Cataract surgery Cataract surgery quota: how and where to get it? On the territory of the Russian Federation there are several state medical institutions that carry out surgical treatment of eye cataracts according to quotas

Today, in the capital's clinics, cataract treatment is carried out using the method of ultrasonic phacoemulsification with simultaneous implantation of an artificial lens (intraocular lens) into the eye. In total, last year, such operations were performed on 25,980 patients, of which 94% were performed by phacoemulsification. The clouded lens is softened by ultrasound and removed from the eye. A flexible lens is inserted into the capsule where it was previously placed through an individual guidewire. It enters the eye when folded and inside the eye unfolds on its own and is securely fixed. No suturing is required.

Alexey Khripun, Head of the Moscow Healthcare Department:

“This year our doctors have performed almost 100% of operations to replace the lens for cataracts with a modern high-tech and low-traumatic method of phacoemulsification. And almost a quarter of such interventions are done in short-term hospitals. In the first quarter of 2018, Moscow ophthalmic surgeons performed more than 8.5 thousand operations to replace the lens for cataracts, with 98.7% of them performed by phacoemulsification. Such operations are performed in 8 Moscow clinics, where all the necessary modern equipment is available, the treatment process takes 4-5 hours. The patient can return home on the day of surgery. "

Typically, complete recovery of the eye after phacoemulsification occurs within a month. For this, the patient instills antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and epithelializing drops and gels. Moderate restrictions on physical and visual activity are prescribed and it is recommended to visit an ophthalmologist once a week for a month.

Larisa Moshetova, chief freelance ophthalmologist of Moscow:

“In nine cases out of ten, cataracts develop in old age. Lens clouding is a progressive process. However, the timing of the development of the disease is individual. According to statistics, after 60 years, a slight decrease in the transparency of the lens is observed in almost every second person. The change in the lens can also be influenced by external factors, for example, after an injury or as a result of certain diseases, in particular diabetes mellitus. "

By compulsory medical insurance policy cataract treatment is carried out in 8 metropolitan clinics, 3 of them have a short-term hospital, where the patient can be discharged after surgery on the same day.

List of medical organizations of the Moscow Department of Health, where ophthalmic operations for cataracts are performed:

  • Ophthalmological clinic - branch number 1 of the City Clinical Hospital named after S.P. Botkin (Mamonovskiy lane, 7, there is a short-term hospital);
  • City Clinical Hospital № 15 named. O. M. Filatov (street Veshnyakovskaya, 23);
  • City Clinical Hospital № 1 named. N.I. Pirogov ( Leninsky prospect, d. 8);
  • City Clinical Hospital. F.I. Inozemtseva (Fortunatovskaya st., 1);
  • City Clinical Hospital No. 52 (Pekhotnaya St., 3, there is a short-term hospital);
  • City Clinical Hospital No. 67 named after L.A. Vorokhobov (Salyam Adil str., 2/44);
  • City Clinical Hospital. V.M. Buyanov (bakinskaya st., 46, there is a short-term hospital);
  • Hospital for war veterans № 2 (Volgogradsky prospect, d. 168).

For reference

Cataract is a partial or complete opacity of the lens of the eye that causes visual impairment of varying degrees. The main

symptoms include blurred vision, loss of image clarity, blurred edges, and changes in color perception. With age, cataract progresses and the decrease in visual acuity becomes more pronounced.

Replacement of the lens of the eye in Moscow in 95% of cases is performed by the sutureless method of ultrasonic phacoemulsification, which over the past 15-20 years has almost completely replaced the traditional technique of extracapsular extraction. Moscow Clinic. Fedorov is one of the main eye clinics in the region, where the lens of the eye is replaced annually in more than 3000 patients with cataracts and refractive errors.

Thanks to the support of the Moscow Government and the Foundation for Assistance to the Development of Advanced Medical Technologies named after Svyatoslav Nikolaevich Fedorov, the Clinic pursues a liberal pricing policy, combining the high quality of the provided medical services and low cost of surgical treatment. At the same time, the Clinic sets itself the task of ensuring the availability of high-tech medical care to the general population, in connection with which in the Clinic. Svyatoslav Fedorov has a system of social benefits and discounts when replacing the lens of the eye.

Lens replacement in the Fedorov Clinic is

Hi-tech... Lens replacement in the overwhelming majority of cases is carried out by phacoemulsification. The traditional technique of replacing the lens through a corneal incision is used only in extreme cases of impossibility of phacoemulsification. Since 2017, along with ultrasound phacoemulsification, femtosecond cataract support has been performed for patients of the Fedorov Clinic. The introduction of laser cataract removal into the everyday practice of our specialists has raised the level of surgery and patient comfort during surgery, postoperative treatment results to a qualitatively new level.

Operation safety... More than half a century of observation of patients with lens replacement allows us to firmly state the minimal risks of surgical treatment, high results of the operation and the invariability of the postoperative effect. Constant technical improvement, both in the operation technology and the instruments and equipment used in the course of surgery, is also important.

Versatility... Lens replacement at the Fedorov Clinic is performed for various ophthalmic pathologies. Both in older and elderly people with cataracts, and in young people with a high degree of myopia, astigmatism and hyperopia, the replacement of the lens of the eye allows you to completely restore acuity.

Minimally invasive character... Thanks to technical progress, it has become possible to abandon extracapsular extraction with a wide corneal incision, use during surgery general anesthesia, the need for hospitalization of the patient in a hospital, and from the need for "maturation" of the cataract, when the patient on his own could no longer navigate in space. Now, lens replacement can be performed if the patient has minimal visual discomfort on an outpatient basis, under local anesthesia, without incisions and sutures through special self-sealing micro punctures 1.8-2.2 mm wide, formed by a metered diamond blade or using a femtosecond laser.

No age qualification... Lens replacement at the Clinic. Svyatoslav Fedorov is performed at any age of the patient. Limitations to surgical intervention in patients of the age group may be due exclusively to the general serious condition of the patient. In young people, surgery can be performed from the age of 18 in cases of high degrees of ametropia, when opportunities laser correction limited vision.

Short-term operation... The total duration of the entire operation, taking into account the preparatory stages, is about 15-20 minutes. Moreover, the duration of the actual surgical intervention does not exceed 10 minutes. According to the internal regulations of the Clinic, surgical treatment is always carried out only on one eye. If indicated, it is recommended to operate the paired eye no earlier than two weeks after the first operation.

Surgical treatment painlessness... Replacing the lens of the eye is an absolutely painless operation for the patient. The minimally invasive nature of the intervention allows you to operate on the background of local anesthesia. Pain relieving eye drops completely eliminate the occurrence of pain.

Lack of hospitalization... Surgical treatment at the clinic. S. Fedorov is carried out without hospitalization in a hospital. In just 1-2 hours after the surgery, the patient receives recommendations from the attending physician and can leave the clinic.

Short rehabilitation period... The patient notes the restoration of vision after replacing the lens within a few hours after the operation. However, the process of improving visual functions and stabilizing vision will occur within the first two weeks from the moment of surgical treatment.

Stages of treatment at the Fedorov Clinic

After completing the necessary medical documentation, the patient is placed in the preoperative ward, where he is examined by the attending physician, and preoperative preparation is carried out. After preoperative measures, the patient is invited to the operating unit.

Despite the outpatient nature of the operation and the absence of general anesthesia, the replacement of the lens of the eye in the Clinic. Svyatoslav Fedorov is performed in a sterile operating room. During the operation, only disposable consumables and microsurgical instruments are used, which completely eliminates the possibility of infection during surgery.

After disinfecting treatment and local anesthesia in the form of anesthetic drops, an eyelid dilator is applied to the operated eye, preventing spontaneous blinking of the eyelids.

Using a diamond ultra-thin dosed knife, the surgeon forms a tunnel corneal micro-puncture 1.8-2.2 mm wide, which is the main incision through which all further stages of the operation are performed. Special profile tunnel cut and its small size provide good self-sealing in postoperative period without the need for suturing.

Micro-puncture of the cornea with a diamond blade Removal of the anterior wall of the lens capsule

After capsulorhexis is performed - a circular dissection of the anterior wall of the capsule sac - the surgeon, using an ultrasound probe, crushes the lens substance to the state of suspension, which is simultaneously aspirated from the eye. Currently, the Clinic. Svyatoslav Fedorova offers her patients a completely innovative way lens replacement - femtosecond support of the operation. The main difference from ultrasonic phacoemulsification is the use of a femtosecond laser during surgery to form a corneal incision, create capsulorhexis, and crush the substance of the native lens.

Crushing of the lens of the eye

Having completely released the "bed" of the lens, a rolled intraocular lens (IOL) is implanted into the capsule bag. An IOL is an artificial lens of the eye, individually designed for each patient. Inside the capsule bag, the artificial lens opens independently, the surgeon controls the correct position of the haptic elements of the intraocular lens and its centering relative to the visual axis of the operated eye.

Artificial lens implantation Artificial lens position

After the completion of all stages, the edges of the tunnel incision are hydrated, the eyelid expander is removed, antibacterial eye drops are instilled, and a protective aseptic bandage is applied to the operated eye. And the patient is escorted to the recovery room, which he can leave in 1-2 hours after being examined by the attending physician and go home.

The next morning after the operation, the patient arrives for a follow-up examination by the surgeon, receives all postoperative recommendations, medical appointments and a schedule of postoperative visits.

Artificial lens. Types and models

In the Soviet Union, an ophthalmologist academician Svyatoslav Nikolaevich Fedorov was a pioneer in the implantation of an artificial lens, and our Clinic proudly bears the name of a great doctor and scientist with a worldwide reputation. Fedorov's lens was the first rigid artificial lens designed for intraocular implantation after extracapsular cataract extraction.

Later, Fedorov's lens underwent significant changes in shape, design, used in the manufacture of the material, but long time remained the only option for an intraocular lens when replacing the lens.

The rapid transition to microinvasive surgical technologies and the development of cataract phacoemulsification have led to significant changes in implantable IOL models - the design of lenses and materials has radically changed, which has led to the production of modern soft artificial lenses.

The need to replace the lens, not only for cataracts in the elderly, but also in young and middle-aged patients, has led to the creation of various types of intraocular lenses.

And now the Clinic named after Fedorova carries out implantation of all types and models of modern artificial lenses from leading world manufacturers, thereby providing a personalized individual approach to each patient and his needs.

After replacing the lens at the Clinic. Fedorov you will receive

Replacing the lens of the eye is a completely new quality not only of your vision, but also of your level of life. The Fedorov clinic will forever relieve you of low vision, and you can enjoy the world around you without glasses, capturing the subtlest nuances of shape and color. The assistance of the Moscow Government ensures the provision of ophthalmic surgical care at affordable prices for each of our patients.

Lens replacement. Price in Moscow. Clinic Fedorov

The cost of replacing the lens at the Clinic. Svyatoslav Fedorov, price per eye, rub.

20.08. Replacement of the lens of the eye with implantation of an intraocular lens
Lens replacement with implantation of a domestic soft intraocular lens 35000 — 39000
Lens replacement with soft aspherical IOL implantation 44350 — 58750
Lens replacement with implantation of a soft aspherical IOL with a yellow filter 55750 — 66360
Lens replacement with toric IOL implantation for astigmatism 75000 — 86000
Lens replacement with multifocal IOL implantation 85000 — 91990
Lens replacement with multifocal toric IOL implantation 114000 — 120000

From the federal budget, if necessary, quotas are allocated for operations that are carried out using expensive materials and equipment. Absolutely everyone can take advantage of the proposed help, if they have issued quotas, cataracts are also treated by state aid... The main thing is to undergo examinations and collect specific documents. True, even while in the queue for an operation, a person will still have to wait if an emergency arises. In other words, you have to miss patients with urgent hospitalization.

In most cases, lens replacement has a beneficial effect on the restoration of vision. Thanks to the continuous development of microsurgery, any patient with an early cataract can quickly and painlessly return to healthy eyes.

An ultrasonic tip is inserted through a rather small incision in the affected lens, which acts on the cataract, destroying it. The pathological lens is replaced with an artificial intraocular lens.

The operation has the following advantages:

  • takes about 40 minutes;
  • there is no need to sew up the incision;
  • there are almost no contraindications.

But the biggest disadvantage of the procedure is its cost. Therefore, people have to postpone with treatment.

True, cataract removal can be made cheaper. There are three options to choose from.

The patient will be able to significantly reduce their costs if they use:

  1. Compulsory health insurance (compulsory health insurance) policy.
  2. VHI policy (voluntary medical insurance).
  3. Quota for high-tech medical care (high-tech medical care).

Thanks to the compulsory health insurance policy, cataracts are diagnosed, an operation is performed, during which artificial lens Russian production. Also, the patient can stay in a medical facility and eat at the expense of public funds. But there is a possibility of injury during surgery.

Under the VHI program, the patient undergoes the necessary examination and treatment in a day hospital. But he pays for the lens with his own funds.

Although the patient pays for food and hospital stay himself.

Features of the CHI program

Any citizen of Russia has the right to treatment, for which the state will pay. The compulsory medical insurance program indicates which ophthalmological services the patient can count on when contacting the clinic.

  1. Medical consultation and examination before surgery.
  2. Undergoing laser iridectomy and some other laser procedures.
  3. Focal fundus laser coagulation, as well as panretinal.
  4. Elimination of cataracts using phacoemulsification.

In order for a patient to undergo a treatment course under the compulsory medical insurance policy (without paying on their own), he needs to collect some documents.

In other words, you should take care of:

  • a certificate confirming that the patient has a compulsory medical insurance policy;
  • an identity document (that is, adults present a passport, and if a child needs to be treated, then you will need to present his birth certificate);
  • certificate of compulsory pension insurance.

In addition, under the OMS program, the patient is expected to undergo a number of examinations.

The patient must undergo tests - general, for antibodies to HIV, for determining the level of sugar in the blood and for blood clotting. You will need the results of fluorography and electrocardiogram.

You should be examined by a dentist and an otorhinolaryngologist, and a conjunctival swab will be taken from the patient.

Who is the quota issued to?

If you have a serious illness that requires surgery, everyone can apply for a quota. In particular, it can be used to remove cataracts.

If a person has indications to receive high-tech assistance in a medical clinic, he needs to contact the appropriate ministry of health management. The patient will be provided with a list of those documents that he must collect before going to the operation.

Then the regional specialist will say his decision, and then the patient will be sent to the regional commission.

That is, when the documents are collected, the head physician of the medical institution must sign. After that, they will be considered by a special commission for 10 days. True, these terms are relative, since it is often necessary to wait for results much longer.

If the decision is positive, the documentation is sent to the institution where the patient can be cured of the disease thanks to the quota received. True, this does not mean that it is in this clinic that the patient will be treated. A commission is created, which also deals with the consideration of the collected documents and which decides when a person is hospitalized and in which medical institution. That is, the patient cannot choose where to be treated. Getting a referral for surgery is usually time-consuming. Although the process can be accelerated. If a person is proactive and persistent, hospitalization will take place much faster.

You can act in two ways:

  1. After collecting the documents listed independently and submitting an application to the health management body, constantly remind you of your need to find out the results. Although, no one can guarantee that a person will be sent where he wants.
  2. To go with the documentation directly to the clinic, where I would like to receive high-tech medical care, that is, for a decision not to apply to the commission. In this case, there is a possibility that the patient will be accepted. The main thing is that he has a quota to receive the required service.

It may happen that the commission decides to refuse. If this happened, then, on the one hand, the decision must be officially documented, and on the other hand, an appeal against the refusal is allowed.

Quotas are a forced measure, since the state is unable to finance the treatment of absolutely everyone in need. Therefore, the quota does not apply to all types of surgical interventions. But cataracts can be removed.

When a person has a corresponding disease, he or she enters the queue. The quota has no final validity period. So the patient need not worry. He just needs to be patient and wait for his turn. As already mentioned, there are emergency situations when unscheduled assistance is provided to other difficult patients. Then the scheduled surgical procedure is postponed to a later date.

Recently, unfortunately, there has been a sharp increase in the number of patients. Very often, due to a lack of finances, a person cannot afford examination and treatment using expensive technologies. Therefore, many ask for help from the state, since this is the only option to restore health.

The state, for its part, allocates a specific amount for the patient to recover from a certain type of disease. That is, it bears repeating, not every disease can be treated for free. You can find out in what cases treatment procedures are paid for on a special website. A lot of time will pass before the long-awaited day. During this period, you will have to fulfill the list of requirements mentioned above. True, this is not a guarantee that the result will be positive.

Surgery to replace the clouded natural lens in cataracts, in many cases, helps to restore vision. Restores its clarity, sharpness, makes it possible to live as usual full life... It is easy and painless to regain or restore old vision while the cataract is at an early stage.

Most of the country's ophthalmological centers have already switched to operations with minimal eye trauma, which do not require a large incision and subsequent suture. This technology is called phacoemulsification. The procedure consists in performing a micro-incision (no more than 3 mm) by the surgeon, through which the tip of the ultrasonic device is inserted into the lens area. The lens is destroyed by ultrasound and is completely removed. In its place, a folded flexible lens (IOL) is placed through the same incision, which unfolds inside and attaches itself. Everything heals spontaneously, without stitches.

It should be noted that this operation has practically no contraindications. It is performed under local anesthesia, therefore, it is equally well suited for both young people and very old people.

True, there is a huge disadvantage that makes surgery to be postponed for a long time - the price of such an operation.

The cost of replacing the lens includes the cost of the lens itself and the required consumables. In addition, this also includes the cost of the work of specialists (very rather big if the specialists have a "name") and the stay in the clinic. In this regard, the final figures reach about 30-40 thousand rubles. And this is an almost overwhelming "burden" for pensioners, although in most cases the disease occurs in them.

However, there are several methods that can significantly reduce the cost of lens replacement surgery.

How to save

There are three ways to reduce the cost of lens replacement and make your life a little easier.

Under the compulsory medical insurance policy. The presence of this document allows you to undergo free preoperative cataract diagnostics and get a referral for free cataract extraction with implantation of an artificial domestic lens. True, during this operation, a significant incision is made up to 9 mm, which then requires suture and a long period of rehabilitation.

Under the compulsory medical insurance policy, both day hospital and meals are provided free of charge. However, it should be mentioned that such operations are quite traumatic for the eye, moreover, the return to normal vision is much slower and is accompanied by severe pain. What does not happen during the operation of phacoemulsification with the implantation of an expensive imported lens.

Under the VHI policy. The referral under this policy includes free preoperative cataract diagnostics, plus hospital treatment. However, a lens transplant involves the implantation of an intraocular lens, which is associated with financial costs. In this case, the cost of the required lens is paid by the patient himself.

Quota for high-tech medical care (HMP). In this case, you need to find a clinic that provides similar ophthalmological quotas. It should be mentioned that cataract surgery quotas are the cheapest of all medical ophthalmic quotas. However, the patient will have to pay for the hospital stay and food on his own.

CHI program

The implementation of the compulsory medical insurance program provides for all residents of the Russian Federation the opportunity to receive the following free ophthalmological care services:

Consultation with a specialist ophthalmologist and primary preoperative diagnostics; Carrying out laser iridectomy, laser goniotrabeculopuncture, laser trabeculoplasty, laser gonioplasty; Performing focal laser coagulation of the fundus, panretinal laser coagulation; Performing cataract removal by phacoemulsification.

At the same time, the lens can both be included in the payment for compulsory health insurance (domestic IOL), and be paid by the patient separately.

To receive free medical care under the compulsory medical insurance policy, you must collect the following documents:

Certificate of availability of a valid OMS policy; Identity document (for adults it is a passport, and for children under 14 years old - a birth certificate); Certificate of compulsory pension insurance.

To be able to receive free treatment in a day hospital, you must undergo the following examinations:

Study of blood clotting; Blood sugar; General urine analysis; Blood test for HIV; Fluorography; ECG; Conjunctival smear examination; Dentist certificate; Help from an otorhinolaryngologist.

Clinics that provide free services to the population under insurance policies and quotas

As a rule, ophthalmological clinics that provide the population with free medical care are state-owned. However, in recent years, the best private ophthalmological centers in the country are actively involved in the implementation of the program. So in Moscow, help needed can be obtained from the following institutions:

MNTK "Eye Microsurgery named after Svyatoslav Fedorov ”is a whole network of ophthalmological clinics in many cities of Russia. For cataract surgery, you must obtain quotas.

Helmholtz Institute. Well-equipped ophthalmological center with highly professional medical staff. Conveniently located in the center of Moscow. Operations are also carried out according to quotas.

Ophthalmological Center "Excimer". The clinic provides a wide range of high-tech services, including phakic lens implantation. There is a possibility of effective treatment for both adults and young patients. Payment for compulsory medical insurance is carried out only partially.

"Eye Clinic of Dr. Shilova" - one of the leading ophthalmological centers in Moscow where all modern methods surgical treatment of cataracts. The latest equipment and recognized specialists are a guarantee of high treatment results. Go to the organization's page in the catalog \u003e\u003e\u003e

"MNTK named after Svyatoslav Fedorov" - a large ophthalmological complex "Eye Mycosurgery" with 10 branches in various cities of the Russian Federation, founded by Svyatoslav Nikolaevich Fedorov. Over the years of their work, more than 5 million people have received assistance. Go to the organization's page in the catalog \u003e\u003e\u003e

"Helmholtz Institute of Eye Diseases" - the oldest research and treatment state institution of ophthalmological focus. More than 600 people work here to help people with a wide range of diseases. Go to the organization's page in the catalog \u003e\u003e\u003e

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To get rid of cataracts forever and eliminate its consequences through surgery, today you can free of charge. For these purposes, the state annually issues a fixed number of quotas.

In theory, the procedure for obtaining coupons for free treatment does not look too complicated. In practice, such a process is complicated by huge queues and imperfect legislation in this aspect.

For what eye diseases is there a quota - who will get free cataract surgery?

A quota for high-tech treatment of ophthalmic ailments can be granted in the following cases:

Diagnosis of combined eye defects against the background of errors in the structure of the cornea, lens, vitreous body: inflammation of the retina and / or choroid; cysts and neoplasms; hemorrhage. Retinal deformation due to its rupture, detachment. Glaucoma (congenital or secondary), which provoked all sorts of complications: vegetative-vascular dystonia, inflammatory processes. Defects that are the result of endovitreal surgical treatment. Serious injury to the eye, eyelids due to mechanical / chemical exposure. Malignant and non-malignant orbital formations, regardless of whether exacerbations are present or not. Congenital anomalies of the components of the organ of vision (lens, cornea, muscle tissue, anterior or posterior segment of the eye, etc.), as well as deficiencies in the structure of the lacrimal apparatus, anomalies of the eyelids. Errors in the structure of the anterior chamber of the eye caused by cataracts. In this case, the doctor makes laser treatment with further installation of an intraocular lens. Secondary cataract, which led to pathologies of the retina, lens, choroid. In the treatment of such a disease, a laser is used. In parallel, measures are being taken to eliminate complications.

Stages of obtaining a quota for a free cataract operation - where to go and what documents do you need?

There are two methods of obtaining a quota for eye cataract surgery: through the public health authority, and directly through a public medical facility that treats glaucoma.

But, in any case, the district doctor is the first instance. It is he who, after a general examination of the patient, issues a referral to an ophthalmologist.

This specialist prescribes an appropriate examination, based on the results of which a decision is made on the need for hospitalization and treatment under a quota.

The next step is to collect a package of documents, which must be endorsed by the head doctor of the hospital where the examination was carried out:

Referral from the medical institution where the patient was treated / followed up. Extract from the medical card with a description of the medical history. At the end of this document there should be a note stating that the patient is recommended to undergo surgical treatment of cataract. Test results. It is imperative to undergo fluorography, ECG, be examined by a dentist and an otolaryngologist. Photocopy of your passport. Certificate of compulsory health and pension insurance (copies).

After collecting the specified documentation, the patient will receive the following procedure:

1. Apply to the local health authority under which a special commission functions

The legislation provides for a time limit for this body to make a decision - no more than 10 working days. Although in fact they are rarely adhered to.

The meeting is often held without the participation of the patient.

2. With a positive answer, the documents are sent to a medical institution, which will provide high-tech cataract treatment.

Any such hospital has a “quota committee”. Here again, within 10 working days, a meeting should take place, the main topic of which is - date of hospitalization... Deadlines are not always met: you have to wait a long time.

3. The quota committee informs the curator from the health authority about the decision, and he, in turn, contacts the patient within three weeks and makes an appointment.

4. The final stage of the official procedure related to obtaining a quota for a free operation for cataract is the receipt by the patient of a document that contains the name of the clinic and the date of hospitalization.

Is it possible to speed up the receipt of a quota for cataract surgery?

There are several methods you can use to speed up the process of obtaining a quota.

They are not always effective, but it is still worth trying:

1. When submitting a package of documents to the regional health authority, the patient should indicate the specific medical institution in which he wants to operate on the cataract. Naturally, such an institution should be included in the general list of institutions that provide high-tech medical care under a quota for ophthalmological pathologies. It may be that there are no quotas in this hospital anymore. You can find out this point by contacting the quota committee of the said institution. After submission of documents, you should regularly contact the curator from the health management committee about the results of the review of documents.

2. Submit the package of collected documents directly to the institution in which the patient wishes to treat cataract surgically ... The quota applies only to government clinics. If the operation involves the installation of an implant, you can get only a domestic product for free: you have to pay for imported implants.

Check list medical institutionswho carry out high-tech cataract treatment on a quota, you can contact your doctor or on special sites.

If the selected institution has quotas (very often they are sorted out at the beginning of the year), the patient must be provided with the same package of documents, which is needed in case of contacting the regional health authority.

In some cases, the medical institution prescribes additional examination, after which a meeting of the quota committee is held and a decision is made on the date of hospitalization. A copy of the document is sent to the health management committee. This procedure saves time and speeds up treatment.

Patients can also get a quota for free eye cataract surgery at clinics in the capital - even if they live in another city.

In this case, the cost of the surgical intervention will be covered from the regional budget of the city where the patient is registered.

3. If an urgent operation is required, you should not focus on the best hospitals in the city. (this is especially true for clinics in Moscow and St. Petersburg). In such institutions, there are huge queues for free treatment and it will most likely take several years to wait.

4. If an urgent surgical intervention is necessary, the patient can pay for the procedure himself, and in the future try to get the money back by contacting the Ministry of Health. Where and how to find money for an operation - all legal ways to raise money for treatment

Clinics in Russia where cataract is treated for free according to quotas

On the territory of the Russian Federation there are several state medical institutions that carry out surgical treatment of eye cataracts according to quotas:

Moscow Eye Clinic ... Here you can carry out a complete examination and treatment (including outpatient) of complex defects and anomalies of the organs of vision. If you need laser vision correction, this clinic is also suitable. Konovalov Ophthalmology Center ... The institution is equipped with modern medical equipment, with the help of which it is possible to carry out high-quality eye diagnostics and eliminate cataracts. This center is famous for its highly qualified specialists. MNTK eye microsurgery ... The main specialization of the network of these clinics is the use of a laser when eliminating errors related to the quality of vision; diamond microsurgery. There are 11 such establishments within the Russian Federation. There are several such centers abroad. Ophthalmological Center "Excimer" ... The main advantage of the center under consideration is the use of an excimer laser in the elimination of pathologies associated with the organs of vision. Surgical procedures for the introduction of phakic lenses are also performed here.

Lens replacement surgery in many cases is able to restore vision, restore clarity, sharpness, help to return to the previous full life. Technological progress does not stand still, today microsurgery is developing rapidly. Now you can quickly and painlessly restore your previous vision, restore it when the cataract is in its early stages.

In St. Petersburg, most ophthalmology centers have switched to operations that do not leave stitches - phacoemulsification. The procedure consists in the fact that specialists make a special incision, it is very small, a special ultrasonic tip is inserted into the area of \u200b\u200bthe lens, which serves as a destructive force for the clouded lens.

Subsequently, the cataract is easily removed. An artificial lens - an intraocular lens - is introduced into the space that has formed in the place of the former lens.

The operation is convenient because it lasts no more than 40 minutes, besides, the incision does not need to be sewn up, and, accordingly, the stitches need not be removed after a certain period.

Everything heals on its own. It should be noted that the contraindications to this operation are minimal. It is performed under local anesthesia and is suitable for both young people and the elderly.

However, there is a huge disadvantage that makes people postpone surgery indefinitely - the cost of such an operation.

The cost of replacing the lens includes the cost of the lens itself, consumables, the cost of surgical intervention by specialists, as well as a stay in the clinic. Therefore, the transaction figure reaches about 30,000-40,000 rubles.

However, there are several ways to reduce the cost of cataract removal and lens replacement.

How to save money on cataract surgery

There are three ways to make your life a little easier and to reduce the cost of lens replacement.

Direction under the compulsory medical insurance policy. This policy includes free cataract diagnostics before surgery, surgery, and replacement of the lens with an artificial domestic lens. However, such an operation is done with an incision up to 9mm long and a corneal suture.

Day hospital and meals under the compulsory medical insurance policy are provided free of charge. Here you should know that such an operation involves the risk of injury, besides, the process of returning to normal vision is an order of magnitude lower if you operate with high-quality equipment and an imported lens, which costs about 12 thousand rubles.

Direction under the VHI policy. The program of this policy includes free cataract diagnostics, inpatient treatment. But lens transplantation - the introduction of an intraocular lens meets financial difficulties, since the cost of such a lens must be paid by the patient.

VMP quota. Here it is necessary to find a clinic that provides such ophthalmic quotas for receiving free high-tech medical care. This quota for cataract surgery and lens replacement is the cheapest of all possible medical quotas for vision treatment. However, the patient must pay the cost of staying in the hospital of the clinic and food on his own.

CHI program

In the course of the compulsory health insurance program, all residents of the Russian Federation can receive free treatment for the following list of ophthalmological services:

specialist consultation and primary preoperative diagnosis; undergo laser iridectomy, laser goniotrabeculopuncture, laser trabeculoplasty, laser gonioplasty; make free focal laser coagulation, fundus, panretinal laser coagulation; to perform an operation to cure cataracts in a painless way - phacoemulsification.

Documents that you need to have in order to be able to receive free medical care under the compulsory medical insurance policy:

certificate of availability of the compulsory medical insurance policy; identity document (for adults - passport, for children - birth certificate); insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance.

In order to be treated in a day hospital, it is necessary to undergo the following examinations:

blood clotting test; analysis for the percentage of blood sugar; general urine analysis; a blood test for antibodies to HIV; fluorography; ECG; take a swab from the conjunctiva; dentist; otorhinolaryngologist.

Clinics where free cataract treatment is practiced

There are a number of clinics, most often state-owned, but not all, which provide full free provision for lens transplant surgery or partially free treatment. The list of these clinics should include the following.

Moscow Eye Clinic - specializes in the complete diagnosis and treatment of various complex eye diseases, as well as a set of procedures for laser vision correction. Outpatient operations began to be practiced.

MNTK Eye Microsurgery - a network of clinics includes 11 centers in Russia, 5 clinics abroad. The main method of treatment in this clinic is diamond microsurgery and laser vision correction.

The Konovalov Ophthalmology Center is equipped with modern equipment, high-profile specialists work here. Patients can undergo preoperative diagnostics, which will reveal in what way cataracts or other diseases should be removed.

Excimer Ophthalmology Center - it uses excimer laser technology to treat eye diseases. Today, this center provides a wide range of services from diagnostics to laser therapy, services for phakic lens implantation are provided.

Having read this information, you now know how you can get full or at least partial free cataract treatment and where it is best to do it. Health comes first!

On the left in the image is an example of a healthy eye, on the right is an eye with a cataract

CATARACT - clouding of the lens of the eye (a transparent lens inside the eye). The disease leads to visual impairment. It is accompanied by a loss of clarity, blurring of the contours of objects. The image can be doubled. People with cataracts see the objects around them as through fogged glass.

Most often, cataracts develop slowly and do not greatly impair vision at an early stage. But over time, cataracts can lead to significant or complete loss of vision.

When initial cataract brighter lighting or stronger glasses help. But if your vision impairment interferes with your normal activities, you may need cataract surgery. Fortunately, modern cataract surgery is a safe and effective procedure that can be performed on an outpatient basis. Almost half of the world's population over 40 suffers from this disease. Millions of people undergo cataract surgery every year and once again enjoy the colors of the world around them.

Cataract symptoms

  • Smoky, blurry, or dull vision
  • Blurred vision at night
  • Visible halos around light sources
  • The need to frequently change glasses due to changes in vision
  • Fading or yellowing of flowers
  • Doubling

If the cataract is on the periphery of the lens, then initially it does not occur significant changes in sight. The closer to the center of the lens is the opacity, the greater the deterioration in vision.

When to see a doctor

If you experience blurred vision, double vision, or blurry, see your ophthalmologist.

No drops will help get rid of cataracts. The only way to treat cataracts is surgery.

Causes of cataracts

The cause of cataracts can be trauma, age-related nutritional disorders of the eye tissues, radiation exposure, diabetes, some eye diseases (for example, glaucoma) or hereditary characteristics of the body, metabolic disorders.

Age-related cataract occurs most often. As a result of aging of the body, the density of the lens increases and it becomes cloudy. Such a cataract can occur already at the age of 45-50 years.

Congenital cataract develops in childhood and is associated with hereditary pathology (25-33%) or lens pathology that arose during the intrauterine development of the embryo.

Traumatic cataract can occur at any age. A severe blow, cut, puncture, thermal or chemical burn can cause the lens to become cloudy.

Diabetic cataract occurs as a complication of diabetes. It is characterized by the rapid development of lens opacity in both eyes.

Risk factors

Factors that increase the risk of developing cataracts:

  • Elderly age
  • Diabetes
  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Excessive sun exposure
  • Exposure to ionizing radiation
  • Having cataracts in family members
  • Obesity
  • Previous eye injury or inflammation
  • Previous eye surgery
  • Long-term use of corticosteroids
  • Smoking

Diagnosis of cataracts

In the "Eye Microsurgery" named after academician S.N. Fedorov, a comprehensive examination is carried out using high-precision diagnostic equipment. Refractometry and keratometry are performed, visual acuity, intraocular pressure are determined, ultrasound procedure, the field of view is examined. If necessary, endothelial cells are counted. According to the results of the examination, the optical power of the artificial lens is calculated.

All examinations are prompt and completely painless.

Cataract treatment

The only one effective method cataract eye treatment is surgery. No drops or others medicines it is impossible to get rid of cataracts.

When to have cataract surgery?

Most ophthalmologists suggest cataract surgery when it starts to negatively affect your quality of life, interferes with your work and daily activities, such as reading, watching TV, working on the computer or driving a car.

Modern methods of cataract surgery using a laser or ultrasound make it possible to operate on a cataract in the early stages, without waiting for its maturation. When postponing the operation, it is necessary to visit an ophthalmologist more often, to check vision, intraocular pressure and the state of the lens, otherwise it can lead to serious complications.

How is cataract surgery performed?

Cataract surgery involves removing the cloudy lens and replacing it with a clear artificial lens. The artificial lens is called an intraocular lens, it is positioned in the same place as your natural lens and becomes an integral part of your eye.

In rare cases, due to the presence of other ocular and common diseases implantation of an artificial lens is not possible. In such situations, after cataract removal, vision can be corrected with glasses or contact lenses.

Cataract surgery can be done on an outpatient basis, which means you do not have to stay in the hospital after surgery.

Seamless Cataract Surgery

We offer our patients the least traumatic, sutureless cataract surgery, including ultrasound and laser. Removal of the cloudy lens is carried out through an ultra-small incision. After the operation is completed, it does not need to be stitched.

Benefits of seamless operations:

  • Safety and painlessness;
  • Fast rehabilitation;
  • Absence of restrictions on visual loads;
  • Achieving high visual acuity in a short time;
  • Reduction of postoperative astigmatism;
  • No need to remove stitches after 6 months. after the main operation.

If you lead an active lifestyle and value your time, sutureless surgery is your choice!

Seamless Cataract Surgery Techniques

Cataract surgery using a femtosecond laser - a new stage in the use of robotic technology for cataract removal and artificial lens implantation. In this case, the surgeon only sets the program of the laser, which, with precision unattainable for traditional surgery, creates a hole in the anterior capsule of the patient's lens, which subsequently ensures the correct and reliable position of the artificial lens inside the eye.

In addition, the division of the turbid nucleus into fragments allows at the second stage of the operation to reduce the dose of ultrasound and thereby make the operation safer.

In the "Eye Microsurgery" named after academician S.N. Fedorov, for the first time in St. Petersburg and in the North-West of Russia, the modern latest femtosecond laser Victus (Germany) was introduced into the practice of cataract surgery. For the first time in the world, it became possible to perform all stages of cataract surgery only with the help of laser radiation thanks to the combination of a femtosecond laser and a laser device created at MNTK under the leadership of Academician S.N. Fedorov for removing a cloudy lens.

Ultrasonic phacoemulsification - Removal of a cloudy lens with ultrasound - is the gold standard for surgical treatment of eye cataracts. The operating room of the clinic is equipped with modern phacoemulsifiers from leading manufacturers of medical equipment - Alcon, Bausch & Lomb, AMO. The operation is carried out by highly experienced ophthalmic surgeons of the clinic, who have the most experience in Russia.

Laser cataract extraction - removal of cloudy lens using laser energy. Laser cataract extraction operations are performed in St. Petersburg only at the Clinic named after Fedorov with the help of the only complex for laser cataract extraction "Rakot" in the North-West. A neodymium Yag laser with a unique wavelength, developed by a group of scientists led by Academician S.N. Fedorov, is used to destroy the cloudy lens.

Laser extraction is effective even in the case of old, "dense" cataracts, when ultrasound is not possible.

Artificial lens

The most convenient, reliable and effective way to restore vision after cataract removal is the implantation of an artificial lens (intraocular lens).

An intraocular lens is similar in properties to a natural lens. It is very reliable and can stand in the eye for a lifetime.

The clinic has a wide selection of artificial lenses from various domestic and foreign manufacturers.

Multifocal (accommodating) lenses allow you to see well at both near and far distances.

Toric lenses necessary for those patients who have corneal astigmatism.

Lenses with yellow filter protect the retina from the ultraviolet and dangerous parts of the blue light spectrum.

For getting better result operations, discuss the question of the type of artificial lens with an ophthalmic surgeon!

Postoperative period

Vision after lens replacement surgery improves immediately after surgery, full recovery may take from 1 to 1.5 months.

After the outpatient surgery, you will spend 1-3 hours in the clinic under medical supervision, and then you can go home. It will be good if relatives or friends help you get home.

If you are admitted to a hospital, you are discharged depending on the condition of the eye after surgery, on the recommendation of your doctor. Usually, patients are in the hospital for 1-3 days, but the period of hospitalization may be increased for medical reasons.

Usually we schedule 1-2 visits to the patient after the operation, further observation is carried out at the place of residence.

Secondary cataract

In some patients, 1-2 years after cataract surgery, there is a blurred and decreased vision due to clouding of the lens capsule. This condition is called secondary cataract.

If you notice a deterioration in vision after lens replacement surgery, contact your local ophthalmologist to determine the cause of the deterioration.

In the St. Petersburg Branch of the IRTC "Eye Microsurgery", secondary cataract is easily eliminated with the help of one laser session with a special pulsed laser. The manipulation is performed on an outpatient basis and practically guarantees the restoration of vision.

How to properly instill eye drops

After the operation, you will need to instill anti-inflammatory eye drops according to the scheme recommended by the ophthalmic surgeon.

To apply drops correctly:

  • wash and dry hands thoroughly with a clean towel;
  • get into a comfortable position;
  • lift your head and look up;
  • pull back the lower eyelid and drip 1-2 drops without touching the eyelids and eyelashes with the pipette;
  • if several types of drops are prescribed, apply them at intervals of 20-30 seconds (unless the doctor recommended otherwise).

Within 1 month after cataract surgery:

  • do not rub the operated eye, do not press on it;
  • when taking a shower, make sure that water and soap suds do not get into the eye, after a shower, drip anti-inflammatory drops;
  • use sunglasses outdoors;
  • try not to expose your eyes to sudden changes in temperature, refrain from visiting the bathhouse, pool;
  • do not lift weights;
  • don't work sideways.

We wish you a speedy recovery and excellent vision for many years to come!

Free cataract surgery allows patients to significantly save on treatment. Most people who find out about the need for surgical intervention begin to postpone it indefinitely, since the cost of restoring vision can reach $ 3000 for both eyes. Currently, a number of clinics carry out this operation on preferential terms. We will tell you more about how to save money and what conditions you need to meet in order to receive free medical care.

How can you save money?

There are several ways that you can perform cataract surgery for free. First, let's talk about the compulsory health insurance policy. If you have such a document, then you are entitled to a free diagnostic examination. If during it the doctor confirms the presence of cataracts and the need for surgery, then he will issue a referral.

Under the compulsory medical insurance, you can count on free cataract removal and lens installation, which is provided by a domestic supplier.

It should be taken into account that according to the OMS policy, a sufficiently large corneal incision is made, it is 9 mm. After removing the clouded lens, stitches are applied to the eye, which significantly increases the rehabilitation process and increases the chances of complications.

Compulsory health insurance provides free hospital and food, if necessary. After such an operation, vision is not restored as quickly as compared with a laser. Also, a person may feel pain and discomfort. Painful sensations appear as a result of a large incision and installation of a domestic lens, which is provided under the compulsory medical insurance policy.

In addition, benefits for cataract treatment can be obtained through voluntary health insurance. It also includes the diagnosis of the eye apparatus, surgery and hospital. According to the VMI, a patient with cataract will still have to pay for an intraocular lens. Its full cost is paid by the patient after implantation.

Compulsory health insurance has its drawbacks, so sometimes people give their preference to quotas for HMP. High-tech health care is carried out in a number of medical centers and allows you to significantly save on surgical intervention. For the treatment of cataracts, patients are provided with the cheapest quotas in comparison with all other ophthalmic diseases. In this case, the person will have to pay only for the hospital and food in it.

Of all the listed ways of saving, the program provided under the compulsory medical insurance policy is the most popular, so we will tell you more about it.

Participation in the preferential program

Any citizen of the Russian Federation can use the preferential service under the compulsory health insurance policy. According to this document, the following medical care is provided:

  1. Consultation with a specialist.
  2. Diagnostic examination of the eye apparatus, which is performed before the operation.
  3. Implementation of iridectomy or laserignioplasty.
  4. If indicated, laser coagulation of the fundus is performed.
  5. Implementation of phacoemulsification of cataract.

When performing the listed operations, the lens may be included in the cost of surgery or paid separately.

Domestic intraocular lens is provided free of charge, but inferior in quality to foreign counterparts.

Therefore, if it does not suit you, then you can pay extra and install a more expensive artificial lens.

To get advice and help from doctors for free, you must have a certificate stating that you have a compulsory medical insurance policy, a pension certificate and a passport. As practice shows, it will be easier for a pensioner to wait for his turn to receive a preferential operation, in comparison with young people.

To be able to be treated in a day hospital, the patient will need to undergo a series of examinations. To do this, you need to visit an ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist and dentist. Also, before the operation, be sure to do:

  • blood clotting test;
  • fluorography;
  • general analysis urine;
  • identify blood sugar levels;
  • take a smear from the conjunctiva;
  • test for HIV infection.

Where to get the surgery?

It is not possible to treat cataracts on favorable terms in every clinic. Most often, state medical institutions work with compulsory medical insurance. Private clinics rarely agree to such conditions.

Before you sign up for cataract removal, you need to check with the medical center, the treatment is completely free or partial.

We list the main clinics where you can have the operation at a reduced cost or for free:

  1. "Microsurgery of the eye of Svyatoslav Fedorov". The clinic is a large ophthalmological complex with a large number of branches throughout the country. Various methods of eye treatment are practiced here, among which the patient can choose. The operation is performed at a reduced cost if there are medical quotas.
  2. Excimer Clinic. A multidisciplinary ophthalmological institution that provides a wide range of services for children and adults. It will be possible to choose what kind of eye surgery is best done. A special feature of a medical institution is that a phakic lens is installed here. The compulsory medical insurance policy will only partially repay the cost of the operation.
  3. Helmholtz Institute. An ophthalmological center with modern equipment, where ophthalmic research is carried out. The range of services provided includes treatment not only for lens clouding, but also for the presence of other diseases of the eye apparatus. You can restore your vision through the use of benefits.
  4. Morozovskaya Children's hospital. For minors, the operation can be performed in the children's city clinic. Children have a higher risk of complications, so before surgical intervention it is recommended to find a good doctor. Services are provided under the compulsory medical insurance policy.
  5. Diagnostic and treatment center №9. The multidisciplinary center has been providing patient care for over 50 years. People will be able to choose an eye specialist based on personal preference. Preferential cataract removal requires a compulsory medical insurance policy.

To get to the ophthalmological center, you must first visit the district clinic, where you will be given a referral for a diagnostic examination. Most often, district specialists refer patients to only one health center that is closest. In fact, cataract surgery is possible in any clinic that provides its services at a reduced price. It is best to check all the addresses of medical centers with a doctor in advance and choose the most equipped and modern institution.

In contact with

Surgery to replace the clouded natural lens in cataracts, in many cases, helps to restore vision. Restores its clarity, sharpness, makes it possible to live the old familiar full-fledged life. It is easy and painless to regain or restore old vision while the cataract is at an early stage.

Most of the country's ophthalmological centers have already switched to operations with minimal eye trauma, which do not require a large incision and subsequent suture. This technology is called phacoemulsification. The procedure consists in performing a micro-incision (no more than 3 mm) by the surgeon, through which the tip of the ultrasonic device is inserted into the lens area. The lens is destroyed by ultrasound and is completely removed. In its place, a folded flexible lens (IOL) is placed through the same incision, which unfolds inside and attaches itself. Everything heals spontaneously, without stitches.

It should be noted that this operation has practically no contraindications. It is performed under local anesthesia, therefore, it is equally well suited for both young people and very old people.

True, there is a huge disadvantage that makes surgery to be postponed for a long time - the price of such an operation.

The cost of replacing the lens includes the cost of the lens itself and the required consumables. In addition, this also includes the cost of the work of specialists (very rather big if the specialists have a "name") and the stay in the clinic. In this regard, the final figures reach about 30-40 thousand rubles. And this is an almost overwhelming "burden" for pensioners, although in most cases the disease occurs in them.

However, there are several methods that can significantly reduce the cost of lens replacement surgery.

How to save

There are three ways to reduce the cost of lens replacement and make your life a little easier.

Under the compulsory medical insurance policy. The presence of this document allows you to undergo free preoperative cataract diagnostics and get a referral for free cataract extraction with implantation of an artificial domestic lens. True, during this operation, a significant incision is made up to 9 mm, which then requires suture and a long period of rehabilitation.

Under the compulsory medical insurance policy, both day hospital and meals are provided free of charge. However, it should be mentioned that such operations are quite traumatic for the eye, moreover, the return to normal vision is much slower and is accompanied by severe pain. What does not happen during the operation of phacoemulsification with the implantation of an expensive imported lens.

Under the VHI policy. The referral under this policy includes free preoperative cataract diagnostics, plus hospital treatment. However, a lens transplant involves the implantation of an intraocular lens, which is associated with financial costs. In this case, the cost of the required lens is paid by the patient himself.

Quota for high-tech medical care (HMP). In this case, you need to find a clinic that provides similar ophthalmological quotas. It should be mentioned that cataract surgery quotas are the cheapest of all medical ophthalmic quotas. However, the patient will have to pay for the hospital stay and food on his own.

CHI program

The implementation of the compulsory medical insurance program provides for all residents of the Russian Federation the opportunity to receive the following free ophthalmological care services:

  • Consultation with a specialist ophthalmologist and primary preoperative diagnostics;
  • Carrying out laser iridectomy, laser goniotrabeculopuncture, laser trabeculoplasty, laser gonioplasty;
  • Performing focal laser coagulation of the fundus, panretinal laser coagulation;
  • Performing cataract removal by phacoemulsification.

At the same time, the lens can both be included in the payment for compulsory health insurance (domestic IOL), and be paid by the patient separately.

To receive free medical care under the compulsory medical insurance policy, you must collect the following documents:

  • Certificate of availability of a valid OMS policy;
  • Identity document (for adults it is a passport, and for children under 14 years old - a birth certificate);
  • Certificate of compulsory pension insurance.

To be able to receive free treatment in a day hospital, you must undergo the following examinations:

  • Study of blood clotting;
  • Blood sugar;
  • General urine analysis;
  • Blood test for HIV;
  • Fluorography;
  • Conjunctival smear examination;
  • Dentist certificate;
  • Help from an otorhinolaryngologist.

Clinics that provide free services to the population under insurance policies and quotas

As a rule, ophthalmological clinics that provide the population with free medical care are state-owned. However, in recent years, the best private ophthalmological centers in the country are actively involved in the implementation of the program. So in Moscow, the necessary help can be obtained at the following institutions:

MNTK "Eye Microsurgery named after Svyatoslav Fedorov ”is a whole network of ophthalmological clinics in many cities of Russia. For cataract surgery, you must obtain quotas.

Helmholtz Institute. Well-equipped ophthalmological center with highly professional medical staff. Conveniently located in the center of Moscow. Operations are also carried out according to quotas.

Ophthalmological Center "Excimer". The clinic provides a wide range of high-tech services, including phakic lens implantation. There is a possibility of effective treatment for both adults and young patients. Payment for compulsory medical insurance is carried out only partially.

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To get rid of cataracts forever and eliminate its consequences through surgery, today you can free of charge. For these purposes, the state annually issues a fixed number of quotas.

In theory, the procedure for obtaining coupons for free treatment does not look too complicated. In practice, such a process is complicated by huge queues and imperfect legislation in this aspect.

For what eye diseases is there a quota - who will get free cataract surgery?

A quota for high-tech treatment of ophthalmic ailments can be granted in the following cases:

  • Diagnosis of combined eye defects against the background of errors in the structure of the cornea, lens, vitreous body: inflammation of the retina and / or choroid; cysts and neoplasms; hemorrhage.
  • Retinal deformation due to its rupture, detachment.
  • Glaucoma (congenital or secondary), which provoked all sorts of complications: vegetative-vascular dystonia, inflammatory processes.
  • Defects that are the result of endovitreal surgical treatment.
  • Serious injury to the eye, eyelids due to mechanical / chemical exposure.
  • Malignant and non-malignant orbital formations, regardless of whether exacerbations are present or not.
  • Congenital anomalies of the components of the organ of vision (lens, cornea, muscle tissue, anterior or posterior segment of the eye, etc.), as well as deficiencies in the structure of the lacrimal apparatus, anomalies of the eyelids.
  • Errors in the structure of the anterior chamber of the eye caused by cataracts. In this case, the doctor performs laser treatment with further installation of an intraocular lens.
  • Secondary cataract, which led to pathologies of the retina, lens, choroid. In the treatment of such a disease, a laser is used. In parallel, measures are being taken to eliminate complications.

Stages of obtaining a quota for a free cataract operation - where to go and what documents do you need?

There are two methods of obtaining a quota for eye cataract surgery: through the public health authority, and directly through a public medical facility that treats glaucoma.

But, in any case, the district doctor is the first instance. It is he who, after a general examination of the patient, issues a referral to an ophthalmologist.

This specialist prescribes an appropriate examination, based on the results of which a decision is made on the need for hospitalization and treatment under a quota.

The next step is to collect a package of documents, which must be endorsed by the head doctor of the hospital where the examination was carried out:

  1. Referral from the medical institution where the patient was treated / followed up.
  2. Extract from the medical card with a description of the medical history. At the end of this document there should be a note stating that the patient is recommended to undergo surgical treatment of cataract.
  3. Test results. It is imperative to undergo fluorography, ECG, be examined by a dentist and an otolaryngologist.
  4. Photocopy of your passport.
  5. Certificate of compulsory health and pension insurance (copies).

After collecting the specified documentation, the patient will receive the following procedure:

1. Apply to the local health authority under which a special commission functions

The legislation provides for a time limit for this body to make a decision - no more than 10 working days. Although in fact they are rarely adhered to.

The meeting is often held without the participation of the patient.

2. With a positive answer, the documents are sent to a medical institution, which will provide high-tech cataract treatment.

Any such hospital has a “quota committee”. Here again, within 10 working days, a meeting should take place, the main topic of which is - date of hospitalization... Deadlines are not always met: you have to wait a long time.

3. The quota committee informs the curator from the health authority about the decision, and he, in turn, contacts the patient within three weeks and makes an appointment.

4. The final stage of the official procedure related to obtaining a quota for a free operation for cataract is the receipt by the patient of a document that contains the name of the clinic and the date of hospitalization.

Is it possible to speed up the receipt of a quota for cataract surgery?

There are several methods you can use to speed up the process of obtaining a quota.

They are not always effective, but it is still worth trying:

1. When submitting a package of documents to the regional health authority, the patient should indicate the specific medical institution in which he wants to operate on the cataract. Naturally, such an institution should be included in the general list of institutions that provide high-tech medical care under a quota for ophthalmological pathologies. It may be that there are no quotas in this hospital anymore. You can find out this point by contacting the quota committee of the said institution. After submission of documents, you should regularly contact the curator from the health management committee about the results of the review of documents.

2. Submit the package of collected documents directly to the institution in which the patient wishes to treat cataracts surgically. The quota applies only to government clinics. If the operation involves the installation of an implant, you can get only a domestic product for free: you have to pay for imported implants.

You can find out the list of medical institutions that provide high-tech cataract treatment on a quota from your doctor or on special sites.

If the selected institution has quotas (very often they are sorted out at the beginning of the year), the patient must be provided with the same package of documents, which is needed in case of contacting the regional health authority.

In some cases, the medical institution prescribes additional examination, after which a meeting of the quota committee is held and a decision is made on the date of hospitalization. A copy of the document is sent to the health management committee. This procedure saves time and speeds up treatment.

Patients can also get a quota for free eye cataract surgery at clinics in the capital - even if they live in another city.

In this case, the cost of the surgical intervention will be covered from the regional budget of the city where the patient is registered.

3. If an urgent operation is required, you should not focus on the best hospitals in the city. (this is especially true for clinics in Moscow and St. Petersburg). In such institutions, there are huge queues for free treatment and it will most likely take several years to wait.

4. If an urgent surgical intervention is necessary, the patient can pay for the procedure himself, and in the future try to get the money back by contacting the Ministry of Health. Where and how to find money for an operation - all legal ways to raise money for treatment

Clinics in Russia where cataract is treated for free according to quotas

On the territory of the Russian Federation there are several state medical institutions that carry out surgical treatment of eye cataracts according to quotas:

  • Moscow Eye Clinic ... Here you can carry out a complete examination and treatment (including outpatient) of complex defects and anomalies of the organs of vision. If you need laser vision correction, this clinic is also suitable.
  • Konovalov Ophthalmology Center ... The institution is equipped with modern medical equipment, with the help of which it is possible to carry out high-quality eye diagnostics and eliminate cataracts. This center is famous for its highly qualified specialists.
  • MNTK eye microsurgery ... The main specialization of the network of these clinics is the use of a laser when eliminating errors related to the quality of vision; diamond microsurgery. There are 11 such establishments within the Russian Federation. There are several such centers abroad.
  • Ophthalmological Center "Excimer" ... The main advantage of the center under consideration is the use of an excimer laser in the elimination of pathologies associated with the organs of vision. Surgical procedures for the introduction of phakic lenses are also performed here.

Free cataract surgery allows patients to significantly save on treatment. Most people who find out about the need for surgical intervention begin to postpone it indefinitely, since the cost of restoring vision can reach $ 3000 for both eyes. Currently, a number of clinics carry out this operation on preferential terms. We will tell you more about how to save money and what conditions you need to meet in order to receive free medical care.

How can you save money?

There are several ways that you can perform cataract surgery for free. First, let's talk about the compulsory health insurance policy. If you have such a document, then you are entitled to a free diagnostic examination. If during it the doctor confirms the presence of cataracts and the need for surgery, then he will issue a referral.

Under the compulsory medical insurance, you can count on free cataract removal and lens installation, which is provided by a domestic supplier.

It should be taken into account that according to the OMS policy, a sufficiently large corneal incision is made, it is 9 mm. After removing the clouded lens, stitches are applied to the eye, which significantly increases the rehabilitation process and increases the chances of complications.

Compulsory health insurance provides free hospital and food, if necessary. After such an operation, vision is not restored as quickly as compared with a laser. Also, a person may feel pain and discomfort. Painful sensations appear as a result of a large incision and installation of a domestic lens, which is provided under the compulsory medical insurance policy.

In addition, benefits for cataract treatment can be obtained through voluntary health insurance. It also includes the diagnosis of the eye apparatus, surgery and hospital. According to the VMI, a patient with cataract will still have to pay for an intraocular lens. Its full cost is paid by the patient after implantation.

Compulsory health insurance has its drawbacks, which is why sometimes people give their preference to quotas for HMP. High-tech medical care is provided in a number of medical centers and can significantly save on surgical intervention. For the treatment of cataracts, patients are provided with the cheapest quotas in comparison with all other ophthalmic diseases. In this case, the person will have to pay only for the hospital and food in it.

Of all the listed ways of saving, the program provided under the compulsory medical insurance policy is the most popular, so we will tell you more about it.

Participation in the preferential program

Any citizen of the Russian Federation can use the preferential service under the compulsory health insurance policy. According to this document, the following medical care is provided:

  1. Consultation with a specialist.
  2. Diagnostic examination of the eye apparatus, which is performed before the operation.
  3. Implementation of iridectomy or laserignioplasty.
  4. If indicated, laser coagulation of the fundus is performed.
  5. Implementation of phacoemulsification of cataract.

When performing the listed operations, the lens may be included in the cost of surgery or paid separately.

Domestic intraocular lens is provided free of charge, but inferior in quality to foreign counterparts.

Therefore, if it does not suit you, then you can pay extra and install a more expensive artificial lens.

To get advice and help from doctors for free, you must have a certificate stating that you have a compulsory medical insurance policy, a pension certificate and a passport. As practice shows, it will be easier for a pensioner to wait for his turn to receive a preferential operation, in comparison with young people.

To be able to be treated in a day hospital, the patient will need to undergo a series of examinations. To do this, you need to visit an ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist and dentist. Also, before the operation, be sure to do:

  • blood clotting test;
  • fluorography;
  • general urine analysis;
  • identify blood sugar levels;
  • take a smear from the conjunctiva;
  • test for HIV infection.

Where to get the surgery?

It is not possible to treat cataracts on favorable terms in every clinic. Most often, state medical institutions work with compulsory medical insurance. Private clinics rarely agree to such conditions.

Before you sign up for cataract removal, you need to check with the medical center, the treatment is completely free or partial.

We list the main clinics where you can have the operation at a reduced cost or for free:

  1. "Microsurgery of the eye of Svyatoslav Fedorov". The clinic is a large ophthalmological complex with a large number of branches throughout the country. Various methods of eye treatment are practiced here, among which the patient can choose. The operation is performed at a reduced cost if there are medical quotas.
  2. Excimer Clinic. A multidisciplinary ophthalmological institution that provides a wide range of services for children and adults. It will be possible to choose what kind of eye surgery is best done. A special feature of a medical institution is that a phakic lens is installed here. The compulsory medical insurance policy will only partially repay the cost of the operation.
  3. Helmholtz Institute. An ophthalmological center with modern equipment, where ophthalmic research is carried out. The range of services provided includes treatment not only for lens clouding, but also for the presence of other diseases of the eye apparatus. You can restore your vision through the use of benefits.
  4. Morozovskaya Children's hospital. For minors, the operation can be performed in the children's city clinic. Children have a higher risk of complications, so it is recommended that you find a good doctor before surgery. Services are provided under the compulsory medical insurance policy.
  5. Diagnostic and treatment center №9. The multidisciplinary center has been providing patient care for over 50 years. People will be able to choose an eye specialist based on personal preference. Preferential cataract removal requires a compulsory medical insurance policy.

To get to the ophthalmological center, you must first visit the district clinic, where you will be given a referral for a diagnostic examination. Most often, district specialists refer patients to only one health center that is closest. In fact, cataract surgery is possible in any clinic that provides its services at a reduced price. It is best to check all the addresses of medical centers with a doctor in advance and choose the most equipped and modern institution.

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Cataract is an eye disease, during which the lens becomes cloudy and loses its transparency, followed by impairment of visual function. In this case, the patient loses the ability to clearly see the outlines of objects, they become blurred and poorly distinguishable.

It is believed that this pathology is the result of natural aging of the lens, however, a similar process can be observed in people of a fairly young age. At the first symptoms of cataract, you should immediately contact a specialist, since the operation to remove it in the early stages of the development of the disease is much easier and costs the patient much cheaper.

Why cataracts develop: reasons

As a rule, the pathology develops gradually, affecting first one eye and then the other. The disease is not rare - its symptoms are present to one degree or another almost 60% of peoplewho have consulted an optometrist.

The reasons for the development of the disease are still not fully understood, and the basis for the operation is changes in the composition of the protein components, which leads to a gradual clouding of the lens of the eye.

Modern medicine identifies several basic prerequisites for the formation of cataracts:

  • Diabetes;
  • mechanical damage to the eye;
  • radiation exposure;
  • hereditary diseases;
  • inflammation in the optic nerves;
  • the use of certain pharmacological drugs;
  • smoking tobacco products;
  • excessive exposure to ultraviolet light;
  • previous surgical interventions on the organs of vision.

Cataract symptoms

If we focus on the visual sensations that arise in patients, then the development of cataracts can be compared to a fatty film that cannot be removed from the eye or from the clouded glass of a car.

Cataract is a very dangerous diseasecharacterized by the following symptoms:

  • double vision;
  • myopia;
  • lowering the level of visibility of bright colors;
  • violation of visual functions;
  • discomfort in bright light.

At the initial stage of the development of pathology, you can still try to improve vision with glasses, however, further progression of cataract leads to a deterioration in vision, which becomes blurry. At this stage, vision correction with lenses and glasses is no longer possible.

Often, the development of pathology occurs gradually, without any pain, redness of the eyes, as well as other symptoms characteristic of cataracts. If, nevertheless, the disease progresses very quickly or pain occurs in the eye area, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor for timely diagnosis and, of course, treatment.

Diagnosis of cataracts

In principle, it is not difficult to detect cataracts of the eye. When examining the patient, the specialist will immediately notice the cloudiness. This is diagnosed at the very first stage of the development of pathology, then the pupil has a white or whitish tint. In order to detect the disease, special tools and objects are also used to give a correct assessment of visibility. Carrying out diagnostic measures, the ophthalmologist identifies the degree of significance of the disease, as well as the level of its influence on the patient's quality of life.

The range of examination includes such indicators as contrast of vision, eye sensitivity, visual acuity, as well as a complete examination of each element of the organ of vision.

Since cataracts are mostly senile disease, most patients do not take into account the decrease in vision until the changes become pronounced. The overwhelming number of ophthalmologists are advised to remove cataracts in the early stages of the disease, without waiting for further progression of the pathology. However, another part of specialists in this field adheres to a completely opposite point of view: the development of cataracts on initial stage can be stopped with conservative therapy.

Which of these methods to choose is decided by the ophthalmologist in each particular case individually: here, important factors are the identification possible contraindications, establishing the duration of the course of treatment and the correct approach of the doctor to the patient's problem.

Types of cataract surgery

As a rule, such operations are carried out in specialized centers.

There are three types of surgical intervention:

Phacoemulsification... This method is the most popular and widespread; the maximum operation time is approximately fifteen minutes. Since the area of \u200b\u200bthe wound channel grows together several hours after surgery, no suturing is required. However, the cost of the operation in this case will be slightly higher than others.

The operation using the method of ultrasonic phacoemulsification has a number of advantages: since it is performed through small (1.0-1.8 mm) punctures in the cornea. There is no bleeding at all. Artificial lenses have high elasticity and shape memory, which makes it possible to introduce them into the eye in a folded form through a micro-puncture.

An important factor is the fact that the rehabilitation period is only 2-3 days. In addition, small incisions significantly reduce the risk of developing inflammatory processes in the eyes after the intervention of the surgeon, and also allow the procedure to be carried out without hospitalization of the patient, that is, on an outpatient basis.

Cataract surgery ultrasonic seamless phacoemulsification is carried out in several stages.

  1. Using a medical diamond instrument, the doctor makes an incision at the base of the cornea, it is through it that all subsequent procedures take place.
  2. At the next stage, a viscoelastic is inserted into the chamber located on the front side using a cannula. This substance protects the internal structure of the optic organ from exposure to ultraviolet rays during the operation, and also enables the ophthalmologist to carry out the necessary manipulations.
  3. A special probe is inserted through the incision, which acts on the lens with ultrasound, which contributes to the transformation of the first into an emulsion.
  4. Then an artificial lens is placed in a folded state in place of the old lens. Inside, it unfolds, takes the desired location and is conveniently fixed.
  5. At the end of the operation, the viscoelastic is flushed out of the chamber with an irrigation solution.

The micro-incision has the ability to self-seal and heal quickly. Subsequently, thanks to this, the patient has absolutely no restrictions in terms of visual and physical activity.

Extracapsular removal... A similar method is used in the case of an increase in the size of the cataract and the compaction of its structure. In this case, the incision is made slightly larger than with phacoemulsification. After removing the damaged lens and installing an artificial substitute in its place, the walls of the capsule are sutured. Since this method requires suturing, the healing time of the wound channel is increased.

Intracapsular removal... This type of surgery is considered the most traumatic, since part of the capsule is removed along with the lens. For this, a special technique is used in which an artificial lens is placed in front of the iris of the eye. This method of cataract removal is used quite rarely, however, it still remains relevant: with severe damage to the eye, there is simply no other way to cure.

Cost of cataract surgery

The cost of surgery for this disease is determined by many factors and fluctuates in a fairly wide range. The minimum amount required for phacoemulsification (laser removal) is is 25 thousand rubles... Upper limit - about 150 thousand rubles... This amount is due to the choice of the patient himself, based on the operation in an expensive private clinic using a premium model of an artificial lens.

What is the cost of the operation?

The factors influencing the price of the offered service have quite significant differences depending on the affiliation of the clinic (private or public). Conditions that have a major impact on pricing may be as follows:

  • The complexity of the operation... It is quite logical that the operation to remove a complicated cataract is more expensive and requires the maximum amount of effort on the part of the surgeon. Therefore, the cost of such a service will be higher.
  • Ophthalmology center categoryand. Economy-class clinics, business and VIP categories evaluate their services in completely different ways.
  • Artificial lens modification... Basic models of artificial lenses perform only minimal functions: focusing light rays on the retina and restoring vision. Premium models made using innovative technologies are able to give the patient more options: complete disposal of glasses, correction of astigmatism, maximum vision quality.
  • The work of an anesthesiologist... The outcome of the operation largely depends on this specialist, because the patient's behavior on the operating table determines the end result.
  • The authority and professionalism of the surgeon... Only an experienced specialist can realize absolutely all the advantages of an artificial lens and modern medicine. For example, a premium lens fitted with impairments can greatly affect the quality of a patient's vision. It follows from this that the degree and authority of the surgeon should be valued more dearly.
  • Postoperative observation... A well-performed operation is only half successful treatment cataracts, because it is still necessary to bring the optic organ of the operated person to full recovery. In accordance with the rules, it is necessary to undergo examinations by an ophthalmologist 5-8 times within a month after surgery. It is advisable to do this in the same clinic where the operation was performed.

Cataract surgery for senior citizens

It is known that this category of the population is the most vulnerable, including in terms of the provision of medical services. Therefore, on the basis of state clinics, ophthalmological centers have been created, providing free services for the diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases.

Pensioners and other low-income strata of the population are provided with a full range of diagnostic examinations and specialist advice. In case of indications for the operation, the lens is replaced with an artificial lens.

Free lens replacement surgery held by the following categories of persons:

  • WWII participants and persons equated to them;
  • disabled people of I, II and III groups;
  • labor veterans and retirees.

What do you need to have a free cataract surgery?

First of all, you should get a referral from your polyclinic for a consultation at the ophthalmological center.

Collect the necessary documents (passport, compulsory medical insurance policy and its copy, certificate of a pensioner, disabled person or participant of the Second World War).

Sign up for a consultation to the nearest Eye Diagnostic and Surgery Center.

Modern medicine provides a large number of options for safe and high-quality cataract removal. In no case should the symptoms of the disease be ignored and, having passed the diagnosis, one should immediately begin to treat the pathology. Moreover, at the initial stage, it is possible to remove cataracts without surgery. Therefore, you should not postpone taking care of your health and think about treatment until the disease has developed further.

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