it is not recommended to prescribe this medication. Taking it increases the risk of suicide attempts and increases aggressiveness.

The medicine can negatively affect the nervous system and provoke increased irritability... In general, it is well tolerated by patients and is one of the safest drugs.

Patients of retirement age with problems with mental development, renal or liver failure you should be examined regularly and inform your doctor about any changes.

To avoid aggravating the situation, you must follow the established treatment regimen. When correct reception LP has a positive effect on the work of the central nervous system.

Drug interactions with other medicinal products

The simultaneous use of several drugs from one or different pharmacotherapeutic groups at once can lead to a number of unpleasant consequences. If the patient took medication before or during the appointment of Grandaxin, he should inform his doctor about this. The fact is that drugs can both weaken and enhance each other's action.

Interaction of drugs with other drugs:

When receiving the first consultation with a specialist, it is necessary to discuss possible consequences simultaneous administration of different drugs.

special instructions

Like other medicines, Grandaxin has its own characteristics. They must be taken into account when using drugs. Specialists have compiled a list of rules that must be followed during treatment:

  • 1 Description of the medication
  • 2 Indications and contraindications
  • 3 Does "Grandaxin" affect pressure and how?
  • 4 Side effects
  • 5 Overdose

Neurologists prescribe the drug "Grandaxin" for VSD most often, since this medication is highly effective during an exacerbation of the disease and is considered an excellent tool for maintaining the nervous system. Has an effect of "Grandaxin" and blood pressure, it reduces its high values \u200b\u200bto normal numbers on the tonometer. The rest of the indications and contraindications, as well as the features of the application, should be found out from a specialized physician, with whom you should consult before using the medication.

Description of the medication

"Grandaxin" is a tranquilizer with anxiolytic properties, during the action of which the anticonvulsant, sedative and relaxing effect of skeletal muscles is not manifested. The medication helps with prolonged mental disorders and neuroses. It is recommended to take it from the VSD, as well as in case of disturbances in the functioning of the ANS, manifested in a rapid heart rate, moderately high blood pressure and neurotic nature of pain in the heart. "Grandaxin" relieves anxiety, unfounded fears and nervous tension.

If a patient with arrhythmia manifests an individual intolerance to antiarrhythmic drugs, then Grandaxin is prescribed, which will restore the heart rate in a short period of time. In addition, the drug can reduce overestimated values blood pressure and cut your heart rate.

As part of pharmaceutical product "Grandaxin" active substance is tofisopam, and the auxiliary components are:

Produced "Grandaxin" in the form of tablets intended for oral administration. The medicine, penetrating the body, reaches its maximum after 2 hours. The components of the medication do not accumulate and are excreted mainly with urine and only a small part of it with feces. With prolonged use, it is not addictive, and at the end of the course there is no withdrawal syndrome.

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Indications and contraindications

Indications for admission Limitations
  • adjustment disorder;
  • alcohol withdrawal syndrome;
  • menopause;
  • strong feelings;
  • pain in the region of the heart;
  • feeling anxious;
  • apathy;
  • progressive muscle atrophy;
  • autoimmune neuromuscular disease;
  • neurosis;
  • decreased activity;
  • emotional stress.
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the medication;
  • lactation period;
  • depressive state;
  • psychomotor agitation;
  • insufficient blood gas composition;
  • I trimester of pregnancy;
  • increased aggressiveness;
  • sleep apnea syndrome.

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Does Grandaxin affect blood pressure and how?

The medication should not be taken for hypotensive patients.

In the process of receiving drug "Grandaxin" the patient can observe a slight decrease in blood pressure. In this regard, the tablets should be taken only after consulting a specialized doctor, strictly adhering to the dosages prescribed by him. Due to the hypotensive properties of the drug "Grandaxin" it is contraindicated to use it for people with low blood pressure.

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Side effects

On the background of taking "Grandaxin" such undesirable phenomena may appear:

  • heart palpitations;
  • insomnia;
  • headache;
  • dryness in the mouth;
  • loss of appetite;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • nausea;
  • flatulence;
  • muscle tension;
  • rash and itching on the skin.

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The use of the drug "Grandaxin" in excessive doses increases the risk of overdose symptoms. Observing vomiting, confusion, respiratory depression, epileptic seizures, you need to urgently consult a doctor. It is important not to take any action on your own to prevent suction medicinal substances, so do not try to induce vomiting and flush the stomach yourself. The only thing that can be done is to take a sorbent, for example, activated charcoal, and any laxative, then go to a medical facility or call an ambulance.



How to treat angina pectoris with folk remedies?

Statistics proves that angina pectoris is a fairly common ailment today, the treatment of which with folk remedies can be successful, if you consult with an experienced physician beforehand. It is imperative to monitor the process of effective and timely treatment of the heart, which is very often carried out in the most suitable hospital conditions. It is only necessary to remember that each patient with angina pectoris has its own specific characteristics.

Traditional medicine methods

So that a fairly common ailment no longer bothers a person, it is recommended to take a special collection of herbs. To get rid of the ailment, the symptoms of which the patient himself can identify, it is necessary to mix skullcap, meadowsweet flowers, sweet clover flowers, wild rosemary shoots, calendula flowers.

To prevent angina pectoris from appearing again, you need to brew this collection every day. In 300 ml of boiled water, brew 1 tbsp. l. herbs, and then be sure to cool the infusion. After it you need to strain it thoroughly and drink 0.5 cups before meals. This collection, as you know, includes very useful components that help relieve spasm from the smallest vessels, reduce blood clotting, lower blood pressure, and reduce the amount of bad cholesterol. The effect of this remedy is complex, but it is imperative to take short breaks in its intake.

In order for the timely treatment of angina pectoris with folk remedies to be successful, doctors may recommend using the most common carrot seeds. They contain such a substance as daucarin, which rather quickly relieves the most severe spasm of the heart vessels. This tool is allowed to be used for a long time. You need to pour 1 tablespoon of seeds with a glass of boiled water, put in a water bath and heat for about 20 minutes. Then you need to strain the product and drink 50 ml 4 times a day.

The best natural preparations

Often correct treatment folk remedies are performed with the help of healing tinctures. For example, with angina pectoris, hawthorn infusion is advised to be taken for a long time.

This tool helps to improve the condition of blood vessels and speed up the process of nourishing the heart muscle. You need 4 tablespoons of hawthorn fruits in a saucepan or in a thermos, pour 1 liter of boiled liquid, insist for 8 hours. The resulting product is taken 1 time per day for 1 glass.

Often folk methods treatments give a positive result. The healing arnica tincture will help with this. It is necessary to pour 2 tsp. the roots carefully crushed with a coffee grinder with 2 cups of boiled water. The resulting mixture is boiled for no more than 20 minutes and must be infused for 30 minutes. The broth must be thoroughly filtered, and then drink 1 spoon 2 times a day. It is best to combine the treatment with arnica, which is so useful for human health, with tinctures of turnip or willow bark.

You can treat angina pectoris with folk remedies, as well as perform with their help the prevention of attacks of this condition. It is necessary to mix and chop 2 parts of anise fruit, 3 parts of valerian root, 2 parts of yarrow. Then you should brew 1 tbsp in boiling water (300 ml). l. curative collection and insist for 40 minutes. Then the product must be thoroughly filtered and consumed 0.5 cups 3 times a day.

Every day, the patient may be advised to drink an infusion of meadowsweet. It is best combined with those prescribed by your doctor medications... You need to pour a spoonful of meadowsweet with 400 ml of boiled water, boil for 10 minutes, drain. It is allowed to take 100 ml 2 times a day. If there are too high emotional stress, then it is allowed to slightly increase the dose of the drug.

Enough effective treatment folk remedies can be performed quite successfully in the most ordinary home conditions. For example, it is permitted and even recommended to use black cohosh root. Pour 200 g of pre-crushed roots into a glass container with a glass of alcohol. The resulting mixture must be infused for 10 days. Then the product is filtered and consumed 3 times a day, dissolving 10 drops in 1 tbsp. l. boiled water.

Some folk remedies more often than others, they are used to eliminate angina pectoris. Good medicine can be made from dried crumbs. It is necessary to pour one glass of boiled water over a spoonful of dried crushed milk, put in a water bath, warm up for 20 minutes, insist. Then you can take 2 times a day for 2 tbsp. l.

The cinquefoil has excellent firming and soothing properties. You need to take 2 tbsp. l. pre-chopped roots of this plant and pour 400 ml of boiling water. The resulting mixture must be infused for 2 hours. The filtered product should be drunk 4 times a day, ½ cup.

To improve health as quickly as possible, the patient can take nettle with healthy honey. To prepare such a miracle cure, it is necessary to boil 4 tbsp in 500 ml of water. l. thoroughly chopped nettle, and then leave for 10 minutes. After that, filter the broth, dissolve about 50 ml of honey in it. The resulting tincture is taken ½ cup 3 times a day. This tool will help to improve the condition of a large number of blood vessels in just 2 weeks.

Willow bark tincture has a positive effect on the heart system. It is necessary to pour 300 ml of boiling water with 2 tbsp. l. pre-chopped willow bark. This mixture is boiled over low heat, filtered, take only 1 tbsp. l. in a day. This drug helps prevent blood clots.

Stroke recovery timeline and program: everything in detail

Recovery activities

Recovery can proceed in different ways, the main secret is the regularity of the recovery activities. In this case, medical supervision is mandatory, only he can prescribe drugs, regulate the level physical activity and change the rehabilitation program.

In large cities, there are departments at hospitals, special rehabilitation centers, sanatoriums of a cardiological or neurological profile.

How long does it take, how long does it take

How long does rehabilitation after a stroke take? Recovery can proceed in different ways, some patients take a couple of months, but in most cases the process takes much longer, sometimes it takes several years. A person should be result-oriented; it is recommended to start recovery activities as early as possible.

Rehabilitation - what is included in it

Recovery requires the involvement of a large number of specialists and the use of a variety of tools. This is due to the fact that a stroke can affect any part of the brain, as a result, a person loses important functions. The patient may lose memory, hearing, vision, complete or partial paralysis may strike him, the likelihood of dementia is high.
The recovery process requires the participation of the following specialists:

  • physiotherapist - helps to regain movement skills;
  • occupational therapist - helps with eating, dressing, bathing and other daily activities;
  • speech therapist - responsible for the restoration of speech and swallowing function.

If necessary, other specialists may be involved, regular communication with a doctor will ensure that the rehabilitation plan after an insult will be adjusted.

Resumption of swallowing

After circulatory disorders, problems with chewing, saliva production, and swallowing may occur. Rehabilitation therapy involves special exercises that use special muscles. In order to simplify the process, you should select foods that are easy to chew and swallow. All dishes should be normal temperaturenot too hot / cold.


The more the area of \u200b\u200bthe brain is affected, the more difficult it is to restore speech. Throughout the year, positive results are still achievable, but over time, the processes slow down.

Relatives should treat the patient with maximum attention, he should not be left to himself, communication is very important.

Speech restoration classes should begin as early as 1-2 weeks, when the patient will be able to endure emotional and physical stress.

In the classroom, the specialist works with cards and a primer, the patient re-learns to pronounce letters and words.


As part of the restoration, special gymnastics is widely used; special preparations will also help restore vision.


It is recommended to restore memory after the possibility of a recurrent stroke has been removed. In addition to taking medications (nootropics), functional rehabilitation treatment is shown, within which memorization skills are constantly trained.

Motor functions

Recovery uses techniques such as electrophoresis, massage, and other treatments to prevent circulatory congestion and muscle wasting. Physical therapy plays an important role; the patient can do many exercises even while lying down. First, with the help of medical workers, he learns to turn from side to side, lower and raise his arms, and perform other manipulations.

Watch a video about the resumption of motor functions after an illness:

Fine motor skills

With high mobility, it is recommended to develop fine motor skills, for this you need to turn cards, write, draw, solve puzzles, play the piano, collect change, button up buttons, play checkers, wring out washcloths, type texts, etc.


After the loss of basic skills, the patient often becomes depressed, especially if this happened at a working age. The support of loved ones is often not enough, the help of a psychologist or psychiatrist is required.


Taking medications plays an important role, the following medications help to restore the body:

  • improving cerebral blood supply - cerebrolysin, cavinton, pentoxifylline;
  • affecting metabolic processes in the brain - cortexin, ginkgo-fort, cinnarizine, solcoseryl, actovigen, ceraxon;
  • nootropics - lucetam, noofen, piracetam;
  • combined - thiocetam, neuro-norm, fezam;
  • others - antidepressants, herbal teas, medicinal plants, sirdalud, glycine.

Home improvement

Changes need to be made in the apartment, which will help to increase safety and comfort, the room should not have carpets and high thresholds. It is recommended to purchase a special bed with bumpers to avoid falls. Handrails and railings are necessary so that the patient can move, good lighting is important.

Description of all stages

Recovery has three stages

Resuscitation period

In the first few days after a stroke, the patient must be in intensive care until the threat to life disappears. During this period, bed rest is shown, any physical activity is prohibited.


Recommended for the first month hospital treatment, rehabilitation is aimed at returning activity. The patient must take drugs that are indicated physical exercises, massage. During this period, the patient should begin to realize that scientific methods will help him recover. At this stage, you have to re-learn to smile, nod, move your leg and arm.

After discharge

The patient begins to recover according to the method developed for him, at this stage the help of relatives is indispensable. They must monitor the correctness and regularity of the exercises performed, and provide psychological support.

After a second attack

With a second stroke, medical practice does not differ, the patient is admitted to the hospital, if necessary, antihypertensive drugs are injected intramuscularly or intravenously.

Repeated hemorrhagic stroke requires stopping bleeding, the patient is injected with ethamsilate, vicasol, aminocaproic acid.

In case of recurrence of ischemic stroke, vasodilating drugs (compliant, papaverine, aminophylline) are prescribed.

Recovering from a recurrent stroke takes longer; after discharge, a neurologist must be monitored.

The patient who has had a second stroke should be trained in relaxation techniques. Special classes are aimed at restoring the psycho-emotional state, which contributes to the acceleration of recovery.

For the rest, the recovery period is practically the same, breathing exercises play an important role, their implementation helps to reduce pressure and treatment hypertension... Simple exercises will also help restore the body, special attention should be paid to nutrition. Peppery, salty and spicy foods should be excluded from the diet; in case of a stroke, it is recommended to steam.

In conclusion, here's an interview with a rehabilitation physician:

Grandaxin is usually prescribed for the treatment of depression and various kinds of stressful conditions. It is a tranquilizer that has proven itself particularly well in therapy. Indications for the use of Grandaxin are quite wide and include mental disorders and depressed nervous processes.

The main indications for the use of the drug Grandaxin

The use of Grandaxin is possible without a doctor's prescription, this agent is sold freely in the pharmacy. But in order to make sure that this medicine is right for you, you should familiarize yourself in detail with the indications for the use of Grandaxin tablets. Due to the fact that the main active substance the drug is a benzodeazepine derivative with a special structure, it is usually tolerated quite easily. Here are the main indications of Grandaxin:

  • of various origins;
  • depressed mental state;
  • apathy;
  • loss of appetite;
  • loss of vitality;
  • drowsiness, increased fatigue;
  • neuroses and states close to neurosis;
  • disorder of mental adaptation;
  • climacteric syndrome and PMS;
  • cardialgia;
  • muscle atrophy of a nervous nature, myalgia.

The use of the drug Grandaxin has several nuances. For example, it is recommended to use the drug with caution in the treatment of patients with increased nervous excitability, it can provoke an attack. It is also not recommended to take pills by a patient with respiratory depression and people prone to cramps and muscle spasms.

Dosage and administration of Grandaxin

In most cases, the dosage of Grandaxin is selected individually, but there is also a standard treatment regimen. One tablet contains 50 mg of the active ingredient, the daily dose for adults is 300 mg per day, that is, 6 tablets.

To remove acute attacks usually prescribed 2 tablets in the morning and 2 tablets in the afternoon, no later than 8 hours before bedtime.

Patients with insomnia are prescribed 2 tablets no later than 15 hours before bedtime.

In chronic diseases, 1 tablet of Grandaxin is prescribed at breakfast and at lunch, after the first week of therapy, the regimen is changed to 2 tablets once a day during breakfast.

Patients with a weakened immune system, or serious liver and kidney disease, are prescribed a lower dose of the medication. Usually it is 50% of the usual amount of Grandaxin. The same dosage is used to treat the elderly, pregnant women and children under 18 years of age.

It is strictly forbidden to use the drug in the treatment of children under 14 years of age and women in the 1st trimester of pregnancy. During breastfeeding, the drug can be used only by completely abandoning lactation.

Duration of use of Grandaxin and special instructions

The course of treatment can range from several days to several months. The tablets should not be used for longer than 16 weeks. In this case, it is necessary to replace the drug with a tranquilizer with another active ingredient and completely revise the therapy.

Grandaxin tends to enhance the effect of drugs that affect the central nervous system, including pain relievers, even analgin. This factor must be taken into account when treating. It is strictly forbidden to use this medicine simultaneously with drugs such as.

And suffocation - hundreds of people face all these conditions every day.

Cases of vegetative vascular dystonia (VVD) are observed in different age groups. The violation is accompanied not only by the symptoms listed above, but also by many other unpleasant conditions.

Grandaxin for VSD is one of the drugs that neurologists often prescribe during exacerbations, as well as to maintain the nervous system.

  • All information on the site is for informational purposes only and IS NOT a guide to action!
  • Give an EXACT DIAGNOSIS you can only a DOCTOR!
  • We earnestly ask you NOT to self-medicate, but make an appointment with a specialist!
  • Health to you and your loved ones!


The main active ingredient of the drug is tofisopam. One tablet of Grandaxin contains 50 mg of the active ingredient.


  • talc;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • octadecanoic acid;
  • gelatin;
  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • potato starch;
  • lactose monohydrate.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The drug is included in the group of tranquilizers, is a benzodiazepine derivative. The action of the drug is aimed at eliminating various forms vegetative disorders... Grandaxin also has psychostimulating activity. The remedy is prescribed for patients suffering from myasthenia gravis and myopathy.

The drug does not cause mental or physical dependence; after a course of treatment, there is no withdrawal syndrome. The medicine belongs to the daytime anxiolytics (sedatives).

It is quickly and almost completely absorbed into the bloodstream from the gastrointestinal tract after oral administration. After two hours, the maximum concentration of the active substance in the blood occurs.

The half-life is six to eight hours. More than half of the incoming substance (about 60%) is excreted in the urine, the rest - during bowel movements.

Indications for use

The main indication for admission is states that are accompanied by emotional stress and moderate fear. The remedy is taken for disorders accompanied by vegetative disorders and apathy.

In addition, the drug is taken:

  • in conditions accompanied by decreased activity;
  • obsessive experiences;
  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • in the climacteric period;
  • with post-traumatic stress disorder;
  • impaired psychoemotional adaptation;
  • myasthenia gravis;
  • myopathy;
  • chronic alcoholism.

The ingestion of any drug in the body does not mean that the mental state will immediately improve, the consciousness will clear up, and thoughts will normalize. Have healthy person the function of the cerebral cortex is inextricably linked with the functional state of the subcortical regions.

In people suffering from VSD, the situation is different: with the development of a violation, the subcortical sections cannot cope with their function - the self-preservation of the body under various conditions. Because of this, indications for taking Grandaxin are determined by the state of consciousness, where thoughts are formed.

How much to drink Grandaxin with VSD is a question falling under the competence of a doctor. The dosage is assigned individually, depending on the patient's condition.

Usually prescribed one or two tablets up to three times a day, and to maintain the condition, you can take one tablet


The main contraindication is hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Also, taking funds is prohibited in the following cases:

  • with respiratory failure in a decompensated form;
  • psychosis and psychopathy, accompanied by severe psychomotor agitation;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Side effects of Grandaxin with VSD

Adverse reactions from taking Grandaxin:

It should be noted that the drug adversely affects the ability to drive vehicles and other mechanisms.

Treatment with myasthenia gravis should be carried out under close medical supervision.

Alcohol compatibility

Doctors warn that Grandaxin should not be taken together with alcoholic beverages. The reason lies not only in the danger of development adverse reactions, which when taking anxiolytic can manifest itself in the form of insomnia, headache, confusion and irritability.

If the patient suffers from liver disease, the side effects may be more severe and occur more frequently.

For those who like to drink, Grandaxin has a particular effect, that is, it causes more vivid side reactions. The effects are enhanced by ethanol. This must be taken into account if this remedy is prescribed by a neurologist.

Grandaxin eliminates anxiety, and alcohol, reducing the effectiveness of medications, neutralizes this effect. For this reason, Grandaxin and alcohol cannot be combined.

Moreover, when they are used together, the load on the liver increases. The medicine enters the liver after 6-8 hours, from where it is excreted in the processed form in the urine and feces. Alcohol is excreted in the same way, that is, a double load falls on the organ.

The unpredictability of the joint intake of a tranquilizer and alcohol is also explained by the fact that the work of all organs of people suffering from alcoholism is disrupted. Therefore, it is impossible to predict how the body will behave when combining the drug with ethanol.

Similar drugs

Drugs that have a similar effect:

  • is a selective non-benzodizepine tranquilizer;
  • does not cause addiction and side reactions in the form of weakness or drowsiness;
  • gently affects the central nervous system, without oppressing it;
  • the drug triggers a natural compensatory-protective mechanism that allows the body to cope with stress more easily.
  • refers to anxiolytics;
  • reduces emotional stress, eliminates anxiety and anxiety;
  • does not weaken intellectual activity, does not reduce physical activity;
  • does not cause drowsiness.
  • is an combination medicine with a sedative effect;
  • it is used for headaches associated with nervous overstrain, irritability, anxiety, fear, migraine, sleep disorders, VSD and in the climacteric period.
  • a drug that has antidepressant, anti-anxiety and antiasthenic effect;
  • the drug regulates the activity of the S100 protein, due to which metabolic processes and mechanisms of activation and inhibition of the central nervous system are normalized;
  • the product helps to improve functional state Central nervous system, increases concentration and memory, provides the body's resistance to stress, hypoxia and intoxication;
  • does not cause drowsiness.
  • a modern medication developed by Russian scientists;
  • the components of the drug provide a natural disclosure of the hidden capabilities of the brain, increase mental activity, improve memory, relieve psycho-emotional overstrain, and help fight stressful situations.
Atarax Prescribed to relieve anxiety, reduce psychomotor agitation, eliminate internal stress, relieve irritability in neurological and mental disorders, alcoholism.

Every woman of climacteric age suffers from one or another degree of neurosis, as well as others neurotic disorders... Grandaxin with menopause will help eliminate the first manifestations of negative symptoms, and also stop the aggravation of neurotic pathologies.

The trade name Grandaxin is a tofisopam-based drug. This is the main active ingredient that is part of the medication. Grandaxin belongs to the category of tranquilizers and has anxiolytic effects. With the help of this remedy, the feeling of anxiety, unmotivated fear, spontaneous anxiety, nervous tension is eliminated. Helps Grandaxin and those women who, during menopause and even before it, suffer from an addiction to alcoholic beverages.

The main difference between the drug and its analogs is that tofisopam does not have a hypnotic and anticonvulsant effect.

When this drug is taken internally, muscle relaxation does not occur, on the contrary, the activity of the nervous system is moderately activated, which is especially convenient for use in the daytime. Due to its mild effect on a woman, Grandaxin in menopause can be prescribed for a long time.

The drug reaches its highest concentration a couple of hours after admission: at this time, the highest content of this drug is detected in the blood. From the gastrointestinal tract, tofisopam easily enters the bloodstream, and there is no accumulation in the body. About seventy percent of the drug is excreted by the kidneys, and the rest is removed along with the feces. The half-life of the drug is about eight hours. Patients are often worried about the question: how long can you take Grandaxin? Since the active substance is not cumulated, the drug is prescribed for menopause for a fairly long period, because addiction does not occur as such. Also, there is no drug withdrawal syndrome, when negative symptoms rapidly return in the first hours or days after stopping the drug.

The drug is very convenient to take - it is available in tablet form, each tablet contains 50 mg of tofisopam. Also, the Grandaxin tablet contains fairly standard components: microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate, potato starch, lactose monohydrate and others.

Allergy to tofisopam and the components of this drug occurs quite rarely.

This is especially important for postmenopausal women because allergic reactions can only intensify.

Externally, the tablets are round, slightly flattened from the sides, the color of the preparation is from white to grayish. One package contains either 20 or 60 tablets in blisters.

When to use the drug?

The main indication for the appointment of Grandaxin is neuroses of various origins, including neuroses in menopause. The drug is recommended for the following violations:

  • fears;
  • feeling anxious;
  • panic attacks;
  • depression;
  • alcohol syndrome;
  • irritability;
  • indifference to what is happening, apathy;
  • lethargy, emotional decline;
  • post-stress disorder of adaptation;
  • cases of psychopathy;
  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • climacteric neuroses;
  • neurotic conditions provoked by other pathologies.

The wide possibilities of Grandaxin made it possible to conduct diverse observations of patients during menopause and evaluate its effect on the body.

Contraindications to taking the drug

Contraindications to the use of the drug are quite small. The use of the agent is limited when hypersensitivity to the components of the tool. Also, the use of Grandaxin is not recommended for those who have severe disorders:

  1. aggressive states;
  2. deep depression;
  3. excessive excitement, both motor and emotional;
  4. pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  5. apnea;
  6. liver failure;
  7. pathology of the organs of the excretory system;
  8. taking medications incompatible with tofisopam (cephalosporins, some contraceptive drugs);
  9. impaired absorption of glucose and galactose;
  10. atherosclerosis;
  11. various organic lesions of the brain;
  12. distress syndrome;
  13. angle-closure glaucoma.

Before prescribing the drug, the doctor assesses the woman's condition, carefully examines the anamnesis and makes tests.

The appointment of the drug is carried out after studying all the characteristics of the patient, her metabolism and possible deviations in the state of health, which are manifested quite often during menopause.

Side effects of the drug and overdose

Since tofisopam is a rather specific agent, it, like any tranquilizers, is not devoid of side effects. Given that the contraindications to Grandaxin are insignificant, then negative manifestations are most often associated with a violation of the rules of admission medication... Possible side effects include the following:

  • Headache.
  • The appearance of irritability.
  • Sleep problems.
  • Excessive nervous excitability.
  • Confusion of consciousness.
  • Lack of appetite.
  • Dyspeptic disorders.
  • Feeling of dry mouth.
  • Respiratory depression.
  • Muscle tension, pain.
  • The classic manifestations of allergies are itching, rash, hives.

When the first side effects from taking the drug appear, it is canceled and replaced with an analogue.

An overdose of the drug is manifested by impaired activity of the central nervous system. Since women during menopause are especially vulnerable to various kinds of external influences, an overdose can provoke such serious disorders as confusion, breathing problems, vomiting and coma... Since the drug does not accumulate in the body, such manifestations can occur when a large dose of tofisopam is taken at one time (more than 50 mg per 1 kilogram of weight). In order for the absorption of the drug to pass slowly, activated carbon is prescribed. And in terminal conditions - the introduction of dopamine, norepinephrine and artificial ventilation. You should not try to induce vomiting in case of an overdose of Grandaxin, since if the activity of the central nervous system is disrupted, this can lead to disastrous consequences. Therefore, when the first symptoms of intoxication occur, an ambulance should be called.

Features of taking the drug

It is worth noting that there is no addiction to the drug: it does not affect the reaction speed and attention, so female drivers can take it without fear. To avoid insomnia, it is best to take the pills in the morning. How long to take the drug - the specialist will prescribe based on the testimony of the patient. However, menopause is not a reason to change the standard prescriptions, and even vice versa: the doctor can even prolong the use of the medication if necessary.

On average, the daily dose of the drug is 1-2 tablets.

The maximum prescribed dose per day is 300 mg, that is, you can take 6 tablets, however, such doses are prescribed only for severe neuroses of climacteric origin in women. Taking the drug is not associated with food intake, therefore, Grandaxin can be taken even in the morning, before meals, however, doctors advise you to drink the medication with juice or eat a light breakfast to avoid nausea. If the course of menopause is complicated by alcohol syndrome, tofisopam is prescribed for a long time - for about a month and a half.

Some women say: I forget to take a pill and drink two the next day. This is highly undesirable and even dangerous. If you cannot take a pill in the morning, you should delay taking it, and not drink a double dose the next day.

The use of Grandaxin excludes the simultaneous intake of alcoholic beverages and other tranquilizers. This can provoke negative consequences and severe reactions of the body: fainting, holding of breath, serious allergic reactions. If a woman drank alcoholic drinks, the medication enhances their toxic effect on the liver, and the effectiveness of Grandaxin is significantly reduced.

Enhance the action of Grandaxin antifungal drugssuch as Itraconazole and Ketoconazole.

The presence of nervous disorders in women during menopause requires immediate treatment. They cannot be ignored, since they can provoke both somatic pathologies and psychological problems. Grandaxin is the mildest drug that can be prescribed for initial stage manifestations of neuroses with menopause.

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