How to get rid of fleas in a cat in an apartment. How to get rid of fleas in a cat

They feed on the blood of animals and humans. They can go months without food. The life cycle includes four stages: egg, larva, pupa, sexually mature individual. At favorable conditions, the development cycle is completed in two weeks. At the stage of eggs and pupa, the insect is able to freeze for a long time, sometimes for a year. In this state, standard insecticidal agents do not act on it.

Fleas are mobile creatures, they feel danger, they can jump over and take cover during processing, hiding in cracks, carpets and carpets. Therefore, cleansing a cat turns into freeing the entire apartment from annoying insects.

Destruction methods:

  • Destructive:
  • Repellent. Arthropods do not die, but they cannot exist on a cat.

Flea Remedies

There are the following types of insecticides:

  • Destructive emulsions.
  • Collars.
  • Drops.
  • Sprays.
  • Shampoos.
  • Folk remedies

Destructive emulsions

They kill fleas, lice, lice, ticks. Produced in sealed ampoules. Dilute with water before use. The animal is bathed, wiped with a sponge or a spray solution is applied to the coat, avoiding contact with the eyes and mucous membranes. The liquid is suitable for use during the day. The remains are used to treat places where fleas hide. The following drugs are in demand:

  • Neostomazan. Active substance- tetramethrin. The ampoule is dissolved in 0.4 l of water.
  • Butox. The active substance is deltamethrin. The contents are diluted in 3 liters of water.


An insecticide impregnated product repels insects. Approved for use from six months. Before using the collar on a cat, fleas are destroyed. The deterrent effect lasts for several months. Some of the insects that have fallen on the animal die upon contact with the collar, the rest scatter. The disadvantages of using insecticidal collars include skin irritation and adaptation to the collar. Collars are toxic to kittens. Therefore, lactating cats should not wear them. Collars of the following manufacturers are in demand (table):


The easiest tools to use. The contents of the plastic ampoule are dripped onto the withers and spread along the spine. During the day, each flea will visit a dangerous place, get poisoned or run away. The drops are non-toxic to cats. Their components accumulate in sebaceous glands and hair follicles, are not able to penetrate into the blood.

Drops of the following names are in demand (table):



Shampoos are easy to use, especially for long-haired cats, non-toxic, contain pyrethroids and essential oils. medicinal plants. Suitable for handling kittens older than two months. Shampoos kill fleas, but do not protect the cat from insect attacks. The following detergents are in demand:

  • Leopard.
  • Lugovoi.
  • Celandine.
  • Phytoelite.
  • Delix
  • "Mr. Kiss.
  • Rolf Club

Folk remedies

Traditional remedies rid the animal of fleas, but do not protect against the attack of new ones. Some products are more dangerous for a cat than synthetic insecticides. The following folk remedies are popular:

  • Decoction of wormwood. For 1 liter of water take 50 g of dry grass. Boil. Filter. Cool down. Abundantly moisten wool. Fleas disappear.
  • Garlic. A few crushed cloves are poured into 0.4 liters of water, set aside until the morning. Abundantly moisten wool. The insects are gone.
  • Pillows stuffed with pine sawdust. They are located in the lair. Fleas do not tolerate the smell and leave.

Features of the destruction of fleas in pregnant women, lactating women and kittens

All flea control products that are poisonous to insects are safe for adult cats, but not completely harmless to developing embryos and newborn kittens. Flea control measures vary for animals in the following conditions.

Cat fleas can cause unpleasant itching, redness on the skin, and dermatitis in the animal. If the pet is not treated in time, then it may develop anemia. But the most unpleasant and dangerous in this situation is infection- plague, tularemia.


The animal constantly scratches itself and bites;

severe itching;

The appearance of black dirt on the wool;


You should be careful if cat fleas appear in a small kitten, since its immunity has not yet been strengthened. Often, pets simply cannot stand bites, lose weight dramatically, suffer from dermatitis and anemia. In such cases, you should contact your veterinarian to avoid serious consequences, because often insufficient attention to this problem can lead to death.

The most gentle way to get rid of fleas in a kitten is combing. Of course, it will take a lot of time, but the result will justify itself. Combed fleas should be placed in a bowl of hot water and detergent.

Pregnant and lactating cats

How to rid a cat of fleas at home?

There are several answers to this question. Immediately make a reservation that the best option is a combination of several methods, so to speak, A complex approach. Let's consider each of them separately.


Cat litter cleaning

If bloodsuckers appear in a certain place, then it will be good to put a bowl of soapy water there. This will be a kind of trap. All that is needed is to change the solution as often as possible (about once a day).



To prepare the solution, you should take 4 tbsp. l. rosemary, pour a glass of water and boil for 30 minutes. Then strain, cool, moisten the animal's hair.

On the collar, you can drip essential oil (eucalyptus, geranium, lavender, tea tree). If you decide to use this method, remember that you need to be very careful, as cats are quite sensitive to essential oils, especially eucalyptus and tea tree oil, so you should not apply them directly to the animal's skin. But even in the case of processing the collar, do not overdo it - a few drops are enough.

Sometimes it happens that the owner has already tried everything, but the result is deplorable - the cat has fleas. What to do when nothing helps at all? The answer is simple - try a citrus decoction. To do this, several lemons are cut into pieces, poured with two glasses of water and boiled for 5 minutes. You need to insist all night. The finished product must be sprayed on the cat's fur - this is a prerequisite. Such a decoction should be used for prevention once a month.

How to remove fleas from a cat: traditional methods

2. Collar. This option is very effective, but there is one thing. It will be a long time before the first results are noticeable. The only problem - bad smell and discomfort.

You can also purchase a flea collar with essential oils. In addition, there are accessories on sale, in the production of which only natural ingredients - herbs - were used. However, such things are, of course, more expensive. But is it possible to save on the health of a pet? If you can't afford to buy plant-based products, at least avoid pure "chemistry" that can harm your pet's health.

Hazardous substances in the collar that can harm the cat:




The application is also quite simple. Drops from fleas are applied along the ridge to the skin of the animal and behind the ears.

Such funds are divided into natural and with additives. chemical substances. The latter are only suitable for adults, because when a cat licks the wool, the remnants of the detergent can enter the stomach and provoke unpleasant consequences. In the case of an adult animal, this, of course, is not fatal, but a baby can become seriously ill.

In no case should you apply shampoo along with flea drops, as these drugs can simply neutralize each other. When choosing a detergent, pay attention to the composition, and not to the conspicuous packaging.

5. Spray. This is a reliable and effective drug, which is most often prescribed by veterinarians. This drug also helps small kittens.

If the cosmetic product is of high quality, then the fleas are exterminated instantly. Using this method extreme caution should be exercised, because the product can get into the eyes of the animal. Flea sprays have a fairly high cost, but it is justified. After treatment, ventilate the room for half an hour.

How to remove fleas from a cat? Simple Rules

The main thing is to know that timely assistance to your beloved animal can prevent the occurrence of serious problems that cat fleas can cause. It's a shame our pets can't talk so they would tell us what's bothering them. Take care of your pet, because we are responsible for those we have tamed. Be sure that he will definitely answer your attention and love in the same way. Health to you and your pets!

Removing fleas from cats alone will not give the desired results, because you will need not only to treat the cat, but also to launch a serious campaign throughout the house. This is necessary for one simple reason: the larvae and eggs of fleas in the cracks of the floor, in the rugs and on the bedding of the pet are just waiting for its nourishing and juicy body, and are ready to start eating at any time.

Destruction of cat fleas on a cat and in the house

Comprehensive measures are the most correct step, because you can’t leave a single reminder of fleas at home, otherwise in a couple of weeks you will again look for a means and method to completely exterminate insects in the house. So what needs to be done:

  • Initially, you should remove fleas in the house, clean carpets, shake clothes, hang out in the sun and air out all blankets, sheets, jackets, and so on. Be sure to hermetically close the apartment and treat it with special preparations strictly according to the instructions, then ventilate the premises well and carry out a general cleaning, trying to get every corner where larvae, eggs or live individuals could remain.
  • If possible, treat the surrounding area with anti-flea drugs: in the apartment - balconies, extensions and common partitions, in a private house - all extensions and storerooms, adjacent utility rooms and at least a few meters along the perimeter of the house;
  • Further, the premises should be treated with agents that prevent the appearance of insects from existing eggs and larvae;
  • Do not forget about the treatment of the cat's bedding, basket or cage in which you carry the animal, the destruction of fleas and larvae in the car and all places where the pet likes to play, soak up the sun and so on;
  • And, of course, the processing of the animal itself with high-quality and effective means.

The best means

You should choose a product not by bright packaging and cost, because you can never know for sure what will help better, Frontline or, for example, Bars. It should be based on something else - the active components of the product and their effects on insects. To do this, you need to carefully read the ingredients of the product and consult about the active ingredients with the seller.

  • The possible number of fleas on the pet and at home, that is, the degree of population;
  • The breed of the cat, its age, weight, general state health of the animal at the time of treatment;
  • The environment of the pet (adults, children, other animals in the house);
  • Contraindications for the use of certain drugs.

Be sure to consider all the subtleties, because the remedy for cats is different from the remedy for kittens. Also different are the products intended for dogs and so on.

So, what kind of flea remedies and preparations for cats to use?

Collar "Celandine"

When buying a collar, you should definitely know that collars with amitraz, organophosphates or permethrin strictly prohibited for use on cats.

Spray or aerosol is a really good tool that will help your pet.

With the help of the product, all pet hair is processed, strictly according to the instructions or recommendations. veterinarian who advised this or that aerosol. After the fleas go off, die, they just don’t jump on the cat, depending on the active components of the product.

Spray "Frontline" for cats

Be very careful during use, as the spray should not get into your pet's eyes and your own. After applying the product, be sure to arrange a draft, and ventilate the room for 20-30 minutes.

Drops against fleas

Flea drops for cats are the most popular, and according to many, effective insecticide. Drops do an excellent job with the work assigned to them, have a prolonged action and can prevent insects from settling in the animal's fur for a long time. But here you should be careful, because not all of them can be used on cats.

Thus, all products suitable for cats and cats contain metaflumizone, etofenprox, imidacloprid, fipronil, selamectin. The medicine is applied according to the instructions, on the withers of the animal, and then begins to act without our participation.


You can also remove fleas from a cat with the help of shampoos that are offered in pet stores. It is very easy to use - after bathing the animal with its usual remedy. It works great on fleas that are present in the animal's coat, and sometimes has a prolonged effect. Be sure to ensure that the shampoo contains no components harmful to the animal.


Also, if fleas in domestic cats cannot be removed by washing and drops, try an injection. Thus, the cat will no longer lick the drops from fleas and will not get addicted, but the fleas will not become very soon.

Drug treatment of cats for fleas - tablets and injections


So that you do not have to often look for information on how to treat a cat for fleas or look for folk remedies for fleas in cats, we recommend that you preventive measures which will help rid the animal of a variety of unpleasant sensations.

Kitten gets rid of fleas (video)

Treating a cat, cat or kitten for fleas is a fairly simple process, you just need to remember the feelings of the pet and try to treat it in such a way as not to harm the health of the animal.

Fleas in a cat is a very common problem that every owner can face, even if the pet never leaves the apartment. Flea control and disinfection of the cat bed should be carried out as soon as the first signs of the appearance of these blood-sucking insects are noticed.

When fleas appear in a cat, it is not difficult to recognize them, because the insects that have appeared give the animal anxiety and discomfort.

How to find out and check if a cat has fleas:

  • the behavior of the pet changes - it often itches, bites the fur and licks it. A cat can perform such actions at any inopportune moment - during meals, at the time of the game, during sleep;
  • if a cat has fleas, then any part of the body itches and itches, regardless of the thickness of the coat;
  • in places of more frequent scratching on the body, the cat may develop bald patches and skin damage;
  • you can determine the presence of fleas by their waste products - next to the wounds on the skin there are dark small grains;
  • having an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat a flea looks like in a cat, it is easy to see it when you carefully examine the coat or comb it out;
  • if a cat has fleas, then eggs can be seen on the coat or bedding - they are oval in shape, very small, white.

How infection occurs

Fleas are small brown insects with flattened bodies on the sides. This shape allows them to easily slip through the cat's hair and get to the skin. These insects are very mobile. They do not have wings, but thanks to their long hind legs, adults are able to jump long distances. Most common cause infection - jumping from a sick cat to a healthy one. This is how animals living in nurseries or shelters, or having the opportunity to walk on the street, become infected.

Fleas can also appear in a pet that lives in a limited area, does not walk and does not communicate with relatives. To understand where fleas come from domestic cat, you need to know that these blood-sucking insects are prone to rapid reproduction, which has some features.

How do fleas breed in cats?

  • the female lays eggs on the fur of the animal, which have an elongated oval shape and are painted white;
  • the eggs are not attached to the wool and after a while they fall on the floor, on the bedding, on the ground. The eggs can be anywhere the infected cat has been;
  • the eggs hatch into larvae, which after a while form a pupa, where a flea is formed. She can be in a cocoon very long time and will come out of it only when he senses that there is a cat nearby;
  • how fast fleas breed depends on air temperature and humidity.

Flea eggs can be brought home on shoes or clothing. In favorable apartment conditions, they will quickly go through all stages of development from the appearance of a larva to the maturation of an adult flea and its attack on a pet.

Why are fleas dangerous?

It is important to start treating fleas in domestic cats as early as possible - as soon as the first symptoms appear. In addition to the fact that blood-sucking insects bite painfully, they harm the entire body:

  • large bald patches form on the body;
  • at the site of scratching there are dermatitis and eczema;
  • some cat worms are transmitted by fleas;
  • fleas are carriers of infectious diseases;
  • if measures against fleas in cats have not been taken for a long time, then the pet may have nervous disorders.

Fleas are very dangerous for a kitten. With a large accumulation of insects on a small body, the result of their harmful activity can be anemia, which cannot always be cured.

Flea removal methods

  • the age of the pet;
  • a pregnant cat or not, whether she feeds kittens;
  • the degree of damage to the skin and coat;
  • the presence of concomitant diseases;
  • How long has the cat been infected?

If the pet does not have concomitant diseases, then you can treat the cat from fleas on your own. You should contact the veterinarian when it is not clear how to remove fleas from a cat, what remedy to use if her hair has fallen out badly, dermatitis develops, or her health worsens.

What are the remedies for fleas for cats:

  • sprays and aerosols;
  • shampoos;
  • drops;
  • collars;
  • powders;
  • tablets;
  • injections;
  • folk remedies.

How to remove fleas from a cat at home and prevent re-infection depends on the specific application of the chosen remedy.

Sprays and aerosols

Spray - Enough effective remedy from fleas in cats. The wool should be treated abundantly, dividing it into partings so that the product gets on the skin. It works quickly, it can be used to remove fleas from kittens and pregnant cats. When spraying or spraying, pay attention to the following:

  • sprays that we use to remove blood-sucking insects from dogs cannot be used to treat cats because they contain some substances harmful to cats;
  • flea products for cats in the form of an aerosol or spray must be applied carefully so that active substance not put in the mouth or Airways pet;
  • flea spray treatment of lactating cats is not recommended, because kittens may be poisoned during feeding;
  • a flea remedy for treating cat hair and removing them from the litter is different drugs and they must be used strictly for their intended purpose;
  • before using the spray, you must read the instructions and follow the rules. In some cases, after treatment, it is necessary to wash off the drug from the coat, which requires bathing the pet.


A good and gentle remedy for fleas for cats is a shampoo. It is most effective for kittens and for pets that do not leave the apartment. This remedy does not have a long-term effect, therefore, in order to avoid re-infection, it is necessary to process all the rooms where the pet is.

How to remove fleas from a cat at home using shampoo:

  • before bathing, the pet must be carefully combed out;
  • moisten the wool with plenty of warm water and apply a small amount of shampoo;
  • when soaping, do not skip areas such as the tail, paw tips, stomach;
  • after soaping, the foam should not be washed off immediately, it should act for 2-3 minutes;
  • wash off with plenty of water;
  • Wipe the cat dry, if necessary, dry the coat with a hairdryer.

Important: when bathing a cat, make sure that shampoo and water do not get into the ears.

Shampoo is the best remedy from fleas for cats as a preventive measure. If the pet easily tolerates water procedures, then you can use an anti-flea shampoo for washing each time. You should know that for long-haired and short-haired breeds they produce different types shampoos.


The most effective remedy for both fleas and ticks for cats is drops. This is one of the effective remedies against lice, mosquitoes and other blood-sucking insects. They are applied to the withers and upper part back along the spine. Drops have a prolonged action and are recommended for pets who constantly walk in the yard.

How to get rid of fleas in a cat with drops:

  • carefully study the instructions and calculate the dosage of the drug based on the weight of the animal;
  • three days before the use of drops and three days after water procedures are not recommended;
  • drops are applied along the spine to lower part head, neck and upper back (these are the places to which the cat cannot reach and lick off the drug);
  • drops should be applied directly to the skin, pushing the hair away;
  • during the summer season, drops are used repeatedly, at intervals indicated in the annotation to the medicine.


Collars have long-term action but not all cats get used to them. If for some pets the collar can become an inconspicuous accessory from the first day, then others have to be taught and distracted for a long time at the moment when they try to remove the collar from themselves. This remedy is not very suitable for cats with very long and thick hair, because after prolonged wear, tangles form on the neck. For such cats, it is better to alternate the collar with other means or wear it only for walking.


Flea powders are rarely used for cats, but they are useful when we get rid of fleas and their larvae in cats' habitats. Powder can be sprinkled on the floor in the apartment, furniture, carpets and bedding for animals. After some time, the powder is collected with a vacuum cleaner, brush or swept with a broom and wet cleaning is carried out. It is desirable to use water for disinfection of the room very warm, almost hot. Work is carried out with gloves.

Tablets and injections

About tablets and injections against fleas, you should consult a veterinarian. They are very effective and are used in cases where the cat is heavily infested, there are large lesions on the coat and skin, or the rapid destruction of blood-sucking insects is required due to the health of the pet.

These drugs have many contraindications, it is necessary to observe exact dosage and provide possible complications. Pregnant and lactating cats, small kittens, tablets and injections for flea control are not recommended.

Folk remedies for fleas

It is possible to rid a cat of fleas with folk remedies if the lesion is minor. The advantage of these funds is the absence of a toxic effect on the body, the ability to cook them with your own hands and effectiveness as a preventive measure.

A decoction of herbs is used to treat wool and spray cat litter. Folk remedy used for fleas in cats should have a sharp strong odor. For this, herbs such as wormwood and mint, chamomile and lavender, geranium and tansy are suitable. You can use one of these herbs, or you can mix them at your discretion.

What to do to prepare a universal remedy and how to use it:

  • 2 tablespoons of herbs are poured cold water and put on fire;
  • after boiling, the fire is reduced, the mixture is kept at a slow boil for 20-30 minutes;
  • after cooling, the solution is filtered and poured into a spray bottle;
  • the cat's hair is parted and sprayed so that the solution moistens the skin abundantly;
  • let it dry naturally, but at the same time it should be warm in the room to exclude colds;
  • the mattress on which the pet sleeps is sprayed with the same solution and allowed to dry well.

Instead of the usual filler for the mattress, you can use pine sawdust or dried pine needles. You can add dried garlic to it. Before preparing such a fragrant bed, you should check whether the pet will sleep in such a strong-smelling place.

How to avoid reinfection

A repeated attack of fleas on a cat can only be avoided if the means for the fight are periodically used as a preventive measure, and the room is cleaned regularly.

When walking a cat, be sure to wear a collar, apply drops or spray. When bathing a pet, it is recommended to alternate regular shampoo with anti-flea shampoo.

Indoors, it is necessary to periodically carry out wet cleaning, using hot water for this. You also need to wash combs, brushes and toys. Once a month, it is advisable to treat upholstered furniture and carpets in the house with aerosol preparations from fleas and ticks.

Every cat owner must observe personal hygiene: wash hands, put shoes and street clothes in the closet, especially if there was communication with other animals outside the house.

Removing fleas from a cat at home is a rather laborious, but at the same time quite feasible procedure for almost every owner.

It is important to know that fleas are insects that are very sensitive to odors and poisons, quickly dying under the influence of insecticides. And most importantly, what distinguishes fleas from ticks and withers is that they are extremely mobile, and in an emergency they are ready to leave the animal in a matter of seconds. This must be taken into account.

Once you understand how to remove fleas from a cat at home, it is quite possible to carry out this procedure regularly, quickly and with very good results.

Let's look at this procedure in more detail.

If the cat has few fleas ...

This approach can be effective only when the cat has just picked up a few fleas, and they have not yet had time to breed.

However, if small black dots are found on the pet's skin in large quantities - insect excrement, and white balls a quarter of a millimeter in diameter - eggs, and noticeable bite wounds and redness around them, this is evidence of a serious infection that needs to be treated quickly and actively.

So, to remove fleas from cats and kittens at home, there are several ways ...

Special flea collars

As a rule, collars work for 2-3 months, after which the insecticidal substance is exhaled and the animal needs to buy a new product.

Flea collars are great for animals that are regularly and for a long time outside - in this case, the collar provides constant reliable protection for the pet.

In general, we can conclude that such a collar allows you to quite effectively remove fleas from a cat or a cat at home, as well as prevent re-infection of a pet when walking on the street.

On a note

Insecticide collars are also effective against ticks and lice. However, the duration of their effect is most pronounced against fleas.

There are few disadvantages of flea collars:

  • the risk of developing skin irritation of the cat or kitten at the site of the collar. This occurs quite rarely, but even cases of the development of dermatitis from these funds have been recorded. Everything is individual here, and you just need to be careful, carefully testing the product for the first time.
  • Difficulty getting used to the collar in those cats that have never worn it before - the cat may feel restless and uncomfortable in it.
  • Hartz - perhaps the most effective, but also expensive.
  • Bolfo, universal collar for both cats and dogs.
  • Diaz - has an increased service life, protecting the animal for five months. It cannot be used in conjunction with other insecticides.
  • Kiltix - able to protect a cat for 7 months.

Flea collars should not be used on sick or recovering animals. They can be used for lactating and pregnant cats only with the permission of a veterinarian.

Flea drops for cats

All manufacturers try to make flea drops as safe as possible for the animal itself, so their use for cats does not threaten anything. However, in rare cases, a cat may experience allergic reactions on the drops themselves and even signs of mild poisoning.

Therefore, before active use of the product, it is advisable to test it in the minimum possible amount - apply literally half a drop of cotton on the cat's skin and observe the behavior of the animal and the condition of its skin at the site of application for several hours.

The most famous flea drops are:

  • Hartz
  • Frontline Spot on Cat
  • Bayer Lawyer.

An example of how flea drops can be dangerous to a cat if used incorrectly

Flea Sprays

Of all the products, sprays are the most effective, but also the most toxic. You can quickly remove fleas from a cat at home with them - for this you need to process all the pet's hair from a can and then do not let the animal wash for several hours.

The owner himself must use gloves and a cotton-gauze bandage.

Sprays provide an almost instantaneous effect - fleas die from them, without even having time to get out of the wool. They are no less effective against ticks. All sprays are strictly contraindicated for pregnant, lactating, sick, convalescent cats and kittens.

Today, cat lovers mainly use:

  • Frontline
  • Flea&Tick
  • Delix.

Special flea shampoos

Although for cats special shampoos they are rarely used against fleas, however, they also have a number of advantages:

  • with them, the cat practically cannot get poisoned - the shampoo is completely washed off after bathing.
  • Shampoo works in conjunction with water, which fleas also do not tolerate well.
  • Flea shampoos almost never cause side effects.

Popular flea shampoos today are:

  • Rolf Club
  • Delix
  • Shampoo B
  • Demos Lux
  • Flea&Tick Cat Shampoo.

On a note

For cats that love or are accustomed to bathing, shampoos are the best solution for flea problems. Even if the cat is constantly on the street, bathing her once a week will guarantee that fleas will not breed on her.

Injections and pills

For home use these drugs are the least suitable: the animal may show an atypical reaction to the drug, the injection may be given incorrectly, and in general, the introduction of the drug inside is not the easiest procedure.

As a rule, such agents are used in veterinary medicine when it is impossible to treat the animal externally.

In addition, some companies today produce powders that can also be used to remove fleas from a cat at home, but in practice it turned out that they are less effective compared to drops and collars, since they are easily showered or licked by animals.

Getting rid of fleas in pregnant cats

The main feature in the anti-flea treatment of a pregnant cat is to prevent the drug from getting inside. Even being harmless to an adult animal, it can affect the course of pregnancy and cause miscarriage or abnormal fetal development.

In this regard, the optimal means for removing fleas in a pregnant cat are:

  • collars
  • shampoos
  • and with the permission of the veterinarian - drops from fleas.

The first two types of products do not affect the development of kittens in any way, while some drops can penetrate under the skin and into blood vessels and from there into milk.

In any case, the easiest way is to put a collar on a pregnant cat, but do not forget to remove it later.

Shampoos for a pregnant cat at home should be used only in cases where bathing does not lead to stress for the animal.

It is important!

Removing fleas from a pregnant cat is the owner's first priority! If kittens are born from an infected mother, fleas immediately begin to bother them, causing itching and infecting them with worms. As a result, babies will grow more slowly and be generally more restless than their peers living with a clean and healthy mother.

If the cat is feeding...

Getting rid of fleas from a nursing cat is the most difficult. Even collars are not suitable here, since kittens can involuntarily lick or bite them when playing or looking for a nipple.

It is more advisable to use such drops that do not penetrate deep under the skin. When choosing a drug, you should ask the seller or veterinarian if it can be used for lactating cats.

The safest way to get rid of fleas in a nursing cat is to wait until the age of the kittens (3-4 weeks) when the cat leaves them for more than three hours, and after the next feeding of the babies, bathe the cat with flea shampoo, rinse it very thoroughly, and the pet dry gently with a hair dryer.

Perhaps the only remedies for fleas in kittens are shampoos, which can be used only after the kids open their eyes.

Many manufacturers produce special flea shampoos for kittens, but experts unanimously argue that only proven and safe Frontline and Stronghold should be used, since domestic products contain time-tested insecticides and additives, which may not be the best way to affect the condition of the kitten. Few people want to experiment on their pets.

Many cat lovers prepare anti-flea shampoo on their own: they buy the most inexpensive shampoo for kittens and add an ampoule of Neostomazan to it for every 150 ml. Such a mixture is guaranteed to be harmless to cubs, and when bathing kittens, it works just as effectively as expensive imported products.

The fight against fleas in sick or recovering cats is the only case when amateur activity is strictly prohibited. It is never possible to know exactly how and to what remedy an animal weakened by the disease and receiving additional drugs will react.

Therefore, first of all, if fleas are found on a sick cat, cat or kitten, you should contact your veterinarian. Usually, in these cases, either special sparing shampoos and flea drops are prescribed, or it is recommended to wait until the pet recovers.

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