The child has a stomach ache every evening. The reasons why the child has a stomach in the night in transport or sea disease

Everyone knows that if a person is sick - it's bad if a child is sick, who is still not able to talk, then it is 100 times worse. If a child has a belly at night, it affects all living in the house: someone "sleepy" goes to work. And if one of the parents works by a dispatcher of airline or rail transport, it becomes important and clear for everyone - as much in this world depends on the health of a small little man.

Causes of pain

Like adults and children in abdominal pain, they are also called abdominal, they may arise due to diseases of internal organs, such as: liver, pancreas, stomach, kidneys, appendix and many others and muscle diseases, ligaments , tendons. Wherein. In children, especially at an early age, there is often a pseudo-condominal syndrome, which is characterized by some features: The fact is that in children in some diseases - otitis, meningitis, osteomyelitis, there is an elevated temperature, frequent vomiting, the intestinal work is disturbed (diarrhea or constipation) . All symptoms are observed as with acute intestinal infections. But when the child is alone or sleeps, the doctor manages to determine that the belly is not solid, affordable, painless (since the child does not wake up) and then the cause of the acute state is not in intestinal diseases, which requires additional diagnostic measures that reveal the true disease.

So, the main reasons for pain in the abdomen in children are:

elevated emotional load; the presence of worms; infectious diseases, incl. cold (flu, angina, pneumonia, etc.); Diseases of the gastrointestinal organs, incl. appendicitis; Diseases gOOD SYSTEM; poisoning with various substances.

Pain differ in character of manifestation:

catching - pain occurs with waves and unexpectedly; Permanent - manifest when strengthening what is happening inflammation in the body.

Pain differ by origin:

Somatic pains occur when irritating sensitive receptors of spinal nerves. Somatic receptors are available in bile ducts, in ureters and parietal peritoneum and therefore, such pains are also called parietal. These pain determine clear localization. Visceral pains in which the trunks of the nervous system are conductors of pain. These pains are characterized by the absence of a clear localization and are formed as a result of strong peristalities, muscle spasm of central origin or colic.

In pathologies in the abdominal cavity pain often have a mixed character - one type can be replaced by another. For example, with inflammation of the appendix, the pains first do not have a certain localization, i.e. They are manifested by visceral type, and when the inflammatory process reaches its apogee, they acquire somatic nature and are clearly defined in the right iliac region.

Psychoic pains - manifest themselves in the form of colic in the abdomen, usually arise from very emotional children. Frequently combined with pain in the head, nausea may also appear, the stomach disorder, the temperature and blood pressure can increase. Provice this state may be fright, uncertainty, fear of unknown, the need to go somewhere or fly.

Possible diseases depending on age

The concept of the child implies large group Children aged 0 to 18 years, therefore, the causes, and the course of the disease, and some symptoms will be very different depending on age. Below will look at why pains, tormenting children of various age groups arise, and what are the causes of their causing.

Up to 1 year


The manifestation of pain in newborns is a natural process of becoming the work of the gastrointestinal tract, in conditions outside of the morning existence. At this time, the intestinal microflora has not yet been formed, the food is poorly digested and digested, which leads to the process of fermentation and gas formation. The attacks of intestinal colic in newborns can continue for 4 hours, with small breaks, in children with age 3 and 4 months - 1.5-2 hours.

In case of intestinal colic, nausea, vomiting, constipation occur. Kids behave restlessly, they cannot fall asleep, put the legs to the tummy, the temperature can rise from frequent and continuous crying.

The main factors provoking the appearance of colic:

Unbalanced diet of the mother. If the baby is on breast feeding, then the mother itself is of great importance. Excessive use of oily, fried, smoked food, chocolate, sauerkraut leads to abdominal pains in a child. Overeating. In other words, if the kid ate more than it can digest his body, then fermentation processes are not rebounded, forming gas formation, while the intestinal walls are pressure, resulting in pain. Improper breastfeeding technique or from a bottle with a nipple, if the child gets artificial nutrition. As a result of the sucking reflex, the baby captures the air and as if he swallows him, and after he fills him with milk. The air has nowhere to go to the body, and it presses on the intestinal walls, causing discomfort and severity. In this case, you need to give the child to overturn air from the intestine. Will help his wearing in this vertical position after meal.

Can help in combating colic:

Light massages. Between the adoptions of the baby's food are put on the tummy or on a barrel and they are handing lighter longitudinal movements on his body - from shoulders to the legs, provoking the outlet of the gazikov.

Physical exercises. Chado is put on the back and pressed the legs alternately to his tummy, saying in a gentle voice: "The little legs ran along the track." Such a game will improve not only digestion, but also the emotional state of the child. In addition, instinctively realizing that it becomes better from such movements, the child will make them himself during the reception of air baths or just in the crib. At the same time, the muscles of the abdomen and legs will train, which has not been damaged yet. Strict day mode. The child should have a clear routine of feeding, walking, sleep - only then his body will work like a Swiss watch.

If, despite all your efforts, pain does not stop - you need to call a doctor. Doing anything yourself should not be, it is especially categorically forbidden to take painful agents, because Their action leads to a change in the symptoms of the disease, and it is difficult for a doctor to determine the diagnosis.


It is characterized by a change in the composition of microorganisms, which are in the intestine, which contributes to the appearance of concrete bacteria, and the fat intestine mucosa begins to suffer from inflammation. There is a violation of the digestibility of the vitamins of the group B, the absence of which leads to the appearance of constipation, which in turn enhances the dysbacteriosis.

The results of these processes can be:

bloating and meteorism; An unpleasant smell of mouth and increased salivation; dryness skin Pokrov and stomatitis on the mucous membranes; The constipation can change diarrhea that continues for more than 2-3 days, with the predominance of the foamous mucus of green and bloody streaks; lack of appetite; noticeable lagging in weight.

The cause of dysbiosis in children can be the following reasons:

pathology during childbirth and long-term foundation in the maternity hospital; infectious diseases (respiratory-viral, intestinal, gunnow, etc.) that require adoption of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs; Physiological immaturity motor function intestines; Violated operation of the gastrointestinal tract (vomiting, joining, constipation, impaired absorption and intestinal dysfunction); primary immunodeficiency; Later applying to the chest; lack of breastfeeding or early translation of the child on artificial milk mixtures; An unfavorable psychological atmosphere in the house, constant stress.

For the purpose of diagnostics, laboratory feces are carried out on dysbacteriosis, on a conditionally pathogenic microflora and a coprogram.

During the treatment of dysbacteriosis, drugs are prescribed, which include bacteria similar to those in the composition of what is present in a normal microflora.

From 1 year to 3 years

Intestinal flu

Acute intestinal viral disease. Other its names are gastric flu, viral gastroenteritis or rotavirus infection. Transmitted as a result of direct contact with the patient. The source of infection can be infected water, food and toys.

The disease is dangerous for kids who have not yet formed their own protection in the form of immunity, as well as for those who have already weakened the immune system.

The disease is characterized by a short incubation period - from several hours to days, less often up to 3-5 days, the rapid beginning and the appearance of intense and increasing abdominal pain.

Also, the disease is accompanied by:

nausea and numerous vomiting; diarrhea with admixture of mucus and sometimes with blood; dizziness and headaches; high temperature, up to 38-39 degrees; Chills and weakness.

Diagnosis is carried out on the basis of laboratory tests of feces, urine, blood. In the event of a detection of this disease, the child is subject to hospitalization into an infectious hospital, where it is washed with the stomach and disinfecting and antibacterial therapy is assigned. When a child begins to recover, preparations are used that restore the intestinal microflora - Linex, Bifiform, Hilak Forte.

In the case of strong loss of fluid are carried out medical eventsrecovery water balance preparations: regiders, oralitis, electrolyte, colloidal solution and other analogs, because with sharp dehydration and violation electrolyte balance Brain shells may appear, convulsions, disease symptoms of cardio-vascular system.


It happens sharp and chronic. The second, usually occurs with the hailment of the first. It occurs with the disease of the organs of the urinary system, both in girls and boys. It is manifested by stupid, cutting, sharp pains, increasing at the end of urination, which becomes frequent, but small portions. Urine is characterized by dark color, turbidity, unpleasant odor. The temperature often rises, fever appears with chills.

The reason is an infection that fell into bladderwhich can let yourself know as a result:

the supercooling of the body of the child during a walk when it runs through the concrete or tiled floor, tile or sits on a wet, cold surface, even in a warm room or in a summer; Baby Baby B. cold water with hardening; staying on drafts long playing toys under cold water from under the tap; constant constipation; Long catheterization.

Diagnostics includes general blood and urine tests, in which increased leukocytes, red blood cells and proteins are usually detected, as well as a study of bacterial sowing. Of tool methods It is possible to allocate - ultrasound, cystoscopy, which is sometimes combined with chromocystoscopy, urethroscopy.

The treatment is strictly compliance with the recommendations of the doctor who include:

acceptance of drug drugs - usually gentle antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, painkillers; bed mode; Eating more than ordinary tea with milk, compotes, horses, water; Warm compresses on low part abdomen; diet, eliminating canned food, acute and fatty food, sauces, seasonings, smoked meats; frequent isolation; Refusal of diapers.

Herb treatment is widely used, but in each particular case you need to consult your doctor, in order not to do worse.

From 3 to 7 years

Helmintosis (Mainside, Ascaris)

Depending on the species are divided into:

trematodosis (Soskers) Cestodosis (Ribbon Worms) Nematodose (Round Worms)

Some of the most common in children are nematodose, and among them ascarides, then the name of the disease is ascariasis, or the sharpness, which cause enterobiosis.

Symptoms of diseases are:

suddenly emerging and fast passing, but frequent abdominal pain; dizziness; irritability; frequent overall malaise and increased fatigue; constipation or diarrhea; nausea and vomiting; troubled sleep with grinding teeth; weight loss or growth in growth, compared to peers; The strong itching of the anal hole, especially in the evening and at night (the characteristic sign of infection with the withders).

The disease is diagnosed based on laboratory studies: coprograms for identifying ascarides, and scraping from the anal hole in suspected enterobiosis. In addition, for confirmation of the diagnosis, the results of the overall analysis of blood, radiological and serological studies may be required.

The presence of helminths may be a concomitant disease, so if they are detected, a better comprehensive examination of the child is necessary.

Milk boiled with garlic or swallowing pieces of garlic helps from folk remedies. There is also such a recipe: purified pumpkin seeds with a volume of 1 cup eaten for 10-15 minutes, drinking with a small amount of water or milk, and after two hours they take a laxative.


This is a state when the stool delay is observed more than 24-48 hours. At the same time, the appetite decreases, nausea appears, the belching, the dream deteriorates, incl. night. Pains in constipation occur due to gas formation and stretching the intestinal walls. They have an increasing character and manifest themselves in the right and left sides, at the bottom of the abdomen, in the back of the back and the lower back.

Popps may arise in children for various reasons:

when changing the situation, a long trip and disturbed in this case; When the child is suppressing the urges to empty the intestines during an interesting game with peers, because of fear that they will come to his arrival or parents will not let him go again; When there are foreign people nearby.

In such cases, constipation continues for a short time, the work of the intestine is restored when entering the usual life rhythm.

In other cases, the cause of constipation is various diseases, and the constipation itself is their symptom in this case.

Possible diseases in which constipation is observed:

diseases of the stomach and biliary tract; Education of adhesions in the abdominal cavity; disorder of the kidneys; mental disorders.

Diagnostics includes percussion and palpation, feces of feces and urine, colonoscopy and irrigoscopy.

In the treatment, salts of sulfate magnesium are prescribed - English salt, sodium sulfate - glauble salt, Mineral Geyser - Karlovyskaya salt. The effect of these drugs is based on the delaying of water in the intestine, as a result of which the discharges are lighter from the body easier. Also, a large role in eliminating constipation is given to physical activity, the power regime, which necessarily includes breakfast and a diet, which should include more fruits, coarse fiber and less fatty food, mandatory use of at least 1.5 liters of water per day. In extreme cases, enema will help, but their frequent use threatens with dysbacteriosis.

Folk Medicine offers such a method from constipation: two teaspoons of dill seeds crushed and pour two glasses of boiling water, close the lid and insist for 10 minutes. Then strain and cool. Take one tablespoon three times a day 30 minutes before meals

Treatment of constipation occurs only under the supervision of the doctor, otherwise complications are possible.

From 7 to 13 years


It happens sharp and chronic. The disease occurs in inflammatory processes in the domestic body, which is called Appendix, which is a blind intestine.

The emergence of appendicitis contributes:

constipation, as a result of which kalovy masses may lose sight, by which appendix is \u200b\u200bconnected to a blind intestine; worms that can get into the process and develop their turbulent activities there; Poor digestion of protein food, the remnants of which fall into the process and are starting to rot, resulting in an inflammatory process.

In acute disease flow, Pains arise in the navel area, do not have a clear localization - can be sick in the left side, and in the middle of the abdomen. In children, pains have "blurred" and weak. As inflammation is rapidly, the pain is localized at the bottom of the abdomen on the right and enhances, it begins to accompany each movement and it happens so sharp that the cold sweat appears. Additionally, nausea appears, vomiting, the temperature increases to 38-39 degrees.

In this case, the child is subject to immediate hospitalization, and appendix is \u200b\u200bremoved surgically. The delay is dangerous, for the process can burst, which threatens the subsequent peritonitis.

The disease is diagnosed:

palpation; laboratory diagnostic Blood, which, for the presence of a disease, indicate increased leukocyte content and increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESO); Laparoscopy, allowing to visually assess the state of the process.

Chronic appendicitis appears after the attack of acute, in which the pains passed, the person was not taken to the hospital, as they say - everything went well! But the process of inflammation continues, and chronic appendicitis at any moment can go into acute, and then the operation is inevitable. From practice, it is known that with the chronic form of appendicitis, people live several decades, but for some reason the operation is not produced, up to a sharp attack.

Gastritis and gastroduodenit

Gastritis is a disease of the stomach that occurs when the mucous membrane is inflammation.

Gastritis is sharp and chronic.

Causes of acute gastritis:

the basis of the child's nutrition is oily, fried, acute food and a large number of carbonated drinks; between food is high time intervals; The appearance of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori in the body; Complication of infectious diseases.

A disease occurs a few hours after meals - belching, feeling of nausea, unpleasant pulling pressure in the opposite region. With vomit, the remains of food are detected, an unpleasant taste of bitterness is settled in the mouth due to the presence of bile. In addition, all these manifestations are accompanied by headache, general weakness and increase in temperature.

With this state of the child, it is better to bed in bed, give a warm drink (tea, water), adsorbing agents ( activated coal, Smacks) and call a doctor.

It is impossible to give any means to reduce pain, because They can break the overall picture, and apply the heights to the stomach, as it can increase inflammation and cause severe complications.

Chronic gastritis occurs in violations of the secretory and motor activity of the stomach that provoke saving not proper nutrition, smoking, alcoholism, long-term reception of some medicines.

In case, together with the stomach inflammation is undergoing 12 pansian, they are talking about the occurrence of gastroduodenitis, which is one of the forms of chronic gastritis.

The symptoms and character of the pain are similar to the manifestations of acute gastritis, the only vomiting becomes less often, mainly it replaces the heartburn, also appear disorders in the intestinal work in the form of diarrhea or constipation.

The diagnosis of gastritis and gastroduodenitis is carried out by the following methods:

visual inspection on which they are detected clinical signs diseases and the plan for further surveys; Ezophagogastroduodenoscopy or fibrogastroduodenoscopy, if necessary, with biopsy, are the most informative and reliable diagnostic methods; Taking blood tests - clinical, biochemical and general analysis of urine, on the basis of which the level of inflammation and possible concomitant diseases of the liver, pancreas are revealed; Cala's research on the presence of worms; Abdominal ultrasound, which helps to determine general state All organs

Treatment, along with the reception of antispasmodic, enzyme, antibacterial drugsThis includes a fairly strict diet at which it is allowed:

lean soups, vegetable chips or diet meat (chicken, veal, rabbit), liquid porridge, potato mashed potatoes, Cutlets from lean meat, cooked for a pair, boiled or baked fish, Eggs Skump and Omelets, Non-Statched Cheese, Kefir, Curd and Curd Cheese Casseroles grated vegetables and fruits, better boiled, bread black, if white, then not busty and dried, beverages - kissel, faint tea, better herbal, cocoa on water, dried fruit, vegetable and fruit juices.

At the same time, all foods must correspond to the human body temperature, be freshly prepared and used at the same time, not less than 5-6 times a day, but small portions.

In addition, abdominal pain in the younger school and adolescent age can be associated with emotional experiences, frequent stresses from an excess of information, great training load, problems with classmates and / or teachers. It is possible to suspect this reason to pain, if the child is reluctant to school, it is responsible for your questions about his school life, or begins to gripe, keep it, he has a bad estimate. Solve problem will help a calm trusting conversation first with Chad, and then with a class teacher.

From 13 to 18 years

In these years, human cultivation occurs, the body is rebuilt, and emerging pains have a purely physiological nature associated with sex ripening. This period is characterized by the instability of the vegetative, nervous and endocrine systems, the overvoltage of psychic and physiological processes.

This time is characterized by:

the appearance of secondary sexual signs (hair appears on the pubic and in the axillary region); the advent of menstruation and the growth of the mammary glands in girls; changing the voice and timbre and the appearance of pollutions in boys; A sharp increase in weight and growth.

Girls, as a result of hormonal perestroika, can be observed swelling in the field of mammary glands, with a palpation of which a child feels a small pain. This formation can increase under the nipple up to 10 cm in diameter, and from the nipple there is a transparent or blood discharge. This education When normalizing the hormonal background, it is absorbed on its own. Ultrasound is assigned to the diagnosis of this manifestation, in order to prevent any complications, for example, mastitis.

The uneven development of the skeleton bones entails a violation of movement coordination. The child becomes clumsy, angular, but over time it passes. This phenomenon is dangerous by the development of the violation of the posture and the appearance of scoliosis.

At this age, deviations are possible in the work of the cardiovascular system, due to the fact that the heart increases in size. In this case, you need to examine the cardiologist and make an electrocardiogram.

As a result of the child's adulthood, their nervous and immune system are subject to change. In this case, the protective functions of organisms, adaptation and adaptive functions are reduced relative to external influences and stimuli. Therefore, children who did not hurt in early childhood characteristic of the period of diseases, such as cute or windmill, can get sick them. At the same time, in the adolescence, these diseases are transferred heavier and may threaten numerous complications.

Children are faster tired, complain of abdominal pain, they are more often observed an increase in temperature and headache. At this age, the excitation of nerve processes prevails over braking, which affects the relationship between parents, peers and teachers. The character changes when the hormonal background is disturbed and the level of testosterone in the blood of the boy increases. In such cases, a child psychologist or a good mentor can help.

One of the most unpleasant external phenomena at this age is acne on the skin of the face, which are a consequence of a hormonal explosion, arising as a result of activity song hardware. The main thing is to clean the skin in a timely manner, do not press the acne, process the place of the defeat with special cosmetics. In this case, a dermatologist will help with tips on choosing the necessary treatment, selection of necessary funds. Eating in smaller doses of fatty, sharp, pickled products, fats, candies, chocolate will also help.

In what cases is required to urged ambulance

The baby's breathing is difficult to wrap, noises in the chest and intermittent breathing, accompanied by a high temperature. There is a change in the color of the skin, selection of tears when coughing. Nausea, almost continuous vomiting, accompanied by pain in the abdomen, high temperature, frequent diarrhea with blood discharge. Dusty aggression was replaced by strange drowsiness, in which the child is difficult to wake up. It may be accompanied by spontaneous release of cartoons with an unpleasant odor. The appearance of convulsions accompanied by a "abnormal look" and unusual behavior. Dry lips and tongue, a sharp change in the face of the face - a pronounced poorer, an unusual pallor, crying without tears.

Stomach pain, high temperature, night diarrhea, the appearance of vomiting and nausea every evening - here are several states of the baby, pointing to the irritation and illness of the internal organs and are dangerous for his life. Be careful to the child and pay attention to any unusual behavior. Know - the faster you call the medical care service, the greater the chance you will leave the child for life!

Do you still seem to cure a stomach and intestines hard?

Judging by the fact that you are currently reading these lines - the victory in the fight against diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is not yet on your side ...

And you already thought about surgery? It is understandable, because the stomach is a very important body, and its proper functioning of health and well-being. Frequent pain in the stomach, heartburn, blown, belching, nausea, violation of the chair ... All these symptoms are familiar with you do not care.

But it is possible to more correctly treated, but the reason? Here is the story of Galina Savina, how she got rid of all these unpleasant symptoms ... Read Article \u003e\u003e\u003e

Each mother at least once faced the fact that the child has a stomach ache. Abdominal pain is the first problem with which young parents are found.

Pain syndrome may occur at any age. It can have a different character and to be the result of problems with digestion, chronic diseases, functional states or psychogenic factors.

Abdominal pain cannot be ignored, and it is dangerous to treat it.

What is pain and why does she appear?

Abdominal pain, or abdominal pain - this is an unpleasant feeling in the field of epigastria, navel or abdominal nose, which is the symptom of many diseases. The painful sensation is an important phenomenon of the body that signals the violation of the work of various organs and systems. Abdominal pain can speak not only about violations of the work of the gastrointestinal tract, but also the pathological conditions of other organism systems.

Why stomach hurts

The main causes of the pain in the tummy are:

stresses and psycho-emotional loads; diseases of the digestive tract - gastritis, colitis, enteritis, glider invasions, Crohn's disease, 12-rust and stomach ulcer, acute appendicitis; other diseases - influenza, pneumonia, tuberculosis, diseases of the urogenital system, infectious diseases; the abnormalities of the constitution of the GTS; poisoning of different etiology; allergic reactions.

Abdominal pain in children are often associated with age features.

Why is the tummy in newborns and infants?

Most often, the cause of painful syndrome in the kids up to the year is intestinal colic. This condition is not hazardous for the health of the child and does not require special treatment.

In addition to colic, the pain in the tummy in infants may cause diseases:

purplus of the intestine; dysbacteriosis; constipation; food or drug allergy; grocery hernia; gastrointestinal reflux; lactase insufficiency.

Why hurts belly in children older than a year, preschoolers and adolescents?

In a child in 1 year, the causes of pain is identical to the reasons for pain in adults. The exception is extremely rarely found in childhood cholelithiasis.

Pain in the tummy in a child in 2-3 years is often caused by a sharp appendicitis, peritonitis or diverticulitis.

In a child over 4 years old, the pain in the tummy can be functional character, it is not related to the pathological states of the tract or other organs. You can compare it with a headache in adults.

In children at 8 - 12 years, abdominal pain often appear as a symptom of chronic diseases (gastritis, gastroduodenitis, pancreatitis).

Types of abdominal pain

By origin, pain may be:

Visceral - arising due to irritation of the sensitive nerves of the peritoneum. It is felt as colic, it does not have a clear localization and irradiates to other parts of the body. Parietal - caused by irritation of the peritoneum. The pain cutting has a clear localization and enhanced when driving. Often accompanies appendicitis. Tychogenic - which is a psychosomatic child's reaction to stress. It is not accompanied by functional disorders or pathological states of the duct.nogenic - emerging the nerves innervating the abdominal wall. Such a pain burning, sharp and sudden.

By character, pain happens:

Catching - most often occurs when the intestinal lumen is narrowed as a symptom of colitis, adhesive disease. Constable - characteristic of a progressive inflammatory process. If the child has a stomach constantly, it may indicate a violation of the secretion of the stomach or its motor function, an irritable intestine syndrome or diverticulite.

The duration of pain syndrome can be:

Acute - arising within a few hours or minutes. He is often accompanied by other symptoms. It occurs during appendicitis, ulcers, cholecystitis, perforations of the intestinal wall or stomach. The condition may indicate diseases that threaten the life of a child and requires emergency care. Chronic - for more than 3 months present at the kid. At the same time, pain in the tummy in a child can appear periodically, against the background of relative well-being. They are due to organic or functional disorders of the abdominal organs. Often their cause is ulcerative disease, gastritis, pancreatitis, gallbladder diseases.

How pain in tummy manifest

The pain of newborns and infants manifests itself with such signs:

jogging legs to the stomach; refusal of food; concern; intensity abdominal wall; capriciousness.

Older children who can express their feelings with words, indicate the localization of discomfort, can describe its character.

Pain as a symptom of various diseases

With different states, the pain has certain characteristics: intensity, frequency, strength, and others. To determine possible cause Symptom, you need to know what features abdominal pains are possessed with different diseases.

Abdominal pain in diseases of the abdominal organs

Appendicitis. Most often, the guys aged 9 - 12 years old. Painted sensations are localized in the field of navel or the nec of the belly on the right, are acute. Under appendicitis in a child, in addition to abdominal pain, diarrhea appears, nausea, vomiting, high temperature (39c and above). The kid becomes restless, capricious. Pneumoococcal peritonitis. More often found in girls older preschool age. The child has severe pain, especially below the abdomen or not having a clear localization. There is a high temperature of 38 - 40C, multiple vomiting, malicious diarrhea. The general condition is severe, the skin is pale, the pulse is accelerated, the language is dry. Caught. It is characterized by pain in the stomach, especially when palpation of the ileal area on the left. After the enema, an abundant chair is distinguished, discomfort disappears. The temperature rises rarely, the general condition is satisfactory. Tuberculse mesadenit. Stomach pain sharp, grasp, temperature 37 - 37.5s. There is a diarrhea and the intensity of the abdominal wall. Circus invagination ( foreign body in the intestines). Most often causes abdominal pain in children aged 4 to 8 months. Pain appears suddenly and accompanied by anxiety, crying, screaming, refusal to eat. The attack ends also suddenly, as it began, but after time it appears again. Soon the child tears the residues of food, after admits of bile and at the end of intestinal content. After a while, blood with mucus is distinguished from the rectum. Temperature of the body remains within the norm. Dead of the intestine. The pain attack arises sharply, accompanied by a cry or a cry of the baby. Visually abdomen is asymmetric, marked the delay of gases and stool, the peristalistic is reduced. It may be vomiting. Dead of the stomach. The boring sensations are similar to colic and are accompanied by common concern. Vomiting with blood admixture, hypotension. The condition is rapidly worsening. Such groove hernia. It is predominantly in infants and kids up to 2 years. The child appears vomiting, unmotivated cry, the pallor of the skin, sweating. Easy diverticulitis. The clinic picture is similar to acute appendicitis. The pain is localized at the bottom of the abdomen, both in boys and girls. Packs appear, fever, anxiety. Seternal lymphadenitis. Hurt the area around the navel or the bottom of the belly, the muscles of the peritoneum are tense. Polelya Croon. Pain sensations occur periodically, mainly in the right side of the abdomen. The child appears diarrhea, anemia, the weight is reduced. Putting colic. For one, the abdominal pain can more often observe a child of 4-7 years old, which has increased psychological susceptibility. Colics are enhanced after nervous voltage or stress. The skin is pale, a red dermographicism appears. The gallbladder and ductovoks. The average intensity is covered by the right upper part of the abdomen, it can be irradiating to the shoulder, a shovel, neck. It often passes with nausea and vomiting. Discussion of biliary tract. For the disease is characterized by a stitching or cutting parietal short-term pain. An unpleasant feeling is enhanced with palpation.

Acute diseases of the digestive

Enterocolit. The pain syndrome is accompanied by mucous meal infant diarrhea. The pain is captured, the feeling of cutting in the stomach, nausea, vomiting. The painfulness of the baby occurs often, mainly after meals or in the hungry stomach. Disentater. Holy feelings are moderate, localized along the colon, accompanied by a yarring in the stomach, fever, frequent vomot, nausea. Gliste invasion. The pain in the navel navel area, intense. Accompanied loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Pain is localized in a blind intestine or spilled. Diarrhea, rumbling in the stomach.

Diseases of other organs

Angina. The pain syndrome often occurs in young children and is of a quiet character. Skarlatina, cortex, diphtheria, epidemic Malgy, flu. Often accompanied by abdominal pain on the right, simulating appendicitis. Sostly tracheobronchites, cough. The pain syndrome develops as a result of overvoltage of the muscles of the press when the cough attack. Theory. Pain of uncertain localization, grasp.-edged pancreatitis. Painses appear sharply, have a sinking character, often irradiated in the back, are accompanied by nausea, vomiting. The child takes a forced position lying on the left side. Temperature is normal or subfebrile. Pnevenonia. Pain sensations are exacerbated with breathing. Harmatism. The pain parlor, which does not have a clear localization. Gemorrhagic vasculitis. Pain syndrome is accompanied by diary and signs intestinal obstruction.Diabetes. Pain sensations against the background of the abdominal wall tension. Belly bloated, painful. hemolytic anemia. Contained pain caused by progressive splenomegaly. Periodic disease. The child periodically hurts the belly, fever arises and chills. The belly painful with palpation, the abdominal wall is tense. At the peak of the attack, the symptoms of intestinal obstruction are noted. Trauts of the abdominal wall. The pain during injury can be localized or spilled, may be accompanied by fainting. Moore (abdominal migraine). The pain is spilled, the parietal, combined with the convulsions of the muscles of the anterior wall of the peritoneum. Psychoic pain. Have a quickeen character, accompanied by nausea, diarrhea or constipation, painting a person, increased sweating. Emotional children arise. Frequently combined with headache. It is possible to increase the temperature to subfebrile numbers. The attack provoke any stress factors (a quarrel in the family, exam, fright).

How to determine the cause of pain, diagnosis

With painful syndrome, the baby may face any specialist: ENT, infectious player, a gastroenterologist, a pulmonologist, a surgeon. When this symptom appears, first of all, it is necessary to contact the precinct pediatrician, which will appoint a narrow-profile consultation.

To select a survey methodology, the doctor conducts an inspection, collects complaints and anamnesis. In obligatory, the child is shown a general-term analysis of feces and blood. To eliminate gastroenterological problems, the following tests are carried out:

ezophagogastroduodenoscopy; contrast radiography; analysis of the contents of the stomach and the 12-rosician; ultrasound of digestive organs; feces analysis on the eggs of worms.

If there are no gastroenterological problems, additional consultations of narrow specialists and profile examinations are appointed.

What to do if a child has a tummy?

It is difficult to determine the cause of pain in the tummy in the child, so attempts to cure this symptom of home ineffective and are dangerous to health. To eliminate pain syndrome, it is necessary to undergo the treatment of the main disease that caused it.

Contact the doctor or call an ambulance, if pain:

it lasts longer than 6 hours; lead to food failure; interfere with sleep; increase when changing positions; accompanied by multiple vomiting, fever.

An indication for emergency hospitalization is pain syndrome, which:

it is accompanied by fainting; unbearable, very strong; leads to a limitation of motion; accompanied by the lack of stool longer than 3 days.

What can not do:

to give a child painkillers before the doctor's arrival - it makes it difficult for the diagnosis of the causes of painful syndrome; feed the baby; to put the cleansing enemas or give laxatives; to warm the place of localization of pain.

How can you help your child:

before the arrival of the emergency can be put on the belly of the baby package with ice; pain can be reduced by massage the abdomen in the direction clockwise.

Prevention of abdominal pain

To reduce the likelihood of symptoms, you need:

Adhere to the principles of proper nutrition and food intake mode: be sure to include fermented milk products in the day diet; provide the child with vitamins and minerals; enter the admission to the Pediatrician recommendations; control the quality and number of food consumed, the child's age is called a friendly and relaxing situation in the family, Fencing the baby from stress. For the prevention of infant colic before each feeding, the baby can be given tea with a fennel or chamomile tea. To refer to the doctor for the diagnosis and treatment of gastroenterological pathology.

Frequently asked Questions

Why can a child be sick in the evening and at night?

Evening and night abdominal pains may be symptoms of any of the above diseases and diagnosed only considering the time of their appearance, it is impossible. Most often, they talk about violations of the regime and nutritional quality or wicked invasions in children after 2 years. Cuts can appear in the newborn and infants in the evening and at night.

Why can a child be sick in the morning?

The painful syndrome in the morning may be the result of severe dinner or chronic gastrointestinal diseases (gastritis, pancreatitis).

What if the newborn stomach hurts?

With infant colic you can act like this:

give the tea with a fennel; make a massage of the tummy; put a gas feed tube; give special drugs that facilitate gases - Baby Kalm, Espumizan, infraakov; if painful syndrome is very strong, you can give 1/8 but-shop tablets.

Doctor draws attention

If the pain in the baby has often, but not accompanied by other symptoms, it is possible to offer him a diary of pain in which the child must describe when there is an unpleasant feeling as they last and what helps to cope with them. Such a diary will help the doctor to evaluate the condition of the baby and rapidly establish the cause of discomfort. In the time of treatment, try to distract the baby from the unpleasant sensations of interesting activities or games. Always believe your child and listen to it. Abdominal pain is not only a pretext not to go to school, but also a signal about the problem of physical or mental health.

The pain in the tummy can talk about serious problems with digestion or other bodies. Sometimes pains are transient or functional. To understand their reasons, it is necessary to undergo a complex of surveys, so it's dangerous and ineffectively to deal with pain at home.

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You have not llicched yet?

  • Infectious diseases
  • Poisoning

  1. Nausea and vomiting.
  2. Temperature increase
  3. Dry mouth
  4. Color change in urine

  1. Pain in gagha
  2. Head and Muscular Pain
  3. Heat
  4. Problems with urination

  1. Gravity in the stomach.
  2. Bloating.
  3. Low temperature.

  • Inspection surgeon
  • Ultrasound examination
  • Feed kid

  1. Intestinal obstruction
  2. Bleeding
  3. Black chair
  4. Nausea
  5. Vomot

  1. Supercooling
  2. Owls
  3. Reduced general immunity
  4. For more older children - stress

  • Anxiety and planetness
  • Dark yellow urine
  • Child urins too often

Ctrl + Enter.To let us know.

The child hurts the belly: what are the reasons and what treatment?

Abdominal pain - familiar from childhood

. And near Behemotiki
Grabbed the tummy:
They have hippo
Tumors hurt.
. And runs aibolit to hippopamics,
And claps them on the tummy,
And everything in order
Gives a chocolate
And puts and puts the thermometers.

From the point of view of the pediatrics of the roots of Ivanovich, of course, slightly embellished the situation - "the child's abdominal" cure pain (even if the "child" is hippopotamus) with the help of chocolate and pats, alas, will not work. We will have to select the "present" and safe medicine. But the remedy for abdominal pain can only be chosen correctly when you exactly clear the reason why the child has a stomach ache. And their reasons - as it turns out, there are no ten.

Why does a child hurt a belly: the most common causes of pain

So, newborns and infants, most often cry out from a very specific and purely infant misfortune - from colic. And what are the older children? Why do these children hurt a belly?

For older children (since age, when the child is introduced into the diet, the child itself becomes more "mobile" and active) among the groups of reasons for abdominal pain usually mean:

  • 1 The most common and most common cause is why the child has a stomach hurts, it comes down to one word - constipation. This to attack this happens at the children, in turn, also due to the fault of various circumstances - a separate article is devoted to the topic of constipation.
  • 2 gastroenteritis (i.e. inflammatory diseases of the stomach and / or small intestine). The greatest pain of the guys causes intestinal infections, and both viral (the most common - rotavirus) and bacterial (for example, dysentery).
  • 3 Features of nutrition (kid ate a poor-quality product that caused diarrhea, or some of the products provoked allergic reaction, Or just - the child ate much more than it is able to digest and the like).
  • 4 poisoning poisons and drugs (for example, most antibiotics can cause unsalted abdominal pain in children).
  • 5 diseases of the surgical "character", for example: intestinal obstruction, appendicitis, ulcer, hernia and others.

How to find out: Is the abdominal pain caused by a serious illness requiring hospitalization?

This is a fact - most often the abdomen from the kids sick from Colik (if they are still very infant) and from constipation (if their age has already been "over 6-12 months).

A little less often - from intestinal infections (like rotavirus) and banal digestive disorders (ate "not that" or ate too much of something.). The remaining reasons why the child has a stomach hurts, and even less often.

However, when our baby, bent in half, crying from abdominal pain, we usually imagine your attack much more serious - maybe a child has acute appendicitis? Or did he poisoned poison? What if he has ulcers, gastritis or hernia? In short, the parent imagination lightningly draws a dark picture in the most "black paints".

But in reality, such dangerous and sharp abdominal pains that actually may indicate serious diseases requiring urgent medical carecan be determined by some special markers (features). The most obvious and simple one is the exact location of the pain.

However, there are other symptoms associated with abdominal pain that require urgent medical intervention. So:

The child has a stomach hurts: in what cases it is necessary to urgently find a doctor

  • 1 The child hurts the belly, but the pain is not in the field of navel;
  • 2 pain lasts more than 24 hours;
  • 3 If the abdominal pain is accompanied by one or more of the following symptoms:
  • the child came out cold sweat, and the skin became pale colors;
  • the child increased dramatically;
  • in Kale or in vomit, blood appeared (and any number - even one drop is enough to "fly" to the doctor!);
  • on the body of the child seemed rash;
  • the baby began to painfully write (painful urine);
  • baby tears and vomiting of yellow, green or black;
  • the baby became very sluggish, sleepy, refuses not only from food, but also from drinking.
  • boys - pain in the stomach combines with pain in the area of \u200b\u200bgroin or testicles.
  • 4 If the child hurts the belly, but the pain is not constant, but an episodic, and at the same time it is combined with diarrhea that lasts more than 72 hours, or is combined with vomiting that does not pass for more than a day.

The absolute majority of cases of abdominal pain in a child who are not included in this list (that is, pain is localized precisely in the field of the navel and it is not accompanied by the above-mentioned signs) does not require medical intervention.

Nevertheless, no one has canceled pain! The child really suffers from the fact that his stomach hurts. How to help him in such cases (since you determined that in emergency medical care he does not need)?

How to save a child from abdominal pain

Naturally, first of all, the help of a child who has a belly hurts, will correspond to why these pain appeared. In other words, the reason always determines the treatment.

  • 1 Find out if the baby does not have a constipation. And if there is - give a remedy for lactulose syrup-based constipation.
  • 2 Stop the child to feed. If the pain appeared against the background of the introduction of a new product in the program, urgently cancel this product.
  • 3 Enter abundant drink mode. Ideally need to drink special means For oral rehydration (sold in pharmacies), which will restore the water-salt balance in the child's body. There are no such - let's clean the non-carbonated water. In no case can not be given: Sweet gas production (any lemonade and "pop"), any fruit juices and dairy drinks.
  • 4 If an excessive gas formation has become the cause of pain in the abdomen of the child, it can give any preparation based on the substance of Simetikon.

The child has a stomach hurts and the temperature rose: what does it mean?

If a child has a stomach ache and at the same time there is a high temperature, it gives great chances to suspect an intestinal infection in a child. By the way, in addition to the growth of temperature, there may be other symptoms here, for example, the massive nature of the disease.

In the intestinal infections, people (including children) never sick alone - such diseases are always massive. Therefore, if you know that in kindergarten or at school, there were cases of any intestinal infection, and your baby began to complain about the abdominal pain and on the heat - there is a huge chance that he also "picked up" infection "on a chain".

Any infectious disease must be treated immediately, even more - an intestinal infection. However, we have already spoken several hundred times - only a qualified doctor in the right to diagnose a child who has suspected an infection. And only he, relying on the diagnosis, is able to maximally make a treatment plan.

Thus, if your child complained about the pain in his stomach and at the same time he had sharply increased the temperature - immediately refer to the medical help.

So, we summarize: the absolute majority of children occasionally happen pain in the abdomen. Most often causes constipation or some nutrition problems. It is not necessary to be especially scared - they are not necessary - they pass (and most often - pass quickly), they do not require any serious therapy and even more so - often do not even require a doctor inspection.

But at the same time, sometimes the child can hurt the belly just because it "attacked" a very serious and dangerous disease. In this case, your timely appeal for medical help can literally save the child's life. We listed in detail special markers ( related symptoms), which serve as a signal to active actions On your part - carry a child to the hospital, call an ambulance, etc.

If you behave carefully and wisely - do not panic where there is no reason for this, and vice versa - to act decisively in situations where the life and health of the child depends on this, no disease will be able to overcome you or your child.

The reasons for which the child has a belly at night

Pretty common is the fact that the child has a stomach in at night. This is one of the most frequent and common complaints in children. Hearing your baby such a statement, parents are trying to help him get rid of an unpleasant feeling. Usually there are a variety of analgesics or antispasmodics, which are aimed at eliminating discomfort in the stomach. But it often happens that under the guise of simple pain, quite serious types of diseases are hidden, which without surgery can entail terrible consequences.

Dangerous diseases and surgical intervention

One of the most serious varieties of the disease is acute appendicitis (there is inflammation of the process of rectum). Usually appendix develops in children aged 8 to 14 years. This appearance of the ailment can be granted at any time, and it is possible to get sick at any age. Unfortunately, in children it is quite often difficult to determine, since it is trying to disguise under the attacks of gastritis, the infection of the urethra system. It is possible that even it will be similar to ORVI or, oddly enough, pneumonia.

There are such cases that after the child fell ill angina, after 5-7 days it will begin to complain about constant pain in the navel area or lower. Do not immediately regard it as manifestations of appendicitis. The child's body is arranged in such a way that abdominal pain may arise in a variety of reasons. Here is the easiest example: the baby has a liquid chair that does not come back. There are no other serious signs talking about illness. The baby begins to treat from the usual intestinal infection, and he has a completely different ailment.

Stassed a lawsager question: what exactly should the parents alate? Surgeons these moments are well known:

  1. If your child has sharp, grabby, many pain In the stomach, it is already a signal. Usually it begins appendicitis.
  2. The baby complains that his stomach hurts, and at the same time he shows on his navel. This pain can be given to the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe abdomen, over time, flowing into a swollen bottom right part.
  3. The pain can be given to the upper and lower limbs.
  4. In the case when the child accepted a twisted pose (lay on the right side and pressed his legs to the tummy, it does not allow it to touch it), it is necessary to immediately cause doctors.
  5. The disease constantly progressing will cause nausea, vomiting.
  6. The body temperature may vary from normal level up to 37.5 ° C.
  7. Often, all this is accompanied by diarrhea.

Another type of dangerous disease can be intestinal invagination (one sector of the intestine is introduced into another). Because of this, the intestinal vessels occurs, blood circulation in the body is disturbed.

Which symptoms need urgent help?

There is a big threat that the bowl tissue will begin to die. Little children are subject to this due to the fact that parents misuse vegetables or fruits in the daily diet. Boys are more severely exposed to this disease than girls. It may also occur due to various tumors or pathologies that can disturb mobility. This terrible disease appears suddenly:

  1. The baby cries greatly, covered the whole and often knocks on the floor on the floor.
  2. After the first attack (it can on average, it can last from 7 to 10 minutes) the child becomes very sluggish, there are signs of apathy. With each subsequent attack of the belly will swell.
  3. Possible reflexes are possible, and mucus and blood and blood differ in the mass.
  4. Often the temperature rises.

As soon as the parents have noticed these symptoms, the kid should be hospitalized immediately. If after the first such "attack" passed less than 12 hours, the damaged part of the intestine can be saved.

In order to confirm this diagnosis, the X-ray is made, in front of which an enema with a certain solution (standard is barium sulfate). Thus, the damaged area will be easy to detect in the pictures. If you managed to react timely, the intervention of surgeons will not need. Through the rectum will be supplied to the air under pressure, and it will be as much as it should be.

Otherwise, without surgeons can not do. With the help of laparoscopy, it will manually straighten the damaged area. There are cases when the injured part (failed to avoid coloring tissues) the surgeon has to be cut, and then sew healthy parts of the intestine.

All the above points must be alarmed by parents, showing that the baby fell ill, and it may not be at all a simple pain.

Critical situations when you can no longer wait

If the pains do not subside for 2 hours, it is necessary to call "ambulance" and carry urgent baby to the nearest hospital. Than less childThe much more difficult to determine the correct diagnosis of it, since it is not able to describe all sensations inside.

Inspecting the baby, an experienced specialist will be able to see the difference in the barely noticeable tone of the muscles of the abdominal cavity. To confirm the diagnosis, a general blood test is usually made and a ultrasound scanning. There are extreme measures when the child needs to be left in the hospital so that its condition is closely followed. But almost all parents protest strongly, as they do not want to leave their child in the hospital.

You do not need to argue with surgeons, they know better. It may happen that in a few hours it will be necessary to urgently conduct an operation. Therefore, the child must be under the supervision of doctors, otherwise it is possible to give timely help and do not have time.

Appendicitis in most cases is removed by the surgical method of laparoscopy. At the same time, the doctor performs small punctures in the abdomen, inserts certain medical instruments into them and begins to carry out the removal operation itself. This removal method is least made a threat, it has a minimum percentage of intestinal infection.

After the child is discharged, the doctor will give recommendations that should be strictly observed: what nutrition needs, how long will the diet, which are allowed by physical exertion and so on. General universal rules do not exist, since each organism is unique in its own way and unique.

A child has a stomach in the night

The child has a stomach hurts at night: Possible causes of problems

Every person in life had painful sensations in the abdomen. Most often, short-term disorders of the digestive act and increased gas formation are. If the pain lasts a few minutes and after the gatherings in the toilet stops, it is not worth worrying.

Another thing is when unpleasant feelings are enhanced, they become grasp, other symptoms appear. This is a reason to apply for help in a medical institution. But if an adult can still be patient, the child's condition can deteriorate sharply. There was a paint pain at night, do not pass after visiting the toilet - this is a reason for urgent hospitalization.

The child's belly hurts. Possible reasons

Often, other symptoms are joined in the tummy pain.

The child is a collective concept. According to the policies of the medical care of patients, children's age is ranging from 0 to 18 years. Therefore, the reasons for night pain can be a large number:

  • Infectious diseases
  • Gynecology - inflammatory processes in small pelvis in girls
  • Urology - Pyelonephritis, cystitis
  • Surgical Diseases - Appendicitis, Cisch Varuch
  • Poisoning

It is important that the child trust parents and addressed them with all the problems. And Mom and Dad carefully reacted to all his complaints.

Toxic lesions, food poisoning

Remember, together with a small one, or not very, the sufferer that he used to eat and to what bottles, jars, and maybe to pills in a home first-aid kit, touched. And what is the further fate of this interest. Symptomatics light shape Food poisoning:

In severe cases, the disease is manifested as follows:

  1. Sharp abdominal pain, including at night. It all depends on the time of receipt of toxin to the body.
  2. Nausea and vomiting.
  3. Disruption of defecation - most often it is diarrhea, but there may be the opposite reaction.
  4. Temperature increase
  5. Dry mouth
  6. Color change in urine

All this symptomatics requires an appeal to the doctor. With severe food poisoning, strong pain In the abdomen of the child you need to urgently hospitalize.

Gynecological diseases in girls. Signs

Girls may have a belly because of gynecological diseases, no matter how strange it did not seem

What gynecology in a child? - you ask. Yes, if this is a boy, then he will not have the diseases of the female sphere. And the daughter may well be. Especially when the girl is included in adolescence and the period of mini skirts begins, thin pantyhose in the cold time.

A considerable role in inflammatory diseases Playing stressful situations. And there are quite a lot of them in the life of a modern teenager. Diseases that can cause abdominal pain:

  • Adhesitis is an inflammatory process in appendages. The disease resembles a cold with intoxication, nausea, vomiting. But it is distinguished by pain at the bottom of the abdomen, often at night. Pains can be in the lower back, the rectum.
  • Ouoforite - inflammation of the ovaries. Characteristic signs of the disease are pain at the bottom of the abdomen from one or 2 sides, depending on the focus of inflammation.

Additional symptoms include:

  1. Pain in gagha
  2. Head and Muscular Pain
  3. Heat
  4. Problems with urination
  5. Problems with gasts - various defecation disorders
  6. The ovaries are enlarged and palpation of a small pelvis is very painful.

Do not disdain your daughter's children's age! Negative consequences of these diseases can complicate your daughter with all further life.

Surgical diseases. Apandicitis in a child

In Breasts, gases are frantic

Appendicitis is an inflammatory process in Appendix - the process of the rectum. This disease has a clear clinical picture, and it is quite difficult to confuse it with other pathologies. Why is this process inflict? Not always even doctors can answer this question.

The disease does not divide patients by age or sexuality. And with the same frequency is found in all age groups. Children under the age of 1 year almost do not hurt by this disease. The peak of inflammatory processes in Appendix falls on the younger and average school age - from 7 to 12 years. In contrast to adult disease in children, the disease develops in a hurricane pace.

Signs acute inflammation Develop gradually, but in 2-3 days the disease can end with a fatal outcome. Treatment is exclusively surgical. The main symptoms of acute appendicitis in a child:

  1. Originally arises a sense of discomfort.
  2. Gravity in the stomach.
  3. Bloating.
  4. Defecation brings only temporary relief.
  5. Pain, including night, strengthen within 3 hours.
  6. Low temperature.

For initial stage - Moderate soreness, patients can endure without the use of special painkillers. Next, the pain is enhanced when moving, a sharp push, changing body position. Patients take a forced pose - on the right side with bent knees.

Blood test shows an elevated leukocyte level. Pains can give to the area of \u200b\u200bnavel, groin, liver.
There are dyspeptic phenomena - nausea and vomiting. Failure to eat is a typical sign. If the desire to eat is preserved, then in 90% of cases, the diagnosis is incorrect.

In the absence of adequate treatment, the pain is increasing to unbearable. Then a temporary relief may come. This is not a sign of recovery, but the symptom of the gap of the appendix and the beginning of the peritonitis or the gangrene process. Just die the nerve endings, an imaginary relief occurs. The temperature rises sharply to critical values. Diagnostic measures in acute appendicitis:

  • Inspection surgeon
  • Common clinical blood tests and urine
  • Ultrasound examination

The complexity of the survey is in childhood. Fearing pain, the child may not give himself to prove and examine. Parents need not to resist the actions of the doctor, but on the contrary, help - to hold and persuade the baby to pass the inspection. What can not be done if the inflammation of the appendix is \u200b\u200bsuspected:

  • Giving painkillers - it will make it difficult to make a diagnosis
  • Feed kid
  • Giving laxatives or make a cleansing enema - this will lead to a rupture of the process
  • Great abdomen - it helps strengthen the inflammatory process

Appendicitis is an unpleasant thing, dangerous, but quite curable. The task of the parents is to deliver the child to the hospital. It does not matter independently or with an ambulance brigade. Everything else will make surgeons.

Mekkel diverticulitis. Causes and basic symptoms

A child has a belly at night - a reason to consult a doctor!

The diverticulitis of meckel is congenital anomaly fine intestine. It is found in 2% of newborns. Most often, this pathology is found in boys. For a long time, the disease proceeds asymptomatic, but by 10 years it makes itself felt. The main symptoms of the diverticulitis:

  1. Often, pathology is detected during diagnostic laparotomy
  2. Signs usually show ourselves in the form of complications
  3. Intestinal obstruction
  4. Bleeding
  5. Black chair
  6. Acute belly - pain in the navel area, often grabs
  7. Nausea
  8. Vomot
  9. Weakness and general intoxication due to developing peritonitis

Diagnose the diverticulitis of mekkel without the diagnostic operation is almost impossible. Only in 10% of cases, the doctor may damage the correct diagnosis. Opinions of doctors about treatment were divided. Some believe that the asymptomatic diverticulitis of meckel can not be treated. Others insist on compulsory surgical intervention. Conservative methods This disease is not treated.

Urological diseases. Cystitis in children

Night pain in the abdomen can provoke urinary bubble diseases. In children under the year, cystitis - inflammation of the inner surface of the bladder - occurs regardless of the floor. The reasons that caused diseases may be different:

  1. Supercooling
  2. Owls
  3. Reduced general immunity
  4. Avitaminosis, lack of trace elements
  5. For more older children - stress
  6. Reception of some drugs

Hurts tummy - baby will give it about it

Signs of the diseases of kids up to 1 year of life differ from the symptoms of older children. The main manifestations of cystitis in children under 1 year:

  • Anxiety and planetness
  • Dark yellow urine
  • Child urins too often

Children from 1 year and older, a disease has several other signs:

  1. Pain in the lower abdomen, including at night
  2. Visit to the toilet more often than 1 time in 30 minutes
  3. Increase temperature - this sign is rare enough.

Diagnosis of the disease is quite simple. Enough usual clinical analysis urine. Treatment most often outpatient. Only in severe cases, when signs appear renal failure The hospital is shown.

Pain in stomach - night, daytime is a sign of a large number of diseases. Some of them are dangerous not only to health, but also for the life of the child. Parents be attentive to their children! He addressed the baby to you with a complaint - listen, watch him! Feel free to call emergency services. In this case, it is better to bother than then bite your elbows!

What should I do when a child has a stomach hurt? The doctor will answer the video components:

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Abdominal pain occurs periodically in a child of any age. The occurrence of pain syndrome can be provoked by any factors - from the usual malaise of a serious pathology. Only a doctor can determine the exact cause of its appearance. To do this, he must assign a number of studies and make a conclusion on their basis. When a child can not try to solve the problem independently, as it may worsen the condition of the patient and cause complications. In some cases, it is necessary to provide him with first aid and wait for the visit of the ambulance brigade.

Several types of abdominal pains are distinguished: sharp, stupid and nunners. The most dangerous is a sharp pain syndrome. Appears due to inflammation occurring in the intestine. Such a state is usually observed in appendicitis and pancreatitis.

When sharp pain appears, you need to call an ambulance. With other types of pain, it is recommended to look at the accompanying symptoms, but a doctor should be referred to in any of these cases.

Causes of abdominal pain

There are several reasons for the appearance of pain syndrome. Each of them has its own symptoms.


Such a state is usually observed in newborns to four months old. Symptoms: pulling up the legs to the stomach, permanent cry, the baby can not calmly lie and constantly strains. Warm diaper can help the child. It develops several times, heated or on the battery and placed on the stomach. Avoiding the occurrence of colic will help simple water. The child needs to take between meals.

If these methods do not help and the child is constantly worried, especially at night, it is recommended to consult a doctor. The pediatrician will prescribe a cure for colic. Printex, Espumizan and other drugs are usually discharged.


The corresponding symptoms are bloating, worsening sleep quality. With this condition, breast children begin to eagerly eat during feeding, and then sharply refuse food without finishing meals. After feeding, the child appears belching or joining.

Meteorism is not an independent disease. Increased gas formation is included in the symptoms of many pathologies, so at the first manifestation it is recommended to show the baby to the doctor.


Characteristic symptoms - vomiting, diarrhea, blood impurities and mucus in feces, constant vomiting, fever. Abdominal pain moderate. Pathology needs urgent treatment. Diagnosed with bacteriological analyzes.

Viral infections

The pain in the abdomen cause viral, bacterial and funny infections. Additional symptoms: violation of the chair, vomiting, increasing body temperature.

If parents suspect that it is viral infections that caused the appearance of abdominal pain, it is necessary to take the baby to the doctor on the same day when such a state is observed or invited a specialist at home.

Constipation and diarrhea

Chair disorder is a frequent cause of stomach pain. It is not always a manifestation of pathology. Popps and diarrhea may occur due to unstable emotional background, poorly washed fruit and for other reasons. If the problem continues to disturb the child for more than two days, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

In the event that the disorder of the stomach appeared in the newborn, it is necessary to show it a specialist immediately.

Lactose intolerance

If the child suffers from lactose intolerance, then painful syndrome occurs in half an hour after the use of milk. There is also a disorder of stool, nausea and vomiting.

Gastrites and gastric ulcers

With such states there is a stupid pain, which appears, it disappears. Additional symptoms - foreign sounds in the abdomen, stool disorder, nausea and vomiting. An increase in body temperature may also be observed.

Gloves are frequent cause of pain in the abdomen. At the same time, the child arises discomfort in the rear pass, high gas formation and head pain.


Violation of the normal functioning of the stomach, in which digestion is difficult. With this condition, the painful syndrome in the abdomen is appeared, the feeling of the overflow of the stomach. The child is rapidly fought, not eating half of the usual portion.


Pain is observed in the right side at the bottom of the abdomen. At first she is of a good character. The child disappears the appetite, the temperature increases, vomiting occurs. For a short time, pain becomes cutting. IMPORTANT DO NOT GET DEPENDIC ACTING ACTING DEPLICATIONS.

The state requires immediate surgery, so in suspected appendicitis immediately causes a ambulance team.


Pancreatitis is another reason why the child has a stomach ache. In pathology, an acute pain occurs, increased salivation, vomiting. Pain gives in shoulders and back. Such a state causes the child to make a comfortable posture, turning over to the left side. The duration of the attack is from a few minutes to several days. The stomach is soft, there is no discomfort during tacking. In case of pancreatitis, the body temperature does not increase.

Pathology is treated with the help of medication.

Intestinal obstruction

Most often occurs in children from 5 to 9 months. Symptomatomy - Cal with blood impurities, nausea, accompanied by vomiting. With the appearance of such a condition, the child requires urgent surgery.


This is the type of intestinal obstruction at which one intestinal segment is introduced into the prosperity of the other. Pathologies are subject to children from 4 months to 2 years. The pain syndrome arises, it disappears. In the interruptions between the attacks there may be the usual behavior of the child. With a worsening of the state, constant vomiting appears, blood in feces. When invagination, the child requires immediate therapy.

If you turn to the doctor in the first 18 hours after the first symptoms, the situation can be corrected by medication treatment. After this period, operational intervention is required.

In girls during menstruation, severe abdominal pain is often observed. Pain syndrome appears both a few days before the start of menstruation and directly during menstruation days. In this case, the stomach becomes solid, slightly increases in size. The pain is localized at the bottom of the abdomen, can give back.

Other diseases and conditions

Other reasons for the occurrence of pain syndrome is cystitis in girls. For boys, such a state arises due to chronic prostatitis. The disease is manifested even in childhood and is accompanied by problems with urination.

If a child has a stomach in the morning, it may be associated with the reluctance to visit the kindergarten or educational institution. In this case, you need to spend a conversation with the child and take his doctor. The specialist will determine this condition with pathologies or is the simulation of pain.

Diagnosis of pain

To establish the cause of pain, you need to consult a doctor. The doctor will inspect the baby, the poll of the parents, after which the following studies will appoint:

  • general blood tests, feces and urine;
  • palpation of the abdominal cavity;
  • x-ray at which the introduction of the catheter is envisaged;

Based on these studies, the doctor establishes the cause of pain and assigns appropriate therapy.

What if the child does a belly hurt?

If the child constantly hurts the belly, he needs to show a doctor. It is impossible to undertake any independent actions, as it can provoke the emergence of complications. It is possible to solve the problem on your own forces only if the body temperature and vomiting is not observed.

Rest mode

It is important when painful syndrome occurs to provide peace to the child. It is recommended to put it and not disturb. If the child is tormented by vomiting, then an acceptable pose - on the side. This guarantees what the child will not choke by the lots during an attack. After that, the ambulance brigade is called.

With painful syndrome in the abdomen, it is impossible for the child to raise gravity or performed physical exercises. Sports and dance circles and sections should be discontinued to set up the cause of pain and eliminate it.

Dietary food for the child is designed by a gastroenterologist. Usually the doctor recommends the following menu:

  • vegetable soups cooked without meat, birds and broth;
  • liquid porridges cooked on water;
  • vegetables prepared by boiling or paired;
  • fish of low-fat varieties;
  • crackers, mainly from rye, and not white bread;
  • chicken eggs and omelet of them;
  • teas and decoctions prepared on the basis of medicinal plants;
  • baked fruit;
  • kissel, but only home, cooked from berries and starch;

The menu should not be present:

  • slavs;
  • cocoa;
  • potatoes;
  • pasta;
  • bakery products;
  • legumes;
  • grapes;
  • eggplants;
  • white cabbage;
  • grapes;
  • sausages.

It is not necessary to abandon the consumption of such products forever. Reduce their consumption is recommended during the period of exacerbation and therapy.

Medicinal products

With a pain of syndrome, an anesthetic agent cannot be given to a child. It lubricates the symptoms, and the doctor will not be able to immediately determine the cause of such a state. In some cases, the overlooking time may make it difficult to therapy.

If the child, the body temperature rose with their stomach pains, then the parents of the ambulance or doctor can give a child the antipyretic agents.

It is impossible to give the baby antibiotics, drugs for improving the intestines motility, enzyme preparations.

What can give a child in pain

If the child hurts belly for reasons unrelated with pathologies, then the child can be given by Mezim, but-Shpu, Festal, Espumizan, Linex, activated carbon and other similar drugs. Before applying any means, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

When you need to call an ambulance

Call an ambulance to the child need in the following cases:

  • the age of the child is less than 5 years old and at the same time the baby complains of pain in the abdomen over three hours, it is noticeably nervous, it cannot take a convenient position of the body, crying and capricious;
  • the child appeared not only pain in the abdomen, rashes on the epidermis - it can be a rash, urticaria and others;
  • the pain is added to the disorder of the chair and the condition is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, nausea and vomiting, which is terminated only for a few minutes;
  • the main place of the localization of pain syndrome is the lap area;
  • the child disappears, he cannot eat or drink;
  • the pain arose after the mechanical impact of the strike in the stomach or fall;
  • there was a pallor of the skin, loss of consciousness, dizziness;
  • the period of pain appearance is a night clock;
  • lack of intestinal emptying;
  • pain syndrome arises, it disappears and such a state is observed within 14 days;
  • reduction of body weight without changing the power mode and physical activity;
  • the pain syndrome is observed for several months, even if the child does not bother anything else.

Preventive actions

Prevention of the occurrence of the stomach disorder:

  • proper nutrition is the absence of a menu, so-called harmful products, sweet carbonated drinks and inclusion in the diet of fresh seasonal vegetables, berries, fruits, fermented milk products;
  • proper mom is a refusal to eat products causing increased gas formation and colic;
  • physical activity;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • eating vegetables, berries and fruits only after thorough washing;
  • comfortable psychological atmosphere in the house;
  • regular visit to the doctor.


If the child has a stomach hurts, it is impossible to postpone the visit to the doctor. Any delay can provoke the development of complications, which will largely worsen pathology therapy.

Children often complain about discomfort in the stomach, age does not matter. Babies flashes crying, pouring legs to the tummy, sharp movements. Adult children inform verbally. No matter what age is a child, the main thing is not to panic, to render required help. First of all, parents must determine the nature of pain. It is stupid, novel, cutting, sharp with spasms. Attacks: Frequent, periodical or arising on an ongoing basis. The main step towards help is to determine the cause of the abdominal pain.

The first thing is determined by the source of pain. What to do, how to help, if the reason has become an incorrect meal? Everything is simple. First, it should be removed from the diet, causing pain spasms:

  • Carbonated drinks;
  • Milk;
  • Mushrooms, salty, smoked food;
  • Kvass.

Products cause increased gas separation. It is better to go to vegetables, fruit. Like a diet that improves digestion. If the reason is established - bloating and meteorism, offer espumizan or dysflatyl. If pain syndrome is manifested after eating, heaviness is felt in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stomach, it is better to give a mesima or festal tablet. Diarrhea will help Linex. All means are intended for children, will not harm.

The main causes and defining symptoms

The pain can be satisfied suddenly after a dense dinner, heavy physical exertion, illness. It happens, the cause becomes an infectious disease. Factors are many, as well as symptoms. Faced with discomfort in the abdomen in children falls with most parents.

At the first complaints about discomfort in the stomach, you need to listen to the child, try to determine the cause. If there are no medical skills, immediately cause ambulance. The only physicians establish the exact cause.

When we call an ambulance:

  1. The child is less than 5 years old, painful syndrome is almost 3 hours. Accompanying tears, whims.
  2. On the skin appeared rash, the pain became unbearable.
  3. Diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, rejection of food.
  4. Increased body temperature.
  5. The location of pain in pain - in the navel area.
  6. Full rejection of food, water.
  7. He was injured, against the background of this, pain began.
  8. Weakness, loss of consciousness.
  9. The manifestation of pain began at night time, the child cannot go to the toilet.
  10. The pain does not stop for almost 2 weeks, a sharp weight loss.

These are the main reasons to cause ambulance. Do not wait for 2 weeks when the child starts to lose consciousness. With prolonged pain immediately refer to the specialists, call the doctor.

What help should be rendered to the child before the arrival of physicians

While the parent is waiting for an emergency, you will need to provide first aid. The pain can manifest itself both in the kid and a teenager. Help render, pushing off from complaints and symptoms.

Basic principles of first aid:

  • If parents do not have medical education, it is better to protect against medicines before the arrival of physicians.
  • Provide abundant drink, feed is prohibited. Drinking - non-carbonated water, saline, can not drink juices, soda, milk.
  • Control of body temperature, with an increase, a pill is supplied down.
  • You can not warm the sore place. Geds are prohibited. It can worsen the state, provoke inflammation.
  • If parents are confident that this is a common bloating, it is permissible to give a medicine that removes spasm.
  • If the constipation developed, the enema is better not to do to complete diagnosis by the doctor.
  • When sharp pain, vomiting, a watery chair is noted the main signs of intestinal infection.

Before arriving, the emergency parents can provide the necessary help to children. But medical, qualified will be only in the hospital. Do not tighten with a doctor call.

What is functional pain and how to help your child?

Functional pains are manifested at the age of 7 - 15 years. They look like a migraine. With a deep survey, it is difficult to determine the cause of the disease. Doctors advise parents to listen to siblings and help them.

What are the related functional pains:

  • Overwork in school;
  • Stress or nervous exhaustion;
  • Violation of the stomach or bad digestion of food;
  • Disorder of intestinal work, frequent constipation or diarrhea;
  • The stomach discomfort is accompanied by a headache, nausea.

Functional pains are not hazardous, over the years will disappear. Specifically to treat the child with such a disease is not required. It is worth paying more attention to him. The baby does not deceive and really feel bad. It is mistaken to assume that this is a way to lean from school and home affairs.

What to make parents in the diagnosis of "functional pains":

  • Ensure the child from stress, nerves. Create a favorable and comfortable atmosphere for it, exceptionally positive emotions.
  • Diet, separate food. Light salads, soups, more fresh vegetables, fruits.
  • Medicines are only light when the child cannot tolerate pain. Analgesics are suitable: ibuprofen, paracetamol.
  • It is recommended to keep a diary of the disease. Fix the period of the disease, the main symptoms in pain, how long the treatment is applied, which pills from pain are used.

Treatment can be held at home. If the diagnosis is displaced, typical indigestion, disorder in the stomach, treat the baby at home. At the first symptoms of vomiting, diarch gives activated carbon, mezim. It should be excluded for time from the diet, causing disorder. As much as possible, the child is as possible, with diarrhea, the body is dehydrated.

So that the bogs and discomfort in the stomach were not manifested again, follow the dietary child. More drinking fluids, use only useful products, washing before use, smaller sweets, oily, salty foods. Fresh vegetables, fruit - security deposit. Frequent hand washing will save from the occurrence of intestinal infections, contacts should only be with healthy animals. Do not pick up from the floor from the ground. Monitor compliance with the treatment regimen, take medicine.

If the child complains about pain in the abdomen - it is impossible to leave it without attention. Pain is the first step to the disease with serious consequences. If the operation table becomes carried out properly. It is impossible to treat independently, only urgent medical care or consultation will avoid serious diseases and surgery! Healthy kid - happy parents.

Everyone knows that if a person is sick - it's bad if a child is sick, who is still not able to talk, then it is 100 times worse. If a child has a belly at night, it affects all living in the house: someone "sleepy" goes to work. And if one of the parents works by a dispatcher of airline or rail transport, it becomes important and clear for everyone - as much in this world depends on the health of a small little man.

Causes of pain

Like adults and children in abdominal pain, they are also called abdominal, they may arise due to diseases of internal organs, such as: liver, pancreas, stomach, kidneys, appendix and many others and muscle diseases, ligaments , tendons. Wherein. In children, especially at an early age, there is often a pseudo-condominal syndrome, which is characterized by some features: The fact is that in children in some diseases - otitis, meningitis, osteomyelitis, there is an elevated temperature, frequent vomiting, the intestinal work is disturbed (diarrhea or constipation) . All symptoms are observed as with acute intestinal infections. But when the child is alone or sleeps, the doctor manages to determine that the belly is not solid, affordable, painless (since the child does not wake up) and then the cause of the acute state is not in intestinal diseases, which requires additional diagnostic measures that reveal the true disease.

So, the main reasons for pain in the abdomen in children are:

  • the presence of worms;
  • infectious diseases, incl. cold (flu, angina, pneumonia, etc.);
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal organs, incl. appendicitis;
  • diseases of the urogenital system;
  • poisoning with various substances.
  • Pain differ in character of manifestation:

    • catching - pain occurs with waves and unexpectedly;
    • permanent - manifest when strengthening what is happening inflammation in the body.

    Pain differ by origin:

    • Somatic pain There are irritation of sensitive receptors of spinal nerves. Somatic receptors are available in bile ducts, in ureters and parietal peritoneum and therefore, such pains are also called parietal. These pain determine clear localization.
    • Visceral pains In which the conductors of the pain of the nervous system are the trunks of the nervous system. These pains are characterized by the absence of a clear localization and are formed as a result of strong peristalities, muscle spasm of central origin or colic.
    • Psychoic pains - manifest themselves in the form of colic in the abdomen, usually arise from very emotional children. Frequently combined with pain in the head, nausea may also appear, the stomach disorder, the temperature and blood pressure can increase. Provice this state may be fright, uncertainty, fear of unknown, the need to go somewhere or fly.

    Possible diseases depending on age

    The concept of a child implies a large group of children aged 0 to 18 years, therefore the causes, and the course of the disease, and some symptoms will be very different depending on age. Below will look at why pains, tormenting children of various age groups arise, and what are the causes of their causing.

    The manifestation of pain in newborns is a natural process of becoming the work of the gastrointestinal tract, in conditions outside of the morning existence. At this time, the intestinal microflora has not yet been formed, the food is poorly digested and digested, which leads to the process of fermentation and gas formation. The attacks of intestinal colic in newborns can continue for 4 hours, with small breaks, in children with age 3 and 4 months - 1.5-2 hours.

    With intestinal colic arise Nausea, vomiting, constipation. Kids behave restlessly, they cannot fall asleep, put the legs to the tummy, the temperature can rise from frequent and continuous crying.

    The main factors provoking the appearance of colic:

    • Unbalanced diet of the mother. If the baby is on breast feeding, then the mother itself is of great importance. Excessive use of oily, fried, smoked food, chocolate, sauerkraut leads to abdominal pains in a child.
    • Overeating. In other words, if the kid ate more than it can digest his body, then fermentation processes are not rebounded, forming gas formation, while the intestinal walls are pressure, resulting in pain.
    • Wrong feeding technique Breast or from a bottle with a nipple, if the child gets artificial nutrition. As a result of the sucking reflex, the baby captures the air and as if he swallows him, and after he fills him with milk. The air has nowhere to go to the body, and it presses on the intestinal walls, causing discomfort and severity. In this case, you need to give the child to overturn air from the intestine. It will help in this wearing in a vertical position after meals.

    Can help in combating colic:

      • Light massages. Between the adoptions of the baby's food are put on the tummy or on a barrel and they are handing lighter longitudinal movements on his body - from shoulders to the legs, provoking the outlet of the gazikov.
    • Physical exercises. Chado is put on the back and pressed the legs alternately to his tummy, saying in a gentle voice: "The little legs ran along the track." Such a game will improve not only digestion, but also the emotional state of the child. In addition, instinctively realizing that it becomes better from such movements, the child will make them himself during the reception of air baths or just in the crib. At the same time, the muscles of the abdomen and legs will train, which has not been damaged yet.
    • Strict day time. The child should have a clear routine of feeding, walking, sleep - only then his body will work like a Swiss watch.


    It is characterized by a change in the composition of microorganisms, which are in the intestine, which contributes to the appearance of rotary bacteria, And the mucous membrane of the colon begins to suffer from inflammation. There is a violation of the digestibility of the vitamins of the group B, the absence of which leads to the appearance of constipation, which in turn enhances the dysbacteriosis.

    The results of these processes can be:

    • bloating and meteorism;
    • an unpleasant smell of mouth and increased salivation;
    • dry skin and stomatitis on mucous membranes;
    • the constipation can change diarrhea that continues for more than 2-3 days, with the predominance of the foamous mucus of green and bloody streaks;
    • lack of appetite;
    • noticeable lagging in weight.

    The cause of dysbiosis in children can be the following reasons:

    • pathology during childbirth and long-term foundation in the maternity hospital;
    • infectious diseases (respiratory-viral, intestinal, gunnow, etc.) that require adoption of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs;
    • physiological immaturity of the intestinal motor function;
    • violated operation of the gastrointestinal tract (vomiting, joining, constipation, impaired absorption and intestinal dysfunction);
    • primary immunodeficiency;
    • later applying to the chest;
    • lack of breastfeeding or early translation of the child on artificial milk mixtures;
    • an unfavorable psychological atmosphere in the house, constant stress.

    For the purpose of diagnosis Laboratory feces are carried out on dysbacteriosis, on a conditionally pathogenic microflora and a coprogram.

    In treating Dysbacteriosis is prescribed drug preparations, which include bacteria similar to the composition of what is present in a normal microflora.

    From 1 year to 3 years

    Intestinal flu

    Acute intestinal virus disease. Other its names are gastric flu, viral gastroenteritis or rotavirus infection. Transmitted as a result of direct contact with the patient. The source of infection can be infected water, food and toys.

    The disease is dangerous for kids who have not yet formed their own protection in the form of immunity, as well as for those who have already weakened the immune system.

    The disease is characterized A short incubation period - from a few hours to days, less often up to 3-5 days, the rapid start and appearance of intense and increasing abdominal pain.

    Also, the disease is accompanied by:

    • nausea and numerous vomiting;
    • diarrhea with admixture of mucus and sometimes with blood;
    • dizziness and headaches;
    • high temperature, up to 38-39 degrees;
    • chills and weakness.

    Diagnostics are conducted Based on laboratory tests of feces, urine, blood. In case of detection of this disease, the child is subject to hospitalization In an infectious hospital, where it is washed with stomach and disintellation and antibacterial therapy are prescribed. When a child begins to recover, preparations are used that restore the intestinal microflora - Linex, Bifiform, Hilak Forte.

    It happens sharp and chronic. The second, usually occurs with the hailment of the first. Arises with the disease of the organs of the urinary systemlike girls and boys. Manifest Stupid, cutting, sharp pains that are amplifying at the end of urination, which becomes frequent, but small portions. Urine is characterized by dark color, turbidity, unpleasant odor. The temperature often rises, fever appears with chills.

    The reason is the infection that has fallen into the bladder, which can give itself to know as a result:

    • the supercooling of the body of the child during a walk when it runs through the concrete or tiled floor, tile or sits on a wet, cold surface, even in a warm room or in a summer;
    • baby swimming in cold water when hardening;
    • staying on drafts
    • long playing toys under cold water from under the tap;
    • constant constipation;
    • long catheterization.

    Diagnostics includes Common blood and urine tests, in which increased leukocytes, red blood cells and proteins are usually detected, as well as a study of bacterial sowing. From instrumental methods can be allocated - ultrasound, cystoscopy, which is sometimes combined with chromocystoscopy, urethroscopy.

    The treatment is strictly compliance with the recommendations of the doctor who include:

    • acceptance of drug drugs - usually gentle antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, painkillers;
    • bed mode;
    • eating more than ordinary tea with milk, compotes, horses, water;
    • warm compresses on the lower part of the abdomen;
    • diet, eliminating canned food, acute and fatty food, sauces, seasonings, smoked meats;
    • frequent isolation;
    • refusal of diapers.

    Herb treatment is widely used, but in each particular case you need to consult your doctor, in order not to do worse.

    From 3 to 7 years

    Helmintosis (Mainside, Ascaris)

    Depending on the species are divided into:

    • trematodosis (Soskers)
    • cestodosis (Belt Worms)
    • nonmatodose (round worms)

    Symptoms of diseases are:

    • suddenly emerging and fast passing, but frequent abdominal pain;
    • dizziness;
    • irritability;
    • frequent overall malaise and increased fatigue;
    • constipation or diarrhea;
    • nausea and vomiting;
    • troubled sleep with grinding teeth;
    • weight loss or growth in growth, compared to peers;
    • the strong itching of the anal hole, especially in the evening and at night (the characteristic sign of infection with the withders).

    Diagnosed disease Based on laboratory studies: Coprograms for identifying ascarides, and scraping from the anal hole in suspected enterobiosis. In addition, for confirmation of the diagnosis, the results of the overall analysis of blood, radiological and serological studies may be required.

    From folk remedies Helps milk boiled with garlic or swallowing pieces of garlic on an empty stomach. There is also such a recipe: purified pumpkin seeds with a volume of 1 cup eaten for 10-15 minutes, drinking with a small amount of water or milk, and after two hours they take a laxative.

    This is a state when the stool delay is observed more than 24-48 hours.. At the same time, the appetite decreases, nausea appears, the belching, the dream deteriorates, incl. night. Pains in constipation occur due to gas formation and stretching the intestinal walls. They have an increasing character and manifest themselves in the right and left sides, at the bottom of the abdomen, in the back of the back and the lower back.

    Popps may arise in children for various reasons:

    • when changing the situation, a long trip and disturbed in this case;
    • when the child is suppressing the urges to empty the intestines during an interesting game with peers, because of fear that they will come to his arrival or parents will not let him go again;
    • when there are foreign people nearby.

    In such cases, constipation continues for a short time, the work of the intestine is restored when entering the usual life rhythm.

    In other cases, the cause of constipation is various diseases, and the constipation itself is their symptom in this case.

    Possible diseases in which constipation is observed:

    • diseases of the stomach and biliary tract;
    • education of adhesions in the abdominal cavity;
    • disorder of the kidneys;
    • mental disorders.

    Diagnosis includes Percussion and palpation, Cala and urine studies, colonoscopy and irrigoscopy.

    In the treatment are assigned Sulfate magnesium salts - English salt, sodium sulfate - Glauber salt, Mineral Geyzer - Karlovyskaya Salt. The effect of these drugs is based on the delaying of water in the intestine, as a result of which the discharges are lighter from the body easier. Also, a large role in eliminating constipation is given to physical activity, the power regime, which necessarily includes breakfast and a diet, which should include more fruits, coarse fiber and less fatty food, mandatory use of at least 1.5 liters of water per day. In extreme cases, enema will help, but their frequent use threatens with dysbacteriosis.

    ethnoscience It offers such a method from constipation: two teaspoons of dill seeds crush and pour two glasses of boiling water, close the lid and insist for 10 minutes. Then strain and cool. Take one tablespoon three times a day 30 minutes before meals

    From 7 to 13 years


    It happens sharp and chronic. Disease it occurs with inflammatory processes in the domestic body, which is called Appendixwhich is a blind intestine.

    The emergence of appendicitis contributes:

    • constipation As a result of which kalovy masses may lose sight, by which appendix is \u200b\u200bconnected to a blind intestine;
    • cleerswhich can get into the process and develop their turbulent activities there;
    • poor digestion of protein food, The remnants of which fall into the process and are starting to rot, resulting in an inflammatory process.

    In the acute course of the disease, Pains arise in the navel area, do not have a clear localization - can be sick in the left side, and in the middle of the abdomen. In children, pains have "blurred" and weak. As inflammation is rapidly, the pain is localized at the bottom of the abdomen on the right and enhances, it begins to accompany each movement and it happens so sharp that the cold sweat appears. Additionally, nausea appears, vomiting, the temperature increases to 38-39 degrees.

    • palpation;
    • laboratory diagnostics of blood, in which the presence of an increased content of leukocytes and an increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESO) indicate;
    • laparoscopy, allowing to visually assess the state of the process.

    Chronic appendicitis Appears after the attack of acute, in which the pains passed, the person was not taken to the hospital, as they say - everything went out! But the process of inflammation continues, and chronic appendicitis at any moment can go into acute, and then the operation is inevitable. From practice, it is known that with the chronic form of appendicitis, people live several decades, but for some reason the operation is not produced, up to a sharp attack.

    Gastritis and gastroduodenit

    Gastritis is a disease of the stomach that occurs when the mucous membrane is inflammation.

    Gastritis is sharp and chronic.

    Causes of acute gastritis:

    • the basis of the child's nutrition is oily, fried, acute food and a large number of carbonated drinks;
    • between food is high time intervals;
    • the appearance of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori in the body;
    • complication of infectious diseases.

    The disease is manifested A few hours after meals, belching, a feeling of nausea, unpleasant pulling pressure in the opposite region. With vomit, the remains of food are detected, an unpleasant taste of bitterness is settled in the mouth due to the presence of bile. In addition, all these manifestations are accompanied by headache, general weakness and increase in temperature.

    With this state of the child, it is better to bed in bed, give warm drinks (tea, water), adsorbing agents (activated carbon, smack) and call a doctor.

    Chronic gastritis It occurs with violations of secretory and motor activities of the stomach, which provoke the preservation of incorrect nutrition, smoking, alcoholism, long-term reception of some medicines.

    In the event that a 12 square intestine is exposed together with the stomach inflammation, they are talking about the occurrence of gastroduodenitis, which is one of the forms of chronic gastritis.

    Symptoms and character of pain They have similarities with manifestations of acute gastritis, the only vomiting becomes less often, mainly it replaces the heartburn, also appear disorders in the intestinal work in the form of diarrhea or constipation.

    The diagnosis of gastritis and gastroduodenitis is carried out by the following methods:

    • visual inspection, which detects clinical signs of diseases and the plan for further surveys is planned;
    • ezophagogastroduodenoscopy or fibrogastroduodenoscopy, if necessary, with biopsy, are the most informative and reliable diagnostic methods;
    • taking blood tests - clinical, biochemical and general analysis of urine, on the basis of which the level of inflammation and possible concomitant diseases of the liver, pancreas are revealed;
    • cala's research on the presence of worms;
    • Abdominal ultrasound, which helps determine the overall condition of all organs .

    Treatment, along with the reception of antispasmodic, enzyme, antibacterial drugs, includes a fairly strict diet at which it is allowed:

    • lean soups,
    • vegetable broths or dietetic meat (chicken, veal, rabbit),
    • liquid porridges
    • mashed potatoes,
    • cutlets from lean meat, cooked for a couple,
    • boiled or baked fish
    • eggs Skump and Omelets,
    • non-starny cheese, kefir, cottage cheese and curd casserole
    • grated vegetables and fruits, better boiled,
    • bread black, if white, then not dive and dried,
    • beverage - Kisel, fastening tea, better herbal, cocoa on water, dried fruit, vegetable and fruit juices.

    At the same time, all foods must correspond to the human body temperature, be freshly prepared and used at the same time, not less than 5-6 times a day, but small portions.

    In addition, abdominal pain in the younger school and adolescence can be related to emotional experiences.frequent stresses from an excess of information, great training load, problems with classmates and / or teachers. It is possible to suspect this reason to pain, if the child is reluctant to school, it is responsible for your questions about his school life, or begins to gripe, keep it, he has a bad estimate. Solve problem will help a calm trusting conversation first with Chad, and then with a class teacher.

    From 13 to 18 years

    In these years, man matters, the body is rebuilt, and emerging pains have a purely physiological nature associated with sex ripening. This period is characterized by the instability of the vegetative, nervous and endocrine systems, the overvoltage of psychic and physiological processes.

    This time is characterized by:

    • the appearance of secondary sexual signs (hair appears on the pubic and in the axillary region);
    • the advent of menstruation and the growth of the mammary glands in girls;
    • changing the voice and timbre and the appearance of pollutions in boys;
    • a sharp increase in weight and growth.

    Girls, as a result of hormonal perestroika, can be observed swelling in the field of mammary glands, with a palpation of which a child feels a small pain. This formation can increase under the nipple up to 10 cm in diameter, and from the nipple there is a transparent or blood discharge. This formation during normalization of the hormonal background is resolved independently. Ultrasound is assigned to the diagnosis of this manifestation, in order to prevent any complications, for example, mastitis.

    The uneven development of the skeleton bones entails a violation of movement coordination. The child becomes clumsy, angular, but over time it passes. This phenomenon is dangerous by the development of the violation of the posture and the appearance of scoliosis.

    At this age, deviations are possible in the work of the cardiovascular system, due to the fact that the heart increases in size. In this case, you need to examine the cardiologist and make an electrocardiogram.

    As a result of the child's adulthood, their nervous and immune system are subject to change. In this case, the protective functions of organisms, adaptation and adaptive functions are reduced relative to external influences and stimuli. Therefore, children who did not hurt in early childhood characteristic of the period of diseases, such as cute or windmill, can get sick them. At the same time, in the adolescence, these diseases are transferred heavier and may threaten numerous complications.

    Children get faster, complain of abdominal pain, they are more often observed an increase in temperature and headache. At this age, the excitation of nerve processes prevails over braking, which affects the relationship between parents, peers and teachers. The character changes when the hormonal background is disturbed and the level of testosterone in the blood of the boy increases. In such cases, a child psychologist or a good mentor can help.

    One of the most unpleasant external phenomena at this age is acne on the skin of the face, which are a consequence of a hormonal explosion, arising as a result of the activity of the sebaceous glands. The main thing is to clean the skin in a timely manner, do not press the acne, process the place of the defeat with special cosmetics. In this case, a dermatologist will help with tips on choosing the necessary treatment, selection of necessary funds. Eating in smaller doses of fatty, sharp, pickled products, fats, candies, chocolate will also help.

    In what cases is required to urged ambulance

    1. The baby's breathing is difficult to wrap, noises in the chest and intermittent breathing, accompanied by a high temperature. There is a change in the color of the skin, selection of tears when coughing.
    2. Nausea, almost continuous vomiting, accompanied by pain in the abdomen, high temperature, frequent diarrhea with blood discharge.
    3. Dusty aggression was replaced by strange drowsiness, in which the child is difficult to wake up. It may be accompanied by spontaneous release of cartoons with an unpleasant odor.
    4. The appearance of convulsions accompanied by a "abnormal look" and unusual behavior.
    5. Dry lips and tongue, a sharp change in the face of the face - a pronounced poorer, an unusual pallor, crying without tears.

    Stomach pain, high temperature, night diarrhea, the appearance of vomiting and nausea every evening - here are several states of the baby, pointing to the irritation and illness of the internal organs and are dangerous for his life. Be careful to the child and pay attention to any unusual behavior. Know - the faster you call the medical care service, the greater the chance you will leave the child for life!

    • anomalies of the Constitution of the GCT;
    • poisoning of different etiology;
    • allergic reactions.

    • breakthorn;
    • dysbacteriosis;
    • constipation;
    • inguinal hernia;
    • gastrointestinal reflux;
    • lactase insufficiency.

    By character, pain happens:

    • pouring legs to the stomach;
    • refusal to eat;
    • concern;
    • capriciousness.

    • ezophagogastroduodenoscopy;
    • contrast radiography;
    • Ultrasound of digestive organs;
    • analysis of the feces on the eggs of worms.

    • lasts longer than 6 hours;
    • lead to refusal of food;
    • interfere with sleeping;
    • accompanied by fainting;
    • unbearable, very strong;

    What can not do:

    • feed baby;

    How can you help your child:

    • grook tea with fennel;
    • make massage a tummy;

    Each mother at least once faced the fact that the child has a stomach ache. Abdominal pain is the first problem with which young parents are found.

    Pain syndrome may occur at any age. It may have a different character and be the result of problems with digestion, chronic diseases, functional states or psychogenic factors.

    Abdominal pain cannot be ignored, and it is dangerous to treat it.

    Abdominal pain, or abdominal pain - this is an unpleasant feeling in the field of epigastria, navel or abdominal nose, which is the symptom of many diseases. The painful sensation is an important phenomenon of the body that signals the violation of the work of various organs and systems. Abdominal pain can speak not only about violations of the work of the gastrointestinal tract, but also the pathological conditions of other organism systems.

    The main causes of the pain in the tummy are:

    • stresses and psycho-emotional loads;
    • diseases of the organs of the digestive tract - gastritis, colitis, enteritis, melting invasions, Crohn's disease, 12-rustic ulcer and stomach, acute appendicitis;
    • other diseases - influenza, pneumonia, tuberculosis, diseases of the urogenital system, infectious diseases;
    • anomalies of the Constitution of the GCT;
    • poisoning of different etiology;
    • allergic reactions.

    Abdominal pain in children are often associated with age features.

    Most often, the cause of painful syndrome in the kids up to the year is intestinal colic. This condition is not hazardous for the health of the child and does not require special treatment.

    In addition to colic, the pain in the tummy in infants may cause diseases:

    • breakthorn;
    • dysbacteriosis;
    • constipation;
    • food or medicament allergy;
    • inguinal hernia;
    • gastrointestinal reflux;
    • lactase insufficiency.

    Why hurts belly in children older than a year, preschoolers and adolescents?

    In a child in 1 year, the causes of pain is identical to the reasons for pain in adults. The exception is extremely rarely found in childhood gall-eyed disease.

    Pain in the tummy in a child in 2-3 years is often caused by a sharp appendicitis, peritonitis or diverticulitis.

    In a child over 4 years old, the pain in the tummy can be functional character, it is not related to the pathological states of the tract or other organs. You can compare it with a headache in adults.

    In children at 8 - 12 years, abdominal pain often appear as a symptom of chronic diseases (gastritis, gastroduodenitis, pancreatitis).

    By origin, pain may be:

    1. Visceral - arising due to irritation of the sensitive nerves of the peritoneum. It feels like colic, does not have a clear localization and irradiates to other parts of the body.
    2. Parietal - due to the irritation of the peritoneum. The pain cutting has a clear localization and enhanced when driving. Often accompanies appendicitis.
    3. Psychogenic - which is a psychosomatic reaction of a child for stress. Not accompanied by functional disorders or pathological states of the gastrointestinal tract.
    4. Neurogenic - emerging at the damage to nerves innervating the abdominal wall. Such a pain burning, sharp and sudden.

    By character, pain happens:

    1. Catching - most often occurs with the narrowing of the gut as a symptom of colitis, adhesive disease.
    2. Constant - characteristic of a progressive inflammatory process. If the child has a stomach constantly, it may indicate a violation of the secretion of the stomach or its motor function, an irritable intestine syndrome or diverticulite.

    The duration of pain syndrome can be:

    1. Acute - arising within a few hours or minutes. He is often accompanied by other symptoms. It occurs during appendicitis, ulcers, cholecystitis, perforations of the intestinal wall or stomach. The condition may indicate diseases that threaten the life of a child and requires emergency care.
    2. Chronic - present at the kid for more than 3 months. At the same time, pain in the tummy in a child can appear periodically, against the background of relative well-being. They are due to organic or functional disorders of the abdominal organs. Often their cause is ulcerative disease, gastritis, pancreatitis, gallbladder diseases.

    The pain of newborns and infants manifests itself with such signs:

    • pouring legs to the stomach;
    • refusal to eat;
    • concern;
    • intensity of the abdominal wall;
    • capriciousness.

    Older children who can express their feelings with words, indicate the localization of discomfort, can describe its character.

    With different states, the pain has certain characteristics: intensity, frequency, strength, and others. To determine the possible reason for the symptom, it is necessary to know what features abdominal pains for different diseases are possessed.

    Abdominal pain in diseases of the abdominal organs

    1. Appendicitis. Most often, the guys aged 9 - 12 years old. Painted sensations are localized in the field of navel or the nec of the belly on the right, are acute. Under appendicitis in a child, in addition to abdominal pain, diarrhea appears, nausea, vomiting, high temperature (39c and above). The kid becomes restless, capricious.
    2. Pneumococcal peritonitis. More often occurs in girls of senior preschool age. The child has severe pain, especially below the abdomen or not having a clear localization. There is a high temperature of 38 - 40C, multiple vomiting, malicious diarrhea. The overall condition is heavy, the skin is pale, the pulse is accelerated, the tongue is dry.
    3. Koprostaz. It is characterized by pain in the stomach, especially when palpation of the ileal area on the left. After the enema, an abundant chair is distinguished, discomfort disappears. The temperature rises rarely, the general condition is satisfactory.
    4. Tuberculosis mesadenit. Stomach pain sharp, grasp, temperature 37 - 37.5s. There is diarrhea and the intensity of the abdominal wall.
    5. Intestinal invagination (foreign body in the intestines). Most often causes abdominal pain in children aged 4 to 8 months. Pain appears suddenly and accompanied by anxiety, crying, screaming, refusal to eat. The attack ends also suddenly, as it began, but after time it appears again. Soon the child tears the residues of food, after admits of bile and at the end of intestinal content. After a while, blood with mucus is distinguished from the rectum. The body temperature remains within the normal range.
    6. Volvulus. The pain attack arises sharply, accompanied by a cry or a cry of the baby. Visually abdomen is asymmetric, marked the delay of gases and stool, the peristalistic is reduced. Maybe vomiting.
    7. Turning the stomach. Bulk sensations are similar to colic and accompanied by common concern. Vomiting with blood admixture, hypotension. The condition is worse rapidly.
    8. The disadvantaged groin hernia. It is predominantly in infants and kids up to 2 years. The child appears vomiting, unmotivated cry, skin pallor, sweating.
    9. Acute diverticulitis. Clinic picture is similar to acute appendicitis. The pain is localized at the bottom of the abdomen, both in boys and girls. There is constipation, fever, anxiety.
    10. Mesenteric lymphadenitis. The area around the navel or the bottom of the abdomen, the abnurbing muscles are tense.
    11. Crohn's disease. Pain sensations occur periodically, mainly in the right side of the abdomen. The child appears diarrhea, anemia, the weight is reduced.
    12. Umbilical colic. Therefore, the abdominal pain can be observed in a child of 4 to 7 years, which has increased psychological susceptibility. Colics are enhanced after nervous voltage or stress. Pale skin, red dermographicism appears.
    13. Anomalies of the gallbladder and ducts. The average intensity is covered by the right upper part of the abdomen, may be irradiating to the shoulder, shovel, neck. Often passes with nausea and vomiting.
    14. Dyskinesia of biliary tract. For diseases are characteristic of a stitching or cutting parietal short-term pain. An unpleasant feeling is enhanced with palpation.
    1. Enterocolit. Pain syndrome is accompanied by mucous meal diarrhea.
    2. Gastritis. The pain is captured, the feeling of cutting in the stomach, nausea, vomiting. The painfulness of the baby occurs often, mainly after meals or in an empty stomach.
    3. Dysentery. Painful sensations are moderate, localized along the colon, accompanied by hiring in the abdomen, fever, frequent vomiting, nausea.
    4. Glice invasion. The pain in the navel navel area, intense. Accompanied by loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.
    5. Typhoid fever. Pain is localized in a blind intestine or spilled. Diarrhea, rumbling in the stomach.
    1. Angina. The pain syndrome often occurs in young children and is in a quickened character.
    2. Scarlatina, Kor, Diphteria, Epidemic Malgy, Flu. Often accompanied by abdominal pain on the right, simulating appendicitis.
    3. Sharp tracheobronchita, cough. The pain syndrome develops as a result of overvoltage of the press muscles when coughing.
    4. ORVI. Pain of uncertain localization, grabs-shaped.
    5. Acute pancreatitis. Painses appear sharply, have a sinking character, often irradiated in the back, are accompanied by nausea, vomiting. The child takes a forced position lying on the left side. Temperature is normal or subfebrile.
    6. Pneumonia. Painses are exacerbated with breathing.
    7. Rheumatism. The pain parlor, having a clear localization.
    8. Hemorrhagic vasculitis. Pain syndrome is accompanied by diary and signs of intestinal obstruction.
    9. Diabetes. Pain sensations against the background of the abdominal wall tension. The belly swollen, painful.
    10. Acute hemolytic anemia. Containing pain caused by progressive splenomegaly.
    11. Periodic disease. The child periodically hurts the belly, fever arises and chills. The belly painful with palpation, the abdominal wall is tense. At the peak of the attack, symptoms of intestinal obstruction are noted.
    12. Abdominal injuries. The pain during injury can be localized or spilled, can be accompanied by fainting.
    13. Moore Syndrome (Abdominal Migraine). The pain is spilled, parry, combined with the convulsions of the muscles of the front wall of the peritoneum.
    14. Psychoic pains. Cancellation is accompanied by nausea, diarrhea or constipation, redness of the face, high sweating. Emotional children arise. Frequently combined with headache. It is possible to increase the temperature to subfebrile numbers. The attack provoke any stress factors (a quarrel in the family, exam, fright).

    With painful syndrome, the baby may face any specialist: ENT, infectious player, a gastroenterologist, a pulmonologist, a surgeon. When this symptom appears, first of all, it is necessary to contact the precinct pediatrician, which will appoint a narrow-profile consultation.

    To select a survey methodology, the doctor conducts an inspection, collects complaints and anamnesis. In obligatory, the child is shown a general-term analysis of feces and blood. To eliminate gastroenterological problems, the following tests are carried out:

    • ezophagogastroduodenoscopy;
    • contrast radiography;
    • analysis of the contents of the stomach and the 12roscopod;
    • Ultrasound of digestive organs;
    • analysis of the feces on the eggs of worms.

    If there are no gastroenterological problems, additional consultations of narrow specialists and profile examinations are appointed.

    It is difficult to determine the cause of pain in the tummy in the child, so attempts to cure this symptom of home ineffective and are dangerous to health. To eliminate pain syndrome, it is necessary to undergo the treatment of the main disease that caused it.

    Contact the doctor or call an ambulance, if pain:

    • lasts longer than 6 hours;
    • lead to refusal of food;
    • interfere with sleeping;
    • intensify when changing the position;
    • accompanied by multiple vomiting, fever.

    An indication for emergency hospitalization is pain syndrome, which:

    • accompanied by fainting;
    • unbearable, very strong;
    • leads to a limitation of movement;
    • accompanied by the lack of chairs longer than 3 days.

    What can not do:

    • to give a child painkillers before the doctor's arrival - it makes it difficult to diagnose the causes of pain syndrome;
    • feed baby;
    • put cleaning belly or give laxatives;
    • hurry the location of pain.

    How can you help your child:

    • before the arrival of the emergency can be put on the belly kid with ice pack;
    • pain can be reduced by massage the abdomen in the direction clockwise.

    To reduce the likelihood of symptoms, you need:

    1. Adhere to the principles of proper nutrition and food intake mode:
    • be sure to include ferocular products in the daily diet;
    • provide the child's body with vitamins and minerals;
    • enter the ads in accordance with the recommendations of the pediatrician;
    • control the quality and number of food consumed, its correspondence to the child's age.
    1. Create a friendly and calm atmosphere in the family, protect the baby from stress.
    2. For the prevention of infant colic before each feeding, the kid can be given tea with a fennel or chamomile.
    3. In a timely manner to see the doctor for the diagnosis and treatment of gastroenterological pathology.

    Why can a child be sick in the evening and at night?

    Evening and night abdominal pains may be symptoms of any of the above diseases and diagnosed only considering the time of their appearance, it is impossible. Most often, they talk about violations of the regime and nutritional quality or wicked invasions in children after 2 years. Cuts can appear in the newborn and infants in the evening and at night.

    Why can a child be sick in the morning?

    The painful syndrome in the morning may be the result of severe dinner or chronic gastrointestinal diseases (gastritis, pancreatitis).

    What if the newborn stomach hurts?

    With infant colic you can act like this:

    • grook tea with fennel;
    • make massage a tummy;
    • put a gas feed tube;
    • give special drugs that facilitate the extension of gases - Baibi Kalm, Espumizan, infraak;
    • if the painful syndrome is very strong, you can give 1/8 tablets no-shop.
    1. If the pain in the baby has often, but not accompanied by other symptoms, it is possible to offer him a diary of pain in which the child must describe when there is an unpleasant feeling as they last and what helps to cope with them. Such a diary will help the doctor to evaluate the condition of the baby and rapidly establish the cause of discomfort.
    2. During treatment, try to distract the baby from the unpleasant sensations of interesting activities or games.
    3. Always believe your child and listen to it. Abdominal pain is not only a pretext not to go to school, but also a signal about the problem of physical or mental health.

    The pain in the tummy can talk about serious problems with digestion or other bodies. Sometimes pains are transient or functional. To understand their reasons, it is necessary to undergo a complex of surveys, so it's dangerous and ineffectively to deal with pain at home.

    Before trying to determine the cause of pain, it is necessary to find out how intense they are localized. With strong bars, the kids tend to prefer to lie down, taking not very comfortable postures. Turn and get up, while children are very careful, slowly. The symptom can be sharp (dweller pain), stupid and stuck.

    Everyone knows that if a person is sick - it's bad if a child is sick, who is still not able to talk, then it is 100 times worse. If a child has a belly at night, it affects all living in the house: someone "sleepy" goes to work.

    And if one of the parents works by a dispatcher of airline or rail transport, it becomes important and clear for everyone - as much in this world depends on the health of a small little man.

    • Features of night pain
    • Types of abdominal pain
    • Features of accompanying symptoms
    • The main causes of night pain in the stomach
    • Night pain therapy

    The manifestation of discomfort when the stomach hurts simply unbearable at night, there is no way to sleep - these are the most common complaints when visiting the gastroenterologist. Typically, the localization of pain syndrome can be the most different, which depends on the etiology and intensity of the processes.

    A separate topic is the pain in the tummy in the first six months of life. Infant colic is constantly repetitive attacks of a baby crying, which is disturbed by the baby's sleep, while he presses the legs to the tummy and eats gases.

    The exact cause of infant colic is unknown. But when the gastrointestinal tract is rebuilt on a new way of nutrition (through the mouth, and not through the umbilical cord), stress is inevitable. To facilitate the condition of the crumbs, first of all, you need to adjust the climate in the children's bedroom. Perhaps he cries because, because of the heat and dry air, he lost a lot of water, and the caval masses became too thick.

    It should be understood that the "stomach hurts" is not a diagnosis, but only a symptom. There can be no universal medication from this ailment until we definitely find out the reason. However, there are several general recommendations that should be observed to all.

    1. Common folk remedy - Glooring on the stomach.

    But in some cases it can be very dangerous. For example, if the cause of the pain is appendicitis, then overheating can lead to the rupture of the inflamed appendix.

    Therefore, it is better not to use the heating until it register her doctor2. The most comfortable position in the abdominal pain is on the side with the foot.

    If the kid got sick under the year, he will be best on his hands at Mom3. Sometimes in order to understand the cause of abdominal pain, it is enough to hand over a simple urine analysis.

    Infection urinary tract Also can give such a symptom4. Previously, in case of pain, everyone did the belly to everyone.

    A number of states are now found when such treatment can only harm. Therefore, it is not worth the abuse of this tool at home without appointing a doctor.

    So, the abdominal pain is a non-specific, blurry diagnosis. It is impossible to prescribe a medicine until the doctor determines its cause. Nevertheless, parents have many ways to avoid this pain and help with household means without attracting medicine.

    Every person in life had painful sensations in the abdomen. Most often, short-term disorders of the digestive act and increased gas formation are. If the pain lasts a few minutes and after the gatherings in the toilet stops, it is not worth worrying.

    Often, other symptoms are joined in the tummy pain.

    Infectious diseases Gynecology - inflammatory processes in a small pelvis in girls urology - pyelonephritis, cystitis surgical diseases - appendicitis, breaking gum poisoning

    It is important that the child trust parents and addressed them with all the problems. And Mom and Dad carefully reacted to all his complaints.

    Allergic reactions swelling Refusal of food

    Sharp abdominal pain, including at night. It all depends on the time of receipt of toxin to the body. Nausea and vomiting. Disruption of defecation - most often it is diarrhea, but there may be the opposite reaction. Increase temperature dryness in the mouth

    All this symptomatics requires an appeal to the doctor. With severe food poisoning, strong pains in the child's abdomen need to be urgently hospitalized.

    Girls may have a belly because of gynecological diseases, no matter how strange it did not seem

    What gynecology in a child? - you ask. Yes, if this is a boy, then he will not have the diseases of the female sphere. And the daughter may well be. Especially when the girl is included in adolescence and the period of mini skirts begins, thin pantyhose in the cold time.

    Abdominal pain can be evidence of a wide variety of problems. We can not even suspect some of some. Install the diagnosis of only a doctor. For example, a teenage girl can hurt the belly due to the fact that the first monthly will come. And the boy, resetting yesterday at the lesson of physical education, it may be a consequence of excessive tension of the muscles of the press.

    However, there are several of the most common reasons.

    • Infectious diseases
    • Gynecology - inflammatory processes in small pelvis in girls
    • Urology - Pyelonephritis, cystitis
    • Surgical Diseases - Appendicitis, Cisch Varuch
    • Poisoning
    • Allergic reactions
    • Euchness
    • Failure
    1. Sharp abdominal pain, including at night. It all depends on the time of receipt of toxin to the body.
    2. Nausea and vomiting.
    3. Disruption of defecation - most often it is diarrhea, but there may be the opposite reaction.
    4. Temperature increase
    5. Dry mouth
    6. Color change in urine

    A cure for abdominal pain for children should be sure to be a first-aid kit at the parents. Treatment Colik and bloating involves the toddler of light drugs. Their application must be coordinated with the doctor. What helps from abdominal pain:

    • Dysflatyl;
    • Espumizan;
    • Festal;
    • Enterosgel;
    • Mesim;
    • Lactovit;
    • Linex;
    • activated carbon;
    • But-shp;
    • Furazolidon.

    What are the causes of abdominal pain in a child? How to help baby in abdominal pain.

    It is impossible to imagine the baby who would have grown, never complained that he had a tummy. Each mother came across such a problem. But before running to the doctor, you need to find out how we can help the crumb at home.

    First, ask the baby to describe what hurts where and how. He can prick in side or cut into groin. The unpleasant feelings are permanent or periodically appear. The nature of pain can also be different:

    We all are afraid of pain, but even more terrible when we are hurting, but in our child. It seems that you would have given it to all that all this is faster, like a nightmare dream.

    And especially scary when the child has a stomach hurts. After all, this pain can be caused by both banal overeating and stress and serious malfunctions in the body that requires the original hospitalization and surgical intervention.

    Of course, to treat and diagnose is the case of doctors. But after all, every mother in the family is not only a mother and housewife, and also a little healer. Agree, I do not always want to rush to the hospital, if a child has a stomach in at night. And if you are generally away from home and hospitals?!

    There is no person who did not have a belly. When a man adult he can analyze the causes of this ailment, draw conclusions and take the necessary measures.

    And the children sometimes do not even explain exactly where they hurt. As a rule, during the day, children move a lot and are engaged in their games and entertainment.

    Therefore, they cannot concentrate on the unpleasant sensations in their body. But with the onset of the night, when the child calms down and his body relaxes, all pain symptoms are particularly pronounced.

    Let's figure it out with this problem.

    The causes of abdominal pain are diverse:

    1. Transmission. Perhaps your child ate too much and the stomach is simply not able to digest such a number of food, especially if this food was very fat.
    2. Appendicitis. With appendicitis, the pain, but the child's well-being is worse. In this case, the doctors should immediately cause.
    3. Poisoning. As a rule, with poisoning for pain in the stomach, diarrhea and vomiting follows. In this case, it is necessary to give a child as much liquid as possible.
    4. Urological diseases. The child could get out of here, and painful sensations of the urogenital system, giving in the stomach.
    5. Gynecological diseases. If in conjunction with painful sensations In the girls you have noticed allocations, you should not postpone the visit to the gynecologist. The disease can take a chronic form.
    6. The consequences of the stomach strike. This reason is usually diagnosed in boys. In the process of games, the boy intentionally or inadvertently could hit the stomach.

    Everyone throughout his life was disturbed by stomach pain. And if the pain lasts from two seconds to one minute, then in most cases it can not be a reason for concern, as most likely, is a difficulty with digestion.

    Hope of diaperosis Reduced general immunity avitaminosis, lack of trace elements in children older - stress receiving some drugs

    Hurts tummy - baby will give it about it

    Anxiety and federation dark yellow urine baby too often urinated

    Pain in the lower abdomen, including at night, visiting the toilet more often than 1 time in 30 minutes. Increases temperature - this sign is quite rare


    Pain in stomach - night, daytime is a sign of a large number of diseases. Some of them are dangerous not only to health, but also for the life of the child. Parents be attentive to their children! He addressed the baby to you with a complaint - listen, watch him! Feel free to call emergency services. In this case, it is better to bother than then bite your elbows!


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    1. Supercooling
    2. Owls
    3. Reduced general immunity
    4. Avitaminosis, lack of trace elements
    5. For more older children - stress
    6. Reception of some drugs
    • Anxiety and planetness
    • Dark yellow urine
    • Child urins too often
    1. Pain in the lower abdomen, including at night
    2. Visit to the toilet more often than 1 time in 30 minutes
    3. Increase temperature - this sign is rare enough.





    1. The baby cries greatly, covered the whole and often knocks on the floor on the floor.
    2. After the first attack (it can on average, it can last from 7 to 10 minutes) the child becomes very sluggish, there are signs of apathy. With each subsequent attack of the belly will swell.
    3. Possible reflexes are possible, and mucus and blood and blood differ in the mass.
    4. Often the temperature rises.

    As soon as the parents have noticed these symptoms, the kid should be hospitalized immediately. If after the first such "attack" passed less than 12 hours, the damaged part of the intestine can be saved.



    Do you still seem to cure a stomach and intestines hard?

    Judging by the fact that you are currently reading these lines - the victory in the fight against diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is not yet on your side ...

    And you already thought about surgery? It is understandable, because the stomach is a very important body, and its proper functioning of health and well-being. Frequent pain in the stomach, heartburn, blown, belching, nausea, violation of the chair ... All these symptoms are familiar with you do not care.






