What needs to be done to make the child sleep at night. What to do? The child does not sleep at night

With the advent of the baby, young parents mentally prepare for sleepless nights. But why, if you can just learn how to put your child to sleep correctly? Let's find out what affects night sleep baby, and what needs to be done to make it long and strong.

After a tiring day, children need rest. They restore strength during a night's sleep, which should be strong and long-lasting: at least 6-8 hours. Sleepy baby always good mood, he is cheerful and physically active. What can parents do when putting their baby to bed to improve sleep quality?

There are 7 secrets to help your baby sleep soundly through the night:

  1. Before going to bed - only quiet games. Avoid high physical and emotional stress 2-3 hours before bedtime. They overexcite the nervous system of the child, and he will not be able to sleep. Talk to your young dad about this if he comes home from work and plays overly active games with a toddler that he missed a lot during the day.
  2. The ritual preceding every night's sleep... This should be several activities before the rest, strictly in the established sequence. They develop the habit of going to bed at the same time. Certain signs will tell your baby that it's time to go to bed. U is special. It can include a light snack, watching a cartoon, bathing, changing diapers, dressing up in pajamas, fairy tales or lullabies, etc.
  3. Bathing and massage. Water procedures calm the child in the evening. Warm water relaxes the body, while the murmur and splash of water relaxes the nervous system. Excessive activity while bathing is not necessary. There should be only clean water in the bathroom, do not use herbs and solid soap: these products sometimes irritate the skin. If necessary, you can wash your baby with a baby gel. After bathing, gently stroking his back and head. Mother's and father's touch always has a calming effect, which additionally sets you up for sleep.
  4. Room conditions... The main components of the microclimate that affect healthy sleep, - temperature and humidity. Optimal air temperature for children. Humidity can range from 40-65%. Such conditions have a beneficial effect on growth and development, therefore it is desirable to maintain them around the clock.
  5. Sleeping area... A child can sleep in a crib, cradle, stroller, or even. It depends on how you feel comfortable. But the following requirements are imposed on the baby's sleeping place: the mattress must be flat and hard. Babies in the first months of life do not need a pillow, and if the room conditions are met, then a blanket too. Baby bedding should be natural. There should be no foreign objects that distract attention.
  6. Feeding... The duration of sleep will directly depend on how well the baby ate before him. In order for him to be thoroughly refreshed before resting, you can even underfeed him a little in the previous feeding. Then by nightfall he will eat more intensely. Food should be light, it cannot be complementary foods. Then uninterrupted sleep for 6-8 hours is ensured. But this only applies to babies over 6 months old. It is at this age that the need for night feeding disappears. Until this moment, the child should not be denied milk or formula: he can wake up at night 1-2 times to eat.
  7. ... The strength and duration of sleep is badly affected by the feeling of irritation and moisture. If the baby is dry and warm, then he will sleep well.

It is not easy for young parents to get used to the new daily routine. But it is worth comprehending these seven simple secrets, and you will immediately see how strong and long the sleep of a baby who is not worried about anything can be.

Emergence little child in the house it is not only joy and happiness, but also constant worries for his life. Eating, walking and sleeping, everything a baby needs, but not so simple. In the first years of life, children grow up, learn to walk and talk, their teeth are coming out and their tummy hurts, not only the baby suffers from this, but also his mom and dad. From such problems, the child does not sleep well at night, and, accordingly, his parents. Therefore, there is a special conspiracy for the child to sleep at night. It is the conspiracy that will have a good effect on the baby and give him a wonderful and restful sleep.

Important points during such a ritual

A conspiracy is a magical rite that helps a person cope with various problems. It can be a prayer for illness, a love spell for a loved one and a love spell for good luck, or vice versa, damage and much more. The conspiracy for a healthy and deep sleep baby. Such prayers are not capable of harming the child, since in this case white magic is used. Calm and correct sleep the child is not always visible. Many mothers suffer with such a problem and simply do not know how to solve it. To begin with, you should definitely go to the doctor, as possible bad dreams at night - this is a sign of some kind of disease that worries the baby very much. If no abnormalities are found, you can try to read a prayer for the child at night.

How can a spell help? When one of the parents spoke all the necessary magic words, you will notice that the child does not wake up so often at night. Also, such prayers help save children from nightmares that they may have and insomnia. In order for the child to sleep soundly, the conspiracy is carried out at night. The baby's mother reads a fairy tale to him and at the end pronounces the words of the spell. It is important to pronounce all words clearly and understandably and not to rearrange them. Conspiracies for children are pronounced only in extreme cases, be sure to follow all the rules and recommendations, since you can only make things worse. Experienced magicians and sorcerers who deal specifically with children's problems claim that all rituals and conspiracies for sound and healthy sleep are universal. Such rituals help in such circumstances:

  • when the child is very scared of something during the day and does not sleep at night;
  • the kid confused day with night;
  • the baby could be jinxed;
  • before going to bed he laughed and played a lot;
  • plays and does not even think about going to bed.

Spells can be read in any situation, the main thing is to read confidently, it is understandable at the head of the baby. Do not forget, when you read the text, cross the child three times. You also need to know how to baptize properly so as not to make it worse.

The kid suffers from poor sleep

When the child is very capricious, then it is better for him to sing prayers. This should be done while breastfeeding. The words of the spell should be hummed like this:

“Let my son (daughter) fall asleep well, and sleep peacefully all night. Don't let insomnia bother him. A large tree grows far away in the forest with a dry branch on it. Will go to the branch bad dream, and let my boy (girl) not touch. I, the servant of God (name), I ask everyone - help me. So that the branch fell off, and my child slept better. Amen".

Then the baby needs to be put in the crib, and another prayer should be read. It sounds like this:

“Let the insomnia leave my house and my child. Let him go his own way into the distant distance, closer to nature and to animals. And let my son (daughter) sleep well and not cry. Insomnia leaves the baby and now he sleeps soundly. Amen".

When a child does not sleep well at night, he needs help. All conspiracies for children always help, very rarely it happens that the ritual did not show its result. Therefore, if you are going to make a ceremony, then you need to treat it with full responsibility.

The prayer for sound sleep has these words:

“The mistress of dreams and my child are best friends. She puts him to bed every night and gives him a deep nap. This prayer will save me and my son (daughter) and he will sleep soundly all night. The queen gave her warmth, sang a song to him and protected him from evil forces. The baby will begin to sleep and not disturb anyone. Amen".

So that the child is not afraid to sleep alone

When a child has sleeplessness at night, such a ritual also helps a lot. This ritual is aimed at ensuring that your child begins to sleep alone without you, and it will sleep well. The toddler will not be so capricious, and will calm down much faster. Parents of the crumbs will be able to go about their business and not worry about him. To do this, it is imperative to say the following text at night:

“All the saints baptized me. May the Angel always be with my baby and never leave her. The protection of heaven is strong, so I want to ask the Lord God for help. The Son of God (name) will find peace when the Lord begins to help him constantly. Let the sleep guard, and the crumb gets enough sleep. Amen".

After such a slander, the child will not wake up at night more than once. Consequently, parents will also find peace of mind and normal, full sleep. There is another type of prayer that blesses the baby for a sound and healthy sleep. You need to pronounce the following text:

“The cross of the Lord guards the baby. My miracle is under the supervision of Angels. More than your parents, no one loves you so much, only the Lord himself. God saves all people around the world, from grief and troubles. Our baby also needs protection, help. Amen".

There is no need to invent a lot of things, enough that which worries mommy so much. Because of what her heart is restless, as well as apologize for her bad deeds. At the end, thank God for the help provided and for listening to you.


There is nothing wrong with sleeping plots for babies, they do not harm or spoil health. If a young mother sees that her baby is not getting enough sleep and thereby does not allow the rest of the family to sleep, then something needs to be done about it. Try to read a prayer or conduct a ceremony, maybe this will help the baby sleep well and wake up in a good mood.

In addition, when the baby will sleep peacefully and not wake up the rest of the household, then it will become much easier for everyone. Dad will go to work in a great mood, and mom will not get tired while feeding and putting the kids to bed. It is important to follow all the techniques and rules, as well as pronounce the words of the prayers clearly and clearly. If the baby is still capricious, you can sing the conspiracy to him. Thus, you will calm the baby and start talking to him for a sound sleep. The main thing is to believe in the performance of the rituals and then everything will definitely work out.

Lyudmila Sergeevna Sokolova

Reading time: 6 minutes


Last updated article: 05/25/2019

There is no consensus on this issue. Unfortunately, medicine is not an exact science; its conclusions are often corrected by life itself. Man is an extremely complex system, and each individual is significantly different from the average statistical norm. This fully applies to children of the first year of life. After the appearance of the baby in the house, a troublesome hectic time begins. And although these are pleasant chores, nevertheless, a mother, like any person, needs rest and proper sleep. Therefore, she is worried about the question - when will the child start sleeping all night? Can he be taught to do this? How to teach a baby to sleep all night? And when to start the training process?

How many nights do newborns sleep without interruption?

Children are different and they sleep, respectively, in different ways, and from the first days. Some lucky women gave birth to babies who sleep peacefully for 5-6 hours at night and give their mother a rest, other babies confused day with night and "pull" their mother every hour. In this regard, it is conditionally possible to distinguish 4 groups of children:

  1. The baby sleeps consistently most of the night.
  2. The baby wakes up 1-2 times at night for feeding.
  3. The child wakes up several times during the night.
  4. The baby practically does not sleep at night.

  • Group I includes children who sleep most nights almost from the first days of his birth. Some pediatricians recommend waking the baby up to feed, or feeding him sleepy. Others believe that nothing needs to be done, the stomach of a small person rests at night, as it should. And that's okay. Here the questions about when he will sleep most of the night and how to accustom him to this is decided by itself. This group is not the most common.
  • Group II includes children who wake up 1-2 times a night to suck on their mother's milk. This is due to the fact that the stomach of a newborn, like that of a kitten, is very small, and milk is absorbed quickly. In addition, many children need not only and not so much food as contact with their mother and satisfaction of the sucking reflex.
  • Group III includes children with a pronounced Moro reflex. Such babies wake up not only to suck milk or snuggle up to their mother. A loud, harsh sound or flash can scare your baby. Their fear is expressed in a rather strong start, throwing up the arms and unclenching the brushes. It wakes some crumbs. In this case, he does not need to be taught to sleep, but to prolong sleep. To do this, the mother can swaddle the newborn at night.
  • And the last, IV group, is the children who do not give their mother a rest almost all night. Usually, newborns sleep for 5-6 hours stably, but these babies do not. The owl child does not sleep for various reasons. The first three months it may be colic, then teeth begin to cut, etc. It is the parents of such crumbs who are very interested in the question of what to do and how to teach the baby to sleep all night.

When can night feeds be canceled?

A child can wake up several times a night from 0 to 1.5 years. In rare cases, this lasts until the 3-year mark is reached. And this will not be considered a deviation.

However, it is still necessary to instill in the baby the skills of night sleep. This will make life easier for him in the future, when he goes to kindergarten, then to school, etc.

One should start by determining the reason for the formation of the baby's wrong associations with sleep and eliminating it, as such. In some cases, this is very easy to do:

  1. If the baby is hungry, does not finish eating at every feeding - you need to feed him a little more;
  2. If it's hot or stuffy, it's easier to put on and ventilate the room;
  3. If the child is tormented by gas - give the carminative recommended by the pediatrician and spread it on the tummy for a longer period of time;
  4. If you suspect neurological abnormalities, the pediatrician will send you for a consultation with a neurologist.

If the reason is eliminated, and the baby continues to show "owl" habits, this means that the wrong stereotypes have formed and they will have to be changed.

In the general case, it is possible to reduce night feedings with the beginning of the introduction of complementary foods with "adult" food, replacing one of the night feedings with water. Perhaps the child wakes up out of habit and he is not hungry at all - in this case, there will be enough water.

The age of 9 months is considered the borderline upon reaching which you can begin to wean your child from night feeding. When breastfeeding doctors recommend continuing to feed the baby at night until one year old.

This does not mean that the child has become independent and will simply refuse to eat at night when he reaches the specified age. Children cannot tolerate hunger. A baby can do without food only when she is mentally and physically ready for it.

How to instill in a child the skills of a good night's sleep?

By observing a number of rules, you can teach your baby to sleep all night.

How well a child sleeps depends largely on the psychological atmosphere in the family. If parents show care, warmth, and give the baby affection, then, as a rule, no special efforts are required to improve sleep. The child, upon reaching 9-12 months, sleeps peacefully all night.

What to do if the child asks to eat at night:

  1. Follow the daily routine;
  2. To feed the baby before bedtime in sufficient quantities so that he does not suffer from hunger and he sleeps well and for a long time;
  3. Distribute most of the amount of food calculated for a day for daytime and evening;
  4. Gradually reduce the portion of milk or mixture at night, replacing them with water, juice, baby tea (give a drink if the baby begins to whimper);
  5. Teach the child to fall asleep on their own (without a bottle), rocking him to sleep in his arms, and when he starts to fall asleep, put him in a crib.

Little tricks

People have different biorhythms. It may turn out that a particular baby will eventually suit a nocturnal lifestyle, i.e. he will be a typical "owl".

But more often the parents themselves are to blame for the "owl" behavior of the crumbs, if his behavior is not caused by malaise, namely their inexperience. Often this behavior of the crumbs is facilitated by the mother, who tries to redo all the household chores and rejoices when the child sleeps a lot during the day, or the dad who comes home late from work and decides to cuddle his beloved first child and give him a new toy before bedtime. All these moments lead to overexcitation of the sensitive nervous system baby and a decrease in the quality of his night sleep.

The next thing to avoid is falling asleep while feeding. Of course, it is convenient for a tired mommy if the baby falls asleep while sucking on a nipple or bottle - no need to rock it, sing songs, carry it in your arms. You can simply transfer to the crib. However, over time, such convenience will turn into difficulties. If the child wakes up for some reason, putting him to bed without food will be problematic.

This is why the regime is so important. The regime is such a "beast" that, despite all the benefits it brings, it is not popular with most adults either. How can you teach a newborn to this if the parents themselves do not want to follow the daily routine? And, nevertheless, it should be done.

If a child is breastfed and pediatricians advise feeding "on demand" - how can this be combined with the concept of "daily routine"? There is no catch in this case.

  • First, the regimen isn't just about feeding. This is the time for sleeping, playing, bathing;
  • Secondly, if the child eats fully, the mother gives him enough time for communication, games, sits with him, holds him in her arms, then he will not demand the breast endlessly. The baby will have enough mother's attention and he will calmly withstand the time between feedings. The daily routine will be established in a natural way, it will be close to the regime established for artificially fed children.

How to train your child to sleep at night

11 rules how not to make an "owl" out of your child and teach you how to sleep well at night. For this you need:

  1. Spend as much time as possible with him during the day;
  2. Do not close the curtains during the day, even if the baby is sleeping;
  3. Do not play active games with him at night;
  4. Do not give new toys before bedtime (this overloads the nervous system);
  5. Bathing a child in warm water 36.6-37 degrees for newborns, when it is warm at home (in summer and winter, during the heating period) and up to 38 degrees - if the house is cool (as a rule, it is in spring and autumn when the heating is turned off);
  6. If the baby is not allergic to herbs, you can add chamomile and a series to the bath;
  7. When the baby starts to fall asleep, you can sing his favorite lullaby. Such a ritual will form an instinct and facilitate falling asleep, help to lay the child without a bottle;
  8. If the child is hyperactive or suffers from the Moro reflex, it can be swaddled for up to 3 months;
  9. Comfortable conditions in terms of temperature and humidity also contribute to restful sleep;
  10. If the baby's gums are very sore and itchy during teething, you can use special gels or homeopathic drops;
  11. For colic and bloating, use carminative agents, give dill water or special tea.

Swaddling is a controversial issue, some experts do not advise swaddling children at all. But, nevertheless, if the quality of the baby's sleep is low due to a strong and violent reaction to physical stimuli (light, sound), swaddling is allowed. This will prevent him from waking up from a startle and will allow him to accustom him to longer sleep.

Read on:

Caring for an infant can be a tedious task with constant sleep deprivation in the first months of life. Therefore, it is important to learn how to organize everything so that you and your baby get the necessary rest. There are many different techniques to achieve this goal, you need to decide which one is best for you and your family. In this article, we'll take a look at some of the most well-known methods and provide some tips to help your child start sleeping through the night.

How to train your child to sleep all night?

Unfortunately, children after birth and up to 4 months are at a stage of development when they cannot sleep the whole night and not bother their parents. Problems such as colic, breastfeeding, wet diapers, and teething are more likely to keep your baby awake no matter how hard you try.

But when your baby is 4 to 6 months old, you may feel better. By then, babies can usually have some solid food already, which slows down the onset of hunger, and are not so sensitive about wet diapers. From this age, there are several ways that can help you:

1. Hand swing with shortened duration

2. Shared sleep

Benefits: Many studies and theories suggest a variety of benefits of sleeping together for both the baby and the mother. This includes improving emotional state (even in the long term for a child), reducing the risk of sudden infant death syndrome, improving sleep, breast milk and etc.

disadvantages: There are conflicting views on safety and health when sharing a bed instead of using a separate crib. There are many known cases of children being strangled by accident by their parents while sleeping in the same bed. The most common cause of such negligence was alcohol or drug intoxication. Some studies, although fewer in number, suggest an increased risk of sudden infant death syndrome.

3. The Feber method or "Crying it Out"

Crying it Out from English translates as cry or cry out... This sleep teaching method for young children was developed by the American doctor Richard Feber. The last version of his updated book, which explained this technique, was published in 2007. The Feber Method is teaching children to help themselves by letting them cry for a certain amount of time before starting to calm them down. According to the author, the technique is intended for children as young as four months old, but some researchers argue that it is safer to start practicing it after 6 months of age.

In terms of effectiveness, most parents who have tried this approach find that their toddler's crying time decreases steadily over the course of three nights, and often virtually disappears somewhere between the fourth and seventh nights. Sometimes a slight short-term crying can come to replace, which also disappears later.

What do we have to do?Put your child to sleep awake, pat him, calm him down and leave the room. When he starts crying, give him a little capriciousness - at first about 3 minutes (see the diagram above). Then return to the room and start talking in a whisper and stroking your baby to comfort him. No need to pick him up, just talk to him and try not to linger. Then leave the room again. Any parent can perform these actions if the other is busy.

If the child continues to cry, you need to continue to return to the room, but without decreasing a certain interval of time. Speak softly, comfort, and then leave the room. Do this until your baby is asleep. On the following days, add more time to the intervals, eventually reaching 10 and then 15 minutes. Therefore, this method has another name - "5-10-15".

The goal is to reduce the amount of time you cry and stay awake at night, and then increase the amount of time you need to go back and check on your baby. But regularity is important here, so you need to repeat the entire ritual every day.

Benefits:The method is considered one of the most effective and popular in the West for teaching a child to fall asleep independently.

Disadvantages:This approach has received significant criticism from pediatricians and parents. When a child cries, the stress hormone cortisol is produced. And he, as you know, interferes emotional development and even kills the cells of the brain, which in a child of this age is still only in the process of intensive formation. It is assumed that there may be negative consequences in the future. But studies on children over 7 months old showed that there were no positive or negative effects. Application of the Feber method in more early age was not studied, apart from an admittedly biased 2012 study with too few children and no control group.

4. "Pick Up Put Down" method

Put the child to bed and then leave the room. When the baby starts to fuss, do not rush, but listen to if he really needs attention or is just a little whimpering. If he burst into tears, take him in your arms and begin to calm him down until he falls asleep. Repeat this cycle until deep sleep occurs. The only problem that parents often face in this case is that if you take your baby in your arms too often and then put it back in the crib, you will notice that he wakes up at the moment when he is put back. Therefore, only take your child if it is really necessary.

Benefits:This method allows the child to calm down more quickly.

Disadvantages:Has low efficiency, especially if you constantly raise the baby and respond quickly to crying. It is easier to put him to bed with him, but it is difficult to ensure that the baby sleeps all night and does not cry.

5. Parent in the room

Benefits: You will know for sure that your baby is safe when he cries.

disadvantages: This method can take quite a long time to take effect, usually it works after a few weeks. Many parents believe that this method can cause increased protest in the child, and it will be difficult for parents to watch.

6. "Let her cry"

This is the harshest method and you might think it will break your heart, but with some babies it does work. You can start trying to do this from 4 to 6 months, when you are sure that the baby has drunk milk and will not be hungry for 6-8 hours. Put him in the crib, and while he is still awake, go to another room. Most likely, he will cry, but you need to not “give in” to protesting cries. It is important to remember that if your baby is fed and in a dry diaper, then he is fine. You will hear the difference between normal crying and screaming in pain. You can return to the room only when you understand that your child is in pain or is in danger, but if you know that everything is fine, just wait. Soon, the child will understand that sleep is the only option for further events.

Benefits: Minimal removal of attention, and hence the time spent for parents.

disadvantages: The origin of this relatively harsh method is unknown. It is described on the popular foreign Internet portal newkidscenter.com , but it was not possible to find its description in more reliable sources. Therefore, the level of negative impact of stress on the child and normal parents is likely to be incomparable with the possible effectiveness.

To be able to put the child to sleep for the whole night, you need to go to this gradually. For instance:

  1. Try not to change diapers at night. Put on a good night diaper for your baby before bed. Over time, the baby will get used to waking up when you need to change it. Change your diaper only when necessary.
  2. Use white noise. Children should get used to sleeping under it. The white noise generator can be useful for early stages sleep workouts. A special device can be ordered on the Internet, or simply turn on these sounds online through a quality column.
  3. Create and develop bedtime rituals. In other words, do daily routines that signal the baby to sleep. For instance:
  • Buy a baby in a warm bath
  • Give me a bottle
  • Make sure the room temperature is comfortable enough
  • Read a bedtime story
  • Turn on the night lamp and ensure complete silence

Remember that the success of a particular method will depend on your child's temperament and your seriousness in approach. It is important to stay consistent. Sleep training is a challenge, no matter which method you try to apply. Remember, it can take several days to several weeks to see gradual changes in your child's sleep patterns.

Used materials.

There are many reasons for poor baby sleep. There are quite understandable ones, for example, a baby's tummy twists. You just need to eliminate the cause of the pain, and the child will sleep soundly. But it happens that healthy child, active and cheerful during the day, changes with the coming of night. He is spinning in the crib, crying, asking for his arms. This behavior at night suggests that the child is emotionally traumatized.

Mom intuitively feels that her child was scared or jinxed, and tries to help him by transferring her energy. Since ancient times, women have known many prayers and conspiracies to help a child find a sound sleep. Conspiracies are pronounced melodiously, in the form of a lullaby. Here are a few conspiracies - bayuns.

Restless baby

When the baby is naughty, eats in fits and starts, does not fall asleep after feeding, during feeding you need to hum a conspiracy to him with a soporific recitative:

“Sleep, baby, in the corner is a branch from a dry tree, from a sick stump. I will send restlessness from you to the branch, baby. That branch will suffer, and my baby will rest. Amen."

Having laid the child in the cradle, go to the window and say a conspiracy in an undertone:

“You, insomnia, don't be buzzing, don't wake up my baby. If you want to wander, go to the bird - the owl, to the nightingale-nightingale or the intoxicating head. Walk with them, play games, do not spoil the baby's sleep, I drive you away. "

When swimming

In the evening, bathing the baby, gently tell him a conspiracy parable:

“The sleepy queen walked through her domain, found my (child's name). She laid her in the cradle, sang a song: “Sleep, (baby's name), and I will watch you. I will keep your dream so that he was calm. "

An unpretentious conspiracy parable will help the child sleep well all night.

Midnight girl

Very young children sometimes confuse day with night. During the day, the child plays without interest, eats poorly, sleeps a lot. Having difficulty falling asleep in the evening, he soon wakes up and can stay awake all night. It is not for nothing that this type of child's insomnia is called "night owl". The people believe that the night owl is an unkind, simple-haired aunt, home prayers do not scare her. To drive her away from the baby's crib, you need to perform a ritual with the waning moon.

Place a deep bowl of water under the crib and a knife or scissors under the pillow. Three times threateningly and loudly say the conspiracy: "Aunt midnight, jump into the pool and drown yourself in it, push yourself on the edge of a knife, don't go to my child, so that he sleeps at night, he doesn't know when he wakes up"... Put the baby to sleep with you, saying towards the nursery "You won't find my child, but how you go to search, there you will perish and you will rot"... In the morning, pour the water from the bowl onto the road. In the house, even in the toilet, you cannot pour it out.

With fear and evil eye

In the first years of life, a child is very susceptible to any outside influence, including intangible ones. An unkind look, an unfriendly tone of conversation, shrill notes in his voice can bring him out of his mental equilibrium. Excited by unpleasant impressions, the baby can experience the situation that frightened him in a dream and, waking up, scream loudly. If night fears become persistent, you need to apply a fright conspiracy:

“I’m rolling bread, I’m driving trouble from the servant of God (name). I roll out, lure, burn out all fears, addictions, lessons, evil eyes, invitations, envy, insincere praise, secret malice. I drive it dashingly out of the handles, out of the legs, out of the head, out of the cheeks, out of the veins, out of the veins, out of white curls, out of clear eyes. Fright, fright, go away! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

During the ritual, move a piece of bread over the child's head. Then feed the bread to the birds and read the prayer "Our Father".

It is necessary to distinguish when your child was accidentally scared, and when they deliberately harmed his aura by using the evil eye. In a mild case, at the initial stage, the evil eye is determined not only by the child's restless behavior during the day and night insomnia, but also by the appearance of painful grimaces and constant antics; nervous head twitching; erratic twisting of hands and feet. A mother can herself use a prayer or ritual, which is empowered by mother's love. Put in a glass of water, it's good if it is well. Light a candle that was already burning in the church and dip it in water. Pour water from a glass into a handful and moisten the child's face three times. Then, with your hem or apron, blot the water from your face and say the conspiracy: “Save, Lord, from an evil beast, from a dashing man. Save the blue, brown, black, red, and miscellaneous from the eye. " If the evil eye is recent, the spell will help for sure.

The child got sick

The baby's sleep is often disturbed if he is sick. First of all, you need to call a pediatrician at home. But do not rush to add sedatives and sleeping pills to the prescribed medications, ask prayer for God's help. You can address the Lord and the Most Holy Theotokos in your own words, the saints will understand your pain and help.

Maybe the baby is teething. Conspiracies for the itching of growing teeth are spoken in a monotonous recitative, bewitching and drowsy:

“It does not itch, does not hurt, does not swell, the baby (name) does not know pain. A tooth wall has risen around the tongue, the wall is strong, white and straight. Tooth by tooth is cut through, the baby does not toil from pain. Amen."

Excitement and nighttime tantrums

During the holidays, joyful events, the child's happy excitement builds up and accumulates in the form of surplus nervous energy. After going to bed, he may become hysterical, developing into whining and sobbing. To make the child calm down and soon sleep soundly, use short children's spells in the form of sayings:

“Morning dawn and evening dawn! Give rest and sleep at night, for the day. "

The consequences of insomnia in children

The listed types of insomnia can cause various nervous diseases, these include nocturnal enuresis and speech delay. Medicine has been struggling with enuresis for a long time and unsuccessfully, but conspiracies often help effectively and quickly. Here is one of the rituals that even children enjoy. Warm a fresh testicle well in your palms, then put the baby on his stomach and draw eights on the calves of the legs, muttering a conspiracy:

“In an open field, the morning dawn rises, the evening dawn sets. I will stand facing east and my back to the west. I look to the east - 3 pigeons are flying, 3 golden castles are carrying. They locked water with locks: rivers and streams, blue seas and springs, showers with rains. They locked and closed bladder... As the earth is dry without rain, so let the bed (name) be dry both at dark nights and with the moon. My words are strong and strong, now and forever. Amen."

Then crush the testicle in a latrine and drain the water three times.

For a child to speak, there is a proven ritual. Spread your robe on the ground and sit your silent one on it. Cover it with one sleeve and say the plot three times:

“Beyond the seas - oceans, on a fabulous island, there is a wondrous golden bird. That bird speaks incessantly - They call her the Talker. So come, wonderful bird, in a dream, my child, and teach him to speak, so that he can glorify the bright name of God and the names of all saints forever and ever! May the said come true! Amen."

Soon your child will be chatting incessantly.

If you want your prayers and conspiracies to help your children, believe with all your soul in the help of higher powers and help them with the power of motherly love.

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