Complications of peptic stomach disease. Penetrating shape of the ulcers Penetration ulcers of the stomach and duodenum

The penetration of stomach ulcers is the process of penetrating pathological education into nearby organs. As a result, the splicing of fibrous tissues and the connection of the two organs.

In the initial stages leads to permanent pain and deterioration of general human well-being. In the absence of treatment, very serious complications that threaten lives are possible.

The reasons

The penetrating ulcers of the stomach and the 12-square intestine are manifested as heavy. The main reasons for the development of pathology are associated directly with the presence of progressive ulcers on the mucous membrane of the stomach.

The deeper the layers of the walls of the digestion organ, the higher the risks of penetration of ulcerative education in the neighboring stomach organ. The penetration of ulcers occurs more often, if there are spikes in the top of the abdomen there are spikes.

As a rule, penetrating ulcer on the wall of the stomach or duodenal gut It has small sizes - up to one and a half centimeters. Pathology always arises against the background of an inflammatory process, which can be caused by various factors, for example:

  • Non-compliance with diet.
  • Stress and nervous overvoltage.
  • Harmful habits.
  • Uncontrolled reception medicinal preparations.


Penetration of the stomach and duodenal ulcers can manifest itself various symptoms Depending on the severity of complications and the organ, which is involved in the pathological process.

Most often penetrate ulcers in the pancreas. In this case, arises acute painwhich can cause shock. Other symptoms coincide with signs of acute pancreatitis:

  • There are blood pressure jumps.
  • or constipation.

When the penetrating ulcer affects the intestines, strong pain may occur in the navel area. It often occurs:

  • Vomiting with an admixture of bile.
  • Gravity in the stomach.
  • Heartburn and belching.
  • False urges for defecation on the background of constipation.

With the damage to the penetrating ulcer of bile ducts, there is always a sharp increase in temperature and arise strong pain in the field of right hypochondrium. In addition, there are all signs of intoxication. Over time, the jaggility is manifested skin PokrovAnd in severe cases there is a loss of consciousness.

Penetration of ulcerative education in the liver is accompanied by pronounced weakness and. At the same time, pains that begin in the right hypochondrium quickly apply to the entire stomach. Signs of liver inflammation appear: jaundice arises and urine darkening is observed.


At the first stage of the development of pathology, there is a minor ulceration, the striking walls of the nearby organ, and Spike is formed. Against the background of a long inflammatory process, there is an increasing fusion of the tissues of the two organs and this suggests that the disease has moved into the second stage.

Further, if measures are not taken or when the treatment does not give a positive result, tissue destruction begins and ulcerative education is striking another body. At the third stage of the disease of the stomach and penetration occurs.

The deformation of the tissues of another organ and their destruction indicates the fourth stage of the development of the disease. This period is associated with, as well as with the emergence of other symptoms, indicating the development of a serious complication.

Stop inflammatory process In case of penetration, ulcers are very difficult. The contents of the stomach begins to penetrate into the neighboring organ and causes tissue edema and their further destruction.


The diagnosis of developing complications associated with penetration of ulcers is sometimes difficult due to the fact that the symptoms coincide with the signs of many other diseases. Because of this, only integrated examination of the patient can clarify the clinical picture.

Initially, when confirming the availability peptic disease The doctor necessarily examines the patient and collects anamnesis of the disease. He clarifies in which zones and when pain occurred, as well as where pain is irradiated. For diagnosis, the following laboratory tests and hardware studies are used:

  • General blood analysis. It is very important in it sEE indicatorwhich, when prompted, indicates the development of inflammation.
  • Fibrogastroduodenoscopy. This way you can explore the existing ulcer and determine the depth of its crater.

  • Radioscopy. It allows you to detect an increase in the depth of the ulcers and fix the restriction of its mobility.
  • Laparoscopy. With this study, you can visualize the fastenings of ulcerative education with another body.
  • Ultrasound allows you to explore all organs abdominal cavity For changes in their structure due to the penetration of ulcers.


Penetration ulcers are difficult to conservative treatment. Slow out the progression of the pathological process by conservative methods can only be at the initial stage of development. They are carried out exclusively in the hospital, as the doctors of gastroenterologists must necessarily need to control the patient's condition around the clock.

Mandatory with conservative treatment of penetrating ulcers is necessary. Its goal is to reduce the load on the gastrointestinal tract. Only light food is included in the diet, it should be used often, but small portions.

Tip! During the treatment of penetrating ulcers, it should be abandoned by bad habits.

With a worsening of the state or when the disease reached the third stage, a complex operation is carried out. Sometimes surgical treatment implies the implementation of the 2/3 of the stomach and part of the organ, where the penetration of ulcers occurred.

Medical preparations

Conservative treatments can be used only if the organ deformation has occurred, which will affect the inflammatory process. Medical therapy provides for the reception of the following funds:

  • Preparations stimulating the motorcycle stomach.
  • Antacations that reduce acidity.
  • Drugs that promote tissue regeneration.

The reception of drugs in the early stages is able to slow down the progression of the disease. With good immunity, subject to all medical recommendations, the scarring of fabric may begin. But at the same time, the process of treatment with conservative methods is always very long.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies after confirming the diagnosis of penetrating ulcers cannot become the main medical means. They can be used exclusively as an additional method of treatment.

Many have healing effects. Therefore, their reception in the treatment of ulcerative disease is fully justified. Folk recipes, the effectiveness of which is confirmed by time, there is a lot. But it should be remembered that before starting to use such funds need to be consulted with the doctor.


If the penetrating ulcer was diagnosed on 1-2 stages of development, the forecast is almost always favorable. Through conservative methods Treatment and compliance with a strict diet usually manages to stop the pathological process. But it should be understood that for healing of ulcerative lesions it is necessary to be needed for a long time.

When diagnosing a disease of 3-4 degrees, a positive forecast is possible only. It is very important that the appropriate rehabilitation was carried out after the operation. For a long time, it is necessary to relate very carefully to your health so that complications do not arise, in particular, the gastric cancer.

The penetrating ulcer of the stomach is a very severe illness, but it can be defeated with the appropriate setting. In addition to compliance with all medical prescriptionsIt is necessary to abandon bad habits, avoid stress and lead the right lifestyle, in which it must be found for a full-fledged rest.

Penetration of ulcers is considered a sufficiently dangerous complication of this disease. This problem is diagnosed about 10-15% of cases of peptic ulcer, and to a greater extent, it is subject to men of 40 years, which have a long history of pathology. As a rule, this disease is due to the development of the inflammatory process in chronic ulcers.

Penetration is an ulcer in other organs. Thus, the lesion of the bulb of the duodenum usually spreads to the pancreas. In more rare cases, it affects bile docks or liver. Even less often, this problem is localized in a thick intestine. Medicastral ulcers usually affect the pancreas. Sometimes the small gland suffers.

The reasons

Penetration is usually developing with the following conditions:

  1. Ulcerative defect. The deeper the stomach layers are affected, the higher the risk of developing such complications.
  2. Spikes in the upper area of \u200b\u200bthe abdomen. It is this problem that leads to a close contact of the adjacent organs and reduces the likelihood of their distance from each other.

At the same time, the development of penetrating ulcers has the following mechanism:

  1. As the stomach ulcer progress is progressing, the defect affects all the layers of the organ. In this case, its area may not be too large - the diameter, as a rule, is 1-1.5 cm.

In this issue, the key role is assigned to the amount of gastric juice. The excess of this substance flows through a special hole, which results in provokeing, shock and even death. If the diameter has a smaller value, the juice does not exit, and therefore the probability of shock is minimal.

  1. As the progression of ulcerative disease is progressing, the adhesion process develops. This problem due to the fall of gastric content in the cavity. As a result of this process, inflammation is developing, which leads to the appearance of adhesions. As a result, the stomach is bonded with nearby organs. This process may have different character - it all depends on the location of the ulcers.
  2. After attaching the organs to the stomach, its contents fall into the abdominal cavity. In this case, a certain body suffers, which leads to the appearance of characteristic clinical picture.


At the initial stage of the disease, a chronic inflammatory process is progressing, resulting in partial destruction of the stomach wall. From the outer part to the localization area of \u200b\u200bthe ulcer defect, nearby organs are adjacent.

The second stage is characterized by a strong damage to the layers of the wall of the patient. But the pathological process still does not leave its limits. At the same time, there is no damage to the wall of another organ. Between it and the stomach, the formation of dense battles. If they are destroyed, a cross-cutting defect appears in the wall.

In the third stage, the stomach layers are completely destroyed. A peptic lesion affects the adjacent organs that provokes the appearance of a minor flat defect. At the same time, the structure of the penetrated organ, which is located in the circumference of the ulcers. It becomes more dense, sclerotic processes are observed. In addition, the serious deformation of the stomach is characteristic.

The fourth stage is characterized by the formation of deep cavities in the nearby organ. In the jone of the penetration, the formation of tumor education of inflammatory nature occurs.


For this type of violation, the appearance of the following symptoms is characteristic:

  1. Pain syndrome in epigastry. The uncomfortable sensations acquire a permanent and pronounced character, lose daytime rhythm and are not related to meals.
  2. Typical polybling of pain. This state depends on which organ is affected. Thus, in the propagation of ulcers in the pancreas, pain syndrome usually gives the right lumbar zone, sometimes in left. Often, discomfort is also felt in the back or pain become encumbling. If the defeat of the small gland, discomfort is felt at the top of the right side - pain can affect right shoulder or clavicle. If the ulcerative defect is located quite high, the pain can affect the painful syndrome. If the postbulbar ulcer extends to the mesentery of a thick bowel, discomfort gives in the navel.
  3. Local pain. Often there is an intense pain syndrome in the projection of penetration. In addition, this violation is often accompanied by the appearance of inflammatory infiltrate.
  4. Signs of defeat certain organs. The clinical picture depends on which an ulcer defect is applied to which authority.
  5. Increase temperature to subfebrisy indicators.


In order to diagnose the penetration of ulcerative disease, the doctor carefully examines the history of the patient, conducts a clinical examination and prescribes additional research - laboratory and instrumental.

When studying history, pay attention to the presence of ulcer damage to the stomach or risk factors for its appearance. Equally important is the loss of communication of pain syndrome in epigastrics with meals. The discomfort acquires a constant character and goes into hand, neck, back.

To put the accurate diagnosis, the following studies are prescribed:


Penetrating ulcer lesions 1-2 with difficulty with difficulty are drug therapy. If a person is diagnosed with a more launched form of illness, ulcers and do not heal at all. In such a situation, surgical intervention is considered the only method of treatment.

If the patient is diagnosed with a penetrating ulcer 1-2 type, it is carried out. At the first stage of ulcerative damage to a small size, a wagotomy can be combined with the drainage of the stomach. A similar intervention option is carried out when large inflammatory inflammatory infiltrates appear. They cannot be divided because there is a risk of damage to organs.


In the absence of adequate treatment, the forecast is usually unfavorable. This complication of ulcerative disease can lead to the development of shock and death. Thanks to the timely holding surgical intervention The probability of cure increases.

Penetraration of ulcers is a very dangerous condition in which various organs may be affected. When identifying this pathology, you must immediately begin treatment. In most cases, the only effective method Therapy is considered surgical intervention.

The penetration of stomach ulcers is the spread of the pathological process beyond the body. According to WHO statistics, the penetration ranks third among the complications of the ulcer of the stomach after bleeding and perforations.

It is found in 10-15% of cases, mainly young men under 40 years old.

This complication arises against the background of a long-term ulcer disease. In the tissues forming a peptic defect, irreversible morphological changes occur, in which cells lose the ability to regenerate. The ulcer becomes a mold - in its structure there is a scar connective tissue, edges and bottom are made with dense and rude.

In case of penetration due to necrosis, the defect of all layers of the stomach walls occurs. The ulcer opens into the neighboring organs, forming fibrous fighting with them.

In case of untimely diagnosis and treatment, fistulas are forming, through which the content of one organ penetrates into the cavity of the other. This stage can end with sepsis or massive internal bleeding.

Causes of development

For the development of penetration, conditions are necessary:

  1. Chronic rally ulcer without signs of regeneration, but on the contrary, with necrosis of the stomach wall.
  2. A peptic defect should be small about 1 cm in diameter (a large hole will cause a significant amount of gastric secretion, that is, there will be perforation, bleeding, shock). The shared cavity formed contains gastric juice, which supports the continuous inflammatory process of surrounding tissues.
  3. Fast processes in the upper stomach departments, which are caused by injuries, operations or inflammation of any abdominal organs. Spikes arise due to the desire of peritoneum - serous shellwhich covers all the abdominal organs, to burn the damaged area. It adhesions to the zone of the defeat, with time from the peritoneum to the organ, dense fibroids are formed, which limit the mobility of the organ.

Factors contributing to the formation of symptomatic ulcers of the stomach

In addition to the ulcer of the stomach, which has a polyethological nature, symptomatic ulcers can form on the gastric mucosa. They arise as secondary in various difficult pathologies (burns, injuries, operations), when taking ulcerogenic drugs or with psychotrauming situations.

They differ from the ulcerative disease with surface damage to the epithelium of the gastric mucosa, benign flow (there is no tendency to complications and malignancy), rapid regeneration when eliminating the causal factor.

  • frequent stressful situations;
  • irrational nutrition;
  • tobacco and alcohol abuse;
  • long reception medicinesSupporting a negative effect on the gastrointestinal mucous membacity (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines, hormonal drugs).

Mechanisms penetration of stomach ulcers

As a result of the progression of necrosis, all the layers of the stomach occurs, and the resulting defect opens not in the free abdominal cavity, but in the neighboring stomach organ. The bottom of the penetrating ulcer becomes the wall of the adjacent organ. Aggressive gastric juice containing hydrochloric acid and proteolytic enzymes, begins to gradually dissolve the wall of the organ.

The organs in which penetrate ulcers are determined by its location in the stomach. Most often, the penetration is carried out in the pancreas, then in terms of the frequency of the lesion go: liver, small gland, hepatic and duodenal bunch, gall-bubble, Thin and colon walls.


On the first stage The surface erosion of the wall of the organ begins. There is a focus of inflammation around. Outside the adjacent organ solder to the stomach.

In second Stage All stomach layers are destroyed, but outside the body the pathological process does not yet come out. There is no penetration of ulcers to the next organ.

AT third Stage The ulcer applies to the adjacent organ, the surface defect is formed on its wall. The structure of the body changes, the tissues are sclerized, compacted. Fibroids are tightened by the stomach - it is deformed.

In the fourth stage, deep cavities with foci of inflammation in surrounding tissues are formed in the penetrated organ.

Symptoms of pathology

If an ulcer of a stomach with penetration into the neighboring organ, symptoms of the disease are significantly changed.

  1. Pancreas. Pain in the left side: strong, intense with the irradiation in the back, sometimes taking a look. Nausea appears, vomiting, temperature rise to febrile digits.
  2. Thick intestines (cross-colon). The penetration is formed a hole connecting the stomach with a colon - gastrointestinal fistula. There is a fence in the stomach in the stomach, and the intolerable food from the stomach penetrates the intestine. Characteristic symptoms are: Fresh food defecation immediately after eating; Vomit mass contain feces. There is a strong weight loss.
  3. Small gland (this is part of the peritoneum between the liver, the stomach and the duodenum). Pains are localized on the right, under the rib arc.
  4. Liver. With penetration of ulcers in the liver, a picture of acute hepatitis occurs. Dull pain pain with localization in the right hypochondrium. Nausea is constant, but vomiting is rare. Symptoms of asthenia: weakness, fatigue, drowsiness in the afternoon, insomnia at night.
  5. Gallways I. small intestine. Vomiting with an admixture of the bile and the contents of the intestine.
  6. Penetration in the diaphragm (muscular partition separating the breast and abdominal cavity) causes painful pain, often received for heartfelt.
  7. Penetration into the retroperitoneal space leads to the development of a severe purulent-septic process with symptoms of intoxication: heat, chills, reinforced sweating, tachycardia.


The diagnosis is made up of anamnesis of the disease, patient complaints, symptoms, inspection data, laboratory and tool methods Surveys.

Clinical blood test: leukocytosis, accelerated SE.

Blood biochemistry. With damage to the liver or pancreas in the blood, specific markers appear, showing the degree of disorder of the functions of these organs.

At FGDS, a plot with a deep ulcer defect in the form of a crater surrounded by roller of inflamed tissue is detected. With suspicion of malignation from ulcers, a piece of fabric is taken for histological research on atypical cells.

X-ray study is carried out with a contrasting agent. Signs of jazz penetration on x-ray: deep niche, immobility of education. Often in ulcers marked triple contents: gas, liquid and contrast. Contrast substance When forming fistula passes into the colon or in the gallways.

Abdominal ultrasound allows you to identify violations in organs involved in the pathological process.

In doubtful cases, it is resorted to diagnostic laparoscopy - with the help of optical fiber techniques it is possible to visually consider the degree of damage to organs and tissues.

Useful video

How not to encounter such a disease as an ulcer can be found in this video.


Conservative therapy is ineffective. Pennetry stomach ulcers are not subjected to reverse healing. The disease has a progressive course, the emerging changes lead to severe complications that may end to death. If the patient felt changes in the nature of pain, noticed the emergence of new symptoms - this is a reason to assume that the stomach ulcer opened, and should immediately seek medical care.

Before the operation, depending on the stage of the disease, symptoms, the patient's well-being is carried out several courses of anti-ousse treatment, inflammation, normalization of homeostasis. Surgical operations The stomach is performed on various methods:

Rehabilitation after such operations lasts from six months to a year. For successful recovery In the postoperative period, the patient is prescribed a strict diet, a course of medical contradictional therapy, gentle exercise.


  • profuse internal bleeding from damaged vessels of adjacent organs;
  • perforation with ventricular content in a free abdominal cavity, followed by the development of shock, peritonitis;
  • when squeezing with inflammatory infiltration of the outlet of the stomach, a violation of the food lump promotion occurs;
  • malignant rebirth of the canalse ulcers.


If you do not conduct a radical surgical treatmentThe progressive penetrating ulcer will cause complications.

With a timely manner, the forecast is favorable.

Diseases digestive system are the most frequent complaints of patients. Complication of ulcers leads to penetration. It is observed in men against the background of inflammation of chronic ulcers.

The untreated stomach ulcer leads to penetration

general description

The penetration of stomach ulcers is a condition in which pathology falls into neighboring organs. That is, it applies to its walls. Inflammation is developing, fibrous spikes are formed (due to the ability to adhesive processes). In the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe ulcer deepens inside. When it gets through, inflammation is transferred to the wall of the nearby organ.

If the duodenal bulb is affected, the pancreas (also bile ducts and liver) affects. According to the international classification of the ICD 10 CO25 disease.

Macrobreparation No. 11 contains a small fragment of the mucous membrane of the stomach wall with a peptic defect and the pancreas located behind it. MicroPreparation No. 106 is a chronic ulcer with exacerbation, exciting three shells: mucous, subliminity and muscle.

Defeat affects nearby organs

Causes of occurrence

Allocate two main reasons for the appearance of ailment:

  • ulcer: The defeat of the deeper stomach layers increases the possibility of the development of penetration;
  • the formation of adhesions in the upper half of the abdomen - when the adjacent organs come into contact.

In addition, stresses lead to the formation of ulcery disease proper nutrition, alcohol abuse, the reception of drugs that have a negative impact on the inner surface of the stomach.

The mechanism of the occurrence of penetrating ulcers is as follows:

Internal organs are capable of regeneration, therefore, with penetration, a scar tissue is formed near the lesion focus. As a result, a fistive channel appears, which does not affect gastric juice.

Stomach steroid ulcer is accompanied by pain and meteorism

The steroid ulcer of the stomach has its own characteristics. It may appear in a patient who does not suffer from this disease and dyspeptic disorders. The cause is heartburn, meteorism, pain in the opposite region.

Important! Alcoholism contributes to the appearance of ulcers.

Development Stages

Pathogenesis penetration.

In the fourth stage it is possible to rebirth the disease in the cancer

Eliminate stages characterizing the development of ulcer of the stomach:

  • predicable (easy degree);
  • secondary and serious flow;
  • complications;
  • remissance after the operation.


The disease is accompanied by the following symptoms:

The peptic ulcer of the duodenum or stomach is a pathology characterized by the formation of ulcerations of the mucous membrane of the organ wall. It can cause increased acidity or the presence of microorganisms. The peptic ulcer anastomosis arises due to the resection of the stomach. The patient has pain in the upper stomach departments (from a sharp), heartburn, belching, felt an unpleasant taste in the mouth.

Peptic ulcer may occur after stomach resection

Diagnosis of the disease

In the event of suspicion of penetration, it is necessary to refer to the precinct therapist, which will determine the cause of pain in the stomach. A narrow specialist is a gastroenterologist, his profile is a gastrointestinal tract. The ulcer is diagnosed as follows:

  • study of the history of the disease;
  • clinical inspection;
  • the appointment of laboratory tests (blood for determining the level of ESP and leukocytes, dairy and pyruogradic acids);
  • endoscopic studies: Fibrogastroduodenoscopy, an x-ray of the gastrointestinal tract (to identify the flow of an ulcer defect), laparoscopy (visualization of bonding organ with stomach) and ultrasound procedure Abdominal cavity (in order to study the changes in the gastrointestinal system).

Fibrogastroduodenoscopy is carried out to detect penetrating ulcers

After the diagnosis, a preoperative preparation plan is drawn up.

Methods of treatment

If there was a suspicion of this disease, it is necessary to urgently cause an ambulance emergency help. Before her arrival of the patient, it is necessary to put, ensure peace and silence, do not feed.

At the first and second degree of defeat is treated conservatively in stationary conditions (in the absence of complications). Medicines are prescribed for the normalization of the stomach motor; diet; Regenerating drugs. Description conservative treatment Located in the course of internal diseases. If this therapy does not bring positive effectThe patient must be operated.

Conservative therapy is appointed to the patient

In the third and quadruple phase (as a rule, there are complications of the disease during this period) the defeat does not heal, only surgical intervention will help. With 1-2 type of penetrating ulcers, resection is assigned. At the initial stage of the defeat, Vagotomy is carried out with stomach drainage.

Uncomplicated peptic ulcer is treated outpatient. If the perforative pathology of the stomach or 12-rosewood is revealed, an emergency operation is necessary. In extreme cases, you can apply the Taylor method: a gastric probe is introduced into the body, which provides a constant aspiration of content. In addition, an active course of antibiotics is appointed.

The main purpose of treatment is to achieve scarring and healing complications in a short time. In 20% of cases of ulcers develop into oncology. You can not always catch the beginning of this transformation. Postoperative rehabilitation is desirable to conduct in medical sanatoriums in which the corresponding diet will be provided, medical therapy, healing procedures.

Taylor method suggests constant aspiration of the contents of the stomach

Forecast for recovery

On the early stage It suffices to comply with the proper nutrition and reception of drugs. In the absence of treatment, the forecast is unfavorable. The complication of ulcers contributes to the occurrence of shock, cancer, stenosis and fatal outcome. Surgical intervention increases the chance of recovery. At the initial stages of development cancer tumor It is necessary to remove the affected part of the stomach, apply irradiation and chemotherapy.

With properly prescribed treatment, 9 of 10 patients are recovered.

As prevention, it is recommended to control the ulcer of the stomach and DPK, to observe the diet (therapeutic table No. 1), to abandon food that increases acidity. It is necessary to eat right: 3-4 times in small portions. It is impossible to eat at night. It is necessary to overcome bad habits: Alcohol and Nicotine contribute to the reincarnation of the disease in the oncology. It is advisable to ensure peace during the exacerbation.

Proper nutrition will help speed up recovery

Thus, the penetrating ulcer of the stomach and 12-rosewood is a dangerous pathology at which neighboring organs are affected. If this diagnosis is raised, you must immediately begin treatment, otherwise the outcome may be sad.

The stomach ulcer disease is such a disorder at which the integrity of the gastric mucosa occurs, due to the fact that ulcers are formed on it. The longer the disease will occur without proper treatment, the stronger the pathological process is spread, on the deeper layers of this body.

Without timely complex therapy The main ailments, there is a high probability of developing heavy complications of the ulcer of the stomach. Such consequences can be attributed:

  • extensive hemorrhages;
  • perforation or gap of ulcers, with penetration of fluid into the peritoneum or area of \u200b\u200bnearby organs;
  • penetration of ulcers, implies the spread of pathology to the surrounding stomach internal organs;
  • malignation is the rebirth of ulcers in a malignant tumor;
  • stenosis or obstruction of the esophagus.

Any of these consequences is a serious threat to a person's life. To identify what kind of complication flows in a particular patient, it is possible not only due to laboratory and instrumental examinations, but even on the manifestation of a characteristic clinical picture of each complication.

Ulcerative bleeding

The most often peptic ulcer of the stomach may be complicated by hidden or extensive hemorrhages.

The reasons for which a similar process develops can be:

  • breaking the vessel or erosioned artery;
  • wrong process of blood intake;
  • formation of thrombus.

There are several stages of gravity of bleeding:

  • initial, in which the patient loses about 5% of the total blood volume. At the same time, the condition of a person remains satisfactory;
  • average - a loss of 5-15% of blood is occurring. Such a stage is characterized by the fact that symptoms characteristic of such a complication begins to manifest;
  • middle severity - there is a loss of 15-30% of blood. This entails a significant deterioration in the patient's condition and a strontest manifestation of signs;
  • heavy - a person loses 30-50% of the entire circulating blood. If at this stage it is not possible to help the victim, there is a high risk of fatal outcome.

As the progression of symptoms is more pronounced. Thus, the symptoms of such a complication of the stomach ulcers are:

  • bouts of dizziness that may vary from insignificant to strong;
  • pallor and dry skin;
  • changing the shade of carts - they become black;
  • frequent sickening attacks that often end with vomiting. Massows for consistency and shades resemble coffee thick;
  • reducing blood pressure indicators, which at each stage become lower, and with the most heavy treatment It is not possible to measure them at all;
  • student heartbeat and shortness of breath - are expressed even at rest;
  • episodes of loss of consciousness;
  • student and superficial breathing.

The liquidation method of such a violation depends on the degree of blood loss. In the initial stage, conservative techniques, such as blood transfusion and plasma, can be used, as well as oral reception Some medicines. In more severe cases, the implementation of surgical intervention is shown. It can be carried out by several techniques:

  • thermally, which is the use of laser or electrocoagulation;
  • mechanically - the procedure of ligation or conspiration of a bleeding vessel is performed;
  • the use of hemostatic materials, in particular biological adhesive or hemostatic powder;
  • perform an extensive operation. Here can be attributed - resection of the stomach, suturing of ulcers or stitching vessels.

Perforation of ulcers

One of the most frequent complications Ulsely disease is considered perforation or spinning ulcers. This is a through hole that is formed in the wall of the stomach. For this reason, the contents can be poured into the abdominal cavity or to the area of \u200b\u200bother internal organs.

The spinning is formed regardless of the nature of the course of the main disease. Predisposing factors can be:

  • physical or emotional overvoltage;
  • abuse alcoholic beverages and nicotine;
  • eating a large number of harmful foods, such as fatty or sharp dishes, as well as overly hot or too cold food.

The soda ulcer of the stomach has several stages of leakage:

  • light - its duration is six hours from the moment of break. At this time, the expression of severe pain syndrome and other signs;
  • middle severity - develops from six to twelve hours. Its main differences is that there is a false improvement in the patient's condition;
  • heavy - expressed in the period from 12 to 24 hours from the beginning of perforation. During this period of time, abscesses are formed.

The gastroenterologist can establish that the patient has this complication, according to such specific features as:

  • the appearance of acute pain in the projection of the stomach, i.e. the upper part of the abdomen. The pain often extends to the area of \u200b\u200bthe entire front wall of the abdominal cavity, to the left and right hypochondrium, as well as the forearm;
  • reduction of blood pressure values, however, the pulse remains normal;
  • increased sweating;
  • pallitude of the skin;
  • increasing temperature;
  • an increase in the size of the abdomen, which is due to the accumulation of a large amount of gases in the peritoneum and free liquid;
  • the appearance of a grayish shade on the tongue;
  • reducing the daily volume of urin emitted. The urges become less frequent, and in some cases there are completely absent;
  • lost and violation of the reaction.

Therapy of such consequences is carried out only with the help of surgical intervention. There are several types of operations, some are aimed at preserving the organ, the second - radical, with partial or complete removal of the affected organ. What kind of choose the method solves a gastroenterologist, based on several factors - age category The patient, as far as the spread, the degree of propagation of pathology and the development of concomitant disorders continues.

During the postoperative recovery period, patients are shown by reception of drugs, which appoints the attending physician, compliance with the gentle diet and maintaining healthy image Life.

Penetracy of ulcers

The hazardous consequence of the late or ineffective treatment of ulcerative disease is the penetration of the stomach and duodenal ulcers. Such pathology is a through hole, but in contrast to the perforation of ulcers, such a process develops in nearby organs, such as, liver, spleen, small gland and some bowel deposits.

Several predisposing factors to develop such a complication:

  • the presence of deep peptic processes;
  • the flow of the stomach or 12-rosewood ulcers in acute form, for a long time;
  • the formation of the adhesion process, which is why the affected organ is connected to nearby.

The first symptom that this illness flows in a person is the expression of strong pain sensations. Sensity is distinguished by acute and intensive manifestation. It is often applied to the back, the forearm and can be encircling. Other external manifestations of penetration are considered:

  • attacks of strong nausea with abundant vomiting, which does not bring relief to man;
  • reducing or complete absence of appetite;
  • pallitude of the skin;
  • lethargy and weakness of the body;
  • the appearance of unpleasant metal Tribus in the oral cavity;
  • increased salivation;
  • increasing temperature indicators;
  • chills.

The therapy of such a state is carried out only surgically. Occasionally possible medicia treatmentBut only in cases of early detection of the disease. Often a peptic disease, burdened by penetration, goes into oncology. It is for this reason that the main tactics of treatment is the implementation of surgical intervention.

Patients conduct resection of the stomach with simultaneous drainage. With timely execution of the operation, the forecast of such an agement is favorable.

Stenosis of the Food

No less dangerous complication of the stomach ulcers is the obstruction of the esophagus. With such pathology, not only digestion is difficult, but also the passage of food on this body into the intestine from the stomach. The main factors for the appearance of such disorder is the process of scarring of ulcers, its distribution to the twelfth intestine or deformation of the stomach, as well as the presence oncological neoplasms and unbearable inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.

In Gastroenterology, several stages of the flow of such a disease are known:

  • compensated is initial stage development of this ailment, which is characterized by a satisfactory condition of a person;
  • subcompensated - it has a gradual deterioration in the patient's well-being and a bright manifestation of a clinical picture;
  • decompensated - the very heavy stage of the formation of the stenosis of the gatekeeper.

The degree of expression of the clinical picture depends on the degree of sphincter involvement in the pathogenic process. The main signs of this complication are:

  • the severity and discomfort, which occur after the feeding of food;
  • fast saturation and feeling of overcrowding;
  • nausea, accompanied by vomiting, which brings facilitating the patient's condition;
  • belching with an unpleasant sour smell;
  • the development of the rotation process, since products for a long time are delayed in the stomach;
  • significant reduction in body weight.

Treatment is performed only surgically. Tactics of therapy depends on the prevalence of pathology. In most cases, the combination of resection and wagotomy is shown. Postoperative period Includes reception of drugs and dietherapy.


Such a complication of the stomach ulcers, like malignation, is nothing but the reincarnation of ulcerative defeat in oncology. The reasons for the development of such a process were not fully studied, but the factor of the influence of mechanical, thermal and chemical irritants does not exclude.

Cancer begins to develop from the scar, which remains after ulcers. There are several types of oncology that differ in their appearance:

  • polypoid;
  • saucer;
  • diffuse - the most common form;
  • ulcer-infiltrative.

The clinical picture of the disease is expressed in the following signs:

  • lack of appetite, against the background of which there is a decrease in body weight;
  • reduction of hydrochloric acid;
  • nausea and stubborn vomiting;
  • sensation of gravity in the stomach;
  • believed with an unpleasant odor;
  • skin palls;
  • increasing body temperature;
  • general weakness;
  • strong exhaustion;
  • permanent sensation of pain.

Elimination of such pathology is only commonplace.

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