Blouris for British cats. How to bring fleas from a cat? At the cat flea - what to do? Funds from Bloch

It is important to understand that the treatment of fleas kittens is required in any case when they are infected. The fleas cause severe itching in the animal, sometimes allergic and dermatitis, and in serious infection lead to the depletion of the baby and develop blood disease in him.

On a note

In the photo below - a flea of \u200b\u200ba kitten in wool:

To get rid of fleas kittens today, a large number is available and sold effective toolsAll of them have their own specifics and require a neat and deliberate approach to use. Immediately need to be prepared for the fact that the treatment of fleas kittens requires a little more effort than in the case of adult animals - due to the need to comply with increased security measures.

Symptoms of the appearance of fleas from kittens

Learn, is there a flea kitten, just enough: they cause their bite in the animal, and the baby often draws his legs behind the ears, trying to reveal insects from wool. From particularly strong bites, the kitten can twitch and wake up, sharply tear away from food and games.

Below in the photo shows fleas close-up - the perpetrators of the kitten's torment:

On a note

If the kitten itches, and he has no flea, as they do not have them, and the mother's cat should show the kid to the veterinarian - the cause of the itch can be subcutaneous ticks or dermal diseases. Treat from these diseases should be completely different ways.

An indirect sign of the presence of a flea kitten is helminths. This is especially true for kittens that have not yet begun to eat meat and fish. For example, a monthly kitten flea and worms usually appear simultaneously - the fleas begin to feed on the animal, and after a week, the kid is also infected with worms.

An important point: when a small kitten you will find fleas, you can not immediately rush at the first thing that fell and handle the crumb. The specifics of the removal of fleas in kittens is strict compliance with strict security measures.

Security Rules: When the drugs are more dangerous than Bloch

For example, some phosphorodorganic insecticides (Malathion, dichlofos), as well as pyrethroids (permethrin and its derivatives of cypermethrine, deltamerin, alphamaris, are dangerous for kittens. If flea medicine for kittens contains these components, it is impossible to apply it for the young under 6 months of age.

It should also be remembered that it is possible to treat the kittens from fleas only after we are wearing them from the mother: all the means from Bloch remain on the kid's wool, and if the cat will lick it, part of the drug will definitely fall into her milk. The very nursing cat also cannot be chemical preparations.

Kittens of various breeds and ages: what medicines are suitable for them?

Depending on the age and the breed, get rid of fleas from a kitten with a means optimal for it.

Consider the main:

Finally, from three months of age, the kottenka from fleas can be droplets Advantix, leopards for kittens, specialty drugs Hartz and Blochnet.

British kitten, bobtail, Persian, Himalayan kitten get rid of fleas usually using shampoos. Kittens with short hair easier to treat fleas or sprays.

Gennady, Tver

In an individual, the kitten may be allergic or side effects from a particular means. In this case, the use of the drug should be stopped and to buy a means with another active ingredient. With a strong reaction to the drug should show the kitten veterinarian.

On a note

It is believed to be most safe to save kittens from fleas using special insecticidal powder. However, their use in the kittens of long-haired rocks is quite problematic.

Election of fleas sprays

Sources of the kitten should be processed after good feeding. The baby should hold his head so that he accidentally put it under a stream of the drug, gently push the wool and spray the opening areas of the skin.

Carefully make sure that the spray does not get into the eyes of a young. After processing with a kitten, half an hour should play, after which it immediately redeem it.

Also good sprays of Hartz and Frontline, but only for kittens from the age, which is specified in the instructions for their use.

"The easiest way to cure a kitten from fleas in sprays. Such a pshikalka is just more expensive than droplets, but gives a practically instant result - fleas or dying on the kitten, or jump off it. We sprayed our miracle Harts, there were no problems from him, fleas disappeared immediately ... "

Irina, Moscow

Powders for kittens and rules for their use

Powder from fleas for kittens is suitable in most cases. Usually, the HARTZ or gamma powder is used to get rid of fleas kittens.

The latter can be applied for a kitten to 1 month, provided that within a few hours after processing, it will not be in contact with the mother.

Remove fleas from a kitten using an insecticidal powder by the following plan:

If the kitten during this period continues to suck the mother, after processing it must be put in a separate trailer and in an hour or twice. After that, it can be put on the cat again.

How to wash the kitten from fleas?

Wash the kitten from flea best shampoos of phytoelitis or Mr. KISS - they are most secure as possible and practically do not lead to side effects.

Bathing a kitten with a flea shampoo in the same way as with ordinary water procedures.

It is only important to thoroughly hang the tool and make sure that the whole kitten's wool can be processed.

For a few minutes, the foam is maintained in the pet, and then flies off with a large number of running water.

What if the kitten was poisoned by a flea tool?

In rare cases, the kitten may accidentally swallow drops from fleas or lick shampoo or powder with wool. This in most cases does not lead to serious consequences, but sometimes the kid has allergies, vomiting, saliva, anxiety, shortness of breath, discharge from the nose and eyes, as well as other signs of intoxication. If it seems to you that the kitten was poisoned by drops from Bloch, he needs to give more water or milk and show the veterinarian as soon as possible. Previously, the drops themselves with the skin of the kitten can be erased using a wold with vegetable oil.

And finally, if the fleas from the kitten were successfully removed, it remains to consolidate the result. The first is to buy anthelmintic drugs and protect the hotels in the baby. The second is to look for fleas in the apartment, and if they are found - to derive them in any way, up to the processing from fleas of the entire room. In the future, the kitten should buy a special "children's" collar from fleas and release only in it.

So the kid will surely be protected from fleas in the future.

Interesting video about comparing the effectiveness of various types of flea funds

How to wash the kitten not to cause stress

Of course, a clearer picture of the presence of blood-sucking insects will give a veterinarian, and your task after setting the final diagnosis to start immediate treatment. It turns out that the fleas love to settle on small kittens. Therefore, behind your kids should be followed more carefully.

How to withdraw fleas. The fight against fleas.

If your flea pet has a flea at the beginning, you need to optimally choose a tool for their destruction, and then process the house. Today there are a lot of money to combat fleas: -

  • - Washer from fleas. They have proven themselves well in cases if your pet has access to the street. Such a collar can be easily put on the neck of the cat and his smell will scare flea. But it can also cause irritation in places of contact with the skin. The most widely used stamps: HARTZ? Beapfar.
  • - Inseticidal drops On the withers, very simple in use and protect for several weeks, but can be toxic. The most famous - Stronghol, Fipter, FIPrex.
  • -Shampuni from flea. Not toxic, suitable as pregnant cats and kittens. Destroy the flea already available in the cat. The most popular phytoelitis, meadow.
  • -Prey from fleas-the most radical and effective methods Fight. Simplex in use, act quickly and for sure. But before use, you need to get acquainted with the instructions can be toxic.
  • After processing an animal, it is necessary to process the place itself, its beds, floors. For this, there are special water soluble drugs (delcid) and sprays.
  • Shoes must be left outside the access of the cat and also to be processed.

Take care of your pets and they will repay you with limitless love.

  • anemia. Permanent bites lead to blood loss;
  • allergy;
  • dermatitis;
  • psoriasis;
  • helmintosis (fleas tolerate the eggs of helminths);
  • recquitciasis;
  • and other dangerous diseases.

Fleas can lead to full loss of pet wool and even cause the plague. Therefore, as soon as you noticed a black dot on your favorite, start taking steps to bring fleas from a cat.

Causes and signs of infection

The presence of fleas in the cat's wool can be determined by the following features.

For kittens or cats "on demolitions" is the most safe is the method of combing bloodsicles with a small ridge. Full getting rid of blooduisers can be achieved with the daily combing of animal wool. Periodically, the comb should be washed with water and wipe with light cloth. Combustable fleas, their larvae, eggs and excrement are incinerated or destruction manually.

We offer to familiarize yourself: How to bring Bloch from kittens for 1 month and older: symptoms of the appearance and means of struggle

Today there are plenty of funds that will help you save a cat from fleas.


Flea shampoos for cats and dogs

One of the tools that can withdraw fleas from the cat is shampoo. Its use gives good effectHowever, not every pet for moral. The method of using the anti-slip shampoo is quite simple. The detergent needs to be well to fasten to the cat's wool and leave for a couple of minutes, after which it is thoroughly rinsed with clean water.

When buying a shampoo, pay attention to the composition of the drug: it should not be present harmful to the health of the animal component. The shampoos of Barce, meadow, Insectin and phytoelitis are particularly popular today.

Injections and tablets

If you discovered fleas from domestic cat, help get rid of an animal from them with help injection preparations. Their advantage is the safety of a pet with possible contact with its relatives. Bloch injections are contraindicated with nursing and pregnant cats due to the fact that active substance The drug can harm the health of kittens. Make the anti-stroke injection can be almost any veterinary office.

Such actions possess pills. Plus this method is its action from the inside, which limits the ability to lick the drug by a cat from the surface of its wool. Contained in tablets active substance, falling into the blood of the animal, acts destructive on the biting of his insects. It is possible to achieve maximum effect when combining this method with other methods of struggle.

Drops from fleas for cats


Spray from flea in cats

Folk remedies

How to get rid of fleas from a cat with help folk methods very simple.

We offer to familiarize yourself: Cat's ear tick: symptoms and treatment

Folk remedies from fleas in cats

How to remove fleas at the pet

Folk remedies

You can withdraw fleas from a cat or cat in several ways. The choice of the right drug largely depends on the degree of infection, the age of the animal, breed and physiological state. What is better to remove fleas from cats? The main means that are used for animal processing can be attributed to shampoos, sprays, drops, tablets and collars.

Consider in more detail each remedy helps to get rid of fleas in cats and cats.

Insecticidal sprays need to be processed directly to the skin of the animal. Before you begin to output fleas in cats with a spray, take action measures for yourself and an animal. Jump gloves and gauze bandage or respirator. On the pet, put on a special collar that will not allow it to lick the processed parts of the body.

One of the means of combating insects is a collar. But it is rather preventive measure For animals walking on the street. In addition, he has restrictions on the timing of action. If your animal is strongly infected, the collar will not help you answer the question how to treat a cat from fleas. The anti-slip collar is suitable only to scare insects from the wool of healthy pets.

How to save an animal from insects using tablets? In some cases, the effective removal of fleas in cats is achieved by using special medicines. They are given with liquid feed or put into the tongue, forcing the animal to swallow the pill. Use tablets only for the treatment of cats who have reached 3 months of age. It is also necessary to take into account the weight and state of the fluffy patient.

Do not forget about droplets from fleas. This magic agent often advise veterinarians when they are treated with a question how to remove fleas in cats. Drops are applied on the knee withers. They do not harm the pet, since they are out of reach of his language. But fleas die for a few hours and no longer appear.

Important! As part of the drops, there should be no pythrene, as it is contraindicated for use on cats.

We offer to familiarize yourself: Sophisticated flea very casual what to do

How to save a kitten from harmful insects? Only mechanical methods are applicable here. For example, you can make a fur coat with a thick crest. If the kitten is accustomed to swimming, you can hover it into a decoction of herbs that fleas are not tolerated. There is another way, but not every person can take advantage. Conduct treatment from fleas cats of small age with your own hands, by catching insects from wool.

What if you find fleas from the cat

Comb and regularly examine

Kittens, like adult cats, can be attacked fleas. This gives them a mass of uncomfortable sensations and torment. Therefore, get rid of "unwanted guests" you want faster.

Signs and ways of infection

To determine that the kitten is worried about fleas, you need to pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • friction heads of the head;
  • an animal is constantly itching;
  • the appearance on the body of the wound and combs;
  • anxiety.

Kottenka, which is infected with fleas, cool invasions can be detected. If the number of fleas on wool is very large, then it starts to get out, dermatitis appear. Sometimes it leads to difficult conditions, right up to the death of the baby.

Funds for the destruction of fleas today are a lot. But for the treatment of a small kitten, the right strategy should be selected, taking into account its age and physiological features. Safe preparations For adult animals can cause side effects from kittens. The fact is that up to 3-4 months the immune system The baby is still very unstable. Therefore, the choice of drugs should be careful. Non-toxic and secure means are used.

Better abandon use chemical impact Until that the kitten is strengthened. The most difficult thing to cure newborn animals, which are in constant contact with the mother. The cat constantly licks kids, and if the kitten's wool is treated with a chemical, it will certainly fall into its body. And from there with milk into the kitten's body. Before serving from a cat, such procedures are better to avoid.

Important! It is forbidden to use funds, which contains pyreteroids, kittens to 6 months.

Activities that can be held to destroy fleas from kittens quite a bit:

  • combing, mechanical extermination;
  • bathing with special shampoos;
  • processing wool drops, sprays, powder after a certain age.

Kittens up to 2 months

While the baby is on mom feeding, it is impossible to use insecticides. In isolated cases, the use of some drugs from the chest is allowed.

If the kitten is for more than a month and he is excommunicated from a cat, the use of some means is allowed. For example, Mr. shampoo KISS. For swimming a kitten, 1 ml of shampoo in 2 glasses of water should be divorced. Stir so that the foam appears. Close the baby in the water, avoiding her hits in the mouth, nose and eyes. To withstand shampoo 3-4 minutes. Wash off with plenty of flowing warm water. Wool to dry the hairdryer and 8 hours to keep track of a kitten there was no exposure to cold and drafts. Use the tool no more than 1 time in 10 days.

Kitten after 2-3 months


It is necessary to use them according to the instructions. To get rid of fleas, 2-3 swims are usually enough. Unlike other insecticidal preparations, shampoos work more delicately. But they do not protect the kitten from the appearance of fleas, but remove from the surface of the wool existing. Therefore, as the prevention of shampoos are not suitable.

Popular flea shampoos for kittens:

  • Mr. Kiss. - Ensures fleas and cares for the fur of a pet, moisturizes the skin. Allowed to use kittens older than 1 month, energized from the mother. 200 ml. The bottle is on average 150 rubles.
  • Rolf Club. - more effective from the previous one, but does not act so delicately. Allowed to use from 2 months. The cost of the bottle is about 250 rubles.
  • Phytoelita - We produce shampoo for both adult cats and separately for kittens. Volume 200 ml costs about 60 rubles.


If you need to instantly get rid of fleas, sprays are used. In addition to fleas, after processing the wool dies, and other pests. It is necessary to use the means with caution so as not to harm the pet. Spraying wool, it is necessary to protect the kitten's eyes from the spray. In order for the animal to not immediately lick the drug, it needs to be captivated by something for 5-30 minutes (depending on the instruction). Then wash the remedy with warm water.

Popular Sprays:

  • Frontline;
  • HARTZ;
  • Beaphar.


They are allowed to use from 3-4 months. To drive a drop, you need to first push the wool on the withers, squeeze the tool from the pipette and rub into the skin. Some drops are applied along the spine. Up to 6 months, kittens need to be applied not a complete pipette agent, but only a part of it.

Drops from fleas for kittens:

  • Advantics;
  • Stronghold;
  • Beaphar;
  • Leopard;
  • Blochnet.


In any veterinary store you can purchase special. They are safe for the health of the kitten, and can protect it up to 4 months. But they can rub the gentle skin of the animal, cause irritation. The kitten will still take attempts to get rid of the collar. Popular collars for kittens: Bolfo, Hartz.

Additional measures

Go to and find out the recipes of folk remedies from molia in the apartment.

It is better to prevent the contamination of the kitten insects because it is to get rid of them in early age very difficult.

Small kittens require special attention and care. Especially if they have flea. It is necessary to take into account the age of the animal before using this or that means from fleas. Carefully study the instructions for drugs, apply them neatly and in the correct dosage. If possible, it is better limited to mechanical combing flea. This is the most harmless, but labor-intensive way.

Useful tips on how and what to remove fleas in small kittens in the next video:

Flea flea is overlooking, but in the insect highly developed paws. The flea torso is arranged, so it can quickly and freely penetrate the animal wool and just as quickly and easily move among the hair.

Fleas can cause a cat serious harm to health. The branched place can get it up to 7 days because saliva flea that fell into the wound causes allergic reaction. Animals are often combed to bite, due to this, abrasions appear, which begin to stroke even stronger.

Also Bloch bites can cause allergic dermatitis. Cats with lots of fleas show anxiety, sleep well and can refuse food. Some cats most sensitive to Bloch bites can open vomiting.

Here are the main questions that arise from still inexperienced cat owners. To determine whether there are fleas in an animal, you can put it on a light cloth or a sheet of paper, carefully. In the presence of fleas, after combing on the litter, brown-black grains may remain or even dark brown or black bugs - this is feline flea, and the borot black dirt has nothing like a product of feline-consisting of feline blood.

It is necessary immediately after detecting fleas in an animal to take measures to eliminate them. Since the flea female can postpone a day to 300 eggs that do not remain on the animal, and fall on the bedding of the animal, the carpet, the floor, the host bed. And there eggs flea and larvae turn into a cocoon and can live up to one and a half years. But this, provided that there is no animal nearby. However, if the senses are fed by a flea signal about the approach of the animal, the flea is chosen from the cocoon and closer to the cat under the wool.

If you need to immediately carry out fleas processing. And if you have already had animals or there are, and now need treatment is not only a newcomer, but other animals and all rooms where animals live.

Now there are a lot of money from fleas from shampoos and creams to drops. There are very simple in the use of drops, they are enough just to pour one or two drops on the animal feed, and the protection is provided for a month and a half. Be sure to read the dosage of the drug in the manual to prevent overdose, because Small kittens and even adult cats are sensitive to chemical components of such drugs. Special attention is paid to the age of the animal from which you can start using this tool. Cannot be used for dogs of dogs from fleas - it can cause serious poisoning in the animal.

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