Detailed characteristics of a dog on the Eastern calendar. Year of dogs on the Eastern Horoscope: what people are born under this sign

Years of the dog:

1910,1922,1934,1946,1958,1970,1982,1994, 2006, 2018, 2030

In ancient China, the dogs were valued pre-waiting for the ability to cast out demons. The heavenly dog \u200b\u200bis associated with male beginnings and helps to drive evil spirits. At night, the dog becomes mad and symbolizes destruction and disaster.

It is believed that people born in the year of the dog are endowed with the most good qualities. And it is difficult to disagree with it. The dog combines the best features of human nature, although it has its drawbacks, like everyone else. Sometimes it can be accomplished in the cynicism, sometimes it seems secretive. Dogs are somewhat selfish, eccentric and incredibly stubborn. They are subject to short, but strong outbreaks of anger that deprive them of ordinary charm and friendliness. But all these shortcomings are compensated by a lot of advantages.

The dog is a symbol of loyalty and devotion. She never loses friends, and on the contrary, will get all new and new. It is true, honest, there is a sense of duty in it. You can always count on it, it will not betray and keep your secrets better than anyone else.

Born under the signs of loyalty and care, the dog carries protection without tired, it is always alert, always guard. Possessing an aggravated intuition, it sighs the troubles of loved ones and trying to prevent them from or take over. Close people are more expensive to her. For them, she is ready to sacrifice many, even personal happiness.

The dog will be happy to help advice and affair, but only when she is asked about it, although the first hand will reach the hand of help in a difficult moment. She is doing everything possible for others, her dedication is great, right up to dedication.

Despite the friendly character, the dog is not very sociable and the larger noisy harness prefers a calm, intimate setting.

The dog is closed and often stubborn to extremes. Perseverance helps her achieve the intended goals. At times, it is too serious and easily annoyed if things go wrong as conceived. The dog often has a tendency to knite in detail. But the sense of humor and the indisputable greatness of the soul saves her from petty things.

In order to be an optimist, it has a too critical mind. In most cases, the dog is skeptical about the world.

But no one knows how to listen as she. Although the dog is sometimes with difficulty expressing his thoughts, it has an exceptional bowl and is able to instantly make an opinion about who he says. In communicating with the dog, you need to remember that it absolutely does not tolerate cunning and false people. She is a good friend for an honest person, sincere and frank. In friends, she does not lack, but it is not easy to live with her. She often changes the mood, it happens cynical and presents to other high demands, but, despite this, it is always a truly devoted to friends.

The dog prefers to move the tropic path, and not be the discoverer. In her character, it is rather not to lead people with themselves, but to work hard for the benefit of a common cause, without requiring recognition of their merit.

She is very modest. The dishonesty, deception and manifestations of inequality are forced to suffer a dog, making an innocuous pessimist. In addition, the dog is inclined to focus on one problem and is ready to infinite it, turning into a rather uncompatible bore. The dog generally applies to everything in life very seriously, is not inclined to joke or have fun without reason.

Like no one else, it is argued defended its point of view and usually wins disputes and disputes.

It is not inclined to accumulation and does not particularly seek material well-being. Having sufficient income to maintain a decent standard of living, it will never strive for more. However, if the dog has free money, it can show unnecessary wastefulness and does not always spend its means in the best possible way. As a person far from a business, she needs the advice of professional-panel before proceeding with any financial transactions.

Careful in making decisions, the dog almost never makes rash deeds. She does not trust too much around, and his own ideas about the world checks and overestimates several times. Fortunately, the dog cleans enough quickly, and the analytical abilities are not afraid, so she has enough time to take the right decision on time and act.

People respect her because she really deserves it. If the dog gets a task, it will try to perform it as quickly as possible and better. Any business she brings to the end. Thanks to its wonderful business qualities, she inspires confidence in others.

People born under this sign always know what they want. As a rule, they specialize in some narrow area. The dog is famous for hardworking, honesty, high performance, but at the same time she does not seek fame and does not try to make a career. Usually it is content with the middle, skipping others forward. To achieve great success in life, she clearly lacks ambition.

In the field of feelings, it seems cold, but this impression is deceptive.

If the dog is able to find a good one, good friend, her life will be happy. Otherwise, her life will be full of difficulties. A typical option is a restless childhood and difficult youth, mature age, poisoned by skepticism, and old age, full of regrets of unrealized dreams.

Dog-man. Characteristic

The dog usually adheres to solid principles and beliefs and does nothing without reason. A man is a dog for a friend, a beloved woman and children ready for everything. At the same time, he is sullen, ulcer, melancholic, often suffers from a low self-esteem and therefore does not take anything to make a career. Its numerous abilities are suppressed by infinite doubts and uncertainty in their own forces.

It prevails the intellectual beginning, and it is easily done without much material comfort. It is not predisposed to luxury.

Material benefits for him is not important. He is intenseless and can be content with very few. For him, the family relationship is more important, at work and good opinion surrounding. However, if he needed money, he can get them better than others.

But whatever he is doing, he will always be perfectly honest.

Perfectly knows his work and can become a professional in everything: quickly learns, it has a strong mind, great ability to work and easily finds the right decision. Usually others appreciate his business qualities and try to keep them.

The dog is generous and disinterested, reliable and true, but if he feels a negative attitude or negligence, he will never forget and forgive it. With a man - a dog is easy to go and just disperse. In this case, the feeling remains that you personally have not lost anything.

Life experience usually makes it cynical, and the older it becomes, the worse thinks about people. Constantly living in the tension and waiting for the upcoming troubles, he deprives himself a chance for happiness and even success does pleasure.

Dog-woman. Characteristic

This woman is famous for beauty, softness and care, although sometimes it is quite closed, until he becomes familiar with the man closer. She has a male logical mind, a firm character and enough perseverance to achieve its goal. It is undoubtedly smart, intelligent, romantic, but in this case is passive and not sufficiently confident. Even if she tries to behave at ease and unleashed, no need to believe it - this is the way of self-defense.

Thanks to its manner, the female dog makes the impression of a strong personality. If events go wrong, I would like to show an impatience.

People born under the sign of the dog are always an ardent supporters of justice. The woman dog suffers when there is a misfortune, unemployed, war. She suffers from hunger on the globe, suffers over the past, present.

The disadvantage of the dog is a tendency to vain concern and the tendency to perceive things rather pessimistic. Often, all its excitement does not stand the embodied eggs and are invented by it. Dogs need to fight this harmful habit in every way.

She always lives in the interests of the family, enjoys the general of close people and supports them in a difficult moment. It's not easy life with her, but its responsibility is favorable for the family. His children she loves unless. Helps them stand up and leads them throughout life.

Most great pleasure For a dog - it is to help others or do something for the benefit of society. If she is able to cope with his manner to worry about trifles, he can count on life, full of joys, life in which at-willing new friends and make a lot of good people.

Dog varieties

Metal dog (1910,1970, 2030)

Water Dog (1922,1982, 2042)

Wooden dog (1934,1994, 2054)

Fire Dog (1946, 2006, 2066)

Earth dog (1958,2018)

Born in the year of the dog

Plutarch, Cicero, Thomas Maltus, Taras Shevchenko, Voltaire, Federico Garcia Lorcan, Alexander Duma, Gi de Maupassan, Victor Hugo, Bertolt Brecht, Lope de Vega, Moliere, Oh Henry, Erich Maria Remark, Mikhail Lermontov, Nikolai Karamzin, Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin, Ernst Telman, Alexander Tvardovsky, Leonid Sobolev, Ivan Moskvin, Vasily Lebedev-Kumach, Winston Churchill, Sergo Ordzhonikidze, Peter Stolypin.

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Dogs - Male principle Yang, sign of the third triangle, Earth element

The main quality of the sign of the dog is honesty. The nobility and loyalty to the principles, people, the case, as well as loyalty to the disadvantages of other people distinguish the dog from all other representatives of the Chinese zodiac. At least once in life, but it is found with betrayal, but herself is capable of solving any task alone. It will respond to affection, attention, it is very sensitive and caring. The dog always protects the weaker, his family and friends. Reliable and generous, independent, aggressive, if it is to attack with reproaches and claims. Strong rival, attractive partner, practical businessman. The dog does not like to show his feelings in public, but will show passion and the ferventness of love alone. Sometimes there is a sharp in communication, but does not seek conflicts. In disputes will show an incompeant nobility.

Positive quality signs

Honesty and nobility gives the dog a special shine in partnership. Prefers an honest match with backstage intrigues. She is straightforward in feelings, faithful in love, but is subject to the influence of his mood. Insecurity or temporary failure can turn off the dog from feelings. When her affairs go well, then best sign In love it is difficult to find. The dog is an idealist and strives for harmony and peace in the house, reliably protects the rear of the family, knows how to make money. Does not go on the heads to succeed, which is guaranteed by that dog that found happiness in personal life.

Negative character qualities

Laziness, pessimism and coldness in relation to people interfere with the dog to realize their brilliant career capabilities. Sometimes a dog can not end mudrom Council, too self-sufficient and loses, relying only on himself. This sign is subject to concern without visible bases. The dog must follow health and be sure to play sports to control the level of internal aggression.

Per year dogsyou can meet with noble people, and with fraudsters, which will have to defend at home or partnerships. You can find your ideal in love and find a suitable case. Good year for dogs, rats, dragon and pigs. Tense - for bull, snake, sheep and rooster. Positive year for tiger, monkeys, rabbit, horses.

Celebrities of this sign

Mother Teresa, Voltaire, Alexander Duma - Father, Alexander Suvorov, Claude Debussy, Sir Winston Churchill, Victor Hugo, Prince William, Golde Meir, Bill Clinton, Louis Armstrong, Elvis Presley, Kurt Vonnegut, Pierre Cardin, Cher, Andre Agassi. Actors: Breast Bardo, Sophie Lauren, Pierre Rishar, Alice Freindlich, Anatoly Papanov, Gerard Philip, Sylvester Stallone, Rachel Weiss, Matt Damon, Jennifer Consoreli, Itan Hawk, Simon Pegg, Madrum Tourman, Vince Von, Kirsten Dunst, Jessica Bill, Marina Alexandrova, Maxim Matveyev.

Sign Character for Elements

Red fiery dog

A strong character and will feature a fiery dog. Versatile interests and eruditions help in communicating, business and love to achieve the desired. Developed imagination allows the dog of the element of fire successfully realize itself in creativity. If the lower level falls on Wednesday, it degrades along with the environment. It can also rise above its nature, defeat the shortcomings and exceed yourself, thanks to a successful partnership and a close circle. Reliable sign with the advantage of the initiative.

Yellow earthy dog

An earthy dog \u200b\u200bis distinguished by special sensitivity and love for humanity. Some infantilism, naivety and desire to divide life on black and whiteit can lead to difficulties in relations with a partner and in family life. An earthy dog \u200b\u200bis ready to give up leadership positions in the Union, do not strive for leadership posts, can hear the boss, but will provide a high income to the family. Life for the sake of family is an excellent option for the Union with a more restless sign.

White metal dog

The best diplomat, the metal dog is popular in society, surrounded by friends, knows a lot about both work and entertainment. In love appreciates sensuality, and passionism, and also strives for spiritual merger with a loved one. Attaches great importance The sensual side of the relationship, loves paradoxes, can bring any situation to the absurdity to have fun. Good understands the true needs of another person and can use it, but never in evil - the dog of the element of the metal is too generous. It is irritable with no visible occasion, from fatigue.

Black (Blue) Water Dog

Charm, charm, openness and mystery are bright distinguishing features of a water dog. It has a difficult character for understanding, but she is ready to sacrifice himself and remaining a partner who is not understood. Natural magnetism, strong intuition, a tendency to mysticism gives a water dog a special charm in communication. It constantly falls into non-trivial stories, seeks to succeed in any case due to unique character traits - sincerity, audacity and chain. Carefully experience a deep sense of attachment to loved people.

Green wooden dog

Active, inquisitive and sociable wooden dog is an indispensable companion and partner in life. Lucky if this is your friend. A wooden dog does not hide his feelings, if in love, generous to warm words of support and compliments. Sometimes it is used, they do not appreciate it. But the wooden dog easily goes to the victims, does not have a sense of own importance, cares more about the good of others. Sometimes sometimes looking for support and understanding.

  • From 10.02.1910 to 01/29/1911 - a year of metallic (white) dog;
  • From 01/28/1922 to 02/15/1923 - a year of water (black) dog;
  • From 02/14/1934 to 03.02.1935 - a year of wooden (blue) dog;
  • From 02.02.1946 to 01/21/1947 - the year of fire (red) dog;
  • From 02/18/1958 to 07.02.1959 - a year of earth (yellow) dog;
  • From 06.02.1970 to 01/26/1971 - the year of metallic (white) dog;
  • From 01/25/1982 to 12.02.1983 - a year of water (black) dog;
  • From 02/10/1994 to 30.01.1995 - a year of wooden (blue) dog;
  • From January 29, 2006 to 17.02.2007 - the year of the fire (red) dog;
  • From 02/16/2018 to 04.02.2019 - the year of the earthen (yellow) dog;
  • From 03.02. 2030 to 22.01.2031 - a year of metallic (white) dog.

The corresponding zodiac sign - Aquarius.

Strengths of character

A man born in the year of the dog is self-critical and strives for perfection. If he is taken for something, he will not quit the started halfway and pays attention to every detail. The dog is one of the most responsible signs of the Eastern Horoscope, which never gives false promises and can calculate their opportunities in advance so as not to bring other people. In addition, she has an exacerbated sense of justice, so the dog is trying to behave decently in any situation and knows how to defend his own right.

This person can rely on this, because it will never leave without the support of close people in difficult times, and will find a way to help them, even if the detriment of their own interests. For those who are her roads, the dog is capable of any sacrifices. However, we are talking only about the closest people, and not about the recently emerged buddies or charming romances. This person can clearly divide those who will always be near and "temporary passengers".

Weaknesses of character

The main weakness of the dog is a tendency to infinite doubts, which would not be discussed. If everything that was possible was done to achieve the goal, but it did not bring it, this person will disassemble every little thing to find his mistake, even if it is not. The search for non-existent problems is the favorite occupation of men and women born in the year of the dog. They are too vigilant, but trying to provide absolutely everything, very often overlooking something more important. Most often it concerns relations with the nearest environment: if the dog is trying to try, for example, grow a child with an excellent student, it is likely that it will not pay attention to his problems in relationships with peers, etc.

A man born in the year of the dog makes the impression of the owner of an iron character, but in fact it is not. The dog is one of the most uncertain signs of the Eastern Horoscope. This man is so much concerned about the impression that produces on other people that often misses the opportunity or not decide to get acquainted.

In love

From personal life, the dog is waiting for stability - she needs a permanent partner, not a bright, but short-term novel. It would seem that such an attitude to life in itself is a guarantee of the loyalty of this person, but in fact everything can be distinguished otherwise. The one who is born in the year of the dog is inclined to treason, but not because of the search for adventures, but because of constant doubts.

Live relationships all the time smooth can not be, and at moments of difficulties the dog regrets the missed opportunities of happiness with other people, or begins to consider representatives of the opposite sex from their surroundings as potential partners. After treason, as a rule, it does not utter conscience, and if it falls into a love triangle, sincerely suffers from the inability to make a decision and make a choice.

Despite free attitude To sex, the representative of this sign is very caring and literally takes a loved one. During the period of love, the dog is ready to give everything that she has, to the one who loves, even if the reciprocity of feelings is in doubt. Distinctive trait The characteristics of this person lies in the extraordinary generosity and sacrifice of nature. The dog will never regret that he made a good deed for the one who did not deserve it, and even more so it will not flaunt about the material values \u200b\u200band gifts.

In a career

A representative of the sign of a dog on the Eastern Horoscope is characterized by high hardware and zeal to do everything qualitatively. Such an employee will never do something for speed - no detail will remain unnoticed. The dog can focus in fact in any atmosphere and distract it is almost no possible. This person is extremely disciplined, therefore does not solve personal problems during working hours and does not seek the reason to leave work early, but on the contrary, maybe linger in his own will, if the success of the case depends on this.

The dog's performance causes respect from the leadership, and the envy of less hardworking and attentive employees, but the efforts of this person will not cover the intention to go up the career ladder or to "sit" someone else. The representative of this sign may abandon the proposed increase, because at its workplace feels quite comfortable. Of particular interest in raising a salary or a search for more profitable work in the dog is also not observed.

Male dog

A man born in the year of the dog possesses high levels Intellect and is very interesting as an interlocutor. It is always discovered for communication, but it does not need a general public and noisy companies, preferring secluded places to communicate with the most close friends.

A man's dog has no traction to luxury - material values \u200b\u200bfor him are almost in the last place. All its acquisitions are practical, and as for the wardrobe and home interior, it prefers minimalism. From all unnecessary it is getting rid of immediately, therefore there are no unnecessary things in his house.

For family life, this man needs a woman without high requests, which in the first place will be husband and children, and not a beautiful life and expensive trinkets. At the same time, a male dog is not tempered, and if he has money, he does not postpone them for a black day, but he wanted to spend them for gifts for loved ones.

In general, the characteristic of a man's dog is positive. He takes care of his family, and even if he decides to divorce his wife, the children will never quit for the mercy of fate. First of all, he is not thinking about how to get a maximum of pleasure from life, but about his continuation, and the fact that after him will remain.

Woman dog

A woman's woman is a pleasant and relaxing man, but she herself comes clips with people. She has many acquaintances who trust her, but she can take their truly close people on the fingers of one hand. It belongs to people with sympathy and never thinks bad about those who spend time.

In youth, a woman's dog may seem overly emotional. She is tolerant refers to the disadvantages of other people, but if someone has noticed love for the gossip or a tendency to lies, not only stopping communication, but will express everything that thinks at the same time. Thus, it can in a matter of seconds to stop the many years of established relationships, and not a drop of it in the subsequent.

Woman dog is very sensitive and susceptible to someone else's opinion. It is important to her, as she looks like, as he says and behaves, what the random passers-by or those who as a person are not interested in it are thinking about her. She is prone to self-digging, and if someone from her loved ones bad moodShe will certainly begin to look for the cause of his behavior in herself.

In family life, she is practical and responsible. Woman's marriage union dog promises to be long, even if she is not quite satisfied with his spouse. The lack of emotions it can compensate for the flirt on the side, but is solved on treason if it believes that there is nothing to lose. About the husband in any case takes care as a native person, and of course, trying to ensure a decent future to his children.

Asking a question that means the year of the dog eastern calendarIt should be noted that in the eastern countries, this animal is attributed to the ability to escape unclean power.

According to the value of the year of the dog on the Chinese calendar, the man born under the auspices of this animal is distinguished by loyalty, kindness, mercy and willingness to come to the rescue to all those in need.

Year What kind of dog maybe?

People born in the year of the dog

The dog corresponds to the zodiac scale sign. Birth of the dog - 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, have a significant impact on the nature and fate of a person born at this time.

According to the characteristics of the people born in the year, the sign of the sign is endowed with a somewhat restless temper. He always knows what he wants from life and how this can be achieved by its own.

If we consider the interpersonal relationships of people born in the year of the dog, you can be sure that this person can arrange the surrounding, as it is balanced, generous and loves intellectual conversations.

The dog is able to achieve success in the professions of the teacher, supervisor or politics. The influence of this is the year of the dog; What years of birth can give a person as hard work, good faith and efficiency?

Chinese dog horoscope

According to the Eastern Dog Horoscope, the childhood of the representative of this sign does not always take peace. In this matter it is necessary to remember that the dog, born in the afternoon, has more chances for a happy future than the one that was born in the later time.

Chinese dog horoscope suggests that this person has no reason for pessimism, because throughout his life it will easily overcome vital difficulties.

In order to protect ourselves from the negative environmental impact, astrologers advise this person to keep the dog's dog - amber, opal or agate.

Characteristic sign dog

Considering the characteristic of the year of the dog, it is safe to say that this person needs true, devotees, harmonious relationships with the opposite sex. Generally sign of the zodiac dog - a romantic that is capable devote yourself to a family, spouse and children.

If we consider professional skills and relationships in the team, the characteristic characteristics of the dog says that this person is overly hardworking, but does not seek to occupy the place of the head or leader. However, this person has everything you need to achieve large heights in the career.

Video: Year of dogs on the Chinese calendar

1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994 and 2006

Chinese Dog name:GOU
Eleventh Sign of Chinese Zodiac
Time of day under the control of the dog: 19:00 -21:00
The corresponding sign of the Western Zodiac:
Element: Metal

Positive traits:
Dog -devotee, generous, honest and executive.

Negative qualities:
Dog -restless, pessimistic and slightly scattered.

Basic dog features:

Dogs They consider pessimists who are always concerned about, although their source of torment is rarely known. But Dog- The faithful companion of a person, affectionate pet and even plays an important role as a symbol of public situation. Dog lifeAs the ancient Chinese tell, it was often unstable, except for childhood (though, only if her parents could protect it). Her youth is often overshadowed by the torment due to love affairs, which rarely leave her good memories. IN mature years It is often visited by nightmares, and old age is overshadowed by regretful of missed opportunities. But fortunately exist different kinds Dogs - Some life is easier, others are fulfilled by difficulties and unrest. They say that DogBorn in the bright time of the day, is happier than that that was born at night. Day dogit is not necessary to be all the time alert, while Dog night All the time should be guarded.

Women dogsmore ambitious and more strive for material security. You are a gifted and creative woman, but you have a little lack of perseverance, and it happens that you challenge the unfinished. You are attractive, impatient and, being more sociable than your twin, Mr. Dog, adore the heartfelt conversations. You feel the happiest, when surrounded by friends, children and pets - whether in the palace, in the suburban house or in the city apartment. The only disadvantage is a tendency to some limitations, in the inability to appreciate what is not part of the directly of your world.

You are reliable and devoted, but prone to excessive care and pessimism. It would be more reasonable to not worry in advance because you will successfully handle everything that happens.

Fate (luck)
You are either very rich, or you have no penny. Different Dogs Waiting for different destinies, but most of you are positive and go through life with great faith in success.

You have talent for handling money and you would be good to do business. If you follow your intuition, you have a chance to go far.

You are a reliable worker and can reach the vertices, since you are also a good administrator. Not much need a lot of time so that you become a boss.

Social life
You can be very closed and careful, but you bloom in the company of people who know well.

You skillfully cope with your projects and stick to the schedule, but sometimes you have to fight for yourself. Stand firmly on earth and do not give up without struggle.

You need a lot of time to find someone you can love, as you are very demanding and thorough. But you should find necessary manAnd you will enjoy caring and romantic relationships.

Your parents or love you very much, or consider a rower leading a permanent struggle. And, of course, you have to reckon with such a state of affairs.

Brothers and sisters
You show care of your sisters and brothers, especially if you are elder in the family, in this case you will have a great influence on their adult life.

In the role of parents, you are inconvenient and strict, but in fact you are deeply interested in your children and love them to the inability.

Travels is what truly worries you. You always try to find the best place to make a wonderful vacation with your loved ones.

You are distinguished by strong health and rarely sick. At times you are very tense and, if you are not careful, you may have some mental problems.

You can make good money on real estate and brokerage, because you have a well-developed feeling of money.

You are generous and deserve confidence. You could be a good leader of a large corporation. You are an expert on computer networks and probably know how to make a profit.

If you stop complaining and gain faith in your abilities, you can go far.

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