What to do if he broke out a piece of front tooth. Slap a piece of tooth: what to do? Extension of dental fragment

The protective layer of the teeth is the most durable tissue in the human body. But despite this, the teeth often can be damaged, to bargain, beyond. And there are reasons for it. Units of the front group are the greatest risk of chips. In dental practice there are certain methods of treatment if the enamel of the tooth is broken. What if such happens, the doctor solves in each particular case.

Depending on the severity of the consequences and plot of damage, the chip of the enamel of the tooth can be several species:

  1. Incomplete. A crack appears on the surface of the protective layer, the rest of the sections remain intact.
  2. Skol. In this case, a piece of enamel broke off, he leaves his place. In this case, the patient does not feel discomfort, damage is moving on.
  3. Skol Dentin. In particles of the watered layer there are dentin cells. In this case, the patient feels discomfort, reactions to sweet and acidic products appear.
  4. Schole, in which the pulp is exposed. With this damage to the tooth reacts strong painHis most sensitive part is open and defenseless. In this case, an immediate appeal to the dentist is required.

The first two types of chips are light. Damaged dentin it is defined as middle degree, And if the pulp is damaged, this is defined as a strong degree of chick.

Why the problem arises

If enamel broke out, it can be provoked by different predisposing factors. From what reason has provoked a broken part of the tooth, the selection of the treatment and restoration of the surface layer will be directly dependent.

The particle of the protective layer can be broken down by such reasons:

  1. Injuries. This includes not only the blow either fall. This is a systematic load on the teeth in the form of the simultaneous use of cold and hot food or beverages, the presence in the diet of a large amount of carbohydrate products. All these factors provoke the appearance of microcracks on the surface of the enamel.
  2. Disorders of acidity in the oral cavity. This factor contributes to entering the enamel, it becomes less durable, more subjected to destruction.
  3. Loss of mineral connections that make teeth durable. With a shortage of such substances, the surface layer is weakening, becomes more exposed to chips.
  4. Bite anomalies, improper closure of teeth. In such a situation, there is an increased load on the chewing units, as a result of which the particles of their surface are cleaned. This includes the presence of a bruxism, in which the erase of the dental enamel and its trauma is observed. As a result, it can fall off.
  5. Obliga diseases - caries or other infectious processes.
  6. Incorrect or poor-quality endodontic treatment, in which fillings are installed poorly. As a result, it weakens, in different parts of the teeth chips.
  7. Availability harmful habits. As a consequence, the surface of the teeth is lowered by a flare, which contains a large number of corrosive substances.
  8. Hormonal imbalance. For sugar diabetes or for diseases thyroid gland, as well as during the baby tooling, the structure of the teeth weakens, enamel can crack.

If a piece of enamel broke out, it is important to know what to take primarily at home, as a dentist treatment is carried out.

What to do yourself

If the enamel is broken on the tooth what to do? First of all, you should make an appointment with the doctor. And before visiting a doctor, it is necessary to take the following measures:

  • rinse purph cavity with warm boiled water to wash the food particles;
  • if the chill enamel of the tooth occurred with the damage to the gums, as a result of which it bleeds, it is important to prevent the infection in this section, for this make a sterile gauze, moistened in chlorhexidine, attach a cool compress to stop blood;
  • if there is pain, one can take once analgin, otanov or tempoalgin.

If enamel fell off, a dental institution should be visited, in which a specialist after inspection will select the most optimal method of treatment, based on the level of damage. For the frontal group of teeth, the restoration is carried out, depending on their location. In addition to the methods that dentistry offers, it is important to continue to observe careful care for the oral cavity. It is also not necessary to ignore if the enamel breaks, because it is fraught with further destruction of the dental fabrics.

How treatment is carried out

If only damage to the protective layer occurred, the patient has hypersensitivity to the tooth to cold and hot, acidic and sweet food. And it is impossible to solve such a problem with the help of pastes and gels.

When visiting the dentist, the specialist determines the level of damage. At easy degree, a course of remineralizing therapy is appointed. It usually consists of 10 procedures. Appliques with fluorine and calcium are carried out, these substances impregnate cotton swab, apply to the damaged area. Even more effective in the treatment there will be a remineralization procedure with electrophoresis. With electrophoresis, deeper penetration is provided required substances In the tissue of the tooth.

At the end of the course of treatment, Fluorlac is applied to the surface to prevent damage in the future.

What to do with strong damage

If part of the enamel moved along with Dentin's part, this is considered a serious impairment. And at the same time will not help only the course of remineralization. To begin with a tooth filling, applying a suitable material. After that, the seal is grouped, due to which it becomes similar to the rest of the tooth.

If there is strong damage to the enamel, together with pieces of dentin and affecting the pulp chamber, in which case the doctor will have to remove the nerve. Otherwise, constant pain will be present. After the nerve is removed, the tooth is seeded, establishing a pin if necessary for even greater fortification of the unit.

In difficult situations, to restore the external look it will be necessary to close its frontal part with the veneer. If the unit is destroyed by 50% or more, in which case only a vinir or a seal will help, it will already be necessary to install the crown.

Only a doctor can choose the restoration method, after a preliminary examination of the patient and evaluating the state of a damaged unit.

Dental diseases, injuries are only a small part of what can happen to teeth. And one of possible complications - The deformation of the enamel, the chick of the tooth. Although each person at least once in his life came across such a situation. In the first minutes, confusion comes. That is why you need to know what to do if the tooth broke off? What causes can? And how to try to prevent similar deformations?

Causes of Skola.

It is important enough to know possible reasons of why teeth are chipped. Not only to reduce the risks of such a situation as much as possible, but also for the selection of the effective restoration technique. To the factors provoking chipsets include:

  1. mechanical impact and various kinds of injury;
  2. launched demineralization process;
  3. lack of thorough, regular oral hygiene;
  4. violations of the hormonal background;
  5. non-carious carious disease;
  6. bite anomalies;
  7. reduced immunity;
  8. solid food consumption;
  9. abuse of detrimental bad habits, unhealthy nutrition;
  10. embossed installation of seals, orthodontic structures.

The grounds for the occurrence of this situation are quite a lot. It should be remembered that if the piece has already broken, it is necessary to seek dental care. In the future, carefully follow the health of the oral cavity and the entire body as a whole.


If even a breakaway piece is completely small, characteristic symptoms may occur:

  • handiness of enamel on any stimuli: mechanical impact, drinks, food;
  • different intensity pain syndrome;
  • blood selection is possible.

Note! If a significant piece of the tooth fell off and a pulsating pain was observed, it is necessary to urgently appeal for help, because in this case the nerves were denied and the inflammatory process may begin.

Varieties of chip

For the subsequent restoration, not only the reason, but also a type of dental chip. Since it is from her in most depends, which method will be used. Modern dentists distinguish three severity of chips: heavy, insignificant and medium. Relying on how much of the tooth broke out 4 species.

  1. Incomplete chip. Only enamel is affected, it can be a crack or a characteristic "scratch".
  2. Skol Enamel. The deformation spreading only on the surface layer of the tooth - enamel.
  3. Damage to dentin. In this case, the "basis" of the tooth or its solid part. At the same time, quite often a piece can be broken down without pain syndrome and many think that such a chip can not be treated. However, launched therapy is the reason for the weakening of the tissue, the appearance of microcracks and the loss of the tooth.
  4. Skol affecting the pulp. This is one of the most serious pathologies, because the deep layer can be damaged - the pulp. As a rule, Schole divides the tooth to half and is accompanied by the strongest painful syndrome.

If a piece of tooth broke off and only enamel was affected, then this minimal traumatic situation, treatment, as a rule, is quite simple. At the same time, if the dentine affected - the middle injury, if the pulp is damaged - heavy.

Important! Regardless of which the chief occurred, it is important to start treatment in time. Only so you can maximize the preservation of your own tooth.

What to do if a piece of tooth broke off?

One of the most sought-after questions, especially if the piece broke off front tooth what to do? The first thing you need to do is turn to a professional dentist. It is so possible to prevent further violation and restore the breakieful tooth. However, before a visit to the specialist, it is important to fulfill the following recommendations:

  1. Try to rinse the oral cavity as much as possible, in order to remove the possible residual fragments of the enamel and pieces of food.
  2. If the gums section is damaged, a sterile bandage (bandage) should be applied to stop bleeding.
  3. In order to prevent the formation of swelling and reduce painfulnessYou need to attach to the place of chola ice or a cold towel.
  4. With intense pain syndrome, an anesthetic drugs can be accepted.

In addition, if possible, it is necessary to maintain a part of the breakaway surface, since with its help the dentist can choose the most suitable color when reconstructed. If the specialist fails to visit in the coming days after the situation has arisen. Hygienic procedures should be carried out as careally and rinse the oral cavity with special solutions. In order to maximize the risks of the development of the inflammatory process.

Order of recovery

Modern dentistry offers five basic ways to restore the tooth.

  1. Veneers.
  2. Crowns.
  3. Building composite materials.
  4. Implantation.
  5. Sealing.

Veneers. One of the most efficient and modern methods, Actively applies if the front tooth broke out or a few side. Such a method involves sticking special thin linings on a pre-prepared coronal part of the tooth.

The crown is recommended for high damage to the coronal part of the tooth and internal layers. In this case, the pulp resection is carried out, careful grinding and cleansing, after which the location is selected and the crown directly is installed.

Recovery with composite materials. This method is used with minor chips or cracks when the pulp or dentin is not affected. The material used during the procedure is identical to the substance for the seal. The patient gets the result quickly and painlessly.

Implantation. One of the extreme ways to restore the smile used with the full destruction of the crown part. Implantation involves the impact of the pin with the subsequent installation of the crown.

Installing seals. This procedure is most often used on milk teeth and with small damage to the crown part. During such therapy, the channels and the damaged portion are cleaned, after which the area is polished and a seal is installed.

It is important to understand that only a highly professional specialist will make a smile again attractive and healthy. That is why it is best to contact high-quality and proven clinics.

Slap a piece of milk tooth - what to do?

IN childhood Square - the phenomenon is quite common, since the dairy teeth enamel is much weaker and any traumatic situation, as a rule, ends with deformation. At the same time, many parents believe that the chips on the milk teeth do not need to be treated, but this opinion is wrong.

Strong and healthy milk teeth are a kind of base for constant. That is why if the kid has a part of the enamel or damage will affect the dentin, pulp, it is important to visit the dentist as soon as possible. But before this it is necessary to perform a number of mandatory measures:

  1. One of the most important directions is to try to calm the baby, respect the calm.
  2. Help the child carefully rinse the oral cavity with salt or special medication.
  3. Sterilize the wound with hydrogen peroxide.
  4. Visit the dentist in the next few days and, if possible, save a piece of the watership tooth.

Directly in the hospital, relying on X-rays and the character of the chip, the dentist will select the therapeutic method. As a rule, in childhood, the problem of the sloping part of the tooth is solved by filling or using veneers.

Where in Moscow is the restoration of the teeth?

In Moscow, one of the best centers engaged in the restoration of the teeth.

  1. "Anatomy of Smile" - one of best dentistry Capital, which has in Chapaevsky Lane 3. The center presents services for the restoration of any complexity. The price is about 10-11 thousand.
  2. The Dental Clinic "Apollonia" is located on the 2nd Avtozavodsky Lane 3. The cost varies from 3 to 14 thousand.
  3. Center "Art-Orion" - restoration of any complexity from 7 thousand. There is a dentistry on Marxist Street 3.
  4. "Art-Dent" is a dental hospital, located on the Azov 24th Corps 2. The price is quite optimal and varies from 4-6 thousand.
  5. The center "Ami - Dent" is located on Petrovsko-Razumovsky Prospekt 24 Corps 2. Cost from 5 thousand.

The above centers are engaged in a high-quality restoration of any complexity. It is here that professionals will help restore the beauty and health of the smile.

Preventive measures or how to avoid chip

The best way to prevent chips of teeth is observing prophylactic measures.

  1. One of the most important is careful, complex oral hygiene.
  2. Compliance with rules healthy image Life: proper nutrition, normalization of the water salt balance, elimination of bad habits, the use of complex polyvitamins.
  3. The special thread, the brush and the paste you need, is recommended to select, based on the advice of the attending physician.
  4. Regularly, at least twice a year to visit preventive inspections.
  5. Treatment of dental diseases in a timely manner.

What to do if the tooth is chips? - This question is asked by almost every person, since the problem of chips is quite common. At the moment, it is not very difficult to restore the damaged plot, the main thing is to identify the problem in time and turn to the attending dentist.

Scientists say that human teeth are comparable to shark. But they cannot withstand strong and sharp loads. Opened the cover of the bottle of teeth, sprinkled the nut, got a random or legitimate blow to the jaw region - appeared chick on the front or chewing tooth, or was completely broken under the root.

What do you need to do in such situations? Is it necessary to build up, the restoration of the chip of the front teeth, if the damage is insignificant and does not bother? About the reasons, ways to restore and measure prevention in our material.

What is the difference between the chip from other injuries of the teeth

Schole is any type of mechanical damage that disrupts the anatomy and the structure of tissue tooth. In different ways interpret this concept.

For example, a doctor can write that the tooth springs under the gum. If you adhere to a classic understanding, then the chuck on the teeth is damage to the crown part.

Explain on the examples. If a small piece of front tooth broke off - this is a chip. It is easier to increase it than when a fracture. The front tooth of the root broke down - this is a dentin or root fracture. In the latter case, the injury affects the vascular-nerve bundle and root canals. Before making the extension of the front teeth, you need to treat the pulp. Restoration costs more due to complexity Treatment. There are also combined cases, with simultaneous damage to the coronal and root tooth.

Why appear chips and can break down a piece of tooth?

Chips on the teeth belong to mechanical damageBut their cause is far from always the injuries. In the enamel of the tooth, 99% of calcium is accumulated - it creates strength, but negative factors weaken the protective functions of the teeth, increasing the risk of damage.

Causes of dental chips:

  • Injuries due to drops and shocks. SAMI frequent causewhich requires the restoration of an absolutely healthy front tooth.
  • Bad habits. It is impossible to load your teeth and experience them for strength. Get rid of habit of gnawing nuts, other solid items, open metal covers with teeth.
  • Washing minerals from dental enamel - demineralization. Weakens the teeth, increases the risk of injuries. The doctor can assign treatment to restore enamel strength. It is important to seek help in time to eliminate the risk of injury.
  • . Denipa structures, enamel matrix and makes teeth vulnerable to mechanical damage. Especially carefully you need to handle depulpted teeth - they no longer get full nutrition and become more fragile, compared with "alive." Restoration is carried out only after the qualitative treatment of carious cavities.
  • . The anomalous location of the teeth in the row incorrectly distribute the chewing load. Pressure on individual units increases, which increases the risk of dental chips.
  • Embossed teeth sealing, crookedly furnished seal provokes a chewing or front tooth.
  • Bad. Indirect reason. Due to irregular and insufficient cleaning, caries develops, then the pulpit. Tooth becomes fragile.
  • Genetic heredity, weak immune system.

Classification of teeth injuries at chips

According to conditional signs, chips are divided into three groups that differ in the degree of damage:

  1. Small chill enamel dental unit. The simplest view of the chip - when the front tooth broke down a little, and the injury did not affect dentin.
  2. Toothproof is not felt, but it is necessary, even if a little broken the corner on the front teeth or simply appeared a web of microcracks. If the enamel is not in time, it affects aesthetics and serves as the cause of further destruction of the tooth.
  3. Fractures dentin. It can be a complete fracture of the teeth - when the pulp is exposed and incomplete - without opening the pulp. Most often molars and front teeth are damaged. Building, restoration and treatment with such injuries is necessarily - even if the fracture without opening the pulp, further destruction will get to the "heart" of the tooth.
  4. Heavy chick. If there is a piece of front tooth with splitting, dentine fabrics and a pulp are very traumatized. Such injuries need long-term treatment and high-quality buildings or restoration.

The front teeth are increasing with any degree of damage, even easier. Restoration and repair will not give solid tissue to collapse Next and save tooth from removal.

Slap a piece of front tooth - what to do?

How to remove the chip on the front teeth, what materials are better for building, whether the depulpation is needed, the installation of artificial crowns - a dentist is responsible for all these questions. Not aware of the scale of the problem is difficult to diagnose and say, what restoration of the teeth will be required.

The price for the treatment and extension of the chip of the front tooth also depends on the complexity of the work, on the type and quantity of the cements used for seals.

The repair of a complex chick of the front tooth will cost more than to remove the microcracks or to build a small enamel defect.

The main thing is to ask for help to a doctor in a timely manner to spend extension. Even small, almost imperceptible cracks in enamel lead to gradual destruction - pathogenic microbes easier to penetrate into the tissue of the tooth. Demineralization and caries require immediate treatment - inflammation can develop, which will affect not only the sick plot, but also neighboring teeth.

Treatment of front tooth chip

Methods of teeth extensions are determined by the doctor, depending on the degree of damage and localization of the chip. How can I restore the unit if the front tooth broke:

  • Microcracks. With minor damage to the teeth fluoride and conduct remineralization of dental enamel to prevent the deepening of the cracks. If the small pinch of the front tooth does not carry functional or aesthetic inconvenience, the dentist may not carry out the extension, grind cracks.
  • Middle Damage. The front tooth broke and touched the dentin - without filling and extension could not do. Depending on the situation, during the restoration of the teeth, the dentist uses tabs, modern composite, artificial crowns. The quality of materials for the restoration depends only on the financial capabilities of the patient. When increasing Lormurians or do not forget to ask the doctor about the rules of overlaps.
  • Heavy damage. The pain syndrome is borne by conductor or infiltration. Endodontic treatment is preceded by an increment of the crown. The doctor removes the pulp, cleans and fills over the entire length. Serious cracks and deep splitting can be direct readings to complete or partial tooth removal. , subsequently placed or.

After extension, patients should adhere to the recommendations of the dentist. Perhaps additionally need advice of orthodontics or surgeon. Restoration can be carried out in parallel with other types of treatment: bite correction, dental removal, caries treatment.

Chicks of teeth in children: causes and treatment

Skol on the front tooth in a child with age from 3 to 10 years is not uncommon. Changing the world and developing, kids are often pulling in the mouth toys and other items. Children run a lot and often fall due to still unsure movements. Schoolchildren play moving games - the teeth may be damaged even from a random hit by the ball in the face. In addition to bruises and injuries, teeth in children can become fragile due to caries.

What to do if a piece of tooth broke off?

What to do if the tooth broke off?

The causes of the tooth chip can be different. Injury, poor nutrition, lack of vitamins and minerals in the body, too hard food - all this can lead to destruction. Depending on this distinguish several degrees of damage:

  • minimum;
  • average;
  • strong.

If such a trouble happened, first of all, you need to sign up for a dentist and how quickly you can get to it on the reception. Only the doctor can produce primary inspection And recommend what to do if a piece of tooth broke off.

At home before receiving, several simple procedures should be performed:

  • to remove possible enamel fragments, you need to carefully rinse your mouth;
  • if the gum is damaged, you need to use a sterile bandage, attach it to a sore place;
  • if the damaged to the tooth hurts, it is recommended to make a mile from ice;
  • if pain is painful, you can take an anesthetic medicine.

The faster the person gets to a specialist, the easier it will cure tooth and prevent further destruction.

What way is the destroyed teeth restore? If the chip is small, the tooth can be renovated by applying special light-cured materials. When the problem touched the front tooth, veneers are used. If the chip is very large, then the crown is installed.

What to do if the indigenous tooth broke

Typically, the most risk are the front cutters, since they most often come into contact with food, as well as more vulnerable in injuries. However, there are often cases when the rest of the teeth are damaged, then there are not so much aesthetics as functionality.

If the chip is small, then most often use ceramic tabs that restore the tooth surface almost perfectly, repeating the initial bends.

If the damage to the indigenous tooth is quite serious, the dentists recommend installing crowns or bridge prostheses. As for the teeth of wisdom, they are immediately removed, since there is no need for their restoration.

Quite often people have a common problem when a piece of tooth broke off. If this happens, then there is anxious meditation about whether it is worth going to the dentist. After all, it's no secret that few people enjoy his visiting. And although now all the procedures are painless, stereotypes about dentists still work. It is worth noting that it is necessary to go.

First we will deal with the slice of the tooth. It can be some mechanical impact (careless blow to the teuba with a beer glass), when eating a solid variety of food (a bone of fruit or a solid Sukharik), a dental caries, a crack, an old seal was turned out, his tooth began to crumble, some or organs, low immunity or in the body. If the broken occurred due to the opening of the pulp or the lap of the nerve, in this case it must be removed by endodontic procedures.

The doctor must determine the nature and degree of damage. If a piece of tooth broke in the enamel area, and at the same time the nerve remained inaccessible, in this case there will be sufficient sealing of the damage. But if the nerve opens the nerve opens, then one seal is not always possible to do. Sometimes before such a procedure it is necessary to remove the nerve. As a rule, it is found in cases where a piece of front tooth broke off.

In cases of falling and subsequent destruction, not only the tooth itself, but also the coronal part, the dentist determines the method of treatment only with the patient's personal inspection individually. As a rule, first a treatment should be prescribed, and only after it is established

The safest is the open enamel. But it is necessary to eliminate it, because without it you can lose the whole tooth by virtue of its destruction.

When you broke off a piece of tooth, which contains dentin, in this case you do not feel any pain. After all, this is a very dense layer, which is under the pulp. In this situation, you can limit ourselves to simple inflation to the problem space. But if a broken piece is very big, it is impossible to do with one subaching, and in this case there are completely different measures.

If you broke off a piece of tooth and at the same time closed the nerve, then the pain will be felt quite strongly. In this case, you need to contact the dentist without depliament. If you do this condition, your chances of keeping the tooth will be quite high. After all, with a timely handling of the doctor after the incident, it is possible to completely restore the breakieful piece without any complex manipulation. Otherwise, the damaged tooth is affected by caries, and the treatment will be more serious.

If you for some reason you cannot immediately visit the dentist, and the pain does not pass, use painkillers widely available in pharmacies. As soon as you have the opportunity to consult a doctor, take advantage of it immediately.

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