It hurts the root to the head. Most effective methods of treatment Rub

For this disease, a strong difficulty of nasal respiration is characterized, the nose is usually laid on both sides, but the alternate constriction of the right and left nostrils occurs. In most cases, the patient has a mucous membrane (transparent) or purulent separated from the nose. However, if the nose is very laid, the runny nose may not be, since the outflow of mucus from the sinuses is difficult.

The unpleasant sensations in the field of the nose and the incomplete area, and sometimes pain in the sinusitis gradually grow up: in the evening they are stronger than in the morning. For acute hyimorite Temperature of the body can rise to 38 s and above. In the chronic process, it rarely rises. Common malaise is manifested by fatigue, weakness, disruption of sleep, associated, including with difficulty breathing.

Disease manifestations depend on what kind of sinus is amazed. With the inflammation of the frontal sinuses - the front - bother stupid pain in the forehead area, more often in the morning when a person wakes up. With inflammation topper-eyed sinus (hyimorite) pain occurs in the area upper jaw And the teeth, there is a soreness when touched to the cheek on the affected side. Due to the close location of the sinuses to the tear duct in the corner of the eye, inflammation may be accompanied by an edema of the century, pain in the area between the eyes. In addition, the smell is sometimes disturbed, it appears with soreness when touched to the nose and to the edema region. Inflammation of the sfenoidal sinus (sphenoid) is rare.

Then the localization disappears and the entire head begins to hurt, if both halves of the nose are laid, but if inflammatory process One-sided, then headaches are one-sided, there is pain in the ears, neck.


Sinusitis (sphymanitis, frontititis, etmoiditis, sphenontight) is an infectious inflammation of the incomplete sinuses, in which the swelling of the mucous membrane occurs and blocks the oddiness between the nasal cavity and the gaimore sinus. There are several people in a person: these are the maxillary sinuses (gaymorks), which are located in the thicker of the upper jaw; lattice, located behind the bridge; sfenoidal, located at the base of the skull, and frontal sickness. Each of them opens into nasal moves. Through the holes (coordinations) of these sinuses, the air is exchanged and the mucus is distinguished. The mucous membrane of the incomplete sinuses goes into the nasal cavity. Therefore, any inflammatory process in the nasal cavity, in which the swelling of the mucous occurs causes an inflammatory process in the sinuses. It happens in such a sequence: the swelling of the mucous - the closure of the basics is the accumulation of mucus in the sinuse cavity. It puts pressure on the walls of the sinus, which causes pain. The sinus continues the production of mucus, which, due to the disturbance of the outflow, is stirred and gradually the process becomes inflammatory. This exudate is a nutrient medium for the introduction of new and developing bacteria and viruses existing in the body. In the process of life, they produce toxins that are spread with blood flow through the body and become a reason for general ailment.

Gradually, the mucus turns into a pus viscous consistency, so it is poorly evacuated from the sinus, even when the fatal is disclosed, it can fill the entire sinus. If you do not start treating in a timely manner, purulent contents can break into the surrounding structures. For example, in the eye: there is a gradually growing edema of the age, they blush, even a protrusion may appear eyeball Forward (Exophthalm).

The reasons for the occurrence of sinusitis are many. But the main one is infection: bacteria or viruses penetrate the sinus through the nasal cavity (mouth, pharynx) or through blood and cause an inflammatory process. The development of the sinuspose states that violate nasal breathing: Congenital disorders of the development of the anatomical structures of the nasal cavity, the curvature of the nasal partition, vasomotor rhinitis, hypertrophic rhinitis (increasing nasal shells), in children - adenoids, pollinosis.

Violations of immunity and late or improper treatment of ARVI, rhinitis creates hardly a 100 percent guarantee of the development of this disease.

Bacteria called "Staphilococcus" can live in the nasopalket for a long time and not to show itself, but in adverse conditions, for example, with a cold causes inflammation in the sinuses.

But most often, the sinusitis provoke ARVI, flu, paragripp, infections penetrating from sick teeth (odontogenic sinusitis), allergic (allergic hymorite) ... Almost all viruses affecting the top airways (ARVI pathogens) are capable of causeing a sinus, since the epithelium of the incomplete sinuses is very similar to the epithelium of the respiratory tract and the viruses are affecting this part of the respiratory tract. Fortunately, such viral infections such as influenza, paragripp, adenovirus provoke only acute forms Schimorite, cause chronic they are not capable. Despite the fact that the main role in the development chronic hymorita Bacteria play (streptococci, staphylococci), as well as the simplest - chlamydia and mycoplasma (often cause sinusitis in children), it is important to treat viral disease qualitatively and otherwise bacterial can come to the change of viral infection.

Diseases of ENT organs - no less common cause of the development of hymorites than infections. Acute I. chronic rhinitis They can lead to the development of a hymorite due to the blockage of the outlet opening of the maxillary sinus (connects the cavity of the gaimore sinus with the nose cavity) through which the drainage and cleansing of the sinuses are carried out. Chronic tonsillitis can serve as a source of infection, which is submitted to the sinus in the sinus with impact of the nose. Chronic pharyngit, as well as chronic tonsillitis can play the role of a source of infection in the development of a hymorite. The curvature of the nasal septum can cause a sinusitis due to the pathological narrowing of the new stroke and the drainage and ventilation disorders and ventilation sinus.


It is assumed that the patient suffers from sinusitis the doctor can already in symptoms. However, it is not always possible to definitely localize the affected sinus. To clarify the diagnosis, the detection of the main focus of the inflammatory process is prescribed x-ray or more informative method of diagnostics - Computed tomography (CT) putty sinuses Nose.


Even theoretically, the sinusitis, in contrast to acute rhinitis, will not pass by itself, and self-treatment can end very much deploy. Therefore, at the first suspicion of the sinusitis, you should urgently turn to the otolaryngologist.

The basis of treatment is the fight against the peculiar nasal mucosa. This means that you need to ensure a good outflow of separated from the sneakers.

It is necessary to inhibit the chewing teeth of the upper jaw in a timely manner - in 10 percent of the development of hymorite, inflammation developing on the tops of the teeth are to blame.

Must necessarily be responsible to treat influenza, ARVI, rhinitis and maintain immune defense organism.

Dr. Peter.

The site provides reference information solely to familiarize yourself. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation of a specialist is obligatory!

Natalia asks:

Hello, Doctor! I live on the periphery and in the near future there is no possibility to get to the doctor, please tell me what can be treated (I'm afraid to take strong medicationsbecause I have a baby on breastfeeding)? When blowing his nose, I feel pain in the right side of the head. Also, when tilting down, there is a pain in the forehead. The nose breathes badly, runny nose, I use Adrianol, then I bury the pinsol. Also injecting Miramistin. Periodically, mainly after playing, in the nose on the right side it is felt as if the nasal stroke glued down, and then it was overlooked with a little sound. Breaks frequent headaches, cough (mocryt light green) - I drink Ambroxol. IM 33 years old. From August 26 were strong pain In the throat on the right side, especially when swallowing. Under right lower jaw Lymph node was increased, painful, it was painful to turn his head, hurt right ear. There was no temperature and cold. I took amoxicillin 500 mg 3 p / d, ibuprofen 3p / d, rinse throat - yox, tantumum verte. In the ear he buried dioxidine 1% 3 p / d. But this did not help everything, she was saved by rinse the throat of chlorhexidine. Breathing the nose is difficult to have chronically, not the first year. I feel discomfort in my throat until now, only no longer on the right side, but directly, on the back wall.

Unfortunately, this case assign adequate treatment is only Laura doctor after a personal inspection. It is necessary to produce a radiological picture of the paranasal sinuses - high probability that the symptoms described by you are associated with the front.

Veronica asks:

My husband has a terrible allergy to food, he has a root of his nose so that he is increasing and with each month it increases for example, when he freely eating rice, chocolate, etc., the month passes from these products. And more When blowing a metal smell, there is a metal smell. I can't make a doctor, but I listen to him on every day. Please do what to do, where to start?

In this situation allergic reaction A rather pronounced that is unsafe, since complications are possible, so I recommend you to personally visit the doctor of the allergist to appoint adequate treatment. For more information on this issue, read in the appropriate cycle of articles of our site by clicking on the link: Food Allergy

Learn more on this topic:
  • Allergic rhinitis. Diagnosis, treatment and prevention, complications
  • Allergic rhinitis. Causes of the disease, development mechanism. Classifications, Symptoms and Manifestations
  • Ibuprofen. Instructions for use. Indications and side effects. Ibuprofen during pregnancy. Ibuprofen and alcohol

The snotes with a hymorite should be explained as the fulfillment of the protective function of the mucous membrane, which, thus, seeks to derive the causative agent of the disease from the body. These presence, in principle, can be considered a good feature, as this indicates the absence of a complete blocking of the connecting channel.

So, Exudat still comes out, and therefore the chances of winning the inflammation without the need for operational procedures are quite high.

Snot with inflammation gaymorovy sinus may have different color and consistency

In principle, the whole course of the described disease occurs inside the gaimor sinus (if not to talk about complications affecting neighboring organs and tissues). Accordingly, for the correct diagnosis of the cause, shape, stage, and even the nature of the sinusitis, the nozzles allocated under it are important.

Medic monitors the consistency of these discharge, their color and quantity, thus learning about the main pathological phenomena taking place in human organism. The external characteristics of the exudate play a considerable role to develop the therapeutic scheme.

By the way, the stage of inflammation depends on the color of the snot during the hymorite:

  • On the initial stagewhich is also called catarrhal sinusitis, the color of the selection turns out to be transparent or even white. By consistency, it is liquid and no smell has. The main difficulty of this stage is related to the need to diagnose inflammation, since its symptoms are largely reminded by an ordinary runny nose.
  • Acute stage It is characterized by a difficult flow. Pump may appear in the mucus, which gives them shades like greenish, yellowish or even brown. Sock consistency is thick enough. Their exit from the nostril is carried out by clots. In principle, "beat the alarm" it is necessary already when yellow discharge is already the possibility of conservative therapy (by means of antibiotic drugs).
  • Stage of recovery. If you begin to treat the disease in a timely manner, then after two or three weeks you can achieve victory over it. Symptoms weakens: the patient ceases to torment nasal and migraine. As for the color of the selection, it goes into white. Reduced gradually and their number.
  • Launched stage. Because the oddist, which connects the nasal cavity with the sinus, swells, is stirring the mucus. The color of the selection in this case becomes gray-green, and the smell is practically grinding.

At the very beginning of the disease, snot usually colorless

Causes of disease

From transparent, yellow, white or green snot, the doctor may assume possible cause inflammatory process:

  • Allergic sinusitis accompanied by colorless discharges having a liquid consistency. Of course, one by one only exudate is diagnosed not to put - there must be other concomitant signs, including Chihannia, the feeling of itching, as well as tearing. This, at least, will make it possible to distinguish this form of inflammation from catarrhal. Yellow-green colors may indicate the attachment of a bacterial infection.
  • For odontogenic sinusite (The reason for which patients are sick teeth) is sufficiently scarce and possessed gray-green. The smell of them is rather unpleasant. Treatment of this inflammatory form is starting with solutions of dental problems.
  • Concerning fungal sinusitaIn this case, the mucus also smells unpleasant. In colors, it is dark green, however, it may include various color splashes (this is determined by the fungus, which became the "culprit" of inflammation of the hymic melor).

Look at the photo, which nozzles can be with a hyimorite. An affordable spectacle, isn't it? Yes, and there is nothing pleasant in the feeling of such a symptom. But if the selection does not contain impurities in pus and blood, they are direct evidence that with the disease it turns out to cope quickly and without problems.

So it may look like snot with a catarrile hymorite

It happens so when there is no discharge with the described disease. Alas, it is a bad feature, since, most likely, we are talking about the full blocking of the connecting channel due to edema. Either there is some mechanical barrier, like a cyst or polyps.

It is likely that conservative therapy will no longer help. We will agree on surgical intervention, involving the puncture of the sinus and the forced evacuation of the discharges that have accumulated. The purpose of treatment is related to the timely resumption of drainage, which will help to avoid infectious distribution to neighboring tissues.

Green color discharge indicates bacterial nature of inflammation

Blood in snot

Not only the color snot is important at a sinusitis, but also the presence of bloody clots. I must say, it is capable of scaring any patient - especially, parents (if their child suffers from this disease).

These are the cases in which the presence of blood is possible in exudate:

  • too thin walls of vessels (usually it happens from birth);
  • vascular lone caused by different diseases, including viral infections;
  • improper use of drops for the nose, in which a vasoconductive action;
  • incorrect infringement (even more so, if there is an essay) - because of this, blood vessels are tightened and damaged;
  • damaged tolerant, as a result of which bleeding can be observed even in the initial stages;
  • pickings in the nose by means of fingers or even foreign objectsThat damages the capillaries of the mucous membrane.

It is impossible not to take into account the likelihood of bleeding due to any other disease accompanying the sinusitis - for example, diabetes, hypertension or liver problems. That is why the diagnosis should put a qualified doctor, not only listening to the patient's complaints to certain symptoms, but also the examining it, and, if necessary, guiding additional examinations.

Presence of blood in snot - alarming symptom

In cases where blood from the nose is overly actively, in abundant quantities and does not stop, call "ambulance".

How to blow the rooking?

If we are talking about the discharge from the nose with a hyimorite, you need to tell how correctly should be high. This process is important because it the simplest way Removing the secret, which stands out and accumulates in the sinuses.

Without removing this mucus, you allow it to accumulate and shake in the nasal chambers, which creates favorable opportunities for the spread of infection and exacerbates the inflammatory process.

Here are some nuances about which you should know when blowing an orcue:

  • Do not do it immediately from two nostrils. The process must be alternate. In this case, unnecessary effort is not defined from you. In cases where the mucus fails, it is possible to assume the essay swelling. It means that a vasoconstrictor means will help - for example, nasal drops. And then try to viscose.
  • Those who blow an arcade immediately in both nostrils, risk "driving" the secret inside the auditory tube, after which the inner ear will inflame. Children are often faced with such problems (especially with a wide Estarchian pipe).
  • Do not pull the snot and, moreover, purulent discharge into the nasopharynk. Otherwise, infectious agents will be in the lower respiratory tracts, after which pharyngitis can develop.
  • Try to ensure the change of nasal scarves. Or approach disposable napkins from paper (if you really use them no more than once). But it is better to forget about the headscarves from synthetic fibers, as they irritate the skin near the nose.

Inflammation can begin if it is wrong to blow the nore

Actually, on a handkerchief or a napkin (depending on what you use), you can see what you have allocated for a hymorite, as well as they look (in the photo attached above, you can see the exudate of different colors and consistency).


Alas, one only blowing it is not always possible to cope with the accumulated discharge. In such cases, there will be procedures like washing.

This is also an easy way to resort to which it will happen even at home. If the procedure is performed correctly, it will allow to achieve such results:

  • the separated will become more liquid, after which it will be removed;
  • improved natural secrets of the secret;
  • the edema of the mucous membranes will decrease;
  • immunity epithelium immunity will improve;
  • the capillary system is strengthened.

Aqua Maris is actively used for rinsing during sinusitis

Nasal irrigation are held through salt solutions, medicines and herbal tinctures. Speaking of the most sought-after funds, you should remember:

  • Furaciline - Antimicrobial preparation, perfectly coping with inflammation, regardless of the color of the snot, eliminating the pussy. Usually, adverse Reactions After applying the drug does not happen, but when kidney diseases should be used carefully.
  • Iodine solution - A pair of yell drops are added to the water. Some people may have allergies to such a medicine. Little children, pregnant women, as well as women during lactation usually do not accept it.
  • Preparation Aqua Maris. - It consists of purified sea water and natural minerals. Even small children are allowed this tool.
  • Solution DolfinThe basis of which are salts, minerals and herbal extracts. As a rule, along with such a medicine, a device is offered by which irrigation is carried out. Little children, as well as people who have been curved the nasal partition, do not use this drug.
  • Salt solutions. They are easily able to cook at home, for which warm water is used (one glass is enough), as well as sea salt (enough half of the spoon). The solution is focused several times (this allows you to remove mechanical impurities), after which it is applied.
  • Dioxidine - antimicrobial preparation, permitted only by adults, which have passed initial irrigation.

Naturally, all these medicines can be drunk only if they are spelled out by a qualified medical specialist.

Furaticyline can be used for nasal washing at a hymorite


Folk Medicine In the Treatment of Inflammation of the Gaimorovy Obschs, can also help, but only like additional means. Without medicines, do not do anyway - this is not an ordinary runny nose. And if you do not cure the inflammatory process in a timely manner, it will spread further.

Solutions are perfectly suitable for rinsing, the basis for the manufacture of which is chamomile, oak bark, vegetable juices, calendula.

Conduct such a procedure through a fringe or just a syringe. The following will be as follows:

  • For a start, the nasal moves are carefully cleaned. They should not be laid. In this case will help vaconishing dropsBy quenching which, you should wait a quarter of an hour and proceed to the procedure.
  • The head should be tilted over the sink, after which Introduce the solution into the upper nostril.
  • Then the head leans on the other side and the liquid, respectively, comes out of another nostril. The same thing is worth repeating, changing the nostrils when infusing and flowing.

The photo shows the procedure for washing the snot during the sinusitis. As you can see, there is nothing difficult in this - anyone will cope and do not need to visit the clinic for this.

Rinse the nose helps to get rid of loss

Be careful to your health!

So know what snot with hymorite, it is important not only for children, but also for adults. Color, consistency and the number of secretions are extremely important.

We are accustomed to sufficiently superficially treating the ordinary runny nose, often not even curing it, hoping, with the solution of this problem, our immunity will cope with us. Well, if so.

What if I can not cope? Suddenly there will be such unfavorable conditions for us under which the immune system It will not be able to give a worthy answer to the infectious attack and the development of the inflammatory process.

In such cases, the runny nose seemingly harmless will lead - no, nor little - to inflammation of the hymorovy sinuses. And this may already be a step towards more serious problems - irreversible changes in the human body and even a fatal outcome.

If the snot remains after the sinusitis, it means that the inflammatory process does not count

The presence of transparent snot after the sinusitis is likely to say that with the disease failed to fully cope. The purulent process is probably no, but inflammation continues. If it does not fully cure it, there is a danger of the transition of the disease into the chronic stage.

Rubber is one of the unwanted manifestations of a cold. Many do not consider illness serious, taking a pathological process for the ordinary nasal congestion, which will pass after a while, but it is not. The disease can cause a person a lot of inconvenience. This is expressed in the loss of smell, difficulty in making food, sleep disruption, difficulty breathing. Most often a runny nose, or, as it is called in medicine, rhinitis, is a permanent satellite of ARVI. It is necessary to treat it because running process It may cause serious complications.

Rinith has several varieties:

  • Vasomotor - the disease is sharp, but short. It is distinguished by a sharp expansion of the vessels of the mucous membrane. When eliminating the cause of irritation, the runny nose stops.
  • Allergic can be provoked by either blossoming plants or dust. In the first case, this is a seasonal rhinitis, in the second - chronic. You can get rid of it by eliminating the source of allergies.
  • Infectious is observed in a pair with diseases such as ORZ, ORVI and flu. Treatment Rubber happens within 2-3 days.
  • Medicinal arises in the process of exposure drug addicts - Drops and sprays. The nasal mucosa swells and atrophies. It is considered a chronic view of a cold.
  • Traumatic diagnosed after mechanical damage. In difficult cases of injury, a doctor's help is required.
  • Hypertrophic. With this rhinestone, thickening and the growth of tissues occurs, constant discharge from the nose are observed.
  • Atrophic. The mucosa is thin and dry. Deals require long therapy. In the absence of treatment, a complete sense of smell may happen.

The main causes of occurrence

Rinith often flows in acute or chronic form. The factors provoking this disease are viruses, bacteria, fungi, against the background of which arises and gets the development of acute respiratory infection (ORVI). The cause of rhinitis often becomes overcooling. An injuries are considered directly in the area of \u200b\u200bthe nose or other mechanical effects directly in the area of \u200b\u200bthe nose or other mechanical exposure. The influence of the harmful conditions of professional activity in the form of some chemical substances, smells, dust and smoke.

A runny nose may occur as a result of allergies, that is, the body's reactions to certain stimuli. These include a variety of items and substances, including wool, pollen, dust, detergents. Sometimes a negative result is associated with the reception of various drugs.

A common cause of rhinitis in children is inflammation of adenoids, as well as the curvature of the nasal partition, as a result of which the child becomes hard to breathe. In the nose baby can get foreign bodyWhat also causes a runny nose.

Possible complications

With the current level of medicine, rinitis is displaced for health. At the same time, illiterate treatment or its complete absence leads to various complications, worsening the quality of life. Incorrect therapy of the disease leads to the emergence of inflammation formed in the field of apparent nasal sinuses, - hyimoritis.

The reason for this pathology becomes:

  • unbearable acute rhinitis;
  • infectious and viral ailments;
  • dental problems.

The sinusitis is distinguished by purulent discharge, nasal mortgage, painful manifestations in the forehead area. Often the temperature rises.

No less well-known complication complications are considered to be otitis, or a cold in which inflammation develops on average and inner ear. We provoke a parable drumpatch Malicious microorganisms. The main signs of pathology are pain, temperature rise, weakness and general ailment. Other complications of rhinitis are considered:

  • the occurrence of sinusitis and frontitis;
  • estachian pipe swelling;
  • nasal bleeding (more often observed in children);
  • irritation and dryness of the nasal mucosa;
  • diseases of bronchitis, pneumonia and tonsillitis;
  • stroke or heart attack against the background of impaired blood circulation.


For quick I. effective treatment In adults, it is necessary to start events from the moment the first signs appear:

  • laid nose and burning;
  • sneezing;
  • headache;
  • sore throat.

It is necessary to start rhinitis with the lowering of the foot in the bath with water and mustard (40-45 degrees) for 10 minutes. Then it is necessary to drink strong tea with lime, raspberry or kizylm jam or roshovenik, black currant. At night it is useful to take a warm bath.

Acute rhinitis can be cured by aromatic inhalations:

  • lavender;
  • lemon;
  • eucalyptus;
  • mountain, etc.

To prevent allergies before procedures with aromamasals, antihistamine drugs are recommended. If there is a nebulizer, it is useful to conduct a course of inhalation using the calendula tincture. In chronic submit, the pharmacy form of propolis is successfully used. The tool is diluted in the ratio of 1:20 and poured into the device. The procedure moisturizes the mucous membranes, improves nasal breathing. If there is no nebulizer, then you can put a garlic into a cup, pour it with hot water, close your head with a towel, bend down and breathe phytoncides.

The most common and affordable way of therapy is the steam inhalation. 1 liter of water with added therapeutic substances boiling. Then the solution is somewhat cold so as not to burn the respiratory tract. The patient bends over the pan, covered on top of a towel. The procedure lasts from 3 to 10 minutes. Per day is allowed to make 5-6 of such heating. However, in the first days of ARVI, if available heat, Inhalation is contraindicated.

With a continuous or chronic cold, the washing is effective. This simple way is particularly often used to treat a runny nose at home. To prepare a solution of 1 t. L salts should be stirred in 0.5 liters of boiled water. For children enough half a dose. The tool removes the pus from the hymorrheal sinuses, dry the mucous membrane, facilitating its operation. The result occurs after the first application.

For more thorough cleaning of the nasal cavity, it is desirable to add 2 drops of iodine and a pinch of soda to a salt solution. It increases beneficial features facilities. Those who do not want to prepare the drug at home can acquire saline in the pharmacy. You can rinse the nose using a special device, but it is successfully replaced with a simple pear. Processing of nasal strokes is carried out with a weak solution of soda with the addition of a small amount of propolis.

Replace physically can be sealed with a sea water that is bought in a pharmacy. This liquid, except salt, contains mineral elements normalizing the operation of mucous membranes. Rinse the nose and mouth follows 5-6 times a day.

Non-traditional therapy

Popular home drugs helps to treat the disease. These are famous folk remedies From a cold. A recipe is available based on the use of aloe juice. For the preparation of the medicine, a sheet of a three-year plant is taken, washed, wrapped with dark paper and is placed in a refrigerator for 16 hours. After that, the leaf is cut to extract the juice. It must be applied during the day, and for the next time you need to get a new, fresh portion. There are recommendations that provide for the preparation of special drops by mixing the juice of the plant with honey, which is convenient for use in the treatment of children's ailments.

Aloe-based medicine operates quickly and efficiently. Purchase nasal discharge, swelling decrease. The detoxification properties of the plant prevent the decay of viruses and bacteria into the blood.

It is quite well saved from the missing balsam "Star", which should be lubricated with nasal passages 3 times a day. Treat chronic runny nose helps a bowl based on onion. Vegetable need to be cleaned, remove the transparent film from the core and enter a shallow in the nostrils. It is necessary to change it every 2 hours for two days in a row.

Often, hydrogen peroxide is used for therapy. For the preparation of the medicine, the remedy is mixed with water in a ratio of 1:11. As a result, a solution is obtained, which is buried in each nostril 2 drops.

Pharmacy drugs

To identify the causes of chronic runny nose, you need to seek a qualified medical help, Only the doctor will appoint the necessary treatment. Adult patients can cure with bacterial rhinitis antibiotics, most famous among which are:

Clarithromycin prevents the formation of green nasal discharges.

Midekamycin has bactericidal and bacteriostatic properties.

Antiallergic drugs include "Azelastin", "Acryivastin", "Levokabastin" and others.

Treat the runny nose in children help intranasal drops with a vasoconductive effect. Therapy should include homeopathic, vegetable preparationsallowed for the treatment of small patients.

Nasal congestion in the baby, especially during the period when occurs breast-feedingmuch harmful to health than an adult patient. The first thing you need to do is to clean the baby's nose. To do this, lay a child on the back, turn his head to the side and drop in one or two drops of saline or ordinary boiled water. If there is no pipette, then use a syringe without a needle. It is also convenient because they can be measured the exact amount of medicine injected.

To prevent the disease, it is necessary:

  • It is regularly cleaning and moisturized the air at home and at work.
  • Contain indoors clean in order to avoid allergic and infectious rhinitis.
  • Regularly go to the doctor for inspections.
  • Complete vaccination.
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