Better thrombosis or cardiomagnet. Tromboass or Cardiomagnet: which is better? What is better according to cardiologists

Practicing doctors, giving prescriptions to a patient about taking a particular drug, often do it at their own discretion. But is there a difference between similar pharmaceuticals, and which one should be preferred? To answer this question, you need to familiarize yourself with the specific features medicinal analogues and find out their main differences.

Some of these medicines are Cardiomagnet and Thrombo ACC. Which of these two panaceas is better, and which one should you opt for?

Both drugs are endowed with similar biochemical properties, but there is still a slight discrepancy between them. And yet, which is better than Cardiomagnet or Thrombo ACC?

Let us dwell in more detail on this "pair" of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory pills.

Thrombotic ACC or Cardiomagnet which is better for blood thinning? Both medicines have the same indications:

  • prevention of problems of the cardiovascular system;
  • high blood pressure;
  • secondary possibility of a heart attack;
  • poor blood circulation in the brain;
  • increased hemoglobin indices;
  • to avoid the occurrence of heart attack and stroke;
  • diagnosis - varicose veins and vascular thrombosis;
  • development of pulmonary thromboembolism;
  • rehabilitation period after bypass surgery;
  • risk factor - people over 60 years old, lipid metabolism disorder, diabetes and signs of obesity.

What is better Cardiomagnet or Thrombotic ACC, the opinion of cardiologists agree that these drugs are aimed at optimizing the functions of the cardiovascular system.

The similarity of Cardiomagnyl and Thrombo ACC is explained by the presence of the main component in them - acetylsalicylic acid "ASA", which serves as the active component of non-steroidal tablets and has a positive effect on enzymes, and also promotes platelet liquefaction and prevents the formation of vascular plaques.

Acetylsalicylic acid, which has an antiplatelet effect, is activated while taking the drug, and retains its abilities for a whole week. Substances are rapidly absorbed from the digestive tract and excreted through the kidneys.

Despite the fact that the drugs Cardiomagnyl and Thrombo ACC are interchangeable and have similar purposes for use, they also have some differences. First of all, the composition of these drugs is different. Among the active substances of Cardiomagnyl, in addition to ASA, there is one more component - magnesium hydroxide "magnesium salt", which neutralizes the effect of acetylsalicylic acid on the gastric mucosa. And Thrombotic ACC does not possess other active particles, except for ASA, but the pills themselves are enclosed in a protective shell, which bypassing the stomach, dissolves only in the duodenum.


The drugs in question are produced:

  • a tablet of Cardiomagnyl "75 or 150 g" containing 75 or 150 mg of the active substance ASA;
  • a tablet of Thrombo ACCa "50 or 100 g" containing 50 or 100 mg of the active substance ASA.

The selection of the correct dosage is determined by the attending physician, according to the established diagnosis and the presence of restrictions on the use of drugs.

Possible consequences

The same side effects for both drugs:

With caution, drugs are prescribed for children, the elderly, patients with hepatic-renal failure light form, with the diagnosis - gout, chronic gastritis, etc.

Magnesium hydroxide, which is present in Cardiomagnum, is a kind of neutralizer of hydrochloric acid, and also has a mild laxative effect. It is introduced into the preparation in order to protect the inner surface of the stomach, where it is converted into an enveloping film.

In the composition of ThromboASS there are no other active substances, except for acetylsalicylic acid. But the tablets, with their mild action, do not disintegrate in the stomach cavity, and show their activity only in the intestine.

It is worth noting that these drugs have a lot of other analogues with the same active substance. One of them is Aspirin Cardio, to which we will turn our attention next time and find out: which is better Cardiomagnet or Aspirin Cardio or Thrombo ACC?

So - which is better Cardiomagnet or Thrombo ACC reviews of doctors and patients can be found on special sites on the Internet. In the meantime, we see that Cardiomagnyl and ThromboASS “work” basically the same way and have almost identical recommendations, contraindications and side effects.

The active substance in the form of acetylsalicylic acid, which is part of the drugs, has a relatively low cost, so the question arises: is it worth purchasing an unreasonably expensive Cardiomagnet or is it better to get by with the budget Thrombotic ACC?

Everyone knows that the state of the blood affects the state of a person more strongly than the state of his other organs. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly monitor its biochemistry and coagulability, and sometimes preventive measures as healthy eating not enough and come into play medicines - antiplatelet agents. In this group, the most famous are "Trombo ACC" and "Cardiomagnet". Which drug should you prefer? Or, perhaps, both drugs do not justify their cost and need to be replaced?

"Thromboass": the main characteristics of the drug

This drug is included in the category of antiplatelet agents - drugs that reduce the rate of blood clotting, which in turn acts as the prevention of thrombosis. The result is due to the ability of the active component to inhibit the synthesis of thromboxane A2: the concentration of this element and its derivatives (metabolites) decreases by more than 90%.

  • The active ingredient "Trombo ACCa" is acetylsalicylic acid, whose dosage per 1 tablet is 100 mg. To achieve the above effect (to reduce the concentration of thromboxane), it is enough to obtain half - 50 mg of the active substance.

Additional and less pronounced properties of the drug are lowering the temperature, relieving pain and weakening inflammatory processprovoking these symptoms. Indications for the use of "Thrombo ASS" are:

  • prevention of heart attack (both primary and secondary);
  • improvement of cerebral circulation in coronary artery disease;
  • prevention of thrombosis and / or embolism (including an increased risk of their occurrence after surgery).

This medication is considered mild enough for the body, especially for those with a sensitive stomach: the tablet shell is resistant to gastric juice and begins to disintegrate only in the intestines. However, this does not reduce the list adverse reactions and contraindications to the drug.

  • "Thrombotic ACC" is prohibited for ulcerative organ lesions digestive tract, hypothrombinemia, hemophilia, increased bleeding, nephrolithiasis;
  • The drug is allowed only in persons over 18 years of age, and is also not allowed to be included in therapy in nursing mothers.

It is noteworthy that during pregnancy, "Thrombotic ACC" is allowed in the I and II trimesters, but it is used alone and should not be combined with other drugs. In particular, with hypoglycemic, diuretic drugs, glucocorticoids, anticoagulants.

  • Possible side reactions from the digestive and reproductive systems (menstrual irregularities, dyspeptic disorders), and iron-deficiency anemia, bronchospasm, dizziness.

The drug should be used with caution in the therapy of persons with renal and hepatic insufficiency.

Read also:

  • How to take cardiomagnum correctly for prevention or treatment

Consumer reviews of the drug

As can be judged from the comments of ordinary patients, the drug, when used correctly, does not harm the body, and there are practically no adverse reactions to it. Given its low cost, it can be a salvation for most people suffering from thick blood.

  • Tatyana: “I received a recommendation for treatment with Thrombotic ACC from a gynecologist, whom I have been seeing for a long time. I drank according to the instructions: 1 full tablet before bedtime, for 14 days, which began to affect by the end of the first week - the fingers and toes stopped going numb, and the one who came after that menstrual cycle turned out to be less painful. Post-treatment analyzes showed a significant decrease in blood viscosity. "
  • Yulia: “Mom has been taking Thrombo ACC for 4 years already, at the insistence of the doctor: after a heart attack, it was decided to carry out supportive therapy. I was very afraid for her because of the high sensitivity of the body and a large number of contraindications and possible side reactions, but over the past years, there has never been any deterioration in health precisely because of the pill. "

When should I take Cardiomagnyl?

This drug also belongs to the group of antiplatelet agents, however, it has a wider spectrum of action due to some changes in its chemical composition... "Cardiomagnet" is available in the tablet format with the marking 75 or 150.

  • The active active ingredient - acetylsalicylic acid - works in tandem with magnesium hydroxide, which allows the drug to affect not only blood viscosity, but also the state of the heart muscle. In addition, magnesium becomes an additional factor in protecting the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, reducing the likelihood of a negative effect of the main active substance on the condition of the stomach.
  • The manufacturer offers several dosage options for acetylsallicylic acid and magnesium: 75 mg + 15.2 mg per tablet, or 150 mg + 30.39 mg, respectively. The most significant substance is marked on the package - 75 or 150.

Indications for the use of "Cardiomagnyl" are the following situations:

  • prevention of heart attack (at any stage);
  • prevention of embolism and thrombosis;
  • heart surgery;
  • angina pectoris;
  • heart failure in acute form.

At the same time, there are a large number of contraindications, including increased bleeding, including internal bleeding, ulcers, renal and liver failure... It is forbidden to use "Cardiomagnet" during the I and III trimesters of pregnancy and during breastfeedingsince acetylsalicylic acid is passed in milk. The drug is prohibited to persons under 18 years of age.

  • It is not allowed to combine "Cardiomagnet" with methotrexates, anticoagulants, hypoglycemic agents, digoxin, valproic acid.

Side effects from taking the drug were recorded on the part of the nervous, digestive and respiratory systems, as well as in the form of hematopoiesis and anaphylactic reactions.

What do users say about the drug?

Taking into account the fact that magnesium necessary for the heart has been added to the preparation, which, according to the manufacturer, works as additional protection, Cardiomagnet should be perceived extremely positively. Judging by the comments of consumers, it has drawbacks, although the tool itself is better known and popular than Trombo ASS.

  • Ekaterina: “Cardiomagnet saw during pregnancy, when there was a risk of varicose veins. The course lasted a month, the condition really improved, although there were doubts about the permissibility of this drug before childbirth. Subsequently, they were justified - as it turned out, acetylsalicylic acid negatively affects the dilatation of the cervix. As a result, it did not work out to give birth naturally, I had to do a cesarean. "
  • Olga: I got “Cardiomagnet” not on the recommendation of a doctor, but on the advice of a friend who drank it, and made sure that self-medication does not bring good results. I decided to strengthen my heart, which began to play pranks, and the constantly cold toes began to frighten. I drank for exactly 18 days, after which the treatment had to be canceled: the pain in the stomach that appeared intensified daily and disappeared only a few days after stopping therapy and changing the diet. One thing is good - blood circulation in the limbs has improved, but now I will choose something more compatible with my stomach. "

Which is better - "Tromboass" or "Cardiomagnet"?

Analyzing the composition of each drug, it can be argued that "Thrombo ACC" and "Cardiomagnyl" are almost identical to each other: they have the same indications for use and even side reactions, contraindications are also not too different. In favor of "Cardiomagnyl" says only that, in theory, it should be safer for people with sensitive gastrointestinal tract, and also allows you to choose a more successful dosage without dividing the tablet - 75 or 150 mg of the active substance.

According to reviews, the addition of magnesium had practically no effect on the drug, and the result from taking any of them is the same, as well as the likelihood of side reactions. Thus, it turns out that the cost of "Cardiomagnyl" is unjustifiably overstated in comparison with "Thrombo ACC", especially there is to pay attention to the fact that the basis of each of the medicines is penny acetylsalicylic acid.

In medicine, there are many medicinal preparationsthat have a similar effect. An excellent example in this case would be such a "pair" as ThromboASS and Cardiomagnet. Both of these drugs are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Form of release of drugs - tablets. Doctors prescribe this or that remedy, depending on their own preferences. But anyway common people sometimes I wonder, ThromboASS or Cardiomagnet - which is better from this? It is worth trying to answer this question.

Related articles:

  • "Cardiomagnet" or "Aspirin Cardio": which is better
  • "Acecardol" or "Cardiomagnet": which is better
  • ThromboASS: instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues

Before choosing which of these funds is better, as well as which one should be purchased at the pharmacy, it is worth considering the reasons why they are called analogues. The fact is that the indications for taking Cardiomagnyl and ThromboASS are approximately the same. However, this does not mean that among them it is impossible to find best drug... As for medicinal properties ThromboASS and Cardiomagnyl, then they are as follows.

  1. Prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels. In particular, these funds protect against the development of thrombosis. You can immediately decide, at least by name, that ThromboASS is able to cope with such a task better. But there is no need to jump to conclusions. Both products help with hypertension and hyperlipidemia.
  2. The presence of a risk of recurrent heart attack is another reason why it is better to turn to ThromboASS or Cardiomagnet.
  3. Angina pectoris or ischemic stroke is the next indication. It is best to start taking any of these drugs before more serious problems appear.
  4. ThromboASC and Cardiomagnyl are also prescribed for the prevention of blood clots, if any surgical intervention associated with angioplasty or bypass surgery was previously performed.

These are general indications that prove why Cardiomagnet and ThromboASS act as analogues. But the reason for this lies in the similar mechanism of their action. And it will also be useful to understand better. In particular, drugs have active substance acetylsalicylic acid. It is able to act on enzymes, thereby blocking the action of substances that lead to the formation of blood clots.

Finding out which is better from this - ThromboASS or Cardiomagnet, one cannot but say about the ways of their use. There are no major differences here either. A single dose of any of these drugs can provide the effect of acetylsalicylic acid for about a week. The components are excreted by the kidneys. Nevertheless, while taking ThromboASS or Cardiomagnyl, the patient becomes noticeably better.

How does Cardiomagnet differ from ThromboASS

Although everything described above speaks about the interchangeability of drugs, there is still a difference between them. This means that there is an opportunity to choose the one that will be better in a particular case. The difference is primarily due to the fact that Cardiomagnet and ThromboASS show different composition... In particular, magnesium hydroxide is present among the active components of Cardiomagnyl. But does this mean that this particular drug is better?

To find out, you need to better understand the properties of magnesium hydroxide itself. Its capabilities are reduced to providing laxative and antacid effects, as a result of which acetylsalicylic acid does not have the maximum possible negative effect on the gastric mucosa. At the same time, there are no additional active substances in ThromboASS. True, this medicine also has its advantages.

In order to find out whether ThromboASS or Cardiomagnet is better, one cannot but say that the tablets of the first drug have a special protective shell. It allows ThromboASS to pass through the stomach and dissolve only in the intestines. So it can even be achieved best effectif you are using this medication.

Dosage of Cardiomagnyl and ThromboASS

An important feature is the convenience of taking the drug. It is better to choose the one that causes fewer problems. But to say which of these pills is better is rather difficult. In particular, one cardiomagnyl tablet can contain 75 and 150 mg of acetylsalicylic acid. In the case of ThromboASS, this figure is 50 and 100 mg. The doctor should choose the dosage based on the patient's condition. That is, it is impossible to determine the form of release of which of these drugs is better. In addition, we must not forget about the presence of the danger of individual intolerance.

Side effects and contraindications

If we talk about side effects, then they will also generally be identical, albeit with certain specific features. In particular, ThromboASS and Cardiomagnyl can cause anaphylactic reactions, nausea, abdominal pain, sleep disturbances, anemia and ulcers. As for the latter side effect, it is better to provide additional comments that indicate the difference between the drugs.

Trying to determine what is best for the patient - ThromboASS or Cardiomagnet, it is necessary to take into account the individual contraindications present in a particular person. So, Cardiomagnyl cannot be taken in case of stomach ulcer, while ThromboASC cannot be used in case of ulceration. duodenum... This is the key difference when viewed specifically side effects and contraindications. Thus, it is impossible to say for sure which of these drugs is truly better. The best option is determined individually.

How to determine which drug will be better?

Taking into account the general similarity of ThromboASS and Cardiomagnyl, you can choose the drug that will be better for the patient himself. In this case, they start from the convenience of using the form of the drug, as well as from what kind of health problems a person has that limit the intake of drugs. If there are contraindications for Cardiomagnet, you can use ThromboASS. And vice versa.

ThromboASS or Cardiomagnet - which of the two is better? This question arises before many who need to undergo a therapeutic course using these drugs. These drugs have the same properties when exposed to the body, but not a big difference there is still between them.

Indications for the use of drugs

There are a number of reasons why these products can be called analogs, since the indications for their use are mostly similar. But, despite this factor, among them you can choose the most suitable remedy.

List of indications for the use of drugs:

  1. Preventive measures for diseases of cardio-vascular system, including angina pectoris, ischemia and blood clots.
  2. Hypertension.
  3. To reduce the risk of secondary heart attack.
  4. Insufficient blood circulation in the brain.
  5. Elevated hemoglobin levels.
  6. Prevention of stroke.
  7. Varicose veins and thrombosis.
  8. Thromboembolism pulmonary arteries and its branches.

ThromboAss or Cardiomagnet are prescribed after surgical intervention, for example, after bypass surgery.

All of the above is general properties, proving that the action is similar and is aimed at maintaining the normal function of the heart muscle and blood vessels... The reason for this is the presence in them of the main substance - acetylsalicylic acid, which has the property of affecting enzymes and thinning the blood, as well as creating obstacles to the occurrence of blood clots in the vessels. One-time medication can improve the state of health for the next week and for the patient it becomes noticeable.


The manufacturer, along with the advantages of drugs, recommends limiting their intake in the presence of concomitant diseases:

  • ulcers on the mucous membranes in the gastrointestinal tract in the stages of exacerbation;
  • sensitivity to drug components;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • the presence of polyps in the sinuses;
  • for children under the age of majority;
  • internal bleeding;
  • diseases of the liver or kidneys, which are acute;
  • the presence of stones in the internal organs;
  • gout;
  • hay fever;
  • low platelet aggregation;
  • acute and chronic ENT diseases;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis.

All of the above applies to joint contraindications, common to both Cardiomagnet and ThromboASS.

Side effects of drugs

In most cases, drugs are well tolerated by patients. But there are exceptions in which side effects may occur. The list of manifestations in which the drug intake should be stopped:

  • vomiting, nausea;
  • stomatitis, colitis;
  • spasms in the bronchi;
  • dizziness;
  • quincke's edema or urticaria;
  • an ulcer of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • heartburn and pain in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • insomnia or, on the contrary, increased drowsiness;
  • noise in the back of the head and in the ears;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • anemia;
  • intolerance to the ingredients of the drug;
  • allergy;
  • rashes on the skin;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • and others.

These unwanted side effects apply to both drugs at the same time.

Composition, dosage and other information

Release drugs produced:

  • Cardiomagnet - in tablets of 75 or 150 grams;
  • ThromboASS - in tablets of 50 or 100 grams.

The selection of an individual dosage is determined by a specialist, depending on the severity of the disease and the presence of contraindications for the action of the drugs.

The composition of Cardiomagnyl contains:

  • acetylsalicylic acid;
  • magnesium hydroxide;
  • auxiliary substances - corn and potato starch, MCC and magnesium stearate;
  • products that make up the shell: talc and hypromellose, propylleglycol.

ThromboASC includes the following substances:

  • acetylsalicylic acid;
  • excipients: lactose, silicon dioxide and potato starch;
  • the products that make up the shell: triacetin, talc and methacrylic acid and ethyl acryl.

The dosage of the active substance - acetylsalicylic acid in preparations is different, but this ingredient is inexpensive. The price characteristics of the funds differ. Cardiomagnet is almost three times more expensive than ThromboASS, despite the fact that the composition is almost the same.

The difference between ThromboASS and Cardiomagnet

Despite the similarity of the actions of products and with the same components, there is a difference between them. When choosing, it is necessary to take into account the factor that affects individual cases in different ways. For example, Cardiomagnyl contains magnesium hydroxide. The properties of this element are aimed at providing laxative and acid-neutralizing properties, as a result of which the acid does not irritate the stomach. And in ThromboASS, such an action is excluded, although this agent has its own advantages: the presence of a protective membrane that allows it to pass through the stomach into the intestine and dissolve in the latter. And it is possible that the effect of such a drug will be even better.

Individual contraindications and reception features

The action of ThromboASC extends to reduce the formation of blood clots, while it is possible to lower the temperature, remove pain and providing anti-inflammatory action. This drug has a rather mild effect on internal organs, it does not break down in the stomach, and starts to work in the intestines. It can be used during pregnancy in the 1st and 2nd trimesters, but only when combined with other drugs that accompany its mild effect. When breastfeeding, the use of the drug should be excluded.

Cardiomagnet is a drug that has more wide range actions. The magnesium hydroxide included in its composition has a positive effect on the work of the heart muscle, along with the main function - blood thinning. You can not use during pregnancy during the 1st and 3rd trimester, you should refrain from using the drug. When breastfeeding, care should be taken when taking the medication.

When prescribing a particular drug, a specialist must take into account the individual characteristics of a person, namely, familiarize himself with the history of his diseases, the presence of contraindications and other factors. For example, it is not recommended to prescribe Cardiomagnyl to persons with a concomitant disease - a stomach ulcer, and ThromboASC in case of an intestinal ulcer. The name ThromboASS indicates that this drug will cope better with the formation of plaques, although this is not entirely correct, since Cardiomagnet also performs this function.


Based on the above information, it can be concluded that the actions of the drugs are basically identical. Almost the same indications and contraindications confirm the same properties of drugs. Side effects are also almost the same. The active substance, acetylsalicylic acid, which is part of the preparations, is inexpensive, so an arbitrary conclusion suggests itself that Cardiomagnet is unreasonably more expensive than ThromboASC.

Aspirin preparations are widely used in medicine for the prevention of thrombus formation and blood thickening, especially in people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, such as atrial fibrillation, atherosclerosis, angina pectoris, valvular heart disease. Pharmaceutical companies with enviable regularity release on the pharmaceutical market a lot of drugs with the same active substance and therapeutic effects.

However, some manufacturers seek to gain popularity by improving the formulation of drugs, making them more effective and safer, while trying to keep them available to the public.

That is why many people more and more often wonder what is better to take Cardiomagnet or Thrombotic Ass? To answer it, it is necessary to consider in detail all the similarities and find out how these drugs differ.

Cardiomagnyl and Thrombo Ass packaging

Features of action and composition: Cardiomagnet and Thrombo ass

Both drugs contain acetylsalicylic acid as an active ingredient. Its action is to block the specific enzyme cyclooxygenase, which simultaneously triggers the conversion of arachidonic acid into prostaglandins and prostacyclin. These substances have different effects:

  • initiation of an inflammatory response;
  • expansion of the bronchi and blood vessels;
  • reducing the accumulation and adhesion of platelets;
  • spasm or relaxation of the muscle layer of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • decrease in the acidity of gastric juice;
  • increased body temperature;
  • contractions of the myometrium of the uterus;
  • reducing the breakdown of adipose tissue.

Thromboxane, which is synthesized by platelets, can cause arterial contraction and platelet aggregation. Naturally, this significantly aggravates the course of hypertension - the risk of thrombosis increases lower limbs and cerebral vessels. Therefore, one cannot do without taking antiplatelet agents.

Interesting! Antiplatelet agents such as Thromboass or Cardiomagnyl are included in the mandatory treatment program after endovascular interventions, thrombolysis for stroke and heart surgery.

It should be said that the composition of Cardiomagnyl differs from Tromboass. A significant difference lies in the additional component of Cardiomagnet, which is magnesium hydroxide. Magnesium ions are able to protect the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum from the ulcerogenic action of acetylsalicylic acid. Therefore, patients with peptic ulcer The gastrointestinal tract is better to prescribe the drug Cardiomagnyl.

However, Thromboass tablets are coated with a special coating that promotes the absorption of the drug in the intestine. Thus, contact with the gastric mucosa is reduced and negative effects from its application.

The effectiveness of Cardiomagnyl and Thromboass

Since Cardiomagnet and Tromboass do not differ in their main substance, effects and indications for use, it is impossible to unequivocally decide what is best for blood thinning. These two drugs are equally used in such a situation. Only in patients with a compromised gastric mucosa, Cardiomagnil should be preferred.

Sometimes patients are also interested in: Thrombopol or Cardiomagnet - which is better? It is worth saying that these drugs are identical, even available in the same dosage.

Blood clots in the arteries

What to give preference to Cardiomagnil or Thromboass for varicose veins?

As noted above, the two are equally good at thinning blood and inhibiting the formation of thrombotic masses. Cardiomagnet and Thromboass are inherently non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, therefore they reduce the inflammatory response in the endothelium of the veins, which improves the elasticity of the venous wall, its resistance to increased stress and pressure in varicose veins.

The attending physician can help determine the choice of medicine based on the individual characteristics of each patient, health status and contraindications to taking the drug.

Advice! Of the two drugs, you can choose one, focusing on the dosage prescribed by the cardiologist. Cardiomagnet is available in tablets of 75 and 150 milligrams, and Tromboass - 50 and 100 milligrams of the active ingredient. Which ones are more convenient to drink, those should be chosen.

Reception of Cardiomagnyl and Thromboass for atherosclerosis

What is the difference between taking antiplatelet agents for atherosclerosis? Atherosclerosis is a disease that has its own set of causes, but its result is the deposition of fatty plaques on the inner surface of the arteries. In addition, in the place of their formation, inflammation and thinning of the inner lining of the vessels occurs.

The narrowing of the vascular lumen interferes with the normal blood flow, the heart has to overcome more resistance, and, as a result, increases blood pressure... Naturally, having an anti-thrombotic effect, Thromboass and Cardiomagnyl have an absolute indication for atherosclerosis.

You can choose which drug is best to use, focusing on the initial state of the kidneys. The fact is that Thromboass is allowed with a mild degree renal failure, but Cardiomagnet is not. Therefore, when choosing, you can be guided by this aspect.

Changes in blood vessels in atherosclerosis

Comparison of side effects

In most cases unwanted effects from taking Cardiomagnyl and Thromboass are extremely rare. Manufacturers have harmoniously balanced the main and auxiliary substances in the composition of the drugs so that both drugs are well tolerated by patients. In rare cases, the manifestation of side effects as:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting
  • pain in the epigastric region;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • increased sleepiness and fatigue;
  • the appearance of an allergic itchy rash;
  • increased bleeding of mucous membranes, the appearance of hematomas on the skin.

Note! The incidence of adverse reactions after taking Tromboass and Cardiomagnyl is directly related to a violation of the regimen and dosages prescribed by the attending physician. Therefore, before taking it, be sure to consult with a specialist.


The list of general contraindications for taking Cardiomagnyl and Thromboass includes the following conditions:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular system, which are accompanied by respiratory failure;
  • atrophic diseases of the nasal mucosa;
  • gout;
  • hypersensitivity to the constituents of the drugs.

The difference between drugs in contraindications:

  1. Cardiomagnet should not be taken by people with impaired renal function;
  2. Thromboass is prohibited from prescribing to patients with pathologies of the digestive tract.

Susceptibility to nosebleeds is a contraindication when taking aspirin drugs

Application during pregnancy and lactation

Sometimes, especially with aggravated pregnancy, doctors prescribe antiplatelet drugs to reduce blood density. If appropriate treatment is ignored, it can lead to impaired growth and intrauterine development of the child.

Cardiomagnet and Tromboass have similar recommendations. You need to take drugs only for absolute readingswhich are determined by the cardiologist. It is better to carry out therapy during only the second trimester with minimal doses, since in the first trimester the risk of miscarriage increases, and in the third - premature birth. It is advisable to consume more liquid and food during the treatment period to quickly remove drug metabolites from the body and reduce the effect on the child.

Interesting! The price of Tromboass in most pharmacies is significantly lower than the cost of Cardiomagnyl.

Video on the topic of the article:


Indications for the use of Cardiomagnyl, efficacy, side effects and contraindications

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