Is it necessary to correct the wrong bite? Ways to correct a bite without braces in adults

Having managed to grow up, many never met the orthodontist, although they visit other specialists in dental clinicsoh.

You may be surprised, but of all the dental specialties, it is orthodontics that is primarily responsible for the condition of the teeth and gums, a harmonious face and a beautiful smile, as well as general state human health and psychological comfort.

What is even more interesting, very often, orthodontic treatment allows you to achieve all of the above without pain and surgery, only through the use of "Small forces", which we will talk about in this article.

Term ORTHODONTICS comes from Greek words orthos - straight, correct and odus, odontos - tooth and was first used in 1840, but began to treat defects in the dentofacial system much earlier.

Originally task ORTHODONTICS was correcting the wrong position of individual teeth. Anterior teeth were usually treated. upper jaw solely for aesthetic reasons. Treatment could be reduced to pressure with a finger on a crookedly growing tooth, extraction or rotation of the teeth with forceps.

Developing, orthodontics has become a medical discipline that studies the causes of dentoalveolar anomalies, their effect on the human body and the creation of effective methods prevention and treatment.

The demand for orthodontic treatment is constantly growing and today braces are a sign wealth, a demonstration of concern for their health and beauty.

Let's see why it is necessary to correct defects in the dentition and get acquainted with the methods of orthodontic treatment.

WHY need to correct the wrong bite?

Many adults are still convinced that correcting the bite for themselves and children is not necessary at all, if it does not "hurt the eye." This is a dangerous delusion!

Aesthetic problems with teeth really complicate personal and business communication, but the main danger is that malocclusion - the cause of many diseases and to avoid them it is necessary to restore proper functioning chewing apparatus.

Here are some issues which may result in malocclusion:

  • improperly distributed chewing load accelerates tooth grinding and root exposure (gum recession)
  • the temporomandibular joint is disrupted, which leads to frequent headaches
  • due to the complexity of daily hygiene, caries and periodontitis develop faster
  • having problems with diction
  • due to insufficient chopping of food, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract develop
  • everything is interconnected in the human body and malocclusion is usually accompanied by incorrect posture
  • atypical structure of the maxillofacial region leads to respiratory failure, causing ENT disease
  • there are difficulties with prosthetics, which at a certain age “threatens” everyone

If the connection between malocclusion and most of the listed diseases is not so obvious, then to understand how does the wrong bite affect the shape of the face just watch a few videos:

What bite anomalies are there?

Orthodontics has come a long way from various experiments in attempts to correct malocclusion to effective, scientifically-based treatment methods.

The dental community is obliged to streamline the types of occlusion anomalies by E. Engl, who “having proposed his classification, with one brilliant stroke, put things in order in the chaos of the views existing before him” (German orthodontist A. Schwarz from the book “Radiostatics”).

Engle singled out three types of bite depending on how the first painters come together (“sixes”)

The most physiological for the dentition is closure according to the first class according to Engle. Correcting occlusion pathology, orthodontists strive for this standard.

Anomalies in the development of occlusion can be congenital or acquired.

There are a lot of factors influencing the development of anomalies of the dentofacial system, but no matter how difficult the problem its correction will take only 1.5–2 years. However, preserving treatment results may require lifelong wearing of retention devices.

When and How to correct malocclusion?

If an orthodontist always works on “what is” in adults, then there are two approaches to the treatment of malocclusion in children in world orthodontic practice:

  1. early treatment (on removable and non-removable orthodontic appliances)
  2. wait for adolescence and adjust the bite with the braces

The pediatric pediatrician should be the first to pay attention to bite problems.

In the future, during the formation of the “milk bite”, it is advisable to be observed in the dental clinic in order to timely correct the causes that impede the normal development of the child’s dentofacial system.

The formation of a malocclusion in a child can be affected by artificial feeding, sucking soothers, bad habits, early loss of milk teeth, etc.

Most often, parents show the child to the orthodontist at 5–7 years, when the change of primary teeth to molars begins ( interchangeable bite) The beginning of orthodontic treatment during this period is aimed at creating additional space in the dental arch to accommodate all permanent teeth, as well as to normalize the position of the front and 6 teeth.

Later, most likely, the second stage of orthodontic treatment will be required using bracket systems or eliners (a set of transparent mouth guards), however it will be easier and shorter if there was a first stage.

Features of modern bracket systems

The essence of orthodontic treatment is to move the teeth in the correct position. But how is this achieved?

At the heart of the modern bite correction technique using bracket systems are two major discoveries:

  1. effect material "Shape memory". The metal arc, which is fixed in braces, tends to take the programmed shape and makes the teeth move in the right direction. During treatment, the orthodontist changes several of these arcs until the teeth are in the correct position.
  2. principle "Small forces". Over the years of the development of orthodontics, it was found that the principle of "small forces" is the most effective for quick tooth movement.

    It will be appropriate here analogy with motion in a very viscous fluid: It is obvious that a quick and strong action in a viscous medium will not allow you to move faster.

    As for the movement of teeth, this is achieved due to resorption (resorption) bone tissue on the one hand the tooth is moved and the formation of bone tissue on the other hand to fill the resulting space.

Advantages and features of various bracket systems

The desire to make orthodontic treatment not only effective, but also as comfortable as possible led to a wide variety of equipment for bite correction:

Braces with metal locks (classic!) Reliable, the most inexpensive and effective. A minus can be considered only their visibility on the teeth.

So that the braces do not catch the eye - choose plastic, ceramic or sapphire. Less - they are more expensive than metal and more fragile.

Want more comfort? Choose self-ligating (self-closing) braces.

In conventional bracket systems, gum is used to fix the arc, but they make it difficult to slip the arc inside the braces and create additional stress on the teeth.

In self-ligating bracket systems, the arc is held without additional fastening and at the same time glides freely inside the bracket. In addition to greater comfort, such a design treatment time is reduced and reduces the number of visits to the orthodontist.

Do you want strangers to not know that you have braces? Consult with an orthodontist: is it possible to put lingual braces in your case (this is not always possible!)

Do not want to wear braces, but want straight teeth? And this is possible !!

Many bite problems can be corrected by the eliners - a set of transparent mouth guards for consistent wear.

What will happen after the braces?

It's a shame to waste time and money, so after wearing braces you need to fix the result. For this, retainers are used that are glued from the inside of the teeth and transparent mouth guards that must be worn periodically.

Well-being, a harmonious face and a beautiful smile are worth it to take the time to visit the orthodontist.

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Orthodontic Dentistry

Name of servicePrice
Orthodontist consultation800 ₽
Diagnostic visit to the orthodontist with the preparation of a treatment plan4400 ₽
Production of control diagnostic models2 000 ₽
Single jaw orthodontic plate₽ 13 200
Two-jaw apparatus orthodontic₽20,600
Orthodontic Trainer₽ 17 200
Palatine expansion device19500 ₽
Metal bracket system35 000 ₽
Sapphire Bracket System51 500 ₽
Bracket system Damon Q50,000 ₽
Bracket system Damon Clear61 000 ₽
Bracket Activation3 100 ₽
One-jaw bracket removal4700 ₽
Retainer Installation4100 ₽
Diagnosis of treatment on StarSmile airliners

Diagnostics includes: taking jaw casts, photographic protocol, image analysis (CT and TRG), treatment planning, building a computer model (Setup model) of the final result.

10 000 ₽
Treatment on the airliners. Correction of "light" defects (5-10 cap)80 000 ₽
Treatment on the airliners. Correction of "medium" defects (11-20 cap)₽190,000
Treatment on the airliners. Correction of "complex" defects (more than 21 mouthguards)₽ 220,000
Rebuild Capa7500 ₽

Is it worth it to correct the bite, because nature has long "put everything in its place"? What to do: wear or leave everything as is? Anna Tokareva, the main orthodontist of the Belgravia Dental Studio and Dental Fantasy dental clinics, answers these questions to Mail.Ru Health.

In adults, the teeth no longer move: growth is complete, the bone has strengthened

Teeth can be moved at any age. Even if an adult does not wear braces, teeth can still move. For example, the eruption of the third (wisdom teeth) can provoke the movement of teeth - the appearance or intensification of crowding.

Or suppose a loss of one chewing tooth, in this case, the antagonist tooth (on the opposite jaw) moves forward. And the neighboring teeth begin to move or bend, trying to fill the void.

If you put braces in adulthood, the teeth will move as the orthodontist intended.

Braces are very painful

Only at the time of getting used to. There are two reasons for temporary discomfort: at the beginning of orthodontic treatment, a bracket is fixed for each tooth, which touches the mucous membrane of the cheek and lips (when installing external braces) or the tongue (if these are lingual braces).

During chewing, swallowing, talking, protruding braces may rub.

In response to irritation, a protective stratum corneum (like corns in open areas of the skin) forms on the mucous membrane at the site of contact with the braces, and sensitivity gradually decreases.

In adults, addiction on average takes from 3-5 days to 2 weeks.

A clinical case of orthodontist Anna Tokareva, Belgravia Dental Studio

For comfort, in the first days after installing the bracket system, you can glue the bracket with orthodontic wax, and apply a special gel to the mucous membrane.

The second reason for discomfort at the beginning of treatment is the work of the arc embedded in the groove of the braces. It is the arcs that trigger the mechanism of tooth movement and control their position in three planes.

At the beginning of treatment, arches with shape memory are used - they tend to return to their original position, thereby affecting the position of the teeth and gradually give the dentition an ideal shape.

The mechanism of tooth movement and bone remodeling begins with a sprain or compression of the ligaments that hold the teeth in the bone holes.

Ligaments upper teeth adapt in 3-5 days, and on the lower, bone tissue has a higher density, so addiction can last up to 7-10 days.

The arcs in the bracket system change with a certain periodicity, after changing the arc, the discomfort (according to most patients) is 2-3 times weaker - the ligaments are already used to light tension.

If you move your teeth in an adult, it is not stable, everything will return to its original position

The stability of the position of the teeth depends on how tightly the upper and lower teeth close together, meeting with matching surfaces. In the language, this is called "occlusal contacts."

It is in this position that the teeth hold each other from displacement. To prevent bending and twisting of the front teeth, a thin fixed arc called flex-retainer is fixed on the inner surface.

According to the protocol, the time of use of fixed retainers is on average equal to two treatment periods on braces.

In some cases, the orthodontist appoints a removable retainer - a transparent mouthguard or plate. They must be worn for 10-12 hours (evening and night) for 6 months after removing the braces. Kappa's task is to maintain the shape of the dental arches until the bone has gained a “new memory”.

In addition, removable retainers can prevent the displacement of the front teeth if the flex retainer is detached from one or more teeth.

Moving teeth in an adult is always a very long time

The movement of teeth inside the bone tissue occurs at a certain speed: on the upper jaw - 0.8 mm per month, on the lower - 0.3 mm per month. Orthodontists use these data to predict the timing of treatment. On average, for an adult patient it is 2-3 years.

there is modern technology, which significantly reduces time - this is the ultrasonic preparation of the bone . The phenomenon of acceleration of processes is launched, bone tissue becomes "obedient", bone fibers are built in those areas where there is a shortage of space.

Thanks to this new bone, the result is more stable, as the “memory” of the position of the teeth is enhanced. This method allows you to move your teeth 2-3 times more, while reducing the need to remove permanent teeth.

Braces have to wear only 10-12 months. In addition, such preparation improves the condition of the periodontium (tissues surrounding the tooth) and reduces the likelihood of pathology in the future.

Anna Tokareva


The technique is primarily suitable for adult patients with moderate or severe malocclusion.

Our expert is dentist Ksenia Okatova.

To assess whether your child is included in 10% of happy people who do not have problems with closing their teeth or not is not difficult in most cases. And you can start from the age of three, when the child usually completely erupts all the baby teeth.

"Say: fish!" - “Herring!”

Firstly, it is necessary to evaluate the general symmetry of the native person. And then ask the child to grit his teeth and smile, exposing his gums. That's right - when the front upper teeth close the lower ones by about a third, and the teeth themselves are even and without gaps. Now we need to draw an imaginary vertical line through the middle of the child’s face, and if it passes evenly between the front incisors of the upper and lower jaw, then, most likely, everything is in order. In addition, it is worth paying attention to whether there is excessive plaque on some teeth. This may be due to insufficient chewing load on the site. Also, a reason for a visit to the orthodontist may be bleeding gums and speech therapy problems. If the child does not like to chew solid food and always refuses offers to chew an apple or carrot, then showing him to the orthodontist will also not hurt. And finally, be sure to take the child to the dentist if he complains of chronic headaches (they may be associated with dysfunction in the temporomandibular joint).

It's not right

The consequences of malocclusion can be:

  • asymmetric development of facial bones;
  • dysfunction of the temporomandibular joints (which in addition to unpleasant sounds when chewing or even yawning in addition brings very serious headaches);
  • trauma to the oral cavity;
  • impaired speech, chewing, breathing;
  • the development of diseases of the stomach and ENT organs, multiple caries. Therefore, it is necessary to correct teeth not only for the sake of beauty.

Do it once!

In children of gardening age, occlusion correction is carried out using myotherapy - gymnastics for the masticatory muscles and oral cavity. Also, this method is great for the prevention of dentition problems. True, after 7 years, such gymnastics can no longer be used as an independent method of treatment, it is used only in combination. For example, a doctor may prescribe myotherapy before or, conversely, after orthodontic treatment. In the first case, to prepare the dentition for wearing plates. In the second - to consolidate the results achieved.

As in any fitness, systematization is important here (gymnastics should be done daily), sufficient, but not excessive intensity, gradualness (exercises should go from simple to complex) and, of course, correct execution, so parents must control how the baby does. The exercises that the orthodontist recommends are simple: you need to open your mouth wide or push your lower jaw as far forward as possible, grip your pencil with your teeth, puff out your cheeks, yawn, clatter your tongue, put your lips in a tube and blow the fluff off an imaginary dandelion. But each type of bite has its own exercises, so only a doctor should develop a complex. Physiotherapy exercises for the jaws contribute better nutrition tissues, and therefore, effective and, most importantly, the proper growth of muscles and bones of the jaw apparatus, as well as improving its functioning. With constant practice of myogymnastics, you can correct the wrong bite. Of course, if the pathology is not too significant.


In more complex cases, and for older children, you can not do without removable structures - plates or trainers. These devices move teeth mechanically and stimulate the growth of the jaw bones. Teenagers use soft trainers (elayner) and hard bracket systems. Vestibular plates and trainers, as a rule, should be worn for an hour during the day and put on at night. If the defect is associated with an improper size or incorrect position of the jaw bones, resort to surgery. But in children, surgical treatment is used very rarely, because unlike adults, they can still affect bone growth using only conservative means. However, parents should know that the sooner they show the child to the orthodontist, the shorter and cheaper the treatment.

Causes of malocclusion

  • Long dummy sucking and artificial feeding (after all, when eating from a bottle, the baby's jaw does not get the proper load, as with natural feeding).
  • Mouth breathing (e.g., with adenoids, chronic sinusitis).
  • Sucking your finger or sucking your lower lip, and putting your tongue between your teeth.
  • Improper swallowing (normally this should happen almost imperceptibly, but some children swallowing, for example, puff out their cheeks or tighten their lips).
  • Improper posture.

Types of malocclusion

Mesial (or reverse) bite. The most common pathology. The lower jaw protrudes forward, overlapping the upper. This worsens the anatomy of the face and leads to external deformities. Perhaps the chin advanced forward will not spoil the manly appearance of the young man, but here the girl will not look so attractive anymore.

Distal (prognathic) bite. Excessive development of the upper jaw or underdevelopment of the lower jaw. Here the picture is the opposite - the chin goes back, and there is no trace of masculinity of appearance. Such a profile also will not decorate a girl.

Open bite - the teeth of both jaws do not close at the side (lateral open bite) or in front (front open bite). It is believed that such a bite provokes excessive abrasion of enamel.

Deep (or traumatic) bite. The upper incisors cover the lower ones by more than half. The profile changes, the chin is pressed, the digestive tract and self-esteem suffer.

Lowering bite. Formed by the erasure or loss of teeth.

Cross bite. There is a horizontal displacement of one jaw relative to the other. In this case, the dentitions intersect each other. Apparently, they say about such a bite: “A tooth doesn’t get on a tooth.” It threatens many violations: from poor digestive tract function to speech therapy problems.

Not every parent pays attention to the fact that his child has childhood ugly teeth. However, over time and as they grow older, the problem only worsens. Quite often, it causes the development of a complex that interferes with normal communication with others.

You can correct the bite with the help of braces. However, not every person agrees to walk for several months or even years with a metal structure in his mouth. The inconvenience and discomfort when wearing braces is one of the reasons why orthodontists use alternative methods to correct the bite.

How is the correction of malocclusion without braces in adults? We will understand in this article.

Ways to correct malocclusion

A crooked dentition can be corrected at absolutely any age. Therefore, the "Hollywood smile", which many dream of, can become a reality.

It is worth noting that in childhood, the correction of the crooked dentition is more painless and much faster, but you should not despair, you can solve the problem in more adult years. Dentists currently have a wide variety of adult occlusion correction techniques.

The main and most common way is to install a bracket system. Modern braces can be made not only of metal, but also of other materials that will be less noticeable in the mouth.

Plastic and ceramic braces

The least visible are braces made of plastic or ceramic. But other methods can be used to correct the bite.

In order to correct occlusion in adults without bracket systems, trainers, plates, and mouth guards can be used. Also, the defect can be eliminated with the help of artistic restoration. In this case, lumineers and veneers are used. A more radical method is surgery. Each of the listed methods allows you to get a good result, it is absolutely painless for the patient.

In some cases, it may be necessary to correct a bite without braces in adults?

Types of tooth defects

Bite is the closure of the lower and upper dentition. Quite often, a violation occurs in the normal evenness of the dentition, cracks or gaps may appear in the closure, crooked teeth become visible. In some cases, minor deviations do not affect the aesthetic appearance of the face and do not cause inconvenience.

However, do not forget that even a small shift can provoke serious consequences. Over time, the curve of the dentition and malocclusion give rise to periodontal disease, headaches, abrasion of the enamel of the teeth.

In this case, chewing can cause pain due to lateral compression of the teeth. With changes that are not global in nature, correcting a bite without braces in adults does not have to spend a lot of money and time.

Types of Offset Bites

Offset bites are classified as follows:

Use of cap to correct malocclusion in adults

An incorrect bite not only negatively affects the aesthetic appearance, but also can cause disturbances in diction, provoke diseases of the gums and teeth. That is why it should not be delayed with treatment, it is necessary to consult a dentist.

Most often, doctors suggest traditional methods defect correction - installation of a bracket system made of metal or ceramic.

However, if the patient does not want to wear such structures for a long period of time, mouth guards can be used to correct the bite. Their other name is the eliners. Their main advantage is that they are completely invisible to the prying eyes. Methods of bite correction in adults are of interest to many.

What are the mouthguards made of?

Mouthguards are made of various materials, for example, polyurethane, silicone, thermoplastic. Capa is made individually for each patient. To this end, it is required to make a plaster cast of the patient’s teeth and form a cast of the normal position of the teeth. After that, using the above materials, an intermediate burl is made, which should be worn for several months.

After this period, you should wear another model, which will be closer to the desired result. Changing the cap occurs until the bite is completely corrected. The process is quite long, it can take from a year and a half to two years.

The most effective and convenient to use is thermoplastics. It acquires plasticity if it is wetted, and after putting it on your teeth it hardens, fixing itself securely.

According to reviews, correcting the bite with mouthguards in adults is very effective.

Positive aspects of using cap

The main advantages that mouthguards have for smoothing the dentition include the following:

  • Wearing a mouth guard does not cause pain, they are quite comfortable.
  • When carrying out hygiene procedures, while eating, the mouth guard can be removed.
  • Mouthguards are completely invisible in the mouth, as they are made of transparent materials.
  • Quite easy to care for - they should be washed under water.
  • Do not have a destructive effect on the enamel of the teeth.

Basic rules for wearing cap

When wearing a cap, certain rules must be observed:

  1. It is strictly forbidden to eat and drink drinks without removing the mouthpiece. Drinking with a mouth guard in the mouth can only be mineral water.
  2. After eating, rinse and brush your teeth thoroughly. A mouth guard can only be worn on clean teeth.
  3. Storage of the tray should take place in a special container. It is provided to the patient along with the mouthpiece.

To achieve the desired result, it must be worn for as long as the doctor recommends.

When is it necessary to carry out correction of occlusion in adults? surgically? About it further.

Surgical correction of malocclusion in adults

For those patients who do not want to wear the device for a long time, there is an alternative and fairly quick way to align the dentition.

An operation can be prescribed if there is a significant deformation of the jaw joints.

This method of correcting malocclusion in adults without the use of braces is the most expensive. However, the operation allows you to eliminate the problem in a very short time, causing not only aesthetic inconvenience, but also causing digestive disorders.

Another indisputable advantage of this method is that face symmetry is restored, which, in turn, allows you to change the appearance of a person for the better. A person with proportionality is more attractive.

Also, later we will consider bite correction by trainers in adults.

When is surgery required?

Surgery to correct the bite can be prescribed in the following cases:

  1. There is an asymmetry and a shift towards the chin.
  2. Diagnosed open bite.
  3. There is a pathology that cannot be treated with conservative methods.
  4. The face is distorted as a result of injury.

There are currently several types surgical interventionto correct bite defects. For example, to align the dentition, an incision is made in the gums and jaw bone.

If there is a gap formed as a result of removal of the unit, then a prosthesis may be implanted in its place. To install it, a titanium pin is inserted into the gum bone, on which a crown is put on, similar in appearance to other teeth.

Surgical correction of teeth and jaw is carried out exclusively under general anesthesia.

According to reviews, correction of malocclusion in adults is carried out quite often.

Orthodontic bite repair plates

An orthodontic plate can also help correct a malocclusion. They set it on the gums and the sky, attached to the teeth with metal hooks.

However, the plate allows you to correct only minor errors. When worn, the plate does not cause discomfort, is not noticeable to others. Caring for a device made of plastic is quite simple, because it can be easily removed if necessary.

What else is being used to correct a deep bite in adults?

Using Trainers

This design is similar in appearance to a mouth guard, however it is much more massive, and they are used to align individual teeth.

Trainers are quite effective with minor distortions and are used by dentists to normalize the position of the jaws in relation to each other. Trainers do not require constant wearing.

Such devices are sold in ordinary pharmacies; they do not require individual adjustment. In this regard, the cost of this method of correction of the bite is much lower.

Correction of the occlusion in an adult is possible, but most often it takes a lot of time, because the complete formation of the jaws is completed at the age of 14-15 years, after which blood circulation in the peridental space is reduced to a minimum. It is this feature that causes a slower change in the position of the tooth than in childhood.

A qualified orthodontist will help you choose the most effective and fastest way to correct the defect, depending on the individual characteristics of the patient. Be that as it may, crooked teeth need to be aligned. This will improve the chewing process, reduce the load on the stomach and gastrointestinal tract.

Artistic correction of crooked dentition and malocclusion

For artistic correction, special devices are used, which are called veneers, which are very thin plates. They are glued with a durable cementitious compound to the front of the tooth. They do not correct the bite, but allow you to visually align minor curvatures, make the smile more aesthetic. Artistic correction of the occlusion in adults, the photo of which can be found in the article, is an instant method, because to install veneers you will have to visit the dentist only twice.

Veneer pads are of two types:

Orthopedic veneers can completely change the appearance of the teeth, if all of them are veneered.

Some experts do not use pre-grinding of dental irregularities, which allows you to replace the veneer with another if necessary.

If micro prosthetics is done qualitatively, then the term of wearing of veneers can be up to twenty years.

The most durable materials used in the manufacture of veneers are similar in composition to tooth enamel. Artistic correction using lumineers and veneers is a rather expensive procedure, but its effect is almost instant.

So, we examined in detail the correction of bite without braces in adults.

Most braces pages on the Internet are advertising. They propagate the bracket of the system (BS), list its strengths, demonstrate the best clinical cases cured with its help. However, it will be wrong not to show the flip side of the coin. Any subject has negative sides, shortcomings and imperfections. It should help to give people a skeptical view of orthodontic treatment in order to weed out patients whose treatment can go according to a negative scenario, cause problems in life, and sometimes cause damage to health. If a orthodontic appliances If they are used strictly for medical reasons, the percentage of successful cases of treatment will be higher. Our article on contraindications for braces.

Long-term orthodontic treatment

What is common between an ocean liner making transatlantic voyages and orthodontic equipment?

Of course, modern sea vessels are the result of scientific and technological progress and the work of highly qualified engineers and workers. But, despite this, crossing the ocean on such a ship for a very long time, and this is a serious drawback for long-distance travel. There are other inconveniences. For example, the occurrence of seasickness. There are lovers of such trips, but not many. Most people choose a flight by plane.

Orthodontic tooth movements cannot be fast. A high rate of movement destroys the periodontal teeth, stimulate the resorption of bone tissue and tooth roots.

Do braces improve your health?

It’s bad if the orthodontist is terrifying, warning that refusal of treatment in the future will lead to headaches, problems with the jaw joints and other cataclysms of the body, the meaning of which is not specified.

The first thing to talk about with patients who want to correct the wrong ratio is the myth of disasters that occur if it is not corrected. This myth has nothing to do with reality. If we study the scientific literature on this request, of course, we will find many works authoritatively proving the connection of the pathology of occlusion with other problems of the dentofacial system. But do not confuse the relationship and direct dependence. It will be correctly formulated as follows: bruxism will necessarily lead to tooth abrasion, problems with the jaw joint (TMJ) and will stimulate the occurrence of headaches. But uneven teeth and a pathological ratio, most likely, will not do anything. But the combination of improper occlusion and bruxism will lead to the development of problems with more serious consequences. That is: an incorrect bite does not harm, but in combination with other etiological factors enhances, potentiates and aggravates harmful trends.

You can look at the situation differently. Let's ask ourselves: how many people in the world live and live with dentoalveolar anomalies? It turns out that according to various researchers, from 70 to 88% have orthodontic problems. If you follow the logic that everything is to blame for the bite, then only one out of ten people can count on health and the absence of pain. On the other hand, the theory perfectly explains the headaches in the female half of humanity and can be useful in family psychology and psychoanalysis.

Our recommendations. Do not correct the bite for an ephemeral increase in health. Braces exist for about a hundred years, and human evolution lasts millions of years. Mankind has lived without bracket systems (BS) for its entire long history and has learned to survive regardless of the shape of the dentofacial system. Let other reasons be the main motive for the treatment, and “increasing health” is a secondary argument. Do not believe if you are told that headaches are associated only with the wrong ratio! There must be other reasons for the pains that are only fueled by jagged teeth.

Is it possible in each case to get the perfect result?

Whether we are improving overall health by correcting the bite, or not improving, this issue can be considered in another aspect. And can each person get the perfect bite with the help of BS. It turns out that not all! Many patients who wish to undergo orthodontic treatment have disproportionate jaw bones. BS can not affect the size of the jaws, but can only change the position of the teeth. Thus, a new tooth position is a compromise. It is optimal for the abnormal structure of the facial skeleton. So, in the final treatment, the bite remains largely wrong. And treatment is just a pursuit of aesthetics. An example of such a treatment:

A detailed description of this clinical case in the article

Do braces worsen the shape and proportions of the face?

Are you planning to install braces? Do not forget to discuss with the orthodontist how to change your face during treatment. Most cases requiring orthodontic intervention, to a greater or lesser extent, change the shape of the face. The most common effect of tooth alignment is the deviation of the frontal group forward. The question is whether the incidence of the incisors will affect your physiognomy well. Their angle of inclination not only determines the smile, but also dictates how much the lips will protrude. There are other complications that worsen the oval and profile of a person: a sharp chin, sunken cheeks, sunken lips, deepened nasolabial and chin folds. I think no one doubts that these are very important aspects. Therefore, the preparation of a treatment plan should take into account changes in the face and the final position of the incisors of the upper and lower jaw. It is in order not to worsen the proportions of the facial skeleton that orthodontists resort to tooth extraction.

Sometimes it turns out that making an orthodontic treatment plan is not easy. Treatment requires orthognathic surgery, but patients are afraid to undergo surgical treatment.

In the article we discuss how to make a difficult choice and not worsen the facial skeleton with orthodontics.

Why did the malocclusion form?

This section is very, very important. We have reached the climax. If you are not ready to accept information about the causes of malocclusion, then you definitely definitely can’t install BS.

How is each person's bite formed? During the natural growth of the child, the jaw bones receive constant impulses that stimulate growth in a certain direction. What forms these impulses? The forces applied to the objects of the maxillofacial region. First of all, these are muscles: chewing, facial, tongue and lips. Lips and tongue can affect the growth of the jaws and the position of the teeth, both directly and with the participation of other objects. Influence can be natural and harmonious. And it can be pathological and destructive.

  • If the pacifier is used up to 5 years, then it will incorrectly direct the power of the tongue and lips. These are great pathological forces;
  • The habit of sucking a finger will cause enormous pathological forces of pressure on the alveolar processes. The consequences will be colossal;
  • The habit of drinking while eating causes an abnormal function of the lips and tongue. But these are soft powers. But they smoothly and methodically spoil the bite.

So, year after year, the stereotype of the action of the tongue and lips form a certain space that is very comfortable for them. And at twelve or twenty-five, when a person decides to change his bite, he invades the usual scheme of the dentition. It seems to violate the sphere of influence customary for the tongue and lips. This is equivalent to how to deprive a person of a psychological aspect of personal space. A riot will definitely begin. And so the tongue and lips begin to resist orthodontic intervention. Their pressure will impede the movement of teeth by orthodontic appliances. But the pressure of the muscular organs is much stronger than the action of the BS or any other apparatus. The tongue can develop strength of 500 grams, the circular muscle of the mouth - 300 grams.

Take a look at this photo. Deep imprints of teeth are clearly visible on the tongue. Obviously, the yak constantly and with great force presses on the teeth. Such pressure leads to tooth loss in patients after the age of 40, when the periodontium of the teeth becomes less resistant to stress. No orthodontist can cope with such a language!

A short bridle can limit the freedom of movement of the tongue, leading to its perverse function.

A short bridle not only distorts the function of the soft tissues, but also causes a too tight connection between the soft tissues and the jaw bones. So any movement of the tongue or lips develops the pulling forces that are the cause of the pathology.

If you are not ready to radically change the work of the lips and tongue, you can not install BS! You will receive complications of orthodontic treatment. Braces can only harm health, spoiling the bite even more.

Complications of orthodontic treatment

During any treatment, errors can be made and for each specific complications are characteristic. Orthodontics, which is a medical discipline, is no exception. From the point of view of the chronology of the presentation of the material, this section should be placed in the final. Given the importance of the section, then it should devote not one, but many articles, placing different accents. But since we mentioned the possibility of complications, we list the main ones:

  • Pathological displacements and failure to achieve the goal of orthodontic treatment;
  • Deterioration of dental periodontal conditions: gum recession, resorption of interdental bone septa, formation or increase of pathological periodontal pockets, resorption of apex of roots;
  • Peeling off orthodontic locks and equipment breakdowns;

Complications arising during the treatment of BS become possible in cases of ignoring all the principles described in this article. Our publication aims to reduce negative statistics, and we indicated this at the beginning.

What is malocclusion and does it affect chewing function?

Management and supervision of patients of different age groups, with different kinds complaints seeking help from our dentistry allows you to make some important observations. BS in Ukraine appeared about 20 years ago. How are those patients who, due to their age, could not afford to correct the bite? It turns out that, despite different types anomalies and the severity of the pathology, the vast majority of them do not note difficulties in chewing food. Only patients with skeletal malocclusion, and these are very gross violations, complain of such a problem. And another thing is carious lesions, toothache or loss of natural teeth. But in these cases, chewing function deteriorates sharply. Therefore, the desire to correct the bite in order to improve the function of desire seems somewhat far-fetched. Aesthetics is another matter! This is an important motivating moment for installing a BS.

Can smooth teeth be considered a natural condition?

In communication with the patient, the doctor often uses the terms "norm" and "pathology". People do not think much about the meaning of these terms, but intuitively or associatively wish that everything was normal and that there was no pathology.

What does the medical concept of "norms" mean? On the one hand, it is a synonym for health. Therefore, if we see even a slight deviation of the tooth, its turn or displacement, then this is no longer the norm. On the other hand, the concept of "norma" is a measure of health. Everything in nature is naturally adapted, lives, continues to live - is the norm. With this formulation, it can be argued that uneven teeth are the norm. Duration and quality of life are not directly related to most pathological occlusion types and tooth abnormalities.

But for people considering the possibility of installing braces, it will probably be interesting to know that straight teeth and an orthognathic bite are an unstable position. We sometimes encounter situations when adult patients share their stories: the teeth were even before, but then they became crooked. Why is this happening? It is not serious to associate such facts with the presence of wisdom teeth or the habit of sleeping on the right side. Better to listen to the opinion of physicists.

Physicists have long understood that the degree of disorder in the world (nature) always strives to increase. The degree of disorder describes the physical concept of entropy. Entropy (degree of disorder) is always growing. And in order to maintain order, you must constantly spend energy. This is where the concept of life-long retention came from. The entropy of the dentoalveolar system strives to increase, and only wearing retainers will protect against chaos.

Can a retainer hold teeth?

You have already read that you cannot do without a retainer. : removable are used on the upper jaw, non-removable on the lower jaw.

Retainers can constantly break, and can serve for many years. What determines the efficiency and durability of retention devices:

  • First, carefully re-read the paragraph on the causes of jagged teeth. It is called "Why did the malocclusion form?"
  • Secondly, remember that you cannot correct the bite by half! Since thereby you enter a state of unstable equilibrium. Relapse will come necessarily, the only question is when it will happen.
  • Thirdly. Make retainers right!

If you think that you will do without retention devices, then it’s better not to install a BS for yourself!

What does cooperation with an orthodontist mean?

If you read to the end of the article, then we will upset you completely! Braces do not know how to straighten teeth! Teeth align arcs, springs, chains, ligatures. All these elements must be skillfully coordinated by an orthodontist. If you do not follow the simple but important recommendations of the dentist, the treatment is slow and with complications. A good understanding between the doctor and the patient is called cooperation. Good cooperation is quality treatment. Poor cooperation is a bad result. It’s hardest to work with teenagers, especially if good result parents want, and the child is forced to come to terms with the will of elders. If we find out that a child is forced into braces by force, then we refuse to treat such a patient! Only the general efforts of the doctor and patient aimed at achieving one goal will help to achieve the desired result!

Medical contraindications for installing braces

There are medical contraindications for the treatment of braces. These are conditions in which orthodontic treatment will be perverted and can harm the patient.

  • For example, bone and connective tissue, do not allow bone tissue to be rebuilt according to the new position of the teeth. But such diseases are very rare. But periodontitis is a common disease. If periodontal disease is in the initial reversible stages, then you can turn to the orthodontist after quality therapy at the periodontist dentist;
  • Serious contraindications are systemic diseases of the blood, immune and endocrine systems;
  • Treatment is contraindicated in mental disorders and severe forms of bruxism;
  • Orthodontics are contraindicated in chronic infectious diseasessuch as tuberculosis.

Modern orthodontics offers great opportunities to make a smile great with braces. But ignoring the laws by which the dentofacial system exists will necessarily lead to disappointment with the result. Our advice, install braces only if you seriously delve into all the paragraphs described in this article. Accepting all twelve positions and working positively with them, you will get an excellent result.

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