Nose in a dream for what. Interpretation of sleep big nose in dream books

The likelihood of dreams coming true

Since some people are more susceptible to the influence of the Moon, and others to the influence of the Sun, you can choose which system suits you best.

Today is the 28th day of the month... Dreams dreamed on the night of today promise some difficulties and come true within 30 days.

Today is the 26th lunar day... Dreams dreamed on the night of today come true at 24 days.

Today is Sunday... Day of the Sun. Sunday, talks about what can warm our heart, bring happiness, make life more joyful. The sun is the planet of love, inspiration and boundless creativity. Solar dreams will show situations or people that illuminate our life, saturate it with interesting activities or, conversely, obscure joyful moments.

If Sunday's dream is beautiful, it means that soon you will have new ideas, interesting familiar with unusual abilities. Perhaps, with a colorful sunny dream, strong love will come to you, or you will reveal a talent in yourself that you did not know about. Beautiful dream calls for active creative activity. But Sunday's miserly dream warns of the approach of a bleak, empty period and calls for a search positive sides in any trouble. A miserly Sunday dream can also speak of a waste of energy as a result of pity for someone or nervous tension.

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Nose - Miller's dream book

Your own nose, which you see in a dream, testifies to the firmness of your character. Soon you will have an opportunity to show it, and you will see with your own eyes that you are able to cope with any business you choose.

If in a dream your nose seems to you too small, you will fail in business.

Hair growing on the nose means extraordinary ventures that are made possible by the strength of your character or will.

A bleeding nose seen in a dream is a sign of misfortune for anyone who sees this dream.

Nose - Modern Dream Interpretation

A dream about noses is our premonition.

You see your nose in a dream - you should be strengthened in the thought that you have remarkable business skills, there is no such thing that you cannot cope with.

You find that your nose is too small - you will have failures in business, but you will overcome them.

You see that you have a big nose in a dream - consider that a "green" street is open in front of you in business. The larger your nose is in a dream, the more you learn about what interests you, the more faithfully you will behave in a certain situation. This will help you avoid dangerous mistakes and avoid losses. A large nose in a dream is also a symbol of wisdom. Sometimes a dream about an enlarged nose predicts promotion and wealth.

It is as if your nose hair is growing - energy is bubbling out of you, you are able to turn even fantastic projects into reality.

To remain in a dream without a nose is a sign of losses, losses, annoying mistakes. The same will mean a dream in which you will see that you have many noses or a split nose.

Seeing people with a long nose in a dream warns you that some people are watching you and trying to find out more about your affairs. Sometimes such a dream predicts that someone will try to pry into your business. In addition, such a dream portends that your ill-wishers will spread bad rumors about you in order to discredit you. If you recognize a person with a long nose in a dream, then in reality you should be more careful with him.

An ugly nose in a dream means that your instinct will let you down and you may get into an unpleasant mess.

To be noseless in a dream means that you will act rashly, and as a result it will come out sideways for you.

To see noseless people in a dream is a sign of deception. Literally - you are being led by the nose.

If you dream that you have a stuffy nose and you cannot breathe, then beware of deception or a cunning trap.

Wiping your nose in a dream is a sign that you recognize something unpleasant.

Bleeding from a nose in a dream is a sign of great worries due to failures or illness of a loved one.

Grabbing someone by the nose in a dream means that success in love awaits you. Whatever you say to the subject of your passion, you will be believed unconditionally.

An enlarged nose in a dream portends wealth and money.

NOS - Slavic Dream Interpretation

Big - patronage and wealth; small - injustice; swollen - wealth; grabbing the nose - success in love; losing a nose - loss or harm; wiping your nose - relief from the hassle.

Nose - Indian Dream Interpretation

A person who dreams that his nose is larger than usual will be rich and powerful. If he dreams that his nose has become smaller, then this means exactly the opposite.

If you dream that you have two noses, then this predicts a quarrel.

To dream that the nose has become so large that it disfigures the face means that a person will live in luxury, but will not be loved by others.

If someone feels in a dream that his nose is stuffed up so that he has lost his sense of smell, then for a noble person this means an imminent danger from his entourage. To the common man this dream portends to be deceived by his friend. For a woman, this dream predicts that she must beware of deception.

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A dream about noses is our premonition. Looking at your nose in a dream means that you should pay attention to what has confused you before. The hair that grows on the nose portends good luck in a cunning plan that you yourself have been carrying for a long time. See interpretation: hair.

The more your nose is in a dream, the more you learn about what interests you, the more faithfully you will behave in a certain situation. This will help you avoid dangerous mistakes and avoid losses.

A large nose in a dream is also a symbol of wisdom. Sometimes a dream about an enlarged nose predicts promotion and wealth. To remain in a dream without a nose is a sign of losses, losses, annoying mistakes. The same will mean a dream in which you will see that you have many noses or a split nose.

Seeing people with a long nose in a dream warns you that some people are watching you and trying to find out more about your business. Sometimes such a dream predicts that someone will try to pry into your business. In addition, such a dream portends that your ill-wishers will spread bad rumors about you in order to discredit you. If you recognize a person with a long nose in a dream, then you should be careful with him.

An ugly nose in a dream means that your instinct will let you down and you can get into an unpleasant mess. To be noseless in a dream means that you will act rashly, and as a result it will come out sideways to you. To see noseless people in a dream is a sign of deception. Literally - you are being led by the nose.

If you dream that you have a stuffy nose and cannot breathe, then beware of deception or a cunning trap. See interpretation: suffocate. Wiping your nose in a dream is a sign that you recognize something unpleasant. Bleeding from a nose in a dream is a sign of great worries due to failures or illness of a loved one.

Grabbing someone by the nose in a dream means that success in love awaits you. Whatever you say to the subject of your passion, you will be believed unconditionally. An enlarged nose in a dream portends wealth and money.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family dream book

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Dreaming Nose

A big nose is wisdom and mercy, a well-thought-out business will bring income.

Losing a nose in a dream is a loss or harm.

Wipe your nose - freedom from hassle.

Small nose - to the detriment.

Forked nose - you can go to extremes or need.

Blow your nose in a dream - get a gift.

A pimple on the nose means to be surpassed by someone, as well as a disease of the son.

Fortunately, to have a hairy nose.

Noseless themselves dreamed of losing a good opinion of someone.

Seeing noseless people - make sure they walk you by the nose.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the XXI century

What does sleep Nose mean

Seeing your own nose - you will show strength of character and realize that you can complete any business you choose;
the nose seems too small to you - failure in business;
the hair growing on the nose is an extraordinary enterprise that has become possible thanks to the strength of your character or will;
a bleeding nose is a misfortune.
Also see Blood.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's dream book

Dream of Nose

Big - patronage and wealth;
small - injustice;
to lose - divorce, death;
grabbing the nose - success in love;
swollen - wealth.

Interpretation of dreams from Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

What do the dreams of Nose mean?

This image may mean that you like to "poke your nose" into other things.

Go about your business, "watch your own nose."

The nose is the most prominent part of your face: it can be a sign of self-confidence.

Are you “turning your nose up”? Pinocchio's nose grew when he told a lie: are you always honest with yourself?

Interpretation of dreams from the American dream book

Dream about Nose

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the Canaanite

What does nose mean in a dream

Seeing your own nose in a dream means that you will show strength of character and will complete any business you have chosen. An exception is a too small nose, in which case you will fail in business. Hair growing on your nose means extraordinary ventures that will be made possible by the strength of your character or will. A bleeding nose is a very unkind sign for a dreamer.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern dream book

What does the nose mean in a dream?

Lying down to have portends oppression from the strongest, infidelity and treason from home friends or acquaintances.

To have a nose more than usual means an increase in wealth, power and the conclusion of friendship with a nobleman.

Not having a nose at all means the opposite of the above.

Losing your nose means leading a dissolute life.

Having two noses means strife and a fight.

Interpretation of dreams from the Unnamed dream book

The meaning of sleep Nose

Big - patronage and wealth; small - you will learn injustice; red - your health is in danger; broken - an ambush, a trap; plugged up - misfortune; being led by the nose is a rash process; losing nose - divorce

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation Hasse

Interpretation of sleep Nose

If someone sees that his nose has become great, this is to achieve an honorable position and wealth, to longevity and an abundance of children, and to see a decrease in his nose in a dream means the opposite.

Interpretation of dreams from the Muslim dream book

What the Nose predicts in a dream

Has a wide range of meanings.

If the nose is beautiful, this can emphasize the importance and health of the person seen in the dream.

Sometimes a big nose hints at a penis, male sexuality.

Interpretation of dreams from the Self-Tutorial on the Interpretation of Dreams

What does it mean to see a nose in a dream

The nose is big to see - wisdom and mercy, i.e.

A well thought out deed will be fulfilled in your favor.

Lose your nose -

Interpretation of dreams from a psychotherapeutic dream book

What the dream predicts Nose

The nose is the son and what happens to him / something related to the male organ of love; what happens to the nose can be about the life of feelings and the ability to express them.

To have a big nose - honor, wealth, power, wisdom / health and well-being of sons / son was born.

To see the big nose of another is a reprimand to receive / feel an artistic talent in oneself.

To have a small nose is damage to honor, it is unfair to suffer / suffer from the inability to express oneself and be understood by others.

To have a snub nose - to behave naively, to be naive.

Not having a nose, losing a nose is harm, loss / not being able to use your rights // feel that you do not have your own self.

To lose a nose, it will be cut off, etc. - defamation, great illness, slander.

To have someone else's nose in a dream - others interfere in your affairs and confuse everything.

It hurts to bump your nose (without blood) - deceived loyalty.

In a dream, having two noses is obstacles.

To wipe your nose is good luck, relief from hassle.

Blowing your nose is a gift to receive.

To have a pimple on the nose - to be surpassed by someone / a disease of the son.

Fortunately, to have a hairy nose.

Interpretation of dreams from the Noble dream book

Dream meaning Nose

Own big nose in a dream predicts wealth, successful completion of a business, important patronage for you.

Too small a nose portends failure, injustice towards you.

Swollen - ill-gotten wealth.

Red - sadness and longing.

Nosebleeds - unfortunately.

Grabbing the nose - to success in love.

Losing a nose in a dream or just seeing yourself without a nose is very bad dream.

It means illness, divorce, death.

Interpretation of dreams from Rommel's Dream Interpretation

To see the Nose in a dream

Seeing your nose beautiful - to well-being, and ugly - to trouble.

If blood flows from the nose - to trouble.

If a wart grows on the nose - a promotion.

Seeing a person with a big nose - to losses in business and a quarrel with friends.

Interpretation of dreams from the Feng Shui Dream Interpretation

Why is the Nose dreaming

To see your own nose in a dream means that you will show strength of character and realize that you can complete any business you have chosen.

If in a dream your nose seems to you too small, you will fail in business. Hair growing on the nose means extraordinary ventures that are made possible by the strength of your character or will.

A bleeding nose seen in a dream is a sign of misfortune for anyone who sees this dream.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's dream book

Dreaming Nose

Nose - "Looks into the glass" - to drink (no matter whose nose, the dream touches you). Crooked, big, unusual - be careful with alcohol. You can poison yourself or incite troubles. Falls off - to a disease, the cause of which is licentiousness. Someone without a nose - death threatens. The animal is allergic, possibly to an animal living in your home.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric dream book

Dream of Nose

If in a dream you dreamed of an unnaturally large nose, this portends that you will achieve a favorable position in your business through patronage. A small nose with a button - you will be treated unfairly and despicably.

Seeing a red nose on your face is helluva lot drinking person - a threat to your health. A broken nose means a trap set up by enemies. A broken and bleeding nose is a failure in business and disagreement with a lover.

A cold nose is an accident. Wipe your nose - free yourself from a troublesome business or an intrusive person. A nose with hair sticking out in bunches from the nostrils - do a rash act that will bring misfortune to your family. To see a person with a ring threaded through his nose or a punk with a pin in his nostrils - you will become a victim of the unbridled anger of your boss.

Seeing a noseless face in a dream threatens with serious complications in marital relations, which can lead to divorce. If in a dream you are led by the nose with endless promises, your trust will be cruelly deceived.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation in alphabetical order

What do the dreams of Nose mean?

"to turn up your nose" (to be airy), "to poke your nose into your own business" (curiosity). "Keep your nose downwind" to keep abreast of events.

"taken away from under the very nose" (suddenly, imperceptibly), "blood from the nose" (obligation, obligation), "hang up the nose" (despondency). It is good to remember "to hack into your nose".

"lead by the nose" to deceive.

"on the nose" very soon.

"flare nostrils" to take airs, "to smell unkind" (foresight, intuition). "Hit in the nose" vulnerable blow, defeat. "Wipe someone's nose" surpass that person in something. Try hard to "dig the earth with your nose". "Lose the scent", "frosty nose", "blue nose" (like a drunkard), "stay with the nose" (ie, with nothing). "Do not stick your nose into other people's affairs, they can tear them off!" See add. to sniff.

Interpretation of dreams from the dream interpretation of idioms

Dream about Nose

If you see in a dream that you have a snub nose, you are behaving naively.

If the nose is completely absent - a loss.

If you have a long nose, you are determined.

Determination? In truth, a "long nose" is a completely different character trait. Listen to the rhyme:

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation for girls

What does nose mean in a dream

Renouncement; big - shame, profit, help, for good, wealth, fame, be patient - there will be good; to lose a nose - loss, divorce, death; small nose - damage, injustice, calm; laid down - deception; wipe - relief from hassle; grabbing the nose - success in love; swollen nose - wealth; broken - a quarrel in the family, illness; to have two noses - a fight, a quarrel.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation Veles

The meaning of sleep Nose

The nose is a symbol with which it is customary for the people to associate various troubles, surprises, and teachings. Dreams with this symbol have very different meanings.

To see in a dream that your nose is very itchy - you are in danger, avoid difficult situations, casual acquaintances and criminals.

To dream that you are talking to a person standing so close that his nose interferes with your concentration - this dream warns you against hasty decisions, because soon you will have the opportunity to learn the necessary details about the case that will help you make a win-win decision.

Interpretation of dreams from

Dream interpretation of S. Karatov

Nose - I dreamed of a big nose - it means patronage and wealth. If the nose was small in a dream, then injustice awaits you.

Seeing that you have lost your nose means a divorce or even the death of someone close.

If someone grabbed you by the nose in a dream, then this is a sign of success in love. A swollen nose in a dream promises unrighteous wealth.

Nose Treatment - Warns you of danger.

See also: why the face is dreaming, what is the dream of sniffing for, what is the mustache dreaming of.

Dream interpretation of Cleopatra

What is the dream of the Nose according to the dream book:

Nose - The nose is in a dream - this is a symbol with which it is customary for the people to associate various troubles, surprises, teachings. Dreaming about a nose has very different meanings.

To see in a dream that your nose is very itchy - you are in danger, avoid difficult situations, casual acquaintances and criminals.

Seeing that you are talking to a person, standing so close that his nose interferes with your focus, this warns you against hasty decisions, because soon you will have the opportunity to learn the necessary details about the case that will help you make a win-win decision.

Dream interpretation of V. Melnikov

What is the dream of the Nose according to the dream book:

Nose - I dreamed of an unnaturally large nose - this portends that you will achieve a favorable position in your business through patronage.

If you dreamed of a small nose with a button, then you will be treated unfairly and vilely. If you dream of a red nose on the face of a drinking man in a dream, you will face a threat to your health.

Why dream of seeing a broken nose - this means a trap set up by enemies.

Broken and bleeding nose - failure in business and disagreement with your beloved awaits you.

Big dream book

Why the Nose is dreaming - dream analysis:

Nose - I dreamed about my own nose - then you will show strength of character and will complete the work you have begun.

If in a dream your nose seems too small to you, then get ready for failure in business.

If you dreamed of hair growing on your nose, this means the strength of your character.

Blood coming out of the nose is not a good sign.

Dream interpretation of I. Ermakova

Why is the Nose dreaming, the meaning of sleep:

Nose - A person who dreams that his nose is more ordinary will be rich, powerful, and quite the opposite, if he dreams that his nose has become smaller. When he sees that he has two noses, it means there is a quarrel. Dreams in a dream that the nose has become so large that it disfigures the face, means that that person will live in luxury, but will not be loved by those around him. If someone sees in a dream that he has a stuffy nose, so that he cannot smell it, then for a noble person this means an imminent danger from those close to him; man simple dream this one portends to be deceived by his friend; for a woman, this dream predicts that she must beware of deception.

Everyday dream book

Why is the Nose dreaming, what does it mean:

Nose - I had a dream in which you see your nose, then in real life you will be able to show the strength of your character and bring the business you started to the end, despite the many difficulties and obstacles that will lie in wait for you.

Seeing your nose means realizing the strength of your character and realizing that you can handle everything and no obstacles will hinder you. If you dreamed of a nose that seems too small to you, then in reality your actions are doomed to failure, for which external circumstances will be to blame.

If the nose is too big in a dream, it is worth looking at yourself a little more realistically and assessing your strengths more soberly - otherwise, too high self-esteem, self-confidence can lead to disastrous results.

Seeing that hair is growing in your nose, then in reality, by the strength of your character, you will be able to carry out an original, creative project that will subsequently bring you great profit.

If you are bleeding from your nose in a dream, then in real life unhappiness awaits you, and, with a high degree of probability, this misfortune will be associated with your health or the health of people close and dear to you.

Dream interpretation of Emperor Peter I

See the nose in a dream:

Nose - Seeing what you see, or picking your nose yourself, this means that you will lose your judgment and in your behavior with some charming person, show unworthy frivolity. If you dreamed about an ugly nose, then this means unprofitable activities and irritable comrades. A wounded nose portends loss. Seeing that you have a broken nose means that you are putting yourself in a fake position in front of your friends. Seeing that you see ulcers on your nose, then such a dream portends a decrease in your income in connection with helping other people.

Seeing that you have two or more noses, then such a dream means that your entrepreneurial spirit manifests itself more in your imagination than in real affairs. A dream in which your nose is amputated means that you will lose valuable friends, and the oppressive influence of your family will make your life unbearable. If a young woman admires her nose in a dream, it means that her irrepressible vanity will alienate the person she adores from her. If a woman dreamed that she had a hairy nose, then in the future she would command her husband. If you see your nose, then such a dream often portends a desperate situation. Such a dream encourages you to assert your position in life with greater will and energy. Seeing that you wash your nose means that in real life, the cunning of others will somewhat confuse your plans and discourage you. If in a dream your nose turns red and swollen, then this portends trouble: shame and humiliation, breaking family ties, abrupt changes in business are possible.

Dream interpretation of Catherine the Great

What is the dream of the Nose according to the dream book:

Nose - Dreams about noses are our premonitions. The larger your nose is in the dream, the more you will learn about what interests you. This dream will help you avoid dangerous mistakes and wasted losses if you can correctly solve it. A large nose in a dream is also a symbol of wisdom. Sometimes a dream about an enlarged nose predicts promotion and wealth, power and the conclusion of a friendship with a nobleman.

To lose your nose in a dream is a sign of losses, losses, annoying mistakes. Not having a nose at all in a dream means that you are leading a dissolute life. The same will mean a dream in which you will see that you have many noses or a split nose. Wiping your nose with a handkerchief or hand in a dream is a sign that you will recognize something unpleasant. Seeing nosebleeds in a dream is a sign of great worries due to failures or illness of a loved one.

Grabbing someone by the nose in a dream means that success in love awaits you, and no matter what you say to the subject of your passion, they will unconditionally believe you. An enlarged nose in a dream portends wealth and money. To have a sunken nose in a dream portends oppression from the strongest, infidelity and betrayal on the part of family, friends or acquaintances.

Smelling something in a dream means profit and a change of state. If at the same time you feel a pleasant smell - good news and a pleasant pastime. Suffering in a dream with a runny nose means that your behavior leaves much to be desired; be more humble and restrained - this is in your best interest.

Dream interpretation of O. Adaskina

Why is Nose dreaming, what does it mean:

Nose - Your own big nose in a dream predicts wealth, successful completion of a business, and important patronage for you. swollen - ill-gotten wealth; red - sadness and longing. Blood from the nose - unfortunately; grabbing the nose - to success in love. Losing your nose in a dream or just seeing yourself without a nose is a very bad dream. It means illness, divorce, death.

Why dream of seeing that hair has grown on your nose, you will start some kind of unusual business for you and will successfully complete it.

Universal dream book

What does it mean to see the Nose in a dream?

Nose (see also Body Parts) - Brief Explanation: curiosity; sensitive sense of smell. A popular expression: don't stick your nose in other people's business; poke your nose everywhere; have a flair; sniff out; taste of victory

The nose is a very visible part of the human face that largely determines its appearance. In addition, it is an important respiratory organ and thanks to it, a person can perceive odors. In this regard, if the nose appears in a dream, then you cannot leave it unattended. Therefore, a natural question arises, why the nose is dreaming.

In accordance with the interpretations of most dream books, this symbol in a dream is always associated with troubles that can occur in real life. But it is not worth getting upset prematurely, since much depends on the plot of night dreams. That is why, in order to decipher the dream in which the nose appeared, it is imperative to remember all the nuances of the dream.

See the nose from the side

If in a dream you just see the nose of the side, then this symbolizes such traits of a person's character as curiosity and sneakiness. Therefore, after such a dream, you need to think about whether you are too interested in the affairs of others. After all, if you constantly give advice, you can just alienate your friends and be alone. But on the other hand, such a dream can be interpreted and vice versa. That is, it indicates the indifference and isolation of a person. In order to attract people to yourself, you need to change your character.

Why is a broken nose dreaming?

A very common question is why a broken nose is dreaming. If you see someone else's broken nose from the side, then this portends good luck. You need to understand that a period of luck comes in life and you must definitely take advantage of this. If in your nightly dreams you understand that your own nose is broken, then this may portend major failures in reality or a discord in family life.

In addition, breaking your nose in night dreams means the following:
  • If you fell and injured your nose, it means that in real life you will provoke problems with your careless behavior; If the bridge of the nose is broken, then this portends a stormy promenade that may end in a fight; If your nose was broken in a dream in any nightly adventures, then soon you will receive unpleasant news about your acquaintances; If you broke the night in a dream for another person, then this warns that you should not intervene in conflicts between relatives, as this will only aggravate the situation.

Someone else's nose

An alien nose seen in a dream can also mean the following:
  • A huge nose is a warning. He indicates that there is a stronger person next to you and a serious conflict may arise with him. Too small a nose predicts failure in business. A hairy nose predicts the beginning of a happy life period, which will be filled with extremely joyful events. Two alien noses predict to symbolize obstacles that will arise on the way to the goal.

When your own nose dreamed in a dream, then this is very good sign... It indicates that in the coming period you will be able to successfully solve any problem.

Some plots can be interpreted as follows:
  • If you see your own nose, which for some reason turned out to be tiny, then this suggests that in reality you are in danger. When your nose grows in a dream, then recognition and wealth await you in real life.

If, in the plot of night dreams, you see that you are losing your own nose, then this is a bad omen. This is a sign that in real life you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation in which you will fully feel your own powerlessness. Most likely, no catastrophe will happen, but what happened in reality will cause stress. But for a family person, such a dream can be an omen of divorce.

When you see someone else's nose on your own face, this indicates that someone in real life will begin to interfere in your affairs. Understanding this, you can easily stop such attempts in reality. But remember, it's best to do it tactfully so as not to provoke a conflict.

If you dreamed in a dream of a very ugly nose on your own face, then this emphasizes that your intuition will let you down, and in reality you will find yourself in a very unpleasant situation. And if at all on your face you do not see a nose in night dreams, then there is a high probability that you will commit a rash act that will greatly harm you.

Broken nose and nosebleed

When you dream about a broken nose, it portends a very calm life in the near future. You can not expect any unpleasant events, but just enjoy life. But if you just bumped your nose in night dreams and experienced pain, then this indicates that in reality you can be deceived.

When there is a nosebleed in a dream, then you should prepare for the fact that in real life you will have to quickly and confidently solve various problems. But you should not worry about this, because it will be very easy for you to succeed. The general interpretation of such a dream is due to the fact that thanks to your diligence and diligence, you can easily achieve your goal.

But if you dream of nosebleeds, then you need to take into account the different nuances of the plot:
  • The unexpected appearance of blood, absolutely not related to the general plot of the dream, indicates that as a result of rash acts, the dreamer may lose a large sum of money. If the bleeding in night dreams cannot be stopped, then this may portend the illness of one of the close relatives. The nosebleed of the enemy should be interpreted as a victory over him.

When a dream focuses on the fact that nosebleed has gotten on the dreamer's clothes, then this is a bad sign that portends trouble in the business sphere. Such a dream is especially unfavorable for businessmen. He predicts that very big problems will arise in the planned cases, which will be difficult to overcome. For people who occupy a high position, such a dream can be a harbinger of dismissal, as a result of the intrigues of ill-wishers.

Why dream of snot from the nose

Snot from the nose, seen in night dreams, symbolizes a gift. Most likely, it will be unexpected for you, but very pleasant. But if after such a dream very unpleasant emotions arose, then in reality you should expect trouble. You should not worry about this, as the problems will be minor and will not affect the life situation in general.

Also, when interpreting dreams with a runny nose, the following should be considered:

  • Blowing your nose in night dreams means you need to prepare for a meeting with a boring and boring person. Seeing snot on your hands means waiting for financial receipts. There is snot - to get the opportunity to get rich. Blowing your nose with black snot is a victim of gossip. Dried snot indicates that you yourself will soon get rid of all the troubles. Poking your nose - numerous petty quarrels with others.

Communication with a long-nosed man

If, according to the plot of the dream, you have to communicate with a long-nosed person, then you should prepare for the fact that in real life you will need to make a very difficult decision. Also, such night dreams focus your attention on the fact that someone is watching you and striving to learn more about you.

Kiss on the nose

When, according to the plot of dreams, you kiss a familiar person on the nose, it simply symbolizes your warm attitude towards him in real life. And if you, in this way, show tenderness to a stranger, then the dream focuses your attention on the fact that soon you will meet your love.

Worms come out of the nose - interpretation of sleep

In some dream books there is an interpretation of the plot in which worms come out of the nose. You should not be prematurely upset about such a dream, although it does not bode well. Such night dreams foreshadow household chores that will have to be done in real life. But they will all end well, if you don’t give up.

In night dreams grab someone by the nose

It is very good if in night dreams you grab someone by the nose. This is a harbinger of great success on the love front. Such a dream is considered especially favorable for single people. And those who love and are loved will be able to strengthen relationships.

Nose piercing

Nose piercings seen in night dreams emphasize the need for attention. That is why, in order to achieve this, you need to do a worthy deed in real life. In addition, you may have to reconsider your views on life. It is important to set a goal for yourself and systematically move towards it, according to the plan. With this approach, very soon you will draw attention to yourself and earn everyone's approval.

Miller's dream book

Seeing your own nose in a dream - means that you will show strength of character and realize that you can complete any business you have chosen.

If in a dream your nose seems too small for you - failure in business awaits you.

Hair growing on the nose - means extraordinary enterprises that have become possible thanks to the strength of your character or will.

Bleeding nose seen in a dream - a sign of misfortune for anyone who sees this dream.

Freud's dream book

Nose - is one of the most ancient and pronounced phallic symbols. It was not for nothing that Gogol's contemporaries saw the scandalousness of the story of the same name in precisely this interpretation of the nose.

Nose size and thickness - symbolize in the appropriate proportion the desired size of the penis.

Broken - symbolizes sexual indefatigability.

Bleeding from the nose - speaks of your very serious attitude towards your sexual partner.

If a man's attention is drawn to his own nose - he is inclined to engage in masturbation.

If a woman examines her nose - she loves to indulge in sexual fantasies that she does not dare to realize in everyday life.

If someone's nose caught a man's attention - he is prone to homosexual relationships.

If a woman looks at someone's nose - she would like to have sex, but is waiting for activity from the opposite side.

Aesop's dream book

Nose - this is a symbol with which the people are customary to associate various troubles, surprises, teachings. Dreams with this symbol have very different meanings.

To dream that your nose is itchy - you are in danger, avoid difficult situations, casual acquaintances and criminals.

Seeing in a dream that you are talking to a person, standing so close that his nose interferes with your concentration - this dream warns you against hasty decisions, because soon you will have the opportunity to find out the necessary details about the case that will help you make a win-win decision.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Winter

Nose in a dream -

Snub nose - means empty curiosity, a long - intrigue, small nose - shortsightedness, aquiline nose - irascibility.

Crooked nose in a dream - a sign of incorrect or even perverted ideas.

Hair sticking out of the nostrils - talk about some suspicions and guesses, most often absurd and unfounded.

If in a dream you, for some reason, paid attention to your own nose - this means that it does not bother you to show special care. Perhaps in reality you did not notice something important or someone is trying to deceive you.

Runny or stuffy nose - indicate that you should not rely on your own instinct, it can let you down.

Nosebleed - a sign that worries and experiences threaten to deprive you of strength. After such a dream, try to control your emotions and worry less about trifles.

See your nose - to possible problems with upper respiratory tract; see stranger - to the unfavorable development of the situation; broken - danger sign.

Dream interpretation for bitches

See your nose - pride will not allow you to quit what you started halfway through.

See a little nose - unsuccessful business, big and fat - profit.

Unusually shaped or hairy nose - you will have a brilliant idea that can easily be realized.

Broken nose - troubles.

New family dream book

If you saw your own nose in a dream - show strength of character and complete the work you have begun.

If in a dream your nose seems too small to you - get ready for business failure.

Hair growing on the nose - mean the strength of your character.

Blood coming from the nose - an unkind sign.

Modern combined dream book

Dreaming about your own nose - means that you are able to cope with any task that you set for yourself.

If in a dream your nose seems smaller than usual - in reality expect failures in business.

If you dream that hair has grown on your nose - in real life, you will undertake unusual undertakings and, thanks to the strength of your character, will bring them to the end. A dream in which you saw a nose in blood is unfavorable. He predicts calamities and misfortunes.

Eastern female dream book

See your own nose - a sign that you will cope with any task.

If the nose seems smaller than it should be - expect failures in business.

Dreams that hair has grown on the nose - it means that you will start some unusual business and successfully bring it to the end.

The newest dream book by G. Ivanov

Nose - completely strangers can cheat, deceive.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Nose - a reflection of personal strength. The need for personal strength. Reflection of self-confidence and / or curiosity.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of may, june, july, august

Seeing someone in a dream have a flattened nose - to sexually transmitted diseases.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Turning your nose up in front of people in a dream - to bragging.

Seeing a nose flattened against the window in a dream - find out about your secrets.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

See a man with a flattened nose - means that you can put someone in their place.

Dream interpretation Hasse

Big nose small - you learn the injustice; red - your health is in danger; broken - ambush, trap; gagged - misfortune; be led by the nose - a thoughtless process; lose nose - divorce.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

If in a dream you dreamed of an unnaturally large nose - this portends that you will achieve a favorable position in your business through patronage. Small nose button - you will be treated unfairly and despicably.

Seeing a red nose on the face of a drinking man - a threat to your health. Broken nose - means a trap set up by enemies. Broken and bleeding nose - failure in business and disagreement with a lover.

Cold nose - unfortunately. Wipe your nose - free yourself from a troublesome business or intrusive person. Nose with hair sticking out in bunches - do a rash act that will bring misfortune to your family.

Seeing a man with a nose ring or a punk with a pin in his nostrils - you will become a victim of the unbridled anger of your boss.

Seeing a noseless face in a dream - threatens with serious complications in the marital relationship, which can lead to divorce.

If in a dream you are led by the nose with endless promises - your trust will be severely deceived.

Women's dream book

See your own nose in a dream - means that you will show strength of character and will complete any business you have chosen.

Exception too small nose - in this case, failures await you in business.

Hair growing on the nose - means extraordinary enterprises that will become possible thanks to the strength of your character or will.

Bleeding nose - a very unkind sign for the dreamer.

Dream interpretation Denise Lynn

Nose - this image may mean that you like to "poke your nose" into other things. Go about your business, "watch your own nose."

The nose is the most prominent part of your face - it can be a sign of self-confidence. Are you “turning your nose up”?

Pinocchio's nose grew as he spoke a lie - are you always honest with yourself?

Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

If anyone sees that his nose has become a fair size - in reality, this is to achieve an honorable position and wealth, to longevity and an abundance of children; see in a dream a decrease in your nose - means the opposite.

Islamic dream book

If someone saw himself in a dream with a cut off nose or a gouged out eye - this means that he will be returned what was taken from him to those who committed this atrocity.

If anyone sees that his nose has become great - this is to achieve an honorable position and wealth, to longevity and an abundance of children, but to see in a dream a decrease in your nose - means the opposite.

Dream interpretation Dashka

Nose - a symbol with which it is customary to associate various troubles, surprises.

Lunar dream book

Big nose - wisdom and mercy; small - damage; wipe - freedom from hassle.

Dream interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

On the surface of the nose there are projection zones-points of almost all internal and external organs, therefore, Eastern medicine conducts diagnostics, including the color, shape and condition of the skin of the nose.

To look at the nose in a dream, pay focused attention to it / the nose hurts or suffer from a runny nose / break the nose and the like - an external reflection of the state of the internal yin organs with immediate access to external actions (character traits, actions).

Seeing pimples on the nose in a dream / trying to reduce them- acne indicates congestion in the lungs, which is especially unfavorable in the fall, while acne on the nose is a sign of a disturbance in the digestive system. The lungs need rest and relief, which is given by putting in order their emotional sphere.

Attempting to powder / mask pimples and other imperfections in the nose - a dream speaks of not paying attention to your internal state, when they believe that the body must be healthy, and emotions have nothing to do with health. The consequence of any embellishment in the spiritual sphere is depression, the physical consequence of an innocent, at first glance, action (powdering) can also be similar: depression, illness, disorder in business.

Epistaxis in sleep and in reality - means the heat of the whole body, which can precede any disease, since an unhealthy spleen no longer controls the movement of blood.

The nose is stuffy in a dream / in a dream there is a feeling that there is nothing to breathe / snot flows in a dream - similar sensations in a dream occur more often in the presence of the same symptoms in reality in the initial form. During the day, these symptoms of general global ill health are stubbornly overlooked, so they appear at night. Symptoms indicate changes in cold and heat in the body and general fullness, overcrowding with pathogenic energy. The body is on the brink of disease. The primary source of the disease was, no doubt, the intemperance of emotions, which struck the intestines, the condition of which was immediately reflected in the lungs.

A crooked nose, deformed in a dream to see - all the deformities of the nose in a dream are internal violations of the integrity of the spine, the dream speaks of the ill health of the spine, which will soon manifest in reality if measures are not taken.

Break the nose in a dream / the dreamer is hit on the nose - since the nose is associated with the character and fate of a person, his violent injuries in a dream mean external interference from someone in business and a possible painful blow to the dreamer's psyche.

Break your nose in a dream / fall, bump - this means interference in business and troubles emanating from one's own inadequate assessment of events.

Looking at a smooth, straight, defect-free nose in a dream - the dreamer's perception of the world is quite adequate, which promises success in any areas with further even behavior.

Dream interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Big nose - profit; lose it - loss; treat him - danger.

Dream interpretation interpretation of dreams

Have a nose - portends oppression from the strongest, infidelity and betrayal from home friends or acquaintances; have more than usual nose - means the multiplication of wealth, power and the conclusion of friendship with a nobleman; have no nose at all - means contrary to the above; lose nose - means to lead a dissolute life; having two noses means strife and a fight.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Nose - dignity, authority, rank, intuition, less often curiosity; big - patronage, success; little - damage; stranger - interference in the affairs of the sleeper; hairy - enrichment; with pimple - failure, disappointment; to lose - serious illness; divorce; big, humped, ugly - demonic influences.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Nose - the son and what happens to him / something related to the male organ of love; what happens to the nose can be about the life of feelings and the ability to express them.

Have a big nose - honor, wealth, power, wisdom / health and well-being of sons / son was born.

Big nose of another to see - a reprimand to receive / feel an artistic talent in oneself.

Have a small nose - damage to honor, unfairly suffer / suffer from the inability to express oneself and be understood by others.

Have a snub nose - behave naively, be naive.

Not having a nose, losing a nose - harm, loss / not being able to exercise your rights / feel that you do not have your self.

Loss of a nose, it will be cut off, etc. - defamation, great illness, slander.

Have someone else's nose in a dream - others interfere in your affairs and confuse everything.

It hurts to bump your nose without blood - deceived loyalty.

In a dream, have two noses - obstacles.

Wipe - good luck, relief from the hassle.

Blow your nose - receive a gift.

Have a pimple on the nose - to be surpassed by someone / illness of the son.

Hairy have - Fortunately.

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

Nose - refusal; large - shame, profit, help, for good, wealth, glory, be patient, it will be good; lose nose - loss, divorce, death; small nose - damage, injustice, calmness; laid - deception; wipe - relief from the hassle; grab the nose - success in love; swollen nose - wealth; broken - family quarrel, illness; have two noses - fight, quarrel.

The nose is big to see - wisdom and mercy, i.e. a well-thought-out deed will be fulfilled in your favor; lose nose

Esoteric dream book

Crooked, large, unusual - be careful with alcohol. You can poison yourself or incite troubles.

Falls off - to the disease, the cause of which is licentiousness.

Someone without a nose - death threatens.

Animal - an allergy, possibly to an animal living in your home.

Ukrainian dream book

Big nose - to wealth, fame; little - peace; broken - family quarrel, weakness.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Big nose - patronage and wealth; little - injustice; to lose - divorce, death; grab the nose - success in love; swollen - wealth.

Collection of dream books

Nose - sneakiness; good instinct.

Big nose - patronage and wealth; little - injustice; swollen - wealth; grab the nose - success in love; lose nose - loss or harm; wipe your nose - relief from the hassle.

Nose - a well thought out business will be useful for you.

The nose itches - to a fight or drunkenness.

Dream Interpretation Nose

Nose, Nose big, Nose sewn up, Nose red, Nose crooked, Blood from nose, Nose does not breathe, Nose cut off, Nose broken, Nose with crooked nose, Nose broken, Nose clean, Nose alien, Handkerchief, Bite off nose, Nose fell off, Nose kiss, Blue nose, Nose piercing, Nose bugs, Stuffy nose, Long nose, Pus from the nose, Grown nose, Stab in the nose, Snot from the nose

If in a dream you dreamed of your own Nose, or you saw in a dream that the Nose Can't Breathe, Dream Interpretations assure that it is very alarming sign... Some Dream Interpretations support the opinion that the Nose in a dream symbolizes the masculine principle and is associated with the masculine part of the family. From this position, the unexpectedly grown Nose predicts the birth of your son. However, Eastern Dream Interpretations have a slightly different opinion on this matter, Believing that the Nose in a dream can indicate the dreamer's state of health.

I dreamed that you had a big nose - to public recognition and fame; otherwise - an overestimated opinion of oneself.

I dreamed that you had a long nose - conceit, excessive curiosity.

In the old interpretations, a Big or Long Nose is considered an extremely good sign, Predicting an increase in your well-being in reality. However, a Nose Larger or Longer than its true size may indicate another aspect. Probably, in reality, you tend to feel superior to those around you, or you have a clearly inflated opinion of yourself.

I dreamed that your nose grew - to wealth; to the birth of a son.

It is believed that the Nose symbolizes the male aspect and everything that is associated with male relatives. An unexpectedly grown Nose in a dream foreshadows the conception and birth of a son.

I dreamed of my broken or broken nose, A nose fell off in a dream, I dreamed of a blow to the nose, Cut off a nose in a dream - troubles; to illness; losses and financial problems.

I dreamed that my nose was not breathing, a stuffy nose in a dream - inadequate perception of what is happening; to the disease.

Loss of the Nose or problems with breathing through the Nose in a dream predict only the most negative kind of event. Eastern sages believe that the Nose is a reflection of your inner state at the moment, and therefore any problems with the Nose in a dream can be considered a sign of an impending illness. In any case, after such dreams, you should take a closer look at yourself and analyze your inner state.

Sew up nose in a dream - loss of life guidelines; attempts to ignore a member of your family.

Piercing or cleaning your nose while you sleep - cleansing, Deliverance, Solving an old problem.

Sewing up the Nose in a dream, you show an extreme degree of inner depression and confusion. And at the same time, the Nose in a dream symbolizes someone from the male part of your family, in a relationship with whom, Probably, serious problems have emerged now. Dreams in which you cleaned your nose have a completely opposite meaning and give a forecast that in reality you will do everything possible to resolve the accumulated problems.

Dreamed of a nose with a hump, a crooked nose in a dream - to fame and recognition; otherwise, problems with the spine and spinal cord.

In traditional interpretations, the Nose with a Hump portends public recognition and honor for you. However, this dream has a physiological connotation. The nose is most directly connected with the spinal cord and the spine as a whole. For this reason, any curvature of the Nose in a dream indicates a serious illness.

Dreamed of a handkerchief - to tears; otherwise, you will find help and support.

The Handkerchief symbolically personifies someone who is able to help you in difficult times, who is ready to cheer you up and support you.

Dreamed of someone else's nose - interference in your life of the seen person.

"Alien Nose" for you is a specific person Allowing himself too close interference in your life.

Dreamed of a nosebleed - to a disease of the respiratory system.

Dreamed of boogers or snot in the nose, Pus from the nose in a dream - troubles and hindrances.

Blood from the Nose in a dream is a very alarming sign, foreshadowing the beginning of some serious illness, General malaise and loss of vitality. Boogers, Snot and other obstacles in the Nose symbolize various kinds of obstacles, Hindering your normal, adequate existence.

Dreamed of a kiss on the nose - sexual interest and physical desire.

Bite off someone's nose in a dream - aggressive sexuality.

The nose in psychoanalysis is considered a symbol of the male organ of love. In general, when deciphering dreams, the Nose is often interpreted as "erogenous zone". For this reason, all actions that you or someone else performed with the Nose in a dream have a sexual connotation and are considered a manifestation of physical desire.

Dreamed of a red or blue nose - to the disease.

In medicine, by color and condition skin The nose is almost unmistakably diagnosed with this or that disease. Red, Blue and other unnatural colors Nose in a dream can indicate problems with blood, Diseases of the respiratory system and problems originating in your internal organs.

Stuffy nose

Dream interpretation stuffy nose dreamed why in a dream a stuffy nose? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on initial letter an image characterizing a dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a stuffy nose in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - Nose

Dream interpretation - Nose

"lead by the nose" to deceive.

"on the nose" very soon.

Dream interpretation - Wear

Dream interpretation - Nose

Dream interpretation - Nose

Dream interpretation - Nose

Small nose - to the detriment.

Dream interpretation - Nose

Dream interpretation - Nose

Symbolizes attention and interest.

Dream interpretation - Nose

Red - sadness and longing.

Nosebleeds - unfortunately.

Dream interpretation - Nose

Nose changed

Dream interpretation nose changed dreamed why the changed nose is dreaming in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing a dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a changed Nose in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - Nose

A dream about noses is our premonition. Looking at your nose in a dream means that you should pay attention to what has confused you before. The hair that grows on the nose portends good luck in a cunning plan that you yourself have been carrying for a long time. See interpretation: hair.

The larger your nose is in a dream, the more you learn about what interests you, the more faithfully you will behave in a certain situation. This will help you avoid dangerous mistakes and avoid losses. A large nose in a dream is also a symbol of wisdom. Sometimes a dream about a nose enlargement predicts promotion and wealth. To remain in a dream without a nose is a sign of losses, losses, annoying mistakes. The same will mean a dream in which you will see that you have many noses or a split nose. Seeing people with a long nose in a dream warns you that some people are watching you and trying to find out more about your business. Sometimes such a dream predicts that someone will try to pry into your business. In addition, such a dream portends that your ill-wishers will spread bad rumors about you in order to discredit you. If you recognize a person with a long nose in a dream, then you should be careful with him. An ugly nose in a dream means that your instinct will let you down and you can get into an unpleasant mess. To be noseless in a dream means that you will act rashly, and as a result it will come out sideways to you. To see noseless people in a dream is a sign of deception. Literally - you are being led by the nose. If you dream that you have a stuffy nose and cannot breathe, then beware of deception or a cunning trap. See interpretation: suffocate. Wiping your nose in a dream is a sign that you recognize something unpleasant. Bleeding from a nose in a dream is a sign of great worries due to failures or illness of a loved one.

Grabbing someone by the nose in a dream means that success in love awaits you. Whatever you say to the subject of your passion, you will be believed unconditionally. An enlarged nose in a dream portends wealth and money.

Dream interpretation - Nose

"to turn up your nose" (to be airy), "to poke your nose into your own business" (curiosity). "Keep your nose downwind" to keep abreast of events.

"taken away from under the very nose" (suddenly, imperceptibly), "blood from the nose" (obligation, obligation), "hang up the nose" (despondency). It is good to remember "to hack into your nose".

"lead by the nose" to deceive.

"on the nose" very soon.

"flare nostrils" to take airs, "to smell unkind" (foresight, intuition). "Hit in the nose" vulnerable blow, defeat. "Wipe someone's nose" surpass that person in something. Try hard to "dig the earth with your nose". "Lose the scent", "frosty nose", "blue nose" (like a drunkard), "stay with the nose" (ie, with nothing). "Do not stick your nose into other people's affairs, they can tear them off!" See add. to sniff.

Dream interpretation - Wear

The dream in which you carry a weapon with you speaks of the mistrust that you have in to strangers... Carrying firewood into the house, coal means doing hard, but low-paid work. Wearing a watch on your wrist or on a chain in a dream - show enviable punctuality.

Wearing a ring, bracelet or necklace in a dream - you will feel envy of the success of your friends. If you wear jewelry, luck and prosperity await you. Wearing a flower on a dress - fall in love with a wonderful person, which will bring a lot of personal problems.

If you wear glasses in a dream, this portends the society of an obsessive person with whom you will be weary. Wearing a wig means that the changes you have made will not have the effect you hoped for.

Wearing tight shoes that rub calluses on your feet increases wages. Wearing men's clothes - you will soon find yourself in a love captivity. Wearing gloves means that your frugality doesn't hurt to be generous and wasteful in your relationship with the lover you are crazy about.

If in a dream you wear clothes out of season and out of weather, that is, for example, shorts in winter, and a fur coat in summer - such a dream portends that fame, fame and wealth await you. Wearing old, dirty or torn clothes - you will find yourself in a difficult situation and make the wrong choice.

Wearing mourning in a dream - in reality you will be overwhelmed by restless thoughts about your loved ones who are in old age and require attention.

Dream interpretation - Nose

The nose is the son and what happens to him / something related to the male organ of love; what happens to the nose can be about the life of feelings and the ability to express them.

To have a big nose - honor, wealth, power, wisdom / health and well-being of sons / son was born.

To see the big nose of another is a reprimand to receive / feel an artistic talent in oneself.

To have a small nose is damage to honor, it is unfair to suffer / suffer from the inability to express oneself and be understood by others.

To have a snub nose - to behave naively, to be naive.

Not having a nose, losing a nose is harm, loss / not being able to use your rights // feel that you do not have your own self.

To lose a nose, it will be cut off, etc. - defamation, great illness, slander.

To have someone else's nose in a dream - others interfere in your affairs and confuse everything.

It hurts to bump your nose (without blood) - deceived loyalty.

In a dream, having two noses is obstacles.

To wipe your nose is good luck, relief from hassle.

Blowing your nose is a gift to receive.

To have a pimple on the nose - to be surpassed by someone / a disease of the son.

Fortunately, to have a hairy nose.

Dream interpretation - Nose

If in a dream you dreamed of an unnaturally large nose, this portends that you will achieve a favorable position in your business through patronage. A small nose with a button - you will be treated unfairly and despicably.

Seeing a red nose on the face of a drinking person is a threat to your health. A broken nose means a trap set up by enemies. A broken and bleeding nose is a failure in business and disagreement with a lover.

A cold nose is an accident. Wipe your nose - free yourself from a troublesome business or an intrusive person. A nose with hair sticking out in bunches from the nostrils - do a rash act that will bring misfortune to your family. To see a person with a ring threaded through his nose or a punk with a pin in his nostrils - you will become a victim of the unbridled anger of your boss.

Seeing a noseless face in a dream threatens with serious complications in marital relations, which can lead to divorce. If in a dream you are led by the nose with endless promises, your trust will be cruelly deceived.

Dream interpretation - Nose

A big nose is wisdom and mercy, a well-thought-out business will bring income.

Losing a nose in a dream is a loss or harm.

Wipe your nose - freedom from hassle.

Small nose - to the detriment.

Forked nose - you can go to extremes or need.

Blow your nose in a dream - get a gift.

A pimple on the nose means to be surpassed by someone, as well as a disease of the son.

Fortunately, to have a hairy nose.

Noseless themselves dreamed of losing a good opinion of someone.

Seeing noseless people - make sure they walk you by the nose.

Dream interpretation - Nose

symbolizes something that a person is adorned with in this life, such as wealth, or a father, or a son, or a brother, or a wife, or a companion, or an employee hired by him and their reliability and loyalty. And if the nose of one of them looks more beautiful, then this is a sign of the well-being of those whom it symbolizes. And blackness or large size of the nose is a sign of coercion and violence. The woman who saw in a dream beautiful nose, will give birth to a child: as well as the beauty of the nose, one can judge the merits of its owner. Having two noses will have disagreements in his family. He who does not have a nose in a dream does not keep in touch with relatives at all.

Dream interpretation - Nose

Symbolizes attention and interest.

Snub nose: means empty curiosity, long crooked nose in a dream: a sign of wrong or even perverted ideas.

Hair sticking out of the nostrils: they speak of certain suspicions and guesses, most often ridiculous and unfounded.

If for some reason you paid attention to your own nose: this means that it does not bother you to show special attentiveness. Perhaps in reality you did not notice something important or someone is trying to deceive you.

Runny or stuffy nose: Indicates that you should not rely on your own instincts; they may let you down.

Bloody nose: a sign that worries and worries threaten to deprive you of strength. After such a dream, try to control your emotions and worry less about trifles.

Seeing your nose: for possible problems with the upper respiratory tract; seeing a stranger: for an unfavorable development of the situation, broken: a sign of danger.

Dream interpretation - Nose

Own big nose in a dream predicts wealth, successful completion of a business, important patronage for you.

Too small a nose portends failure, injustice towards you.

Swollen - ill-gotten wealth.

Red - sadness and longing.

Nosebleeds - unfortunately.

Grabbing the nose - to success in love.

Losing your nose in a dream or just seeing yourself without a nose is a very bad dream.

It means illness, divorce, death.

Dream interpretation - Nose

Renouncement; big - shame, profit, help, for good, wealth, fame, be patient - there will be good; to lose a nose - loss, divorce, death; small nose - damage, injustice, calm; laid down - deception; wipe - relief from hassle; grabbing the nose - success in love; swollen nose - wealth; broken - a quarrel in the family, illness; to have two noses - a fight, a quarrel.

A man with a big nose

Dream Interpretation Man with a big nose dreamed why a man with a big nose is dreaming in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing a dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Man with a big nose in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - Big nose

Some kind of wisdom and mercy.

Dream interpretation - Nose

A dream about noses is our premonition. Looking at your nose in a dream means that you should pay attention to what has confused you before. The hair that grows on the nose portends good luck in a cunning plan that you yourself have been carrying for a long time. See interpretation: hair.

The larger your nose is in a dream, the more you learn about what interests you, the more faithfully you will behave in a certain situation. This will help you avoid dangerous mistakes and avoid losses. A large nose in a dream is also a symbol of wisdom. Sometimes a dream about a nose enlargement predicts promotion and wealth. To remain in a dream without a nose is a sign of losses, losses, annoying mistakes. The same will mean a dream in which you will see that you have many noses or a split nose. Seeing people with a long nose in a dream warns you that some people are watching you and trying to find out more about your business. Sometimes such a dream predicts that someone will try to pry into your business. In addition, such a dream portends that your ill-wishers will spread bad rumors about you in order to discredit you. If you recognize a person with a long nose in a dream, then you should be careful with him. An ugly nose in a dream means that your instinct will let you down and you can get into an unpleasant mess. To be noseless in a dream means that you will act rashly, and as a result it will come out sideways to you. To see noseless people in a dream is a sign of deception. Literally - you are being led by the nose. If you dream that you have a stuffy nose and cannot breathe, then beware of deception or a cunning trap. See interpretation: suffocate. Wiping your nose in a dream is a sign that you recognize something unpleasant. Bleeding from a nose in a dream is a sign of great worries due to failures or illness of a loved one.

Grabbing someone by the nose in a dream means that success in love awaits you. Whatever you say to the subject of your passion, you will be believed unconditionally. An enlarged nose in a dream portends wealth and money.

Dream interpretation - Wear

A dream in which you carry a weapon with you speaks of the distrust you have in strangers. Carrying firewood in the house, coal means doing hard, but low-paid work. Wearing a watch on your wrist or on a chain in a dream - show enviable punctuality.

Wearing a ring, bracelet or necklace in a dream - you will feel envy of the success of your friends. If you wear jewelry, luck and prosperity await you. Wearing a flower on a dress - fall in love with a wonderful person, which will bring a lot of personal problems.

If you wear glasses in a dream, this portends the society of an obsessive person with whom you will be weary. Wearing a wig means that the changes you have made will not have the effect you hoped for.

Wearing tight shoes that rub calluses on your feet increases wages. Wearing men's clothes - you will soon find yourself in a love captivity. Wearing gloves means that your frugality doesn't hurt to be generous and wasteful in your relationship with the lover you are crazy about.

If in a dream you wear clothes out of season and out of weather, that is, for example, shorts in winter, and a fur coat in summer - such a dream portends that fame, fame and wealth await you. Wearing old, dirty or torn clothes - you will find yourself in a difficult situation and make the wrong choice.

Wearing mourning in a dream - in reality you will be overwhelmed by restless thoughts about your loved ones who are in old age and require attention.

Dream interpretation - Nose

"to turn up your nose" (to be airy), "to poke your nose into your own business" (curiosity). "Keep your nose downwind" to keep abreast of events.

"taken away from under the very nose" (suddenly, imperceptibly), "blood from the nose" (obligation, obligation), "hang up the nose" (despondency). It is good to remember "to hack into your nose".

"lead by the nose" to deceive.

"on the nose" very soon.

"flare nostrils" to take airs, "to smell unkind" (foresight, intuition). "Hit in the nose" vulnerable blow, defeat. "Wipe someone's nose" surpass that person in something. Try hard to "dig the earth with your nose". "Lose the scent", "frosty nose", "blue nose" (like a drunkard), "stay with the nose" (ie, with nothing). "Do not stick your nose into other people's affairs, they can tear them off!" See add. to sniff.

Dream interpretation - Nose

The nose is the son and what happens to him / something related to the male organ of love; what happens to the nose can be about the life of feelings and the ability to express them.

To have a big nose - honor, wealth, power, wisdom / health and well-being of sons / son was born.

To see the big nose of another is a reprimand to receive / feel an artistic talent in oneself.

To have a small nose is damage to honor, it is unfair to suffer / suffer from the inability to express oneself and be understood by others.

To have a snub nose - to behave naively, to be naive.

Not having a nose, losing a nose is harm, loss / not being able to use your rights // feel that you do not have your own self.

To lose a nose, it will be cut off, etc. - defamation, great illness, slander.

To have someone else's nose in a dream - others interfere in your affairs and confuse everything.

It hurts to bump your nose (without blood) - deceived loyalty.

In a dream, having two noses is obstacles.

To wipe your nose is good luck, relief from hassle.

Blowing your nose is a gift to receive.

To have a pimple on the nose - to be surpassed by someone / a disease of the son.

Fortunately, to have a hairy nose.

Dream interpretation - Nose

If in a dream you dreamed of an unnaturally large nose, this portends that you will achieve a favorable position in your business through patronage. A small nose with a button - you will be treated unfairly and despicably.

Seeing a red nose on the face of a drinking person is a threat to your health. A broken nose means a trap set up by enemies. A broken and bleeding nose is a failure in business and disagreement with a lover.

A cold nose is an accident. Wipe your nose - free yourself from a troublesome business or an intrusive person. A nose with hair sticking out in bunches from the nostrils - do a rash act that will bring misfortune to your family. To see a person with a ring threaded through his nose or a punk with a pin in his nostrils - you will become a victim of the unbridled anger of your boss.

Seeing a noseless face in a dream threatens with serious complications in marital relations, which can lead to divorce. If in a dream you are led by the nose with endless promises, your trust will be cruelly deceived.

Dream interpretation - Nose

A big nose is wisdom and mercy, a well-thought-out business will bring income.

Losing a nose in a dream is a loss or harm.

Wipe your nose - freedom from hassle.

Small nose - to the detriment.

Forked nose - you can go to extremes or need.

Blow your nose in a dream - get a gift.

A pimple on the nose means to be surpassed by someone, as well as a disease of the son.

Fortunately, to have a hairy nose.

Noseless themselves dreamed of losing a good opinion of someone.

Seeing noseless people - make sure they walk you by the nose.

Dream interpretation - Nose

Renouncement; big - shame, profit, help, for good, wealth, fame, be patient - there will be good; to lose a nose - loss, divorce, death; small nose - damage, injustice, calm; laid down - deception; wipe - relief from hassle; grabbing the nose - success in love; swollen nose - wealth; broken - a quarrel in the family, illness; to have two noses - a fight, a quarrel.

Dream interpretation - Nose

symbolizes something that a person is adorned with in this life, such as wealth, or a father, or a son, or a brother, or a wife, or a companion, or an employee hired by him and their reliability and loyalty. And if the nose of one of them looks more beautiful, then this is a sign of the well-being of those whom it symbolizes. And blackness or large size of the nose is a sign of coercion and violence. A woman who sees a beautiful nose in a dream will give birth to a child: as well as the beauty of the nose, one can judge the merits of its owner. Having two noses will have disagreements in his family. He who does not have a nose in a dream does not keep in touch with relatives at all.

Dream interpretation - Nose

Symbolizes attention and interest.

Snub nose: means empty curiosity, long crooked nose in a dream: a sign of wrong or even perverted ideas.

Hair sticking out of the nostrils: they speak of certain suspicions and guesses, most often ridiculous and unfounded.

If for some reason you paid attention to your own nose: this means that it does not bother you to show special attentiveness. Perhaps in reality you did not notice something important or someone is trying to deceive you.

Runny or stuffy nose: Indicates that you should not rely on your own instincts; they may let you down.

Bloody nose: a sign that worries and worries threaten to deprive you of strength. After such a dream, try to control your emotions and worry less about trifles.

Seeing your nose: for possible problems with the upper respiratory tract; seeing a stranger: for an unfavorable development of the situation, broken: a sign of danger.

Husband's nose

Dream interpretation husband's nose dreamed why the husband's nose was dreaming in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing a dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a husband's nose in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - Nose

A dream about noses is our premonition. Looking at your nose in a dream means that you should pay attention to what has confused you before. The hair that grows on the nose portends good luck in a cunning plan that you yourself have been carrying for a long time. See interpretation: hair.

The larger your nose is in a dream, the more you learn about what interests you, the more faithfully you will behave in a certain situation. This will help you avoid dangerous mistakes and avoid losses. A large nose in a dream is also a symbol of wisdom. Sometimes a dream about a nose enlargement predicts promotion and wealth. To remain in a dream without a nose is a sign of losses, losses, annoying mistakes. The same will mean a dream in which you will see that you have many noses or a split nose. Seeing people with a long nose in a dream warns you that some people are watching you and trying to find out more about your business. Sometimes such a dream predicts that someone will try to pry into your business. In addition, such a dream portends that your ill-wishers will spread bad rumors about you in order to discredit you. If you recognize a person with a long nose in a dream, then you should be careful with him. An ugly nose in a dream means that your instinct will let you down and you can get into an unpleasant mess. To be noseless in a dream means that you will act rashly, and as a result it will come out sideways to you. To see noseless people in a dream is a sign of deception. Literally - you are being led by the nose. If you dream that you have a stuffy nose and cannot breathe, then beware of deception or a cunning trap. See interpretation: suffocate. Wiping your nose in a dream is a sign that you recognize something unpleasant. Bleeding from a nose in a dream is a sign of great worries due to failures or illness of a loved one.

Grabbing someone by the nose in a dream means that success in love awaits you. Whatever you say to the subject of your passion, you will be believed unconditionally. An enlarged nose in a dream portends wealth and money.

Dream interpretation - Nose

"to turn up your nose" (to be airy), "to poke your nose into your own business" (curiosity). "Keep your nose downwind" to keep abreast of events.

"taken away from under the very nose" (suddenly, imperceptibly), "blood from the nose" (obligation, obligation), "hang up the nose" (despondency). It is good to remember "to hack into your nose".

"lead by the nose" to deceive.

"on the nose" very soon.

"flare nostrils" to take airs, "to smell unkind" (foresight, intuition). "Hit in the nose" vulnerable blow, defeat. "Wipe someone's nose" surpass that person in something. Try hard to "dig the earth with your nose". "Lose the scent", "frosty nose", "blue nose" (like a drunkard), "stay with the nose" (ie, with nothing). "Do not stick your nose into other people's affairs, they can tear them off!" See add. to sniff.

Dream interpretation - Husband

Hugging and kissing your husband, meeting or seeing him off, is a sign of complete mutual understanding and love between spouses, peace and harmony in the family.

If in a dream you give your husband a letter addressed to him, having previously familiarized yourself with its contents secretly from your spouse, this portends a divorce and division of property through the courts.

If your husband came home from work tired and, moreover, sick, such a dream portends trouble and lack of money. A cheerful and full of energy husband who returned from hunting or fishing - to prosperity in the house and new acquisitions.

The dream in which you convict your husband of cheating speaks of your overly biased attitude towards him in real life. If a husband in a dream abandons his family in your care, and he himself hides for several days in an unknown direction, without deigning to give any explanations, such a dream means a temporary discord in relations between you, which, however, will soon be replaced by complete consent.

A quarrel with your husband on the basis of a passion for alcohol should make you think about the sources of this weakness of your spouse - are they hidden in your behavior?

Burying your husband in a dream foreshadows the arrival of his friends, because of which the apartment will temporarily turn into an inn and at the same time a drinking house.

A dream in which you leave your husband for another person can bring you big trouble in real life because of your too sharp and long tongue.

If in a dream your husband leaves on a business trip, and you act according to the classical scheme, accepting your lover on the matrimonial bed, in reality, your excessive coquetry will give your husband a reason to suspect that something is wrong.

For a young girl, a dream in which she sees herself as married does not promise her marriage in the near future.

Dream interpretation - Wear

A dream in which you carry a weapon with you speaks of the distrust you have in strangers. Carrying firewood in the house, coal means doing hard, but low-paid work. Wearing a watch on your wrist or on a chain in a dream - show enviable punctuality.

Wearing a ring, bracelet or necklace in a dream - you will feel envy of the success of your friends. If you wear jewelry, luck and prosperity await you. Wearing a flower on a dress - fall in love with a wonderful person, which will bring a lot of personal problems.

If you wear glasses in a dream, this portends the society of an obsessive person with whom you will be weary. Wearing a wig means that the changes you have made will not have the effect you hoped for.

Wearing tight shoes that rub calluses on your feet increases wages. Wearing men's clothes - you will soon find yourself in a love captivity. Wearing gloves means that your frugality doesn't hurt to be generous and wasteful in your relationship with the lover you are crazy about.

If in a dream you wear clothes out of season and out of weather, that is, for example, shorts in winter, and a fur coat in summer - such a dream portends that fame, fame and wealth await you. Wearing old, dirty or torn clothes - you will find yourself in a difficult situation and make the wrong choice.

Wearing mourning in a dream - in reality you will be overwhelmed by restless thoughts about your loved ones who are in old age and require attention.

Dream interpretation - Nose

The nose is the son and what happens to him / something related to the male organ of love; what happens to the nose can be about the life of feelings and the ability to express them.

To have a big nose - honor, wealth, power, wisdom / health and well-being of sons / son was born.

To see the big nose of another is a reprimand to receive / feel an artistic talent in oneself.

To have a small nose is damage to honor, it is unfair to suffer / suffer from the inability to express oneself and be understood by others.

To have a snub nose - to behave naively, to be naive.

Not having a nose, losing a nose is harm, loss / not being able to use your rights // feel that you do not have your own self.

To lose a nose, it will be cut off, etc. - defamation, great illness, slander.

To have someone else's nose in a dream - others interfere in your affairs and confuse everything.

It hurts to bump your nose (without blood) - deceived loyalty.

In a dream, having two noses is obstacles.

To wipe your nose is good luck, relief from hassle.

Blowing your nose is a gift to receive.

To have a pimple on the nose - to be surpassed by someone / a disease of the son.

Fortunately, to have a hairy nose.

Dream interpretation - Husband

A quarrel with your husband means his trust and respect for you.

Such a dream may also portend some kind of trouble outside the family.

If a wife dreams of a very affectionate husband, problems may arise in the family.

If a woman dreams that her husband left her without apparent reason - in reality, to a short-term cooling of relations, which, in any case, will be replaced by mutual attraction and consent.

If the husband dreamed sick or tired, then this is the illness of one of the relatives.

If you see your husband as cheerful and cheerful, life will open up brilliant prospects for you.

There will be material well-being in the house.

If you dreamed that your husband was in love with another woman, not everything is safe in the family.

It is possible that your relationship is too monotonous and something should be changed in it.

If a married woman dreamed that she fell in love with another man, she is alone in the family or does not receive satisfaction from an intimate relationship with her husband.

If a girl dreamed that she got married, she should pay more attention to her appearance and think about her dignity.

If you dreamed that your husband was leaving, but, leaving home, he becomes, as it were, taller, the dream portends that close people will be against your marriage and you will have to fight for your happiness.

If you dreamed of a scandal in which not only your husband, but also another woman is involved, this is a sign of divorce or significant losses.

If you dreamed that your husband was killed as a result of a scandal, this is a very bad dream.

If a husband dreams that he is fighting with her, there will be peace in the family.

If a wife caresses her husband - to profit.

Dream interpretation - Husband, man

To a woman in a dream that her husband, lover or close friend has married is a prediction that parting and loneliness will soon await her.

If you dream that you are looking for your husband, but he is not, or you call him, and he turned his back on you and does not respond, or that he left you, then your relationship is ruined. Mutual understanding and tender affection have been lost between you. And if it is difficult for you, then your husband will not support you.

Seeing him in a dream painfully pale, unlike himself, means that you are in for trouble, because of which you will lose peace and sleep. Seeing your husband beautiful (no frills) and pleasant in a dream is a sign of joy and pleasant troubles.

The dream in which you saw that your husband is infatuated with another lady tells you that you should pay more attention to him in order to make your life together more attractive and interesting, since your husband is currently dissatisfied with his life with you. To quarrel and swear, to fight with him in a dream is a dream on the contrary, which portends joyful events and peace in the house. Seeing your husband killed in a dream means that you yourself can create a situation in the family, followed by a divorce. For a man to do women's work in a dream is a sign of trouble, losses, stagnation in business. Sometimes such a dream predicts death by accident for the sleeper. Seeing a man with a white beard in a dream means that you should take care of your health.

To see a dead man on the street in a dream is a sign that you can find a new source of enrichment. Sometimes such a dream means that your worries and troubles will end soon. To see your husband dead in a dream is a sign of loss and great misfortune. To see many men in a dream is a sign that you will not find a place for yourself. If a woman dreams of a pleasant-looking young man and speaks to her, then soon she will face changes in her personal life. Memorize the words of this person and what he looks like. If your impression of him in a dream is pleasant, then there will be such changes. And vice versa. To see a freak in a dream and to be scared is a sign of anxiety, trouble and grief. Sometimes such a dream means that close person will betray or deceive you. See the interpretation: beard, freak, stranger, dead man.

Dream interpretation - Nose

If in a dream you dreamed of an unnaturally large nose, this portends that you will achieve a favorable position in your business through patronage. A small nose with a button - you will be treated unfairly and despicably.

Seeing a red nose on the face of a drinking person is a threat to your health. A broken nose means a trap set up by enemies. A broken and bleeding nose is a failure in business and disagreement with a lover.

A cold nose is an accident. Wipe your nose - free yourself from a troublesome business or an intrusive person. A nose with hair sticking out in bunches from the nostrils - do a rash act that will bring misfortune to your family. To see a person with a ring threaded through his nose or a punk with a pin in his nostrils - you will become a victim of the unbridled anger of your boss.

Seeing a noseless face in a dream threatens with serious complications in marital relations, which can lead to divorce. If in a dream you are led by the nose with endless promises, your trust will be cruelly deceived.

Dream interpretation - Nose

A big nose is wisdom and mercy, a well-thought-out business will bring income.

Losing a nose in a dream is a loss or harm.

Wipe your nose - freedom from hassle.

Small nose - to the detriment.

Forked nose - you can go to extremes or need.

Blow your nose in a dream - get a gift.

A pimple on the nose means to be surpassed by someone, as well as a disease of the son.

Fortunately, to have a hairy nose.

Noseless themselves dreamed of losing a good opinion of someone.

Seeing noseless people - make sure they walk you by the nose.

Dream interpretation - Husband

If the husband is healthy, cheerful, looks good, this is a sign of family well-being.

Pale, thin, sad - to the illness of one of the family members.

To see your husband dead is very unfortunate.

To quarrel, even to fight with your husband - to peace and harmony.

If your husband leaves you in a dream for no reason, in reality there will be a temporary cooling between you.

If you dream that your husband is leaving for another woman, you must fight the monotony and routine of family life, since your relationship suffers from this.

Leaving her husband, falling in love with another - to loneliness in the family and dissatisfaction.

If a girl dreams that she is married, she should take more care of her attractiveness to men.

To feast with her husband - to separation.

Intimacy is someone else's interference in affairs, someone's influence.

Traveling with your husband is a loss of property.

Giving your husband a drink is fortunate.

Cleansing a snotty nose

Dream interpretation Cleansing a snotty nose dreamed of why in a dream Cleansing a snotty nose? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream Cleansing a snotty nose by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - snotty nose

To an immature, ill-considered decision.

Dream Interpretation - Snotty nose (snot)

To shame.

Dream interpretation - snotty nose

For fiddling with children or having to babysit someone.

Dream interpretation - Nose

A dream about noses is our premonition. Looking at your nose in a dream means that you should pay attention to what has confused you before. The hair that grows on the nose portends good luck in a cunning plan that you yourself have been carrying for a long time. See interpretation: hair.

The larger your nose is in a dream, the more you learn about what interests you, the more faithfully you will behave in a certain situation. This will help you avoid dangerous mistakes and avoid losses. A large nose in a dream is also a symbol of wisdom. Sometimes a dream about a nose enlargement predicts promotion and wealth. To remain in a dream without a nose is a sign of losses, losses, annoying mistakes. The same will mean a dream in which you will see that you have many noses or a split nose. Seeing people with a long nose in a dream warns you that some people are watching you and trying to find out more about your business. Sometimes such a dream predicts that someone will try to pry into your business. In addition, such a dream portends that your ill-wishers will spread bad rumors about you in order to discredit you. If you recognize a person with a long nose in a dream, then you should be careful with him. An ugly nose in a dream means that your instinct will let you down and you can get into an unpleasant mess. To be noseless in a dream means that you will act rashly, and as a result it will come out sideways to you. To see noseless people in a dream is a sign of deception. Literally - you are being led by the nose. If you dream that you have a stuffy nose and cannot breathe, then beware of deception or a cunning trap. See interpretation: suffocate. Wiping your nose in a dream is a sign that you recognize something unpleasant. Bleeding from a nose in a dream is a sign of great worries due to failures or illness of a loved one.

Grabbing someone by the nose in a dream means that success in love awaits you. Whatever you say to the subject of your passion, you will be believed unconditionally. An enlarged nose in a dream portends wealth and money.

Dream interpretation - Wear

A dream in which you carry a weapon with you speaks of the distrust you have in strangers. Carrying firewood in the house, coal means doing hard, but low-paid work. Wearing a watch on your wrist or on a chain in a dream - show enviable punctuality.

Wearing a ring, bracelet or necklace in a dream - you will feel envy of the success of your friends. If you wear jewelry, luck and prosperity await you. Wearing a flower on a dress - fall in love with a wonderful person, which will bring a lot of personal problems.

If you wear glasses in a dream, this portends the society of an obsessive person with whom you will be weary. Wearing a wig means that the changes you have made will not have the effect you hoped for.

Wearing tight shoes that rub calluses on your feet increases wages. Wearing men's clothes - you will soon find yourself in a love captivity. Wearing gloves means that your frugality doesn't hurt to be generous and wasteful in your relationship with the lover you are crazy about.

If in a dream you wear clothes out of season and out of weather, that is, for example, shorts in winter, and a fur coat in summer - such a dream portends that fame, fame and wealth await you. Wearing old, dirty or torn clothes - you will find yourself in a difficult situation and make the wrong choice.

Wearing mourning in a dream - in reality you will be overwhelmed by restless thoughts about your loved ones who are in old age and require attention.

Dream interpretation - Nose

"to turn up your nose" (to be airy), "to poke your nose into your own business" (curiosity). "Keep your nose downwind" to keep abreast of events.

"taken away from under the very nose" (suddenly, imperceptibly), "blood from the nose" (obligation, obligation), "hang up the nose" (despondency). It is good to remember "to hack into your nose".

"lead by the nose" to deceive.

"on the nose" very soon.

"flare nostrils" to take airs, "to smell unkind" (foresight, intuition). "Hit in the nose" vulnerable blow, defeat. "Wipe someone's nose" surpass that person in something. Try hard to "dig the earth with your nose". "Lose the scent", "frosty nose", "blue nose" (like a drunkard), "stay with the nose" (ie, with nothing). "Do not stick your nose into other people's affairs, they can tear them off!" See add. to sniff.

Dream interpretation - Nose

The nose is the son and what happens to him / something related to the male organ of love; what happens to the nose can be about the life of feelings and the ability to express them.

To have a big nose - honor, wealth, power, wisdom / health and well-being of sons / son was born.

To see the big nose of another is a reprimand to receive / feel an artistic talent in oneself.

To have a small nose is damage to honor, it is unfair to suffer / suffer from the inability to express oneself and be understood by others.

To have a snub nose - to behave naively, to be naive.

Not having a nose, losing a nose is harm, loss / not being able to use your rights // feel that you do not have your own self.

To lose a nose, it will be cut off, etc. - defamation, great illness, slander.

To have someone else's nose in a dream - others interfere in your affairs and confuse everything.

It hurts to bump your nose (without blood) - deceived loyalty.

In a dream, having two noses is obstacles.

To wipe your nose is good luck, relief from hassle.

Blowing your nose is a gift to receive.

To have a pimple on the nose - to be surpassed by someone / a disease of the son.

Fortunately, to have a hairy nose.

Dream interpretation - Nose

If in a dream you dreamed of an unnaturally large nose, this portends that you will achieve a favorable position in your business through patronage. A small nose with a button - you will be treated unfairly and despicably.

Seeing a red nose on the face of a drinking person is a threat to your health. A broken nose means a trap set up by enemies. A broken and bleeding nose is a failure in business and disagreement with a lover.

A cold nose is an accident. Wipe your nose - free yourself from a troublesome business or an intrusive person. A nose with hair sticking out in bunches from the nostrils - do a rash act that will bring misfortune to your family. To see a person with a ring threaded through his nose or a punk with a pin in his nostrils - you will become a victim of the unbridled anger of your boss.

Seeing a noseless face in a dream threatens with serious complications in marital relations, which can lead to divorce. If in a dream you are led by the nose with endless promises, your trust will be cruelly deceived.

Dream interpretation - Nose

A big nose is wisdom and mercy, a well-thought-out business will bring income.

Losing a nose in a dream is a loss or harm.

Wipe your nose - freedom from hassle.

Small nose - to the detriment.

Forked nose - you can go to extremes or need.

Blow your nose in a dream - get a gift.

A pimple on the nose means to be surpassed by someone, as well as a disease of the son.

Fortunately, to have a hairy nose.

Noseless themselves dreamed of losing a good opinion of someone.

Seeing noseless people - make sure they walk you by the nose.

Dream interpretation - Nose

Renouncement; big - shame, profit, help, for good, wealth, fame, be patient - there will be good; to lose a nose - loss, divorce, death; small nose - damage, injustice, calm; laid down - deception; wipe - relief from hassle; grabbing the nose - success in love; swollen nose - wealth; broken - a quarrel in the family, illness; to have two noses - a fight, a quarrel.

Bite off your nose

Dream interpretation bite off nose dreamed why in a dream Bite off your nose? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to dream Bite off your nose by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - take a bite

Biting off a piece of something in a dream means that you can get what you want, but only if this "something" was exactly what you wanted and you liked its taste. Such a dream can relate to both obtaining material values \u200b\u200band carnal pleasures. If you do not like the taste or if you experience disappointment or disgust in a dream, then expect trouble or grief. See interpretation: taste, apples.

Dream interpretation - Nose

A dream about noses is our premonition. Looking at your nose in a dream means that you should pay attention to what has confused you before. The hair that grows on the nose portends good luck in a cunning plan that you yourself have been carrying for a long time. See interpretation: hair.

The larger your nose is in a dream, the more you learn about what interests you, the more faithfully you will behave in a certain situation. This will help you avoid dangerous mistakes and avoid losses. A large nose in a dream is also a symbol of wisdom. Sometimes a dream about a nose enlargement predicts promotion and wealth. To remain in a dream without a nose is a sign of losses, losses, annoying mistakes. The same will mean a dream in which you will see that you have many noses or a split nose. Seeing people with a long nose in a dream warns you that some people are watching you and trying to find out more about your business. Sometimes such a dream predicts that someone will try to pry into your business. In addition, such a dream portends that your ill-wishers will spread bad rumors about you in order to discredit you. If you recognize a person with a long nose in a dream, then you should be careful with him. An ugly nose in a dream means that your instinct will let you down and you can get into an unpleasant mess. To be noseless in a dream means that you will act rashly, and as a result it will come out sideways to you. To see noseless people in a dream is a sign of deception. Literally - you are being led by the nose. If you dream that you have a stuffy nose and cannot breathe, then beware of deception or a cunning trap. See interpretation: suffocate. Wiping your nose in a dream is a sign that you recognize something unpleasant. Bleeding from a nose in a dream is a sign of great worries due to failures or illness of a loved one.

Grabbing someone by the nose in a dream means that success in love awaits you. Whatever you say to the subject of your passion, you will be believed unconditionally. An enlarged nose in a dream portends wealth and money.

Dream interpretation - Nose

"to turn up your nose" (to be airy), "to poke your nose into your own business" (curiosity). "Keep your nose downwind" to keep abreast of events.

"taken away from under the very nose" (suddenly, imperceptibly), "blood from the nose" (obligation, obligation), "hang up the nose" (despondency). It is good to remember "to hack into your nose".

"lead by the nose" to deceive.

"on the nose" very soon.

"flare nostrils" to take airs, "to smell unkind" (foresight, intuition). "Hit in the nose" vulnerable blow, defeat. "Wipe someone's nose" surpass that person in something. Try hard to "dig the earth with your nose". "Lose the scent", "frosty nose", "blue nose" (like a drunkard), "stay with the nose" (ie, with nothing). "Do not stick your nose into other people's affairs, they can tear them off!" See add. to sniff.

Dream interpretation - Wear

A dream in which you carry a weapon with you speaks of the distrust you have in strangers. Carrying firewood in the house, coal means doing hard, but low-paid work. Wearing a watch on your wrist or on a chain in a dream - show enviable punctuality.

Wearing a ring, bracelet or necklace in a dream - you will feel envy of the success of your friends. If you wear jewelry, luck and prosperity await you. Wearing a flower on a dress - fall in love with a wonderful person, which will bring a lot of personal problems.

If you wear glasses in a dream, this portends the society of an obsessive person with whom you will be weary. Wearing a wig means that the changes you have made will not have the effect you hoped for.

Wearing tight shoes that rub calluses on your feet increases wages. Wearing men's clothes - you will soon find yourself in a love captivity. Wearing gloves means that your frugality doesn't hurt to be generous and wasteful in your relationship with the lover you are crazy about.

If in a dream you wear clothes out of season and out of weather, that is, for example, shorts in winter, and a fur coat in summer - such a dream portends that fame, fame and wealth await you. Wearing old, dirty or torn clothes - you will find yourself in a difficult situation and make the wrong choice.

Wearing mourning in a dream - in reality you will be overwhelmed by restless thoughts about your loved ones who are in old age and require attention.

Dream interpretation - Nose

The nose is the son and what happens to him / something related to the male organ of love; what happens to the nose can be about the life of feelings and the ability to express them.

To have a big nose - honor, wealth, power, wisdom / health and well-being of sons / son was born.

To see the big nose of another is a reprimand to receive / feel an artistic talent in oneself.

To have a small nose is damage to honor, it is unfair to suffer / suffer from the inability to express oneself and be understood by others.

To have a snub nose - to behave naively, to be naive.

Not having a nose, losing a nose is harm, loss / not being able to use your rights // feel that you do not have your own self.

To lose a nose, it will be cut off, etc. - defamation, great illness, slander.

To have someone else's nose in a dream - others interfere in your affairs and confuse everything.

It hurts to bump your nose (without blood) - deceived loyalty.

In a dream, having two noses is obstacles.

To wipe your nose is good luck, relief from hassle.

Blowing your nose is a gift to receive.

To have a pimple on the nose - to be surpassed by someone / a disease of the son.

Fortunately, to have a hairy nose.

Dream interpretation - Nose

If in a dream you dreamed of an unnaturally large nose, this portends that you will achieve a favorable position in your business through patronage. A small nose with a button - you will be treated unfairly and despicably.

Seeing a red nose on the face of a drinking person is a threat to your health. A broken nose means a trap set up by enemies. A broken and bleeding nose is a failure in business and disagreement with a lover.

A cold nose is an accident. Wipe your nose - free yourself from a troublesome business or an intrusive person. A nose with hair sticking out in bunches from the nostrils - do a rash act that will bring misfortune to your family. To see a person with a ring threaded through his nose or a punk with a pin in his nostrils - you will become a victim of the unbridled anger of your boss.

Seeing a noseless face in a dream threatens with serious complications in marital relations, which can lead to divorce. If in a dream you are led by the nose with endless promises, your trust will be cruelly deceived.

Dream interpretation - Nose

A big nose is wisdom and mercy, a well-thought-out business will bring income.

Losing a nose in a dream is a loss or harm.

Wipe your nose - freedom from hassle.

Small nose - to the detriment.

Forked nose - you can go to extremes or need.

Blow your nose in a dream - get a gift.

A pimple on the nose means to be surpassed by someone, as well as a disease of the son.

Fortunately, to have a hairy nose.

Noseless themselves dreamed of losing a good opinion of someone.

Seeing noseless people - make sure they walk you by the nose.

Dream interpretation - Nose

symbolizes something that a person is adorned with in this life, such as wealth, or a father, or a son, or a brother, or a wife, or a companion, or an employee hired by him and their reliability and loyalty. And if the nose of one of them looks more beautiful, then this is a sign of the well-being of those whom it symbolizes. And blackness or large size of the nose is a sign of coercion and violence. A woman who sees a beautiful nose in a dream will give birth to a child: as well as the beauty of the nose, one can judge the merits of its owner. Having two noses will have disagreements in his family. He who does not have a nose in a dream does not keep in touch with relatives at all.

Dream interpretation - Nose

Symbolizes attention and interest.

Snub nose: means empty curiosity, long crooked nose in a dream: a sign of wrong or even perverted ideas.

Hair sticking out of the nostrils: they speak of certain suspicions and guesses, most often ridiculous and unfounded.

If for some reason you paid attention to your own nose: this means that it does not bother you to show special attentiveness. Perhaps in reality you did not notice something important or someone is trying to deceive you.

Runny or stuffy nose: Indicates that you should not rely on your own instincts; they may let you down.

Bloody nose: a sign that worries and worries threaten to deprive you of strength. After such a dream, try to control your emotions and worry less about trifles.

Seeing your nose: for possible problems with the upper respiratory tract; seeing a stranger: for an unfavorable development of the situation, broken: a sign of danger.

Dream interpretation - Nose

Own big nose in a dream predicts wealth, successful completion of a business, important patronage for you.

Too small a nose portends failure, injustice towards you.

Swollen - ill-gotten wealth.

Red - sadness and longing.

Nosebleeds - unfortunately.

Grabbing the nose - to success in love.

Losing your nose in a dream or just seeing yourself without a nose is a very bad dream.

It means illness, divorce, death.

Scratch your nose

Dream interpretation - Nose

A person who dreams that his nose is larger than usual will be rich and powerful.

If he dreams that his nose has become smaller, then this means exactly the opposite.

If you dream that you have two noses, then this predicts a quarrel.

To dream that the nose has become so large that it disfigures the face means that a person will live in luxury, but will not be loved by others.

If someone feels in a dream that his nose is stuffed up so that he has lost his sense of smell, then for a noble person this means an imminent danger from his entourage.

To an ordinary person, this dream portends to be deceived by his friend.

For a woman, this dream predicts that she must beware of deception.

Dream interpretation - Nose

This image may mean that you like to "poke your nose" into other things.

Go about your business, "watch your own nose."

The nose is the most prominent part of your face: it can be a sign of self-confidence.

Are you “turning your nose up”? Pinocchio's nose grew when he told a lie: are you always honest with yourself?

Dream interpretation - Nose

Seeing your own nose - you will show strength of character and realize that you can complete any business you choose;
the nose seems too small to you - failure in business;
the hair growing on the nose is an extraordinary enterprise that has become possible thanks to the strength of your character or will;
a bleeding nose is a misfortune.
Also see Blood.

Dream interpretation - Nose

Seeing your own nose in a dream means that you will show strength of character and will complete any business you have chosen. An exception is a too small nose, in which case you will fail in business. Hair growing on your nose means extraordinary ventures that will be made possible by the strength of your character or will. A bleeding nose is a very unkind sign for a dreamer.

Dream interpretation - Nose

If you saw your own nose in a dream - show your strength of character and you will complete the work you have begun.

In a dream, your nose will seem too small to you - get ready for failure in business.

The hair growing on the nose means the strength of your character.

Blood coming out of the nose is not a good sign.

Dream interpretation - Nose

If you see in a dream that you have a snub nose, you are behaving naively.

If the nose is completely absent - a loss.

If you have a long nose, you are determined.

Determination? In truth, a "long nose" is a completely different character trait. Listen to the rhyme:

Dream interpretation - Nose

Seeing your nose beautiful - to well-being, and ugly - to trouble.

If blood flows from the nose - to trouble.

If a wart grows on the nose - a promotion.

Seeing a person with a big nose - to losses in business and a quarrel with friends.

Dream interpretation - Nose

Lying down to have portends oppression from the strongest, infidelity and treason from home friends or acquaintances.

To have a nose more than usual means an increase in wealth, power and the conclusion of friendship with a nobleman.

Not having a nose at all means the opposite of the above.

Losing your nose means leading a dissolute life.

Having two noses means strife and a fight.

Dream interpretation - Nose

Dream interpretation - Nose

Nose - "Looks into the glass" - to drink (no matter whose nose, the dream touches you). Crooked, big, unusual - be careful with alcohol. You can poison yourself or incite troubles. Falls off - to a disease, the cause of which is licentiousness. Someone without a nose - death threatens. The animal is allergic, possibly to an animal living in your home.

Hold the nose of a stranger

Dream interpretation Hold the nose of an unfamiliar man dreamed why in a dream Hold the nose of an unfamiliar man? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream Hold the nose of a stranger by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - Man (unfamiliar)

To gain financial well-being. Beautiful - Completion of a long-term project. Well-built - along with the state will come fame and recognition. Small growth - small investments will bring big profits. Elderly - financial support from a close relative. Scary or ugly - at first glance, a hopeless business can bring financial well-being. Hunchback - reveal the betrayal of the person you most trusted. With a hat and a cloak - you will have a patron. In light-colored clothes - inheritance. Wearing dark-colored clothes - your long-term work will bring tangible results. Dead - to the discovery of new sources of income. Blond is a beneficial acquaintance. A brunette is an adventurous proposal. In prison - the implementation of your long-cherished plans. Join love relationship - reconciliation with competitors.

Imagine that a stranger from your dream is giving you something.

Dream interpretation - Man (unfamiliar)

Psychological disagreement with oneself, new concern; type of influences (for a man). For a woman, love and sexual ambitions; rough, hard, strong-willed part of the sleeping person. If the elderly is her relationship and feelings associated with her father. Hairy or wild for both sexes, strong animal love interest; wealth; spiritual degradation.

Dream Interpretation - Strangers

In general, the dream is favorable and means new acquaintances. However, you need to pay attention to the details. If you see a crowd of strangers passing by you, you will have a lot of new friends, acquaintance with whom will never develop into friendship, but it can be useful in the future. If a stranger addressed you on the street, the dream portends a new friendship. If you are not married / not married and saw in a dream a stranger of the opposite sex, you may soon have a bride or groom. If at the same time the stranger or stranger was of some exotic appearance, then your future spouse will be a very interesting person.

If you dreamed that some strangers came to your home, this means either a change of residence or an addition to the family. If at the same time you greeted each of them by the hand, expect guests who will bring you stunning news. Perhaps this will turn your destiny upside down.

Riding with strangers in the same compartment - you have a long journey in which you will meet pleasant and helpful people... Flying with a stranger on an airplane - thanks to the support of a secret patron, you will be able to take a high position. Seeing the death of a stranger - unexpected surprises from old friends are possible. Kissing a stranger is fun full of thrills. If you dreamed that you were kissing several strangers, you will have fun in the company of good friends. Giving something to strangers will win the favor of people, even those who have still treated you negatively. Fighting with a stranger of the opposite sex - your love search will be crowned with success. If you dream that a stranger secretly climbed into your house and is going to steal something, such a dream portends a new love.

If you are not interested in performing a dream, imagine that you catch a stranger at the scene of a crime and turn him over to the police. All your belongings are in place, the stranger has not stolen anything. You can work out a dream in a universal way by imagining that you are interested in strangers, you have the most benevolent feelings for them.

Dream interpretation - Nose

A dream about noses is our premonition. Looking at your nose in a dream means that you should pay attention to what has confused you before. The hair that grows on the nose portends good luck in a cunning plan that you yourself have been carrying for a long time. See interpretation: hair.

The larger your nose is in a dream, the more you learn about what interests you, the more faithfully you will behave in a certain situation. This will help you avoid dangerous mistakes and avoid losses. A large nose in a dream is also a symbol of wisdom. Sometimes a dream about a nose enlargement predicts promotion and wealth. To remain in a dream without a nose is a sign of losses, losses, annoying mistakes. The same will mean a dream in which you will see that you have many noses or a split nose. Seeing people with a long nose in a dream warns you that some people are watching you and trying to find out more about your business. Sometimes such a dream predicts that someone will try to pry into your business. In addition, such a dream portends that your ill-wishers will spread bad rumors about you in order to discredit you. If you recognize a person with a long nose in a dream, then you should be careful with him. An ugly nose in a dream means that your instinct will let you down and you can get into an unpleasant mess. To be noseless in a dream means that you will act rashly, and as a result it will come out sideways to you. To see noseless people in a dream is a sign of deception. Literally - you are being led by the nose. If you dream that you have a stuffy nose and cannot breathe, then beware of deception or a cunning trap. See interpretation: suffocate. Wiping your nose in a dream is a sign that you recognize something unpleasant. Bleeding from a nose in a dream is a sign of great worries due to failures or illness of a loved one.

Grabbing someone by the nose in a dream means that success in love awaits you. Whatever you say to the subject of your passion, you will be believed unconditionally. An enlarged nose in a dream portends wealth and money.

Dream interpretation - Hold

Holding a tree branch in your hands means a change in business. If the branch is willow - to joy, if the branch is laurel - success and glory in art await you.

To hold an owl in your hand - in reality you will have to accept and entertain an utterly boring person who does not understand humor. To keep a horse by the bridle in a dream - danger lies in wait for you. If in a dream you are holding a snake in your hands, it means that you will be able to find a way to curb the one who is trying to blackmail you. If a young girl in a dream holds a cat or kitten in her arms, then in reality she will be involved in some unseemly deeds.

Holding a banner in your hands means occupying a false position in society. Holding your horoscope, drawn up by a familiar astrologer, portends unexpected changes in business and a long trip, which will be accompanied by meetings with famous people.

Holding some food in your hands and dropping it means that your lover will transfer his attention to another, and you will regret your unreasonable behavior. Holding an icicle - to the possibility of getting sick for no apparent reason.

If a young girl sees that she is holding someone on her lap, it means that in reality she will be harshly condemned. If she holds a cross in her hands, this predicts that she will observe modesty and goodwill in behavior, which will win the love of others and cause the favor of fate.

Holding a thermometer under your arm means that you are going through family troubles and are not satisfied with your work.

Keeping a pan on fire in a dream portends a verbal skirmish that develops into a household scandal. Holding onto the railing means that you will try to use a desperate opportunity to hold on to the person with passion. Seeing wooden dishes in a dream - you will have the opportunity to make some savings for a rainy day.

Wooden shoes - thanks to frugality, you will achieve wealth. Wooden furniture seen in a dream portends that an atmosphere of mutual discontent and misunderstanding will be established in your house for some time.

Wooden products mean that you are annoyed by a certain bore and you do not know how to get rid of him. Wooden details - to the fact that your intentions will be criticized and will be revised. Wooden crutches or prostheses instead of legs - you have to go on the road. Drinking wood oil - to the illness of someone close to you.

Dream interpretation - Unfamiliar

Seeing a stranger in a dream portends an unwanted pregnancy. If a stranger gives you a place in public transport, in reality you will meet a pleasant and courteous person.

Aggressive stranger sticking to you on the street in a drunken state - you are starting a risky venture that will not bring profit. Hugging in a dream with a stranger is to unexpected guests.

A cute stranger who attracted your attention in a dream portends a change for the better in your affairs. An unfamiliar person with a fierce appearance or an ugly face is a sign of an unfavorable turn of events.

A stranger who happens to be your companion on a long journey will not be satisfied with the course of your affairs, which will decline for a while.

If you dreamed that a horse descended from the sky by parachute suddenly turned into a stranger trying to bite you with its own, - such a dream promises serious failure, unrealizable hopes and your inability to master the situation in a family quarrel.

If in a dream you suddenly find a naked stranger next to you in bed and have sexual intercourse with him - your dissatisfaction literally in everything will disturb the life of your relatives; if you are fleeing from him, in reality, mercantile interests will clearly prevail over spiritual ones, which will turn your lover away from you.

If in a dream a stranger kisses you and you have nothing against it, in real life this portends a loss of respect from your chosen one. A bald or old stranger trying to flirt with you - some annoying person will cause your grief in reality.

A dream in which you wake up in an unfamiliar room means that you will be unexpectedly visited by friends whom you have not seen for many years.

Seeing yourself in a dream in an unfamiliar city means that soon you will probably have to change your dress, job, lover, registration or car model, but certainly to a newer and better one.

To observe in a dream the action of an unfamiliar apparatus or device or to study its action - such an absurd dream means, however, a completely comprehensible thing: you will have to hear all the most unsightly truth about yourself.

Dream interpretation - Wear

A dream in which you carry a weapon with you speaks of the distrust you have in strangers. Carrying firewood in the house, coal means doing hard, but low-paid work. Wearing a watch on your wrist or on a chain in a dream - show enviable punctuality.

Wearing a ring, bracelet or necklace in a dream - you will feel envy of the success of your friends. If you wear jewelry, luck and prosperity await you. Wearing a flower on a dress - fall in love with a wonderful person, which will bring a lot of personal problems.

If you wear glasses in a dream, this portends the society of an obsessive person with whom you will be weary. Wearing a wig means that the changes you have made will not have the effect you hoped for.

Wearing tight shoes that rub calluses on your feet increases wages. Wearing men's clothes - you will soon find yourself in a love captivity. Wearing gloves means that your frugality doesn't hurt to be generous and wasteful in your relationship with the lover you are crazy about.

If in a dream you wear clothes out of season and out of weather, that is, for example, shorts in winter, and a fur coat in summer - such a dream portends that fame, fame and wealth await you. Wearing old, dirty or torn clothes - you will find yourself in a difficult situation and make the wrong choice.

Wearing mourning in a dream - in reality you will be overwhelmed by restless thoughts about your loved ones who are in old age and require attention.

Dream interpretation - Nose

"to turn up your nose" (to be airy), "to poke your nose into your own business" (curiosity). "Keep your nose downwind" to keep abreast of events.

"taken away from under the very nose" (suddenly, imperceptibly), "blood from the nose" (obligation, obligation), "hang up the nose" (despondency). It is good to remember "to hack into your nose".

"lead by the nose" to deceive.

"on the nose" very soon.

"flare nostrils" to take airs, "to smell unkind" (foresight, intuition). "Hit in the nose" vulnerable blow, defeat. "Wipe someone's nose" surpass that person in something. Try hard to "dig the earth with your nose". "Lose the scent", "frosty nose", "blue nose" (like a drunkard), "stay with the nose" (ie, with nothing). "Do not stick your nose into other people's affairs, they can tear them off!" See add. to sniff.

Dream interpretation - Nose

The nose is the son and what happens to him / something related to the male organ of love; what happens to the nose can be about the life of feelings and the ability to express them.

To have a big nose - honor, wealth, power, wisdom / health and well-being of sons / son was born.

To see the big nose of another is a reprimand to receive / feel an artistic talent in oneself.

To have a small nose is damage to honor, it is unfair to suffer / suffer from the inability to express oneself and be understood by others.

To have a snub nose - to behave naively, to be naive.

Not having a nose, losing a nose is harm, loss / not being able to use your rights // feel that you do not have your own self.

To lose a nose, it will be cut off, etc. - defamation, great illness, slander.

To have someone else's nose in a dream - others interfere in your affairs and confuse everything.

It hurts to bump your nose (without blood) - deceived loyalty.

In a dream, having two noses is obstacles.

To wipe your nose is good luck, relief from hassle.

Blowing your nose is a gift to receive.

To have a pimple on the nose - to be surpassed by someone / a disease of the son.

Fortunately, to have a hairy nose.

Dream interpretation - Hold

Entering a boat holding a lantern, torch, lamp is a great happiness.

Holding a sword in hand, injecting another person is a loss.

Holding an object in your hands, you climb the mountains - your wife will bring a noble son.

Holding a lantern, torch, lamp in your hand, you enter the boat - portends great happiness.

Sitting in a boat, you go to your home - portends ruin, loss of wealth.

To hold the sun and the moon in arms is a noble position of the ruler.

To hold banners - mercies, praises, awards.

Holding a bow and arrow in your hands portends great happiness.

Holding a sword (knife) in your hands, striking and stabbing another person - portends a loss.

Holding regalia, banners or similar items in your hands - portends mercy, praise, awards.

It will be a great favor from a noble person to keep a smeared tablet for recording audiences.

Keeping grain in handfuls indicates prosperity and career.

Holding a constellation in your hands is a great wealth and nobility.

Another person holds your mirror in his hands - portends misfortune with his wife.

A woman holds a sword in her hands - great happiness, honor.

A boat or a carriage breaks down, is destroyed - a harbinger of misfortune.

Bear or keep a seal - a noble offspring will be born.

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