Live measles culture vaccine after surgery. ZHKV vaccination for adults up to what age

Last updated description by manufacturer 31.07.2003

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Active substance:


Pharmacological group

Composition and form of release

1 dose of lyophilized powder for preparation of a solution for subcutaneous administration contains measles virus not less than 1000 TCD 50 and gentamicin sulfate not more than 20 μg; in ampoules of 1, 2 and 5 doses, in a cardboard box 10 ampoules.


Homogeneous porous mass of yellow-pink or pink color, hygroscopic.

pharmachologic effect

pharmachologic effect- immunostimulating.

Provides the production of measles antibodies.

Indication of the drug Vaccine measles culture live

Routine and emergency prevention of measles.


Hypersensitivity (including to aminoglycosides, quail egg white), severe reaction or complications to the previous dose, primary immunodeficiency states, malignant blood diseases, neoplasms, pregnancy.

Application during pregnancy and lactation

Contraindicated in pregnancy.

Method of administration and dosage

S / c, immediately before use, mix the vaccine with a diluent (0.5 ml of diluent per 1 vaccine dose), inject 0.5 ml under the scapula or into the shoulder area (on the border between the lower and middle third of the shoulder, from the outside). Routine vaccinations are carried out twice at the age of 12-15 months and 6 years for children who have not had measles.

Children born from mothers seronegative to the measles virus are vaccinated at the age of 8 months and then - in accordance with the vaccination schedule. The interval between vaccination and re-vaccination should be at least 6 months.

Precautionary measures

Vaccination should not be carried out against the background of febrile conditions, mild forms of acute respiratory viral infections or acute intestinal diseases, acute manifestations infectious and noncommunicable diseases, exacerbations of chronic diseases; within 3-6 months after immunosuppressive therapy. After the administration of human immunoglobulin preparations, measles vaccinations are carried out no earlier than 2 months later.

Measles - acute viral infection , very easily transmitted by contact with a patient, accompanied by fever, generalized lesions of the mucous membranes respiratory tract, mouth, eyes, rash, respiratory complications.

Measles is transmitted by airborne droplets... The source of infection is a sick person. The maximum release of the pathogen is observed in the initial period of the disease (there is a risk of infection from day 9 after contact). On the 5th day after the appearance of the rash, the patient does not pose an infectious danger to others.

In the first 3 months of life, children have strong immunity to measles due to the received maternal antibodies. In children 3-6 first months of life, the level of antibodies decreases, but the likelihood of infection with measles remains quite low. But after the first six months of life, the susceptibility of children to measles increases dramatically, since they almost completely lose the maternal antibodies that protected them in the first 6 months of life.

Persons who have had measles have persistent lifelong immunity.

Vaccines for preventing measles:

  • ZhKV- live measles vaccine (Russia);
  • Vaccine mumps-measles cultural live dry (Russia);
  • Ruwax- monovaccine (France);
  • MMR- Associated vaccine against measles, mumps, rubella (USA);
  • Priorix- associated vaccine against measles, mumps, rubella (England).

For passive prevention of measles, normal human immunoglobulin is used, which is an immunologically active protein fraction isolated from serum or plasma of donor blood.

Terms of vaccination, method of administration

The first vaccination against measles is given at the age of 1 year (followed by 6 years) at the same time as vaccinations against mumps, hepatitis B and rubella (it is advisable to use divaccines or trivaccines, for example, Priorix or MMR). Children vaccinated with LIV vaccine may receive a different vaccine and vice versa. If there is a need for the Mantoux reaction, then it should be carried out simultaneously with measles vaccination or 6 weeks later, in order to avoid receiving a false negative response.

The measles vaccine is administered in a dose of 0.5 ml subcutaneously under the scapula or intramuscularly in the shoulder area. During injections, it should be remembered that the vaccine is very easily deactivated at the slightest contact with alcohol or ether.

Children who are vaccinated on time develop a stable lifelong immunity to measles.

If there was contact with a patient with measles, then the person in contact is injected with the GVC vaccine if he did not have measles, as well as unvaccinated children over 1 year old, adolescents and adults in the first 3 days after contact. Children aged 6 to 12 months receive 1-2 doses of normal human immunoglobulin no later than the 4th day after contact with the patient.

Vaccination reactions and complications of measles vaccines

In the period from 6 to 15 days after vaccination with GLC, 10-15% of children may develop general post-vaccination reactions, characterized by the appearance of subfebrile temperature, a slight deterioration in well-being, and the simultaneous appearance of a rash. In such cases, symptomatic therapy is indicated in age-related doses.

Because components of a measles vaccine can cause a variety of allergic reactions, then the child's allergic history should be collected before vaccination. In case of an unfavorable history, vaccination is carried out against the background of antiallergic therapy.

When the temperature rises to 39-40 degrees, febrile convulsions can be observed in children prone to them. In this case, you should consult a pediatrician and vaccinate while taking paracetamol.

It is extremely rare that thrombocytopenia may develop, which is associated with the use of a trivial vaccine with a rubella component.

Contraindications to the introduction of ZhKV

  • leukemia, lymphoma, malignant neoplasms, immunodeficiency states;
  • severe allergic reactions to egg white and aminoglycosides;
  • pregnancy;
  • acute diseases and chronic diseases in the stage of exacerbation;
  • blood transfusion less than 3 months before vaccination.

ATTENTION! The information presented on this site is for reference only. We are not responsible for the possible negative consequences of self-medication!

→ Measles (live measles vaccine)

VACCINES - Measles (live measles vaccine)

Cultured live dry vaccine

Manufacturer: Russia

Price: 1800 p.

Compound: contains an attenuated strain of measles virus Leningrad-16 (L-16) on a primary cell culture of quail embryos, auxiliary substances: gentamicin sulfate or kanamycin sulfate, stabilizer: LS-18 and gelatin.

Release form: a homogeneous porous mass of pink color in ampoules complete with a solvent - a lyophilisate for preparing a solution for subcutaneous administration.

Indicated for use: for routine and emergency prevention of measles

Vaccination schedule:

Routine vaccination: according to "" children who did not have measles at the age of 12-15 months and 6 years. Children born to mothers seronegative to the measles virus are vaccinated at the age of 8 months and beyond in accordance with “ National immunization calendar»At 14-15 months and 6 years old.

Emergency vaccination: children from 12 months of age, adolescents and adults who have had contact with a patient with measles who have not had measles and have not previously been vaccinated against this infection. In the absence of contraindications, the vaccine is administered no later than 72 hours after contact with the patient.

Vaccination against measles can be carried out at the same time (on the same day) with other vaccinations " National immunization calendar" (against mumps , rubella, polio, hepatitis B, whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus) or not earlier than 1 month after the previous vaccination.
After the administration of human immunoglobulin preparations, measles vaccinations are carried out no earlier than 2 months later. After administration, immunoglobulin preparations can be administered no earlier than 2 weeks later; if it is necessary to use immunoglobulin earlier than this period, the measles vaccination should be repeated.


  • severe forms of allergic reactions to aminoglycosides (gentamicin sulfate, etc.) and quail eggs;
  • primary immunodeficiencies, malignant blood diseases and neoplasms;
  • a strong reaction (a rise in temperature above 40 ° C, edema, hyperemia more than 8 cm in diameter at the injection site) or complications to the previous vaccine administration;
  • pregnancy.

Application experience: many years of experience in the use of domestic live measles vaccine in our country has shown that mass immunoprophylaxis is effective remedy fight against measles. Thanks to the mass vaccination, it was possible to significantly reduce the incidence and mortality from measles, but the cyclicality and seasonality of this disease continues to persist.

For many decades, measles was hardly diagnosed in children and adults. However, in 2014 there was a recorded outbreak of the disease, which led to the infection of more than 100 people. Therefore, the question arose about the need to vaccinate the population. The measles vaccine, which can be used in children and adults, helps to cope with this task. It is worth taking a closer look at what an LCV vaccination is, deciphering its name, and features of vaccination.

What is the danger of measles?

Measles is a contagious infectious disease that is transmitted by airborne droplets. In this case, sick people release the pathogen into the air even in the prodromal period. The first symptoms of measles are similar to a common cold. Patients note cough, sore throat, runny nose, fever.

As the infection progresses, patients develop a characteristic facial rash that gradually spreads to the entire body. Measles requires immediate treatment, otherwise dangerous complications may develop:

  • Respiratory pathologies: multicellular pneumonia, laryngotracheitis, bronchitis, pleurisy, bronchiolitis;
  • Diseases nervous system: encephalitis, meningoencephalitis, panencephalitis, meningitis;
  • Diseases of the digestive organs: colitis, enterocolitis.

Important! In adulthood, an infectious disease is more difficult to tolerate, often provoking the development of complications.

Features of vaccination against measles

The abbreviation ZhKV stands for live measles vaccine. The vaccine is produced in Moscow. The GHC vaccine contains:

  • Live weakened viral particles (serotype Leningrad-16), which are grown on a special culture of Japanese quail embryos;
  • Auxiliary compounds - aminoglycoside antibiotics (Kanamycin, Gentamicin);
  • LS-18 and gelatin, which are used as stabilizers.

Measles cultural live vaccine produced in the form of a lyophilisate for the preparation of injection solutions in ampoules or vials. The vaccine preparation is widely used to immunize patients under 35 years of age. Vaccination of GVC contributes to the formation of a pronounced immune response after 1 month in 95% of vaccinated people. The duration of immunity reaches 20 years.

Vaccination schedule

Vaccination of LIV is carried out according to the National Vaccination Schedule:

  • Infants from 1 to 1.5 years old who have not previously had an infectious disease;
  • Vaccinated children in the absence of measles antibodies;
  • Revaccination is carried out at the age of 6.

This scheme allows you to create reliable immunity in a child against measles for 18-20 years. Vaccination of preschoolers is aimed at preventing mass epidemic measles, quarantine. Re-vaccine GVC is administered to adult patients under 35 years of age. If a child is over 15 years old or an adult has not been immunized in childhood or there are no data on vaccinations, then a two-time injection of the vaccine preparation with an interval of 6 months is shown.

If the mother of the child has a seronegative reaction to the measles virus, a two-time GIV vaccination is indicated:

  • The first dose of the vaccine is given at 8 months;
  • The second vaccination is at 1.5 years;
  • Revaccination is indicated for children at the age of six.

If the patient, regardless of age, has been in contact with a patient with measles, then emergency prevention of the disease is indicated. In this case, the measles cultured live vaccine is administered within 3 days from the date of contact. Children under 12 months of age are additionally indicated for 1-2 doses of human immunoglobulin to prevent infection.

Features of vaccine administration

The vial with the lyophilisate contains 5 usual doses of the vaccine preparation, in the ampoule there is 1 dose. The dry substance should be dissolved before administration in a special solvent that is in each package. The diluted solution has a pinkish tint, should not have foreign inclusions (flakes, sediment).

GHV vaccination is placed subcutaneously in upper part shoulder, it is possible to introduce in the area of ​​the scapula. Childhood immunization is often combined with vaccination against other infections. For this purpose, combined vaccine preparations are used.

Important! When used separately, the GHC vaccination is done 30 days after the previous immunization.

Rules of conduct before and after vaccination

The vaccine is created using quail proteins and antibiotics-aminoglycosides, so patients often experience allergic reactions. To prevent allergies in allergy sufferers, it is recommended to take 3-4 days before vaccination antihistamines... On the day of the vaccination, you should consult a specialist and measure the temperature. In some cases, it is shown clinical research blood and urine.

After vaccination, you should not immediately leave the clinic. Doctors recommend staying on the territory of the institution for up to 30 minutes, so that with the development of anaphylaxis, the patient can receive the necessary medical assistance... For several days, it is recommended not to wet the injection site, not to wear tight clothing.

Important! Measles virus is inactivated by alcohol and other antiseptic solutions, therefore, the injection site should not be treated with such drugs.

Side effects of the GHV vaccine

Many parents refuse to vaccinate their child for fear of developing severe adverse reactions... However, undesirable symptoms rarely occur after GIT vaccination - vaccination is usually well tolerated. Only in rare cases is the following symptomatology noted:

  • Fever
  • The development of seizures;
  • Pale pink rash;
  • Cough;
  • An increase in the size and soreness of the lymph nodes;
  • Swelling, redness of the injection site;
  • Allergic reactions: rash, urticaria.

The listed symptoms usually do not require special therapy, however, antipyretic and antihistamines can be used to alleviate the patient's condition.

Possible complications and contraindications

Measles vaccine is a low-reactive drug, so most patients do not develop post-vaccination reactions. However, with a burdened allergic history after vaccination, allergic reactions may occur (the appearance of a rash, Quincke's edema). Complications include pronounced post-vaccination reactions: an increase in body temperature to 40 0 ​​C, the appearance of symptoms of intoxication, seizures. However, these conditions are rarely diagnosed.

Reducing the risk of complications allows a medical examination, at which the doctor must determine the existing contraindications. It is recommended to refuse vaccination in such cases:

  • Pregnancy period or pregnancy planning;
  • Acute period of infectious and non-infectious diseases;
  • Pathologies characterized by a long course: viral hepatitis, pancreatitis, tuberculosis, pathology of the nervous system;
  • Exacerbation of chronic pathologies;
  • Severe allergy to antibiotics, history of eggs;
  • Oncopathology;
  • Malignant blood pathologies;
  • Blood transfusion for 3 months;
  • Severe post-vaccination reactions to past immunizations;
  • Contact with infectious patients. Vaccination can be done only after the end of quarantine;
  • Against the background of long-term radiation or chemotherapy;
  • Severe immunodeficiency.

The introduction of a live measles vaccine allows the patient to form a reliable immunity against a dangerous viral infection... Vaccination is usually easily tolerated, rarely provokes the development of adverse reactions. However, before vaccination, you need to consult with your doctor to assess the patient's condition, determine the need for immunization.

The measles vaccine is intended to produce artificial immunity for measles in children. Immunization is carried out at 9 months. Possible substitute of this drug is Ruvax. Vaccination introduced in national calendar vaccination as compulsory, because measles mortality remains a problem and today, though not on a large scale.


The active substance of the drug is produced by growing the Schwarz virus strain on chicken embryos. Live vaccine within two weeks forms the active resistance of the body and the production of antibodies. The term of resistance to the disease is 20 years. The vaccine is not effective until the age of nine months, as the baby's blood still contains the mother's immune bodies.

Measles grafting is available in several versions - monovalent and polyvalent. The multivalent vaccine contains, in addition to measles, other viruses to prevent:

  1. rubella;
  2. mumps and rubella;
  3. mumps, rubella and chickenpox.

The live measles vaccine is effective both in monovalent form and in multivalent formulations. Therefore, it is more cost-effective to carry out polyvalent vaccination than to expose the body to the numerous stresses of multiple vaccinations. Why is the body stressed after vaccinations? Because the vaccine includes not only a live vaccine, but also many by-product stabilizing chemicals.

Important! A polyvalent vaccination is better for a child than a monovalent one: in one injection, he receives the necessary immunity to several viruses at once.

The live substance of the vaccine is a white dried powder (lyophilisate) diluted in a special solution for injection. The powder itself can be stored frozen, but the solution cannot be frozen. Moreover, the diluted powder loses its activity within an hour and becomes useless. A drug exposed to solar activity also becomes useless, so the substance is stored in darkened vials.

The importance of vaccination

Since the start of vaccination, measles vaccination has reduced mortality from the disease by 90%. Unfortunately, in modern world deaths occur in the field of measles, but in unvaccinated children. The importance of vaccination is great:

  • prevents measles epidemic;
  • reduces the intensity of the virus among the human population;
  • reduces the number of deaths;
  • prevents disability.

Measles vaccination does not have a high rate of reactogenicity and is tolerated by patients in a mild form. The risk of developing a serious illness after vaccination tends to zero.

The importance of immunization against measles lies in the complete elimination of this virus - it must cease to exist in the human population. It was by vaccination that the smallpox virus was destroyed, vaccinations against which have not been carried out since the 80s as unnecessary.

Instruction for vaccination in our country prescribes additional vaccination for adults under 35 years old. Why is this needed? Over the past decades, the flow of unvaccinated migrants has increased in the country, so the situation has become unsafe.


Like any drug, measles vaccination has its own contraindications. They are temporary in nature and are expressed in the following:

  • administration of immunoglobulin or blood preparations;
  • acute course of infectious diseases;
  • rehabilitation in the post-infectious period;
  • tuberculosis disease;
  • pregnancy.

There are also constant contraindications to vaccination with this drug:

  • chicken protein allergy;
  • tumors of various nature;
  • poor drug tolerance;
  • allergy to vaccine constituents.

In this situation, the drug is not immunized.

Vaccine mumps measles: features of vaccination What is the difference between a vaccine and serum in medicine?
Vaccination against measles, mumps and rubella

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