Bore vaccine instruction for applying adults. Vaccine Koreawny Cultural Live

According to statistics, half of the registered cases of disease, measles fall into a fraction of adults. This is due to the fact that with age immunity from the disease is lost. Today, the issue of adult vaccination from Corey is extremely relevant, since in the regions of Russia since 2014 several outbreaks of this infection have been registered.

When adults need a measles vaccination?

Corteal is sick of unseasoned from any age group. If earlier this disease was known mainly as a children's, in last years It has become "growing." Especially many ill adults in border areas, where the disease is brought from other countries.

Do they put adult vaccinations from measles? Because with age, immunity to this virus weakens, in our country there is a planned vaccination of all people up to 35 years old who did not pain in childhood and do not have data on vaccinations.

Especially this vaccination is relevant for those who were not in childhood and did not suffer from this disease.

In the risk group of infection, people working in clinics, universities, schools and other institutions whose work implies contact with a large number of children and adolescents. As part of the planned vaccination or in suspected contact with the patient, the vaccination is made free. People over 35 years old pay the service.

Where to make vaccinations from measles adult? Vaccination is made in a clinic or private medical institution.

How to find out if you need to be vaccinated from measles? In the absence of documents on vaccination and uncertainty in the expediency of it, it is possible to pass blood for the presence of antibodies to the virus. With a sufficient titer of protective cells in the blood, the need for vaccination disappears. However, even if the vaccination is done without need, it is not dangerous and has no health effects. Available protective bodies will destroy the introduced vaccine.

What a measles vaccine is better in adulthood?

At adult vaccination, mono and combined vaccines can be used.

Adults are better to take advantage of a lively korea vaccine (HC). If the budget of extra money on the vaccine is not laid, then good choice There will be a monovaccine of Russian production.

Cory vaccination diagram for adult

In order to prevent adults, adults have the following scheme:

  • Corey vaccination includes two stages.
  • The second vaccination is made 3 months after the first.
  • Revaccination is carried out 10 years after checking the antibodies to measles. If there is no immunity to the disease, then we need to repeat the vaccination.

Important! For people under 25, who were in contact with the patient, you need to make vaccinations no later than three days after contact. The probability of the disease is high in those who did not slander the bark and did not be vaccinated or instilled once.

Corey vaccination: what you need to remember adults

  • Any vaccinations put during the remission of diseases.
  • Preferably putting the vaccination against the background of antihistamine preparations.
  • People with allergies vaccination must necessarily be carried out under the control of the doctor in the medical institution, where there is an opportunity to provide all the necessary emergency measures.

Almost all contraindications for vaccination are temporary and after their elimination can be vaccinated. The absolute medical voice is:

  • allergic reactions;
  • AIDS;
  • oncooked.

If you are in doubt whether to adult to be taken from measles, here are some facts about the disease:

  • In an indispensable probability of infection reaches almost 100%.
  • In adults, the disease occurs harder than in children: there is a breakdown of sleep, vomiting appears, there is plentiful rash, all lymph nodes are being increased.
  • The duration of the disease in an adult is greater than the child.
  • Korea Encephalitis in an adult develops 5-10 times more often than in children.
  • Completions after vaccination are rarely observed.

Today is the opinion that vaccinations are needed only in childhood. This is not the case: the need for vaccination does not end with the onset of 18 years. As experience shows, some vaccines, including anti-core, do not provide a person with immunity for life and need to be re-conducted.

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Vaccination against tuberculosis

The prevention of tuberculosis is vaccination against tuberculosis BCG vaccine (BCG - bacilloma - Gena Bacillus). Tuberculosis vaccination is a living dried bacteria of a vaccine strain, weakened by consecutive "sings" for 13 years.
BCG vaccine is introduced intradermally for 3-7 day of the child's life. With the right introduction of the vaccine, Papula is formed white colorwhich after 15-20 minutes disappears. However, after 4-6 weeks - it is formed again, turning into the guns, covered with a crust. After 2-4 months, under the crust, 90-95% of the graft children are formed by a rutter with a diameter of up to 10 mm. Vaccine vaccination BCG vaccine is a proven tool for protection against the disease.

First vaccination against viral hepatitis in

Hepatitis virus is especially dangerous for a children's body. Being transferred to B. early ageThe disease in 50-95% of cases goes into a chronic form, which further leads to cirrhosis or primary liver cancer.

In newborns, viral hepatitis in 90-95% proceeds asymptomatic, without a classic jaundice and in 70-90% of cases leads to chronic media of the virus, and 35-50% of chronic hepatitis.

Hepatitis Vaccination - Reliable Protection against dangerous disease. Vaccination against hepatitis is carried out in the first 12 hours of life.

The vaccination against hepatitis is re-done during the first month of the child's life. Without vaccination, a child can get hepatitis. The main way of infection - through blood (most often - when blood transfusion).

The second vaccine against hepatitis will protect against this disease.

First vaccination against diphtheria, cough, tetanus, poliomyelitis

Vaccination against diphtheria, cough, tetanus, poliomyelitis is carried out using the combined vaccination of ADCs or ADS-M.

The Russian vaccination ADC on the set of components is identical to the French vaccine D.T. Cook. ACDA includes a vaccine from diphtheria and vaccination against the tetanus.

In some cases (with allergic reactions or in the presence of contraindications to the vaccination of DC), an ads-M vaccine is used, effective vaccine from diphtheria and tetanus.

The first vaccination against diphtheria, cough, tetanus, polio is carried out on the third month of the child's life.

Second vaccination against diphtheria, cough, tetanus, poliomyelitis

Vaccine ADC is introduced by a child secondly in 4.5 months. All components vaccines of DC Able to form immunity practically in 100% of the patients's vaccinated patients.

Vaccination against diphtheria is done intramuscularly. The vaccine is introduced against the background of the use of antipyretic drugs, which makes it possible to prevent a possible increase in temperature and eliminate the risk of temperature seizures in small children. In addition, antipyretic drugs have anti-inflammatory and painkillers.

DCA vaccine - effective tetanus prevention tool, diphtheria, cough, poliomelitis

Third Vaccination against diphtheria, cough, tetanus, poliomyelitis

The third vaccination of ADCs against diphtheria, cough, tetanus, poliomyelitis is held in 6 months. This completes the primary course of vaccinations forming immunity with a duration of about 10 years. A cough vaccine forms less long immunity - 5-7 years. Vaccination from poliomyelitis (OPV) is introduced through the mouth. Refers to the number of the least reactive vaccines. In addition to the OPV, there is also a Vaccine "Imovaks Polio". This vaccine is introduced by injection. Vaccination from polio "Imoviks Polio" does not contain living viruses and therefore safe even for children with impaired immune system and HIV-infected.

The third vaccination against viral hepatitis in

Modern prevention of hepatitis is based on vaccination. The third hepatitis vaccination is carried out in 6 months. Hepatitis B-vaccination "Endzherix B" is a special suspension for injections. Dose for children - 0.5 ml (1 dose).

"Endzherix B" contributes to the development of immunity against hepatitis B virus. Contains the purified main antigen of the hepatitis B virus (HBsag) obtained using recombinant DNA technology.

Hepatitis vaccination using the Endzherix B preparation provides protection against hepatitis in at least 98% of those who received 3 injections of the drug.

Vaccination against measles, rubella, epidemic parotitis

First measles vaccination, rubella, epidemic parotitis It is held at 12 months. Imported measles vaccine are used, rubella, parotitis priorix or a king vaccine of domestic production.

Priorix complies with the requirements of the World Health Organization for the production of biological drugs, requirements for measles against measles, epidemic vapor, rubella and lively combined vaccines.

Brewery Correct, steam, rubella mandatory vaccination For children 12 months

First revaccination against diphtheria, cough, tetanus, poliomyelitis

The first revaccination against diphtheria, cough, tetanus, poliomyelitis, in accordance with the data of the national calendar of preventive vaccinations, is carried out at 18 months. The same vaccines are used as for primary vaccinations - the ads of ADS, DC and OPV. If necessary, in our clinic, you can hand over the analysis of the cough.

ADC revaccination is a necessary step to maintain the effect of previous vaccinations against diphtheria, cough, tetanus, poliomyelitis.

Second revaccination against poliomyelitis

Children's vaccination, according to the national calendar of prophylactic vaccinations, includes the introduction of a polyomelitis vaccine at 20 months. The vaccine is made from living weakened strains of three types of polio virus. It is injected with pyeroral drops in quantity, which depends on the concentration of the drug.

The child should not eat before and after the administration of a polyomelitis vaccine for one hour. If, after receiving the vaccine, the child jumped - the procedure is repeated. If the tightness repeated, the vaccine is no longer administered, and the next dose is given after 1 month.

Revaccination against measles, rubella, epidemic parotitis

Secondary vaccination against measles, rubella, epidemic parotitis is prescribed in 6 years. Cort, rubella, vapotitis - one of the most common children's infectious diseases. Before entering the child to school, it is necessary to make a complex vaccination against measles, rubella, steaming using a priorix vaccine or korea and vaccine vaccine.

Vaccine against rubella is not introduced until the end of the acute manifestations of diseases. With nonsense ARVI, acute intestinal diseases, etc. Vaccination is allowed immediately after normalization of temperature.

First revaccination against tuberculosis

Revaccination against tuberculosis is carried out in 6-7 years. To maintain immunity bCG-M vaccine Enter healthy children with a negative result of a pre-conducted test of mantu.

The main indicator of the child's immunity to tuberculosis is the appearance of a positive test of Mantu and the diameter of the vaccine rutter 5 and more than millimeters. The effects of tuberculosis are extremely dangerous. In the absence of treatment, mortality from active tuberculosis is 50%. In other cases, the incredible tuberculosis passes into a chronic form. That is why revaccination against tuberculosis is especially important in childhood.

Second revaccination against diphtheria, tetanus

The second revaccination against diphtheria and tetanus is made in 7-8 years using the ADS-M vaccine.

Vaccination from diphtheria and tetanus vaccination For children of younger school age, contains a reduced content of the diphtheria component. The analogue of the Russian Vaccine ADS-M is the Vaccine of the French production of the immovaks dt.dultulyt.

Vaccination against rubella (girls)

Rush vaccination for girls is held at 13th. Vaccination is necessary to prevent rubella during future pregnancy. The grafting against rubella is made using the imported drug Rudivaks.

Rudivaks vaccine contains lively weakened rubella viruses. Due to the fact that the vaccine is "alive", its effectiveness is 95-100%. The duration of immunity caused by the Rudivax vaccine is more than 20 years.

Vaccination against hepatitis (previously not graft)

If the vaccination was not carried out in the youngest childhood, you can make a vaccination from hepatitis at 13 years old. The drug "Endzherix B" is an effective vaccine that contributes to the development of immunity against the hepatitis B virus.
Prevention viral hepatitis - best tool avoid a dangerous disease, which in adolescence threatens the development of acute liver failure or even cirrhosis of the liver.

Third revaccination against diphtheria, tetanus, polio. Second revaccination against tuberculosis

The third revaccination against diphtheria, tetanus, poliomyelitis, as well as revaccination against tuberculosis is carried out at 14-15 years. Vaccination from diphtheria and tetanus - ADS; Vaccine against poliomyelitis - OPV, against tuberculosis - BCG-M.
Revaccination against tuberculosis is carried out only in the absence of a disease in an active form. Vaccine against poliomyelitis of the OPV is injected with pyroral. It is one of the least reactive vaccines, practically does not cause side effects.

Revaccination against measles, epidemic parotitis of one-grafted

Cory and parotitis vaccination is made in 15-16 years, if the vaccination was carried out before this once.

The king vaccine stimulates the production of antibodies to measles virus, which reach the maximum level after 3-4 weeks after vaccination. The drug complies with WHO requirements. Core vaccine contains at least 1,000 Cory virus TCD, stabilizer, gential sulfate. A vapor vaccine stimulates the production of protective antibodies that achieve a maximum concentration after 6-7 weeks after vaccination. Cory vaccination also complies with WHO requirements.

Currently, the king vaccination is considered important preventive event. Cort is very serious and infectious disease. It is transmitted during contact with a sick person. This disease is distributed only in humans. It is believed that the cortex is painless in children under 10 years old. However, it is wrong. Of course, the death statistics in children are not very high, but it is still not worth risking, it is better to prevent infection.

In addition, Kor can cause serious complications. They are unpleasant to affect the health of the patient and may prevent early recovery. Such complications are more often: encephalitis, abundant loss of proteins in the body, pathology nervous system. They may arise from one person out of thousands of infected. Anyway infection It will be very unpleasant to pass. Therefore, it is necessary to take all required precautions.

Core vaccination

Living korea vaccination is quite effective in preventing the disease. In the event of an unpleasant vaccine infection, it helps to avoid serious complications and secure the surrounding from infection. The prevention of the disease should be carried out at mandatory. It is especially necessary to spend in children under 4 to avoid the disease. Children's organism The most is located to infection.

Cinema vaccine is two main species:

  • monovalent;
  • polyvalent.

Monovalent vaccine contains only one component - a weakened measles virus. It is configured to prevent only one disease and does not apply to others. Polyvalent vaccine contains several components. It is aimed at developing antibodies against several diseases. The vaccine can include from 2 to 4 components, for example: Corust, rubella, chickenpox Or korny, vapotitis and rubella.

The effectiveness of vaccines is the same regardless of how many components they contain. World Health Organization issues to the market pharmaceutical preparations Only safe and useful vaccinations. They are all interchangeable and do not affect the usefulness of each other. Negative consequences does not arise from the use of different drugs.

Core vaccination is produced in the form of a dry powder. Before injection is introduced into the body, the dried powder is divorced by a solvent. The divorced drug should be stored no more than an hour, otherwise it loses the properties to cause immunity to infection. Simply put, it becomes meaningless in use. The vaccine is a core culture, alive dry, stored in a frozen state at temperatures from -20 to -70 ° C. Divorced vaccine can be stored in the refrigerator no more than 5 hours. Also, the vaccine core culture can be kenned in painted flasks so that the sun's rays do not penetrate the drug. Because of them, the vaccine loses its properties and becomes useless.

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What is the vaccination against measles

The vaccination is an important factor in preventing the appearance of the disease. It does not allow the emergence of the epidemic and complications in the case of infection. The risk of infection is quite small. Of 100 thousand vaccinated people, only one can get sick. And the disease is transferred much easier than in the absence of vaccination.

Many parents could hear that such infections as measles, chickenpox and rubella are better tolerated by children, and after a person has surpassed, a lifelong immunity is produced to these diseases. In fact, such a theory is not quite true. A child, like any other person, an infectious disease will be given not so easy. therefore preventive vaccine The core culture is alive, or the LCV, it is necessary to produce a baby at an early age in order to avoid the spread of infection among other children. Newborn children have immunity to illness over several months. It is thanks to this that children are not immediately subjected to vaccination, but only 9 months after birth. If the mother of the baby sobbed a cant, she handed her immunity to a child, perhaps he would not even need vaccination against this disease.

The LCD (decoding - a lively porous vaccine) makes it possible to build a strong immunity to this disease.

It is called alive because it contains a very weakened virus that will not be able to spread throughout the body. Immunity begins to immediately respond to infection, thereby trying to prevent the spread of the disease within a person. And in case of subsequent infection with the same virus, protective antibodies will instantly attack it.

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Koreawny vaccination of children and adults

Conducting vaccinations for children and adults is considered an important procedure. Its necessity is due to two main reasons:

  1. An unfavorable epidemiological situation. It affects the increase in migration of people who may be carriers of various infectious diseases from other countries or regions.
  2. Due to the timely preventive vaccination, 15% reduced the number of cute infected.

Adult people need to re-vaccinate up to 35 years, because The first vaccine introduced in childhood gives immunity for 20 years. After that, with age, immunity becomes susceptible to the disease. Vaccine Korea Culture Live dry should be re-introduced into the body to avoid accidental infection. Adult people disease is heavier.

Many specialists recommend re-vaccination to avoid the emergence of the epidemic among the surrounding patients. Korole complications for adults are very dangerous. They can bring much more concerns than king herself. In this case, it will have to treat several diseases in addition to the main, and this will create unnecessary problems for a sick person.

Children vaccinations should be carried out in obligatory, since at an early age the body is not yet urged and are subject to severe complications. The child must pass vaccination only at least 9 months after birth. This is because the immune system The child in the first six months of his life is too weak for the introduction of infection, so its body protects the antibodies transmitted from the mother.

Doctors recommend to instill a child aged 1 year, since susceptibility to infection will be 100%, and immunity will be able to independently cope with the disease. In some countries, the core vaccination is carried out for the first time at 9 months, and the second - in 18. This is due to the fact that the probability of getting sick before the formation of immunity is extremely high.

Most often, the re-vaccination of children is held at the age of 6. It is aimed at avoiding measles epidemics. The vaccination for preschoolers avoids infection in children and prevent mass epidemics or quarantine. Now it is quite possible, but about 10 years ago mass epidemic Corey was a frequent phenomenon.

→ Korevaya (live spring vaccine)

Vaccines - Korey (Live Koreary Vaccine)

Cultural Live Dry Vaccine

Manufacturer: Russia

Cost: 1800 p.

Structure: contains the attenuated strain of Corey Leningrad-16 virus (L -16) on the primary culture of quail embryos cells, auxiliary B-VA: gentamicin sulfate or channel sulfate, stabilizer: LS-18 and gelatin.

Release form: the homogeneous porous mass of pink color in ampoules complete with solvent - lyophilisate for the preparation of a solution for subcutaneous administration.

Shown to use: For planned and emergency prevention of measles

Vaccination scheme:

Planned vaccination: In accordance with "" children who did not ill cow, aged 12-15 months and 6 years. Children born from mothers, seronegative to measles virus, vaccinate at the age of 8 months and further in accordance with " National calendar vaccinations"At 14-15 months and 6 years.

Emergency vaccination: Children with 12 months of age, adolescents and adults who had contact with sick cute, not painful and previously not vaccinated against this infection. In the absence of contraindications, the vaccine is introduced no later than 72 hours after contact with the patient.

Corey vaccination can be carried out at the same time (one day) with other vaccinations " National calendar vaccinations" (vs epidemic parotitis, rubella, polio, hepatitis B, Cocky, diphtheria, tetanus) Or not earlier than 1 month after the preceding vaccination.
After the introduction of drugs of immunoglobulin, human vaccinations against measles are carried out no earlier than in 2 months. After administration, the drugs of immunoglobulin can be administered no earlier than in 2 weeks; If it is necessary to use an immunoglobulin for a previous time, measles vaccination should be repeated.


  • severe forms of allergic reactions to aminoglycosides (gentamicin sulfate, etc.) and quail eggs;
  • primary immunodeficiency, malignant blood and neoplasm diseases;
  • a strong reaction (subside temperatures above 40 ° C, swelling, hyperemia more than 8 cm in diameter at the injection site) or complications for the previous introduction of the vaccine;
  • pregnancy.

Application experience: The many years of experience in the use of domestic living hole vaccine in our country showed that the mass immunoprophylaxis is effective tool Fighting cute. Due to the mass vaccination, it was possible to significantly reduce the incidence and mortality from measles, however, the cyclicity and seasonality of this disease continues to be maintained.

How effective is the King vaccine or all this bluff from people in white coats? Nothing is so darling a positive look at the world as a disease of someone from loved ones. And since the country often walks to Kor. That every reasonable person has a natural question - what kind of disease is, how it proceeds and how to deal with it. And whether to avoid an unpleasant disease will help.

What is the cortex and how the porch vaccine is valid

Cute people were sick since ancient times, apparently, the epidemics of the disease was spacing whole villages, but all these cases were not documented officially. The first mention of the disease can be found in the ninth century of our era, when the doctor of Arabic origin named Ramses described the symptoms of infection. However, the Arabic Medic, completely correctly by playing the external symptoms of measles, mistakenly considered it light form Oseps, and treated his patient not from the disease.

Finally put a point in the opening of the disease only in the middle of the seventeenth century, English and French doctors at the same time. However, these scientists were able to describe the symptoms and complications in detail, but did not do the main pathogen of the disease. It was possible to be done only at the beginning of the twentieth century, by experience over monkeys. Doctors found out that Kor is an acute infectious disease that is transmitted from the patient to a healthy air-droplet. And only in the middle of the twentieth century, in 1954 a virus was identified - Corey causative agent.

Approximately from the middle of the nineteenth century, they could not fight cute and it was considered a deadly childhood disease that scratching a young generation like a black salary. But after the opening of the pathogen, scientists have developed the HCD vaccine and immunization program, as a result of which the hazardous disease epidemics went on no and soon ceased.

However, as a result of fashionable among parents, the trends - not to instill children, in our country the outbreaks of the core disease began to register from which kids suffer. Therefore, know that the anti-core vaccination is not an empty fiction of doctors, but a real-acting means that will help save your child from a dangerous infection.

How does the Vaccine LCD

The main thesis that use illiterate parents, "protecting" their children from such unnecessary, in their opinion, vaccinations, is that "the child is driving a living infection in the syringe. He will surely get sick of this, so do not do anything. " And it is from such parents who run through by the vaccine office - children most often and sick, despite the fact that there are no "infection" of their kids. Why does it come out?

To begin with, consider how any vaccine is working at all. Our body is arranged in such a way that in the event of any infection in it, he at first does not know how to deal with it. But the smart immune system is adjusted under the features of the causative agent of the virus, gradually destroys it, and remembers what to do in this case again so that we do not hurt. That is, expressing in a simple language - we have immunity to any disease.

And if you did not hurt by this infection, the immunity cannot form, and doctors help do it artificially. For this, the child is introduced, the most live pathogen, but only specially weakened. And due to the fact that the infection in the body is present, but it does not work in full force, the immunity is produced, and the disease does not occur. Yes, that is why we have immunity to disease. And precisely thanks to vaccination. Massively conducted in the country in the days of the USSR, such diseases such as smallpox, plague and other relics of the Middle Ages were practically forgotten.

In the event of dealing with cortex, the Koriol culture vaccine comes to the aid, this is what it is called in official medical sources. It is this wonderful microbiological preparation that allows us to effectively prevent the disease and its unpleasant consequences.

It should be remembered that the anti-core vaccination is compatible with vaccines against other diseases, for example, from rubella and endemic parmotitis "Pigs". Therefore, you can most often meet complex drugsHowever, there are vaccines precisely against measles, without adding proteins of other pathogens.

Order of vaccination

The vaccination from the coretical disease is usually carried out in two stages, and the age of man and the conditions for its stay and the location does not affect it. However, it is sometimes necessary to deviate from the generally accepted rules of vaccination.

If someone from your relatives fell sick. All in contact with him family members must be urgently needed, and this can be done even if you have been for many years. The main thing is that it is impossible to vaccinate a person after forty years. Since at this age, the body no longer so effectively produces its immunity and strong side effects are possible.

If the mother of the kid never sore a cortem and she has no immunity against this infection. The baby is vaccinated in eight-month age to give it a young body push to the production of beneficial antibodies. After the baby, you need to lead to the vaccination office and at the age of one and a half years, on the second vaccination. It guaranteed the young member of society from a dangerous disease.

Also in a six-month age, children in disadvantaged countries with epidemics are vaccinated. This allows you to reduce the number of root bursts among the poor.

What, actually happens behind the door of the vaccine office, when a nurse takes into his caring kids? In its syringe there is one vaccine dose of vaccine, which is approximately 0.5 millilita volume. This substance is introduced in the form of injection in shoulder part Hands or under the blade. Yes, it is a bit painful, but guaranteed the child from those unpleasant sensations, which carries a disease.

One fully conducted vaccination guaranteed to save your child from infection for a period of up to twelve years, however, there are cases when immunity remained to twenty-five-year-old age.

Paranoids need to know that no vaccification of the press Never be held without written permission of parents. Remember that without your consent, no one will behave in the vaccination office. If you do not want your child to have this procedure, you must arrange a written refusal. This refusal must be updated annually and is made in two copies.

However, refusing to live measles vaccine, the instructions for the use of which clearly regulates everything side effects and contraindications. You expose your son or a daughter a serious threat to get sick, especially in our unfavorable time. Do not risk the health of children!

What are the reactions to vaccine

It is easiest not to be afraid of vaccinations, when it is known - what are the reactions to the vaccine. They are local and common.

The local reaction to the vaccine is a small redness in the place of injection and swelling, they usually pass in two or three days. A little distinguished by a common reaction, they include redness of the throat, the perfense, small tear and conjunctivitis. Sometimes K. common reaction Bleeding from the nose can be added, an increase in temperature, a small corppy rash. However, all of these unpleasant sensations quickly pass a few days after the time of vaccination.

The reactions to vaccine are small, in this case the temperature rises no more than the degree, and the rest of the symptom is completely absent. In cases of reaction middle severity There is a small manifestation of the listed symptoms, and the temperature rises slightly, about thirty-seven degrees Celsius.

When acute manifestation Cory vaccination reactions, the temperature is high, and the symptoms of intoxication are very obvious. But severe reactivity on the vaccine is rare. Also, sometimes you can meet complications from Cory vaccinations. They do not depend on the type and quality of vaccine drug and other circumstances.

There are several types of complications at vaccination.

  • Due to the incorrect vaccination procedure;
  • Due to the use of poor quality or overdue vaccine;
  • Due to the personal intolerance to any component of the vaccine;
  • Due to non-compliance with the rules for contraindications.

The adverse reactions to the vaccine are divided into several types:

  • A strongly pronounced reaction of poisoning, it occurs on the sixth - eleventh day after vaccination against measles. Characterized increased temperature, coven-like rash, inxication state;
  • A convulsive reaction to the drug vaccine - characterized by the occurrence of convulsion on the background high temperatures. However, this is not considered a serious complication;
  • Encephalitis postal investigation. Characterized by symptoms typical of other infections, such as clouding consciousness, dizziness, vomiting, nausea and other problems;
  • Post bacterial complications. They are not a direct consequence of vaccinations, but represent the secondary attachment of infection due to non-compliance with the rules for child care after it;
  • Various allergic reactions, they can manifest themselves both ordinary rash and in the form of edema and other relevant symptoms.


As with any vaccine, anticorreal vaccination has contraindications. The drug cannot be used during pregnancy, with complications from past vaccination, in the presence of immunodeficiency, malignant tumors, When introducing components of blood and its drugs. Also vaccinated can not if the child has allergic reaction on chicken squirrels.

But despite all the cons of measles vaccination, the drug has a plus. With it proper use The child will be guaranteed and reliably protected from the occurrence of a dangerous disease. Therefore, do not pass by the vaccine office, and not putting it down to the pediatrician or therapist, if we are talking about adult.

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