Urgent psychiatric care. 24-hour emergency psychiatric care

Are not indications for the direction of emergency psychiatric teams:

1. Alcoholic intoxication of any degree, regardless of the nature of the behavior of a person in a state of intoxication (with the exception of the mentally ill, disabled in psychoVTEK).

2. Acute intoxication without mental disorders caused by narcotic and other substances.

3. Non-mental (somatic) variants of withdrawal symptoms.

4. Acute affective (situational) reactions in persons who do not pose a danger to others who are not on a psychiatric account (conflict situations at work, in the family, at home).

5. Antisocial actions of persons who are not registered with the psychiatric account.

6. Chronic alcoholism with an attitude towards hospitalization, as well as when referring to planned treatment.

7. Routine consultations of mentally ill people who are in somatic hospitals (consultative psychiatric help in somatic hospitals is provided by a psychiatrist-consultant of the corresponding hospital, the indicated doctors in the methodological plan are subordinate to the chief psychiatrist of the city, in the absence of a consultant in the hospital, consultative help is provided by psychiatrists of the district PND).

8. Calls to ATC units for expert purposes.

9. Summons to the mentally ill at their place of residence, released from a psychiatric hospital on a "trial vacation", in the absence of a threat to the life of the patient and those around him.

Indications for referral of emergency psychiatric teams

Main indicationsfor the direction of emergency psychiatric teams are:

1. Socially dangerous actions of the mentally ill, expressed in aggression, death threats, destructive actions, suicidal intentions and the desire for self-trauma.

2. Psychotic conditions and acute psychomotor agitation leading to socially dangerous actions:

- hallucinations, delirium, syndrome of mental automatism, syndromes of disturbed consciousness, severe dysphoria, pathological impulsivity;

- systematized delusional syndromes, if they determine the socially dangerous action of the patient;

- depressive states, if they are accompanied by suicidal tendencies;

- acute alcoholic psychoses, as well as psychotic components of withdrawal symptoms (not only alcoholic);

- socially dangerous actions of mentally ill persons who have a disability group according to psychoVTEK, who are on psychoaccount and are in a state of alcoholic intoxication;

- manic and hypomanic states, causing gross violations of public order, overestimation of their professional and financial capabilities, sexual disinhibition or aggressive and sadistic manifestations in relation to others, including asocial harassment of the "object of love";

- acute mental states and acute affective reactions of psychopathic personalities, oligophrenics, patients with organic brain diseases, accompanied by excitement or aggression;

- suicide attempts by persons who are and are not on a psychiatric account, who do not need somatic care;

- the state of a deep mental defect, causing mental helplessness, hygienic and social neglect, vagrancy in public places.

3. Reactive states with signs of depression and suicidal or aggressive manifestations.

4. Postpartum psychoses.

The order of departure of emergency psychiatric brigades

Emergency mental health teams leave for:

- to institutions, enterprises, organizations, public places, outside - around the clock;

- on weekdays from 9.00 to 19.00 hours, patients who are registered and are at home are served by district PND. When relatives of patients and other persons contact the dispensary with a request to visit a registered patient at home, the dispensary has no right to refuse or redirect those who call an ambulance. The working hours of dispensaries on holidays are reported by the organizational and methodological department of psychiatry of the health management body;

- an ambulance psychiatric service goes to apartments to registered patients around the clock in case of a sharp exacerbation of the condition, including: aggressive or suicidal intentions, psychomotor agitation, all cases of impaired consciousness;

- around the clock to the sick in other people's apartments;

- to the ATC bodies around the clock to patients who are not registered with the PND. To patients registered, but living in other areas of the city; to nonresident patients and patients without a fixed abode. For patients registered with the PND of the same district with the police, calls are accepted only from 19.00 to 9.00, in the daytime these patients are consulted by psychiatrists of the district PND;

- to persons who are not registered with the PND and who exhibit socially dangerous actions due to mental illness - around the clock;

- to somatic hospitals for consultations only during the absence of full-time consultant psychiatrists;

- round the clock, on weekdays, Saturdays and holidays, calls are made only after the closure of the PND and with the exception of the hours at which full-time consultant doctors consult;

- in the case of psychomotor agitation of a patient with aggressive and suicidal tendencies, calls to somatic hospitals are performed around the clock;

- to persons with misbehavior who are not on a psychiatric account in the PND, who entered somatic hospitals and ATC bodies in a state of alcoholic intoxication, calls are accepted and executed no earlier than 12 hours from the moment of alcohol intake;

- to the reception departments of somatic hospitals - around the clock;

- in military units, ambulance psychiatrists go to civilians, to military personnel - only on an urgent call and with the permission of the unit command. They go to public places and apartments to visit servicemen according to general indications.

You can call the psychiatric team by dialing 03 from a landline phone, 03 # or 112 from any cell phone. Calls from 01 # service are directed to the ambulance service. Acute psychosis, which is characterized by disorientation, loss of time and space, aggression, threats, agitation or depression of consciousness, is one of the main reasons for calling psychiatric help. Auditory, visual hallucinations and other types of perception deception, including in seriously ill patients with somatic or infectious diseasesrequire psychiatric help. At a minimum, these specialists have in their arsenal the means to alleviate a person's condition on the spot.

When to call a psychiatric ambulance

Alcoholic delirium or delirium tremens require immediate psychiatric help, often a person can be dangerous to himself and to others. In case of an overdose of drugs and other toxic substances an ambulance is called based on the condition of the victim. If the victim is in a coma, a resuscitation team is required, when a drug addict or a person who mistakenly took the drug has a change in consciousness, he behaves in an unusual and unusual way, sees and feels what is not. This is the competence of psychiatrists. But it would be better to simply describe the condition of the victim by phone, then the ambulance dispatcher will be able to send the necessary specialists. Long-term depression, depression, in which a person has not left the room for several days, refuses food and does not communicate with outside world, require a call to a psychiatrist at home. If a person has not previously sought help, then primary care is provided by an ambulance doctor who, if necessary, hospitalizes him or transfers the data to a local psychiatrist. A person who tries to commit suicide or manipulates loved ones in this way is also a patient of psychiatrists. Timely help, even of the category that did not plan a real suicide, will restore clarity of thoughts and prevent personality changes.If a person makes threats, is dangerous to others, that is, it is not known what the nature of his behavior is, it is recommended to call the police. According to the law, doctors have the right not to enter the premises and not provide assistance to patients who may be dangerous to them and others. Psychiatrists will not put on handcuffs, they will definitely not twist a violent patient. A person is hospitalized either with his consent, consent is not required in cases when he is a danger to himself or others, is not able to satisfy vital needs, and if the patient's condition is inpatient care will get worse. Minors are hospitalized with parental consent, except when involuntary hospitalization is indicated. If the patient is unable to express his consent or disagreement, which occurs in cases of dementia, delirium and other conditions, hospitalization always occurs and is considered involuntary. Patients who do not have close relatives are hospitalized in the presence of police officers, after hospitalization the apartment is sealed, responsibility for the safety of property lies with the police.

How to behave

When you need to call an ambulance for a violent, overexcited person, you should be especially careful, speak quietly so as not to provoke aggression. Do not lose your composure, give the exact address, if possible, the patient's data - date of birth and last name with first name. Describe the symptoms, trying to avoid common phrases. If you fear for your safety, the safety of loved ones and the sick, call the police, you can call the rescue service. When the ambulance arrives, do not disturb the doctors. Step aside by answering questions briefly and discreetly so as not to provoke aggression. If hospitalization is required, prepare documents: passport, insurance policy if available, personal belongings and hygiene products. Specify in which hospital the victim is hospitalized. All questions will be answered by the attending psychiatrist.

How do I call for psychiatric help?

Psychiatric care is a service that is quite in demand in various life situations. It is always worth calling in specialists on time.

In this regard, if you understand that someone from your family or you need help, you should not postpone the call, it is better to think about how to call psychiatric help. However, there are some nuances that need to be considered. Before calling for psychiatric help, it is worth informing the sick person about this, so as not to violate his rights. Of course, there are exceptions, for example, when the patient's condition is dangerous or something threatens his life or the lives of other people.

In this case, there is no time to talk, since you need to call psychiatric help immediately. Many are lost in emergency situations, so it is better to be prepared in advance and know when and how to call psychiatric help.

Instructions on how to call psychiatric help

  1. If, before calling for psychiatric help, you understand that the person's mind is clouded, it is not advisable to ask approval for the call. In other cases, as already mentioned, this must be done.
  2. Make sure the person is in need of mental health care and not any other type of medical care. So people in a manic state, with seizures, with various disturbances in the perception of the surrounding reality, consciousnesses in a severe form of depression, need urgent help from a psychiatrist.
  3. Prepare the necessary information before calling psychiatric help. On the phone, you will need to give your number, the patient's age, gender, his full name and briefly describe the circumstances that forced you to make the call and the actions you took. You will also need to clearly dictate the address.
  4. If the patient's behavior is very aggressive and you are worried that they may harm your life, you can also call the police at the same time you call for mental health services.
  5. If a person has suicidal tendencies, it is imperative to call for psychiatric help, even if you guess that such threats are only manipulations.

Features of medical psychiatric care when calling at home

If you call psychiatric help at home, you need to be aware of some features that contribute to the optimal resolution of the situation. As mentioned above, if the patient is very aggressive, then it is also advisable to call the law enforcement agencies.

In case of calling for professional psychiatric help, be sure to give specialists the most complete and clear information about the patient, do not hide anything in any case. After all, with the help of your words, doctors will be able to correctly diagnose and, accordingly, apply adequate therapy. Since calling the mental health team sometimes prompts the patient to lock himself in the room, professionals need to be fully informed about where the windows from this room open and describe the patient's physical capabilities.

Hospitalization of the patient after calling for psychiatric help

Unfortunately, sometimes a call to an emergency mental health professional ends up in involuntary hospitalization. Hospitalization decisions are made exclusively by a psychiatrist and only when home care is ineffective. As a rule, this happens in case of danger of the patient, the progression of a mental disorder.

Our private psychiatric care by no means aims to "hide" someone in a "psychiatric hospital". We strive to carry out a complete and competent diagnosis in order to find the most adequate and effective treatment... If, nevertheless, the patient is prone to a serious mental disorder, and hospitalization is inevitable, we can offer to go to a private medical Center.

The Call Center of the Paid Medical Services Association organizes all types of medical care on the basis of leading medical centers and hospitals in Moscow.

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What Cases Call a Mental Health Emergency

When is urgent mental health care needed?

A specialized team should be called if the patient is confused, does not recognize loved ones and does not understand what is happening to him, is immersed in a stupor, or is helpless, unable to serve himself due to a mental disorder.

What to do if a loved one needs the help of a psychiatrist?

If you can't find a mental health ambulance phone, call a regular ambulance or rescue service, they will redirect the call to the necessary specialists.

How to call an ambulance psychiatric help

It often happens that it becomes necessary to provide psychiatric help to someone around, since the person's condition clearly indicates that not everything is in order with him. At the same time, there are some nuances here that should be taken into account. Before learning how to call an ambulance for psychiatric care, you should inform the person who needs it, since in this case, it is important not to violate the rights of a sick person. At the same time, there are exceptions, these are cases when a person's condition is dangerous and threatens his own life, as well as the lives of people around him.

If the patient's mind at the time of the need to provide psychiatric care is blurred, then of course, it is not advisable to ask his approval to call for help. In addition, you should make sure that this is the type of care you need and not another. The need for mental health care is required for a separate group of patients who are manic. Including, if there are seizures, severe depression. The help of a psychiatrist is necessary for patients with various impairments of consciousness, inadequately perceiving reality. If in your case there are similar signs, then you should call psychiatric help immediately.

You can find out the phone number for mental health services in the city telephone directory, or by calling a regular ambulance operator. Also, the rescue service owns this information. When the operator answers, it is necessary to give him the necessary information, to tell about the details of the behavior of the person who needs psychiatric help. You should name the phone number from which you make the call, then you need to inform the patient's surname, his name, patronymic. It is important to talk about the circumstances that caused the call for psychiatric help. It is also necessary to tell what actions were taken by others. The caller must provide his details.

Features of providing psychiatric care

The provision of mental health care has its own characteristics that will help to optimally cope with the situation. If the patient's behavior is aggressive, and he is capable of harming himself, or harming others, then psychiatric help alone may not be enough, and the participation of law enforcement officials will also be required. It is possible that police officers will arrive at the scene faster and help to keep the patient until the doctors arrive. Often the patient has suicidal tendencies, and in such cases it is always necessary to consult a psychotherapist and know how to call an ambulance for psychiatric help.

Every such case must be taken very seriously. It is often obvious that the threat of suicide is only a way through which the patient tries to manipulate others. But even in such a situation, one should not provoke the patient with contradictory statements and actions. It is better to call professionals who are well versed in such matters and will find the most effective way to correct the situation. If you call for psychiatric help, you need to give clear and as clear information about the patient as possible, and in no case hide anything.

Thus, specialists will be able to correctly diagnose the existing mental disorder, and, on the basis of this, choose an adequate therapy. The doctors who arrived at the place of the call give the order to examine the patient in order to find out if the person has any dangerous object or weapon. As a rule, such actions are performed before the patient is transported to a hospital. If circumstances so require, inspection is carried out immediately. Sometimes, before the doctor arrives, the patient manages to lock himself in the room, barricade himself, and so on. In this case, the doctor must find out where the windows open, whether the patient has a weapon, and what his physical capabilities are.

Hospitalization of a patient by a team of psychiatric care has its own rules, and how this procedure will go depends on their implementation. When examining a patient, the doctor must observe restraint, calmness, one must not fuss and talk in an increased tone. The behavior of others should be such as not to provoke the emergence of aggression from the patient. The conversation must be friendly and respectful, and correct handling is imperative. The team of orderlies must accurately follow the instructions given by the doctor. At the same time, specific conditions and circumstances are taken into account. All this must be done accurately, and most importantly, without delay, so that the patient does not have time to reflect and discuss the proposed actions of the doctors.

Moreover, the doctor cannot always give open orders concerning the patient, therefore, there is often a conditional form for this. Such orders are given in a low voice during the conversation. Based on this, the medical staff should be extremely careful so that, having received such disguised instructions, they immediately begin to execute them. Everyone should know how to call an ambulance. It is known that the patient is often tense, overly suspicious, therefore the orderlies and paramedics of the brigade should be closer to the patient in order to be able to prevent escape or a dangerous action.

In particular, it is required to observe the patient's hands, pay attention to his facial expressions, and so on. Sometimes the doctor is forced to call the police squad, or firefighters, depending on the situation. Prior to their arrival, the team of doctors should be assisted by others. It is good if there is a person nearby whom the patient trusts. He may try to persuade the patient, to distract him, until professional help arrives in time.

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Emergency psychiatric help, call a psychiatrist

There is a persistent negative stereotype of a psychiatrist in our society. This attitude was formed back in Soviet times, when psychiatry was repressive and coercive. And now the media continue to cultivate the image of punitive psychiatry. However, it will be useful for everyone to know that the situation has changed in many ways. It is possible to consult a psychiatrist voluntarily and confidentially without fear of any negative consequences in the future. Moreover, one should not hesitate and urgently call a psychiatrist at home if a serious mental illness threatens the life and health of the patient or his relatives. Calling an ambulance or a psychiatrist is mandatory if the patient has delusions, hallucinations, and inappropriate behavior caused by these conditions. Calling a psychiatrist at home can make life easier for both the patient and his loved ones. If necessary, our mental health team will pick up the patient for inpatient treatment or the necessary examination to clarify the diagnosis.


The law on psychiatric care and guarantees of the rights of citizens to provide it has established a clear sequence for the provision of psychiatric care. It is impossible to hesitate, even because ignoring the deviant behavior of an asocial personality can lead to tragedy. A psychiatric ambulance team may be required by patients with schizophrenia, epilepsy and other brain lesions during exacerbations, as well as people suffering from alcoholic psychoses (delirium tremens). It is necessary to immediately call for help from specialists when all the arguments to dissuade a person from suicide have been exhausted. In such cases, the psychiatric ambulance telephone must be kept ready. Attempts to commit suicide may involve various deviations, poverty, monetary losses, family troubles, shame and unhappy love, but in any case, help can be provided involuntarily, that is, without the consent of a person with suicidal intentions. If there is a possibility that a person left without psychiatric care could harm himself and his health, feel free to call for psychiatric help. Found a suicide note or a person declares his intention to commit suicide, urgently call for help. There are many cases when ignoring such statements by relatives and close people led to a lethal outcome. The reason for calling the mental health team is social neglect, the inability of a person to meet their everyday needs (to light the gas, wash, cook food). Urgent mental health care is required for people with clear signs of schizophrinia, because inaction can be fatal.

What you need to know about calling a psychiatric ambulance. First, not every SP station has specialized brigades; secondly, the arrival time of the brigade is much longer than the usual one. The average arrival time for the psychiatric ambulance is minutes. If the city is big and there are many challenges, then much longer. Is the situation critical? Is this a very difficult case? Do you need strict confidentiality and exceptional professionalism? Paid (private) 24-hour psychiatric ambulance will not keep you waiting. How to call a psychiatric ambulance or a psychiatrist at home? You will find the number of an ambulance psychiatric aid on our website - this is the hotline telephone number, by calling which you will receive answers to all your questions. Paid psychiatric ambulance services work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, seven days a week and seven days a week. Do you want to call a psychiatric ambulance as confidential as possible? Get paid mental health care. You get a guarantee of anonymity, delicacy and an individual approach. Our teams of urgent psychiatric care have a whole arsenal of latest generation medicines that can quickly normalize the patient's condition with a minimum of side effects. Urgent home psychiatric care may be required for both adults and children. Children's psychiatric help may be required not only for the primary manifestations of the disease, but also for exacerbations. Hallucinations, delirium, aggression, overexcitation, panic attack, a deep feeling of depression in depressive states, suicidal moods, uncontrollable behavior - all these signs serve as a signal. The arrived paramedics will provide emergency assistance not only to the patient himself, but will also advise relatives on how to behave correctly in such situations. For loved ones, the painful condition of a loved one is a test. Timely referral to a competent specialist is the key to the success of the entire treatment.

Ambulance for schizophrenia and hallucinations. Schizophrenia is a very ancient disease, described in the Egyptian papyri. For a long time, the disease was considered indistinguishable from other types of mental disorders, and only at the beginning of the twentieth century, a famous Swiss psychiatrist singled out schizophrenia from a number of psychoses and gave it detailed description... Schizophrenia is known to respond well to treatment in early stages... However, most people with schizophrenia, which is about 4-6 cases per 1000 people, do not seek medical help... Schizophrenics are prone to alcoholism and drug addiction, in addition to the underlying disease, they suffer from depression and anxiety disorders. Often these are people who are socially disadvantaged, unemployed and homeless. If one family member is diagnosed with schizophrenia, then help is also needed for those who are in constant contact with him, that is, his relatives. In our society, this disease is perceived as a kind of divine punishment or punishment for sins. This medieval view significantly reduces the number of patients rescued. The disease is hidden, it is shy. Although it has long been proven that schizophrenia is the result of organic brain damage. The causes of this disease are very different: from genetic predisposition and prenatal characteristics of fetal development, to social disorder, experienced stress and alcohol / drug addiction.

Specialized mental health care. Is a mentally ill person dangerous and is an emergency psychiatric help needed? In case of an exacerbation of the condition, the presence of hallucinations, delusions, aggressive behavior or attempts to kill oneself, emergency assistance is required for patients. In our country, funding for psychiatric services is insufficient, therefore, so often the state emergency psychiatric care cannot provide highly qualified services to the patient. If an attack or hallucinations occurs after a binge, first aid should be provided immediately. We recommend that you immediately call our medical center. We will immediately send an ambulance to the place and provide real quality care to the patient. Our center specializes in the treatment of mental illness, we have a staff of specialists trained in leading foreign universities, gained experience in clinics in the USA, Germany, Israel.

Children's mental health care (mental health care for children and adolescents). Along with advanced pharmacotherapy, our patients receive quality psychosocial therapy, psychotherapy and inpatient rehabilitation. The children's and adolescent psychiatric department also operates around the clock. If necessary, the psychotherapist directs the patient's relatives to a session with a psychologist, since often relatives also need the help of a specialist in order to accept the fact of the illness that has happened, to rethink their attitude to this disease and learn to live with the idea that close person sick, especially if it's a child. No less pharmacological, psychological assistance in borderline states is important. Although in public hospitals they cannot provide psychotherapeutic support to the patient. This is the result of insufficient funding. Currently, only in private medical centers and clinics can be provided high-quality modern children's psychiatric ambulance.

Organization of emergency psychiatric care for citizens. The questions of the psychiatrist, which most of all worry the loved ones, relate to the probability of the patient returning to normal life. In our clinic, not only drug and psychiatric therapy is carried out, but also methods of social and vocational rehabilitation... Also in our clinic there is family therapy, during which family members learn techniques for helping with borderline diseases, or when a sick relative has suicidal thoughts. A large one may need an ambulance for hallucinations, and relatives should know how to behave before the arrival of the medical team. Our psychologists will teach all this and much more. Mental illness is not a sentence. We will prove to you that life can be fulfilling even with such a difficult diagnosis. Emergency psychiatric care will be provided immediately and the patient will be quickly returned to normal life!

Paid emergency psychiatric help. Is life dear to you? This question sounds strange to someone who has never thought of suicide. However, it is very difficult to answer such a simple question for someone who suffers from suicidal tendencies. Why does a person want to commit suicide? Everyone has their own reasons for this. Most often, such a solution seems to be the most logical and easy for a person who is faced with problems in the personal or professional sphere. At the first signs of mental disorders, paid emergency psychiatric care is required. Failure on the love front, a quarrel with a friend, illness or death of a relative, bankruptcy or financial crisis - any of these events or a combination of them can cause mental illness. Psychiatric help for suicide is to establish the true causes of suicide. If a person just wants to attract attention to himself, then his suicidal actions will be demonstratively blackmailing in nature. Such 70% of the total number of suicides. The person has no real desire to commit suicide, but there is a need to manipulate loved ones. Usually, such suicide attempts do not end in death, since the suicide clearly plans his actions, assuming that he will be discovered and rescued in time. However, such blackmailers sometimes incorrectly determine the time it takes to provide assistance, and die, in fact, not wanting to finish the matter.

Transportation of psychiatric patients. The mental health care carriage is available 24 hours a day. The decision to take any action, including a suicidal one, can take from several days to several months. At the same time, a person's condition is depressed, he feels hopelessness and abandonment. Help with thoughts of suicide is to dispel the person's conviction that no one needs him, that he does not mean anything at all, that he cannot do anything and does not affect anything. All these thoughts demotivate the person and lead him to a solution that seems to be a way out of the impasse. In this case, you will need to transport the psychiatric patient by ambulance to the hospital, or to any other place where the situation will be changed, which may benefit the patient. How to help loved ones? First of all, you need to see the premises of risk. They are always there. Usually a person begins to abuse alcohol or drugs, ceases to observe personal hygiene, all conversations come down to the topic of suicide, reading and music are just as sad, mourning. If you talk to a person about a possible solution to the problem, he will demonstrate "tunnel vision", that is, apart from suicide, he does not see any other option to get rid of trouble.

Psychiatry is the science of mental disorders, a branch of clinical medicine. The procedure for the provision of medical care in psychiatry is clearly regulated by the Federal Law "On psychiatric care and the rights of citizens in its provision," which clearly defines the procedure and conditions for the provision of medical care in psychiatry. Urgent care in psychiatry is provided by state and accredited private centers and clinics operating on the basis of the specified Federal Law. The procedure for the provision of nursing care in psychiatry is regulated by separate regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, mainly in inpatient treatment. An ambulance in psychiatry is provided around the clock, both at home and in a hospital, to call the carriage by the help bark, you need to call the indicated numbers and tell the dispatcher as much information as possible about the patient and his behavior. Psychiatry, also popularly referred to as "psychiatric hospital", "mental hospital", etc. He can come only on a specific call, if the patient has symptoms of mental illness, he will be provided with immediate medical assistance. Many people ask how to call a psychiatric hospital at home? How to call a psychiatric hospital for an alcoholic? Is it possible to call a team from a psychiatric hospital? We answer. Yes, you can use paid and anonymous psychiatric help, call the emergency team and paramedics, while we will provide qualified assistance at home or offer to be hospitalized in our hospital.

Urgent home psychiatric care. Even if a person does not want this, you can call a psychiatrist at home, such a service is possible in our medical center. An experienced psychotherapist or psychiatrist will be able to find an approach to the patient, build communication with him correctly, and convince him to undergo a course of treatment. What if the disease progresses? Emergency care consists of an urgent call to the psychiatric team. Prior to the arrival of doctors, depending on the method chosen, first aid should be provided. If it is hanging: you need to free the neck, feel the pulse, in its absence, perform artificial respiration. If a person has cut a vein, a tourniquet must be applied to stop the bleeding. If you try to poison, you need to induce vomiting, rinse the stomach. An ambulance in case of a suicide attempt is a guarantee of preserving the life and health of the victim. If emergency mental health care at home is provided on time and correctly, the patient can return to a full life after a course of psychotherapeutic treatment. Saving a life doesn't mean solving his problem. It is important to understand that a person does not value his existence and does not see any meaning in it. Therefore, it is critical that competent psychological assistance is provided. An ambulance for delirium tremens will help return a person to a normal state, alcoholic delirium on initial stages can proceed unreservedly, it is easy to confuse it with frivolous conditions, however, help with delirium tremens or delirium should be provided immediately. What if a person has delirium tremens? At the first symptoms of delirium tremens, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance for psychiatric help. The consequences of delirium tremens may not be the best. A person can harm himself or others, damage property, commit suicide. An ambulance for mental disorders stabilizes the patient's condition and can take measures compulsory treatment, up to placement in a psychiatric hospital without the consent of the patient. In this case, various measures of restraint and compulsion to hospitalization are applied. The mental ambulance also works around the clock, at any time we are ready to accept the call and provide the necessary mental health care. Don't know where to turn when your loved one is trying to leave this life on his own? Call our medical center. Our doctors will provide assistance, both in a hospital setting and at home. We have helped many, we will help you too!

Private psychiatrist services at our center. Everyone has heard the fear that many people experience before visiting the dentist's office. Psychiatrists, like dentists, are familiar with the fears of their patients. There are many reasons, both real and contrived, that stop people from going to a psychiatrist's office. Among them are fear of public opinion and banal ignorance. One of the options for such ignorance is not knowing the benefits of the relatively new types of services provided by private clinics. However, the world does not stand still, and if for some reason you put off going to the doctor, now you can call a paid psychiatrist at home. This can be especially helpful if you cannot get your family member to see a doctor. It happens that parents who suspect their child of drug use do not dare to make a medical check, fearing publicity. They take the child's word for it, endangering his future and their own family well-being. But for them there is a better solution than living in constant anxiety or watching the self-destruction of their child, it is a paid psychiatrist. A private psychiatrist will not only maintain complete confidentiality, but will also help in the fight against addiction, if it does exist. But even if the suspicions were in vain, this visit will prove to be very useful. After all, he will help dispel the mistrust that has arisen between loved ones. We all know that peer opinion is very important for teenagers. The thought of friends finding out about his visit to a psychiatrist can be very stressful. This stress, among other things, can worsen the child's condition. A private child psychiatrist with extensive experience in working with children will arrange the appointment in such a way as to minimize stress. At your home, in a relaxed atmosphere, a paid psychiatrist will conduct a conversation and examination of the child, without unnecessarily focusing the child's attention on the reasons for his visit. A private psychiatrist is not only the best choice when it comes to children. Queues at the municipal clinic are poorly suited for people in need of mental health care. The characteristic advantages of paid medicine: speed, high quality service, patient focus, confidentiality, that's why people choose paid services psychiatrist. One of the reasons for the low efficiency of modern domestic psychiatry is that people who are "lucky" to visit a psychiatrist in a state clinic often abandon treatment, just because they do not want to go there again. Some of them return to treatment by going to a private psychiatrist at a paid clinic. After all, it is here that people work who, like no one else, understand the importance of the correct psychoemotional contact between the doctor and the patient. A paid consultation with a psychiatrist will help any person in need of psychiatric help without negative experience in any of its manifestations. Now you no longer have a reason to put off taking care of the most important part of your health or the health of your loved ones. Caring for mental balance and harmony with oneself should not violate psychological comfort and tranquility, in our clinic they understand this, like nowhere else.

Help for mentally ill people and children. The latest edition of the International Classifier of Diseases contains more than a hundred different diseases in the Mental and Conduct Disorders section. And this is not only an attribute of the modern world, full of political and economic crises, where stress awaits its potential victims everywhere. Such an abundance and variety of the described diseases is a sign of the high achievements of psychiatry as a science. Medicine has made a significant breakthrough and is ready to provide comprehensive assistance for almost all types of mental disorders. This development is directly related to the growing influence of private capital on medical research and practice. For example, our private psychiatric clinic (hospital), not only shows top scores in the treatment of psychiatric ailments in the country, but also by research workmoves psychiatric science forward. Help with mental retardation in children and adolescents is most relevant in the modern metropolis, because ordinary stress can turn into a mental disorder and even an illness, if not properly attended to. Helping delayed children mental development is provided by experienced psychiatrists, you can call our ambulance for a full consultation and assistance at home. It is really hard to admit that you or your close relative is mentally ill and needs urgent psychiatric help. The trends of the times are forcing us to constantly expand the range of services provided by a psychiatric hospital. Paid services also include such relatively new services as paid mental health care at home. The feeling of comfort that a patient experiences during a doctor's appointment in a familiar environment has a positive effect on the results of diagnosis and treatment. Mental ambulance and our center are happy to help you! Today, almost any mental illness is treatable. For many of our customers, the time savings achieved with this form of reception are decisive. Do not waste time, it is necessary to call an ambulance as soon as possible for mental disorders, the sooner you do this, the greater the patient's chance to return to a full life! Our clinic provides private psychiatric care not only for patients with severe mental disorders, but also to people with borderline states. World-class specialists help get rid of phobias, addictions, depression.

Boarding school for the mentally and mentally ill. The services of a paid psychiatric department include both outpatient consultation with any of the clinic's specialists and inpatient treatment. During a consultation or diagnostic appointment, the doctor of our center will study in detail the patient's anamnesis, his current condition. The boarding school for the mentally ill is located in a picturesque place in the Moscow region, where patients are provided with a comfortable stay and professional treatment... After the initial consultation, the psychiatrist will give his recommendation on the best form of treatment. The final decision is, of course, always made by the patient. Our paid psychiatric clinic, working in an environment where its very existence depends on efficiency and customer feedback, creates conditions that are unattainable in state clinics. And the galaxy of talented specialists and managers ensures superiority over other private clinics and quick rehabilitation of mentally ill patients. The latest equipment, advanced treatment methods (including our own unique developments), comfortable wards of the inpatient department, this is an incomplete list of those factors that make our clinic the best in the country. In our center, patients feel at home. Psychiatric illnesses are becoming one of the most common types of illness in the world. This is due, among other things, to an increase in life expectancy. And it is precisely the fight against mental disorders that comes to the fore in the struggle to further increase both the duration and quality of life. But the fear of a psychiatrist, rooted in our fellow citizens, still does not want to give up completely. Memories of unscrupulous staff, bureaucracy, prison conditions that reigned in Soviet psychiatric dispensaries are still alive. Our clinic also has to fight this legacy of the Soviet state psychiatry. But the high quality service through the efforts of our doctors and technical staff does its job. Thanks to the efforts of the entire team of our clinic, the reviews of thousands of grateful patients are gradually changing the opinion of society about modern psychiatry. If you or a person close to you need psychiatric help, but still did not dare to turn to a specialist, now you have the best chance to change your life for the better!

IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION: Moscow, Kamergersky per., 5/6, p. 4




IN THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS: Minsk, Independence Avenue, 88B,


Moscow (all districts of the city of Moscow: Central Administrative District, Northern Administrative District, Northern Eastern Administrative District, Northern Western Administrative District, Eastern Administrative District, Southern Eastern Administrative District, Southern Western Administrative District, Southern Administrative District, JSC Zelenograd, Troitsky and Novomoskovsky), cities of the Moscow region: Aprelevka, Aleksin, Aleksandrov, Balashikha, Barvikha, Bolshiye Vyazemy, Vlasikha, Bronnitsy, Vereya, Vidnoe, Vatutinki, Volokolamsk, Voskresensk, Vysokovsk, Vyshny-Volochek, Venev, Vichuga, Dedovsk, Dzerzhinsky, Dmitrov, Dolgoprudny, Drezna, Domodedovo, Dubna, Gagarin, Yegoryevsk, Zheleznodorozhny, Zukovarai, Zhukovsky, Zhukovsky Ivanteevka, Istra, Iksha, Kashira, Kirzhach, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Uglich, Kalyazin, Kashin, Kimry, Konakovo, Klimovsk, Klin, Kolomna, Korolev, Kotelniki, Krasnoarmeisk, Krasnogorsk, Krasnozavodsk, Krasnoznamensk, Kurovskoe, Likiul'evo Lobnya, Losino-Petrovsky, Lukhovitsy, Lytkarino, Litvinovo, Lyubertsy, Mozhaisk, Maloyaroslavets, Mytishchi, Mikhailov, Malakhovka, Morshansk, Naro-Fominsk, Noginsk, Nakhabino, Odintsovo, Necklace, Ozery, Orekhovo-Zuyevo, Ostninskiy, Oktyabrsky Pavlovsky Posad, Podolsk, Protvino, Pushkino, Pushchino, Pavlovskaya Sloboda, Ramenskoe, Reutov, Ruza, Roshal, Sergiev Posad, Serpukhov, Solnechnogorsk, Stupino, Skhodnya, Taldom, Torzhok, Troitsk, Tomilino, Fryazino, Khimki, Khotkovo, Chernogolovka, Chekhov, Shatura, Shatsatka, Shchelkovo, Shakhovskaya, Elektrogorsk, Elektrostal, Elektrougli, Yubileiny, Yakhroma, other cities of the Russian Federation: St. Petersburg (SPB), Borovichi, Bezhetsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, Rostov, Rostov-on-Don, Volgograd, Voronezh, Saratov, Krasnodar , Togliatti, Yaroslavl, Ryazan, Penza, Naberezhnye Chelny, Lipetsk, Novomoskovsk, Yelets, Livny, Roslavl, Vyazma, Rzhev, Velikiye Luki, Tula, Bryansk, Kursk, Ivanovo, Tver, Nizhny Tagil, Belgorod, Michurinsk, Donskoy Suzdal, Kolchugino, Vladimir, Sochi, Smolensk, Kaluga, Oryol, Volzhsky, Cherepovets, Vologda, Tambov, Kostroma, Taganrog, Veliky Novgorod, Ustyuzhna, Rybinsk, Kineshma, Shuya, Kovrov, Pavlovo, Murom, Gus-Khrustalny, Vyksa, Arzamas , Sarov, Sevastopol, Simferopol, Yalta, Evpatoria (Republic of Crimea), Gelendzhik , in the cities of the Republic of Kazakhstan: Almaty, the Republic of Belarus: Minsk, Grodno, as well as in the territory of the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) in Donetsk and the Lugansk People's Republic (LPR) in Lugansk.

©: International Center for Emergency Medicine (ICSMP)

department of the candidate of medical sciences, gerontopsychiatr Edinarova I.E. in her social networks: Facebook VKontakte

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Psychiatric ambulance

Psychiatric care

Mental health care, help from a doctor - psychiatrist, help from a psychiatrist, free help from a psychiatrist - where and how can you get all this?

Psychiatric care is a special type of medical care that includes psychiatric (neuropsychiatric) dispensaries, psychiatric hospitals (private and public), psychosomatic departments at ordinary hospitals, intended for patients with mental disorders and at the same time other health disorders (pneumonia, trauma, etc.). and psychiatric ambulance teams (private and public) and private psychiatrists.

Who Needs Mental Health Care?

All people with one or another mental disorder need it. First of all, these are unusual, strange, unacceptable behavior, hallucinations (visual and auditory), various unusual, delusional ideas, people with very low intelligence or very poor memory (forgetting to turn off the gas, water). These are people who cannot remember what year, month is now, confusing these concepts, people who do not recognize their loved ones. People with an unwillingness to live, constantly in a bad mood, too sad or, on the contrary, too cheerful. Be careful if your loved ones suddenly began to communicate with "space", "God", "aliens", "read" other people's thoughts or an elderly relative began to "see" strangers in the apartment that you do not see - be vigilant, perhaps to your loved one need psychiatric help. The help of a psychiatrist provided on time can radically change the situation in the family.

State mental health care (free psychiatrist help, state mental health care at home)?

State psychiatric care, she is also a psychiatrist, is provided free of charge at the level of the PND (neuropsychiatric dispensary), psychiatric hospitals and psychosomatic departments. There are no free psychiatrists in ordinary polyclinics. In order to receive state mental health care for free, you need to contact a neuropsychiatric dispensary at your place of residence, or if you want to receive a psychiatrist at home with state help, you must write an application for examination of the patient at home in the PND. If the patient does not agree to be examined by a psychiatrist from the PND, then in this case it is necessary to go to court.

Very often the question arises: can psychiatrist help be provided online and online for free?

Currently, online psychiatrist help is not a type of medical care. And rightly so, it is not possible to treat a person either by phone or on the Internet. Therefore, psychiatrist help is not provided online.

In what cases will state mental health care (psychiatrist's help free of charge) be provided without the patient's consent?


Price, price list


Neurologist's appointment:

Latest news

More than a third of all cases of dementia can be prevented by changing nine lifestyle factors that affect the risk of developing dementia, according to a new report from the Commission on the Prevention of Dementia.

Even young patients with early onset psychosis have metabolic disturbances as evidenced by increased lipid levels

A new review of the literature found no evidence that low-dose aspirin protects against cognitive decline or dementia.

Risk assessment based on genetic factors associated with the development of schizophrenia may be an effective predictor of response to antipsychotic drugs after the first episode of psychosis, according to a new study.

Delayed use of anticoagulant therapy with warfarin 30 days after the initial diagnosis of atrial fibrillation is associated with a significantly increased risk of dementia, according to a new study.

Most patients with serious mental illness have elevated levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) at diagnosis, and these patients are at increased risk of death, according to a new study.

Center for socio-psychological and informational support

Regional charitable public organization

  • home
    • History of organization, social movement
    • Goals, objectives, members of the organization
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    • About the center
    • Programs
      • Patient education
      • Relatives education
      • Independent living skills development trainings
      • Group-analytical psychotherapy for patients and their relatives
      • Psychological counseling of patients, relatives of patients
      • Trainings for patients' relatives
  • Club
    • About the club
    • Programs
      • Art therapy
      • Leisure program
      • Theater and music studio
      • Cultural and educational program "Moscow Studies"
    • Reviews
      • Art therapy
      • Moscow studies
      • Dance movement therapy
  • Our publications
    • For professionals
    • For users of mental health care
  • Command
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  • Help is needed?

Where to go if you need psychiatric, psychological or social assistance?

It is important for patients with mental disorders and their families to be informed about the institutions they can go to for help and support. They should be aware of the functions that an institution performs and the types of assistance they can receive.

This information is especially important for those new to mental illness. Family members often do not know where to go for help, they are upset and confused. In this section, we tried to reflect the necessary information as much as possible, to provide the phone numbers and addresses of state institutions providing assistance to people with mental illness, as well as a number of public organizations working in the field of mental health. Last update of the infobase May 2013

Psychiatric care is provided in specialized institutions of various ministries and departments, among which the main one is the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Within the system of the Academy of Medical Sciences, there is the Scientific Center for Mental Health (NCPH RAMS), which is a world famous scientific institution, which provides practical assistance to residents not only of Moscow, but also of other territories of Russia. There are also several research institutes in the system of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Public institutions providing mental health care in the health care system and their functions

· Psychiatric medical teams of ambulance and emergency care and teams for the transportation of the mentally ill. Provide an ambulance and emergency psychiatric care in all cases when mental condition the patient requires the use of urgent medical measures.

· "Helplines" and "hot lines". Designed to provide emergency assistance anonymously, by phone, by professional psychologists, social work specialists. In difficult life situations, "helplines" allow you to speak out, not to feel lonely, to receive information support (addresses and phone numbers of institutions where you can still get help).

Neuropsychiatric dispensaries (dispensary departments, psychiatric offices) are outpatient institutions in which the following types of assistance are provided: urgent psychiatric, medical, consultative and diagnostic, socio-psychological, rehabilitation, outpatient psychiatric examination (including determination of disability).

· Psychotherapeutic help can be obtained at a specialized psychotherapeutic polyclinic.

· Psychiatric hospitals. In addition to emergency care, you can get medical, medical advice, psychoprophylactic, socio-psychological and rehabilitation assistance. They also carry out different types medical examinations (military, forensic examination, as well as examination of disability).

Main institutions for persons with mental disorders in the social protection system

Social welfare centers provide the necessary information, legal, social and pre-medical support (for example, nursing at home, performing simple manipulations such as measuring blood pressure, performing injections as prescribed by a doctor.) Social and medical services at home or a day stay at the center are possible. Help can be provided both on an ongoing basis and on a one-time basis.

For one-time social assistance a number of social welfare centers have created a "Mobile Social Service", within the framework of which additional services are provided that are not included in the Territorial List of State-Guaranteed Services, but are focused on the individual needs of clients (for example, assistance in the design of an individual rehabilitation program, delivery of technical rehabilitation equipment, providing home care services for children with disabilities, accompanying children with disabilities to institutions of additional education, etc.).

· Psychoneurological boarding schools for adults. These are institutions intended for permanent (or temporary) residence of the elderly and disabled, suffering from chronic mental disorders and in need of care, household and medical services.

Addresses and telephones of psycho-neurological boarding schools in Moscow

Educational and educational institutions in the system of the ministry of education for children with mental disorders

There are the following institutions for children with mental disorders:

· Preschool - kindergartens and orphanages for children with mental retardation;

School - auxiliary boarding schools and general education boarding schools for children with mental retardation;

Special educational institutions - correctional general education schools and vocational schools for children and adolescents with mental retardation and light forms mental retardationwho have committed socially dangerous acts.

To enroll a child in kindergarten (group) of a compensatory type, parents (legal representatives) need to contact the territorial education authority to pass the district psychological, medical and pedagogical commission in order to determine a preschool educational institution that would correspond to the profile of the child's disabilities.

Children with disabilities are admitted to special (correctional) general education schools, boarding schools in accordance with paragraph 10 of Art. 50 of the Law "On Education" and the current Model Regulations on Special (Correctional) educational institution for students, pupils with developmental disabilities and on the basis of the conclusion of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission.

Information on the work of these commissions can be obtained from the district education departments.

Phones and addresses of institutions working with children with mental disorders

Community organizations working in the field of mental health

The experience of recent decades shows that along with government agenciesin which assistance is provided to the mentally ill, public forms of support for the mentally ill and their families are of great importance.

Public forms of assistance to mentally ill people - public organizations, protect the rights of patients, ensure the integration into society of persons with mental health problems through their socio-psychological and labor rehabilitation, they provide mutual support, prevention of disability due to mental illness. Public organizations provide an opportunity for communication, leisure activities, exchange of experience.

Currently, there are many public organizations working in Moscow related to mental health problems.

Department of Mental Health

Senior physician of the psychiatric care sector Anton Savenko

The department of psychiatric care is represented by an operational dispatch service and specialized psychiatric mobile ambulance teams.

The operational dispatch service works around the clock and carries out:

Counseling psychiatric help;

Reception and transmission of calls for execution by specialized psychiatric mobile emergency teams.

Specialized psychiatric mobile ambulance teams in the amount of 20 are evenly distributed across the administrative districts of Moscow and provide specialized assistance in cases of sudden development or exacerbation of mental disorders that pose a danger to the patient and / or others at any place of the patient's stay within Moscow and in his own activities are guided by the Law of the Russian Federation "On psychiatric care and guarantees of the rights of citizens in its provision."

In some cases, a psychiatrist turns to the police for assistance in order to prevent socially dangerous actions, comply with legal norms and create a safe environment for examining a patient. After the treatment and diagnostic measures taken, hospitalization in a specialized hospital may follow, or information (“asset”) may be transferred to an outpatient psychiatric service in order to ensure dynamic observation.

The decision to send a call to the psychiatric team is made only by the senior psychiatrist. In cases where there are no indications for emergency psychiatric intervention, including insufficient grounds for the provision of involuntary psychiatric care, the psychiatrist may decide to refuse to leave the psychiatric team. In this case, depending on the situation, he informs the caller where to go (for example, to the police or, in accordance with the Law, with an application to a neuropsychiatric dispensary to obtain the judge's approval for a psychiatric examination).

Psychiatric teams are not entitled to issue documents certifying temporary disability, forensic psychiatric and other expert opinions, including on the presence or absence of alcoholic intoxication, do not issue any other extracts and certificates.

useful links

Station of an ambulance and emergency medical aid them. A.S. Puchkov of the Moscow Department of Health


The doctor's consultation:

Address: Moscow, 1st Koptelsky per. house 3, building 1

© Station of an ambulance and emergency medical aid them. A.S. Puchkova, 2017. All rights reserved.

Psychiatric care

Addiction to drugs, alcohol, slot machines - scary and serious illnessrequiring immediate treatment. Therapy is necessarily carried out in the clinic under the supervision of experienced, qualified doctors. The rehabilitation course and the provision of psychiatric assistance to the patient are also important. When is it needed and what are its features?

Emergency psychiatric help

Mental health care is one of the main steps in helping people who are addicted to alcohol or drugs. It is needed in such cases:

  • mood disorders are observed. Its changes are often observed: sadness, joy, sadness, irritation and other manifestations;
  • a person has illusions, hallucinations, which are usually accompanied by unreal delirium;
  • loss and blackouts - amnesia;
  • disorders in perception are visible;
  • inadequate reaction to certain situations that occur around and anxiety.

Emergency psychiatric care consists in calling a doctor at home and, if necessary, carrying out further treatment in a hospital. You can seek help from specialists at any time and it is best to do this in the early stages of determining the disease (if possible). In most cases, when calling a psychiatrist at home, in the future, the addict is hospitalized.

Before the arrival of the doctor, carefully monitor possible reaction sick. It is worth removing all objects that pose a danger to human life (knives, scissors, forks, and so on). The conversation with the addict should be calm and balanced. Before the arrival of the doctor, it is worth preparing the necessary documents for hospitalization (if necessary).

Often, the patient's relatives wonder if their loved one can return to their normal, usual lifestyle. Our emergency drug treatment center carries out not only psychiatric treatment and with the help of modern medications, but also applies methods of social and professional rehabilitation.

Rarely, but there are situations when underage children suffer from alcohol or drug addiction. This is very scary and serious. In this case, treatment and psychiatric assistance to the patient is provided only with the permission of the parents or official guardian.

How to call psychiatric help in Moscow

Of course, the patient must be informed before calling for psychiatric help. This is necessary in order not to violate the rights of the addict. In emergency situations, when a person is in a dangerous state and there is a threat to life, both he and his loved ones, you should not think about it and urgently need to call a doctor. This can be done by calling the phone number indicated on the clinic's website. When calling, you must specify the information: last name, first name, patronymic of the patient; indicate the circumstances that could provoke an inadequate state (alcoholic beverages, drugs or other reasons); describe in detail the behavioral characteristics of the patient. It is recommended that the psychiatrist tell the whole truth and, most importantly, do not hide anything regarding the state of the addict. This will make it possible to establish the correct diagnosis and to prescribe the correct course of treatment in the future.

You can contact our Emergency Drug Addiction and Psychiatry Center around the clock, any day of the week. The clinic's specialists will quickly accept the call, and the doctor will immediately come to the patient. You can also use the form feedback... To do this, you need to enter your name and phone number in a special form on the site. They will call you back within 15 minutes and answer all your questions.

Why is it worth contacting our clinic? The center employs highly qualified doctors with many years of experience. Services are provided throughout Russia and the region. By contacting the clinic, you will receive:

  • providing mental health care at any time of the day;
  • professional advice;
  • use of modern, effective ways therapy;
  • treatment of depression, disorders thought processes (schizophrenia) and other mental disorders.

Also, our center provides other services: calling a narcologist at home; drug, alcohol, slot machine and tobacco addiction treatment; detoxification of the body. You can turn to us for psychotherapeutic help, diagnostics and human coding. A full course of rehabilitation is carried out after the treatment.

Do your loved ones, relatives have problems with alcohol, drugs or psyche? Do you need qualified help from experienced doctors? Contact our center! We will be happy to assist you with the treatment and resolution of all mental health problems. Call us immediately!

Moscow service of psychological assistance to the population

2nd Saratov Prospect, 8, bldg. 2

State budgetary institution "Moscow service of psychological assistance to the population"

Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the City of Moscow

The largest specialized center of practical psychology in Moscow and the Russian Federation.

A unique project of the Moscow Government, representing a multi-level urban structure.

Since 2003, our specialists have been working on a number of topical psychological problems of the metropolis.

Psychological assistance is provided on a non-commercial basis, and the availability of psychological services is ensured by a network of territorial and district offices of the Service in all administrative districts of Moscow.

Individual and family counseling

Consulting on family and marriage issues, parent-child relationships, intrapersonal conflicts, psychological health, career guidance, using methods of psychological diagnostics.

Emergency psychological assistance

In-person crisis counseling (on-site); exit crisis assistance (at home), work of emergency response teams with victims and their relatives.

Psychological emergency telephone number

Since November 2006, a free "Telephone for emergency psychological assistance" has been operating in Moscow, which is intended for prompt, anonymous, round-the-clock, informational, preventive and urgent qualified psychological assistance.

A single three-digit Moscow number, modern technical equipment, allows any resident of the capital who finds himself in a difficult life situation to quickly contact a specialist.

* only the services of the telecom operator are paid according to the tariff plan

Internet consulting

A convenient and quick way to get psychological help. The indisputable advantage of online consultation is the speed, ease of connection with the consultant and the client's anonymity.

Free psychiatric care in Moscow

Zagorodnoye Highway 2

Site information

24-hour emergency psychiatric care

In order to provide emergency specialized care in GBUZ "PKB No. 1 DZM"

Psychiatric Emergency Department

The department works around the clock (seven days a week)

Our hospital provides emergency psychiatric care with the departure of a psychiatric team at home to citizens living in Moscow and the Moscow region with hospitalization, if necessary, in our hospital.

Conditions for which a psychiatric emergency is needed:

1) If a person is disoriented, does not recognize relatives, shows aggression towards them, speaks of a threat that does not exist in reality, sees non-existent people, objects, talks to them, does not sleep at night, has lost basic everyday skills, refuses food.

2) If a person experiences severe anxiety, fear, panic, which is accompanied by a rapid heart rate, feeling short of breath, increased blood pressure, fear of death, etc.

3) If a person long time is in a depressed state, withdrawn, immersed in oneself, or vice versa is in high spirits, sexually disinhibited, easily dispenses with sleep and food.

4) If it is known that a person suffers from a chronic mental disorder and an exacerbation of the disease begins, which can manifest itself as a refusal to visit a doctor and take medications, an increase in unreasonable anxiety, anxiety, aggression, hallucinations, delusional statements, inappropriate behavior.

5) If a person takes antipsychotic medications and he has restlessness, stiffness, anxiety, muscle cramps.

The psychiatric emergency team consists of a psychiatrist and an orderly, and there is a sufficient set of drugs in the medical unit for the provision of emergency care, including injections. If necessary, the doctor can write a prescription for medicines. If the patient's condition requires hospitalization in a hospital, the emergency psychiatric care team can carry it out on their own with the preparation of all the necessary documents and transportation of the patient to the hospital.

Currently, the department is represented by 5 separate posts:

1 post - st. Zagorodnoye Highway, 2 (PKB No. 1)

2 post - st. Zyuzinskaya, 1 (PND No. 13)

3 post - st. Mosfilmovskaya 6 (PND No. 1)

4 post - st. Academician Semyonova 13, building 1 (dispensary department. PND No. 13)

5 post - st. Rodnikovaya, 12, bldg. 1 (PND No. 24)

Hospitalization is possible in the paid department of the PKB No. 1, as well as in the department for the care of the elderly. The department also provides paid services for medical examination and transportation of patients to the hospital from medical institutions.

The psychiatric emergency department is staffed by highly qualified medical personnel with extensive experience working with patients with mental disorders.

The office hours: round the clock, seven days a week. Head of the department: Stolyarov Gary Borisovich.

1. Calling a psychiatrist and providing assistance at home by a team of psychiatric ambulances without hospitalization within the Moscow Ring Road 7600 rubles.

2. Outside the Moscow Ring Road, every 10 km (including incomplete) when traveling to the patient is additionally charged in the amount of 600 rubles.

3. Calling a psychiatrist and providing assistance at home by an emergency psychiatric team, followed by hospitalization in rubles.

4. Waiting by a team of a patient in his absence (a simple team) at the place of call is charged 2400 rubles per hour.

Phones for calling a psychiatrist at home:

Help can remain anonymous and confidential if desired!

According to statistics in recent years, the prevalence of mental illness in which emergency psychiatric care is called is very high. This is due to the fact that the number of patients with drug addiction and alcoholism has increased. There is a strong causal relationship between many psychiatric diseases and substance dependence. This group of mental disorders is called endogenous. These diseases develop as a result of an imbalance of chemicals in the brain, and the reason for this is most often alcohol and drug abuse, stress, brain trauma, which can provoke the existing bad heredity. One of the most common endogenous diseases is schizophrenia. Patients with this diagnosis are prone to delusional ideas, mania, and suicidal tendencies.

Home psychiatrist services

We guarantee confidentiality

Empathetic and helpful staff

We work with difficult conditions both at home and in a hospital.

If the disease manifests itself in an aggravated manner, then a psychiatric ambulance team cannot be dispensed with. To put a mentally ill person in a clinic, you need not only to get his consent, but also to prove that he is dangerous to society. The procedure for voluntary and involuntary placement in a psychiatric hospital is described in the relevant law. For example, before reaching the age of fifteen, it is necessary to take consent from his parents or legal guardian for the examination of a patient. Every third home call of a child psychiatrist is associated with suicidal intentions. However, this is just one of the reasons why a psychiatrist may be required at home. The most common reason when a paid psychiatric ambulance is called is acute psychosis - This is a state in which a person can threaten to harm himself and others. Psychosis is accompanied by delusions and hallucinations. If you observe a person in a similar state, then do not hesitate, dial the psychiatric ambulance phone.

Still have questions? Can't call?

The fixed price is indicated for the call, additional services are paid separately.

Service cost

We will provide qualified assistance without registration.

Emergency psychiatric help for alcoholics deserves a separate discussion. Alcoholic psychoses are an integral part of hard drinking, or rather the condition that occurs a few days after stopping the use. Delirium tremens is a dangerous condition that requires a psychiatrist to visit the house. This disorder is diagnosed quite simply: pretend that you have removed the thread from the alcoholic's clothes, and ask him what color this thread is. If a person answers what color it is, then he has obvious delirium, that is, delirium. As they say, it's time to call the "psychiatric hospital". How to call a psychiatric ambulance for an alcoholic? You can dial the general number 03 and explain the situation to the civil service dispatcher. Paid psychiatric ambulance will definitely come to you. But there is one unpleasant moment - a state ambulance that comes to an alcoholic will be forced to register the patient in a narcological dispensary.

If there is a desire and opportunity to avoid publicity, then call a paid psychiatric ambulance. Our unified rescue service will readily come to the call, provide help needed completely anonymous. It is especially critical to call a specialized psychiatric ambulance team if the alcoholic is violent and physically strong. Our teams include a narcologist-psychiatrist and two trained nurses. They can handle even a very strong patient with delirium. Often, help with alcoholic psychosis is required at night, since all mental disorders are exacerbated at this time of day. Our 24-hour psychiatric ambulance will arrive both night and day within 15 minutes of the call. If you do not know how to call a psychiatric hospital to an alcoholic, then dial our phone number. This is all that is required of you, the rest of the work will be done by our team.

Another reason for seeking emergency or urgent mental health care is various neurodegenerative diseases in the elderly, when they need a psychiatrist at home. The reason for seeking help can be not only memory impairment, but primarily suspiciousness, suspicion, increased anxiety, irritability, quarrelsomeness, aggressiveness, which often accompany senile dementia. The state ambulance can only confine itself to an injection of a sedative and offer hospitalization in a psychiatric hospital. Our rescue service offers more options for normalizing an elderly person's condition without resorting to extreme measures. First of all, a paid psychiatrist at home will conduct a consultation for the relatives of a sick person, where a joint decision will be made on the optimal range of measures that can be taken.

If a person's condition is classified as acute, then our paid psychiatric ambulance will take him for treatment to a hospital in Moscow. If the person's condition allows, then a treatment and observation scheme will be proposed on an outpatient basis. If necessary, a psychiatrist can organize a hospital at home. The price is negotiated separately. It is not uncommon for a lonely elderly person's neighbors to experience discomfort due to their quirks. Not always, an emergency psychiatric care in Moscow can take responsibility for placing a person without his consent in a psychiatric clinic. For compulsory treatment, a person must commit an illegal act, and unsanitary conditions, a cat shelter in an apartment or constant quarrels with neighbors are not a reason for hospitalization.

Involuntary hospitalization differs from compulsory hospitalization in that a person who is involuntarily placed in a mental hospital did not commit any crimes prior to this and did not violate the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

How it all starts. Calling a psychiatric team.

The psychiatric team is most often called by family members and relatives (about 40%),
police officers (30%),
doctors of a neuropsychiatric dispensary (about 20%),
employees at work (5%),
tenths of a percent are calls from random persons.

The decision to leave the brigade is made by the dispatcher. A positive decision follows in 87-90% of cases.

Arrival of the brigade. Involuntary examination

The team usually consists of 2-3 people. If the dispatcher was informed about the danger of the alleged patient, then it can be reinforced by the police officers.
In the arsenal of the brigade there are various antipsychotics, tranquilizers, etc., as well as tapes made of thick cotton fabric.

If a citizen refuses psychiatric care, the psychiatrist who has arrived at the place of the call must resolve the issue of involuntary hospitalization of the citizen and involuntary examination.

Most of the patients examined psychiatric teams, hospitalized (60 - 70%).

Involuntary hospitalization begins from the moment the psychiatrist decides to admit the patient to the hospital, regardless of his desire, after his examination at the place of call, and from that moment on, psychiatric brigades have the right to apply coercion, restraint, and fixation measures.


A patient delivered to a psychiatric hospital must be examined again by a psychiatrist in the admission department, including for the compliance of his mental state with the criteria for involuntary hospitalization.
In theory, the emergency room attendant may disagree with the decision of the emergency psychiatrist or the dispensary, and the patient (who did not consent to hospitalization) may be released from the emergency room.
If the patient, due to his condition, cannot express his attitude to hospitalization, then it should be formalized as involuntary.
However, it is often easy to persuade such a patient to sign the consent document, which is what psychiatrists use.

Within 48 hours of staying in the hospital, the patient must be examined by a commission of psychiatrists, which decides on the justification for hospitalization.

Article 29 of the Law “On Psycho. Help ... "and comments to it from social and forensic psychiatry. V.P. Serbian

The Law of the Russian Federation "On psychiatric care and guarantees of the rights of citizens in its provision" provides that involuntary hospitalization of a citizen is carried out if he has a severe mental disorder, which causes:
a) his immediate danger to himself or others, or
b) his helplessness, that is, the inability to independently satisfy basic life needs, or
c) significant harm to his health due to the deterioration of his mental state, if the person is left without psychiatric assistance.

An involuntary examination is carried out if, according to the available data, the person being examined commits actions that give reason to assume all the same.

According to Dmitrieva's commentary, a mental disorder is considered severe in the presence of psychosis or dementia, as well as pronounced personality change or a disorder reaching a psychotic level (decompensation in psychopathy)

A. Immediate danger to yourself and others

The danger of a citizen to others is justified by psychiatrists on the basis of any statements or actions of a citizen that seem ridiculous or dangerous to the psychiatrist. If the psychiatrist himself did not observe such actions on the part of the patient, then the basis may be the story of relatives, neighbors and other persons.

Dmitrieva's comment: "In fact, due to the unpredictability of behavior, the condition of these patients can be regarded as dangerous for themselves and others at the same time."

People who have attempted suicide or who claim to commit suicide are considered dangerous for themselves.
Dmitrieva's comment: Along with the obvious signs of danger, when these persons have already committed suicidal attempts or declare that they will commit suicide, the danger to themselves can be ascertained with or without such indirect statements, in particular with melancholy or anxious depression, depression with ideas of self-blame , with depressive-agitated excitement, as well as in the presence of behavioral features that indirectly indicate suicidal goals (for example, with persistent refusal to eat, although patients may try to mask or deny such intentions).

B. Helplessness, inability to independently satisfy basic life needs,

Dmitrieva's commentary: “The criterion is applicable to persons suffering from severe mental disorders in the form of psychotic manifestations or profound personal changes, congenital or acquired dementia, which cause the absence or loss of everyday and social skills: the impossibility of basic self-service, providing oneself with food, clothing, etc. patients are regarded as representing a "passive danger" for themselves, i.e. inflicting harm on themselves not through active actions - suicide or self-harm, but as a result of neglect of concern for their interests. The question of the need for their hospitalization often arises in connection with the loss or temporary absence of their relatives or guardians caring for them (death, illness, or forced urgent departure). In these cases, being left without supervision, they start wandering, starving, often finding themselves in a situation that poses a threat to life. "

C. Causing significant harm to health due to deterioration of the mental state, if the person is left without psychiatric care,

We are talking about conditions that do not pose an immediate danger to themselves and others,
According to Dmitrieva's comment, this includes patients:
... with manic states - phenomena of psychomotor agitation,
... reassessment of their capabilities, including professional,
... a senseless waste of large sums of money,
... skimping on their official and other duties,
... sexual disinhibition, which at the time of an attack causes significant family, material, industrial complications, compromises patients in the eyes of others, colleagues, relatives and subsequently affects the level of their social and labor adaptation.
... in cases where the clinical picture is determined by the presence of delusional ideas of love content with increasing activity of delusional behavior and ridiculous harassment of the "object of love" or in cases of subacute paraphrenia with ridiculous behavior and statements.

Considering that psychiatrists are absolutely uncontrollable in making diagnoses, and also the fact that objective methods for diagnosing most mental disorders do not exist, it is not surprising that thousands healthy people deprived of their freedom and rights under the guise of mental health care.
In fact, the article also deprives a person who has not committed crimes of the right to respect and allows him to be subjected to all kinds of torture with impunity.

Consideration of a case in court

Every year, the courts consider about 30 thousand cases of involuntary hospitalization of a citizen in a mental hospital.

Cases of involuntary hospitalization have been allocated to a special procedure. This means that there is no plaintiff and defendant in the case, there is only an applicant and interested parties

The applicant can only be the administration of the psychiatric hospital, usually the application is submitted on behalf of the head of the psychiatric hospital where the citizen is placed. The manager himself does not participate in the process; a hospital employee who has a power of attorney from the manager comes to the court.

Within 48 hours from the moment of involuntary placement of a citizen in a psychiatric hospital
the applicant must submit an application to the court at the location of the mental hospital for involuntary hospitalization of a citizen. The maximum time allotted for the court to consider such a case is 5 days.

The application must contain the conclusion of the commission of psychiatrists on the examination of the citizen. Any documents can be attached to it: a statement from neighbors, a conclusion of the attending physician, etc.

The court must be attended by the prosecutor, the applicant and the person in respect of whom the issue of hospitalization (or his representative) is being decided. However, if, according to a representative of a mental institution, the mental state of the person does not allow him to personally participate in the consideration of the case, then the trial is held without him. Often, everything is decided without a court hearing as such, although this is illegal.

Since judges do not have the special knowledge of psychiatry necessary to decide on the justification of hospitalization, they fully rely on the opinion of the commission. Their role is reduced to the formal confirmation of the position of psychiatrists.

It can take 3-5 minutes to review one case.
There is a known case when a meeting on involuntary hospitalization took place during a break during a conference. The head of the department asked the conference participants to wait 20 minutes, the time that she needed to participate in court hearings on 6 cases of involuntary hospitalization.

Court decisions to reject applications are rare. Share of cases of refusal by courts psychiatric hospitals in involuntary hospitalization of citizens does not exceed 2%.

The hospitalized citizens do not have a real opportunity to familiarize themselves with its materials, to give their arguments and considerations, to present any evidence before considering the case on the merits. In many hospitals, the patient is not informed of the court's decision, and nowhere is the court's decision served. A patient in a hospital cannot receive qualified legal assistance on this issue and prepare a cassation appeal.

The number of cassation complaints against court decisions on involuntary hospitalization is approximately 0.01% of the total number of decisions made in such cases.

Consequences of involuntary hospitalization

The term of involuntary hospitalization can range from 21 days to 1 year. A year later, the mental hospital should submit a new application to the court for the extension of the "treatment", which will be considered by the court in a similar way to the hospitalization case.

Citizens determined by psychiatrists for involuntary confinement and "treatment" in mental hospitals, and those who received a "psychiatric label" there, turn out to be the most unprotected category of citizens and have an extremely low legal status, which subsequently allows them to be transferred to the status of incapacitated.

Those recognized as incapacitated are often not at all disabled by mental illness, but citizens who do not suffer from mental disorders at all, when they become victims of their mercantile relatives and "specialists" in the field of psychiatry.

What can be done? Restoration of rights, recognition of hospitalization as illegal.

Practically nothing can be done while in psychiatric confinement. You can try if you have support from outside, preferably lawyers and the ability to contact them.

After leaving the mental hospital, you can try to prove that your rights were violated and restore them, demand compensation for moral damage, put a psychiatrist, etc.

To do this, you will need to appeal the decision about your involuntary hospitalization.

Even months after leaving the mental hospital, a citizen can get his hands on a court decision on his hospitalization. To get it, you need to come to the district court at the location of the mental hospital and contact the civil office of the court.

There you can also familiarize yourself with the case materials and photograph them (if you intend to sue, then you need to photograph from cover to cover, without missing anything).

Important: as soon as you get the court's decision in your hands, procedural terms will immediately begin to flow. It will be necessary within 10 days to file a cassation appeal and an application for the restoration of the missed procedural period.

Cases against psychiatrists can be won, there are examples of this. So, for example, the case "Rakevich v. Russia" served as the basis for verification in the European Court. The ECHR found that the Law "On psychiatric care and guarantees of citizens' rights in its provision" does not give a hospitalized person the right to challenge the legality of hospitalization in court, which violates paragraph 4 of Art. 5 of the Convention.
He ordered the Russian Federation to pay compensation to Rakevich and bring the Law in line with European standards of the right to liberty and security of person.
Unfortunately, Russian Federation executed the judgment in the case only in terms of compensation.

Normative base:

  1. Law of the Russian Federation "On psychiatric care and guarantees of the rights of citizens in its provision" of July 2, 1992 N 3185-I
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