Neurosis in a child 12 years old treatment. Neurosis in children: causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

Children's neurosis crumble in themselves a great danger, and the main problem lies not in the type of disorder or its manifestations, but in relation to it. So, sometimes parents are missing from the appearance of the first symptoms of neurosis, and sometimes they ignore them at all, believing that with age everything will be held by itself. This approach cannot be called correct, it is worth an extreme effort to help the child to overcome the problem that has arisen and avoid accompanying inconveniences in the future. Children's neurosis is a mental disorder that does not distort the perception of the surrounding world and having a reversible character (which is very important). Thus, it is possible to get rid of it and do it really needed, reacting on time to changes in the behavior of your baby.

Varieties of children's neurosis

Exists general classification, in which thirteen varieties of neurosis, which can manifest themselves in children:

  • the neurotic state forming on the basis of fear. This is one of the most common types in children of younger school age. Characterized this species Non-believe the presence of long-term (sometimes half an hour) of fear attacks, especially before bedtime. Manifestations can be the most different: and a slight feeling of anxiety, and even. What a child is afraid is often determined by his age. So, in the period to school, the most common fears are fear of remaining one, darkness, mythical or real animals, which were seen in the movie and others. Among the students of younger classes is often the fear of the severity of teachers, before school as such with its clear regime and many requirements;
  • neurosis caused by a specific obsessive state. In psychological science, such a phenomenon is described as the presence in the behavior of certain ritual actions, the failure of which leads to an increase in voltage, internal discomfort. Children distinguish two main types of such states - these are obsessive actions and fears, although they can often have a mixed nature. IN preschool age Most often there are such obsessive actions like blinking, penetrating brine or forehead, podding, patting, etc. Performing a ritual action reduces the level of emotional stress by using certain physical activity. If we talk about obsessive fears or in other phobias, then there are most often fear of closed premises and acute items. Later, fears begin to appear before death, illness, oral response to the audience, etc.;
  • neurotic state of depressive type. Such a problem is found already in more adult age - adolescence. The child can notice explicit change Conduct: bad mood, sad expression of a person, some slowdiness of movements and gestures, a general decrease in activity and level of sociability. In more serious cases, a systematic insomnia may appear, a decrease in appetite and even constipation;
  • asthenic type (neurasthenia) It occurs as a reaction to excessive loading of additional tasks and classes, physical and emotional overloads. The obvious form of this type of neurosis takes place only at school age;
  • hysterical species of neurosis.

Rudimentary seizures of motor type - not uncommon in preschool age. When a child does not get the desired, offended or punished, he can show his discontent with a rather bright way - falling on the floor, accompanied by wrinkling hands and legs, loud crying and shouts, shocks, fists, etc.;

  • stutter on the nervous soil. In the overwhelming majority of cases, takes place aged 2 to 5 years in periods of the initial formation of speech and its further phrase complication.

Very often becomes a response to the fright from separation with the parents, which for the child was unexpected. In addition, it is possible to include pressure on the kid with the desire to speed up its development (speech, intellectual, etc.), as well as significant information overloads, can be attributed to the number of factors.

  • hypochondria - A condition in which there is a painful concern about his own health, numerous and unreasonable suspicions of various diseases. The characteristic age period is adolescent age;
  • obsessive movements (teaks), About which there was already a speech earlier - a variety of uncomplicated movements and gestures carried out in automatic mode to remove the voltage. Children are often accompanied by enuresis and stuttering;
  • violation of normal sleep - Meet children of younger, and in adolescents.

The disorder can find its expression in anxiety, problems with the deep phases of sleep, nightmares, speaking and walking in a dream, frequent awakening in the middle of the night without an explicit reason for it.

  • reducing appetite on neurotic soil. Mothers often show an excessive alarm about their children, and therefore sometimes try to feed the baby forcibly if he refuses, or give too large portions. Sometimes the cause of neurotic anorexia becomes fright during the feeding process. The result of such events is the disappearance of a child of the desire to take food, frequent jumping, vomiting, sometimes excessive selectivity.
  • incoming urination (enuresis). Most often, this type of neurotic disorder occurs during night sleep;
  • if the child has involuntary feces in minor quantities and there are no physiological reasons for this, then we can talk about a neurotic enchnozer. It is found quite rare, the pathogenesis studied very badly. The age of manifestation of this type of disorder - from 7 to 10 years;
  • pathological actions based on the habit.

This can also be quite often found in children of any age - swinging when falling asleep, or hair and others.

What could be the cause of a neurotic disorder from a child?

In most cases, the cause neurotic disorder It is a child gaining psychological injury (this may be a fright, a strong insult, the result of emotional pressure, etc.). However, to establish a specific event that caused the development of neurosis is almost impossible, and therefore it fails to establish direct connection.

Doctor's opinion: The overwhelming majority of neurosis cases in children becomes a consequence of a non-specific traumatic event that took place once, and the result of a long purge and inability to accept or understand this or that situation or adapt to the changed environmental conditions.

The presence of neurosis in a child - This is a problem that lies not in the body of the Baby's body, but in shortcomings of education. Children are very wounded, and therefore any negative event can postpone a serious imprint, the consequences of which can not be opened immediately, but in the future.

In the matter of the causes of the development of children's neurosis, such factors have great influence:

  • paul and child's age;
  • family history, heredity;
  • features and traditions of education in the family;
  • suffered by a child of the disease;
  • significant loads of physical and emotional nature;
  • lack of sleep.

Who are more susceptible to problems

On the basis of a number of research of neurosis in children, you can talk about the risk group different factors. So, it is believed that most susceptible to neurotic disorders:

  • children aged 2 to 5 and 7 years;
  • having a pronounced "I-position";
  • weakened somatically (children who have a weakened organism due to frequent diseases);
  • children who have been in a difficult life situation for a long time.

Symptomatic manifestations of children's neurosis

What do parents pay attention to? What can alarm about the development of neurosis in a child? Manifestations can wear different character depending on the type of neurotic violation. To show anxiety about the state of the child is in the presence of at least one of the listed phenomena:

  • pronounced bouts of fear;
  • stupor and stuttering;
  • change of facial expressions and increased tears compared to the usual state;
  • decline in appetite;
  • irritation;
  • reduction of communicability, striving for loneliness;
  • all sorts of sleep disorders;
  • increased fatigue;
  • increased sensitivity and suggestibility;
  • hysterical seizures;
  • imperidity and indecision;
  • enurpere and Enchnoprez.

Manifestations of neurosis in the photo

When you need to consult a doctor and how to treat a child

Any change in behavior for a long time, systematic seizures or actions - all this should alert the parents. The reason may be different, but to reinforce and turn to the specialist in time is very important. Timely response will make it possible to deprive the baby unpleasant manifestations of neurotic disorder and will relieve it from serious problems in the future.

The basis for the treatment of neurosis in children - Psychotherapy. Sessions can be carried out in different forms: group psychotherapy, individual, family. The value of the latter is very large - it is during contact with a child, and with parents a doctor has the opportunity to most accurately determine the cause of the problem and comprehensively affect its permission.

It is worth noting that psychotherapy in the case of children's neuroses is more aimed at the overall improvement of the situation in the family and the normalization of relations within its framework. Additional measures - the appointment of drug drugs, the use of reflex and physiotherapy - are not basic, but are designed only to create favorable conditions for psychotherapy.

Within the framework of group psychotherapy, a large number of methods allowing the child to cope with neurotic disorders:

  • artherapy (most often - drawing, which allows the child to better figure out his own experiences and helps the doctor to collect information about his personal characteristics and moods);
  • game therapy is a spontaneous game without a specific scenario aimed at improvisation of participants;
  • autogenous training (for teenagers);
  • talegotherapy - inventing characters, plots, playing fairy tales, creation of dolls, etc.;
  • suggestive type of psychotherapy or affected by suggestion.

Preventive measures and what should not be done with neurosis

If the child has symptoms of neurosis, then increased attention, hyperbulsed care can only aggravate the situation - such a behavior of parents can consolidate negative manifestations of disorder, provoke their use as a means of manipulation. Often this happens precisely with the hysterical forms of neurotic disorder.

Do not pamper your baby on the basis of what he is sick. Symptoms of among and ticks are very firmly fixed with the active appeal to their attention.

The prophylactic action should include:

  • careful observation of the behavior of a child, timely response to manifested deviations;
  • creation in the family of a favorable psychological and emotional situation;
  • an explanation for the child's reasons and the need for requirements that are presented to it.

Video on how to recognize the first signs of system neurosis in children

Such a phenomenon as neurosis in children is a minor personality reaction to mental injury.

This is a response of a children's psyche for a negative situation that lasts long enough. Only a small number of parents understand the seriousness of this problem.

Causes of neurotic disorder

Features of neuroses in children are directly dependent on age. The psyche of children of preschool age, schoolchildren, teenagers are most vulnerable.

Children's neurosis can be manifested at the age of 2 or 3 years old. This period is characterized by the manifestation of negativism, racing, permanent confrontation with parents.

In 3 years, children are trying to realize their own significance and defend their interests.

Neuroses in children of school age and neurosis in preschool children are characterized by sharpness of perception and response to various traumatic situations.

Neuroses in children and adolescents may be associated with character characteristics or with existing predisposition to diseases of this kind.

Insecurity, excitability, impactivity, increased activity, emotionality, irritability, dependence on someone else's opinion is predisposing features leading to neurotic disorders in children.

The causes of neuroses in children depend on various factors.

In 3 years, children can experience great stress due to separation from loved ones or due to visiting kindergarten, circles and other children's teams (there is a problem with adaptation and socialization).

For more older guys, the main reasons are the problems in the family, relationships with classmates, violence from close relatives, fear.

Also provocative factors causing neurotic reactions in children may be:

  • pathology during pregnancy (frequent stress, hypoxia of the fetus, severe childbirth);
  • changes to the usual lifestyle (school change, team, moving to another city, worsening housing conditions, the emergence of a new family member);
  • problems of relationships between relatives (frequent quarrels, divorce, violence, alcohol or narcotic dependence of a family member);
  • improper or erroneous behavior of close relatives in education issues (excessive guardianship, absolute indifference, authoritarianity, permissiveness);
  • fears (most often caused by parents by intimidating the punishment, fictional characters);
  • biological causes (mental or physical overload, lack of sleep, violation and non-compliance, heredity, general state Health).

As you can see, the causes of this pathology are a great set.

Main types of neurotic disorders

In psychological practice, different types of neurosis are distinguished.

Neuroses of obsessive movements occurs in the presence of characteristics of character (fearlessness, imperitiousness, indecision, or insecurity). The kids starting from an early age, there is a feeling of fear of anyone unfamiliar, new for them.

For example, the baby is 4 years old afraid to stay alone in the room, insects, darkness, thunderstorms and will try to avoid such situations. Thus, being one indoors, he will try to quickly find adults, shout to come to him.

Seeing spider from afar, the baby will try to rejuvenate as much as possible from the place where the insect was observed. At the occurrence of dark croches will include light in all rooms, etc.

Nervous tick has a manifestation in the form of frequent blinking, twitching the nose, lifting eyebrows, twitching shoulders, involuntary pronouncing words. In other words, there is an uncontrolled muscle contraction.

Usually, children have 4-5 years old, tick arises, associated with a flashing, which can soon pass. It is worth remembering that ticks do not always testify to the disease of the psyche.

The neurosis-like state in children, which is characterized by organic brain damage, is neurosis-like ticks. The diagnosis of one or another type of ticks represents quite large difficulties.

Adults and older people often suffer from the hypochondria (permanent fear of their health), but teenagers are sometimes exposed to her. They are specially looking for symptoms of various diseases, their formation is safely afraid.

Signs of neurosis

The neurotic state of obsessive movements indicate:

  • need to rotate any object in the hands (handle, buttons)
  • knock fingers about the surface;
  • twitching lip;
  • clicking fingers;
  • habit nibble nails.

So, the crumbs in 2 or 3 years will most likely suck the fingers, to gripe with teeth, wind hair, etc.

Fear neuroses in children (alarming neurosis) in most cases are manifested by the attacks of fear (severe alarm, panic state, internal voltage).

The main symptoms can be:

  • rapid pulse;
  • sweating;
  • labored breathing;
  • dizziness;
  • insomnia;
  • chills.

Depending on the age of boys and girls, fears can vary. The crumbs are afraid of cartoon characters, mythical creatures, darkness, other people's people, etc. The guys are older than the fears of public ridiculation, humiliation, bad assessments, strict teachers, conflicts with classmates.

Neilstation in children arises as a result of excessive physical and mental loads. The causes can be a visit to a large number of circles, a large load at school, lack of sleep. The main syndrome is irritable weakness.

Also for neurasthenia are characteristic:

  • lethargy;
  • passivity;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • inhibition;
  • nonsense;
  • sleep mechanisms failures.

Quite often, neurasthenia arises against the background of diseases, weakened health.

Separate types of children's neurosis

There are also such signs characterizing children's neurosis as stuttering and enurs.


Stuttering is usually observed in young children (from 3 to 4 years during the period of active formation of speech). This ailment is associated with the convulsions of the muscles participating in the speech process. Strong fright or other psyche injury is the cause of stuttering.

Also big role Healthiness plays and predisposition to speech pathologies. It is the neurotic stuttering that is caused by strong excitement or experience, sometimes accompanied by facial ticks. There are also cases of lack of speech after the state of a strong shock (the so-called affect response), followed by the development of stuttering.


Enuresis is one of the types of mental disorders in case there is an interconnection of mental injury and urinary incontinence. The development of this disease begins with the failures of sleep mechanisms (a failure of biochemical processes responsible for the beginning and a course of sleep).

Enurperse may appear under the influence of pronounced dependence on the uncomfortable environment (visiting the kindergarten, boarding school). Moreover, the temporary lack of conditions injured conditions leads to a decrease in the frequency of uncontrolled urinals or to complete disappearance.


Hysteria is characterized by the emergence of changeable non-permanent mood, egoism and egocentrism, increased sensitivity.

The prerequisite for the occurrence of hysteria is the mistakes of parents in the issue of education (excessive manifestation of love and care for their events, the unquestioning fulfillment of all his desires, requirements, etc.).

Regardless of age, hysterical seizures occur in the presence of adults. Thus, the young dictator attracts attention to himself. Hysteria is more characteristic of boys and girls who are accustomed to be the center of attention.

Personal kids express their protests by:

  • crying;
  • scream;
  • fights;
  • werewood or throwing items.

As for schoolchildren, they are dominated here:

  • deliberate theatricalness of the hysterical;
  • a tendency to exaggerate painful disorders;
  • the desire to cause sympathy among others;
  • increased requirements for native and loved ones;
  • the appearance of diseases of a somatic nature (complaints of head pain or hearts that do not pass after taking medication).

Nervous anorexia (food mental disorder) is manifested by refusal of food, vomiting when feeding the stomach. The causes of the absence of appetite are cordons, violent feeding.

This leads to the formation of disgust for food. The absence of appetite sometimes signals the possible presence of experiences or problems.

Symptomatics of the disease

Research in the field of psychology claims that in disadvantaged families (in which scandals, physical violence, improper upbringing model are present) the guys are formed hostility, burglarity, distrust of people.

Symptoms of neurosis in children are:

  • new character traits;
  • excitability;
  • excessive planetness;
  • anxiety;
  • closed;
  • change of facial expressions;
  • inhibition;
  • depressive states;
  • stormy reaction to minor external stimuli;
  • stupor;
  • aggression, etc.

The changes occurring at the level of somatic health include: reducing memory, poor response to sounds, light, sleep rhythms failure, tachycardia, sweating, scattered attention, etc.

If we classify the symptoms in age criteria, we will have the following picture:

  • In the first year of life and under three years, there are failures of somatic and vegetative functions.
  • In four to ten years, psychomotor features are observed.
  • The guys from seven to twelve years - the failures of affective functions.
  • Failures of emotional functions can be in adolescent twelve - sixteen years.

Diagnosis of the disease

To establish the correct diagnosis, you should seek advice from a specialist (psychotherapist or psychologist).

Diagnostics consists of several consecutive stages:

  • a survey of close relatives participating in the education process to clarify the psychological situation, analysis of relationships, analyzing the patient's relationship with peers and other people;
  • in the process of playing or other distracting classes, children are asked for previously prepared issues;
  • observation of the patient's behavior during a spontaneous game, analysis of its drawings;
  • examination of parents or other close relatives involved in the educational process, analysis of errors in their behavior;
  • purpose of surveys to the patient (doppler of brain vessels, electroencephalogram, computed tomography);
  • development of psychotherapy.

Non-media treatment methods

The main question that excites parents, how to treat neurosis in a child?

Psychotherapy is the main method of treating the disease. Characterized by multilateral impact on the psyche. Psychotherapy is aimed at the normalization of relationships and climate in the family, correction of the Rules of Education, elimination of negative intramearial factors. Conditionally, this type of therapy is divided into 3 types:

  • Family - it has a particular importance in the treatment of small children. Effectively eliminates the impact of upbringing errors. Occurs by examining the family (psychological characteristics, characteristics of morals). Psychotherapy lies in family conversations or discussions (conversations with close relatives), joint therapy. In the course of observation of communication, the games of the baby with mom and dad are possible possible conflicts. The main task of the psychotherapist is to build and implement the model of optimal relationships.
  • Individual - treatment of neurosis in children by applying rational psychotherapy, art therapy, gaming, suggestion, hypnosis. The main principle of rational therapy is the explanation by the doctor to the patient the essence and possible reasons His painful state, to identify with general efforts the main source of experience.
  • Group - Depending on the type of disease, groups of guys for 4-6 people are formed. They are conducting trainings, games, organize hiking on excursions, to the library. Frequently asked homework, which are checked and discussed within the group. Group trainings have greater efficiency and effectiveness than individual. In the classroom, the maximum relaxing situation is achieved, in which patients are liberated, sharing with each other experiences, try to analyze them on their own.

Art therapy

Art therapy has a beneficial effect on children, since with the help of drawing the guys will be able to sort out their experiences. The task of the doctor is to observe the patient, drawing up an opinion on the characteristics of the character, self-assessment, communications.

The game with a therapeutic goal has a spontaneous and improvisational form, thanks to which patients can freely express emotions. In such a game, the doctor creates fictional stressful situations in order to push to independently out of them.

Sometimes treatment is prescribed by contact with animals (dogs, cats, horses). Contact with dolphins is the most popular view in this category.

Treatment of neurosis in adolescents is carried out with the help of muscle relaxation, suggestion and hypnosis. By muscular relaxation created by a doctor (patient fantasy on a pleasant memories, impressions, cherished desires, or the view of the noise of the sea, warm sunlight), there is a decrease, even the disappearance of stuttering, nervous ticks.

With each following session, symptoms are reduced. The suggestion is carried out in cases of diagnosing in a patient with acute mental reactions in order to correct behavior. The doctor inspires peace of confidence in their own power, improving well-being, etc.

Pretty successfully practiced indirect suggestion - setting on recovery when taking medicines or conduct certain procedures (t. N. Placebo effect).

Medical therapy

Therapy with medicines is of secondary importance in the treatment process. As a rule, it is carried out before psychotherapy. Assigned:

  • tensulating drugs (vitamins of group B, C, calcium preparations);
  • nootrops (piracetam);
  • preparations for reducing the amount of fluid in the body or individual organs (diuretics);
  • medicinal herbs tincture (herbs that have a soothing action);
  • tranquilizers are applied only in case of excessive activity, disbuits (chloridiazepoxide);
  • physiotherapy (electrophoresis, electrone);
  • it is possible to use small doses of antidepressants (imiprapine).

It should be remembered that only the doctor may prescribe drugs necessary for the treatment of the disease.

Preschoolers, the guys of school age, adolescents have not to the end formed and immature nervous systemMoreover, extremely wounds. It is very important on time to help cope with stressful situations, possible problems in order to avoid serious consequences. mental disorder and irreversible personality changes.

Often, adults simply do not attach great importance to the occurrence of neurotic reactions in children, write off such behavior for harmfulness, whims, age features. This is a huge mistake! It is necessary to carefully treat all the slightest changes in the behavior of children, try more to spend time with them, do not be shy to discuss their personal experiences.

Moms and dad should organize right mode Labor and recreation, full sleep, a favorable psychological atmosphere in the family. Need to eliminate or alleviate chronic diseases (Congenital or acquired).

If the child was diagnosed with this disease, in no case should not be desirable. Thanks to the support of loved ones, psychotherapy in combination with drug therapy to cure on time the detected neurosis in children can be quite easy and fast.

Neuroses are a functional reversible disorder of the nervous system (psyche) due to long-term experiences, accompanied by an unstable mood, increased fatigue, a sense of anxiety and vegetative impairment (palpitations, sweating, etc.).

Unfortunately, in our time, the neurons are increasingly suffering from children. Some parents do not pay the necessary attention to the manifestations of the nervous disorder in the child, considering their whims and phenomena passing with age. But the mothers and dads come correctly, trying to figure out the child's condition and help him.

Types of neurosis in childhood

Fear of the child can be a manifestation of neurosis.

  1. Anxiety neurosis (alarms). It is manifested by the appearance of an approaching emerging (often at the time of falling asleep) of fear, sometimes accompanied by hallucinations. Depending on the age, the content of fear can be different.

In preschool age, the fear of darkness occurs more often, fearful to stay alone in the room, a fairy tale character or a viewed film. Sometimes the baby is afraid of the appearance of a mythical being invented by the parents (with an educational purpose): black mage, evil fairies, "Babai", etc.

In the younger school age, fear of schools with a strict teacher, discipline, "bad" estimates can occur. In this case, the child can run away from school (sometimes even from home). The disease is manifested by a reduced mood, sometimes - daily enuresis. More often, this type of neurosis develops in children who did not attend kindergarten in preschool age.

  1. Neurosis obsessive states . It is divided into 2 types: obsessive neurosis (neurosis of obsessive actions) and phobic neurosis, but there may be mixed forms with manifestation and phobias, and obsessions.

Oblosis of obsessive actions is manifested by those arising besides desire, involuntary movements, like a nose, blinking, shuddering, migrating the nose, top of your feet, patting with tassels on the table, shaking or different types of ticks. Tiki (twitching) usually occur with emotional voltage.

Phobic neurosis is expressed in an obsessive fear of a closed space, stitching items, pollution. An older children may have obsessive fears of illness, death, oral answers in school, etc. Sometimes children arise obsessive performances or thoughts contrary to the moral principles and raising a child, which gives him negative experiences and anxiety.

  1. Depressive neurosis More characteristic of adolescence. His manifestations are depressed mood, tear, understated self-esteem. Scuntful Mimic, a quiet speech, sad expression of the face, sleep disorder (insomnia), worsening appetite and reduced activity, the desire to stay alone create a more complete picture of the behavior of such a child.
  1. Hysterical neurosis More characteristic of preschool children. The manifestations of this state are falling on the floor with cry and screams, shocks head or limbs about the floor or other solid surface.

More rarely there are affective respiratory attacks (imaginary suffocation) when refusing any child's demand or with his punishment. Extremely rarely, adolescents may occur sensory hysterical disorders: an increase or decrease in skin sensitivity or mucous membranes and even hysterical blindness.

Children suffering from neurasthenia - Plaks and irritable.

  1. Asthenic neurosis, or neurasthenia,also more characteristic of school age and adolescents. We provoke the manifestations of neurasthenia excessive loads of the school program and additional classes, more often manifests in physically weakened children.

Clinical manifestations are plasticity, irritability, bad appetite and sleep disorders, increased fatigue, non-perfection.

  1. Hypochondria neurosis Also more characteristic of adolescence. The manifestations of this state are excessive concern about the state of their health, the unreasonable fear of the occurrence of various diseases.
  1. Neurotic stuttering More often occurs in boys during the period of speech development: its formation or formation of phrase speech (from 2 to 5 years). Provocate its appearance strong fright, sharp or chronic mental injuries (separation with parents, family scandals, etc.). But the cause can be the information overload during the forcing by the parents of the intellectual or speech development of the kid.
  1. Neurotic ticks Also more characteristic of boys. The cause of the occurrence can be both a mental factor and some diseases: for example, diseases such as chronic blepharitis, conjunctivitis will cause and fix the habit of unreasonably often rub eyes or blink, and frequent inflammation Upper respiratory tract Make the usual shaking or "grunting" sounds through the nose. Such, initially reasonable and appropriate, protective actions are then fixed.

These same type of actions and movements can be intrusive or simply become familiar who do not cause a child with a sense of tension and stiffness. Neurotic ticks aged from 5 to 12 years old are more often. Tychi is usually dominated in the muscles of the face, shoulder belt, neck, respiratory ticks. Often they are combined with enuresis and stuttering.

  1. Neurotic disorders of sleepthey manifest themselves in children with such symptoms: difficulties in falling asleep, anxious, restless sleep with awakening, night fears and nightmarish dreams, sleepwalking, conversation in a dream. Walking and conversation in a dream are associated with the character of dreams. This kind of neurosis is more often observed in children in preschool and younger school age. The reasons for it are not fully studied.
  1. Anorexia,or a neurotic disruption of appetite is more characteristic of early and preschool age. The immediate cause may be overproampulation, an insistent attempt of a mother to feed the child or coincide with the feeding of any unpleasant event (sharp shock, family scandal, fright, etc.).

Neuroses can manifest itself to the refusal to take any food or selective type of products, slowness during food intake, prolonged chewing, tightening or abundant vomiting, reduced mood, whims and federation during meals.

  1. Neurotic enuresis - unconscious urination (more often at night). Night incontinence of urine is more often noted in children with disturbing traits. Matter psychotrauming factors and hereditary predisposition. Physical and psychological punishments further exacerbate manifestations.

By the beginning of the school age, the child is tormented by the experiences of their drawback, self-esteem is underestimated, the expectation of night urine leads to a breakdown of sleep. Other neurotic symptoms are also manifested: irritability, plasticity, ticks, phobias.

  1. Neurotic enchnoprez - involuntary, without a call for defecation, the release of feces (without the intestinal and spinal cord). It is observed 10 times less than enuresis. They suffer from this type of neurosis more often boys of younger school age. The mechanism of development is not fully studied. The reason is more often too strict educational measures towards child and family conflicts. It is usually combined with weakness, irritability, and often with neurotic enuresis.
  1. The usual pathological actions:drying nails, sucking fingers, irritation by the hands of genitals, hair pulling and rhythmic rocking of the body or individual parts of the body during falling asleep. It is more often manifested in children up to 2 years of age, but can be fixed and manifest itself at high age.

In neurosis, the nature and behavior of children is changing. Most often, parents may notice such changes:

  • claims and excessive sensitivity to the stressful situation: even a child reacts with aggressia or despair for minor psychotrarmating events;
  • alarming character, light vulnerability and syradiability;
  • cancellation on a conflict situation;
  • reduction of memory and attention, intellectual abilities;
  • increased intolerance to loud sounds and bright light;
  • hard fall asleep, superficial, disturbing sleep and drowsiness in the morning;
  • increased sweating, rapid heartbeat, blood pressure fluctuations.

How to recognize the first signs of system neurosis in children? Parenting. Mine School

Causes of neuroses in children

Essential importance for neurosis in childhood have such factors:

  • biological: hereditary predisposition, intrauterine development and pregnancy in mothers, sex of the child, age, transferred diseases, features of the constitution, mental and physical overvoltage, constant lack of sleep, etc.;
  • psychological: psychotrauming situations in childhood and personal characteristics of the child;
  • social: family relationships, parenting education methods.

Mental injury has the main importance for neurosis development. But in rare cases, the disease develops as a direct reaction to any unfavorable psychotrarming fact. Most often, the reason is a long-affirming situation and the inability of the child to adapt to it.

Psychotrayma is a sensual reflection in the consciousness of a child of any meaningful events for him that affect him the oppressive, disturbing, that is, a negative effect. For different children, traumatic situations may be different.

Not always psychotrauma is large-scale. Than more baby It is predisposed to the development of neurosis due to the presence of various factors contributing to this, the smaller psychotrauma will be sufficient for the appearance of neurosis. In such cases, the most insignificant conflict situation can provoke neurosis manifestations: a sharp signal of the car, injustice from the teacher, a dog, and others.

The nature of the psychotrauma capable of causeing neurosis depends on the age of children. So, for the baby in 1.5-2 years, the separation will be sufficiently injured with mom when visiting children's nurses and problems with adaptation in the new setting. The most vulnerable age is 2, 3, 5, 7 years. The average age of the beginning of neurotic manifestations is 5 years for boys and 5-6 years old for girls.

Psychotrauma received in early agemay be fixed for a long time: the child who did not have time to take a timely timely from kindergarten, with great reluctance can leave home and in adolescence.

The main cause of children's neurosis is errors of education, complex family relationships, and not the imperfection or failure of the child's nervous system. Family troubles, parental divorce Children are hard to worry, without having the opportunity to resolve the situation.

How do children's neurosis are associated with family problems?

Special attention deserves children with bright severity "I". Because of its emotional sensitivity, they experience an increased need for love and attention of loved ones, emotional coloring relationships with them. If this need dissolves this need, the child has a fear of loneliness and emotional isolation.

Such children early show self-esteem, independence in actions and actions, expressing their own opinions. They do not tolerate dictates and restrictions on their actions, excessive guardianship and control from the first years of life. Their protest and opposition to such relationships parents perceive as stubbornness and are trying to fight it by punishment and restrictions than and contribute to the development of neurosis.

More others are at risk of developing neurosis weakened, often ill children. In this case, not only the weakening of their nervous system is important, but also the problems of education of a often ill child.

Neuroses are developing, as a rule, in children, for a long time in a difficult life situation (in orphanages, in families of parents of alcoholics, etc.)

Treatment and prevention of children's neurosis

The most successful is the treatment in eliminating the cause of neurosis. Psychotherapists, namely they are treating neurosis, own many treatments: hypnosis, homeopathy, tale treatment, game therapy. In some cases, it is necessary to apply medication tools. For each specific child, an individual approach to treatment is selected.

But the main medicine is a favorable climate in the family without quarrels and conflicts. Laughter, joy, feeling of happiness will erase the available stereotypes. It is impossible to let parents start the process on Samotek: maybe it will pass. Neurosis must be treated with love and laughter. The more often the child will laugh, the more successful the treatment will be faster.

The cause of neurosis is in the family. In matters of child education, adult family members should come to a reasonable general opinion. This does not mean that you should indulge with all the pleasures of the child or provide him with excessive freedom of action. But the unlimited dictate and deprivation of all independence, hyperophec and pressure of parental authority will be wrong, control over each other's step. Such education generates a closure and absolute dryness - and this is also a manifestation of neurosis. It should be found a golden middle.

Children's neurosis. Consultation of a psychologist

Nothing good leads to panic parents about the slightest disease of the child. Most likely, he will grow by a hypochondrick with constant complaints and a bad character.

The same harmful will be both complete indifference, inattention to the child and his problems and parental cruelty, causing a constant feeling of fear. No wonder there will be a manifestation of aggressiveness in such children.

In many families, especially those who have a single child, cultivate his exclusivity from his beloved chad, prophesy success and the star future. Sometimes such children are doomed to many hours (parents chosen for them), without having to communicate with peers and entertainment. Under these conditions, the child is often developing hysterical neurosis.

Psychologist, before appointing treatment, it will be sure to find out the family circumstances and methods of child upbringing. A lot depends not on the action of prescribed drugs (if they are generally needed), but from parents, from understanding their mistakes in raising and readiness to correct them.

The child's healing will also contribute to the observance of the day, rational nutrition, physical education, daily stay in the fresh air.

Received recognition methods for the treatment of children's neurosis with musical therapy, treatment with animals (dolphins, horses, fish, etc.).

Summary for parents

If you want your child to grow calm, cheerful, adequately reacting to any life situations, take care of creating a favorable emotional climate in the family. "The most important is the weather in the house": the words of the popular songs indicate the path of prevention and treatment of children's neurosis.

To which doctor to turn

In case of violations of the child's behavior, contact the children's psychologist. In some cases, the consultation of a psychotherapist or psychiatrist is shown. In the treatment of a child, a pediatrician, a neurologist, speech therapist, physiotherapist, a massage therapist, as well as a urologist can participate in the treatment of the child.

Neurose! Causes, errors, differences. Nebrosis treatment. Treatment of symptoms

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Neuroses in children Refer to defects mental state reversible, without distorting the perception of the world. Children's neurosis are psychogenic violations that are a response of an individual to a psychotracting situation. However, the main danger of this neurotic disorder is hidden not at the weight of the flow, but in responding to parents on its manifestations. Since the primary manifestations of neurotic states the overwhelming majority of adults simply do not notice. In cases where adult members of family relationships still discover the manifestations of neurosis in their own children, they still continue to relate quite indifferent and superficially to them, believing that such manifestations will disappear by themselves. Only a small number of representatives of the adult population, unfortunately, is serious about the problem of neuroses in kids.

Causes of neuroses in children

Factors provoking the origin of neuroses in small representatives of humanity are diverse. These include the causes of hereditary nature or socio-psychological factors. In addition, it is also possible to distinguish a certain category of guys who are most at risk of acquiring neurosis.

Features of neuroses in children are due to the development of the emerging personality. Children's identity is substantially determined by the type of education in the family. Different types of incorrect education (rejection, hyperemp, indulgent hyperophec, hard, authoritarian education, hyperocializing contrast education) distort often biological features of the child's personality and its temperament.

In the first turn, psychologists recommend parents to pay attention to the existence of certain age-related stages in children, in which they are most susceptible in the environment and the negative in it, as a result of which are more mentally vulnerable.

Neurosis in children, mainly, begins to develop in the age period between two and three years and between five and family.

These periods are characterized by specific features. The first period is characterized by a steady psychological opposition of kids and their parents. At this stage, the guys first try to realize, and subsequently to defend their own place in the world.

The child's neurosis is considered to be a rather serious state, since at this stage the baby is most vulnerable.

The child's neurosis is 7 years old manifests itself in the sharpness of the child response to various traumatic circumstances and the inability to properly control their own reactions to such circumstances and its condition.

The prevention of neuroses in children in crisis periods of development is their guardation from provoking and traumatic factors, ensuring comfortable livelihoods.

Neuroses in children and adolescents may arise due to the predisposition or presence of certain character traits or physical characteristics. Thus, the development of neurosis in children in the following cases will be the most likely when transferring neurotic disorders during pregnancy and if the baby is unsure of itself, excessively stronger, exclude, depend on the judgments of others, anxious, inspire, hyperactive, irritable.

Neuroses in children and adolescents will appear, first of all, those who seek to be better surroundings and always want to be number one.

We can distinguish a number of social factors provoking the development of neurosis in children:

An excess or deficiency of emotional verbal interaction with the baby;

Unwillingness of adults to find points of psychological contact with children;

Diseases of the nervous system in an adult environment or the presence in family relationships of situations traummering a baby's psyche, for example, parental alcoholism;

Inflection in the upbringing models, for example, excessive care, or, on the contrary, guardianship deficit, imposing an adult environment of own views and visions of life, exorbitant requirements, etc.;

Disagreements in views on the Manera of Education among the adult environment;

Beaming the baby by punishments or non-existent objects, such as babika or Baba Yaga.

The factors of socio-cultural orientation include:

Accommodation in the megapolis;

Lack of full rest;

Bad housing conditions;

Socio-economic factors this:

Constant professional employment of parents;

Incomplete family;

Attracting care about little child unauthorized persons.

The biological reasons of neuroses include hereditary factors, characteristics, the physical condition of the body, various overloads (mental or physical), injury and lack of sleep.

Neuroses in preschool children often arise in the premissions of the parents of joint games, following family traditions or observance of rituals.

Symptoms of neurosis in children

Specific symptoms of neurotic disorders are found in pronounced attacks of various fears, which often begin in the evening before going to bed. Their duration can be up to 30 minutes. Less often in severe cases, such attacks are accompanied by hallucinations.

Neurosis in a child of 3 years can manifest itself in the fear of darkness and monsters that are hidden in it. The emergence of such fears should serve for parents a serious reason for concern and reason to appeal to qualified professionals. Also often in preschoolers, neurotic stutter is observed, which can provoke a sudden attack of strong fear.

At schoolchildren, neurotic states are found in the stupor in which they fall, accompanied by tears, deterioration of appetite, change of facial expressions and intensity. They may also have depressive states, due to the overload associated with study. Female schoolgirls are characterized by concern their own health and fear of various diseases.

If the parents began to notice that the favorite Chado became more irritable, overly flexible, a sleep disorder is noted, then it is necessary to show it to those skilled in the art, since such a condition indicates the presence of serious health problems.

In order to list all possible symptoms, the main types of neuroses should be selected in children.

The neurosis of obsessive movements, which contain in themselves the different orientation of phobias and are subject to obsessive movements, nervous tick. Tickies for neurosis are different, ranging from blinking and ending with twisted shoulders.

The hysterical neurosis is accompanied by sobs, falling on the floor, accompanied by cries and even screams.

Many variations have neurosis of fear - from the fear of darkness and to fear to die.

For adolescents, depressive neurosis is characteristic, manifested in the depressed state and the desire of loneliness.

Often children's neurasthenia is accompanied by vegetative-vascular dystonia and is manifested in intolerance to even a minor mental tension. Children with such syndrome have neurotic sleep disorders.

For the elderly more typical hypochondria, however, adolescents are also often exposed to her. It manifests itself in the form of unhealthy fear for their own health.

If we consider the simplified typology of neurosis, 3 most serious types of neuroses can be distinguished in children associated with neurological manifestations: obsessive state, asthenic and hysterical neurosis.

How does the neurosis in children manifest? The most common forms of neurosis in children are hysterical neurosis.

The hysterical neurosis in the child often accompanies violations of vegetative and sensory processes, motor functions. Croha, subject to these manifestations during attacks, is not able to fully monitor its own body and produces spontaneous television. Such hysterical movements create significant mental discomfort.

Often hysteria in the child is accompanied by a systematic headache, which is often localized in the temporal area. To other symptoms include tremor, that is, trembling limbs or twitching, partial decrease in the sensitivity of various parts of the body. Most doctors believe that this ailment is directly related to the subsequent appearance of diseases such as enuresis, stuttering or anorexia. It should also be noted that the signs of hysterical neurosis in the child are often manifested in the following systematic activities: crumpled lips, permanent nodies head, rubbing their skin and twitching hair.

Asthenic neurosis or neurasthenia is manifested by increased fatigue, concentrating infertility, apaticity and indifference. At the same time, weak physical mobility, excessive and short-term emotional bursts are observed. Babes suffering from neurality are characterized by quick-tempered, while in high voltage. The violent reaction of an emotional nature can cause low-net exterior stimuli. Other typical signs of neurasthenia is considered sleep disorder, functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, headaches, malfunction in the work of the cardiovascular system.

The obsessive neurosis is also called an obsessive nervous state and is manifested by the uncontrolled desire of the crumbs to constantly perform repeated actions. Such repeated actions are explained in a large number of unexplained fear due to similar life situations. The child often realizes the abnormality or illogicality of its own actions, which subsequently can significantly affect the critical attitude of him to his own personality and the experience of the sense of alienation.

Signs of neurosis in an individual experiencing an obsessive state may be different. For example, in some kids manifests itself in an uncontrolled habit of counting the steps.

Neuroses of obsessive movements in children

Disorder, often occurring in children and manifested by the series of obsessive movements, nervous tick and symptom of a general disruption of development, is called neurosis of obsessive movements. With such a motion disorder can be diverse. Most often, the kids meet the following manifestations of neurosis: sucking the fingers, shaking their head or its slope in one direction, hair clearance, grinds teeth, small movements with hands, pinching skin, etc.

The development of neurosis in children often occurs due to severe shocks or mental injury. If the child has the appearance of part of the listed symptoms, then this is not a reason to talk about the diagnosis of neurosis of obsessive states. Often such symptoms are just evidence of the process of growing up, and after a certain amount of time they pass. In cases where the ticks and the movements of an obsessive nature are pronounced vividly, they interfere with the crumb function normally, and manifest themselves for quite a long time, it is necessary to refer to the doctor.

The obsessive states in children cannot be diagnosed using tests or other techniques. They may be part of other, more serious diseases. Often, obsessive movements are confused with tics, but if you know the nature of such phenomena, it is not difficult to distinguish them. Tick \u200b\u200bis called twitching, involuntary muscle contraction that cannot be controlled. Tiki is far from always determined by the reasons of a psychological nature.

Observing movements with the help of the will of the will can be kept. They will always be the result of psychological discomfort experienced by the child.

So, such symptoms are evidenced about the neurotic states of obsessive movements: the baby gnaws the nails, sharply rotates his head, clicks his fingers, pulls the lip, bypassing the items either on the right, either on the left, smacks, bites the lips, rotates the buttons, blows on the palm. It is impossible to list all the movements of an obsessive nature, as they are individual manifestations. The main feature of the neurosis of obsessive states is the annoying repetition of the same movements. At the same time, such repetitions can often be accompanied by hysterical outbreaks, insomnia, disruption of appetite, decrease in performance and excessive refinement.

Thus, obsessive neurosis in preschool children are distinguished by the prevalence of various phenomena of an obsessive nature, that is, actions, fears, ideas that appear necessarily contrary to the desire.

Treatment of neurosis in children

As pathogenetic therapy, during children's neurosis, psychotherapy is used, which, above all, aims to normalize the situation in the family, improving the system of relations in marriage and correction of education. To ensure the necessary psychosomatic background, in order to increase the effectiveness of psychotherapy use medicia treatment, physiotherapy and reflexology.

Psychotherapy of neurosis in children is conventionally divided into three groups of methods: on individual, family and group therapy.

Contact with participants of family relationships allows the therapist to study life problems directly in the family environment, which contributes to liquidation emotional disorders, normalization of a system of relationships, corrective influence of education. Therefore, the importance of family therapy in the treatment of neurotic states in children is so great. Family psychotherapy of neuroses in children in the preschool age stage has a special value, since it is at this stage that it is most effective due to the fact that in this age it is easier to eliminate the pathological impact of parental education errors. Psychotherapy Family includes a family survey that allows you to study the totality of personal features, psychopathological and socio-psychological characteristics of the family, which will give the basis to determine the family diagnosis. The next stage of psychotherapy family includes family discussions that cover conversations with grandfathers and grandmothers, a conversation with parents. With the baby you need to do in a specialized room, equipped as a game room. Initially, the crumble is provided with the possibility of free interaction with toys or books. After establishing persistent emotional contact with the kid, the conversation is directly carried out with it. Classes with a child usually precede family discussions, but sometimes it is possible to start classes without prior discussions, as the improvement of the state of the baby will have a positive effect on their own family discussions. In the course of family discussions, it is necessary to determine the pedagogical perspective, while emphasizing the direct role of parents and the need for close cooperation.

At the next stage, joint psychotherapy of parents and the kid occurs. Selders or drawing can be conducted with preschoolers. With children who are in the school age period there is a discussion of a variety of topics, targeted objects. In the course of the interaction of kids and their parents, the usual reactions of an emotional nature and possible conflicts are determined. Then role-playing games, which reflect verbal interaction in life, are played by school situations or moments from the family life. In the process of such games, the role is shown - the guys and parents change roles. The task of the psychotherapist lies in the demonstration during the scenario of the optimal model of family relationships, which makes it possible to gradually build conditions for eliminating the psychological conflict and modification of relations in family connections.

Individual psychotherapy of neurosis in children includes a rational, suggestive gaming therapy, techniques of art therapy, autogenous training.

The method of rational psychotherapeutic assistance is carried out in several stages. After establishing a persistent emotional contact with a patient, the therapist explains it in an affordable form the essence of his painful state. The next stage is a child together with the therapist tries to identify the source of experiences. Then the baby is proposed to finish the story started by the therapist. Viewing various variations of the conclusion of the story, the child tries to resolve serious conflict situations independently or with the help of a doctor.

Often drawing can be the only possibility of toddler to communicate. With drawing, the child begins to better navigate in his own experiences. And observation of the baby in the process of drawing makes it possible to make an idea of \u200b\u200bits characteristics of character, communicativeness or closetness, self-esteem, horizons, presence of fantasy and creative potential. Game psychotherapy most responds to the age need in the game, but it assumes the organization of the game as a therapeutic process. A spontaneous game can be applied, that is, does not imply a specific scenario, and a directional game that is based on a given plot, but using improvisation. Spontaneous game provides the possibility of self-expression, awareness of fear, anxiety and voltage. The improvisational game involves the creation of special stressful situations of fear, dispute or other adverse conditions so that the kid independently find a solution or exit from the situation.

How to treat neurosis in a child? In neurosis, drug therapy has, rather, secondary importance, as it acts symptomatically, removes the voltage, eliminates the increased excitability or, on the contrary, depressive states, reduces the asthenic syndrome. Also often applied comprehensive treatmentcombining psychotherapy reception medicinal preparations and physiotherapy. It is more often used in neric-like states. Reception of antidepressants and tranquilizers is not recommended, since these drugs may complicate the conduct of psychotherapy. More often, tranquilizers are used to correct a hyperactive child and during organic disbursement.

Children for the treatment of neurotic states it is advisable to appoint intact medicinal plants.

In the world of information technology, people sometimes forget about the importance of live communication. The worst thing, when small children suffer from a lack of parental attention and care, becoming closed and sullen. Our time can be called the epoch of the cooking divorces - each second family breaks his marriage union. There is no doubt that accommodation and upbringing in an incomplete family or with a non-rigid stepmother / stepfather adversely affects the child's rapid psyche. It is necessary to know how to properly carry out neurosis in children.

Neurosis - This is a disorder of the nervous system that occurs as a response to psychotrauming stimuli. In pathology, there is a lag in the development of important higher nerve functions.

Description of neurosis issues

Important! According to statistics, a quarter of all children aged from 2 to 5 years old suffers from children's neurosis.

The risk of neuroses is that the kids under the age of 3 years do not know how to fully explain their fears, frights and emotions, and therefore it is difficult to identify and treat neurosis in the shortest possible time. In the untimely detection of deviations, either in the inactivity of neurosis can continue until adolescence.

If you have noticed the baby with one or several symptoms of the disease, you need to immediately apply for treatment to the doctor. It will diagnose, reveal the cause of the disease, will write the necessary course of treatment.

So, how to properly undergo neurosis treatment in children, how to determine this disease?

Neuroses in children - A fairly common disease, nevertheless, deeperated by treatment with the timely identification of the disease. The immature nervous system of children is very susceptible to psychological influence from the outside, therefore neurosis is most often manifested in childhood.

Attention! Nervous disorders begin to develop between 2 to 3 years, or from 5 to 7 years. Parents should pay special attention to the state of the child, which is in this vulnerable age and begin treatment.

The mistake of most parents is that they often do not pay attention to the manifestations of the child's anxiety, believing that the "nervous" period will pass by itself. However, neurosis, without proper treatment, can not pass. Accurate diagnosis and immediate treatment for elimination neurotic state.

Non-reposition of help with a negros-like state can lead to problems in communications with surrounding people, as well as influence the overall health. In the end, neuroses can lead to global changes in the psychological mistake of the individual without treatment.

Before you begin the treatment of neurosis in children, you need to find out what kind of factors ossed its appearance. No treatment will help if not eliminating negative stress factors, as they will continue to influence the children's psyche, breaking it all stronger.

Most children's neuroses occur against the background of an unstable situation in the family. If parents often swear, talk to each other on elevated tones or, worse, apply physical violence relative to each other, then not surprisingly the occurrence of deviations in the psyche of the child.

The formation of neurosis can affect:

  • type of upbringing (hyperopka, authoritarian education, rejection);
  • temperament;
  • paul and child's age;
  • body structure (normal physique, asthenic or hypersthenic);
  • some character traits (shyness, excitability, hyperactivity).

Attention! It has been proven that neurosis is characteristic of children with leadership inclinations, who wants to be better than the rest, those who want to be number one.

Factors causing neurosis can be classified according to the following groups:

Social factors:

  • Redundant or insufficient living chat with a child;
  • The inability or reluctance of parents to understand and solve children's problems and begin treatment;
  • The presence in the family of regular traumatic events - alcoholism, drug addiction, slutty behavior of parents;
  • Invalid type of education - excessive guardianship or, on the contrary, insufficient manifestation of attention and care;
  • Being intimidation of children with a threat of punishment or non-existent evil characters (only harms the treatment of neurosis).

Socio-cultural factors:

  • Accommodation in a major city;
  • Insufficient amount of time for a full-fledged family vacation;
  • Adverse housing conditions.

Socio-economic factors:

  • Constant presence of parents at work;
  • Attraction to raising children of strangers;
  • An incomplete family or the presence of a stepmother / stepfather.

Biological factors:

  • Frequent inhappings, insomnia;
  • Genetic inheritance of mental disorder;
  • Intellectual or physical excessive loads;
  • Pathology during pregnancy, called fetal hypoxy.

Important! The method of treating neurosis in children is selected based on the causes of its causes and type of neurosis.

Nervous disorder can manifest itself in different ways. Signs of neurosis directly depend on its variety, however, a number of common symptoms characteristic of all nerity-like states can be distinguished.

  • Violations of sleep mode. The symptom can manifest itself in the form of insomnia, lunatism, frequent nightmares. Children who have this symptom are very difficult to wake up in the morning, because during the night they cannot sleep because of constantly interrupted and restless sleep. Nebrosis treatment must be started to eliminate such symptoms;
  • Appetite disorder. In children of preschool and younger school age, the appetite disorder can manifest itself in the form of refusal from food, the emergence of a vomit reflex when eating. In adolescents, bulimia or anorexia occurs as neurotic reactions. Immediately begin the treatment of neurosis at this age.
  • The rapid appearance of fatigue, lethargy, muscle pain, even after minor loads;
  • External manifestations of nervousness, such as a frequent plasticity, sprinkling nails, hair. To combat such factors, you need to turn to the doctor for the treatment of neurosis;
  • Frequent headaches and dizziness requiring treatment;
  • Disorder of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Physical deviations from the norm, such as respiratory impairment, increased sweating, the change in blood pressure. Require urgent treatment of neurosis;
  • Attacks of rapid fear, in the launched cases leading to hallucinations. Little children may be afraid of the darkness and monsters melting in it. Nebrosis treatment in this case should be comprehensive;
  • State of stupor, inhibition;
  • Depressive, depressed states.

Parents when finding irritability, plasticity, nervousness of the child should immediately show it to those skilled in the art and begin treatment. Of course, children's doctor The pediatrician in this trouble can not help. You need to handle directly to a positively proven to the children's psychotherapist, which has a rich experience in the treatment of neurosis in children.

Neurological deviations are most often manifested in children with certain peculiarities of mental activity and character type.

Thus, neurosis most often appear in children who:

  • Telling to the bright expression of their emotions and feelings. Such children really need love and attention from a close environment. If the need for care is not satisfied, children begin to disturb doubts and fears that they do not like them that they do not need anyone;
  • Often sick. Parents belong to often sick children very carefully, excessively flowing, treat and protect. In children, in such a situation, a sense of helplessness is formed, turning into the nerity-like syndrome;
  • Brought up in a disadvantaged family. Neuroses are subject to children raised in asocial families, in shelters and orphanages.

Even if your child cannot be correlated with the categories presented, it does not guarantee that it does not get rich in neurosis. To identify mental disorder and start treatment will help attentive observation of changes in the behavior of the child.

Psychologists and neurologists have proposed a lot of classification of neurotic states on various criteria. The most simple is their division on clinical manifestations for faithful neurosis treatment.

Neuroses of obsessive movements - The most common variety of mental disorder in childhood. The disease can be accompanied by frequent blinking, cuffs, shuddering.

Obsessive states - These are unconscious, often repetitive actions that arise with a strongest emotional burst due to shocks or experienced stress.

A child suffering from this type of neurosis can:

  1. nibble nails or suck fingers;
  2. touch your genitals;
  3. pull the limbs
  4. twist and tele hair.

If obsessive actions in early childhood do not be treated, they can again manifest themselves at the outbreaks of a nervous state at older.

The child often understands that the actions that have repeatedly performed can be immoral in nature, not approved in society. This may entail a sense of alienation from society - closure, uninforcement, introversion. If you immediately begin treatment of neurosis, you can avoid bad habits.

Neuroses of obsessive states are accompanied not only by constant repetition of some kind of actions of the child, but also common symptoms This disease, such as breaking sleep, increased frenchness, disruption of appetite.

The neurosis of the feeling of fear has many variations - from the fear of darkness to the fear of death. The attacks most often arise during dreams, or when the child remained alone for a long time. It is necessary to immediately begin treatment of neurosis.

The specifics of fears depends on the age of the child:

  • The kids under the age of 7 often the fear of staying one house, fear of darkness, fear of fictional characters from artistic works or cartoons. The mistake of parents is to intentionally provoke the formation of this variety of neurosis, specially disappeared by children by Babay, a police or an evil wolf. It will expand the treatment of neurosis.
  • Children of primary school age develops fear of getting a bad assessment, reprimand from the teacher in front of the whole class, the fear of more adult guys. Against the background of these fears, the child may refuse to go to school, motivating his refuses to be deceived (illness, bad well-being). At the time of treatment, neurosis needs to encourage the child more often.

The risk group of the emergence of this type of neurosis includes children who did not attend kindergartens, spent most of the time at home. As a rule, they do not know how to communicate properly with peers and are very worried about this. Such children require proper treatment of neurosis.

Neurasthenia- This is a disorder of the nervous system, manifested in rapid fatigue, apathy and insufficient concentration of attention. Along with the above symptoms, there is a low level of physical activity.

As a rule, this kind of neurosis arises from schoolchildren of different ages due to increased loads at school. If the child visits additional circles or sections, the risk of neurasthenia becomes even higher.

The risk group includes children with weakened health, physically not prepared. Such children react very sharply to external stimuli. Usually they are injected, often cry, suffer from the lack of appetite, sleep disorders. Neurotic reactions entail migraine, disorders in the operation of the gastrointestinal tract, the cardiovascular system. Such neurosis requires treatment.

This type of neurosis is characterized only for teenagers. The child seeks to move away from adults, is experiencing first love, relations with peers, constantly crying. Against the background of the nervous disorder, there is a drop in self-esteem, deterioration of relations with parents, a decrease in school academic performance.

A child suffering from a sense of depression can be calculated on external signs - the expression of sadness on the face, quiet obscure speech, inexpressive facial expressions and gestures. Usually, adolescents are in a state of depressive neurosis are sediments, almost nothing eaten, sleeps little at night. Depressive condition requires urgent treatment to avoid heavier, irreversible consequences - such as suicide. At the first signs, neurosis treatment should be started.

Hysterlets are peculiar to small children of preschool age in the case when they fail to get the desired. Such kids with loud screams can beat their heads about the wall, ride on the floor, to stack legs. A child can pretend to show the scene of hysterical cough, vomiting, choking. Often hysterics are accompanied by a seasulus limbs that require treatment.

Important! Sometimes untimely neurosis treatment in children can cause logoneurosis, anorexia or urinary incontinence.

Parents, finding signs of developing neurosis from their child, the question is beginning to be asked - what doctor does neurosis treat in children? It goes without saying that this question is not included in the competence of an ordinary pediatrician. In such a situation, you need to contact a professional child psychotherapist for treatment. It is psychotherapy that is the main method of treating this ailment.

Treatment nerve disorders With the help of mental influences is called psychotherapy. Together with the child, the course of treatment of psychotherapy is recommended to go through and his parents - it contributes to the normalization of the situation in the family, the establishment of contacts, strengthen the marriage relationships and correction of educational processes. In order to increase the effectiveness of psychotherapy treatment, physiotherapy and reflexotherapy is possible. In extreme cases, in coordination with a specialist during psychotherapy is allowed additional treatment drug drugs.

Three types of treatment of psychotherapy are distinguished:

  1. Family treatment. It is carried out in several stages. Initially, the psychotherapist studies the psychological situation in the family, reveals possible problems for treatment. Then family conversations are held with the involvement of the older generation - grandmothers and grandparents. At the next stage, a psychotherapist organizes a joint activity of a child with parents - games, drawing for treatment. In the process of the game, parents with children can change roles. During such treatment, the optimal variant of family relationships that promotes to get rid of psychological conflicts is established.
  2. Individual treatment. Psychotherapist can use psychological suggestion techniques, art therapy techniques, autogenous training. Many children helps calm down and bring the nerves in order the drawing process. In addition, a specialist, watching the child in the process of drawing, can make its psychological portrait - features of the personality, the level of self-esteem, the presence of fantasy, the volume of the horizontal treatment. Game therapy is aimed at creating stressful situations, of which the child himself should find ways out.
  3. Group treatment. Used in the treatment of neurosis in children in the running stage. The number of group members depends on their age - than younger children, the less they should be in the group for treatment. In total, children in the group should not have more than 8 people. Babies in groups together attend exhibitions, museums, discuss the impressions gained for proper treatment. In the process of group therapy, the skill of communication with peers is developing, psychological barriers are crumbling, self-esteem rises.

Nebrosis treatment in children involves the use of therapeutic methods, such as hypnosis, tales treatment, game therapy, phytotherapy. It is not recommended to begin treatment with the reception of drugs - to this option it is possible to resort only when psychotherapy does not have a proper positive impact. Of course, the reception of medicines for treatment should be coordinated with a doctor and strictly follow its regulations. Carry out the prevention of neurosis state in advance.

Update: December 2018

Neuroses are special pathology of the nervous system both among adults and among children, in which there are no visible damage (injuries, infections, inflammation and other influences). In this case, special deviations in the functioning of higher nerve processes are observed. These are diseases of psychogenic nature - personality reaction to stress, mental injuries, negative impacts.

The process of becoming the personality and the active development of the highest nervous activity in children begins with birth, but it is most actively starting from three years. At all, the crumbs cannot clearly express their fears, emotions or inner state, therefore, as such neurosis can be revealed in general terms in a child after 3 years. The older child, the more typical and brighter will be manifestations, especially behavioral and emotional plan.

Neurosis - N. mental illnessAs schizophrenia or psychosis, there is no progressive collapse of the personality, it is a reversible disorder of the nervous system, a violation in mental activity of a functional nature.

With neurosis, the nervous system is experiencing either a sharp and strong shock, or long-term, obsessive irritation. At the same time, the failures expressed in the instability of mood with fears, anxieties and sometimes manifestations from organs and organism systems (increased sweating, problems of appetite or heartbeat).

Why do neurosis arise?

And the kids of preschool age, and schoolchildren, teenagers have a particularly injected nervous system due to the fact that it is not yet fully formed and immature, have little life experience in stressful situations, they cannot adequately express their emotions.

Some parents due to employment and other factors often do not pay attention to the manifestations of nervous disorders in children, writing off changes in behavior on age characteristics or whims.

But if in neurosis does not help the child on time, the situation can be delayed, reflected on physical health and problems in communicating with others, processing in neurotic states in a teenager. As a result, neurosis will cause irreversible psychological changes in the warehouse of the personality.

The most significant factor in the increase in today's neurosis in children is the increase in the number of pathology of pregnancy and childbirth, in which hypoxia of nerve fetus tissues arises (see

The predisposing factors for the development of neurosis serve:

  • the predisposition to the problems of the nervous system inherited from parents
  • psychotracting situations, catastrophes, stress

The neurosis launch mechanism can be:

  • past illnesses
  • frequent lack of sleep, voltage physical or mental
  • heavy family relationships

The flow of the disease and its severity depends on:

  • paul and child age
  • parentine features
  • type of Constitution (ASTENIKA, HYPER- and NORMSTENIES)
  • features of temperament (choleric, phlegmatic, etc.)


Psychotrauma is a change in the consciousness of the child because of any events that it is strongly bothering, suppressing or depressing, affects extremely negative. This can be both long-affirming situations to which the child cannot adapt without problems and sharp, strong mental injuries. Often, psychotramen, obtained in childhood, even if neurosis passed, leave their imprint on adulthood in the form of phobias (fear of closed spaces, heights, etc.).

  • Neuroses can be formed under the influence of one unfavorable traumatic fact: fire, war, sharp move, accident, parental divorce, etc.
  • Sometimes neurosis development is caused simultaneously by several factors.

Children in different ways due to temperament and features of the person respond to events, for some street on the street, the dog will simply be a sound stimulus, and the child predisposed to the neurosis can become a starting mechanism for the formation of neurosis. And repeated meetings with dogs after the first push, which launched neurosis, will gradually exacerbate the situation and deepen neurosis.

Type of psychotrauma, which can provoke neurosis in children depends on the age of the child.

  • In 2 years, children can give neurosis when separating with their parents or the beginning of a visit to children's teams.
  • For children, older can serve a more serious factor - the divorce of parents, physical punishment in raising, strong fear.

Crisis ages in the development of neurosis are the age of three and seven years - when the age-called "three-year crisis" and "seven-year" occurs. In these periods, the formation of its "I" and reassessment of attitude towards himself, and in these periods, children are most vulnerable to stressful factors.

What often provokes neurosis in children?

Actions adults

One of the main provoking causes of children's neuroses is the actions of adults, parental educational errors that give neurotic reactions, and in the future the formation of the psychological instability of the person already adult. Particularly negative upbringing models will be:

  • model rejection, subconscious reluctance to raise a child, in the case when, for example, they wanted a boy, and a girl was born
  • hyperophec model With the development of the unwillingness to teach a child of independence and building relationships in the team
  • authoritarian model with the requirements of permanent subordination to the elders, making decisions instead of a child, and without considering his opinions
  • model of permissiveness With a complete deprivation of a child of control or help from parents, with the lack of any rules and order inside the family and the team.
  • different approaches to parenting education
  • excessive rigidity Parents
  • conflicts in the family - intrameable troubles, divorces, quarrels.

They fall on the "fertile soil" of the immaturity of the nervous system of children, while the child is experiencing this, as it really cannot influence the situation and change it.

External factors

  • changes to the usual lifestyle - Moving from the city to the village, in the unusual locality, to another country
  • visit a new children's team - the beginning of the visit to the kindergarten, the shift of the garden, the beginning of the school visits, the change of school, as well as conflicts in the group of the garden or school
  • changes inside the family - The birth of a child, adoptive child, the appearance of stepfather or stepmother, the divorce of the parents.

Most often, neuroses are formed with a combined effect of several factors at once, and children's neurosis is unlikely to develop a child from a prosperous family, even after strong fear or fright. Parents in such a situation usually help to quickly cope with the problem without the disorder of the nervous system.

Features of the child's character

Children with pronounced emotion, sensitivity - They especially need love and attention close, manifestation of emotions against them. If children do not get from close to these emotions, they are experiencing fears that they do not like them, do not express their emotions.

Children with leadership qualities - It is also difficult with children independent and actively manifesting your own opinion, leadership qualities. Such children are pronounced in the actions or actions, their own look at all events. They are difficult to transfer restrictions in their actions and parental dictatorship, they are heavy, excessive guardianship and restriction of independence from an early age. Children try to protest in such parents, stubborn, for which restrictions and punishment from parents are obtained. This will contribute to the development of neurosis.

Weakened, often ill children - The risks of neuroses are susceptible to children, often ill and weakened, often relate to them as a "crystal vase", protecting from all the above measures. Such children have a sense of own helplessness and weakness.

Children from disadvantaged families - Children in difficult life situations suffer from neuroses: in asocial families, in boarding schools and orphanages.

General manifestations of neurosis

  • change of child behavior
  • the emergence of new character traits
  • increased sensitivity, frequent tears even without visible reasons
  • sharp reactions to minor psychotrams in the form of despair or aggression
  • anxiety, vulnerability.

There are also changes at the level of somatic health of children:

  • tachycardia and hell changes
  • respiratory disorders
  • disorders of digestion for stress - "Medvezhya Disease"
  • violation of the concentration of attention
  • reducing memory
  • children react poorly to loud sounds and bright light.
  • i feel bad, the dream is alarming and poor-quality in the morning it is difficult to wake.

Manifestations of different types of neurosis in children

There are quite many types of neurosis in children, different psychological and neurological schools lead various classifications. Consider the simplest classification of neurosis by their clinical manifestation.

Alarming neurosis or fear neurosis

It may exercise in the form of fear attacks, which often arise when falling asleep or alone, can sometimes be accompanied by visions. Fears in children at different ages may be different:

  • among preschool children The fears of leaving one in the house, the fear of darkness, the characters of terrible cartoons or films, gearboxes are common. Often, the fears are cultivated by the parents themselves, scaring children in educational purposes by frightening characters - Baba, an evil witch, police officers.
  • for younger schoolchildren It may be of school fears or bad assessments, a strict teacher or senior schoolchildren. Often these children pass the lessons due to fears.

The manifestations of this neurosis can give a bad mood, reluctance to remain one, changes in behavior, in difficult cases joins urinary incontinence. Often, such neurosis arises from sensitive domestic children who have little communicated in preschool age with peers.

Neuroses of obsessive states in children

It can occur in the form of neurosis of obsessive actions (obsessions) or phobic neurosis, as well as with the presence of both phobias and obsessive actions at the same time.

Obsessive actions - involuntary movements that occur with emotional tension contrary to the desire of the baby, it can:

  • blinking, blinking
  • wrinkle nose
  • shudder
  • pith your foot
  • pash
  • to sniff

Nervous TIK - involuntary twigs, more often occurs in boys, launching both psychological factors and the presence of certain diseases. Initially, justified actions on an unfavorable background are then fixed as obsessions:

  • In case of eye diseases, habits for flashing, blinking, rubbing eyes
  • For frequent colds And the inflammation of the upper respiratory tract can be gained to the nose or swinging.

They usually manifest themselves in the period after 5 years. Such teaks affect facial muscles, neck, upper limbsmay be on the side of the respiratory system, combined with urinary incontinence or. Such repetitiveness of the same type can deliver discomfort to the child, but most often they become familiar, he does not notice them. .

As a rule, the tendency to neurosis is laid from an early age, when stressful usual pathological actions are formed and fixed:

  • nail biting or sucking
  • rocking torso or limbs
  • habling hair on your fingers or pulling them.

If such actions are not eliminated at an early age, they contribute to the neurosis against the background of stresses already in children older.

Phobic manifestations Usually expressed in the form of a special fear:

  • death fear or illness
  • closed spaces
  • different items, dirt.

Often, children form special thoughts or ideas that contradict the principles of upbringing and morality, and these thoughts create anxiety and experiences, fears.

Depressive neurosis

For kids, they are not typical, they usually tend to them in school age, especially during puberty. The child seeks to be alone, pulls away from the surrounding, constantly resides in the depressed mood with tears and a decrease in self-esteem. Physical activity can also decrease, insomnia arises, the appetite is worse, the facial expressive, the speech is quiet and scanty, constantly sadness on the face. Such a state requires special attention, as it can lead to serious consequences.

Hysterical neurosis

These are prone preschoolers, with a discrepancy of the desired with valid. They usually give drops with cries and screams on the floor or surface, beating limbs and head about solid objects. Affect attacks with an imagination or hysterical cough can occur, vomiting, if the child is punished or do not do what he wants. For older children, analogues of hysteria may arise in the form of hysterical blindness, skin sensitivity disorders, respiratory disorders.


It is also called asthenic neurosis, schoolchildren arises from the excessive loads of the school itself or an excess of additional circles. Often arises against the background of the overall weakening of children due to frequent diseases or physical non-training. Such children are divided and non-dismissed, they are quickly tired, irritable and often cry, can sleep badly and there.


Children have concern about their condition and health, unmotivated fears of formation of various diseases, such often arises among adolescents with a criminal character. They look for symptoms and manifestations of various ailments, experiencing about it, nervous and upset.

Neurotic logoneurosis - stuttering

Stuttering or logoerosis of a neurotic nature is more characteristic of boys up to five years during the period of active formation of speech, the formation of a phrasal conversation. Arises against the background of psychological injury on the background of family scandals, separation from close, acute psychological injuries or fear, fright. There may also be reasons for overloading information and violent formation by parents of speech and general development. The child's speech becomes intermittent with pauses, repetition of syllables and the inability to spell the words.

Somnambulism - Lunatism, alpat

Non-neurotic sleep disorders may occur in the form of a long and hard fall asleep, restless and disturbing sleep with frequent wakes, the presence of nightmares and night fears, conversations in a dream and walking at night. Single and negotiation are associated with the features of dreams and the work of the nervous system. Often, children happen from age 4-5 years. Children may not remember that they walked or spoke at night. .

Nervous anorexia

Violation of appetite in childhood is a frequent phenomenon of both preschoolers and adolescents. Typically, reasons are reassembly or violent feeding, coincidence of food meals with scandals and quarrels in the family, strong stress. At the same time, the child can refuse any food or from some of her species, it chews for a long time and does not swallow food, it is extremely clear to the contents of the plate, up to the vomit reflex. At the same time, against the backdrop of poor nutrition, changes in mood, whims at the table, cry and hysterics are expressed.

Selected options for neuroses are:

  • children's neurotic Enuresis (urine incontinence)
  • encuprex (incontinence of feces).

They arise against the background of hereditary predisposition and possibly diseases. Require a special approach in treatment, and in mechanisms are not yet fully studied.

How to diagnose?

First of all, it is worth a meal to a pediatrician or a neurologist, talk to an experienced psychologist and psychotherapist. Doctors examine and remove the organic causes of violations, diseases that could lead to a similar one. Neuroses are diagnosed in several stages:

  • Dialogue with parents A detailed analysis of the psychological situation in the family is carried out, and here it is important to frankly tell the specialist all the details: relationships in the family between parents and a child, their parents themselves, as well as the relationship between child and peers, relatives.
  • Parent surveys and the closest relatives who are directly involved in the education of the child, studying the psychological climate of the family with identifying mistakes in behavior and upbringing.
  • Conversations with a child - Cycle conversations with a child in the process of playing and communicating in advance issues.
  • Child observation - Detailed observation of the playing activity of a child, which arises spontaneously or organized in advance.
  • Drawing and detailed drawing analysisThrough which it is often possible to understand the experiences and feelings of a child, his desire and emotional state.

Based on all this, the conclusion is made on the presence and type of neurosis, then a detailed treatment plan is being developed. Typically, psychotherapists or psychologists are engaged in therapy, the treatment is carried out outpatient and at home, you do not need to put a child with neurosis in the hospital.

Methods of neurosis treatment

In neurosis therapy in children, the main method is psychotherapy. It is important for parents to understand that they independently, with the help of books, the Internet or toys, they are a little achieved, and sometimes they can harm, having aggravated the course of neurosis. Psychotherapy is a complex systemic effect on the psyche of the child and the characteristics of its character, in the treatment of neuroses, it has several directions:

  • group and individual therapy According to the study and correction of the psychological climate of the family
  • role-playing games with the participation of a child who help learning to overcome complex situations
  • application of art therapy (Drawing) and drawing up the drawings of a child of his psychological portrait, tracking the dynamics by drawing change
  • hypnosis - suggestion (autogenous training)
  • treatment with animal communication - Cake therapy (dogs), fellinotherapy (cats), (horses), dolphinotherapy.

Psychotherapy is aimed at normalizing or significantly improve the intracerene situation and relationship, correlate upbringing. Additionally, for the correction of a psychosomatic background and achieve aboutenough success in psychotherapy are also used medication drugs, reflexotherapy and physiotherapy. An individual treatment plan is developed only by a specialist for each child separately, and if necessary for family members.

Use of psychotherapy

Use both group and individual or family psychotherapy. The family form of psychotherapy is of particular importance in the treatment of neurosis. When conducting sessions, the doctor directly identifies the problems of the life of a child and his family, helps to eliminate emotional problems, normalizes the system of relationships and adjusts the maneru of the upbringing. Especially effective will be the work in the family in children of preschoolers, when its effect is maximum and easier to eliminate the negative impact of major errors in the upbringing.

Family therapy

It is held in several consecutive stages:

  • Stage 1 - a survey in the family is being conducted and the so-called "family diagnosis" is raised in the total aggregate of personal, social and psychological features, deviations in any areas of relationships with the child.
  • Stage 2 - family discussion of problems with parents and relatives is being conducted, all their problems are noted. During the conversations, the role in the education of parents is emphasized, the need to cooperate with a specialist and determines the prospect in the pedagogical approach.
  • Stage 3 - Next, follow classes with a child in a special equipped gaming room, where there are toys, writing accessories and other items. Initially, the child is given time for independent games, reading or classes, as emotional contact is installed, a conversation will be held in a game form.
  • Stage 4 - joint psychotherapy of a child and parents. Preschoolers have joint activities with subject games, buildings or drawing, schoolchildren introduce subject games and discussions on different topics. The specialist evaluates the familiar conflicts and emotional reactions in the interaction of children and parents. Then the emphasis switches to role-playing games that express children in life - family or school games. The scenarios that are played by parents and children who change places, and psychotherapist in the process of these games will demonstrate the most optimal models in family relationships. This gradually creates conditions for rebuilding family relationships and conflict elimination.

Individual psychotherapy

It is carried out using numerous techniques that have a comprehensive effect on the child. It uses techniques:

  • Rational (clarifying)

Clarifying therapy, the doctor conducts a consistent passage of stages. In an affordable child for a child, after installing confidence and emotional contact with him, he says - why and what happens to the child. Then, in the game form or in the form of a conversation at the next stage, it tries to determine the sources of the kid experiences. The next stage will be a kind of "homework" - this is the end of the story of a story or a fairy tale, where the viewing of various options at the end of the story, attempts to resolve difficult situations, conflicts or by the child themselves, or with the help of the doctor's prompt. Even very small successes in possession of situations, with the approval of the doctor, can further improve the relationship and correction of pathological features in the nature.

  • Art therapy

Art therapy in the form of drawing or modeling can sometimes give much more information about the child than all other methods. When drawing, the child begins to understand in his fears and experiences, and the observation of it in the process can give a lot of necessary information in terms of character, sociability, fantasies and potential. Informative will draw on the themes of the family, reflection of fears, experiences. Sometimes instead uses modeling or paper appliques. Often, according to pictures, you can get a lot of hidden information, as well as on the story about the drawing, work with the child of his fear.

  • Game therapy

It is used in children until 10-12 years old when they experience the needs of the Games, but at the same time the games are organized according to a special plan and emotional participation in them and psychotherapist, taking into account the ability of children to reincarnation. Could be used as spontaneous observation games, so directed, without improvisation. In games, you can work out the skills of communication, motor and emotional expression, removal of voltage and eliminate fear. The doctor during the game creates situations of stress, dispute, fear, accusations and gives the child the possibility of independent exit or with its help. Especially well neurosis are treated with this method under the age of 7 years.

A variant of game therapy is a tale of therapy in which fairy tales with the manufacture of special characters, puppets or dolls are invented. Special therapeutic fairy tales may be brought in the form of meditation, to calm music in a lying position. Psycho-dynamic meditation fairy tales can also be with reincarnation of the child in animals and exercise.

  • Autogenous training

Treatment autogenic training Conducted in adolescents - this is a technique of muscle relaxation, especially effective in systemic neurosis with stuttering, tics, urinary incontinence. Creating a positive attitude due to the speech and actions of the doctor (for example, to present itself in a pleasant place) leads to muscle relaxation, reducing or even full disappearance of manifestations. As it sessions, this state is fixed in the subconscious, the faith rises in what it is quite possible to recover.

  • Suggentive (suggestion method) psychotherapy

This is a suggestion of a child in a state of wakefulness, under hypnosis or an indirect suggestion of certain installations. Often, children are well obtained by an indirect suggestion - for example, the placebo reception will give them recovery. At the same time, they will think that they take a particularly effective drug. The method is especially good for hypochondria, in school and adolescence.

  • Hypnosis

Hypnotherapy applies only in particularly difficult cases in order to mobilize the psychological and physiological resources of the body. She quickly eliminates certain symptoms. But the method has many contraindications and in children is applied limited.

Group psychotherapy

It is shown at special cases of neurosis, they include:

  • long flow of neurosis with adverse personality changes - elevated level Sumpers, Egocentricity
  • difficulties in communicating and related disorders - constraint, timidity, shyness, imperitiousness
  • with difficult family conflicts, the need for their permission.

Groups are formed as individual therapy by age, children in the group are few:

  • under the age of 5 years - no more than 4 people
  • aged 6 to 10 years - no more than 6 people
  • at the age of 11-14 years old - up to 8 people.

Classes last up to 45 minutes from preschoolers and until one and a half hours from schoolchildren. This allows you to play complex plots and involve all members of the group in them. Children united in groups attend exhibitions and museums, read interesting books, discuss all this, share their hobbies. Thus, reaches the tension of the child, children are revealed and started to communicate, sharing with sore and experiences.

Compared to individual, the effect of group training is greater. We are introduced gradually spontaneous and directed by the specialist of the game, the training of mental functions begins, adolescents are trained self-control. As homework, various kinds of tests are used with drawings, which are subsequently discussed in the group.

There is relaxation and suggestion of positive personality purchased at the classroom. At the end of the course, a general discussion is carried out and the consolidation of the results, which helps in the future it has already to work independently to work on themselves.

Medical correction

Medical therapy in the treatment of neurosis is of a secondary meaning, while it affects certain symptoms. Preparations remove the stress, excessive excitability or depression, reduce the manifestations of asthenia. Medicines usually predict psychotherapy, but perhaps a comprehensive treatment, when psychotherapy is carried out in conjunction with physiotherapy and medicines. The drug treatment of neuroses against encephalopathy, asthenia, neuropathy is especially important.

  • loculating drugs - Vitamin C, groups in
  • dehydration Fitotherapy -, Kidney Tea
  • nootropic preparations - nootropyl, piracetam
  • preparations that reduce asthenia - depending on the reason and type will select a doctor
  • fitotherapy (see), the tincture of medicinal herbs can be prescribed to a duration of up to one and a half months. Most of the drugs have a sedative effect - dyeing, Valerian.

In asthenic manifestations It is recommended to be toning and tonic treatment: calcium preparations, vitamins, a tincture of Chinese lemongrass or lubricants, lipoocharin, nootropic (nootropyl, pantogam).

Under subdepressive manifestations Ginseng tincture, Aralia, Eleutherococcus can be shown.

With irritability and weakness good effect Pavlov's medicine and dyeing and valerian tinctures are possessing coniferous baths, physiotherapy in the form, electrosone.

C will be more difficult, they may make it difficult for psychotherapy. They are used for hyperactivity and disbuilds based on the characteristics of the child and the diagnosis:

  • hypersthenic syndrome - preparations with sedative effects (Enowlifting, eleganium)
  • in case of hypostatties - drugs of tranquilizers with activating effect (trioxazine or sadocent).
  • with sub route depressions, small doses of antidepressants may be assigned: amitriptyline, Melipramine.
  • with strong excitability, Sonopax can be applied.

All drugs are prescribed exclusively by the doctor, and are used strictly under its control.

Children's neuroses are a psychogenic disease that arises due to stressful situations and poor intra-family relationships. In adolescence, this ailment may lead to the neurotic development of the person. There are two groups of neuroses that differ from each other prevalence and their symptoms. With therapy of this ailment, a comprehensive treatment is necessary, which includes the assistance of a psychologist and the reception of medicines. To prevent the development of the disease, it is necessary that the child in the child had good harmonious relationships.

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    Neurosis in children: a description of the disease

    Nernes in children - a psychogenic disease, which is a person's response to a psychotrauming stress situation. A common reason for this state is hereditary predisposition. The factors of the development of the disease include changes in life (moving to another city, a new apartment).

    The change of the collective plays an important role in the formation of child neurosis. Usually such states develop when the child goes from preschool institution to school. Mental injuries, an unfavorable climate in the family (complex relationships, the divorce of parents, conflicts between spouses) affect the formation of disorder.

    Main clinical manifestations and types

    There are a large number of types of neurotic disorders that manifest themselves in kids, children of preschool, younger school and school age, as well as adolescents. These forms of states are distinguished by each other severity and specific symptoms. There are several types of neuroses that are divided into common and systemic:

    • neurosis of fears;
    • obsessive states;
    • depressive;
    • hysterical;
    • neurasthenia;
    • hypochondriatic type of neurotic reactions;
    • nervous anorexia;
    • stuttering;
    • ticks;
    • sleep disorders;
    • enapers and Encoprez;
    • neurotic appetite disorders;
    • pathological habitual actions.

    Common neurotic disorders

    Common neurosis is the most common group of neurotic states in children. Somatic and vegetative symptoms are noted.

    Neurological (motor) disorders are observed. This group of neuroses leads to the neurotic development of the personality.

    Neurosis of insurance

    Neurosis of insurance It is characterized by the presence of substantive concerns that are associated with traumatic situations and anxiety, in some cases - with illusions and hallucinations. They depend on the age of the child. Schoolchildren and preschoolers have fears of fabulous animals and characters.

    In preschool and younger school age, fear of darkness, loneliness and separation with parents are often noted. Teenagers have fears related to issues of life and death. Symptoms are distinguished by the attackness, their duration ranges from 10-15 minutes to several hours.

    Such children observed somato-vegetative disorders: tachycardia (rapid heartbeat), increased sweating and difficulty breathing. There are unpleasant sensations in the field of heart and trembling. The vegetative features include complaints of a heart stop, difficulties in swallowing. Children demand to call a doctor and believe that they die.

    There are two types of speakers of this state: short-term and protracted. The first type is characterized by what prevails in children of younger. Its duration - 3-4 weeks. The protracted type occurs mainly in adolescents and schoolchildren and ranges from a few weeks to 2-3 years.

    It is noted the presence of a special form of fear neurosis - "School neurosis". This type is observed among students in grades 1-4. Such children arise the fear of visiting the school. He is accompanied by a refusal to learn, departure from the institution and home, as well as hysterical reactions. Because of this, the child appears in school. The fear is due to fear of difficulties or separation with mom.

    Hysterical type

    Hysterical neurosis It occurs in children due to the long influence of the stressful situation and the presence of hysterical character traits. In patients, there is a violation of the ability to stand and walk (astolya-abazion) while maintaining movements in the lying position. In rare cases, hysterical paralysis and paresis are observed. Sometimes there are paresis overall muscle and voice ligaments.

    Children's seizures are almost never observed. Sometimes there are situations in which a child with a loud cry and scream falls to the floor, beats with his hands and legs, strifting the back of the arc. In some children, such seizures may occur from 10 to 15 pieces per day.

    Patients with hysterical neurosis there is a discomfort in the abdomen, hearts. Patients complain about headaches, vomiting, swallowing and constipation. Sometimes children have hysterical blindness, increased and reduced sensitivity.

    Neurosis of obsessions

    Neuroses of obsessive states in young children is characterized by the presence of fears of infection and pollution, acute items and closed premises. More adult guys have fear of disease and death, redness. There is a fear of speech from those children who suffer from stouting.

    Fishering for their health is characterized by transfer on their parents. As a result, fear for the health of mother and father is formed. A special kind of this type is the neurosis of expectations, which is characterized by anxiety and fear of failure when performing any activity.

    Often, children have neurosis of obsessive actions that are peculiar to ticks (from preschoolers and younger students). These include blinking, wandering of the forehead and nose, twitching shoulders. Showlings and poking nose are celebrated.

    Depressive view

    Such children have a pessimistic mood, a sad expression of the face and a quiet speech. Slow motion, federation, reduction of activity and striving for loneliness are noted. This type of neurosis is characterized by a deterioration in the performance of the educational program. Such symptoms are characteristic of adolescents.

    In the younger and middle school age there is lethargy, passivity and inhibition. There is aggressiveness and irritability. Such children are distinguished by stubbornness and rudeness.


    This form of a neurotic state occurs from schoolchildren and adolescents. Condition is noted irritable weakness. It is characterized by the presence of incontinence, leaning to anger.

    There is a decrease in attention, fiscaliness. Such children complain about bad appetite and vomiting. There are sleep disorders.

    Hypochondria neurosis

    In children suffering from this form of neurosis, concerns about their health. Vegetative disorders and semi-resistant states are observed. There are sensations of burning, breaking of vessels or internal organs.

    Arterial pressure drops appear. This neurosis shape in adolescents has a long flow. Because of this, neurotic identity development arises.

    Nervous anorexia

    Such patients have a conscious restriction of food intake. They are convinced that they are overweight, seek to lose weight and lead high physical activity. The duration of this state is about 5 years.

    With a long flow, there is a decrease in mood. This is accompanied by anxiety and fear. There is an increased emotionality.

    System neurosis

    This group of neuroses most often occurs in children of younger school age. In rare cases - in adolescents.

    These neurotic reactions are developing due to disfigures for various reasons.


    Clinical manifestations are characterized by the presence of convulsion in the respiratory muscles. There are violations of speech respiration, additional movements of the muscles of the face and neck. A feature of this species is that the child begins to notice pathology a few years after the occurrence of stuttering.

    The patient tries not to speak in the presence of other people, refuses public speeches. With age, children arises a fear of speech - logophobia. This state enhances stuttering by excitement. This can lead to failures of oral responses in the lessons.


    Neurotic ticks are various automated usual movements and passing. Prevail in the field of face and neck, shoulder belt. With age, teaks can grow into obsessive.

    Their localization can be changed over time. This ailment lasts about 3-4 weeks. The disease is combined with stout and enuresum.

    Sleep disorders

    Patients have complaints about falling asleep, fears and awakening at night. Some patients have a sitting and alphany (Lunatism). The duration of falling is 1-2 hours.

    The process is accompanied by fear and fears (fear of darkness). For children of younger school age are characterized by long night awakening. The duration of these states is several hours.


    Patients have no desire to take food. There is a selective attitude towards food. Such children are slowly eating. During meals, vomiting often occurs.

    The meal causes capriciousness and fuse. There is a bad mood. The duration of this form of a neurotic reaction is 2-3 weeks. In some cases, there is a refusal to eat.

    Enuresis and Enchnoprez

    Enuresis - urinary incontinence, which occurs when aggravating the stressful situation. The emergence of this pathology contributes such traits such as anxiety, fearlessness, impressionability and insecurity. This disease is combined with mood swings, irritability, capriciousness, fear and sleep disorders.

    Encuprex - involuntary selection of feces, which occurs in the absence of disorders and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Patients have the presence of a small amount of feces and urine in bed and underwear. Children at the beginning do not notice this and only after a while feel a unpleasant smell.

    Encoprezing is combined with low mood, irritability and federation. The reason for the development of this violation is psycho-level situations. They are chronic.

    Pathological habituals

    In such patients, there is a suction of the fingers or language, which arises mainly from preschoolers. In most cases, sucking thumb. This can lead to the formation of incorrect bite.

    There is a biting of nails, which is accompanied by their swallowing. There is a disorder in pre-cheat. These patients have onanism, rhythmic rocking of the body and head. This happens before falling asleep and after awakening.

    There is a desire to pull hair on the head and eyebrows (trikhylomania). This action is accompanied by a sense of satisfaction. NEUCH is celebrated in school girls. Trichothylomania leads to baldness.

    Treatment and correction

    The treatment of children's neurosis is carried out with the help of psychotherapy and medicines. To make sure the child has disorders that arise in neurology, it is recommended to refer to a neurologist. Psychotherapy helps to establish harmonious relationships in the family and the normalization of the emotional state of the kid. Such children need support for an educator or teacher.

    In the correction of neurosis, drugs play an important role. To get rid of fears, prescribe tranquilizers. When depressed state, antidepressants (amitriptyline) and sleeping pills are recommended. medicinal products. It is recommended to drink vitamin and mineral complexes.


    Prevention of this disease is to harmonize relations between spouses. It is recommended not to conflict directly under children, as it negatively affects the child's nervous system. Prevention measures include the correction of the wrong style of the baby's education (hyperopka, hypoems).

    Basic punishments of children should be avoided. You can not exercise a child from his friends when misdeed. It is necessary to present such requirements that it is forces to implement.

Adults are quite often relateing to their health on the principle of "not a meal, so it will pass", postpone the visit to the doctor and press the symptoms of pills. But when it comes to children's disease, any parent begins to worry, especially when the diagnosis is not entirely understandable. For example - neurosis. What is this and why do children increasingly detect similar states?

Indeed, the farther, the more neurosis "younger", and even very small children are often complaining about their symptoms. And although official statistics on child neurosis in our country are not conducted, according to some reports, for the fifth grade of school, those or other neurotic reactions are noted almost at half children. Did your child get into their number? Do not panic and torment Google for forecasts - neurotic disorders belong to reversible states, which are successfully treated, especially in childhood, when the psyche is still plastic and easily amenable to correction.

All neuroses are generally divided into two large groups: reactive and those that appeared as a result of the totality of many factors, and not after a particular event. If more precisely, the second group can debut after a psychotracting situation, but in this case the event will be only a "trigger", manifesting the moment, and not the cause of the disease.

This moment can be important in the treatment of neurosis in children, since "to work" with psychotherapy. One particular negative event is much easier than to adjust all the errors of the upbringing and nuances of the worldview of a small patient. In the first case, the therapy does not take as much time, but in the second - doctors will have to try a lot to return the child to normal.

These causes of neuroses in children usually lie in the peculiarities of education, the situation in the family, where the child is brought up. If the parents themselves suffer from any neurosis or at least show neurotic traits of character from time to time, then children simply "read" the parent model of behavior, and in the future also have the risk of getting rich in neurosis. Often, such disorders are "transferred by inheritance" from the generation to generation, while someone from family members cannot change the usual behavior schemes, having transferred their offspring a healthy model - and then the chain can interrupt naturally.

Physiological reasons are played quite a large role, especially if we are talking about very little children. Generic injuries, harmful effects on the fetus during pregnancy, severe diseases in the first years of life also often provoke neurosis in preschool children.

On the Internet you can find a lot of psychological articles, whose sense comes down to the fact that the majority of children in children are a consequence of "short-livedness", lack of attention from parents. In part, it is so, but it is also easy to grow neurotic in the situation of hyperteks, and preventing too stringent requirements for your child.

In simple language, the neurosis in children and adolescents arise when some needs are not satisfied with his environment as it is necessary for a specific child. And we are not talking about whims and requirements "Mom, Buy!" - The main needs for young people are, for example: security, the presence of a loving adult, stability, acceptance and so on. Each baby has these needs quite individuals, and only a careful parent can accurately recognize what it needs, and which it categorically does not take place.

Of course, it is very difficult to create completely ideal conditions for the development and education - most likely it is simply impossible. However, attempts to "break the baby about the knee" will definitely become the shortest way for the formation of children's neurosis.

Symptoms of neurosis in children

The manifestations of neuroses in children are no less diverse than in adults, although they have their own characteristics. Psychologists usually enjoy the classification below, although most of these names you will not find in the ICD-10, in which neurotic disorders are indicated by a completely different terminology.

Neurosis of fears in children is usually manifested in certain circumstances. More younger children are afraid of "babai", wind noise, spiders or darkness. When the child is growing up, he can treat public speeches with fear, large collectives, control work At school and other situations that either make it the center of universal attention, or require a perfect result (evaluation). At the same time, in a small age, he can be capricious, to hurry, refuse to do something, and in an older - all ways to avoid an unpleasant situation, walking lessons, run from home and so on.

Looks like a constant repetition of certain actions. The child can tick his nose, pull the neck, pass, nibble nails, pull out the hair or experience the desire to wash his hands endlessly. The manifestations of this neurosis can be very different, but the reason is always the same - an increased anxiety.

Why children appear obsessive movements, which says and how to cope with such a state - the advice of the doctor.

Or neurasthenia distinguishes irritability, problems with appetite, sleep disorders, lethargy. Usually, this kind of neurosis is developing in response to unbearable loads at school or at additional classes, and it is currently often diagnosed in children aged 8-9 years.

Adults usually concerns the state of health in adults, but small hypochondricks doubt not only in their physical well-being, but in general - in themselves, in their skills and mental abilities. Of course, in these doubts, the parent education on the type "All children like children, but my ..." plays a big role. For a sensitive child, comparison with other children and regular censures can be the starting point of neurosis.

It is not always manifested only by the familiar "attacks" with drops on the floor, cry and other whims. The "task" of the hysteria is to attract the attention of adults, and how he will do it - another question. Some children are really lying on the floor in the store, others simply complain about endless pains and hands, trying to get love and adoption.

Stuttering neurotic nature occurs during the period of active formation of speech - from 2 to 5 years. When a child is worried, he can hardly utter words, but in a relaxed atmosphere, stuttering this kind can be almost inconspicuous. Sometimes such a symptom occurs in response to a psychotracting situation, sometimes it is a consequence of increased loads and excessive requirements, and it happens that it is stuttered only in communicating with certain people - which in the depths of the soul are very afraid.

Neurotic sleep disorders from time to time are hardly not all children. This is due to the fact that it is in a dream that the overloaded psyche has a property to get rid of the voltage. For example, many children and adolescents begin to "lunate" in recreation camps (there is a change in the usual situation), and in children of younger school age, there are often conversations in a dream.

Inappropriate urine of a neurotic nature requires certain diagnostic caution. The fact is that individual episodes of incontinence at night are quite normal for children for up to 2-3 years, but if the child has already grown, and still "accidents" happen, then we can talk about the neurotic nature of this phenomenon that can be cured.

In addition to the above, the signs and symptoms of neurosis in children can relate:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • disorders of the GTS;
  • headaches;
  • weakness, lethargy, drowsiness;
  • depressive and disturbing thoughts;
  • mutism (temporary absence of speech);
  • constipation;
  • pain in various parts of the body;
  • fainting and pre-real states.

This is pretty short list The most common signs of children's neurosis, in fact their manifestations can be even more diverse.

Diagnosis and treatment of children's neurosis

Since the needs and problems of young patients differ significantly from those in adults, the diagnosis of children's neurosis also has its own characteristics. The child can not always clearly explain what happens to him, which he is afraid and what it is not enough. Therefore, conversations with a doctor cannot be the main method for setting the correct diagnosis.

The first thing to make parents in cases where their children detect signs of neurotic disorder is to comprehensively examine the child. Often, the fact that those surrounding are taken for neurosis can be a symptom of a somatic disease, hormonal insufficiency, brain violations and so on. If there are some problems during the examination, first of all it is necessary to take care of the detected disease.

If no serious abnormalities were found, then parents need to refer to a qualified doctor-psychotherapist or psychiatrist. You should not be afraid of such a visit - "registered" with neuroses now do not put even in ordinary PND, and the appeal to a private doctor generally excludes the distribution of any information about Health Chad.

At the same time, untreated neurosis can cause serious health problems in the future. For example, if a boy is written on a bed to five years, get rid of this habit will be very difficult in more adulthood, and therefore it will not be able to avoid ridicule peers, which in the end can lead from Enurrawa already to depression.

The diagnosis of neurosis in children implies a thorough collection of family history, finding out the living conditions and the development of the child, the situation in the parent family. Serious diseases and possible psychological shocks will also be taken into account. The doctor will receive all this information from parents. And with the child himself will work with the help of gaming methods, art therapy, talentherapy, and so on, since this approach makes it easy to "talk" a small patient who can express their experiences and needs in the game.

So, the diagnosis is set, and a new question arises to the parents: "How to treat neurosis in a child?". You can immediately say that for the full return of a young patient to normal life, a fairly considerable time and agreed work of a doctor and parents will be required.

Fortunately, it is quite rare in such situations it is necessary to use medicines. Psychotherapy of neuroses in children and adolescents is the main method of treating such disorders, since the psyche at that time is still developing, the brain has huge resources for recovery.

It is worth remembering that attentive parents not only learn from a doctor how to treat children's neurosis, but they themselves must take an active part in the process of psychotherapy. Since neurotic disorders - a family "family", often assistance from a psychotherapist or even the reception of medicines may be required to someone from parents. The causes of children's neuroses almost always go out of the family, and if the older generation changes the usual behavior schemes, then the child automatically adapts new "rules of life", becoming more confident.

As already mentioned, the main method of treatment is regular and long-term psychotherapy under the guidance of a competent doctor. But at the same time, it is important to provide a small patient a comfortable atmosphere of the house, limit the time spent at the computer (which is strongly "splits" the nervous system even in adults). Creative classes, clear mode of the day, relaxing outdoors, communication with friends and family members, dosing learning loads play an important role in the treatment of neurosis in children. Symptoms with this approach will quickly go to the decline even without the use of special drugs.

Why, with neurosis, children need to work first of all with their parents - says the psychologist Veronica Stepanova.

These same tips will be relevant and for the prevention of neurosis in children - even if the doctor says that your child is completely healthy, try to still fulfill all the recommendations so that the disorder does not return with a new force.


In this material we tried to most fully talk about how to treat neurosis in children. But the examples we have given are quite common, while each young patient has symptoms and treatment of neurotic disorder can be seriously different. Therefore, it is important to choose good doctor and clearly follow his advice and recommendations. On time, selected and cured neurosis in children - the key to a happy and healthy future, therefore it is not necessary to postpone the treatment and wait for "in itself." Cases of spontaneous recovery from neurosis are quite rare, so the health of your children (and mental too!) - entirely in your hands.

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